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Ep.182: PAX East '24 // Day One image

Ep.182: PAX East '24 // Day One

Six One Indiecast
164 Plays11 months ago

CGDannyB, Jacob McCourt, and Joseph Hooper join the crew for the official start of our PAX East dailies.

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Introduction and Guest Welcome

Hello and welcome to episode 182 of the Six One Indie cast. My name is Mike Taldrum along with Kyle Stevenson. Hi. And three very special guests. Let's start with Joseph Trooper. How's it going everybody? I'm Jake. Are you ready to talk? I'm a meme, help.

Humorous Baldness Exchange

Danny B. Hi! Mike's been ducking me because I was a hotter bald man, and now we're in the same room. Oh, fuck you! So you're the bald beacon, what is he? The bald boy. I don't know, I'm the bald boy. I'm just saying, in a high school musical, they weren't allowed to call me boy for, it was an audio podcast, so they can't see that I'm bald.

PAX East Vibes: Indie Focus

If it wasn't clear, this is the first of three PAX East episodes No, no, no, no, I'm sorry This is one breakfast club, okay, we do indie brunch Was it during the showcase recording like with the PD set up? Everybody be cool. Don't steal
He looked like he was hosting like the Letterman Show or something. So we're like, oh man, late night with Petey, a good, great, late nightly talk show. So one day that'll happen in like 20 years when we have time and bandwidth. And the technology. And the technology. Hey, it's Pax. We're friends. We're here, hanging out, playing video games. Well, three of us played video games. That's why you're all this round. Hey, I played one video game.
Before we talk about the games, I want to talk about PAX East in general this year, because the general consensus so far from a lot of people I've been talking to is that it's a weird vibe this year. Do y'all agree? Let's start with Danny. Well, this is your first PAX. This is my first PAX.
I've seen new friends that I've just been usernames on screens. It sounds great. Yeah, I don't know what you're all talking about
Holy shit, really? So 11th in terms of like this is your 11th year? This is my 11th PAX event that I made. It's all like PAX East West. Okay. Yeah, and South, RIP South. And unplug because I went to one of those too. Yeah. Um, yeah. Where are the big publishers at? They're all not here, which is not, not the PAX vibe, but like Nintendo's booth to me is the epitome of why PAX is weird. You have a photo set up for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet? Yeah. Yeah, it's weird.
Yeah, I think like I remember both you know, I was still writing for the site Like I mentioned like we don't packs doesn't need the big guys I thought like packs the past couple years have been fantastic Really highly in the Indies and just some like really indie bangers and it's been a great time. Um, I
I've noticed like you definitely feel the gap in Devolver. Like Devolver's not here. Yaw Club's not here. Yaw Club's not here. Yes Bird, not here.
So yeah like these bigger indie publishers not around and you definitely feel it
it's kind of weird until you start talking to devs and it's then it starts to feel like the same packs but it's like hey i'm excited to be here i'm excited to get good feedback about the games but kind of like you're saying i do feel like every year for every event up until this one pax has had some unofficial cheerleader whether it be
The yacht club games like the thing that gets certain casual people through the door. Yeah, they don't really have that I would say it's probably the panels if anything that are getting people through the door with people and their communities saying hey Come check us out. We're doing this event here or there but the games themselves is kind of just like let's wander around see what looks cool and then kind of play stuff and get the vibe like it is kind of
It just feels a little scrappier this year on the floor, which is interesting. I won't say it's bad. It's not bad. But it's just weird. Yeah, it's different. Yeah, like there's devs and publishers here that we all, A, we're friends with or B, people we
enjoy their work um you know like mighty yell got to hang out with them reunite my favorite canadian um game dev game dev no favorite canadian you know like the pm studios live is really killer this year but yeah there's
Like you're saying, like Yacht Club. Welcome to the podcast, Harry Lizzies. I saw your beard on social media. I'm like, I like Jacob's beard. Is it because I'm a meme? Are you? Yeah, I'm a meme. Let's get into it.

Jacob's Viral TikTok Moment

Jacob, explain what happened to you yesterday. I feel like we've met each other last year. I wasn't here last year.
They always do have like five questions five dollars come up and the thing was like name the game character Great
Name the video game character. So it started out really easy. They're like Yoshi. So I went up and I'm like, ah, they're doing this a thousand people I'm never gonna make this account whatever and I look on tick-tock after dinner today And there's a video where I'm the face of the frickin video and it has 400,000 views and the comments are all like Game journalists. Wait a second. Wait a second. I'm missing the important. Let me let me tell it from my perspective I'm watching him answer these questions and he's saying like oh look at the pictures
In the bag. This is free money. Five American dollars? That's like 12 Canadian dollars. And then it gets to the Canadian purchase today, by the way.
This is the third picture of this quiz and Jacob was like, oh man, this is an Overwatch character. And I'm like, dang, they got him. This must be some obscure character. I'm a little hamster dude. I'm like, who could it possibly be? And he's like, I know she's from Overwatch. And he can't. He's like, I don't got. No, I said she's Overwatch girl.
Tracer literally who are you video game trivia? Give me the card right now. Wait, Harry it gets better GT 5 character bald One of the main three characters all white man. I should but I've never okay. Ah See, let me ask you something does the name Tommy ring though?
Exactly, because that's not a character. Actually, to be fair, time for Resetti for my city.
But it was Trevor, right? The game has made billions of dollars. It was Trevor who looked absolutely amazing. But I got it. He's like, ah, you're really close. Give me another guess. And I was like, Trevor? He did get it. Trevor? Trevor. And then they got the witch from Left 4 Dead and every comment's like, how could you not know the witch from Left 4 Dead 2? Because I haven't played that game in 15 years, OK?
You're the problem. Oh my god. I mean you did good credit. They're calling you a game journalist, which is pretty cool. I've been called that in my life. Let's go! If you hear this you need another one. Now we're a real gamer, answer your questions. Just make sure you gave me stuff from Left 4 Dead.
So wait, did you become one of those TikToks? Oh yeah, right. The meme part is they put the Billy Madison like, the dumbest answer I've ever heard and they got that mercy on your soul. Oh my god. You all have to send me. You walked to the end? You have to. Yeah, they hit me with the Billy Madison meme. Watch right now with all y'all. Oh boy.
This is great content, by the way. That's how people know. Six-way indie guys every week, indie games. Do the thing. Six-way indie doc. If you guys want to watch it live, you can find us it. What's the address? Who knows, man? We don't. We have to put the wrong number down. Shout out to the P fans. Colby Cordis, Jacob McCart. Still can it. Still can it. There's others. I know Jess Sanchez was for a while. Could you rank your game knowledge at attack?
confident coming into PAX. There's a lot of pressure, like we're being filmed and my friends are there and they're like, you better know this stuff, so... Yoshi, easy enough. Yoshi. Yoshi, easy. Master Chief. Master Chief. Master Chief. Master Chief, that is correct. Oh no, this is an Overwatch character that I don't know. How do you not know this character? Because I don't play Overwatch.
Oh, wait, hold on. Tracer? That is correct. Here we go. At least we struggled a little bit. Okay. That's Tracer. Yes. Overwatch, girl. We'll get you a bonus question. Okay. Get you back in the game. This is Tommy from GTA 5. Close. Does start with a T. Different name, give you another guess. My friends are shaking their heads. Oh, see, this is where I fall off. Somebody from GTA, I don't know.

Exploring PAX Show Floor

No, I don't even know what game this is from I award you no points
Can we all do the TikTok video thing where we're on that video and we're like live reacting to it?
At the at the Duncan booth with a big camera They had a there's a part of these zoomed in on me and the guys and all my guys like whatever the camera hits in my face And I just I wish no video I just do this really stink face like
Right into the camera and they just kept zooming it was like a little stinky stink. Yeah gnarly It's just zoom in more and more and more And eventually my friends like hey, this is our shot like grabs my face and we're gonna start making out on camera I always walked away, but they zoomed out to try and follow me on the screen like stop now kiss cam I'm waiting for Duncan to be like, did you get your fanny back?
I have a little Zippy Becky Pack thing. Oh, it's a Zippy Becky Pack? Yeah, it's a Zippy Becky Pack. Is that what they call now? It's not a Fanny Pack. I thought about it. I thought about it. Oh, Boston runs on Duncan. Yeah, I got a gift card. Oh, they're going to Fanny Pack from Duncan? No. They're for the worst coffee in America. Do you remember at West? Shots fired. You've clearly never been to American hotels. At West, what was it, Cheez-its there? Yeah. Got yelled at for trying to take Cheez-its.
That's what the point of the booth was. They yelled at me, they scolded me. You're like, walk through bodega, take Cheez-its. That was the whole thing. And they yell at you for eating Cheez-its. Yeah, yeah, yeah, those are props. Bodega Cheez-its, you take. It's like, fucking, this is bodega Cheez-its, you take. Yeah, your cake cabinet's been broken. It's like, sir, I haven't eaten a meal in eight hours. Look at the fucking Cheez-its. Speaking of Cheez-its, video games.
tick-tock obviously I'm excited to see all of y'all I also and Harry you're gonna see it tomorrow I'm a little disappointed in the way the show floor is I'm happy there's tons of indies yeah
But none of the booths are like, hey, come play. Just visually. It's all like the black drapes and everything's so similar. I need something to bring me in from a far away standpoint. So is it more than last year? Because I feel like there was a segment near the seating areas last year that was like what you're describing.
Yeah, well that's pretty much most of the show for ya. Oh boy. Yeah. Interesting. Like obviously I'm sure you guys touched on it already. No Devolver is weird. Having a lot of, I kind of miss going down the main escalators and being greeted with like the Polish booth, but now it's FF14 and Larian and Mountain Dew and Dunkin Donuts. The Polish booth is here.
right there right there way over there I mean we ran into Kate Sanchez and they had a they had a appointment for a game that was supposed to be right next to the booth that we were at but they changed it and it's not where it says it is on the map but on the online map it changed it just seems really weirdly organized well I'm good welcome on got an
We mentioned like it's weird. It's not bad. No, absolutely not bad. Touch of great-looking indies. Yeah, indies are the forefront here. That's why we love packs It's just it's a weird vibe. Yeah, a lot of way like that middle big long hallway Which is like two of them now. We'll be probably thankful for a bar and Saturday. Sure
You know what I've noticed like this may sound a little dramatic but my first PAX was literally like a Magical type experience where it did not seem like a real thing like as a person who liked video games I went I'm like yo, this is like the way they set it up it was just like like an amusement park like a gamer and
at carnival packs.
each packs and i know covid kind of like reset everything and it's like super weird now but like now it's like like it really is kind of like almost like a swap meet for gamers which like is cool like you get to see a lot of cool projects and a lot of passionate devs you know
you're like at the forefront of like these releases but there isn't that same magic where it's like we're kind of disguising this as like this isn't really like an event like this is like like a magical gamer thing now it's kind of like you can kind of see the money and like you can kind of see the strings and advertisements i don't know playing devil's advocate do you think that's because you're on the media side of things now and not consumer i think it's better for me on the media side because i have these conversations with devs and that makes me
Excited again about how passionate they are. I feel like for people When you're I feel like it's kind of like the amusement park thing of like when you're standing in lines That Disney is not as bad because you're always looking at stuff around you. You forget you're in a line At this pack. It is kind of like you're just in a line You see Mountain Dew over there doing something but like let's just anyone know what that kitty a gaming booth is No, no idea with those giant portals. I bet is it
and then scream in a portal, I don't understand. I honestly thought I was gonna get PC every day, but I just couldn't tell you. But no, you saying that, right, again, being my first Paxon, I don't know if magic is the word I'd say, but it's exciting when I rolled down there, and we got in for media hour and everything, and the first one I went to was Animal Well, and we were like, yeah.

PAX Panels: Commercial Shift

But I made an icon to a couple devs, sat down, jumped to some different ones, and I'm like, this is sick, this is dope. And then they let the normies in, and that was like,
There was more space an hour ago. You can't refer to them as normies in your first
I have double badges, Kyle. I have media and special guest badges, so call me a normie again. But, no, I feel that, Leo, what you're saying about your first packs, and you're like, this is really cool, this is special, I'm seeing all these things. Now, I'm in a case where I'm chillin' here with three friends everywhere I go, so those moments of waiting in line are us talking about the games that's in front of us, and oh, do we go to that booth yet? Where do we wanna go after this? So I haven't felt that heavy burden of waiting, but I'm,
Interesting now looking forward to like, what's the rest of the week? Am I gonna say like one game tomorrow, two panels that are like, am I gonna be out by three, or am I gonna, you know. I mean, bringing up panels is another good point, because we, I mean, us, Jacob, so many other people. Us and Jacob. It's day 32 of PAX, if you didn't break. But like, there's so many of us have like, pitched a panel. Hours of days now. Great panel ideas. And either waitlisted or straight up no, but we get like,
bigger companies having panels instead. Like Xbox. It's becoming much more commercialized instead of fan-based. Like future game show B having a panel here is wild to me. It's just wild. Wait, what happened? What? They showed it here. What the fuck happened? They showed it here. Yeah, they took over the main theater. My eye rolls are happening. Was the show good though? I didn't watch it. I didn't watch it.
I heard Ben and Samantha did great hosting. We watched Danny live react to the showcase yesterday when we got back from things.
I loved your wait, I'm sorry This man's name is Danny. Yeah. Yeah, I know who you are now
Anyways. Yeah, that's true. We sat here. Y'all probably heard the mini conversation. I was like, where does he know this man? Like, I was on the Mississippi River one time. Not me watching two showcases in a row. I'm like, oh, that's probably where you're gonna be from. That makes sense. Anyways, I was gonna say, I love- Life's hard. I get it. Welcome to PAX, bud. I loved your fake chat.
Like when I, is that when I do the bit at the start? I'm like, yo, will you marry me, Danny? That's fun. Just like that bit? It's very good. She's like, yeah, that's good. Would I ask him like silk song today or something like that? Joe was tweet. So I was like, don't put that out there.
Oh, but also meeting all my friends that have just been usernames on a screen for the last year Exactly and I've just been like it's been the last four five hours with Jacob and Joe and be like, oh dude, that's my energies up here and
This is great. I'm gonna make you jokes about fucking shit Hydra man, like oh I will say jumping off of that and a good segue into actually talking about the games the best part regardless of any packs is you know regrouping mid points throughout the day and be like What did you see and you're like, this is my game of the show today or like this one. I talked to this dev and
this game is sick like those are the things that are like the spring board points to making packs way more than it would have been if you were by yourself it's still a great event if you go by yourself so if you're thinking about it you don't you don't have a crew still go my first packs was alone and i met some of my best friends i'm looking at you jacob but i did not meet you i met you on reddit yeah yeah r slash podcast we've had on r slash podcasting

Discovering Hidden Gem Games

I do want to hear what your favorite games are because I think that's what makes packs better is finding the hidden gems and stuff. There's some secret typing going on. Sorry, don't worry about it. We all coach for Sea of Stars too.
familiar that was the first game I played one of the first games I played that day and it's a today today I mean I mean it's all blurring together so I put the demo a while back so I don't it's the same demo but I fucking loved it you can't surprise me sometimes hey how about you pick some really nice Mike I got your ass a lot that's valid
So it's an homage to retro RPGs, which I feel like is every in the RPG nowadays. So it's kind of hard to use that as a descriptor. But as a pitch, when I first started it, you basically play as this guy or you watch this guy and his girlfriend stop at this hotel or this apartment. And this guy's like, I'm going to go DJ for a party.
interesting he goes in and his girlfriend gets harassed by some older girls outside so she runs into the apartment too and you see this this guy getting shaken down because his brother's a bum and owns these thugs money and the guy doesn't want to pay and he gets pushed out a window and then you're in this weird magical world and you're like some I don't know Frogger looking dude I don't know how to describe a frog
The purple guy, right? Purple guy, yeah. You're like a wombat. You're like a wombat, and from there it's just like standard RPG gameplay with like modern fun writing on top. Frogger, wombat, same face again. Basically the same thing, but it was like a breath of fresh air in terms of like, oh yeah, this feels like
RPGs of the past like Final Fantasy one and two very simple mechanics from what I saw but they had a little bit of the Sea of Stars timing to keep you interested because you know this tick tock generation can't stay focused for more than that does not look like a frog I mean, you know, I'm just pitching I didn't say you looked like a frog I said blinks the time care right? That's that's
It's a Frogger leg. Frogger's a frog. But he stands on two legs, doesn't he? Well, there is a Frogger. That's the one I'm talking about.
My familiar, great demo, very nostalgic feeling with a few modern touches. I didn't feel that modern in terms of gameplay, but what I really enjoyed was kind of the writing and story environment around the gameplay. It kind of gave me Undertale vibes in terms of the humor. It wasn't like self-referencing or anything, but the characters were kind of goofy and unexpected, and there was a lot of
I know what Tracer is. I'm just gonna get strays for the rest of my life about this, right? You shouldn't have done the video, dawg.
clever jokes in there. I will say demo was fun. It was long. Like I played for about 30 minutes. I finished chapter one and then chapter two came up and I was like, Oh, I got a whole nother chapter. I was looking around. There's a big line behind me. I'm like, I'll play the rest later. Thank you. Thank you for your time. I'm excited about it, though. I think that's probably one of my favorite demos I've played today. Do we have deaf name by chance? X rising blue.
Well, the dub name is being searched. We'll go just in order. I didn't play anything. Jacob. So puzzle games were my thing today. So I played Scramble Star Crossing.

Game Highlights: Indie Demos

Banger. Which was, it's sort
Instead of like shooting bubbles up you're shooting stars you're sucking up stars and shooting them out to the sides But it's also a match three and it's just like look it's it's puzzle games You know do you play against a dev I did I didn't play against one of the devs best out of three Well, not a dev a friend of the dev
Who was like in the in the booth, but was like smashing people like they were trying to get to learn he was just smashing them And I walked up, and I'm like ah like I just need a little bit of time to get the toilet I'm about to flex. That's all I do 7.8. That's my gaming knowledge, but Tommy
Got up by about two minutes of gameplay and then learned how to play and like smash the dev on the first game Friend of dev. Yeah, and then got I got smashed on the second one. But yeah one-one game. It's phenomenal It is so so good
there's so we have a like a dirge of puzzle games coming out and I'm just like between spirit swap and that and another game I played collapses what I'll talk about later like yeah we feasting yeah what when Harry and I played it playing YC and we were facing each other it you get
the competition is real. And once you figure it out, it takes a little bit to kind of wrap your head. You have to suck them up and you can only suck up the same color in your sort of inventory and then you shoot them all at the same time. So that's the thing that took a while where you can't just suck up any one of them in order. And I know when we played it, there were
working on power-ups. And they have them now. So I had a character who you could take in if you took in three or five stars you could shoot a bomb that would go through the first row and explode like a few rows behind the first row
Yo, it's so sick. Yeah, it's a great time. Please go play it. What's the loop like? Are games like two minutes, five minutes? So the two games I played which were very competitive were six minute each. There's also a single player campaign that is on the show floor, but it's not something that I demoed. And it's the crazy thing is like, if you're listening at home, the demo is out there. And my understanding is it's the same demo that is on the on the floor.
and that they are constantly updating that demo instead of being an early access. They're just like, no, just whatever, just take the demo. So please download it, and I'll get a dev name for you. You can do it. Yes, Dust Sharp. Dusk. Dusk. From dusk to dawn. Sharp. Good, thank you. Dusk Sharp. Yeah, am I familiar? Chintzy, ink. Chintzy, ink. And ink, like pen ink. Oh, okay. Like cheap ink. Is that what chintzy means? Yeah, chintzy, yeah. Oh, there you go, cheap ink.
So don't remember the other name that we just said, yeah. You want to talk about yours now? Oh, about one game? Yeah, you want to wait a little bit, or what do you want to talk about now? I played our closer for the showcase. Forge of the Fae is here. Yeah. Like Joseph, it's a retro modern RPG in the vein of Chrono triggers and old school Final Fantasy games. It is a Celtic folk
tail and the cool thing about this one is obviously our style is great music is fantastic battle system is totally just turn-based there's no things to keep you occupied quote-unquote invested like see stars where you have to do the mini games whatnot
But they have a really cool adrenaline system, which is limit breaks. You do damage or attacks, you build it up, and they do special buffs that are very overpowered. But I kind of needed them when I got to the boss. The cool thing is they have a... It's like a sphere grid in Final Fantasy games, where you collect crystals and then you unlock what they call magic, but it's not really magic. I forgot what it was called. It was a long demo.
Yeah, everything about it is great. You can see what I also really love is they have that thing where it shows you who's up next for attacks, so you can kind of plan it out a little bit. Yeah, it's gorgeous. It's a long demo, so if you have packs, be prepared. It was like an hour and 20 minutes. It's a long time, but it's good. I'm happy we had it for the showcase. Is it off in a corner somewhere? So it is...
The last row before tabletop starts on the show floor. It's right next to Cristala. You know the other half of the convention center's old tabletop stuff? That we don't really ever go to? In my head last year there was a lot of circular tables. Yes, over on that side.
I'm just lagging how I go. Also, Pax, why were there no tables in the food court? Yeah, they got rid of the tables in the food court. Did you notice that? Yeah, I did. They don't want you to live. They don't want us to live. That's right. You've already got that one. Hey, wicked good. Decent today. Very decent. Chicken was not cold in the middle. It was pretty good. But it cost $24. They did not charge me for any of the drinks, so I got a little score, a little discount.
Ignorance doesn't isn't a penalty on you, I guess. No, it's true We'll know in audio what Harry is here he's just laying on the floor and it's the best you okay, Harry Hey, you drive a tickets train. I there's no way I was driving Actually, I thought I was gonna drive and I'm like, you know what? No, I can't But any total day today
between two curves with sub-regions. So that's really exciting. Lovely. Sounds lame. I don't know if any of you saw this. There's a booth. I caught it in the corner of my eye. I did not see it. Thank you, Harry. It's like the best log game for
families and it has to do with like actual like laws and like being a lawyer and going to court and whatever. What? It's over by Mountain Dew. I'm gonna look at it. Oh, I gotta get everybody that spot. Yeah, I just saw it on my corner of my eye. I was like, huh.
Interesting tagline go to Mountain Dew. What's the swag? I didn't see bottles of Bob laughs. I kind of just We're giving out Mountain Dew product. They had a long line. Yeah, I was like, do you people know? Wasn't it taking a picture? Like you go to 7-11 and get a Mountain Dew. Yeah. I could have gone upstairs taking a free cup like Mike did he get some Mountain Dew. The biggest update though.
Vending machines, they have Celsius. They do. Buns. And the bigger cans. The big cans. Yeah. The big cans. 200 millimeter, I brought six for us. And we appreciate you. That's why I only ordered two last night for today, because Kyle reminded me that you brought them. All right. What flavors? Architect. Yes. Peach vibes. Yeah, OK. And then pineapple fun ones.
The trio of the summer flavors. Yeah, the three horsemen of the summer. Oh my god, they're so good though. Danny, what'd you play? I thought I was starting with the animal well, but I'm going to go with the one that I ended up by accident because I made eye contact with the dev and I'm like, well now I can't walk away. That's the best. It was Kamikaze Last Plains.
So I didn't know what this was at first. And I didn't have the heart to tell that I wanted to play Disco Samurai right next door, so I sat with it. Not to take a look at the game. It was cute. So it is a... J.J. sometimes. How you doing? Nobody calls that. You said, what a beggar to start. I gotta stay the ghost for the middle. We need to act like that's how you do it.
But um, but it's a kamikaze last blade. It is a half shmup half visual novel. The two anime main characters. Wait, what? Yes. Shoot them up in visual novel together? Yes. Is it a 30 second game? No. Jesus. So you start the game. There's two different characters. It's Alba and then the blonde one. I didn't get her name, but these two girls
Who gets inside of that? That's wild. I'm so happy you made eye contact. I like how he described this as a cute game like 30 seconds ago. So now we're talking about getting inside of what? Cute was the wrong word. They told me it was inspired by Konosuba. For any anime people, it's like one of those like, not really horny, but just like teased up skirts and stuff like that kind of anime. It doesn't sound horny to me, but yeah. Hold on. I'm using the restroom. Okay.
It's chaotic. There's little things that will bounce around. You can pick up these gun levels. I'll just level up your guns, your turrets, everything. If they hit you, you drop it. It keeps bouncing around like the screensaver on the windows. You got to go grab it and level yourself up again. There's shields. There's little burst ones that shoot all over the stage and break everything. What? What shoots all over the stage? What did I say? I heard shields.
But yeah, you get the end, you beat the boss. Now each one, when you finish the level, there's another little narrative cutscene. They both had the same one for the demo I played, and it was like the, oh, long mission today. I'm gonna go take a bath in the bathhouse. And you wander into the bathhouse while they're in there, and they're both in the towel like, ah, what are you doing? The two characters, hold on. I didn't pick it. No, I'm looking at three shots. What are you doing? Oh, the game?
No, it is like nipple and everything. Okay, listen. That's the Steve page. No, listen, okay. I'm trying. Are you sure you made eye contact with the dev and not the game? I'm not talking about the dev. The game guides are up here. No, see, yeah, it's the blue girl more calm, quiet. She's just like, ah, what are you doing in here? Leave me alone. They told me to kind of skip the dialogue.
Why are you using the term kamikaze to describe this? I didn't name it. No, I understand. But like, you're playing short. Can you use a genuine question? Yeah.
How you do in this shoot-em-up, does that change the story? Do you know? No. So the explainer's going to be narrative options in those cut scenes. You're like, I'm going to do this or that. They said that of the two characters, are they good at a bad ending for both? For the four endings, they said, I think, 10 levels, about eight hours to beat the game. Eight hours? Yeah. The levels weren't particularly short. I think I probably spent about 30 minutes at the booth to play through the two different levels. So out of the four endings are
I was working on a joke too. I was too over happy ending. So, um, but yeah, that was, uh, that was probably my, wasn't planning to, but ended up there once a day. I don't know that I'm like, stop giggling. Also, like there's games for everyone. We're not judging. Just very unexpected. When we wrapped it up, so we got to the back house, no characters yet. It's the scene of the back house.
It's my first time asking a dev how horny their game is. So I was like, I don't want this to sound offensive. I have a little bit of a younger audience. Is this horny? No, no, it's not. It's inspired by insert these 10 anime here. And then they mentioned a bunch. I had no idea what they were. And then that's when it was the towel thing. Like, OK, it seems like that's the worst it gets. But also, apparently, it gets much darker.
What are you talking about? You literally saw nudity. There was no nudity there. That shamed is our fate. What are you talking about? They probably didn't do the no-no stuff on the show floor, so they don't get involved. Go to 47 seconds on the trailer on Steam. It's coming to Steam and Switch, so it can't be that bad if it's on the Switch. Have you seen the eShop lately? No, actually, I play on my Steam there. There's a lot at the end time. There's a lot at the end time.
My buddy Jose will love this game, so I will share with him You're absolutely wrong inky dreams by the way, it was the death no relation to my I'm interested in the visual novel part. I bet you are Yeah, I don't know how to describe that is one of the endings where you're just good friends
I only play two levels, Harry. I don't know. We'll be there tomorrow. Go ask him. Go ask him your dreams. That's not in my purview. Kamikaze last place. Kamikaze last place. Yeah, I know. I know what the bad end is.
I got up from Animal Well and went left and I just it was on my left there. I don't know what that is.
emphasize the booth numbers don't give you an option to see the numbers it says Nintendo is here we see like a little like
The guy taking pictures. I'm like, this is it. Yeah. This is the media hour. Well, we're going to go to Nintendo because it'll be loaded. Maybe we'll play Peach. Maybe we'll get a thing. They had an orchestra thing, like a whole big shebang in PAX West. Yeah, it was sick. That's where that was all the budget. They were like, you know, the budget for the next couple of times. It's like, all right, guys, we're doing PAX days. What are we doing?
No, there's a It was funny because I saw it lurking through the crowd and I thought it was like a weird shark. I'm like, what is that? Oh
Some hard time there's also a dude a free shrugs guy Based on how very it was I think it did Go there tomorrow morning if you choose
Yeah, we were talking to some of this just quick side tangent with Nintendo. There was some talk of like, oh, I wonder, because they've done it before, I wonder if Nintendo will convert the booth at some point to have Peach and Paper Mario stuff. It doesn't seem like it, but Peach is out tomorrow. Oh, they have Paper Mario, which at the show, I've also had Luigi just got a date. Yeah, they both did. Well, they had station in the back. Yeah, it seems like maybe they'll convert it this weekend. Maybe just today was...
because they were also doing a mural, like someone was live painting a, like, violet and scarlet mural, only for the first hour. Separate from the tropics? And it's not done. It was the tropics. I honestly really liked the idea that Nintendo was late on their PAX sign up. And that's why they got mad at it last minute. That's why they're talking about it like a shit. Oh my god. Because it was even on Twitter, people were like, yo, did you see the new map? Nintendo's on the new map? What are they doing? What are they planning?
I haven't touched a while I played an hour. I was like, I'm good. Yeah anyways Sure, I have a game that it's a hard act to follow by the way the show but I have a pretty okay game I'm gonna give them one of our peas just
No steak in Comic-Con's last place. Please walk up to the booth and be like, uh, code CGdaddyB, yes. 10% off. They gave me a pin, too, of the blue card. Pretty good ending. Pretty good ending, please. Are you sure it's a pin, or are they a pin? I didn't open it yet, so I assume it's a pin. Don't open it. Don't open it. The good ending isn't there yet. OK. I think this game is already out, but it's called Lasfanga Time Shift Warrior.
There was nobody to tell me what this game was about, but I had seen like a trailer on it, so I played it. Very cool game. It's a puzzle action game. And the whole thing is you're presented with like these very short battle areas that you have to beat within a certain time period.
minute or so but you only get like 20 seconds to beat it and obviously you're not gonna kill everything in 20 seconds so you restart but this time you have a ghost of every action you took the first time helping you out so essentially what happens is you start to strategize so okay I'm gonna kill these guys over here the first run and while my ghost is taking out these guys the second time I'm gonna take out these guys over here and make sure I meet the timeline
and they do some pretty cool mechanics from what I saw. For example, there's this enemy, there's these twins enemy, and to beat them, you have to kill them at the same time. So what you have to do is like, go, beat one, and then on the second time through, remember when exactly on the timer you killed the first one, and sync it up with your ghost to, basically it's a great challenge. It's pretty cool, it's like a really cool concept. It was very quick to like, get my feet and start playing around and like,
There's also this time trial aspect where you get certain challenges for beating it under 30 seconds or whatever. I don't know what you get for doing that. I missed some and I still went a lot. Our enemy's hard. Is combat tough? Not from what I saw, but from what I played, they were introducing new enemies to take advantage of the mechanics. For example, one enemy, you couldn't attack
right on like you had to hit it from behind so what you have to do is like oh it's kamikaze game exactly like like the bonus level in the kamikaze game um so you have to like start tapping it you start tapping it from the front and it'll put a start up and then your second time around like you can hit it from the back like a kamikaze game and like so there's like so not bad it's not about difficulty it's more about like okay can you think of a clever way to beat these
Already I haven't seen it get much coverage. So this is the first I'm hearing of it. Yes. No, you've never seen a trailer I just want you so you mentioned I googled it and I think it was right behind another game that I played and watch the gameplay recognize Yeah, it's like me watching the indie showcase where I don't know any game. Listen, there you go. And then they cussed me out around the room.
I think this one's going to be a sleeper. I'm sure, I think I'm going to probably do some coverage on it when I go home. I need some more people to talk about this. I'm definitely going to try and get to that one tomorrow. That one was cool. Cool. It also seems to be on sale. Oh, there you go. Oh, good. 17-ish. What's the percentage on how much off? Out of 24. OK. I don't know. It's one of the spotlight by 30% in games.
That's why I know it. It's like they're in the... Yeah, okay. Still haven't played a video game. Ever? But hey, I started, I downloaded the New York Times app with like Wordle. I've been rocking that for the past few weeks. Great idea.
that got me through the tail end of the Showcase production. Well, if anyone wants to make a quick sidebar, if anyone wants to make some quick bucks, say that you have one of the PAX East Marvel Snap codes, because I have people in my DMs asking me to get one. Because I sent it to a friend of ours. Wait, what's going on with Marvel Snap? Yeah, you get a variant of the Showform if you tell me that. I sent it to KFPF, Philip Woodward. What up, Philip?
Tweeted about it and I have like 10 plus people. Hey, can you get me a code? I'll buy it. Well, it's one per person. So hey My baby brother I had a guy message me he's like can you give me a Marvel snapcode from the packs XP stand for Christ's sake It's like one of those yes, you'll get a league skin one per person or one per badge
Or whatever. Or her email, I think. I do. You do have to... I was about to make double the month. So do you have to show me how to do a PAX XP thing? Yeah, activate your badge. I couldn't do it because I had to pick my badge up at the thing, but I wanted the map. And now I don't know how to get back to register the app for the XP, so I don't know if I can get one. So I have no idea. Yeah, I saw League of Legends and Marvel Snap in the 6.1 inbox earlier. I was like, fuck, fuck this. You have to give your name to Marvel Snap.
Games they're right by the table tops as well Yeah, it's the demoing it on Android tablets It's gonna be on console as well eventually but It's very much a match three It's a match for puzzle game actually where you tap on the screen to get rid of blocks and you have a certain amount of
blocks you can get rid of so you have basically 10 moves where you can get rid of blocks to create a match for but the twist is that you if you're on mobile you can actually flip the tablet and whatever way your tablet is pointing that's where the blocks will go down
so you can actually turn it all the way upside down, they'll move towards the top of the screen, or you can flip it all the way back around and it'll go back to the regular way the blocks go down. It's just a sick, simple concept, and one thing they showed me is that they've done a lot from an accessibility standpoint, where they've taken in every single kind of color blindness and developed specific modes for, it doesn't matter what sort of color blindness you have, they have covered it in the game, and they also have
like cheeky like shout outs or skins for like there's a puzzle variant which is literally like Pokemon puzzle league the same like symbols and whatnot and even simple ones like midnight where it's like the stars are white and everything else is like black and blue which is great that's cool there are devs from Ohio small team it's something they've been working on for a while it sounds like they had other projects that they've been working on but this one is the one that they're gonna like
Foist into the world and it's just dope. Can I ask you how to spoil the game? So collapse this like the word collapse, but the last letters are s us I
How do you choose the Groups like you tap on it. Yeah, you'll tap at least on on mobile You'll tap the screen and it'll get rid of the one block at a time So as long as you're making matches, you'll continue to get your moves back But you have 10 moves and if you don't make enough matches, that's it. Yeah, that's it It says coming to PS Vita
Wow, that's a video game. We're getting an article. It's just like the last PSV. It's got a touchscreen on it. That's perfect. I was about to ask, so you should play it on mobile.
Yeah, they had their PC set up something on scene. Yeah, so they had eight Android phones or Android tablets And then they had a big screen that they were showing off the console multiplayer We're obviously instead of like flipping a tablet you're using a button to like They had like four player multiplayer on the same screen where people are playing against each other to flip their whatever and like make matches and then you're choosing your flips It's not
the game suddenly, I'm gonna turn left, I'm gonna turn, okay. You're literally, if you're on mobile, you're flipping the tablet yourself, and if you're on console, you're like hitting a button to flip the board. That sounds really cool, that sounds tough though. It looks pretty cool. You will get it, you will plan, you're like, oh yeah, I get this, and then you'll be like, I'm gonna play this when it comes out, or you'll be obsessed, like, we're all obsessed, I'm sure, with Blotrow, and just decide, hey, as soon as this comes out in Early Access or whatever, we're gonna grab it, but it's no date, coming soon, so I'm sure we'll hear more about it.
I wish it was out now and go for the train ride home. No, I'm poor
I'm like I'm gonna see if I'm gonna like it to play five might be just fucking imploded Alright, let's go buy five on the ps4 then
Are they already here? Probably. I saw some booth with Retro stuff. I didn't see any games. I didn't see any consoles. Dial-up games is really good. Dial-up has a copy of Little Samson, which if you don't know, that is like one of the most expensive NES games ever. It's like five brand.
for that i'm sure right i i wouldn't imagine so but listen maybe on sunday they can get rid of it for like five bucks yeah they don't want to bring back with them liquidation sale uh i still only played forge of the fay but so i would love to go check out uh belly buffers oh yeah i've gone by a bunch today it looks like a good time so maybe tomorrow i'll talk about it did it have an eating mechanic where you ate and your belly got bigger like fat princess i think so and then it's just like um
American gladiators, like knock off the platform, but you're just running around with your bellies, trying to knock the people off. Like, while you're partying, ball, uh, in the game. Ball. Why'd you say ball like that? Ball. I was walking by the booth with one Dave Proctor, like, and he looked at it and said, like, you look sick. I gotta get one of those, uh, or well, two of them, because Kelsey, but, uh, the Furby pens, the pennies. What? You didn't see Dave's penny? No. They're Furby's from VidCon.
They're like pineapple furbies. Dave. Yeah. Right. Yeah. OK. No games. No games yet. Me? What game behind the black curtain are you going to talk about now? So he just knows the new leisure suit library coming out. Oh, shit. No. I'm pretty sure right next to Las Bonga, there is a game called Dustborn. Yes. I totally forgot the game existed.
And it was like the last one I got to before like Media Hour ended. I loved it. That one was so cool. So from... That's another road trip game, right? Yes. Yes. From Red Threads Games, I believe is the studio. It's another Quantic Dream published one. You were playing as a not real band, but you are an undercover band in some like rebellion organization thing.
It's like a mix of a telltale game, a rhythm game, and a kind of third person action game. Probably the weakest part, the third person action game part. But like you start with like the one character like trapped under a bus, you gotta like kind of wander around to find what you're missing. The Wi-Fi's out, we gotta fix it so we can activate the internet jack for some reason, which will lift the bus so we can get her out.
Um, sure. There's some kind of like dialogue options where like you're riding on the bus and it kind of, the demo skips around a little bit. So you're kind of testing everything, but you're talking to one of the bandmates and she, uh, bang, I believe, are reading like a book about Marilyn Monroe, I believe might be man. So they're like the same thing. Um, and as, as your,
you're talking to them you see like these I haven't quite figured out how it all works but this is like exclamation point question marks above you see like how inquisitive they are how interesting on the conversation but sometimes if you're talking a little too much you'll see like the right exclamation points I might be misreading how that all functions that's how I took it as they were like interacting okay I'll stop I'll get up and move away
And then the final section is like a combat segment and it's got like God of War energy where you have like a magnet glove with a metal bat and you can like throw the bat and then it comes back to you as you hit things. As you fight alongside people there's like shout options so they're like a Skyrim joke but you partner up with your teammates and you can push them, you can I think slam them, disrupt them and stuff like that with different shouts.
And then there's like mini games during combat, it's like a helicopter comes up and you use the bat and boom, knock him out the sky. It's got a mix of different stuff. It's got that Tales from the Borderlands, cel-shading kind of thing to it. A lot of diversity in the cast. They, thems, people of color, holding arms. I'm really digging it. We also went to the panel with some of the voice actors and they were
Super excited about being in the game is really cool. And although that one was streamed anywhere. I hope it was The main character same as packs. So yes. Yes, so I had double check I thought it was a funny like we didn't have a name. So we're like you packs. You're the character
But like, and then you have the panel, I guess it is Pax. Yeah, that's the main character, but, um, no, I'm really digging it. I'm excited to see more. That comes out, I think August 20th, uh, everywhere but Switch. So, fuck you, Nintendo. Thank you for having a terrible panel. Yes, Latino. Wait, hold on. Sorry, uh, at least day one. You're telling me that Nintendo okayed Kamikaze. But that's where, no. Or at least that's where you're going with it.
Yeah, that's born really really loving that one I'm excited to see more Sick that just didn't sound like a complete sentence. I'm sorry Together okay, that was my pick
time. Full disclosure, Mike Taljo here in the room did PR for tape to tape. I'm going to stay silent, continue. Well, I'll let Jacob talk about it. I'm going to talk about a
It is a roguelite hockey game, but the core gameplay is very much NHL 94, like the classic Genesis Super Nintendo hockey game that you are just used to. There's a weird number of these hockey games that are just popping up between
ODP hockey and then there's there's a there's at least three of them that are coming But this one has that roguelite element But we played the multiplayer mode on one couch where it was just four of us playing two versus two
And the cool part is that the arenas are all themed. So we played on an arena that was a golf arena. So where the, go ahead, the center was a fair way. The center was a fair way. And they had these like sand traps where when you would- The face-off circles were, were bunkers. Yes. Yeah. So when you would like skate through the bunker or when the puck would go through the bunker, everything would slow down a little bit. So the, the actual map or whatever,
Actively impacting the gameplay and we saw that across even Matches that we were observing like the soccer pitch had like people blocking the doing the free kick like protecting themselves and like, you know sliding between different sections of the goal, right and
Even our teams, each team you could pick a specific team so you were a cult team and I was the golfers and the golfers had a special move on some of the characters where they carried two extra hockey sticks on their back.
and you could literally throw your extra golf clubs at the other players. And even from like literally 15 feet away, you could smack them with a hockey stick and it would act like a check. Yeah. And, uh, who knows what our ability was? We lost like five to one or whatever. And we got embarrassed. We got embarrassed in front of a lot of people, but not as many as the people that saw your TikTok clips. God damn. I'm okay on that.
I'm not mad at the game. The game was actually fantastic. I'm ready to already buy Early Access because those arcade games are just missing, right? I think we talked about Mario earlier this weekend about
Well, it looked like they were bringing back like these are Katie sports games, but it just didn't really scratch the right itch This is definitely scratching the right itch where it's like, okay goofy shit like weird wacky mows everything I could ask for and I can play it alone. I don't need to My understanding is a full single player campaign where you know, you will go through and play different games where you will face these teams that are
you know, at certain points there's a team of referees, for example, which my understanding is they can mess with the officiating of the game. And bribe the refs and one that, and it has couch go up, which is like, which games have couch go up these days? That's sick. So. Tape to tape. Published by Null. Developed by... I'm not gonna ask Mike. Excellent rectangle. Yeah, thank you. You're welcome. I'll answer that one.
And then quickly below the stone, I've known about this game for quite a while. It's been developing, I think they said, since 2018. I got to talk to the devs while I was playing it. This is my first time playing it, but they were releasing a new content update similar to how Minecraft adds certain content updates over time. And this content update was essentially adding a feature to the game where there is a difficulty
ramp ramper upper as time goes on so the longer you stay in a dungeon the more difficult the enemies get and eventually like these new shade enemies will come after you but for those that don't know below the stone is a rogue light that is centered around like dungeon diving or spelunking where you have like this home base you accept missions
And then you go into this these really large dungeons. I think they said it was like a thousand by a thousand blocks in terms of Minecraft size and you're just kind of roaming around collecting resources defeating enemies and it's pretty fun. Like it felt kind of chaotic while I was playing where if you're not paying attention and you hit an unstable block while you're mining like you trigger like a
collapse or a lot of rocks start falling you can take damage there you can like run into cool weapons that can help you you know defeat enemies or you can find like cool treasures that you bring back and sell for money it was a fun loop it like felt very satisfying it looked great I love the art style and they said that they're in early access now but the game felt complete like I think you can get it today and like have a lot of fun with it and
but they have like a really grand vision for like what they want this game to be because I was talking about them with this about like the stigma with early access and I was like this game looks really good like you could offer this as a product and just update it over time and they're like no we're like pretty confident about
our product and our vision and like the people that want to wait, that's fine because we're going to like prove ourselves when all of the content is there. And I was like, okay, respect to that, respect to that. So like, I know it is a known game because we had a cheer in the room when I mentioned it, but I feel like it is not known that well. Like I don't hear people talking about it on that level, but it's definitely extremely polished and very exciting. And like, I think this, if this content update doesn't,
move the needle. I'm sure all of the planes that they have down the pipeline will. So I'm excited. Oh, yeah. All right. Thank you, Harry. We kind of screwed up the order a little bit. Skip term for you says you want to take me. Yeah. Um, kamikaze too. So on the other side was kamikaze last planes too.
Uh, no, I was talking animal well. I was talking animal well. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
But yeah, so you're roaming around, you're finding, sometimes you'll go to solve a puzzle, like you go to move a crank, and then a platform comes in, you see it slowly ticking down, ticking down. Once you jump on it, it drops so much faster, so if you fuck that up, you can't just jump back up, but there's like a secret little path to find which brings you back around and down and up to start again and not fuck it up this time. Not very punishing, at least in the demo that I played. And then there's the animals just kind of roam around these areas, some are,
You play this little nugget? I don't know if we know what our character is. I don't know. I've been calling him a blob.
hazard and some art like there's just a duck that sounded like a pig a little bit and i was like are you gonna eat me and just let me walk fast meanwhile there's these porcupines that do the typical like i'm gonna circle the platform and like that's gonna hurt me but i fucked up so many times i have one health i'm like i'm gonna dodge that as best as i can
There's like this little chinchilla dudes that look like Totoro and you like they kind of want to hug you and they'll like Move around and once you jump on them, they'll sit so you can use them as platforms and stuff So it's like a lot of discoverability and find like what can I go? Where can I do it? There's random firecrackers You'll find what you're used to take out enemies and you chuck one in and they'll like scare a spirit back to the spirit realm I don't know the lore of what it's doing or sometimes these are like colorful ones that kind of like
pac-man ping pong back and forth and a firecrack will make them rapid fire so it's like ding ding ding ding ding ding ding to like get out of your way um it was really fun and that's when i finally noticed the timer and i heard like this music kick in i wasn't there and the screen just faded like closes in on me and i'm like am i dying i'm like and it squished and it's just like thanks for playing i'm like
Shit, did I start over? Should I do it again? No, it was a blast. It was so good. I remember like big boat getting announced and I made my life. Donkey, you got an indie game publisher and we're doing animal well and everyone's like, Donkey, that can't be good.
I remember when that game first got announced on the PS blog. Yeah, our favorite one for indie games to get announced at 7 a.m. on the places you love. And reading it and listening to Billy talk about how he's put Easter eggs that's going to take players years to find. Yeah, that's exciting. And just like when I played it last year at PAX, I can't wait to play it again just while we're here.
of like you can go anywhere and discover things on your own and there's nothing being told at you to kind of do it's everything is not a visual I don't even recall storytelling you just kind of like see the world you pick up on it in the environment it just kind of tells you kind of how to do the things which is awesome I was wondering like with what I got to play I didn't feel impeded very much as much like solving the puzzle so I didn't know how metroidvania it was in the world like
And that didn't sound like the former. Yeah, obviously you've known about Animal Well. Did you expect it to be as gorgeous hands on? I didn't. When I played it last year I was like holy fuck this is so much better than what you perceive on a trailer. I thought the trailers did it justice and the moment I got on the sticks
Wow Just like the way it manipulates the screen if that's if you want to say it that way just like it really does it does the what I call actually the Jams your wars kind of thing. Okay. Yeah, but like so much better. We're just like works the screen. Yeah, like really impressive those big creatures are I Don't know if you ran into any of them though. Which ones like the really big creatures. I don't think so. I got any big
First week of May nobody else right
Is there a lot, first week of May? It's rough. First week of May. So yeah, it's, I don't know. It's May 8th. Yeah, Animal Indica, Yellow Texaco's room. Ooh. Venture to the vial. Yep. Another big one. Oh, the devolver joint. Children of the Sun. Mm-hmm. Listen, not a Pax, but that's a banger. Yeah, that's a banger. Yeah, that's crazy.
Um, yeah. And it was really fun. It was beautiful also. Did you get to talk to Billy? He was talking to somebody else. I got to talk to Madison. Madison, yes. Also her little bitch. Sweetheart, absolutely great. Developer behind birth. Oh no, shit! Yeah. Oh, damn. Yeah, she's great. Yeah, no, that was awesome. I asked her, I was just like, I was like, do you help her? No, I'm just a girlfriend. I didn't even mention it. So like, ah, I'm freaking humble as shit. No, no, she was super sweet.
Let's do one more round. Joseph. All right. I'm going to talk about juice for my last one. Juice was a strange game. All right. So as well, the acro bird joints, right? Yes. Yes. The pitch is you play as a monster. That's reaching wreaking havoc on this city. And then you play as like one of the people in the city. So.
It is kind of like an artsy game. It's kind of making a statement. So the woman I was talking to was saying that the dev was originally making a game about helping your neighbor and the project was going great and then the publisher canceled it.
and so eventually he was like okay fuck this and like went the other way and it's more about like consumption this time and it's mimicking uh kind of some of the feelings he had during covid so the gameplay is like when you see the gameplay you're like oh yeah this is kind of abstract it kind of looks like
Psychonauts looks when Raz is kind of looking at the little like cardboard fingers when he's like reading the minds or whatever Kind of has that vibe, but you're kind of this monster. You see these claws you're just Carving up through humans like blood effects are crazy and it's like it almost feels like Aimless like you're just destroying destroying destroying and then eventually you switch over and things slow down a lot
And you're just this guy who's cleaning up his apartment and you're looking at the news and there's like, it's kind of like those Spongebob episodes where there's like a real TV clip on a like cartoon screen. So it's like, okay, this is kind of odd. And essentially what he said it is, is like,
there's this contrast of like the perspective of everything going to shit slowly over time and how people react to that. So it's this guy who's like going to work, talking to his neighbor and like everything is fine and the news anchors are having a good time. The next day they're kind of like, Hey, uh, I think people are dying or are they? I don't know. And you're like, okay. And then eventually things really go to shit. And apparently you are faced with a choice.
Or do you want to play as the monster and kill the human that you've been playing for? Or do you, or playing with, or do you want to play as the human and escape? And depending on which option you choose, you have two wildly different endings based on that decision. So it seemed pretty interesting. Like from a gameplay perspective, it was not anything. Like there was no challenge or anything, but it was more about the message and
Hopefully the story, the woman I was talking to, it was being tested as a writer on the game, so she said the dev had a lot of ideas that he wanted to hopefully get implemented, but we'll see. Juice is the name on it. It's in first person, right? It is in first person. Let me find the dev, because the woman I talked to was named Anna Gilchrist, but I don't know if that's gonna help you find
The game. Yeah, I was trying to Google. Yeah, just Google juice. I got you, I got a copy of the ads. Color fiction. That's a dope name. Color fiction. Right, Danny, is it Acabar? Or am I making that up? Yeah, it just says color fiction. I think it's in the row. They near each other. Yeah, so it's not that. I believe it's right across from where we fit. Yeah, because I turned around and I saw you guys for the first time that day. Yeah.
Still been playing. Thank jacob great magical delicacy. Oh, yeah, right or maybe scowl It's like a solo day from solo death. Well, I can't talk solo death from Germany. I know that was here scowl also a gal very good bending Cool bird. They're very good band. Is that one of your other bands? No
Pixel or platformer that was sort of pitched to me as like a Metroid mania light in that you are going around a map and you will eventually get powers or you know tools that will help you get to other parts of the map whether it's new shops or new places to find mushrooms or
other plants but essentially the core mechanic is cooking where you will do you will find forage for mushrooms and other stuff like wheat and vegetables and fruit and you'll make meals that you will then give it the townsfolk will give you these tools that will help you with traversal i played for 45 minutes and i was just going around foraging planting enjoying the vibes it is
the coziest ads game that I played on the show floor or not on the show floor but you know behind closed doors because we special but but no it was it was a lot of fun and that's one that is supposedly coming up this year it felt very complete when I played it so I was I just wonder if they're adding more
you know to map or more characters that you can interact with and you know give them specific needs where they're like hey this is the kind of meal I want sometimes it's just a meal sometimes it's a stew sometimes depending on the ingredients that you put inside of the meal or the stew or the sandwich they'll have certain properties where it's like hey this is spicy or salty so you don't need to take that into account and you also have
I don't want to call it a shop but you know where you're making all these meals and you get to edit the layout of your actual shop where it's like cool I'll have a cutting board where I can make sandwiches or I will have you know my pot my main pot in one section of the shop so
Definitely a white like white thorn knows the types of games that they're making or that they're publishing rather and This is just like a white thorn ass white thorn game and I loved it and again they ran me through the accessibility features of that one and They're just working on stuff that I appreciate
I think they have one person on the team, on White Thorn's team, that specifically is handling accessibility across all of their titles. And so, I guess shout out to another game that's incredibly accessible to players. That one is Magical Delicacy coming this year, 2024.
Yeah at white thorn are they demoing? I think it's coming out soon. Is it skate fish? Is that a here? I didn't see skate fish. So I really want to play it. Yeah, I missed it last year I don't think so. I think they're doing Bobby Manor. That's coming out soon They're doing this one and they've got two other they've got a myth myth wreck a myth wreck Yeah, and they've got one more title. Maybe it is the title we're talking about mobile game. Yeah, no Not a mobile game. Yeah, a little slight got him. Yeah, yeah
Very soon. Yeah, like I think April next month. Yeah She's been around Yeah, good vocabulary Danny final game on man for the evening we should have done this one earlier I Played rah-rah boom
I think I am very excited to dabble in that game alone. So you played four player crop today, me and my three buddies. I think they have a cool arcade box there to play with the joystick and everything. I think I did a major disservice to the game. I think it's on everything. Sorry, no, Xbox, or coming to PC, plans for switching Xbox. Nothing on PlayStation yet.
But the arcade box had a weird shape to it where we had like the middle two characters are straightforward. The two on the side are at a 45 degree angle, but you kind of have to stand straight. So all upward movements were at a 45 degree angle. So if you weren't angled properly, you're really fucking up the lane type deal.
But yeah, the lane type side scrolling beat them up. You're playing as four different, I guess high schooler type students all have different move sets. I got to play as Eris, the red head with the baseball cap. I enjoyed the flow of the combat. I think it was really cool. You charge supers really fast and the supers freeze the whole screen. So if you're in the middle of like jumping and doing a combo and somebody else ults, you're just
up the momentum of the whole thing. I wasn't really vibing with that. I think the little cutscenes in between are really cool. They tell the narrative. There was like a strangely heartfelt one for just this first mission that I really enjoyed. And I think there's going to be spoilers. The character eats it in the demo. Oh, yeah. Wow. Yeah, spoilers. Yeah. A character just like one of the characters just like helping you through the level just like sort of leaves the team behind behind a blast door. And she's like, peace. I'm going to eat this explosion. Yeah, eats it. Yeah.

Gaming Jokes and GDC Showcase

See, I thought this was a joke, but she actually eats something. Oh, it's the laser. Listen to me, man. I thought it was like, she eats it like she tripped or something. No, she's nice. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. When we made the joke, we were like, oh, look at this magical fifth character on the screen. She's going to be DLC. And then like the cutscene happened like, oh, so much on DLC. But spoilers, by the way. Sorry, guys. It's the first mission. Yeah.
But no, I was like really sad. Check this one out. I remember seeing it like GDC showcases a couple of years back. And then I got the email like, I'll set up an appointment. I think a game that I'm probably gonna play on Steam Deck with controller using like a fight pad type six buttons and a joystick really didn't sell me on it anymore. Not that on my turn off I'm not gonna play anymore, but it definitely wasn't how I wanted to play that game.
So I think, still keep your eyes on it. I think it's going to be a blast. I think it's Gylie Games, I think. Probably from Midwest. Yeah. Is that their first title that's going to come out? Midwestern. Midwest. Good question. Is Lullaby, maybe, that one out yet? Sorry, Lullaby of Life. I don't think it's out yet. It might be the first one. No, it shows Duck Paradox is out. I don't know. It holds it together. Bam, no. I think games are visually fun.
Playing that solo with a regular controller is going to be a blast. Like there was a cool running gun level where a giant robot, the one Jacob was talking about, like breaks through and you have to like, in a battle-toed spike level, you just run into your ride and you're jumping over platforms. Not that hard, but like same energy. You're like dashing forward, jumping, sliding lanes. You're getting around giant machines and stuff. It was really cool. I enjoyed it. But again, the,
using ults would stop me mid jump and then I'd hit the machine and then the robot grabs me and does damage and I could like spit out through like the rubble and it wasn't here. I got pissed because my friends all got the A plus and I got a D and I'm like Danny's bad. I'm like, no, I'm the controller. I'm going back to Comic-Con. But no.
Still excited and interested to see more of the game.

Intriguing Game Mechanics

But yeah, I'd say if you're at RAPACS this weekend, VRK machines are probably not going to sell you on it. I wish I had like just regular controller. Sure. Yeah. Well, that's a bummer way to end it. Yeah, for that. Let's go back to Kamikaze, you know. I think Killer Clowns. Quick, thumb up, thumb down. Quick. I really enjoyed it. I was human. Thumbs up. Sick. Anybody want a quick thumbs up, thumbs down? Thumb what?
Do you play anything on the train ride? Marvel snap. Hey Athena crisis from no games thumbs up. Cool. Yeah, it's an advanced wars game. Oh, oh, yeah It's quick thumbs up I watched Jacob play buckshow roulette thumbs
where we literally play Russian roulette with a shotgun and it's like here there are two blanks and two shotgun shells and you decide like I'm gonna shoot myself is it a blank is it a real bullet time will tell and then there's a bunch of like power-ups that you grab like the handcuff where you get two shots in a row or you can drink a beer and it just like unloads the whole clip it's it's got one station and it's sick please check it out buckshot roulette it's very awesome
Yeah, or you go to H that I own it by now. Yeah, it's out. Okay, but come into steam Dread XP vibes to me. I'm so happy. I I'm surprised red XP didn't grab it. I'm happy critical critical reflex granted Yeah, I'm sorry. They got a banger. Yeah. Yeah, I was saying when we played it on stream It's just like this seems like one's gonna have like the HR release and then it's gonna be like it'll blow up
Buckshot roulette deluxe with like all this extra stuff more bosses more levels and stuff I like it the way it is if it gets more I won't be upset. Yeah, I'm excited to play more With the quote-unquote quick turnaround. I'm I'd imagine it's just a straight-up board. Yeah Because a itched version it's it's a full release. Yeah, it's a four-wheel easy. So three levels You're fighting the same boss. Each one is more shells more lives, etc. Yeah
Not really, just the items, but yeah, three levels. It's super short. You can be in like, even lucky, like 15, 20 minutes. Yeah. Quick banger.

Podcast Closing and Social Media

Okay, y'all, thank you so much for listening to the Blink-182 episode of the Six One Indicast for day one of PAX East. I think, you know, at some point, these...
But just in case plug yo shit Danny, hey, I'm cgnv you can find me on tiktok youtube twitch Blue sky, I still not use that one yet. I thought about any games too and Yep, they're currently one. Yes
Joseph you can find me on can't pause can't pause calm can't pause YouTube channel podcast with the next guy who's gonna talk yeah Just my host podcast with one Luke Lewis called cross cross play conversations. Let me try that again cross play conversations. It's late. I
It's 12.24. I'm gonna go bed. I'm gonna order my Uber a while. Yeah, it's a topical video game show with cool peeps who kind of know some of the games. You can find that on podcast services everywhere. And you can find me on the Twitter machine. I will not call it the other thing. Jacob McCourt, J-A-C-O-B-M-C-C-O-U-R-T. Thank you. And Tikki Tokki, where I get embarrassed. Big start. Big start. Can I check the view count again? I checked earlier. It's still 300 and something K. There's a nice little Harry Baker there while you were describing yourself.
Oh shit, I wasn't recording. I'm joking.