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Ep.185: Children of the Sun is Punk as Funk image

Ep.185: Children of the Sun is Punk as Funk

Six One Indiecast
125 Plays10 months ago

While Children of the Sun m be the most punk rock game of the year, Among Ashes stands as an earlier contender for most horrifying.

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Introduction and New Member

and welcome to episode 185 of the Six One Indiecast. My name is Mike Townrow. Tonight I am joined by Kyle Stevenson. Let's see how long I last. Weird out of context, Becca Smith. Hello. And for the first time on the Six One Indiecast, the brand new member of the Six One Indie crew, Will Cruz.
Hey, hey, everyone. Also, don't give me anything as of yet. Let me earn something. Once you said, hey, you're credited under something, I'm like, but I've done nothing. That was enough of a sign to be like, all right, let me do something. We'll cruise single-handedly put together the 6.1 indie showcase. I'll check. All right, calm down. He knows the puppet master behind it all.
Hell no, you guys were pinging left and right. And I'm like, why is there a panic? Also there's a fantasy thing. I don't, I'm lost. Not gonna lie. I muted the fantasy critic channel. I was like, I don't, I don't need this. I'll check in once in a while. Two

Technical Issues Warning

things. First disclaimer. I think we might blip out of existence for a little bit. Kyle might blip out of existence for a little bit. Recording's a bit funky tonight. So fair warning. If you see something weird,
Don't worry about it. Say something. Will.

Will's Background and Industry Insights

Yes. Who are you?
Um, a dweeb who got lucky. That's the best way I could describe anything. Uh, no, uh, context. Hi, I'm will, I go by at, we'll see blogs pretty much everywhere on social. Uh, and the best way to describe it is I like Mike, uh, in the Northeast is, uh, I was born and raised in New York. And when I went to college at one point, I was like, you know what? I'm having a lot of downtime, which then I.
kind of dove into writing as if I knew how to write. I barely speak English as is, and it's my first language. But that passion started, ended up working with video for a website called True Achievements. And then somehow I have friends that I made through there who was like, you should go here. So then I started writing for the escapist and started producing content for them for reviews. And then
previews anything that they could have gotten and just kind of like weird to say freelance wherever the opportunity arises so sometimes I've tried to like submit pieces for IGN I've been featured with Aim Informer like it's a weird sort of background but uh
Yeah, I'm just a nerd and I keep saying I get lucky because that passion propelled me where I'm at now, where I currently work at Ubisoft, which is, it's Ubisoft, you know how Ubisoft is, quadruple A games, right? Ubisoft too closed an indie game showcase yesterday. Yeah, that guy. I know them. Listen, I know nothing. I just know I'm following their social media policy. So if you ask me anything, next question.
Uh, Mike Townrow statement on Ubisoft does not reflect the thoughts of one will cruise. Seriously. And don't you know, don't you want the, have you not seen the game that we're dropping the rogue of Prince of Persia? Yeah. It looks dope. It's great. This came out of left field to me. And I'm like, where is this situation? It's the funniest thing I have is dealing with socials and seeing all these people talk about like the amazing things that are there more so excited, like.
They like the lost crown, and they seen two and another ones a win. And then you get the 99%. I was like, do you remember when Assassin's Creed was good? And I'm like, oh, here we are. It's always a battle. But I have a lot of background with Indies. I've written. I can't speak. See, look, I'm struggling. I've written for a couple of years. This is why I have editors. So it's been a while, and I kind of felt tapped out. Hence the reason when Mike was like, hey,
I do things with indies and I was like, no way, maybe I can do things with indies. And here we are. And I still think Becca's playing Bellatro.
Shit. Next question. See the reflection of the jokers in her glasses. I have minimized it now. I'm not here to judge. Do what you do. I've once did a whole work meeting, and everyone's like, are we? Why are all our cameras off? And then the boss says, well, I'm playing Power World. And I go, no way. I play Power World. And then it was just the whole meeting of everyone playing Power World. Well, Bill, it's a pleasure to have you on the crew.
Thank you. So you do your thing. You're going to help us out with like some video stuff, social media stuff, get your words on the website, all that good stuff. Quite frankly, I say juice me out. That sounds bad. Don't say juice all juicy, baby. Okay.
I, I, next question. Off to a really, really strong start, Will. Quite frankly, it's one of those days, I feel like, I don't know, this Thursday feels like the Monday is Thursday that I've ever had. So I'm trying to balance. Like I was like, okay, I need the good vibes from here. Cause right now I was going insane prior. I was like, Oh, everybody wants me to lose my things outside of work, outside of just the day to day. Hopefully everyone's day is better than mine at the moment.
Well, I'm trying to pretty weekend

Supporting the Podcast

now. So we're good. Kind of. I stupidly booked a meeting on my day off. So I have to go in tomorrow for a little bit. It's fine. Oh, he'll be back. Well, speaking of that,
blip, I guess. I don't know. We're transition. You are listening to six with indie cast, a weekly video game podcast, amplifying the indie scene, a smaller gains outside of the triple a space. New episodes drop each and every Monday morning on all major podcast feeds and slash six one indie supporters on slash six. What indie could tune in live as we record and gain access to clocked out the indie cast post show. But the money is tight. No worries. You still could show your support with a simple click wherever you're listening. Go ahead and leave this podcast to review, follow six one indie on socials, subscribe and hit the bell on YouTube, follow on Twitch and tell your friends
all about us. Shout out to the PD fans supporting on Patreon, Brett Griffin, Kobe Cordes, Ellie, JC, Jill Groat, Marcus O'Neill, Nicholas Johnson, Nicole Humphrey, Play It Jason, Silcanit, The Compound, and Cole, AKA The Good Sir. Speaking of indie showcases, in case you missed it,
nearly a month ago now. I can't believe it's almost been a month ago. Holy shit. The

Six One Indie Showcase Reflection

six million showcase dropped on March 20th. If you go to six, one, slash showcase, you can check out the 39 banger in details that we showed off. I think it is 19 developer interviews, 10 hands on preview impressions and a three and a half hour post show where we discuss some of the behind the scenes stuff and get into more detail about each one of the games. Wonderful discussion. The next one,
bit of a teaser for you. We originally said August 29th, no longer August 29th. We'll talk about that in June though. Surprise, surprise. Don't worry about it. And of course happening later in the year, the indie awards presented by six one indie. So yeah.
Follow along, support your boys, support your lads, support your girls. All that good stuff. I don't know. I got nothing. You saying it's been a month since the showcase also means it's been a month since I saw you in person, which is wild. Feels like I saw you last week. Exactly. It's crazy. Oh yeah. Nicholas Johnson, Chad saying there's a lot of tension in this podcast. It's not between Mike and Kyle this time. It's all fake tension for the camera. It's all fake tension.
Kyle, we're going to start this week with Kyle's quick fire new segment, which I guess is a new news segment. That's it rolls off the tongue. That's good. Yeah.

Indie Games at BAFTA Awards

I mean, shockingly did not know that the BAFTA game awards were happening today. Um, 20th anniversary of it of the British, uh, apparently the Wiki link, if I'm reading that correctly, 20th British Academy game awards. Um, I'm just going to highlight some of the Indies that won a shocker, not a whole lot one.
Um, Venba won best debut, which is awesome, but please play Venba. It's fantastic. Is that free DLC out? I was just going to ask that.
I should've looked that up beforehand. I can find out, but I'm going to be careful because last week my keyboard was loud. Also, Nicholas Johnson said that it's the juicing tension from Will. That's the tension. Oh yeah, that would be a good one, Sean. Do you need a fair amount of tension when you are juicing another human being? I didn't feel uncomfortable until it was repeated.
outside of Venvo winning best debut viewfinder won best original property and best British game, which is an interesting category. And the, the final like true quote unquote, indie Chia won best game beyond entertainment.
So it's like a games or impact kind of thing, which is kind of cool. She is awesome. But she is coming to switch now as well. So is it? That's dope. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, I haven't played it. Then the DLC is out sweet shit. Nice. I play it. Uh, that was awesome.
All these games are honestly some of my favorites of the last year or so. Wait, I've just seen that that post is from March 15. So if there's another DLC, it's not out yet. No, it's probably the same one. It's probably that one. Okay. There's also an actual cookbook either out or coming out as well, which is super cool. Yeah. Amazing. Congrats to all of our British friends.
Also not to get into it. Uh, Dave, the diver won best game design over like tears of the kingdom and other bigger spider. I will say it to the high heavens. That game has so much going on. It's ridiculous. I'll find out in five days when it comes to PlayStation was, uh, was cuckoo nominated there. It was wild wild. Are you kidding me?
Uh, another quick fire news. Animal well, uh, secretly added to the PS plus day one on May 9th. So your PS plus extra, um,

Upcoming PlayStation Releases

subscriber, you're going to get animal well, day one, along with Dave, the diver next week. And then in two weeks, tails of concern.
So keep it up. PlayStation. I would say animal. Well, not like it really needed this, but like kudos to animal getting this additional push because May 9th is a gnarly day. Yes, it is. May 9th is animal. Well, indica gift. Crow country, a corporation coming to consoles.
and surmount. There's also a hack man, like battle royale game coming out May 9th as well. No way. That's dope. Yeah. I'm kind of here for it. I think PlayStation tweeted it out. I think yesterday it's like you take over other players mazes and try to mess them up. Oh shit. That sounds sick. I'm coming. And not to mention may seven, two days prior ventures to the vial and heading out, which got a lot of buzz out of Pax East. We didn't get to play it, but people really liked that. So yeah.
Kudos to animal for getting the, uh, probably station push. My birthday weekend's going to be jam packed with lots of Indies to play. And then I'm the bigger side of Indies. Vampire survivors finally coming to PlayStation the summer as seen on the triple eye showcase. Um, yeah, of this, uh, Contra DLC, but all, but not coming to PlayStation.
So the Contra DLC is coming to every other version of vampire survivors, except for the just announced PlayStation fix it in post. You're fine. DLC is coming to every edition of vampire survivors, except for the PlayStation one. That was just announced. It's very strange. That's weird. You'd imagine you think I wonder, great. I didn't look into many of the details or anything. I wonder if, um,
like the PlayStation version of Vampire Survivors, like has all the DLC included already? Are you gonna have to buy those piecemeal? That's a good point, I don't know. Granted, the DLCs are like a buck each, so like whatever. And they're like pretty needy DLCs. But yeah, it would be nice to just kind of throw them together. There might be like a PlayStation bundle kind of thing. And it will have a platinum, which is great. Oh, is that confirmed? Yep. Hell yeah.
Obviously the other big piece of news is the triple eye showcase. Um, if you head on over to our sister podcast, the indie council, myself, Jenny, Jill, and Janet talked about it to exhaustion, you know, highlights, and then also the whole Ubisoft thing where we have a heated discussion about if Ubisoft is a triple, uh, publisher. Um,
Yeah. Go listen over there. Obviously we got a with will here. We got to be a little careful and you have your time. You can say, I just, and also me and Kyle worked on a couple of the games that were shown. Oh, okay. Fair enough. Yeah. So yeah, head over to indie council. If you want to check out.
triple-I discussions.

Triple-I Showcase Reactions

We have thoughts. We'll get into them one day. I can listen when no one can tell. Then I'll ping you and be like, good job, just because you produced it. Full disclosure, the games shown were dope. Oh, nothing against the games. Yeah, nothing against the games themselves. Absolutely not. Even Prince of Persia. Prince of Persia, I'm so stoked that a small indie developer is working on that IP.
The dead cells developer. Are you kidding me? It's like a DLC developer. Yeah. Sure. But that's like a master in heaven. It's incredible. It's also just kills me because where I previously, like if we looked like maybe a couple months to like almost a year ago, like I was an associate producer, some nine times out of 10, I would hear all these other cool things of what's going to happen. And now.
I find out just when the public does. And I'm like, oh, it's kind of refreshing to not have that sort of stressor because it's something to support or like whatever. I'm like, oh, good to go. Plus honestly, Prince of Persia twice in the same year. That's a big win. I like that. It's about the same time. But enough about Prince of Persia.

Children of the Sun Impressions

It's about games we've been playing. And I would like to start out with Children of the Sun, which I need to grab the developer name.
No news was going around. How reviewed very well, not selling a whole lot of copies, which is a bummer. So Devolver responded to that tweet, which was tweeted by a mutual friend of Becca and myself. Devolvers like, yeah, it is doing well on their end. They're happy with sales, like stuff like that. So children of the sun by Renee Rothern, of course, published by Devolver digital children of the sun is probably the most punk rock game of the year.
This game is a gnarly, grungy, technicolor acid trip of a video game. It is essentially a first-person shooter strategy game. You play as a young girl who was born into a cult, and this young girl has seemingly supernatural powers where she could control a bullet. The narrative setup is that your father,
took his own life probably because of something with the cult. So the entire goal of the game is you're pretty much just on a rampage to take down the cult. So it is a stage-based video game. Each stage has a certain number of enemies that you have to take down. And think of it sort of like a diorama where there is the stage in front of you and you're able to move strictly left and right in order to find good vantage points.
All you can do is move left and right and you can aim down the sights. As you're aiming down the sights, you can mark enemies.
and try to carve out your path. Now the cool thing that Children of the Sun does comes in the strategy part of the things. You fire the bullet as you hit one enemy, you're able to, it pretty much slows down time and you're able to freeform, aim the bullet once again and shoot another enemy. So let's say I'm aiming one dude straight in front of me, hit him, I'm able to aim to like the far right and shoot the next enemy. And you were essentially trying to perfectly
get every single enemy with one single shot. The game keeps, I guess, like refreshing itself where when you think that simple, not simple, when that core mechanic is getting
I guess a little old, or you feel like it's overstaying its welcome maybe, it introduces a new mechanic. So like the first thing it introduces is the ability to slow down the bullet, like mid path and aim it and like curve it around walls or obstacles, similar to like a wanted situation. So you could fire, like let's say you're firing at a wall and there's an enemy behind the wall. You can fire at the wall or like to the left of the wall, slow down the bullet and use the thumbstick to curve around and hit the enemy.
continue your path. As that starts to get, like, if you start feeling a little too accustomed to that, it introduces another mechanic where you can fire at enemies that have weak points. Once you hit two weak points, you gain the ability to freely re-aim your bullets. So you could shoot a couple, Kyle looks out of existence again. Welcome back, Kyle.
Once you have the ability to re-fire or re-aim freely, you can shoot wherever in the distance. You hit the left trigger, you're able to freeform 360 and find different vantage points.
I just got to another level where then we introduced full armored enemies and you have to do a power shot. There was a situation where there was an enemy with a full set of armor inside of a building and I needed to make sure that I had a clear path straight ahead that was super far away.
just so I had enough time for the bullet to reach like maximum speed. There were so many times where I like didn't have the proper distance and it would just like automatically fail even though I felt like
the speed ramped up enough, but you have to be full speed. So I was like, make sure my bullet is like, take out the six dudes, have my refire ready, shoot way into the woods, wait until I'm 100, 150 meters out, hit retrigger, do a 180, and fire directly at the dude and make sure I'm full speed ahead to knock him out.
Um, the game is so intricate. It's so interesting. It's not usually my kind of game. I am not a strategy person, but man, there's something about this. It could be the vibe. It could be the aesthetic could be just how gnarly and fucked up and like just gritty this thing is, but it works. And when you solve a puzzle,
Cause that's what it is. It's just, they're all strategy puzzles. It is so goddamn satisfying, especially when there is a stage where like there are people driving cars and like drifting around racetracks and you have to like hit the driver as he's like drifting around a bunch of different obstacles and like it's, it's fantastic. Um, I believe 21 stages, I think I'm a little more than halfway through it. I put probably put like an hour and a half into it so far. Um, but I'm excited to go through it and then, um,
replay them for like the additional challenges, which we'll get to in a second. After Kyle Stevenson asks a question. Have you played this listening to freak on a leash from corn yet? Imagine you're in the music video. Oh man. That's what this is. When you said controlling a bullet, I just thought I was like, that's the music video. Are you just realizing this Mike? Yeah. I just realized it.
I feel like when I first like had a chance to check out the demo or what I think it was for the next fest if I'm not mistaken next fest so I had a chance to play a little bit of it and I was I didn't go crazy I was like oh okay I dig the vibe quite frankly with next fest you got to kind of dip and dive and see where okay this has had my interest long enough but the first thing that came mine was I just heard the first opening notes of free gonna leash and I'm like yeah I kind of feel like a problem right now I feel like I'm doing some John Wick level things and I'm a little concerned
Yeah. So it's like, it's freak on a leash. It's John wick. It's wanted. That's what this video game is with, uh, some gnarly cult themes to it. Well, it sounds like there's a lot of the lot of puzzles that make it a lot more intricate than it. It's one of those things where quite frankly, cause I've previously reviewed so many games. You guys were just talking about like a Chia and I was like, I did a review for Chia saying like, Hey, cause I was playing when it was an EGS exclusive. I was like, if you can get it here, wait till the patches out and then cop it.
And similar to this we were talking a little bit about oh god. What was this other game that I was reviewing? There was this other game that I was I can't I'm slacking on the name But I had a chance to go play and it kind of reminded me how indie games realistically when they add puzzles like kind of sneak it into whether it be narrative or whether it be actual gameplay and
I appreciate that so much more rather than when it's in front of me. Like when I had to play like Resident Evil and they threw the remake and they're like, Hey, do this little puzzle. I'm like, this wasn't in the original. And here I am like a dummy trying to rotate a circular ball to show an image of some sort. Yet I didn't appreciate it because it was forced when I was kind of like, I guess it sounds like a child when they, you have to sneak in like the veggies when I didn't know. And it was there. Oh, so much more appreciated. It's a whole different conversation.
Yeah. This game rocks. Um, the thing I left out, there is an additional layer where each stage has kind of a hidden challenge to it. So like each stage, it has like the name of the stage and under the name of stages, like a subtitle and the subtitle is like a riddle of sorts. Um, so let's say the riddle might be, I'm just going to make something up because I can't, they're a lot more intricate and clever than this, but
bullets hurt more when they're on fire. So what that means is I interpreted that as, oh, okay, so I need to make sure I shoot my bullet through fire and then kill the enemy. And sure enough, I did that and the little goal pops up or the riddle pops up and it crosses out. So each stage has something like that. At first, they're
pretty literal and simple to figure out and simple to maneuver. Man, once you start getting to those later stages, I have no idea what they mean. Despite like,
being 100% certain, that's what they mean. There's a stage I just finished with, you're in a train yard, and there's two train tracks with two trains going on each track in different directions. And I think the riddle was just passing through. So I was like, oh, okay, so I have to fire through the train cars, through the windows, through the open doors, whatever it may be, and kill an enemy that way.
wasn't that and like I tried that challenge like multiple times and it just wasn't that. Hello, welcome back, Kyle. Every time. I'm curious how it's gonna look in post. It's gonna be great. But yeah, the additional layer of things like I'm trying to knock out those riddles like as I play, but I'm really excited to like just play through it organically and then
maybe in a few weeks, once there's a guide or something, I'll go back and clean up the achievements. All the achievements are just tied to those riddles, which is a clean way to kind of do achievements. I like that. That's how I know there's 21 stages. Yeah. That's good. That's what I was going to ask you is if you've dove into like messy with alternate solutions to each level after you solved it, but you kind of just answered it. Yeah. Like if I.
If I know what the riddle puzzle is or the additional challenge is and I haven't done it, I'll go back and try different ways. Yeah, that too, it just encourages you to be a little more creative with your kills. One of them for, I just mentioned that drifting stage where like there's two people in driving cars and one of those is a pickup truck and somebody's on the truck bed of the pickup. One of them was like,
drifting away or something like that. So I thought in my mind, I was like, Oh, I have to shoot the driver while he's drifting and maybe like the car crashes and like sends the other dude flying or something. It wasn't that, but I tried that like multiple times thinking like that was the solution. Clearly it's not. Um, so like I give it a few goes and I'll, I'll, I kind of step back and be like, okay, I'll wait for whatever the solution is for a guy to point me in the right direction. I'll, I'll give it another go.
I also didn't mention that in between certain stages, there is beautiful illustrations that run you through the narrative. It's not like voice acted or anything. It's just strictly visual, but it gives you kind of a background of who the girl is, her powers, what the cult is up to. Really beautiful stuff. It feels like
Uh, like a vertigo comic kind of, or like an old school dark horse comic, like just super scratchy. Like again, it's just completely my vibe. Um, and in between some of the stages there, there's, I guess if you want to call this, there's like mini game stages to help break up the action a little bit. Like.
One of them was called breakfast time. So you had to do the shooting puzzle by, but except killing members of the cult, you had to kill three birds and like seven fishes to get your meal for the day. So like you're just firing from like land or from sea to air, like trying to figure out the best path to wipe out all the fish and wipe out all the birds. There's another one that was like essentially
We talked funny that we talked about it a second ago, but something that's essentially Pac-Man where you are in a bathroom cleaning your weapon, but it brings up an old school CRT screen and a little head of your character has to go collect bullets and avoid
heads of the cult members. And once you collect all the bullets, like Pac-Man ghosts, you have to eat all the cult members. There's one that's just straight up a walking sim that gives you a little narrative context into what she's going through internally and the conflict that she is feeling, not only against her father, but the leader of the cult. Really interesting stuff. It feels like
as violent and vile as it is. It feels like such an art house piece as well. Um, it's really interesting. Um, it's like, it's simultaneously so Devolver, but like, I'm surprised it's, I'm surprised it got picked up by Devolver cause of, I don't know, just cause of how gnarly it is. It feels very similar in tone to like a Hotline Miami. Mike, have you seen the Devolver E3 shows?
No, I know. Like recently they're libraries though. I haven't been there. That's fair. Like plucky squire, plucky squire. Even like Colton lamb is sure gnarly in context, but it's Casey and Cozie like, yeah, yeah, yeah. I gotcha. Yeah. You feel like even though it's only like three hours, it's worth that 1499 price point.
Yeah, because I think with the replayability, like digging in, trying to get the challenges, each stage also has a leaderboard if you want to try to get like a high score. Like it depends on like how little bullets you use because you could shoot like gas tanks in cars to explode people. So yeah, if you want to try to climb the leaderboards, but yeah, I think 14 is totally fair for this.
I'm also not one to like Fufu price point. So maybe that's just a me thing. Uh, so kind of in chat also have you play carrying fair point, fair point. Oh, there's just something about this though. It feels like y'all know the movie green room, the eight 24 pet out. It feels like green room, just like really fucking dingy and dirty, but like in the best way possible. Um, it has a nice aesthetic. It says one of those things that quite frankly, that's what drew me before I noticed even the gameplay, right? Seeing how that,
the general like energy and like vibe it gives off because it's always like I don't know like pinkish purplish hues and it's such a I don't want to say like unique thing but rather just kind of having it set like you've said in that sort of background where it's like a diorama or diorama I don't know not speaking English uh pulled through there and seeing that in in combination the story was just the the icing on the cake for me because just gameplay itself
was enough. Just vibes itself was enough. And now knowing that there's additional things, this is one of those things where Devolver Digital always gets my money and I hate it because it's just like, I can't seem to save a dollar. You know what I mean? I'm trying to go through the millions of games on my freaking backlog and yet, hello, here you are. Welcome. So yeah, it's, it's, I get it from the vibe. I totally get it. It's one of those things where quite frankly, and I even forgot to mention this. If I should probably add this in.
When the escapist video crew got laid off, quote unquote laid off, they formed second wind. So I still help out with second wind and we had access to it in the count and I haven't even played it. And I'm just like one of those things where I've been failing as a human because I've realized I've only went to my comfort food of games or choice of games and rather
It's one of those things where it's just like, I hear this and I'm like, you're hurting my credit card right now. Don't do that. Think otherwise. Nah, don't think, just buy, hit purchase, be a consumer.
That's not good. See that's, if that was the logic I'd be, I was looking at wrestling tickets as if I want to buy the next one. I'm like, I should probably not do this, but it's also cheaper than what I anticipated. We go, we go into Greensboro. We're going to wrong. If you pull the trigger, we can buy it together. I'll literally demo you what you do next payday. Let's go. All right. Say less. Let's do it sick. Okay. Anyways, that's children son.
I highly recommend it. Please check it out. I'm also worth mentioning. I've been playing on steam deck docs, plays great on steam deck. It's a verified all that good stuff. Scene deck, pretty good little console. No, I'm saying pretty good console. Hey, Mike. Yeah, really quickly. I forgot a really quick fast news thing. Wow. Oh, I didn't hear it. Cause it's one of our favorite games of last year. Dredge is getting movie. Oh shit. Yeah. Dredge is getting movie. No way. What's that's dope.
Live action from story kitchen. Oh yeah. Story kitchen. I have the variety article up. They say like think six cents on the water. So that's kind of what the film version is, what it's going to be. So
kind of cool that dredge our like favorite little indie of last year is going to be on the big screen. That's wild. See, but this is where I guess skeptical. Cause I immediately think how are they going to flub this up? If they, I just, I want it to be really what it was at its core.
And it's, I don't know. I'm one of those. Oh, look, I got became blur again. I'm one of those people where quite frankly, I don't, I couldn't even tell you. It's just like, hello, good morning. No. And I can't even click call settings without refreshing. Um, but yeah, no, it's one of those things I'll, I'll wrap up quickly and just say like, Oh, I lost my shirt though. Actually you win. I'm going to go toss the mic to you. Cause I'm just a blurry person now. Yeah. Um, story kitchen, right?
Yes. Uh, they are also doing, I think they also announced, uh, I think of vampire survivors thing. No, uh, blasphemous or something like that. There's another indie project that they are attached to. I forgot what it is, but they did announce something a couple of years back. Um, I'm curious to see what the first of these indie adaptations are. Obviously we've seen plenty of,
video game adaptations come out. Supposedly the best one ever made dropped yesterday with fallout. I'm very curious to watch out this weekend. Um, yeah, people saying that though, but like, did they see the last of a show because for real.
I don't know, man, wild. So yeah, I'm curious to see like the quality of the story kitchen projects and hopefully do it justice. Hopefully there's a great crew and a good director attached. You would know this better than anyone, Mike. Sure.

Story Kitchen Adaptations

But on the story kitchens projects, part of the website, they've done the Sonic movies. I think maybe they did like assets. Cause they're attached to all three of them. That's interesting.
Yeah. There's a tomb raider thing. This is dredge disco Elysium. It takes two. Maybe they're more into games than I thought. Teddy Ruxpin. What? Okay. Okay. Cool. Streets of rage. Told you I'm an Earl vampire survivors is on there for projects. Slime rancher. I think that's what I'm thinking of. Slime rancher. Yeah. A lot more than I thought. Yeah. All right. Well, we'll see.
Trivia, did you know that there was an indie game adapted into a film a couple of years back, but not a lot of people talk about it? Yeah, we ask. Devotion from, was it Red Candle? Red Candle, Red Candle, hold on. The Nine Souls developer. Okay. I'll act like I remember which one Nine Souls is. The super dope, Metrovania Souls-like.
So with the Fox sacro like, yeah, the Fox. Okay. It's, it's coming to my mind. Great. I thought this was going to be more like a, Oh, wow. Okay. Nevermind. I'm also very worried. I will blip out at any second. So you're blipping. I'm blurry. I don't know what to do anyways. Devotion red candle games. Very good game.
Sorry, detention, detention, not devotion. Oh, devotion is a game though, because I just found it. Devotion is a game. I think it's detention got the film adaptation. I love detention. I kind of lost all my faith in video game, anything related to movie and TV after seeing that Borderlands trailer.
God, if that does not look like a piece of heart wet garbage. I don't know. It looks so stupid. I'm in between both of you guys. I understand because I played the game and I like want it to be better casting in some regard. And I'm like, why is she like 90 now? Why is she a 90 year old? But in addition,
I know Jack Black's attached to it. I know Kevin Hart knows what to do when he's in some dumb situation. So I'm like, if the writing's there or at least delivery. Kevin Hart doesn't act. Kevin Hart is just Kevin Hart. Right. But that's what you need in this movie. Like you need that energy. Not for that role. I don't know. I don't think any of the cast of choices are right. Oh man. Anyways, polarizing.
Kyle, you and I sat down to preview a video game yesterday. Sure did among ashes. Do you want to tell me about it?

Among Ashes Demo Experience

Sure. It's a old school, um, PS one style game within a game where you were playing, we're trying to think of the, the made up game night call night call. Um, which is like a resident evil one sound Hill PS one era. Um,
But it also has like some meta stuff going on where you are talking over like messenger with your friend and like, Oh, I found this really cool horror game and brings you to, um, the forum posts and you read all the foreign posts and you click the link to download and you can check out all your other friends on lists very much. Emily's away meets, um, you know, old school horror games. And then at the very end of when we started playing, that's when it kind of expanded and we got to leave the chair and explore the room and our apartment.
So it feels like there's going to be a lot of like ring situations where it's going to come out of the screen maybe and scare us in real life. Quote unquote. It was a lot of fun watching my play a cause Mike couldn't see shit. But be like, it was like, I was filled with tension and dread just being a watcher. So they're obviously nailing the vibes.
How did it feel? Mike feels great for a game that tries to, well, first off for a game that's doing multiple things in terms of
a old school retro throwback survival horror game, an Emily's away like, and a first person, not walking sim, but walking sim like horror game for it, balancing three completely different genres. It's nailing each and every one, especially because most of our time was spent in the survival horror, Resident Evil one, Silent Hill, PlayStation era kind of game. It felt fantastic. Like usually those kinds of games
They're done decently, but you could kind of tell like it doesn't, you know, when it doesn't feel super tight, you could tell. And it does kind of like stand out playing this early demo of this game. It felt great. Maybe like shooting the revolver, but again, this monitor in front of me,
very dark and I couldn't see doors and body parts. I will say my favorite thing of this demo is how it started where we were playing like an old school doom clone. Yeah. And we kept losing to the boss and we're thinking, oh, we have to beat the boss to continue whatever it is.
And then we lost a second time. Um, and then our friends instant message pop up and be like, Oh, how's it going? And it brings you out of it and kind of like shows kind of the meta narrative kind of aspects of it. Cause we were both like, how the hell are we going to beat this boss? I'm shooting him. Nothing's happening. He's doing like 50, 50 points of damage. It was insanely hard. We were getting frustrated.
It's really cool that it plays into the survival horror game as well, which yeah, that's called night call. Um, where the first like real puzzle that you come across, uh, which Kyle, I did cut out our, I saw foolishness with the puzzle. Um, but yeah, when the first puzzle you come across, like you see your friend Mark DMU, um, or I should instant message you, not the M DMS didn't exist. Um,
saying like, Hey, this is bullshit. This is bugs. And nobody can figure out the solution, blah, blah, blah. And he's like, Oh, okay. So I dug into the forums and he gives you like essentially the riddle of how to solve the puzzle. So then one of the in-game notes is bugged and it's not showing correctly. And actually in the game, when you read it, it's like a corrupted file. It says, can you see me? So it kind of adds like the, the, the spoopiness of it all.
Yeah, so like you go back in and then you're able to, you could swap back and forth between like your desktop and the game itself. And yeah, we are crux to this that you do not see in our Let's Play that is available on slash six on indie. Kyle and I spent 15 to 20 minutes trying to solve this puzzle of counting whiskey bottles. It turns out we couldn't differentiate between whiskey and rum at first. And it caused us to delve into madness for a solid 20 minutes.
So thankfully we got over that hump and from there it was great. And go back another 20 minutes or whatever we struggled for another 10 minutes digging through menus because your boy forgot how to go back to the desktop. Even though it clearly gave you that tutorial in the beginning of the game, I just forgot how to do it. And we, like at some point I quit the game by accident. It was a whole mess.
Nothing to do with the devs, nothing to do with the game. The game is fantastic. Can't wait to play more. But yeah, I was like, I've been excited for Among Ashes for a long time, but getting my hands on it exceeded expectations. And we've got a press release about it today as well. The demo is dropping publicly for everybody on April 15th as a part of Steam FPS Fest.
So y'all can meet little Derek for yourselves. Yeah. A little prick, a little mother. This looks like this could run on a potato right now. If I'm looking at this, it says, what is it? RX three 70. It's not even an RX or a GTX nine 50. Okay. You probably run this new steam deck at like 120 frames at this point. Well, when you get out of your seat and you're exploring the apartment, the apartments, it's stunning looking. Well, yeah, I'm juggling multiple aesthetics.
Well, it's a weird thing, right? Because I'm not trying to judge a book by cover, but also grass as much as I can from the Steam page. It's one of those things where it does have, like you've mentioned, the Emily thing where it's just like, oh, the artwork hits that same vibe where it's not exactly low res, not exactly the most highest of res. But then when you're seeing the gifts, I'm just looking at the apartment and then seeing how it swifts to like the gunplay. And I'm like, oh?
You give me something in a psychological thing and I get a gun, it's probably not the best option, but I'm here for the vibes after I yell and scream and die a million times. That's like a billy club. Cause Amy was holding out. Amy had this goddamn pistol the entire time. We had a way for her to, you know, succumb to injuries, quote unquote, without spoiling things. Amy didn't want you to know her profession. It's fine. Don't worry about it.
Amy was probably the most terrifying part of the demo. She jumpscared us multiple times. She just follows you around constantly and Mike turns around and she's just right there. I also need to say when you said that you guys were stuck and on whatever the stream for 20 minutes, I'm like, for whiskey bottles, I'm like, I need you guys in a freaking escape room. I want to see the chaos that are from there. It would be hell. And I kind of want every bit of it.
We were on it. We just, it was the same, same color liquid. It's just the wrapper of the bottle was different and we were just looking at the liquid. That's fair. The bottles are shorter and they're in shape. You know, you know, we wanted to be cool for the internet and we failed. Yeah. Yeah. Um, there was also math involved that Ooh, Sudoku. Well, it was like,
The six whiskey bottle or the whiskey bottles minus three. The, no, the portraits of the ladies minus four. Yep. The sum of all of the numbers minus the number of deer heads in the room, like plus the spot, plus the number of spots on the toad on the desk. No way. Very frazzled. It was like that point of like, we wanted to like hit this embargo this morning, but at that point I was like, I don't think it's happening.
Well, once they start giving you YMX plus B, you got to start figuring out all that extra shit. You're like, ah, maybe this wasn't the best idea. But again, that was just me and Kyle being dumb. To be fair, that would have been me, too, because it's one of those things where I think I noticed I'm not one of those people when I analyze and I'm in a puzzle. I do it very surface level to see because traditionally I'm like, OK, if they just strong narrative, usually you'll get like some light puzzling and then you get those one or two games where they sneak it in and it's just like slap heavy your face. Here's your roadblock. And I'm like,
I've done everything. I've circled this map a million times. There's no way I'm, Oh, look, the crown's right there for some silly shit to get past the puzzle. You know? Yeah. Well, you've been playing, um, two of our favorite games here on the, on indie cast. Would you like to chat about them for a little bit?
the, did we, do we previous say this is ball terror really count. I've been calling it a ball terror. I don't know if that's how it's pronounced. It's below. I was referring to a short hike and spin rhythm. Oh, well we could talk about that too. No, no, no. Yes.

Calming Games and Contrasts

You did write that. I'm so sorry. Well, it's going to be a very short conversation for a short hike. So, uh, long story short, I was kind of going through, uh,
How do I describe this without sounding too personal I think like most people we go through our ups and downs and I had a heavy wave of depression hell I'm still going through it you probably can't tell but I try to block that out cuz you don't deserve that but in doing so I was looking for a spark
Because quite frankly one of the bigger things i've said and i express this to mike i was like i miss a lot of like being able to be a content creator and also being able to just play games and like not focus on
Sales in this standard third, like work has kept me so preoccupied. I haven't had an opportunity to really play. So, uh, a friend had recommended that I try something silly and it was like, you should change genre. Stop playing FPS is stop playing WWE. You don't need to finish stories. You're fine. Just do something else. The story has been finished. No, it's still going. I believe there's some more in there, but we'll get there where we get there. Um, but yeah, so I started to play, um,
short hike and man it's one of those things where I kind of just repeated myself and I sound a little crazy where it's just like I'm trying not to judge the book by its cover based off the Steam page and yet I went in with that low expectation and bear and I have only put in probably like 20 minutes it's not crazy however those 20 minutes have been blissful I don't know how to describe it I feel like I'm already getting into a situation where I can kind of project
where the end narrative kind of looks like or the general takeaway. And I'm like, I don't know if I'm ready to get on this roller coaster ride. I don't know. I also kind of have like this fear of like when I get a chance to get into an indie game and I don't have to sync it to like, uh, embargo or like I'm just playing as a consumer.
Uh, that's when I realized I'm not as critical and very so much more flexible. And here I am looking at it. Like, I don't really give a shit of what like I, other expectations where they call it the walking Sim genre. And I'm like, I, maybe I'm just the punk. I kind of like it. It's one of those things where it's very new to me. And maybe, I mean, do you guys have experience? I'm assuming you guys, it's a very short game. I'm assuming you go all beat it. No, it's a very short hike. Yeah.
So it's, it's, it's on my list. I haven't beaten it yet. Oh, you had it yet. No, no, no. But like in the same vein, like little Gator game is essentially the same vibe. And it's just like a, you know, the feelings of like when you were a kid playing a game and just like the pure joy from what you're doing and not have to worry about like numbers or mid maxing or whatever. Right. It seems like that kind of light and easy vibe that I've been so desperately needing because quite frankly,
I'm, everyone can judge me now. I'll say it so that way we can just get it out. I play a shit ton of Fortnite. It's bad. I have been playing since season zero. I don't know how to stop. And, uh, because I've gotten, ah, see, look, you pull it out.
I didn't even know they made, you know, is it one, is it as a dying art where they don't really, really publish Indies as much in a physical form? Is it just dying now? Yeah. And shout out to limited run. Super rare. Super rare. Yeah. Okay. They're carrying the, carrying the mantle. I love that. Um, but I know I got to finish it and I know the reason why my friend had recommended to me is because I did review, uh, the little Gator game and,
Everyone thought I was crazy. I'm usually the type of person where like I'll be analytical where I have to be, but something about like childhood, like core nostalgia gets to me. I know that's my weak point whenever I look at assets and Gator game did that and they were like, you gotta get this little vibe here too. And I'm like, okay, I don't need tears in my life. So I will get there. I'm sure I will ping someone at one point complaining that it was too short and that I need to replay it immediately.
Make sure you take your time exploring the island. Cause there is a lot that, despite it being a more bite-sized game, there's a lot to dig into. Are you playing on a steam deck? Yeah. Look at the achievements also. The achievements will help you kind of like, it'll encourage you to explore the island a little further.
Oh yeah. This is one of those things where I'm, I'm looking for that. I can take my time with because quite frankly, I, that's the energy. I know either it may be short, but that's the thing. I'm also an achievement hunter by heart. Um, when you work for a website called true achievements, true trophies and all those other shit. Yeah, of course. Uh, but yeah, that's one of those things where I, I will take that advice because I'm probably going to need to like FC that just for pride. Uh,
But outside of that, Spin Rhythm XD. And I wonder why I have a copy of that. Weird. But no, what was the 24 hour charity stream where you guys were showcasing that? Yeah, the Extra Life one. I just from literally leaving because we were there together and all in person. And then when I broke out, I juiced you. Yeah, you juiced me hard. OK, no, stop it. I'm not feeling very oozy right now.
I'm just at this point doing it because, is that what the witches brew was Mike? Yeah. Do you have to, where do you think, where do you think the core ingredient is? Extractive wheel. Okay. We're spinning with rhythms at XD. So like I, I have a love for like guitar hero rock band that era. I grew up, I got plastic guitars right there right now.
Um, I play the Fortnite festival because I'm a child. So this scratches that itch in such a way where quite frankly, I don't know. I feel like a kid playing like a PS one or PS two demo. Like when you don't know the soundtrack and yet it's a whole different sort of like medley and mix of like multiple Jarvis that kind of feels similar, but yet.
have their own sort of vibe. Uh, I almost wish there was like a mod community that could throw in because I'm like, I kind of want the challenge of playing something a little bit more modern in that regard. Cause I already have the DLCs, but that's just me complaining. That's like first world problems. Uh, outside of that, you're playing on switch, right?

Nostalgic Gaming with Spin Rhythm XD

It's still, no, no, I'm playing Steve. Are you spending? I haven't dug into it, but there, there is like a whole track editor in there. He could download tracks.
Right. I've seen it. It's one of those things where, like, I haven't really dove fully into. Same. Yeah. And I probably should. But my first initial reaction was that, oh, they're going to want me to create a beat or like make a song. And I'm like, that's going to be bad. Like, don't put me on that.
but I'm sure there's a community that's going further. I've just been kind of taking that in, but I've also found it like, I thought I would like it best on controller. I actually like it better on keyboard and mouse. I did not anticipate this. Yeah. And I'm not a keyboard or mouse player. I, for some reason, I think it's just because I have the DPI, like high as hell. So it could just be like a little boop and it's gone. Sometimes when I spin on the steam deck, I think my steam deck is a little slow. He's like, Oh, you pushed me. I don't remember that thumbstick and I'm like, Oh, okay.
Yeah. I'll play with the track pads. The track pads. I'm not a track pad guy. I forget it's there either. It's great though. It's the track pad stream is spin rhythm nine times out of 10. When I'm touching the track pad, it's out of mistake. When my thumb just hit over and I'm like, Oh shit, I forgot that's there. You use like I'm bright. You're a lefty.
I'm already. So with your right thumb on the right trackpad, like just pretend this is it scrubbing left and right on the thing, the, you know, the, whatever you want to call it, the runway thingy magic. And then just simply like tap to tap the big notes. Like, you don't have to worry about Facebook or anything like that. It feels so good. And it's so responsive. Well, I also, I'm going to humble myself. I don't play on like the highest difficulty. This is the one thing where that's where, no, I've seen some of y'all go in and I'm like, yeah, like,
I don't know. I'm looking at like my high score will not be the same. I could like FC tracks on normal. Hard is where I start to struggle a little bit. Sure. Yeah. I could get through on hard, but I, it's a struggle. I'm just not built like that. It's one of those things where my brain's like, Oh wait, I have to do this. It's feels so unnatural. It's like trying to play like the closest thing I can compare it to is like DJ hero for the first time. And you're like, I played guitar hero. So I'm accustomed to hitting and strumming, but like now there's a motion that I have to keep in mind. And now there's a little thing to change.
It's a little layer of difficulty, but nothing too crazy. It's one of those things where I feel like eventually I'm gonna have to take a break after so many hours, but yeah, I can't complain. But that's only the two indie games I think I've been playing recently.
I might, I might boot it up tonight. It's a great game. I should call, I should call her. I should call her. My one wish is, uh, I, cause there is that one Lana rain Celeste track in there. I really want one day for the devs to just be like, start reaching out to indie composers and, and get tracks in there. I think that would be dope. Yeah. I would love that.
Yeah. And shout out to Onomatoguchi. Onomatoguchi also has one track in there. See, you've said more words today in combination of indie titles and just that. And I'm like, I, if I had to take a shot for every time, don't, it makes me uncomfortable. You say it faster. But like of the Scott Pilgrim video game, Onomatoguchi.
You know what? You would think I know that because I know who self-publishers are. No, it's not. I don't know. Mistakes. Well, those are things that we've been playing that they're already available. Kyle, if I want more Indies.
what's happening this week in Indy.

Upcoming Indie Releases

I gotta, I gotta get better at this transition. You're doing great. I'm going to try to do it with, before I get blipped Tuesday, April 16th, Harold Halibut comes to PC, Xbox series X and PS five. Harold Halibut is a handmade narrative game about friendship and life on a city size spaceship submerged in an alien ocean. Join Harold as he explores a vibrant retro future world and his quest to find the true meaning of home.
I'm so stoked. This is finally coming out. Yeah. It's been a long time coming. We played this. It was during lockdown, right? The first time we, the Tribeca games festival. I think during lockdown, cause I think I was still in Mount Kisco. So yeah, we got to play this via parsec. It was like our first parsec demo.
weird. And it was weird covering Tribeca that early, but yeah, stoked. Very excited for it. Um, and, and then on Thursday, April 18th, Thursday, April 18th, no rest for the wicked comes to PC early access for moon studios. The award-winning developers of Ori and the blind forest and Ori the will of the wisps comes no rest for the wicked, a visceral precision action RPG set to reinvent the genre.
And then your description, that's all I could find though, without getting into like the lore. I think it's a, it's a sort of like pirate souls thing. Yeah. Yeah. Like top down ish isometric. Looks great. It's got the beautiful moon studios, like look to it. Yeah. I heard fantastic things so far.
And then finally on Thursday, Oomerangie generation VR comes to quest and PSVR to Oomerangie. Generation is a first person photography game in the shitty future set in Taronga. Oh, oh my God. Taronga old territory era of the back of an impending crisis. You are courier for the Taronga express throughout the game. You unlock a variety of lenses and equipment.
Yo, speaking of punk rock video games, wearing a generation is the most punk rock video game ever made bar none. It fucking rules. Everybody needs to play you wearing a generation. I wish I had a headset to play it in VR. I mean, I can let you borrow mine. I live, my quest literally just sits there unless I'm playing beat saber. So
Literally same. This is like me and Matt made a promise to ourselves. We're like, Oh yeah, we need to get updated headsets before wearing a generation VR comes out. Obviously it didn't happen. Life happens. It's fine. Too expensive for one game, you know, but yeah.
Cool. Uh, everyone, thank you so much for hanging out with us tonight and listening to the six one indie cast. Please do us a huge favor wherever you're listening or watching. Leave us a review, drop a comment for the algorithm on YouTube, but give it a thumb up, share it with your friends. Smooch your favorite. You know what I'm saying? Give it a little smooch. Give your favorite episode a little smooch.
We will catch you next week for another episode. Um, yeah, I got nothing for you. Go check out that among ashes video. Uh, Kyle and I are going to try to record a bunch of other let's plays. So keep an eye out on the old YouTube channel. And, uh, yeah, we're getting to clocked out. Catch you later. Bye.