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Ep.199: Reacting to Our First Showcase image

Ep.199: Reacting to Our First Showcase

Six One Indiecast
102 Plays5 months ago

On the eve of the fifth  consecutive Six One Indie Showcase, we thought it would be fun to go back in time for a good ol' fashion live react of The Mini Indie Showcase 2022.

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Episode Introduction

What is happening friends and family? Welcome to what we are calling episode 199 of the 6.1 indie cast Mike here along with Kyle Stevenson. Hello Kyle. Hello Mike. How are we? I'm okay.

Significant Day Anticipation

We are we're days away from the big day. We're days away from the big day. um If I could pull it up quickly, I found an accurate representation of how I'm currently feeling. um Let's see if the camera will get it. It's a frog. Oh, this is bad. Oh, drill bad. Hold on.
great console. Well, you can kind of see it there. It's a frog on fire with a big sword. I see colors. What if I, what if I do that? Okay. That's okay. Better. It's a little better. A frog on fire with a big sword. And and he says, I'm at my frog in limit.
That's how I feel. That is very accurate. Um, we're going to do something a little special

Upcoming Indie Showcase Announcement

today. It is currently Monday, September 16th, the six one indie showcase for September, 2024 airs on September 19th, our fifth showcase. So we had the idea, um, without spoiling anything, it very much feels like this next showcase is, um, we grew up, I would say like where we're really, I feel like we said that a couple of times. Well, like,
Man, this next one, when you see it, you'll know what the

Reminiscing First Showcases

hell we're talking about. um So we figured it would be fun to go back to the very first showcase, what formerly known as the mini indie showcase, back on April 20th, blaze it, 2022.
um No script, everything's improv. All improv. We tried to put codes on the on the board in between takes. The birth of Petey. Yeah. um so We figured go back and and do a little live react and um reminisce probably cringe and embarrassment. Cause I don't know about you. I i haven't watched this thing.
probably since 2022. I've only seen clips when you have done like the little hype little trailers of like showcase with the year. That's the only little bit I've seen. Yeah. So um it's going to be fun. It's going to be yeah embarrassing probably, but it's a good, I feel like with our going into our fifth showcase, like five feels like a bit of a milestone. if It feels nice to kind of like go back and reflect where we were.
five productions ago. So yeah, that's what it's going to be.

Behind-the-Scenes Challenges

Audio might be a little weird. This is very much like loosey goosey. You know, I'm not trying to go crazy. Hence why if you're watching the video version down below says interview spoilers for what the interview overlay looks like. But yeah, let's let's get to it. I'm going to click this guy. All right. And we're going to hit play. All right. You ready? Yes, sir.
Oh my goodness. Ooh, look at that. sta Look at the wires on the floor. Welcome to the mini indie showcase. I'm Mike. I'm Kyle. We are 6.1 indie and this is our... The hell's up with my hair. Today we have 18 rad indie games that absolutely... My beard was real short back then, I used to. Real short, yeah. A massive shout out to all the developers, publishers, PR folks. We literally wouldn't be sitting here right now... Remember, I'm gonna pause it right now. We're gonna pause this throughout.
Yeah. Remember how long it took in my, my former office, that little equipment room closet to, uh, tape this indie games coaster together. Yeah, very, very long. So long. um All of this stuff. So everything that you see on the table is from my my apartment. Thankfully, we found this little ah Sony ah monitor to just throw the logo, the old thumbnail on there. yeah I forgot the old 6.1 indie logo is still here. Like that looked way too close to the ah former Twitter icon, which in hindsight, now not really a problem anymore. Fun fact, that is the version of the logo, Kelsey has tattooed on her.
And neither routes have a six one and indie. I did promise you I'll get it eventually. Just yeah, I will too, but I find that funny. Yeah. um But yeah, this is um at my old job um in the soundstage and it's me and you just in front of a literally this camera that I'm using as a webcam now.

Freeze Frame Fiascos

Great freeze frame on my face, by the way. I i gotta say the toughest thing about doing these shows and like trying to get screen grabs and stuff. We are so usually me and you.
We're so in sync. We we we have great chemistry. we We know each other really damn well, but goddamn, we don't sync up in terms of like having good freeze frames. Like, I look miserable if you're smiling. You look like this so if I have a good curious face on. It's it's real bad. Shout out to passive controller also, great shirt. yeah um I'm rocking the teenage blob. Cause this, I believe we show um team laser beams, ah wres wrestling with emotions during this thing.
Man, yeah, this whole set took, I think like the set itself took what? Maybe like an hour, hour and a half to get together. Cause like I came in the day before it to drag like the couch and stuff. Yep. Then we had to string the lights in the back. String the lights in the back, um getting the audio and everything together, getting the camera shot and everything in focus together. I think like in total probably took like, it probably took like three and a half hours or something like that. Yeah.
Cause then, oh so this is a 29 minute and 55 show, 55 second showcase. I think we were filming for two hours because the amount we fucked up the lines is again, no script. No script, exactly. Everything in this show is strictly just from us improving. We had like somewhat bullet points. So like, yeah, at our feet, there is either at our feet or under my seat, there is like bullet points. Like yeah make sure we hit this, this, and this.
okay but we didn't totally follow it too too much. That teleprompter was a game changer. yeah Seriously, shout out to Vision Craft Productions for ah gifting us the technology of a teleprompter. we didn't have Do we have a Vision Craft? Did we have a Vision Craft? Yes, we have. Did we have a teleprompter for the next one we shot? Yeah.
We did. Okay. yeah So we had this first one without it. We had it for March 23 and they forgot it for, um they forgot to rent it for August 23. So it was Harry holding the iPad under the camera.

Teleprompter Troubles

Oh yeah. That's right. Oh man. So like we had the teleprompter, but we didn't have the thing that we like, we're looking in the lens. So that was like me and you trying our best to like quickly glance at lines and then look at the lens. So it wasn't too obvious. Man.
What a day. It was also very hot in that room. Very hot. Oh my goodness. I'm very sweaty. Yeah. Yeah. Anyways, let's keep on keeping on. That's absolutely correct, Mike. So please hit up slash showcase with a full list of all the games wishlist on Steam, social media pages, and much more. It's very long legs. It's not the show. Keep an eye on our boy Petey. You might have a secret or two for you. Ain't that right, Petey? That's right.
so great Honestly, the best thing we've ever ever done. It's time. We've waited long enough. The long awaited team cherry. Time out. Shout out to the silk song sickos. we've We've made it there in our comments for the premiere and the hype teaser. I honestly forgot that we teased that.
Yeah. Two years ago at this point as a joke, cause we knew it was going to happen. Yeah. So we made it five showcases later or four showcases later. It's good thing that we didn't do it for the, for this one. Cause you were joking about it. I know. Listen, I'll say here, we, if you're new here, we don't have team champs on cloud. Don't expect it. like We do not.
Like, I wish, but man, that's Keely's job at this point. We didn't get it? No, we didn't get it. Okay, fine. Put away your putter. it's We're off the golf course. It's time for sports. Oh, sports story. It's sports story. How about, you know, we're a New York based company. How about some New York based developers? That sounds rad. Here we go. Oh, oh the at this, the world premiere of Lucid. Mm-hmm.
I haven't seen this trailer since this moment, I think. Yeah, it's been a while. And then it was the talk of the show, this PAX. Yeah. It's wild. And like immediately, so like, so for 2022, like, yes, and somebody, I forgot who said it was like, oh, you guys would have picked 420. I was like, man, it was the day before PAX. I think it was, I think it was Will. It was Will, yeah. um So literally the day after I was at the Apogee booth playing something else and then Kyle Prahl,
now working with Square Enix. He's like, oh, you want to see a hands-off behind the scenes thing? And he shows me Lucid. I was like, yeah, we did the world premiere for these yesterday, buddy. And then ah gobleblet I take a picture of it, and I send it to Eric, the developer of Lucid. And I'm like, hey, look what's showing up. Ha ha.

Lucid Game Premiere

And I see this man poke his head ah into the the private room. And we just give us give each other the biggest hugs in the world. It was like one of the most momentous moments of my life. That's great. I love it.
Shout to Graham. Shout to Graham. What a banger.
If you haven't played Super Space Smoke, man. What are you doing? I would say an essential Steam Deck game. It is on Xbox also, but... Just for the soundtrack alone. Yeah.
Great plug opportunity. ah You could check out Super Space Club as a part of the 6.1 Indi Showcase a Steam event that is going to begin on September 19th at 1 p.m. Eastern right after the September Showcase ends as part of our alumni section.
Friend of 6.1 Indi, a different will than we just mentioned, ah popped into our 6.1 Indi Discord. ah We all get raw tonight.
for Monday Night Raw.
got, let me pause it here. So there's 18 games in the showcase because we were only able to get 18 games and like we, being our first time doing this, we really had a fight for games, not fight, but like some people were like super cool, but like there's a reason a lot of our friends were in this showcase or like people we worked with in the past, like what's upon Jester where we became familiar with Mark and the crew through um oh the snowman game. Exactly. I was just trying to think of the game that we all love a whole lot. Oh my God.
I need you to do a fact check while I continue. Yeah. I can tell you the devs name. but avan um hu ah It's Graham. Graham is a friend of ours. We've known him for God, probably like seven, eight years at this point. um So that's why we want to show off super space. Everybody wham wham. Everybody wham and I'm a banger. So like a lot of these games are just from people that we've worked with in the past are just personal friends. And um I will say as obviously like everybody wham wham, we adore it.
When we showed this

New Trivia Game Introduction

off, I was expecting another Wham Wham, but like playing it totally blew me away. Lucid looks so good. Shout out to Mat Black Studio, high action. Look at that switch color at the back. I can not wait we deserve wait too long to I think basically one of the keys is right. that is Yeah, I don't remember what's wrong. I think this is the one. Once upon a jester, check out our dev combo with the... For audio listeners, it's Infernax. One of our favorite games of last year. So good, so good. So Kyle, we both love the Jackbox games. A huge fan of Trivia Murder Party. Yes, and I'm typically pretty bad at trivia. I mean, yes, I always do win. What if I told you we had a brand new game announcement that was just a Jackbox-like trivia game that... These are the pants I ripped the packs. You can grab them all right now. Here's a brand new one.
A mere 24 hours later. me and and the great waregon bakeoff this time the galaxy's favorite game show host me captain quazar is talking with zo only trivia game I don't think so There's a couple that are not out. alienate Let's see, games are hard to make. Oh yeah.
It's a fun trailer. Very fun trailer. Alienate zones can go crazy. Yup.
if they answer enough questions correctly the planet is theirs easy peasy ride wrong you see not everyone on this team is keen on world domination each week we abduct invite some infiltrators to sabotage the game in an effort to win back there and Do you remember when we shot this thing? I'm just trying to think of like the production timeline. the earthly I feel like it was pretty because theyll end like way too tight. their team false facts will are contest It was, successfully I think, in February. was it happeninging earth and that February or March, I think. That would be impressive, if that was February. That means we release. Stuck with our title.
alienate a brand new multiplayer trivia game for friends and friendship is fun. I mean, train can it listen I know you were a teacher back in the day. I got them street smarts. All right. Petey knows this. He's got my back. Hey Petey, do you like cozy games? Loves cozy games. How about we gotta go back to that. I know it's like so hard because we have so many games and stuff now and like, yeah, into the rhythm, but get hear sir I also like,
I also know like Petey's got his pre-show now. Oh yeah, pretty. Yeah, pretty Jesus. Pretty. Carnapath just launched, I believe this year.
But yeah, I think at the very least, I think this time we messed up a little bit and he's not in our shot. Like, I used to like him to be in the background sometimes. Yeah, I think the space was kind of small for this one. Yeah, yeah. So I don't think we would have been able to make that happen. I mean, I'm putting my foot on, you know, putting my foot on the ground, foot in the ground, foot down, putting my foot down, putting my foot down. Sure. That if we do that space that we want to do for the next one, he will be at a, ah we'll call it a bar stool. 1000%.
Are we using PD for the awards?
That's a great question. Right? Like, how... How us do we want to be? Yeah, I don't know. I was just looking it up. We filmed on March 22nd. Damn, that's tight. Oh, wait. No, I'm sorry. That was the 2023 one. Oh, yeah. Yeah. That was 2023. Because I know for a fact I tweeted after we filmed my sweaty ass face. Oh, I remember that too. Yeah, tweet that out. Yo, Mythic Owls new game. So right now, Harmony's Odyssey is on screen. Their new game looks like a banger. It's like Dredge bigger in a van.
It's not Caravan sandwich, is it? No, no, no. I always confuse it also with Caravan sandwich.
Mike, you're going to be so mad that I found the date. Oh, God. Can I guess? Yeah, you want to mute it or pause the stream? Is it? If I'm going to be mad,
Did we do this thing on like April 2nd or something? Did we do this in April? I tweeted out. This is what I tweeted. This is what I wake up to in the Tundra household. Today's the day. Excited to record 61 and D the mini indie showcase. My friend here might even play a big part in the show and it was a skeleton with the PD mask on.
April 9th, 2022. Get the fuck out of here, really? We gave ourselves 10 days. How the fuck did we do this? I don't know, Mike. Well, you were, you were still, I don't think you were at Vicarious yet. No, no, no. I was working at the JBFC. That's where we filmed it. Yep. I was, I think I was at the glass and mirror

Editing and Audio Challenges

place. Yeah. So I had more time at night.
Yeah, we we gave ourselves 11, 10 days technically to have it uploaded to get done. I think the next day we sat in your living room and edited it all. If not all most. yeah I remember we um the fun thing about learning how to do this. And like i've I come from the film world to like, I knew like the process. I just didn't execute it correctly. The most pain in the ass part was syncing all the audio because Despite, so like, I think, ooh, I forgot how we did it. This is just getting too and into the weeds, but man, yeah, 10 days. Yeah, dude. For context, we filmed the September 19th show on April 3rd, or sorry, sorry, sorry, August 3rd. So a month plus.
Crazy. Absolutely insane. I don't know how that, I'm shocked that there's a video that exists. Yeah.
Oh yeah. to i also get simply I also distinctly remember going to PAX. um and and met them yeah yeah and it was it was the beginning of us like figuring out how to say that we did this thing to the people that gave us their games. That was a brand new look at Harmony's Odyssey's multiplayer mode, co-op puzzle game. I played it a few months back. I really like it. It's really cool. I can't wait. And while I don't have any green thumbs in real life, I have green thumbs in the virtual video game world. Garden Pass looks super, super cozy. That's right, friends. All in problem. I'd be like, let's do a complete 180. Grab your heaviest, warmest coat. And whatever you do with the second game that we're showing in this next box, don't listen to the title. Liars. They're lying to you.
That was, I think that was pretty close to what were you still do? Yeah. Like setting up games, that was pretty close. Yeah. Article wakening. I'm so excited for this. Mm-hmm. I don't know, sis. Once is bad luck. Twice. Well... It's that damned robot. Always watching him.
<unk>s enough to drive anyone nuts I was like, despite, like, not totally preparing a script, and like, you know, doing the impromptu thing, whatever, and being our first one. like a setup Great cadence. Oh, god yeah. don't think great oh yeah president like we nailed have this mu Absolutely. Yep.
knows i never did understand that kid
You know what really bugs me along a production standpoint? I really wish I put back my music videos. I was going to mention that earlier. Cause you can tell we're just in a big room. That's what Kai said the last time we talked, but two boys in a big room. That's going to happen. Two boys, big couch, big room. Obviously that was the original skeleton. That skeleton did not survive. I forgot what happened to it.
I just think when you moved, I think you left it, you right? Yeah, but it was broken. okay yeah What are you doing here? A trailer? Oh, of course. it's Of course it's ready. So I mean, it's I think it should be right. yeah It's a great trailer. Great trailer. Just wait 30 seconds. I didn't make a trailer. Don't panic. Let's something. Listen, we edited a whole showcase in 10 days. this is It's fine. It's possible. I put that in there, did I?
As you can tell, Petey could not handle things in the Arctic. Look at his bones. He's barely hanging on. He doesn't have much love. He doesn't have much love. Do you know how naked my arms look? I love magic. I was asking Petey. Sorry, this is a Petey show. Tattoo-wise. Listen, like all of us here, we love tattoo. Yeah, I'm pre-tattoo here too. But you know, it's hard to like with Trapped in Wizardry right now. So how about- Still fucking true. Still true.
um Let me see if I remember the name of this game. Songs of Glimmerwick? Yes.
Another one not out yet, but for obvious reasons, because look at it. Yeah. Banger. Tonight, I welcome you to the Echory School of Magic and Melody. Each and every one of you has the potential to channel music and make a powerful change in the world. I think that's like one of the tweets I have saved from Jess Sanchez. Oh, yeah. She took a screencap of then, she's had six minutes, she's had trans rights, like once in a while retweeted, just for the heck sake. Mm-hmm. And not to be taken lightly.
I know how how long into this showcase are we? We are 13 minutes, 13 of 29 minutes. Only reason I ask is that like, I think our pre-show is what, 10 minutes long yeah for this upcoming show? Yeah.
wild which has had no opportunity to learn Well, I guess technically it's like nine minutes or something a short like that. Yeah. Yeah. There's a, there's a one minute timer after the YouTube at a time, i just to make sure things line up correctly.

Reflections on Physical Changes

While that is beautiful to know, would you mind doing it elsewhere? Jesus. Some of us are trying to sleep. The cat brushed it up against my my leg and scared me.
Music, magic, looks great. Yeah, it looks fantastic. Can't wait. New code. Princess Farmer. They look like they're going to be awesome. Of course, yeah. But I want to play something right now. Right now. You can tell how sweaty it is because my hairstyle has completely changed. Let's start of the video. This is Anno. Anno-mutation him. Yeah. A standout favorite for a lot of folks. Yeah.
I still only ever played the demo. I really liked why I played it. Same.
I remember because we were extremely lucky enough that kind of funny reacted to this. yeah I think this was like Greg Miller's standout yeah of the show.
so beautiful still is oh my god yeah i'm also glad this like clearly played the disease of like we want to feature games that you could grab right now yeah well at the time the very i don't think this was i don't think that was on purpose like i think it was again it's just the games yep um So I'm glad we're we're sticking with that. Obviously had like, we eventually got to where we are now with like doing it in the pre-show of like
little chill jam too Yeah, another good bop.
This is so weird. What? Like watching this, this feels way longer than two years ago. Yeah. To only think it's been two years since we started this, well, closer to three than two, but it's wild.
you talk notice that okay i came out opening your priory i didn't notice that played I think about 50 of the levels so far It's really good. It's really addictive. The good thing about having 18 games, we could really take our time we talking. Do you like Mass Effect? Of course I do. Do you like Monkey Island? Spaceboat? Do you like the Muppets? Nothing in the world I love more than the Muppets. That's my man. Well, how about we delve into the mind of former Triple A veteran? There's nothing I love more than the Muppets. the broche mass effect three
and death speech You got a say in some of these, you know? narrative Sorry, you froze on my end. whatever Repeat what you just said. hit base life Oh, I said you say you you got in the moments. You say what you got to say. Fantastic video game. ah's too late Can't wait for the full launch.
The crew of the IGCL Princess Andromeda. Discover with me, strange new life forms. Meet Cosmic Wales. And set sail for an adventure of... Also like the kindest human beings on the planet. Oh, absolutely.
Don't forget to pre-order! Thanks, Earl. A cat in a Muppet mech. Ooh, can't say Muppet. Oh, sure. Yeah. Well, according to Rekabob, even though we said Muppets earlier, is carpets based on life or rule? I like that a lot. Yeah. Disney don't come for us, please. Disney don't have that kind of money. no No, no, no. Wow. Look at that. I talk, I make a little jab at corporations over the first showcase and this mech showcase. Spoiler alert. We also still don't have any money. Better narratives. Yeah.
Bangers, you know, I know I came such a long way between this one and when we showed it when we showed it in April, August Last August Yeah No, March because it was hard. Yeah, this is part of it. Yeah, this is like show Pete like show play now pre-show Oh
Speaking of which, these devs just dropped the early alpha demo kind of thing of Shrooming Gloom. Play it. Team
or is it End of lines. I was just about to say, I don't remember the name of this game. It is so hot, it feels red. When did it stop being blue?
A battered old paper with words I can't read. And lines that fade and melt. Artic and weak being end of lines and then later on.
Lines that guide us towards. It's blanking on the name. Rift. Something rift. coming left Remnants of the rift. Remnants of the rift. um Shout out to our buddy Chris at player two PR. and yet This is like one of the ones I'm like hitting up a friend in PR at the time. yeah Like, hey, you got anything? in If we're doing this thing, please take a chance.
I wonder there a lot of wrestlings how far we would have gotten. so many wrestlers it's wi and hey shoutout to team me in south africa i love you guys so much park and huge club the greatest games are I wonder how far we, how many more games we would have gotten if we took more chances, like reaching out to folks like dream games or whatnot. I think we were not like, what a great still by the way. um
I think, and this is not to discredit 2022 version of us. I don't think we were super confident yet. No, we weren't. We absolutely weren't. Yeah. like Even like with like the developer interviews that we were doing and and stuff like that, like i we were very much in our early days of like not really knowing how to approach folks, but like nowadays it's like, yeah, easy to shoot a DM. I mean, it helps that like each of these showcases like views and stuff wise, like get better and better and better. um So we have a bit of credibility nowadays. So like we have ah our footprint in comparison, very small, but like, we definitely have like a bit of credibility and and like the data to back us up. So definitely helps when shooting our shots. And I came to tease a little bit that that became crystal clear with, um
the current awards outreach that I'm doing for like presenters and stuff. yeah um But yeah,

Developer Interactions

I'm also curious. Cause like we've learned over the years that people are just super down to earth and just absolutely willing to to do the damn thing. So like, yeah, we we could have, we easily could have. What's PD doing? I don't know. This was like part of the, part of the rule, I guess was like PD has to be in a different position every shot. Audio listeners, he is currently sitting in the chair upside down.
Also something that annoyed the hell out of me when we were editing this thing. Do you notice on screen, what would annoy the hell out of perfectionists over here, Mike Doudrow? Oh, I saw it in the opening shot. The wires on the right side of the screen. The wires on the right side of the screen? What are you talking about? I'm on the skateboard. That's awful. I didn't notice that. Oh, okay. um What else could there be? There's something more egregious. ah Green-gis.
Oh, the behind the curtain, the green screen showing. Green screen curtain opening up. Yeah. God. Whoops. I forgot why that happened, but we're fucking around with the curtain right there.
Well, I think it's because when we moved PD, we probably nudged it. Oh, yeah. Probably. Because we shot this in order. Kyle, our next game coming to HIO later this year. What a fucking reveal. I was so happy I got to do this.

Playdate Console Exclusive

Coming to the play date.
Oh, let's check this out. And this was before the play date came out. And I remember, uh, bless. up So kind of how you do in the library. I remember watching bless being like, how the hell does this man have a play date?
um Yeah. out That was, I think this might've been my favorite reveal of this first one. Yeah. For that moment alone. Cause that was super cool.
Chat to George, right? Yeah, George, let's get up here. For getting us this.
bit. I was just about to say, where is my play date? Mine's right next to me.
It's a great little device. I love the thing. It really is. Some wild shit on the store nowadays. There's a killer pinball game coming out soon. I saw it floating around.
So that was a look at bloom, a hardware exclusive for the play day as well. It's my favorite. be sh if you like Where is he? I got to move my camera for real time video people. Yeah, that's pretty cool. Can't wait. We were like, Hey, where can we put them? We're going to dive into those like staticky VHS vibes.
So that cut there was because we had to make a cut in the edit. So I had to hide it with just a egregious closeup shot. I forgot what, and why or what was wrong.
It's a great trailer. Very good. Yeah.
You know what else I'm noticing while watching us specifically is because we're improving it, we are constantly looking at each other to see if what we're doing
since this point, like there's been a lot of other back rooms games. Yeah.
Listen, we're trendsetters. Was it Pools is another one, right? Yeah, Pools is another. Pools is probably the pop, the most popular one. No, that's a lie. There's the, the Shringy, the Shringer one that's like crazy popular. But Pools is like the, yeah, Pools made waves. There we go. I haven't played this yet. I know it's like, not simply my kind of jam, but
No, okay. I thought that one was going by another name for a little bit. It definitely was, I forgot. I forgot what happened there. maybe Maybe it was a different name when we... When they submitted? Yeah. Remnants of the rift from Braumiel, formerly... Ooh, all the other worlds, great video game. And Backroom's exploration, giving off the biggest of spoopy vibes. Big spoopy. Peter, you spooked.
the chilling but that's it thanks for We have one more thing what listen Kyle We could be Frank here. We're a DIY show. We have no sponsors. We could be real for a second Let's get real if Nintendo ain't gonna do it. Oh, the indie scene is gonna take over So friends. I fucked up that line. Open those wings, check your D-diffuser systems, and let's rock it. You also fucked up this reveal too, but it's not your fault. I did fuck up this reveal quite a bit. You want to tell everyone why you fucked up this video? Sure. Well, I think I say it afterwards. Oh, you do. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, so we'll wait. Okay.
Still, to this day, and there's been quite a bit of Star Fox likes out there, this is the one. Yeah. It's still in early access. It hasn't launched yet, but or hasn't launched yet. Man. Are you sure, Mike? I'm pretty sure. Hold on. Now I have to fucking double check. I'm pretty
This also led to like what we wanted to do for our one more thing is bring back a game or genre, an IP, like a spiritual successor yeah in our showcases. It's still in early access. Okay. We had this one, then we had Slope Crashers. Slope Crashers. I've done that. Forge of the Fey. Forge of the Fey. I will admit what I'm wrong.
Exodiac looks pretty dope, right? Dude, it is so dope. I promise you guys, it feels as good as it looks. You can actually play it right now for yourself. Go on Steam, it's out on Early Access. It is not.
Can I say no? If you must. Unfortunately, that is the end of the mini indie showcase, the unofficial start to PAX East 2022. When it comes from my favorite indie crew. Thank you. Thank you to Jeff Keeley for not canceling this. Jeff, thank you for staying away from actually members. So DIY. to our industry partners for lending us their art and their games to show off for you today. They all look amazing and we hope- My favorite comments that like from that weekend, I think was like, ah man, kind of disappointed. I always really look forward to the last faith. Without you, we love and appreciate you. I remember that. Seriously. And again, reminder, as soon as we wrap up here, go to slash showcase. There is a full list of every game that we show off. Again, all this is one take.
but kickstar No scripts. i I think this is our biggest hurdle. It's either this outro or the intro. Plus, a little extra bonus I didn't tell you about. Right now on all major podcast services, you can search for the 6.1 indie cast to check out our official post show. We got some hands on oppressions. We got just our thoughts about some of the trailers that were showed off. A bunch of our other shows joining us on there. Yeah, give it a listen. I think that's it.
We did it. Mike, I'm proud of you. I'm proud of you, buddy. I'm proud of the rest of the 611D team as well. Yeah. Thank you so much for everything. I'm Kyle. I'm Mike. We love you. Stay safe. Hey. Hey. That was good. Cut it.
God bless, ah no copyright YouTube music. Yeah.
So Kyle, next up, I mean, cheese we're big fans of Jackbox. Huge Jackbox. We like trivia. Do you remember that? Sometimes I'm a little too dumb for trivia. but I think I do. What if there's a brand new game that does things?
Oh, man. Oh, oh that's gold. Hey man, we should have made that a shirt. Well, there's a video game that does things. Yeah. Yeah. We should have in hindsight. Oh my God. i forgot i like We pointed out for the first one. I forgot to count the number of brads. Oh, it was a lot. yeah Yeah. So Harry gives us a lot of grief for that afterwards of like, man, you guys said rad. Which is why we try to stay away from it on podcasts now. yeah we still At least from me personally. Yeah. No, I try. There was, I think in the following show, like there was another word that we said way too much because we were consciously trying to not say rad. I forgot what it was, but so wow two and a half years later, what do you think?
i I mean, I'm still proud of us for what we did. Uh, not doing things the right way or, or and maybe not the right way, the most efficient way. I mean, there was a couple incorrect things that we did one. Sure.
ah Yeah. I just, and we're still kind of in this mode, but I'm going to steal a line that you say all the time.

Learning and Growth Journey

This was very much we fake it till we make it. Oh my God. Yeah. I mean, yeah, we still do. I feel we're never going to still do. never Yeah. till we make it But it's like a moment in time. Sorry. Just to, just to really like think of how far we've come in two years, dude, even like, I think I could pull it up really quickly. Like,
I need to showcase, like even not August, where's- What up Carlos? What up Carlos? Yeah, so this was the next one. Like even this. Yeah. Like the best thing we ever did was reach out to Marcus and the crew at Vision Craft for really stepping this shit up. Cause like some of these shots, man, like yeah this one of you is my favorite if it loads. Oh, look at that. That's a good shot. Cabs in the back. Yeah.
As much as i I appreciate the controlled space, because editing this one was quite the pain in the ass. um I do miss doing it at like a spot like this. Where we can move around. Move around and like it being, you know, Oh my God, look at these lower thirds. They're incredible.
Oh wait, I'm also blocking it here. Oh my God, look at that. Look at that. Fun fact here, um the way we I grabbed keys for this one, I just grabbed the fanatical bundle. Yeah.
Look at that your distinguished look right here. Look at that. But yeah, it's going just from this gap alone, like one year later was wild. this The reaction from this one,
made it clear i think like was it
Was it after we filmed? we were so like Maybe it was part of the pre-production of like, hey, or ah know what was it was probably when we started getting submissions when there was, I think this was the one we got like 500 submissions. ye We're like, okay, we'll see how people react to this one when we like, quote unquote, grow up grow up a little bit. know What I mentioned earlier earlier in this podcast. um And that's what really made it clear that like, oh, okay, so we got to do this thing twice a year.
So then yeah, August, can you do a really quick thing? Yeah. Just, I just want to keep it to the March showcases. Can you go to March of this year? Sure. Exactly one year apart. We're no longer mini. We're, we're, we're proper showcase now.
I just want to see the difference just right in a row. Oh, there's PD, please. Yep.
Scrubbing, scrubbing, scrubbing. I assume you want to see us. Yeah, I want to see us. I love this space, by the way. This one is cool. Sketchy as all hell, but very cool. Also, the intros, man. Oh, come on. That you may or may not see reused for September. Look at that. Come on. Man. Again, I swear this is not on purpose. Oh, I fucked up.
This is not on purpose, Mike. Yes. 2023 March, 2024 March, we're both wearing similar shirts, just for colors. I know. We did better this year. We did. We did. For the August one, we did. I said it in the post show that folks are going to hear on Thursday. Not a fan of my fit. Eh. I thought it was fun. Yeah. I kind of wish I wore, I have a shirt that's literally cat, get them, don't touch Petey.
um Look at her, you can see her. Hold on. Oh, of course it cuts off. Yeah, she's fucking with me. Oh, there she is. I have a shirt that's literally the September colors. ah So like in hindsight, I was like, oh, why didn't I just do that? But granted, after walking up four flights of stairs, I wasn't really thinking about it. But you'll hear all about that.
during the 6.1 Indi Showcase post-show that airs immediately after the 6.1 Indi Showcase on Thursday, September 19th, kicking off with PD's Play Now pre-show at 8.50

Upcoming Showcase Details

a.m. Pacific, 11.50 a.m. Eastern, 45 Indis, 75 minutes. I'm so excited for you guys to see this thing. I'm so excited. Like it is, do you see PD moving? Like she's gonna knock this man down. yeah You're talking and that's all I can say. You're playing with fire. um The horizon Legos there also. um I know like I, the cliche thing that I say a lot, we sound like a broken record. We say all the time, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But like,
This lineup is quite spectacular and it is brimming with surprises. I mean, it's obvious because they've said it and we gave them the okay to say it, but like the Acropora stuff alone is mind boggling. Agreed. And I'm happy for you, Brain World Sickos out there. So I'll leave it at that. Enjoy. Enjoy. I'll leave it at that. Enjoy.
All right, friends. Um, Kylie got any closing remarks?
No, but it's, it's going to be weird. Cause similar to this first one that we just watched. Oh, nice spin move. That was very classy. um Similar to that first showcase we just watched, we're going to have a similar growing pains with the first indie game awards this year. So it's going to be very interesting to see what that looks like for the first one. And once we get a few of those under our belts and we rewatch that one, I'm sure we'll have similar things that we can nitpick. but
Yeah. Always growing, always getting better.

Indie Game Awards Production

It's wild. This is a whole other topic of a show that we'll eventually get into, but like I think it took doing five of these showcases to be ready to properly do the awards. I think that goes for like a production standpoint, um like that credibility that we were talking about a little bit earlier, the the confidence in ourselves to like actually reach out to folks and like start a conversation with people like maybe we haven't directly spoken with before. Cause yeah, the what we have just, the so we're not ready to say anything yet, but just to lightly tease some stuff. Like some of the folks that we have lined up for presenters is pretty damn cool. Some of the judges we got lined up is pretty damn cool. um
our idea for production. I'm um digging quite a bit. Do we know where yet? No, I don't, but the idea is cool. and um So yeah, it should be a good time ah and um not to get ahead of ourselves, but are we talking about the 2025 rewards as well in 2025, like showcases and stuff? I can't, I can't, my brain can't handle anymore right now. I'm like, stop. but Yeah, that's, that's for ah another time after yes Mike and Kyle hibernate during their holiday break coming up, not soon enough. Yes.
Arielle, I need to go yell at this cat who is currently ah playing with my Horizon Zero Dawn, cool neck Lego. Thank you so much for hanging out with us today. That has been episode 199 of the Six One Indiecast. Episode 200 is your do what PD moved pretty, pretty significantly. I'm trying my best to get through this as straight as possible. go go go um Yep. That's been episode one 99 episode 200 is your showcase post show. It is a three and a half hours of um some behind the scenes conversations, plus a discussion about every single one of the games on the lineup.
And then a 16 hands on impressions, 20 developer interviews as well. And of course the steam event that runs from September 19th at 1pm Eastern through the weekend to Monday, 23rd at 1pm Eastern. So lots of content this weekend. Hope you enjoy it. Both on slash showcase and youtube slash IGN. Wild.
We want to see your live reacts. If you're live reacting, please let us know. Please, please, please, please send us a DM. Like we want to watch everything. Oh, I'm going to do this weekend. Let's just watch live reacts. Yeah. All right. Thanks so much for having us. Always appreciate you. Love you, Kyle. Love you. Hey, love you. Love you too, buddy. Bye. Hey, we did it. Hey, went to be grave. There was a game that did things one of these days.