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Ep.198: Resident Evil, But Indie. image

Ep.198: Resident Evil, But Indie.

Six One Indiecast
155 Plays6 months ago

Resident Evil is mentioned quite a bit on Six One Indie content, so it's about time we framed it around indies. Mike and Becca discuss 11 indies we think all fans of the Resident Evil franchise should check out.

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Introduction to Episode 198

Hello and welcome to episode 198 of the Six One Indiecast. My name is Mike Townrow and today I'm joined by Becca, the first ever Mike and Becca episode. and Hello. Hello. How are you? I'm all right. How you doing? I'm tired, man. I've obviously not been around for quite a bit. It's been a stressful post SGF stretch of late. um Got a lot going on.

Mike's Gratitude and Patreon Mention

Yeah. I guess to start on the sad note, um Cause I haven't been on since Harley. Uh, anyone who has reached out and it said kind of warrants about, uh, Harley, thank you so much. I love you. I appreciate you. Um, if you're on Patreon, you heard this already, but I know not everybody's on the Patreon, uh, which you could join for free by the way. Uh, so you should go do that on patreon slash six, what indie not to tie losing a pet to Patreon promotion.
um But no, thank you so much for your kind words. um Yeah, between losing my homie of 10 years and and just like all the showcase work and just life in general, it's been a rough go of late. So, nah, I love and appreciate you all. Like you, Becca. No. Cheers. Oh, how you doing? Like, I'm Spratt, you're drinking a normal drink today. Well, no, here, I have a, um no I have a, I have a sprit, I have a Celsius, I do have water. Proud of you. The sprite is leftover from lunch. I just didn't finish it. So you'll see a solid rotation during this. Um, how are you? I feel like we personally haven't talked like legitimately in such a long time. Good. Yeah. I've been playing a lot of stuff. There's a lot of good stuff coming out. Last week we talked, um, Ate, which I know that you, that you thought looked really cool and is very good. And I played your review is on the website.
There you go. You're better at plugging things than I am. um And Broken Lens, which is really sweet. and My sister's in town. It was also on the website. Exactly. um My sister's in town last week with her kids, so it was a little bit ah crazy while they were here, because they are loud. But I love them. um But yeah, that's really it. I just kind of work all the time. And then when I'm not working, I do more work for 6.1 when I can. It's going to be. And prepping for showcase. Yeah. I, um, it's too close. Yeah. On the, uh, so if you go to patreon slash six one India, and if you, uh, are kind enough to support on the producer level, I did just put up the the first little behind the scenes update. Got to talk about it. Like I didn't obviously give any details about the games themselves, but like,
Man, it's a banger lineup, isn't it? It's so good. It's wild. especially It usually is because we have impeccable tastes in games. Of course, all of us. um But this this one is really good. Yeah. It's there is something I, it's a tease a little bit of what I was talking about in that update. there There's at least one IP I cannot believe we have something for during that. which is, it's wild. And I'm excited to like actually talk about it, but yeah, it's, it's, it's going to be a good time that showcases on September 19th. You should watch it. 6 1 slash showcase youtube slash 6 1 indie, potentially other places also TBD working on it. Hence why there's bags under my eyes. of
Yeah, cool things happening.

Purpose of Six One Indiecast

But speaking of things happening, you are listening to the six what indie cast, a weekly video game podcast, amplifying the indie scene and smaller games outside of the AAA space. New episodes drop each and every Monday morning, unless we're super busy on all major podcast feeds and youtube slash six one indie, unless we're super busy supporters on patreon slash six one indie could tune in live as record, except for today, because we're pre recording this two weeks early. The indie cast post show, but if money is tight, no worries. You still can show your support with a simple click wherever you're listening. Go ahead, leave this podcast to review, follow six one indie on socials, subscribe and hit the bell on YouTube and tell your friends all about us. Shout out to the PD fans. No way. I have to, I have to change this on the dock. Shout out to members of the coop supporting on Patreon.
The Koopa members, there we go. I haven't changed the doc in like six months. ah Shouts out to the Koopa members supporting on Patreon. Brett Griffin, Kobe Cordes, Allie, Jaycee, Jill Groat, Marcus O'Neill, Nicole Humphrey, Stone Cold E.T., Silk Cannon, who is producing, Nicholas Johnson, The Compound, and Cole, AKA of The Good Sir, Housekeeping, um a bunch of shit. But just just so much shit happening. um The 6A Indie Showcase is happening on September 19th.

Upcoming Six One Indie Showcase

pre-show will likely be 11.50 AM Eastern. More details to come on the specifics once we actually shoot the thing, which we are we're shooting this weekend. Very excited. Um, there are a whole bunch of writeups up on the site. Like Becca mentioned, she got her ETA and a broken lens reviews. You also got a Dyson fold review up there recently. Matt got, Jesus,
Matt got a review for Valley Peaks Up. Austin got a review for Thank Goodness You're Here Up. By the time you're listening to this, I'd imagine Harry has a Seamworld Heist 2 review up as well. yeah Harry got a flock review up. You got a spilled preview up. You got a grun preview up. Whole bunch of stuff happening on Editorial team, crushing it. Love y'all.
I think that's it. I don't know. that This is being pre-recorded. You're listening to this two weeks after we record it. We needed an an evergreen topic. so ah Since it is myself and Becca, and we tried to rope Matt in here, but he's currently at his day job making money. Oh, big deal. um Something we bring up a lot accidentally is Resident Evil, especially during our post shows, which are available on patreon, slash six one, Indy. So I listened to our first episode in a long time. I got, it's all coming out. um I want to have a nice banger conversation, a quickie a quickie about Indies inspired were by Resident Evils. Because this year, I don't know if you knew this,
My current game of the year, I think, maybe, Crow Country came out. I think Crow Country is the shining star of what a Resident Evil like can be. Have you had a chance to play it yet? No. Why? I don't know. Because I'm going to blame it on Shadow of the Urtree, but at the same time, I gave up on Shadow of the Urtree after like three hours. So like Shadow of the Urtree, which came out so two months later. a me but I got my PlayStation copy of Baldur's Gate. I've been playing that, you know.
Are you interested in playing it? Very much. Yeah. I actually like, my friend offered to buy it for me during the steam sale and I was like, no, like don't spend money. Like I'll get it. And then I forgot, I forgot, but I will, I will. Sure. Yes, if you're unfamiliar, and we've talked about at exhaustion before, but, um, Crow Country developed by SFB games. It is a resi like takes place in an abandoned theme park called Crow Country. Um, and I think it's such like a, uh, an awesome setting for what this genre, um, or just to, to compliment this genre. So in the amusement park, there are different, like think of, I guess.
Disney, Universal, how they's like there's different sections of the parks. I guess like, I've had a bad childhood. I was never taken to Disney or Universal, so I don't really know how it's structured. But I think more Universal where there's like Nintendo Land and Avatar Land and Simpsons Land. That is how amusement parks are based, but I grew up in Florida, so I did go to all this park. I have to shove it in your face. Oh, it's fine. um I've been to the the Rainbow Forest Cafe and the free part of Disney. Nice. Love that for you. So Crumb Country is very ah set up that way where like there is the haunted house area, there is like a nautical area, there is a forest area, and those are like the three main biomes of the game.
And as you're navigating through doing the Resident Evil thing, there's zomboys around, you're

Game Spotlight: Crow Country

solving puzzles, you're getting keys, you're doing all this cool stuff. It does the classic Resident Evil thing, and it's it's such like a love letter to what the core of those games are. It does the classic thing of like, hey, guess what? There's a basement. And some not great stuff is happening in the basement. um I think it's just such a wonderfully well paced video game. And I think it's like such a fantastic entry point into the genre as a whole. Like I could see like, and maybe you agree with this, maybe you don't. I feel like nowadays Resident Evil is getting to the point where maybe it's a bit intimidating for newcomers.
Um, I think that I don't think that No, okay. I hope I'm wrong. there were there were I think there was such a shift from six to seven. um And I think that that shift brought a lot of people back and a lot of new people back because um the long lengths, the movie is a good example. normal I feel like normally that movie probably wouldn't have done very well, but because of how popular it got with the first wave. Sure.
it it It just like keeps going. And so I think that what happened with Resident Evil 7 is it was so ah different and really genuinely really scary. It brought a lot of new people. It was kind of like a soft reboot. Yeah. and and And it's the same thing with the remakes, with the Resident Evil 2 remake and the Resident Evil 3 remake. it's It's bringing people back. So I think maybe before Seven and before the remakes that might have been true where it was a little bit in intimidating because there was this already pre-established story, um but now you're they're kind of inviting people back and it does doesn't have the horrifying tank controls and so it's easy to pick up. and So I would say if people like, let's say you've never played
the original RE0, maybe the original two, three, Code Veronica, like the the old school tank control ones. I feel like going back to those, if you didn't grow up with them, might not work for you. No. because It's similarly, and I don't mean to bring it up as I'm not playing up the character. This is a genuine example. It's like whenever I talk about Sonic Adventure 2, I understand somebody who is playing that game for the first time in 2024. It's going to be trash. It's not going to feel great, but because I grew up with it, I'm i'm accustomed to it. So I feel like it's very similar to like the old school ress, whereas Crow Country, I think, and there's, there's other games on this list we're going to talk about. It does the quote unquote tank control.
kind of feel super well for the modern day. Like it's not exactly tank control, but it's adaptation of it for, for, for modern players. And there aren't a lot of games that I think achieved it on the level that SFB did. Yeah, I think it's, I think it's done really well. And I think that it's, it's like, it's like a love, love letter to the people that love the original Resident Evil, but it's also a good, like you said, a good entry point for, for new folks that haven't kind of experienced that kind of thing before. And a good short banger, I think it was like four to six hours, if that. Yeah. Yeah. Like you beat it in a weekend. Really fun. Like greg I played it on Steam, theme but a really fun, um, if you want to like go, go for all the steam achievements and whatnot, it does the, the Resident Evil ranking system as well. Like once you beat a run, you get ah a level rank. Um,
super achievable. like the only reason I think i like I wasn't really trying. I got an A rank in my thing and it was just because I used the in-game hint system. like there's like ah Because in amusement park, there's a fortune teller machine. So if you're stuck, you could put in, I think you have 10 coins total, you could put in a coin and like kind of points you in the right direction. Okay. Which is really cool. So like I used those a few times because i I had an item I didn't know. I I thought I didn't have an item I had to open a gate. I was like, where the what the fuck am I doing wrong? um So I did screw up my S rank for that reason. But yeah, it's it's a really good time. I cannot recommend it enough. um Let's jump to one that you played, Song of Horror.

Game Spotlight: Song of Horror

I never played Song of Horror.
Yeah, so Song of Horror is like your classic like third-person fixed camera angle. um The characters you know are normal looking. they're not um I'm trying to explain the art style, and my brain is like, you don't know how to talk about video games. um it's It's like, you know, it's realistic looking. It's not like Crow country where it's like the old old kind of art style. um I played the, I previewed it before it came out and then I played it again, um I think after it had come out, but I don't remember what happened. I didn't end up covering it again, but I previewed it originally and then I played some more of it. And since then they've they've done a ton of of changes and updating it.
It's really creepy. It very much feels like your classic survival horror where you're kind of going around, you're picking up documents to kind of gather the story. um There is a bit of um like the creature that always is following you around, so a bit like a pyramid head nemesis kind of situation. um But I think it was this was years ago. This was like 2019. um ah I think it's more like an otherworldly creature. It's less like a nemesis like stomping around in the hallways kind of thing. But yeah, you play as multiple different characters and you have to hide. It's not really um like hugely action packed or anything like that. But I think it was it was rough when it first came out, but they've made a lot of changes to it. And I think that um what they've done has made it really, really intriguing and really, really interesting.
It's been on my list forever. I just, for whatever reason, never pulled the trigger on it. I don't know why. Cause like on paper, this is my jam. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's it's great. I do like the, uh, the Mr X character, uh, the presence, yeah but fear the presence of a serious entity you cannot fight. I remember when I previewed it, it wasn't a very long preview, but there was like one scare at the end that I was like, oh, this is going to be good. So like it's got that like really satisfying horror. um At the same time, it has those slow moments where you're like painstakingly like clicking X on every single item to be like, which one of the items in this room actually matters to me? It does the thing. Yeah, it's really good.
ah do you ah Do you also tend to like just circle a room, like kind of like walking into the wall a little bit, but also still like progressing and just like button mash? Cause I do that. Absolutely. yeah And I try to make a mental note, like I haven't gone into this door. Like if there's multiple doors in a room, I'm fucked. But if there's just one door and I've just come from that door, I'm like that I can remember. But if I have to like go through the left door and then investigate everything that's in the left-hand side and then go back and try to remember where I've already been, I'm just completely screwed. I have such a horrible sense of direction when it comes to games. I do too, which is weird why. It's ironic that I like these kind of games so much because you can get lost quite easily, um which is a great transition into the next one I want to bring up briefly. I never completed it, but I think it's worth the shout out. um Tormented Souls. This is from Dual Effect and Abstract Digital, um published by PQube.
um This is another classic like third-person 3D, not like super retro-looking modern graphics. um Funny enough, the Steam description does just straight up say, like yeah, it's it' inspired by Resident Evil and Alone in the Dark. um
Essentially, it's a you it follows a young protagonist trapped in in like a haunted mansion. like It starts with like you pretty much like in a saw trap. um Loose spoilers, like you wake up in a bathtub and you're just missing an arm. and Your goal is to just get the fuck out of this house. um There are some creepy crawlers roaming around. It does a mechanic where you very much need to stay in the light, like if you're in the shadows at all, if you're in complete darkness. um It's not like anything comes to grab you. It's like pretty much like you have five seconds and you're dead. kind of Think of it of like you're stepping in poison or something like that. I think it's a very interesting mechanic to help
It's like a good type of restriction that like, it's just part of the puzzle versus being like a hazard in most cases, which is really interesting. um Horrifying creature design very much. ah It feels very like dead spacey at times with like, yeah, that's what I was going to say. The homies with like the little, these things, those guys like crawling around with no legs. Yeah. It's really cool. The reason I stepped away from it, um I was playing a full review back in 2021.

Game Spotlight: Tormented Souls

And eventually, like I just felt lost her at all times. I didn't know like where I really needed to be going. I forgot what the map situation was like. I think like you didn't have... I could be totally wrong here. It's been a long time. I don't think you like you had an indicator of like where you were, which was like always like tricky for me and my brain, my limited brain.
um But I really love the vibes. I really love the atmosphere. I love the just like core mechanics and the core ideas of like what was going on. um There is a sequel coming out at some point. I don't know if it was ever like dated or a was given a window. um Oh, here is the Steam page. Let me see. Yeah, it just says coming soon. So I'm really intrigued to see like how the sequel um iterates on the original. Definitely something I'm i'm really looking forward to because there's there's some really good ideas in there. I think it could easily be like a Assassin's Creed one to two kind of situation.
Um, and the other one I wanted to bring up super briefly, and this is something like you and I might have played a long time ago. I have memories of playing it a long time ago because it was like a PlayStation plus game back in the day. Um, lone survivor, which is a side-scrolling pixel take on, uh, the rest of the evil formula. So, uh, psychological survivor horror, mask protagonist must escape from a city ravaged by disease by any means necessary. Um, another one I've always meant to go back to cause I've heard nothing but like wonderful things. It's a bite-sized experience. It's like, I think like five-ish hours to play through. But um one of the earlier kind of like success stories in terms of adapting the Resident Evil formula, as far as I can remember, um this is by, ah I believe, Solo Dev, Jasper Byrne. Yeah. Another one I just want to shout out. There's a game on here that I love and you don't like.

Game Spotlight: My Friendly Neighborhood

I wouldn't say I don't like don't attack me. I wouldn't say I didn't like it, but what was your issue with my friendly neighborhood, which was one of my games of the year last year. but Like I think it was like second favorite game of the year last year. I was just, uh, I was just constantly getting stuck. I really, at the beginning, I was really enjoying it. I think that the, the weapons are really inventive. You're like literally shooting letters for anyone that doesn't know. We should say my friendly neighborhood is the the horror game where you're like in like Sesame street, essentially sesame street they like like the characters are like puppets like on Sesame street. And you're showing up there because you're like a, like an electrician or like a plumber going to fix something. Yeah. So like the setup is there's a radio signal going out and like it put the TV show, my friendly neighborhood back on the air. And like, it's just like super eerie and weird. And like the show was abandoned and canceled a long time ago. So you, you are a repair man or whatever it may be. Your goal is to turn off the signal, but
It turns out the puppets are alive and yeah yeah you have a little sock friend helping you navigate this this crazed world. Helping is a strong word. um yeah But yeah, no, it's not that i I didn't like it. It's just that I, because Here's my excuse. Because I am a busy human, sure I like a game where I'm not stuck constantly. And I don't mind moments where I'm stuck and I'm like, man, this is really stumping me. It takes me 15 to 20 minutes just just to solve something. But if I'm getting stuck every for every puzzle,
um it's it's hard for me to keep going and that's really the only excuse that I have is that I just found myself looking up the solutions to the puzzles and then I was like that's not me playing the game that's me just you know controlling the character and someone else playing the game for me so um but no I really like the concept I think the concept is really interesting and the way that they made it really scary It blows my mind because they're a little cute little puppets, but it was really creepy. The guy in the sewers, um he was really scary. I was convinced that he was gonna like at some point stick a hand out of the wall or something and like attack me. um I think the only other thing that really annoyed me about it was the characters that like after you kill them and tie them up, not kill them, after you incapacitate them yeah and and tie them up, they never shut up.
Oh, I love that like god so It's so great. That's like one of my favorite parts about the production of it. But when you're stuck and you're hearing it for like an hour and you're stuck in the same area. Like lines do repeat, like, yeah, no, it's valid. But no, really, really, really, really unique. And ah you know, something that, I mean, like we were talking about earlier, something that like maybe someone you who hasn't had a lot of experience in the genre would absolutely love and be really, uh, really intrigued by because it's not like super heavy, heavy action, except for maybe like some of the bosses, some of the bosses. Yeah, exactly. But you only have like three or four weapons. Yeah. So like that, like a main weapon, you have like a grenade, um, I think pistol. Oh yeah. No, this is like a shotgun, a rifle, a pistol. Yeah.
Yeah. So it's not, you know, hugely complicated or anything like that. Like it's a game that my best friend Hannah, um, only got into video games like in like 2017. So she's still kind of learning first person shooters is the kind of game that I would recommend to her because she plays a lot of, um, JRPGs. She plays a lot of visual novels. She plays a lot of, you know, not super actiony stuff. Um, but has been getting really into like fallout four and stuff like that. So it's like, it's something chill. that's also got that horror element that isn't too complicated, that like ah for somebody with more patience, you won't get stuck very much. But yeah, no, i I did really like it. Yeah, know obviously I'm teasing you. like all your All your criticisms are very valid. Just shut them up when I kill them. I'm sorry, you're knocking them unconscious and they wake up.
The letter B knocks him the fuck out. Yeah, no, there were moments. I also got stuck on certain puzzles and whatnot. Thankfully, they those moments I was stuck, like it eventually clicked. This game just worked on all fronts for me. like I think because, and I know that we talked about this at some point, and this is kind of like a hot take. ah My favorite Resident Evil game is Resident Evil 7. This is straight up a Resident Evil 7, in my opinion. And I think the game knows that. So this is by, uh, John Evans is masky, uh, fantastic, uh, pair of brothers who work on like really, really cool horror games. They have a side note. They are currently working on essentially like, I don't know if it's horror, but it's kind of like a unserious version of like a Harry Potter like game where like you're just ragdolling wizards and shit around. It looks really good. It passed my time on the other day. I forgot the, I'll try to find the name of it while I'm talking. Um, but yeah, I think like they very much knew that because like, even things like, uh, going into the save rooms, it has like the same kind of like initial melody and tones in, in its score when going to the save room. It's similar to, to resi seven. So it just felt like a love letter from front to back. Um,
and the things that you found annoying, I've absolutely loved. yeah the Just the sinister characters, just losing their minds and just talking at you. um I love that like you could walk right up to them and it's the cliche, just flappy head puppets, just spewing some of the most gnarly nonsense you could ever possibly imagine. It gets creepy. It gets really it really does. um Yeah, I really love it. i'm excited It's eventually coming to consoles. like I'm really looking forward to like playing it again like after ah a while and then just like going through it um from front to back. Cause it's like one of those games that like, I feel like i I always still think about and just want to return to um the game. I was talking about secret agent wizard boy and the international crime syndicate.
Wow. Secret agent wizard boy has been called to go undercover ah again to fight the underground crime syndicate run by the evil fumble board beneath his wizard school, high learn spells, explore the castle and be a spy in this complete mess of a game. It looks like, it looks like Harry Potter and the sorcerers don't on game here. It looks just like it. Um, I'm trying to think of other things. Incredible. No really additional context. But if you go to their Twitters, so John Szymanski, Evan Szymanski, oh, there's the David Szymanski also. I knew that. There's three brothers. What's up, David? Go to their Twitter. There's really fantastic clips of the wizard ragdolling enemies around. It's fantastic. Amazing.
um The last one I want to talk about for things that are currently available. And this could be a super quick one is murder house, which is a fantastic video game name.

Game Spotlight: Murder House

Um, Becca, have you ever played a Papa combo game? No, I don't think so. Are you familiar with Papa combo? Let me look, let me look. Stay out of the house, Christmas massacre and murder house. No, I've never heard of any of those. So that's, that's what's only available on Steam. They also have a side like alias called tortured star video, I believe okay they
are a developer like They're a really renowned developer. Currently, like they they're putting their stuff on Steam, putting their stuff to console. They specifically specialize in like grunge horror, like PSX, VHS, scratchy, gnarly horror experiences, usually bite-sized stuff. So Murder House, for example, I think like takes 45 minutes to play through, maybe. So Murder House in particular is, um, it's about a serial killer, uh, who what is slash yeah, I guess is a, uh, mall Easter bunny.
And ah the game takes place in the Easter Bunny Man's house and he is just chasing you through the house. And similar to like the Mr. X mechanic, he is just following you around the entire game while you're doing the the classic Resident Evil puzzle solving just to get through to the end. um I, Matt could will correct me eventually. I think Murder House is like the most Resident Evil like of the games, but their entire library is so goddamn good. I think Stay Out of the House also is very resi like that's like their more most proper game if you want to call that in terms of length, like that's an actual like, I think like
seven or eight hour experience. of But um yeah, if you like just like really like eighties B movie horror VHS vibes, like puppet combo are masters of what they do and and murder house in particular, I adore so much. This was something I played over lockdown and I very much needed that kind of experience over lockdown.
How you doing? I'm gonna take a sip. We've done it. We've gone through the top of the list. That's that's it. So I wanted to quickly, before we wrap things up and go to This Week in Indie, um because like I said, short episode today, because yeah we got things to do. We're doing two episodes today. We're trying to catch up before Mike goes away to to film the showcase. We'll have to shout out a few upcoming ones. to to keep you on your radar. So, Hollow Body, this is from Headwear Games. ah Headwear Games, they recently put out Chasing Static, which Matt completely adores. There is a Chasing Static review up on the website. um So, Hollow Body has been something we've been really looking forward to. A tech noir survival horror short story set in the urban decay of a long abandoned British city.
Solve environmental puzzles, manage limited resources and fight your way to escape beyond the wall. If you've seen mixed showcases and stuff like that, you have seen hollow body. So something to keep your eyes on. Uh, next up kind of like this is more of a clock tower like game, which clock tower has that the, the remake coming out soon. Uh, I'm a butcher this name. Tenebre Somnia, maybe. It depends on what language it is, but that sounds right to me. Sure. Uh, today, Barry Sombria is a 2d survival horror adventure with live action cut scenes. Don't laugh at me. un veilil
Unveil a disturbing mystery by solving puzzles and fighting horrible creatures. Uh, this was making the rounds earlier in the year on socials and then and the media started picking it up. Um, have you seen what this game looks like? I'm looking at it right now. So it's very, so with the gameplay wise, it's very just like old school and NES vibrant colors, like blocky pixel art. It's fantastic stuff. The cut scenes, like I just said, are fully live action. Like they they they filmed live action cut scenes to they look pair cast with the ns any NES gameplay. It's like, it's something that shouldn't work.
but God damn, it works. I think ah this is something that's coming later in 2025. I think this is going to be such a wild sleeper cult hit. I think like certain media will pick it up and stuff and we'll see like how mainstream it gets. But man, I think ah us horror seekers are gonna be feasting once this this drops. Very excited. Next up more on the sim front of things. And this is coming out in about a month from now. Zucosis. Zucosis, probably Zucosis. Zucosis is a body horror simulation game. You are a zookeeper, identify infected mutant animals, make a vaccine and cure them. Will you save all of them and survive? ah So yeah, more on the sim front of things. ah First person, you're going around and yeah, it's all that, the the the first gif on the Steam page of yeah spider giraffe.
yeah Um, I think this was playable at SGF and every time I, I was walking around the booth, um, people would catch my eye. People who like know my taste and stuff would catch my eye and be like, yo, you need to make time for your psychosis. Cause it's completely your jam. Um, Again, reminds me of Resi 7 in terms of its setup where like the whole through line of like you have to make the vaccine and all that kind of stuff. So it feels super fun. um Fun is a weird way to put that, but yeah. keep Keep your eye on that. That's September 23rd. That's probably the closest. Something I knew that was making waves during next fest, but I don't think any of us played it. Echoes of the Living. This is another one that's very much like a Code Veronica like yeah game. It looks just like Code Veronica.
Dark classics for all the horror inspired by the greatest hits of the nineties focused on reimagining visual horror. Uh, your goal is to make it a little, make it alive while uncovering the truth about the incident. And like it, if you look at the trailers, it's straight up like homie is trapped in Raccoon city. Um, but yeah, apparently, uh, uh, it was making the wave during next pass and people really dug it. And then the final one, which I think is slated for 2024 still, it's the first Blumhouse game, uh, fear the spotlight from cozy game pals.

Upcoming Game: Fear the Spotlight

I talked about this quite a bit during our SGF episode. Um, I, similar to what I just said about curl country, I think fear the spotlight might take that mantle of like adapting the resident evil formula and like excelling in it. I think we're at a place now where like,
We were tripping a bit trying to like find our footing to to make Resident Evil like games. and I think we were really finding our stride. We, developers, are really trying to find their stride now. If you're in the spotlight, the half hour or so that I played is is fucking fantastic. Something i I mentioned in my preview that's up on the site and also on the podcast. like It just knows the rhythm of the survival horror gameplay um in terms of like pacing out puzzle solutions and notes and narrative beats, um lines of dialogue, visual cues, environmental storytelling, like.
husband and wife, duo, cozy game pals. Um, they are just nailing the fucking assignment and I, I cannot wait for, for this, like this along with mouth washing or two of my most anticipated games of the year easily. Um, so that was a lot of talking, a lot of talking. Those are, 11, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. 11 Resident Evil likes that we think you should go check out. Look at that. We did it. Before we go. Maybe not my friendly neighborhood. That's a joke. That's a joke. Before we go.
Becca, I know you you wrote one of the things and the rest of them I'm um i'm going to sift through the website. ah Tell me what's happening this week in Indy for the week of August 12th to August 16th. Specifically one game. Specifically just the only one I'm looking at currently. Yeah, tell me about it. Coming on August 15th, just crow things. You're a little crow trying to prove herself to the world, make new animal friends, poop on unsuspecting humans, and steal all of the shiny trinkets. Each level is a little sandbox full of fun items to discover and puzzles to solve, while leaving a bit of chaos behind. Why? Just cause. Nah, that's a video game just cause, remember that?
um yeah On August 12th, Cult of the Lamb is getting the Unholy Alliance update. August 15th, Dredge the Iron Rig is coming out. Fuck yes. I didn't know that. I'm so excited. Also on August 15th is I Am Your Beast from Zalivir Nelson Jr., a man who doesn't know how to sleep. ah August 15th, Grappledog's Cosmic Canines. This is the sequel to the GBA inspired platformer, Grappledog. Austin reviewed that back when that originally released. We, ah we're, we're grabbed dog sickos. We love it. Um,
yeah, I think that's it though. Those are the biggies. Madden 25 also coming out on August 16th. Fantastic. Everyone's favorite indie game. favorite guy oh man Wow. A lot of stuff coming in on August 15th. Jeez. Yeah. I think that's also the week of, um, Again, time loop. I think keep an eye on Steam. I believe that's when the wholesome game celebration is also happening. So there's probably a lot of games going on discount that you're you're looking forward to. So check that out. I think Becca may be fact checking for me while she's fact checking. Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the 6.1 indie cast.
um We will we be back, again, time loop. We will be back next week for a normal episode. We should be, pending production schedules and whatnot. ah But until then, if you want to support the 6.1 Indi showcase, and if you have the means, head on over to patreon slash 6.1 Indi. It would mean low world. Uh, but of course, no worries if you can, you could still support by joining the Patreon for free, subscribing on YouTube or just helping us spread the word. Um, we are going to have details on the showcase and the indie game awards coming up real soon. So be sure yeah you follow along for the ride. I'm seeing wholesome games celebration, July 31st through August 7th. That's not right.
Am I looking at the wrong year? Maybe this is last year's. It might be last year. It's fine. I think, I think I'm right. Cause it's related to work and I can't get into it too far.
Okay. Cool. All right. Let's do, we're going to chit chat about and about random shit. I don't know. Clocked out. It's happening now until then. I love you. Bye.