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Ep.186: Your Hades II Questions Answered image

Ep.186: Your Hades II Questions Answered

Six One Indiecast
141 Plays10 months ago

We played Hades II. You have questions. Let's get into it!

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Introduction and Hosts

Hello and welcome to episode one eighty six of the six one. My name is Mike. Tonight I am joined by Kyle Stevenson. It's a my, my, my show. My, my show. How are you doing? I stumbled on your name. I'm doing tired. That's why I stumbled on your name, Mike. It's totally fine. My Cal Tao. That was bad. Let's move on.
I'm fine. It's, you know, it's April. I feel like I'm still coming down from PAX and like showcase production and stuff. Which is wild that it's like officially like a month away or months past it. By the time people are listening to this, when it's public, it's a, it's one month. That's insane. It both feels like yesterday and 20 years ago. Yeah. And I don't know about you, but I'm already freaking out about the next one. No, the next one's gonna be great.
It's going to be great. I just mean like doing it all over again. See the email we got about the next one today. It's going to

IndieCast Purpose and Recent Events

that's far away. For now, you are listening to the 6.1 IndieCast, a weekly video game podcast amplifying the indie scene and smaller games outside of the AAA space. New episodes drop each and every Monday morning on all major podcast feeds and slash 6.1 Indie. Supporters on slash 6.1 Indie can tune in live as we record, just like Siliconit and gain access to clocked out the IndieCast post show. But if money is tight, no worries. You still can share your support with a simple click.
be great.
wherever you're listening, go ahead and leave this podcast or review, follow Six One India on socials, subscribe and hit the bell on YouTube, follow on Twitch and tell your friends all about us. Shout out to the pee fans supporting on Patreon, Brett Griffin, Kobi Kortis, Ellie, JC, Jill Groat, Marcus Johnson, nope, Marcus O'Neil, Nicholas Johnson.
Nicole Humphrey played Jason. So can it the compound and Cole aka the good sir on our list. I need to move Marcus and Nicholas away from each other because I always I always trip up on both of their last names for whatever reason. No, I know them.
Anyways, a little bit of housekeeping. Like we mentioned, the N6.1 Indie Showcase is officially one month old. If you haven't seen it yet, go on slash showcase. Check it out. Watch the interviews, play the demos, wishlist the games, all that good stuff. We'll have news on both the next showcase and the Indie Game Awards in the coming weeks-ish months.

Showcases and Future Plans

time. Sure. I mean, there's a specific, you know, special day that you might want to, which is on a weekend this year. Is it? Yeah. Which like cool. Like if we're around, we could just stream all day if we want to. Fair.
So we'll figure it out. June 1st, sixth one day. And a weird piece of housekeeping.

Embargoed Game Discussions

We are allowed to tell you that we are currently playing Another Crab's Treasure. That's all we can tell you though. The next indie cast is going to be our Another Crab's Treasure review. That's not spoiling the embargo or anything. The next episode is going to be recorded.
when the game is out. So that's going to be the next episode of indie cast. So if you have questions, please send them in via the six one indie discord community or the public post on slash six one indie. How do you get to the discord? Go to six one scroll all the way down. You'll see a discord logo. Yeah. Hey, what else is going on over on that YouTube channel though, Mike? Oh, we've been trying to get a little better on
We're trying to get back into the flow of getting some fun gameplay commentary stuff. We did some quick time sensitive ones for Hades and Among Ashes. Me and Kyle knocked those out, but the rest of the team are going to be on some other ones coming up. We already have one in the pipeline for Children of the Sun and Claw Machine Sim.
Well, we will have some another crabs treasure stuff as well. Cause obviously it's going to be the next biggie for the launch next week. So go check it out on slash six one indie and spread the word. Let's get those numbers up. Help us out. Let's hit it. Let's hit a thousand subscribers before the next showcase. That'd be rad.

Technical Challenges and News Segment

Hey, I'm back. Another piece of housekeeping. Zen caster, our recording device might be a little funky tonight. We're going to blip in and out. We'll figure it out. It's going to be a fun ride. You're good.
sure hopefully Christ Kyle hit me with some quick fire news. If you must or yeah, I definitely do. I want to hit you with the quick fire. Please hit me PlayStation did the thing again.
Oh yeah. Updated on Twitter and the blog about some indie updates. Great. Cause you know how much we love that here at six to an indie when they do that, only a trio, but a confirmation that Dark Ascension two is coming to PlayStation on July 15th. Massage is awesome. Huge. I dabbled in the first one and dug it, but it was way too overwhelming and very hard for me.
I enjoy those types of games and I know is that game. Yeah. So the second one more overwhelming and more daunting. So I'm excited to check it out because it's definitely some of my favorite most stylized games or game series out there. We've got five nights at Freddy's help wanted to coming on June 20th.
that's a PSVR two joint. So enjoy that. If that's your thing. And then a gameplay trailer for a V rising coming to PlayStation notes specific date. This is 2024. I know this was a
This has like a cult following on PC, correct? Yeah, it's pretty damn massive on Steam. Honestly, I've never really seen it in action. It's just a name that I've heard countless times. I think it's an isometric action RPG, if I believe. I think so. And I also think there's some survival stuff in there. Yeah. People love it. People adore it. Stoked to see it's making the move to console.
Yeah. Yeah. Cause it's currently in early access. So I imagine whenever 1.0 drops, that's when that's happening. So they didn't talk about 1.0 yet. Oh wait, V rising 1.0 update full reveal. Oh, I didn't

Nintendo Indie World Highlights

see that one. It's on a, it's on a blog. It's hitting 1.0 May 8th. Okay. So the day before the big day, the day, yeah. May 7th is gnarly. May 8th is now gnarly. And yeah, of course May 9th is a nightmare.
which we'll get into in a very quick second. Yeah. But yeah, that was PlayStation and you know, I love that they're bringing more Indies and focused Indies on the platform, but obviously we've talked about it ad nauseam at this point, not our favorite way to spread the word.
I totally missed this this morning. Like I'm usually good at catching these tweets. Yeah, totally missed it. It kind of like popped up and because they didn't do like hey in the next hour here are three days and they just dropped it all. I saw it was just like we got some news for you. Yeah, not the best. Yesterday was Indie World Nintendo showing off some 20 minutes of new Indie game reveals and updates.
Starting with another May 9th game, Little Kitty Big City. Yeah. Getting a final date, which is exciting because that game looks cute as hell. I don't think we have to go through the entire list. No. Along with Little Kitty Big City, what are some of your highlights? I mean, I think it deserves more love than it's getting, but Skim finally getting a date. Yes. I don't know why. I mean, sure, it was in the montage. I get timing where all that, but none of the people are making a big deal.
of it finally getting a date because I feel like we've heard about that game forever at this point. I think we've probably first learned about it over lockdown at some point. Yeah, like I think it was part of a similar like PlayStation and the update thing as to like yeah.
It's wild to me that is also is that May July July July 18th So yeah, that's a huge highlight for me again Lorelei and the laser eyes getting a date May 16th Shout out to our friend Jill Groat at the Indian former. She has a hands-on preview piece on her website Kyle we may be too dumb for this video game You know what I'd like to try
give it a good old college try and then I think the other one I mean besides the big closer of course I'm actually really into the game stitch that dropped yesterday you pick it up I did not yeah I got away for the paycheck to hit it's like stitching through hoops is it crocheting I forgot that what exactly which type of stitching it is
Um, but it acts kind of like a cross stitch, like a cross stitch. Yeah. Like a pick cross where you're, you have to choose the right number of blocks and it's a puzzle to, to get the certain colors and it, the art is vibrant. I love the logo. I know my oldest niece who loves to do this kind of stuff. So I'm sure she's going to be all in on it. Um, and then the, obviously the clothes are steam world heights too.
maybe not be your type of game as we were discussing, but yeah, more steam world is fine by me. Bags the question where the hell is headhunter? Where is it? I don't know. And something we talked about as this is being revealed, if this was dig three and I understand heist two is first, probably next is dig three. If this is dig three, I'd be popping off.
Yeah, absolutely. What about you, Mike? Anything I didn't mention? I do want to give a shout out to a friend of the show, friend of Six One, Anton Blast. Shout out to Tony getting this Nintendo placement. Anton Blast rules if you're fans of the old school Wario Land games or something like Pizza Tower. Anton Blast rules. It's a quick, frenetic 2D platformer

Exciting May Indie Releases

that, yeah, it's just super fun, super chaotic. Valley Peaks.
Another look at that, no date on it though, but a really charming climbing game, similar to, sort of similar to surmount, but more, uh, I don't know, 3d, I guess you want to call it. I'm just moving on. I, the blip distracted me a little bit, but yeah, more, uh, behind the back camera, like 3d open world, the kind of climbing game. Um,
Of course, Animal getting a shout out as well. We're very excited for Animal Well. Duck Detective, The Secret Salami. Love the Happy Broccoli folks. Cracking Academy is fantastic if you haven't played that game. Mm-hmm. And loved to see Bzzt in the montage as well. Bzzt rules. I played a little bit. It must have been a Steam Nexus demo or something.
I haven't dug into the full version, but it is just such a fun collect-a-thon platformer that the hours melt away. So highly recommend checking that out when it hits Switch or jump on Steam if you're one of these deck boys.
Yeah, I do want to because we pointed at it and I think we should just prepare everyone when the time comes if releases calm is going to actually work the rundown of every game that's coming out on May 9th. I got you. I have I have it up already beautiful because May 9th is
Absolutely stacked. Let's all right. Let's start with May 7th because I like to get into like leading up into leading up to it because it's still nuts. So May 7th is venture to the vial that a 2D platform will be played during next fest into the show. Masao shout out to Masao venture the vial really damn good heading out. A lot of people were talking about that during Pax East. I am unfamiliar with what it is exactly. But I know people are really excited about it.
May 8th, as we just said, is V rising 1.0. Of course, there is going to be a lot of folks excited for that. And then May 9th, sure. Kitty big city animal. Well, yep. Indica moved out of the way. Thankfully that's May 2nd. Now gift. Crow country. Rainbow cotton. Corporation coming to consoles. Vampire survivors DLC. And then Pac-Man battle royale. Pac-Man battle royale.
It's a wild day. It's a big day. And not to mention like, um, what do you call it? Uh, uh, uh, Oh my God. I'm blanking on the mullet magic. Just got a date for May 15th or 16th. Um, I isn't Lorelei, uh, May 16th, 16th. It's the week after. Yeah. May in general is, um, quite overwhelming. It very much is. Haunty is this, uh, is in May. World of go to is in May. Ooh.
Gestalt, Steven Cinder, I think looks awesome. That's also in May, May 21st. Yeah. It's going to be nine souls is at the end of May. I can't wait for nine souls, dude. Lord almighty. I know a lot of people are excited for umber claw. I personally not. I didn't click with me all too much, but yeah, big old month. Big old month. Get those wallets ready. Yeah.
shell out everything you've earned for all these indie games. I thought you were transitioning. Want me to do the play-daping?
I mean, sure, I was going to transition into it, but go for it. It seemed like your mind just went through a pile of gunk. Today was a long day, Mike.

Playdate Games and Sales Data

Before the show, Playdate just tweeted out that, I'll just read the tweet, a little over a year ago, we launched a catalog for Playdate with 16 titles and our futuristic, quote, crank to buy technology. If you're curious here, here's how our curated on-device store is doing.
Yeah, Catalog, of course, it's their PSN, it's their Steam, it's their Xbox Marketplace. They just shared some sales data for the past year or so, or just data in general for the past year. 181 total games, $544,000 earned by Catalog developers. The average price of a game, $5.36. Average price during the anniversary sale, $4.50.
1,500 players first bought a game in the catalog anniversary sale, which for context, that was a couple of weeks ago, I believe. And total game purchases so far, 150,000 purchases, like units. Impressive. Very cool. The little yellow square that could. Yeah. Also a little fun thing on there is the smallest game, 30 kilobytes. Wild.
It's insane. Average game size, 5.03 megabytes, biggest game size, 107 megabytes. Which I was trying to figure out which one that was. And somebody mentioned that somebody took a film and made it like one bit and put it on the play date. Did you see there was a dev that created a playable proposal for his girlfriend? That's adorable. Yeah. That was going around over the weekend, maybe.
That's really, really cool. Yeah. It's incredible. Yeah. And this is the catalog is just like the play date curated stuff. Like this doesn't include like all the stuff that's available that you could just side load like play date rules, man. Yeah. I need to like.
I indulged in the catalog sale a couple of weeks ago. I have at least five or six games I need to delve into, including the new Lucas Pope joint, Mars After Midnight. Mars After Midnight, yeah. Mars needs moms. Mars needs moms. Yeah, a lot of good stuff on there.
Yeah, I need to play it more. It's also just a product of where I live my life where it's already dark in this room and the screen isn't the brightest thing in the world. But yeah, when the summer hits, now I'm working from home, like on a break or whatever, I'll go outside and go play some. Yeah, that'd be great. That's a good look, Mike. Let me tell you.
Big topic of the show is going to be what I've been

Dave the Diver Impressions

playing. So why don't you talk about, uh, your experience finally checking out David the diver are the little indie that could, you know, a little indie that could everybody, you know, what is an indie game? So what is an indie game? Um, I get it. I understand what the hype was. I understand why everyone was gushing over this game when it first came out, switching PC simultaneously, I think.
This is good luck. Another blip.
Sure. I think so. Um, or switch a few months afterwards. Anyways, everyone that I talked to for the most part, absolutely fell in love with it and the gameplay hook and me being so in love with dredge. Like there's no way there's another fishing game, quote unquote, that can capture my heart as much as stretched it. And, uh, Dave, the diver's doing it.
The loop of diving catch fish and gathering materials for like side quests and then going back up and setting the menu and doing like a full out of restaurant simulator thing, like an overcooked situation. Um, it's really doing wonders and I'm really, really curious and excited to see.
how the sea life changes the farther down we go and the farther down I'm able to make it and longer. I'm allowed to spoilers. They grow toes. Oh, do they really? Well, that's little toe beans wild little pizza.
Yeah, I mean, it's great. I love the also the very over-the-top anime style cutscenes when they're very good. Like, you know, the chef, I forgot to say Bancho, I think. Where he's like, you're upgrading dishes. And he goes, it's full on anime Goku Saiyan kind of moments. It's really, really good. It doesn't take itself too seriously, I don't think. There's a lot of mechanics going on too, which I was surprised about.
I'm still getting new apps on my phone to check in on side quests and missions and people to call and upgrading guns. And there's a lot to this game and I'm excited to figure out or to see it all the way through. Really cool that
The dredge DLC was also free because this was part of the PS Plus essential deal. Yeah. And I already downloaded the dredge DLC. So I'm good to go and experience that whenever it unlocks when I get to that progression of the story. Yeah. I know it didn't click fully with you. Yeah. I put like three, four hours into it. I was like, yeah, it's not for me, which is okay. Like absolutely. Yeah.
Yeah, I was grateful. It wasn't for me because I knew it like totally. It feels like a time sink. Yeah. So I was like, it's fine. I didn't need another time sink. I needed to replay Liza P. I needed to jump back in my, my new play through of the Elden ring. You know what I'm saying? Well, like that is the one thing I'm worried about because I now have David diver, which I'm itching to keep playing next week is tales of Ken's arrow. I've got, that will be the show on my mind. I got to finish rebirth. There's so much to get going on. You know what I downloaded yesterday also, but

Fallout 76 and Hades 2 Anticipation

They got me. I downloaded fallout 76. And that's also like in the back of mine. I haven't watched the show yet, but it's good.
Yeah. Same day as crab game is the fallout PS5 patch, which that's what I'm like. I'm kind of actually waiting for, but I've heard great things about 76 nowadays. So it's also, I think the same day as stellar blade too. So it's a, it's a big day. Speaking of crab game. Did you see today? They put up a side-by-side comparison of like crab and stellar blade protagonists including like pretty much fully naked. Yep. Incredible.
And even yesterday with indie worlds, yeah, where they were, another crabs was going through like a canal and Hades and somewhere on either side. They just understand it. They get it. Shout out to Nick and that whole development team, but specifically shout out to Paige, the community manager who like has been, I think mostly a lot of the, the marketing and whatnot. And of course our friends at pop agenda, George and Nick, but Paige in particular, I think she has, she's solely responsible for all the shitposting.
Oh my God, it's incredible. Yeah, it's incredible. But is the game? I don't know. We're not allowed to tell you. I know. Just want to cover our asses. But yeah, the topic of the show is what I've been playing quite a bit of.
A little game called Hades 2. I've never heard of it. Never heard of it. There's a little indie, a little indie that could. Yeah. In the middle of a meeting yesterday that we were both in, I think it was during our company meeting, my email popped and I checked it as somebody was talking and my eyes blew up when I saw you've been invited to the Hades 2 playtest and I immediately want to drop everything.
just pretend like I was incredibly sick and just play this thing all day. But I was a very good employee. I still am a very good employee. I waited until 5 p.m. That's why I waited until 6 p.m. because Kyle had a work wait. Me and Kyle got to boot it up for the very first time together.
We did we played 20 Minutes Together, which is up on YouTube dot com slash six one. And I think it's like one of my my favorite things that we recorded together because it's just pure bliss. It just literally is all just like no, like not great commentary or anything. Just like yelling. Oh, my God. It's gorgeous. Oh, the music. Oh, that person's. Kyle went away for a second and now Kyle's back.
Where do you want to start? Well, we do have some questions. We do. Should we just go with questions first? I mean, I'll grab one right now is from Justin D at Jushan over on Twitter. I will say also no spoilers for Hades one. Like, we'll just talk about our experience so far. And for context I put in, so 20 minutes yesterday with that video, I put in another, like so far, I think I put in two hours.
Okay. And I've also watched, I watched Plus play from kind of funny a little bit. So Justin writes in, any new weapons? Yes. So the technical test, which that's what this is, this is the technical test. We do not have access to the early access version of the game, but the technical test has two weapons available. I've only used the first weapon, which
Please excuse me. I don't know any of the names. I'll learn them eventually, but it's essentially a spear. It's like a witch's staff or witch's spear. That might be what it is. It might be the something staff. It's like a jabby weapon, has a little bit of distance to it.
You're able to, with your strong attack, you're able to shoot out a projectile. Loving it so far feels great. The other weapon is essentially like a dagger in the left hand and a mini scythe in the right hand. I haven't gotten the material. Oh, I was going to say, did you unlock it? Not yet. Not yet. I think in-game, they call them the scissor blades? Yeah. Scissor something? Yeah.
Yeah, but so far those two weapons are new. I'd imagine all the weapons are going to be new. Since it's a whole new character, whole new situation. That'd be cool. Maybe a last one as like a nod to the first game, like one weapon as something like that. But I think the cool thing about how
OK, Melanoy. So it's Melan, Melanoy. Yeah, Melanoy. How Melanoy attacks with the staff are the additional like magic attacks that you have at your disposal. I think my favorite one is the like the snare, the lore you put on the ground that holds enemies in place and do area of effect attacks.
So compared to the first game that if we're talking about, I'm going to just use the Xbox controller since that's what I primarily played it on.
the B button. In the first game, you would shoot out the little like diamond. The cast. The cast this time around are like these dedicated spells. So for at least this weapon, I don't know if this is just a thing for a melanoid or you get to unlock different casts later on. But right now you hit B and yeah, a giant summoning circle goes around you and it traps the enemies that are caught inside that circle. If you hold B until like a little
meter fills up. It will, like you said, ensnare the enemies and do significant damage to all of them, which at the moment, it's a pretty OP move. I'd imagine throughout the test, they're going to tone that down a little bit. Granted, it's balanced through, of course, you have your health and you have MP, we'll just call it. I think in game, it's called magic with a K at the end. Yeah, so magic.
That attack that ensnares and does the OP damage, it does use magic, so that's kind of the balance, I guess, so you can't spam it. Yeah, the spear, your normal attack with X is the jabs moving forward that have quite a bit of reach to it. And then Y, which is your heavy attack, shoots out a little. It's actually pretty similar to what the cast used to be. Yeah.
except not limited to two or three, you could just keep doing it. And each one of those moves you can hold to use magic and do stronger attacks. So if you hold X, I think it's like a sweeping attack that goes across the screen. I was going to ask the lane one. Yeah, the lane one. It creates a lane on the screen. And I think the shooting one for Y, it's just a stronger projectile, I believe.
Yeah, it just it feels like more versatile sort of like it feels like you have you have like per single weapon. It feels like you have more to play around with which is nice. Yeah, and like I know we didn't experience it on our playthrough, but again watching blessing play it he picked up a power up where you sprint and it had it like burns away projectiles. Yeah.
So like any projectiles that come near you, you just sprint around and it just evaporates them, which is so cool. I loved the sprinting project, the sprinting buff that we got during our playthrough where it was, I forgot what boon it was, but essentially sprinting around created like this cyclone that was freezing all the enemies. Really powerful. I really loved it. The game like does a fantastic job, no matter what boon you select so far, at least.
Um, just makes you feel really powerful and makes it and makes the combat feel super satisfying, which versus Hades one granted technical tests versus a full blown game.

Hades 2 Gameplay and Features

I haven't seen everything in Hades two yet, whatever. Um, you know, caveat. Um, so far, like I have boons in Hades one that like I always avoid no matter what.
So far in Hades two, there hasn't been a boon that I was like, eh, you know, sure. Yeah. And just from, you know, not having my hands on the six and just watching you play and other people play.
It feels faster. It looks faster. So to compare between Zagreus and one and now melanoid to she just feels more fluid and you having to be a little bit more on the run, at least in the early stages of this technical test, which I really enjoy because I'll be honest, it would have been a little bit of a bummer if she felt similar to Zach. Sure. Yeah. So I do love how they're different enough, at least.
Honestly, that's what I was expecting. I put up a TikTok on the account earlier. I was expecting just more of...
Kyle went away for a second, now Kyle's back. I was expecting more of just Hades 1, which I would have been totally okay with. But yeah, to bring in another question from Twitter, Graham Reed, shout out to Graham, buy Super Space Club now available on Steam and Xbox. Please do. Is Hades 2 more of the same, but even better than before? Or does it do anything significant to make the game feel like an all new experience? I would say everything we just talked about, like the different
abilities and more versatility tied to individual weapons definitely helps to feel like a fresh experience. The mobility of melanoid versus Zag definitely feels like a fresh experience. It feels like I'm playing a new character. It feels like I'm not just playing DLC for Hades one. Um, I would also say the, the look of the game as well. Um, the game is drop dead gorgeous. Like again, we talked about in the, um,
Talk about a little bit on Indie Council last night. We've mentioned it on the video. It could be because I haven't seen Hades 1 in quite some time, but there's something about Hades 2 so far. It could be just the saturation. It could be the choice of color palette. It could be the shading. It could be the animation, whatever it may be. It is doing something that makes the game just pop on screen. It is stunning to look at. It's one of the most beautiful games I've seen in quite some time.
I'm so excited for the day.
where I can experience Hades 2 on my OLED TV. And I did that today, my friend. Oh my God. I'm so jealous of you. It's wild, man. It is something. I'll say also the other thing, a couple of other things that's new to Hades 2, something we didn't get to experience together, but in addition to your weapon before you go out and run, similar to Hades 1, you get to choose your weapon before you go out and run.
You're able to choose a tool now as well. Okay. So I was able to, the first one I have unlocked is a pickaxe and the pickaxe allows me to go out in the world and, um, gather materials from like stone. That's probably how you get the silver. Probably. Okay. Um, so that's something a little different as well. Throughout runs, you are actually like forging for materials and whatnot. Like you'll, you'll find.
I forgot, again, forgot the names, but you'll find flowers. Ash is a big currency. Oh, Molly was a flower because we made a drug joke. Molly was a flower because we made a drug joke. Molly was a flower because we made a drug joke. Molly was a flower because we made a drug joke. Molly was a flower because we made a drug joke. Molly was a flower because we made a drug joke. Molly was a flower because we made a drug joke. Molly was a flower because we made a drug joke. Molly was a flower because we made a drug joke. Molly was a flower because we made a drug joke. Molly was a flower because we made a drug joke. Molly was a flower because we made a drug joke. Molly was a flower because we made a drug joke. Molly was a flower because we made a drug joke. Molly was a flower because we made a drug joke. Molly was a flower because we made a drug joke. Molly was a flower because we made a drug joke. Molly was a flower because we made a drug joke. Molly was a
Yeah, I was expecting this much like even I got some like narrative stuff already in my right before hopping on for the podcast that I was not expecting. Hell, yeah, I'm so excited to add to how it's different as well outside of gameplay. I love how like all the menus look in this one where like when you do you I looks great.
Yeah, when you pick a boon, I love how Melanoi is standing there to the side, somewhere to like Zagreus in the first one. But there's actually like moving parts. Like I forgot the fire goddess, their name, but like Ash is falling around Melanoi as you're standing there and viewing it.
It sucks you into the game and it's super giant. I in my eyes now can do no wrong. Not that that's been something new to the world. They've always just knocked it out of the park when it comes to presentation, but
They're doing something even crazy special with Hades too. Yeah, to add on to the visuals because you mentioned the goddess the gods and the goddesses. Oh, yeah. Well, they're Mario Rivera writes in how many of the characters are mommy or daddy. Thank you. Oh, oh, oh, all the above. Even shout out that headmistress. Oh boy. Even the ones you can't see that are just hurting. Yeah. Heckity. Yeah, which is a yeah.
Oh, thank you. Kelsey said it correct because I made a note in my phone to make sure I pronounced it correctly. Yeah, she has like a 12 pack. She sure does.
Yeah, that too, like so far, narratively, I like the dynamic. I like the dynamic between Hecate and Melanoi. Very like motherly, mother-daughter relationship. Again, super light kind of stuff. It seems like it doesn't really tell you too much about what's going on. Like the tagline so far is like death to Chronos. Like that seems like to be your main goal. You're trying to take out Chronos for some reason. That hasn't been revealed to the player yet.
But it has been Melanoi's lifelong goal due to the guidance of Hecate to take down Chronos. It seems like something happened to Melanoi's mother, who is, I believe, Zag's sister, because she's the princess of these. Melanoi is Zag's sister. Yeah.
Yeah. Seems like something happened to their mom and like where we're just trying to get revenge, but we don't have the full picture yet. But yeah, I really love mom and dad. Yeah. Yeah. Hades. Again, no spoilers for one. But yeah, it's super interesting. A lot of the narrative stuff. But yeah, to go back to Mario's question, everybody. Oh my God. Everybody's like, everybody got such an overhaul. It's like really impressive. Even ones that like popped up.
from the first game. I'm not talking like the gods and goddesses, but. Oh my God, the skill. Skelly Skelly, whatever, whatever their new name is in this game. I just buff now like he's got like a fake beard on like it. Oh my God. It's so good. I just went all the artwork on my walls. Just like stare at it in my time earlier today. I did run into Aphrodite and as you can imagine.
The only, the only thing there is hair. Um, you disappeared. I said, the only thing there is hair. Oh, really? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Um, they know what they're doing. They know what they're doing.
They. Yes. But yeah, so far so good. I will say I I feel like some of it might be placeholder in terms of the fire goddess who I forgot the name of and Karen from the first game. So Karen is also has the same just like hooded like no face model similar to the fire goddess. I can't imagine it staying the same. Well, I didn't have have an actual like
face and like actual like features like this. This feels like a pallet swap at the moment. I don't remember. Yeah, me neither. I'm on the, I'm on the first Hades Wiki just to familiarize myself with everyone again.
Yeah, I don't remember if we actually see their face in the first one. I'm doing a quick Google. Yeah. Oh, well, we don't see his face, but he's definitely more defined with like the hat and the gold armor. Yeah. Like he currently doesn't look like that. No. I mean, so here I could see, right? Yeah. I don't know. Just it's interesting. I do. I do have a picture of his seconds.
Anyways, we're hung up on that. You got another question for me? Nothing from Twitter. Well, I got from our Discord, Silcana, who is in chat. Why didn't I get my technical test invite yet? Don't know.
get good. It seems like, genuinely, it seems like they're letting folks in a little bit at a time. Even today when I booted it up between like last night and today, I've had two updates. So I'm sure they just want to like iron stuff out, make sure it's all good for the more folks in.
Jester19 and the Discord, how does it feel compared to the first or how's the gameplay feel compared to the first? I talked about this already a little bit, but it does feel... It's smooth, man. It just feels like butter. This thing feels great. I haven't even... Again, I'm so impressed that this is a technical test and not something we're playing for review at the moment.
It's smooth. It's fluid. It's impactful. It is satisfying. It is gorgeous to look at as you are attacking folks. Yeah, I can't say enough nice things about it. Did you get to the boss on your own yet? I did. Okay. I don't want to say who it is. No, but how did you do? I like a sliver.
just because she had an AOE attack that, I don't know if you saw it yourself, where it goes out a little bit and then it goes back in. I thought in my mind, I was like, oh, let me, I'll dodge through that to get to her. I didn't realize it pumps back in and that took out 20 of my HP.
Super Giants thinking ahead there once up ahead. Yeah, they knew you were going to do that. If I didn't make that mistake, I would have easily got it because like I survived like that was like early in the fight. I survived for so long and I just got caught with like it's a very bullet heli boss. Okay. And certain moments. But yeah, I was it was like a goddamn sliver. I was so mad. But yeah, I was like I was right there. I can't you know.
adequately, adequately speak on it just because it's not like my skill set and I can't really critically talk about it. But your thoughts on the music, Mike, I love Hades one soundtrack and just because it, it like, like makes the hair on my body stand on end from hype. If I may. Yeah. The music fucks.
We got it. Put it on the box, Supergiant. You're welcome. Dude, Darren Korb is just a mad man. His range and scope and his ability to bob and weave in between genre is just so impressive and just like he is just firing on all goddamn cylinders for this score. Even the menu music, the menu music, like the main Hades 2 theme I'd imagine is what it is. Holy hell, it is.
impressive. I saw during IMA Pit's restock thing, like you, I am also desperately awaiting payday because I'm quite broke, but they did toss the Hades 1 box set back up for sale. It's like, fuck, I want it so bad. As soon as the Hades 2-1 drops, not even a question, day one I need. It is so sonically impressive. There is so much happening. It's hard to process just in the two hours that I played, but like, oh my God.
Yeah, I don't know what instrument it is from the first one. But like, like, oh my God, it's the chords or string, whatever it is, the done done like when you die, like that is so iconic. Yeah.
and one of my favorite just sounds. I believe it's like a harpsichord or something like that. Harpsichord. Okay, yeah. Man, music is so good. It's great. I love Hades so much. Pack in the Discord. Are there any new systems in place for longer meta progression? Great, because I was going to ask you about the card system that we stumbled upon.
Yeah. So there is a tarot card system. And when we say card system, it's not a deck builder. That is a term and a genre that tends to scare folks like me and Kyle away, but it is not a deck builder. Right before runs, I think it's right before you enter where you get to choose your weapon and whatnot, you pop on a platform and you can engage. I think it's called you meditate.
and nine cards are displayed on screen and each of the cards have a certain buff attached to it. Off the top of my mind, I can't tell you what the exact buffs are, but let's say there's like an additional 20 health, 20 magic, stuff like that. At least to start out with, I'd imagine later on it's to get a little more in-depth and more meta, like meta progression kind of stuff, like mid and maxing, all that kind of shit.
So yeah, each card, each one of those nine cards has, in that TikTok that I described, I put out earlier, I called it a point, like a numerical point value to it. So like, let's say the plus 20 health has six and
20% extra damage has four. That is a total of 10 points. At the moment, 10 available slots, four points. If I want to use those two cards, that's all I could use.
Let's say all nine cards are one point each. I can use all nine of those cards because it's only one point and I have 10 available slots. If I'm not mistaken, I think in game they referred to it as grasp. Is that what it is? I forgot the terminology.
I believe that's what it's called, but that doesn't really matter. Essentially, this feels like a more... As somebody competent on the TikTok, it seems like a more improved version of the mirror system. Like something that's a little more fluid, something that's a little less grindy. The way you unlock new cards is just like finding materials in the world. So like Ash was the big one. Now, every time I see Ash, I'll make sure I go grab it so I can unlock some of these new cards.
Yeah, it's a really interesting system. I'm curious to see as you progress through it, to see what are the new cards? Do you find new cards in the world? Are you swapping cards out in a deck? Is it some deck building mechanics that are in there that you don't know of yet? I can totally see them going the route where, again, not supplying anything from one. It's just a mechanic of
by maxing out favor with certain gods and goddesses in two.

Hades 2 Progression Systems

You'll earn new cards to add, similar to like keepsakes in one.
where you got to choose different buffs and which ones to use per run. I would love for them to be a ton of cards granted technical tests. There's only nine slots. It'd be really cool to have like pages of cards and really having to choose which ones best and fit in the
the 10 slots available. You'd imagine that's what they're leading to for 1.0. Yeah. Something we didn't play together. There's also incantations, which to be totally honest, I forgot exactly what the buff was, but it's another layer of buffs for your run. Cool.
And I forgot if there was another thing. Oh, the other system was just the materials and whatnot. But the main thing was that the card system in place, which seems really interesting. And again, the mirror thing always kind of overwhelmed me. It always felt like so far for the next goal, this seems a lot more attainable at the moment. Like it felt nice after that first run that we failed almost instantly. It felt nice that I was able to unlock two cards to help me with the next run. So it's definitely a lot more
not handholdy, but it's definitely helping you ease into it a little more. It's helping you progress through that first final boss, for sure. Yeah. I do quickly, and we already touched on it. Sure. Shout out to them putting a big dude in the game as a god and goddess. Yeah. I think it's Hephaestus, that character model of a bigger
human and also in a wheelchair. Yeah. And like, it's awesome. Also looks hot. Like it's, yeah, it kind of breaking stereotypes a whole lot about what is, you know, a beauty, attractive beauty standards. Uh, I would love to see more of that in games than just the media in general. That's great breath of pressure.
Jacob McCourt, can you tell us what is playable in early access? I cannot, because this is a technical test. I will say I only know this because I watched blessing actually beat the boss. You get like a little letter saying, Hey, thanks for playing the test. You can keep doing that run. Oh, five times. Yeah. That's it. So after five, you're done. Yeah. But as far as early access goes, we don't. Yeah. We have zero idea.
It like is early access it like am I playing early access right now and like they just they're just calling it a test. I don't know. Sure. I'm trying to remember what was when Hades one was out in early access. How many biomes were there? I don't know. I'd imagine like they just kept adding on per update like sure. Yeah, like how far would go though. Yeah, like I'd imagine when this game does hit early access. We will get a roadmap and we'll get a better idea of
where things are looking, um, uh, at first it stopped at Meg. So similar. Oh, okay. So this honestly, this is probably what early access is going to look like, except not stopping you after five runs. I'm sure there's going to be more, probably more narrative stuff and more, more things to be busy throughout early, uh, this first stage of early access. But, um, I do want to go back to that question, but I do want, we'll hit Nicholas Johnson first. Um,
Does the game indicate if you should or need to play the first one? The game doesn't indicate it, but I'd imagine that you should. I can totally see them doing a story wrap up.
They probably will. I feel like a lot of people, it feels like everybody and their mother has played Hades. Or knows at least the premise of it. Or at least knows the premise of it. I'd imagine there are even more people that have heard about Hades and they're like, Oh, let me just jump into this next one. Granted.
the two could possibly scare people away. Absolutely. And maybe they will jump to the Hades one, but like I would, if you haven't played Hades one, I would recommend playing it anyways. Million percent. Especially nowadays, like there is the, was a hero mode where you can just kind of run through it. God mode, just run through it. I think that's in this too. I think I saw the option to turn on God mode. Oh, interesting. So.
Yeah. Just so you're like so far, there hasn't been much crossover. Obviously like the gods and the goddesses, like in terms of boons, there's a lot of crossover there. Obviously, melanoid is the sister of Zag. She hasn't, nobody has mentioned.
Hades or there are hints, but, you know, never thought you'd be doing this kind of thing, but it's being very tongue in cheek or boy with its narrative. Like it definitely like, at least for the technical test, possibly for early access. It's not laying everything out. I don't imagine holding it close. I'd imagine we won't get the full scope with the narrative until 1.0.
Yeah, absolutely. So I did, I did just see, cause I had no idea how long Hades one was in early access. Hades one was in early access for two years. Yeah. I'd imagine it's not going to be this long. I hope not. But again, just keep cooking. That's fine. Yeah. Like just do your thing, but I can wait. It'll be impatient, but I can wait until PlayStation. I'd imagine they have an infrastructure in place to like,
expedite the process a little bit. Again, I don't mean- Yeah, it is a sequel. Build upon what they learned and the same roadblocks probably will not happen. Yeah. The core system, the core combat and whatnot is still very much Hades one. It's just evolved. It definitely feels different. It feels fresh, but it's still at its core very much reminiscent of Hades one. I feel like a lot of
Haiti's one early access was learning the ropes and tweaking and really nailing all the systems. I feel like a majority of that is probably done. Now it's just fine tuning and seeing what they can do to keep it fresh. And so far with this first biome, they are hitting the nail on the head. But again, it could take two years, it could take three years, it could take five years. We know as soon as this hits 1.0,
It's going to. It's like going back to Jacob's question about. Well, first off, is there anything else we didn't touch on, you think? I think we kind of covered. I think we covered all the systems or whatnot. You know, just briefly, I think the hub world looks super, super cool world is super cool. I don't want to get too far into it. Yeah, it's different from one out there, but yeah, it's it's different enough from one to keep it fresh, but
I love that we're allowed to keep, you know, talking with these characters and learning about them a little bit more. I love kind of the, the variant of not, it's not like literally a variant of this character, but like the type of character. I love the Dusa like character in this really great Dora.
Dora, I believe. Yeah. She's fantastic. I feel like she's going to be a fan favorite, like right away. She's super great. Odysseus. And I forgot who else was on the other side. Nemesis is there. Nemesis. Yeah. They're great. Hypnosis is in the corner. We didn't get to see him when we were playing, but hypnosis is there. And when you talk... Nah, that's against the narrative stuff. Sorry.
But yeah, it, the hub world is super great. But overall, man, I'm so impressed. I want to keep playing. I'm excited for early access. So yeah, going back to early access. When do you think this is coming out? Cause I have my thought and like, I'm, I'm pretty sure it's what's going to happen based on like early access. You mean? Yeah. Oh, SGF. Yeah. I think a shadow drop at during Jeff's show. Yep.

Hades 2 Early Access and Speculations

Either starting the show or ending the show. Yeah.
because the language with the technical tests, they said, there's a question of how long is the test going to be available? They said no, at least a week, but no longer than a month. Guess what's happening in a month. Or a little after a month. It's happening. Yeah, so I'd imagine we are currently playing early access and the technical test is just the fine tune a lot of the systems before they put a price on it.
Which again, I know you, you touched on it, but I'm just so impressed for a technical test. No major hiccups from what I've seen running as smooth as possible. Cause I've been a part of other technical tests and they have not been smooth. Dude, there has been there. I have not seen one frame drop, one slight hiccup, one moment where like an enemy got stuck or I,
Hit dodge and like it didn't dodge or like the frames were weird. Whatever it may be. There was nothing like this thing is bulletproof. As far as I can tell this thing is bulletproof at the moment. The the one thing I just remember that I think is a cool little additive thing to the combat are the terrain kills. Yeah, you can like attack trees and the trees will fall on the enemies and kill them and do damage just adds more to like
move around the map instead of saying on spot, which is everything. Quite handy with the boss. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Quite handy. I'm glad they give you like eight to 10 trees to play around with. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's super dope. Super dope. Yeah. I'm excited to play more. I'm excited to get back to that first boss and then get through it.
It's not even that hard. I just made a stupid mistake and I was like kicking myself for it. So I'm excited to get through it. And as soon as I got to the boss and it kicked me back to the hub world, got a really interesting narrative.
Not cutscene, but a narrative thing. I guess if you want to call it a playable cutscene. Okay. Trying to dodge things. Yeah. But yeah, I'd imagine there's going to be some really interesting narrative threads that are going to be dropping between technical tests and throughout Early Access. I'm excited now that I'm a Steam Deck person especially, excited to follow the Early Access version and not have to wait for 1.0. I'm excited to just
play through as development is going on. Yeah, especially with again, how bulletproof this feels at the moment. Like I can only imagine how smooth of a process this early access time is going to be. Yeah, I'm excited. Who would have thought Hades two real good? Who would have thought? Who would have thought? I was the one that put this on fantasy critic, right? I think you drafted it. Yeah.
I'm curious if anybody reviews it because it is just one biome or we were assuming it's just going to be one biome. Yeah. At this point or with us, us both thinking early access is going to drop in SGF. I wouldn't. It wouldn't be too out of left field for them to say early access now. Full release this fall. I would not be shocked. Really? I wouldn't be shocked. Like listen, I wouldn't be shocked. Sure.
But crazy of 1.0 hit some fall. It'd be crazy. But I realistically probably late next year. I don't know. Yeah, I would say realistically if we're being optimistic, I would say next. If the first one was two years early access and they've learned and have systems in place a year and a half from early access. So I think that's a good one. Did Hades one 1.0 drop? That's pre lockdown, right? Like 2019.
So they've been cooking for a long time. Yeah. I think it was game awards at some point. Yeah. December 6th, 2018 18. No, no, no, no, no. Hold on. What's that early access? 2020 2020 was 1.0. Yes. Yeah. So I mean, they've been cooking after one, September 17th, 2020. Yeah. So four years, right? Cause it was,
I don't think there's anything in between. No, what was the other? I feel like the game that not a lot of people played the basketball pyre pyre wasn't after Hades. No, it went pyre then Hades and now I hate these two. God, I mean like their lineup Bastion transistor pyre Hades Hades too. Are you kidding me? I have to go back and play pyre. Same.
I've never, I was honestly confession time. I never fully play through Bastion. I didn't fully play through transistor. Same with transistor. Yeah.
I remember the reason I never fully played through Transistor and this is like such a stupid reason. I bought it and the following, I bought it on PlayStation in the following month. It was a PS Plus game. I was so spiteful about it. I think I played like the first like level or something, but I do want to go back and if there's time, like, you know. Absolutely. What is time? Bastion was one of my first Vita games. Like I got like a good chance through it, but
That was like the Vito game next to Kripta and Necrodancer for me. I'm just I keep scrolling between all their like the key art, the capsule art for all of them and just and I'm just an awe. Lord almighty. They're so good. Yeah. Yeah. Like honestly, best is probably the worst out of them all, but it's still great. Oh, yeah.
in terms of key art and stuff. Key art wise. Oh yeah. Key art. Absolutely. Yeah. Thank you for saying that. And if you're curious into how to get into this Hades playtest, if you go to the Hades two steam page, scroll down a little bit, there's a little button to opt into a playtest.
So, free to click, give it a shot. Again, practice patience. Who knows when to let more folks in, but give it a shot. I'm sure there's quite the long line as well at the moment, but hey, you never know. Speaking of which, in our Discord, Super Nintendo had Dungeons of Hindenburg.

Dungeons of Hinterberg Playtest

They have a playtest as well. They opted for, which I'm gonna do as you tell me.
what's happening this week in India before I do that. Sorry quickly. I'm sorry if you hear my nephew upstairs. It sounds like he's in a full stampede right now about me, but I also just want to add just because I didn't realize how big Supergiant was the team. Sure 23 people. Yes, they're they're Andy man. They are stellar at what they do very very good, but Hades two when we get to play it. It'll be a few months.
It'll be a while. He'll be in June. But in this week in Indy from April 22nd, April 28th on Tuesday to 23rd sucker for love date to die for comes to PC, put the love in Lovecraftian horror, avoid the fan fanatical cultists and survive dangerous rituals to escape the blackwoods with your life in this nineties anime inspired visual novel. I am so excited for this goddamn game. Sucker for love one rocks.
Shout out to Caroline and Joseph, friends of the show over at the team for Sucker For Love. Sucker For Love is a game that I've played through fully at PAX East. I had an appointment to check out all the Dread XP stuff, but I just decided to play through the entirety of Sucker For Love for my appointment. It's great. If you like just dark comedy, absurd comedy, obviously some fucked up elements, yeah, definitely check it out.
also on Tuesday, April 23rd, tales of Ken's arrows. How PC PS five Xbox series X and switch. It is also a part of the PS plus a essential plan. I was exactly. I didn't know. No, I think it's, it's not a PS.
I think you're right. I think it's day one. Yeah. Essential is like the new games and premium is like the retro stuff. Yes, you're correct. Yep. It's available for essential, uh, folks, uh, we'll get your shit in order. Seriously. Just call them by the trophy levels. It's not that hard. We'll the dance of the shaman reclaim your father's spirit, brave the beautiful and treacherous land of CanXera with the God of death and tales of CanXera Zao, a metroidvania style adventure crafted by Surgeon studios.
I can't wait and full disclosure. I know it's EA original. It's whatever we know. It's a brand new studio. It's a small. It's an indie team Thursday, April 25th. Another crabs treasure PC Xbox PlayStation switch in a vibrant undersea kingdom on the verge of collapse. I heard my crab embarks on a treasure hunt to buy back his repossessed shell. The second game from Agro crab. Next we see indie cast get your questions in. Yeah.
In case you're just curious though, it is a souls like game. Yes. It's a, it's a crab souls. Like so like anyone is wondering why. Yeah. And on Friday, April 26th, manner Lords comes to PC early access manner. Lords is a medieval strategy game featuring in-depth city building, large-scale tactical battles and complex economic and social simulations rule your lands as a medieval Lord. The seasons pass the weather changes and cities rise and fall.
I'm surprised you put this one on here, not our jam. I know a lot of people. It's not our jam, but I know it's big. It's going to be a bigger release. Yeah. Well, cool. Y'all that about does it for episode one 86 of the six one into casting. You so much for hanging out with us. If you enjoy this review the podcast, I've lost track. Drop us a review. Funny. If you just ended up there, if you enjoy this,
Leave the podcast a review wherever you're listening. Drop a comment over on YouTube for the algorithm. Give it a thumb up if you like us. Make sure you subscribe on YouTube. Let's hit 1,000 before June 1st. What do you say? Nice little goal. That'd be cool. And hey, if you're feeling a little extra generous, head on over to slash six what Andy where you can listen to clocked out the Indocaspo show, which we're going to record right now. But for everyone else, we'll catch you next week. Goodbye. Bye.