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The Undying Legacy: Tracing the Evolution of Resident Evil Through the Ages

S1 E7 ยท CodePlay Culture Podcast
84 Plays1 year ago

In this enthralling episode of Codeplay Culture, join hosts Rui and Logan Dunning as they embark on a spine-chilling journey through the twisted history of the iconic Resident Evil franchise. Uncover the roots of this beloved survival horror series and witness how it has evolved over the years, adapting to changing technology and gaming preferences while maintaining its terrifying essence.

Together, they dissect the various iterations of the game, analyzing the shifts in gameplay mechanics, storytelling, and the unforgettable cast of characters that have haunted players for decades. Explore the impact of Resident Evil on the broader gaming landscape, as well as the influence of the series on pop culture, movies, and the survival horror genre as a whole.

Prepare for a harrowing trip down memory lane as Codeplay Culture delves into the dark heart of Resident Evil's undying legacy. Tune in for an adrenaline-pumping episode that pays homage to a game that has captivated and frightened generations of gamers.


Podcast Introduction

Welcome to the Codeplay Culture Podcast, where we discuss tech, gaming, health, and the world around us. Everybody, welcome to Codeplay Culture Podcast, Rui and Logan, back in full

Evolution of Resident Evil

effect. Today, we're taking a look at exploring the evolution of Resident Evil. It has become this, that, and the other thing, and back again. Cool.
topic, really, just diving right into it. Resident Evil, what's your favorite one? Oh, man, this is a loaded question. I'm going to have to say number one, always number one for every franchise for me is my favorite. And yeah, by far Resident Evil, number one is my favorite. I'm going to take a wild guess at yours. Number two.

Favorite Resident Evil Games

Yeah. You know, the square root of four is two and two times two and two plus two is four. My favorite one was four only because I was like, you know, how people have first world problems. If there's an example of zero world problem and I could say, Oh, I wasn't one of those lucky people to have a PlayStation one when it came out as a kid. I probably would have fell in love with
you know, one, two, and all of that. But four was my first take at it. And on the GameCube, because it was built for that and then ported to PS2, meaning that if you wanted that perfect graphic experience at the time, you didn't want the PS2 when you wanted the GameCube one. I wasn't aware it was a port.
Yes, it was important to know because, you know, you always want to find the source, not the the deduped. Yeah, yeah, for sure.

Puzzles in Resident Evil

What did you like about one? Oh, man, one was amazing. The puzzles, man, the puzzles. I think we are going to harken back to that. But we talked about this in our first podcast or maybe our second one. But we did touch this topic about the puzzles, man. The puzzles are what make the game.
And just blasting zombies is fun. Of course, when you're, you know, obviously in there all running around and some guy with a massive axe to try to like chop you in pieces. And yeah, that's always fun. But the puzzles, man, it was missing that aspect. Every time you say puzzle, I think in my head of pushing these stone statues.
Yeah. Like that was in Resident Evil 1, right? Yeah. Stone statues on invisible floor plates that, I mean, you can't, you don't know that they're pressure plates and you just happen to move that statue over it and then they have to align and then light beams across eyeballs. And it's just a pretty, pretty, it's pretty unique, a unique puzzle or survival game.

Horror Survival Game Evolution

So yeah, they've taken a different turn now, right? A horror survival is something different now. Yeah. Basically just survive an onslaught of a bunch of random zombies and infected people. And that's your horror survival, right? Yeah. So it has transitioned very oddly. Well, you know, maybe oddly is beauties in the eye of the beholder.
However, you've seen all of this stuff happen with, you know, Final Fantasy 7 remastered to be more of like a Kingdom Hearts or a hack and slash God of War level. Yeah, man. And some of these maturities, like how it's maturing almost is like a D maturity, right?

First-Person Perspective in Resident Evil

Or there's elements of maturity and dematurity. I would say the weirdest part with Resident Evil is when they went all first person.
And you know what, I felt very outcasted because I was one of my only friends that wasn't down with that. And they're like, are you excited about? Because I was so into it. And I lied. I'm like, yeah, I am. I'm really, I can't wait. And I'm like inside just like, they went first person. Granted, that was
That was weird, dude. You know, people around a table just eating each other's brains and like they're just talking socially. You're like, you're not going to eat your bag. It's just so weird. Right. And then they came out with a VR edition of that, by the way, like almost put me off of VR. Right. Like.
in terms of like being scared of that kind of stuff. But you know, then you know what kind of games you want. But yeah, so the puzzle experience you almost say that like it's or you did say that like it's tapered off. It has tapered off. It's tapered off. And I think I think four was the that was the cutoff point for the puzzle survival

Transition from Puzzle Horror to Action

game. Everything after four became a an action
a horror action game. Everything before horror was actually a puzzle horror platform. So Resident Evil 1, 2, and then Code Veronica, of course, Resident Evil 0, all four of those were, in fact, puzzle horror games, were not action-based. Everything after that became an action. So yeah, 4, 5, 6, 7, whatever else so many that they have. I'm not sure where it ends.
Last I heard it was eight, right? The village? Yeah, the village, which is, I think, not Chris. I forget his name. Chris Redfield. Or it could be. Jill? It was a dude. And then... Oh, okay. And you know what? So they went... How was it? Six? Seven was... Okay, six was basically... Whatever happened there, it tanked the whole franchise. It was kind of like a...
They grabbed the CEOs or whatever the creative directors of Resident Evil, whoever did that one. Yeah. And they're like, no, no, no, no. You're ruining it all. Right. And then they completely 180. They're like, we need to fix this completely. So they almost let it die with six because six was like it was like a indie game like and that's a main number.
Right. Right. And then seven, I believe was the six is long term support. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. Seven was the first person. Very weird. Right. It kind of like I don't remember any characters, likenesses, all that stuff. Right. Right. And then. Sorry, not seven, eight, sorry, nine. Right. Nine is the village. Right. Or the village would be the seven. I'm having a massive. I think seven is actually
in a village, maybe eight. Okay. Yeah. Oh yeah. That makes sense. Six and eight. I was getting confused. Yeah. I'm the massive, uh, just got back from skateboarding all the way to the bank. Like, and it was like 15 minutes before the pod. I'm like sweating. Um, super sunny out there. When I left the house, it was cold. When I came home, it was too hot to wear a coat. Like that's the elevator heart rate level of, uh,
cardio, right? Sorry, I had to sneeze. And so anyhow, yeah, so not eight, right? Yeah. Eight was first person

Remastering Resident Evil Games

as well with I think Chris Redfield or whoever was in it. Then they patched it to be third person.
And this was way after, a couple of years or whatever. I haven't played it, but I was like, oh my God. If you think about what happened there, top-down isometric puzzles, okay? Next up, they went four. And four was over the shoulder, like Gears of War, I believe, copied that after. Because it wasn't first Gears, because if you think about it, GameCube was before Xbox 360, right? Because it was GameCube versus Xbox, right? Gears was on 360.
And that whole over the shoulder look, I feel like they were the first, they probably weren't the first, but they were the first people to like, you know, be, you know, recognized to do it super well. Then they did five, which is just a stone's throw from four. And then six was the tank.
So we have top down isometric puzzle, then over the shoulder, colder, bolder, holder, whatever, just like the rhyme. And then the next one was tank, like, cause it just, it was, I think it was over the shoulder again. It was just, I don't know. It probably was. Then they were like, okay, 180, they're going to do first person and see how they came back to the over the shoulder, not only for the village patch,
They started remastering them all. So they remastered, they didn't remaster the first one yet. They remade two and three. Yeah. So they did two and three. And you know what's weird? Not weird. It's probably freaking amazing. They were able to do that within like a year of each other. Yeah. It's just some team was like, you know what?
I got this. Their hands are burning after. But I believe there are specific teams that do remasters just like that's their bread and butter. And now we're at Resident Evil 4, which granted they put in way more money, like probably triple or quadruple because people know that that is, but that's messed up if you think about it. Oh, maybe dude, because
it was already 3D over the shoulder at four. So they have to upgrade it much more. It's like the later the game comes out, the more money they have to put into upgrading. But when they do two and three, because it's like PS1, they're like, whatever, we'll give you whatever. Code Veronica for sure has to be next in the remaster, zero and one.
However, one, super scared about that because, you know, what they did for FF7, you know, they could completely, remember we were saying it's like when they do a remake, it's, you know, a person you haven't seen in 20 years shows up at your house and they're like, they're like, Hey, you remember me? I'm like, I think it's like, what's your name? Like a Final Fantasy seven. It's like, Oh, you're cloud, right? And he's like, yeah,
It's like, what happened to you? It's like, I got addicted to heroin. It's like, you know, because I show up and they're completely different, right? You don't recognize them. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like, no, no, no. This is the cloud that I grew up with was a little guy like this. And he had this word was like super big, you know, couldn't carry it.
Fell back, but fuck, no, man. No, no, if they remake it, I hope they don't butcher it like Final Fantasy seven, but something tells me they won't. I haven't seen the remake of two and three. I don't know what they did to it. So good. Yeah, dude.

Quality and Graphics of Remasters

And you haven't, right? So you got to come over to, I have, I have those sitting, but you have the remix. Yes. And for both, um, they were on PS.
Huh, they were on PS4. I'm just trying to think of the timelines. Yeah, they were on PS4, but I believe that they released them on five. But I'm like, at the end of the day, like six months from console to console, I mean, what are you really upgrading to spend the 79 bucks again?
I mean, I guess you'd have to work more if you just keep on re-buying, right? Of course, yeah. So yeah, I don't know what that one looks like. Did they revamp the whole thing? I hope the controls were good. I mean, controls in Part 1 were pretty bad.
Yeah, I would say like whatever they used for the engine on the remake of two, they used for the same. That's why they were able to get out the remake of three so quick. Yeah, but it was so good. Let me just see if I have it here one second. I'm going to have to borrow that game from you. That's right. Okay, so first what I I'm sure I told you this before, but
digital foundry. They're awesome. They're a bunch of really cool, nice nerds that just are obsessed. Like nerds in a good way, you know what I mean? Like, you know, hyper focused on a topic nerd, and they're obsessed with graphics. So like before getting anything, I always
watch digital foundry to see what console is the best. First off, we have Resident Evil 2. I got it for Xbox One because at the time, it was way more powerful, like the graphics were way better. Whatever the
better graphics. I'll get it. So you can see on the back here, even Dolby Atmos sound and which wasn't on PS4. They didn't have Dolby Atmos. As far as I'm aware, it was all like 7.2 linear PCM uncompressed level of stuff. 4K HDR. And you see how it says in the top left hand corner,
enhance for Xbox One X, which is obviously ported to Series X. And this is the same thing for three. And it is super good. Interesting, this one here on the three is HDR 10. And this one here is, yeah, it's HDR 10, they just wrote it wrong. But in terms of audio,
It's like, why put standard symbols on the back or in the front of cases if you can't make them standard across two different games back to back? Buzzwords and buzzwords. But you know, I got into Resident Evil ever since we played Four at your place last week. I'm going back and playing some of the older ones. So I spun up my PS4 and Code Veronica because I have
came with the bundle. I bought resident evil bundle and a man. I miss that game, man. What a, what a good story and good characters. What is, who's it about? Is it about a girl? But is that, is that Ada Wong or, um, what's the main character? So it's Claire, Claire Redfield. She's, um, yeah, she's his sister, younger sister, Chris Redfield's younger sister. Right. So she's the one and, um, and Leon.
Leon Kennedy. Ring a bell. Yeah. Resident Evil four, Resident Evil two and Code Veronica, I guess he's like him and Chris, I would say Leon's a little bit more. I guess recognizable, at least now these days, because of four just popping out. Yeah. Plus he's got like the haircut of, you know,
I was going to say Aaron, but whoever from backstreet boys, um, whatever that, you know, what's that guy's name? Yeah, I forget. Marky Mark Carter, Aaron Carter and, uh, whatever. Yeah. But I tried to have that same haircut growing up. It's like the parted down the middle. That was a man, Croatian boy, but I don't know. It's like, I thought that was cool. And then cut at the ears all the way around. Yeah.
Yep. And then I had such a big nose as a teenager. I say as a teenager, it's changed, right? And then from the side, because I had such big golden locks on each side, kind of looked like a poodle. And then my nose is so big, it's stuck out from these two locks of golden blonde hair. And I was like, yeah, I'm like a Backstreet Boy. And they're like, no, you're not.
So who do you think would win if they had to duke it out? Chris Redfield or Leon Kennedy? Oh, Chris Redfield. Be the shit out of Leon. Well, I don't even know. Leon seems like he's jacked.
I got to believe that. I think they let a couple slip before they, hey, we want you to change the explicit label. Yeah, like in four, remember at the beginning, no spoilers, but just when he kicked that zombie, it didn't just knock him out. It broke his neck.
Yeah, that's right. That's right. You can't. You can't. You can't. Roundhouse kick like unless you're Chuck. What's his name? I'm bad with the names. Chuck Norris. Like unless you're Chuck Norris like a roundhouse kick to the head won't break your neck. Yeah, so we're talking about like a.
I don't know, Olympic athlete level of shreddedness on several vials of gear. Like how is he able to roundhouse kick someone? And he definitely has. He has the power. Yeah. But but Chris, Chris Redfield. Yeah. He's a veteran of stars, man. Special tactics and rescue service. And he's a skilled marksman, according to the game lore.
But yeah, does that mean he could beat him in a fight? I don't know. I have a feeling you're right, man. Leon would just roundhouse his face across the crack his head open. Yeah. And Chris seems to be someone that definitely gets more chicks, I'd say, Chris, because he probably drinks beer though. And Leon probably is on a 24-hour fast all the time. Right. So it's Chad versus Brad.
Chad versus Brad. You know, so yeah, and then you can duke out the girls too. This is a weird tangent for this, uh, Convo. Yeah. Okay. The puzzles segue to puzzles. Um, yeah, like I've noticed that all of these games are getting to the point where
nobody has attention anymore. So they're like, you know what? No one wants to do puzzles. They just want to, you know, get an AK 47, right? Yeah. Like, no, no, no, no. No, like, um, there was like a, an amazing skateboarder girl that goes to CJ skate park. And she was saying to me, she's super younger than my kids. She's like, why is all the parents on phones? And then I was like, Oh, you don't like that. It's not good.
Um, she was like, no, we, no one should be doing that. She's a sponsored skateboarder with CJ's. Yeah. So she kind of works there. Incredible. Like part of that skate team. So she's just like always there. And, and I was like, well, I hope like in your lifetime, you, you abolish these things, right? Like your generation gets rid of them. I hope it's like the smoking. We're like, you don't see them. You can't do them on planes. Um, pretty, pretty bad.
They are pretty bad. Did you say EMP? Epic giant EMP. Yeah, going back to the puzzles, man. So I can understand the appeal of that insane action when I was playing that Resident Evil and running around that city and just dodging everybody for four minutes. And I suppose that's part of the demo too, right?
just dodging that whole, uh, all those infected for those four minutes. Um, yeah, it was pretty, pretty, pretty exciting. And it gets you like, um, it's your adrenaline, you know, to peak, right? Yes. And, uh, I mean, that could be the high people are chasing. Nobody wants to sit there and, uh,
dissect the book and read puzzles, right? When you can have that adrenaline high. Yeah. They're going for like that adrenaline high mixed with a bipolar calm down and puzzle after. Because remember right after you kind of get out of there, you got to like shoot those medallions or looking around. See how slow paced that is, right? Yeah. That wasn't a puzzle though.
Correct. The extent of the puzzles in RE4 are, oh, find this gem. You have to find three different gems to put them in a statue. They're not like the RE1 puzzles at all. It does have this roller coaster. You have to calm you down.
just to build up for the next insane insanity to come, I guess. Yes. You can't have any impact if you're firing on all cylinders round the clock, right? You have to have these highs and lows.
Yeah, that's genius, man. Yeah. So I guess all we have to do is like not not talk for a bit and then scream at people. Yeah. And then go silent for five minutes and then scream at people from a psychological perspective. That's that's pretty pretty brilliant on on the developer's part. What what would you what do you think that would do to like people's brains? I don't think it does anything beneficial that it can have certain certainty. Yep. That is true. So you're always in this state of
calm and worry.

Calming Effect of Save Rooms

Yeah, that begs the question. Are you ever actually enjoying it, Ben? Or you're just kind of worried about the... And the other thing is the graphics are so good. It's almost like caviar where you're like, oh, I love this. Like, look at this. It's so beautiful. And then you're like, oh, my God, I'm going to die. And then, oh, my God, I'm now in a room with calm music. There's like a spider. Remember that lead room?
Yeah. You made a point about that save room. You said something like, uh, that's your, it's like the save screen, the PlayStation where, yeah, just your calm and your safe space, right? Yeah. That's your, your back home. Everything's fine. It'd be like, almost like if you're so.
For those that don't know, like in RE or Resident Evil, when you get into a room that has a typewriter typically, that's like your save area and sometimes use ink ribbons to use the typewriter to save your game. But sometimes you don't have those ribbons, so you can't save. It's kind of like scary. They're like, oh no, all this progress. And when you're in that room, it is this calm, like, oh my God, you're safe. All of your friends are here. It was just a nightmare.
don't worry, and then you just go to the next room and it's silence. You're like, that calm music is gone. So what Ruby and I were talking about before last time we were hanging out was you have that same calm level music from PlayStation 4 and 5 and even 3, I think, had music in the background.
And I think that they did that subconsciously. This is just some, you know, not conspiracy theory, just like maybe an observation, because when you're there, it's that's your calm area where you're like happy to be there. So people are like, you know what, I like PlayStation because that's, I just like it better, but they don't know why they like it better. And one of the reasons is that music on the menu, just your home, man, this is your home. They even had a product called PlayStation Home.
Mm-hmm. This is it could be all subliminal, you know, it could be and then that that feeling you get when you hear that music five years later Yeah, I feel something right you still do. Yeah, you're in that save room and it's quiet and all of a sudden you come out of that save room Yeah, like zombies blast you
And yeah, it's pretty crazy, man, I have to say. That does look like a cool gun. Yeah, no problem. Yeah. That's awesome. Did you use it? I used it. Yeah. I use it to clean my keyboard. This is amazing. And it's got like some good power, man. Yeah. The horsepower in this little baby here. You know, like this is a trend with Amazon products that come out. Like people never see them, right? This is what happened with massage guns. Like they weren't anywhere. Yeah. And then boom.
like a year later, everyone had one. They're now like 50 bucks. And that was like the price of the $200 ones like a year ago. And it's the same with these little tiny blowers that look like guns that you kind of dust and clean out your car with and whatnot. Or you'd even do like when you're driving, you could turn it on, roll down your windows and blast your dash. Everything flows out. Maybe you get some sniffles or whatever. But
But I want them to come out with a blow suck where it blows and sucks at the same time It's like a vacuum, but it's also like a leaf blower. I mean that there's potential right you can have another another nozzle here Yeah, kind of a bag hanging down here. Yeah
you know, sucking and blowing at the same time. Yeah. Yeah. That's the best way to do it. And you know, Milwaukee, that's their standard for like hyperallergenic level of new builds where they have all of their tools now hooked up to these vacuums. So when they're cutting through concrete or whatever, it just, well, it cuts and all those chunks are coming out. It's sucking them all away. And you don't get that bad air quality
level of wear a mask and sneeze for weeks. Don't make a mess and then clean it up later. I think the mentality should be the mess cleans up itself. That sounds like an internal vac. This thing is nice, man. I think it's like 20 bucks. It's crazy. I had a bunch of crumbs inside of my keyboard. I didn't want to bang on it from the back.
this kind of this did the trick. Here's a real question. What did you do with the crumbs after they landed on the floor? I put it in my cereal. I mean, Oh, yeah, yeah. They didn't land on the floor, right? I just put them right into my bowl. Come on. Yes. Okay. Yeah. No milk or it was a pre milk.
No, I usually use Coca-Cola in my cereal. I don't. Ah, yes. It's like, uh, vigorous. Steve had this great video of like, there's, there's like four or five different Coca-Cola products. And apparently two of them are super good for building testosterone and two of them aren't really a fascinating video. I'm like, I love this. He's one of the very few people that, you know, if you message him on social, he'll respond. Nice.
Very nice guy in the biohacking community. But yeah, so I would say for Resident Evil 3 and 2, they didn't butcher it. It's great. Resident Evil 4, they did a soft remaster, meaning that they took the GameCube one and they bumped it to 4K 60 FPS on 360 or sorry, Xbox One. It was beautiful. It still looked like an old game that's like
You know when they don't increase the quality of the texture pack for the surrounding environment, but they just up it to 4K, it kind of looks like super old game, great quality. But that was good. I loved it. I thought it was a great game and a good remake. Yeah. Yeah. And then the whole thing is like, I don't know how these guys can market.
These consoles is 8K. As soon as they push a ray tracing patch, the games are so slow. They just wanted to say that. They patched Elden Ring to have ray tracing. As soon as I flip it on, the frame rate is like 20. I can't play this. If you can't do ray tracing,
How could you ever do ray tracing 8k at 60 at 120? Like we're obviously not there yet. Right. But they probably got to say, just so they don't get shafted by the competitor, right? Yeah, for sure. I think PC is good. PC is the way to go for gaming if you want ray tracing. Yeah. Top tier graphics. Yeah. Yeah. Do you have, do you have an E, E, E GPU?
No, I don't think so. So you heard of these things? Vaguely, what is an eGPU? So imagine just like an enclosure for a GPU.
And then it's got like a Thunderbolt 5 cable or four to go to your, let's say, let's say you go into Walmart, you buy a laptop for like 400 bucks. And then you spend 5,000 bucks on, you know, an RTX, you know, 49 or 59, whatever the highest one. And you just go, you know, Thunderbolt right to the
Granted, you need a laptop that has Thunderbolt or whatever. So probably the 400 Walmart wouldn't. But it's a way of saying, hey, just give me some regular laptop. And then whenever I want a game on it, I'm going to give it an external graphics card straight to the BIOS, straight to the motherboard heart, and then use that for my games. Nice. That's actually, man, things are changing so fast, eh?
Yeah, I think they realize what people are missing with that. They're like, hey, I want a sleek little laptop to travel with with touchscreen. But when I get home, I want to be able to play whatever it is on 8K. But yeah, the graphics thing is definitely getting crazier and crazier. You see Unreal Engine, and I think Resident Evil, they don't do Unreal Engine.
which I kind of like because I'm not sure if you see this in the corner here, but it says RE engine and they keep on upgrading it. And the engine is great. If you go with Unreal, you have to like every time you like make a sale or whatever, you have to pay them like 10% or something,

AI and Gaming Efficiency

right? Like they're rolling in the dough. So Unreal Engine 5.2 released like a couple of days ago. It's all on YouTube. You seen this?
So you know how they do mocap with all the little ping pongs on your face to make expressions? They're now using AI. Use your phone. And you can actually put yourself directly into Unreal. And it's so good.
That's nice. Apparently that took weeks before in MoCap, you know, studios. Yeah. And they now have these procedurally generated assemblies that use AI to build out huge 10 kilometer by 10 kilometer worlds.
So AI in general, like chat GPT, all that stuff is like affecting gaming, meaning that, okay, you don't have to like make the land anymore. I just hope that it doesn't make things so generic that it has this, Oh, I know this is an unreal game. Cause they all look kind of shiny in that way. Right. I guess it depends on your, your cues or whatever you give to me. Very true. Yeah. But going back to a resident evil, man, I'll tell you something.
Graphics, good game, but you know what is very important?

Enhancing Gaming with Environment

Atmosphere and where you're sitting or where you're playing that game, right? Sitting here playing game, lights on, windows open, okay, it's fun. But sitting somewhere where you've got the right lighting, the right setting, the right television size, just the right mood,
that completely changes the game. I mean, you can have a seemingly boring game and just make it fun with your setting, right? That's true. That's true. Like how many people you think probably not that many like think about it from that. They probably think, Hey, I just need to.
biggest TV, biggest sound system, all that stuff. But you could really save yourself a lot of time and energy. Like one thing I did is first, I tried behind the TV lighting, which a lot of people still do. Like I was doing it essentially before I knew anyone that was. And there's no products at the time like that you plug in. And I had this app called Huey, which would you I had to use a sticker and I stuck a phone to record the screen, which would communicate with
the lights to change the lights behind. And after weeks, I was like, well, it's really taking me out of the experience. So what I did was I took it down, you know, patch the paint because it removed some when I peeled it off.
And I painted the back wall behind the TV black, so you couldn't really tell where there was a TV and not. When I went to Sherwin Williams paint, he's like, yeah, it doesn't go any blacker than that. That is like our highest, like this is, the machine is smoking, like a level of like, it's everything we have, right? I wanted it almost like light could not escape.
Um, and it works well, like the, you know, if you paint the wall behind your TV black, or if you just have a projector, um, the other thing that works is, um, I don't think a lot of people do this, but you can lie directly on floor or a bed and get a cheap projector and point it up on your ceiling. People's ceilings are typically white. Yes. You're going to get some bumps, but it really good for your posture. If you think about it, you're really not hunched over. Yeah. Yeah. No, that, uh, that does play a huge part.
feeling, you know, having that atmosphere feeling. You feel like I'm graded your atmosphere at all lately or have you done anything? I have not, man. No.
Unfortunately, I don't spend a lot of time in front of the television. I wish I could wish I had the time, but I don't. But I do want to upgrade my sound system, my television. I need something a little bit more, you know, a little bit bigger. Yeah, for sure, man. And definitely I need wireless speakers. That's that's key. I need next. Yeah. Yeah. So you probably want to look into something that like
I mean, Sonos is incredible. It's wireless. But cost, right? Oh, you know, like run 500 bucks per speaker.
That's way too much, man. Yep. And maybe cheaper to break the wall and then just put drywall back, back up. Exactly. Yeah. It'd be cheaper to. Yeah, exactly. Or just live with the cords everywhere. Yeah. The receiver alone that I wanted at the time, this is going back like three years to get the best sound possible for 4k desk and all that was 13, 13.2.
Denon. And I think it was like $7,000 for the receiver. Ouch, man. Yeah. It was a little bit more expensive than the TV. And I didn't pull the trigger because can you imagine just getting that? And then let's say a month goes by and they have a better version. How much would that hurt?
Oh, that's that's you know, that happens with everything you buy everything. Yeah. So I don't know. Plus, I didn't want to have my wife kill me in my sleep because that's a lot of money to spend on something that's definitely not needed until the kids are older. Right. Because, you know, just going to wake them up at night. They don't stay up. We don't let them watch anything like that. So
But we have been enjoying the, you know, 7.2. I guess it is 9.2. No, it is still 7.2 Dolby Atmos, Dolby Vision with Mandalorian on Disney Plus. You watch that? I have not. It is so good. Just amazing. The one-liners from Pedro. He's so cool. Yeah, no, I haven't watched any Star Wars stuff. Yeah. Star Wars noob. Noob. You're a Star Trek vet.
Yes. Yeah. Not like we don't we don't cross contaminate. Yeah. They're they're very they don't play well. Like there's like two beta fishes in the same bowl. You know, one has one one beta fish swims like this. Yeah. The Spock. Are we coming in peace? Who would come in peace? We come in pieces. So like. I don't know, like, what do you think is what do you think they'll do next?
Oh, man. Honestly, in terms of gaming? Yeah, in terms of RE's next move.

Resident Evil Netflix Speculation

RE's next move. I see a Netflix special with the guy from Witcher as Leon. Ooh, very nice. And who's going to be Claire? Oh, Claire. Should she be in it? Yeah, she should. Who's going to play Claire?
Mm hmm. Angelina Jolie. No, man. Come on. Oh, I know. I just think a Tomb Raider. I mean, she was good in Tomb Raider, but yeah. Who played there? I have no idea. Somebody. I mean, they can just generate some AI for him. I don't know. I know Nate told me that they're releasing the like the
Like the, you know how they came out with, um, you know, uh, expansion packs for our, you know, download DLC for what, uh, for.
RE4 remaster and it's gonna be out in a couple weeks and there's some speculation and I'm sure if I go on YouTube today it'll be like confirmed because so depending on when this episode comes out it's probably already announced is like Ada's Chronicles were cut from the game and they haven't really announced whether they would put those back in and I'm hoping that they do.
because she's cool. She kicks people, she wears a dress, you know, she's very confident, you know, kind of like Bond, the girl Bond. And girl Bond. Yeah, a Gond.
I've gone with the wind. I've gone with the wind. Have you seen the movies? Any Resident Evil movies or no? Yes, there was. I actually have one like on Blu-ray or whatever. It's really good. It's like amazing. Yeah, you watch them all. I haven't watched all of them now because I don't know how many. They're probably like 12 by now.
Are you talking about the live action or the CGI? Yeah, live action. Yeah, I'm talking about the CGI. Have you seen those? I've never seen any of them, no. Dude, they're pretty good. Yeah, they're kind of more in line with the game than, you know, the Hollywood attization of RE.

Live-Action vs CGI in Resident Evil

Nice. Well, that's what I want to see. I may download them or borrow them or
watch them on Netflix. I actually got an I.T. TV box recently. Have you seen one? Have you seen those? Yeah, like you want to get like a coat. I want to say Cody, but Cody has something like that. Yeah. Are you using like what is the service that you have to use these days to get like everything? I remember it was like Vader. Yeah. Like one of those real debris or something. Yeah. So it's a different game for like underground, you know,
Yeah, they keep coming out with new services. But yeah, it has everything, man. I have to check out and see if they have Resident Evil on it.
But yeah, man, I'm like getting way into it again. Nice. Cool. So that was like last time we were hanging out with you for the launch of on the Friday when RE4 remastered launched. And you were like, you never played it back in the day, like unremastered. And now you're like, I'm all in. Like, let's go through it, right? Sure. You know what we talked about for doing a pod that's as we're playing like a live stream pod that we're playing in the background.
Um, that'd be kind of a cool thing to it would be awesome. Actually, we should do that next podcast and we should pick a Resident Evil game and Yeah, and go through it. I'll put on my gear that I do have Resident Evil outfit. Yeah
Underwear socks nice. I mean, I don't know about all that. I do have a you just have you just have the underwear So like you show up for the thing you're like buck just under it's like what hey man You said you were a costumes like I am you pin the camera down. It's like all right. It's like it's Claire's underwear You imagined as Ada has my underwear Yeah, dude the
Yeah, I'm really hoping that the next bout of arty is like.

Future Directions for Resident Evil

Because right now they're playing it safe, right? They're like alright, so the remasters are crushing. Let's they're probably going to continue to remaster till they run out of that. And then they probably head up. You know. Ari 10 or whatever 9 or. And then at that point they probably. If you think about the hype that they've had and.
that they released the over the shoulder for the village. They probably want to stick with the, the last thing I want to see dude is the next RE is first person.
Yeah, like I'd be like, OK, all right. I waited my life, you know. Yeah. And then but I don't know, like I don't think they'll do that. I mean, for people that love the the first person. Yeah, honestly, it's good. I just it's just not what I remember. And honestly, the over the shoulder is not what you remember. That's right. You remember top down isometric puzzle.
The ammo management, there's not enough ammo, there's not enough guns, there's not enough that stuff. So that was the survival part. And then if you use your save ribbons out of turn, you're pretty much screwed, right? You can't save. You can't save, right? You need to have that save ribbon.
So you have to, yeah, you have to think you have to be wise and think ahead. It's a survival game, right? Right. And then you think that there's just abundance of ammo now. They're like, Oh, I don't have to manage ammo. I just, yeah. Well, you still do the Resident Evil four. You had to somewhat manage ammo, but yeah, there's a huge amount. Yeah. They almost toned it back for the survival and they don't,
They kind of upped the horror and they upped the action for sure. Yes. The horror and action, yes, they did. Yeah. The one dude that is new that the creator put into this, so there's a new character, right? I told you, is that guy that has the cow's head as a mask.
I remember seeing him, yeah. So it's like a big burly strong, like, man, what's that guy bench? And then he's got like a, like a hammer flat. And then the other end is like a pick. Yeah. It's like straight out of Elden Ring or something. And then cow head mask. And he's just like, he doesn't go down. Like, man, this guy is,
This guy's a creepy dude. Holy cow. Yeah. It's like, move. Yeah, man. Yeah. Yeah. That's great. For sure. We're going to set up a Let's Play for next. Let's Play. Yeah. Let's Play podcast. Yeah. And the other thing I like is you like heal yourself with plants.
and in RE1 and all the way up to, I think, five or like when you combine two different plants together, right? It goes on a piece of paper in the middle of the paper in a mound, right? So you have some green in the pile that's been, I guess, cut up and then some purple in the pile that's been cut up. And it's on this piece of paper and there's a fold in the middle of the paper
Yeah. Right. And I'm like, how's Leon using that for healing? You know what I'm like? I'm like, what does he what does he do? Because for me, I'm like, you know, I'm just completely oblivious. Right. Like born yesterday just came out. I'm like, oh, he probably just eats it. Right. It doesn't make sense. Right. That doesn't make sense.
There were probably some videos online.

In-Game Healing Mechanics

Yeah, yeah. Straight to the dome. Right in the temple. Right in the Chrome dome. Yeah, so we'll do that. And yeah, so your favourite RE1? One. And do you recommend for people to get the remaster of four?
If they can. Yeah, for sure. I would I would honestly start this whole Resident Evil if you haven't played it. I would start with. I would start with Code Veronica. Or Resident Evil 3 Nemesis. Yeah, the remake one that you have there. Three mic. Yeah, those I start with because yeah, one and two of the controls were a bit bit wonky. A lot of getting used to. Yeah, the tank. Yeah, the tank controls. Yeah, yeah.
But yeah, I'd start with that in four. Four is four is good. Yeah. Five. That's the one I hated the most. Don't start with five. Yeah, don't start with four. You can go to five, but don't start with five.
I had a bad brush with, you know, five. You know, it's just because it's such a departure from one or code Veronica. Right. Because I missed four. I jumped right into five and what's going on. Yeah. And you know, one of the reasons why they put the camera so close to the dude. And then when you actually go to like hold the gun, it's even closer, like right at the back of the head. Why?
they want you to be so close to the about to get attacked. And because it's so close, you cannot tell in the periphery. If someone's about to ask you whatever, it is this ultimate subliminal horror element that
I think it's a little less close in the RE4 remake. Yeah. But on RE4, like normal, you're like right up there. You're like, you see all the nose hairs of the villager and like, you're like, oh, I'm pretty. And you get that red dot so you know exactly where you're going to hit. Yeah. Granted the red dot in the remaster. You got to get like a gun for that. You don't start off with it. Right. But I may give five another chance. I want to give it another chance, man. I want to like. Yeah.
There's a creepy guy in there too, just like that guy in the castle.
In five and he's crazy. He's like Sean Sean white, you know the snowboarding olympic skateboarder is just crazy Yeah Do you remember the first time you played the last of us? Do you remember how you felt the first time you played that game? Yeah Do you remember the disappointment of playing part two because I do yeah.

Resident Evil vs The Last of Us

Yeah and you know what's messed up because megan and I are watching the
the show with Pedro. Pedro's gotta be on People's Magazine, Sexiest Man of the Year or something. He's in Mandalorian, he's in Last of Us, he's everywhere, right? Megan's like, oh, when he's not in it, when Joel's not in it, when Pedro's not in it, it's very boring. And I was like, oh my gosh, man, it's the same with the game. Number two, when it was just the girls,
And it was almost like an element of like, I kind of don't care anymore, right? Last of us was like kind of a one and done, but the Joel, the fact that Joel wasn't in the second one as much, it just, it was more themed around the girls. I'm like, I don't really care. Like I really cared about Joel, right? And the daughter and the whole situation I cared about.
Yeah, man, first time I played that, that kind of blew my mind. It was, I didn't think I could enjoy another game. Yeah. Right. Yeah. You know, getting older is hard to enjoy video games, but, um, not that one that, that definitely got me back in, got me back in that. And that was at the time when, uh, games were declining almost. And then we're like, what is this? You know, we're kind of like almost the games are in a rut. Yeah.
And I bought that game on PS3, 4, and 5.
Nice. So each time it was remastered a little bit more and I have it on three and four. But yeah, that's what they do. But yeah, that sucked me back in, man. Good game. And the online component of it was really good, too. I enjoyed it. The clickers, the fact that they're just they can't see, but they can. And you're like skulking around. It's not it's not crazy again. Maybe it's just the kind of games I like. Right.
They're like making this weird like clicking noise. And it was very like Resident Evil where this post-apocalyptic zombie-ridden world where you can't breathe the stuff and the lighting. And they also talked about what people don't talk about a lot with that is the characters. It really brought you in. You ever watch a movie?
where you don't even care about what's going on in the movie, but those characters, you just you're sucked into their.

Character-Driven Narratives in Gaming

You know. You know how they think things are going on in there, you just really care about them. It has such a story driven, character driven thing. And apparently the new Final Fantasy, I think it's like 17, 16, whatever is not out yet. It's very heavily on the character. Story. Yeah.
I gotta check it out.
All right, well, yeah, anyhow, wrap it up. Rui, yeah, thanks so much for taking the time today and every week we'll be back for some of that iconic, trendy coding chat, GPT, AI, sucking your brain out, putting it into a zombie that's now in a VR simulation of your previous life, the one before the current one, obviously. And, you know, that whole trendy, amazing thing that's happening with coding, gaming, VR,
all of that stuff, health, meta, not his meta, but meta, not Mark's meta, but hopefully we meet a new meta. And yeah, we'll see you next time. Thanks, everyone. Goodbye, everybody.