Church Hurt - Get It Out of Your Head Series image
Grove Hill Church
Church Hurt - Get It Out of Your Head Series
48 Plays
5 months ago

In this week's sermon, pastor Ridley Barron addressed the topic of Church Hurt, providing insight into the emotional and relational challenges experienced within church communities. Drawing from biblical examples and personal reflections, he emphasized the imperfection of the church due to the imperfection of its members and called for a focus on love and forgiveness. Barron highlighted the importance of understanding and healing relationships within the church, encouraging listeners to release hurt and resentment and to embrace forgiveness as a means of personal transformation and positive change within the church community. Through his message, he urged the congregation to experience the freedom and healing that comes from letting go and aligning with God's commands of love and forgiveness.


00:00 Understanding imperfections of church and people.

05:26 Luke recounts Paul's struggle to join disciples.

07:25 Blending families brought challenges; never full agreement.

12:30 Savior's sacrifice, bridge-building, hope, church unity.

13:49 Obey Christ, don't walk away without reconciliation.

17:21 Church community brings love and support. Improve it.

23:33 Jesus asks man if he truly wants healing.

26:01 Let go and forgive to avoid suffering.

29:39 Choosing anxiety and depression over trust in God.

31:15 Confession at ball games, refusal to change.

35:25 God wants to set you free, submit.

38:05 Seeking courage and guidance through Jesus' name.
