Understanding God's Will: Finding Clarity In the Small, Large, & In-Between image
Grove Hill Church
Understanding God's Will: Finding Clarity In the Small, Large, & In-Between
41 Plays
2 months ago

In this episode, Dan Sanchez and Pastor Ridley Barron talked about discerning God's will in our lives, a multifaceted topic critical to the Christian walk. They unpacked the nuances of interpreting God's voice amidst today's challenges, exploring the broad spectrum of divine guidance from sovereign to moral and individual will. Delving into personal experiences and biblical examples like Jonah's unambiguous call, they provided insight into the varied complexities of knowing and following God's direction. 


04:58 Fear of making mistakes leads to prayer.

08:10 The pressure of getting decisions absolutely right.

11:36 Gathering information and seeking wise counsel.

16:41 Agreement on prophecy and ability to discern.

19:49 God intentionally gives us talents and path.

20:27 Introverts may not be suited for preaching.

25:35 God uses medium decisions to redirect lives.

27:15 Serve in church according to God's will.

31:27 Discussing decisions at the table positively impacts kids.

34:39 Careful deliberation, prayer, research before major decisions.

37:40 College isn't for everyone; know yourself.

41:27 Reevaluating marriage based on mental commitment, not emotions.

43:14 Choosing to love is a conscious decision.

46:44 Add 6th step: know yourself very well.

49:35 Christian dating books are mostly garbage, unhelpful.
