Growing Pains - The Blueprint Series image
Grove Hill Church
Growing Pains - The Blueprint Series
34 Plays
11 days ago

In this sermon, Ridley Barron preached about the essential role of discipleship and unity within the church. He highlighted the importance of growing in relationship with God, serving others, and addressing dissension immediately to maintain spiritual health and focus on kingdom missions. Barron contrasted a vibrant church with one lacking growth or evangelism and emphasized grumbling as a serious sin comparable to idolatry and sexual immorality. Through the story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch, Barron encouraged obedience to God's call, raising new leaders, and maintaining a servant-oriented attitude. He concluded by urging members to pray about their role in the church, engage in acts of service, and embrace opportunities to further God's mission.


00:00 New church serves Hebraic and Hellenistic Jews.

05:28 Address conflict with fellow believers promptly and compassionately.

06:50 Church's focus on Jesus unifies and strengthens.

11:38 Church multiplying, launching new locations, partnering, growing.

14:22 Believers must stop dissension and grumbling.

18:41 Division of church responsibilities and raising leaders.

23:08 Service selection based on spiritual, not human criteria.

25:45 Philip becomes 1st missionary, spreads Christianity.

33:04 Students impact others with future gospel work.

37:45 Center on the cross, serve the kingdom.

40:44 Seek counsel, engage, and respond to God.
