To Follow Christ - The Blueprint Series image
Grove Hill Church
To Follow Christ - The Blueprint Series
32 Plays
1 month ago

In this sermon, Kyle Hess preached about the essence of truly following Christ, emphasizing the necessity of self-denial and prioritizing God's will over personal ambitions. Highlighting passages from Matthew 16 and Luke 9, Hess illustrated the disciples' initial misconceptions about the Messiah and the pivotal role of the cross in salvation. Using personal anecdotes and scriptural insights, he explained the profound significance of taking up one's cross, both figuratively and through the act of baptism, as symbols of dying to one's old self and emerging into a new life in Christ. Hess challenged the congregation to reflect on their commitment to Jesus, urging them to submit to God's will wholeheartedly despite worldly distractions and temptations.


03:58 Importance of reading Bible and following God's word.

09:37 Disciples acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah.

10:55 Peter tries to save Jesus, ignoring fate.

16:53 The cross symbolizes Christian redemption and grace.

20:32 Baptism symbolizes dying to old self.

21:34 Jesus prepares disciples for his impending sacrifice.

28:03 To follow Jesus, deny self, resist temptations.

31:31 Let go of worldly desires to follow God.

32:39 Encouragement to surrender, worship, and follow Jesus.
