A Healthy Body - The Blueprint Series image
Grove Hill Church
A Healthy Body - The Blueprint Series
45 Plays
1 month ago

In this sermon, Ridley Barron preached about the fundamental elements that define a healthy church, drawing guidance from Acts 2:42. He focused on the church's commitment to the apostles' teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer, underlining these as indispensable practices for a thriving spiritual community. Barron emphasized the importance of communal engagement, both in smaller groups for deeper accountability and in larger gatherings for collective energy and worship. He advocated for joyous faith that attracts others through visible love and unity and stressed the active participation in daily evangelism and radical generosity as modeled by the early church. Using personal stories and biblical references, he urged his congregation to uphold love, honor, and commitment to one another to foster a more robust and supportive church environment suitable for spiritual growth and outreach.


00:00 Fellowship, community, and church are God's creation.

04:32 Early Christians shared all, worshiped fervently, gained followers.

08:37 Preach God's word consistently for spiritual strength.

11:54 Fellowship with God ties to fellowship with church.

12:37 Warning against being a church hypocrite; repentance.

18:06 Prayer should be desperate, not merely functional.

21:47 Communism denied by private ownership and sharing.

23:25 Giving in Jesus' name impacts even non-believers.

28:14 Under 45: 85 texts, 500 YouTube hours/min.

32:03 Personal connections and corporate worship are crucial.

33:35 Reluctant start turns into joyful truck worship.

36:23 Resolve conflicts through direct communication and compassion.

41:29 Leading someone to Christ in Baltimore, Maryland.

45:09 God values every individual, not just numbers.

47:41 Get connected in church, find your purpose.

49:09 Invite for discernment and obedience to God.
