S3E24 & S4E1 - Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes & Kamp Krusty image

S3E24 & S4E1 - Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes & Kamp Krusty

Moleman in the Morning
8 Plays3 months ago

Jon, Michael and Matt watch The Simpsons episodes 'Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes' & 'Kamp Krusty', and discuss what they say about society.

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Jon: @Meroka_BM

Matt: @mattperspective

Michael: @BMashHorse

Buy my beer (and rate it 5* on Untappd): brewyork.co.uk/product/beyond-the-binary/

Hello, this is Mole Man in the Morning. Good Mole Man to you. Hello, welcome to Mole Man in the Morning. Good Mole Man to you, Mr. Simpson. Would you like some fries with that? Would you like some fries with that? With your podcast? With your podcast? Yes!
Thank you. I feel like I missed the memo. Well, self-serve, you're supposed to get your own fries. Ugh, I will never trust buffet fries. o Yeah, exactly, exactly. You never know who's been poking them. Poking them, prodding them, checking for green spots. Sitting on them. Sitting on them, testing testing their comfort. Hello and welcome to Mole Man in the Morning. We are a podcast about how The Simpsons says a lot about society. We are here to take a look at two episodes of The Simpsons, because that's what we always do. I am joined. I just introduced myself. I am your host, John. I am joined by two people. I am joined by Matt. Hello! And Michael. I had a little podcast, do we know?
ah Fuck you. I hate you so much. I was waiting for something. I'm just going to get into the habit of just going for it and leaving you behind whether you like it or not. It's the only way to resolve this now. They'll ruin a momentous occasion. i need a catchph phrasese
what is our moment what is our momentous occasion folks ah the rental occasion is we are ending season three with a weird bonus episode that they did because they didn't mean to make this and then decided to they planned on doing a twenty three episode season then just like I I thought you were talking about the UK general election. I was i was getting there. That was be the second thing I mentioned. As a time of recording is happening, so depending on the results of that, because this will come out afterwards, I hail our new overlords, Labour slash Reform slash Liberal Dunkrat slash Green Party slash that guy in the bucket.
Lord Buckethead. Yes, I don't know what party he represents, but he doesn't represents Lord Buckethead party. He's independent. He's independent, yeah. My brother lives in Lord Buckethead's constituency. He has a chance to do the funniest possible thing and vote Lord Buckethead into Rishi Sunak's seat. Yeah, Lord Buckethead couldn't become into power, but he could have a seat. He could oust Rishi Sunak, which would be hilarious. Which would be so fucking good. But in the event that life is dull and depressing, we hail our conservative government that somehow hung on. Yeah, there is absolutely, like, nah, there's no chance, man. I fucking hope. John will edit that out if it all comes to press. No, leave it in and let me look like a fucking idiot. Let's be the record of history. Let's see how right or wrong we are.
Well, we all said that there was no chance fucking Trump would get in. He's back, baby. The second time, probably maybe. It's looking likely unless Joe Biden falls down some stairs and wakes the fuck up. Yeah, like, I mean, if there's a non-zero chance at this point the rocks drafted it. Like, this is a podcast about how Simpson speaks about society, so I feel like welcome to the rest is politics yeah it's fair it's fair for me to have a brief moment where I talk about politics. And all I can say is having watched just the the bit of the presidential debate that I have seen
I now very, very strongly believe if you hit 70, you cannot be in power. I am sorry. If you want to be a senator, if you want to be on the Senate, if you want to be an MP, that's all fine. You cannot run a government over that age because both Trump and Biden are clearly fucking senile. probably also extend that cap to the Supreme Court as well, because those are life jobs. I think we've just lost our over 70 audience. Thanks, guys. Oh, no. Oh, come back. Stop. You ruined the world. Fucking go die. They'll be sending the young ones off if they vote conservative. They'll be sending angry letters and that's fine because no one reads them anymore. I do i don't believe you.
Well, if you're listening to this at time of recording, first of all, get out of my house. And secondly, you've got 38 minutes left to vote. You've got 38 minutes left to vote. Guys, what are we drinking today? I am drinking a cup of tea because I am boring. And you're ill. Fair enough. That also is very much the case. I also drank yesterday because it was my birthday. Oh, happy birthday. Happy birthday. Thanks. I'm now dying. Where are you off? Are you officially 25?
Me and Jon were talking about this before the podcast. It's roughly like 25 that all of the cells in your body have of officially stopped replicating at like 100% efficiency. So 25 is when you officially start dying. I really wish Jon told me that. Oh, you wish Jon told me that well as well. I don't need to know that that was 11 years ago. I didn't know that, I know I look like I can no longer kill. Thank you very much. Yeah, I'm dirty and I hate.
Right. Well, I'm drinking, uh, something that may surprise you. it's It's this, um, like I'm going to take a political stance here and I can't believe that someone brought politics into a beer. It's the stupid beer called Beyond the Binary. Uh, which I just think is really, just really childish and cheap. And, uh, it's made by some wanker that ran off to Wales after they made it. Cause they were so scared of the repercussions, but. I'm gonna try it and see if it's all right. Are we getting the first case of a self advertisement of one of our own products on our own podcast? Yeah. Okay, as long as I know. I'm gonna taste it right now. Cheers, guys. This your first time trying? Yeah. Oh, that's actually quite nice. Not something I usually order. You know, it's definitely got that that citrus tang, which again, I don't usually get excited for in my ales and my beers, but it's nice. No, it's definitely nice.
and yeah And then I've also got, in case I finish this too quickly, a can of raise your lasses. yeah but These are all by Brew York, by the way. you can Go fucking buy them. Or don't, and spite that company. John, what are you drinking? I'm drinking Beyond the Binary. yeah Would you like to explain ah the significance of Beyond the Binary? Again, I've missed the memo. You absolutely have. I was tasked with brewing this for Brew York. it ah It was their pride beer for this year. The first time they did a pride beer, so they wanted somebody with relevant qualifications or being queer. um to design and produce a beer for them. And they gave me, as I've said, multiple take to multiple people on multiple occasions, way more creative control than I was reasonably expecting to get from this project. So yeah, I kind of had a lot of say over what the label looked like. I got to say what it was called. I did i wrote all the quote unquote political speech on the back of it that talks about gender and how it's not a binary. And people got mad on Facebook about it.
As to which, you know, gonna love that love love making a beer that makes people mad. That's a mark of success in my mind. One of the the beads of condensation on my can was on the back in a way that made the the label that said hop read whore and that made me laugh. Oh, okay. My favorite thing about that is that you were testing making non non-discrimination beer using a very discriminatory way of allocating someone to make it. Yeah. Like I imagine they kicked the door down to the, to the like working area, the shop floor, and just went, John, you're a big old queer. Get in here. And then you were given the task. And the yeah lawsuit took place. I thought you would say, and the Lord said,
my done and and the lord so John would make a queer beer.
There's a brewery in London that I quite like called Queer Brewing and they do, they've got a pretty solid merch game. They do like glasses and t-shirts and stuff that say all beer is gay beer. Excellent. but I just love that. Brother, can you spare two dimes? No. All right. Well that's that episode reviewed. Patreon money hasn't started coming in yet. one The yeah podcast money budget went on gay beer. a When did this episode air? And what was happening, Michael? August 27th, 1992. Michael, your voice has changed. I usually do the date. I do the date. michael things That's what you sound like. I like it. I like a certain Mr. Gamble. He's taking control of his podcast and I like it. and What happened on this day? Met trade David Cone to Toronto for Jeff Kent and Ryan Thompson. That's it.
baseball news yes shame fixes not on to tell us if this was a good or bad decision i also noted that most of the news for our next episode is also baseball based yeah it's it's very slow nineteen ninety two so often you Imagine that that like it feels like every day these days something fucking world ending is happening imagine that the only thing that happened was baseball related wasn't there an actual there was an actual time when the light the actual live news like they said there is no news so They just didn't they just didn't do anything for that. No really broadcast. Yeah what a what a change in time where we make everything news and
Yeah, I mean, it's that age-old complaint that people have been saying for the last, like, decade or or more, I suppose. ah It's just like, I wish everything was boring again. I was like, but why? We need to go back to making politics boring. but Yeah. That kind of thing. Yeah, I agree. Absolutely. Would you like to know what the number ones were? Go on, then. The US number one end of the road by boys to men. Yeah, I don't know what it is either. Oh, I know Boyz II Men. and i've heard of oh Yeah, I know them. I just don't know that song. UK number one is Rhythm is a Dancer by Snap. Rhythm is a Dancer. um minute that The remixes of that were played a lot at the club I went to during uni. Yes, I suspect that this will make ah an appearance at number one much later on in the year on this days and this podcast. We get to like season 13.
Yeah, that's the way it's off, yeah. Chalkboard gag. Okay, so, chalkboard gag. This punishment is not boring in points. I thought it was this one. Wait, what? No, sorry, wrong one. Wait, no, yeah, I thought you said it. Yeah, because I have the notes for the next episode, yeah. Yeah, sorry, I'm on the wrong one. It's the even funnier, I will not fake seizures. Yeah, mildly amusing. Couch gag! The family car wheeled into the screen. First scene in I Married Marge. Man, imagine ending your season with not a new couch gag. Not using one of the ones that was particularly memorable. Yeah, I do yeah genuinely forgot what the couch gag was for this one. It is massively overshadowed by the next couch gag.
I feel like they do like enough for, I've mentioned before, but I think they do like enough for half a season and just double up a bunch of them just to save them having to make more of them. because they're I mean, again, because they're forgettable, they're probably like, oh, by the time we get to episode 24, nobody remembers which one we used for episode 12 or whatever. So i go rerun it. I think it's fairly obvious now having like talked about Simpsons so much. Simpsons is pretty cheaply made. It's not a bad show, obviously, but it is very much made on a shoestring.
hey they picked their battles in the early days i think yeah absolutely the budget goes insane much later on but uh for now it is still very modest most of the money went on the guest store more in a moment we got two guest stars two two pretty decent guest stars in this yeah speaking of two there's no segue there but i thought i could make that work again
now crash crash burn dead it burns more than the shame of forgetting your underwear at the plant physical i brought it back i yeah fucking lenny just shuts up with no underwear this was such a weird bit they're just having like such a casual conversation of just of that because we've all we've all had that kind of workplace vibe in it of just like oh it's the I've never had a physical one. No, of course not. But you've had those moments at work where it's like, oh, it's the the office pizza party or whatever. It's the office blank. And you just kind of go, oh, it's this again. Yep. And yeah, just no real you just you've got no attachment to it. Yeah, you've just completely dissociated from the scenario. You're already imagining yourself at home kind of vibes. But yeah, and then he's just like, hey, Homer, can I borrow your underwear?
It's like, and then Homer's response, nah. I appreciate the fact that Homer fought about it just for a second. Yeah, exactly. Homer's a good friend. Also, like, it's not, it's just that he forgot there was a physical, no deeper reason to it. Basically, the implication there is that Lenny does not bother with underwear unless he has an occasion where he needs to. It's quite the thing to start The Simpsons episode with Lenny's ass. And Lenny's ass is quite a thing. Yes, well, so what's quite a thing is that Homer was apparently 104% body fat. yeah This guy's 104% body fat. Hey, no eating in the tub. Homer's eating a chicken leg in the tank. Again, just love Homer's casual. Just go to hell.
We then see Hummer go home to buy his wife and Marge, as so his day went and Hummer kind of goes through a bored, non sequential rambling of everything that he was very required to do, which included poke this, spread that, cough once. ah Turn your head, yeah. I liked at first how what he was describing was also what he was doing. So it kind of means that the gag, the actual gag, take takes you by surprise. you know that Homer then said, you know, basically says that he had to spread his arse cheeks. And I think that's really clever. m Because at first you're too busy thinking, you know, all Homer's barely involved in the conversation. He's just describing what he's doing. Wait, did he just see you spread his arse cheeks? You know what I mean? Yeah, it's like, how was your day? work Oh, you know, the usual, open there, pull there, turn your head and cough. Yeah, it's good. It's a a clever gag. I like it.
We're then cut to our wonderful pair of Smithers and Mr. Burns, and Smithers reveals to Mr. Burns that Homer is sterile. Why is Mr. Burns- Smithers is the one inspecting this, but okay. Yeah, no, everything about this is just mildly horrifying. Well, but Burns asks who Homer is to keep that guy going, and his response is he's one of the cabbage heads in Sector 7. Cabbage heads! I hope I've been described like that to someone further up in a company I worked for. Actually, i got disc when I worked at B&Q, a lot of the people that didn't actually know my name and had only seen me around, because I worked in a very specific corner of the shop, when they would talk about me, for whatever reason, they'd be like, that guy that makes bird noises. Because I would i would wander around the bird the but the warehouse and just occasionally make a bird noise to entertain myself. That became your thing.
yeah Yeah, pretty much I got known as the off the the shop weirdo, and I was okay with that. What was weird is the the way that Homer's sperm is moving underneath that microscope, and it includes one of them being asleep, and the other two swinging into each other. And having Homer's face! Which is not the most terrifying thing, because we see the next under the microscope of a normal sperm, which I suspect it might've been Weyland-Smithy's because it had his face. i the the Again, the the weird implication of everything Smithers does is that it's to impress Mr. Burns. So he's showing Mr. Burns his actual sperm to impress him. And that is so beyond weird
It's hilarious! Have you ever tried to impress your boss with a... No, I'm not gonna finish this. With a petri dish of your own spunk!
No, never come up. Here, sir, I made this for you. Well, you can sue for millions if that is the case. And that's what Burns is terrified to learn. And he summons in the lawyers. Yeah, we mentioned that Homer was sterile, right? That it was from the radiation of the plant. We didn't just go straight into talking about his jizz. No, no. he i we think we I think we got the word sterile in there at least. Did we? Okay. Well, we did now. but Yeah, I think now you've got the point. Yes, he's sterile. The man is sterile. We then, uh, got to do Burns with his lawyers and, uh, Burns begins by going on ah quite the tyrants about how much he hates them. This makes a great time no fucking sense though. Lawyers should be the people that Mr. Burns admires the most. Like all of the things that Mr. Burns is describing are properties that A, he has, and B, he likes.
because we've clearly seen that he likes other shitty people. So I get that they they just wanted to make gags at the at lawyer's expense, which is fine. Lawyers ask him. But it's just weird that there's a there's another joke later on in the episode that I'll bring up as well. But this episode does have a a couple of these jokes where it's like we thought of the joke and we needed that to fit them in. and we didn't care who said them. Because it makes no real sense that Mr. Burns would say these jokes. there It makes no sense that Mr. Burns would have a problem with these characteristics.
Well, he does, and even though he's stopped himself from many times to offer them coffee, which they want black like their souls. But I do like the fact that he always stops himself to have his self-awareness that he has got a problem and he needs to deal with it. Yeah, to eat to be like weirdly poll polite. I liked the gag. I just had like the the the presentation of it was just weird. The gist of it is that Burns is eventually advised that if he offers Homer a token settlement he'll sign anything and Burns insults the man back saying he could afford a cash settlement and before offering him cream food. hey You got any eat cream? Oh yes of course. Meanwhile we cut to literally below the poverty line. yeah and but fire That got me did that I was just like meanwhile below the poverty line.
We're down here at the Hobo's below ah telling stories about how they used to be rich, including a very animated story about Mickey Mouse massage parlors, which I'm surprised that Disney plus didn't edit out. Yeah. Yeah. Fair point. So no, apparently they're okay with the image of Mickey Mouse not having pants. So maybe you can reason with people. Lies. I don't see that one of those happens to be Homer's long lost brother, her pal. Who do you remember from? I knew what this episode was about. I knew who was in it.
And yet I still saw it and was like, why does Homer have a different voice? My whole brain just went out the window. It was just like, wait a minute. That's not home. It reveals the strategy for winning. Making successful causes to give them Japanese games, Japanese names, which included the give them Japanese gays. names you said it i said games well maybe even more successful if you did give them japanese gays maybe maybe that's the massage ball of business yeah free free twink with every car free twink it gives a new meaning to the temporal hatchback and the and the notion of being hit by one the rise of sales in hyundai has strangely gone up and we're not quite sure why we didn't get a brief flashback of uh what happened to her when
Ian Helber met, and again, ah people back in the but stuck with the podcast from the beginning, we have covered this previous episode. Yeah, this is just for anybody watching it who has not seen the previous episode. By the way, this is a second half of this story. Yeah. And by the way, if you did not listen to that podcast, I think we're all still the general opinion that everything that happened in that episode was Herb's own fault. for Absolutely. Oh, yeah. Homer, interesting Homer to build a car when he had no None of this is Homer's fault, man. You ask an idiot to build a car, he's gonna build a dumb car. I think Forbes Magazine was right to declare it the blunder of the century, but it's Herb's blunder, not Homer's. Yeah. Fuck you, Herb.
And Herb thinks it's overblown and says it's not like New Coke, which the inventor happens to be there. I invented New Coke. I think this is a little interesting in as far as you got at least too clearly, fairly significant. You got Herb and that someone who was presumably fairly high profile within Coke, developing new Coke recipes. Here that's like, oh no, failure in business leads you to like absolute destitution. I was like, that doesn't happen. it Interesting idea that you'd like to suggest that that would be the case, but no, like usually you just become the CEO of a different company. Yeah. said Golden parachute, man. Exactly. Yeah. No, no one's successful actually goes bankrupt.
No. Yeah, exactly. they they Because it's America and as Ho begins his rousing speech that in America you never finished as long as you've got a brain and a good idea which immediately leads to all the hobos declaring that they're screwed. Yeah. And then cut back to the Simpson household and we see that ah these living room Olympics are taking place and Bart is representing the stained master carpets who are the sponsors as he goes into pole vaulting is it? Pretty much, yeah. um count It's kids being kids wrecking the place, basically. And wreck the place, hit it does. Sticks a perfect landing, but in the process absolutely annihilates that poor couch. As Homer comes in and is suitably horrified and devastated, declaring that the dream is over.
but what the dream was as he confronts the kids about the dream of the couch existing. It's a good dream. I was home where he confronts the kids about what happened. The kids tell a tale of the couch just collapsing in on itself as, please seriously, it just collapsed on its own. I know exactly why you're laughing.
oh I can't wait to get to that episode, it's so far away. I'm sorry, that was a long way off. Anybody who's watching Simpsons along with us and doesn't know that one, I apologise, but like, it's just an eternal line that lives rent free in my head. For you out there in the audience. I am also clueless. Oh you're gonna love it. You're gonna love it. You'll love that episode. I don't believe you. Lisa eventually says that he's really selling this saying they left off just in time and Bart consoles are all gone while he's looking wearily at Homer to see if he's buying it. Homer fortunately does buy it and he starts reminiscing about the good terms he has with the couch.
which includes Homer learning who shot J.R., the Hands Across America, which are apparently had lots of gaps in, was it Western states? Yeah, I had to look this up because I was like, it's not something I was familiar with. I guess it was part of the big celebrity endorsed fundraiser craze of the 80s, I suppose. ah Yeah, they there was a thing. they raised like 50 million or it cost like 20 million to put together or something so I did okay but yeah basically it was literally trying to get a unbroken line of people holding hands from one side of America to the other and they were it was not completely successful obviously yeah yeah there there were huge gaps they were in western states there were gaps elsewhere as I could make out I thought it was just a joke about Homer being fat and not being part of the line but being very emotionally invested in it
Yeah, I was just interested into what on earth this was actually about, because I was like, what the hell was this? Although fascinating that this was like, this was a big event that had, was like planned and organized and executed. This goes right through the Simpsons living room. Yeah. Not down the street, through their living room. I mean, they reference it in um the Treehouse of Horror episode where Kahn and Khodos come down when they do the peace sign, and they can see it from space. That's what that's a reference to. I know that much. The monkey paw when you open it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Homer also remembers watching the fall of the Berlin Wall, but turning it over to put on Gilmore Pyle. Good man. And Homer declares that the couch is going back to where it came from, which is in front of Flanders' house.
Yeah, I like that notion that bloody, um, that couch just used to be Flanders. And again, this whole like, thing of, I hate Flanders, but I will take his stuff.
We go to Herb on the park bench struggling to think of an idea and then he looks over to catch the glimpse of a mother struggling to understand what her baby wants. Herb finally gets his idea and goes over to enthusiastically thank the lady and asks if there's anything he can do for her. No God, please don't hurt me. And his consider it done. is Consider it done. yeah And then we go back to, this is a very fast paced episode so far. We don't see that Homer comes into Burns' office and Burns' this introduction to Homer is to go to Smithers. Is this the one with the lazy sperm? Before declaring him a virile son a gun. Burns offers Homer $2,000 as long as he signs a document and Homer will not sign it unless somebody tells him what's in it or gives him the gist.
Yeah, i I like that he's like, until i I will not resign this contract until I have read it or someone gives me the gist of it. I feel like there's a lot of that though. like Whenever you get a massive legal document, it's like, right, well, okay, well, obviously I am supposed to read it thoroughly and understand it thoroughly, but also that's a lot of text and I don't understand most of it. I'll just get the gist. I mean, Black Mary did an episode on it. yeah but just in this case is uh burns fumbling his way to try to explain what this is and he makes up a fake award ceremony of the super weird but i love it so much first annual Montgomery Burns award for outstanding achievement in the field of excellence at which point Homer asks if there's an award ceremony and he gets a trophy which and he looks at the lawyer and the lawyer just like nods
without cuts to the actual war ceremony taking place, which includes a big musical number. This is a very expensive ah way to get around just explaining a contract to an idiot. This was cost a lot more than $2,000, this one. It probably cost more than whatever Homer could sue them for. Probably I love it. I like it it absolute sort of subverted expectations. of Oh, we're trying to do the bare minimum Yeah, and I was like, well, what about an award ceremony? It turns you just the biggest thing. Absolutely. I wish they che and real done like this award ceremony came up again
Well, just that every season they have the annual Montgomery Burns Awards. Not necessarily every season, but yes, every season. I think it'd be hilarious. It's one of the things I've always hated about sitcoms is the only reoccurring thing that will happen in sitcoms usually once a season is Christmas. That's it. Halloween. Or Halloween, yeah. Yeah, Halloween. Or they'll have a Halloween episode one season and a Christmas episode the next kind of, you know, but in a lot of sitcoms, they will then state that something is annual, or that they're going to do it every year. plot This kind of plot line happens um in... Oh, a great example is in The Office, The Dundies.
You know, first season, last season. That's it. And it's like, nah man, this is a great opportunity to have something unique to your own show that you can have a lot of fun with. So imagine all of the weird gags they could have done, like the next season that they do the, I'm not going to say the whole title, but they do the award ceremony again and Lenny wins it. And Homer is jealous. Like, Having something unique like that that sets you apart from another sitcom is such a good idea that no one seems to have ever taken. Rant over.
I mean, the closest thing I can think of to a sort of running thing is, is, and it's still just a Halloween thing, honestly, is Brooklyn Nine-Nine did their holiday. holiday high Yeah, exactly. every yeah and They did that. They stuck with that. And that's such a great idea because it, it was this really long spanning plot line that they could play with and adapt to the new things that are developed in the story. Obviously like Jake proposing during one of them. That was awesome. That kind of thing. Simpson should have done that. No, this seemed to be more a, uh, this is the big, this is the biggest farce I've ever saw. What about the Emmys? I stand corrected. Shot fired. Give us an Emmy. This is the second joke that makes no sense based on who's saying it. Why the actual fuck would Bart make a joke about the Emmys? Mmm. Would you rather Joe Frazier have done it?
i Genuinely, they showed that loads of people were in the audience of base of this ceremony. Appu was in the audience of this ceremony. Look at anyone in town. just li Yeah, exactly. Not every joke has to be told by The Simpsons. I thought we'd kind of gotten past this, but they were like, no, we've got to have Bart and Lisa say it. It felt again, another one of those little like, oh, yeah, don't forget that Bart and Lisa still exist. I mean, to some degree, I imagine some of this maybe whiffs a little in the sense that this it's a bit of a rushed episode. Again, we mentioned at the start like this. Season 3 was supposed to be 23 and then right at the end, it was some weird Fox deal where they're like, oh, we need to do this thing to prove that we're the biggest network on TV. yeah ah which means we have to stretch this season out to 24 episodes. I don't quite understand the actual logic of that, but that's what they did. So the writers were around the clock working silly shifts to rush this thing out to suddenly stretch the season into 24 episodes when they hadn't planned for that. So it's probably a bit rushed. Pretty well animated for a rushed episode.
yeah We'd like to see Burns introduce the guest speaker, which is smoking Joe Frazier. Joe Frazier's contribution to this is just to read out the website's dictionary yeah definition of what excellence is. Which it features the word excellent. in ah Apparently it took him about 20 attempts to pronounce the word excellence there. Well, you know, when you get smacked in the head enough times, like, everyone wants to make fun of how some boxes talk, but at the end of the day, nah, man, like, I guess they've got all my sympathy. To be fair to Smokey Joey, he wasn't exactly the most charismatic human being of all time. No, of course not, but you know, he's just a guest spirit. That thing probably wasn't.
Basically, he's about to announce the winner, and Homer crosses his fingers hoping it's him as before he's reminded that he already knows his wound. He just says, don't jinx it. don jins it And Homer is announced the winner, and Burns pulls a shot great shocked face at this. And Homer and home is the delighted, waving to the crowd, being happy, then falls off the balcony onto the ah orchestra section. I thought that was going to go somewhere. I thought they were going to do something without a note. Like just just just slapstick really. Yeah. you You think then that yeah, Homer, they actually, yeah, they could have done a whole episode of Homer getting into situations where he could have sued Mr. Burns, but Mr. Burns keeps placating him, just spending more and more money.
But Homer and that, you know, like Homer I genuinely thought he was going to sue them I was like we've gone through all this rigmarole to avoid him suing us and he's gonna fall off the balcony and see the power plant I thought that's where I was gonna go. It wins the second annual mister No, instead we go to most heaven and Homer is very depressed even though he's won the award He's lost his couch smoking Joe's sympathizes by saying he's lost the world title and homeless response. This is the luxury of three And as the smoking joke continues to console Homer, he'll find another piece of furniture that he loves, but he tells it to shut up.
And smoking Joe decided to ride him back all night. So Barney ambitiously decides he and Joe can go outside to have a fight. And the fight, we don't see any actual violence, but we just see loads of blood splats. I was probably surprised to see the actual blood splatter on the door. And then it like trickled down the door. I was like, this isn't a tree house of horror episode. Damn. Unusually gory for the Simpsons. Yeah. Very gory, but unusually. I don't know if you know his teeth or something. um Yeah, yeah, I know it sounds so good Paul Barney
Also, that scene ah was originally gonna be Barney wins the fight, which actually is what I thought they were gonna do with it. But apparently, Frasier's son was like, no, you can't do that. He's a world champion. He's only ever been knocked out, knocked down twice. Like, he's not going to get knocked out by Barney Gumble. I think that's the thing, is like, I get the impetus to do that joke that haha, he got beaten by Barney. But I do feel like most people Even, you know, like, would just watch it and go, that makes no sense. The jokes, it's just kind of silly. It is funnier that Barney got the absolute seven bells of shit kicked out of him than it would have been if Barney had won. We saw him, like, knocking people out in the base baseball episode, which was quite funny in its own right. But they're baseball players.
Yeah. Top athletes, but okay. No, but it's, I don't think Barney just straight up wins the fight. Does he? he Like, Oh no. Yeah, he does. He like clogs one shot. He was shocked. Wait bugs. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I have bugs. That's the guy. I think they handled that joke better. If Homer had just come outside and Barney would have won. I don't know. I don't think you could write that joke in a way that it would have been funnier than Barney getting seven bells out of him. Fair enough. Well, they end the joke with Barney's leg sticking out of the trash can as he finds a peanut. He finds a peanut and you hear him eat it. There's a crunch. ah We then go back to the railroad and we see that Herb is telling everybody that all he needs is an idea and until someone points out he's still a bum and he realizes that he needs some capital. needs tea ah Yeah, you need two you need two things. An idea and money. Money! Fortunately for Herb, he conveniently finds a newspaper revealing Homer's recent award win and coming into the $2,000.
and the picture of him cheering and then falling off the balcony. Which is a nice touch. Hope decides to go to Springfield and finds the last train. but Sorry, this just occurred to me. Do you know the woman that Sir Ian McKellen fell on, considered suing the theatre? I'm not familiar with this story. okay so ian i know i know but I know he fell off something. Ian McKellen recently fell off a stage during a performance and everyone everyone was really worried that he was going to die because he's like a million and he fell on a woman and she con considered suing the theatre. Not for very long because obviously everyone rightfully called her a bellend. But yeah, I just thought that was interesting.
As Herb runs to the drain, he sees the terrible cabbages, which includes, um, lions, crusty sulphuric acid, toxic waste. Thrusty brand sulphuric acid. Eventually he does find the pillow cop for the compartment, and he comfortably makes his way to Springfield. Meanwhile, Homer's moping about, uh, he's feeling so lost and empty. Yeah, sorry, just again, like, for a rushed episode, they took a lot of time to do a lot of visual gags, you know? Well, it's about to get even more visual because Homer finds the chair of his dreams, the Spine Melter 2000, which is a fantastic name. This whole bit apparently is a reference to 2000, the Space Odyssey. Well, I mean, well, ah the the Homer wants a fancy chair was inspired by the writers working 20 hour days to like actually get this episode out. And they're one of them bought himself a fancy vibrating chair to relax after a 20 hour day lesson.
and if Did that chair go to full power? Like ah the guy from the Japanese restaurant? to I sure hope so. We then get the Space Odyssey reference with all the blinding lights and Hobo goes into a different world. Is the full power a, uh, John, you don't watch movies. They're these things that, you know, it's like a long form. It's like a longer version of the Simpsons. I think I've heard it. Yeah. Yeah. Well, Michael, you might know this. Do you think that the full power gag is a reference to, uh, space balls, ludicrous speed, or it might be an airplane joke, but I don't, I don't know if there is any of those kinds of gags in airplane. and
I assumed it is a guy, it is like a reference or anything to a film thing, but I don't know exactly what you want, if I'm honest. The Simpsons archive has got that one pegged as being a Star Trek reference. I did think Star Trek. Captain Kirk. and Fair enough. It just reminded me of Spaceballs with Ludacris Speed. Ludacris Speed. We've never done that before. They've also suggested that that's why Akira is there because they've got an Asian navigator. Yeah, so he's meant to be Mr. Sulu. Mr. Sulu. Yeah, that makes sense. That makes sense. also Michael, how do you feel about them doing a Spaceballs 2? I don't know that they were doing one, and it's Mel Brooks still alive. Mel Brooks, yeah, Mel Brooks is producing it. Jesus Christ. How old is Mel Brooks, is this? Ninety-eight. But the thing for me is, is Dick Van Dyke the star.
I don't know, but for me truly, the the I don't know how you can do space balls without Candy. John Candy is such a... I'm Barf! I'm my own best friend! i yeah But I may be just way too in love with John Candy. What a guy. anyway simpson Anyway, Simpsons. Anyway, Simpsons! Homer wants to buy the chair, but it's quite a doubt it does cost $2000. Homer's justification is that he's always had an empty spot in his life, which he's tried to fill with family religion and community service. They were all dead ends! Homer eventually realizes that he can't get but yeah and the but he still takes the controls to relax in it for a little bit. Homer, every now and then, just says something so
unbelievably savage without realizing it, that it is just perfection. The idea is that are in reference to the line about, I've tried to fill this gap inside me with family. Yeah. Like, that's so like if my dad said that to me, I would be broken. I know it i know my dad meant it and what. Sorry. they but but but ah I only threw up. I tried to hold back my laughter. Holy fuck. What?
what It's the first annual MacVacry Award for its earning achievement. Born the lawsuit. a Moving on. Anyway, we don't see that Turbo has arrived at the house, but he's not quite sure which one. It looks at the messy state of one and the cleanly state of the other. And he just somehow concludes that the nice house is the one that lives in. Why would he assume that Like surely- You have met your brother, my dude! Yeah, he has negative opinions of Homer! Also, the religious doorbell would have probably been the giveaway. Bing bong, bing bong. No, it's too late by that point. and He's been got. Landis answers the door, and before Herb can make his retreat, he's brought in because it's apparently, uh, clean up a bum day at this Landis' house. Ties day. No, clean up a bum day!
fa mine better ah tod would like to and anoining the sores on his feet yeah And Todd is very depressed about this. Yes, it's it's Maud's turn. We don't see her come out of the house, and he's ah fully suited and booted. His wife has been turned around. And the so and the family... just on the on the on the Flanders, just to go back just for a sec. As someone on IMDB, I spotted, noted that at some point in the middle of the season, like they swapped Rod and Todd around. Alright.
i did i did not even notice look well who did exactly uh yeah they they swapped the the older and younger kids around and like and that that just carried on they kept kept that continuity from then on like at some point mid season three the the the two planters kids swapped places i wonder what the reasoning behind that was i'd love to know i think it was an accident that they're just like oh shit fine roll with it roll with it No, no, no. That sounds very Simpsons. As they sing, both with onward Christians, soul soldier and, um move meanwhile, he's begrudging this next door, wishing he'd gone deaf on his dilapidated couch. His doorbell rings and we don't see her wrestling with himself at the door as he thinks that this is about to see the man that ruined him, that he's also his brother and he's got so many conflicting emotions that he doesn't know what happened. So how to express it ah opens the door, punches him straight in the face.
proper. ah steps over his corpse and see the kidss cops sorry that took me a second then was without fault yeah Only for a second, but he was out. It declares he's happy to see the kids, but Homer then points out that he's not happy to see him. Hope says that he's still mad at Homer, and every time he's he speaks, he wants him to punch him in the face. Almost counter-off to this is, could he just kick him in the butt instead? but While you're a guest in my home, could he just kick me in the butt? Hope says he'll try, but he's not making any promises.
He's been greetin' Marge, Marge has always been, and her reveals that he's been sleeping in dumpsters and eating out of garbage cans, and asks Marge how she was. I can't complain. I can't complain. Oh, and then declares to hope he'll give him the Grand Tour, which consists of showing him how a light switch works. As March points out, he probably already knows how this works. Homer is briefly confused by the other light switch that reveals that the Christmas decorations for 1985 are still up. Yeah. Apologies, I have lost my place. I've lost my place. Oh no, no but it's out it's actually at the dinner table. So we're at the Simpsons family dinner table.
He's about to ask Uncle Herb for advice on but what will happen if we should look out for when he becomes a Herbo. He advised him that ah pizza cartons are a good source of cheese. That sounds like a good shout. Yeah, that was a bit decent advice, I thought. Lisa then sadly asked him why he didn't write, and Herb's response to this is, what would he have written back? That, thanks to Homer, he's now using a rat as a pillow, and Lisa just responds, this is just a static point. Also, how the fuck was he supposed to write? He had no money, so he had no fucking stationery. Shut up, Lisa.
You can write it on the back of a pizza box. I love the fact that I am looking at the Simpsons archive here because this is fantastically describes this next scene. Erbe is tucking Maggie into bed singing one of his own car old core theme jingles. yeah that's And he lets her know a little secret that she's going to make him rich again. As described here, inappropriate ominous music please.
Yeah, no no, that does describe the scene pretty well, yeah. Why the fuck was this substance? When I'm cut back, and the family are now playing Monopoly, and Lisa builds up on her plans on one of her squares that, you know, you're having a lovely ballet service, but it's going to cost him $1,500. This bankrupt urban home starts laughing and telling her it's like real life. he's gone but He's imitated real life, which earns him another punch. Yeah, fair. You know, fair. I mean, that's just how Monopoly games end, generally, anyway. I fucking love Monopoly! Well, you have terrible taste in games. I do!
I like that the other board game was just called Sorry. Oh yeah, that is a game. I've never played it. Is it actually a game? Yeah, that's a real thing that exists. Fucking hell. I saw it and I was like, is there a reason for that? It feels like there should be a purpose to them having a real board game there. It's based on an ancient Indian cross and circle game. Oh, okay. We then see the family discuss several ways of spending the money, which include Lisa wanting to invest in the greatest books of the Western civilization, and we're trying to trick Marge into thinking she wants to buy the vibrating chair, but Marge pointing out it's actually his idea. Yeah, didn't you want to buy a but vibrating chair? That was your idea! Well, Marge wants to buy a machine gun, and Marge would like a new washer and dryer as we get the glimpse of the two malfunctioning and scaring their cats. Chasing the cat down.
And something I found is that ah Wikipedia notes this is like the start of The Simpsons using that style of storytelling as a bit where they kind of do that flashback to like a different scene somewhere else. Which they did for several years until Family Guy started using it and then they gave it up. Family Guy just stole the bit. Just an update, considering the day we're recording on. ah The last exit poll puts Keir Starmer ahead. There you go, moving on. Whoa, didn't see that coming. Oh, what a crazy fucking surprise. 10 years of the Tories destroying our country and... 14, yes. 14 of the Tories just... You're telling me I've got to type down my congratulations Rishi sign. You might have to want to consider that. Sorry, my guy.
Well, maybe I can spend $2,000 to give a broken man a second chance. Eh, does that sound- I'm gonna give it to Rishi Sunak and give him a second chance. Well, he grew up with that sky, you know. Yeah, I know. Like, he'd spend that $2,000 on sky. It's a lot of sky subscription costs, but... Oh, I jest. That's a... No, it's probably not that far off. Herb asks... Herb basically subtly trying to ask for the buddy at home as immediate response to this isn't there. that this leads to a presentation in the next room, and Herb's thing is to use a bird that's... what? You know those drinking bird toys? It's a drinking bird toy. Yeah, drinking bird toy. I thought I had a more technical name, but... I'm pretty sure they're just called drinking birds, yeah.
So, Perb uses the drinking bird toy, and Homer is very enamored by it, declaring to Herb he'll make millions, despite not realizing it's already a product. Eventually, Herb has to take this off the table, because Homer loves it too. And does Herb show us his blueprints of his actual invention. Homer, in his imagination, brings it back to the drinking bird. And Herb reveals that he's trying to build a baby translator, and he just needs the $2000 to get it off the ground, and says he'll get the money back to him in 30 days. Homer's unsure, but uh... The kids fight Herb's cause with Lisa revealing that Homer did destroy him and Bart points out, well, if you're going to be screwed out of your money, you might as well be for your brother. Homer agrees and tells Herb that as one of the conditions is he's got to forgive him and call him brother. Herb refuses to do this, so Homer says he just wants to burn. Yeah, just give me the bird toy.
We then cut to Herb going through the testing process and this includes several things of trying to work out what Maggie wants. His deductions include working out that Maggie wants to suck his nose, working out rather obviously that she was scared when he attacked her in a gorilla mask, and a moment where he's just trying to work out if Maggie is gassy but turns out she needs to throw up. Yeah, I like that the the sort of slow build-up of all of his his deductions, but during that time, he's like, oh, well, it doesn't match this, it doesn't match this. So clearly, Maggie has not thrown up in the time that, ah you know, it is his eureka moment, this thing that has s stumped him up into the spot. I like it. It's clever. But again, the the animators did not do themselves any favors
considering, like, how many unique scenes there are in this. They could have very- Can I enjoy Gorilla Herb? Well, they could have very easily phoned it in, but they, you know, wait even during Crunch, they made a very unique episode, and that's quite surprising. Yeah, I can't speak to how much work the animators put in. Like, most of the reports are on how much work the writers put in. I think the animators got shipped off to somewhere where they did it ah for less than minimum wage in the States. Fuck off, did the writing... I know they outsourced a lot of animation work. No, just the writers, like, I understand. Writing is a hard job, but...
I am rem- I- I- I find it difficult to believe that writers need to crunch on an episode of Simpsons. Again, they said they worked 20 hours a day, 20 hour days, I don't know. Oh fuck off! Bollocks! I have never tried to write a TV show, I don't know how much work goes into it. It's s- it's Simpsons! That's appreciating the efforts of the animation team, huh? I mean, I appreciate the efforts of the animation team, well done, you got dumped on by an idiot writing team. I appreciate the efforts of the animation team. Writers tried. Yeah, when he rewrites, we did to the episode. Ah, fuck off. He had to spend a whole four hours a day in the massage chair to charge up for the remaining 20 hours of writing. It's a hard life. Fuck off. Just get drunk and sit around a table and come up with gags. Piss off. Someone had to tell Smoking Joe what to say. Anyway, same sentence.
ah But his bench in his downstairs and he wonders if, yeah, asks out loud if the family are wondering what's under the sheet. And Bart's response is they peek to look while he was in the bathroom and the herb just anticlimatically goes, oh. And then bores the sheet off to reveal his very crappy looking. and I love marchers. o No response to that is, you don't have to humor me, and you're just like, well, it's pretty angry. She's so used to Homer. She's just humoring people all day long, so it's just like her natural response, it's great. Homer declares it the stupidest thing he's ever seen, and points out he laments the fact that he could now have rollers needing his buttocks. Close response to this is, can you stop thinking about your ass-noms responses, as I tried to, but I can't.
We don't see Maggie give her goggle baby talk and the translator picks it up as pay attention to me. Lavish me with attention. Everyone is shocked by this and tested for at least plays a game of peek-a-boo in which ah Maggie's response to this is, where did you go? then when There you are, power musings.
um ah It's still not sold on the invention thinking. I'm sure just like a clock in an already existing item as much points out that every mother is going to want one of these putting a clock on so that's a very 90s joke in it yeah it's a great ninety s thinkton Now with a digital clock on it whoo I Just looked it up because I was mildly curious But yeah, it was Nancy Cartwright voice of Bart who did all the Maggie lines in this. Oh, that makes sense. Oh The scene ends with Maggie spoiling herself and the baby translator picking it up. Didn't she say how humiliating or something? How embarrassing. of how in but Yeah, I've soiled myself. How embarrassing. We then cut to a very quick scene of Homer and Marge in bed, which feels slightly out of place and Homer laments the fact that Herb gave Herb his money and Herb is still treating him like a dick. To be brutally honest, Herb hasn't treated Homer that badly.
No, that's true it's true. I only punched him twice that we've seen. And Homer probably deserved the second one to be fair. Yeah. And Marge points out that her cut stay mad at Homer forever and Homer says, well, when's he going to act like my brother? We then cut to the baby convention. We're moving ri with real pace here, which is two for no triplets. Yeah. It's a twin convention. No triplets. It was good. We then see several of the items, which includes a dog and a ball and our old friend, Professor Frank, having his ah child in a toy aeroplane, which he inadvertently sends him out of the window before playing out his wife. is My wife is going to kill me. Do we ever see, i I'm fairly certain we see Frank's son later on in later episodes. Do we ever see his wife?
I don't think so. I don't know. Mrs. Frank on the Simpsons Wiki. Yes, yes, we do. We don't see the baby translator in action, which includes a baby declaring it wants candy, and that's all it's going to get from now on. And a child on a leash declaring that this demeans them both. ah But automatically sells out on his inventions, including a ah company director that comes and buys 50,000 and hopes that's going USA, USA. We then cooked back to Hope's Departure. we root We've gone through about a good 10 minutes of storyline material there in about two minutes, which is quite impressive. Not a lot happens, man. Yeah, I mean, sort of rushed episode, I think. They spent a lot of time building this up, and then we're like, oh shit, we need to wrap this up now.
It gives the homies to Grandbacke and gives each of the family a gift. Lisa gets the first volume of those Western civilization books. Bart gets a membership to the NRA and he asks for, what is it, bullet-pierced? I'm a piercing cyanide-tipped bullets, which is going to be my next upgrade in Lancer. As we say, it's in the Constitution. Yay, guns! ah but maggie what you want some maggie
baby translator says that she wants what the dogs are i'll get you some unexpected that That is one of the Simpsons lines that lives in my head, rent free, the whole I want the dogs, I want what the dogs having. I'll get you something nice. He then reveals to Marzia he's bought her a new washer and dryer and sold the old ones for 50 bucks. We then see that these were sold to Moe's Tavern and they're now racing them. I mean that looks very entertaining. I love to go to a bar that's doing racing of appliances across the bar. The customers are very delighted to see that the washer wins as Moe takes his anger out on the dryer. Don't we dryer?
ah well sadly points out that there's probably not a chair in that bag and ah walk somewhere out of the house and and they're outside but finally reveals that he's forgiven homer and home i can now call him but um my except this and they share an awkward hook is humma says that he's never hooked a number before but he sells it into Get off! Kiss! We then, uh, cut to the Homer in the chair and we see that him and his sperm are very happy. he All three of them. i pray but but but but but yeah And that's an episode. and that is your What did we think guys?
ah pretty all It's a solid episode with some great moments, but the pacing of it is all wrong. It is yeah weirdly off. Yeah. I get why, but I just sort of feel like if this was like two episodes kind of meshed together, that maybe some of this could have been separated. I definitely think, yeah, there was a lot of potential for different, it like for to go in like very different ways. ah It's another one of those episodes where 20 minutes in, the plot happens kind of vibe. Yeah, like he didn't stop building the baby machine until like 18 minutes into the episode.
Yeah, I think it was that idea of, well, we want Herb, because again, in sitcom fashion, by the end of 30 minutes, everything needs to resolve back to zero. But the difference was, with the last Herb episode, things didn't resolve back to zero, because Herb was now destitute. So they were like, right, so now with this episode, we want to resolve it back to zero. So they did. So it didn't need to be about Herb inventing the machine and the troubles of doing that. It was just Herb invents the machine. He is now rich again. The end.
In a weird, kind of strange kind of way, like the everything wasn't back to zero at the last episode. It didn't matter, because it was a one-off throwaway character that we were never going to see again. So it doesn't matter if Herb's not back to where he started, because like the Simpsons are, and that's the important part. In a weird counter counterintuitive way, like it's not this time around, because they've reconciled, and now Homer's on good terms with his now once again millionaire brother. Yes, that should have effect. He never shows up again! Yeah, what the fuck? I assume Danny DeVito really doesn't want to come in. Yeah, he begrudgingly did this episode. He was not enthused about recording this one. Like, he did it. But he wasn't even there for it. I'm fucking sorry, Danny DeVito. You were in fucking twins! You were in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia! You don't get to be fucking high and mighty about what you're fucking on!
I don't think he ever said anything about it, but Hank Azaria got the impression that Danny DeVito's sort of, uh, vibe was, let's get it over with. Absolutely. Fuck the fuck off.
If you're going to be on, and I mean this, the shitest comedy show ever, and then not come back on Simpsons, nah, shove it up your ass. Which one were you considering the shitest show? Always sunny. i don't I don't get it. I don't like it. I know I know a lot of people who really like it though Oh most of the people in my like Union stuff absolutely fucking adored that show and I get that the point is that they're all awful Doesn't stop it not being funny whoops Anyway, anyway, we're gonna be out of Homer hmm
I ah actually quite liked this episode. i thought It's not like a super gag-tastic episode, ah but it's definitely one of my favorites. I still think it is one of my favorites. It's really fun. It's another good example of like a Simpsons doing the sitcom family adventure thing, which we haven't had really in a while. So I gave it a bunch of drunks cheering at a washer and dryer out of home. It's just plain entertaining. Okay. I'm going to give it the runner up in the first annual Montgomery Burns award for outstanding achievement in the field of excellence. It's not quite good enough to be the winner, but it has its charm. Yeah, that's fair.
but The fascinating um score because I gave it the first annual Montgomery Burns Award for sending performance in the field of excellence at Spoma. We had this last time. We need to coordinate on this. Well, you you were the runner up. I gave it the actual award show because my thought was it was a bit overhyped. i am overva hi It's always the Simpsons and Fox is the biggest thing on TV and it's Danny DeVito. It's a big deal. It was like, that's fine. It's all right. It's good. as but I'll take a two grand check, but like we don't need the big song and dance about it. That's fair. That's fair. I think I just have fun nostalgia for this episode. and I just like Joe Frazier's cameo.
i enjoyed that I enjoyed the last one more. like Danny DeVito once was good. like They felt like they were just trying to make a lightning strike twice here, and it was like, you didn't need to do this. I get that. What did it say about Sasata? I think I did have a few things I didn't really dig into anything obviously the whole picking yourself up by your bootstraps land of opportunity stuff like he makes his fortune back again from nothing that good old literally a fucking myth about America yes yep that people say America doesn't have folklore yes they do it's the land of the free the brave
Corporations will go to insane lengths to avoid comp- Yeah, that's what I've got. that There's an obvious nod towards workplaces will do anything to avoid lawsuits or worker dissatisfaction. Anything from a pizza party all the way to an awards ceremony that is meaningless. And there's also the subtle nod that the the best way to get rich is to invent a meaningless doodad that people will get bored of within a week. I mean, if if it works as well as he records, I can see that being a genuinely useful thing for any new parents. But yeah, that andt on fine bor I I thought never quite had the science six we never quite had the science explained of how who knew that's what these babies were saying. I I thought that when I was writing it. But then I thought, yeah, but babies are never going to say anything fucking useful.
Because said they don't- Probably not. No? I don't- yeah. Babies haven't, like, processed the world enough to be able to, like, really have any nuance. Yeah. As a- as a parent, you know how many times your pet baby needs to be fed. You will know when it shits itself. Yep. So... anything it has to say is pointless. Did have a fun note about Homer trying to find fulfillment through consumerism, which I'm sure everyone can relate to these days. oh yeah How dare you? I never buy anything. I definitely didn't buy another overpriced jacket to try and fulfill a gap in my life this past week. Ooh, love jackets. There was a that line at the end, a little bit throw away, but about sort of male, familial,
I've never hugged a guy before. There's such a weird thing that my family did the same thing through the same era, I suppose. It was only when my brother got married, his wife was like, why do you guys never hug? At that point, anyone was like, yeah, I guess we could do that. It's taken a long time before I'm like, yeah, I guess there's nothing wrong with hugging. Yeah, I suppose so. Yeah, I'm a very physically affectionate guy, so I was- I thought that was pointed out, to start a slow moment where you kind of slowly awkwardly pull down your arms. You're not too far off. Camp Crusty. Camp Crusty. Which, Ed, because of the length of the last season, I've weirdly not terribly long after the last one. I think it was like less than a month later.
Before we go into this, do you want to go into an overview on Season 3? Oh yeah, we normally do a Season Recap. Let's do our Season Recap. What do we think of Season 3? Oh Well, it's a definite improvement on the Season 2, I think. Mmm, for sure, yeah. It's definitely hit its stride here. I think we got two free homers out of it, so... i got I went through to check my notes to see how many. I got two homers out of homers from me personally, which means 8.3% of the episodes in this season were perfect. We'll keep track of that score. It's interesting to see if, uh, cause you try to remember what's, what's becoming the next season. I think I'm trying to think, is there any homeless in this one? The one absolute standout of the season that I can see coming down the line is the monorail episode. Yes. That was a very fun episode that we'll get to talk about. I am genuinely.
trying to remember the episodes of this season. I mean, we we started with probably one of the most remembered episodes of Simpsons ever, which is Star Craving Dad. We had a gag that has stuck with us so far throughout all of the episodes and we'll probably keep getting referenced forever, which is fucking miss Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington. Cause that still annoys me. Was that this season I've been trying to blank that out of my mind? Yeah, Mr. Least of Washington was episode two. When Flanders failed, holy crap. Yeah, there were a few stickers in there. If I remember correctly, that got my new lowest rating. Yes. Yeah, it is no longer when Batzock gets there, but it is now when Flanders failed, because holy shit.
Bart the Murderer, absolute banger. Homer defined. Yeah, it had its most. Like father like clown. i've I remember being pretty blase about it. I have a terrible memory, guys. Treehouse of Horror 2. Meh, yeah, it was fine. ah Lisa's Pony, obviously we got but What Man Can Tame Her oh yeah from Nelson. We'll see other kids names. Nelson Wiggum. Because it was Nelson's voice actor. Saturdays of Thunder, another perfectly fine one. Flaming Mose. I like Flaming Mose. Burns Verkofen der Kraftwerk. Land of chocolate done the Chocolate. Which yeah, had like but had Land of Chocolate but wasn't actually that
so like Yeah, it was an episode of which had land of chocolates and um that's it yeah, I married Marge I think I quite liked, because it's very sappy, but not... It's a very story episode. Yeah, it wasn't an amazing episode of Simpsons. Radio Bar, another one that was like... Eh! Lisa the Greek? I quite liked Lisa the Greek, Homer alone, a banger, Bat the Lover, what the actual fuck. Homer at the Bat. um right home ah ah Yeah, for for for John, yeah, definitely was a was a Homer.
I'd love I wish I recorded this side. I know I gave Stackraving dad a homer What was my other homer? Oh? Did I give a second homer? We don't know do you dont write yours down anyway? No, I don't remember things Which is why I should write things I write mine down so I had to go back through my notes to find which ones they were But I can remember which ones I gave homeless do I go you can't remember what anyone else did written I really need to get popular enough for somebody else to start a wiki for us about this sort of thing. Yeah, somebody somebody you write down all the records. Separate Vocations was fun. ah Dog of Death. Meh. Colonel Homer didn't get a Homer, but is a great episode. Black Widow. Again, close. Black Widow, I thought I liked more than I did. Yeah, Black Widow was incredibly overhyped.
uh the auto show again really meh uh bats bats friend falls in love why not just say a mill house but whatever yeah uh just uncomfortable the whole time and then who remembers brother can you spare two dimes uh and who who the fuck remembers that why would i never talk about that So yeah, overall for me, good, good season, but, you know, had some, had some lemurs. I particularly liked this season's willingness to focus on other characters outside of the family. Yeah. Oh my God. Sorry. I just want to point this out. It's not just Disney. If you buy a season three box set of, uh, season three, sorry. If yeah, if you buy a season three DVD box set, Stark Raving Dad isn't on them anymore.
Mm-hmm, yeah. Well, that's probably because Disney owned them. Yeah, I know, but it's just weird that it's on Amazon, but not anywhere else. I do own them on DVD. I will have to dig it out to see if... Because I swear it is on... Well, yeah, that means you bought it bought your DVD before 2019. Ooh, it might be worth more than the ah two quid I paid in CEX. It might actually be. I wish I'd known that was gonna be worth money. Yeah, honestly, if my memory- I do need to start putting stuff down because... I don't remember so much of this. Cam- Krusty! Uh, baseball things happens. Lots of baseball happens. Alright, let's go straight into chalkboard gag. A self-aware chalkboard gag is still not fucking funny.
they want the the borans No, let's move on. but I want some number ones. Give me some number ones. It's still Boyz II Men in the US. s And in the UK it is Ebenezer Good by Shaman. Fucking what? Absolutely no clue. i I genuinely thought you were going to say absolute banger then. I was kind of excited for that. So yeah, the chalkboard gag was what, Michael? It was, as I previously said, this punishment is not boring and pointless. Yes, a self-aware chalkboard gag is still not a funny chalkboard gag. The couch gag, however. Fucking amazing! The Flintstones! What?! Brand new gag. The new season new gag. Yeah, good absolutely great. You know, gotta love a bit of Hanna-Barbera. I love when...
Any cartoon remembers its roots in Hanna-Barbera, because we would not have modern cartoons the way they are without Hanna-Barbera. Hanna-Barbera was like the first real cartoons that were like, these are also funny to parents. Rocky Races is still a banger. We wouldn't have as many smokers as we do without the Flintstones selling cigarettes to people. Is my money with selling bush beer? Flintstones, as far as I'm aware, was the first sitcom for children. yeah If you think about it, it you was.
yeah but da do i smoking
Is the implication that like Fred Flintstone is pregnant there or...? I don't know guys, I'm just trying to keep it under two hours. Let's go! This is not happening so... Well this episode's shit so thats but let's through. Alright, let's wait for it. You don't have shit! Alright, let's talk about this. Okay. Right, so Paul gets his report card and he sees that it's failing grades and he points out to Mrs. Cropopo that he needs to see average to go to Camp Christie. Mrs. Cropopo points out that's unfair of all the other children but does it anyway. Bart is delighted and says much obliged to go as he slaps her ass in some fantastic sexual harassment. Bart is 10! Why do they keep making these jokes, man? Because it's funny when kids sexually harass people.
No, fucking isn't! It's weird and creepy! They thought it was in the 90s. This is so uncomfortable! On the level of detail! On the animation of Bart slapping Krabopple's ass and it jiggling! What the actual fuck! Could do those things in 92, baby. 90s! The fuck is wrong with you? The only notable things you did was this and you produced a psychopath! There's no lawsuit from Kobapo. She just tells Bart that she's gonna miss him. Why is she gonna- I hate this. Why does he keep doing this with Bart? It's a dream. Why is a ten-year-old dreaming this?
Well, why is he dreaming about Skinner announcing over the PA that he's helped everyone's both in their weapons of mass destruction? Implements of destruction? Not mass destruction. He didn't bring a nuke in. I was so confused about all of this bit. So Bart has a machine gun, we see that Nelson's got flamethrower, and Skinner gives the order to trash this place, and we then see the kids absolutely annihilating the school while he's driving his traps over the wall. And school's out players in the background. Alice Cooper's blaring on. um
the ah Skinner's getting kids to burn permanent records, and Bart is now operating a wrecking ball. I think it says a lot though about Simpsons that I wasn't i was genuinely surprised this was a dream. oh that did not take me away surprise if is i was like this a true there's no there's no way bart's getting a c for real much j g yeah was just like ok this is a very weird episode of simpsons yes It does, but it turns out it is a dream and Bob, Bob sells homemade dreamtors the last day of school and Homer points out that it is. Oh, this is also a dream, Homer, back to me in the newspaper. What? Same with the newspaper. because Bob points out that the Pinchy's is more traditional.
We then see that everybody's at the breakfast table and we see Bart looking at the brochure for Camp Christie and Marge reminds him of his promise that ah the kids have to, well his promise to the kids were and his initial response is that one once you're 18 you're outta here. He's now pointed out that the kids have to get a C average to attend Camp Christie. I know we're like trying to keep a deadline but can I tell a fun story about my dad? No, it's an involved Camp Christie. When my dad was 18, he was apparently being quite difficult at home. So one day while he was at work, my nana rented him a flat, called him at work and said, you live there now. This is your address. You pay a rent on the first of the month. Right. And just, just thought it would fuck off. Obviously she she didn't like stop talking to him. but I just thought it was funny. Like she was just like, go live there now. I'm done with your shit.
Yeah, she was done with his shit, man. And he lived there for, like, four years. Sibsons! As Lisa goes into a little bit of a brag over that she's pretty confident she's going to fulfill the thing. Fuck off, Lisa. Yeah. There's a new grading system where D is the now yeah equivalent of A. Yeah. And the grading system now goes DBAC. Summer's response to this is to tell Bart that if he really wants something in life, he's got to work for it as he listens for the lottery numbers, yeah which which goes horrendously wrong.
Number 17. Did he get 8? Yeah. How many? i'm I'm curious because I know in England it's like what three numbers and you win something? um yeah I'm curious if in America it's different. and one depends on who's um like I think they have different lotteries depending on the state as well. ah Lots of different ones I imagine. America is a hellhole. I mean, they've all got different gambling laws, so like there's no way like the states could have a national lottery, I don't think. Sorry. Let me rephrase. America is a hellhole. I wasn't disagreeing. I was just elaborating. Oh, sorry. In that case, let me rephrase. America is a hellhole. Oh, a fix in November. Oh, absolutely. Oh, be good. Meanwhile, we get god emperor Keir Starmer.
Moving swiftly on from this, uh, cheering conversation. but The lockers are now being cleaned out and, uh, we go into Bart Locker and, uh, it's quite the mess of stuff. He finds his old gym shorts, which he can fold up into a paper aeroplane because they're that that's stiff. i Right. I don't know if I'm looking at this from a modern lens, but this gag makes me very uncomfortable. because if this was in a show today, there is only one reason a boy's shorts would be solid. And again, I want to point out, Bart is 10. Yeah, I understand what you're insinuating. I think the implication was literally just meant to be, they just haven't been washed. They're just like grass. Absolutely. Not for the reasons you're implying. I am hoping oh that is the gag.
Oh, Bart's got distracted by Bobo's arse, so he's dreaming about it, so... For fuck's sake, Michael! I... ah I don't know why I'm gonna bring this up, because I don't think anybody's gonna know the answer, but, like... He reads the code to his locker out loud, which makes it sound like that's a reference to something. Yeah, I'm guessing it's a reference. No, but but John, right, okay, it I don't think it means anything, because Simpson's writers don't make obscure references like that. It's an obscure reference. I found it way down the list of trivia on IMDB. Apparently 36, 24, 36 is supposedly the ideal figure for a woman. Oh, fuck off.
hey but buckwell's measurements of hey you he you I'll tell you who doesn't have those measurements. Miss Hoover. Me. Who's very fully checked out and has her hands over the report cards and tells everybody just to wait out the clock. I thought you were just gonna say full figured then. I was like damn Michael. Yeah i do it i I do relate to that teacher vibe of yeah I have nothing just fucking sit there. I mean I feel like sort of end yeah miss ho's sauce so yeah i feel like end of the year running down the clock was usually kind of like we're gonna watch a movie instead of doing work today kind of that sort of thing would happen yep episode of friends yeah theyon a laon and there now I Lisa's not friends with Miss Hoover because she's got a B plus on there and then starts going into anaphylactic shock or some shit
Yeah, well, the B plus is in conduct, so Lisa immediately demonstrates why she got this B plus from going over to Miss Hoover and confronting her about the grade, which includes gripping tightly onto Miss Hoover's hand. So much that it hurts. You're hurting me. Yeah, the voice actors for Miss Hoover really didn't give a fuck about reading those lines. Although, to be fair, like, I thought Yardley Smith did a good job with Lisa there. I thought that was actually good acting. Oh, it was great, yeah. The acting from Lisa was hilarious. We then cut to the next scene and we see that Mrs. Krabopple is marking Bart's paper and Bart in the attempt of gave us the favour, reveals that he's handing back his tech books in mint condition because some have never been opened. And also starts complimenting her beauty, which may have been to try and prove his grade, I don't know. Oh yeah, he just brought her up.
Well, it doesn't work as, uh, Bart gets his report card full of these. As Bart explains his plight that he needs to seize. Have a delightful summer! Oh, yes! More teachers should act like this! We only get a countdown of the school day ending, which, uh... I turned into a boomer when I've been drinking! We see several things of the countdown beginning, which include, uh... Well, he's spiking the bunch in the teacher's lounge. Also driving the school bus and doing popping wheelies. Milhouse being dumped into the toilet by a future camp counselor. You're getting it swirly, Michael. You should know this. No, I've never actually received any frank voices. Yeah, man. It sounds like... It sounds so violent. Doesn't sound particularly like a good way to spend the school, though. No, it sounds like fucking literal torture.
I, yeah, I've only ever seen it portrayed in TV shows. I've never been aware of anybody who ever actually received one. I'm fairly certain if if if someone tried to do it in England, that kid would be, like, sent to juvenile. Mmm. Sent in murder charges, as well. I mean, yeah, if it happened now. The school bell rings, the kids are nailed, but they're stopped by one teacher who wants to reveal how people are treated. You didn't say how well we're too ended. It won't stop in anticipation. like what the What did you think it was? I also just love that he's like he's had all year to teach this, but he didn't get to like the actual conclusion of the war. He's and being thorough. Apparently. Well, we get our USA champs. USA.
We don't get an interesting zine of Skinner and Willy complimenting each other on the... Can I say something controversial? yeah so USA. You didn't win. You were present.
They showed up to claim some glory at the end. They beat Japan. but You were there. Congrats. DC ends with Skinner putting on his sunglasses and telling Willy to enjoy working over the summer. Yeah, i'll I like Willy doing like the whole brown-nosing thing. And then there's that moment of like connection, but then, yeah, obviously Skinner's like, right, I'm fucking off for six weeks. Meanwhile, Otto is delighted that he's got three months of SpaghettiOs and daytime TV.
And we got to board with a little bookmaker's eyegasm as he's changing his own grades. You say bookmaker? Do you mean a jeweller? That's what I meant. Yeah. Bookmaker. i thought I was... Yeah, because when you say bookmaker, I think of the little green visor. Yes, yeah, they would, wouldn't they? Bookkeeper, yeah, that's what I was confusing with. Guys, laugh at Michael's mistake. It's funny to mock them when they misspeak. Well, I'm sad now. It's all right. You areries are, Izar. I'm gonna need therapy. That'll cost you. I look quite like Lisa's retort to Bart, altering his grades. Why don't you pick plausible ones? yeah Damn, Lisa. I mean, Bart ambitiously goes for A's. So he does have a point. Oh, absolutely, man. Come on.
We don't get a commercial for Camp Christie, and we see that Christie's selling the virtues of Camp Christie, which includes revealing it's buried on an Indian burial ground. Seems to be a popular thing. Just a trope in it. o And Christie is doing acrobatic things on a horse. I don't know why, but the noises he was making made me uncomfortable. what but ah yeah I was like, dude, stop. He also tries to instill the virtues of his fat camp and we see him bring out the fat child. A lovely bit of fat shaming. yeah ya I pretty certain was not the same child.
It's about Homer's shot, not Homer Christie's shot face. We then also get Christie revealing that the big selling of the camp at the end is that you get to spend the entire summer with Christie. And he says, honest engine, just make sure you get it. Yeah. 90s folks. 90s. They were still Indians at that point, apparently. Yeah. Oh, but meanwhile, it's getting aggressive and he's just running the lob over absolutely everything. Aw, dude, I wish I wasn't, but I'm like that with the vacuum. I just get so zoned out and stop caring that there will be, there will end up being a sock in my vacuum. He eventually rolls over over all the skates, and as well, it takes his opportunity to give Homer the altar apart, but Homer is not falling for this at all. Even Homer doesn't. You don't think much of me, do you?
And the boss response to this is, no I don't. Not at all. It turns into a bee so easily. Yeah, I love Homer's like Homer explaining that because you know Homer did it. Like Homer would have done the same thing when he was a kid. And I like the fact he scolded my thing. You got greedy. Yeah, you got a greedy, man. But Lamento said that he can't go to camp. Homer then starts beginning a lecture about how he thought it would help Bart get good grades with this deal, and he didn't, then points out that Bart shouldn't pay for my mistakes. That is such flawless Homer logic. About Ath, meaning that means he can go, and Homer's response is the, yeah, he didn't want him hanging out in the summer. And we now know the reason why camps actually exist. Absolutely. You had to get rid of your kids.
Bart calls Homer the best dad of all time, and Homer's response to this is, Bart's got small hands, can you get the roller skates out? Yep. But the problem resolves itself. We then cut to the next scene, and we see that Marge is packing Bart's suitcase, and Bart reveals that he plans to swim in the nude. Yep, I plan to swim naked. As he calls the human body a thing of beauty, his thumb opens in to reveal the past of his back's getting more airy. We don't see if Lisa is with Dr. Hippo asking for every inoculation on the sun. Fucking Lisa Simpson about to cost the Simpsons family thousands of dollars in vaccines. Fortunately, Dr. Hippo does realize what the problem is. You've got a cure for the case of hypochondria, and the only cure for that is a woe pop.
I appreciate at least his response of don't patronise me. me! We're then cut to the dinner table and Marge says that this will be the last meal that they have for six weeks. She says she won't cry but has the family started eating with no regard whatsoever. Marge bursts into tears. I'm going to business! We then see Barno have a brief fight over a pickle which includes bottle licking it and how much is sticky in his milk and then leaving it. And Bart being so impressed by that. Always two moves ahead. Always thinking two moves ahead. We don't cut to the next scene and the kids are being sent off. This also includes Martin as his dad refers to it as image enhancement camp. I love Martin's response man.
My response, this is a fat camper. Daddy's chubby little secret. Oh, that's a tone of phrase. Yeah. As my dad said something, laments the fact the mind that he wouldn't make a scene. Daddies, chubby, little secret. I knew you would latch onto that phrase. Daddies, chubby, little secret. Get that on some me undies. Yes! That's where I keep my chubby little secret.
And those sick shorts are yours.
We've crossed the line of decency we've had everything we can do now. Hold on, wait. Daddy's chubby little secret.
Marge is saying her tearful goodbye to everybody and telling Lisa to look out for poison iviel with the clever little rhyme of vi leaves are free, let it be. ah Leaves are far, eat some more. We don't see the kids going off and the kids Yeah, well they could buy it up from the bus, they could even buy a ton. His parents would stay out of the room, and Lisa's saying that if the pets die, she'll know they're open. Don't replace them, I'll know. What a thing I say at your parents as you leave. Martin in the backseat, far less emotional than either of them. Pardon that. No. Chubby's little secret is being sent off the image pack. And as soon as the buses are out of sight, the parents start celebrating, including opening in champagne and one parent showing dope.
Fucking brutal. We don't see the bus arrive at campus, which includes the bridge immediately collapsing on site. yeah And we don't see that Christie is indeed there, but he's there in the form of video. And we don't see that video is being played with Christie promising to be there in a few weeks and saying that he'll hand everything over to his best friend in the world, Mr. Black. Mr. Black. The voiceover done in a completely other voice. done by mr black was that his voice that yeah same voice after the video ends mr blacker reveals that he was the president of eurokristy land until it blew up there's no context provided about what happened there no need to be he then offers to take questions and then pretty much proceeds to only take two the first one he refuses to be called uncle blackie yeah i wouldn't either man that's totally fair valid yep
And then reveals that the part of the career that Christie will be along soon, but then hands things over to the school bullies we saw earlier, where now the camp counselors. The tone is set pretty early, with ah Wendell coughing and being labelled a troublemaker, and carried off into God knows where. Yeah, Paul Wendell, man. At home, Homer is banging Marge in the shower. He sure is. Just to show what parents do, I guess. And the kids are introduced to their cabin, and the- It's a good thing Homer's sterile, innit?
Aren't there, like, there are definitely episodes where they've got, like, pregnancy scares, but also I guess Homer didn't know he was sterile, he just got, like, that got swept under the rug, so. Yep. I think even the writers probably forgot about it. Probably. Yeah, also that. The kids are thrown into their cabins, or if they don't like it, TFs, you can work out what TF means. They said that on television. Family jewels, guys. Family jewels. It is an abbreviation that The Simpsons does use on a few occasions. It's like the closest they get to like actually swearing on many occasions. Yeah, I mean, you know, it's a fun way to get around it. They do. there There is also at least one gag somewhere later down the line that riffs on that a little bit, which I do appreciate. But we'll we'll get to that in due course one day, probably. Yeah well I mean it's like calling someone an ass like you can get away with calling someone an ass in America but as soon as you add the whole then it's a problem. Like usually in American television where they say asshole they will censor the word whole not the whole word because yeah calling someone an ass is fine. Interesting. Because it means donkey. At least he's worried about their accommodation but uh what is it because it has the crusty seal of approval?
We don't see what the Christie seal of approval is actually worth as Christie burns himself and is the long quirk while the rest of his merchandise is about to burn down the store. Yeah, this clock actually gets incredibly hard if you leave it plugged in. Christie then decreases off to Wimbledon, which is funny because Wimbledon started this week. Hmm. My parents are off to Wimbledon. Are they? Yep. Cool. Are they be following Christie's ah behavior? Absolutely. They're gonna meet the Queen. We don't see the kids around the campfire, and they are roasting pine cones, but questions why they're not roasting marshmallows, but is immediately shut down. Shut up and eat your pine cone. We don't see that there's a bit of kayaking about to happen, and Lisa questions the safety of it, and the response back was, well, it ain't getting any safer. It then collapses before Lisa gets anywhere near putting her foot into it. Yep. Meanwhile... Did we get a fat camp?
But at a not-fat camp, it's called Chief Starving Bear's Weight Loss Center, in which a drill sergeant is yelling at Paul Martin and saying, No one can leave until he does a pull-up. Until this Christmas ham gives me a pull-up. Can either of you do a pull-up? Absolutely not. They're not that hard! Like, you probably can. I believe in you guys. I drink heavily and have a cigar of the weekends, I'm screwed. You got this. Sensons! Oh, I can tell you what I can do. I can sing the Hail to V Camp Christie. I have all the lyrics in front of me, but I am not singing it. A song which they extended by multiple verses because they wanted to extend the episode because they couldn't fill the runtime. How?
just put more parrots having sex gags or stuff getting broken gags it's not hard yeah there was at some point talks to turn this episode into a simpson of the or a simpsons movie at least but yeah algene said look if we can't make 18 minutes out of an episode how on earth can you make 80 that's fair Yeah, basically, this works as a bit of a montage, including frogs in the soup and a bar falling into a hole as they're playing baseball. ah And Bart and Milhouse and Lisa running away from an avalanche, from Mount Avalanche. Good old Mount Avalanche. The song ends with them reading out the registered trademark of the Krusty Corporation. All rights reserved. Thought the bleachers immediately collapse. I did like the names of the places around there, Big Snake Lake and Mount Avalanche.
The bleachers collapsed so they must have had the Christi seal of approval. Absolutely. We then go to lunchtime and it's revealed that the kids are not quite being said gruel but Christi brand imitation gruel. It's not even gruel, it's imitation gruel. 9 out of 10 orphans can't tell the difference. We then get a nice shot of Mr Black and the counselors in there.
Swanky room with lots of lavish prudence to give us. Gents, to evil. To evil. Then cut to the Simpson household and homo has lost some weight and he's growing new hair. And, you know, we could now have a comb-over, which means more. I'm this close to a comb-over, or something, for that effect. Yeah, basically, yeah. Which means more sex to each other. Meanwhile, we see that the ah kids are in the freezing cold cabin, as the counselors are off to go get some tail. Apparently so. Yep. More sex. It's a very horny episode, isn't it? Simpsons writers in general man are horny as fuck.
Lisa comments the bar that she thinks she's going to die, and Bart's response to this is horrible. We're all going to die of it. We're all going to die, Lisa. And Lisa's points out that she means soon, and Bart says, So do I. Very dire, but one of the best lines of the episode, yes. We're going to go back to Wimbledon, and if he's gorging himself on a horrible stroke, before he stops heckling the players. Oh, that i I think if you if you did that at Wimbledon, you would get kicked out. I don't think it's considered poor form at Wimbledon, yes. like I i've i've seen think there was a thing last year where one of the players tried to have somebody kicked out for coughing too much. Oh, that no, that's pathetic. But yeah, i've seen I've seen viewers get kicked out for less than what Krusty did. Krusty gets the benefit of the Deltans. It's just told off by the announcer. And apologises to the Queen, who is sitting apparently in the fucking cheap seats.
Next one. Yeah, next to Christie, man. What the fuck? We don't see that Marge has written a participatory gate switch. commenting on the fact that Homer is now in the best shape of his entire life and he's attached some jelly bean cookies which the council has eaten and advises their back that the the cookies suck. Tell your mom your cookies suck. Good animation detail there is Homer's doing like the one arm push-ups and the cat's just like watching him as he goes up and down. Just following him bobbing up and down. It's great. At least her begins to ride her own letter back to Margis which is that she not looking for his help because she's been to Camp Christie.
We kind of then get some more montage scenes of the nature hikes or death marches and that the craft centre is actually an operation to get all the stuff on top. It's quite something as we also see that Bart is not teetering on the verge of insanity but is keeping himself going because he thinks Krusty is coming. Krusty is coming. Krusty is coming. Krusty is coming. This then goes all black beauty on us by sneaking up for the night to find a messenger to deliver this including giving him some whiskey. Yeah, apparently a reference to the film the French Lieutenants Woman. What the begging but ah fuck is that reference for, man? People have seen the French Lieutenants Woman, a 1981 British romantic drama film. That happened to three people? and Bold. And then see Lisa, Lisa's lines with her begging parents to conclude, but the parents believe that Lisa's just
It's just a case that we can't let go. pick her up She won't want to leave. We then cut to the next scene and the cabin roof was blown off in the strong winds and everybody who's desperately clicking on has bought the glares next summer who's getting a job. Let's see that Homer and Marge and Homer is wearing some form of hat from the 1920s. Like a straw boater, isn't it? This whole scene was so weird, man. I loved it. I loved Marge just being like, we're going to miss the fireworks. And Homer's like, we've got all the fireworks we need. And you're like, oh, great, more sex.
No, he means fireworks. He's got fireworks. The out of my entire basket full of fireworks. The whole picnic like literally pulls the cover off a picnic basket and it's just explosives. It's wonderful. We didn't go to the ah back of the camp and Mr. Buck is promised a retreat instead of dinner. In lieu of dinner. It's fucking insane. I miss that. It then reveals that Christie is finally here and Bart is delighted about this because he thinks Christie's going to bring food, water, and smack their enemies. Yeah. Christie then appears on the stage and there's something slightly off about him as Mr. Black reveals that he's got wearing jackets and a bad back so he won't be saying or doing anything. That was all bases covered. The kids begin to see through his appearance and Bo eventually declares that that is not Christie. And Mr. Black tries to defend himself by saying that Bo just assumed they found some wine to put on. Yeah, Bo! That totally crumbs to the clown!
but They're finally revealing himself to be Barney. But this is the final straw for Bart, as he goes through the many things that Krusty has done to him, including his rapid heartbeat from Krusty vitamins, his Krusty calculator missing several of the numbers, and Krusty's autobiography being too self-serving with many glaring emissions. Such so chick good bit, man. But this is time to have gone too far. I love that. Yeah, he's like they've gone too far and then still says Give us Krusty or whatever. It's like no No, no, that's not the it's not the conclusion you should make but But but what Krusty and the rest of the kids do body joins the revolution to demanding he was correct
And there's the black yells at the counselors for not breaking the kid's spirit including slapping Jimbo. Eventually the kids start going on the foreground page as the counselors were off in terror. Where is it they say that they're going? They say to the something and I didn't understand. It's a hydrofoil. the height What's a hydrofoil? ah ah Vehicle? I think it's like an amphibious car, isn't it? Ah. it it's like i'm I'm getting mixed pictures on Google search, but have you ever seen those like wind surfboards, but I've got like a frong and more fins underneath so that it can like ride up out of the water? All right. Fair enough. Okay. I'm guessing that's a reference. I don't know whether they were like big in 1992. I'm guessing it's just another obscure reference.
o I think it was just some fun and silly technology to make an escape on. Maybe. Go on, it's just you. The totem pole is knocked down. The, uh, should be lots of secrets are released to eat the imitation.
No, it's too good, man. This is great. I had to say the low road. Lisa starts giving out the mail, which includes people's instalins and changes of underpants. Oh god, yeah, so when the kid said my insulin, I was just like, oh no. Blood renames the camp apart, despite Lisa's protest that it was supposed to be camp freedom. Meanwhile, we cut back to England and Christie has turned things around quite remarkably. He's trying to get a fucking knighted. Apparently left a good impression on the Queen. ah Unfortunately, his knighting ceremony is interrupted as Christie realizes that things have gone wrong.
We then see that the homo and mojo doing yoga, and the yoga instructor's advice is that your neck is like a well-cooked piece of a spargus. A spargus! Which is quite something. It's what my neck feels like, man. then cut to a news bulletin of crisis at Krampkusti. Kevin Brotman started by saying he's been to Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. And he can say without hyperbole that this is a million times worse than all of them. Oh man, the lead. i've a we We can now have an exclusive interview with the leader. Don't be the boy. Don't be the boy. Don't be the boy. so Unfortunately for Homer, it is there is the boy of both the poor, native savage
Oh my god, there really is a Bart. We don't see that ah Homo drops to his knees, his hair falls out, and all that weight comes back on. His tummy just blur. Instantaneously undone that. Who's so good. Bart declares that there's been a very crappy camp, and stops himself to ask him if he can say crap on the air. You can on this network. Krusty lands on his helicopter and is accosted by the media, which includes the question of how he influenced his digest friend, a line which got edited out of later later airings for reasons which I hope might be obvious. Krusty's not having us and punches out one of the-
He said, yeah, he says, where were you when I was on farm aid? Hmm, which I think was, a I think that legitimately was another fundraiser, right? Going back to, again, 80s fundraisers. It's not one I'd even heard of, but yeah, like your live aids, band aids. Hey guys, because let's stop doing fundraisers to save the world and instead just pressure our government to do their fucking jobs. Well, this was a benefit concert held for American farmers. Oh, so they don't deserve anything. It's fine. Kristy declares to the kids that he is not a fake, he's the real Kristy. Lisa asks him the name of the daughter and his short-lived sitcom, and Kristy can't do this. She held up a liquor store! I believe that was a knock at Dana Platho.
Oh, all right, fair enough. We did actually hold up a liquor store. There's a very tragic story of which we will not go into here. ah Google it and read it later. But thinks it's a trap and Christie is stripped of his shirt, when which we get to see that he's got his pacemaker scar and is a cat of school birthmark and superficious nipple. hisfluous nipple Bart finally has enough and asks Kristy how he could have done this. Kristy breaks down weeping and says they gave him a load of cash. Oh, no. Poor Kristy. Bart then starts to explain all the horrible things that happened, which included being gruel and made wallet for export, and one of the campers being eaten by a bear. This horrifies Kristy, Delilah, and it was actually just the bear ate his hat. Was it a nice hat?
Oh yeah. Oh humanity! Christie declares that he's going to make it up to the kids and we don't see the kids in a bus and Christie says they're about to spend two weeks in the happiest place on earth, Tijuana, Mexico. We don't get a montage of the kids in Mexico which includes taking cock fights, Christie on the floor drunk and tequila and while getting a tattoo. We don't see that the bus is taking off in the final photo. It leaves Christie behind. Christie chasing her. Fucking good. and the credits play to the tune of South of the Border. Did either of you watch until the end of the credits?
No. They actually did a different version of the Gracie films sting at the end. yeah ah Like to fit with the song they were doing. I thought that was so cute and fantastic. It was an orchestral version of the Gracie films. ah and I it. I only left it on because it was the last episode and I usually leave it on because I want to have the nostalgia of hearing the... did do did it de I love it. What did we think? I thought this was a great episode. I know we like absolutely rocked through it, but it had loads of just like little gags for me. It's a very simple episode. ah So I i will straight away say I gave it a definitely a superior product out of Homer. I put my name on it. The seal of approval. Yep. I said at the start, I didn't like this episode. I don't. i That's maybe a little harsh. I didn't. No, you said it was shit. Yeah. like yeah
It had laughs. It was fine. like Like, I didn't not laugh at this episode. It just didn't feel like much. but It just ricocheted off my brain as a non-entity. And it's just like, yeah okay, there's there's a bunch of jokes and they're loosely held together by something vaguely coherent. But at the end of the day, it's not really doing anything but particularly noteworthy. It was definitely one of those, hey, isn't this wacky episodes rather than anything of substance. It was too rapid fire for my taste, I think. It's just like it's it's like cutting back and forth, back and forth, back and forth between. Here's some camp, here's some homeless stuff, here's this, here's that. hint It felt like they'd written loads and loads and loads of gags that they were trying to tie together. It felt like an episode of Family Guy. To be honest. Yeah, that's probably why I didn't one didn't care for it, because I don't fucking like Family Guy.
Michael, what do you think? I think it's a solid enough episode. Yeah. I mean, it made me laugh out wild a couple of times. That's all I can really ask for. I mean, it's a camp is always going to be a thing that shows up in these things, these sort of shows. And you kind of get the one joke you've seen at all kind of thing. But no, there's certainly at this moment that I did over half. I was decent. Yeah, it's definitely not got any jokes that you're like going to quote. later on other than maybe daddy's chubby little secret. Oh god and that I can see that's going to be quoted a few times over the course of this podcast. That's gonna stick isn't it? No I'll have forgotten. But yeah he's it's a fun episode you know it's dumb it's fun. i I definitely would have swapped these episodes I know that's not how it works but ideally I feel like this would have been a closing episode and two times been a an opening episode
Mmm, I mean you compare it with the opener to last season which was start craving literally one of the best episodes of Simpsons of all time Yeah, it feels like getting the Danny DeVito episode in as a season opener would have been a solid choice. Yeah, there's this felt a little Inconsistent to me. Yeah, no hundred percent agree What is say about society fam? We're not doing any out of Homer's first I already gave mine. Okay. John, out of Homer, fam. I gave it a crusty stand-up comedy act out of Homer. It had a few laughs, but not a lot of interesting plot. Michael, out of Homer, brochino. I'm gonna give it a trip to Tijuana out of Homer. It's not what I expected, but it has its moments. Okay. What a say about society.
uh parents want rid of their kids for the summer yeah and evil corporations um you know just in general evil corporations but yeah there was no overall message other than you know having children will make you gain weight and lose hair which is true now parents have lots of sex when you're not in the house this is also true they're doing it right now oh you are we're listening to this podcast Yeah, yep, they made you listen to this podcast yeah as an excuse to have sex. Oh, it's, it's Mo Man time. Time to bang. Everyone's gay for Mo Man. Everyone's gay for Mo Man. Slap that on some meat undies. It must already be on their shoulder.
it's So we're officially on season four folks. We are. Season four. We are nowhere near done. it's all I also note that like always Marley horrifies me to see how long we've actually been doing this. When I still in my head, I'm like, Oh, we haven't been making this podcast that long. Now it's, it's ah it's rapidly moving in the direction of two years. It's taken us two years to do four, four seasons. We need to. More. I need to up the pace of getting these damn things edited. Yes, I know. Yeah. We try folks. We try. Anyway, maybe a Labour majority will motivate me when the Conservatives have 131 seats, which is what they're currently predicted to have. That's not a lot. Really? That's not a lot of seats. I was hoping for less. I will say that. I was hoping for fucking zero. I didn't ever expect it to be zero, but I was hoping it would be double digits.
So next episode, we have a street car named Marge and Homer the Heretic. I don't remember what these, Homer the Heretic rings the bell as a name, but I do not remember these episodes. Yeah, I'm seeing the the clip they're using for the episode, like for Marge, Street Car Named Marge, and it looks familiar, but we'll see. Well, we will be pleasantly surprised, I'm sure. Michael, where can people find you if they want more you in their you life? Well, you can follow me on the X at Beemash Horse. I am trying my best to get her more engagement out of this account. Yo, his memes are fire! They're just memes at the moment, but I'm sure something more substantial will come along soon when motivation hits. Probably be quite a few football ones.
There are football ones. You can find me at fucking nowhere, because I'm taking a break from social media right now, because it's an absolute hellscape full of racists and awful people. John, tell us about your Twitter. I'm not taking a break from social media. I really probably should, because everything is shit. Because it's a hellscape full of racists and assholes? But politics is happening, and that is unfortunately one of the things that I engage with. That's your first mistake. Yeah, so I've been tweeting and retweeting things lately. So if you want to see those tweets and retweets at Morocco underscore BM, if you want to engage with things that aren't politics and the ongoing attempts to erase trans people from public life, go buy my beer instead at brewyork.co.uk.
Yeah, ah anything to report on another podcast maybe? Oh fuck yeah! The new episode of All 4 Arnold is out right now! You can go listen to it, we talked about Red Sonja and I'm now actually for once ahead of the game. So we'll hopefully be recording Commando soon with a guest.
Cool, all that will do is for today. Thank you very much for listening. We have been Moleman in the Morning. We'll see you next time. Bye! Bye! Bye everybody!