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S4E10&11 - Lisa's First Word & Homer's Triple Bypass image

S4E10&11 - Lisa's First Word & Homer's Triple Bypass

Moleman in the Morning
130 Plays3 months ago

Jon, Michael and Matt watch The Simpsons episodes 'The New Kid on the Block' & 'Mr. Plow', and discuss what they say about society.

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Matt: @mattperspective



Introduction and Podcast Banter

Hello, this is Moleman in the morning. Good Moleman to you. Whoa and welcome to Moleman in the morning. Good Moleman. yeah And he's dead. Oh well, better call Dr. Nick. This would have been perfect with a soundboard.
yeah yes albeit the so built in that way Yeah, it's built into Discord, so it wouldn't actually come through on the recording, so like I can... If I if i really cared and... You could edit in, but you don't care. Yeah, like... You don't care. Like, i only edit I only care enough to edit all the pictures into YouTube, like, why would I care about putting sound effects in? Yeah, it's fair. We get it, we get it. Hi, everybody!
Speaking of YouTube, hello to our YouTube audience. Hello, YouTube. Hi, we're trying to podcast this, and you know what it is. Yeah. Fucking idiots. The one and only comment, which I've now deleted because my channel is not a free speech zone, is someone whinging that they clicked on it and didn't know it was a podcast. There we go. I've told you this is a podcast dipshit. Just so you know, Simpson episodes don't generally tend to be two hours long. That should have been the first giveaway.
i mean also simpson's episodes probably i mean not that i've done a great deal of looking but i don't think disney tends to like them being just freely available to watch on youtube on youtube but yeah so your mouse is more liquid these this maybe Maybe they think because it's two episodes, they think, ah, that's how they got around it, is by uploading two episodes at once, by doing double the crime.

Discussion of Simpsons Episodes

Anyway, we are Mole Man in the Morning, and we are not two episodes of The Simpsons. We are a podcast that's going to talk about two episodes of The Simpsons. Are we all are we clear on this now? Yeah. I don't know. Could you go by it? Could you could you could you jump it down a bit?
Explain like I'm five. yeah This no actual episode.
sort ah Explaining it like I'm five is apparently like ordering a coffee in France. Explain like I'm a caveman. Two coffee. Two. li abroad I am your host John. I am joined as ever by two co-hosts. Joining me today are Michael.
adlyho put casterna and I'm say it, guys. I need a catchphrase. There we go. I got them the right way round this week, so you couldn't use them. I couldn't use up him. Couldn't be done. We are here to talk about two episodes of The Simpsons, as already observed. We are looking at Lisa's first word and Homer's triple bypass two episodes from season four today.
And by the time this episode goes out, um, things might have happened in the world. So yes, who knows what's going on when we' on the eve we're on the eve of something about yeah we're on the eve of American democracy, possibly completely crumbling.

Speculation on American Democracy and Podcast Evolution

Yeah, we we dabbled with including news a few podcast episodes ago, and news is happening again. Yeah. News is happening. So let us know in the YouTube comments, are we living under fascism? Who knows? Who could possibly say? I, for one, welcome, President Kang. Don't blame me, though. I voted for Kodos. I voted for RFK Junior. Well, you wasted your vote. As did Homer, who's big on third party candidates. and We established last episode.
ah Right, drinking. Is anyone drinking anything? i I am. I bought a lovely amber ale from Heatherwood called Shark Bay. I love Heatherwood. That's new to me. Here we go. There we go. There's the clatter. and got I always forget how much amber ale smells like weed.
ah mean Yeah, there are some hops that can do that. Yeah, yeah. Lovely stuff. Lovely stuff. You know, it's not going to rock my socks off. It didn't change my view on, uh, sort of flavored-y hoppy stuff, like beyond the binary. John's boot Booze, let's not forget. I drank my last can of that the other day. Lovely stuff. Uh, yeah, yeah, it'll, it'll do the job for an episode of Simpsons. It does kind of look like a bottle of Duff beer, to be honest. Nice. Michael. I am about to go on an all-inclusive holiday that will require 10 days of drinking, so I am wisely drinking a lemon tea.
Oh, you're preserving your liver. What do you think it will require? It's a free bar. Holy shit. Yeah, all inclusive holidays do kind of require drinking. Otherwise, what are you paying for, really? Is this a cruise, then? No, it's a hotel.
hot damn it's a hotel in cypress they're desperate for people covid ruined us a lot of hotels a lot of tourist sort of regions tend to just like pour you infinite very cheap lager hey i didn't think i was just complaining what long
What are you

Beverage Choices and Episode Recap

drinking? Uh, I went out and invested in some weird beers because obviously i they couldn't let this stand where I didn't have any more weird beers in my fridge. So yeah I've got voke Vocation Brewery's Death by Cherries, which is a fruit sour. That sounds so awful.
Well, the cherries kind of a classic one. Belgians have been brewing with cherries for centuries. so Yeah, and already just like the cherries themselves are very, very distinct flavour. I don't feel like I'd need the added alcohol on top of that.
I've got to be honest, that's interesting. Most cherry beers do just taste of cherries and not of beer. It's when you can kind of taste the beer and it feels weird because of it. Cause I was expecting this just to be like boozy fruit juice. There we go. That's my opinion on that. I should have poured some schnapps into it. I think that's quite enough for a Monday night. Fair point.
Let's hop on into Lisa's first word, which aired on December 3rd 1992. Well, now what happened in history on this day? Tell us all about this day. Okay, so the Greek oil tanker, the Aegon Sea, which was carrying 80,000 tons of crude oil, ran aground, approaching La Corona, Spain, and spilled much of its cargo. Also, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 794, which authorized US-led Allied forces to intervene in war-torn Somalia to restore order and allow humanitarian aid to be delivered. That went well long-term.
Yeah, everything was fixed in Somalia after this point. yeah No, nothing ever but ever happened in Somalia ever again. They never made a film about it. Yeah, no Tom Hanks ah appearances. US and UK number one. I'm going to be honest with you, this segment is now dead for the next couple of podcasts. yeah The song is the infamous I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston, the soundtrack to the acclaimed film The Bodyguard.
sometimes I have never seen it. I don't think this stays at number one as long as End of the Road though, so I think we will have other music before our season's out. I think it's pretty ah covered for Christmas though. Oh yeah. I was rather hoping this was the year Mr Blobby was the UK number one, but I think that's the... Oh lord. Mr Blobby. What a horrifying, horrifying creature.
roughing slice of british culture my mum met mr blobby really yep that's the end of that story i went to blobby land at some point as a child because they miss because they made a theme park around him at some stage oh yeah now they just left it abandoned yeah i don't think it my sir no leadbans you on your evil ways
Anyway, let's get on to this episode, shall we? Go on then. Dive on in.

Cultural References in 'Lisa's First Word'

Okay, so, the chart board gag is, teacher is not a leper. Blarious. Not a winner this week. but First note, Simpson's really big on lepers all of a sudden. Why are lepers coming up so frequently?
uh you know the funny a laugh at the disabled man i guess i don't know yeah maybe someone on the writing team had leprosy jesus maybe very um koan yeah conan look to look to viddle conan you look a bit iffy there i think you might be a leper i think this is it does fall very neatly into the category of 90s cruel humor of Hey, that's a funny disease. Let's poke fun at that. Point and laugh. Point and laugh.
The couch gag is slightly more memorable as this one does crop up in several episodes of The Simpsons going forward. Probably because it costs an arm and a leg to animate the bloody thing. but Oh yeah, yeah. The can-can. We get practically a circus line and this thing gets a bit out of control with the dancing elephants and the firebreathers in the background.
up but but but but but with the circus music and the whole shebang. I'm just looking this up and this will appear 14 times. They get some mileage out of this one. Again, if I if i had gone to that effort to animate a little printing joke with that much detail, I would want it used more than once. Yeah, that was probably not cheap. This is the most commonly used couch gag in the standard definition episodes. Apparently there's another one in the once they go to high def that also runs as much. Yeah.
We start with the family gathered around Maggie, and basically they're trying to get her to speak. Marge tries them up, they're slightly innocent, can you say Baba? And Bart goes with, can you say Get Bent? As Mr. Rogers says it all the time. I don't remember that episode of Welcome with Mr. Rogers. I forgot the name of it. It was a good one. I forgot it was Bloody Shales Guild. Somewhere in the neighbourhood or something like that. Yeah, I don't know. I never watched it.
I mean, I don't think it was a very, did it air in the UK at all? like really not I think it's just a very American thing. It's a very American thing that I am aware of who he is, but it's a very American thing. Yeah. Like the internet being what it is, like you're kind of aware of other countries sort of culture. So yes, it's come up in history and the internet, but like never seen an episode. Yeah. I mean, we all know who Bob Ross is, but I don't think that I had either. We had our attack instead.
Yeah, yeah. ah my My main point of reference on Mr. Rogers is that he did win the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny. He did. He did. Good man.
We then see there's the family are trying several words to try and get to Maggie to save, Elmo trying his ah personal favourite word, Daddy. Marge tries kitty, Lisa tries bebop, Bart tries shove it. there And Maggie eventually takes her pacifier out and everyone thinks she's going to talk, but instead she burps. Elmo mistakes this for burlap.
ha And Marge despairs about whether or not Maggie is ever going to be able to talk, which eventually leads to Lisa giving a nice little prop above. Remember, it is better to remain silent and be thoughtful than open your mouth and remove all doubt. Homer's brain immediately panics and tells him to say something so everyone doesn't think he's stupid. So Homer comes out with that. Takes one and no one. And his brain actually congratulates him with the word swishness. Swish. I like, what is it, Worrying Mother's Magazine? Fretful Mother's Magazine. Yeah, that's good. This comes up a couple times, yeah. As Marge is reading this, the magazine advises that if Maggie doesn't talk at age one, they should get a corrective tongue extended. Yeah, how is that gonna help? But he's then curious to ask what his first word is, and Marge has an awkward flashback of Hironoma bagging, but accidentally walking on this, and Aika Rumba is indeed his first words.
hikerrumbo I mean, yeah, i'd I'd say that if I saw Homer going at it. Marge, lamely says she doesn't remember, but it's time to begin the story of Lisa's first word. And we then see that Bart and Lisa want... Marge should tell the story, including Homer, who calls her mum. And we then see that Marge begins the story of the so the spring of 1983.
Get ready for 1983 references, guys. yeah Are you aware of things that happened in 1983? You're about to be. has anyone Again, has anyone else noticed that Springfield never actually looks like a city unless it's a flashback?
Yeah. Even in the episodes when they want to go to a city, they don't go to Springfield, they go somewhere else. They go to Shelbyville. Or um, Capital City. Capital City's the big one. I don't recall seeing much of Shelbyville. I always got the impression they were similar-ish kind of quote unquote cities. I don't remember Shelbyville episodes, no.
No, I don't think they do go to Shelbyville, I think that was just me misspeaking. Yeah, you only ever get like glimpses of it when they have like a rivalry over like onions and things. and Lemon trees. Yeah. I have a muddy episode now. Okay, we'll get there eventually. So the significant events of 1983 are Miss Patman striking a blow against women's rights, and Joe Piscopo- Do you mean four women's rights?
Yeah, it says fuck a blow for women's rights. so Yeah, you said against Mrs. Pac-Man bringing, bringing back, a bringing back the only men voting, you know, really holding back the women. She's not married. She's a strong, independent woman. My apologies. Women can eat as much as they want. They get a project including ghosts. Yeah, sorry for all women's rights campaigns. and I'm not. You should work harder.
The opinions of the podcast host are solely his own, moving swiftly on. I don't see that ah the family we that said i grew up in ah the east side of Springfield and I don't know what the hell was happening here. Wasn't the lower east side of Springfield like the Jewish district in the Kresty episode?
yeah i think so because it looks very similar but we don't have quite the same sort of like intense well i think there's a lot of rent references as well here okay that was um also a ah jewish written play i think if i recall We see a see a salesman trying to sell a chocolate chip for ice cream sandwich. And the local kids dressed as 1890s orphans from Oliver Twist asking if they want to go play stickball. They do, but it's a video game version.
yeah yeahp Because video games are out in the 80s, video games are happening. Do you know about video games, guys? Guys, video games. We don't see that Marge is talking about MASH, that's a show in the 80s, just so you get clear. Marge is talking to two immigrant women, that so we have no context of who the hell they are.
One is Irish, one is Hispanic, and that is it. They're just like, these people live in these kind of houses, isn't that the joke? I guess.
Great. Yeah. And they've all got that bloody scarf in their hair for some reason. It was the style at the time. Yeah, so because it was the style at the time. Anyway, do you know what was in the charts in 1983? It'd be Cyndi Lauper by any chance. Absolutely. Bang. So my walks down the streets are seeing girls. I've got to have fun. Captain Lou Albana was chasing him. ah I suspect. But see, I know 1980s references here.
Bartika runs over to Gerita Homer by calling him Homer. Homer tries to correct him but by saying he needs to call him Daddy. They get into a brutal little back and forth about ah Homer, Daddy, Homer, Daddy. Bart pretends to say Daddy, instead says Doma, which leads to no leads to him being strangled.
We then get a nice little montage of Homer in the apartment with the ah ah family life and Cindy Lauper's girl is still playing in the background. In a weird sort of chiptune kind of version of it, which I kind of like to be honest. I didn't i't even notice. We then see Bart leap off the television onto Homer's stomach.
and uh we see that uh he's neither kid neither bar or home and i have to eat spaghetti properly but i also cut the box swinging off the clothesline about 50 foot up high in the air and um advises that bottle tire himself out naked time by the way oh yeah naked i'm always amazed at how many times in media they'll depict sort of a slightly overweight man or in Homer's case an overweight man living at like the top of a apartment building and it's like how how how are you overweight when you have to go up that many stairs how he has an elevator or it has an elevator du but like i mean chuffing all american apartment buildings i think it's for the physical gag of ah the fat man he lives up on the top floor yeah exactly yeah

90s Humor and Social Commentary

spoiler alert Bart does not get tired on the clothesline he's there for a good amount of time as this now gets dark yeah we then cut to uh Marge telling Bart a bedtime story and uh Bart is not tiring at all and Marge has to improvise by then what happened by giving the princess 30 sons and 30 daughters Bart then asks for names and uh Marge in a very cozy state says Brad multiple times and she then falls asleep and uh we see that uh Bart stops watching uh Johnny Carson he's a fairly well hyo yeah i don't get the joke at all i assume it's 80s that's it that's the joke is but the 80s the coast guard arrested boy george for scraping the barnacles off his dinghy well it's yeah it's just am i missing the joke is that the guy the guy that said hey oh used to say like slightly racy things
So scraping the barnacles off his dinghy was like a wink wink nudge nudge. Oh, okay. Not a good one, not a funny one, but that I am explaining the joke to you and I am dissecting this frog right in front of your face. Fair enough. I hope you appreciate it. i that's That's what I wanted, I wanted the dissection. I did say that thinking. How is this gay song because I assumed that's what it was? Yeah, I was trying to wrap my head around it and I was like, this doesn't seem to make a lot of sense if it was.
Yeah, the science class has not gone well Matt, I'm very sorry. Anyway, Bart likes a good Hayao, because he's a kid. I don't see that Homer is playing with Bart and plays the classic game of Got Your Nose. Bart counters with Got Your Wallet. That ends up down the toilet. Homer tells Bart not to do it again and Bart beeps him on the nose, at which point Homer would have been had justifiable homicide. person i That's at that point of much, thankfully for Bart interrupts and reveals that there's going to be more love in the house. Homer misinterprets system in the morning. Which is not what is happening with Bart and Oklahoma.
there is actually Marge is pregnant and Hobo is initially delighted by this but tends to see Bart flushing his keys and somewhat kills the moment. With a playboy kaki keyring. Oh was it? I didn't spot the detail. He was holding it by the playboy. It's one of those leather ones as well that everyone had. My mum had one when I was a kid as well.
We then see Marge then tells Bart he's going to have a brother or sister and this gets Bart's imagination working. We start with Bart scrubbing on the walls and Marge walking into into the room and blatantly seeing Bart do this then asking him who did it and Bart blames the baby. The bad baby!
We also see Bart using the baby as a ramp and using the baby's diaper to clean up the spill. I just loved the visual image of the baby with the board on its head because it is it it's just like a sack of potatoes. It do it doesn't react, it doesn't move or anything. In Bart's imagination, it's just baby, just blob.
it It is an absorbent, inanimate object that can be used to take the blame. Yeah. Yep. I then see the family at the kitchen table and Marge says that they've got to get a bigger house and the almost brilliant plan is that the baby can have Bart's room and Bart will sleep with them until he's 21.
Marge's response to this is, will that warp him? And Homer's response to this is his cousin Frank did this. It's the same point that he doesn't have a cousin Frank, but no bitchy. He became Francine back in 76 and joined a cult. His name is now Shababula. Mother Shabubu. Mother Shabubu. This was a weird bit. This was a gross bit. ah Okay. This is the 90s folks. I know, I know, I know. I'm sure this sounded hysterical back in the day.
I am sure it was, yeah, telling but I don't know. So today in 2024, as a trans person, I am going to struggle to get over dead naming and using transition as the butt of a joke and and explaining it as his way as like, because he like had ah A warped childhood, I guess, is how they're going to pitch it. um yeah And then that's going to lead him to a mental illness that allows her, I suppose, to join a cult. The fact that they keep calling Francine him is also, yeah. yeah i mean it's it's always been one of those weird things because again even like the comedies that we grew up with like friends and stuff still had this kind of joke of like what is the punchline gay or in this case trans and like that's the punchline it's just so weird like it's not even
i'm ah I'm almost, like, it's, a because obviously I'm not trans or anything, I'm just offended by the lazy writing of just, well, what's the actual gag that they're trans? That's not a joke, that's just you saying the word trans and then leaving it at that. To give it more credit than it probably deserves, Mother Shabubu is quite a funny name. It's a funny word to say. Mother Shabubu is a pretty name. Mother Shabubu, you owed an apology. I'm so sorry, Mother Shabubu. You deserve better.
You deserved that. You did. You did. Oh, 7 to Mother Shabubu. Bart is left at Patty and Selma's house, and to earn a top of a dollar, he's got to sing a little teapot song with a itsy bitsy spider melody. And it's quite the metal. It's quite the transition in the song, I must say. Yeah, it's clever. Good on Bart.
Homer and Marge have been to visit the stinking fish realt- Realtor? Realtor? And we realise that Homer and Marge's budget means they've got to get the house in the rat's nest. The neighbourhood colourfully referred to as the rat's nest. We don't get them on top of the houses available and the first one starts with a blatantly just house that someone's just been blatantly murdered in. I'll be back!
written in blood. We then see that the next house is quite nice, but unfortunately it's next to the pork rendering plant. my note My note here, buying a house in Bradford.
yeah And that's all for plants, I know exactly what you mean. And despite the salesman's pitch that ah once you get used to the smell of hog fat, you'll wonder how you went without. It's not for the sale. I just love that Homer loves it. He's just mmm, pork fat. But then according to the actual plant itself, and two plant workers can smell an unpleasant smell, and this is revealed to be Homer. This is such a weird bit. Homer smells worse than the pork rendering plant.
We don't see that the sea captain makes another appearance and he's trying to sell a houseboat, unfortunately.

Real Estate Humor and Tangents

Making use of that guy. They love this guy all of a sudden. They've created, it like, this is, I guess, was Conan O'Brien's creation ah as a character. And I guess they got yeah really into using him as a character. Like, oh shit, this guy's great. Let's shoehorn him in everywhere. Which like is true. I also agree. Why buy a house when you can buy a houseboat? I mean, i've I've thought this often. I'm going to be honest. I would love a houseboat, man. It'd be great.
maybe probably wouldn't put shag carpeting in the galley though absolutely would it's a bow it's gonna get wet if you bought a houseboat i would come over in the night and put shag carpeted while you slept my parents actually own a vacation houseboat i have no idea i have no idea if i shag carpeting my food is it like a is it like a timeshare thing where they get it a certain part of the year or is it actually theirs oh no they actually own it it's uh someone less to share i think That's awesome. Have you been on it? Uh, yes. How do you not know it's not- if it's got Shagappi or not then? It was two years ago and I haven't seen it since so it might have been put in. Alright, well we know ah we know a project for Michael this weekend then. Go to the houseboat and put Shagappi in there. Install Shagappi? I will not be in the country, that will not be happening. Well, what better time to do it? Yeah, yeah exactly. You've got an alibi.
Well, unfortunately, ah but captain the captain, McAllister, and his shag carpeting, Jaws arrives, and the captain's gonna go off and have a fight with him. It's just so weird. There are only some mergers in the shag's jaws while selling the virtues of this carpeting. And we go to the next house, and it's ah just filled with cats, and ah but us it might be alright if we can get rid of the cats, but it turns out the cats own the house, and they'd just be tenants.
You'll be their tenants. I look I I did love the whole vibe of a real estate agent just having to sell Anything, you know, and it does remind you of like having to upsell when you work in retail No, make sure they also buy this it's like how they don't want it and then your but managers like you make them want it and so no um' I don't care enough. If they want to buy a Bosch green, they can buy a Bosch green. I'm not gonna make them buy a Bosch blue.
Speaking of green, at least two of the cats in this house are green for some reason. Wait, what? Yeah. They must have ah been polluted from the chemicals from the hog rendering factory. Yeah, that's it. That's definitely it. I've tied it all together. but The kids lament the fact that they could have lived in the kitty house and bought stuff that they couldn't trade the cats to be as an army of darkness.
It is amazing how they they still felt the need to be like, hey Bart, Bart exists when this is an episode about Bart. Because any of Bart's lines in the present day really felt like the same kind of vibe of like, oh hey Bart's here. It's good to get him in.
No! We then see back to the flashback that Homer and Marge finally see the house that they're currently sat in. And but as Marge says, imagine what we could do with the place. Homer then imagines a TV. so she Just, you know, Homer's amazing imagination really, really shining through there.
Unfortunately, Homer's dream falls apart because he can't afford the asking price. And we then cut back to Homer and his father's house and we see that Homer's asking his dad about for advice and Abe says why has Homer come for him because all he had is his good looks and now they're gone. I feel like every time we have like an extended conversation with Abe Simpson at the moment, it is him having a breakdown.
This does end with him crying. A poor man. And Homer asks him while he's crying if he's done, and Grandpa says, not yet. yeah i love I'd love the opportunity to do that if someone someone was heartless enough when I'm having like a clear mental or breakdown to just say, are you done? But I could just say, not yet, and keep going. Just keep going down the rabbit hole of sadness. Homer reveals that he needs 15 grand to buy the house. Different times, the house pricing, obviously.
Yeah, my parents paid 80 grand for this house. Like, that's crazy. Like, any house these days that costs 80 grand is gonna be an absolute fucking shithole. Yeah, this house is... I hadn't clocked the figure there, but the amount he needs to buy this house is less than he spent on a snowplow last week. Yeah, okay! The American economy is, uh, fucking... For what? 15 grand? That's like, just over 10% of what Homer makes in a year.
Yeah, yeah, again, I mean, the Simpsons has very much refused to acknowledge Homer's salary steadfastly, like the 80-ground thing is just us, but yeah, he should be able to afford this house comfortably.
Grandpa reveals that the only thing he's got is his own house, which he built with his own two hands. Elmer then points out that's a lie and that Grandpa won it on a crooked 50s game show. Grandpa then says that he ratted out at everybody and got off Scott 3, which leads to a high five. I'm guessing that. What was this game show that involved him ratting people out?
that sounds like a very contemporary game show like that's the kind of games like they try to do these days like the traitors and whatnot I have a suspicion that was probably a McCarthy joke and grandpa was naming the contestants as uh communists oh smart Yeah, I mean, yeah, good on Grandpa Simpson. I don't know why pointing that out was enough to convince Abe to sell the house, but, you know, whatever. and Because he's like, wait he's won a house, he didn't have to buy a house. I mean, i yes, he still lives there, but I guess he's like, oh, yeah, I guess I didn't actually pay anything for this. This house was free. Yeah, I might as well sell it. So speaking of things that you won on game shows, how many of you have seen a bullseye boat?
to have curiosity. Since we're all famous then. Yeah, in real life. No. Yeah. So I live near one in Burstall. real Burstle? Just sell the fucking boat! like What are you gonna do? Sail it? You're in Burstle, mate. That thing hasn't moved. It's just like, you can just tell that the guy won it, or his dad won it, and they're just like, nah, we're gonna we're going to sail it one day, and the wife is just desperately like, we could really use the like five grand you'll get for that boat. That boat is sentimental, are you?
yeah i thought I thought you meant legitimately like you had like, I'd like a picture of Bully or something, like, spread on the side of it. I was like, oh, no, the guy's still got the branding and everything. The ghost of Jim Bowen sticks his head. It's a bullseye. Here's what you're gonna want.
Oh, good times. Simpler times. I miss game shows where you won things. Yeah. Money's boring. I'm also, I'm sick of... Go for it. It's something I've observed on a few occasions to a few other people, anybody who cares to listen, is that game shows, like, have really gone downhill, because it wasn't just you won stuff. You won stuff that was worth stuff. Like, you go on a show now, you're lucky if you can, like, top prizes are, like, a couple of grand.
like it used to be like they were they were just throwing money at you like oh you you answered one question correctly here's 10 grand are you saying that winning potentially two grand on tipping point isn't worth it i'm saying there used to be some stakes like if you went on tv it was like oh these you are going to come out of this thing made yeah absolutely like it really is like modern game shows really do just pay for a nice holiday um i was watching uh to massively derail this i was watching the picture slam like the the the first season that came out with alan car great show really like it but it was one of those where they'd forgotten to make sure that people say nice things when asked what to do with the money and it was bit they asked um what do you want to do with the money and this woman basically you know explained surgery
Oh, okay. You know, and I forgot that there is, there is like a ah thing where they'll be like, look, we know you probably are on this show to get money for certain things, but please just say a holiday or up doing the house up or whatever. Because if you lose and we don't give you the money, we look like arseholes. And it's like, yes, you do look like arseholes.

Nostalgia for 90s Game Shows

But also, like, that says a lot about society that, like, people are going on game shows just to get the money to pay for the surgery that they need to live. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. But yeah, you win nothing on game shows these days. Nothing. Pisses. But yeah, you you would have thought they would ask her to do a second take. Like, you have camera. You can you can shoot a second take. It's not live, guys. Yeah. You can ask her to say something that's not depressing. I don't know.
but look out for me on deal or no deal next year when i enter to go get my nose duped michael with rhinoplasty yeah i'll look like david ass off oh yeah does anyone remember that reference yep good Anyway, back to this. Grandpa finally says that he will sell the house and Homer is so touched by this he invites Grandpa to live with him. They have a very touching hug with the sentimental Simpson music playing in the background. We don't come back to the present day and we say how long did it take him to kick Grandpa into the old folk homes and it turns out three weeks. They laugh for a really long time at this. Everybody is very delighted by this. And I found i've i found this very uncomfortable. ALICE Oh yeah, once again, we're staring into 90s humour, it was very different, like yes, cruelty to elders, hi hilarious.
Yeah, that's the thing, is like, we look at modern humour and we do think, yeah, yeah modern humour has like a darker tone to it, but it's usually self-inflicted and kind of thing, or... I don't know, it just doesn't feel as cruel, but maybe that's an example of why you don't notice the damage you're doing while you're doing it, kind of thing, I don't know. But yeah, like, just like, because it's just an extended laugh at putting Abe Simpson in a home, that's it, that's the joke.
It's grandpa, it's fine. It'll be all right. yeah It's where he belongs. We then cook to the next scene, and Oma's trying to bribe Oma and Maggie into talking with a cookie. Maggie tricks him by looking at games that will give away and making the cookie of him. Oma is upset by this and declares that Maggie has won round seven. So this has happened six prior times.
and Lisa then asks her and when the story gets to the part about her first word. Omar has completely forgotten that this is the story they're telling and starts telling his own story about how he got locked in a bank vault with Mr. Mooney. He was one of my best classic capers. Is this a reference to something I don't get? Who's Mr. Mooney? It turns out it turns out that he's confusing this with the Isle of Loopsie show. Again, this is ah there nothing to do with the 80s, by the way. This is like a 1950s show. This is ah Lucille Ball and we're going way back in this. There really are a lot of episodes of Simpsons where they're just like, this is for a very specific sect of the audience. Balor, this is for the Isle of Lucy fans. You kind of probably got to imagine a lot of people writing it at the time were probably like the age roughly generally we are now. We might very easily be like, what's the thing that everyone remembers from our childhood? Let's put a reference into it. It'd be like us writing a show and putting references in to the Simpsons.
Well that's the thing, like this is a this is a very, I feel like this has been a become a much more accepted notion in writing shows these days, is that if all your show is is references to other better shows, your show is shit.
I feel like Simpsons managed to strike a good balance. like there they are They are way heavier on references than I think basically damn near anybody appreciates, but also like they do get a lot of good humour in there as well, and a lot of very dated humour, obviously.
but I was not prepared for that noise. but As Homer asks, where were we? And Barbara feels that these were at the point in the story where Mum was braggers and Dad had thrown all the money down the sinkhole. And this begins the narration to the next song. ah but Sorry, the next scene, sorry. I don't know why I said so. Brain. Is that right?
the house Back calling the house a sinkhole a reference to the time when a sinkhole opened up under the house? No, I think he's just saying that. I think he's just saying the house is shit. That's a nice house, man. Not in Bard's eyes. Yeah, Bard's a piece of shit. Oh, this is proved in the next scene as Homer carries the pregnant Marge over the threshold and bob walks into the new home and declares that it sucks. Homer, this house sucks.
Homer then tells Bart he shouldn't say that word and tells him that he has to call him daddy. We get another one of these arguments and poor Homer can strangle Bart. We see that Ned Flanders has arrived with his son Todd and the singing the Welcome to the Neighbourhood song. My god do it it. He just goes on and on. Homer still has his hands around Bart's neck the whole time. as is They're just watching like, what the fuck is going on here? I have got to admit, like there are that as much as I have sung the praises of Ned Flanders, it's a bit much sometimes.
Yeah, they're very, they're very, very a lot this whole episode, I guess. Very friendly. Flanders introduces himself, he says that the handle is Flanders based friends call him Ned, Homer immediately calls him Flanders. He's got a t-shirt on that's a reference to a 1984 TV show.
Is it really? Yep, sure is. He's got I Heart Webster and I guess there's some show about a kid called Webster that was on in the 80s, yep. So I'd ask Bart to be his friend and hug him, Bart shoved him to the ground and I'd just declare that he's funny. You're funny.
then tells home makes the mistake of telling home if he needs anything just ask and Homer wants his TV tray even though Flanders has just literally bought it this very second but Homer persists and Flanders finally reluctantly agrees that he can borrow it for a little while we then come back to the present Homer's still using that TV tray eight years later so some good down na neighborhood stuff there yeah Homer's a piece of shit yeah Speaking of being a piece of shit, we then cut to Bart with ah pots and pans on his head making loads and loads of noise while the pregnant Marge is trying to relax. She politely asks him to be quiet and Bart starts declaring he's shying the word quiet and Marge is finally good enough and tells him to get out. So take that. Yeah, pregnant women are scary.
Bart walks down the stairs sad with his pants all attached to him and, uh, Elmer takes over the monologue by saying he's tough dealing with a pregnant wife and a troublesome child, but he still managed to get eight hours of TV in. Good on ya, Elmer.
We then go to an itchy and scratchy cartoon where Scratchy gets his tail nailed to the floor as he's about to run at the 100 meters race. The 100 yard gash. Which if you, like naming something that in England. That's not what we do. That's a different meaning. Yeah, we wouldn't be thinking about a cat getting skeleton rips out. It's not what we'd be thinking about. No, there might be some blood. Oh god. Oh my god.
Anyway, this sets us up for some Olympics shenanigans. Oh god, the Olympics bits. Because this happened in 1984. Did you know about the Olympics in 1984? Did you know this episode's set in 1984? Guys, 1984.
After scratch, he's a skeleton wins the race and gets a endorsement deal on the Wheaties books. We then cut to Krusty and he's a close... You know actually, that bit did get me. The Wheaties bit. I don't know why there was something about just like the photo finish straight into a Wheatie sponsorship. That was quite good. I liked that.
Kristy declares that Kristy Berger is the meat-based sandwich but sponsor for the Olympics. They celebrate this by pausing a ah wait decide to hold the side of- Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. Not meat-based sandwich. Meat-flavored sandwich. ah but Not even a burger. It was a meat-flavored sandwich. That is truly horrifying. And speaking of meat-flavored sandwiches, have you guys seen that the McRib is now ah available in England?
Yes, I have been told by several people- Has anyone tried it? I was with people at the weekend that told me that they tried it and described it as a rustlers barbecue microwaved rib. Yeah, our mutual friend John has also tried it, and he said it's fine. Like, it's quite nice. It's not worth the money that you pay for it. But I just looked at it and thought, that looks very sweet. And he said, get it. That's what I want for my barbecue sweet. I don't eat McDonald's like period these days, but yeah, I just I've never been enthused about the idea of a McRib anywhere.
I don't want to keep track of what McDonald's are up to. I don't really eat it very often. why I told you about the child labour, so I feel like, you know, that's the main thing you should keep track of. If it if you ever if you ever think about, you know, going back to McDonald's, just remember child labour and then go eat at KFC. Yeah, because they do nothing on Africa. I mean, you know, not that I know of and I will remain ignorant on KFC because I love KFC.
There's no ethical consumption under capitalism, so... Well, unless you were eating KFC or too many McDonald's, you like sideshow bobs, with some weights, unless Christie is behind you with a feather. Then it will fall on your throat and nearly kill you. I would have been very, very surprised if they got Kelsey Grammer for that bit.
I don't believe he was in this now yeah exactly that would have been the the shortest cameo ever we'll get to the camp the cameo that is there is a shot yeah but uh but uh i can see why bob uh framed christie all those years later even even if bar found it humorous christie deserved it Christie then announces that he's going to be doing a promotion and basically they're going to be sponsoring all the Olympic events and if America wins, you win a free Christie Burger. We then see Christie in a very awkwardly placed employee behind him. and oh can connect Can I do a segue? Of course you can do a segue. Speaking of McDonald's, they did this as a promotion. This whole bit is literally quite genuinely what McDonald's did.
or did it go i'm guessing they it did it go yeah i' guessing the to that crush is yeah what they lost The Communists did boycott the Olympics and it did have exactly the same consequences as they as it will for Christie in this episode. this it This is just what happened in the 80s.
Just for the complete reference, under um no I'll get there first. Christie's commercial ends and he spits out the burger, horrified that he swallowed some of the juice. And we see that Christie then asks how much this promotion is going to cost him, and the sponsor and his so advisor advises is advises him that They've rigged up the game so that they're all in an event that the Communists will win. Christie's happy until he gets the wildest note saying that the Soviets have boycotted the Olympics. And then Christie asks how much this is going to cost, and he gets the figure $44 million personally. Isn't that how much money McDonald's lost? Can someone find that out?
I don't have that figure to hand, but I do know it was like it they did basically the same promotion. Yeah, ah quite whether it was intended as rigged, I don't know. But um also did find like, entertainingly, the communist countries did decide to set up their own Olympics with blackjack and hookers. as They called it the friendship games. quite funny so pathetic I'm not aware that there were any other friendship games. I think it was only the 1984 friendship games, so I don't think it went terribly well. Well, the Soviet Union was the biggest police about them. We don't see the Barthes clinging onto his crib and he's refusing to let it go, even though Marge explains it's for the baby. Barthes declares he is the baby. Momma decides they're going to use reverse psychology, and they walk away to leave the baby with his crib. This lasts all of about two seconds before Momma runs back in the room and starts playing on Barthes articles again.
yep But Homer has a brilliant plan, and we see that Homer gets to break out his handyman skills, and we see that Homer is aware that Bart likes clowns, so he's built him a clown bed. We then skip the slow reveal of one of the most horrific looking clowns I've ever seen in my life. Yeah, it's haunting. Did anybody notice during the the the very, very brief building montage that the footage was just recycled footage from making Wonderbat?
i did not that's amazing oh why pay for reanimation well yeah i don't see that bar gives the clown a voice and which uh declares if he should die before he wakes before going into evil laughing yeah that's the uh the prayer before should i die before i wake i pray the lord to my soul should take yeah it's the sun run thing isn't it I think it's just a prayer. it is just a prayer ah you i think yeah I think it might be in the Sandman book. I think the Sandman is using the same prayer as reference but as source material, yes. but i'm just I'm just saying that that song came out in 1992. Ah yes, the Lord's Prayer as seen in the exorcism, yes. Right, like the Sandman. I've tried to bring culture, never mind.
No, we established this last time, we are not cultured. We are not cultured because culture died after 9-11. Well, we're only in 1992, so don't worry, we've got another nine years of culture yet. Whoo! Fucking non-culture, parties are having a nervous breakdown downstairs, they're thinking that the clown's gonna eat him. Meanwhile, we get a nice little... another trans-joker, the East German women have stayed at home. Yeah, it's not really... Yeah, it's just really uncomfortably phobic.
yeah i mean i and wouldn't even go so far as to say it's a trans joke but it's like it's it comes from the same place it yeah it's not necessarily trans is it because that's why i put phobic instead of trans because it's just like the east german women get it because the men are disguising themselves as women so they can win a race and it's like this feels uncomfortably realistic It's more that there was quite a big issue with communist countries um doping with testosterone in the 80s, so a lot of your communist countries, your East German women, did show up looking like they'd been on tea for the last four years because they had. And yeah, ask a trans man what tea will do for you today.
Well, despite the fact that he's eaten about nine burgers already, stomach starts curling and he tells his he tell his stomach patience. We don't see that the race begins and the announcer makes the point that the Americans are winning because basically none of the other countries have swimming balls as we see the wind drowning.
yeah out also just ah I don't know that also kind of uncomfortable with that we then see that ah the baby is finally coming and Homer declares that a baby in a free burger this is the best day of his life and then we see that mama's family is on and Homer declares that it now is the best day of his life It's only fair. Another early 80s TV show. Mama's family. We don't see that Ned is going to look after Bart while Homer and Marge are at the hospital and Ned says that Ned tells them to enjoy the miracle creation and Homer tells them to shut up again. I've got to find her. Ned asks the kids what they want to play and they're going to play Good Samaritan.

Bart's Mischief and Censorship Issues

Good Samaritan! A game that I know it looks astonishingly like Jumanji.
Oh my gosh. Except this except this this this version of Jumanji has lepers what a lepers. More lepers! More lepers!
Ed calls the kids over for supper and they're going to have some liver and Rod is super psyched about this because Iron helps them play. Iron helps us play! Not because he wants to go home and looks out the window at the clown bed and decides he doesn't want to go home. I never realised that Todd was older than Bart, I just thought he was homeschooled.
I think they sort of mess around with the ages of these kids to be first. I don't think it's super clear. We don't see that the Rod and Todd are now in bed with Bart and they are singing. And Rod is wearing a collared shirt to sleep.
and And just singing, loudly, in bed. Really annoyingly. Like, I swear to god. his eyes closed. Again, I wrote Justifiable Homicide. Yeah, that kind of a is. At that point, I'm like, you know, you can't be doing that in bed. I'm sorry. Shut the fuck up. It's sleep time now, in bed. Bart sneaks away, and to while he's sneaking away, he unfortunately runs into an old woman, who turns out to be a Grandma Flanders, who greets him as Hello Joe. Oh boy!
Hello Joe. Hello Joe. We then put back and we see that Lisa has now been born and Homer declares that he's set up a college fund at Lincoln Savings and Loan. I'm assuming that's another... That's a reference. It is a... bear with me one second, I need to find the notes on that one. The Lincoln Savings and Loan suffered a scandalous financial collapse in the late 1980s, causing thousands of investors to lose their life savings.
Oh excellent. yeah No college fund release. No college fund release. Marge is reading fretful magazine again. and says that so it says that ah She's had that subscription for a long time. At least nine months, one imagines. It says that Bart might be jealous of Lisa, and Homer's response to this is Bart could kiss his big yellow butt. A hairy yellow butt, which carries a line that the censors objected to, because they would specifically because they were talking about it in the context of a two-year-old. The idea of hairy bums? so Just telling a two-year-old to kiss his hairy yellow butt specifically was objectionable.
Yeah, I know, but just like, it's like, oh telling a two year old to kiss your hairy, kiss your arse is fine, but if it's hairy, nah, it's weird. You made it weird. It's overly descriptive. I guess so.
We then cut to Bart and Bart is having an absolute mental breakdown in the corner as floating heads go around him, including the baby sleeps in the crib, the evil clown, hello Joe, Ion will help him clay, he's having a bad time of it. Until Homer finally calls him into the room to meet Lisa for the first time. We then see that Marge is at the window with Lisa with the and so like the angel so yeah but the Angelic sunlight going down. and Marge asks Bart what he thinks of Lisa and Bart channels good old Mr. Gamlin and says, I hate you. He's not wrong. We then cut back to the present day and Marge has saved the newspaper from the day Lisa was born and it's the where's the beef thing again. I think we previously discussed ah this. Yeah, this is it all everything in this podcast is very tightly interwoven, it turns out, even if we don't know it.
Yeah. We're becoming the new, prescient, omnipotent beings. That's what's happening. If you talk enough about Simpsons, you start to predict the future. We're just absorbing the powers through binging it. Yeah. We're doing good Matt and Patty and Selma are meeting baby Lisa for the first time, including thinking it's cute Lisa's coughing as they're blowing cigarette smoke into her face. Patty then kisses Lisa over her eye.
Bart feeling a bit jealous ah says he's got a new song and the response to this is you're still here. Bart starts singing Ali Wetsi he forgets how it goes and starts repeating himself and that in some would declare the older you get the cuter they end and the more interested in the baby. Babies are boring. Bart at least sings.
We then cut to Homo on the last day of the Olympics, and we then see that they cut to Christie, and Christie is having a horrible time declaring that everybody has pigs, and he's going to personally spit in every 50 a burger. I like those odds. We then have a, and I assume this was supposed to be another reference of the Korean gymnast who makes a perfect dismount and has a broken leg, and we get a very uncomfortably long shot of this poor bastard. Oh yeah, this bastard's screaming.
did ah Yeah, this is the thing that happened. It was not 1984, it was 1976 Summer Olympics, but there was a gymnast called Shun Fujimoto, who indeed did my... He he injured himself on, I think it was the floor exercise, injured his right knee, and then went on to do, like, a bunch more stuff, and ah had a landing, and yeah. Oh, it makes my entire body pucker at the thought.
Yeah, there's a lot of sources that say he collapsed in agony. Apparently, i not shock no, he didn't. He did not collapse in agony. He he walked off. ah He was later asked, would he do it again? To which his response was, no, I would not. How how how very demure of him. you know on your Also, and yes, of course it wasn't it didn't happen at the 1984 Olympics because they've already fucking exhausted every possible reference to 1984 they could make without referencing the fucking book!
We're then cut to the boxing, and Homer has got his fingers crossed, and we see that our favorite, Tatum, has knocked out a boss suite, as Howard Castell is calling it. It does not look like they were in the same weight category. I've got to be honest. No, I don't think that was fair. I don't think that should have counted. We don't see that Homer is dancing exactly like Tatum in the living room.
And we're then cut to Kristy Berger itself and we're seeing that a mass amount of burgers are being in the way and we get the USA chance and Chief Wiggum is kissing bitches over Cole Lewis. That's why he said he's kissing bitches! Well he might have been, actually. I don't know what he did after we got in trouble. Crust is out there kissing bitches. Anyway, we haven't run out of 1984 references because Dr Hibbert's going to make one. Shut the fuck up.
And Lisa apparently looks like a young Mary Lou Retton. Who was an athlete at the 1984 Olympics. Ehhhhhh. Westafarian Dr. Hibbert gives a Bolly Pop. A Bolly Pop. A Bolly Pop. Well I'd ask for a Bolly Pop of his own but unfortunately that was the last ones. But Bart's gonna get something better, a Rube Beller inoculation. Why is he not getting MMR? Had that been invented in 1984? That's what I'm asking, I don't know.
I feel like that was a 1990s thing, but I'm not certain about that. Well, I know the MMR vaccine problem, the whole scare was... Well, actually, sorry. It wasn't a problem with the MMR vaccine. It was a problem with scummy, awful, disgusting, monstrous people. But it was called the MMR scare. Yeah. Yeah. So I don't know actually when it was introduced aid.
Um, I can see some notes at a Quickskim of Wikimedia Assist 1988 might have been when it was our first so yeah the proposed. Yeah, so that's why. More of the story of vaccine your kids more. Also just random question. It's, it's a shame we don't have anyone that could really have any authority on this is because this happens a lot like when a black character in a show is shown in like a flashback.
You know, they have, like, a very typical... Well, in Dr. Hibbitt's case, you know, African-American hairstyle, or Rastafarian hairstyle in in this particular case. Is that offensive? Is that weird? Is it odd? Is it like, well, they were young, so that of course they had dreadlocks and beads. I don't know. you Where is the line?
but Yeah, I think they're just sort of using it to reference black culture at the time. Yeah, what they're doing for that i know I don't think because I think in all the flashback episodes and I might be wrong about this. He has a different hairstyle on every single one of them.
Right. Yeah. My sort of, ah I mean, again, I speak with exactly as much authority as you on this, which is to say none. But like my impression of it was that it was more ah just a style at the time, like the women with the the scarves in their hair. It's like, oh, it's what people wore in 1984. But I think Michael's right as well, because I think in another flashback, we saw Dr. Hibbert with an afro. Yes. Yeah, I think we have. And I think he's got like a fade top in the Maggie one when we get there.
um but um and The Simpsons. Bart wants to hold the baby but March says he's too little. Bart can hold his beer and just puts a beer on top of his head. I was treated the same as a kid because I was very much like Bart at that age and yeah I wasn't allowed to hold like baby nephews and nieces and stuff because they were probably genuinely scared I'd just throw the baby.
oh And maybe they were afraid you wanted to do what Bart does next. In which Lisa has put the bed and we see that Bart is hiding in the room and he's got a pair of scissors. Marge comes in to feed Lisa and is left horrified by the fact Lisa is now bald. And Bart says, who's cuter now? It's fucking horrifying! It's like a horror movie, man!
Bart turns his stay in the corner. We're then cut to the next scene, and Bart is trying to post Lisa in the mailbox. He's back in the corner. Stupid mailman writing on me. It's like, yeah, I don't think it was the postman's fault there, but... We then see Flanders come back and reveal that Bart shoved Lisa through the doggy door, and there's Bart. As he returns the child, he asks for the return of his TV tray, but the door is slammed in his face.
Guys, Flanders doesn't have a dog, so that implies that Flanders' house came with a doggy dog. They'll overthink it's a joke. Well I'm gonna. Almost starts to tell Bart to get back in the corner then realises he's already there.
Yeah, I like Homer's defeat, it's like, yeah. Bart tells ah Lisa that he fe ruined his life and he's running away. But as Bart's about to leave, Lisa finally does say her first word, which is Bart.
Bart is completely overwhelmed by this and brings Lisa back into the bed to the ah living room to reveal that she can indeed say Bart, which she does multiple times. Marge reveals the reason for this is that Lisa thinks the world of Bart. And Lisa, at this point, is able to say words fairly freely, which she concludes- Yeah, like quite vocal very, very quickly. She can now say mommy and sort of muddles through David Hasselhoff. David Hasselhoff. I fucking hate Aunt Baby's cute jokes.
Homer then asks Lisa to say Daddy, and Lisa's response to this is Homer. And we go through the whole Daddy Homer argument again, and the but Lisa keeps saying Homer as the Homer laments this. We then see Bart and Lisa laughing, and then they eventually hug. When we come back to the present day in their fighting over who's sitting there, Bart reveals it's indeed him, because he wrote his name in the rug.
which prompts him to get yellow yelled at while Alma takes Maggie upstairs. As soon as they start talking, the sooner they start talking back. And as Alma puts Maggie to bed, he says he hopes Maggie never says a word. And as he closes the door, we get one of the most iconic endings, The Simpsons. Yeah. i As Maggie takes out her pacifier and says the words, daddy.
before putting it back in and going back to sleep.

Maggie's First Word and Episode Conclusion

Elizabeth Taylor was brought in to say that one one word which series yeah holy fuck I assume that must not have been cheap uh yeah probably not uh but although apparently they didn't promote that at all yeah so kind of a lot of speculation about who the actress was i didn't pay too much attention during the credits like did she show up in the credits or not it's mentioned on all the um source websites about it but i don't know with but oh yeah no one who's looking at websites about it in 1982 though oh yeah maybe it's not true and they just started saying it for the
Someone has to watch the credits now. I'm scrolling through the credits on Frinkiac and yeah, does not mention her.
No, no, no, no, sorry. No, I'm sorry. I've skipped it. Yeah. No, it is a special guest voice. Elizabeth Taylor. Yeah, she's credited. What? Why? Why? Why? Why? What? It's so much wasted money. This is when the was successful. They could have bought it for a couple of grand Elizabeth Taylor, I guess. They're successful now. They have billionaire pillocks paying to be on the show.
Houses only cost 15 grand back then, wouldn't we? Yeah, well, again, TV, it this kind of ah does tie back. Everything is interconnected. We talked about game shows and how much money they threw at people just to, like, play games. Like, this was true of, like, I think TV across the board in the 90s. Like, it was it was what everybody did on an evening. you didn't put Netflix on or play video games, you, everybody sat around the TV and like, it was massive business. It was a huge source of entertainment and a huge source of ad revenue. So money was pouring into TV in the 90s. So like, if they want to splurge and get a big actress in for one word, it is the same as just buying somebody a boat for playing, play your cards right. It's bullseye.
Well, whatever. I don't know. I don't know what game shows gave away in the 90s. I don't remember that much detail. You disappoint me. Why don't we think of the episode overall? It was fine. It was perfectly fine. It was a flashback episode filled with endless references that weren't that funny. It was fine. It was fine. His episode was fine. Yeah. I would've... Yeah. There's nothing brilliant about it, but it's perfectly acceptable.
I thought it would have been quite... i was I expected decent things out of it, like it's it's a fairly famous episode, it's with Lisa's first words. Ooh, Maggie speaks and all that. But, like, just yeah, left at the end of it with just way too many, like, jokes that have aged terribly badly that's just, like, kind of left ah just a horrible feeling, it's like, ugh, afterwards. Yeah. Yes, yeah, as well, like, there is the trouble of just, yeah, a lot of phobic jokes that just don't live up anymore.
Then just a lot of cruel jokes like the grandpa and the home thing. yeah just weird we but giving that out i will give it a baby's first word out of homer probably just gibberish
yeah I give it a free Christi Burger out of Homer, because you're excited to get it, but it has an unpleasant aftertaste. Oh no, you've taken mine. I was gonna say, give it yeah I'm gonna give it the 50th Christi. It's nice, but Christi spitting it.
Excellent. Did it have anything to say about society? Yeah, with this episode took place in 1980. other than like the joke of like companies will do weird shit for profit and not for the benefit of you know the customer or a free burger and sometimes it's nice that it backfires in their face like I feel like them getting Grandpa to sell his house in order to buy it like is was an interesting observation on the property market that like feels like it could have been written today because like that is a position many people find themselves in where like they're unable to get onto the property market ah without like their parents either giving them or dying or having helpers and passing on the house.
I think it sort of falls the look pattern, isn't it, that you start off in a small apartment and then you have that first child and then you get the second child, you have to move into the proper house. that's but Yeah, in a sense, it's like they were already on the property market as well. They already had a place. as They were just trading up, really. But yeah, I don't know, a little surprised to see people like making comments about property in 1992 that yeah I'd expect to see made today when my mental image of buying property in 1992 is, it's easy. You walked outside and tripped over a house. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I know i know my parents, their first the their first house I think was about, i it's been a while since I've heard this, so I may be misremembering the figure, but I'm sure I've heard the figure 20 grand at some point.
Yeah, my ah one of my friends, um she ah she's about 50-something. ah She bought a house for 25 grand, and it's an ah it's ah and attached house on both sides on a hill. it So it it's not like an it's not amazing I've got a lot saved up for a deposit, but no one would give no one give me the mortgage.
yeah my friend antonio is having that same problem of trying to get just get a market yeah like the fact that iss tied to your salary means that like even if you've got a decent deposit like how much you can actually spend on a house is quite limited by just like literally just your salary, which is really depressing. Without massively derailing this podcast any further, I think we can all agree that the property market in general, the whole the whole thing of buying a house, getting a mortgage, working with a realtor, all of those interconnected businesses, it is completely fucked and backwards now.
I'm just, yeah, again, to bring us back to Simpsons, just a little surprised to see the Simpsons remarking basically the same thing, even if they don't necessarily make it super explicit, but like, they're kind of making the same comments in 1992 though. They didn't know how bad it could get. Yeah, yeah. You should have warned us over. You should have warned us. I think it's a thing that we're forgetting as well that, yeah, 20 grand, you have to factor in inflation.
like 20 grand sounds like very little but 20 grand bought you a lot more so 20 grand was a lot more to them back then I think someone did the maths to be like what people would perceive 20 grand ass if they like thequi the equivalent number now and I can't remember how they did it because they're really smart and it's maths and I'm stupid but it was like yeah you would perceive 20 grand to be like a hundred grand now kind of thing And it's the same mental thing. So I don't know, it's weird. It's weird, guys. Yeah, I'm just gonna throw that one in an inflation calculator, just... You want that worked out out? you a yeah So yeah, 20 grand in 1992 is like 45 grand today.
but But even then, it's like, could buy way more than 45 grand would buy now. I mean, part of part of the how fucked the property market is just is just that property has gone up way faster than inflation and indeed, and probably more relevantly, wages in in that span of time. Yeah. Anyway, on to the lighthearted subject of someone having a heart attack. Oh, fucking hell. Yeah, it's almost triple bye, pastor.
Which aired on December 17th 1992. So, best thing I've got for you here is, um, Gensua. I think I've said that right. Finds two of 4.4 million year old. I am not going to be able to pronounce this. Australopithecus ramidus. Yeah, I got that perfect. Yep. Well done, Mike. Michael, that was awesome. I'm really impressed.
Thank you. i That's so good. I i worked on it. I'm glad you did because i think it really I think it really brought something to the show. Okay, number one. to Sorry. No, just pointing out a tooth. I found a picture, like because again, Reddit holes. Someone made one of Isaac Newton's teeth into a ring and it sold for 10 gram.
That's the story. weird one You can buy a ring. It's an actual physical tooth used as essentially the stone of a ring. So it's on a gold band and then just a ring with filip gold filigree on it. 10 grand. While you tell us about the other things, I will find the picture because I sent it to a mutual friend.
I have, it sounds like your time, I have literally nothing else to tell you about, it's still wouldn't be used in the moment. I'll do the chalkboard gag while he's looking real firm. Ah I've found it, so here we go. And feel free to put this into YouTube. Absolutely YouTube folks, have a look at a tooth. Do you know what, it's actually a kind of good looking ring.
ah Yeah, if you don't think too hard about the fact that that is a dead girl too. Sorry, I got the number wrong. 35 grand. Okay. So somebody robbed his grave full of two families. I don't think it was wrong. I hope not. But somebody noticed that Isaac Newton was dead, but you know what, I'm gonna have his... Yeah, that has to have been both post-mortem, because if you look at it,
That's like a clean route. Is this a recent thing that was created or was this created during his lifetime? It was sold recently for 35K. It was not. Okay. I don't think it was- It was just the guys that knew and just got really hard up the camera. Yeah. I'll sell one of my teeth. It's got gravity in it. Guys, Simpsons. Oh.
Yeah, okay. Um, drop-out gag. Coffee is not for kids. Although they do get a bit of a visual gag on this by, uh, having their minds get a little more squealy and erratic. Half a point for some vague visual effort, yes. In fact, coffee does not give you energy. You're all just fucking placebo liars, you sad folks. Coffee prevents you from getting tired. It does not give you energy. So having coffee in the morning is pointless.
So you need to take it at like mid day to prevent crashing in the afternoon. Your body still gets physically tired. You just don't feel it. That's all it all coffee does. It is an antagonistist but you just catches up an antagonist to the same chemical. It's a pity Dr. Matt wasn't around. And it also tastes like shit. I think coffee is devil water.
i don't like coffee um and give me a cup of yorkshire tea any there can you tell we don't want to talk about this episode guy i I have very few notes and and it is it is it's quite an episode.
get one okay okay well but the uh couch gag the family shrink to microsoftic size and struggle to get onto the sofa it was funny i didn't even notice the couch gag and this that's how forgettable it was like i i came back after i was like what was the couch gag i don't remember it's blanked on it because of its simplicity like the count the whole point of the couch gag if you want to get really analytical about it which is you know my purpose on the podcast other than to be a fucking miserable twat is um is that it's a subversion of expectations. You expect them to sit on the couch and they don't do that. That is the whole gag. And the simplicity of just, they're tiny. I don't know why it got me. It's like the same one. I think I think i said the the one of the ones that really got an audible laugh at me was when they sit in the couch and they all fall back into the couch and their legs stick up. That one got me too. Simplicity is the key.
Oh, I thought it was not simple. A parody of the TV television's phenomenon cops in the 90s, that this is cops in Springfield. This got so irritating. It's time for Bad Cops Bad Cops Bad Bad suicide funny guys right yeah he's yeah crazy we all left out oh yeah i mean they pulled things out of jasper's beard um that got me that was funny i think the song got better as it went along with me the song was all right yeah when they introduced lyrics it got better yeah when it actually had like thought into it they're watching a drive-through movie they're watching heroic cops on the television no no no wrong number this is 9 1 2
We then cut to Chief Wiggum thinking they're about to catch a cattle ruffler and they break the door down at Reverend Lovejoy's house. Turns out they've got the wrong house, that it was next door, the woman had all the cattle outside.

Homer's Health Issues and Humor

We then see that her snake drives off saying close but no donut cops.
But then see, Wigam tried to put the APA out and he has absolutely no idea what he's reporting and he just has a car of some sort. I you know what i think he has this was, again, just Tankers area being fucking perfect of yeah is in some sort of car.
that he was happy to say um the suspect was indeed Hatless. this very happens read helms
Homewatching this at home with disguise that he can't wait for to see his Hatless book get burned into jail. I didn't see him want to say that's how much an eatfield in bed and we see the visual gag of a Homer being absolutely surrounded by a whole four-course meal. That's fucking heaven though, isn't it? Imagine getting to serve that in bed.
in homer's defense he is drinking diet cola you know know there was at least something oh the close heart is just fine but then um grabs his chest marge worries what's wrong and helmet just says he's trying to get the turkey down and he gets it down he goes you had that go the bit where someone does just get stuck in your throat and now like when you were yo it happened very rarely and when it happened you were just like oh i can i'll just poke it push through this when it happens that you're over 30 you're like this is it this is the end i am 30 i'm having a heart attack everything's wrong oh no wait i just swallowed turkey wrong i'm fine i'm fine back to eating i mean like more times than i would comfortably like
Okay, I'm glad this isn't just me, but also, like, I genuinely thought something was wrong with my digestive system compared to other human beings for a long time, so I am i am relieved to hear other people actually accept this, all but I think I do get it a lot more than most. I think I'm pretty certain there is something on my digestive system. I think I just eat with way too much bigger.
I, a couple months back, managed to do it eating a grape, and I ah could could i it stayed there for hours. I didn't manage to swallow that for like four or five hours. out was it happens to me for like forty second Most of the time, yeah, it's a few seconds. This one time I was like, oh, this is a okay. ah i I'm not sure how we deal with this. I had that with a paracetamol once and that was awful because every now and then I cough and the the sugary layer of the paracetamol had gone. So I would just cough into like onto my tongue, raw paracetamol.
Oh, I have done that with Percy Smolt before we ask, Grim. It was fucking foul for a day. I was drinking water constantly to just try and get it down. The it just't the whole day was ruined. I had a couple of months back. I had a skittle get stuck in there, so my solution was to eat more skittles. Knock it down. It worked, but it was painful. It was painful.
We then go to the next day and the kids are eating oatmeal, and Bart tells Lisa there's been a train train wreck and asks ah does he want to see the victims? Lisa agrees rather readily before Bart opens his mouth to you show the scene crew. Why would Lisa think that Bart just had pictures of train wreck victims ready?
ah just stop ah at at the breakfast table because kids are conveniently stupid or smart when they need to be and should not be in television shows we should all television shows should be a alternate world where kids don't fucking exist
Lisa is horrified by this and Bart says they should bury them at sea and they just basically spit to him. This causes Lisa to shout out to Homer, and Homer again clutches his chest. Bart inquires what's wrong, Homer says that he's got the sensation of a thousand knives of fire stabbing him in the heart. got that right he pushes out But he pushes through because he notices there's some bacon.
Yeah, I mean, man's got his priorities. Heart attack, bacon. I mean, you know, easy choice. Who? but just Just to the thought that's only just occurred to me, who is the bacon for? Like, Marge is about to reveal that she's made oatmeal for Homer. The kids are already eating some sort of cereal or oatmeal or something. Who who did Marge cook bacon for? I think Maggie.
yeah Well, she says that she's got a surprise for Homer, and Homer imagines that the surprise is a suckling pig, which tells him that the... Best meat's on

Discussion on 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'

the runk! Weirdly sexual pig!
Yeah. Okay. I'm going to derail things because as you rightly observe, we do not want to talk about this episode. Has anyone ever watched the old TV, the BBC TV version of the Hitchhiker's Guide? No. I've not seen the BBC. They have like a version. It's clearly just a guy in an absolutely atrocious costume, but they have basically a cow that can talk and it invites everyone to eat it. And it's got that kind of creepy, disturbing vibe of an animal being like, hey, why don't you eat my butt? Do you want to have an interesting fact about the different presentations of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? Let's talk about that. There's actually a reason why every showing of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the TV showings, the movies, the book, the radio play, they're all different, is because at the beginning at the end of the book they mention a probability engine, so every time the story is told it's different.
Interesting. So it's an actual canonical thing that the story cannot be the same just see it's just fun. It's just fun There's a reason why the film was different before but loads of people didn't like the film because it was so different It's like no, that's the point. I mean, I don't really care for the story anyway, but I thought that was neat I particularly enjoyed but I never did like the movie version of it. The meaning of life is not 42 and if you say it in front of me I will bottle you no okay well yeah canonically that was wrong anyway but that's the point is it but everyone goes oh 42 meaning the life law it's like you clearly weren't paying attention can i get back to home yes if you must what was in that look like apple slices oh apparently the pug but
Yeah. Because Homer, sarcastically, thanks Marge for the help. You'll both have to get rid of it. because Oh, bog! I think it's hog. Bog. Bog. No, we'll pass the pig.
uh homo instead starts eating the bacon again and uh Bart does point out there's a bug in it but uh that doesn't stop him we don't go to homo driving to work and he's behind the home of edgar and poe which is just conveniently being towed on a truck by sans mole man i'm fairly certain edgar allen poe was born in a city but whatever no he was born in the house i was afraid of gods
I almost started ramming the truck off the road because he's been slightly inconvenienced by it, and More Man's Glass is unfortunate all off. Now you've done it! I haven't... I'm

Heart Attack and Hospital Mishaps

ashamed to confess I haven't really been keeping track, despite the name of the episode. Is this the first time we've seen More Man as we know him as the...
yes Unfortunate but of many jokes and basically in a Kenny from South Park kind of format. The only time ah we've seen him speak was the driving license thing. Yeah, when he was Ralph Mellish. We've seen him since then, but I don't think he had a speaking role. I think this is the first time he's been like, yeah they just just killed for funnies. This is the first like actual, yeah, Hans Moreman bit.
yeah um was ah road rage is out a job and he starts hearing a horrible thummpping noise drives off the road as moman and itel but house was burst to leman drive What a sad piece of history to lose.
Don't worry, he's in the next episode. Well, I'm in the house. ah We don't see that Homer is at the gas station and a mechanic is looking into what the thumping noise is. I just love the way Homer says it though. I keep hearing this horrible, arrhythmic thumping.
um And the guy's like, I think that's your heart. And I was like, oh my god, I thought it was my transmission. but Your transmission wouldn't make that noise. And also, yeah yeah, it really got me. I really liked this bit. It was really funny.
A random kid then comes out and asks where home is going and they try to use the records of an old car. Do you know that old beat up to that thing that we couldn't fix? We're gonna sell it to Mr. Withers? You're a dull boy, Billy. No, it's to Mr. Nickapuffles. Yes, I know, but I didn't remember the name, so I just picked a name out of random. Could have at least made it Greek. I didn't fast recall that it was Greek! My point was, the funniest bit of the joke for me was, you're a dull boy, Billy. Yep, he is a dull boy. He is a dull boy.
And Homer is then at work stuffing his face with donuts and Mr. Burns is looking on enraged at Homer's doing this on his time. We're going to get the sinister music as Burns leans forward telling Homer to keep eating because he's about drawing closer to the donut. The poison donut!
Burns laughs as he believes and asks Mervs if there is in fact a poison donut, and Mervs reveals that no there isn't because the lawyers consider it murder. their oily hides think You cuts back and sees that Homer is falling asleep and demands Homer is brought to him. um We then see that Homer is in Burns' office and we get the picture in picture of Homer's heart.
as Burns reveals that he's brought Homer in for a friendly hello, and Homer calms down, and then he's told, and goodbye because he's fired, and you see Homer's heart speed up. Burns then declares that maybe he's being too hasty, because Homer is highly skilled, and Homer calms down again, and the heart rate goes up at that. He then tells Homer he's the kind of guy that he could really dig, and Homer calms down, and then he... A grave!
I think we can all agree, once again, that Burns and Smithers just massively improve an episode. Burns then tells Homer that he's indelphrian. I'll deal with this. He says your indelence is inefficacious. Homer then just stares at him blankly and then reveals that means you're terrible. This is enough and Homer's heart goes completely insane and then shatters like glass. This was the most vivid yet unrealistic yet most upsetting visual of a heart attack I've ever seen.
and angry great because heart attacks have been in media obviously for a long time they've been a gag in like loads of sitcoms which is really dark but whatever It's a common everyday occurrence. There was something about this visual that genuinely unnerved me. Did anyone else like be like really creeped out? but Not creeped out, but just yeah unnerved by this visual? Or is it just me? i remember I remember seeing it for the first time as a child and it was very unsettling. There was something very jump-scary about it. just like The sudden like changing and like scratching and obviously like TV static thing. I was just like, ugh, god no.
and see that Homer's collapsed to the floor, and he declares that he's dead as Homer's spirit begins to fly out of his body. Hey, Neat, I'm dead! Finally there's one very tiny animation detail that they were very keen to include, but you probably wouldn't necessarily pick up on it, I guess, which is that his spirit never actually fully completely loses contact with his body to show that he's not quite dead. I did kind of notice that, yeah, because I was like, oh yeah, it always did feel like his foot was still touching.
Yep. Yeah, they did that on purpose. Yeah! Oh, that's neat! I thought that was just like a stylistic choice. I didn't think it was like ah an actual deliberate... o That's clever! That's actually really clever! Burns then declares that they should turn their hand to his widow and... Oh my god, I can't believe they would hand him turns to his body. He comes back and it turns out Smith is declaring him alive and Burns is quite pleased about this but he cancels the hand. I've got a question for you guys then. what is So if your spirit hasn't quite left your body...
what is the what is the food that would bring you back that you'd be like okay you know you'd be like do you know what eternal bliss don't need it hammers on the table because for me i think it would probably be a full english a proper one you know served at like not a spoon's full english i'm talking like a proper pub full english that would that would be enough to get me back in my own body there'll be weird things sent to your widow though a lamb roasting ah I mean, yeah, lamb is actual peak meat. We can all agree lamb is the best.
Guys, we should deep fry a lamb. Alright Jon, come on, hit us. What is your... so What is your... What is your... What is your terrible hipster wanky covered in fruit choice? Come on, give us it. Come on, ruin my day. I don't think I got anything that would bring me back from the dead. Man, you would wish for eternal wishes, wouldn't you? you you know You are no fun to play these games with. You really, you really put the cut of my jib.
Well, it's not for one to try. I'm just like, what is a food that is good enough to bring me back from the dead? I don't think it's that good. Maybe, maybe. I almost take it away in the Andoans, but it stops still at a deer cross. How do they know to cross there? We then see Marge at home as they're going through the coupons again, which include Mr. Blistercream.
And Marge receives the phone call that Homer's in hospital with his heart and Patty and Selma have a moment of shocked. Oh my god. That's only because there's five cents off wax paper. and God, i I really do hope I never get to the point where I'm sat looking at a um a voucher book. That does sound truly depressing. Mmm. And then cuts to the hospital and Homer's being shocked with the defibrillator, which is asking for more. He's jittering with

Financial Struggles and Satirical Faith

his hand.
Homer's heartbeat comes back, and Marge just runs into the room to see that Homer is perfectly alright. Homer mentions that his life flashed before his eyes, and we cut to Homer's flashback, which includes him as a baby eating a slice of pizza, and as Abe asks how Homer got that. I love the nerves just being like... and
We also then see Homer singing in a choir and A being excited that Homer's gonna make him a fortune. Unfortunately, Homer's voice drops at that exact moment. And also his face slightly changes. and This is also supposedly a nod to the film Empire of the Sun. I'm not sure I- You're a nod to the film Empire of the Sun.
I'm not familiar enough with it to know, but given what I've read about the plot synopsis on Wikipedia, I'm struggling to follow how that works, given that it's, you know, about an internment camp in the Second World War, so I really don't quite get the connection now. That's how you make me feel with this podcast. Yep. Ah, Dagnabbit was able to.
And then go to Dr. Hibbert revealing to him when he's had a heart attack and Omos says that means that... Omos thinks it means he's out of the woods because whatever doesn't kill him makes him stronger and... Did it? Sorry, it was the just before we go on to this other funny bit, did anyone notice when Marge came into the hospital that Appu had been shot again?
Oh yes, we forgot the entirety of the video. Jack is stuck in a bowling ball. The Karate guy's arm is Willy has like both his arms broken, seemingly for no reason.
Oh yeah, I missed that one. and we also get the We also get the scene of Sideshow Mel in a cannon. yeah i tell you not we that they did like They're trying to get him out of the cannon by lighting. It's like, that won't work. And lo and behold, it does not. Yeah, why would you do that in a hospital? You've got to get him out. Yeah, well, no, that's fair. That's fair. Where else are you going to get him out?
moving back in head that's how many clothes whatever kills him won't make him will make him stronger because it's the yeah it's the opposite and he's now as weak as a kid but the hip would demonstrate this might be absolute psycho he's been the shit out of him but like yeah god do slapping in boat slap laughpping and po him in this poking him in this he is a representation of of everything a doctor actually wants to do to annoying patients I mean, also, there's a great line from Homer in there that I don't think I ever recall picking you up on before, where Homer was feebly like, remember your hippopotamus oath!
ah just but but if she can do anything for him but says that he can't fix his heart but you can tell him exactly how damage it is age over he claims it We don't see that Homer is standing at the XO machine, and Doctor Hibbert says that the radioactive dye they've injected into his blood is now showing it. Yeah, I saw this joke coming a mile away. The nurse then runs in and declares that he hasn't actually put the dye in him, and Doctor Hibbert is horrified. Homer just says, hi. I just love, yeah, I just love Doctor Hibbert's, like, really quiet and doomed. Dear God. Oh, it's good lord, isn't it, good lord. And Homer just be like, hello.
Well then we get the fat analysis test which is he was going to so oh my is going to start home and jiggling and seeing how long it takes. Homer starts jiggling and... Look at that blubber go!
David has to cancel his one o'clock. He then cuts to the next scene and Doc Tippett tells Homer he's got to undergo a coronary bypass procedure and Homer asks for him to be told this in English and Doc Tippett says you're going to need open heart surgery and Homer wants to be spared the mumbo jumbo and eventually comes down to cut you open and tinker with your ticket and Homer wants to come to town.
but says don't do whatever it takes and don' hip but theres want some procedure will cost thirty thousand dollars
The wonders of the American medical system. It costs 20 grand just to have a child.
We also forgot the scene where Chief Wiggum's jaw was locked open. Oh yes. yeah Oh yeah, do you know how this actually happens to me? I think I've told this story before of how I dislocated my jaw and didn't go to the doctor. oh So now this just happens. So every now and then my jaw will just completely lock or fall out of place. Genuinely will fall out. You need to stop eating massive sandwiches then. so now Okay, fair enough. I can't argue with that.
Do local police officers stick their fists in while bad cops play in the background? Yeah, absolutely. that's that's you know That's how I make most of my money. Oh dear. We then cut to Homer and Marge in bed and we see that they're going through whether or not they can afford the operation. It turns out there's only $70 in the checking account. Have we don also had any $40,000 checks that we haven't cleared yet? Unfortunately that is not the case. Marge asks if they've got a help plan at work and Homer reveals that they gave it up for a pinball machine. Is this the first time Marge says dough? I think it is, yeah.
But I'm going to tell the Marge not to worry, because America's healthcare system is only second to Japan, and Canada, and Sweden. Maybe not Great Britain anymore. I think it would have been in 1992. The rest of Europe, yeah yes. But yeah we can be fortunate that they don't live in Paraguay, but this leads to Marge weeping.
Homer tries to work around this by going to the Happy Widows Insurance Company. That's so dark. And we see that Homer is going to be asked some questions about his health insurance application. Oh no, my scheme! Homer starts panicking before he gets himself under control, and the clerk says that on the hard tax, Homer crossed out three and broke zero. Homer's just excused for this as he found their main brain hemorrhages. What does that mean, Homer? What does that mean? What were you thinking you got away with there?
Then asks her how much he drinks and how much he says he has some port at Christmas. Snifter of port at Christmas. yes Yo, do you guys drink port? I have a sniffed report at Christmas. Port is fire, man. I love that shit. It's a very, very sweet one. It is like drinking alcoholic jam. It's awesome.
ALDY a couple years ago had some 40 year old port that for some reason they just absolutely could not sell and they just kept reducing it and reducing it and reducing it and I kept hanging on till it was like 25 quid for a bottle of liquid that's older than me I'm like yes it's so good it was so good right yeah it was great love my dad drank most of it but it what I tried was great it settled I'm coming over for Christmas and we're just gonna get pissed on port and hang out at the beach
yeah you look you to me but you just just thinking we we like like in a waterlogged county get drunk and then like let's let's walk to scab I probably done stupider things while drinking heavily before so walking to Scarborough on port seems like normal for me yeah As Homer is ah about to muck the guy ah to get his health insurance policy, he tells Homer he's got to sign it first, and as Homer's about to sign it, he has another heart attack. The guy starts trying to drag the deform away from him, and Homer's desperately trying to sign it. I made an itch! The guy Homer they need to get him an ambulance, but Homer asks for a free calendar and gets it.
Yeah, love I love the like weird sympathy from the guys. We didn't go to Homer again being under the defibrillator and the Homer reveals that he was in a very happy place that was filled with fire and rimstone. People in red pyjamas poking him in the bottom with pitchforks.
about the spares that Homa really needs to get that operation, but Homa can't afford it. The solution to this is maybe just to get himself a defibrillator machine. Yeah, this is, um I mean, defibrillator gag aside, it's horrifying commentary on the American healthcare care system where it's like, yeah, we can save your life, you are going to die, but we won't do it unless you pay us 40 grand. It's like, oh Jesus, that's that's how you people live.
Yeah, it's also that weird thing of, like, they will keep reviving you, because they're like, we won't let you die die. Like, if you're in the hospital and you start dying, we won't let you die. Yeah. But... You're gonna be killed. Yeah, we're charging for that. Yeah, one assumes Homer is being charged a lot of money for all this defibrillation as well. Yeah, his bill is just going up.
To resolve this problem, Homer visits the Revlon of Joy, and declares he's not been the best Christian.

Dr. Nick's Absurd Medical Practices

In fact, when Revlon of Joy is up there yacking-yacking, he's either sleeping or mentally undressing the female parishions. Can't we all? Homer just ends this by asking for the $40,000, which Lovejoy obviously does not agree to, because in the next scene we see that Homer is a- A crusty dad. by and where it feels that he's not the best Jew, but he's planning to watch a copy of Fiddler of the Roof, is that any other way around? And then we see that obviously didn't go well, and we then see that Elmer is now at another religious thing, I think this is Hindu. ah Yes, I'm not certain. Let's avoid divinity in order to not offend anyone.
It is, and if nothing else, it is the yogi guide that the Simpsons go to when the kids are at camp who tells them that their neck is like a well-cooked piece of asparagus. They bring him back for a reference.
aye um but um doesn't even bother asking you me just give you yeah i know i've not been the best there what Then see that Homer's at home and reveals that he was unsuccessful but the Rabbi gave him a dreidel. Bart asks what it's called and he calls it a drudel. Let him go! Fortunately at this moment the TV has Dr. Nick up here and Dr. Nick is doing his advert for cheap discount surgery. Homer's about to turn it off because it's boring but Marge stops him. Dr. Nick reveals that he'll do any operation for $129.
And if you're coming for brain surgery, you get a free Chinese... Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. 129.95. Don't forget the 95 cents. a But if you're coming for brain surgery, you get a free Chinese finger check on me to see a... A man with a brain score trying to get top out of his Chinese finger check. weird. Dalton Hibbett's ending line is, you've tried the best, now try the rest. And it's also called 1-800-DUCK-TORB. The B is for bargain.
That's a line which just lives rent free in my head, just every so often, just the line, 1-800-DOCTORB! Just insert yourself in my bracket.
believe me um I Homer says they could do worse, and Marjorie's response out it fantastic home of And Homer's response to this is that the dog ah donk could do the operation. The kids pick up on the word operation, and Marge tries to tell Homer not to tell the kids because they'll get upset, but Homer says he's going to give them the truth and not sugarcoat it, and then we see that he was doing a puppet show to explain the complexities of heart surgery, and at least let them just point out asking why using all the technical terms and Homer's somewhat abashed. Bart declares that this means if it goes wrong he won't have a dad for a while. Yeah that was that. As Lisa starts crying and Homer declares that he's not going to die because only bad people die. Bart's response to this is what about Abraham Lincoln and Homer says he was selling poison milk for school children. Why was Marge so upset about this? This remark about Abraham Lincoln she was like don't you dare drag Abraham Lincoln's name for the mud.
but We see that Homer is now in the hospital, and he's using the automatic bed for entertainment. And we see that ah Flanders is in the bed next to him, and Flanders reveals that he's still he's ah giving up a lung and a kidney, and Homer asks the who, and Flanders just says, first come first. I think that's how transplants work. no Shouldn't do that.
That's how many classes he's got a bad heart. Lander says he would give home of his heart if he could, and no one tells him to shut up. At this point, Dr. Nick introduces himself, hi everybody really food and he's immediately called over to report to the coroner, and Dr. Nick's response to this is, I'm so sick of that guy. We'll see you in the operating place. As he opens it door the door, there's loads of the media endurance, and they've shown us some of where the bodies are, and Dr. Nick decides it's such a beautiful day. Such a beautiful day. I'll take the window.
Then he goes to the next scene

Family Visits and Sentimental Moments

and Ned Flanders is, uh, praying for baby ducks and Ziggy comments, and the oldies volumes 1, 2 and 4 obviously wasn't a fan of 3. Probably not. Who would be? This prompts Homer to start praying, but, uh, as he's getting into the full flow of it, a nurse tells him to shut up by pointing to the, uh, no praying sign. Why was Flanders allowed to pray? Because she couldn't see him because of the curtain. What a bitch. Yeah.
And then comes to the next scene and the kids are in Sunday school and she starts with the thing of that's why God causes train wrecks and everyone is reasonably impressed that that was indeed the explanation. Yeah, okay, yeah. It's God works in mysterious ways kind of thing, yeah. Lisa then asks what would happen if Homer dies and the Sunday school teacher says if he's being good he'll go to heaven and he'll be able to do whatever he wants best in the world. At least it just imagines Homer in his angel form on a cloud going up and down. Cloud goes up, cloud goes down.
Back in the hospital, as Homer's doing this with his actual bed, and we see that Crusty comes in and RFI's Homer. Crusty asks what the problem is, then realizes it's his own grotesque appearance. But so Homer says that he wishes he could have some laughter right now, and Crusty says there's nothing funny about what he's about to go through, revealing that he's in the zipper club before he starts smoking a cigarette. He points out it's all for his community service after the ah ah horrific car accident that he caused. For the glug glug vroom vroom thump thump, yes.
Yeah. Emma says that Christie seems okay, but Christie reveals that he isn't actually wearing makeup. Yeah, this isn't makeup! Which apparently is Matt Groening's favourite line from The Simpsons of all time.
What an odd boy. We then see Grandpa visiting Homer, and Grandpa says that the greatest tragedy in life is the father outliving his son. Grandpa says he doesn't understand why people say that, because he could see the upside to it. And we then see that Lenny and Carl visit with a get well card, which is obviously an emergency procedure sign that they've just ripped off the wall. Carl says they've had a hard time replacing him, and we see that Homer has been replaced by a brook. Yeah.
And then it cuts to Barney and Mo, and Barney starts saying he was against the operation. But Marty thought about it. If Homer wants to be a woman, he's going to allow it. Yeah, okay. Good to know that Barney's trans-positive, though. He's weirdly affirming, yeah? Sure. Yes. Barney's dismayed to learn that Homer is not getting his sex changed because he bought him a jumbo-fong bikini.
Which is rather unfortunate. Yeah, I mean who's going to use that now? Mo reveals that he snuck Homer in a beer and Homer is quite pleased as he starts drinking it. But Mo reveals that the beer isn't actually free. Then see that Homer's finally been visited by his family and as Homer says that if he should die then Marge is going to be lonely. Marge says that she'll never actually be married. But Homer says that he's damn right because he wants himself stuffed and put onto the couch. Reminder of our marital vows want to point out that your marital vows contain till death do us part Yeah, i'll skip forward a couple scenes here because we have both Lisa and dr. Nick learning ah heart surgery. Oh, why is that? Oh, they put this out of order. I've just got Frank. Yeah
Oh, right, so I'm sorry, the thing is, put this in a different order. Oh, weird. to Yes, sir but a yes, you're right. Lisa is reading books on cardiology and mentions to Marge that Elmer's heart will be stopped for six whole minutes, and Marge says that she's not happy about Lisa reading these books, and Lisa says it's oddly reassuring. And see, that was the play of a Carl Hart. It was in a chess draw that she's just been studying. Yep. Horrified Marge. Just keeping that on deck, just in case. Yeah, and okay. Yep, just in case. What the fuck, Lisa?
Yeah, what the fuck Lisa? We then cut to Dr. Nick ah learning the procedure from a videotape and we see the dog that Dr. Nick is grossed out by the sight of blood which is not a procedure. Oh, blood! bla but As we're getting to the crucial part of the operation, tape something goes off and it's now an episode of people who look like things and don't think Nick is horrified to learn that this has been taped over. And we see visual gags of people looking like things, a kettle, a pumpkin, a broomstick. One of the men who looks like a pumpkin says they just want respect and dignity and the host mocks him by saying he wants a new candle now and pumpkin man is not happy about it. Why would you be? A day.
the cooling back to the scene that I skipped ahead to about a hundred miles ago. So Lisa and Bart finally come in and Homer wants to give them some parting words for them to remember and buy if something goes wrong. Guys, this was really sad.
He can't actually think of anything, so Lisa starts whispering in his ear, and Homer says that he's proud of Bart, and Bart will turn into a great man even without Homer around. And Homer can't forget anything for Lisa, so Bart goes into whispering to his ear, and Homer realizes that he's adopted and would like you. Bart does eventually whisper something nice in there, and um well says that the big brother loves the little gatherer. This leads to a very nice hug.
But then I think we come back to the actual scene where Homer is about to go under for surgery and Dr. Nick welcomes everybody. We see it's being done in front of an audience, including people making out and eating popcorn. As you do. At least a sit which is probably for the best, all things considered. Dr. Nick says that if anything goes wrong, please let's not get the law involved. Yeah, one hand washes the other, which reminds me.
We then see that he got his gloves free with a toilet, toilet brush, and his home is going under, doctor, his home is going under, doctor, and he walks in front of him and goes, what the hell is that?
We then cut to do several other scenes where we see that Marge is in the waiting room with Bart, and Patty and Summer bring in Andre. Oh, Andre, though. And they say that he they kind of look drunk, to be fair, though. I mean, it's Andre.
Selma says they think they'd make a perfect couple, and Marjorie feels that Homer is not actually dead yet, and Espati sarcastically says, I hope he pours through. I don't. Andre just says nope. Andre gets it. Andre gets it. Andre's always on game.
We go to Moe's and all the boar flies around and Moe says they're going to have a minute of silent prayer for the good friend Homer. They all go into the silence. And we get a few seconds of silence before Bonnie asks how long it's been and Moe says six seconds. Bonnie then asks if they have to start over and Then see if Tapu is looking silently in his shop thinking if these ah snack treats are responsible for Homer's poor health. A customer comes in asking for some jerky. Would you like some vodka? Would you like some vodka?
And the customer goes, sure, why the hell not? My favourite thing of ever working at McDonald's was when someone came in and just ordered fries, and I got to say, would you like fries with that? Brilliant. Did they want fries with that? They did, actually. They wanted more fries. Oh, cool. I managed to get an upsell from a meme. Brilliant. guess I guess they noted more fries.
Well, they had to pay for them. I think I hope I charged them. Actually, you know what? I hope I didn't charge them. Take that corporation. Fuck you, McDonald's. This has been a very

Heart Surgery and Healthcare Commentary

fucked McDonald's episode today. Yep, this is fine. See that Dr. Nick is starting to panic as the nurse actually actually knows where to make the incision. And as Dr. Nick tries to think back to medical school, we then see him in his a college dorm telling all the pretty ladies that he can prescribe whatever he wants.
This was Dontanik wonders what he's supposed to do, at least the family bangs on the window to tell him that he's got to make the incision go low in the pocket. Dontanik says, thank you, little girl, who just takes this advice as gospel yeah and starts performing the surgery, which he starts doing with a bit of a sing-song of the venticles connected to the red thing, the red thing's connected to the song thing, the song thing's connected to my wristwatch.
We'd never quite see how that situation resolved itself, but, uh... We do, because the operation was a complete success! Oh, woo! As Dr. Nick comes out, and his hair does the nice gleam. Yeah, well, yeah, that was weird. I guess his hair's that greasy, is what they were going for. The family hug as Dr. Nick walks away satisfied, but he's accosted by, presumably, somebody that he... one of his old patients, who is Mr. McGregor, who has an arm for a leg for an arm, and an arm for a leg.
Yeah, an oddly memorable bit of this episode compared to most of it. What a weird bit. It is stupid, because I do love the fact that it is gloriously stupid. We then see that Homer's recovering in the intensive care and the family are all happy. Marge sheds a tear of joy. And then we go to the box again with Homer's heart, which is doing the Simpsons outro. It stops for a moment, and Homer has to bang on it. He thaws and-duh-duh-duh. It does end.
Yeah, they chose this slightly more upbeat ending compared to... What, Homer dying? No, well, I don't mean compared to dying, no. Like, the first draft had him... It was kind of a nod to the baby scene earlier where he was in Intensive Care and he has a slice of pizza again.
No, all right. But they decided that was probably four days and had him just recover. Guys, imagine if this, if Homer had just died and this was the end. They're just like, Homer's gone now. Now it's about a struggling, struggling wife who lives in an extremely expensive house in a world full of debt. Now that her husband, who earned a hundred grand a year, is dead. No, it's fine. She marries Andrew in Homer's lifeless corpse on the couch. Yeah, you know, yeah, you're right. Andre gets it.
I mean, Marge has proven that she can basically do Homer's job anyway, so she could have an 80 grand deal. This is also true. That's the bang Mr. Burns. There is that. Don't we all? Why did we think this episode, considering the multiple of sidetracks that avoid talking about- I actually did really like this episode. i I liked it a lot more than the previous one. I think this episode's really fun.
Okay, that I thought it was too heavy. No, it's heavy subject matter and trying to deal with that subject matter and like you've got emotional bits and you've got like dark bits and it just ultimately doesn't make room for it being like a light-hearted comedy show anymore and it's like it doesn't quite hit the right notes for me.
It depends on the person watching it, and I think it depends on the experiences that you've had in life. Maybe. What you think of this episode? Yeah, probably. I am kind of far going too personally into it. I have had situations with people that I know not have heart trouble, so... Yeah, I can imagine hitting a little bit very close to home with some people. I get limited humour out of it.
I mean, I appreciate that there's a whole episode. I think it's fine. But I am a heartless bastard pun intended. ah So I found it quite funny. There's nothing wrong with it. There is some funny moments in Dr. Nick's whole bit in the episode. Yeah, he's the best. bit Yeah, it's definitely got some good gags. But like on the whole year for me, it fell a little bit flat.
like my heart. I give it the reality of the American medical system out of Homer. It's only funny because we don't have to deal with it. is that was bleco murphing with i hope so and whats your home uh i get the the knight's plutonian shore out of homa you nerd because it was extremely dark and i wanted to get a ned garallan power reference in very good i'm giving it 129.95 out of homa that's a lot it sounds like a lot yeah
it's It's a great discount price, but um some of the quality might be suspect. It's a higher number than Nate Myers gave it, who gave it 4.5 out of 5. What did he give the previous episode? Good point, 3 out of 5. And I don't think we did Mr. Plow. He gave Mr. Plow 5 out of 5 just for completion's sake. Yeah, yeah that's fine. ah Yeah, in terms of society, this episode is just like a massive indictment of the American medical system. they there really There really is no, like, if-and-so-buts there. That is just what it is.
It is. like ah As with so much, just like I don't necessarily know how much of that was knowing. I think it was just an observation of life in America at the time. Yeah, it's not as deliberate as a tactical American medical system. It is just, this is what life in America is like. This is America.
As far as writers go, I think it was always going to be a little light on trying to say or do anything because they got some guest writers in for this. like yeah Apparently this season they had like a writer shortage, so they just had to like get some guys to write episodes. Some guys.
Gary Apple and Michael Carrington wrote this one, who I don't think wrote a lot of Simpsons, ah probably nothing more than this, and then they had the regularizers kind of punch it up a bit afterwards. yeah

Final Thoughts and Future Content

If all we're gonna say is American Medical System, then yeah, let's do some ads. I swear to God I'll record an episode of Arnie soon, please stop asking. Well, your guest's about to go on holiday, so... ah Right, we'll record it after his holiday! Tomorrow! No, okay. Yes, we will do it. We'll sort it. No, already. Matt, are you still not doing anything social media-wise? No, fuck off, leave me alone. Don't contact me! You can find me on the Twitter at the BMashForce. In solidarity, I've joined a certain one of our hosts on Blue Sky. I'm also on Blue Sky, just don't contact me.
You can find me at Button Mash Horse if you'd particularly like to. I love that you're still going with that in spite of the fact that Button Mash as an entity is kind of just like not really much of a going concern anymore. I own invested time and effort in this gimmicks commitment. you've just got to be You've just got to become the guy that plays fighting games in a horse mask.
yeah that's the ah basically a yeah but ah the backup As observed last time, I'm sort of hanging around on Blue Sky more than Twitter these days, so I'm at Maroca on Blue Sky. ah We are still Millman Pod on Twitter if you want to get notifications that I posted a thing. um Or you could subscribe to us on YouTube! Leave a comment, like and subscribe and all of these things, are there such nonsense.
anything else doing? I don't think I've got anything else doing. Bye everybody! You're still my mate! Well, as Fred says, we're gonna keep mauling mauling mauling. Keep mauling mauling mauling. Oh goodbye. Goodbye.