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S4E14&15 - Brother From the Same Planet & I Love Lisa image

S4E14&15 - Brother From the Same Planet & I Love Lisa

Moleman in the Morning
153 Plays1 month ago

Jon, Michael and Matt watch The Simpsons episodes 'Brother From the Same Planet' & 'I Love Lisa', and discuss what they say about society.

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Introduction & Greetings

Hello, this is Moleman in the morning. Good Moleman to you. Hello, welcome to Moleman in the morning. Good Moleman here. Happy new Moleman. Happy new Moleman indeed. Happy new Moleman. Because someone was incredibly impressive and made to turn around our last podcast before Christmas. You're welcome everyone. Yeah, thank you Justin. Nice of you to be offered to edit.
That was really nice of him. yeah And hello to all our new followers and listeners that came from Justin. I hope a few of you stuck around. Some people said they would in the comments, which was lovely. I hope you do. I hope you enjoy them. I mean, if you like disasters, listening to this podcast will be great.
I would say it's the podcast that is also an engineering disaster, but also, well there's your problem, make that joke like every other podcast, so I can't do that. yeah We're stealing each other's jokes now. but officially We're officially-labbed. Well, we're the podcast where I'm ill again, so I sound like shit, so i'm being ill you have to deal with that. It's winter. That's what happens in this country. Everyone gets ill like twice a week.
I don't. I'm great.

Weather & Thermostat Humor

That's because you've got all your vitamins. so It is it's it's because I had my ribo flavoured. We talked about this. I think you've just got to accept that in a country where it costs a lot of money to heat stuff and it's always called, that's the natural consequence. You're never healthy.
Yes, Britain is a wide up deep desecration. Why do people just bundle up more? I hear like my dad's the same. He's like, I'm just going to put the heating up to four pajillion degrees. Why just put on just wear a blanket? Like it's not like he's doing anything. You know, like I wear a dressing gown at the computer at the desk sometimes because, it you know, it gets cold. So I wear a dressing. gown He's just. On the couch, like just curl up in a blanket, be an old man, officially embrace being a Simpson.
Welcome to More Money in the Morning, a podcast about how we talk about thermostat temperatures in the house. He just told you, he just told you he's ill.
it yeah
So sorry, Jon. Continue, you sick old boy. Absolutely. I am your host, Jon. I'm joined by my two regular co-hosts, Matt. Hello. And returning from the dead, Michael.
Yeah, thank you for killing me off on the last podcast. It's okay, you got better. Yeah, I know, I listened better. Yeah, I did get better. id like hope but casterno I I apologise for not being here for what was probably one of the best episodes of The Simpsons, despite what Matt thought.
it was fine It was fine. It was like totally fine. It's like a perfectly adequate episode of Simpsons. I'm delighted to report, I think we've got two pretty solid bangers today as well. so come Oh no, it's happening again! You didn't like these? Oh god, what the heck? There's gonna be some arguments.
Oh no. Oh wow, okay. Oh

Podcast Theme & Episode Discussion

no. And that, folks, is why this is a disaster of a podcast.
Well, it would be a boring world if we all agreed with each other all the time. Yeah, wouldn't it just? So we are going to be looking at the next two episodes, season four, episode 14 and 15, which is Brother from the Same Planet, and I love Lisa. m But before we get to those, we need to ask and answer one important question. What are we drinking?
Well, I'm gonna go first since I've already revealed something. So considering the Simpsons writers put fuck all effort into these episodes, I've put fuck all effort into what I'm drinking today. I'm drinking a can of fucking Carlsberg. Oh, drink of champions. Do you know what? I like Carlsberg. I mean, in the same way that I like Budweiser, I'm not there for the flavor. I'm there for the minor hint of an alcohol. No one's there for the flavor. Carlsberg tastes fine. Like it's a dulcner. You know, it's fine. Like, you know,
You could at least drink a battery, which is the Spanish calls book. That would be putting in effort, which, you know, we've that we've already discussed. We've peaked with the season. We've done the effort episode. Now we' now we're back onto running the clock down

Beverages & Beer Tales

until we get to season five. Oh, OK. So, mine has a bit of a backstory to it. um Over Christmas, when I did recover from death,
I was very gracious to meet my podcast hosts over Christmas, and John, and John being the lovely person that they are, got me a Christmas gift of a drink. Yeah, I could've drank that, but I didn't. i I got them nothing because I didn't realise we were doing presents. We always do presents, how did you not know we were doing presents? I i didn't know. The week before I'd had like a 100 degree fever, leave me alone. That's fine, that's fine, that's whatever.
but So I am currently called a glossivet. It is hive mind.

Podcast Evolution & Support

I didn't realise that so it is a traditional mead, but I didn't realise at the time that it was made in oak whiskey barrel cast. So that's quite interesting.
Yeah, Jon got me booze too, but I wanted to make the bit about drinking Carlsberg, so that's I'll drink it next week. Okay. Next week, we're doing one next week. You're supposed to say next week, even if you don't. I know. I mean, I still have lofty ambitions that one day I might be coordinated enough to make this a weekly thing, but, um.
that maybe if

Analyzing 'Brother from the Same Planet'

everybody likes and subscribes and we start a Patreon and me and these sponsors us, um, maybe I can afford an editor and then I don't have to like- If I get to wear my greasy little piglets then, you know, I'll do this every day. This is bloody delicious. Yeah. This podcast is gonna get- this podcast is going to get fun.
What are you drinking? I've got a beer from North Bruco, also from Leeds, home of all the best people. And yeah, it is heptagon, a double dry hopped IPA made with nectar on hops, which are my favorite hops because I'm a beer nerd. That does sound delicious to me. It is fruity and hazy and delicious. It's pretty good, liking it.
I still want to like one day do a beer in month club. I just love i love the idea of trying loads of different beers. I like beers. I will when I move, but the problem is I'm moving in with someone who's sober, so I have to be like, hmm. That's a challenging environment to over overcome.
Well, it's more because I like to- when I get, like, uh, subscription boxes, like I used to do Tokyo Treats, and we made it like a whole event, like my friend John would come over, and all three of us would open up the Tokyo Treats, I'd re- because, you know, it comes- I don't know if any of you have ever tried it, but it comes with, like, a description of what the sweets are that you get, you know, why they're popular, that can- blah blah blah blah blah.
It talks about flavour and shit like that. So we'd do that and we'd have fun and then we'd all try it and then give our verdict. You know, we'd make it a whole event and it takes like two hours just to eat a box of sweets. And it was really fun. But with Beer of the Month, I don't want to just like get a bottle, read it and go, huh, glug, glug, glug, drinking alone. You know what I mean? Yeah, OK. Yeah, I'll get you. And if I did it for the podcast, i' I'm fairly certain I would eventually have a significant backlog of beer.
yes well the trick is you get the one introductory free case just pay the shipping and then you have to go through the hassle of cancelling it but like you just cancel it and then suck it subscription guys yeah anyway brother from the same planet how about that anyway simpsons simpsons when did they say This Ed on February 4. Oh, sorry, can I just randomly share a fun fun thing? Go on. Honestly, this is just, ah since it's the New Year's episode, I wanted to share a little bit of positivity. I don't ah ah agree with New Year's resolutions, but I did do one thing. I did actually audition for a project.
I did actually vo ah do a voice acting audition today. So oh cool there you go. Nice. Hooray me. Sent it off. Was really happy with it. I didn't realize my setup here was so good. So there you go. That's a random bit of positivity. All of them. Please keep us informed as to whether or not you get the part. Oh yeah. If I get the if i get the part, I'll sing it to the fucking houses. It's an internet cartoon. and I'm not going to say fucking no. Noise. That sounds cool. Yeah. Well, best of luck. Thank you.
Alright, Simpsons. So when did this air? February 4th 1993 is the date. What happened on this day? Okay, what happened on this day in history indeed? Okay, so Admiral William Studeman ends term as Acting Director of the CIA. Dramatic. This one I'm slowly interested in. This one is, I'm interested in this. um Russian Space Agency tests a 82 foot wide space mirror. That does sound pretty cool. I wish to know more about the 82 foot space mirror. say To what end? For what purpose?
look at at things in space presumably yeah see how do that with your eyes but why not just put a giant mirror in that so you can see more Is it like some weird Russian horror movie where you can't actually look directly at it so you have to look at it through a mirror? You just get absorbed into the mirror. I've actually watched two Russian horror movies and they were fucking great. For those of you that have Netflix, go watch Sputnik. It is awesome. looking at things in space, presumably. I mean most people point their space telescopes like Russia's probably pointing it straight down.
ah Keep an eye on everyone with Russian Hubble. ah yeah but Would you like to take a guess at what the UK and the US number one was? If this is a bit about it's the same thing that was playing last time, I don't remember. You'll remember soon enough. Fuck. And I... Will always love you.
There you go. That's the one, you know it. If there was any people still stuck around from Justin's podcast, they have gone. Just got rid of him. Yeah. Oh, dear. I'm so sorry. There goes the end of that buzz. Anyway. All right, take us in. What's our chalkboard gag? So our chalkboard gag, this this for this episode is, the principal's toupee is not a frisbee. Skinner doesn't wear a toupee. How do you know? Well, considering Simpsons has never made a joke out of it and they've milked fucking everything, that's how I know.
To be fair, I think the chalkboard gag is probably non-canon. Yes. I mean, it made me chuckle the idea of, you know, someone foofing a frisbee in a fucking toupee. Sounds funny to me. Yeah. And the couch gag is the revolving wall where the family sit down, the wall just rotates, and we've got a blanket couch again. I think one of the things that I realised gets me about the couch gag is why I laugh at them more than anything.
it's the It's the shocked expressions on their faces, and the weird thought that goes through my head, which is, this happens every week, why are you shocked? Which makes no fucking sense, but yeah, I don't know why that really amuses me. It's funny, a to go I like that couch guy, it's a good one. Maybe just you just black it out for some bizarre reason, like it's like a post stress event or something. Yeah, they want to suppress what's actually happening with their couch.
The episode begins with a wide shot of Nelson smoking a cigarette as he's about to kick take a penalty. Which I thought was an interesting choice, like, I mean, I thought there were probably pretty strict rules around depicting children smoking on television.
like yeah maybe maybe the same eighty three was it past does does america have a watershed maybe it was past maybe it's head past the watershed well to be fair
Just to blanket everyone in the 90s is smoking constantly. Yeah, oh when stuff like um like Home Improvement or Boy Meets Won't Give Anyone Smokey a Cigarette, there'll be a warning at the start that goes Smokey a Cigarette, so maybe there wasn't a formal blackout yet that had been implied.
Speaking of smoking, we're going to go on Matt's Tangent of the Day. um really quick but i'll i'll I'll be quick, okay? So I was always surfing Reddit, as I do, because I deleted Twitter, ah and it was what it's a meme, and it just said, she's a 10 out of 10, and obviously it's like a reaction image, and then but she smokes. And I genuinely, like I was reading the comments, and all I just wanted to say to every single person, that fucking comment thread was grow the fuck up.
It's a flaw. Like ge like seriously, like either of you. They're your 10 out of 10. They're your 10 out of 10, not just a generic 10 out of 10. And they smoke. Is that a deal breaker to you? Considering I used to smoke, and I still smoke the occasional cigar now.
i find smoking to be a fairly unattractive quality in a person so i don't know if i don't know if it's necessarily a hard deal breaker but it's definitely a put off really i mean yeah i'm not going to be enthused that they're smoking i might bring up the fact that you know maybe like don't, you know, maybe save your life. I don't smoke. I used to smoke. I still, i I smoke other things. I won't legally say what they are, but I smoke other things. ah Children, mostly. But it's it's not a deal breaker. Like, seriously, like, if they're a 10 out of 10, if they're smoking fine, and they've got a great personality, you know, and they're just fun to be around, and then they're like, I'm just gonna nip out. I'm gonna nip outside for a fag. I mean, this is why I talk right now. I'm good. I'm good.
Yeah, I know. Just enjoy a life with them for the five, 10 years before they get put in the air. Yeah, exactly. know You don't have to worry about them smoking because they'll be out of your hair soon. It won't be long, but they'll be happy. Yeah. Anyway, Matt's tangent of the day.
Go back to ah Bart is the goalkeeper and Bart is trying to psych himself up by saying hi to the tiger. The ball comes and Bart has stopped it with his face. He is fucking domed. He's happy with it. Yeah, I love he's just like, I stopped the ball. He's like, yeah, go on Bart, you stopped it. And Nelson is also quite happy because he heard someone and the two shaking hands. And I heard someone. Yeah, this was a fantastic opener for a

Homer's Antics & Humor

incredibly bland episode. but I really liked this opening.
We go to the next scene and the soccer coach is announcing that you can only select one player to go to the Pelly Soccer and Acting Camp. You mean Coach McClure. Hi. And Coach McClure. Yes, Phil Hammond wasn't putting a great deal of effort into hiding a voice. Phil Hammond does A Voice.
No, sorry, he does two. He just two voices. He does two. We'll be more of that later. And that's the lucky recipient of going to the Pele soccer and acting camp. I didn't know Pele was an actor, but I guess there you go. Is that a joke at footballers like hamming up injuries to like? I think it's more. I think it could be. Yeah, I think it's more a joke of Pele basically appearing in any commercial that he could do. Oh, particularly famously for Viagra.
that good on him but uh the lucky winner is of course nelson and nelson mc again is chaining on his cigarette and uh thanks the coach who happens to be his dad yeah and nelson tells millhouse that he had underneath his boot and a cone that uh he told him he was going to get picked Yeah, I thought this was interesting, because obviously later on we we get all the episodes that are trying to humanise Nelson, like the one where ah Lisa hangs out with Nelson. And he doesn't have a dad, he just has a mum. So they they clearly like... I don't know if they changed canon, but eventually Nelson's dad does bugger off. Yeah, I don't feel like we've seen much of Nelson yet, so I don't think they've really established like any character details about him yet.
I mean, yeah, i mean next episode we're learning a character that has appeared repeatedly in the show, we're going to finally learn who their father is. Yes, i'd like

Character Interactions & Cultural References

wellll I suppose we'll get to him or get there, but that's some odd detail. But yeah, next episode is just the Ralph episode where they finally decided to do something with Ralph for once. Well, Bart is sitting on the curb and he's invited to come to an R-rated movie with his friends. They're off to go see Bart and Fink.
better is this a reference it is an actual film i'm not sure why yeah i couldn't find anything to suggest that barton fink was actually an rated film um maybe that's the gag maybe i don't know i don't know it was weird one um it's a Here's a 1991 American black comedy film directed by the Coen brothers. It doesn't sound particularly, like, noteworthy? I mean, it was a massive box office flop. It made six million against a budget of nine million. Like, I think, I think it's kind of like one of those, it's gained a bit of a cult following since then. It's like people quite like it, but I can't really find anything remarkable or interesting or... I watched John Goodman in anything, man.
Fair enough, I don't know what the reference is about here though. But it's essentially Bart can't join them because he's told his dad that he's going to wait for him. And the friends drive off chanting Bart and think. They're very excited about this movie. It's weird the rules that that that Bart follows. In this instance, like he's doing what he's told in this instance. Why why why not? In any other instance, yeah, he'd be like, oh, yeah, cool. Yeah, screw Homer. I'm going to go see a movie. Yeah. Yeah. Also, I think maybe the gag is because it's a box office flop, the idea of people being excited to see it.
I guess is the gag. Maybe. but I mean, how many people are even like aware of movies that aren't widely well received? The reference the references of The Simpsons writers are an esoteric lot at best. I guess we should try not to think about it. yeah that there are that There will be in a short moment some even more esoteric references. so Mr. Lisa goes to Washington.
Oh, no, no, no, wait, wait, will you wait for this anyway? Talk us through what happens next and I will point out the reference. Okay, so speaking of ah not thinking, Barge calls out to Homer to remind him as that she's leaving to pick up Bart. Homer answers that he's on the way. It turns out he's actually watching he's actually watching along with a Wheel of Fortune, and that's the answer to the puzzle.
i that that That made me chuckle. Mostly because it's like, again, that weird part of my brain, I was like, ah the answers wouldn't be that simple. And that was why I found it funny because I'm an idiot, I guess.
Unfortunately at the same time, at the storm has brewed in and Bart is beginning to get rained on and Bart sees a station wagon coming and he thinks it is Homer, but it's not Homer. it's just so weird We get so we got female Homer, I guess is the best way to describe this. With a full five o'clock shadow also.
yeah yep
she's having a long singing a nice song i'm afraid i don't actually know what the song was i don't know if anyone bothered to look at it up um it is i am woman by helen ready yes it's a bit on the news
The female Homer does not stop and splashes Bart with mud, and as the rain begins to get a bit heavier Bart realizes he better get under a tree which is immediately struck by lightning and sends him flying. probably also

Concluding Thoughts on 'Brother from the Same Planet'

notess about foma that he was very very obviously just dan castlanata doing homer's voice slightly higher pitch
i am a woman but the plates and Bart thinks to himself, where are you Homer? Homer unfortunately is back in ah season two I think it is, um when the night when they were fighting over the comic book. Oh it is reused footage isn't it? Yeah. It's the scene where he gets told to check on the boys, he just looks out the window and the lighting strikes a tree. I thought it looked odd because he's like not on the usual sofa and watching the usual TV, he's like on a beanbag. Also you know autistic quality, the quality of the frame is just a bit worse than who it is.
We don't go back and both are still in the storm and and none isn't when he trying to get past the wind and is blown away so she shouts this isn't funny and then flashes into a cliff and blows up. Love the comedy explosion always love a comedy explosion. This is a reference to a 1967 sitcom called The Flying Nun.
Oh, I do know of this. the i Did the non-explode regularly? I know where the non-exploded, but, uh, yeah. References? I know the show exists since I know about it. But besides the breakout is telepathic powers and starts rubbing his temples to- That he got from the treehouse of our horrors episode one.
Oh, can I also shoehorn in another reference because when Homer's watching TV, he goes, tonight on wings. Who cares? Wings being a short-lived spin-off of Cheers, I guess? In the early 90s? Yeah, was about an airport, I believe. Yeah.
but its universally I think it's universally known as one of the worst sitcoms in American history. I mean, I did look up a bit about it and apparently they made ah a pilot for a British version of it and set in the Channel Islands somewhere.
Cheers had a lot of spin-offs, and most of them didn't do great. Like, only Frasier did particularly well, and it wasn't a direct spin-off as far as I'm aware. And then there was Becca, and I loved Becca, but that only got me three seconds. I don't know Becca. Becca's great. Ted Danson in that, hilarious. I love Becca. I won't call that a spin-off of Cheers, I just call that Ted Danson doing another sickle. Well, it's called a spin-off, that's what I'm saying. I mean, if it's the same character set in the same universe, then I'd call it a spin-off. It's not, though, that's the problem. It's so confusing.
Yeah, Wings was canonically set in the same universe because the characters from Cheers make cameos in it. Right. So Bart is using his telepathic powers to try to transmit the message to Homer to pick up Bart. Unfortunately, wires have got crossed and they're going to Millhouse, who is writing track bookie on the wall. And as he said to his room, we see in that giant Russian 82-foot mirror that he's actually trying to write pick up Bart. What will I tell you about writing on the wall?
which is obviously a reference to The Shining, and a slightly more obvious reference than some of them. We don't go to Homer watching a football game as the crowd bidding a farewell to the star player, who is Brian Bartlett's star. Homer gets the feeling he's supposed to remember something as they ti they mis chanting bot oh orange bar the The dog then walks up and starts but barking, but is coming across as Bart, and Maggie burps the word Bart, and this is just too much noise for Homer to focus, so he goes and gets in the bath.
He's ah trying to remember what it is, and as he falls asleep he still has a dream of actually going to pick up Bart, but Bart is a skeleton. Homer then cradles Bart's skeleton and starts asking all the important questions. Why? How? When? Which? Homer wakes up in horror and realizes he's supposed to be picking up Bart. Homer leaps out of the bathroom and goes full sprint out of the house naked. As at Lisa tells him to cover up his shame, we don't hear Flanders' voice saying he can see Homer's doodle and Homer tells him to shut up. Howdy neighbor, I can see your doodle.
disappointed that they didn't commit to the bit and have him still naked in the car in the next scene. the home obviously I mean, it would have been real weird, but like, you know. Well, I guess if he was going to go pick up ice cream, it would have been slightly awkward for him to go pick up the ice cream. I would like one Sunday, please. We can see yeah but could see your doodles. Shut up Flanders.
We'll get to British Homer in a bit. Homer finally does pick up Bart and Bart is in full-on seething anger mode. and so Homer tries to make small talk with him and then gives him the bribe of an ice cream sundae to say sorry. Fortunately, Homer goes over a pothole and the ice cream sundae lands on Bart's head. This bit would never... the Sorry, the whole like waiting for Homer this long would never work. in yeah like You would just want you'd start walking home. it's It's Springfield. Just walk home. You live like 10 minutes away from home.
It's a town of 30,000 people. It can't be that big. You don't know where this soccer pitch is. It could be out of town. It's in Shelbyville. it so for yeah It's in Capital City.
um almost starts apologizing the bar by saying he can understand Bart's mad and he's kind of mad too and uh but they shouldn't focus on blaming who forgot to pick up who as he's saying this the ice cream is just slowly melting down Bart's head yeah the noise is just proper like putting your hands in corn syrup noise it's unpleasant Bart then looks over to Homer and begins to imagine Homer's skin melting and his eyes flaming in hell. That was kind of sad. Was this like, this feels familiar, was this like reused footage from like a Treehouse of Horror or something? like why did they he Why did his face melt? I don't think so, like I remember if it was. I think this is another reference because I think a lot of this episode is just references. That was completely lost on me entirely.
I'm cut to bar watching late night TV and Christie's being the guest host us of Tuesday Night Live and his monologue does not go over particularly well. I was thinking about this, how is Crusty so famous if he's, not like 90% of the times he's shown acting like doing a performance, he's shit. And no and and not just like shit as in we the viewers don't find him funny, as in even the audience and he's sure don't find him funny. Yeah, like no one seems to find him funny. Cause I'm guessing the gag is ultimately supposed to be that he's such a failed comedian that the only people that can make life is children by debasing himself.
Yeah. of Well, I mean, arguably he is quite successful debasing himself for the entertainment of children. But I mean, this bit, I don't think was necessarily ripping on Krusty as much as it was specifically a dig at Saturday Night Live. yeah I guess the idea is Krusty's hosting, but it's not like his material. They have you know they Tuesday Night Live writers who are just yes shit.
uh i mean yeah i mean interesting that uh like i mean kusty himself admits that the last half hour of the show is going to be terrible yeah yeah it's weird because like so many of the simpsons writers and producers came from saturday night live like two of the writers and john viti and yeah even uh conan o'brien as well obviously all worked on saturday night live so for them to be like having having a dick this hard at Tuesday a lot of them don't have positive stories though like ah what's the the current host of Saturday Night Live um whatever is you know that particular guy currently now loads of people are like yeah it's awful working with him he is like such a child um this it the guy for mur and and
no he's he's stars in it quite frequently out because i keep seeing clips of him but i don't he's not hosted i think uh but yeah they they wanted to go in even harder on saturday night live and actually eased off because they want to come off as being too bitter about it hey we got at least we got some nice saxophone music from those uh two musicians wo but comments that uh mrs joe uh biscope I think I've read his name right, I apologize if I haven't. Jo Piscopo? Jo Piscopo, that's the one I meant. I don't really know who that is. Meanwhile, an advert comes on for, it's a kid standing by a grave site and it starts, the narrator begins to begin the commercial by saying, your dad's got a Disney, and the kid goes, he might come back, he goes, nope, he won't.
me yeah but It's an advert for bigger brothers that can come and offer a replacement as is the kid starts playing catch with the bigger brother, and this gives Bart the idea to call the hotline and tell them that he does not have a father.
Why did he start dialing this number? It didn't explain what the product was. It just said, so your dad's dead? Call the Big Brother Bodline. What? That doesn't tell us anything. Maybe Bod's seen previous adverts for it and is familiar with their services and this just prompted him to act on it. Meanwhile, the Big Ear family segment has begun. Christie is wearing some giant prosthetic ears and brings out the gag that he's got a giant Q-tip.
It doesn't go over with the audience and Christy laments the fact there's 12 more minutes to this. Yeah, there's more digs at SNL. I'm still trying to find the current host. I'm being terrible at Googling. We go to the Big Brothers Agency itself and Bart has become a Victorian work child. As you go, there's a full-on company voice by saying there's Dad left in six years. I fucking hate this, this was just annoying.
The administrator declares him quite a brave boy and says that she's been serving a special big brother for him. And we cut to the next scene and the dynamic, as it is described here in Franky Eft, Tom arrives at the school on his motorcycle and gives Bart his own customised helmet with his name on and drives off. This prompts Martin to say that Homer has really sorted himself out. That got me, that slayed me, that one. I don't know why, that was just truly tickling me, it was the idea that someone just saw the guy rock up on a motorbike and was like, ah, I must be Homer.
is He's really turned things around. We go to the next scene and Marge is wearing a full on a financial cap as ah they discuss whether or not Bart is indeed mad. I can't even notice. Oh yeah, she's got a visor which you have to wear in order to sort out your finances, obviously. This is true, this is true. You are you are you you only wear those in two occasions when you're sorting finances or where when you are the numbers guy at a illegal poker game. Those are the only times that you wear them.
ah We should also note that Tom, although we have only seen him briefly so far, is once again Phil Hartman. It was intended to be Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise turned the roll down and you can tell they wanted it to be Tom Cruise. Yeah, so it's very much a Mission Impossible or absolute sort of character.
We're then cut to Homer Marge discussing whether or not Bart picks his man at Homer, and Marge points out he called Homer a bad father. Homer's response is that ah these days kids, when they say bad, they mean good, and to shake one's booty means to wiggle one's butt. Homer's about to demonstrate this before Marge cuts him off, and is horrified to realise that ah there's a $378 phone bill.
She asks Homer if he has an explanation for this, and Homer starts to break down, blaming the record club, and but the first nine were only a penny, but then they jack up the price. And it's not fair, I tell you. You don't know what any of that meant. No, this was so weird.
like I mean, clearly it's like predatory to subscription stuff, like your first case of Beer52 is free, you know? ah Home has clearly gotten into the same deal of Record52 or whatever and they're like, oh yeah, first one's free. Okay, now we're going to start charging you every month and it's impossible to quit. First nine in this instance is a good deal. That sounds like a great deal. I'd go in for nine free records. yeah It was like three cents or something.
The first not so I got it wrong, it's the Tonight Show that I was talking about, I have no idea about SNL. and Okay. Marge deduces that the calls have been going to the Cory hotline, and uh, Josemo assures Marge that that's not him. Lisa quickly... Marge... Lisa, who's listening into the conversation, quickly closes her door, which has a giant post of Cory on it, just in case you're wondering... Why would she have it on the outside of her door, man? Hello welcome to the B-plot. We don't see Marge talking to Lisa after seeing the advert of Cory wondering why she won't call.
And she asks Lisa, why didn't you ask for permission? And Lisa reveals that she did. And we get the brief flashback of her watching wrestling. And Lisa trying to ask him how much you're saying him. Sure, literally. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Another issue of non-threatening boys as well, by the way. Absolutely, yep. So Marge says that she understands Lisa's plight, explaining that when she was a girl, she had a crush on Bobby Sherman. This causes Lisa to laugh hysterically. Don't fuck yourself. Don't get this. Lisa, you're a piece of shit, man. Go fuck yourself.
I mean, I guess this is just kids finding it amusing that their parents were ever into whoever of their era. I mean, I looked up a picture of Bobby's German in the 70s. He was a dashing looking lad, I think. Yeah, he was absolutely the corey of his era. He was a teenage heartthrob. Yeah, and I also listen to his music. It's very non-threatening and enjoyable.
Is he a non-threatening boy? He is a non-threatening boy! He is Lisa's bag! So Lisa finally ah promises Marge that she will never call the Coric Hotline in the house again, remember that point? Before laughing again at least ah to Marge's crush of Bobby Sherman. What a piece of shit! so we'll try to Oh no, I hate Lisa.
<unk> So we go to the next scene and it's at the Springfield Stadium. It's tomato day. So you get a free tomato when you enter the stadium. What a giveaway. And Tom asks Bart if Dad ever took him to a ballgame and Bart says no because he was too busy playing Blackjack. I mean, he took him to softball games a lot, so... Yeah, I don't think Bart's being completely honest. We get a flashback of Homer playing Blackjack and he's grown a beard for this. it me it's a Hit me. Hit me.
Alma doesn't really understand how Blackjack works because when he gets to 21 he gets hit again. 19 hit me. 21 hit me. 22. Tom tells Barley he ever sees his father and cracks his fists again. Remember that point? That point? Foreshadowing. but We're interrupted because there's going to be an announcement by the recruiter for the Springfield Communist Party. This prompts ah everyone the boat go it prompts everyone to throw tomatoes at him. It's just thankful that it's not dark day again.
Yes, but it was a dark day. Solidarity with the Springfield Communist Party. Yeah, man. The Red Scare continued even through fucking Simpsons, man. Mm-hmm. God, America. Lisa is at Dr. Hibbert's office getting her eardrops in, and Dr. Hibbert tells her he can distract her with a coloring book of mash, in which Dr. Hibbert says, okay, annoys the other surgeons. That's the plot of everything. I think this might have been my favorite joke of the episode. Well, just describing the plot of every episode of Mash Ever.
do Just because he's like, I'm gonna give you this and then he looks at it himself and then walks off just giggles to herself and walks the fuck out. Lisa got denied the temptation and finally caused the Cory hotline on the hospital phone. And we see Lisa being very happy at this £4.95 a minute deal. Jesus. Getting the words that rhyme with Cory. With Cory, which include, gory, story, allegory, montasoc, montasoc. I think Cory was stretching with that last one if I'm gonna be honest. Well, you gotta earn that £4.95 a minute.
Yeah. So we can't but is ah now pump in some mind with to and why got to... is built up, I guess. Yeah. He then turn on the TV and start watching a full episode of Ren & Stimpy. Why? what Why? Why? Why? Why? This isn't even a reference. This is just, hey guys, Ren & Stimpy.
Did Ren and Stimpy pay for advertising times? No, they got permission to use this. They got in touch with Nickelodeon to use Ren and Stimpy, but it is original content. They didn't just take a bit of Ren and Stimpy and show it. No, I mean, right. Okay, so I'll preface this with, fuck the creator of Ren and Stimpy. What an awful person. I do not know who created Ren and Stimpy. I never cared for Ren and Stimpy. Ren and Stimpy is fucking psychotic and hilarious.
This shit that they put on Simpsons is straight up dog shit. Go fuck yourselves. In a psychotic I never found it hilarious. Hang on, you didn't enjoy Stimpy making around a soup of stomach acid and his eyeballs exploding?
No. like Not all of Ren and Stimpy was bangers, but it was very just subversive and strange and very funny in moments. now This was thislike reference just felt like it was completely missing the point of Ren and Stimpy, in my opinion. But I don't want to be that guy that's like, you just don't get it, man. Whatever.
So we go to the next scene and we see that it's show and tell, and Bart says he wants to be like Tom as an F-14 pilot. And he brings out a neurodisruptor raid that the military was giving him. Fucking top gun! Oh my god, now I get it, okay. When you were saying, like, they clearly wanted it to be Tom Cruise, I was like, the fuck are you talking about? He rides a motorcycle and wears a leather jacket, that's nothing.
Top Gun. Done. I've called up, I write call. So we're doing Simpsons, right? Yep. Yep. So Bart shoots Martin with the neutralizer and he gets fucked up. They hit him with a Havana syndrome gun, yep. So the kids applaud this right politely as Mr. Scruple asks if Martin is dead and Bart says no, but don't don't give him any homework for a while.
And she fangs him and Bart says she needs to thank an unprecedented eight year military build-up budget. And Millhouse goes next and he's going off. I feel so bad for Millhouse, man. Millhouse is a toy horsey, which he makes the horse name. This earns him getting called Woofs by Nelson. Shouldn't Nelson be off at the Pele football and acting camp?
I guess he came back. Got kicked out for smoking. A particular sense of time frame here, yeah. Got kicked out for smoking, it's fine. Probably. Smoking is not a problem in Brazil, don't worry about it. It is to Pelé. From what I've heard. Didn't you do loads of drugs? Oh yeah. I would fully expect so, yes. So we go back to the retirement home, and Lisa is paying grandpa a visit, and grandpa declares that all people will show people show the world that that they are dynamic individuals and you start laughing maniacally before falling asleep god but great the grandpa simpson and mr burns light up any episode it's like i feel like that's what the you know it's like it could be a crap as a episode but you're like yeah but at least ab was in it we'll show them all
I love the the the chair like in stages, you know proper like clunkily. going to it's just horizontal um because it It's just another little bit of like that clever joke of even his recliner chair is old and shit.
This prompts Lisa to call the hotline and Corey declares that he can get married get married someday. Corey really does sound like a non-threatening boy. He is apparently a composite of Corey Feldman and Corey Haim, known better as the two Koreys. Oh, good for them.
So, uh, we see Bart running out of the house and Homeware Square is going, and Bart replies he's off to a father-son picnic. Mama tells him to have a good time before the Penny Family drops. We then cut to Principal Skinner, thanking Lisa for volunteering to do inventory on the storage room full of the, uh, glee club peanut brittle. Yeah. Is this just a joke that no one likes peanut brittle? I guess.
but why why why does the glee club have so much peanut butter this is weird why is there a glee club i guess they were trying to sell it to a club they were trying to sell it to these ones why have peanut brittle why have peanuts in anything other than peanut butter peanuts are great no i hate nuts in general you leave the big big peanut business alone i can't stand nuts in anything man they ruin everything the only thing i can stand that's not based is peanut butter ah It's gonna go to slash the budget for the school year and we see him crossing out things like science and music. Why is he in charge of this? I guess he's a budget man. cuts. Surely sure shouldn't this this should be ah Superintendent Chalmers' regiment.
no put gonna have met thomas yeah is he no cost i think i think the job is just quite simply gner is a utilitarian like disciplinarian educator that's all it is that's the joke I'm just deconstructing the joke to the point where it's no longer funny.
but I mean, I kind of thought there might have been like, a I don't know, something about there he what he cut, but there doesn't even seem to be particularly rhyme or reason. No, it's the sciences because he doesn't want the children to think, and it's the arts because he doesn't want the children to feel.
We also got a glimpse of his notepad, he's also cut first aid and books. cover What remains is history, hot lunches, custodial, and playground. So let's keep it really far from the actual American budget right now. Actually, now that I have a chance to genuinely look at that in detail, the the part of the biggest, single biggest part of the school's budget is Willie.
That makes sense, I mean, they do make a lot of use of groundskeeper Willy. They do make a lot of use of Willy, is what I'm saying. LIAM. Skinner, don't we all? Skinner notices on his own phone that somebody's calling a 900 number, and we say that- JUSTIN. I love that you can tell what it is from the dial tone alone. That's a 900 number! LIAM. We don't see that Lisa's in the cupboard listening to the Corey Hotliners, there's basically now just Corey reading from the paper.
Yeah. Something about China, account trade deal, yeah tim Canadian trade deals, falling. I think it was yeah ah not even China. bit Skinner hangs up the phone and we see him hovering ominously over Lisa. I then cut to Bart having a hand-gliding session with Tom and Bart is finally starting to feel slightly guilty about this thinking that Tom maybe should go to and more disadvantaged children and Tom tells Bart he could kiss him if he hadn't been made to sign a wave of promising that he wouldn't. Yeah, this was one of two jokes that made me really uncomfortable. I didn't think this was funny, just thought this was weird.
We don't see that homo is looking at them through his binoculars and there's finally worked out what's happening. yeah And we see that storm drops. But we also see that Springfield has a fucking volcano. ah Yeah, that's a volcano, yep. We have already discussed that The Simpsons actually takes place in Peru, is it? Yep. So this is fair. This is actually totally fucking normal.
It is in the Pacific Ring of Fire, so yep. Imagine if, on Matt Groening's deathbed, he says that. He just says, spread fingers in Peru. He says that and fucking dies. Imagine. We don't see that Bart is dropped off home, and as he goes in Homer is in the shadows, asking about- This was the beginning of the really uncomfortable subplot. So Homer- This is weird. So Homer has to fight where he's been, and Bart says he was playing with Milhouse and Homer goes Richard Burton on him and says, oh you haven't. You've been away with that floozy of a big brother. Look at me. The voice acting was really weird. The the fact that Homer was just sat there drinking bourbon or whatever it was on the... at the stick it was a cop I think it was a cognac.
ah Yeah, it's it's all very- it's a little bit more stylistic than usual and very like, there's a lot of contrast and colour in there compared to usual. It is genuinely supposed to evoke the the vibes of soap operas and bodice rippers, and that is really fucking weird. It is specifically a reference to Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf. Okay.
So, Bart asks Homer what he's going to do about it, and Homer says, oh, you'll see. We then cut to the next scene, and Homer wants to be a big brother himself, and the administrator asks him, why do you want to be, why do you want a little brother? I'm not giving them credit for this episode putting in this in, because this is an old gag, but it's funny.
So Homer's brain starts telling him to, don't say revenge, don't say revenge, Homer's- Don't say revenge, don't say revenge, uh, revenge- Homer, unfortunately, Homer unfortunately says revenge and Homer's brain tells him it's getting out of here and we just hear the fuck stop something. Fortunately revenge is a valid option. yeah it's on the It's on the list with a spite, malice and boredom. Those are all great reasons to want to have a younger brother, as I learnt being a younger brother apparently.
So Homer is giving a book of the boys that he could choose from, and Homer begins insulting their looks and does some hogging noises at the last one. This was so weird! This was almost when Flanders failed levels of this is just mean. So Homer's about to give up, but he then sees a young boy approach desk asking if there's a big brother for him yet. Then when there isn't, he says he'll come back in an hour. I'll be back in an hour.
So Elmo watches this boy through the window looking very sad and Elmo says he'll take him but asks do we have him in blonde? Can we also acknowledge that Pepe has a huge fucking head. Like his head is massive. Oh he he's a reference to something else as well. I can't remember what it is now. no so they see so I just want to point out this is the the voice that they use for any generic Mexican child. I'll point that out.
take of that what you will when we see where Pepe lives and his name. So we see that Marge has been called into the school by Skinner and Marge tells Lisa that to break the Corrie Hotline habit that she's gonna have to go till midnight without calling and Lisa doesn't think she can do this but Skinner shows her that she should listen to his mother like he has done his whole life. We then see Skinner look out the window at his house which apparently is... There's mother now. Some form of dilapidated... It's a reference to Psycho.
yeah As much as it is, it feels pretty like in character for Skinner as well. Yeah, it's weird. We've seen her at this point now, haven't we? A couple times. She was not really established as the Agnes that we know and love, but yes, we have seen her. We've seen her get an absolute insane douche from an exploding toilet. Yes. So we see that a Skinner starts arguing with his morgue over the window, which ends with him saying that sailor suit doesn't fit anymore.
That sailor suit doesn't fit anymore! I which lisa i love Skinner, man. He's great. Marge and Lisa awkwardly leave. I think we should leave. So we cut to Homer going to a dilapidated part of town to pick up Pepe. Well there, he sees a bum sleeping in the garbage can and compares him to Oscar the Grouch. Reference to fucking Sesame Street. yeah Not even a good reference, it's just, hey guys, remember Sesame Street? ah Admittedly, it's better than just randomly playing a fucking episode of Ren and Stimpy.
I do not get what the Ren & Stimpy thing was about at all, and I don't think I ever will. It would just be that they're a fan of it. Honestly, I would not be surprised if you could draw a line from... Wait, no, Ren & Stimpy came out after Simpsons, right? I believe it did, you yeah. Yeah, Ren & Stimpy's pretty new. Well, I mean, the Simpsons, ah if you get it if you think about it, at the time, the Simpsons were making quite a subversive cartoon.
so res simply be debuted in ninety ninety one yes so it does not win empty So Ren and doing their thing would be something that a lot of the Simpsons writers would be quite into. Even if they're still very different vibes, they're doing the same thing just on different scales. Simpsons is doing subversive sitcoms for adults and Ren and Stimpy is doing subversive cartoons for children.
Yes, yeah I thought it was a clever point, but right. Fuck me. i I mean, I mean, i still i so I still don't understand the logic of like just putting a chunk of it in the show. like Yes, I agree. There is no fucking logic, but we have known through their references that the Simpsons writers just like to talk about the things they like.
This time they couldn't even come up with a good way to fit it in. They were just like, what if, right? Wouldn't it be hilarious if Ren and Stimpy go on? That is rather the point though is usually like 99% of the time they do at least find a way to fit it in that makes some kind of sense. And here it was just like, hey guys, Ren and Stimpy exists. I was like, yeah, I know I don't care for it, but yes, I'm aware it exists. Here's another example, just like Oscar the Grouch, man in garbage. like that you can at least say that they kind of tried. Kinda. So Homer picks up Pepe and tells Pepe that his new life begins now and he immediately bashes Pepe's head against a pipe. So also eating an ice cream Pepe asks about Homer's son Bart and Homer delays a tale of Bart shoving a grapefruit into his face. That sounds very bad. Oh he is. So after Homer gets here in the face of a grapefruit he
enters the room and listens by thinking. are he grave true So we then cut to Homer showing Pepe the wonders of modern technology as he tries to lift his automatic door but it immediately stalls. Why does his garage door change colour? Stink ace. Does it? His garage door is like dark blue in this scene for some completely random reason.
it does the color gets some more dented as a home it destroys his own garage door before Yeah, Why does it only open that far? It causes a stupid piece of junk!
It's fair. and we don't cut to a home happy and Pepe looking at the stars and Pepe wants to know all about the constellations and see how much start naming them and improving here actually cowboys. So we have um Jerry the cowboy and Alan the cowboy. The big, see that big thing is Alan the cowboy.
cowboy So Pepe tells Homer that he's so learned it and Homer corrects him and says learned and so tells Homer that he loves him and calling him Papa Homer and Homer says he loves him too Pepsi. and make the corrective Please stop calling him Papa Homer. Someone's so weird about that.
We then see Lisa completely june jonesing in the chair for Cory. And Maggie, unfortunately, is playing with a toy phone and we can just hear the all the noises in the room being amplified. yeah and And eventually Lisa loses the plot and says, ah must you forever be dialing that phone at Maggie who looks horrified as does March? Lisa then lets herself out.
If anyone wants to know what being overstimulated feels like, watch that scene. That's what that's what like over auditory stimulation feels like. I did wonder if that's kind of what they're going for, but at no point do we ever get this from Lisa again. so Well, i think I think it's more just obvious. it's It's just a joke about the fact that the smallest things start to get on get on you and stuff when you're addicted and you need something, you know you just start to like go insane.
yeah yeah Yeah I guess the Lisa support is obviously yeah a thing about addiction, sure. Eventually this leads to ah Marge trying to find Lisa when her room is empty and Lisa is over the kitchen table with the phone to worry. Marge is southern but tells Lisa you did your best, but as Marge picks up the phone she gets the bell tone just announcing that it's actually midnight. Lisa has not actually called the Coricot line and Lisa just feebly says I made it.
i And that's it, she'll now be interested in Cory again because it's midnight. Because it's midnight, she's done. Elmer and Pepe are watching Itchy and Scratchy and it's a slightly less offensive than red and stinky I guess. Itchy basically ties Scratchy's tongue to a bowling ball and as the bowling ball comes back Scratchy tries that.
take his tongue off of a hacksaw but he's a bit too late and his entrails conveniently land in the snap bar and serve to dogs. Yeah it is a bit more visceral than they usually go for with the itching scratchy to be fair. Considering yeah the dogs are then eating the entrails which is yeah the closest to cannibalism you're gonna get in this show.
So Bart is trying to find his, uh, skateboard and Homer says that he's giving it to Pepe because Bart asks who the hell is Pepe. Homer reveals that to his little brother and says Bart is not the only one that can abuse a non-profit organization. That's true. This leads to a very awkward conversation when Homer tries to remind Bart of all the good times that they had. I fucking hated this. This is awful. This should not be the show. This is so fucking weird, guys. This isn't even Oh, it's the 90s. No, this is fucking weird.
So Homer tells Bart to remember the times he pushed him on the swing and Bart says he was faking it. Homer is horrified and Bart starts making the noises of enjoyment on the swings as Homer runs away in tears. No, this was straight this is straight up fucking weird and I genuinely hope whoever is whoever wrote that scene it was fired and is never working on The Simpsons. I hope you fucking suck, you piece of freak.
I'm sure that was Conan O'Brien. I fucking water sps was. Probably wasn't. I have no idea. John Vitty wrote this episode. Well, John Vitt is a piece of shit. If we go to the marine world, which is no longer educational, and we see that unfortunately both Homer and Pepe- Wait, does it say that on the sign or something? It's on the sign. Amazing. So, so but unfortunately everybody's out there and as they're watching the show, Tom mentions the part that the whale is actually a mammal like them. Pepe asks- Is that but true? but No.
Then go to Homer taunting a dolphin with fish, but calling it stupid, but the dolphin steals his hot dog instead. but done I really like this bit. you can see every you You can tell it's coming a mile away, but it's still great. Homer's apprehended by two people dressed as fish. I forgot about that, that was so strange. there's just like He's at it again. Get him. It's just ah it really looks like the whimpering as he's dragged away. yeah it's Stupid dolphin, you got my hot dog.
Bart is horrified to see Homer and tries to hide for him, but fortunately he hides it when it's completely clear. So the two engage in slightly awkward conversation before Tom takes Bart away saying ah bar way saying he shouldn't talk to strangers. Homer then reveals that he is Bart's father, and Tom then says the drunken gambler, and Homer goes, yes, that's right, and who are you being?
sp Homer goes backwards into a tank which he breaks and is covered in starfish. Homer then prompts to go full ninja and starts throwing the starfish at Tom. Tom starts making ninja noises back as he catches them before dropping them in the tank where they're immediately eaten by shock. Yep, that got a chuckle.
So the two start circling each other, and then Homer points out that there's a disadvantaged boy behind him, as Tom turns the look almost smacks him far in the face. So Chief Wigam and Lou become aware that the fight is happening, and Chief Wigam asks if they're still selling those frozen bananas, and thinks they are. They're still selling those frozen bananas? Yeah, I think so. Let's roll.
I mean, I get get that a fair bit of it is probably just for humor, but also like how on earth does all of Springfield learn of it and make such big news of it so fast? This becomes actual news. This becomes state news.
Yeah, two guys fighting, and get the news team. Ken Brommond is ah announcing this on the news, and he reveals that one of the participants is a giant lizard. When he asks for the source, he's told it's a bunch of drunken frat boys, and when he gets a name, it's IP Freely. Just like as well, though, that he's he's the only person in this conversation, so he's he has to, like, relay it all to us, the audience. So it's like, do we have a source on this? A bunch of drunken frat boys. Like, no one talks like that. No one talks like that.
i p freely In the course of their fight the two end up crashing into an antique shop and we hear the sounds of things breaking oh i like this and Tom walks the doors and gets home ass attention Homer's attention as Homer is just breaking. You get a moment where you just hear breaking noises and the breaking noises carry on as Tom walks out. like okay so the two clicks go in and say and The two continue fighting and it ends up with them both falling down Springville Gorge, but thankfully they both come back. They both come back up! By the way, back up! Yeah, but did you hit the reversed, like, pitching as they come back up?
two The two basically end up in the fight scene and Tom finishes Homer off with a hell of a combo, which unfortunately forced causes Homer to fall backwards onto a fire hydrant, which makes one of the most sickening snaps I think I've ever heard. This is even more painful than it looks. Yeah, that's very good. They ah did actually, I think they put quite a lot of effort into the Foley for the fight scene. They didn't actually push a man over onto a fire hydrant. Just to see what it looks like.
they wanted to make it sound comedic but not horrifying and like realize that the best sounds they got were the most realistic ones so for the fire hydrant it was you don't get like a real comedic big loud snap it's just this tiny lick yeah i just appreciate it to tom's face and yeah even tom's like oh no almost taken away with ambience as Bart apologizes saying he didn't want to get him hurt we don't see tom and Pepe who have presumably worked out that they've been had looking quite um sad about the loss of their big brother and little brother respectively. Yeah this goes on for ages man. Yeah it's on it's sad that his car will be empty and there's nobody to eat his ham.
And Pepper is upset because he's got going to get a lift and he's going to go hungry. The two say goodbye. I think you can find someone to eat a ham. It's ham. Yeah, just like fucking open your window and go, yo, I've got ham. People show up. So the two say goodbye to each other. Two say goodbye to each other before they come one way. Well, goodbye.
but gives the obvious solution by putting their hands together. The two presumably become Big Brother and Little Brother, though it's never formally confirmed that's the case. They just walk away holding hands. That could mean anything, I guess. As we cut to the next scene, Bart is getting over a beer and reminiscing about the fight. and He asks Homer about so remembering the fight where he said that I'm a hemophiliac and he let you go and you kicked him in the back. So he asks Homer to teach him how to do that and Homer starts going into the detail. Which includes crying like a woman. And then when he looks away and discuss, it's time to kick some back. Which include a kick to the ribs, step on his groin and run like hell. Yep. So that's that episode. And that's that. What a mediocre episode.
interesting okay i mean like for all its weirdness i don't know i i did enjoy it quite a lot there's a lot of very good gags that i laughed quite a lot at i barely i really i barely laughed i did not find this episode fun this this this is one of those episodes where if someone said i don't think it's like if someone said like if someone said to me do you want to watch when flanders failed if they said that to me i'd say get out of my house If they said, do you want to watch this? I would probably just be like, no, no. I would rather watch any other episode of Simpsons, but it it it was not good. The jokes I enjoyed, I enjoyed tremendously, but there is a lot of dead bits. in it for me I think the best this episode got at me really was like a good chuckle.
I mean, I really love Tom and Homer's fight. It's one of the better fights in The Simpsons, really. I mean, you know, it was fine. fish It was a good fight scene, I guess. It had some minor chuckles in it, but meh. Yeah, I mean, the the the fight scene, ah heavily inspired by a film called The Quiet Man. I think they were struggling for an ending and I think they were just like, let's watch a film. And then they watched that and then were like, okay, let's use that fight scene for ending the episode.
the thing is for me is that fight felt like it didn't feel like a series of gags like it should have like i know there was a bit in the um the antique shop but it all just felt like it was leading up to the one gag of Homer getting bent over the fire hydrant which sounds very weird um you know it's yeah just didn't it's like um do you know the chicken mascot fights in family guy that got massively overdone nope yeah away admittedly the first one of that was quite funny because it was just like a series of weird gags and they would acknowledge the gags whereas this just felt kind of it was hard to tell what was a gag like the whole falling into springfield gorge thing just felt like the natural progression of the fight and then
Yeah, the foley guys did a good bit with the, we're and they carry on fighting thing. That was funny, but yeah, just nah, it was weak. Fair enough. Okay. Well, do we have any ratings out of Homer for this? I'll go first, since we don't want to end on a negative. I thought this show would do such a but bizarre episode. The side gags were funny, but the actual content was so fucking weak. This episode gets a frozen banana out of Homer. Why would you want this?
Don't get on frozen bananas as well. Excuse the fuck out of me if anyone's about to tell me that a banana is better frozen. They're about to get a frozen banana as a place that they shouldn't be. I mean, I can't eat bananas so I haven't had one in a very long time. You can't eat bananas? They're pretty good. I can't eat bananas, they make me ill. What a sad life you lead. I know. I'm not a big fan of bananas. Get the fuck out of my house. I like bananas, they make me ill. Bananas are hype, dude. I'm not in your house.
I thought you were all here. I thought we were in the same room. What is going on? I'm looking at you for my house with my sailor suit. Does it still fit? Not particularly, no. All right, go on. You guys. I'm going to give this a corny hotline out of Homer. It's addictive. It's addictive and satisfying, but it perhaps isn't so fulfilling and it can be slightly costly. OK. I gave it a woman who looks and sounds a bit like Homer from a distance.
these are the worst rings weve what does that mean it means whatever you want okay it's one of those one way like got those for i thought it i thought it was very good it was it was vaguely approximating a homer but it was not a homer like it was a bit weird a bit too weird to be a homer Even even the the thought of this being near a homer to me is baffling. Name my ass gave it five out of five. Alright, well, my fucking crusade against the people that we have on this show to rate the episodes continues. The writers of King of the Hill named it one of the five best episodes of the Simpsons. What the actual ball? Well, no, King of hill king of the Hill, as much as I like King of the Hill, is one of the most amusingly boring shows.
But that's its charm. Packets, yeah, exactly. I know, I like King of the Hill. King of the Hill is great, but it is so dope. And that's the point. That is genuinely the point of the show. All right, well, we'll get on to that once we've finished. Since sense and future drama. And whatever else we've said we were going to do. Do you guys think this said anything about society?
Um, I think the Lisa subplot had at least some notions of talking about the predatory way that children are preyed upon with marketing to addict them to products. I could, the hotline's a bit of a weird one, but in this day and age, like, like the idea of marketing addictive things to children is like that's very quite a bit more notable today than it would have been in 1993. But it's interesting that even that was a thing they thought to observe in 1993.
Yeah, I think if they'd made this like the whole plot like the A plot this episode could have looked at the societal pressures that are on young girls to A. like boys because being gay is a sin and B. interact with them in some safe capacity which probably drives weird behaviours like spending $300 on phone calls because that's what that red ass to me was like that Lisa is a young girl you know and she's been driven to be obsessed with fucking boys but not dangerous boys non-threatening boys
you know so there was all that but it didn't do it i don't know if that would have been a great episode i think that would have been really boring and preachy but and then it could have also gone into the whole you know the difficulty of replacing a father figure but instead we got this shit I mean, ah the whole the whole Big Brother thing is a nod towards, not a nod as a direct reference, towards the Big Brother's Big Sisters of America Foundation, which is a nonprofit organization which does basically kind of this, I think?
But like, it's also an organization that's clearly like very America centric and therefore I have like no real knowledge of its existence. I can't really say whether it was like a critique or parody or something. Seems like an organization that is right for abuse. Yeah, well, yeah. But again, I don't know enough about it. A guerentine has been controversies. I am on the Wikipedia page for it. It does not have a controversy section. It has to be said. Wow. Good on them, I guess.
Yeah, also don't make um jokes that are like that are literally an allegory for a woman faking orgasms in a relationship to make a guy feel better. Don't ever, don't do that. And if anyone in the comments wants to get, like, genuinely argue to me that it that that's not what they were going for, that is, and you are deluded, if you think otherwise, because what else were they fucking referencing there?
Oh, yeah, 100% is exactly what that gag was. Yeah, no doubt. It was weird, uncomfortable, and genuinely, I feel like if that wasn't in the episode, I would have rated it way higher. That's all right. Wait for the next episode. We've got sex jokes about eight-year-olds coming up. Whoo! Next app episode, let's... Oh, Michael, did you think it this set up thing about society? Oh, thank you pretty much covered everything. Yeah, I am very, I am very prescient. Simpsons.
Season 4, episode 15, I Love Lisa aired on February 11th, 1993. This is really close to Valentine's Day. I wonder what this could be about. No way! So again, I'm struggling with stuff on this day. Most biggest thing of interest is President Clinton, who was we learnt in the last podcast is Matt Seer until he was pointed out that yeah he didn't do that good a job and then immediately turned on him.
I'm English. We live in a society where his image was glazed. ALICE But I love the fact that you were building him up as the greatest president of all time, and then Justin pointed out that he was responsible for the welfare state, and you immediately turned on the man. He earned some loyalty! JUSTIN You shouldn't have heard of him! ALICE Misperch a man who appears in this episode of The Simpsons. JUSTIN Aw, awkward. ALICE Anyway, on this day he selected Janet Reno to be the first female US Attorney General.
Which is significant. Good on him, I guess. Yeah, that's that's a good thing. we Consensus, good thing. So, good news. The UK has broken the spell of Whitney Houston. Say it ain't so. And our number one for this week was No Limit by Too Unlimited. I have no idea what the hell that is. I think I would have preferred Whitney Houston.
Well, you mean if you want Whitney Houston, you can always go to the States. It's still Whitney Houston there, isn't it? It's still Whitney Houston, and then Whitney Houston says yes. It will always be Whitney Houston. From now on, we're like, and we've stopped doing the top 10, the number one in America section because it's still Whitney Houston, still 20 years later.
March 15th, 2017, number one in the United States, Whitney Houston. So, the job or gag is still though focusing on principles, because this week it's, I will not call the principle, Spudhead. Again, it's been really bold. Okay. And the couch gag, we've started to recycle the circus lankers. Oh yeah, get used to that circus. Considering the amount of money this gag apparently cost, it's not very good. Depressive to look at.
Is it? Is it? Is it? There's elephants doing backflips. What more do you want? There's a lot more animation work went into it than most couch gags. Yeah, that's true. Okay. I don't know. It's just, is it funny? Did I find it funny the first time? Are any of the couch gags particularly? I know you like them. I like the couch gags sometimes. They are best chocolate worthy. No, absolutely. I don't think I've ever like fucking guffawed at one, but ah The episode begins with Bart, in his room, modifying Love Hearts, do you have ah slightly more crude messaging, as ah the Monster Mash plays in the background. I mean, I don't know why they get so much mileage out of the Monster Mash this episode, but I also don't care because I love the Monster Mash. This bit is so funny for how like simple and benign it is.
So the radio hosts are arguing, one of them asks, why on earth did you play that on Valentine's Day when you could have picked any other song about love? Well, you know, they're having a good time and having a party.
You played the wrong record again. Why are you doing this to me? Why are you doing this to me? It's so real. I think because where this is a podcast, I think that's the bit that it felt like to me was when one person is just desperately trying to dig themselves out of a hole. And one of us just goes, just fucking ruins it. And you're just like, oh and no, why? Why do you do that? Why are you doing this to me?
So we go to the but retirement home and Grandpa is scuffing about the invented holiday of Valentine's Day until Jasper gets a Valentine from his granddaughter. And Grandpa asks, can you have the envelope? Oh, it's broke my heart. Guys, if you still have your grandparents, send them Valentine's Day cards. My grandma used to love it.
so Well, who's not loving it is Moe as he receives a secret long time from the mistake of our time. It's immediately revealed that it's from Barney. Moe's response this is to go, oh god no, because Barney blows him a kiss that's combined with a burp. Barney trying to get free beer?
We're then cut to The Simpson Kitchen, and Marge presents her Valentine to Homer, which is, I love you, spelled out in his breakfast. Fortunately, Homer has not remembered, as his brain begins the complex thing of what're trying to work out what day you like. That's a huge plate. Like, that's the plate you serve Christmas dinner on. Yeah, but if you're going to spell out the words, I love you, you're going to need a lot of space, aren't you? That real estate, yeah. It's very real estate.
As Homer starts panicking what day it is, and he thinks that I love Bacon Day. Don't be stupid. Home at Bacon Day is December 30th. As Homer realizes that Marge is getting impatient, he takes a stab at it and greatly guesses Valentine's pe bell ti Day. Day!
i I respect the modern partner. I'm not gonna say women because it's not the woman's job to remind you what holiday is. I'm just straight, so. But I respect partners that will knowingly, know knowing that their partner has a shit memory, they will regularly remind them.
so that they don't have to go through the awkward

Forgetting Anniversaries & Gift Mishaps

moment of... Because it's fucking awful, isn't it, when you forget someone's birthday or an anniversary? It's awful, because you didn't forget it out of malice. You forgot it because you're an idiot. So you just sat there like, oh no. So it's I think it's very caring when your partner, whoever they are, go, by the way,
Yo, it's my birthday next week. Go get me a present, you prick. I think that's very noble. I think that's very noble. Good on him. Fair enough. Don't be like Bart as Bart begins to throw Homer under the bus by asking a- Oh, what a twat! What a gift! What a gift have you got, Margin. Homer first of all insists that it's not a big deal and then he cuts out to the window over Flanders in a hot outfit singing Rod Stewart to Maud.
he's gay very much i told you the guy i I actually told you guys this story when we met, that I've met Rob Stewart. What a fun, cool, winky dink. So as Bart says, how are you going to give me one of her presents now? And over through gritted teeth goes, that's a wonderful idea. Before declaring the presents upstairs, we then hear the... On the second floor of our house. I don't know why that got me. That was funny to me. This is just good audio and visual gags, I suppose, as he's running through the house and then falling out. So out of the course of all Simpsons, they get so much mileage out of auditory gags of someone going somewhere else in the house and leaving.
And it's always funny. So we hear Homer's footsteps and the sound of him going out the window before we see him falling falling off past the collapsing drain pipe past the window. When is Homer's scream not funny? Just that? Never. That's proper us so good. Eventually we see that Homer has gone to the quickie mart to get a gift and Appu happens to have the oldest box of chocolates behind the case. The oldest box of chocolates. He charges Homer a hundred dollars for this and Homer says he's not going to pay it and... No, I think you will.
And it's a very nice game of chicken as Apu just starts whistling casually. Homer finally cracks and does pay the money but tells Apu he'll never shop here again. Apu's mind panics as he realises that if Homer realises there's a discount store next door he's doomed. i've got to be honest yeah yeah um So we've we've we've talked about it a lot Homer's budgetary issues. If you think about it, like yeah he's shopping at a corner shop for his all of his needs. That's gonna rack up a bill.
So if he if he discovered the discount supermarket next door, he would actually like have money. Get some benefit on that 80 grand again. Yeah, just a bit. He's also, I'm fairly confident in saying, driving to the corner shop, where it's like, Springfield has a supermarket, like, if he's already driving, like, he may as well just go to the supermarket. Yeah, he's just bad with money. But Apu has a devious plan to counter for this, as he offers Homer a nickel off expired baby food, and that's enough to sell people. Sold! For Homer.

Valentine's Day Schoolantics

So we then cut back to, uh, school and Janie wants to start handing out the valentines and uh miss hoover says they've got to construct paper mailboxes first lisa points out that's just padding and uh busy work you've got to get cutting bullseye miss hoover is the like everyone thinks that mrs krabople is like the most relatable teacher nah it's miss hoover mrs krabople is like a parody of a relatable teacher because no teacher is that no no teacher is that broken as mrs krabople
But Mrs. Hoover, nah, she is like, I've taught kids, um when they and when they do ask you that kind of question, there's one in every like 20 times it happens, you would just go, yes, and let them carry on. You will, it is fact. Mrs. Hoover, I salute you.
Well, I'll tell you who's not saluting her. It's Ralph, because he can't use his scissors. But Miss Hoover then says children are right to laugh at him, because the scissors can't cut butter. And then Ralph reveals that he can't throw her in red, because he's eaten his red crayon. Very quickly working hard to establish Ralph as a character here, because we've only seen him in passing, and at least once he was Nelson Muntz. Here we're like, oh no. But what man can tame her? Yep, thank you.
Yeah, we need to be like, okay now we need to establish Ralph as this crayon eating doofus Yeah, I don't think they've and look right. Okay. I don't agree with this type of humor, but it was the 90s We're gonna point this out. This is the joke that lol right Ralph is special needs Let's just get that out in the open. Have they done this yet? Like I feel like they've done bits of this and I think, yes, but not- Have Ralph been a lot off? Yeah, but we we've only ever seen glimpses of them in camera throwing gags. It becomes significantly more on the nose. Oh, absolutely, yeah, but i' I'm fairly certain we've seen him eating glue. Yes, quite possibly, yeah. Yeah, they probably- They're all interrupted by the time we- No, we have, yeah, because there's- sorry, I completely forgot. It's the bit where, again, in in their class, they say, Mrs. Hoover says, Ralph, you're eating glue, and he's literally got the glue sticking in his mouth, and he goes, no, Miss Hoover, so we have. Right, okay, cool, carry on.
So Skinner, over the time I announced, is that he's found the ah Valentines that have the off-colour messaging on them, and he wants them to know that Valentine's Day is no joke, and we then see that Skinner has a non-flashback of a one of his, well, one of his colleagues doing a Valentine for his girlfriend before he's shot to pieces. Absolutely obliterated.
and this Pumpskinner to go for PTSD on this. That he shouts for Johnny. But the only response for this is, cool, I broke his brain. Absolutely. I have two comments. I love the fact that Skinner said someone probably Bart. And also just, again, any NAM bit, literally, there has not been a single NAM bit that isn't a banger. Mm hmm.
he I don't know, what is it about making jokes about PTSD and NAMM that are so funny? I don't know. They do it very well. oh good i love it So we're two of us ready to begin the Valentine thing, and we see that Ralph has glued his head to his shoulder. This was weird. I think the delivery of it is the the fact that he lingers on a bit too long, and Ralph like, chuckles at the fact that he glued his head to his shoulder. It's like, ooh, what am I like? No, he chuckles, and then he pulls a very dispirited, ugh, I'm an idiot face. Yeah, it's kind of, there's there's a weird kind of self-awareness about it that you don't expect from Ralph.
Yeah, it's kind of it's almost kind of that um daffy duck kind of self-aware, acme-humour of just like, oops, I've done it again, look to audience. So we see the Valentines are going around, all the kids are very excited and happy.
But we see that Ralph, tragically, has not got any valentines, and he's quite upset. He's crying at my desk. Did your schools do anything like this for valence? No, no. It's a very American holiday, right? like yeah In England, we celebrate it, obviously. I mean, in Japan, they do the whole chocolates thing. like That's a tradition. Yeah. that but but But in England, i don't feel I feel like we never cared.
I think in England there's a sense of we're celebrating it, but we're doing it very begrudgingly. Obligation. yeah Yeah. One of my first notes on this episode was Abe's right, because like one of the first lines in the episode is, this is just another Hallmark holiday they cooked up to sell cards. yeah Which is, it is. It is. It's like, the that you only care about Valentine's Day,
when you're in a relationship. And then in ink, it's weird how much focus there seems to be of getting kids into, actually, no, America's an incredibly conservative country. Of course they want to sell, they want to like force young boys and girls to give each other cards. Of course they do. Of course they do. Nevermind. This all makes sense now. Nevermind. I'm ragging on America a lot today. That's fine. They deserve it. So Lisa notices Ralph's office and finally does create him a Valentine. And we see that I choo choo choose you.
Girl did this for me in um primary school and even primary school I was a little humiliated. So Lisa says happy Valentine's Day and we send see that Ralph gets the dreamy look on his face which implies, ah you know, a crush is that for her? Yes she's like oh no. We don't see that Bart is eagerly anticipating a special Valentine's Day lunch. Wait who was she waiting to give that Valentine's that wasn't packed into its we see her cross a name out she had already written a name on it before she gives it to her else she has someone else in mind it was someone that she didn't care enough to have already put of did oh was it supposed to be like one of her valentines and she just crossed it out and passed it on and it doesn't matter it doesn't matter
I think it was a card for Grandpa Simpson that he'll never get now. I mean, oh also struck me as weird that like, and the kids all opened their boxes and every single one pulled out piles and piles and piles, on which which implies that each of those kids sent multiple cards to a bunch of their different classmates at once. It's basically like that every kid gave a Valentine's to every kid but Ralph.
Yeah, basically. The approach almost reminds me of as a kid, Christmas cards. When Christmas came around, I was basically made to, by my parents, write a Christmas card to every kid in my class. I'm like, oh, such a chore. I hated doing that so much. There's like 30 of them. Come on. Yeah, and every other kid in the class had to do it too. I remember just getting like 19 Christmas cards and going, I don't want these.
So we see that the special Valentine's Day lunch is actually beef hearts and the guy asks where lunch lady Doris wants them and she just says on the floor. He points out it's not particularly clean but she says just do your job hard boy. I don't know why that made me chuckle hard boy.
joke for him So Paul manages to get a handle on one of his hearts and says that his baboon heart is rejecting his body and pops out of his pop havev his shirt as the kids start screaming. Yeah, a bit grisly. So we see that the school bell's ringing and Elise is starting to walk home and Ralph decides this is the time to break out his Riz. Yeah, yeah. And Ralph explains the choo choo choos me joke just in case you didn't get it yourself. Mm hmm. And then I didn't, can you explain it? Because it says choo choo choos me and there's a picture of a train on it.
Okay, but I don't get it. Trains make a choo-choo-choo noise. That's why sometimes they're called choo-choo trains. Right. Okay. It's an old timey gag. Like we don't have steam trains like they did in 1993 anymore. So the trains don't go choo-choo anymore. Steam train? What? I don't know. Yeah. Back in 1993, we hadn't got electric yet. So I eventually just asked Lisa, well, just ah awkwardly asked Lisa, do you like stuff? so Do you like stuff? I do know what, no, I relate to this. I remember trying to talk to girls.
last week. As Ralph starts explaining a medical problem that he had, ah this leads to Lisa running into the house in town. yeah The doctor says I wouldn't have as many nosebleeds if I kept my fingers out of there.

Ralph's Development & Valentine's Day Misunderstandings

I mean, as much as as much as that is just, you know, Ralph, like, he does seem to have managed to, like, get conversational over the course of the walk home because he's gone from do you like stuff and he's like, oh, yeah, I went to the doctor and they said this and he's just chatting away by the end of it. He just changed it.
of So we then see that Home on Bar are watching Itchy and Scratchy and Itchy gets given a valentine by Scratchy and Itchy's response is to rip Scratchy's heart out of his chest and give it to him. Scratchy walks around very appreciative of this gift until he reads a newspaper article that says he needs his heart to live. It's breaking news, you need a heart to live. Scratchy unfortunately does not get his heart in there in time. oh he He full on has a fit.
It is kind of like the same cartoon logic that's like you can run off a cliff and you're fine as long as you you've ran off a No one studied Greek philosophy, OK? Right, cool, moving on. Nope, nope, nope. Don't not know. Sorry, I'm an idiot. So we see Christie in this tuxedo saying he's about to do his 29th anniversary show, which will feature clips that preside your milk. How old is Christie? you don't quite old to be fair actually yeah so i'm going to see clips of sidegill mel completely drunk and we see that sidegill while he's drunk and he starts cursing out krusty he's whacked out on something sauce so i'm guessing wowie wowie sauce wowie sauce yeah well it says he had to do anything to get to that show and Homer declares that he'd sell his firstborn son and well as offended by this and Elvis responds as you'll do as you're told yeah we don't see that Lisa comes downstairs to explain to her mum that uh she's in an awkward situation with uh
Ralph and wants to know what's the best way to get out of it. Homer overhears and mentions that if it wasn't for pity he wouldn't have had a love life. I was thinking about this, didn't Homer start dating Marge in high school? Yes he did. yeah This is his love life. Yeah, so who who was the woman that said all these things to him? He dated other people in high school I think, maybe? with people So Homer starts going through all the excuses Lisa can give to end the relationship which are I like you as a friend. I think we should see other people. I don't speak English. I'm married to the sea. That is an excuse you would give though. That is something you would give. An excuse I would give. I don't want to kill you, but I will. I'm not gay, but I could learn.
Eventually Marge gives the slightly sound advice to say that Lisa should just tell him that she's not ready for this sort of relationship, which Lisa does and Ralph seems to accept it. I think so. and Unfortunately Ralph talks to his dad at that moment who was ah breaking nuts with his gun. and I like how the the way they do the camera quote unquote camera in this shot, coot shot ah because they're doing it as if Chief Wiggum being Ralph's dad is a big reveal.
And I feel like even back then, everyone in the audience just went, oh, of course. a yeah It's a weird one. I nodded to this earlier. I will explain this now. Like, they hadn't even determined that Chief Wiggum was Ralph's father yet. Like, this was the episode where they made that decision. And this is weird because they had already decided that Ralph's surname was Wiggum. Wait, what? Yeah. Ralph's surname had been established as Wiggum.
So they decided they were related, but not to what extent. Yeah, they hadn't actually made the connection that, like, Chief Wiggum was his father yet. That's so bizarre. Is a bit strange. So Chief Wiggum tells Ralph that he should be persistent and never give up, just like he is doing with the Knuts. Like cracking nuts, and most importantly, never lose your coal. When the nuts doesn't crack, so Wiggum immediately shoots it and then warns the other nuts. That'll be a lesson to ya!
my My thought on this was like, is this ah but is this about like teaching toxic masculinity or are we just making jabs at the police? but As the episode unfolds, it's very clear that we're just making jabs at the police. I feel i feel like the answer to that double question was yes.
yeah So Ralph asks, Chief, forgive me if that's how he won his wife, and William says, never underestimate the appeal of a man in uniform, as his ah top immediately rips open to reveal his stomach. Did anyone else get the subtle the subtle vibe that this was also a joke about how she said yes because he's a police officer? Not because he's in uniform. I think that was the joke that we made for you. Not just that or he's it a man in uniform, he's sexy, but also he has a gun.
So we go back to ah Christie telling us that it's only four days now for his 29th anniversary show. And Krusty has a thing about how he defied his critics by outliving them basically, then starts stomping on the ground. Yeah, Krusty old. Krusty old, man. If you think about it, this is his 29th anniversary. We'll say generously that Krusty started performing when he was 17. That means he's what? I'm really shit at quick math. 46 minimum. He's 46 minimum.
I mean, he's like damn near interchangeable with Homer much of the time, and Homer's still in his mid-thirties at this point. Yep. Just he then cuts to a clip of the urine monkey that he met, and we found out why he got his name. Yep. Okay, sure. Bart declares that's funny for so many reasons. Yeah, for what who what might what many reasons, Bart. Please Please list them.
So as Bart says he wants to go and Lisa says that there's no chance because the only way to get tickets their parents would have to be part of Springfield Elite. We then see Homer walking and having taken a toothbrush out of Flanders with a garbage.
but like that at all it's the noise as well I don't see that Ralph is knocking on the door and Lisa tells Homer to make up an excuse. Homer says that she's in the can and just goes away. Now I've done the clarity to do anything for Lisa and Homer takes advantage of this by having him re-tart the Simpsons group. This bit fucking got me Homer's line delivery here. It's so funny.
That's where Alf explains that the fumes are making him dizzy and Homer's response is, oh yeah, they'll do that. It's how quietly he said he's like, yeah, they'll do that. Homer's just sucking him out. He's not delivering it to Ralph. He's just amusing. I was like, yeah, yeah, that's about right. I didn't see the traditions on the way for the present day pageant. And we see that a kid we've never seen before called Rex is giving a very dramatic. Imagine if we did like Prime Minister's Day. America's a cult, man.
It is. It's just a cult. It's just the cultiest cult that ever culted. Well, we've got similar things for the royal family. I mean, we don't do plays about it, but we do get the wackos that will go to every event at Westpence. Yeah, but you get those in every country. We don't have, like, school days where we're like, let's all... We don't open every fucking school day by saying the national fucking anthem.
Well, maybe we'd be better off if we did. Or Pledge of Allegiance, whatever shit it is. I mean, you can't be going, oh, look at the weird traditions that America has when you're British. Come on. We can. We can. We're worse. We have dumb traditions. America has dumb society. I mean, we also have a dumb society. We do now. We inherited far too much from America, it's got to be said. We used to be such a great country.
So as Miss Hoover starts announcing the cast, she says that Lisa will play the role of Martha Washington, and the role of George Washington after her hesitation will go to Ralph. Rex is not happy about this, and calls her a cow, is he? Yeah, so intense. As he correctly guesses that someone's got onto her, and Miss Hoover denies that this is the case while giving a coded signal to chief for a game so that he can take the boot off a car. That's the signal boys, take the boot off a car.
Yep, cops are corrupt, Simpsons is making this comment right now. Yay. As Lisa explains the situation to Barb about potentially being embarrassed by acting alongside Ralph, there's a knock on the door and Lisa sees that there's a Malibu Stacey convertible. A package from Ralph.
We don't see that there's a note of look in the tongue, and Lisa de Grigio doesn't mean that. But he means trunk. And we don't see that there's two tickets to the Krusty anniversary show. And Bart complains because it's 10 times the Krusty fan that she is. and Point out he has the Krusty home pregnancy test. That's so weird. Yeah, that's weird. That's weird. Boring may cause birth defects. I can't even see that. How does the pregnancy test cause birth defects? What the fuck?
As Lisa declares that she doesn't want to go with him, and Bart says, no wait, I'll go with him, he disguises you. As Lisa points out that he might want to hold hands and kiss, and eventually this leads to Bart- I'm willing to make that sacrifice. Eventually this leads to Bart basically saying he'd whore himself out by saying he doesn't want to know how far he's going to leave. Yeah, I don't know how far I'll go, implying he would have sex with an eight year old. Uncomfortable. Uncomfortable.
Speaking of dodgy effects, we see that Tomo's hanging a diploma on the wall, which is actually from Ned Flanders, and he's putting his own name on it. Why did Ned throw out the diploma, though? Who said he threw it out? If you may say so, which is one hit, it's okay. We don't know the origin of this. So Lisa asks if it's wrong to take care things from people that that she doesn't like, and Tomo clarifies that she means- Do you mean stealing? Yes.
that's what he's I'm just reading the line out I wasn't I wasn't trying to spoil your bra no it's terrible Lisa said in response she says not necessarily stealing I think is what she says Lisa says that a conscience is bothering her, but Homer says that she should ignore that bushy little weenie. Then Homer's conscience appears and goes, that's a terrible thing to say, and Homer tells him to shut up, and his conscience meekly goes, yes. I also think this was probably, like, an active thing. Like, Homer actually said this to an imaginary conscience. We then see that Lisa's in the cop car with, well, with Ralph.

Krusty's Show & Ralph's Redemption

And now if you repeat the choo-choo joke and Lisa tells him that it's getting a bit old. Did you see that ask Chief Wiggum how he got the tickets? And it turns out that Chief Wiggum went to the Springfield porno theatre and Christie was there too and Christie thought it was a bust. It is so fucking weird that those were real. yeah It is so fucking weird. my My dad told the story that his mates dragged him into one once when he was young and he fucking felt so weird because he was like, why are we all sat here watching a porno?
The thing of someone being arrested in a porno theater is apparently a reference to Paul Rubin's arrest, the guy who played Pee Wee Herman. Pee Wee Herman, yep. Who was arrested in a porno theater. Oh yes, I remember this story, yeah. So Lisa points out this story is not appropriate for kids, and she forgot to respond to this. Oh really? I keep my pants on in this version. Which doesn't make it much better. Yes, I just like her noise.
We don't see the Christie anniversary show has begun and we see ah Matt's favourite president, Bill Clinton, in the audience. Yo, it's the Clint. I don't know what that was, guys. I don't really don't. Was the Clint, apparently. It was so nice combined with the the the nickname, Clinty Boy.
So Christie starts telling a joke about the Ayatollah and the audience don't go along with the applause sign. yeah that That made me laugh. I'm just staring at them. So Christie cuts to a clip of ah Robert Frost reading one of his poems and Christie said them's a load of snow on him. It's weird that Robert Frost has come up twice in two episodes. Yeah, they really like ragging on Robert Frost. But then Justin kind of explained why.
So Robert Frost is now covered in snow and says that he didn't he told for super for had he did not agree. You talked about this beforehand and I said no. Oh, Robert Frost. Clinton loves it.
He would. So we then see that some more clips of Kristy and we see that ah we have the crew along with Kristy and meanwhile Ralph asks Lisa if she wants a bite of his ice cream and accidentally spills it over trying to pass it to Chief Wiggum. Nothing gets chocolate out. See? As we see Chief Wiggum's frankly disgusting trousers. Yeah that's an intense chocolate stain you just get new pants man. Yeah I might as well have just kept his trousers on in the porn theatre.
gone We don't see that ah Christie's with another one of his side shows. This is Sideshow Rahima who is not on board with being bonked on the head. you see The script says I'm supposed to bonk you with this. I wouldn't.
Voiced by the guy who wrote Homer's Triple Bypass. yeah fair enough they got if you recall they got like some guest writers in to write one single episode and i guess you also voiced sideshow ray i wouldn't angry angry man this closely struggles to see the sign for his favorite part of the audience favorite part of the show it's uh talking to the audience which he then says that this is always deaf this is always dead don't don't talk to the audience they're stupid As Lisa panics that she'll be seen with Ralph, Christie immediately goes over to Ralph and Ralph declares his love for Lisa saying that he sees she's his girlfriend and that one day he'll marry her. This finally prompts Lisa to scream no and then point out to Ralph that she doesn't like him, never has liked him and only sent him the Valentine because she felt sorry for him. We then cut out to Bob watching this on tape with Lisa and then says he can pinpoint the second that Ralph's heart breaks and we get this very awkward show of Ralph just going
Yeah, he still makes noise in the in the rewind, which is funny. Yeah. This is the bit everyone remembers, because think it's been shared as a meme on many occasions. Yeah, I think I think a lot of people acquit it still, it has that same vibe. Because when it initially happened, I thought it was a reference to the Clinton assassination. I was like, no, because he's, he's alive. You know, the whole back and to the left thing, if you think you mean Kennedy, you mean Kennedy? No, say sorry. Clinton has not been assassinated, to the best of my knowledge. No. Yeah, so it could have been a reference to the Kennedy assassination. I mean, stupid.
We cut to the next scene and we see that he's looking sadly into the pond as he says the dogs are still his friend. At least you guys still like me. And the dogs leave, Chief Wiggum comes and says he knows how Ralph feels, he's got his girl and he's on top of the world.
Alfred points out that Lisa made a fool of him, and Chief Wiggum is not having this, and he says that yeah like can think of it he did he says she hasn't reckoned with the awesome power of the chief of police, but notices that his badge has gone missing, and then realizes that that has it. We don't see an epic chasing of Chief Wiggum chasing after this dog. Also a very memorable bit. Hey, come on, I need that. Ah, keep it. It gave me mad ah Hercules in New York vibes.
That was a joke for one person. That was a joke for one person. And I think they loved it. And then cut to Homer being pulled over by Chief Wiggum because he's got a broken tail light, and then Homer says, it seems fine, Chief Wiggum is back to zip. Smash. Homer says, one day only citizens will stand up to the crooked crops. Chief Wiggum panics at this. Oh my god, have they set a date? Also a very memorable bit, yeah. Yeah. Oh no, have they set a date? It's the sheer panic in his voice. Yeah. Because you think it's gonna be sarcasm, and then no, he genuinely is terrified.
So we go to the president's day pageant beginning and we see that other the refreshments down the principal skinners having a chat with groundskeeper Willie about what went wrong with about the fire drill. He says he wonders where it went wrong and and we really point out it's because he pulled the fire alarm at the start of the show.
I'm struggling to understand what was even implied by this, but i i' just reading on Frinkieack, like, I guess I i am too interpret from this that Fire Drill Follies was like literally like a play they put on that they opened with a Fire Drill. Yeah, let's make that's the joke. I didn't even understand what Fire Drill Follies was at the time. I was like, oh, right. Oh, that's supposed to be a play. Right. Yeah. I didn't, I didn't, it didn't click to me that they I thought it was like a seminar they were doing or something. I was very confused.
Skino asks Willy to water down the orange juice and Willy goes full Scotty from Star Trek on us. introduces the show as a wonderful evening of theatre and picking up after ourselves and we get the blind guardians looking on again. And then we get our song to the mediocre presidents.
This is an incredibly high fidelity school pageant. she further put you on the finger and say they they well yeah They need to sell a lot of orange drink to pay for it. And it's also true. that There have been a lot of presidents and we only talk about like five. The same thing can be said about prime ministers. We don't care about prime ministers and we don't care about most of them.
I mean, I'll be honest with you, I've never heard of William Henry Harrison, but all I know is that he died in 30 days. And at the end of the day, there's a lot of history and a lot of people are only in power for a short bit of that history. Unless you're genuinely studying it, most of them are going to be unknown to most people. If you would like the biggest understatement of the episode, there's been a lot of history. Sure has. Thanks, John.
yeah we We don't cut to Bart saying he's got an impression of another president himself, which is Richard Nixon. Unfortunately, Richard Nixon is on Bart's arse. Yeah, I am. Not that Bart. The girls are understandably horrified by this, and I buy Miss Hoover, who says, ask Bart if he wants to play john's John Wilkes Booth, or if he wants to act like a maniac. I liked that. I was curious at first why Bart wanted to play John Wilkes Booth so badly, and then I remembered who John Wilkes Booth is.
We then see Ralph dramatically come in, and Lisa tries to apologise, but Ralph is not in the mood, because he's going to be here to play George Washington. And then sit in a wheelchair with a smoking stick.
He's got the wrong president, though. Yeah, I picked up Lua's FDR from the wheelchair, but I don't recall, like, I don't know, the smoking is less of a distinctive characteristic for me. Yeah, I mean, I don't remember, but I did get the glasses, but. Yeah, weird. Also really weird in the context that Ralph absolutely fucking nails his role later for him to be just like in, like backstage, getting it completely wrong. It's the passion that drove him.
We don't see a male house complaining that ah his a-bling can be a desicional there. Miss Hoof has had enough of his shit and just says he's got one line and he's shot. Again, most relatable teacher, please just get out on stage and say you're one line. Fucking please stop making a deal. So we see a male house go on to the stage and he delivers his one line and then we see Bart come out and...
Melhouse goes, oh no, John Moog's booth, which I'm pretty sure is not historically correct. ah ab b But for some reason decides to do it like the Terminator and we see them have a very animated film that is definitely better than Conan the Destroyer. And he says a line that we're allowed to say on this podcast, but not the other one. as a So, there's a bit of an intense struggle and the sound of ping pong balls going off, and as we see Homer start yelling from the audience, finish him off. Yeah, but that Bart then starts chasing the mediocre president, saying he's going to get Chester A. Arthur before he's yanked off the stage. Bart's response to this over Han Han, me Yankee, was fantastic. Yeah, I liked that, that was clever. And Han, me Yankee.
So we then see Principal Skinner say that the evening is coming to an end, which Homer celebrates before he finds out it's ah they're going to have a thorough retelling of the life of George Washington. Something that only just dawned on me is like, I guess, is it Masiya Wallace that does, uh, Crabapple? I guess they couldn't get her for this episode, because we've got Miss Hoover doing or anything that requires a teacher, regardless of grade or context or circumstances. It's all Miss Hoover stuff.
Yeah, I get, well, Mrs. Kraboppel, yeah, she's a guest actress. Yeah, maybe they just decided they didn't want to use her. If, well, yeah, I was going to say, yeah if if you think about it, Mrs. Kraboppel would do anything to get out of an evening of more work with these children. But she has been roped into a lot of terrible after-school things in the past as well.
She has, she has. So this is the one that she managed to get out of. Yeah, fair enough. She was still mourning the famous hockey player. So we see that the ah play has begun and Lisa gives Ralph his prompting line and we see that Ralph is looking subtly forlorn into an actual working fire. but Yeah, why is there fire on the stage guys? Why is there fire on the stage? Well it's gonna look real! So Ralph burns his Valentine card and then proceeds to give one hell of a performance, which ends with him saying he will never surrender to the British, which never!
impresses the audience. He impresses the police to the point where they go off to learn about the founding fathers. To the library! To the library! We then see the players continuing and George Washington is on his sickbed and the tellers Rex was playing the butler. That's why the guy playing the butler was so miserable. Oh it fucking ducked. I was I was watching that bit like why is he so so shitty? It's because it's Rex. Oh fucking hell. Right I get it.
That's where our fur takes his final breath as George Washington undies. We see that everyone is particularly moved, including Grand Keeper Willy, who did not cry when his own dad was hung for stealing a pig, but he's going to cry now. Weird joke about this guy. Bonus Willy Law. We bonus Willy Law. I've got a lot of bonus Willy Law for you, John.
good We then see that the budget has gone completely insane because Valve's bed lifts off the floor underneath an even American flag and- Oh, they're gonna need to sell some orange drink. An exact replica of Mount Rushmore comes down. We then also then see that I think it's FDR's mouth works. It would then hear Skimmer's mouth telling everybody to buy said orange drink. Don't forget to buy some orange drink for that long drive home. But it's not quite sinking.
We then see that ah Ralph is now sounding autographed and everyone loves him, and he sees Lisa on the swings and goes over to her. Lisa gives him another card, which is, Let's Be Friends! It says Be Friends, and there's a picture of a bee. Yep, the joke is explained it once again for the slow mongers. And Chief Wiggum is poached as he watches this from his car, and ignores a call that there's a riot going on. Not tonight, boys!
He puts on the radio and Bill and Marty are back. Bill and Marty say they're going to play a lovely song for President's Day ah and this this is for Abe and Frank and all the other presidents and the monster bash begins playing. Who's a graveyard smith. Bill and Marty decides, ah damn it. God damn dog on it. yeah Very And that's the episode.
I mean, I don't normally stick for the credits, but I stuck for the credits for the Monster Mash. It's a tremendous song. I love the Monster Mash. It is a good song. What did we think? ah Do you know what? Again, I think I had a lot more fun talking about it than I i did watching it, but I definitely think I under- I think I undersold this episode. It's a decent episode. I liked it. A really good one. Top tier. Yeah, I'm a big fan of this episode. I thought it was really good.
ah yeah well i give it a pun based valentine card out of homa yeah wow ooh love it so funny yeah slightly sarcastic i suspect no never no me sarcastic crazy you don't say things like that what are you giving it john oh i gave it a monster mash out of homa because it's it pay that's higher than that's higher than a homer i feel I gave it a choo choo choos as a choice episode out of Homer, but ultimately it's a let's be friends, it's not quite there. I was extremely worried you were gonna give it a monster mash out of Homer. I'm not gonna lie before crossing my mind, that's where you went first. God, way too in tune for this shit. Yeah. Oh, did it have anything to say about society? There's the odd joke about a police abusing their power, but it never really goes anywhere.
yeah theym time Yeah, Valentine's Day is very commercial. and that was all yeah they make which comment They make comments, but there's no real like, I don't want to say no thoughts, but you know, that it isn't an episode that's trying to be prescient.
No, I mean, for for all that we ah we touch on, the things that it's dealing with, like, the Simpsons that rarely, actually, less often than I thought when I set out to do this podcast, really, like, deals with the issues it's talking about. Like, they're, yeah, okay, police corrupt, sure, but are we going to acknowledge this, deal with it, address it in any way, shape, or form? No, we're just gonna be like, yep, police corrupt.
Admittedly, I do think The Simpsons pokes fun at societal issues a lot more than most sitcoms at the time did. I will point that out. I'd i'd be confident in saying that.
There's something to be said for, like, pointing out that it's a thing. Like, you don't have to, like, necessarily resolve it in a light-hearted children's cartoon, but also, like, just, you're holding a mirror up to society and being like, hey, look at the shit the police are up to. It's like, huh, okay, maybe that gets somewhere that you think, huh, look at the shit the police are up to. So, you know, if you change someone's mind, maybe they've done something. Maybe.
Maybe. It definitely says that Monster Mash is a banger. Yeah, it does. That's indisputable. Perfect for every occasion. Valentine's Day, President's Day. There are others. Funeral. Oh, perfect for funeral. When monsters show up at your house and you're having a party.
Oh no, that one's a bit of a stretch. You think? No, well part of the song is Dracula doesn't like the song but he's eventually won over. Well I didn't invite him. He's gonna put a spike in me bum.
Yeah. Uh, one thing that we can definitely take away from this episode is like, please, please, please stop making as many sex jokes about children. Yeah. This is really weird. This is a really weird American comedy thing. They do a lot and it's yeah. I think I, I fear we may have a few more years of that yet before it falls out of favor. yeah There's going to be a lot of it. Yeah. Uh, any other thoughts or should we wrap this up? I had never have any thoughts. and Okay. Let's wrap it up. What have you got to promote?
There's a new episode of Arnie coming out, and because I need some kind of deadline, it will be out before the next episode of Simpsons. There, I will edit it, and then I have to do it. Okay, cool. Love love to hear it. Michael, how do you think? That was my net cracking, if anyone heard that. Jesus Christ. I did hear that. was That was incredible. yeah You can follow me on the blue sky at the butt of my shorts.
I think I still have the X if you really want to go to find me there. I won't bother promoting that. Fuck Elon Musk. Yes. If you want to know more about Fuck Elon Musk, watch our episode with Justin Rosniak. Yeah.
Yes, there's somebody who listened to that today. If you're going to listen to any one of our podcasts, listen to that one. Please just Google trains! Justin is a tremendous guest. i'm i fantastic I thank him for covering in my absence. John, promote yourself.
Uh, it followed me on blue sky at he My YouTube channel still exists. There's still no content on it, but it's still there if you want youtube forward slash button mash. Yeah. Don't forget to like and subscribe. Cause that's the thing that we do on the YouTube now that everyone's watching us on the YouTube. Hi, YouTube. Hi, YouTube. And keep watching so that me and these can sponsor the podcast. Yeah. Get me, get me my greasy little piglet. Bye Ron.
Bye everybody!