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Episode 5: Learning to Think Less about Yourself image

Episode 5: Learning to Think Less about Yourself

S2 E5 · Rootlike Faith
64 Plays3 years ago

Mentioned in this episode:

2 Corinthians 10

Luke 18:9-14

Philippians 2

Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis

The Freedom of Self Forgetfulness by Tim Keller

Psalm 139

Relationships: A Mess Worth Making  by  Timothy Lane and Paul David Tripp


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This podcast is produced and edited by Angie Elkins Media, Inc. 


Introduction and Mission

Hi, I'm Ruth Schwank and I'm so thrilled you're listening in with us at Root Like Faith. It's our deepest desire to encourage and equip men and women to be rooted in God's word, transformed by the love of Jesus and moved by his mission in the power of the Holy Spirit. Nothing is more important.

Importance of Humility in a Self-Promoting World

Well, today's episode of Root Like Faith is going to be a good one. Well, I mean, it's a little hard to talk about because we're talking about humility in a world that's always promoting itself. And let's be honest, we all struggle with this. The follower of Jesus, we as a follower of Jesus, we're called to humility. So we're going to talk about what that looks like, why it's important and how we grow in humility. So let's get started.

Humility During Lent

Okay, so let's get started today talking about this topic that again is very connected to the season that we're in and that's Lent. And you know, Lent's all about drawing near to Jesus. So I think, you know, it's just fitting that we talk about humility and dying to ourselves so that we might experience new life in Christ. And we'll never do that if we don't have humility. But this really isn't a virtue that our culture values, is it honey?
It's not even a virtue that we value. Exactly. It's not just our culture. It's us. Let's be honest.

Humorous Youthful Pride

Yeah. I mean, you just think about how difficult I was thinking about when you're doing the intro. This is such a silly example, but I think it just reminds you of how early it starts where we just sort of think the world revolves around us. I mean, we sort of come out of the womb. Yeah. We're the center of our parents' attention.
And we grow up thinking that everybody else is sort of there to applaud us and to look at us. And I remember as a junior high kid going to the mall, I grew up in Fort Wayne, Indiana and went to Glenbrook Mall and they had a footlocker there and they had a pair of shoes. They were called Nike Air Pythons. And they had like snake skin around the heel of the shoe. I thought those were the coolest thing. And I remember like staring at the wall, the shoe wall,
And back then they didn't have the variety like they do today, but I remember standing there at the mall and looking at all these shoes and I saw the Nike Air Pythons, they were deeply discounted.
And in hindsight now, I can see why because I loved them. And I literally stood there at the wall envisioning myself wearing those and walking into Woodside Middle School the next day, wearing those and how everybody was going to think, wow, Patchwick is so cool. And so I bought them or my parents bought them. And I remember wearing them. I wore them to school one day.
And that's sort of a sad story. That's a really sad story. You've never told me that story before. I think I've preached on it before. No, I pay attention to your messages, honey. I've never heard you say that, tell that story before. Well, it was a painful experience, but my point in telling you... So people made fun of you? I had a wide variety of observations made about my shoes that day.
Was it the snakeskin? It was the snakeskin. I don't think it was so much the Nike or the Air. It was more the Python. And so it was more the snakeskin around the heel that sort of caught the attention of my peers. I don't like that. Sorry. I'm getting over it. I'm working through it. All right. That was a while ago. I hope you're over it. Oh,

Modern Culture and Amplified Pride

my word. But my point in that is I think from a very early age, we can all in just sort of so many different ways kind of walk through life.
you know, desiring to be noticed and to be heard and to be seen. And we see that, especially on our own day today with social media and just, you know, all of the ways that we love to be noticed and seen and heard. I mean, I think, you know, we're living in a culture that is so divided right now. And so everybody's just sort of shouting on social media. And all of that really, you know, originates out of that desire for us to get our own way.
to have our own opinion heard. And for our will to be done, which is really kind of the heart of what it means to be prideful, which is the opposite of humility. And so it is, it's something that our culture does not value. It's something that we wrestle with in the journey with Jesus. And it's really what God is up to throughout our lifetime is just continuing by His grace through the power of His Spirit

Challenges of Maintaining Humility

to draw us more and more away from ourself and closer to Him, but so that we might love Him and love others more. That's a painful journey because we don't yet love what Jesus loves. Well, and we want our view understood. We think we're right. I also just think that we, and this ties into humility, is that we don't know how to have healthy conversations anymore. And I have to share this story, honey, because it just came to mind.
No, this always makes me really nervous. It's not the stuff in the notes. It's the stuff that that isn't there. This is literally the best story. And oh, my word, you guys. Listen, OK, when Pat was younger, he had he had a best friend that I'm sure you've talked about before, because you always talk about how he only had like an only friend.
No, that's not really true. But anyways, there was one particular friend who you were with all the time and his name is Barry. And I feel like we've talked about Barry maybe before. Again, just because you say that's your only friend. But when he was younger. And Darren was my other friend. I know that. Those were my two friends. But you had more than that. Anyways, this is the best story. So Barry, I don't know how old were you? You know what story I'm going to tell, don't you?
I do now, yes. How old were you? Let me tell it, though. I want to tell it. Well, I think I was in junior high.

Theological Debates and Personal Pride

OK. Most of my greatest moments and worst moments happened in junior high. So Barry and Pat, were you at his house? Yeah, I mean, Barry lived on a lake. And so we would always go over there and hang out at his place. In the wintertime, we'd play hockey. And in the summertime, we'd fish. OK, I just want to know where you were when this happened. OK, well.
So we were in his backyard. It wasn't uncommon for us in the summertime to build a campfire out back in his backyard near the lake and we'd hang out and roast marshmallows and eat hot dogs and then fish for catfish. So that's the context. So they're sitting? It was nearly nightfall, I remember that.
they're at the campfire and they get into, Pat used to have deep theological conversations even in middle school. So he is talking to Barry and they are in disagreement, okay, about something, I don't know, theologically about something. And Pat, it kept escalating until finally, and this just really ties into the healthy conversations that we don't know how to have, which I understand you were in middle school. Nothing is healthy in middle school, so.
So it gets to the point where because you felt probably like you could do nothing else, you decided that you were just going to tackle Barry. Barry would not come along and understand your theological argument, your side. And so you just got up and
all out tackled him. I turned it into a wrestling match for Jesus. And that is, I feel like, the best story. And listen, if that doesn't accurately depict how really, honestly, today in our culture, we don't even know how to have healthy conversations, so we just totally go after people.
Anyways, I'm sorry, honey. I had to share that story because that is literally one of my favorite stories. Well, we probably should have saved that story for a couple episodes in the future when we talk about anger because that probably applies to that too. Well, that's true. I guess we could bring it back up then. No, that is a true story. I did not know Paul's words in 2 Corinthians 10 where he says, we demolish arguments. And so I was more concerned with sort of demolishing Barry in the midst of the argument. Well, you wanted to be right. So I got those two confused. I wanted to be right and not a pride. I come to the end of my argument.
and didn't know what else to do, and so I tackled him. But I think, honestly, getting back to this whole topic of humility, I think what happens is we have so much pride. All of us do. We all struggle with pride to different degrees, and that's where we need to start when we're talking about humility.
Yeah, and I think what you said at the very beginning that we're in this season of Lent, and again, Lent is a 40-day of preparation for Easter, and it's this really intentional time of the year. And on the church calendar where we're drawing near to Jesus and we're confessing sin and
we're looking at our own soul, the condition of our own soul, and we're confessing and we're repenting.

Pride as a Fundamental Sin

And so in particular, I think this time of the year, just taking a closer look at just the presence of pride in our life. And so sometimes, I think to understand humility, we have to go back and maybe understand pride throughout church history. And I don't know who was the first person to just formulate those seven deadly sins.
but the seven deadly sins really marks pride at the top of that list. And the deadly sins are, oftentimes they're called capital sins, or the word capital just means head. And what writers and theologians have talked about is that those seven deadly sins, they give rise to every other sin. And so the reason why they're
considered capital sins is not because that's an exhaustive list, but it's because those seven in particular give rise to every other sin and the sin of pride is at the top of that list. And so, you know, oftentimes people will talk about how pride is just so deadly to the soul. I mean, it's what I think C.S. Lewis talked about. It's what made Satan become Satan. It's what caused him to rebel against God. It was the sin of Adam and Eve in the garden where they thought their way was better
than God's way. And so at the heart of pride, it's really that attitude that says, my will be done. This is what I want and it's my way. And not only that, but it also seeks to impose our way on somebody else. And I think that that's where pride and vanity are slightly different. And so vanity is a little bit more concerned about what others think about us, but pride has more to do with getting your way. And so it doesn't really care so much about what other people think.
I think it's interesting how pride can kind of creep in. You don't even realize you're going down that road and when you just kind of step back and you're like, what's wrong with me? Like, why is this upsetting me so much? And it's kind of like a window into our soul realizing that, you know, like you said, it's a sin. It's because we are so prideful. We want our way and we want our way known.

Humility in Relationship with God

Yeah, Luke chapter 18, universes 9 through 14, it's that parable that Jesus tells of the Pharisee and the tax collector and how they both come to pray. And I wanna read that passage because I think it's just a good illustration, a good contrast between
the proud person and the humble person. And so Jesus, in Luke chapter 18, he says this, to some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable. Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed, God, I thank you that I am not like other people, robbers, evildoers, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.
But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, God, have mercy on me, sinner. I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God for all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.
And so I think that, you know, again, that there's just sort of one biblical example. You know, Jesus taught on this, and this is the way into the kingdom. I mean, Jesus taught that blessed are the poor in spirit. You know, blessed are those who are humble, that you can't get into the kingdom of God. You can't come into a right relationship with God apart from humility. And so we have to repent and believe in Jesus, and that requires
seeing ourself for who we really are, we have to have humility about who we are. And so humility does matter. It enables us to come into a relationship with God and then throughout our lifetime as we follow Jesus, God is continuing to just tear us away

Pride's Effect on Relationships

from being at the center. And that's a painful, painful process that takes a lifetime. And I just keep thinking about how magnified this is in marriage. I mean, not that we need to bring up, you know,
arguing and but you know like honestly don't you think honey I mean it's so I mean I feel like that's one of the biggest struggles in marriage is our pride you know ever the times that that we get in an argument we don't agree any it's it's like literally it always has to do with pride
Yeah, I mean, I think if you were to look at the two fights we've been in, you know, 20 plus years in marriage, they would both come back to my pride, you know, not yours, mine. Honey, well, or my it's my pride, too. You know, I'm the one that's right. And I think
You know, even if it's not marriage that you're talking about, if it's a friendship that you're in an argument, I mean, it always comes back to who's going to be the one to set aside their pride and have some humility. I just feel like it's so magnified in relationships.
It is. I mean, I think that when you think about the relationships that we're in, whether you're right, whether it's a husband-and-wife relationship, or within a family, or with your kids, or in the workplace, or just your friends, I mean, there's just so much at play. I think it was Paul Tripp in his book, Relationships, where he talks about we're sinners relating with other sinners.
and at the heart of our sin is pride. And so it's inevitable in every relationship where just our own sinful, selfish desires are going to collide with somebody else's. And so it really does. It requires humility, and I think that's a grace of God that He gives us to see that in ourselves.
and to be able to at times maybe compromise or to be able to be, you know, quick to listen and slow to speak as James says in James chapter one. And so it is, I think it's so important to have humility in our relationships with one another. I mean, a relationship is destined to be severed without humility. Okay. So let's talk more about humility. Well, first of all, we're talking about this because we're in the season of Lent. So

Recognizing Humility in Others

I would love for you honey to share a little bit about why humility, you know, why it's important to kind of focus on, you know, humility while we're in this season of Lent.
In fact, recently when I was preaching, we were in the study through the Old Testament book of Exodus, and I brought up Paul's words in 1 Corinthians, where he's telling the church in Corinth, the believers there, that they're not their own, that they were bought at a price. And so I was just kind of sharing that passage as it related to the sermon.
And I think that that's such a good reminder as we're in the midst of this Lenten season that we're not our own, that Jesus bought us by his death, burial, and resurrection, that we're not our own, we're not free to do whatever we want. And so I think as we enter into Lent and continue in this season, it's really this intentional time to say, God, I need you. Sin is misery. And so I need you to crucify everything that's dead and dying in my life.
And so I belong to you, and that's where our deepest happiness is. That's where our deep joy is at, is in knowing you and walking with you and serving you. And so Jesus, I need you to continue through the power of your spirit to crucify all of this stuff in my life that doesn't belong to you. I love that. And so I think this Lenten season is just a really, really, I think, intentional time for us to look in particular at just our self-centeredness, our pride.
And to be reminded of that reality that pride doesn't lead to joy and happiness, it actually leads to our misery. And so we need Jesus to come and to give us the eyes to see it in our life and all of the different relationships where it rears its ugly head.
And so as we talk about humility, then I think it's important for us to have the right picture of humility, because I think we can use the word humility, and maybe all of us get different pictures in our head of what that means. Does that mean to be quiet and meek? Does that mean, you know, like, what is it a posture of our heart? Like, there's so many different, I feel like, ways we could think of that. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, who do you know? Like, when you think about, like, a humble person,
And it's and you can't you can't say me No, but seriously like is are there people that you that you can think because I can think of
I definitely can think of people in my life who are humble. I feel like I can notice that in a person before I even really know them. What makes you say that? How do you know if we're at church or we're in a coffee shop meeting with somebody? What characteristics about them? Okay, that's a really good question. I feel like it's a- Not to put you on the spot here, but to put you on the spot.
There is this genuine care to them. I can't explain it. There's this genuineness about them. There is this deep love and care when you speak to somebody or even when you look at them. Of course, one of my spiritual gifts, top spiritual gifts is discernment. So I don't know if that probably comes into play here, but I feel like that's the best way that I can describe it. They don't even have to speak, but if they do, I can notice that as well.
There's just a countenance about them that is this kind, genuine, deep love and care. Yeah. No, that's really good. As you're saying that, we'll get to it here in a minute as we look at Philippians chapter two, but how humility and love go together. You can't have humility without love. Well, there you go. So what you just said is it's
It's true. There's a reason that's why I see that. Yeah. I know. I remember, I think it's in Mere Christianity where C.S. Lewis, you know, he talks about how if you were to spend time with a humble person, you wouldn't walk away from that conversation and say, boy, that person was so humble. He says what you would do is you would walk away from that conversation or that time with that person and say, they were so interested in me.
And there's a kindness there they're not there they're a person that is not dominating maybe a conversation They're not just talking about themselves. But what Lewis is talking about is that there's this loving Listening quality about them that when you walk away from that time with them what you would say about them is not how humble they were but
but really how interested they were in you because they're they're other centered. And so, you know, I think I just love that. You know, other people have described humility is that it's the truth. It's the truth about who we are. And so humility is just seeing ourselves accurately for who we are.

Humility as the Foundation of Virtues

And I you know, one of the things that I've read recently, I think it was about a year ago.
is that humility comes from the Latin word that means earth or dirt or soil. And I had never read that before. I didn't know that. And so when you think about the word humility, it comes from that Latin term that means earth, dirt, or soil. And so you just think about like the soil underneath your feet. I mean, we have snow underneath our feet.
Yeah, lots of snow. But there is dirt and soil underneath there somewhere. But when you think about that, that soil underneath your feet, you don't ever think about that as you're walking through the backyard. You're not thinking about the dirt or the soil underneath you. It's just there.
And so you think about that as a humble person, a humble person that's just sort of their quality. They're not promoting theirself. They're not letting you know that they're there. They're just there. And other authors have talked about that idea that humility is really like the soil or the dirt in which every other virtue sort of comes to fruition.
And so humility is like this good soil that God by His Spirit brings forth other fruits from. And so you just think about whether that's love or sincerity or kindness. I mean, all of those fruits really come from the rich and good soil of humility. Well, this is interesting because as we talk more about this, my mind is going to just
How big self care is and you know it's kind of this big movement and i think that we can. Over emphasize that but i also think we can under emphasize that and i wonder if it's because we don't have a right view of humility so how do we.
Because it is important to take care of ourselves. So in humility, we obviously don't want to think about ourselves all the time. Yeah. But so where's the balance here? I think that's just really important to kind of mention here.

Balancing Humility with Self-Care

I think that the best I mean, and I don't know who where it originally came from, but I think you know that the best definition, one of the most simple definitions of humility is humility is not thinking less of ourselves, but it's thinking less about ourselves.
And so I think that that's just a good way of distinguishing those two. I mean, there's obviously times where we do need to think about ourselves. We need to take care of ourselves and set boundaries. And we've talked in the past about just the need of good counseling or good care for our soul. But I think as we talk about humility, it's not walking around going, oh, I'm such a loser. Exactly. That's why I wanted to bring it. That was the worst sermon I've ever preached.
honey, those kinds of things. And so it's not walking around degrading yourself. It's really just thinking less about yourself and what you want and what you need. And it's really having, again, it's having much more of an outward focus rather than an inward focus.
I think it was Tim Keller, he has a really short little book called Self-Forgetfulness. And in it, if I remember right, he talks about how humility is that, it's thinking less about ourselves, but I think this idea that self-loathing and self-loving can both be forms of pride. And so when you think about that, pride is really, it's loving ourself, but the self-loathing person, and we all know the self-loathing person,
is just as prideful as the person that loves themselves. And so, you know, the person that walks around and is just kind of always down on themselves, that really is just, I think, a sneakier form of pride because really what we're looking for is others to affirm us. Affirmation, yeah, affirmation. We want people to tell us how good we are.
Oh, that's so good. Well, I love Philippians 2 because I think this ties in as well. Philippians 2 says, do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.

Humility in Sustaining Relationships

Rather, in humility, value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests, but each of you to the interests of others. And I think that's where that goes along with
a humble person is a loving person and that really the humility and love go hand in hand, they go together. Yeah, I mean, again, it's what you were saying before that really you can't cultivate the virtue of humility by yourself. It's really easy to be humble when you're not in a relationship with anybody else. Yeah, that's really easy. You know, because you don't have any competing views or attitudes or opinions. Nobody's asking you to. Me, myself and I. That's right.
And so again, I think that's another example of that humility is this virtue that God has given us to cultivate right relationships with one another. And God gives this command to be humble and not to pursue selfish ambition is really a way of maintaining relationships because without humility, again, those relationships would never... They'd never last. And so it absolutely is a
a fruit that we need in our life in the context of relationships. Well, let's close here with just a few practical ways that we can all grow in humility because I think that this is important.

Practices for Embracing Humility

It's like, okay, I need to be humble, but like, how do I actually do this? So what does this look like practically? We'll just give you guys a few ways that practically we can actually work on this and grow in humility.
I think one of the first things I would just sort of point out that the Bible talks about is we've read already in one example that we are called to humble ourselves. And so you see this, you see two things in the scriptures, you see God calling us to humble ourselves or the warning that He will humble us. And I think that that's a really important thing for us to remember that we either bend our own knee, we either bow our own knee or God will bend it for us.
And I don't mean that just as a loving, gentle reminder, there is plenty that God, out of His love for us, will do. There are plenty of things that God will do out of love for us that can be painful, but He's humbling us and He's reminding us that He is God and that the world revolves around Him, that He's the source of all that is true and good and right and beautiful, and He's the source of
of real life. And so God humbles us, not to punish us, but He humbles us to show us where real life is found in Him. And so I think that's such an important thing to remember, that we are called to humble ourselves. And that's much better than having God humble us. And of course, in life, we will be humbled. And I guess that's another way that we grow in humility.
Last week, in our episode, we talked about confession, and I think that's another practical way for us to grow in humility is through prayer and repentance. Yeah, I think as we talked about that, just the need of daily coming before God and asking Him to sort of rewind the tape on our day or certain conversations and
and to repent of pride where we've seen it creep in. I would also add the need to ask others for accountability. Now, most people listening to this will not do this. That's just the reality. Who wants to, right? Who wants to do that? But if you do, this will be one of the most beneficial things that God will use to create humility in you because oftentimes the prideful person is the last person to see pride in their own heart.
Everybody else around them sees it, senses it, notices it, and usually the prideful person is the last one to sort of show up at the party. Yeah, and I think along with that, you know, asking obviously others in our life, or maybe it's just one person that you know that you could reach out to, to ask them to help you with this, but I also think, you know, asking God to reveal to you,
those because he will I mean he's faithful he is involved in our lives we can ask him to reveal these things to us and so I think asking him to just bring to light bring to mind every the times that you're struggling with pride for him to reveal that to you so that so that you can grow in that.
Yeah, I think that's such a good reminder. You know, Psalm 139, search me, O God, and see if there's anything in me that is offensive. And so, I think that ought to be a prayer we pray every day, is God, just help me to see what I can't see. And God, in His goodness, He shows us that. And then lastly, I think this is so important, is that we ought

The Cross as an Example of Humility

to look to the cross. I mean, the cross
is the greatest example of the humility of God. We don't oftentimes think of God as being humble, but when you think about the coming down of God in the person of Jesus, that doctrine of the incarnation of God taking on flesh, like what a humbling experience that was for Jesus, the second person of the Trinity to take on flesh
and to come into the world that He created to redeem us and to go to the cross. I mean, that's Paul's argument in Philippians chapter 2. And so, I think to look at the cross and realize how humble God is, that He gave up the glory of heaven and the pleasure of heaven to come and to humble Himself, to become a servant for us and to go to the cross,
and to be reminded that it was that necessary, like our sin was that serious to God, that it took Him coming down and dying for us on the cross. And it ought to humble us. It ought to remind us that we really are that sinful, but we also are really that loved. And so we ought to just continue to look to the cross and to be reminded of the humility of God. It gives us an accurate view of who we are and enables us then to respond, I think, in greater love and humility to God, but also to others.
I love this. I love all of those practical takeaways and you know, we can just take those to heart and put those into

Concluding Thoughts on Humility During Lent

action. And that's what I love about practical application. We need it. So this was such a great conversation today. So fitting for this season of Lent. I feel challenged and convicted. I don't know about you. I guess I'm going to go work on humility. That was my goal today.
Well, friend, if we haven't met, we want to get to know you. So be sure to follow us on Instagram at Patrick W. Schwank and at Ruth Schwank or on Facebook. And also don't forget that everything we talked about today will be at forward slash podcast.
We'll also be sure to put that book that we mentioned, what was the name of that by Tim Keller? By Tim Keller, yeah. I think it's called Self-Forgetfulness. Self-Forgetfulness, I feel like that would be a really great question. And then in Relationships, I think by Paul Tripp. Is another one. Relationships, a mess worth making is probably one of my favorite books on relationships. So we'll be sure to put those resources in the show notes at forward slash podcast. Again, we're so thrilled you are joining us and we welcome you into our family here at Root Like Faith.
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