348 — Left on Bread image

348 — Left on Bread

S1 E348 · Think Fresh
25 Plays2 months ago

Ty & Eric discuss eating Friday fish & chips, patroning left-handed establishments, finding time for another beer, which sandwich artist position is best, the feminine disdain for onions, iterating on traditional burgers, how to signal that you’re good at camping, and the most meme-able pasta noodles.

It's Friday, mate. Welcome back, breadheads. Happy Friday, breadheads. We put away the computers. We put away the hammers. We got the microphones out. What else we got? We got a beer in hand. Almost. I mean, we just finished three beers each. That's right. That's right. We got to oil up before our recording, you you know, make sure the throat is nice and lubricated. Mm-hmm. You're absolutely correct about that. It looks like the recording is working. We're doing this on the phone, Steve Lacey mode. um So we'll see how it sounds at the end of the day, but I think it's gonna sound pretty good. Yeah, dude, inspiration can a hit at any moment or after any pint. So we always have to be prepared. And that's why we pack a microphone everywhere. I always I always knew you were a Rick Rubin head Mm-hmm, you know, he's thinking about it. Mine's always got beats going dude You and Rick Rubin have two things in common inspiration can strike any time and you're always barefoot We are always barefoot. I was gonna all actually offered that as a third connection, but it turns out that was the second one I'm always ahead of you
dode and Nothing like having toes out for the summer. I've been really channeling rat boy summer Oh shit, and I think a part of that is letting the toys just that the toys I was just kind of spread out a little bit nice. No sock can contain me You ever mess with those finger socks or no? Or is that too freaky? That is a little freaky. I have been thinking about the the the toe shoes. I think it's, they were, when they had first launched, the world wasn't ready for them. Everybody dissed them. Right. I think they're ready for a comeback now, you know? Cause like the Tabby boot came and went in the cultural discourse, but I think it left a gap in people's desire for a freaky foot.
Mmm, we do have a freaky foot. But Ty, what if I told you that the toe socks are actually a prerequisite to the toe shoe? Well, that kind of makes sense. You couldn't wear a mitten to them. You wouldn't put a mitten under a glove, essentially. Exactly. Or are you rocking them barefoot, CB style?
Yeah, you can do it barefoot, but you're going to destroy that shit real quick. I don't know, dude. It kind of freaks me out when the sandwich artist is only like single layered with their glove. I wouldn't mind double layer of protection there, second wall. Yeah, dude, wearing two condoms sometimes isn't necessary. That's all I got to say. You know, if you're dealing with a potentially diseased substance, it's a good idea to double wrap it. And I don't know, I've seen the condition of those cucumbers at Subway. If I was a sandwich artist, I would double wrap. Mm-hmm. No, totally and um I don't my Samsung's double app as well You know, I mean, I don't want them anywhere near my sandwich. Mm-hmm to be honest And just as internet face mask, you know all the above all the PPE put them in the haz mats That would be my preference Mm-hmm. Anyways, Ty we just came off of a wonderful moment
Go ahead, talk about our beers. A wonderful Friday lunch, mate. I had some abosh. I had some chippy, I mean two pieces of cod and fries and coleslaw, which I ate with Ty's burger stick, which he gave me. I was able to use my stick and his other chopsticks. Pause. um And it was quite nice. I gotta say I was feeling really full though. I don't think I've had two-piece chippy in quite a while So it took a while for me to you know, readapt to that I get the fish and the chip but the slaw that's a triple threat. Mm-hmm That's a lot of food for one man at lunch. Yeah, it it really is two sides crazy. That's like chip and cookie. Oh
Oh yeah, dude, chip and cookie for sure. The slaw is the cookie to the British. That's weird, isn't it? Or is it merely a side salad? Salad? I guess so. do Do they not have romaine lettuce in England? Like, why are they all eating coleslaw? It's a terrible salad. It's barely a salad. It's mayo and cabbage. I hate coleslaw, I'll be honest. I like the crunch, but you can get crunched through a lot of, like, mechanisms. That's true. Lettuce, perhaps. Lettuce is one of them. I'm a huge cabbage head. Tell me more. I love cabbage. Okay, cabbage has fed generations for me. But slaw is one quick way to ruin cabbage, if you ask me. You know what I mean? No one really needs to add a tablespoon of mayo to anything. Well, the appealing part of the cabbage is the crunch. And if you want to take away a crunch, you wet it up.
Mm-hmm, so slaw is essentially wet cabbage And you eat it for lunch? For lunch. Yeah, munch munch. Oh, fuck. So yeah, I was surprised that you took on a triple header. Looks good, though. I do feel like fish and chips is a fried egg meal. It pairs well with the beers. So you're making good choices, Eric. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. So I had a really great lunch yesterday as well.
I went to the famous Beeb. I'm gonna gatekeep the place. Oh shit. um It is a restaurant close to the Vancouver Airport. Did you go to the Denny's at an airport hotel? Oh damn, at the Marriott. The Marriott. At the Holiday Inn. um No, I stay away from those businesses, but I went to a dockside patio. had a nice little red truck lager and a blue cheeseburger and I gotta say it was quite quite nice dude I love a I love a freaky cheese in a burger oh dude whenever they freak the cheese I don't know why every restaurant like every pub every restaurant has a burger on the menu and they all have offered the classic burger but
I don't know, isn't it a little bit washed at this point? and Like, put one ingredient in there that's interesting. Just a little bit. The blue cheese is the perfect amount of, like, freaky to, like, wet my palate and get me ordering it. But if it's just lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo, I can get that at Subway, you know? Subway offers freakier options from a handheld than an actual restaurant, and that's kind of upsetting. No, you're totally right. um And for those naysayers who are saying, I just want a classic burger, don't don't mess with it too much. You're wrong again. You know what I mean? Offer it as another option on the menu. Don't do like your only one trick pony burger, you know?
Have a normal one, have something freakier, and maybe have another thing even freakier. Why not, right? Why not? No one needs to order it. Just have it. more there for It's more to propel the brand, you know? Exactly. Blue cheese doesn't go bad. It's already moldy. You could just like, if you want a normal burger like a boring NPC, you could just say no blue cheese. Hold hold the blue. right you Hold the blue, please. Hold the blue. And boom, you got yourself a a classic tradberg. Exactly. Oh, you're right. Substitutions can do anything.
They really open a lot of doors. They really do. Open a lot of mouths too. That's right. um But one thing th that I wanted to talk about from my lunch yesterday was I had two beers and I was only planning on having one. This is what happens. um But one way that the waitress got me to order two beers I thought was kind of interesting because she didn't say, can I get you another beer? She said, do you have time for another beer? and if i'm and on i call I call myself an honest man. yeah I mean, I do have time for another beer. So the answer is yes. you know I mean, I can't lie to this um beautiful woman who's taking my order. So yes, I have time for another beer. How'd you know?
It's a tough question too because you always make time for a beautiful woman. And the things you love. And the things you love. It could be beer or women. Yeah, totally. It is mating season. So with that in mind, your hands are tied there, dude. What a kill switch for servers everywhere. It's really a rhetorical question. Obviously. We both know the answer to this. I ain't leaving anytime soon. And yes, I would love another beer. It's a beautiful day. Come on. imagine Imagine if your sandwich artist was like, do you have time to toast this?
Of course I do. Toast away. Yeah, dude. I got a minute. Yeah, cook that thing. Let it cook. Wow. I mean, what if they asked you, like, give time for another six inches? Would you upgrade? If they catch, catch me at like the seven inch mark, I'm not done eating yet, but I'm well on my way. I think at that moment I'd opt in because at seven inches, you don't know you're going to be full. Oh yeah. You're going to be full. It'll make you like a truck, but you not yet, you know? And then they've screwed you because you, you hit the 12th inch, you were stuffed. Your stomach is yearning for a breath of fresh air and you got six, one inches coming. No, I agree. Um,
It's like living twins. You know, you like push one out and then here comes another. That's right, dude. Damn. I was thinking the other day, I was like, man, going, the humans are so obsessed with 3d printing, you know, like it's such a big thing and it's because humans 3d print, they make 3d prints of themselves through childbirth and they make 3d prints every time they go to the bathroom. Like every time you take a number two, every time you take a number two, you are 3d printing.
I'm not sure I understand. It's kind of the same process. You're printing a dookie? You're You're 3D printing. Amazing. Right? Thank you so much. thank you so much for that I digress. I also went to a novelty restaurant for lunch not too long ago. I was at a wedding out of town. Okay. Side side note. I was talking to the groom on his wedding day and I said, what are you doing from now until the ceremony? And he says, oh, my groom's man is getting me some subway right now. But yeah, I was like, oh, cool.
So then he left. So it his last meal as a single dude was a Subway sandwich. Oh, wow. Isn't that crazy? It's kind of like death row, but left side. It is, yeah. Damn. So it made me realize, like, I'm going to be married some point eventually. What do I want my last meal as a young whippersnapper to be? Damn. That's a great question, actually. Yeah, right? Is this something you think will haunt you for the rest of your life? like When I signed my life away, what was the thing I was doing you know in the last moment? Did I live up to my own self-imposed standards while I was single?
you know it is a I think the last meal itself is not the like ham straw that breaks the camel's back, per se, but because if you have a life full of regret regret, that will haunt you into marriage, but that last meal has the opportunity to trigger the trauma prior to it. you know like you get the poke bowl for lunch and then you remember how e there is that beautiful surfer woman in Hawaii you met two decades ago that maybe what if what if you know if you were in both at a different place wow you know it's all about timing right it's all about timing is everything so it kind of makes you think though at that last meal wow so I don't know what my my good chum was thinking as he ate
12 inches of chicken bacon ranch yeah before walking down the aisle I mean Subway is kind of the perfect last meal as a single man because you're kind of like bidding farewell to your single life like as you take on more responsibility and you mature mm-hmm and You know maybe one day you have kids You don't want to take on unnecessary risk. You know, you could change your children's life forever if you're like, I don't know, a fat slob. For sure, yeah. You can't play baseball, you can't play catch with them. I don't know, if you're dead from overeating. Exactly. So yeah, you got to be careful. You got to watch your health. And Subway is kind of like one last hoorah, you know?
It really is. and i feel like i don't I have so many friends turned daddies that are like taking out life insurance policies now because they're hyperconstrained about death. cheese and I also just realized now, Eric, all of these middle aged construction workers that are going to Subway at lunch probably aren't going there because they need to eat a lot of food in order to fuel their very physical job. It's probably cause they all got wives at home that want them to stay alive and they're just looking for an out. You know, they're just looking for, they're looking for a vice and subway is a way for them to return to their single life when they would just gorge on inches and inches of sandwich. That's just like the masculine neat. There's a desire there. Yeah. Inches on inches for sure. Yeah. Wow.
That wasn't even the novel restaurant experience I had. ah Sorry, that was the preface. okay I went to this wedding, and while I was out of town, I patroned a restaurant called Lefty's. And when you look it up online, you're like, it's just kind of a normal pub, but when you arrive, it's very clearly a left-handed themed restaurant. Oh no. Yeah dude. Dude you love novel bars so much. I didn't even know. I didn't even know. Damn. And I'm right handed. I didn't fit in. So walk me through this. How do they set up their business to not only be ableist but discriminate against those who are right handed.
Yeah, it's really weird when the minority becomes the majority. um So, opening door. Opening moments. Opening door. Left-handed door, obviously. Okay. So, you're right it's kind of a double door, but your right one's locked, your left one opens. Right, okay, obviously. Exactly. So, clearly, at at the very very first point of contact, you're out of your element, you know? I'm gonna have to think differently here. Then you talk to the hostess, nothing too different. I did ask the hostess, I said, and what hand do you subscribe to? shit right She said, I'm a righty, but there's a lot of lefties among us. Give me a little winkinish. So it's nice to hear that they don't hire based on dominant hand. There's no discriminatory practices there.
So did you clarify with her that while you are right dominant, you are a lefty sub? the end I like to eat my foot long with my left hand because that's the hand that's less likely to end up near anybody's faces, you know? Like I shake with my hands with my right hand. I i present gift things with my right hand. I cannot have sweet onions sauce on that thing. No, dude. um to Too much of a scent magnet. Exactly. um Okay, so what I want to know is, did the food have any difference to it? Did the burger and fries, was the but position of the burger swapped with the fry?
or something like that? Were the chicken wings all pointing to the right because you got to lift it with your left hand? like how How do they like optimize? You'd think they would be tapping into those details if this was their whole shtick, but I think the concept ended at the puns around the room. you know There's a lot of signage that right like made fun of right-handed people, poked poked fun at them, and celebrated leftiness. But the food was pretty status quo, and the service of the food was pretty status quo, so I didn't feel like it really carried forward. That's that's too bad, because no so many opportunities to leverage people's lefties. you know
yeah like it'd be really cool if at a bar like this you actually you were forced to you know those like cell phone free bars where you have to like give your phone as part of cover yeah like we're gonna look through it you're like fine tsa um i would love a left-handed establishment where you actually had to like Put it like a big big glove on your right hand or or your dominant hand yeah completely block the usage of it for the remainder of the Experience kind of like that guy in Zoolander the hand model. Oh, yeah glass jar absolutely yeah, you could put your right hand in a glass jar or Maybe have like a cooked grenade in your right hand. Mm-hmm And if you let go like the whole building is going up
Yeah, that's just a bunch of people sitting around. Not the grenade. The needs in hand. Yeah, dude, I kind of like that. Yeah, that's cool too. I mean, you should be a business owner. There's definitely no help code violations with that one. You can't eat a grenade. No. Unless you're talking about the black olives. Or the red onions. That shit bombs my stomach. Absolutely. What are your what are your thoughts on onion juice? Oh yes, then the the craze that is raw onion juice. Sweeping the radicalized online bodybuilder forums. I'm more of a fan of sunning personally, but I do, I would tap into raw onion juice. I think it's something that you need to take like two weeks off work to do and like do it for the first week and then have a week off to kind of like just sweat it all out.
So I get the what, but I don't really understand the why. And that's probably partially why I'm bringing this up. I'm hoping you can enlighten me. So what is you juice a bunch of raw onions or you blend them up into a paste and then you just like, you drink raw onion like a smoothie. You just like, you consume so much onion. But why? why What is a benefit? That was a great question. I have no idea. I don't know. I have no idea. um I think onion, though, is like an antioxidant. So I'm sure it's healthy for you in some way, but I have no idea how it'll help me look smacks. That part I'm kind of stuck on.
Yeah, I wonder if there's like onion like draws out the estrogen in your body. ah Oh, maybe yeah Yeah, i just delete it. I don't know a single woman that likes onions and that kind of validates that thesis It's all vanity time today because they do like onions they just don't want to eat it cuz they'll be stinky Mmm, so that the the ah ROI on the onion isn't there for them. no No, no, no. It tastes great, but potentially could end mating season early for you. That actually checks out because all women love a little bit of a pickled onion, a little pickled red. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And pickled reds have been washed of their potency. It's also like aesthetically pleasing, like making any vegetable pink and I'm adding it into my sub, you know? That's true. It's barbecore.
channel this famcore onion Damn dude, that's a good point. It is a pop of color where you at least expected it Yeah, yeah, yeah top of a burrito. You know, we'll say no to like three or four pickled onions on a taco, you know, I Would not I love me a pickled onion. I just think that's that like playing, you know, hmm pickled anything like have you had anything pickle that's been bad and not Like it's always just better, you know, I mean when I get a little too pickled that's bad. That's the only situation Brought having like uncontrollable burps after those three beers ah yeah We down that third one pretty quickly
Yeah, it's hitting. Sitting here and in the driver's seat. Just feeling that third beer, like holy shit. at hit Damn. It's okay, we can we can talk a little longer. That'll help you kind of digest all the substance. Yeah, anything but to sit in the backseat with my co-hosts. I had a question for you. More of a philosophical question about our our good friends, the sandwich artist. hu Yeah, I was thinking about the sandwich artist. I was thinking about how at lunch rush, you know how they like make a really, really strong front line like like a riot police. They're all like in a row. but And then the sandwich artist
Passes your foot long like a baton between them and each one is designated to a section of specialization You know, okay one handles the cheese and toasted once on meats veggies Once on the sauce and you got someone to wrap in and charge in My question to you Eric is What position do you like best if you were a sandwich artist? Are you the top of the food chain or the bottom? If I had to work at Subway, what position would I be in? Yeah, yeah assuming that those are each specialized roles that you're committed to for at least lunch rush. Not rapping, that's for sure. Rapping's tough. Rapping is tough, bro. And very little recognition. There is. cause yeah Because the rapper's also responsible for payment. And that's the lowest moment of the sandwich ordering process. Right. They never recognize a good job, but they always shit on a bad job. you know yeah um For me, Ty,
I'm going meats. Yeah? Yeah, yeah. I'm laying down some salami, laying down some chicken. You know what I mean? Putting the toaster wouldn't be bad either. I mean, that's its own job. If it's if cheese and toasted is the job, then I was maybe I would still take that. That's cool. um Yeah, I like I like pan work, you know? kind of work I do like the blank canvas that comes with the meat. yeah I think that's kind of fun. Fresh bread. fresh bread you just like Look at all this space to work with. Totally. And it's so systematized at this point that like you know it's six salamis. you know It's a whatever, two paper trays of chicken. you know i mean Everything's kind of pre-measured for you. And um if you like the customer, go ahead and slap some extra meat on there. It doesn't matter.
good Totally get that like the vegetable section is the exact opposite. It's so hard like I get such a Very ability to the number of like green peppers that'll end up my foot long but also you're you're listening to like multiple instructions you're taking like People's lettuce order their onions. They're green peppers But if you're doing like the meats, you know, you're they're hitting you with I'll take the BMT and you already know what's on that bitch and Mm-hmm. Yeah, it's it's a little bit simpler a little bit more purist. That's right. The veggie section is kind of like the yeah ah ER You know, it's just like chaos you're constantly prioritizing the most important thing. I'm just trying to get through the day Mm-hmm. Totally. I'd be a sauce boss
I think I like the idea of the sauce station because I think squeezing that thing and like trying to get the perfect squeeze would be really satisfying, you know? You just want to hit that sandwich with a little hoktua. Yeah, hit it with the hoktua.
Spin on that thing. This is the first time we've had audience engagement because as soon as Eric said that, a girl looked at him and gave just like the most nefarious smile. Yeah. She looked at us as we both said, Hawk Tua. And just like, she smiled and laughed. I don't know if she saw the mic. She knows she wants to hop in the back seat. We said Hawk Tua. She said, I'll talk to you. Damn. She's like, can I get interviewed for the pod? yeah So you guys are talking about the Sow Wars. Yes, you can. So what I like about the sauce is you can keep it clean. You can just do straight line. Mm-hmm. But a little drizzle. If you're feeling freaky, squiggle, drizzle. Squiggle, baby. Let's do a little shape. It's kind of like the latte art moment, you know? Drop a little smiley in there or a fart. Yeah, yeah. Nice, dude. Mm-hmm. Dude, imagine dropping a heart for like some construction bro. And he's like, what the fuck? Get that shit out of here. Yeah. And if he eats it, he's gay. Dude, can I?
um yeah What WYD if sandwich artists writes their number in sauce in your sandwich I was just gonna say that theoretically That's your one chance to leave a little message right a little fortune cookie for your patron off Just writing help in it help me Oh shit It's a bit freaky out there. the The sauce is too much power. you can it It's like yeah if like a person at Foxconn starts your iPhone before you get it and leaves a couple notes in the note app.
Wasn't that a thing they were like putting cheeky little notes and you know iPhones while like other like people's iPhones Yeah, or maybe it was just like a piece of paper in the in the box or something That was like help. We are dying here dude. Every company has a suggestion box. No one reads that shit Good point. I remember at our ah our our old job. We said drop-in suggestions all the time and not one thing came true and Do you remember that? Yeah. There's really no reason. It's just a tool for HR to get a raise or something. I'm not sure. Because they could show that they implemented a suggestion box. There's a suggestion box at Subway. I would just put my garbage in it. There'd just to be a bunch of used napkins. Here's a suggestion. Stop with the paper straws.
God damn, dude. Damn. Ty, I heard some interesting salad lore this week. Oh, tell me more. The infamous Caesar salad. It turns 100 this week. No way. 100 years old. Oh, that's huge. No way. 100 years of Caesar salad? 100 years of Caesar, baby. But Julius Caesar is like 500 or 600 years. Wait a minute. He didn't invent it? Dude, that's the thing. it was It's nothing to do with Julius Caesar. What? You thought he invented a salad? He was a... Bro was a Chad. you see He's not in the kitchen. That's true. He invented a new strain of veal. Yeah dude. He was cutting the veal in half. um No, the Caesar salad was... Can you actually guess which country this was invented in?
Well, it obviously wasn't Italy, or you would make me guess. No. It's probably not America, too, because it's the second most obvious answer. No. I'm going to go with, like, the Czech Republic, before whatever it was 100 years ago, that part of the world. The Soviet Union, maybe? No, wait. OK. There's anchovy and Caesar salad. That means means it has to be linked to the Mediterranean. Yep. It's length but not geographically. Let's just say that. Oh interesting. So it's a colony of a Mediterranean company country. The only Mediterranean country to colonize excessively was Spain because they went to South America. Oh my god it's from South America.
You're getting really close. Mexico? Was it Mexico? Bingo. Fuck yeah, I'm so good at everything. Dude, fucking geoguesser over here. Yeah, hell yeah. I see you had a different food. So Mexico invented the Caesar salad. Damn right. Smart man down there. Dude, from Tijuana. Really? Of all places, yeah. Wow. It's from a restaurant. An Italian immigrant who was working at the restaurant invented the Caesar salad using kind of leftover shit that he had. And the restaurant was inside of the Hotel Caesar. oh I see exactly so it's named after the restaurant or the hotel and um it's from an Italian immigrant. So Yeah, kind of a cool story a hundred years ago, man. That's it's still operating today, by the way Yo, what really blows my mind about that though? It's like the Caesars Palace in Las Vegas Missed up Well, is that the same strain of Caesar? Oh
Oh, like the hotel? Yeah. I don't think so. That's a different hotelier conglomerate. Yeah. Aren't they owned by like MGM or something? Yeah. I watched the whole YouTube video on the consolidation of the Vegas Strip. I also watched the Wendover Productions video about that. Man, our algorithm is way too similar. It's such a niche concept. for So it's a different Caesars hotel chain. Probably yes Cartel Ties. Maybe I don't know. It's obviously it's a hundred years old at least. So, true um, I don't know if it's like, it's been operable the entire time, but it is in operation today. So, um, a local chef is kind of spearheading the revitalization of that restaurant. So we could in theory go to Mexico and try it. The original Caesar. I think that'd be so cool. Right. Very, very cool.
So it's a hundred years old this year. This week? This week. Yeah. Like just recently. Wow. Yeah. I've been on a Caesar salad kick this last week. Okay. I've had probably in the last seven days, maybe four Caesar salads. Oh wow. Okay. I had one. I don't know where the urge came from, but I must just be connected to the energy of this, of this food. 100 years. That's crazy. My grandma didn't even make it to 100. Wow. Very few. The Caesar salad's still holding strong. Yeah. Has it peaked? The Caesar? I think it's peaking. I don't want it to go the same route of the Jello salad, but I kind of feel like it might.
The fruit salad, the same thing. marsia I've never had a jello salad. What the hell is that shit? It's just like a jello in it. It's exactly what you think of this. Like jello cubes, right? yeah like I can kind of picture it. Different colors. now I think the only thing that I would stray away from in that kind of zone is marshmallows. Like marshmallows shouldn't be at the dinner table. They should be over a fire only. Yeah, there's very few places where a marshmallow is welcomed. Yeah, dude. But the Caesar on the other hand, 10 out of 10. I think it's my favorite type of salad. I actually had it yesterday. Nice. Yeah, it was very good. um Even a bad Caesar is a good Caesar. That's how you know it's like an amazing recipe. That is its most redeeming quality is that it's hard to have a bad Caesar salad.
Like they make, they make them good no matter what. And it doesn't just have to be in salad format. Like you put that shit in a wrap or like you can take the Caesar salad and shove it into another meal and it's still kind of good. You know, like I would put a Caesar salad between buns with a burger and eat that. wouldn't that be good The best thing about that is you don't need the croutons cause you got the big um bun on the top and the one on the bottom. And if you think about a trad bird, it's already got lettuce in it anyways, romaine too.
Beautiful. Beautiful. Just more pro Italian propaganda on this podcast. I guess so, hey. Wow. ah Maybe that's why Caesar salad won't go the same route as the fruit salad is it because Italians love to preserve their heritage and non Italians love to celebrate Italian heritage. So hopefully it holds up in the same way that spaghetti has. which can Lasagna is kind of on the outs. We need a lasagna to come back. That's true, yeah. I think we're going to approach the golden era of lasagna, in my opinion. It's been long forgotten about, but it has all the same ingredients as a perfect bowl of pasta. It does. I think what we need is we need a few carbon-esque restaurants to like tap into a like killer lasagna and then rejuvenate that trend.
yeah so we need a spicy vodka pasta lasagna i agree but think about this type imagine the best pasta you've ever had okay put that into the same form factor as a slice of tiramisu and what do you have lasagna it's the perfect food I just think like baked pastas aren't really in vogue right now. They're on the cusp. It could go either way. Doing horses on sunset yeah as an insane baked rigatoni.
Oh, they're cooking? They're baking. It's a special, but I think it's a permanent special, if you know what I mean. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. The house special. Yeah, they always seem to have it on special. That's good. I was thinking about this the other the day. I may have even asked you. I don't think I asked you on mic, but what is the most meme-able pasta? Because there's so many. Like spaghetti? Meme-able. Lasagna? Yeah, mom's spaghetti. Arguably lasagna is a meme pasta right now. But I feel like there's a lot. Fettuccine has potential. Mm-hmm. I think that actually was during Covid like um, like there was like a meme going around where it's like um If she's gonna make you if she wants to make you fettuccine Alfredo, it's like find a new girl Mmm, cuz like the easiest thing to make right? right right There's no Calabresi peppers in that or it's like it's like shorty. So she's gonna make me fettuccine like she thinks she's special It's like come on
yeah no you're right that is kind of a so that one was literally a meme but yeah spaghettis also had its meme era lasagna head garfield like yeah alpha geddes alpha geddes oh fuck yeah i didn't think about like that that entire genre of pasta which was passed in the can i almost i almost bought some last weekend For your camping trip? Yeah, because I was, uh, I bought some British beans for my camping trip and I bought two cans for four people, wasn't enough. Needed three and, um, almost bought some alfagettis. Dude, last time I had too much THC, I wrote in my notes app. I said, why don't they make can, like pre-cooked spaghetti? And then I like, the next day I like looked at it, I was like, that's just Boyardee. That's just Chef Boyardee. Yeah. That's what they've already done it.
Dude, I used to beg my mom to buy me Chef Boyardee. She never would. And um the one time she did, I tried it. I was like, damn, this is not good. It's pretty bad. Even as a kid, you've got it? It's one of those it's like one of those foods where it's like, you just like want to try it because your friends have it. And it looks good because it's in an orange little can. And it has a mascot. And it has got a cool little mascot on it. And you just like want to try it so bad. But then when you do, you're like, oh, this is Canned cat food. Oh, dude. I loved canned cat food as a kid. Give me that Kraft dinner. Give me that Hamburger Helper. You know, I need Hamburger Helper and I go crazy. You know, I'd i'd start biting my mom. You'd hurt yourself in others. Hamburger Helper, I just had that. It's like fentanyl for kids.
No kidding. Dude, all those canned and like instant foods where you just add hot water, yeah like all that shit is so good. It's so good. like ah Camping kind of just put me onto it, to be honest. You know what I mean? Without camping, I don't think I'd ever even try sidekicks, but now I love it. Yeah, dude, I need an Uncrustable real bad. I feel like true campers, well there's me gatekeeping. Everyone that goes to sleep outside is a true camper, shout out to the unhoused listeners. um Campers try to gatekeep what you can and cannot eat at the campsite. But I feel like campers in general,
are like all voo-foo about those kind of instant foods. But they make camping so much easier. So I don't think there's a culture of bringing a can of Chef Boy already camping. But there should be, because it's the ultimate camping meal. It's like so convenient, especially because you don't even need a can opener to open it. You just crack it open. It's one of those like easy pops, right? Totally. You're totally right, dude. You don't even need to cook it. You could just drink it out of the can if you don't mind a little like ice iced ravioli. So camping food, what I've realized about camping, Ty, is that the whole point of camping is to signal to others how prepared you can be yeah and how you can replicate home anywhere. Like like if you can successfully like
I don't know say make a steak dinner with a bottle of wine and Make like perfect coffee in the morning. You're like an elite camper Yeah, so camping is all just about like how closely can you replicate home outside of the home? Mm-hmm, and I think that's why people like frown upon Instant food, you know, I mean because it's easy to carry easy to cook it in theory it makes sense for camping but nobody wants to admit it and you are absolutely right you can't take any shortcuts and a big shortcut that you're not allowed to take is you're not allowed to buy homes somewhere else like that there's a huge clamping gatekeeping too yeah you can't just buy your way into a better home setup campaign you have to do it specifically through the path of meticulous organization and preprap yeah
You're like, oh, you meticulously pre-prepped your meal so that you could prepare it easily at the campsite. This guy's a camper. No. We got a camper here. Yeah, dude. I used to only camp in Call of Duty and now I'm out here camping in the woods. Wow, times have changed. yeah Dude, some might say I've grown up. Offline camping. Yeah, dude, analog. I got the Call of Duty app on my phone. Can you tell me what that is? like is that do you print Do you plan your loadouts or something? You can plan your loadouts. I never played Call of Duty as a kid. Oh, dude. I was a Halo boy. I was gonna say, yeah, you were all over the Halo.
So I thought like I should figure out what this game's all about. So I downloaded the mobile app a few, like maybe two months ago. Wow. And I tried playing it. It's pretty intuitive. Like it's a good mobile app. Yeah. Yeah. Dude, I think what might be in the cards for us is to acquire an old PlayStation. Hmm. Like a PS3, get Call of Duty 4, or like one of the older ones. Whatever's still being like serviced. Yeah, something that's on the online community still. Exactly. Or maybe one of the new ones, fuck it. But um just get back into gaming in like my late 20s, your early 30s, you know? Just get back into gaming, why not? Dude, everything else is taking care of you.
You found a girl. You have a job. I have an RRSP. You got an RRSP. You have a car. Jobs done. Yeah, dude. Let's relax. We've completed life. We're tenth prestige in life. We're zero prestige in cod now. I hope you know what that is. I don't know what that is, but I can imagine that as some sort of point system. It's a ranking, I would say. Well what that was weird um Yeah, I feel like I don't want to just like have the default skin, you know, I need I want any some skin in the game Yeah, dude 100% Now that I live in the suburbs tie. I've been toying with the idea of getting a gaming console a Station Cinco
Yeah, Bae is not very happy with that idea, but I think I can overrule her. That's fun. What you need is you just need to be an overtly present partner. Like, I didn't own a gaming system and then I was just like too present in the house and then I got an Xbox that just showed up one day, you know? Go play this. Give me some, give me some free time. Oh, so Bae gave you the Xbox to leave her alone. Yeah, it was an investment in her own downtime. That's smart. Yeah, so just be an annoying partner. That's my advice. Usually it's the answer to most things. Yeah. Wow. Yeah, I think that's actually a good idea. um There's something about living outside of Metro Vancouver that makes me want to sit inside and game. Do you get that feeling as well?
Dude, especially when it's hot out, I'm like, oh, this is the perfect day to be inside all day. You know? Yeah, dude. I can't wait for Bay to go to sleep so I can stay up all night gaming. It's literally like me. It's me time, you know? It's me time. There's something about, like, what I would once spend, like, roaming the downtown east side between, like, 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. You know? Yeah. I now spend in, like, a live party. Yeah. A lobby. Yeah, dude. Not that often, but there is like something about like that time period is sacred for men to like hop in the lobby, you know? Hop in the GC. I used to video chat with Bey. Now I'm just on audio chat with a bunch of strangers. Yeah, you're just getting called names in the GC. Oh man. um Ty, any other topics you want to cover today?
I think it's ready for us to go find another beer. Hell yeah, dude. Happy Friday. Happy Friday, mate. Thanks for listening today. ThinkFreshPodcast.com. ThinkFreshPodcast on the IG. You already know what the vibes are. Yeah, you know it's ThinkFresh Podcast. You're already listening. That's right, baby. Ciao. Ciao.