In an always-changing ad tech industry, how have privacy and data protection emerged as two of the largest challenges that organizations need to face? Whether it’s streaming platforms, engineering AI models, or aligning key industry stakeholders, these topics are evolving faster than the world can keep up with.
OpenAP GC & Chief Privacy Officer Andy Dale has been leading conversations about privacy and data protection for more than a decade. He shares stories and advice from his time as the only privacy counsel at Mastercard, an organizer of some of the first privacy and data-focused industry groups, overseeing privacy at standards-making body OpenAP, and co-hosting his popular and influential podcast for more than 80 episodes, Data Protection Breakfast Club.
Read detailed summary:
Introduction: 0:00
Predicting the importance of data protection and recalibrating your career: 3:24
Connecting laws and data in the privacy sphere: 6:52
Leading privacy diligence during SessionM sale to Mastercard: 11:25
Identifying your interests to determine your next professional move: 15:26
Working across competitive lines at OpenAP: 19:35
Predicting the data and privacy ecosystem ahead: 24:36
Viewing AI through privacy and data protection: 27:50
Evolving the Chief Privacy Officer role: 30:19
Advice to junior lawyer breaking into privacy: 33:48
Co-hosting a podcast about privacy and data protection with over 88 episodes published: 38:22
Privacy-related book recommendations: 44:06
Advice to younger lawyers: 45:16
Listen to an episode of Andy’s Data Protection Breakfast Club podcast:
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