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Change the Story You're Telling Yourself image

Change the Story You're Telling Yourself

E9 · Brilliantista Podcast
16 Plays5 years ago

Everyone has thoughts about themselves running through their heads… it starts the minute we wake up, and it continues into our dreams. Some of the things we think about are crazy. Yet… if our thoughts are more about what others are expecting of us… they will steer us in the wrong direction. We will wake up one day to find ourselves so far from ourselves that we feel lost.


In today’s interview with MEGAN HUBER, a public speaker, podcaster,  business consultant, coach, mom, wife, and a Brilliantista… she opens up about the thoughts she would have and how she changed them. Ultimately uncovering her secret weapon… something we all have.

Megan will share the thoughts you can implement to connect YOU back to YOU… along with some resources to help you along the way.

Sending Love + Light !!

xo Shari

📌 PS... Links mentioned in the show are no longer available... effective 2024


Shari and her brilliant guests… go beyond the surface... sharing decades of Organizing, Lifestyle + Business Brilliance... and the reality of living in the REAL WORLD. ✨

Brilliantista ® podcast is like having coffee or tea with your BESTIES… the ones who understand you, cheer you on… and aren't afraid to offer tough love when needed.

Real-life conversations and practical tips on everything from… organizing your home (hello, less clutter, more joy!), lifestyle (developing healthy habits), and business tips (work-life balance)… to navigating life's challenges. We laugh, we cry, we learn... and we embrace imperfection.

Are you ready to create the life you want to live… and elevate your brilliance?✨

Press play… make some new BESTIES… and let's make it happen... together!


xo Shari Kuster 🤍


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Introduction to Megan Huber

Welcome, ladies, to another episode of the Brilliant Tista Podcast. I'm your host, Sherri Custer, and today I am so excited once again to bring you an interview with somebody that I actually met on social media, and I cannot wait to introduce you to her. So just a quick background on Megan is she actually has a podcast of her own. It's called The Best Version of You.
And first off, isn't that what we're all striving for? The Brilliantista brand is really about helping women to step up and own their brilliance and really start to identify what that even means to them. But it's also here to help you to understand how much we have in common and more importantly, how much we can do when we come together. And Megan is somebody that does not
sugarcoat anything. She definitely will give you a little tough love, but it's only because it's the tough love she needed as well in helping her to become who she is. So I cannot wait for you to meet her. We're going to talk about all things when it comes to women
The things that drive us, the things that motivate us and it just blows my mind. The wisdom that this woman has and she is going to share with you. So sit back, relax, just get ready. I cannot wait for you to meet Megan. Let's get started.

Sherri's Journey to Business Success

You're listening to the Brilliant Easter podcast where women elevate women who desire success in business and life. Each week, I'll share valuable insights, actionable steps, and powerful interviews with brilliant women who open up to share the wisdom, tips, and strategies behind their success, helping you to elevate your own. I'm your host, Sherri Custer, a stay-at-home mom who built a seven-figure business with zero experience, but the willingness to figure it out.
Welcome, ladies, to another episode of our Brilliant Tista podcast. And today we have our special guest, Megan Huber. And I want to just tell you real quick how I met her. So in this wonderful world of social media, we can connect to people through our Instagram, through our Facebook. And it really has opened up this infinite possibility of who you might meet and what transformation might happen in your life by just meeting
one person and that would be what I would say happened when I met our guest today, Megan, because it was like an instant connection. I remember when we were just chatting back and forth and I was just inspired by her strength and the brilliance that was coming from her based on what I saw through Instagram. But then when I got on the phone with her
it took it to a whole other level. It was inspiring to hear a woman who had worked through some stuff and had found her way to build strength inside of herself, but also helping other women build strength as well, that I was just like, Hello, is this not a perfect alignment with what we're doing here in the Brilliant Teast of Podcasts? So

Megan's Approach to Personal Growth

She was so gracious and welcomed the opportunity to be one of our guests on this show. But I'm so thankful that she did that because here's the thing. She's a mom, she's a wife, she's a brilliant business woman.
She has a wealth of knowledge to help women succeed in business and life in a big, big way because she's been through the journey that so many of us have been through. You know, don't you want somebody who can truly know the path that you've been on and is trying to help you succeed?
You know she's not gonna sugarcoat it ladies this is not somebody who's going to coddle you because she wants you to achieve big things she's actually an achievement coach she's actually somebody who really helps people to step up in a big way she even has her own podcast so we're gonna talk a little bit about that called the best version of you.
Now, I don't know about you, but isn't that what we're all striving for, right? To be the best version of you. So without further ado, I cannot wait for you to hear from our beautiful guest, Megan Huber. And Megan, tell everybody hello and say something so they can know who you are and where your heart is today. Oh, thank you so much. I'm so excited to be here with you and with all the listeners. And you're exactly right. I do not sugarcoat things.
So I'm gonna give it to you straight. I am a self-proclaimed truth teller. In a world where we're watching everybody live and looking at their highlight reel on Instagram and Facebook, it can be so easy to jump on these social media platforms and scroll around and compare ourselves to everybody else and think that everybody else has this amazing life, making all this money, doing all these amazing things, and they have no issues, and they just literally came out of the womb successful.
And i hope today that what i share with sherry here that you're just gonna hear the truth and you're gonna hear about the ups and you're gonna hear about the downs and you're gonna hear about the struggle and you're gonna hear about the joy and i wanna let you know like what it actually takes to.
be the best version of yourself and to continue to strive to be successful, not just in one area of your life. I think for those of us, especially who are super career driven or we are entrepreneurs, that oftentimes we can be super hyper focused just on our work, our career, on generating income of
Just continuing to prove our worth and our value but through our work and to become the best version of ourselves to really be high performers we have to take a look at every single area of our lives and
consistently be intentional about showing up the way that we truly desire showing up as our future self not just in career and business and work and money making but in all areas so i'm really excited to be here i'm super excited to dive into different parts of my story that i feel like and i hope that you're really resonate with not shy about really sharing the truth about where i've come from and what i've been through and what i've also been able to create on the other side and i want everybody to know that
There isn't a mountain top. There never is this time when you make it. I hear that from so many people like, what am I going to finally make it? Or they'll say like, I thought I made it. And that doesn't exist. There is no like magic mountain that you're ever going to get to the top of.
and you're done and you're finished and you're complete and you can like raise up your gold medal and never have to start back all over again the next day. It doesn't exist. Yeah, I'm just super excited to share what my journey has been like and I hope that it's inspirational to somebody out there listening.
Oh, my gosh, girl. Okay, so talk about setting it up in a perfect way, because really, you're so right. It is not about an achievement of some business goal, right, or monetary goal or any of that, that everything we do has to tie together, which is why, if you ever go to any of our stuff, right, ladies, on our Brilliant Teaches stuff, it all says, creating success in business and life, because it truly is. It is our life. And I love the fact that you just pointed that out.
There's no mountaintop. I love that. Thank you so much for that. And thank you also for being somebody who has shown up in a very genuine way. It's something that I strive for. It's the reason why I try to help women open up and share their stories because this is how we connect, right? This is how we become more enriched in our own stories.
and we don't sit there and beat ourselves up and think there's something wrong with us. So I just want to say thank you for being that person both on the phone with me as well as in everything you do and put out into the world. Totally. Let's start off with this because I just want to share a little bit about what I know about you and what some of your background is. I know you've done a lot in the coaching world and I know both from the corporate side as well as on the side now where you're not on the corporate side, but you're actually
out there with women, helping them to really go after the big things. And like you said before, set intention to what that is and set intention to the day. So what do you think women are looking for in life right now?
That is a really good

Seeking Authenticity and Overcoming Masks

question. You know, I think that ultimately we're looking for more. We're looking for more of everything. Honestly, I think we're looking for more satisfaction. I think we're looking for more fulfillment. I think we're looking for more joy. I think we're looking for more happiness. I think we are looking for just overall authenticity, not just from other people, but I think women are really looking for it from within themselves.
I think that for so many years probably since we were all little girls we learned how to put on a mask and we learned how to build walls.
And we learned how to hide behind what I call a veil. And I think a lot of us learned how to almost be like a chameleon and we could adjust ourselves and kind of morph ourselves into what we thought other people wanted us to be. Whether that was a teacher in school,
or a parent whose love we crave the most or a group of friends probably a group of girlfriends that we wanted to be a part of wanted to be accepted by. By boys when we were younger who we wanted to date bosses employers anybody i just think we got so good at becoming who we weren't.
think it's kinda started happening for me in my late twenties i'm thirty six now and it's been like probably my life's mission as a thirty something year old i don't know that it'll ever end but like rediscover who i am and find out what i really want and what i'm really meant to contribute
and what that looks like, what that sounds like, and what that feels like. Because I'll be honest, probably until a few short years ago, I was wearing the masks. I was hiding behind the wall. I was living behind the veil.
And when i say that i don't mean that all of us are walking around being really dishonest people telling a bunch of lies that's not what i mean we are hiding who we really are we're hiding what we really want to say and how we really want to say it we're hiding the way we really want to walk into a room where are here the clothes we wanna wear the words we wanna speak.
you know even the things that we want to do in our business you know i think that we tend to play a bit of a smaller game then. We really want to know how many people do you hear who will say like i wish one day i could start my own podcast i wish one day i could help host that live event i wish one day i could write that book well you can.
So i think we're looking for more happiness and joy satisfaction fulfillment and again i think that not everybody is looking for it in that one place called career work in business is just where i did but i know not everyone is just like me but we're not just looking for more of those things in one category of life it's not just in motherhood not just. Being a wife is not just in career it's not just in how much money can i make.
It's every area of our lives. And I know for me, I was so insanely focused and obsessed about being super overdriven and almost an overachiever when it came to work and career that I was ignoring and honestly not even paying attention to all the other areas of my life. I thought I was. I certainly thought I was. I found out in my thirties that I was not.
So I think we're looking for more of those things, not just in one area, but in all areas of our lives.
I'm sitting here right now just thinking about like as you're talking about that, I'm just feeling that sensation and you're right. So many of us we have in our head and in our heart too, right? That feeling that we're seeing other women do something. And I think it's interesting sometimes I'll watch a video or I'll watch a comedian or I'll watch something on television in some capacity or another or something on a Facebook live. And there was a part of me that would sit there and go, Oh my gosh, I wish I could talk like that.
I wish I could speak exactly just like that because boy, sometimes that's how I feel. I want to be able to say it just like that. And I think that that's what's happening is we're starting to see examples of it's okay to be this person and to see that this is being received and we get to step closer and closer and closer into that person. And so you're so right. I remember just thinking not even that long ago, how shameful you were supposed to feel about wanting success.
And I'm not talking about, you know, 50 years ago, I'm talking about 20 years ago, 10 years ago, how women would apologize for the reasons why they were striving and wanting to build successful businesses, why they were pursuing a career, they were having to apologize for all of that. And here we are today, and I don't know about you, but I'm seeing so many women
raving that. Why do you think that is? Why do you think that there are so many women right now who are jumping into the business world and trying to start their own businesses or joining teams and what that big vision is? Why do

Empowerment and Women in Business

you think that is? Do you feel like we've been held down for so long or what do you think? I'm just curious. Yeah, that's a good question. I mean, probably a few different things. I think one,
We've seen enough women now start to go for it that it's become a bit of a domino effect. I don't know how the saying goes, but you'll hear women say like, thank you so much to all the other women who paved the way for me. You'll hear a lot of musicians say that or singers say that. I'm a big fan of documentaries.
And I was watching Beyonce's new documentary called homecoming. I watched it last night and she was talking about it in 2018. She was the headliner for Coachella and she was a first African American female to be the headliner for Coachella. And it was a big deal.
It was such a big deal that she created a two hour and seven minute documentary on the process. And she prepped for Coachella for eight months. And in her documentary, while she was on stage at Coachella, giving her performance, it was towards the end. She stood up and said, thank you to all the women who paved the way for me. And I think that oftentimes as women, you don't see this for men. Men don't wait for permission.
Men just give themselves permission. They don't shy away from asking for what they want. They ask for a raise when they want more money. They ask for what they want. They ask for favors. Women, I think for so long had been silenced that we sort of lost that muscle of asking for what we wanted. In fact, maybe we even got to a point where we suppressed even knowing what we wanted.
So I think part of what has gone on over the years is that enough women have started rising up and giving themselves permission. And in turn, they have given other women, myself included, permission
Hey i don't have to sit back and wait for somebody to give me permission i don't have to sit back and wait for somebody to tell me it's okay i don't have to wait for somebody to tell me how it's supposed to be done i can just stand up and do it and i can create my own way of doing it.
So I think the biggest thing is probably that we've all now seen enough women do it and be successful doing it. And we've seen enough women have success and then maybe fall or go through their own struggles, their own trials, but come out on the other side and still be successful. We've seen that happen to Oprah. We've seen it happen to Martha Stewart. We've seen it happen to so many women that they could possibly lose it all and they still come out and are glorious on the other side.
So i think it's given us all permission and we're not as afraid to ask for what we want were not as afraid to really look at and be okay with accepting and honoring what it is that we do want and being vocal about that so i think that's probably why i do also think that technology has given us such access to be able to see that.
And it's unfiltered for years. I guess like one of the biggest pieces of technology was the TV. Well, even the TV still to this day, if you watch a commercial, everything's being marketed to us in a certain way. If you watch like a drug company come out with a new prescription drug and you understand what's going on with the marketing and how they are basically pummeling our subconscious minds to think and believe
certain way so that we take action by the drug it's mind boggling when you actually understand how the conscious and subconscious works and what they're actually doing in their marketing it blows my mind so for so many years there we had radios and we had tvs and whoever was in charge of putting things on the airways they can basically control what we were seeing what we're hearing.
And back in the day i mean i was born in nineteen eighty two so i didn't see what my parents are who are in their seventies but you saw like the party trammly and the braidy bunch and, you know shows where mom didn't have a job and she stayed home and cooked and cleaned so people in their living rooms on their couches we were basically trained to believe that that was the woman's role.
So i do think that with the presence of technology we can all see what women are doing on the other side of the world and women on the other side of the world who are still suppressed they get to see what we're doing.
So I think it kind of being in our faces and at our fingertips to hear women and see women actually going for it. You could just hop on social media and scroll around for a few minutes and the number of women who are stepping up and speaking out and starting businesses and owning their truth.
It's tremendous, but even 10 years ago, 20 years ago, we didn't have that access to see what they were doing. So I think the combination of those two things has given women permission, honestly, to be who they really are and go, go after their dreams and dream bigger and think bigger and actually believe that it's possible. Oh my gosh. Okay. So I'm laughing right now thinking about the fact that it was a bunch of guys in college who decided to come up with a platform called
Facebook that they were trying to connect, right? They were thought, oh, this will be a great idea. And yet, I'm not saying men don't benefit from it, but I'm just saying women, exactly what you just said, are seeing other women step up in such a big way. And I agree with you 100% on the whole stories about what we were seeing, even the lifestyles of the rich and famous, which I don't know if that came out after you were born or before you were born.
but that's all you ever got to see like you got to see these people they were so out of touch out of reach of anything that you could possibly be and now with facebook with instagram with snapchat with all of these platforms that are popping out you get to see lives that you've never seen before youtube
I mean, come on, like there's so much that's out there right now for us to see and to set our intentions on and to set goals for and to say like, okay, if they can do it, I can do it. I know network marketing, one of those stories that we hear from stage all the time.
is you'll hear the story of the person who you're like, oh my gosh, like really? Is that really who you were when you first got started and now this is where you're at today? And that's inspiring, right? Like that's where you get to say, if they can do it, I can do it. I love that. Ladies, it's our chance. It's our big moment in life right now.
to find those people who inspire us. And like even Megan said, like if you desire to do a podcast, like, hello, we're doing this. This is what we're doing. I didn't know how to do this, but I knew that people were doing it and I figured if they could do it, I could do it. So all of these things that you desire, just know it's possible for you because it's out there.
And then what can you think of outside of what's already happening, what's already coming to life? And I'll just share with you right now, because this is the Brilliant Tista podcast. I have an underlying goal in all of this. And for me, it is again, it's another level of awareness, but it's to help us women evolve in who we are.
So we can say all day long that our genes make us this way. This is how women are. But there was a time when women were the most powerful rulers in the world.
And I think we digressed and we adapted traits like Megan said, you were in the kitchen cooking or you were taking care of the kids and you were thinking a lot of different things. And even what you said Megan earlier about the fact that, you know, you were in hot pursuit of achievement in your business and what you were doing that you thought you were doing okay over here on the mother side. But we do have that ability, which I think is so unique to who we are as women to adjust.
and to grab ahold of those other aspects of who we are and enrich those as well along the way, but also reaching out and getting that support so that we don't have to feel like we're doing it all alone. So what do you see women doing that makes you uber proud? Like you're just so proud to be a woman. You know, honestly, I think the biggest thing that I see is belief systems and mindset.
I know that isn't like some big action, but honestly, the number one thing that I see in my work of being a coach for the last eight years and having worked with thousands of women and primarily positioning myself as a business coach. So people are coming to me to grow their business, work on their business, and I do quite a bit of consulting slash coaching.
so it's not just coaching room asking questions but i'm doing quite a bit of consulting as well and the thing that i noticed with probably ninety percent of the thousands of people i've worked with over the last eight years they were just holding themselves back repeating the same stories over and over and over again.
the same patterns over and over and over again same habits same behavior same thoughts same words it was all based on past conditioning and believe systems that were created and then when they were little kids.
And then 10% of those people would just run with it, create a successful business, take action. So what I noticed with the 90% is that we would have session after session, if it was one-on-one, or we would have call after call, if it was a group program. And a large majority of the participants would make
zero headway in between calls. And so I was very fascinated by that. And I've been really fascinated by this for the last eight years and have really just kind of dived into what is a difference between the really small percentage of people, five to 10% who just like run with it. They're off to the races. These are the people who literally look like they're an overnight success because they're making a bajillion dollars in like the first three years of their business.
What's the difference between those people and the other 90% to 95% who are just kind of spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning and they're not making any headway. And it didn't matter how amazing the consulting I was giving was. It didn't matter if I was mapping out their entire launch or if I was literally telling them every single step to take on their business, they weren't doing it.
And it wasn't that they were doing it and not hitting the goal. They weren't doing it. And the biggest thing that I am most proud of, because this is actually what sets a woman free, it's all inside of herself. It's an internal game.
I want to wave the white flag for the women who are tuning inward to listen to their inner wisdom and their inner guidance system. Because it's actually inside of us where we have access to infinite possibilities, infinite intelligence. If you know anything about quantum physics, it's all inside of us. And I want to wave the flag for the women who are realizing that all the answers are not externally outside of them.
that they don't have to go look at another human being as if that human being has all the answers for them they don't have to go look at how many comments or shares or likes that they got on a post to know that they have value they don't have to have like some financially successful launch every single time they launch to think that they're worth anything that's the biggest shift.
When a woman sets herself free and she turns herself on inside of herself and she moves forward from that place and she realizes that to be of service, it is not to go out and bend over backwards for everyone else so that you can be walked all over or to be a people pleaser, but to be of service
is to literally and energetically tap into your highest self. Literally, it's like tapping into the highest level of your energetic being, stepping into who you desire to be in the future and becoming her today in terms of how you're feeling, in terms of your thoughts, your spoken word, the actions you're taking, your behaviors, your habits. When a woman realizes
the moment she realizes, because she'll never go back when she realizes this, that she has 100% control over her reality. Her life is never the same. And when you see that woman flip that switch and she gets it, the moment she gets it, her life is never the same again. And it's from there where you see the women writing the books and becoming the bestselling author. It's from that place
that they're starting the podcast it's from that place that they're speaking on stages and filling rooms with thousands of people it's from that place where they're being invited to speak on other people stages it's from that place where they are making the six figures and the seven seven figures it's from that place where they are getting to travel around the world it's from that place that they are the best version of themselves in every single area of their lives but until they flip the switch.
On all those things i just said those things that they're trying to achieve the either never happen or they happen to such a small unfulfilling degree.
Yeah. I'd say, I mean, that's the biggest thing because it's like the, it's the crux of it all until a woman gets that and she honors it and she owns it. It's like groundhogs day. You just keep repeating the same life every single day. And it's sad to watch because you know, all she has to do is own that. If she'll just get that and own it and never look back and draw a line in the sand, her life will never be the same. And you're unstoppable from that place too. Nobody can stop you. Nobody.
and no thing can stop you. So you and I right now, we've got listeners who are listening in. They hear your power. They hear your strength. They'll see your photo. They'll know and they'll say, well, of course she feels that way. Of course that's where she's at. They might see my photo. They might hear what I talk about. They might see what I've done in my lifetime.
You and I both know that there's a lot that we've been through that we've done just that. And I would say I've done that and then I have fallen and then I've had to do it again. I'm going to always be honest with this audience. I'm always going to be an open book because that's what I need you all to do. I need you guys to open up your books. This isn't misery loves company. This is women rising together. And we rise together. Like, like Megan said before, it's because we're seeing these examples of women who are stepping up.
So I will just share with you a brief story because I don't want to take all your time. I could do a whole podcast on this and I'm doing different podcast components of this. But the last year, 2018, if I were to look at it from a storybook, from the Facebook story world or from Instagram, there was a large part of that story that there was a deeper story going on behind. And going on behind all of that story was a girl who was really struggling.
struggling with my values, struggling with what was I going to bring into the world, struggling with the big dreams inside of my head and like Megan said, and getting nowhere.
struggling with trying to feel that I wasn't getting too old, that I had missed the boat of my life, struggling with stepping out of doing something I had done for a long time and stepping into doing something new, which is at that stage where you're a beginner, right? You're a brand newbie to that world, but it was all just weighing on me. And then there was financial problems that were going on in my life.
There were struggles that we were having that we had never experienced in our entire life. It had me on the floor, totally on the floor. It had me on the bed. It had me buried in a pillow. It had me binge watching television, which I have never done. Like not even as a younger person, I never binge watched television.
And i was just going through the motions but i had this word that i kept saying to myself over and over and over again reach sherry just keep reaching just keep believing that there is something that is going to help lift you from this moment.
And it is something you're going to have to lift yourself from, but we might be reaching in. And whether it was from in a book or whether it was through a conversation or whether it was literally like sometimes the craziest stuff would show up in my life. And it could literally be somebody's post through social media. And I'm talking about those really juicy, vulnerable posts.
But each one of them literally planted a seed inside of somebody who had a desire. I had a desire. And that was me. And I always kept saying this one thing, and maybe this is one little bonus for everybody is, I know.
I could do more. And you were right when you said earlier, what are we striving for? I believe that or I align with that is I know I could do more. I know this is not who I'm supposed to be. And I had to keep reaching for it. And on the other side, which is where I started to see things and things became very, very clear and very defined. I did a whole podcast episode on core values.
But when I started digging into that, that was that like you were talking about before Megan about going within, I had to figure out like, what was at the core of me? Like stop looking at what somebody else is specifically doing and stop hearing what somebody else is saying and stop thinking that everybody else has their answer. Kind of like that little birdie who's sitting in the nest waiting for the mama bird to come and feed them. But you've decided to fly out of the nest.
But also, maybe while you're sitting in the nest, you kind of look around at yourself and you say like, Okay, I have these wings. Let's see how they work and see how you can fly. So I ultimately, obviously, I'm here now.
I figured it out, but I didn't figure it out because somebody gave it to me, somebody handed it to me. So we've got to keep reaching and we got to keep finding that out. And I know, Megan, you have so many stories about your journey and the stories you were telling yourself. So for those of you who are Brene Brown fans, I highly recommend this book called Dare to Lead. I love it when she says, the story I am telling myself
And it's for a lot of different reasons. Does she use that line? But I used to always say, I went Hollywood. That was always my saying. I went Hollywood. So I allowed the mind to tell the story. I became the writer, the director, the producer, the actors, right? I was the full cast and crew creating the stories inside of my head, the things that I was believing.
But when she said that, it was somebody telling me what I say to myself and to say to other people. And I go, Oh, Sherry, what is the story you're telling yourself about you? And how can we change that? But Megan, what are the stories you had held on to from your past?

Struggles with Self-Worth and Expectations

that you had to have that wake up call that just says, wait a second, because that's what I want women to hear right now because girlfriend, you, I mean, I could just listen to you all day long. Wisdom, wisdom, wisdom, but that wisdom came from somewhere. Share with us where did that wisdom come from?
Yeah, and listeners out there don't think that I grew up knowing that I had access to this. I don't think many of us grow up in a household or in a school or in a church or definitely not from the media.
where we understand that we have access to so much power within us and that we literally are the creators of our reality based on those stories that were telling ourselves and the feelings that were feeling i didn't even know that that existed i didn't even know that once you came to this place where you realize
Okay, I'm 100% responsible for my results. I'm 100% responsible for my circumstances and everything comes from me. I did not even know that that existed until maybe six years ago. I didn't really start embodying it until early 2017. So maybe I was a late bloomer. I don't know.
i first want everybody to know that i didn't grow up in a community or in a house where i was taught that i certainly grew up doing what i was told i grew up doing what i thought i was supposed to do what i should do and i was a good little girl and i grew up very middle class in a town that had two thousand people and at the time one stop light.
now i think there's like four thousand people and like five stop lights my mom was a high school teacher. My dad worked for the power company and climbed polls and fixed power lines for forty eight years of his career so my parents are really hard workers week to my brother and i excelled in academics and athletics it's kind of like all we knew.
Yeah, my journey has been not without plenty of struggles. And for me, a lot of my struggles have also been internal. And a lot of my struggles have come from my own internal thought life about what I'm telling myself about myself.
or what i'm telling myself in comparison to whoever i'm deciding to compare myself to or what i'm telling myself i'm capable of or what i'm telling myself about how other people are going to perceive me.
And I can remember probably until the last, I'd say two years, two and a half years, maybe a little more than that. Most of my life felt like, and I know when I say this, people are so going to resonate with it. I literally walked on the earth as if every other human being I walked by was watching me, was looking at me, was sizing me up, was thinking about me inside their head.
and not thinking good things or nice things or positive things. And so when I was sharing earlier at the beginning of the show today about how we all kind of figured out how to be a chameleon and sort of morph ourselves into what we thought other people wanted us to be, that's how I operated. And it was very robotic. It also came across, at least for me, I would tend to come across stuck up
standoffish, cold, not welcoming because I was so overtaken and concerned about what everybody else thought about me. So I wasn't the person who like tried to make sure I was like super pretty and super flirty and like super loud or super funny. I did the opposite. I retreated. I was really quiet and I am an introvert. I'm an INTJ. So I kind of like fell into that.
and when you believe that and you think that, that every other human being you come in contact with is thinking about you and looking at you and sizing you up, what part of you wants to go for it? What part of you wants to be yourself? What part of you believes that you can actually be the best-selling author or lead a community of women? What part of you actually believes that other people are going to listen to what you have to say and be inspired and motivated by you?
you no part of the believes that and because of that i became a massive overachiever my first career was that i was a high school teacher and i would work seventy to eighty hours a week i was a tennis coach i was a football athletic trainer i was the coordinator i was the advisor of some other club i don't remember what it was called now i took a second job teaching.
for a virtual public school in North Carolina. I had 90 students online plus my full-time job. So it was like having two full-time jobs. And then I also took on a significant leadership role. I won't go into details, but it was enough that it really should have been a full-time position that somebody was paid a full-time salary working full-time hours. And I was doing it on top of everything else. I was responsible. I was dependable. And when you're responsible and dependable and you get the job done, guess what? People ask you to do more.
and to do more and to do more and when you're someone like me who thinks that people are going to think negatively about you if you say no and you don't want anybody to see you in a negative light you keep saying yes and you keep showing up and you keep going over and beyond and you bend over backwards for people and you make it work and you do it not half fast or.
And I'm like a mediocre kinda way but you like do it full out and that's where I found my worth. I found my worth and my value by producing work and not just that let's take it another step further.
It wasn't that. It was the validation I got from other people, which would have been whoever was my superior in that position or the person who was the authority figure. So when I was a teacher, it would have been my principal. It would have been my peers. When I worked for my mentor in the coaching space, that's my like corporate coaching background. It would have been her.
And when you live a life as an overachiever and you're doing it for the purpose of pats on the back so that you feel worthy and value about your value about yourself that is no way to live i was never really living.
at all. That's not a life. So that was probably 33, 34 years of my life. And I guess another interesting thing that I'll share. I started my own coaching business about a year after I left the teaching profession and we had a daughter.
And the first year of my coaching business i made eight thousand dollars and talk about financial stress there were times when i wouldn't tell my husband but i was asking my parents for money so that i can make sure there's enough in the bank account to cover our mortgage.
but I was hiding that from my husband so he wouldn't have to worry about it. That was my way of handling it. And then I finally did get to a point where I was actually making enough and Sean didn't have to work as a personal trainer anymore. So that was awesome. And then I actually left my business in 2014 and I worked for my mentor in the same space. She had a multimillion dollar, still does multimillion dollar coaching and training business online. She's,
extremely well known all over the world and i was there for four years and that's pretty unique how many people start a business like leave a profession start a business leave their business go work for their mentor kind of it was kind of like an apprenticeship although i was an employee.
and then leave that and then come back to their business. So it's been quite the journey. Nobody's journey is smooth. It's not supposed to be smooth. And I think the biggest thing that I've learned from it and we will all continue to learn is that it's not about the destination. It's not about the goal. It's not about the achievement. It's not about the accomplishment. It's not about the place that we're trying to get to. It's about the process.
And when I finally realized that not only did I have to fall in love with myself, I also had to fall in love with the process because the process of life, whether you are an entrepreneur or not, the journey that you're choosing to go on, the process is going to have a lot of ups and it's going to have just as many downs. And as high as your highest highs are, your lowest lows are going to be that low too. And it's not like you have one low.
and you think you're done. You have them all the time. I mean, I had one a couple of months ago. What I've learned is that there's always the big breakthrough and your next level, your next quantum leap is always on the other side of the breakdown.
even if you're in a depressive state, because sometimes that'll happen to me too. It's much more short-lived now than it used to be, and now I get it. Kind of like you were saying too, it doesn't take you out of the game completely. You realize there's an awareness that you're going through it for a reason. You're meant to learn something. We can't let go of things that are holding us back unless we allow them to come up to the surface.
That's what i learned about the breakdowns and the lows those are happening. So that the stuff that still inside of us that has to be worked on that needs to be let go of the only way for it to be worked on and for it to be let go of is for it to come to the surface.
And is it painful? Oh yeah, it's painful. And none of us want to face it. None of us want to deal with it. And it does not feel good yet. There is light on the other side of that. And it's where you're being invited to, for whatever it is for you, it's where you're being invited to shed the layers, to release the hooks.
and the chains and the anchors that are dragging you down and slowing you down so that you can actually rise to the next level. None of us are ever going to get to the next level until we become the woman that we have to be to fully operate at the next level. And oftentimes you're going to be brought to your knees in order to become aware
of who you have to become if you ever want to get to where you say you want to be. Because who we are today is not who we're going to have to be a year from now to create, produce, perform, whatever word you want to call it, whatever that is going to be in a year.
I won't even recognize myself today a year from now because I'm going to have to become the woman who I meant to be a year from now creating and doing and being and producing and performing and whatever it is leading the things that I meant to be doing a year from now. So those things are never going to stop happening.
Okay. You girl, um, you know, it's like, you know, when they're like, do you want to drop the mic? Well, I don't want to drop my mic on the floor because it'll sound really loud. It's so true. I love the fact that you just shared all of that. And as I'm sitting here listening, just like you are sitting here listening as our guest on our podcast, I just hope that this means something to you because it sure means a lot to me. One it's, Oh,
I'm not the only one. I'm not the only one that feels this way. I'm not the only one that went through all this. And I love the fact that you said it is. It's true. It's like we have to let this stuff come up because we can't even identify it. Sometimes it's almost like tasting something for the first time and you're like, what is this that I'm tasting? You're just trying to figure out like, how do I even deal with this?
And there was something that was said a long time ago, and this has to do with business, but I apply it to every principle of my life. And that is your business can never be bigger than you. And I apply that to everything, me being a mother, me being a wife, me being a friend, you know, me knowing how to learn more about the environment and the things that I do. It's like, I cannot be as big as I want to be until I'm willing to go through and learn and experience or any of these things.
we would sit down with people and talk about their goals and their dreams and what they wanted for their lives and people would shoot for the moon and i thought that's just great and then you hear that saying shoot for the moon and you land amongst the stars well i don't know about you but i believe the stars are past the moon but what i wanted
people to do was say, what are you willing to do? Who are you willing to become in order to have what you want, which is exactly what you were just saying? Because I know that for myself and for anybody, if you wanted to run a multimillion dollar business,
Do you have what it takes to deal with employees? Do you have what it takes to know how to hire or how to fire? Do you have what it takes to understand business structure? Do you have what it takes to understand what the whole world of marketing is all about? What do you already have? Well, that's the size of where you're at right now. So yeah, to expand on that, to grow on that is going to come with those bumps and bruises along the way.
Even though we're supposed to set the right intentions and use the right words as we are growing and experiencing, it's like I am gaining the knowledge that I need in order to become who I am designed to become. Like the goals and the dreams. I know I am going through all of this because I'm becoming who I am supposed to be for the next stage in life, right? And I remember after I'd just gone through everything that I had just gone through, I said, if I would have sat down with somebody,
and said, what do I need to do to get here, to get to this vision of where I'm at right now? And they would have wrote down a checklist of all the things that I would have had to have gone through, which was basically everything I had just gone through. I would have looked at that list. I would have crumbled it up, shoved it through a shredder and said, no, thank you. I am not signing up for that. And that's what we have to realize is we wouldn't sign up for it.
But do we want what's on the other side? And I'm going to say, yes, yes, you do want what's on the other side. And so if we remember, we're taking those baby steps, right? We're moving through these experiences in life and grabbing ahold of that information and that life experience and bringing it to the next level.
So Megan might have shared her age, but for those of you who know me, it's always going to be 28. And by the way, I just realized the two, it's two and the eight is infinity. So I'm to infinity and beyond. But that's the thing I've realized on my journey of life is
When somebody sits down with me and they have a conversation with me and I have some weird understanding about what they're going through, well, it's only because of this life. I'm inviting everybody on this podcast to be willing to embrace it, but don't do it alone.
I want to kind of bring this all around. And I know you have so much to offer. And so I'm so glad you have this podcast that people can listen to. And I'm so glad you're part of our Brilliantista community. And I'm so glad that you've hung in there with me as I've figured this out. So just a huge thank you to the deep, deep, deep roots of my heart for you and for the other women who believed in me to say, yes, I'll give this time to you because I believe in what you're doing.
If you could say what was something that somebody said to you along the way man or woman doesn't matter that you felt was something that you've never forgotten and you've held on to and if you need to think about that for a second you do that but share with our audience was there something that somebody said that you might repeat over again and you're passing it along to somebody else.
Yeah, so it may not sound profound, but my life changed when I heard these two things. Number one, when I actually understood and took it from a level of understanding to a deep knowing, there's a difference. There's a difference between understanding at a theoretical intellectual level and an inner knowing and embodying. And it's this simple.
anything is possible, anything is possible. And I actually never heard that until I was in my early thirties, not in that way. And I think that anything is possible is like tossed around really loosely, or you can be whatever you set your mind to. That's what I always heard growing up, but nobody ever explained what that really meant.
But when i actually fully grasped and then lived my life leaning towards a true belief that anything is possible you show up in a completely different way you can't just say oh yeah anything's possible you have to actually bend your day bend your thoughts.
Bend your habits, bend your daily practices and routines, bend your behaviors and your actions and who you're surrounding yourself. You really have to bend everything toward anything is possible. That would be number one. The second one, also very simple and not very profound, and I've already said this, you are 100% responsible for everything in your life, everything.
And I think that so many of us, I'd say probably like 92 to 93% of all human beings, they don't actually fully understand what that means. So it doesn't just mean like a hundred percent responsible, like show up and get your work done. I think that's what we're, we kind of think be a hundred percent responsible means when we're growing up in school, like show up, be at school on time, do your work, turn it in, get a job, do a good job. That's not what I mean here.
When you actually have an inner knowing and you embody that you are a hundred percent responsible for what you see in your life today, you will completely change how you approach life.

Embracing Personal Responsibility for Change

You're responsible for the amount of money sitting in your bank account right now. You are responsible for whatever's going on in your household. You're responsible for the kind of house that you live in. You're responsible for the kind of car that you're driving, how far your business has gotten to this point.
Basically, we are 100% responsible for our circumstances. And that really flips our perception on just about everything. Because most of the world, and this is also what we're taught and trained, so it's not any of our faults until you actually know it. And then if you know it and you're not doing it, okay, then it's your fault. But it's none of our faults. We're never told that we're a victim of our circumstance, but we all think that we're just supposed to be reacting to our circumstances, that we didn't have anything to do with our lot in life.
we don't have anything to do with getting sick we don't have anything to do with getting in the car wreck we don't have anything to do with you know an argument in our marriage we don't have anything to do with that or anything to do with being a single mom or a widow or whatever it is but when you look at your hundred percent responsible for your circumstances and
your past beliefs that you actioned is what created every circumstance that you actually are surrounded by right now. When you get that and you believe that, you realize that if I had the power to create my current circumstances that I probably would like to see be better, then doesn't that mean that I have the power to choose the circumstances in my future?
And I know that that be 100% responsible. It's so simple, but the majority of people on planet earth, they might say that, but they're not living that. And we can see that we're not living that the minute we start blaming the circumstance.
or the people in our lives or whatever we blame, take a hundred percent responsibility. Anything is possible and you are a hundred percent responsible for your reality and you have that degree of power to create anything that you want. Not always easy, yet possible.
So I am actually a subscriber to the, I am 100% responsible for the things that happen in my life. And I have been now, and I'll say this, and it might blow some of you away, but for almost 30 years. And interestingly enough, it's kind of played a positive and a negative in my life. But I want to share this one, just kind of a graceful thought that I want everyone to adopt.
When something bad is happening in our life, and we believe that, we believe that we are 100% responsible for what is happening in our lives, we could, and we do, beat ourselves up. Because if we subscribe to that, we're saying, why am I letting this happen in my life? Why? Why did I desire this? Why did I create this?
When we're doing that, it's doubly, right? It's doubly knocking on us a little bit hard. And just this past year, when I was struggling,
When I was struggling, I was saying to myself, why am I creating this? What's the reason for all of this? What are you doing, Sherri? And I would say to myself over and over and over again, and then in December, my dog got sick, my buddy, my pal, and then he died, and I said,
Why did you create this? And I know that life is not permanent. So I get all of that. But the tragedy of his death, I kept asking myself, why are you creating this? I think I added to my state of not being the brilliantista badass that I wanted to be by wanting to answer those questions for myself. And so I just invite Grace
into your life so that you can say to yourself the things that I had to say to myself, which was, you know what, Sherry, you're still figuring out the how you're doing all of this. And when it gets down to it, we do have to go through some painful things. We do have to experience things. And I look at everything that I've been able to experience in my life and say, wow,
Guess what? I now get to have that conversation with a woman who might experience that as well. My Bell's Palsy, oh my goodness gracious. That brought me into a community of women that I couldn't have that conversation and not just a Bell's Palsy community, but also a community of women who feel that they're not pretty or that they struggle with how they look or they feel that they have been judged their whole lives and people are thinking and talking about them.
As you're going through this creation of your life and you're a hundred percent responsible, I want you to own that and I want you to believe in that and set intention to what you would like in that. And then I always say, put your big girl panties on.
and just say, you know what, I know I'm going to have to grow. And I know that every experience that I bring into my life is going to be something that I know I can turn around and help somebody else, which is again, why is this brilliantista community existing? It's to share those stories.
So I, as I just experienced something just not too long ago, going from somebody who was very successful, built an incredible business, has even built multiple businesses in a great way and loved every part of it, I too fell. And I'm now grateful, hindsight, right? 2020, I'm now grateful for that fall and I wish and I will do it better next time, I hope.
I will give myself more grace because I know that even if it is on the outside looking bad and that I didn't make it all perfect and great because I'm in control of that, that it was all designed for me to experience something that makes me even better. So just give yourself that grace and not beat yourself up when it's not perfect. So I just wanted to share that with you. Thank you, Megan, for
making that opportunity possible. Yeah. I love, I love what you just shared. Thank you. Years ago when I was a little girl, somebody I loved dearly took their life and I didn't understand it. Like you just don't understand it. You can't even wrap your head around it when you're a little girl, but you miss them.
But there was something about their life that they felt there was no reason there was no point. And I obviously now we see this happen more and more and a lot of it has to do with what's going on inside of somebody's head whether it's chemically or just lacking a sense of fulfillment and purpose and drive and
and community. I would say a big part of it is some of the people, it's the highs and the lows. Sometimes the lows are just so, so low. And the highs are so great, right? And that's why I want every woman to know I want you to lock together. I want you to come together because it's people like me who need you. And it's people like Megan who need to know that the whole world isn't
judging them and thinking about them, but that we're all thinking about, how do we make it through another day? So that's something I want everyone to know. Please, please, please lock arms with women around you and give the old, I see you, you know, signal like, I see you, girlfriend. I know what you're going through. I'm there too with you. Oh, Megan, I have loved every minute of this podcast time with you. I love every time I've ever had a chance to talk to you. Never enough. It's never, ever, ever enough.
But I want you to leave everybody today with something that either is a great resource, whether it's a book, whether it's a podcast, whether it's something that's saving you time, making life a little bit easier for you. But what can you leave this audience with today that you feel would be a great add-on into their life?
Yeah, sure. And we could totally like talk about this stuff all day and do a masterclass. There's so much to talk about. So some resources, let me think. So I'm an avid reader. I read a lot of books a lot. I read like multiple books a week. So
One of the, I think one of the most life-changing books ever read was The Untethered Soul. That would definitely be one to grab if you haven't read it. Another one, I'm a huge fan of Brendan Burchard. So any of his books, I think his latest book, High Performance Habits is such an amazing book.
book, everything from clarity to productivity to energy to presence and psychology. And there's so many tangible prompts and resources and exercises and activities in that kind of book. So those are probably my top two books that I would recommend in terms of reading. I'm also a really big fan of Robin Sharma. His first name is spelled R-O-B-I-N. He came out with a book a couple of months ago called The 5 AM Club.
And I'm not saying you have to subscribe to waking up at 5am. I do not. Although he says you should wake up at 5am. His book is full of really simple activities and exercises and frameworks to help change daily habits.
so that you're moving in a direction of personal mastery. So those three books, Five AM Club, High Performance Habits, and The Untethered Soul, those would be my top three picks for books. I love that. Do you want to just share with everybody real quick, why did you decide that structured freedom was a big part of something that you would want to bring to the world?
Yeah. So my husband actually came up with that name, probably it's probably been like eight, eight or 10 years ago. We talked about that. We were, I think it was one morning or one evening. I think it was an evening. We were getting ready to go to bed and we were talking about some like future visions and goals and plans and what we wanted to create in the world. And he came up with that. So that's where the name actually came from. I came from him and he and I are both really big believers that in order to have freedom,
in your life, it is like the price that you have to pay for freedom is structure. And that's not just structure in your physical calendar.
It's structure in a lot of other areas of your life as well, down to like practices and habits. One of the things that we're really big on is being very intentional, being really intentional about your energy, intentional about attitude, intentional about how you desire to feel, not just at the beginning of every day, but even transitioning from one activity to the next.
within your day, whether that's transitioning from email to a client call to lunch to then going from business mode to mommy mode or wife mode, being really intentional about that. So a lot of what I teach and what we teach together are structures that allow people to get out of the overwhelm and the chaos and the going through the motions and
you know at times like almost being such an overachiever that you are feeling a bit lost about where your future is going where big believers in that you do have to have structure if you actually want to create freedom and be who you really want to be at a level of excellence. In all areas of your life so that's where structure freedom came from.
makes sense. I, I subscribed to that a hundred percent. Cool. I fully subscribed to that. So we're going to go ahead and wrap up this call. Cause I know we could probably have this conversation run on and on and on, but I want you to come back. I want you to join us again because you do have so much wisdom. You really do. I mean, you, and, and just insight too, that I know I want to hear, I know other people want to hear. So if you'll, will you come back and join us again?
I will totally come back. And thanks for having me today too. It's always, always fun, always a pleasure. Oh, I'm so glad. I'm so glad that you were here. And ladies, this is what we're all about. We just want to make sure that we do open up our hearts. We're not trying to bring you fluff. We're not trying to sugar coat anything. And I appreciate that with Megan.
It is real. Your dreams are possible. And I invite you to explore what that is and I invite you to go inside, inside and discover what that is. Like I mentioned before, I did a whole podcast on core values and I keep going back to that because it was the moment in my life when I finally figured that out, that every decision I was making became clearer. I could make a decision fast. There's a saying that I would hear a long time ago, but I wasn't sold on believing it.
And it was successful people make decisions quickly. And I remember thinking, well, I'm successful and I do have to ponder some things. And I don't know if I buy into that. It's maybe not every single decision, but what I'm saying now for myself is I now know where to invest my time. I now know what type of conversations
resonate with me. And I don't mean like friend conversations. I mean, you know, from how I market what I talk about, because it has to align with my core values. And it's easy for me to commit to that. It's easy for me to set a lunch date. So I invite you to make that ease happen for you in your life as well. I just can't even tell you, talk about a time saver. Ladies like, hello, how much time do you want to spend trying to make those decisions? So do you agree with that too, Megan?
Yes, I totally agree with that. And I think that oftentimes we forget to remind ourselves and pay attention to what our core values actually are. And I think it can be very easy to kind of get off track a little bit and out of alignment from our core values, especially if we haven't revisited what those are.
And if we go a little too far down the path over time and we haven't reminded ourselves or revisited what those core values are to just kind of check in and say, hey, is the decision that I'm making here or the direction that I'm going in over there or the person that I'm aligning with myself now.
Is this actually in alignment with my core values because you kind of can't ever go wrong when you're making decisions from the place of your core values so it's always a good practice to remind yourself of those every so often if not looking at them every single day so that you're leading your day and leading your life from those core values as the foundation.
Yeah, absolutely. One of my big challenges that I'm challenging everybody with right now is find your top two, because it's something Brene Brown talked about in Dare to Lead. Find your top two core values. We would be talking about core values, and I had six of them.
I would start to say what they are and I'd get to about four and I couldn't remember the last two or I'd get to five and I couldn't remember what the sixth one was. And I thought, are these really core values of mine if I can't remember what they are? And when I heard Brene Brown say the exact same thing, I thought, oh girlfriend, I still get it. So coming up with two took a little bit of work and I actually have a worksheet that we have on our website. So you can go ahead and download that.
But when I did that, it was easy. It's like, here they are, courage and community. And it made everything I did possible. Like I literally was like instantly, I jumped out of bed. Talk about if your core value is courage and you're down, it's time to step up. It's time to own that. It's time to say, this is how you got where you've gotten. And it's also what you see in other people. Like you're helping women to step into their courage. You're helping your children to step into your courage.
You're doing things that aren't easy because you want to. So some people say success. I was striving to be courageous to think outside of the box. I was striving, I was being courageous to say the unpopular thing. I was being courageous to think in a different way. So anyway, once I knew what that was, just made everything so much easier. So I wanted to be easy for you as well.
So, ladies, ladies, ladies, I know I've said this a couple of times, but I thank you from the bottom of my heart for joining us. I thank you so much for sharing our love and sharing what we're doing here with your groups and with your audience. And hopefully, as you're out there growing a business or a community or a team that you understand, that truly is help others to help themselves. And this is how we do it. We share what we're doing and how we're doing it.
With that, I am looking forward to our next week's guest as well. And I invite you to join us, subscribe to our channel, and I look forward to connecting with you all real soon. Step on over to Brilliantista and join our community in Facebook. And we would love for you to introduce yourself and let us know who you are and what your big dreams are. So thank you so much and bye for now.
Thanks for listening to the Brilliantista podcast. If you love the show and have a moment, please let us know by leaving a review or subscribe to the podcast. Truly, this would mean the world to me and my team. And remember, ladies, share this with your friends because that's what friends do. If you want to stay connected, go to and join our Facebook group. You can also find me on social media at Sherry Custer or Brilliantista on all platforms.
Most importantly, I hope you heard something today that inspires you to elevate your brilliance. Bye for now, Brilliantista. We'll be back next week.