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Starting A Podcast… The Steps To Creating The Brilliantista Podcast… Our First Show image

Starting A Podcast… The Steps To Creating The Brilliantista Podcast… Our First Show

E1 · Brilliantista Podcast
14 Plays6 years ago

Have you ever been inspired to do something, but you were completely ignorant of what it would take to make it happen? Friend… this is my life✋🏻… 100%! Seriously… I think it’s the best place to start… ignorance on fire!

Being optimistic is an excellent tool for the innovator… it lets you believe “you can do it.” This is great… but if you’re like me occasionally (or every other week) our doubting voice loves to step in and take over. That’s when having a supportive community helps… they become your optimistic tribe… cheering you on. Something we all need, wouldn’t you agree?

The vision for BRILLIANTISTA goes beyond our podcast… I see endless possibilities to elevate one another and our lives... TOGETHER! 

Sending Love + Light !!

xo Shari

📌 PS... Links mentioned in the show are no longer available... effective 2024


Shari and her brilliant guests… go beyond the surface... sharing decades of Organizing, Lifestyle + Business Brilliance... and the reality of living in the REAL WORLD. ✨

Brilliantista ® podcast is like having coffee or tea with your BESTIES… the ones who understand you, cheer you on… and aren't afraid to offer tough love when needed.

Real-life conversations and practical tips on everything from… organizing your home (hello, less clutter, more joy!), lifestyle (developing healthy habits), and business tips (work-life balance)… to navigating life's challenges. We laugh, we cry, we learn... and we embrace imperfection.

Are you ready to create the life you want to live… and elevate your brilliance?✨

Press play… make some new BESTIES… and let's make it happen... together!


xo Shari Kuster 🤍


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Introduction to Brilliantista Podcast

You're listening to the Brilliantista podcast, where women elevate women who desire success in business and life. Each week, I'll share valuable insights, actionable steps, and powerful interviews with brilliant women who open up to share the wisdom, tips, and strategies behind their success, helping you to elevate your own.

Sherri's Entrepreneurial Journey

I'm your host, Sherri Custer, a stay-at-home mom who built a seven-figure business with zero experience, but the willingness to figure it out.
Hello and welcome. I cannot tell you how excited I am to begin this journey. This is our first ever Brilliantista podcast. And for some of you, you have been watching us and following us on Instagram and on Facebook, and you might be part of our community as well. And you have been told that this podcast is launching and it's launching soon.
Well, here it is and I am so excited. I cannot even begin to tell you how excited I am. First off, I'm excited about the women who have volunteered their time and have said, I am stepping in. I want to be a part of this journey. I want to be able to help women. I want to be able to provide what I know.
so that other people can grow and become better. And that is something that I just tell you, I am honored to be a woman. I am honored to be a part of this tribe for sure. Let's kind of dive in a little bit. I want to give you kind of the background of what this whole podcast is about and what Brilliantista is about so that you can have a greater understanding as we move forward of where we are right now and where we're going and what to expect.

Empowering Women through Conversations

So I will begin with just sharing a little bit about who I am and where this whole brilliant Tista thing even came from. Starting with my name is Sherri Custer, and I am a mother of three. I'm also a wife to a wonderful man by the name of Blair.
We have been together for a very, very, very long time, but we managed to raise three incredible children who are now adults. So I can't say that they're kids anymore because I don't have kids. I have adults. I'm also a grandmother as well, but I'm also something else. I am an entrepreneur through and through. And it was a passion of mine probably from the time I came into the world and was raised by my grandfather.
and grandmother to find what it is that I am supposed to do when I grow up. Well, I've asked myself that question a lot. And there's probably different stages that I have asked myself that many, many, many times. Well, about eight years ago, I was really asking that question.
And at that moment i was introduced to network marketing i don't know about you guys how many of you are familiar with network marketing i always say we either are using the products or were in the company or we have people around us that are using the products so we're all familiar with this industry.
But I really wasn't as familiar as I thought I was because I didn't understand that there was this whole arena of a community of people where you could find a product and fall in love. Well, I stepped in and
Within a very short amount of time, and this by the way was before major social media was available, but I stepped in and managed to build a seven-figure business inside of 18 months.

Building a Resourceful Community

And I will tell you, even though that sounds amazing, I still didn't feel fulfilled and satisfied to the level that I wanted to be. I wanted more. There was something more that I wanted.
Fast forward a few years, I also had a struggle where I had my 16 year old son say to me that one day he had a mom and the next day I was gone. And what he was referring to was the fact that he was 10 years old when I started in my network marketing business and I jumped in full speed ahead.
I forgot the thing that was most important to me and that was being a mom. I paused my network marketing journey and said, I need to figure out something else. Not that I didn't want to continue in network marketing, but I knew I had to find the better way.
Well, through that journey, I connected with some of the most amazing women who empowered me and taught me things that helped to elevate my success. Not only was I able to do better in the network marketing world, but I was also able to decide that I wanted to do something else even outside of network marketing that would help me to further some of the gifts that I had.
So how did we end up here on the Brilliantista podcast? And how did we develop this community? Well, I realized that on my journey, there was one huge benefit that I had that other people did not have, that I felt I had kind of a cheating system. It was kind of like, I'm benefiting, but, and then you know what happens there.
So one day I realized I wanted other women to be a fly on the wall in my

The Birth of 'Brilliantista'

life. I wanted other people to be able to have access to what was going on, access to the people that I had the access to, to the information that I had access to, but also to be able to hear kind of the deeper conversations that we were having. So not always what you hear on social media when somebody is telling you
the great things of who they are and all of what they have done to build success, but really the real conversations, the things that I felt were the tools in my belt, the things that helped me and helped propel me. So my thought was, let's do a podcast. And so here we are, we are doing this podcast and we are doing it together.
So when I first launched Brilliantista and actually was trying to come up with a name for this podcast, I was like, what am I going to call this? What am I going to call this podcast where I get to bring on all these brilliant women and we get to have these real conversations, these raw conversations,
And we are going to take some good, juicy stuff and let people in on what's going on behind the scenes. And I kept thinking, what are we going to call this? What are we going to call this? And here's what happened. On November 21st, 2017, this word, brilliantista, came to me and I thought, oh my gosh,
I love this word. It was feminine. It was brilliant. It was a lot of things that I felt was exactly what I felt in myself about myself and the women that I was surrounded by. Quickly, I went in thinking, what is this brilliantista word? Realizing it didn't exist. And I thought, oh my goodness, we're going to bring this and this message to the

Vision of Collaboration and Support

world. We want to make sure
that we see you and that you know we see you and that you are brilliant. I have a hashtag that I post on almost everything that I post out there which one of course is Brilliantista and the other is hashtag that's brilliant. I want you to realize you are brilliant and the things that you're doing are brilliant.
The other hashtag I absolutely love is, you're a big deal. And the reason I want you to understand that you're a big deal is because inside of all of us, we have that doubt. We say to ourselves, who am I? Who am I? Like, why does anybody need to listen to me? Why does anybody need to care about what I have to say?
Well, the truth is we do. What you say matters. Your story matters. Your experience matters. And that is what we are here to share with other people. I have invited on to this podcast. We've already recorded several interviews.
And we're going to keep doing this and keep doing this. But we have the six-figure earners, the seven-figure earners, the eight-figure earners. But not only are these women building successful businesses, they are in touch with their understanding of building a successful life. They also understand they're messing it up almost as often as they're doing it right.
But that's the whole journey. We keep making the adjustments accordingly. And I want you guys to see this. I want you guys to be a part of this. So one of my big visions for Brilliantista is a lot of collaboration. It's a lot of connecting women to other women so that you can become stronger, you can become better, and maybe even form my favorite thing on the planet,
partnerships, business partnerships

Overcoming Entrepreneurial Challenges

that help each other succeed and succeed really well. Because one of the biggest challenges I think we all have as entrepreneurs is our businesses can overwhelm us. They can take over our lives when it takes over our life.
where are we left with? Like we started doing something we absolutely love and the next thing you know, we're not loving every aspect of it anymore. And not that we do, not that you love every part of it, but we almost get to the point where we don't love any of it anymore. And it's because it's a lot of work, which is why I love the collaboration concept. I love the partnership concept. I love when women come together and decide to start a business together.
So where else are we gonna go with this whole thing? We're gonna do live events. I am a live event girl. Every single month, I would put on a leadership training. It was at our library. We had this gorgeous, beautiful library. And I just am so passionate about helping women to step into their leadership skills, to step into their confidence, to break down

Advocating Women's Leadership

those walls that pulled us back.
Guys, I will tell you, you'll hear stories throughout this journey of this podcast where you're going to start to get to know me a lot better. And you're going to start to see where did this girl come from? And you might perceive me to be somebody who came into this world just like this.
but you're gonna find out that this girl was shy, that this girl was terrified to speak. And I don't mean just a little bit terrified, I mean the full on chest beat red, having a panic attack, hearts pounding too hard, can't even breathe, don't know how to exhale, don't know how to inhale, don't know how to get the words out of my mouth. That was me.
to a person who ultimately is standing on stage in front of thousands and thousands of people talking to my heart's content because I am passionate about helping other women succeed, to launching this brilliant tista company, having a vision to say, my vision goes beyond a lot of things that I'll share on this initial podcast, but I hope that you'll stay tuned.
I know that this brand, this name, this identity is something that I personally have longed for. When we first launched Brilliantista, I asked the community, I asked the women of our group, what does this word mean to you? They came up with things like illuminating.
and unique and innovative and creative and genuine and ambitious and inspiring, successful and talented and strong and powerful and loving and beautiful and smart and proud, elevating and joyful, leader. I love that. Delivering excellence, extraordinary, striving, confident, classy, timeless, collaborative, celebrating. Oh my gosh, I love that.
respectful, significant, happy, uplifting, impactful, healthy, sassy, fabulous, and feminine. I am sure you could probably come up with a whole bunch more words for you and how that word resonates with

Defining 'Brilliantista'

you. What does this mean to you? We're not here to define what brilliantista means.
We have our mission. We know what we want to deliver. We know we are a company about excellence. We know we want to make sure that the people that we bring and put in front of you, whether it is through our podcast or whether it's through our live events or whether it's through our live videos, that these women are absolutely passionate about making sure that their business is run ethically, that they're honest, they have integrity, and that they are walking their talk.
Where are we gonna go from here? Well, we're gonna keep going with our podcast. We're gonna invite you to share. We're gonna ask you to ask questions. We're going to want to know where are you at right now on your journey and where do you want to go?
We invite you to be a part of our Facebook community. We have a wonderful Facebook community. We're just getting that started. We wanna help you open up. We wanna help you to connect. We wanna make sure that the questions you need answers to that you are getting them. We wanna make sure we're providing you the resources and the tools. We have a YouTube channel that is launching. I am the person who loves to teach people what it is that I know. We're gonna have lots of tutorial trainings
so that you can learn the ins and outs of using tools. If tech is terrifying you, I promise you I will take away the terror and make it simple. Because if there's one thing I know is less is more. We have got to take the more out of the situation and minimize, minimize and simplify.
right? That's what we're all about. So if you're overwhelmed, if you feel like you're wearing the weight of the world, I want to help you to eliminate that. I want to help you to fall in love with you. I want to help you to understand you are a big deal.
You are not small. You are not insignificant. You are a brilliant tista. And I'm going to say that again. You are a brilliant tista. I am a brilliant tista. This is a community, I promise you, of some of the most incredible women. And I invite you to invite your friends. I invite you to invite people to learn from all of this.
I have a big heart. So the biggest problem that I have had my whole entire life is truly

Encouraging Authenticity and Action

seeing the value that I have, but also the desire to pour into other people because I am a person who wants people to win.
I have built teams off of the philosophy. I have built community events off of the philosophy. I want people to win. And if I can provide something to help you, I am going to do it. I will do the hard work of finding the people. I will do the hard work of creating the connections. I will do the hard work of
digging out of them what it is that I know you are desiring to learn and to hear. I promise you that. Sometimes we're going to knock it out of the park and sometimes we're going to fall flat on our face. That's just the way it goes.
But if you have patience with us, as we start this whole journey, as we figure this out, as I always say, I love when Marie Forleo said this, everything is figure-out-able. I have been on a journey my whole entire life and I know for a fact I've been around a little bit longer than most of the people that I follow and I'm attached to because I think they're so amazing.
I have always my whole life no matter what situation i was in no matter how low of the low i was in no matter how high of the high i was in no matter how confused i have ever been i have always been determined to figure it out.
And part of figuring it out was figuring out how to do a podcast. What am I going to say to you guys? What am I going to tell you? Well, for somebody who does not like to write things down, does not like to script things, you're getting this 100% raw.
So I hope that you find this whole journey on this Brilliantista podcast as well as all the other things that we're a part of. I hope you find it valuable. I hope that it helps to elevate you because I promise you this, it will get better if it's not where you want it to be right now. That is a guarantee.
One thing I can tell you right now for sure, if you start and you do not stop and you keep putting in effort and taking action, you too will get better. That's what this whole world is all about. That's what our journey in life is all about. It's about doing something.
walking through the process, figuring it out along the way.

Engagement with the Community

Don't have to wait until. There's no wait until. And you know what? For those of us who we do have high level of excellence and we have high standards, I get you. I know what it's like. My goodness gracious, I can't tell you how many times I have created content and sat and stared at it and tweaked it, changed the font, moved it to the left, moved it to the right before I ever hit save. So I get that.
but I want you to know this. I am not gonna wait. I don't want you to wait. I want you to move forward. I don't even know exactly what I'm doing on this whole process of creating a podcast. I just know that if I put a microphone in front of me, if I speak what's on my heart, the information is going to come out and hopefully that information's going to help you.
So with a takeaway, what can I help you with today? You have to submit your questions. You have to let us know. You can contact us. You can contact us at hello at with your questions. Who are some of the people that you admire and respect and would like to hear more from? We're going to have them on.
I believe that this Brilliantista movement is going to bring the people to this podcast who want to be a part of this with us. I have no doubt, I have talked to many, many, many, many successful entrepreneurs. And when I share with them the vision of what Brilliantista is all about, it's as if they want to just scoop this up and make it part of theirs. So guys, that's what this is all about. This is a community that is yours. This belongs to you.
I am the facilitator of this incredible vessel of a brand called Brilliantista that defines who you truly are at your core. And that is what this whole thing is all about. We are going to get to the core of who you are
how you can become better, how you can create success in business and life, and how you can serve the community around you.

Call to Action for Listeners

I promise you this, my time on this planet will be well spent. I have spent a lot of time in contemplation, and that's okay. We have those moments in our life where we are in discovery mode.
We aren't in action mode. We're in discovery mode, and that's okay. So part of that time of discovery has led me to this moment right now with a microphone in front of me, headphones on, and a huge heart jumping up and down. Cannot wait. I cannot wait. I cannot wait to get this journey going faster.
So thank you so much for being a part of this first episode ever of our Brilliantista podcast. I cannot wait for you to hear the interviews that we have coming up. You are going to be wowed. I'm just going to tell you, one of my favorite things that I hear at the end of every one of the episodes that we have recorded is the same thing.
Wow, this was so different. This is stuff that I've never been asked before. These are things that I'm looking forward to sharing with my audience because they're going to learn things about me that they've never heard before. People say, I love the fact that you asked me that question. I never would have even thought that that would have been something that my audience would find beneficial, but you're so right. And that to me says we're doing something that other people want and I want to make sure we keep doing it.
So with all of that being said, I am just going to bring my hands together and say thank you so much for being part of this journey with us. I invite you, of course, to subscribe to our channel, to get those updates, to be involved in our community through Facebook, through Instagram.
I am going to reach out back to you and hopefully help by providing you some value that you can literally take and run with it. Again, thank you so, so much. And I look forward to our next episode, which is coming out next week. Bye for now.
I invite you to reach out to me.