Ghosts, Karma, Luck, & Guardian Angels. Are they Biblical or Not? Find out. image
Grove Hill Church
Ghosts, Karma, Luck, & Guardian Angels. Are they Biblical or Not? Find out.
Ghosts, Karma, Luck, & Guardian Angels. Are they Biblical or Not? Find out.

In this episode, Dan Sanchez, along with Kyle Hess, Jon Ballard, and Pastor Ridley Barron, discussed various commonly held Christian beliefs that might not be fully biblical or may have been misunderstood. The conversation started with the idea of God wanting happiness for believers, touching on how scripture defines joy in difficult circumstances. They also examined topics like whether Christians should judge, if God gives more than people can handle, and misconceptions about guardian angels. The group reflected on how subtle misinterpretations of scripture can influence beliefs, emphasizing the importance of aligning with biblical truth.


  • 00:01 – Introduction and overview of the topic.
  • 01:57 – Does God want you to be happy?
  • 04:23 – Should Christians judge others?
  • 06:39 – God will never give you more than you can handle.
  • 08:31 – Cleanliness is next to godliness: origins and application.
  • 11:12 – Do we have guardian angels?
  • 13:47 – Discussion on ghosts and spiritual beings.
  • 18:30 – Does Satan rule over hell?
  • 20:11 – Is luck, superstition, or karma biblical?
  • 24:23 – Christianity and political identity.
  • 27:25 – Psychology and its role in Christian faith.
  • 30:22 – Is material blessing a sign of God's favor?
  • 33:32 – "Main character energy" and the biblical view of self.
38 Plays
4 days ago

In this episode, Dan Sanchez, along with Kyle Hess, Jon Ballard, and Pastor Ridley Barron, discussed various commonly held Christian beliefs that might not be fully biblical or may have been misunderstood. The conversation started with the idea of God wanting happiness for believers, touching on how scripture defines joy in difficult circumstances. They also examined topics like whether Christians should judge, if God gives more than people can handle, and misconceptions about guardian angels. The group reflected on how subtle misinterpretations of scripture can influence beliefs, emphasizing the importance of aligning with biblical truth.


  • 00:01 – Introduction and overview of the topic.
  • 01:57 – Does God want you to be happy?
  • 04:23 – Should Christians judge others?
  • 06:39 – God will never give you more than you can handle.
  • 08:31 – Cleanliness is next to godliness: origins and application.
  • 11:12 – Do we have guardian angels?
  • 13:47 – Discussion on ghosts and spiritual beings.
  • 18:30 – Does Satan rule over hell?
  • 20:11 – Is luck, superstition, or karma biblical?
  • 24:23 – Christianity and political identity.
  • 27:25 – Psychology and its role in Christian faith.
  • 30:22 – Is material blessing a sign of God's favor?
  • 33:32 – "Main character energy" and the biblical view of self.