God Guidance for His Glory - Blueprint Series image
Grove Hill Church
God Guidance for His Glory - Blueprint Series
God Guidance for His Glory - Blueprint Series

In this sermon, Ridley Barron preached about the divine providence and transformative power of God's guidance as demonstrated in the lives of Paul and Silas. He explored their missionary journey, redirected by the Holy Spirit away from Asia towards Europe following Paul's vision of a Macedonian man pleading for help. Barron highlighted the importance of seeking and understanding God's will through Scripture, communal counsel, and logical reasoning. Utilizing biblical anecdotes and personal reflections, he emphasized that God's guidance can be gradual and unpredictable, yet it always leads to His glory. Through the lives of characters like Paul, Timothy, Lydia, and the Philippian jailer, Barron illustrated that God can use anyone willing to say "yes" to His call, no matter their background. He encouraged listeners to deepen their relationship with Jesus and prioritize seeking God's will in their daily lives, reminding them that every obstacle can be turned for good according to God's plan.


00:00 Conflict created two missions, showing divine providence.

05:31 Paul mentored Timothy, emphasizing gospel outreach adaptability.

07:36 Misunderstanding local cuisine created international incident.

12:48 Seek godly counsel for important life decisions.

16:19 Make time for God's word, prioritize it.

17:50 Continuously listen to and follow the spirit.

22:27 God's plans exceed human expectations and understanding.

26:22 Worldly people lie; cling to the truth.

29:30 Boys celebrate, sing, and are freed miraculously.

33:15 Paul proves church no threat, secures Roman peace.

37:28 Ensure decisions glorify God, not humans.

38:46 Have a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ.

43:49 Physical actions solidify spiritual commitments, ensuring sincerity.

41 Plays
7 days ago

In this sermon, Ridley Barron preached about the divine providence and transformative power of God's guidance as demonstrated in the lives of Paul and Silas. He explored their missionary journey, redirected by the Holy Spirit away from Asia towards Europe following Paul's vision of a Macedonian man pleading for help. Barron highlighted the importance of seeking and understanding God's will through Scripture, communal counsel, and logical reasoning. Utilizing biblical anecdotes and personal reflections, he emphasized that God's guidance can be gradual and unpredictable, yet it always leads to His glory. Through the lives of characters like Paul, Timothy, Lydia, and the Philippian jailer, Barron illustrated that God can use anyone willing to say "yes" to His call, no matter their background. He encouraged listeners to deepen their relationship with Jesus and prioritize seeking God's will in their daily lives, reminding them that every obstacle can be turned for good according to God's plan.


00:00 Conflict created two missions, showing divine providence.

05:31 Paul mentored Timothy, emphasizing gospel outreach adaptability.

07:36 Misunderstanding local cuisine created international incident.

12:48 Seek godly counsel for important life decisions.

16:19 Make time for God's word, prioritize it.

17:50 Continuously listen to and follow the spirit.

22:27 God's plans exceed human expectations and understanding.

26:22 Worldly people lie; cling to the truth.

29:30 Boys celebrate, sing, and are freed miraculously.

33:15 Paul proves church no threat, secures Roman peace.

37:28 Ensure decisions glorify God, not humans.

38:46 Have a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ.

43:49 Physical actions solidify spiritual commitments, ensuring sincerity.
