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Terminator Month: Trivia Quiz image

Terminator Month: Trivia Quiz

S3 E4 · Chatsunami
371 Plays2 years ago

In the year 2022, the world of podcasting has been overrun with Podcast Bots. All that stands in their way is a Scottish red panda and a talking sandwich. With time not on their side, the duo must make their way through the good, the bad and the downright ugly of the Terminator franchise in order to keep their podcast alive for their third season.

In the final episode, Adam tests Satsunami's knowledge of the franchise. Can he succeed in getting all of the questions correctly? How did James Cameron pitch the idea of Terminator? And was there really a Salvation spin off?! All this and more in this episode of Chatsunami!

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Introduction to Chat Tsunami

In the year 2020, a red panda in a talking sandwich began a podcast called Chat Tsunami. As the podcast grew, they began attracting the attention of the dreaded podcast bots.

Terminator Month Recap

Now, in 2022, beginning their third season, they must make their way through all of the Terminator films. Wait, even Genesis? Yes, even Genesis.
Oh, man. Well, Lisa's no birdemic. Welcome to Chatsunami.
Hello everyone, and welcome to the fourth and final episode of Terminator Month. My name's Adam, and as always I'm joined by the legend, the one and only Saviour of Humanity himself, Satsunami. Satsunami, welcome back. Thank you for having me Adam, honestly. It's a year away from being back, with my own face,

Bizarre Endings and Obsessions

might I add. Didn't have to pry it off another legend.
I mean that actually didn't have to get it stretched over your metal endoskeleton. I still can't believe that was an ending to it. Not only can I believe that was a proposed ending to Terminator Salvation, I can't believe that I didn't save it for this quiz. That would have been an amazing quiz. I definitely think that would have been the one question I'd have fooled you with.
Yeah, if you want to know what we're talking about, please feel free to go back and listen to our Terminator 3 and Salvation episode. That got wild so fast. Can I just say, usually when you and I talk and you know when people say, oh I've got a fun fact for you, it's never a fun fact. It's always like a wild and just like, what, where did that come from?
Oh, wild ride. We've been on these last couple of weeks and everything. As you say, that will forever stick in my mind that somebody thought that was a good way to end a film. But as well, I have to ask you a serious question, Satsu, because I've been worried about you over these last couple of weeks, and I'm genuinely concerned here. Have you got over your obsession with covering things in human flesh? For legal reasons, yes. Yeah, but I plan to nod, yeah. Wow. Yes. I am a rehabilitated member of society now.
Just imagine your house is like Dr Frankenstein's lab or something now. What was it I was talking to you about? And it wasn't even… That was it. It was Hocus Pocus 2. Right. This is why this came up, OK? My girlfriend and I decided quite early to watch Hocus Pocus because she'd never seen it before. And what I didn't realise was that the magic book and that, that has the big eye and everything, is actually coated in human skin. And a ribboner takes a dadum. And I was like, oh, look,
that book's covered in skin. You could send that back in time as Skynet took over. And that was when you decided to have an intervention of, listen Satsu, you can't keep saying these things. I have an announcement to make as well. I'm afraid this is going to be my last episode. Because my partner, after I told her about your obsession with covering things in flesh, my partner said I'm not allowed to hang out with you anymore. So it's been fun. Thank you. Thank you all for having me on. It's been a wild ride, but you know.
All good things must come to an end after it gets covered in flesh. How has your experience been going back through the Terminator franchise and through the highs and lows? How have you found it? Honestly it's been a delight watching these films again. Even the bad ones haven't been as bad as I remember them, because don't get me wrong, Salvation's bad, Genesis bad, Dark Fate bad, wow look at all the hot takes I'm living here.
but at least I had something to say about them. You know, it wasn't like I sat there and I just thought, these are so boring that I've got nothing to say about this. Because, I mean, we've been talking about these films for a good couple hours a episode. I can't fault them for not having entertaining things in them.
it's true like whether whether it be stuff in the film or things around production or it's like the plans for it and everything they certainly are it certainly is an interesting series with a lot of a lot of highs and lows and everything and that was funny as

Finding Enjoyment in Flaws

well it's funny you saying that like even the films that aren't great they weren't as bad for you this time around because that's what i found as well i'll be honest i was really not looking forward to re-watching salvation and genesis and i still don't think they're particularly great films but i did
find myself enjoying them ever so slightly more. And I don't know whether that's just, I knew I was going to have some fun discussing them with you and everything. And so perhaps that helped as well. But it was nice that there wasn't, like, I don't feel even the bad films are just irredeemable, god awful trash. I still think there's at least some slight redeeming qualities and there's some fun to be had in discussing them. Oh no, absolutely. I mean, you and I have seen far worse and little self-like films, a certain avian film being one of them.
A certain avian film and a certain film where a boy hid in the transformer box. Remember that one? A boy hid in the transformer box. What one was that? Like an electricity, like electrical transformer box. I don't know if you remember the beginning of Alone in the Dark. Oh yeah. I remember everything else from that film and I'm like, I remember that bit. I remember Tara reading it. See, when you say transformer box, I thought I was like a more optimistic guy. I was like, I'm trying to talk to you as Brian Boxen in a way.
When you said transformer, I was thinking of this boy in a cardboard box with Optimus Prime sketched to the side.

Crossovers and Comics

Honestly, this is a problem now. We can't talk about electricity in this country without thinking of the transformer. Do you know there was a couple of years back a comic book written of a Terminator Transformers crossover? How would that even work?
Well, I attempted to put this in the quiz, but I decided not to. So the story is that basically the Decepticons take over Earth and they're fighting Skynet. And so Skynet's kind of like the resistance. And what they decided is they send basically the T-800 back in time to destroy all the... Is it Cybertroni? Cybertron. Cybertrons, yeah. So they decided to wipe them all out, basically.
And it ends up, the T-800 ends up like teaming up with Sarah Connor to try and like find where the, where the Autobots and Decepticons have crash landed on Earth. And then it ends up with the T-800 teaming up with the Autobots to take on the Decepticons. But I was just like, I want to be fun around that. I was like, that is not a crossover I expected to see. Apparently it's like, I don't think anybody says it's like set the world on fire, but it's supposed to be quite entertaining.
It's not a common thing though because I remember I took to Twitter to tell people what we were reviewing and we have talked about a lot of Terminator media. There's a game that I've been playing recently called Terminator Resistance and I put out a tweet saying oh I really love this game, it might make its way into an episode.
And then all of a sudden I got a response from someone saying, are you going to be doing Terminator versus Robocop? I'm sure the crossover's awesome, but it's just a dumb thing now. Whenever there's a franchise with a robot, are they just going to put robot ex-terminators? Can you imagine the robot from Short Circuit?
Like Johnny Five versus the T-100. Johnny Five's alive but not for much longer. Johnny Five's not ready for that, oh my god. Well, aside of that or Wally, that would be horrific. Oh no, you leave Wally alone you sons of bitches. That would be a massacre. That would be to be honest. Although if Evie was there I feel like Wally would be okay, because Evie did not mess around. On your tread soldier.
But honestly, you're completely right. It's fascinating how many crossovers there have been. I mean, most of them are in comic book form, but it's fascinating how many crossovers there have been with the Terminator and

Terminator's Storytelling Flexibility

everything. I mean, as you said, there's been Robocop, there's been Transformers. There's one where it's Predator versus Alien versus Terminator. There's Superman versus Terminator. It seems to... That's sort of a good way of it being described. It's like, Terminator is actually a very interesting setting in a way, and it's something that you can actually transplant quite easily into other things.
you don't have to have the exact established canon of the Terminator films. You can kind of take the idea of Skynet and it's war against humanity and place that in other universes. So it makes it quite ubiquitous in that way and is able to move into a lot of different franchises quite well.
Oh, absolutely. It seems like a bit of a... I'm gonna use my fancy words for this episode. It seems like a bit of a tabula rasa, doesn't it? Oh, I like that. I didn't go to uni for four years just to not use tabula rasa. Like, it does feel like a bit of a blank slate, doesn't it? Where it's like dystopian future, killer robots.
you could plant them anywhere. I mean, it worked with Doctor Who in the Dalek. It's a good point. Or the Borg in Star Trek, or I don't know, the Trade Federation in Star Wars. You know, I'm a massive sci-fi geek, sumi. You know, if you've been listening for over 100 episodes to me talking on the show and not realised, I'm a massive nerd. Hello, my name's Satsanami. Nice to meet you. The teabags are over there.
I suppose like it's that way. I suppose like man versus machine is, it's quite an old trope. You know, it's quite a well-established one and it's quite, it's one that people seem to like enjoy, you know, and still people want to see IPs based on that kind of idea. So it makes sense in that way that, as you say, killer robots are inherently, I suppose equally fascinating and terrifying. So I doubt we'll probably see that trope, especially as technology continues to like impact our lives more and more, I guess. I don't think that trope is going to die out anytime soon.
No, absolutely not.

Man vs. Machine and Everyday Frustrations

I mean, have you been to the supermarkets recently with the self-serving machines? I mean, if there's anything that's going to tip humanity over the edge, it's going to be those machines telling you that you haven't put in the stuff you put into the weighing machine. He's like, no, it's all fine. He's like, there's already removed from the bagging area. He's calling security. It's like, no, don't you dare. You snitch.
But you know, do you know the one that really gets me? Tesco have them. I don't know if other supermarkets have them or not, but like you get the extra fancy ones where you get like a, you can get a scanner at the door and then you can like scan up your own shop and then you go to one of those self-service things and you scan the barcode and it transfers your shopping over. And for the most part, it's fine. But every now and then it picks you up to get like a search of your like stuff. So somebody has to come over and check it and you're like, oh, you son of a bitch, you machine.
I think they have them in Sainsbury's as well, and I've never used them because I would be terrified that I didn't scan something. They would be trying to sneak this copy of Terminator Geniuses out. I swear it's for a review. Ooh, this man. Terrifying. They will be on the front lines. The self-service machines will be on the front lines when the robots rise up to wipe us out. No, I totally agree with that.
of covering things in flesh to the dangers of self-service checkout machines. Are you ready for some

Quiz Segment and Chatsunani Promo

good old quizzing? Yes, I'm ready for some, as you said, family friendly. Family friendly? I promise there's no questions that involve human, well, there's no question that involve covering anything in human flesh. Oh man. Let's interview this over.
out. How does it feel to be sitting in the Quizzie seat for once? Yeah, it feels weird because for the last… oh, is it two trivia episodes we've done so far? Because we did the Halo one, and we did the Sonic one. Yeah, I think that's the only one we've done so far. Because the only other one I've done before was with Jan from the Beer and Chill podcast who had done a couple of the Star Wars episodes. Oh, of course, yeah.
I remember I went on to his and he was like, oh, I bet he's not going to get any of the questions correct. I got one question wrong and the rest correct. I was like, who am I wasting my life? You are smart man. I am probably more nervous than you because I'm just like, I've got 10 questions here. And I'm like, I bet you Satsunami is going to get 10 out of 10. Oh, bring it on.
You're a small one, you're not easily fooled. That's one thing about you, like you can sniff out a liar. I feel like so. I mean, you say that now, but I'm probably gonna. Yeah, let's prove Skynet wrong and put the podcast box into the ground once and for all. Our final offensive against the PBs.
Well, without further ado then, I think let's take a short ad break, will we? And then we'll come back and we'll get some serious quizzing on, so enjoy these upcoming transmissions and we'll see you on the other side. Welcome to Chatanami, a variety podcast that discusses topics from gaming and films to anime and general interest. Previously on Chatanami, we've analysed what makes a good horror game, conducted a retrospective on Pierce Brosnan's runs James Bond, and listened to us take deep dives into both the Sonic and Halo franchises.
Also, if you're an anime fan, then don't forget to check us out on our sub-series, Chatsunani, where we dive into the world of anime. So far, we've reviewed things like Death Note, Princess Mononoke, and the hit Beyblade series. If that sounds like your cup of tea, then you can check us out on Spotify, iTunes, and all big podcast apps. As always, stay safe, stay awesome, and most importantly, stay hydrated.
Movies and Feelings. Pop, pop. Bring Your Own Popcorn is a podcast that dives into people and the movies who love them. Let us preach to your choir or stoke your ire as we spiral down memory lane with cult classics, jurastics, and other genres that rhyme with traffic. What we lack in education we make up for with comedy, compassion, and camaraderie. I'm your host, Mixed State Majesty, inviting you to join me and an assortment of wonderful guests on fine podcast apps everywhere.
Bring your own popcorn. So, Mr. Satsanami, are you ready? Oh, I'm ready. You had your brain fuel today to prepare? Yep, I had my Whittabix and my big boy coffee. Yeah, I said you're going to smash this. I have lots of faith in you. So yeah, feel free to play along at home and you can always let us know how you got on. Let me know how I do as a quizzer as well. I'm always up for some constructive feedback. He says like knowing that instantly the minute I get any feedback, I'll go cry in the corner. But that's for later on.
Oh wait Adam, sorry I see before you go on. Did you get that notification, the Paypal one, for the answers? Cheeky wee braid? No. Shut up there. You know what I mean? We don't want everybody to know this is just a giant work. I was getting my shot going like, oh my god, I can't believe you got all these right. Aren't you clever? Yay! I mean, yes indeed. Something, something, something, something.
That's the title of this episode now. What is the Terminator Tabula Rasa? The Tabula Rasa. Oh trivia quizzes, I love you. But sorry, yes, please go on. Aren't we smart cookies here? We are smart cookies here on Chatsunami. Yes, we come here for the intellectual questions, you know, such as, can you wrap things in flinch and send them back in time? What happens if you wrap a Terminator in bacon?
Does it cook it? That's the question. It would taste disgusting. It would be all burnt and crispy. Anyway, sorry. That is your show. That is your quest. Before we go down this rabbit hole. OK, so without further ado, here we go. Question number one. So we're starting right back at the beginning of this series. While attempting to secure funding for the Terminator, James Cameron devised a unique stunt to impress studio executives. He set up a pitch meeting with a group of studio executives and then had actor Lance Henriksen, who plays one of the main cops in the first Terminator film,
Yet Lance Henriksen showed up at the meeting dressed as a Terminator. Henriksen broke down the door to the studio's office, and then sat down in a chair until Cameron arrived. Right, Satinami, is this true or false? Oh, that is a tough one. I'm leaning towards false, because I'm sure Cameron had his eye on Arnie for a while for this.
It's Lance Hendrickson. Is he Bishop? Yeah, he's Bishop as well. I've forgotten the name of his character. I think it's like Lieutenant Volker or something like that. He's the one who's like, he's always like talking to the other guys like, shut up.
to Terminator come before aliens or aliens? Yeah, Terminator came first and I think while they were getting ready to start production on Terminator, I think, okay, because Arnie was contracted to do the second Conan film before the first Terminator film. So during that kind of like interlude there, I think Cameron got approached to write the script for Aliens, which eventually ended up directing as well. So technically Terminator was first, but I think Aliens was kind of in the works.
I'm going to go with false, because if Alien came before Terminator, I see what you mean, this kind of an overlap here. If Alien came before Terminator, then I would believe that because, you know, he's Bishop and he does like an absolutely fantastic job as an android. But I don't know, like I believe he would pull off like the scary devoid of emotion robot. But to kick down the door and
Now I'm gonna take a risk here and say false. It's probably one of those so crazy it's true facts. I'm gonna go with false for this one. That your final answer? It is but I'm not confident.
afraid to say that's true. So I think this happened before Arnie was cast. So I think this was like quite early on in the process when Cameron was trying to find a studio to fund the film. And James Cameron Lance Henriksen have been friends for quite a while, apparently. So I think Henriksen was very keen to help out whoever he could. So they kind of devised this publicity stunt, basically, as a way, I guess, to kind of like try and impress and show how fearsome this thing could
be. And by all accounts, I think it worked, apparently. So like, Hendrickson like broke down the door dressed kind of like Arnie is in the final film. And he just sat down there and then Cameron, I think arrived a couple minutes later. And it apparently did impress the executives. But yeah, I think there was I think Hendrickson was considered for a while to play the main role, but then it kind of they think the studio wanted somebody more famous. So that's when we got names like OJ Simpson and Mel Gibson, another one considered. But yeah, I'm afraid that was a true story.
Now I was gonna ask why wasn't they considered, but yeah that makes sense. I suppose it's the same nowadays, but especially back in the 80s. They wouldn't have wanted someone with a bit more star power, and of course Arnie was a huge star in the 80s. So yeah, no, that makes sense. I'll take that loss.
fair enough. It does sound like an incredibly risky stunt, because I can imagine that going horrifically wrong. But apparently it worked, so there you go. Clearly there you go, taking a risk every now and then, but yeah, I don't think I would ever. I would never have the cohenies to devise a stunt like that and then go for it. Yeah, but at the same time, it would take the intimidation factor completely away if it was dragged off by security. And he's like, no, Mr Cameron put me up to it.
get tracked up, would not be the same terminator. I don't think if it didn't work. Apparently, according to some things, it was actually quite, some of the staff were actually quite frightened by the whole thing. And apparently, I don't know if it's true or not, but apparently there's like one thing that like towards the end of the meeting, like one of the producers overheard to be like, I don't care who you use for the terminator, just not that guy.
So maybe it costs Lance Hendrickson in the end to be involved in that stuff, but there you go, helping our buddy. And he got Cass as Bishop at the end, so it all worked out well. Oh yeah, absolutely. Alrighty, are you ready for question two? I am. Being the amazing Quizhurst I am, I completely forgot to explain the rules to the audience at home, but I've got 10 questions and they're all going to be true or false, much in the same style as the previous quizzes that Satsunami has given.
But yes, so on to question two. So we're still in the first film, Terminator. The first Sarah Connor, who the Terminator kills, lives at a house with the number 14281. This is a reference to the date on which James Cameron had his fever dream where he first visualized the T-800 and which led to him writing the script for the Terminator. True or false?
14281, did you say? Yeah, so it would be like the 14th of February 1981. And is that the way it was written? 1402. 1402, sorry. It's five numbers. It's 14281. I would believe this, but the only thing that's thrown me off here is the fact that it's not written in the American way. And maybe I'm overthinking this.
Do you know what I mean? Because it's usually the... They do it the other way round, don't they usually? They do it the month, the day, and then the year, but... What was the last number? Eighty... Eighty-one. Eighty-one. Eighty-one. Eighty-one. And when did this film come out? Eighty-four. Sounds like something that would be true. Am I asking too much to ask when Piranhas came out?
Yes, no, you can ask. So Piranha came out in late 1981. Right. I think it was maybe October? I think it maybe came out about time of Halloween. I can check for you if you like. Yes, please. This is smart, getting all the available evidence. Oh, no, apologies. It actually came out in 1982. Apologies. So it came out in August 1982. Yes, August 1982. I'm going to regret this. So can I just get that number?
Yeah, so the number is 14281. I'm going to go with false. I get the feeling it might be true, but I'm going to go with false. That your final answer? Sadly. You're right, it is false. Oh, thank God. I went all Sherlock there going into my mind palace. Like, you see, the Americans would never put it in such a barbaric way. Do you know what? I'm disappointed, though, that you didn't remember that the number is clearly 14295 is clearly the house number. Clearly, yeah.
Which I didn't know house numbers could be that long, but there you go, apparently so. But yes, you were completely right. And the more I was like, oh damn, I forgot the Americans. That was well done. You found the thread that unraveled. Well, elaborate conspiracy. But yeah, no, I don't think there's any symbolism behind the number on the house. I think it's just the number of the house that they happen to be filming at. Now I need to get the beige trench coat for Halloween and be like, ah, just one more thing.
be there as well. It was like, when did For Honor 2 come out? And I'm like, 1992? That's funny. He said it was 81. That's funny because my girlfriend, you see, she loves that show. There you go. Well done. So fill your bills of momentum now. I've got one. Okay. That's it. I'm hanging on.
You know, one leads to two. You can't get to nine without getting to one first, so there you go. Okay, so we're moving on to Terminator 2 now here. During filming for the final big fight scene between the T-800 and the T-1000, actor Robert Patrick, who played the T-1000, kept ripping his trousers. Allegedly he went through 15 sets of trousers. Apparently his trousers kept ripping in either the crotch or down the legs while he performed the various fight moves and jumps. And apparently if you play a part of the fight scene in slow motion, you can actually see Patrick's trousers begin to rip in the crotch area.
That has to be false. No rips in the trousers yet. As I look down precariously. Please don't be a riff. Please don't. Please don't tell anyone how I live. Please. Oh, that's such a great line though. Oh, now you're getting some proper momentum now. You're beginning to roll. I was going to say, you have no idea how much faith I have in tailors.
I'm ready to remember that one. Don't try and fool that, it's not really a tailor-based questions, you'll know. I'm not a tailor, I'm just enthusiastic. Alright, you ready for question four? I am indeed. Let's do this. In 2020, during the 60 Minutes special about him, Jerry Seinfeld revealed that Arnold Schwarzenegger was apparently scheduled to star an episode of Seinfeld during its fourth season. The storyline was supposed to parody elements from Terminator 1 and Terminator 2, and would have involved Arnie trying to track down Kramer after the latter spilt soup on him.
Unfortunately the timing couldn't line up as Arnie became involved in production for the last action hero. What year did season 4 come out? Season 4, it started in August 1992 and it ran into 1993, but I guess filming would have been like, probably like earlier, 1992 then maybe? Like as funny as that would have been. I'm gonna go with false again, and I know I keep him a negative Nancy, but the reason is, and it's partly because, yeah I'm not like the soup guy.
No true for you. But I think the reason I'm saying that is because while that's an absolutely hilarious concept, Arnie would have been very popular, especially in the 80s and especially the early 90s. And from what I recall, I know Seinfeld wasn't really as popular in its early run, and it wasn't until about, and I could be wrong, like any Seinfeld historian to the special you, Adam. Please, Sophie.
was certainly becoming very popular by its fourth season. We're right in saying that the very early seasons weren't the most popular but it was becoming very popular by its fourth season. But I'm just wondering if they had enough momentum to pull someone in like Arnie. I can imagine in their way to half season six onwards maybe or even five onwards because season four that's got an amazing episode. Is that the season where it's got the boot guy and
No, I think he is actually Season 4, right? It's Season 3 or 4 but I think it is. I'm sure that's the one with the book guy, Bubble Boy, the one where they think Jerry and George are in their relationship. Those kind of classic episodes that you think, oh that's classic Seinfeld. So there's anything wrong with that? Not that there's anything wrong with that, no.
Yeah, I'm gonna go with false because I think although that would have been hilarious, I feel as if it would have been later on in Seinfeld run, whereas Season 4 seems to be where the kind of struck gold. Like they were building up a slow momentum because I was sad enough that I watched a documentary video on.
It was like, Seinfeld was poorly received at the beginning. I was like, really? It's edgy, edgy, I don't know that. I thought it was popular from day one. You've been watching it, I know a lot. What season did you start in as a matter of interest? About four, about three or four. I've been kind of skipping around seasons, but I ended up falling back and forth because my friend and I started watching it and then we kind of continued from four all the way to, I think I'm on season six or seven.
And I could tell there's some, you know, hit or miss episodes, but season four is definitely the one with the most laughs. So yeah, I'm going to say false for that one. I'm going to say false. You're being very mistrustful. Wouldn't it have been great if it was true? But you're right, really, we don't. Wouldn't that have made for a really fun episode?
It sounds amazing, but yeah. I literally imagine Arnie walking into the post office where Newman works and being like, I'm a friend of Cosmo Kramer's. I'm told he was here. Can I speak to him, please? I can imagine, do you know the scene where they're in this subway with its Kramer and Newman in the plane risk?
bit insane. It's like they're playing on a Gameboy or something. It's like, you're a stupid machine. Can't compete with my machine. I come from a future where machines are dominant. Relax buddy, it's just a game. You call Skynet game. Just crushes the Gameboy. That would have been incredible as well.
But no, I couldn't find anything linking Arnie to silent film anyway. So there we go, live on in my dreams. He plays it on two of my favourite things. But nope, you were correct. That was false, as could be. Just my poor fan fiction there, really. And if you want to check out that fan fiction, it's forward slash. What is it, sign it? Sign it.
Soup nets. No soup for you. Alrighty, we're about to reach the halfway point now, and yeah, I'm very impressed. As I knew you would, you're crushing it. Well, one is wrong, so I'm going to try and make up for it.
This has just powered you up now. That early slip has just brought you, you've gone super saiyan now. Yeah, it's a coyo dream. Did you make an anime reference? I did. Are you proud? Are you proud? Are you listening? Are you proud? Oh my God. I've got to turn off. I was going to say, I've got to message Green Jewel to be like, oh my God, it's happened. He's turning.
I'm changing. Turning into a massive weep. Oh my god. Alright so, are we ready for question 5? I'm ready to go when it's doing this. Moving to the early 2000s now. James Cameron and Arnold Schwarzenegger were both very reluctant to make another Terminator film, after Terminator 2. While Cameron could not be enticed back, Warner Brothers managed to get Arnie to commit to Terminator 3 by offering to pay large amounts of money into his campaign to become Governor of California. True or false?
Truffles. Truffles, yes, Truffles. I know for a fact that they were going to give him large amounts of money, but large amounts of money towards his campaign directly. Because I know the story behind it that James Cameron and Arnie, they both had a talk and he said, should I do it? And James Cameron said, well, only if you get offered a ton of money, ask them for a ton of money. And he did.
I think I'm gonna win.
No, he got tons of money. But are you saying that money went directly into the campaign or they're just giving him the large amounts of money? No, and directly into the campaign. Would he have even announced that he was running at the time? The rumblings, yeah, certainly I think he was. Well, he was very active.
in California politics. His campaign was up and running before because the election was in 2004. So they tend to start these things a couple of years earlier. Oh, of course. He was very much like high profile saying he was going to run and getting his campaign together at the time of Terminator. Obviously, Terminator 3 was his last film before. Spoiler alert, but he did become governor of California. This was his last film before that event.
I'm going to go for true in this one. I think there's a degree of falseness because, I mean, they did get a paycheck on top of that. That's the thing that's thrown me off here. Are you saying they got a paycheck and they got the money? He got quite a lot of things, I'll say. He got his normal paycheck plus some other incentives, but a big incentive was that they pledged a large amount of money for his campaign.
I know there's that famous fact of in the third film he funded one of the stunts where they're getting chased through the streets and they don't have enough money for the crane to go through the building. So he paid out of his own pocket to fund that scene. I'm going to go with true for this one. I'm going to be a wee bit positive this time. So true. Feeling some true. Some dirty shady deals going on.
Yeah, let's get some truth out of here. I'm afraid to say this is false as well. Arnie did get an exorbitant amount of money for this. His fee was $29.25 million, which was a record at the time. He got a lump sum of $1.5 million for private jets, a fully equipped gym, three-bedroom deluxe suites on the location, round-the-clock limousines and bodyguards.
He also got 20% of the gross receipts made on movie theatre tickets, DVD sales, licensing, game licensing, so he made an absolute, an absolute ton from this film, but it does not appear, unless this was some properly shady deal, it does not appear that the studio gave any money towards his campaign, because I'm not entirely sure how legal that is. Maybe it is, I don't know.
but I'm not sure if there's maybe some laws, but who knows, maybe they did, but I couldn't find any facts about it, I'm afraid. Kicking myself for that one, because I was leaning towards false and then I thought, well, it's America.
You know what, that is sound reasoning. It's politics, it's democracy, isn't this how it works? I was going to say, I love how that's my reasoning for all these questions. The date's not an American, the campaign's an American. American tailors are well known for their sturdy trousers. If there's any American tailors listening to this, can you fact check and let us know? I think you've become their spirit animal now. I feel as if I have.
Yes, the glorious red panda industries. I was going to say, red pandas are known for their tear worship in the wild. Just give them a leader when they're red and they're monsters. The finest artisanal craftsmen that they are. I mean, have you ever seen a red panda not looking dapper? Do you know what? I don't think I ever have. There's your answer. True or false? True. So we've just passed the halfway point. You're doing incredibly well with free right. I still feel you've got a lot of momentum here and I think you're going to smash the back half of the
As long as I get five, that's the main thing. As long as I get at least half of them, I'll be happy. Well, you can't get to five without first getting to three, so you're well on your way. Are you ready then for question six? I am indeed. Let's do this. A proposed sequel to Terminator Salvation would have seen Christian Bale's John Connor travel back in time to a pre-judgment day world, and also would have involved Skynet sending non-infiltrator units back into the past. True or false?
OK, when was this decided? This was before Salvation was released. So they kind of like what happened with Genesis. Well, you know, they'd kind of plotted out like an arc of films. So the plan for the next film was going to be that John Connor would go back in time to the kind of pre-judgment day world. And then, as I said, Skynet would send them. But why non-infiltrator units? I mean T-800s with no human flesh around them. And apparently things like Hunter Killers and I think maybe even some of the tanks and everything. I have curiosity and I apologize because I feel like a historian asking
I'm going to be like, when did this come out? But when did the Sarah Connor Chronicles come out? Ooh, that's a good question. I think it was pre-Salvation. Let me have a look. I know it's definitely between Salvation and T3. Looks like Season 2 was airing in 2009. That's after Salvation, isn't it? Probably, bang on. I'm sure Salvation was 2009, was it not?
Yeah, I think you're right. So it looks like 2008 was when it first debuted. The Sarah Connor Chronicles that is, and then Salvation. Yeah, 2009. So yeah, they're about the same time. I'm going to say false for this one, and partly as due to the Sarah Connor Chronicles. Sarah, so let's try saying that three times.
Oh, what a nightmare. Yeah, mainly for that, but also because as far as I know, there was a lot of legal troubles with salvation as a whole. I mean, not including the fact that they couldn't get Arnie in because he was the Governor of California and they had to CGI his leathery husk.
to one of the robots which they promptly blew off. They had issues with the toys where they molded toys of John Connor but they couldn't show his face because of licensing issues and things like that. I'm gonna go with false because I feel as if at this time the Terminator franchise was in legally at least a very turbulent period and I don't see them producing anything else on top of the Sarah Connor Chronicles because I don't think that was well
received. I'm not saying there was a bad show because it does have its fans but it's not like well regarded compared to other media in the Terminator franchise so I'm gonna go with false on that one. You're thinking false. You don't think they'd plotted out such a detailed script for a, what would have been a fifth Terminator film then? I mean they didn't plot a detailed script for this one. What makes you think they'd do it for Terminator 5? Come on, come on. I don't know what, that is such sound logic.
But I'm afraid to tell you this is true, apparently. Really? Yeah. So about the time that Salvation came out, 2009, the director of McG told IGN, I should not have taken a drink of water at that point. Oh, my God. I keep forgetting how stupid his name is. Sorry. It is so stupid. I hate saying it. I really despise having to say it. But for the sake of the sake of Terminator, I'll say it one more time. McG told IGN that plans for a fifth Terminator film.
would have been focused around the time travel, which was something that was quite absent. I think completely absent, actually, from Salvation. But it would have brought that element back, and Bales Connor would have gone back to a pre-Skynet 2011, which was a plan to release the fifth term net film in that year. So yeah, they would have had that. And then also the plan was that Skynet would have invaded the past with its machines.
Which is so stupid. It's a stupid idea. I've got no words for that, to be honest. I keep thinking, how can they make a Terminator franchise even worse? A name that G comes along and says, you hold my... Hold my, I don't know, blue dog. I don't drink, so I don't know. Hold my flaming television. Exactly. Hold my microwave.
So he just wanted to send a whole bunch of terminators back? Yeah, they clearly wanted some kind of giant CGI cluster. F-U-C-K. Well it's almost as if the terminators could have done that to begin with. Yep. And they didn't. I wonder why. What did he mean by this? That's the question. What did he mean by this?
Can we imagine that for a minute? Can we imagine? Right, okay. Can you imagine Mick G was directing the first Terminator film? Let's see Kyle Reese as the first director. Kyle Reese is thrown out of the time travel thing, and he's on the ground, hyperventilating, and then he gets his clothes. Then we flash forward to where Arnie is supposed to come out. Instead of Arnie coming out, a giant HK just flies out and destroys Bob's big burger.
And you thought Genesis was bad? You see, that's the thing. That's one of those facts where there's no way that could be. That is too ridiculous. And it's like, nah, it's true. It's like, really? Oh, good. Yeah, sorry. Next question, please. Just before we move on, what's more ridiculous to you? The outline for the proposed sequel that I've just told you there, or the idea of John Connor's skin being grafted onto Marcus' cybernetic body? Oh, the latter, for sure.
whatever was ever working.
At least the former would have been like a grand spectacle like a Michael Bay film. I don't want John Romero and a Terminator film getting the skin graft or worse like a fucking Sam Raimi film dancing along the wasteland as he's got the skin hanging off his face. That would genuinely have been the most horrifying thing I could have seen. I think ever. Just the idea of that.
Yeah, no, that still holds the gold star for worst ideas in the franchise. That takes the biscuit. It takes the biscuit and boar. It takes the biscuit, it takes the flaming television and it takes the kids.
It's so dumb. Why do you make us hate your Terminator franchise? It's not us, it's you. You're the problem. Stop ruining the relationship, Terminator. Look, I know how to spice things up. What have I grafted my skin onto? Middle end of skeleton. Oh wow, baby. What's for that in that year?
or better yet, whisper it on the other end of the franchise. Oh my god, this franchise is so messed up isn't it? It's so messed up at points. You know what, I've got no shame in doing bad on this quiz because I'm like, these facts are just insane at times but sorry, they've always come down.
So, question number seven were flashing forward to the actual Terminator 5, which was Genesis. So, in the proposed sequel to Terminator Genesis, it would have been revealed that Daniel Dyson, Miles Dyson's son, was the one who invented time travel and then sent the T-1000 back to kill young Sarah Connor to protect his, or to basically protect his baby Genesis. J.K. Simmons' character, who was the detective who became obsessed with time travel, his character would have been the one who was revealed to have sent pops back
to protect Sarah. True or false? So, Miles Dyson's son, you said? Yeah, so Danny Dyson. The Dyson's appear relatively briefly. That's not Dyson. Yeah, so it's Eldon 1 Miles Dyson and his son, who's the young kid in Terminator 2 with a remote-controlled car. In Genesis, I think he's the one who's leading Cyberdyne and is the one behind Genesis. But why would J.K. Simmons sing back popes? No, I'm going to go fault on this one.
Why indeed, you feel it's false? I'm feeling it's false here because although that sounds like something dumb that it would do you know, I mean for one thing no offence to J.K Simmons because the ravaging effects of time will come for us all but
Well come on, he's getting older. I'm getting older. I'm no spring chicken Adam. This is disguised as my therapist's dream. Wow. I'm sorry Mr Timmons. That's what I mean. You're a beautiful man.
he is. He's a silver fox, okay. That beside the point. The point is, when was he supposed to send back pops if he was obsessed? He'd obsessed with time travel. Yeah, but what, so he built his own time machine, went forward, grabbed a T-800, knew how to reprogram it and send it back. I can't wait lies when you're thrown of lies, Adam. I can't wait. I never said how it was going to happen. Pulsities, I say.
No, there's too many holes. This is a Swiss cheese argument. You're crumbling at them. I could see you sweating. Maybe full of holes, but then wasn't Genesis is my counterpoint. Yes, but there's holes and then there's the Grand Canyon.
You nearly got me. I will say, you nearly got me with the Miles Dyson thing. OK, I can see that. I can see little Danny Dyson sending him back and them trying to loop that in in some kind of way. J.G. Simmons wouldn't know how to send back a Terminator. I'm sorry. I mean, he's a great actor, but in terms of his character, no, false. False, I say. Final answer. Imagine if I told you this was true right now. Oh, thank God. Please tell me it's not.
Please. No, you're right, it's false. Oh, thank God. But imagine I'd said it was true. Yeah, if you had, I would have had to have written an apology to Jakey. You quite clearly saw the massive amount of holes.
in that thing, but I mean I didn't feel you needed to go so hard on JK Simmons. No, I mean he was old there. I don't mean he was like old old. I also like how you took an availed shot at him being bald by calling him a silver fox. I'm like oh. I thought silver fox meant you just had grey hair. Yeah he doesn't, he's bald. Is he bald? Yeah.
You taking all these metal shots? No, hold on, he's not bald. You're getting me to google J. Kate Simmons Genesis. I hope you're happy. No, he can't be bald. This is a mandela thing. I'm not sure I've looked at Richard if he looks bald here. Yeah, he's bald. He's got the hair around his head. He does have some head.
He has some, but even still, he's not like whiplash, he's not like completely bald. I haven't seen whiplash. Next to Citizen Kane, I haven't seen it, but I really should watch it. Whiplash is good, I'd recommend it. On a completely separate day to day month, the whiplash. I just miss him and his family, me Spider-Man days to be honest. Is that why you're thinking it? That's probably why you're thinking it with the hair, because of J. Jonah Jameson?
Yeah, I think so. Because he was bald in the new Spider-Man, the No Way Home one. Because he makes a couple of cameos and that. He looks a lot older compared to those problems that came out in the first half of the century. Anyways, so moving on before we get to... So I've just gone down a JK Simmons rabbit hole now here, but there's some pictures of him in the gym and oh my goodness, the muscles bulging out of his arms.
If you do know what Google are going to be texting me saying, why are you looking at J.K. Simmons joke? Google are going to text!
Oh my god! All the adverts you're gonna get now. Look, Addie's got a beard, it's like a Jack Santa Claus, Jesus Christ! I know, it's actually terrifying, but like... That is actually... All I'm saying is I wouldn't want him to look at a business. Not in that bad way, I'm sure he's a lovely guy, but if like a Jack... Why is all this, why all this hate for Jesus? It's not hate! No, I'm saying because, can you imagine, it's like the Terminator coming, however naughty or heavy but nice! What have both of you got with J.P. Simmons?
I love the actor, he's great. I'm just saying. I jacked up J.K. Simmons popping into your house in the middle of the night. Would you not? Tell me you wouldn't be afraid. You call the man ugly in front of him being called. You imply that he wouldn't be able to invent time travel. That would not stand by.
I only want to stand by. Oh my goodness. That's another person who we're off the Christmas card list for now. Please JK Simmons, we do love you really. Please, I'm true. Please, no, Billy. We're even the disclaimers really. The views expressed in this episode do not reflect. That's not me at all. They reflect the mind of one rogue individual.
much like every James Bond film, this one rogue individual. Just derailing the whole thing. Oh my goodness. But yeah, all I say is props to him for getting in shape like that, because I'm looking at myself and I'm thinking, I am no... I was about to say spring chicken, but both spring chicken and jacked spring chicken. I'm looking at my lumpy mashed potato arms. Oh my god, there was a K Simmons. I know, I'm more like Mr Potato Head at this point.
Don't be harsh on yourself. You're a beautiful man, Cessna. Sorry, a beautiful red panda, Cessna. Oh, thank you. You let the illusion slip. No, no, no. It's all good. Nobody heard me say that. We'll cut that bit out. Next people will think you're not actually a token sandwich. Shh. Keep the illusion. It's like Santa Claus. GP, Santa Claus. Bursting in your house to beat you up, apparently. No, that's a problem I would love to see.
I mean, although I have to admit, I really, nah, actually, I don't think I would like to see that. Do you know why? Why not? Because I think the tone would be all over the place. I would get whiplash. Anyway, before I get cancelled. Also, you don't want to see it because you hate J.K. Simmons and everything.
I'm new to this, by the way. I've gone in to get coffee or something, and I've accidentally stumbled into the I Hate J.K. Simmons coffee, and I'm like, who am I? And it's like, I feel bad because I've just thrown a tote bag into my hands. I've got three pens and three badges, and I'm like, I like free shite. You walked out of the coffee shop and J.K. Simmons was just across the street and you saw you holding your tote bag. And it looks like Mr Simmons, it's not what it looks like, please.
Some of my best friends are J.K. Simmons.
Sorry, will I continue on with the quiz here? Please do, because... We're hurtling towards the end here. Because I feel like people are going to take us out of context and I'm going to get like a lot of hate. People turned up saying, why do you not like JK Simmons? It's like, I like JK Simmons. We love JK Simmons here. We do. All in jest. All in jest. What's the old disclaimer thing we put on the episode? For legal reasons, this is a joke. For legal reasons, there we go. JK Simmons, please don't be
Please don't break into our houses this Christmas. As soon as you ask the next question, I'm going to ask the Red Panda lawyer if he can add an amendment to the terms. Like, P.S. don't beat me up, J.K. Simmons. If you're a wonderful man with a glorious beard, please don't beat me up. He'd honour that contract. He'd be like, well, a deal's a deal.
The deal has been made. It's like, oh no. Oh, goodness me. Anyway, time for question number eight. Have you composed yourself for you? Oh, I'm ready. I'm ready. Are you ready? Here we go. Interminator Dark Fate. Carl's truck. False. False. Sorry. Throw me off my game here. Everything's false. Interminator Dark Fate.
Arnie plays a T-800 in the one known as Karl, and in the film Karl's truck has the phone number for his drapery business painted on the side. If you were to have phoned this number around the time of Dark Fate's release, a pre-recorded message from Karl would play, apologising that he couldn't answer the phone and ending with Hasta la vista. True or false? Good question. Why thank you.
I'm leaning more towards false, but that sounds like something they would do. Some crazy marketing. It is something they would do because, I mean, have you heard of the new She-Hulk show that's on Disney just now? Yeah. They have a similar thing right now where if you called the number, and I genuinely feel as if I've let it back into the 90s with these kind of advertising.
because this used to be a thing and then they stopped doing it because you know they would use websites and things like civilised 21st century people and they were back to these mobile phones and these rotary phones. It sounds like something they would do. I'm gonna win for true but I can just imagine you phoning up and it's like sorry about shooting John. For John I will change your curtains. Much like John I will shoot down my prices.
and I will throw them away like weak Sarah Connor. I would buy drapes after that, I'm not gonna lie. It's direct about this firm. I'd buy the hell out of some drapes if I heard that. I'm gonna go for true, you know what's great. I want this to be true.
You want it to be true. Yes. And it was true. Ooh. So unfortunately, the number is no longer active now. But if you did phone the number at the time, you would get that pre-recorded message and he'd end with saying, that's the lovely stuff. Yeah, there you go. Bringing back the 90s viral marketing. Why are we going back in the past? Oh wait, it's a terminator problem. Hi, look, I'm Skynet. Howdy, howdy, howdy.
With that, I've got some good news for you. Ooh, detailed. That's you major, you made your target of five. Nice. Oh, thank goodness. Well done with two to spare. OK, OK, I'm OK with that. You're ready to bring this baby home? Yep, let's do it. Question number nine. So as we were discussing the intro to this episode, the Terminator franchise has been involved in numerous crossovers with other franchises, including the likes of Robocop, The Transformers and Predator. There are also numerous references and Easter eggs to the Terminator franchise in several video games.
In Duke Nukem 3D, one level takes place in a foundry. In one of the furnaces, the player can spot the T-800's hand sticking out of the furnace, giving a thumbs up. Staring at the easter egg for several seconds will cause Duke to begin sobbing for a few seconds. This was in reference to audiences finding that scene from Terminator 2 incredibly emotional. True or false? I'm going to go with true for that one. You feel it's true? It seems like something Duke Nukem would do.
I don't know why, but it just seems like that kind of fourth-wall wall-breaking cameo meme-loving shitlord.
Games have come so far haven't they? They have. It's grown up so much the genre. But yeah, I'll say true for this one. Saying true? Yeah. I hate to tell you this is false. Aww. Duke you son of a bitch. This is why there's no Duke Nuke a month. You shot yourself in the face.
What jukem game was it again, sorry?
There is actually a terminator reference in Duke Nukem 3D, but it's from the first film. I can't remember what the level is, but you can find the flattened endoskeleton in a press, where Sarah Connor crushes the terminator in the original one. Basically, when you find it, Duke goes, you're terminated, which honestly, I think mine's more inventive than that one, but anywho. I will say, I was a bit thrown off that he would soap, but I think- Because when somebody in Duke would do, I'm like, have you heard Duke Nukem?
Well, at the same time, I thought it would be kind of self-referential, was if, this is the only time I'll cry, kind of thing. He seems like that kind of person, or person, he's a fucking video game character, but he's a kind of like character. He's real to me, David. He was in my dreams, David. Yeah, this is why we've never done a Duke Nukem episode, because it's six balls. Exactly. And the fabled words are Duke Nukem, blowing out your ass.
I totally blew it out of your ass. Rather than cry, Duke was more likely to slap some tits and crack them into his mouth. See, I laugh because otherwise I would cry.
Anyway, away from the disgusting world of cheating, you come back to the Terminator. I was going to say, please take me back to the dystopian hell. Please, let's go back to talking about the ideas for sequels to Salvation. Yep, I'm ready for it. OK, here we go, final question. Can I just say how proud I am, how well you've done so far?
I believe in you, you bring it home. Oh good, am I going to get over the threshold? I don't know.
This event is then interrupted by Sarah and John Connor, who are then attacked by the T-1000. Arnie's T-800 travels back in time to rescue John and takes him to the future. So here's the true or false bit, so that was just all the preamble, so true or false from this bit. After travelling to the future, the T-800 destroys his college roommate, he and John fight a giant liquid metal spider, and it ends with the T-800 finally destroying Skynet for good. True or false.
See, I know this is true, but what was that first bit about the T-800? Growing his college roommate. Yeah. Yeah, so him and John have a fight with a T-800, just like the endoskeleton. And once they kill it, Arnie picks up the head and goes, he was my college roommate. Yeah, that's definitely true.
The only reason then was because I know about the liquid spider and that was because I was perusing for some reason on the Terminator Wiki. Like ages and ages ago and they brought up like the tea, I have no idea what it is, it's like the tea something and it is like that liquid spider and I thought what the frick is that? Does that say recorder chronicle thing? But now it's the attraction so I'm gonna go with true and I can imagine that kind of humour being in. Yeah that kind of... Are you going with true? I'm going with true. You are 100% right it's all true.
Oh, thank God. The spider is called the T1 million. That's it. I knew it was like a ridiculous number. I was like, what? I did it. I made it across. You did it, you did it. Six out of ten isn't great, but you know what? I'll take it. I'll take my copper medal. Compared to like how I did in the Halo quiz, like you are a prodigy, compared to my shameful performance.
I mean to be fair you did do amazing, well you brought it back in the Sonic one. I trained, I studied, I got into the mind of the Sonic fan and it paid off. What's that song from The Rock? It's about strength, it's about power. I've got to train my mind, I've got to train the muscles of my mind.
But no, I'm happy about that. No, you should, but you did really well. To be honest, there was no point. The only bit where I thought your reasoning was flawed was the Duke Nukem question, where I was like, oh, that's not Duke Nukem behavior there. But apart from that, all your reasoning was sound. I couldn't fault you. I probably would have gone for the exact same logic if I'd been in your shoe. So I think you gave an excellent show in there.
Well, thank you. And thank you for putting this together because that actually has a lot of fun being on this side of the quizzing seat. Different, different experiences. I actually enjoy being up on the quiz seat as well. Like, I mean, it's funny as well. You just, you want to make as good a quiz as well. You do want it to be challenging, but I'm glad you enjoyed it, certainly. And thank you. Thank you for playing along and being a good sport.
No, happy to be quizzed. So long as it's not about sending flesh back in time in JK Simmons, I'm more than happy to be quizzed. Oh, the fun we had on this episode. Poor JK Simmons expends mostly, but the fun we had. Well, this is the end of Terminator Month then, so how do you feel? We've reached the end. Bittersweet to be honest, because it feels like ages ago since we started, you know, watching these films again, started exploring the franchise. And you know what?
It's like how you feel after watching Terminator 1 and 2 back to back. Because as I said, Terminator 1 and 2 are very important films to both you and I. It's the reason we are here now. And it's kind of ironic considering this is, you know, a film series about fate and things that are supposed to be destined to happen and things like that. So it's kind of ironic that that was the film that brought us together as friends and co-hosts. And, you know, it is better irony, as it were.
What a lovely thing, and everyone thought about that, but you're completely right, it was fatal along! Fate is what we make it, even if it's sitting beside someone who clearly didn't understand the references, and now that wasn't you. That was the person to my left, yes. That was a fun, maybe a story for another time. Yes, of course. Every time there were awkward, awkward cinema interactions. Yes, absolutely. So next week we're going to be talking about awkward cinema. Awkward cinema month!
fact the only way they could bring to the table was the people who brought their own digestive biscuits to the cinema. They snuck in with a full bag of shopping from Tesco and they came in just as the film was starting and they sat like a couple of chairs away from where me and my friend were sitting. Not in the terminator film, a completely different film. All I heard in the darkness was a...
and they brought like a huge like eight pack of coke and then they brought out a massive pack of digestives and you're like can you imagine if they did that in Terminator? Someone would have gone full T800 on the flamethrower. They're looking for the screen, oh my god. Sarah coke can. Just bang. That's it, take them to the salvation screening. No, no, I'm sorry. Oh my god, I tell you some people do have a brush next time.
Oh, they do. I feel like the cinema is one place where you see it the most, you're like, my goodness, really? You don't even care now, do you? You don't even care. A slight tangent before we finish up, but that's what I love about the arguments of, you know, the cinema critics and things like that, when they're like, oh, the cinema experience is very sacred and it brings people together, and oh, that's rubbish and you're like,
Yeah, see, unless the screening's relatively quiet, nine times out of ten, you're gonna get an earful from left right, right in front of you. From behind, you're gonna get people munching noisily on things and unless everyone's invested, which is a very slim chance, you're gonna go with the sticky sneakers and you're like, why?
Just why would you want to put yourself in that situation and pay like £15 to watch like a terrible film like Ghost Rider 2. I still have PTSD about that. I still have nightmares about having to pay that amount of money. That was back then. Like in today's money that's probably a billion pounds. Could have been worse. You could have paid to see both Terminator Salvation and Terminator Genesis.
I mean, I paid to see Terminator Genisis. I did pay to see Terminator Genisis, but no salvation. I think I dropped off the train at that point for Terminator. Fate is what we make at Adam. You could tell you were like, there's a storm coming. What is this South American boy saying at our screening in Scotland? Why is he taking the tickets?
It's like he hid his popcorn. Yes! I think I won popcorn. What did he say? That'll be £30 for your popcorn. There's a storm coming. Can you just walk off? Thank you Spanish boy. Thank you. He tried to warn us. We didn't listen. And now we're packed to the gills with streaming services. If only last until that South American boy. Oh boy. If only. If only.
Well, thank you again, Satsang, not only for taking part in the quiz and watching all these films, but also being the one who actually suggested being the Genesis of Terminator Month. So, you know, I had an absolute blast doing this. I have an absolute blast every time we do an episode, but this was a particularly special month. So thank you so much for suggesting it and prompting us to do it.
Honestly, it was a pleasure and especially after you suggested Sonic Month and you said, yeah, let's do Sonic Month. I was like, yes, finally I win. So, you know, it was a pleasure returning the favor and allowing you to talk a bit of franchise that's very near and dear to your heart as well. So, yeah, thank you as well for imparting your knowledge and wisdom. My pleasure. Once again, my catchphrase for the end of each episode, but my pleasure. I mean that. I mean that 100 percent for this one.
Not to say I don't mean it every other time, but I especially mean it for this one. And thank you all so much for listening and for being a part of Terminator Month. Hopefully, you know, if you've seen these films before, it was nice to reminisce about them. And if you've never seen them before, hopefully us talking about them and rambling away and doing quizzes and everything is maybe sparked your interest and you want to go watch some of them. So yeah, so thank you all so much. And we'll look forward to seeing you in the next episode. So I guess all we have to say now is stay safe, stay... Wait.
Did you hear that? Oh god, it's the PB's, they found us! Oh god, they're attacking! Oh no! Oh god! They've stopped? Wait, do you see that, Adam? I do. They're flying away.
My God. Can podcast bots fly? Can now. My God, we survived. But at what cost? Well, everybody, after our scary encounter there, I think we can say we've won the war. We've defeated the podcast bots. So until we see you next time, stay safe, stay awesome. Most importantly, stay hydrated.