67 Plays
5 months ago

Joe and Mark are joined this week by D.G. Valdron, a Canadian writer of science fiction, fantasy and non-fiction.

The topic of this week's discussion is Doctor Who, in particular the expansive, creative and fascinating world of fan-produced films, plays and fiction that honor the Doctor.

D.G. talks about this fandom with great affection and knowledge, something that he's been a part of as a fan, but also as a writer. He's written about the first female Doctor – not Jodi Whittaker, but Barbara Benedetti, the first woman to play the Doctor, through a series of four, unlicensed half-hour adventures in the 80s – plus many of the other hundreds of loving fan takes on the BBC series.

Writ large, the discussion is a history of fandom; D.G. also explains why it's worthy of our time and attention.

A fascinating discussion for fans of Doctor Who in particular, but for those who stan fandom in general!

For more info, check out the show notes for this episode.

Re-Creative is produced by Donovan Street Press Inc. in association with MonkeyJoy Press. 

Contact us at joemahoney@donovanstreetpress.com
