Join Kylie and Nick, the intrepid agents of D.E.A.D. as they join the Slaydium Games! The plucky protagonists of ‘SURVIVE THIS CRIT!’ are here to test their mettle against the Vampire Lord Korvol, Kaiser of Pain. Will they make it out alive? Will anyone??
Narrative Feats begins its exciting second season of anthologized actual plays with
Slaydium Games, a thrilling, immersive home-brew setting!
Have no fear, Anywhere But Now is still yours to enjoy as the first amazing season of stories in the key of DOCTOR WHO. It will return for more— but we have so many exciting stories to tell in the meantime.
With D&D5e as this season’s sandbox, enjoy brand new adventures with pleasantly familiar game mechanics!
This first story in the new season of NARRATIVE FEATS is a 2-part episode starring Kylie Olsen and Nick DiPinto in a combat adventure with award-winning podcast creator, Casey Jones!
Enjoy new episodes as they release periodically, along with our special interview series, The Joy of GMing.
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Music by Tabletop Audio