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Slaydium Games with Survive This Crit! Pt 01 image

Slaydium Games with Survive This Crit! Pt 01

S2 E1 · Narrative Feats
38 Plays4 months ago

Join Kylie and Nick, the intrepid agents of D.E.A.D. as they join the Slaydium Games! The plucky protagonists of ‘SURVIVE THIS CRIT!’ are here to test their mettle against the Vampire Lord Korvol, Kaiser of Pain. Will they make it out alive? Will anyone??

Narrative Feats begins its exciting second season of anthologized actual plays with

Slaydium Games, a thrilling, immersive home-brew setting!

Have no fear, Anywhere But Now is still yours to enjoy as the first amazing season of stories in the key of DOCTOR WHO. It will return for more— but we have so many exciting stories to tell in the meantime.

With D&D5e as this season’s sandbox, enjoy brand new adventures with pleasantly familiar game mechanics!

This first story in the new season of NARRATIVE FEATS is a 2-part episode starring Kylie Olsen and Nick DiPinto in a combat adventure with award-winning podcast creator, Casey Jones!

Enjoy new episodes as they release periodically, along with our special interview series, The Joy of GMing.

Learn more at our Discord:

Music by Tabletop Audio


Introduction and Setup

Welcome to a special event, actual play of Sladium Games, an exciting collaboration with the fine, fine people of Survive This Crit. Hello, Kylie. Hi, Nick. Hello. Thank you so much for playing with us.
ah Thank you for playing. These are Narrative Feats, a thrilling anthology series of tabletop tales brought to you by yours truly, Casey Jones, creator and host of Anywhere But Now and the joy of GMing. As we dive into bold adventures and fantastic worlds, what better way to usher in an exciting era of tales than with bloody, glorious combat?
For the pleasure of your company today, we begin in the sladium. I am Casey Jones, your dungeon maestro, and together we will make sweet music.
Okay, I see my piece right here.

Character Introductions

For players who don't know, let me do a quick little zoom. This is me. I am moving my piece right now. It is actually the icon piece of Nick and I's Spooktacular icon. So that is what I am playing as. What are the names of your characters today?
Yes. Hello, everyone. I am Agent Kylie, a resident agent of the Department of Evil, Evil Admiralty Deterrence. I've been part of the agency for over 15 years. I was a child recruit. I'm basically an assassin for anything mythical or monstrous. That's amazing.
Nick, who are you playing today? agent Nick your ferocious fighter ready for action also an agent of the D A D exactly do you like that acronym I made it up I joined because I happened to be, let's let's just say because I'm software inclined, being being a software engineer, I was clicking through Google and I found a weird source code thing one day. And I was like, oh, what's this? And I happened to find a secret message. I was like, congratulations, you can join us. And I was like, sure, why not? I got in by luck. That's awesome.

The Arena and Captivity

We begin with Agent Kylie. You wake on stone floors. The smell of straw and dried blood and a great deal of perspiration hit your nostrils as you sit up in a cell. Behind you is the dull roar of a crowd in an arena on the far side of barred windows that you can barely see out of. Stinging fresh pain accosts your wrists and you look down and see tattoos freshly inked across both wrists with chains of five-sided links.
And as you recognize this pain, you also feel a similar sting at the base of your skull. You look around, you're not alone here. A friend, a comrade of yours is nearby just coming around. Nick! Nick! Nick, wake up!
ah of Kylie, I still need another three hours. Please. Nick, wake up! We're out of training.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, sorry, sorry. What happened? You mentioned training and what happened and a six foot seven large man in various leather tunics and a wide apron lumbers up and says, good morning. Hello. oh You do not remember anything about how they brought you in here, do you?
Oof, that's a rough one, Bobby. Hello! He waves and he has matching tattoos on his wrists. Nick, you also have a lovely pair of matching manacles around both wrists. Can one of you please give me an Arcana check? Ooh, I would love to give you an Arcana check. Let me do that now. Yeah, it's definitely your field day.
oh no Okay, it's a 14. It's not too bad. So Kylie, you are able to recognize that these chain link tattoos at the very least are preventing you from casting magic. Like you try to express your will through your power and just the slightest hint of a singeing sting on your wrists.
and on the back of your head. You look down at the floor and outside of your stall, more sigils line the floor, penning in a small armory. Walking outside of the stalls, swinging a ring of keys is a woman aging gracefully into her fifties in a toga.
and a rather Greco-Roman haircut and says, ah, at last, our ever so courageous vampire hunters have risen from the dead. And there's a ripple of laughter from the guards on the outside of the cells. I want to roll intimidation and threateningly ask her, what are we doing here? Who are you?
Go ahead and roll into the nation. Okay. That was terrible. That was an eight. That was an eight. Yeah. She laughs.
Oh my darling child, you're in absolutely no position to demand anything, but I will provide you with an answer. There is a GONG from the arena, and the crowd erupts in cheers as another event.
finishes and through the doors lumber a pair of tired, defeated, barely standing on their feet, combatants. One of them tiredly goes to a weapons rack and shrugs off leather armor with deep tears and slices in it while the other one heads to a rack and holds a mace in his hands.
And as ol Livia, the the pit boss you have to deal with, is welcoming you to the Sladeum. I wouldn't call that a welcome, but... Exactly. I'm getting excited. This man races across the interior line of Sigils with the

Exploration and Discovery

mace risen high and his head explodes.
His body falls to the floor as blood slowly seeps from the wound where it burst like a balloon at the back of his head. And Livia simply turns to you and says, And now, I imagine you can gather how the rules go, dear children. If you want to hit something, you'll have to do it out there. And if you want to do it, I suggest you do it now. Leugron, sick. Get up.
And next to you, the wider man says, oh, that's lucky. OK. OK. And nearby, a quiet little shadow of a man just rolls up onto his feet and says, another day, getting the hell out of here. And you are joined by a pair of figures that appear, at least on the periphery, to know how to handle themselves. Can I get, please, a perception check from Nicholas, please? so Ooh, okay. Let's see. So first time trying this out with... I was with D&D Beyond. Okay. Okay. I was able to just click perception. That was... It was very cool the way it's set up with the connections. Okay. actually Oh, okay. So that was a three and next time I'll click perception, but... Go ahead and click perception again.
Okay. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Let's go ahead. Let's try. Let's try it this time. Bear with me. So perception perception. Okay. So why are you not? There we go. Ah, just a little bit better.
so I'm not laughing at you. I'm sorry. This this helps and hurts both of us. Nick, it is warm in here. You woke up in a cold sweat, and some sweat gets in your eye and stings, and you have to wipe your face clean of the perspiration. As you notice, that new Grog the Broad goes to the cage door and pushes it open. It has no lock.
there is gives you an expectant look and the bodyguard on the far side of the door holding a rather nasty spear says time's wasting children fetch your weapons and get hunting it's going to be a long night she says in broad daylight okay okay can i can i ask the guard a question Sure. OK. I want to ask, how can you like how can we be fighting vampires in broad daylight? That's my first question, because if DEAD has taught me nothing, I know that vampires are typically only reserved for the nighttime. The guard shakes his head and says, don't worry about it, and gives you a nod toward the armory. OK. Ooh. And then I want to say, intimidatingly, what if I don't go?
You say, what if I don't go? And Livia nearby just slings the rings around her fingers and you feel a subtle burn around your wrists and at the back of your head. Okay, okay. If you want to be making your own choices, darling, you do them out there. Okay. Okay, well, chill, Livia.
So, whoa, wait, can I ask the guard real quick? I go to him and I ask him, hey, look, look my man, I'm like a, but my thing is shields, okay? I love a good shield. What would you suggest is like the best shield here? He looks at you and says, find a good shield in the arena and gives you a prod.
So, as you are both first timers in the sladium, within the armory you can outfit two total weapons at the beginning of the game, and that does not include bracers, that does not include more than just leather armor in case it's already equipped.
stronger weapons and better gear will be findable in the Sladium proper, um but for now it is just catch as catch camp. Lou Grodd the Broad goes into the Sladium and waves his keys around a narrow case and a padlock pops open and he takes out a javelin ah that has been stained by something greenish. As nearby, Zik helps himself to a short sword and a light crossbow. I step out and then step into the armory as well. Kylie, is that just your token or is that also my token? No, yours is this token right here. Oh, okay. That's you. Perfect, okay, I was, sorry, I was looking at the screen the whole time and I was like, where's my, where's my little laventart thing? I was expecting like a little picture. Okay.
There you go. So as I step into the armory, I see a light bringer mace. And I grab that because it looks cool. And I was like, hmm, I'm a trained assassin. I've never fought with one of these before. And then I grab a hand axe because a hand axe can be handy at any time. All girls need a hand axe in their purse. So I do grab one of those. This is true.
and i And that's how I equip myself. I'm ready, doubled up to fight. I love it. Is there a secondhand axe? You can find a secondhand axe. Yes, you can. Perfect. Okay. A little known fact about Agent Nick. He's a big fan of the movie.
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. So s smart he's all about using a hand axe right now. Makes sense. He thinks it's a solid movie. And then I'm looking for a shield. Is there a shield around here that I can use? Something really sturdy. You will find shields in the arena, but outside of it, not so much. Okay, okay. There is a quality shield some waiting for you somewhere in this lady.
All right, all right. Sounds good. And I cozy up to next to the friend, and I'm going to roll. I'm just going to do like a charisma roll. I love it. Oh, man, my charisma is so low. This is not going to go well. Hey, we'll look out for each other out there, right? I mean, you were the one that helped me wake up and know that I was OK.
blue broad nods and smiles and says, Oh, absolutely. I rolled only a six. That must not come across very charismatic. Okay. Like you're in a new location. It doesn't necessarily feel great. And that like we can, we can look out for each other, right? And he puts this ham hock sized hand on your shoulder and says, don't worry. You might make it out of there alive. I've seen first timers do that. How long have you been here?
I don't really want to talk about it. Yes, Nicholas. How you doing, friend? Oh, I was just gonna talk to the guy next to me. um I stroll up to him. I forget his name. A little hard to pronounce. Zig. Zig the quick. Zig the quick. Ziggy quicky. All right. Hey. Don't call me that.
ah You got any hot tips for a new timer? He looks at you dressed as a vampire hunter and as he checks his his crossbow and polsters it, he looks at you and says, if we're going where I think we're going, then you're going to want to keep your eyes open, pal.
Hoo hoo. Nicholas, are you taking anything else in addition to the hand axe since you don't currently have a shield? True, true. ah What other weapons can I tell her here? There is a light bow. Oh dang, I should have grabbed a bow.
Wait, is there a crossbow? Uh, no. Sadly, uh, Zic grabbed, um, the light crossbow, but, uh, you do have a light bow, uh, available since it's already on your sheet. How about that? All right. All right. I'll take the light bow. Beautiful. You two, all the four of us are entering a spectator sport. As you get closer to the interior line of sigils, the tattoos on your wrists glow. And Lou Grodd says, they turn off the magic that stops us hurting things enough so that we can pick up the implements of death and pain. And the inside there is where you can do the real khaki slashes.
So as you get it closer, now we can have fun. All right. The inner row of sigils, you face double doors with barred slats at about head height. And there is a flash across those slats. And it is no longer broad early day somewhere in the desert.
Instead, on the far side of those doors is night. Oh no. Oh yes, let's do this. Alright, let's kill something. Okay, so there's a whole bunch of spectators here. And where are we? No worries. No rushy rush at all.
The arena has five sides. You enter a Pentagon and the entrance to this particular level at this particular time is in the upper left. Yep, I see my friend and I over there and then I see a crowd and I'm making sure that we're close enough for camera wise that we can get some of our reactions. A lot of yelling in this arena, huh? That's what I say to the guy next to me.
They like a good show. It's true. Oh, that's cool. Um, so if you come here, I mean, you said you've been a part of this for a long time. I'm not going to ask you how long. Um, how do you survive?
He looks around and scratches his cheek and looks up as well. You look up, and within the five-side space that you occupy, there is a moon in the sky. But past those 10-foot-tie spike walls outside the arena, it is day. um The crowd watching you is still in broad daylight somewhere else.

Revelations and Targets

Lou Grodd abroad says, I don't know the last time I was here I faced the dragon, but it's not what I smell on the air tonight. As you get your bearings, can I please get investigation checks from the both of you? Absolutely. Got it. Oh no! Critical failure.
14. Bullying. So, ah Nick, as you are looking around, you recognize that you are not on the ground. You are on a roof. You are on a battlement. You are on a castle battlement. The wind tickling your face and the sound, the very quiet sound of water far below.
You take a step forward and realize you are at least three stories up of a moat with things moving in it. um Kylie, yeah as you are looking around, a drop of sweat gets in your eye and stings?
Putting you at a minus one to investigation checks for an hour starting now. That ones are brutal here and that 20s are great. So you guys are in for an adventure overhead a holographic projection ah arises out of the air materializing above the castle proper.
And the announcer, a man with gray hair and white temples and painted on cheekbones for extra power, materializes and says, start waving around at the crowd. give me a performance check all right it's not good a performance let's see how it goes i look a little bit scared and confused you wave to the crowd and they eat it up you don't know if they're excited because you're about to kill something or if they're excited that you're about to die but whatever reaction it is they love you kylie
The floating head in the sky turns to you. And it looks like it is staring directly at you, as Nick, you think it is staring directly at you. Everyone in the audience thinks the floating head is talking to them, as it shouts above the wind and the lightest of rain on the rooftops. You wanted to fight the vampire? You got your dish. Ladies, gentlemen and creatures of every kind. Welcome to the castle of Corvo. Kaiser of pain.
Lightning, lightning, lightning. Give me a history check, Agent Kylie. Korval, the Kaiser of Pain. Korval, that's 22, baby. I love it. I may be scared for my life, but I know my history. You know your history. Korval, the Kaiser of Pain.
ah was a vampire lord of sufficient strength to make entire villages quake at the mention of his name. He mysteriously disappeared some time ago. This is why no one has heard from him in a while. Nick! How close is he? Oh, he's way over there. Nick! Yeah? Yeah, Kylie?
That's the guy. We're not only gonna get like a crazy raise and basically run dead if we defeat that guy, but like, we've been after him for years. We need to get him. Okay, okay. You know what? I don't know what we're doing. I don't know how we got here, but someone said there's a fight. I'm ready. I start stretching, you know? I get warmed up. I love it.
i um I flex my hands and start realizing that I have i have magic my hands again. and So I take a Tim Tebow and do a quick prayer to really attune divinely.
I love it. Make sure that I am going to be safe and keep Nick safe and we're going to kill the big bad monster. So that's, I do a quick Tim Tebow to attune and now I'm ready. I'm spiritually charged up. Okay. Can I, you mentioned that it's, so it's nighttime in here in the stadium, but outside of the stadium, it's, it's daylight. Can I do any type of investigation to see what the source might be for that? What's causing it?
ah yeah o Okay. Holy, that is fantastic. With a 19 on your investigation, you look around and see that there is a bridge path from the tower you're currently on around the castle towards the the main roof. As you look around, you also spot gargoyles on several rooftops.
Well, that, and he points to, uh, the tower off the other direction and says, well, that's just the stairs up from the moat in case you fall down. So don't fall down. Okay. buddy You got it.
And be nineteen because because you got that 19, Nick, you are the first to hear the flap of leathery wings as a giant bat flaps toward the roof. Can I please get initiative rounds from everybody and the late we're going to do that. So what I'd like you to do, please. is click on your character so that you see the red and the green and the blue circle overhead. And then when those are highlighted, roll initiative on your character sheet. Alright, let me click my initiative button over here. Oh my gosh! Oh poor Kylie. Oh poor Kylie.
All right, don't worry, i see we got to feel that bad for me. Okay, we're gonna be fine. Shake it off. Shake it off. Yeah, a couple bad girls in the beginning is okay. Hey, at least the at least the bat is no faster than you, right? How so how large is this fat? It is large. So it is a medium sized bat instead of a small.
Okay, so quantifiably, is it like a foot or like six inches or like three feet? Like what's the difference? As a large beast, it is about, it is as large as you, if not larger. It occupies a full five foot square. Awesome. Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. Never seen a bat that big before. I love, cool, cool, cool. Okay, I have my hand axe and my nice ready. Okay, so with.
I'm ready to dance. Okay, bully. Wow, we all did

Combat and Tactics

bad. Yes, we did. So at the top of the action round, Agent Nick is up and Lou Grod is on deck. The bat is swooping closer to you and is currently about five feet away. What do you do, Nick? Okay, so he's in the air, so he's not on the tower yet. that's what i'm here I mean, he's at roughly eye level and he's about five feet away from you. Okay, so then I'm gonna run up and take a whack at him with my giant axe, or my, you know, my hand axe. Yeah! Whoa! Yeah! All right. Where is that bad boy? Bad boy? All right. Where's that bad boy? How am I rolling you?
if If dead agents are known for anything, they'll be talking the enemy while trying to kill it. What am I rolling? So next to the item, roll over hit DC and you should see the B come up over hit DC. Okay. Under under actions. Okay. That's different. Actions, hit DC. Got it. So, hand X. There you go. 22. Gorgeous. Yep.
So you swing, do you throw your handbacks or just swing it? I'm swinging it. I'm not throwing it quite yet. I love it. So the bat comes in close enough to try and bite you and you immediately push you. Chop into it and the battle axe the hand axe dig into the shoulder of the bat which is now very close to you and will be Attempting to give you the old bitey bitey shortly. um Are you taking any movement with your turn? Nicholas let's see Well, it's gonna translate me. I think what I'll do is
I'm just I'm gonna just put a hand up like I'm like I'm guarding you know like a boxer like I got one hand here just one hit smart smart yeah okay let's rod the broad takes his spear and says you get away from my new friend he doesn't deserve he doesn't deserve your babies and he swings that is a hit as the bat takes uh good lord so yeah the hand axe chopped him down to size and then the spear
just skewers it and the bat just goes limp on the spear and uh the yeah i cheer for our new friends there's a bell that tolls above the audience and they go a little nuts like oh yeah cool something died as a voice over the crowd shouts past blood ah ah ah And Lugrod shakes the giant bat off of his off the spear. That's not good. So that's Lugrod's turn. oh god So Kylie, as things are coming around, can you please give me an investigation check? and a might We're going to subtract one from this because we're still in that hour.
Yes. Um, well, that's another critical failure, so... Yeah, you are at a minus two to investigation and you are blind in one eye. Can I at least have an eye patch or something cool? Kylie, take my handkerchief. huh Yeah, I take Nick's handkerchief and like rub my eye viciously and be like, Nick, I can't see on my right eye. Kylie, you have to dab at it. Don't don't wipe it, you gotta a dab at it.
You are looking around and a bat the size of a mouse just goes, just slaps in your face, scratches your cornea and vanishes as you tie the bandai around the bandage around your head, which you will need for an hour. I am sorry. It's It's a good look, honestly. Right? um It makes me look, to I look to the crowd and I say, first blind. First blind, I love it. Give me a perception, give me a performance check.
19 baby 19 they eat it up I'm holding my arms looking up strong they eat it up with a 19 uh there is like some
To keep things nice and tidy, um the NPCs on this particular tower are all going to go on the same round kylie you go before the monsters do as you see a swarm of bats materializing out of the darkness overhead coming closer to...
to attack you. I know! Okay, can I cast something? Is it still my turn? Okay, so I'm gonna cast Sacred Flame on all those bat boys. It's a cantrip. So it's a cantrip, so I should just be able to, yeah. Do they need a deck save? Yes, they need a deck save of 12. Okay, let's see those bat boys, how they do your, oh bugger. Yeah, they dodge that. Do they take half damage?
Um, it's all it says is that they can radian damage. The target it gains no benefit from a half cover, a three quarters cover of the save damage. Yeah. So I don't think they take half. Damn. okay So I shoot fire, but it seems to have done nothing. You fire sacred flame into the air and the bats expand around it to avoid the hit.
I yell a very loud curse word that I don't know if I can yell on your podcast. We have a bleep button for ourselves. We can bleep whatever we need to. That's amazing. I look at Kylie. Language. That's great. Gorgeous. Okay. Are you taking any movement in your turn before the end of your round?
So I only have two actions, so I think between my investigation check and my spell, I am done. But if I if i have the ability to move a little bit quicker... I would not cross to an action for an investigation check. Okay, so I will whisper to Nick, be like, look man, I'm gonna try to get a greater scope of the area, so I'm gonna move ahead onto this bridge.
Remember to take account of your depth perception. When the DM says that you love it, I'm really scared of that a little bit. That's amazing. so as And I'm going to take a picture for Instagram at the same time of all of us playing the game. So as you flee,
You hear the flap flap flap of leathery wings as the flock of bats oh comes after you to try and give you the bitey bite. I should have kept fighting. What was I thinking? I mean, you're doing a great job of driving them after you. That's true. You know what? If anything, I'm the target. Does a 15 hit? A 15 does hit. Damn.
you are running you are walking with haste away from walking with a purpose as my high school would say as they circle you and bite you for five points of piercing damage no Mm-hmm. Sad but true. As another giant bat, unfortunately, swoops into attack. Zic! And is going to swoop from behind and miss Bully, which brings us back to Zic. He is going. Has a short sword. I believe that's gonna hit. Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo. 15 hits. All right, let's see how much damage he does with that short sword.
And piercing slashes into the bats that comes right for him bully. Okay, which brings us back to agent gonna better return my it I'm gonna slash it in with my hand axe loyalty It's the love that you'll you'll love this here we go here your actions There we go. Oh, there's almost a one. Thank you Whoo, that's it. Yeah, baby, okay. And we're doing 10 slashing damage. Oh, gorgeous. So, Nick, would you please paint us a picture as you bring down this guy in his pants? I'm winding up my my swing, and as I'm winding up, I'm running towards it and yelling, a house divided will not stand! Ah!
Give us a performance check as you chop at the bat. 10. Okay, so you give a political quote to a crowd of fantasy violence enthusiasts who go oddly quiet at the... And one of them
Okay, beautiful. You look around and the air is surprisingly vacant of dangers as your other friend, is as your agent, is being accosted by the bat-bat-bats. Are you taking a movement on your tracer? Can I take a moment to do any type of investigation? I want to see if there's any useful items in the stadium that I can grab and start running towards.

Strategy and Resources

You know, give myself a purpose.
Give me an insight check. Oh, no.
You feel rather discombobulated as you have a moment's hesitation of, I don't i don't know where to look. As Lou Grodd puts a hand behind you and says, it's OK. If we keep moving, we should stay ahead of them and gives you a nod. I say, thanks, Lou.
Lou Grodd is going to lumber closer, trying to avoid the bats, and give Kylie the help action. I've got you back! Thank you, Lou! You're welcome. Kylie, you are up, and the flock of bats is next. Okay. So it seems like, you know what? I'm gonna do sacred... Am I gonna set Lou on fire? Is he close enough to me if I do Sacred Flame again? Is that gonna set him on fire?
I mean, like if you're get if he's giving you the help action, I think he's standing out of the way. That that seems to track you. Cool, right? And it's a little early in the game to be setting your comments on fire.
yeah yeah all right so i i say lou stand back i got them and i cast sacred flame that i just scream with everything in me and just throw flames at the the bats as i'm feeling them biting my skin and try to set them all ablaze around me. So I'm just like spinning around creating fire. He is going to take a step back of like, you'll do what you need to do. I'll be over here. Go ahead and give us the and they need to do another dexterity save. Yeah, they need a dexterity saving throw. All right, I don't like their odds. Let's see here. Okay, so how much damage does Sacred Flame do today? Yeah.
No, they only take three damage that time. Are you kidding me? ah Last time it would have been 16. You fire flames of a sacred variety off of your hands and little bats out of the air, leaving a smaller number of them that are screeching even louder. Are you taking any movement with your turn as you attack them?
Can I, at this point, grab out my hand axe and just try to take a swing for them? I'll allow it, yeah. You can grab it and swing it in the same motion. I think that can be done in six seconds, yeah. Okay. So I grab out my hand axe and I roll to hit. Christ, I'm rolling bad. That was only a 10. I assume that does not hit. Let's check the swarm. Unfortunately, a 10 does not hit. You swing and they fly around. They flap around it. And I miss.
Okay, so apparently my luck with rolling is still bad even with the computer version. And oh yeah, no, it doesn't transfer. Unfortunately, it don't stack. So the bats staying on Kylie's keels occupy your space. They a swarm about you and are going to take some more bitey bites as you take another five points of piercing damage from the little bats going everywhere. ah Kylie, you have just stepped out from a prison cell to a castle and have been accosted by bats. What is Kylie feeling in this moment? Fucking
a good show, no matter what comes of me. I'm just having a great time. I love it. I am a warrior. I love it. So, Zic is going to dash to try and keep up with Lugrod, and we'll make an attack on his next round. um Nick, and over his shoulder, he just barks up, come on, to Nick as he races off after Lugrod.
Oh, I am also racing in that general direction. And you said there's a swarm of bats going on over there. I saw Kylie's flame earlier of the Sacred Variety. And immediately I know, oh, those bats are after her. So, hand axe ready to go. I am gonna run it and try and slash at any any bat I can get in that swarm right now.
oh yeah okay not that great but it'll do and then i look at kylie and i go i might be a slow walker but i never walk back that's wonderful you slice uh your hand axe and leave only half the remaining bats of the swarm as little bat butts just squeak to the ground around Kylie's feet. Luke Rod is not, his spear is not the best for like, you know, all of these little things, but he's going to try and do some damage anyway. Bless him. Get away from her! And miss. Thank you, Luke! I tried. Uh, Kylie, you are up. Okay. How many bats are left? Half of the original form. Okay. Let's see.
I think I am going to use my Hunter's Mark to... Does it doesn't work on the swarm? If I use Hunter's Mark for the swarm? That's a really interesting question. I'll say for simplicity that the Hunter's Mark just sort of hovers in the cloud ah magically. You still have to hit them or they have to do it or they have to fail a Dex save, I believe, yes.
Yeah, so Hunter's Mark, it looks like, I think I still have to roll the hit with a weapon, so. I'm pretty sure you do, yeah. Yeah, let me just try to roll the hit with my hand axe. Actually, this time I'm gonna use my mace, because why the heck not? So you grab on my lighter. Yeah, this is a bonus action, so that's nice. And I swing it above my head and try to slash through the crowd. Are you kidding me? That was only an 11.
Don't forget, Lou Grog gave you the help action, which means you can roll at advantage. Lou, my man. Oh, sleigh. OK, let me. Lou, our man. If Lou dies, I'm going to be heartbroken. OK, that's much better. That's a 19 at a time. Now you're talking. OK, so hit the damage for us. Yes, absolutely.
That's eight damage. And then if I were to cast on top of that, my hunter smarts. Kylie, as magic and mace swings through the air, macerating these blood sucking parasites, would you please paint us a picture?
Oh, I am just viscerally screaming as all my scratches are itching and bleeding ever so slightly. I just let out a blood curling battle cry and just go, and swing my mates through the air, cutting them into bits as I go.
beautiful silence falls across the battlements as the last explodes in magical energy. You look around and it is still. Nothing's trying to kill you right now. Hey guys, what do we do? We need to get we need to get out of here. Gotta keep going. I take a look around. Can I do another investigation check? Yes you can. Can I also do one?
I'm looking at a 19. Okay, bully. Okay, so Nick, you recognize that you are making progress. When you get to this spot, you will be able to make out something that is in that line of sight, but not yet with a 19. As, I'm sorry, no, that's the Agent Nick. Okay, with a 12, you have not yet found anything of use, but you do feel like you're getting closer. Kylie.
look as you're racing forward you start to take in the broader picture and at every corner every joint of this pentagon that you're currently trapped in is a smaller tower and inside of those towers are shadowy figures you cannot make them out but they are watching you and on top of their tower and as you look around just for neatness there is a gargoyle perched on every single one of those watch towers that are looming over the sladium proper
Lugrad comes up ah near you and ah says, some of them are real, some of them are not. It's best just to to to press your luck and press forward and stick around. He points at the figures in the towers. They don't like it when we delete Elich. Okay, well, let's keep moving forward then. Let's see what we can do. All right, bully. So, I mean, I'm running.
I'm yeeting forward. Let me expand my screen again to make more room for the map, as one has to do as we move across this adventure. And then, are we, we can just keep running, no? Yes, you can. Yes, you can.
Okay, so I run up to this bridge and note, can I roll? Because I see here that there's something broken. How big is it? That break in the plank, not terribly large. um You could give us an investigation check on it to see if it will support your weight.
Remember that you are at a minus two to those investigation checks. You could give Nick the help action without a penalty, but considering you've got a 19 on that investigation check, be beautifully at disadvantage. Well, so that's an 18. Right, or minus two, a 17, right? Okay, yeah, a 17 is still more than enough to confirm the bridge. We'll hold your weight.
Hey. All right, team. Do you want to cross the bridge together? I want to take a quick look down. So are the ah the carcasses from the bats, are they still just lying around or are they just like disappear, like disintegrated?
They kind of exploded. Your partner in crime used magic to just to hurt them and used it in such amounts as to make them dead. So, like, there's a giant bat carcass behind you somewhere, but the bats themselves have... I'm wondering if Floo's any good at maybe turning those bats into, like, an armor I can put on or something. You know, some of these just protect me from general attacks, but...
That makes a lot of sense. I don't think you have any leather crafting tools on your person at the moment, but I suspect better armament is in for future. Oh no, Lou looks like he's good. He goes his way with leather, but I'll just ah go ahead and move up and move across with my friends. We're at a fork in the road. Can I roll to investigation? Yeah, absolutely. So 13 with my disadvantage roll. Roll one more time for me, because it only rolled once.
Oh, it's all right. It's all right. And we'll use the lower of two. Oh, beautiful. So with a 15 instead of a dirty 20, you spot ah that there is a chest just sitting out in the open on the southwesternmost tower. I don't make it apparent that there's a chest there because I'm not sure how much stuff is in there. But I do kind of elbow nick and kind of like gesture with my work.

Gargoyle Encounter

Yeah. like but you Right. Over to the chest. I'm looking at Kylie to be careful. It might be a mimic. That's a good point. I didn't think about that before I got it. I've seen enough delicious and dungeon anime to know. um You always never trust a chest.
Is it worth trying to detect good and evil as a cantrip over this chest to see if it's going to be an issue? There's so much evil just generally floating around. Just general evil. Yeah. If you did use ah detect good and evil it would probably be able to detect like if the the trunk were cursed or not. You don't see any obvious runes or anything like that depicting it as cursed but the floor is yours. You got this Kylie.
Okay, so let me, can I, I guess, investigate the chest? See, can you describe the chest for me, I guess, as I'm looking at it? Is there anything apparent that's like a lock or something on it?
There is a latch for a lock, but no lock is present. A wooden chest, two by three by three and a half feet in size, maybe a little bigger on the illustration for convenience. A traditional crate a traditional chest of loot that's before you, innocent looking as a daisy.
That's even more suspicious. Oh no. I get my bow ready. This is not gonna go well. That does seem suspicious. Okay, thank you. Okay. Thank you. I appreciate that. Are you guys close enough to me that if I cast Shield of Faith, will that help you guys? So every one of these squares is five feet.
So my Shield of Faith is 60. One, two, three, five, six, There is a measuring tool here on the side. So let me try to. Yeah, let me. No, you guys are. If you guys move up like 10 more feet, I can cast Shield of Faith just in case. I do a quick little shuffle forward.
Zic is happy to move closer. All right. All right, crew. Let me, I cast Shield of Faith. This cantrip of mine, it's for 60 feet. So everyone gets a plus two but AC. So now I very carefully freak open the lid, holding my breath, fully expecting something to jump on me and attack me.
Okay, so just a quick standby. Shield of Faith gives you a plus two to your A.C., not to your health. Yes. It makes it two points harder to hit you, which is a great buff. Kylie, please take DM's inspiration for doing something that supports the rest of your team. At my table, DM's inspiration means that you can roll at advantage or neutralize a disadvantage on a future roll, whether it's for an attack, a skill check, a save, or an initiative roll.
The only thing is you can't use it after a crappy roll and say, can I fix that with my with my bonus? I'm like, no. It can only be used preemptively. They do not stack and they're not transferable. Have fun. Can I use my DM roll to fix my eye so I can use both eyes and have like normal rolls again? You could use it on a medicine check, heal or heal myself. Okay. Yeah. I actually, nadoy, I have cure wounds. Kylie, you're rocking the eye patch. Don't worry about it.
I mean, it is a look. It is a look. You know what? I'll keep it down. You know what? A metal album. i Who needs rejoice over my wounds? Give me a performance check. No. No, they don't. As you...
dither in front of the trunk. Whether to open it or not, the sam pot the holographic badly made up vampire is like, now, now I know you've been thorns bitten. This is no time to be twice shy. And he just his mouth gets bigger and bigger and he vanishes.
Oh no, okay, okay, okay, okay. Fine, I just, I open the chest fully. Okay. You throw open the test the chest in the southwest tower. You find two potions of health, a pair of leather wrist braces that'll add one AC to someone's kit, and a flask of holy water.
So I summon the group over and be like, look, look guys, we each can take something. Who who wants armor? I'll give, I'll take armor, please. Okay. Nick, you can have the armor. We have two healing potions. um And then we have a, what was the last one? A flask of holy water. classicop ah You know what? If you guys are cool, I'm going to take the flask of holy water.
Always go. You keep it. And I just get my fists ready. Like, ugh. Ready? Let's do this. Beautiful. Can I please get a perception check from the two of you, please? Oh, no. You sure can. My perception is plus zero. Oh, I got an 18, though. 13 for me. OK. Kylie, can you roll one more time because you're not they gave us disadvantage? Yeah, I forget that I have like the worst Oh, okay. So you rolled an 18. So what we've done is cleared the action round rotation because one fight has ended. And thankfully, because Kylie got an 18, she notices and cannot be taken by surprise as the gargoyle perched on the nearest tower just trunches its toes into life and prepares to pounce down. Can I? And so, yes.
It is going to pounce on Nick. We're trying to attack Nick, and then the action round will start. Not surprised, please. Let's do this. I mean, you are technically surprised. um Not even. All right, so go ahead and highlight your characters again, please, and... Role initiative.
Yes. And we'll say, Nick, that you are wrapping up your braces as it is readying to pounce so that you can add that plus one AC to your character sheet. Sound good? Do we still have the ah plus two for Shield of Faith that I cast? Or is that- As long as it's still running. Yeah, it's for up to 10 minutes. So unless something breaks your concentration or you cast another concentration spell, you're good.
Okay. But you also have plus two for the next 10 minutes. Oh, perfect. Okay. So you're AC. So you're actually sitting on a 17, which is really nice. Good way to start this battle. Mm-hmm. Okay, good lord. How are you doing? Good lord. Boy.
Okay, yeah, it's that kind of day. So this giant demonic creature of stone lands with a heavy thud immediately behind Nick. The sound of the crunch startles you out of looking at your braces, which you just finished lacing up. It was not high enough to do a dive attack, but it is. I'm gonna try and bite you.
I don't think a 12 is going to hit, but it also has claws, and that is going to hit. No! Nick, you feel a jabbing pain as kind as Stone Claws dig into the ribs from behind as you take six points of piercing damage. That is its turn. It is not using any more of a multi-attack. Nick, you are up. Kylie is after you, and we are in action rounds.
All right. right So, here we go. You said this gargoyles made of stone? Yes. I'm gonna punch it. Punch it right across the face. You do that, my friend. Let's see how that goes for you. Oh, it does not go well. No, no it does not. Are you taking any movement with your turn?
Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and do like a like ah roll so I can get behind him. Is there enough space for me to get behind him? You could probably get to about here and be at his side. That would probably be the safest thing to do. And he would stay close enough that you do not trip an attack of opportunity. So that'd be pretty smart. Yeah, I'll be right there. Fully. All right. As Nick rolls to the side, Kylie, you look up at the towering gargoyle
Okay, first, so I go back to my internal DEAD training and I want to roll a history check to see if I can remember in all my training how to defeat a stone monster, essentially. Because I'm not sure the best type of damage to do against that. That's why I'm asking. That is a great question. So, from give us a history check. Cebu play.
16. Gorgeous. This thing is tough as stone. Magic is probably your best bet because things like bludgeoning and piercing could will probably, it will be resistant to. Not immune, but resistant. Okay, so I loudly proclaim to the group, don't use your weapons. If you have any sort of magic or magical weapons, that's the way to go. And then... I'm gonna punch it. Nick!
I get a little bit closer and I grab onto it, like any part of it I can grab onto and I cast Inflict Wounds and they need to make a Constitution saving throw. I love it. I love it. Okay. Can't save badly. How much damage does it take? Only eight. Hey, eight's a great start. Uh, you, you,
Reach out and touch the gargoyle and cracks form under your hand where do you hurt it. Cool. So as wind passes through its beak in the screen, it looks at you and gives you a dirty look. Luglaud is going to throw his javelin since he doesn't have any magic.
That is a hit. He throws the javelin and it throws it so hard, it actually sticks into the collarbone of this stone creature. You go, Lou!
16 becomes 8 and no from none from poison. Okay so it takes another 8 but now has the javelin twisted in its shoulder. So for its object interaction the gargoyle simply takes like and just drops it clattering to the roof underneath its feet because it doesn't want to waste it with a throw or anything because you're right here Kylie and it can just hurt you.
Shit, that's not good. I could have moved away. No, you could have, but it would have gotten an attack of opportunity. Okay, so it is going to make a bite at you. Oh no. Yeah, that is a crit. The Gargoyle brings down its sharp piercing beak for 12 points of piercing damage on Kylie as its... Where does it get me?
So it is about your height, but you were crouching to deal with the vest so it had a bit of an imposing thing. As you get to your feet, it comes down hard and bites you on the shoulder, like the top of the shoulder, not the back.
for 12 points of piercing damage and as it lets go of you with its beak contemptuously like it is crazy how something so solid can move so swiftly as it brings claws towards Nick.
murder That is unfortunately a 23 for another six points of slashing damage. And we have reached another lovely house rule. Since you were both walloped by a hit of 20 or more, please give us a constitution save to see if you are going to stay on your feet or are knocked down from the impact. So just a constitution saving throw from the two of you.
Because it was the kit, Kylie, you were home land on your backside and will need to use half of your movement to regain your feet. Nick, you plant your damn feet and are going nowhere. Give us another performance check, Nick, please, after that dirty 20. All right.
Oof. Not great. Not great. I'm just gonna... I'm gonna look at him like, you wait so bad. You wait so bad. I love it. So Nick is going to join Luke Walt and is bringing up his crossbow because that's all he has. He don't have no magic. And miss. He fires his crossbow and the bolt just... Machine wheels harmlessly off of the gargoyle, which brings us to Agent Mech followed by Agent Kylie. Alright, so you mentioned earlier that Kylie caused some cracking in the gargoyle, right? Yes, yes. Okay, what would you say is easier to reach? That crack that Kylie made or the crack from the javelin?
That's a great question. Since it turned to you, um you would probably be able to spot the crack in its collarbone. Okay. I'm going to go for, I'm going to do a big windup.
to go for a big punch right into that collarbone. So you're using half your movement to get to your feet so you can reach that collarbone and go ahead and give us that unharmed unarmed strike. Wait, am I using half my movement? I didn't go, I didn't fall last night because of my constitution. Oh, that's right, that's right, I'm sorry. You you stayed on your feet, I apologize. 16 hits. All right, and then because I have the feature of, I have extra attack. You can attack twice whenever you take the attack action. I'm gonna go for for a shove.
I'm going to shove him. Do it. It can go through it. All right. So shove, the target must succeed on a DC 16th strength or a DC 16 strength or dexterity. Okay. See that dexterity.
Can you give us, you still have to make contact, so it's going to be an unarmed strike from you to actually make contact with the shove. So roll for the unarmed strike again? the unarmed strike to connect on the shove and we will determine if he falls back. He is struck, let's see if he wobbles and falls down.
He is flanked between the two of you. He has you here and her here. So yes, you push with all your might and the gargoyle tips back and lands with a thud on its wings. The crowd is delighted and is cheering for you, Nick. You just helped your friend after they took a nasty blow. What is Nick feeling in this moment?
I just kind of do a little wipe and go, I could do this all day. This is great. I'm getting pumped. I love it. Yeah. I love it. And okay. Bully. All right. That is your turn. Kylie, you are up and on the ground. What are you doing? Well, so I have two actions per turn with my, uh,
hunt hunter smart or not with with my ranger half ranger cleric so i think i'm gonna use my ult since he's kind of since he's prone and i'm just gonna halfway get up and just strike all my flames onto him since he's so close to me i love it and he needs a dex of 12 or better okay he has disadvantage on attack rolls and you have advantage because you're within five feet Okay, so i this is a cantrip, so am I good to roll for damage then? You know what? I'll say that since he is prone, it's going to be a disadvantage to roll out of the way. Let's get a Dex from him and do terribly. Light him up. No! I only get a couple little flames out. Alas.
Okay. Yeah. Uh, you hit him with the sacred flame while he is down and his entire form is blackened like a charcoal racquet. There is an ooh from the holographic head overhead. Are you doing anything else with your turn, Kylie? Um, I would like to fully stand up so that way I'm ready to attack and I have weapons out if needed. Okay. I have a weapon out.
so yeah getting up uses a movement, not an action. So if you want to attack a second time at advantage, cause he's within five feet and prone, go for it. Yeah. um Hell yeah. So you know what? For the crowd, I'm going to step onto his body since he's prone and I'm going to lift up my hand axe and drive it into the crack that I made earlier.
I love it. So... Use your DM inspiration kindly. Hang on to your inspiration because you're already at advantage on this attack because he's prone. That's a hit. That's bloody gorgeous. Okay. I only rolled it once. Yeah. So, um, yeah, I don't think I need to roll again, but let me roll for damage. And it's six damage. It's more for show at this point. Raising my hand acts as high as I can and driving it into the crack in his chest that I made earlier while standing on his body.
and There is a cock as you make another tiny little chip in this thing with your very physical axe. Okay. Uh, Luguot is going to approach.
going to pick his spear up as his object interaction and is going to jab this thing under Kylie and says, if you're smart, you stay down. um Oh no. Oh wow. Yeah, that's a crit. Woof. Okay. So that still gets half of the piercing, but he is not doing so hot.
Lou Grodd turns to Kylie and Nick. There's nothing to be gained from destroying this thing. The vampire's inside! And he gets on point to stab the gar the gargoyle again if it chooses him. So its instead of using a multi-attack to jab twice, he's using the second half of that to ready a reaction. Because that's how the shenanigans we play. I look at my buddy Lou and I say, I'm not bound to win.
but I am bound to be true. I'm not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live up to what I have. Basically just trying to convince them that I'm not leaving this fight. Okay. I turn to Lou and I say, I say to Lou, if there was a better fight out there, I'd rather be there.
He agrees. So the gargoyle gets up on his feet. I'm still on the gargoyle. What happens to me? Well, let's say it needs to do a strength check to shove you off as it climbs to its feet. Thank you for the reminder. We'd love to be kept honest here. Yeah, that's an 18. Oh no. He easily shoves you off and you roll ah away from him. Give us a dexterity check to see if you can roll onto your feet.
Okay, just a Dex dirty check, not a saving throw, right? ah Dex save, you're right. Dex save. Okay, hold on. That's just a Dex check. Let me do the save. That's a dirty 20. Beautiful. you You roll up onto your feet with a full flourish.
I do a little gymnastics pose to get the crowd's attention, make sure they're not bored. Exactly, exactly. I'm starting to get more into this because the the cheers are driving me. This is so much better than being at home on a Friday night watching TV. I know, right? Can't picture a better evening. Even though we're imprisoned against our will and we don't know how we got here, this is pretty fun.
We should fight the vampire. This is not worth it. Okay. So yeah, here's what's going to happen. Nick. You watch as the creature shoves Kylie off and she gracefully rolls to her feet. He is going to give you an attack of opportunity as he shoots directly, vertically up into the sky. Can you give us an attack of opportunity roll and get an insight check from one of you please? Okay, so I'm going to go ahead
and take my axe then so he's already shooting upwards so is he already up in the sky as I'm doing as I'm trying to do this as he leaves your area of opportunity you have a chance to so to hit him with the axe on his way up okay so I'm gonna go ahead try and try to hit him with the axe that is a hit nice good job Nick Not bad, not bad. You full on slice off the last two thirds of a foot of his tail as it launches into the air. Can you please give us an insight check, Nicholas? All right. Not that insightful. You have no idea what it is doing.
Don't care. Kylie. Yes. You roll to your feet gracefully and watch in confusion as the gargoyle oh takes off higher and higher and higher. Can I sense that it's bad? And I'm like, guys, guys, guys, we need to go. We need to get out of here. Give me an insight check, please. Let's see.

Escape Plan and Conclusion

Insight. That's 17. Fully. So the bad news is Oh no. You are not certain this thing is gaining altitude to do a dive bomb. The good news is it needed to use half its movement to get to its feet in the first place, so it does not have the movement left to attack this round. Guys, we need to get out of here.
But as you look up, so yes, the gargoyle is circling at an altitude of 30 feet above you. And on its next turn, we'll endeavor to do bad things. That is its turn. Zic agrees with Kylie and says, I'm good to get the tower. Let's do the tower. How about the tower?
Let's go let's go toward the tower. Let's go to the yeah, why not because I don't want to be dive-bombed Nick agent Nick. I am you you're superior. Whoa Only because I've been at the agency longer calm down. You can't stay here see all these important if a stone Creature lands on you. It'll crush you Trust me. Okay, but I'm gonna As I try to run with them, can I grab the tail that fell and the javelin that zick my buddy Zik lost? Luke Rod picked up his javelin. he That was his object interaction when he tried to jab at the who's a what's it. I'm grabbing that little chunk of tail that I sliced off from earlier. Keep it as a souvenir. I love that. Oh my gosh. Such a fighter.
Please take Diem's inspiration. No one has ever kept a memento off a monster they've hacked. I mean, they have, but it's been used for stuff. This hasn't just been like a keepsake. So yeah, you take that little that little stone cone. There we go. All right. So. Run. We are technically still an action round. So if you want to run, you can dash and double your movement. Zik is going to dash. Doo doot doot doo doot.
and just run onto the bridge, now not checking first for any kind of safety measures. Oh, no. Nick, you are up and Kylie is on deck. All right.
Oh wait, so I did not dash yet, sorry. I jumped the gun there. Okay. I did dash, so I dashed all the way up here. that see it That's all my movement? Yes. Okay, so then I'm gonna go ahead, I guess I got like a little more space. Before, now that I'm stopped here at the bridge, I'm just gonna use the chance to do my little investigation on the bridge. Okay. So I can, you know, go ahead and check that. Do it. Investigation. um The bridge looks sturdy to support you. And you also notice that there is a matching bridge underneath it. So it looks like there is also a bridge one floor down that goes back into the tower you currently are standing on top of. Oh, interesting.
Okay, then I'm gonna, I got no more movement it left. Not right now. So then I guess I'll just see if I can, can I take out my bow and just take a shot at this, this gargoyle? No, unfortunately, because you said your dash action eats up an attack action. Like if you have a second attack or if you if you can do it with a bonus action, yes, but the dash replaces an attack. Okay. Well, I do have an extra attack ability, so. Great. Yeah, go for it. So I'm going to go ahead and use my arrow or my bow.
okay He is roughly 30 feet vertically above you in terms of range. Okay. Come on, Nick, you got gonna work? I do not think of 14 hits, unfortunately, of 14 misses. you You hurl an arrow into the night sky and it just vanishes. Okay.
Then, oh boy, oh boy, one second. I can use my axe, okay, so I have an action surge. One more attack, I got one more attack. I'm gonna go with one more boat bow attack. Okay. How many action surges do you have in a day? I get one per short a short rest. Okay, so you burn your action surge and spot the gargoyle directly where it is and hit. Go ahead and hit damage for us for that crit.
yeah there we go figured it'd be worth it okay so because of the fact that it was a crit you hear a so good though no it's not um as the gargoyle no we're still underneath it Okay, so Nick is gone, Kylie, you are up, Luke brought his next, and then the gargoyle will do what the gargoyle is doing.
Well, that was a really good hit. that was really That was a really nicely timed hit because you hit it in the sky with nothing underneath it. Beautiful. um So, Kylie, you are up and Lugrote is on deck. So my first action, I'm going to go ahead and do Sacred Flame one more time, just straight up at it since i'm I'm pretty close to it still. So that's a deck save of 12 that will be needed from Mr. Gargoyle. But I'm inspired by Nick's bravery.
that is a hit yeah okay so that is 11 damage so i just throw my hands up as if i don't care and throw some fire into the sky incredible that's a thing of beauty uh are you taking any movement during your turn yeah i got a dash kylie dash it yes yes yes yes i'm going to dash the hundred yard dash and get the out of there Or at least the double your movement dash. Yeah. So I, I dash over to, uh, where Nick is by the bridge. I give Kylie a good high five. Nice job. Nice. Yeah. It's our first mission together, bud. We're never paired up together. This is fun. There's a reason for that. yeah go So yeah, he is ready to dash across the bridge with y'all. Um, that is his movement and action.
This thing has gotten hit by a Nat 20 in the air. Vin did badly getting hit a second time. So first he's going to do a consave to see if he can get his bearings in the air, which I don't like his odds. Nice. That makes me happy. ah Yeah. He is barely able to... As it is pinwheeling around.
Yeah, that's that's gorgeous. Just like DEAD taught us to do, and I give Nick another high five. Yeah! So it is going to dive bomb. If it hits, it's gonna hurt. If it misses, it's gonna miss badly. So the gargoyle moves and dives faster and faster and faster towards Nicholas.
This has been part one of Sladium Gaines with the lovely crew of Survive This Crit. I am your dungeon maestro, Casey Jones. This has been Narrative Feats, a tabletop anthology. Exciting things to come, friends. Exciting things to come.