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Slaydium Games Episode 02 - Survive This Crit! image

Slaydium Games Episode 02 - Survive This Crit!

S2 E2 · Narrative Feats
32 Plays4 months ago

The traps are set. The Castle of Korvol the Vampire Lord awaits. And its dungeon doors creak open just in time for Halloween…

Join Agents Kylie and Nick of D.E.A.D. as they battle their way through the terrifying lair of Korvol, the Kaiser of Pain. Packed with monstrous traps and deadly puzzles, this trial by combat tests their wits, strength, and courage. But can they escape? Tune in to find out!

The acclaimed actual-play anthology Narrative Feats returns with Season Two, set in the home-brew world of Slaydium Games! Dive into a thrilling D&D5e adventure featuring fresh, familiar mechanics and immersive storytelling. For fans of gripping combat, original characters, and the eerie unknown, Slaydium Games is an experience you won’t forget.

Part two of our season opener, starring Kylie Olsen and Nick DiPinto of SURVIVE THIS CRIT, features award-winning podcast creator Casey Jones. And as always, you can enjoy interviews and insights with game masters in our special series, The Joy of GMing.

Anywhere But Now, our Doctor Who-inspired first season, is still available to stream. Subscribe today to Narrative Feats and join us as new episodes drop!

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Introduction to Sladium Games

Hello and welcome to Sladium Games, an exciting collaboration with the fine people of Survive This Crit. Hello, Kylie. Hi, Nicholas. Hi. Hey there, Casey. So ready.
You know, these are narrative feats, a thrilling anthology series of tabletop tales brought to you by yours truly, Casey Jones, creator and host of Anywhere But Now, and the joy of GMing. As we dive into bold adventures and fantastic worlds, what better way to usher in an exciting era of tales than with bloody, glorious combat?

Enter the Arena: Gargoyles and Loot

I love a good violin tonight. Mm-hmm. Absolutely. Probably Cleric shouldn't be saying that, but... I'm a fighter. This makes sense for me. This is this is my homeland, so to say. my heart My heart... Your metier. Exactly. I am Casey, your dungeon maestro. And together, we will make sweet music.
I'm so excited. Oh my gosh. Last time on Sladium Games, the intrepid Kylian Nick of DEAD woke to find themselves in dire straits, magically bound to fight in the arena of the Sladium, a brutal arena of shifting terrain and rising challenges.
They entered onto the castle battlements of none other than Korvol, the Kaiser of Pain. A vampire king that, thanks to an excellent history check, Kylie was only too familiar with.
Our heroes braved onto the battlements, swiftly facing off with giant bats, swarms of bats, and strangely tantalizing chests of loot, only to be attacked, almost blindsided, by a go gargoyle of terrible strength. The gargoyle was engaged with our heroes for several moments before they fled to the bridge, eager to get inside and face the undead.
They struck at the gargoyle with a critical hit and an arrow struck the gargoyle in a most inopportune spot. Then Nick looked skyward guy were he heard the growing scream and the descent of the stone as we resume our action in play.
The gargoyle flies for you, rolling at disadvantage because of the arrow in its eye. Okay, yeah, no, that is a miss. So, Mick, as the gargoyle screeches for you, its vision blurred and covered with wet cement.

Strategizing and Crossing Obstacles

It dies, and lacking the depth perception plummets right past you into the lagoon. You hear a sickening crunch, a splash, and the ripple of stones and detritus sinking under the waters. That was close, Nicholas. How do you feel? Well, given that my perception checks haven't been so well, I'm just gonna be like, I just feel like I'm kind of oblivious to it, like, huh? What was that?
Whoa, speaking of being oblivious, the penalties from your Nat 1's twice have expired. So your investigation checks are back up to scratch, Kylie. Now why? Can I see now? You can. Oh my gosh. Guys, I've had two eyes the whole time. Whoa, Kylie. OK. All right. Now, guys, let's get this done.
Yes, I think that's a good idea. All right, Lou, what do you say all of us cross this bridge? Probably not all at the same time. I feel like it's weight-bearing, but I feel like maybe all of us will cross at the same time. Mm-hmm. I already did the check last, like, last episode, technically, but I'll do the little thing with my foot where I give it a quick little check and, like, it's all good. Tap, tap, tap, tap. All right. And I quickly, I first believe a little talk. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Well, does this, because we're not in combat, we all find this is like a short rest right now. I wonder if I should reset something. If you wanted to take a short rest, give me an insight check, Nick. Okay. Let's go ahead. Nick, that feels like a trap. That feels like it's not going to be what we want.
you think it's a great idea to take a rest down here up on the top yeah you know i think it's a great idea because of that i'm gonna use my uh second wind go that way i can regate some hp Though, once during a short rest of the... You also had found potions in the chest from the southwest tower.
did Well, I'm gonna go ahead and burn that. We'll only need 10. We get 11 HP back. Gorgeous. Blue, how how are you and, oh gosh, I'm so sorry, my dear friend. I forget your name because you've been so sick. Sick. Sick. Sick. Do need healing. I'm a cleric, I can heal you.
He looks down on himself, and despite the fact that his armor has gashes and scratches, these marks are not fresh. And he shakes his head and says, I'm good, but thanks. Yeah. The man's sick. Lou, how are you doing? Before I heal my cell phone, make sure the rest of the party is taken care of.
Actually, Blue God's okay. he has like He was pestered by the bats, but he is of the good. Okay, I cast Cure Wounds on myself. Well, that's not good. I only rolled a 2 to heal myself. That would not not be a hit, would it? I mean, it it barely qualifies.
Okay, so. I would also think though that this, if you're taking a short rest and doing other magic-y things, that brings the holy plus two to the AC to a close. Yeah. I'm concentrating on this sounds bad. I have to use touch to heal myself, so I'm just going to give myself a quick hug. And if you said that qualifies, I'm going to roll the effect for it and gain back nine HP. Lovely.
I mean, you can always voluntarily touch your own body. That's perfectly fine. I know, but I just didn't make it want to make it weird for the listeners. It's fine. So yes, Kylie, you approach the chest. Do you do any kind of investigation checks? Yes, I would love to do an investigation check before I just open it, because I

Team Dynamics and Audience Pressure

see that there's something behind me, and I'm a little scared on what that is. So let me roll investigation.
That's a 21, and I don't have to do disadvantage anymore. That's gorgeous, isn't it? Yeah. So, i at the top with that lovely, was that a net? That was a 2.90.
19 gorgeous okay yeah with that dirty 21 you are looking around and you spot a skeleton behind you it has been there for quite some time no one has bothered to move it it has been pecked at it has been ah Eroded by things that are carnivorous and only a skeleton remains, you find absolutely nothing dangerous or harmful in on or around the chest. And when you open it, I need that shield. My whole strategy depends on it.
I would say I'm personally not much of a shield girly myself, but I do know that my partner Nick is. So I turn around and say, I do it like a cool whistle. Nick, I think I got something that you'll like. Is that a whistle I hear? I got a gift for you.
Is that a deal? Yeah, that's a deal. Shake my hand. That's a deal. So you shake hands and I give him the shield. Kylie, give me a insight check, please. Oh no. I am on your side. The monsters are not. I know, but that's a 24.
That is a Nat 20, is what that is. that' what the green That's what the green means. So it is quiet. It is too damn quiet. Kylie, as you and Nick take a 10-minute rest, the hologram of the announcer uses the time to shill Slatorade, the all-purpose beverage and lubricant for the warrior on the go.
Thanks to the sponsors and looks down at the lot of you with a stink eye for taking care of yourselves like some kinds of monsters. Can I also have a bottle of Slatorade? Just hold it up. No. oh You took a rest so you don't get one. Slatorade is for the elite. Yeah. Not for the fighters.
not Yeah, this definitely feels like lulling you into a false sense of security so that you are all the more... With my group over there by me, I say, sick! Get over here! And I whisper to Lou and Agent Nick, I'm like, guys, we need to get out of here. We need to go in the downstairs. They're acting like things are calm.
but shit's about to go down if we don't get out of here like right now. Okay. Trust me. Okay. I agree. I agree with you. With that, because your insight is just right in that sweet spot, Kylie, you see a troubled look on, uh, Lu Paul's face and he bites his tongue. It doesn't say anything. Lu, spit it out. Do you think you just go home after this?
Yeah, why not? What are you talking about? I've been here a while. It's random who manages to survive, let alone... Lou, how long have you been here? Too long. He stands close enough for you to see that his hair is dyed and the roots are gray. Lou Broad just... his his knuckles crack when he puts his hand on your shoulder and says, too long. Let us... let us pass on, yeah?
Okay, I reluctantly agree. I'm not giving up hope. Sorry, Lou, I'm gonna get you out of here.

Exploration and Discovery

You don't know what Nick and I are capable of. It's always a new tomorrow, Lou. And we we head toward the stairs. Okay, I love it. You guys go first. I'll take the rear because of my shield now. I'm invincible. Oh yeah. Why wouldn't you be in the front? You have a shield, Nick.
Yeah, I got you don't need to run. I got a shield. This is great. Great news. Kylie, with the last of with the last burst of that oh so potent insight, you give the audience a once over as you turn to head into the stairs and everyone is watching you with great patient interest.
And that patience is waning. What is Kylie feeling in this moment of insight? Kylie is feeling both a mix of frustration, because I think she just realized for the first time that I i don't have control over the out the outcome. This is all a trap. And I think also I'm filled as a cleric with a resounding sense of hope that I can get us out of here.
a Beautifully put, please take DM's inspiration. You are going to need it. Do I still have my inspiration from last round? It's a two-parter. You're in the same game. Yeah, no, it's it's been 10 minutes. Yeah, I'll say yes. If we were playing on a different day, no, you would have to you would have to get it again. but yeah purify yeah You come down the stairs.
So out of curiosity for the game mechanics, is this the same audience watching us? Or is this audience with like newsbleed seats who get to see only this level? That's a very good question. Give me and and but give me an check when you reach the bottom of the stairs. We're just going to give you a little set dressing first. Yeah, no worries. We roll for arcana. That's a 19.
You step one foot down after the other, walking into darkness. You recognize that there is a sconce on the wall lit by a candle, but you suspect the light is not for your benefit, but the audience's. Beyond there are little black marbles blinking at the on the wall just watching you like security cameras and you recognize these peeking stones they are used for surveillance they are used at sporting events they are used by stalkers and you are certain that right now your
actions are being broadcast. If not to everyone, then to the people that can afford the better view. Alright guys. But yes, you are being watched. I do alert the rest of the group. It's like, guys, tread carefully. We're being watched by everyone who is paying to be here. Ooh. Maybe that means we're gonna watch this thing. Let's see.
Kylie, I'm willing to take the rear with my shields, or if you feel like it'd be more advantageous with a guy with a shield, take the lead. I'm fine with that, too. um i mean And you can tell Lew Grodd to stand in front of you. That's true. Lew, it's much bigger than me. But I don't want Lew's life to be sacrificed on my back. No, Lew, just stay right here in front of me at all times. see He turns to you and says, I appreciate the assault, but holding back right now will get you killed. Okay, then I will lead the way. i I walk into the room. I'm going to take an investigation check to see what I see from the beginning of entering this room since I have not seen anything yet. Okay.
The light is not great here. You're standing on worn and weathered carpet, and from here through the open doorway with no door at all, you can make out what looks like a suit of armor on the far side of an open pathway outside.
And if you take a step there, you would also see some kind of weapons rack off to the right. Guys, weapons! So I'm, I'm going to, can I roll? What kind of weapons? Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on.
There is also a suit of armor. And if fairy tales have taught us anything, the suit of armor will 150% come to life. So I think, guys, let me, let me, okay, let me roll stealth. Let me go over there and see what there is. I have a plus eight on my stealth. Great. Let me see what's what's there. and You're welcome to join me, Nick, but I want to get stuff for Lou and Sick too so that they have options. That's really nice of you. Question for you.
You sneak the hell out of that room. You tiptoe closer and closer to the suit of armor and it does nothing. Okay. What do I see on the weapons rack? What's there?
You happen to find a crossbow. Unfortunately, you only find five bolts to go with him. Okay. You know what, Nick? I did give you the last thing. You go to the crossbow. So I'm gonna add that to my inventory. Because I know, I know Sakurai has one. Does Lu have any weapons other than the javelin? No, he does not. Because I have magic. Okay, Lu, I'm gonna give you the crossbow. If he wants it.
What if he has a javelin because he's only good? That's right. OK, so I'll grab the crossbow and sneakily bring it back and be like, I will take this if nobody wants it. But I recognize I'm one of the only magical beings here. So if anyone else will get more use out of this and me, I'm happy to pass it. I look at Kylie real quick and go, Kylie, before we do anything, we're being watched. And I grab my axe. And I'm going to go ahead and make a chop at the little black marble camera thing.
He said it was at reach. I roll my eyes and say, Nick, there are so many cameras here. That is not the only one. I'll take them all out. I see a POV shot wall-eyed because of the perspective of Nick reaching up and like swinging at the ball with your axe. Can you please give me a Constitution saving throw? Oh, no.
but Okay, unless it's you should, let's do this. You got it. Okay. Sixteen, baby. So you are not to the ground and only take two points of bashing damage by the protection spell wrapped tidily around the little black marble. Oh my gosh. Congratulations, you are the first person, number one, to notice them and two, to attack them.
You're the entertainment, so they're gonna make sure they can see. I look back to the rest of the group and now I'm like, okay.

Unseen Threats and Tactical Challenges

already has a crossbow? Does Nick need a crossbow?
No, I mean, Nick, do you have one? I have a gotcha. That's fair. I'll take it. But I just I wanted to check in. I have magic. So cool. Cool. Yeah, you you take the crossbow. That's good. And you said that there's only five bolts. Five. OK, so I go ahead and arm that baby right now. Beautiful. You step into the chamber.
that leads directly around the tower. Getting your bearings, you see it shouldn't be too easy to get lost here, but you smell dust and lots of it. You smell cobwebs tickling your nostrils. The air is warm and clammy here and hinted with decay. As you pick yourself to your feet, Nick,
What are you thinking? Okay. I'm thinking to myself and I'm taking note of where every camera is, where all the lights are, every object. Are we going to make you do an investigational for that or are we just going to assume I see them all? What are you looking for them to do? I'm just making no fun. I'm just making no in case. In that case, yeah, give me give me an investigation check. You notice nothing. Okay.
Besides that, Kylie, you said there was an armor over there. It's either going to be a great fight or I'm going to get some more armor. Yeah, would hell yeah. All right, let's go over there. Let's go check it out. We're here for a show anyways. Let's give him a show. My crossbow is armed. So, Nick, as you cross through the room, as you say, let's give him a show, the rug under your feet reaches up and attempts to smother you.
um as uh it wraps around you like a boa constrictor and like full on and you take 10 points of bludgeoning damage as you are slammed against the stone floor Oh my gosh. Oh my goodness. Is he continually being strangled? Is there like, can I do something about this? Yes. He is now at the risk of suffocation. Okay. You have the ability to hold your breath for the number of minutes, uh, equal to your strength modifier. So, uh, one minute plus a minute for each of those things. Can you please give us a strength check, Nicholas, to tear yourself free? Boiled boy candy. Okay, so you tear yourself free on the ground good as the carpet under your feet ripples like an employed cobra.
Just a quick check in. What is Nick's health at? I am at 31. OK, cool. I'm really glad I took that short rest. Kylie, where are you at? Uh, 66. Because I just touched myself to kill myself. Still braided. Lessing maneuver. OK. You tear yourself free. You would need to spend half your movement to get to move your feet. Let us now get our action rounds, because this is a new combat scene.
How do we fight the magic carpet? That's what I say, verbally, because I am also confused. Just like a lab. oh wow nick you rolled them easy good yeah okay nick you ready to kill it after you sick the quick is up followed by kylie what are you doing friend hey okay we're still fighting the rug good boy okay yes i'm like i'm not even angry i'm just amazed like oh my gosh this is so cool it's a rug guys it moves
When I grab my axe, and I just go, and I, what's the word looking for it? I slam it, so I kind of like, kind of, slam it, and I axe it to the ground, but hitting the ground. I love it. Oh, nice. And... Oh yeah, you chop the hell out of that carton.
Woo hoo! Yeah. What's the damage there, sir? OK, yeah. Beautiful. This thing is not fresh linen by any stretch of the imagination. And you chop easily a third of it off and separate it from the core. The torn off tatter just goes completely limp, lying dead on the ground. Dang. OK. Well struck. I get an extra attack. I'm going to make one more slash at it with my axe. One axe.
oh That is a gorgeous Matt 20 go ahead and give us damage sir, here we go beautiful Yes, the carpet is now just, uh, ridden with dye. It is bloodied, but it is carpet, so that's what you get. Are you taking any movement or anything with your turn, Nick? No, I'm just getting to my ground. I'm going to sneak right where I am. Zik is just nimbly trying to keep his steel can't care of that keeping his toes, trying to keep him away from the rug that is, like,
on the floor towards him he is going to use his short sword and miss so he just like and hits naked stone and and just damn it kylie you are up and the furnishing is next Okay, the I am going to do. What's better to create chaos than to cast Sacred Flame on a piece of fabric? So I cast Sacred Flame because it's a cantrip, which is so nice. So you need a deck save of 12.
Oh my, no. It rolled a Nat 1 on its deck save, so it's going to take the full force of whatever damage is available. all Alright, lovely. So it's a 2d8 and that is only 8 damage. Do I get to roll double the damage with a Nat 1? Yeah. Alright, lovely. It's going to take the full run, yeah. And for the second round, it takes an additional 6, so 14 damage total from my flames. Ha! Would you paint us a picture as you incinerate the run?
I definitely am thinking of the Disney Corporation song that I'm not going to sing out will be like a little bit proud because Nick is part of the Cool Kids Club at the agency and I'm just like the OG so no one wants to come out with me because I've got the most seniority. So I'm kind of like, I hope this is cool enough that I'm part of the club after this.
Once flame is happening, I'm going to blow out the gargoyle tail and I want to make sure. Is it, is it still like the stone or is it organic material right now? It is stone. It's not. So far you have not found anything with meat. I don't think you want to, but I mean, it's a vampire's castle. You're going to find what you're going to find. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. All right.
I just warm up my hands by the fire to a nice little... I always make sure my sacred flame is like the perfect warmth temperature. Nice. So Kylie, you walk into the next hallway and off to your left is a gently swaying rope bridge away and off to a tower that you cannot make out. You know you have stood atop it, but From here, you cannot begin to make out what lies in the tower. Off to the left, in front of you, is an inanimate suit of armor. And off to the right, a pathway bridge. um Can I make an investigation check to see if the bridge is weight bearing? Yes, please.
Don't want to die that way. Oh, that's only a seven. ah No. It's not weight bearing or do I not know? No, you can't tell you can't tell anything about it. It looks intact. You don't see any you know boards missing or anything anything like
You know, you've been in the arena for quite a while. How many times are these rope bridges like able to actually hold body weight? Are they ever just surprisingly like... they'll drop you? He scratches the back of his neck where that where his tattoo is, you notice? And he says,
so And he looks outside trying to get an idea what time it is and he has no idea because it's night outside magically because screw you guys. He says they want to put on the good show so they want us to be able to reach the scary bits. I don't think they would drop us into and into the drink. At least not this
You cross the bridge, holding on to the railings on either side. As you sway gently and breeze, you do not see the source of as you cross in into the tower at the southwest juncture. I see a chest and I'm very intrigued by it.
She's doing that. Mind if I go ahead and I want to investigate. Sure. All right. So remember somewhere up here, right? Mm-hmm. And let's go ahead and check it out. What can I tell about it? 12. You can lift the visor, but from the weight of the helmet, you realize that the armor is welded together. It is decor. Oh. Dang. Okay.
Well, then I'm going to go ahead and just move up there with Kylie. I love it. Teamwork. Teamwork. This way I can... This way you got some extra protection going on. Oh, thank you. I need so much protection. Right? I actually do, though, because as soon as I say that, I'm going to get attacked by something, so... You press into the tower and find Skeleton's shackle to the wall, having long since starved in despair.
Kinky. You approach the trunk and find bloodstains before the lid and touch the chest as it collapses in on itself. They mimic that start to death. Oh no. Oh my gosh. Oh, thank goodness it's the living guard today.
it's a dead mimic okay well the tip of that was pointless whoa whoa kylie that's not it's not entirely pointless i've watched enough anime to know that we could make use of this for food later you want to save the body of the mimic go for it you do not possess the tools spices or blowtorch necessary to make dead mimic edible my friend Stay torch, we got sacred slave. Oh, gross. That's true. keep moving. Yeah. Yeet. You want to keep going around the building? There was another room down there. Oh, look a piano! Let's try going towards that center room with the treasure chest. Okay.
I'm gonna roll performance and play something on the piano. The piano begins without you.
a voice reaches your ear, with no apparent source. there
Could I make like a religion check to see what that voice was? Could I detect what that is? Give me an arcana check. Okay. As I'm leaving the tantalizing piano, I only rolled a seven on my Arcana check. No, you don't know how whatever spoke to you spoke to you. Cool. A voice appeared behind you. Kylie, get in close. I hear footsteps. No worries.
Now my shield's ready. So, can the two of you please give me dexterity saving throws as you walk immediately under the chandelier of your head? All these. Okay. That's a 23. 21. Beautiful. Okay. With barely a second notice, you hear the squeak as a chandelier directly overhead.
plummets towards you because you both managed your saving throws this damage is after jumping so you each take nine points of splashing damage as basically razor-sharp filigree undangling under chandelier falls on you and you take half damage as you dodge out of the way. This is the question though, where do you leap for safety? Do you go here? Do you go here? Do you go here? Where do you where do you jump to get out of the way? The chest. Okay.

Traps and Team Decisions

I will go the same way, so I'm spilt into that feed of you. Holy. Zik is still by the carpet, admiring the damage. Did they miss that? Because we went in first? No, i to be fair, I'll say that they also both have to make deck saves because they follow close. No, you're good. there's There's a lot happening here at the same time. Okay, Lugrad takes half. No, with a 14, he takes the full brunt. No, Lugra!
Sadly, they both take the full brunt of the damage. The good news is Ugrat is pretty big and has plenty of... He is a healthy fellow, let's say that. Yeah, Lulu! Yeah, Lulu! How's Zik doing? Zik, not so much. he doesn't have like just health he can throw away but he's not happy about this either like damn it and he just recoils back as lugra stumbles against the wall oh no okay right should we investigate the chest let's investigate the chest okay 17 Beautiful. With a 17 you find nothing dangerous or harmful in or around the chest. Inside you find two potions of greater healing, a battle axe and a chainmail shirt.
to our friend greater healing just so you know okay maybe we the two of us whoa whoa whoa you give him the other potions let's keep the good stuff for ourselves We're tithing our potions of healing. That's really sweet of you. You can keep one in your inventory, and then we'll give one to them. Yeah. Zik pops the stopper and is about to drink it, and when he realizes, actually puts the popper back in. I'm going to save this in case I need it even worse later on, and tucks it away. That's probably a good idea, Zik. All right.
There's four battle acts. Nice. That's my inventory. here. Is this something we can break through? Is this a barrier? That is a door. Oh, cool. So guys, you want to go through the door? One thing, though, as you cross. Bro, bro. Yes. Oh, no.
run so Okay cool. So yes, you cross to the door without taking a look at either of the mirrors. No. What? I'm assuming something bad is going to happen. You didn't look in the mirrors. I did not. You described and moved your character in such a way as to make a beeline for the door, so I wanted to be fair. Yes, I did. I made a beeline for the door without looking at the mirrors. You try the knob. It is stiff with disuse and covered in dust, but it does turn and the door works.
open into a fresh chamber okay can I what's the vibe of the room can I roll like a perception check sure like um get a vibe if you want the vibe give me an insight check okay yeah you are getting closer to something and once again the room appears to be empty which is its own kind of disarming like you give the rug a quick like okay
The rug is not coming to life. All right, this room is good, but we are getting closer to something. Is this chest openable over here? Yes, it does look like a chest. This looks like a chest. You can open it, you can give it an investigation check. What do you guys want to do? I'm gonna open it because I already did a perception check of the room, so... You did an insight check of the room. That is not a perception check. You asked about the five, not the details. That's true. While she's doing that, I'll check for the details. I'll look at the perception net. Oh no. No! Net doesn't find anything wrong. So you reach for the latch and a pin lances out and strikes the back of your hand. Ow!
As it threatens to turn a livid shade of green, can you please give us a Constitution saving throw? Oh go to your knees and then your hips and you fall paralyzed to the floor. That's not good. Do I notice or do I just ignore it? Oh yeah, you totally notice. It's like, yeah, I don't see a trap.
like this is this is young frankenstein all over it's great oh man what if i didn't know so she said come on kylie so i mean i'm just paralyzed on the ground nilly what's wrong i said poking at her what's wrong come on better get going i can't i can't feel my anything kylie i am afraid you can neither move nor speak You are paralyzed. You are completely limp.
of a g nat 1 on the medicine check, you actually make things worse. Instead of being paralyzed for 10 minutes, he is going to be paralyzed for 15. Do you want to Leave her ear and press on do you want to wait the 15 minutes and take a short rest because right now she is fairly Lifeless like let's say that our friend here is going to kneel down and do a medicine check just to see if you don't die I shake her rapidly Kylie. Are you okay?
that's That's what makes things worse. He can at least tell that she is still alive by like barely feeling breath past her lips by holding his fingertips over her lips. He's like, I don't like this at all. And that is when sick is going to take the stopper out of the function of greater healing and pour it into Kylie's mouth. ah Evens or odds, Kylie? odd so you're going to get 44 plus four of healing and i'm going to roll a die odds uh it removes the poison condition evens you are still paralyzed for another 13 minutes so you get 16 points of health back that is a four your paralysis does not break for another 13 minutes look uh highly you have time to think
With your cheek against the stone, looking at the trap and the needle glinting in the low light, if there had been something here, you might be dead now. What is Kylie thinking and feeling in this moment of paralysis?
um i'm thinking that zic is a really good uh team player considering that we've only exchanged two words this
About all the spells in my head if there is anything that I possibly can cast with concentration To without verbal without verbal
Yeah, so I'm frustrated on the ground, but also really grateful to Zic for saving my life, who I literally have talked to twice since we've started this game. And I also want to communicate that the team can maybe carry me or go on without me when I can't. Since I have no idea what's going on with Kylie, technically. I look at Luke, I look at Zic like, hey, do you guys know what's up with Kylie?
Nothing weird. Kylie, come on. I kind of kick her a little bit. Like, get up, Kylie. What's wrong? Come on. Luke Rod eventually nudges you away and does his own medicine check and determines that she is alive but paralyzed. Zik kneels down, rolls you over so you don't choke, and holding your head tips the small potion of greater healing down your throat. And as you look up at him, he looks down at you and says, I know you don't know me,
but You actually seem like you know what you're doing, and I need that right now. And then he finishes pouring the potion down your throat. anything I was just gonna put you on my shoulder. She's like, let's get going. but No point stopping now. How about Luke Rod takes her and like binds your hands together so you can actually just hold on? I'll love Princess Bride.
because you should probably stay limber and not encumbered. All right. Hey Lou, thanks, man. You're such a good friend. Appreciate it, man. I do what I can. Come with me, lady. So we've mentioned already he is wearing a lot of leather and ah and an apron. So he just unwraps one of the wide leather straps around one wrist and uses it to loosely, safely bind your hands so that you can be looped over his head and not slip off his shoulders.
Cool. I'm good with that. all right I I You asked about the vibes. You asked about the vibes. It was just so wonderful. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Don't be sorry. We're not doing the jennifer but Jennifer's body campaign anymore. There's no more vibe checks. Yeah, that's true. No more vibe checks.
that I only get both sick and blew a hug when I come to, when I have my body back and also to kick Nick and the ribs just like he kicked me in the ribs. Alright guys, well I guess I'm the leader now so let's just go and I cross over to the next hallway.
Okay. You move into the next room. Give me, please, an investigation check. Nicholas. Let's do it. 21. Beautiful. So, Nick, you are the first through the door, which slams immediately behind you and a voice from nowhere visible. With that investigation that high,
You can actually hear the voice emanating from a stone in the ceiling that is indistinguishable from the stones around it. And that voice says to you, do you really want to hold on to so much, baby, baby? There could be room for you down here. Mike responded, I go, dead weight.
There's no dead weight around here, just me and my friends. I'm not backing down. Bring it on, whatever you've got. but I love it. Give me a performance check.
All right. Eighteen. Freaking gorgeous. You stand up to the voice that just threatened you and did so beautifully. There is a squeal and the door behind you opens, no longer locked in any way. A sconce lights across the hall beside a cabinet of what looks to be potions.
So good performances bring attention from the sponsors. And there is just a hole, roughly a quarter wide in diameter in the ceiling. And down from that hole deposits a little TikTok spider on a silken thread and it just lands harmlessly on your shoulder and pops open.

Crypt Challenges and Combat

And there's a little scroll inside that says, keep up the good work.
Yeah, thanks. I keep that scrolled in my back pocket for another day when I'm just being a little depressed and eating some of the cheer meal. Signed, Lady P. And the P looks like it has been drawn to resemble strength. Interesting. Lady P. Zik will head through and follow you and is like, what the hell was that? I don't know.
No wonder they're just trying to get me to abandon you guys. They're clearly trying to separate us, but I'm not scared. Really? Let's continue on. First, there's a bunch of potions over there by the sconce. We should probably collect some. Probably should. Give us, please, an investigation check. Yeah!
oh gorgeous just gorgeous okay so you open up the cabinet and you immediately see just a lovely little row potions all of which could fit in the hand and just pop right open in a row you find uh two potions of greater healing. One is labeled one, the second is labeled two. You find a bottle of oil with a holy symbol etched into the bottle. You open it.
and take a sniff of just a hint of, like, incense or something? With that investigation of a 21, I'm going to say that you recognize this as holy salve. Pour this onto a weapon. It will deal radiant damage for three consecutive rounds at your discretion. Woo-hoo. Look at that. You also find a unlabeled bottle of green stuff. Can I take all of them or just look?
You can take them off. All right, I take all of them. Just make note that the green one is unmarked and the health potions are labeled one and two. But that's really just gross. Did I do any type of medicine check or anything anything like that for the green stuff or is it just completely unknown? You can try to do a medicine check. All right, you know what? You could also do an arcana check. What do you got? Well, I'm gonna go with an arcana check.
gorgeous. You pop open the green one and give it a sniff. You recognize the scent of eucalyptus and mint and recognize this as something invigorating for magic users that above take over refill one second level spell slot. Okay. I'm gonna Walk over to Kylie, who's kind of hanging off of Lou. I'm going to take the green stuff. If I slip it into her pocket, I'm just going to go, you remembered this. Do you have DM's inspiration, Nick? Yes. OK. Because you would have just earned another one, if but unfortunately, they don't stack. But I love to see the teamwork. OK. So you still have the holy salve. You have the two potions of healing, and you gave her the potion of the green stuff. Is there a name for that potion for inventory purposes, or does it matter?
I'm good. i'm I'm paralyzed. I'm so sorry. If it's any consolation, if it's almost up. It's all good. I'm vibing. This is like a nice little break. I love it. With that investigation check, Nick, you have pretty much the sweep of the room. There's some dry, tacky stains on the floor from something that probably shouldn't be stuck around to find out what made those stains. And a carpet down the hall passed a portrait that leads to who stares? Stairs that go down.
So then I'm gonna just assume based off that description that everything should be hunting roaring in here. So I'm gonna give my crew a little like, hail over here, follow me. Then we're just gonna go right up to, I'm assuming these are stairs and thrust these your way here. All right, I'm gonna head up the stairs. Come on guys, follow me.
I'm leading the group. Nick, you descend the first step, and behind you, Zik is on the second, and you descend. You can smell mildew in the air, and a unpleasant clamminess as you push further down.
And then as Gultrog the broad steps down onto the second step, all of the steps, and you slide down the ee curly cube.
Good time to be paralyzed. I'd like to pull a little maneuver here. Can I possibly make my shield and react in time so that way rather than slide on my butt? Yeah, on my shield or like standing up. That'd be so cool. Give me a dexterity save. Well, please be great. Man, that would have been the time for DM inspiration. Yes, it would have, my friend.
I love where your head's at though. I love where your head's at. You're doing amazing work. You got your head on a swivel and that's going to keep you alive, hopefully. So sick comes down after you, little bogs, some bogs, comes down a tumbling after. Okay. So Kylie, you feel almost weightless, just resting over Lu Guo's shoulders. He moves with precision to try and impress that like, it's no big deal, it's fine. And then suddenly the last vestige of any sensation of weight
literally falls away and blue bob tumbles forward and you are on his back and the two of you
The bad news is you're tumbling ass over tea kettle. The good news is you're getting sensation back in your ass to your tea kettle as feeling starts to return to your fingers, but boom, boom, boom. Okay, so can I get a Dex saving throw from Kylie at disadvantage since you're just coming back to it?
um with the six attempting to grabp to grab onto the shield. We're gonna say that's a no. Oh, beautiful. Nick, you valiantly try to get onto your shield as a sled, but you miss the timing by a precious heartbeat, and instead the shield digs into your shoulder as you tumble over yourself and take two points of bashing damage, breaching the foot of the stairs. Kylie, it's a miracle. With a 26,
you would like, wait, oh, this is my center of gravity. what do look good And not for the first time, you roll to a stop on a carpet in a wide, dark room. Bluegwad is going to do a Dex check after sick, sick. Also takes two points of bashing damage, bouncing around like a ye olde medieval pinball. And bluegwads of wads.
Decks badly. bou Okay, so yes, Luke Rod also. Considering he's a big guy and he has traveling with more weight, he takes more damage. I'm just examining my spells for whatever is next. Now that I can feel my body again. Who needs spells? Who needs a gun? Heart, Zeke, and Luke near me. They tumble to the floor and achingly. Ugh, that was not so fun.
a like knowing nod because he and our buds but he's also not that close to me so I can't give him a hug at the moment but. Fair. I give him a knowing nod. Like you guys saved me. Thank you. You're good.
finger would you please give me an investigation check Kylie as you enter the master chamber 15 You look around the crypt, and it's like an out-of-date, bad impression of someone's attempt at a bedroom. There is a bed covered in dust on the far side of the chamber. You may have a body resting on it. From here, with the 15, you can't see a terribly much more than that. But as your eyes stettle,
on the dark. You smell blood. You smell stone. You smell decay. And is your as your eyes settle to the dark, you see coffin after coffin after coffin on the ground. What do you do?
I quickly infer to the rest of our team and say, I think the only shot that we have is either by being right at the center of the circle where we can see all of them, or it's by being against one of these walls. But I think we're surrounded. If we go into this room, we're going to be surrounded. Give me, Nick, please give me an insight check.
Well, all right. 18. 18. When the voice taunted you, Nicholas, it said there might be room for you down here. That could mean at least one of these coffins is empty. Okay. What then? It's at least six. Yeah. Wait, wait, wait. Why would we be looking for the empty coffins? Is that going to be something safe for us?
the center of the room and claim our space. Very bold of you. I love Beaumont. We could do that. You know what? You're right. That is the bold move. I say we do it. Give me a performance check. I look at Lula looking sick. What do you say, guys? You've downed? You've downed for one more big battle? You've gone this far, haven't we? No time like to present. Gulp.
Cool. Yeah, previously paralyzed. I can add it to my list of things now. Dead once and staying twice, paralyzed once. And you live to tell the tale. Yeah. So far. a With that insight, Nick, a 19, you realize that yes, at least one of the coffins is empty and yes, you have literally stumbled into a trap. Would you all please go ahead and give yourselves an initiative?
yes and then are we all running to the center too by all needs oh no that was such a bad initiative role back to back kylie back to back just like the old days of trading you move to the center of the room. Kylie fear tempers your blood into something colder than you are in any way comfortable with. As you shake off the last sluggishness with raw willpower, you do not see any figures moving in the dark. What you do see is mist coalescing about you.
I would like to cast Magic Circle. I love it. I cast Magic Circle around all of us. It's a 10 feet diameter, and since we're all back to back... Beautiful. I'm gonna put a circle around you. It's only for a minute, but it gives us a hot second to figure out what's going on. Okay. You have this circle of protection go up. Would you describe the energy, the look of the spell as it forms about you?
as it as it forms I'm using the remaining of my strength as I'm finally getting feeling back of my every part of my body and I you just see this blue light blue cylinder warm around us on all sides and I I can feel myself easily straining because I'm using my body strength for the first time in 30 minutes or so and I'm holding a space for all of us. Oh, it lasts for an hour, not just for a minute. Nice. And with this magic circle, are you committing its protection to the undead? Yes. I love it. Kylie, you are focusing all of your will on this protection. And as you look up... thanks for guing that kili Oh no! What? What's wrong?
bro We've got company. We've got a lot of company. So as you commit your energy to repel the undead, because your eyes have adjusted and because you are using your concentration, you see crawling out of shadows in the ceiling a giant spider that is responsible for at least some of the cobwebs filling this room. And you hear the,
but larger, wider, and heavier as a direly huge rat just starts to waddle across the ground. They are going to enter the action round, and then we are going to begin, and they have no surprise on you. As the magic protects you, a voice over you taunts Did you think you were our first cleric?
I want to roll Arcana to respond to it. Do it. I love it.
Okay, based on the spell, so I did cast it. I'm still able to do other stuff though, right? Because I did cast it, it's not a concentration spell. Oh good, so it's just staying up for the time being. For an hour. Really? Remind you, forget about that green stuff I gave you. Oh shit, yeah. Okay, so I look in my pocket and I'm like, what is this? You find a potion of unmarked green stuff?
smells like a essential oils it smells like eucalyptus and it's like one of my favorite scent like tennis well thank you yeah this will this will definitely be useful once we get further into combat Yeah, thank you. That's so cute. Oh no. So yes, this little monster is scampering closer. Yeah. Okay. It waddles through the protection against the undead and attempts to at Luke Wogg's ankle. It will try to bite.
No! Oh, it says so the creature cannot enter a cylinder by any non-magical means. But it's not. Oh wait, I guess I had to choose the undead. It's not undead! Dammit, that's why you asked me that question. It's life, Kylie. I have my protection ability.
And our buddy Lou is within 5 feet of me. So this... grad... has disadvantage on all attackers. Great! Unfortunately it still hits. That's the power or the fighting stuff. It won't be a crit though. Still hits. So it only takes the 5. For Lou?
I tried, Lou. It's okay. I appreciate the help. And yeah, that rat just sits there. Lou Grodd is going to return the favor with a spear. No, I don't like you at all. That is a hit. Okay, Okay, so he does 15.
Quick side story, Lou Glaude was in a fight with a green dragon and said Javelin went through green dragon's throat and stayed there for the rest of the battle. And when he got it back, it is coated in a green dragon's poison, which is fun. Which means that the giant rat that just bit him on the ankle, when he stabs through it, it just he just one shot at a rat. Whoops.
Oh, yeah, Lu! Okay. i'm I'm cheering for Lu. And he notices the things creeping closer. He says, I don't like this very much at all. Thank you. Uh, Zic is going to fire their weapon at the nearest frickin' spider. That's a shit. Right, Zic.
Lovely. He shoots the he spider that is at roughly 10 o'clock and squicks it for 10 points of piercing damage. It kisses, but does not retreat. Nice. Yeah. Nick, you are up. Kylie, you're on deck. I'm going to do a quick little run to the edge of the circle. So I'm right in front of Kylie, head towards that spider. I'm going to go at it with my battle axe.
we're just nineteen yeah good we So this terrifying spider has gone from I'm going to eat you to now covered in its own juices. It is enraged but it is heavily damaged. but Nicely done. Anytime and I got my extra attack so I'm gonna go for it again.
as ahead. yeah Why would we even roll damage? Would you please just paint us a picture of how you rend this particular giant spider? so After my first hit through it, I go, not enough. I charge it all the way back, and I go, Lore America! Then I slice it in half.
It spills out all over more America. And then I just take a little whiff of the blood or the juice from the spider off my axicle. I love the smell of spider juice in the morning. Well, that's a good thing because you're going to have more. Kylie, you are up.
no Okay, so based on where I'm at, the closest spider to me is Zik's spider. So I am going to shoot. i'm gonna I have the two action to attack per turn. So I'm gonna start off with just doing a cute little crossbow. And I'm gonna roll to hit with my crossbow. I don know I only have five. That's a 12. I assume that's probably not gonna hit.
12 does not hit. 7. Okay, that's totally fine. They'll love to see it. And, uh, the dex needs to be 12 or under. Let's do the spider shuffle. That is a 17.
Ah beans. Okay. So I definitely shoot some flames out and it does nothing. I love where your head's at though. Do I get the flame like on the bed at all? Do I start burning that bed? Which is the which is the spell you use specifically? Sacred Flame. It's uh 60 feet. Well you were aiming for the spider is the thing. Yeah would I possibly get the coffin for chance?
I'm going to say no, because you did not announce that beforehand. like ah And it's tricky enough to hit two things with one shot. Good call, good call. I would say, however, in the future, if you want to line up a shot and say, OK, let's try and do that, um that is totally within the realms of doability. Sound fair? Got it. OK, that works. Yeah, completely fair. At the end of that turn, the dire rat is Dead Lugard is looking around, not in any way happy. I feel like there's more spiders here than when we came in. The hell you say? I feel like there's more spiders. Don't like that. Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa. Who appears?
There's a person over there, crap. As you are fending off these creatures at the top of the round, more spiders appear, but they are on the ceiling, which is a good 20 feet overhead. On the ground, the good news is, however. That's not helpful for my magic circle. No, ah afraid not. I mean, they can pass over it anyway. They could drop down basically into us at this point with no problem. Oh, that's nice.
Outside in the crypt from the fog materializes a member of the undead. A man in European garb of long black hair and appointed widow's peak materializes out of the darkness and the fog.
and narrows his eyes on you, foo foo foo foo, and says not a damn thing. It's not his turn yet. Lugwad is going to... No! Stay away! And he is going to try and get the spider out of here.
He jabs with the javelin and the spider moves a leg out of the way. Zik is going to move so that Lugro is not in the way and fire his crossbow. That is a hit. And the spider that is hissing at Lugro and preparing to bite him is certainly...
It hits one of its eight eyes with a crossbow and it tumbles over onto its back with its feet curling into disappointed fingers. Mick, you are up, Kylie is on deck. So,
Well, Kylie, the future is great. The future is wonderful, Kylie. I grab your hand for a second and I say, yes, it is. We're in this together. No, I'm right. I love it. I pull up my long bow. Don't forget, you have DM inspiration, just in case. OK. I will use DM inspiration on this one. Do it. Long bow.
That is a critical hit. That's lovely. Love to see it. What a waste of my inspiration, but all right. I mean, how is that a waste? Because I didn't need it. Here we go. I fire my arrow at the vampire. Beautiful. It hits. Nick, give me an insight check, please. Alright. Ugh, almost dicked. Okay, with the haze of the magic circle enveloping you, you are not able to make anything out about the hit that the vampire takes, but good looking out. Wait, I have one more. Okay. I have one more action. Oh, go ahead. Go for it. Yeah, go for it. Okay. Dang.
You draw for the second one and the bowstring snaps. You will need to spend a round restringing it with a successful dexterity check. And that one's hurt. All right. I'm trying to decide if now is the time to do something risky and stupid.
I mean, there's really no time like the present, Kylie. Yeah.
I'm I'm gonna be at least within touching range. Maybe my a more tactical strategy would be try to go behind. That is what I'm gonna try to do. So I'm gonna try to cast Pass Without Trace. And it gives me 30 feet am going to, let me make sure I'm marking that. I'm using these spell slots. I am. Okay, good.
I mean, you materialized in the next square over to him. So yes, I am going to inflict wounds. I'm going to grab him and inflict wounds upon him. He needs a role. Constitution safety. You need to grab him first, give us an unarmed strike to see if you can hit him long enough to make physical contact.
Oh, okay. I didn't know I needed to do that for this, but that's fine. No, I only rolled a 12. Shit. You have inspiration Kylie. I have to give inspiration. It's too late though. Yeah. It's too late. Gotta announce it first. Very well. So I thought I could just cast that spell without having to do that first. It's a touch spell. That's the problem. And you have to actually be able to be touching them when you're doing the thing. You materialize next to this vampire and lunch and miss. And this bastard is fast.
He lashes out with a hand, grabs you. You take no damage, but the grip on you is iron strong. And the voice pulls you close and you can feel cold corpse breath on your jaw.
You were warned, you know. I think you not enjoy this next beat so much. And is going to try and fight you as a hit. Oh no! I'm gonna become a vampire! You take seven points of piercing damage as his fangs.
catch in your throat and begins to drink. And a burning black pain starts to grow in your chest. You start coughing and the breath of ash comes out of you as you take 10 points of necrotic damage from the bite. An additional 10 points? Yes, 7 piercing and 10 necrotic from a full fledged vampire bite.
And he's got you and is close enough to whisper unpleasant things. You will make a fine addition. He's going to stay exactly where he is. Lou Grodd is going to see this having just cacked the spider with help from Zic.
and is going to race to the vampire shouting and jabs with his spear. Come on, Libra. That is a hit. Yeah. Gorgeous. Okay, so that is a hit that knocks him. And since it was over a 20, the vampire needs to do a consave to see if he is still on his feet. He is not Kylie.
You are in the iron grip of this creature when Lugrad lumbers up and stabs him in the breast and he hisses and withdraws off the spear as it smokes poison damage across his chest and you are free.
I want to give Lew another hug, but because we're in the middle of battle, I give him finger guns. They're very happy finger guns. Zic is going to fire his crossbow and hit. He fires the arrow. Kyra, can you please give me a perception check, please? Yes, of course. And as she does that, Nick, what are you doing, Nick? That's a 13.
In the thick of battle, sadly, 13 is not enough to to notice anything in particular. I'm going to wave my broken bow, that's right taking my battle axe out again. I'm going to take that holy salve I got earlier. I love it. I'm going to just lay it on there, nice and smooth. That's an object interaction. Exactly. And then I'm going to rush it right before that vampire, that dirty vampire. I love it. Oh.
go for a splash at it. Bring it. That is a hit. It's also going to be causing some radiant damage. Yes, and add 1d4 of radiant damage to this for this round and the following two. Okay. Okay, that's that's respectable. That's awesome. You swat at the vampire and again hit a 20. He needs to do a con save to see if he is knocked back. He stays. He stays on his feet. But well, bloody struck. Well struck. Do I get my extra attack or are we gonna save because I did all that like that? I'm not equipping. I'm equipping and we just... No, you get an extra attack because you already have two attacks. The object interaction was putting the salve on the weapon. Okay, I'm gonna go for one more battle axe. Oh no.
I don't think that works, does it? No. Yeah. Okay. Well, I tried. You did. Okay, trust me. So, Kylie, this vampire has tasted your blood and held you close enough to mock you, lip to ear. What are you feeling in this moment?
I'm infuriated. I want to pray and raise up my spiritual guardians so I can have three guardians attack him all at the same time in addition to the rest of our crew. so But to do that, I need concentration for a few minutes. So I think my first action is going to be retreating to the circle and then casting the spell. So I do alert the team of saying like,
Give me 10 minutes and then I run into the circle. I love it. And I would hope that Nick being a part of the DEAD would know what I'm doing. But I get on my knees and I clasp my hands together. And i I start praying harder than I ever have.

Vampire Battle: Tactics and Turmoil

I cast spiritual guardians. So the next time I come out, I will have guardians on my side. So are you actively taking the 10 minutes to concentrate on It says up to 10 minutes, so I don't know. That's up to the DMs. I appreciate that you went into the circle to begin the spell. Let's say, let's call it like spending a turn actively casting the spell. Does that sound fair? Yeah, completely fair. Okay, so you've gone in and your action this round is casting the spell. What level spell is the magic circle? It's a second level spell. Second level, okay. And Spiritual Guardians is a second level spell as well, but it does steal, takes concentration and then it has a, the attack slash save is a wisdom saving throw of 12. And then it's protective spirits of 15 feet around me.
who deal 3d8 radiant damage. Gorgeous. You love to see it. So you are casting magic in your circle as you start to ready the spirit guardians. It is the vampire's turn before it is Lugrats. That is a miss.
The vampire lunges at Luguot and still singed with the holy damage from the battle axe and unable to grab him the first time he knabs for him. He will simply try to strike him again and hit Kylie, you've run to the circle and you get on your knees and begin praying. And as you are focusing all your concentration, you do not hear Lugwald chasing into the circle. He is currently gripped by the vampire and will need to do a strength check, which he may succeed to break free. Is he being held like from afar? No, he's right next to him.
Luke Rod ran over to help you. You ran into the circle. The vampire goes before Luke Rod again. Wow Kylie, you just ran away. Ran away.
I'm bringing back reinforcements. Lugrad barely manages to break himself free and takes a knee at the vampire's foot. He's going to try and stab this thing because he is here and it is here and miss. He lunges with the spear and the vampire just moves his head. He is suddenly not going anywhere because he dare not turn his back. It is Zik. Zik will fire. He hates this.
And the string on his crossbow snaps as he rolls a nat 1 because nat 1's hurt and they hurt the DM too. He curses himself, takes a knee, and uses his object interaction. Actually, no, he needs to do a dex check and fail. He is struggling with the string on his crossbow and says, I'm not getting out of this circle! Nick, you are up. Kylie, you are on deck with your spirit guardians. Okay.
Alright, here we go again. Good old battle axe. Yeah, that's a hit. Okay, so 15 plus 2. Gorgeous! So yes, you hit him again with the axe doing radiant damage and the slice burns through him like acid. Do you take a second strike?
Yes I do. Come on. No! You swing the axe and he moves a heartbeat too fast and backs the battle axe out of your hand as you try to swing it. It walks against the wall as the battle axe is torn from your hands. It is still in one piece.
But it can not hurt him from all the way over there. Alright. He is going to take a single point of radiant damage from making contact with it when he slopped it out of your hand though to try and be fair about this. Alright. I have one other thing. I have an action surge. One more attack. Yeah you do. And I'm gonna go for a shove. A good old shove.
arms strike great do that let people that at least not good no unfortunately that is not a hit I love just the swiftness of action, You'll love to see it. Okay, so Aylie, you are up and the vampire is on deck. Sorry. Just want to make sure that the new Spideys are on. There's more spiders? If this room were not made of stone, I'd just set the whole thing on fire. Right? Oh shit, they're getting a lot closer.
Okay, they have moved. They are not going to attack yet. They are 20 feet overhead clinging to the ceiling. Blue Grodd has gone. Kylie, it is your turn with the with the spell you are casting. Yes, so I have to get a little bit closer though, so I do get like within range. And then I cast spear Spirit Guardians, which is a radiant 3d8 damage, but you need to roll Wisdom Saving Throw. So he does the Wisdom Saving Throw to see whether he takes full damage or half.
I was gonna say, if that was all for nothing, that'd make me really mad. I do not think he meets it. What is your spell casting modifier? What's the DC? Says 12. He did get a 14, unfortunately. This damage is half. He is half.
If it's any consolation, he really hates radiant damage. He takes six damage instead of 12. Since I have my final action and I'm close to him, just love to see it. And that's a Dex of 12. Beautiful. That would need to be made. He makes it as a 15.
So that's no damage. I don't do anything. Double checking. Yeah. Saving throw or take radiant damage. So no. Bully though, which is great stuff. You are in the thick of the fight with your comrade, Nick, at your side. How does this feel, Nick? How does this feel, Kylie? I feel so pumped right now. I've been waiting for a good fight. I'm ready. I'm not quitting. I'm not quitting. I'm not stopping here. Me will survive.
I just want to defeat this evil. That was what I was trained to do, and I'm frustrated that it's taking so long to defeat said evil, but I'm ready to defeat it. I imagine Chief Big Mac McCub is looking down at us now.
yeah how proud he is of us right you'll love to see it the vampire having gotten a good amount of health hacked burned and holied off of him looks at nick who he has just swatted the weapon away from and also at uh kylie who is not terribly far away and it is going to You know what? It's going after Nick. <unk> And Mrs. So it is going to try and grab you again. It's an 18. This is right here. My upper class is 19. You'll love to see it. That's because of the shield and the bracer is nicely done. He
tries for you and again and you are in the zone. He just refuses to be to to lay a hand on you. And then, okay, he is in the thick of it now and not going anywhere. Lou Grodd is right here and is going to try and stabby stabby again. You got it, Lou. That is a hit. Yeah, Lou!
I said leave my flames alone! And he slams in with the spear. and He does need to do a con save since it was over 20. Come here, you vampire. Okay, yeah. He meets and beats, at which point he is going to fast as a blink, lash out, and once again the arm is on his throat. Does my ah protection count? Is he what they've got to be to me or no? That puts him at disadvantage, yes. Yeah, that would put him at disadvantage. Even at disadvantage, unfortunately, the bite is a hit. No! You have never seen a creature move this fast. Uglod swung the spear, jabbed him, and in the heartbeat it took to pull the spear back, it was... Bites and sinks into him like an apple. No! He was gonna be the best man at my wedding.
He's not dead yet. That's okay, I'm already married. Fain's blacken in Deep God's throat as he is held by someone technically smaller than him, but gripping him like he weighs nothing at all, as the vampire drinks and grooves. Before your eyes, Nick, as he drinks gulp after gulp,
from Lugwad's throat, the burns on the vampire's flesh recede and fade. Not completely. The necrotic that he did to Lugwad was health he regained. He has not let go of Lugwad and is still just latched onto him. can i We can't take an opportunity attack because we're already in combat with him. He's right here. He hasn't left your he hasn't left your window, sadly.
So Zic has his attention on you and does not notice a spider that drops down from above you fight him Okay, he needs to make a con save and does it beautifully He does not take the poisoned condition, but there is a honking spider on top of him Okay, it is his turn. He is going to Shove this thing off of him with a strength check. Oh, God. Yeah, he tries to get out of its limbs and only gets more tangled in them. No! Kylie, the other fighter on the ceiling leaps down to fight you for seven points of piercing damage. Can you give me a constitution saving throw, please? Yes, of course. Happy to do so. Ah, that's a 10.
Okay, so you also take 9 points of poison. So I take a total of 16? Yes. Oh no! Okay. Can you give me a concentration save, please? Because this is a bad bite. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Concentration, what would that be? A wisdom save to keep your concentration. No! That's only a 10!
As the pain of the bites, it's not even that heavy. It's just so big as it lands on you and sinks its fangs in and the sharpness of the pain snaps you out of your concentration and the guardians evaporate around you.
That is their turn. Nick, you are up, and Kylie is on deck. Okay. Is the battle axe within my reach? The battle axe was smacked over to the wall. You would need to step away from the vampire to get it, but he has his hands full with Luglot, so he probably would not give you an ah attack of opportunity. Okay.
Well, I'm gonna go ahead and take this chance to go grab the battle act, come back. I'm gonna aim for that. He said he's fighting Lu right now or... He has grabbed onto Lugod and pulled him close enough to bite into him like a country apple. Oh my gosh.
Get your mouth off my new f friend this way. Since you have allies this close and you are striking at his back, yeah that's a hit. Beautiful. Go ahead and give us damage and don't forget to add for the final round.
Gorgeous! Yeah, you are beautifully hitting him. You're amazing, Nick. Yeah, so he needs to do a con save to see if he's able to hold on to his snack. He cannot. Lugrad is knocked from his grip, tumbles to the ground, bleeding, and his hand just immediately goes to his throat, of like, oh my god. That was a beautiful hit. Question, is Lu dying or is he like... You don't know, you need to do a medicine check. He is still moving, which is a good sign. Alright, and then I'm gonna use my extra attack so I can get one more hit on this vampire. I love it. Unfortunately, a 12 does not hit. Ugh, Kylie! How outrageous would it be to throw my Potion of Greater Healing towards Kylie since I know she got bit pretty badly? I'm good, I'm good, don't worry about me. look at Kylie, you are up and the vampire is on deck.
Okay, first thing I want to do with my first section, I want to roll a medicine check to check in and see how Lew is doing, how many HP he has, some more bodies better. That's only a two. You have no idea. He is breathing. It's more of a sputter right now.
I'm just overwhelmed by battle at this point. Also, there's a spider on you. Yeah, you gotta take care of that spider. Yep. Yeah. Yeah, I do, I do, I do, I do. Can I try to do an unarmed strike and roll the spider off of me? Like roll it to the ground? Give me a deck save. And if you hit it, say C, we'll say you're able to roll it on. Okay, let me, sorry, that's an unarmed strike. Let me do a deck save. This is my actual deck save. That's a 23 with my deck save.
You roll and shake the thing off of you. It skitters across the floor. Which direction do you roll? I roll closer to little. OK. And it tumbles that way. We supported. Well done. Yay. And we'll say it takes two points of bludgeoning damage getting knocked on the so across the stony floor. OK. And is that the fullness of your turn? I believe so. I only have two action two attacks per action.
um I think between the Edison check and the unarmed strike unless you have a bonus action to attack with I'm gonna say No, no, I only have two weapon fighting Okay as you roll to the ground The vampire arrives on top of you and because you are on the ground. He has advantage on grabbing you oh Oh no, Lord after my friends. That is a mess. Yes, okay. He is again just scary fast. The bad news is that was legendary action. He was taking at the end of your turn and now he is going to make his own attack. He is a monster.
Yeah, I wish I found my machete. It was with the vampire hunting kit in the room you guys did not go into. So he grabs you, lifts you into the air, and is going to attempt another bite. And once again, Kylie, for the second time in 30 seconds, powerful, cold,
hands have gripped you in an iron vise and lifted you to razor-sharp teeth. What are you thinking in this powerless moment as the bangs sink in? I'm just praying quietly to myself like, if this is the end, this is it. I'm okay if this is the end. I'm reaching my peace. What is your, what are your gift points at? I'm at 26. 26, okay. So I still have some. Yeah, you're in decent shape.
Yeah, I'm fine. I mean, I just agent Kylie is a little dramatic. So as a cleric, she's like, all right, I've made my spiritual peace. So this is gonna happen. It's gonna happen. and Yes. As you take seven points of piercing damage and 10 of the product and pulls his teeth free, close enough to whisper. He can't hear you. You know.
but gets it back because he's drinking you. Oh, gorgeous. With Nick flanking, that is in that 20. So the vamp is not for a loop-de-loop. And once again, Kylie, you're dropped. You are on your knees and would need to spend half your movement to get to your feet, but you are still alive after taking that 17-point hit. So the vamp has gone. Lugov has stuck him enough to irritate and annoy. This one that is on top of Zik is going to try and bite him again and hit. He needs to do a consave. Okay, he doesn't take poison damage this time. Good for him. As this one over here decides that why not share, have you ever seen two giant spiders go after the same piece of meat at the same time? No, I'm scared.
You'd think there'd be a lot of, like, combat, but these things are family. And, you know, they don't mind. They don't like communion. That takes a bite. Ricky Brett. Yes. And need a conse from Zic. Zic! Oh no! Zic! No. Okay. Think in there, buddy.
Yeah, Zic goes limp. Like he's he's struggling under the first spider, but when the second one comes over and just sinks into his side, Zic starts to struggle and foam at the mouth under the pressure of two of these monsters. Kylie, can you give me an insight check, please? I have a 10. That's terrible.
All you can think about right now is the vampire. If there's any way out of this, it's killing that. That is what your insight is saying. He is going to give us a saving throw. Okay. It's one bully. That is his turn. Nick, you are up. All right. So I got a couple of questions here for you. The vampire right now is really focused on Kylie, right? Right into the walls. It's like right through on the wooden.
created an attack of opportunity, would it? It would recreate one, but again, he has just gotten knocked ah out of Kylie's throat by Lou Grodd's spear. So at disadvantage, it could try and strike at you with if you scoot. You could also disengage. What are you trying to do? So here's my thought. Yes, please. It's 12 feet away from our cylinder. I run to that wall, get a running stir, and go for it.
a running start shove of some sort just get up against that cylinder and I like do some type of maneuver that way I can grapple it and keep it close to the cylinder and keep myself kind of in it I think your best bet would just to be to charge and use an unarmed strike okay you know what go big or go home Can I give him my DM inspiration? Give him the help action. Okay, I give him help. Okay, I'm gonna use this opportunity then to run through the wall where you run to this wall and charge and try and shove the vampire towards the cylinder here, fill in your borders and grapple with it. Give us an unarmed strike roll please. Right. At advantage because you're getting the help action.
You got it. You got it. You got it. You can do it. You didn't see me the first time, but I did a little set of the cross right after that wall. You got it. You got it. You got it. You can do it.
Oh, so close. You charge, and because you're going so fast and shouting, he just sidesteps. He just weaves between Luglot and Kylie so that you guys don't get a tax of opportunity. As, Mick, you race towards the circle where you see two spiders drinking what's left of Zeke, but not so quick.
okay what a big move like that i'm assuming it wasted my extra action i get or can i go for a battle accident given that you were trying to run as well as do things like this that's a bit shenanigans i'll say that like you can start hacking into it with your next turn okay kylie you are up Since the vampire is right next to me, I remember I have holy water in my pocket. So I grab it out of my pocket and just smash the bottle onto him. Any part of his body, like a skin that I can get, and that gives him nine damage with the holy water. It sizzles on his skin as he screams in pain. Love that.
So happy. And then while he's right there, I can just cast Sacred Flame and send him a blaze. I love it. And if I'm going to use DM Inspiration. Please do. Using DM Inspiration, since you're rolling a dexterity saving throw, would you take the lower of the two? Yes, I would. I would roll a disadvantage. Yes, I would. Great question. OK, so the vampire's rolling dexterity badly. Light him up. All right. Oh no, that was so bad. But it was still something. It was something. Gorgeous.
And I can do all that while kneeling, basically, because I'm just not moving. I'm just just like casting fire. So with Nick retreating into the circle, you blasting at the vampire, you see him bloodied and burned and still push through the pain to come for you. He is going to try and grab you again. Yeah, he grabs you.
no and like holds you up with contempt, you burden me, you filthy peasant, as he is going to try and sink his fangs into you again. As the fangs sink in again to the same wound as before, it fits perfectly because the teeth have already made the crimson tear. What are Kylie's thoughts as you lose control of your body?
I'll see you soon, Joshua, even if it's in the heavens. That's Agent Kylie's spouse. Agent Kylie is totally under the assumption that she's dying or turning me into something undead. I mean, that is a reasonable concern.
But with the way that she's being held, there's not much that yeah she can do. Well, give me. so So as this is happening, I want you to give, we're going to, I'm going to ask you for an Arcana check. And when your turn comes around, I'm going to ask you for your first survival check, but against an Arcana check for the moment. All right. Arcana. No, that was only a five. You have no idea whether or not he's going to bring you back as a vampire. I'm just along for the ride.
Lugrod is going to slam him and stab. Even the force of it, he doesn't let go. Kylie's neck is still in his teeth. Like he just takes the wound and still holds on. There is spite here. There is bile here as Lugrod screams to the heavens. As he pulls back and tries to stab again, Nick,
Lugod shouts, do what you are going to do, and shoves but badly. Like he gives a glancing blow and stumbles over this way, but with Kylie exsanguinated, he drops Kylie to the ground.
drops like a ragdoll. Where is Nick at this point? I'm within the circle. Okay, so the spiders have been feeding on Zik and turn to you. One tries to circle to look for a place to bite and the other crawls across Zik who is going to do another saving throw at his turn. The nearest spider is the one who's going to try to bite Zik and miss.
Okay. Uh, Nick, you are up. And Kylie can give us a death save. Alright. Okay. Okay. Well, if I run towards that vampire right now, am I gonna get an attack of opportunity on the... Or is the spider gonna get an attack of opportunity on me? It might, but, like, the vampire has all of your attention. Okay. I'm running back up to that vampire with my battle axe, and I'm gonna charge at it. I love it. That is a hit. That is a beautiful hit.
beautiful okay sadly no meridian damage because those three rounds have passed but yes you do get another attack with this thing we also have the opportunity to hand a potion to Kylie or I guess that wouldn't work that would require an object interaction to open and pour down her throat okay i also have one in my pocket but i'm dead so yes you have that bottle of green stuff in your pocket do you also have a healing potion i thought i did yeah you gave it you gave one to zic earlier which he gave to me which he used on you then you just love it and you still have potions one and two from the shelf yeah i'm not afraid of this vamp okay it's it's been missing let me use this opportunity
After I've hit it, I give Kylie my potion of healing that I have. My major healing, I think it was. Greater healing. Greater healing. There we go. Potion of greater healing and use it on her. So instead of striking the vampire again, you're going to drop and pour the potion down her throat? Yes. Kylie. Thank you, Kylie. I can't lose you. I'm not here. It's not your time.
You do this as the vampire looks down at you with bemused contempt, fully believing that the girl is dead and beyond all hope.
Kylie, as icy cold fills your stomach and the stony floor beneath you seems like the last thing you're ever going to experience, that sweet syrupy red potion dribbles down, down, down your throat.

Aftermath and Resolution

And as there is still an ounce of warmth in your cooling body, please roll 4d4 and add 4.
All right, 44, 11. Kylie, you are alive. oh You sit up. Your own blood is on your lips. Kylie, what do you do? I mean, I want to make a hug, but now is close is Dracula to me? Dracula standing over me. The vampire is immediately over you and looks down with surprise.
Can I do like a religion roll and do a blessing on him? Can I prey ah upon him? Not effectively. Not effectively, okay. I just wanted to see. Just for Duluth's sake. Cray on my ass. Wait, does this count as a short rest? No. Damn. That's fine. You do have that green potion in your pocket though. I do, but it only helps a second spell slot, which is not helpful for the spells I have, unfortunately. Alas.
But I can use it for Hunter's Mark. it just It's bludgeoning damage, which is, yeah. yeah Okay, I'm gonna use Hunter's Mark, cast that second spell slot, and I gotta roll to see if I actually hit it first, but that would be the plus two. So since he's right next to me with all my might,
I try to strike him, shoot him with my crossbow, if that's possible. Is that possible, Dan? Yeah, hit him with the crossbow. Yeah, I still have, okay. Headshot, headshot. What a crit! 28. What a crit!
Headshot baby! Beautiful crit. Headshot baby! I still need to roll for damage, but that was my hunter's mark damage. Please roll for damage on the crossbow with that crit, that gorgeous, gorgeous crit. That's 16. I guess plus the two for hunter's damage. You fire.
and the bolt flies through the air with such force that it rips a hole through him as it exits the other side. Eyes wide as dinner plates.
coalesces into mist and drifts towards one of the open-lidded coffins. Kylie, as you get to your feet, executor of a critical hit. With the vampire coalescing as nothing but mist in an open coffin,
A voice reaches your ear and your ear alone. go really they dont breath ordering fear Freedom for all of us. For me, Lou, and Agent Nick. What about Zik? Well, Zik is dead.
He's Spider-meat. He's Spider-meat. Now take his dead probes with us. It's what his family would have wanted. Give me a persuasion check. Because he's at a place of being disadvantaged, being taken advantage of by Claire, can I try to use my holy power and do a religion check against him at this point? Freedom or revenge?
Well, so I was just asking because he was taunting me saying that he can't hear you, but I just came back from the dead. ah ah Can I do a religion check and say, no, he can't hear you. That would be a performance check. That means that's not a good role for me So as the executor, oh,
the critical hit that finished the vampire. Yeah.
A portal coalesces under your feet and you fall no through the floor and land with a thud, a block from your house. And the portal vanishes overhead a heartbeat after you have been delivered to your home.
Nick, as dark encroaches on the sladium, there is a peal of a gong.
And the spider that would have crawled closer to finish the job that just stops and turns around and tiptoes away from you. You hear of
as the slide returns to a staircase. oh Up, up, up. You, with help from Lul'Graw's, limp back up the stairs and out back to a cell as you deposit your weapons and pass through the sigils. Your tattoos glow with renewed force.
and find a steaming platter of who served bloody rare waiting for you in the cell. Uglod lands with a thud and dabs at his neck where there are still black veins under his skin. It's all right, buddy. You never know. There's always next time. And he picks up a leg of something and just sinks his teeth into it.
Kylie. Yeah? You materialize a block from your home. A smartphone that you had on your person clatters to the ground beside you. You reach for it and call Nick and get no answer. Nick? Nick, I really need you to call me back, okay? This number is not in your service region. So it was real.
Oh yes, like you are covered in bruises and blood and pain. Like this is not Dorothy waking up confused. I have to go back. I have to get in. So as Kylie balls her hands into fists, climbing to her feet, fowing somehow to save Nick. Nick, you reach for food. what does How does it taste, man? Tastes freaking delicious. Oh yeah.
I'm in heaven right now. What are you talking about? I gotta fight again. I get food. Whoo. I'm just gobbling it down. Yeah. Hmm. Bring it more. I look at my buddy Lou. I'm like, we're doing this again tomorrow, Lou? I bet you we're gonna get out tomorrow. Let's do it. I can't believe I'm alive. Ladies, gentlemen, everybody, thank you.
Thank you, thank you for joining us today in Sladium Games. As Kylie and Nick have discovered firsthand, there is only one path to success and countless ways to die. I am thrilled that Nick is eager for another battle and Kylie is intent on finding him.
Thank you both. I want to thank Survive This Crit for surviving the Sladium games and living at least to fight another day. Just kudos to both of you guys. that Thank you. Beautifully. Just amazingly. Thank you.
already making plans with Lou. We're going to make a speed run. We're going to see if we can beat our times.
Yeah, I mean, as long as you're happy, and if you're happy in your little cage... Oh no, you better come save me, Kylie. You better come save me. Believe me. That Nat 1, though, on the persuasion roll, man. Ugh. Like, you were that close to getting Nick with you. That wouldn't matter. You rolled a Nat 1. Neither way. Yeah. You did beautifully. You guys did beautifully. Bye, everybody.
This has been Narrative Feats, a tabletop anthology. Exciting things to come, friends. Exciting things to come.