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Slaydium Games with Lizards & Locations! Pt 02 image

Slaydium Games with Lizards & Locations! Pt 02

S2 E4 · Narrative Feats
25 Plays26 days ago

The team from the Lizards & Locations podcast returns to the deadly Jurassic Jungle of Slaydium Games—the brutal fantasy bloodsport where only the strong survive! 🦖💀

This time, our daring heroes take unexpected approaches to discovering traps, uncover a shortcut up the ziggurat, and face off against a massive T-Rex in an all-out battle for survival!

🎲 Narrative Feats continues its action-packed second season of anthologized actual plays with Slaydium Games—an immersive homebrew setting full of cinematic soundscapes, high-stakes combat, and unforgettable storytelling.

This season’s sandbox? D&D 5e! Dive into brand-new adventures built on the game mechanics you love.

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Music by Tabletop Audio


Introduction to Narrative Feats

Welcome to a special event, actual play of Sladium Games, an exciting collaboration with the fine people of lizards and locations. Welcome back, gang. Thank you for having us back. Hello. Hello.
These are Narrative Feats, a thrilling anthology series of tabletop tales brought to you by yours truly, creator and host of Anywhere But Now and the Joy of GMing. As we dive back into bold adventures in fantastic worlds, what better way to continue our exciting era of tales than with bloody, glorious combat? I am Casey Jones, your dungeon maestro.
and together we will continue to make sweet music.
as we rejoin our non-lizards in their location.

Temple Discovery and Jungle Challenges

A pyramid, a ziggurat in the truest sense of the word, has risen out of the foliage at the heart of this darkness, revealing a stories tall temple at the top of which is what can only be the man, the lizard, the priest of Karn himself.
Luttonous blood lap around him as the foliage has been knocked away and just disappeared into smithereens. The sounds around you in the jungle do not quite settle. There are things out there. So Jimbo. Hello. In the last 10 minutes, you've been assaulted a couple of times by angry foliage, and as blood has fed the ground, a temple for the purpose of sacrifice has risen from the floor. What is Jimbo thinking? I'm gonna burn it. A man of simple pleasures. Love to see it. Vassy, this is unlike anything you have quite experienced before. As nearby Havin and Bluntooth picks his jaw up off the ground,
and studies himself on his staff. What is Vassey to make of all of this? That thing coming up out of the ground with a thing at the top is the first thing that is familiar to Vassey. Tell us more! With all these dinosaurs and vines that poison you, that's weird. A thing that I need to get at the top of a tower, you say? There is perhaps a mage up there.
I'm gonna get him. I love it. Vassy, give us an insight roll, see if we play. ha ha Yeah, the chokey vines, the nibblers. These things are out of your wheelhouse, but a temple just rising up like your instincts, the sense of truth you carry around in your gut says Oh, something I recognize. And you realize with 100% clarity of purpose that stopping him, that lizard man, from fulfilling whatever sacrifice he has in mind is absolutely what you are here to do.

Eddie's Frustration and Arena Battle

So kudos. Kudos. Do you currently have DiEM's inspiration?
I do not, but I would love it. You do now. Eddie, as this temple rose out of the trees, what is Eddie thinking? So Eddie's still raging. He's still mad. And he's currently like, while he kind of stumbled a little bit, but he got back up to try to help Draco. And his exact thoughts are like, while this temple is rising, I mean, he'll get to that in just a moment. But right now he's scolding Draco because he's like,
ru rule 893 of the bro code don't get bounded gagged in a jungle arena surrounded by bloodthirsty audience i have not been gagged yet but i am bloody and then he's gonna look at the ziggurat he's gonna be like come on bro we got things to do this is why we can't save nice things eddie do you have dm's inspiration i don't You do now, for Rule 93 of the Brocode, involving something so narrow-niche-specific. Like, on some level, you have to wonder if the writers of the Brocode didn't happen to spend a little time in this ladyum themselves. So that's... maybe? the news You don't know.
Addendum three. Don't. Exactly. Exactly. What is Draco make up all of this? Draco after getting scolded for Rule 93. I have not read the bro code. I apologize, but I will adapt. I will conquer and I will not die. As the dust settles, this chest is still here. You know what? We'll open with Vassie because you ended your last round right at that chest. Are you doing any sort of investigations? Are you just ripping it open? What are you doing? I'm stupid. I'm ripping it open.
Beautiful. You throw open the chest and inside you find two potions of greater healing. You find a pair of wrist braces that'll add a plus one to someone's AC. You find a potion of heroism and a longbow with 20 arrows alongside it, as well as a set of thieves tools. Lucky so and so. You can definitely use those to jam into somebody's eye socket. You don't know me.
I do enjoy the idea of Vassey taking out her thieves' tools, looking at them looking at a chest, and then just kicking the chest open. and What is Vassey doing, having opened the chest? Well, I've got these bracers. This guy who was very nice to me is getting attacked by a lizard. And I've got some potions. I'm gonna look up what a potion of heroism does.
For one hour, you gain 10 temp HP for the same duration you are under the effect of Bless. Bless is nice. Bless is nice. Pocketing that. That's for me now. Did I use an action to open that chest? Probably yes. Object interaction. You still got an attack if you want to. I would love to run up to that lizard and give him a stab. Let's see it. Hello, lizard. It's you, too. That's a hit.
Imagine what I can do with something better than a dagger. Beautiful. Is there a second hit? There shall be. Okay, 15 hits. Gorgeous. Glorious. Between the two attacks, you are able to end the Velociraptor. Can you paint paint us a picture with your lovely violence?
I'm going to kill a lizard, and for sake of sakes, because they asked for blood. They didn't ask for mercy. They asked for blood. And if they booted me for the last one, it's because they didn't get enough blood. So I'm gonna take the dead body and cover myself in blood. Oh, wonderful. Give us a- Roll that performance check, please. And you know what? Since you're like, you're giving them what you think they want, roll at advantage. Thank you, because I rolled a one on that first one. Ooh. Yo. OK. Like, there is a moment where the audience is silent of, like, what the hell is she doing? And then you, like, just shake the rest. Like, an empty Slatorade cooler. You dump hot blood and oafel over your own head. After that initial awkwardness, they're like, OK. Yeah. All right.
You are drenched in blood. That will be sticky. We are going to exit action rounds for the time being as everything has died. And that also just gives us a moment to explore, to find new things that want to kill you. The crowd is enthusiastic as Luttonous Bloodlap, the lizard kind priest of A blood god named Karn raises a ceremonial dagger over his head, points it at a person who is dressed in the minimum number of amount of clothing to preserve their decency as he rides against shackles atop the ziggurat, and points at the lot of you with the dagger, and simply shouts, tick tock!
Um, what do y'all feel like? I look at the boys and I'm like, I gotta to kill him. Y'all coming? Jimbo's gonna point out one of the, uh, potions of greater healing you've got on your belt and be like, you wanna drink that? Even trade. Hand it over. I'm gonna loot this chest down here. Oh yeah, do we see that chest to the south? You absolutely do. Am I trading you something? Uh, Eddy, should we open this? Assistance.
and is's like du and he starts walking out He's already like walking over. He's going to like still still mad. I'm using bonus actions to keep to extend my rage. um He's still mad. I want to like and want to just like rip the chest like door off. really With the manliest of object interactions, you tear the lid of the chest off. Inside, you find a pair of potions of greater healing, a pair of scimitars. There is a shield within, as well as studded leather

Engaging the Enemies

armor and 30 feet of rope. Eddie, will you need those scimitars? No, bro. He's just he's picking up the shield already. I have short swords if anybody needs them then. Bro, don't talk about your short sword right here. Oh, my bad.
oh The studded leather armor. Bro, do you need this studded leather armor? Only if you don't need it. He's just gonna look at himself and he's kind of like... It's I'm imagine the clothes he's wearing is like kind of a little bit tattered a little bit revealing go ahead my friend It's just good disrobe and then just put on the armor Okay, give me a performance check
bob bla pop wow you You disrobe and the crowd eats it up. They are quite appreciative of the physique that you are displaying, much like actual gladiators in the day. They were objectified, to the hell you say.
With a 17, as you recognize that you are, in fact, getting attention just for the way you look, are you trying to attract the eye of any sponsors? Are you deliberately not? What are you doing? I would say yes. I don't like have a sponsor in mind, but maybe Eddie would. There was the Advent sisters, right? And the Arjum sisters, the Cat Lady and the TikTok man. Oh, definitely. the the You said the Argent sisters.
Ardrum, yes. A-R-D-R-H-A-N. Ardrum. Definitely them. Beautiful. I could have sworn he was going to go for the pink cat. just With the 17, as you are trading clothes and everything and swapping on fresh armor, your armor, you notice them noticing you. And one of them is like, they're 100 yards away at least. You can't hear a word they're saying. But nevertheless, one of them scrawls something on a little sleeve of paper and rolls it up and
blows it off their hand. It sprouts wings and glides across the open arena right for you, Eddie. When it lands and unfurls in your hand, you have a potion of healing and a note that reads, if you make it through,
we could have fun together sponsoring you in the future good luck he's gonna like he's hes he sees the direction it came from he knows he he was trying to appease them so he's just gonna kind of like whip his hair a little bit and then like flash a wink nice Like the the mullet just kind of like flows a little bit and he's just gonna kind of like wink. That's beautiful. Yeah, there's a timely gust of wind. We we know the score. Draco's gonna take the two short swords that he had, a little twin, kind of put them in the mouth of Drosil and be like, Drosil, go to our tiefling friend and give them a prize. Oh you dog. They're gonna take you some swords.
Cause I need him. The priest is not alone up on the highest platform. He has some protection that is looking out as well as um the damsel who in this case is a dude. Can I please get ah perception checks from everybody on this side of The ziggurat. With those scores, let's see, Vassey does not notice a damn thing. Draco, Jimbo, and Fythic. As you're looking around, what you don't see on this face of the pyramid is a way up.
Like, the blocks are of a height that it would take and acrobatics or athletics to like try and climb up it, but Havanan is able to point you in the right direction. He says, there's stairs on the west-facing side of this thing, and offers to direct you through ah the underbrush.
So the good news is, those of you, which is at least three of you, you roll 20 pluses on your perception, which means you will not be taken surprised by any things in the underbrush as you make your way around, but you do hear motion in the trees and it sounds not small. Which way do you go? I wanna go up, like, just climb it. Cool. Can I throw her?
I would love that. Can I activate large form and then fast fall special her just right up. you going try Please please and thank you and whatever I have to do to help with that I would love it.
I mean, I'm sure you can give the health action. This is not going to be an easy get, but Jimbo, you you can absolutely take that prescribed action if you are so inspired, sir. OK, so I now have advantage on strength checks, and my speed is increased by 10 feet. let's kind And with Vassy giving you the health action, give us, let's say, athletics role, not a saving throw, an athletics role to hurl them.
26. Amazing. Amazing. That is just incredible. So yeah, Jimbo, you join Fassy. I want you to throw me. You want to be thrown? I want you to throw me. And you hurl. That is amazing. That is absolutely amazing. So with a 26,
Given this is where you are throwing from, I'm saying you are going to successfully land here. um Give me please, because that's what he wrote to throw you. Can you please give us an acrobatics check to land? Absolutely, I would love to.
Sadly, with a 12, you do not, in fact, hook the landing and land a little hard. You're going to take two points of bludgeoning damage and roll off this platform down to this one, which is a good 10 feet up. Give us, please, a perception check as well. Ouchie, let me take my damage and attempt to perceive. Oh, I did okay.
17 is not bad. Okay, beautiful. So as you like are clinging to the roots, clinging on the edge of the pyramid, you are able to spot there are stakes and sharpened poles that have risen up out of the ground, shutting out at various places. So like you now have some motivation not to fall off this thing.
You also with that 17 and because of your verticality I'll say that you are the first to hear it as there is a out of the woods as a creature numbers through the foliage.
ah Oh, boy. Can I please have initiative rolls from everybody? Because like we said, no one's taken by surprise. But this fella, this chunky guy, he's actually quite hungry.
I was going to say, we're worse than that, Fiffic. Would I have been able to take one of those greater health potions before this, or would I have anan here's the to
of branches and boughs being crushed underfoot. He rushes to Jimbo's side and is going to offer the help action on whatever it is you want to do on ah your turn. Now I wish I had a higher initiative. Okay, Eddie you are up and Draco is on deck.
All right, I'm going to go ahead and use my action to dash. He's just going to be like, big dinosaur.
but Five, 10, 15, 20. Five, 60. Amazing. Can you please give me a DEX saving throw?
I do have advantage on those. you run up dash across foliage and like you are running and don't realize until you come to a stop that the ground underneath you cannot actually support you as you fall into a trap only classic ear uh as you fall so you land hard and at the bottom you take 10 points of bludgeoning and 13 points of piercing damage as you land on spikes uh can you give me an insight check please
Okay. And then as you land, you hear, prepare for trouble, make it tough. Okay. I'm very excited. You don't realize crap. You are down quite a ways, uh, and are in an inordinate amount of pain. Havanan has already gone, uh, which brings us to Draco followed by Bassey. Draco, what you doing? You said that was um how many points of damage was that again? Uh, that is 10 from the fall and 13 piercing from the spikes.
Is some of the damage halved for some reason?

T-Rex and Lizard Priests Battle

Yeah, because i'm still i'm I'm still maintaining the rage. I'm using bonus actions to kind of keep the rage up. Who decided to show up? Is it a cat?
Draco, what you doing, friend? All right. So I'm going to start sprinting up there. So 5, 10, straight line going up there. And as long as they don't hit any traps, I'll dash to do another 50. OK. Amazing. Bye, Eddie. And then I'll use a bonus action to cast Hunter's Mark on the big lizard-looking thing. Nice. One might call it a dinosaur. Oh, is it like a T-Rex? OK. You can call it a T-Rex. Gigantic T-Rex over here. No feathers, though.
And then Draseal gets to move 30, five, 25, 30. And now in my turn. Okay, beautiful. Vassy, you are up and Aladdin, this is all new deck. All right, so I would like to rage. cut Please do.
I am going to use that same whatever the name of it is. Let me read that name of it. Instinctive Pounds to move half of my speed. I also have chosen the panther aspect of the wilds as a class feature so I can climb equal to my walking speed. well I'm going to use that rage boost to move half my speed but also my full speed to get right into this guy's face and stab him. Love to see it. Like you are climbing up a steep ziggurat. It's great that you're using all of these buffs to get you further and further because this is difficult terrain since you're not taking the stairs. You get up beside him. Give us that stabby stab. I'm gonna move my little guy. I'm ignoring his guard because he means nothing to me.
How is it, 18? 18 hits. Yes, I am so glad to hear you say that. Same. Are you using the short sword now or using the dagger? ah Unless Draseel made it to me in time, I still have a dagger. I don't think he did, though. Yeah, we kind of said that you wanted her to do that, but we didn't move the characters around and like actively do the thing. It's okay. It's Fassie. She'll make a do. And then I've got two actions, so we'll stab again.
That was a dirty 20. And a dirty, dirty eight more piercing. Nice. Uh, yeah, you stabbed the shit out of him. He does not appreciate that at all. I hope not. See what you got, big boy? Everybody's big to Vassie. Mr. Blooby Booty. First things first, Luttonous takes the stab that you give him and, like, there is a smile that crosses his face. He does appreciate it.
He does. He he quite does. You stab him. Can you and Jimbo both give me a dexterity save? Sure. We're all pretty good. Mediocre. Mediocre. Massey immediately going 1v1v bro to the big fad is everything I could have asked for.
It's in character. It definitely is. So Jimbo does not make the save, but Vassey does as he points a finger at you and a stroke of lightning glances through Vassey heading for Jimbo. It is five feet wide and Vassey is able to contort half out of the way. So this damage is half. Can I point something out?
for for my own sake. How high up is he right now? Quite high. But i'd still I think defensively like it it would still be a straight line of sight from Kim to Vassie to Jimbo. Is that track? Because I'm only one below her, so yeah. I'm just saying like he'd have to be really trying to hit me to do that, but it's fine. This is going to be HD6 for you, and that is going to be halved for Vassie.
Do you have evasion or did you not take enough road? I only took... Wow, that was a very fortunate roll. But um I only took barbarian because I was trying i was trying not to metagame a perfect character. I was trying to metagame a perfect mage tower player. So being able to do the barbarian feature where I get that half speed boost on Rage felt like what I wanted to do for Mage Tower specifically, so I took all those levels in Barbarian. Makes sense. Sick. Alright, so he casts Lightning at you. Vasi takes 8 points of Lightning, and Jimbo takes 16.
I have it again because my rage I have the bear rage of the wilds I get to pick an animal and I always pick bear in the old it's they changed it for the 2024 rule set but in the old one you just got to pick one all the time and then the new one you get to pick which one you want to do I just default to bear, but basically, I'm resistant to everything, but psychic, radiant, force, and something else. But it's not lightning. Okay. We get four damage. That's why we love Fassie. Next to him, a lizard kind of standing here where Fassie climbs to. He is going to attack you with his flail. He is going to swing once.
then again okay yeah no both of those Since Fessy's a barbarian, she doesn't need her armor to have her special AC. She specifically cannot have armor to have her special AC. Hey, it's their job. I'm kind of attacking their employer.
It is, okay, so one of the flail attacks gets through for 12 points of bludgeoning from the flail in his hands. I think that's gonna be reduced, though, to six based on the bear thing that you just mentioned. Mm-hmm. Okay, okay, so Phithic, you are up. Jimbo is next, and the T-Rex is after you in every sense of the word. Phithic, what are you doing, for friend?
So I'm going to move up to Eddie, which should be within like 30 feet. And I'm going to ask Eddie, because I need him to be willing, if he wants to hop up on top of the ziggurat. If he's cool with that instead of running after the dinosaur. Eddie's going to cough out some blood and be like, but honestly?
Anywhere other than this pit sounds fucking great. right Great. So I'm going to reach down and and grab your hand and not cast thunder wave. Cause that's silly. I'm going to cast thunder step. The pit is deeper than 10 feet. Um, give me an insight check. fi please That does not work well. no Oh no. There is something on the tip of your tongue that you cannot like, damn it.
as you grasp for him and find him out of reach. If only there were several long rope-like objects around me. It's okay, because I'm a sorcerer that has distance spells, so I don't think I have to touch him. You do not? To step with him. Okay. If you use the thing, yeah. Yeah, so I use my sorcery points to drag me and him 90 feet, which I feel like gets us to the top of the ziggurat, but I don't know how tall it is, wherever 90 feet gets us.
Let's, let's double check here. I think you're going to be fine. So yeah, by using the sorcery point that negates the need for touch and yeah, you are absolutely able to teleport to the top of the cigarette. Well done. Well, that's great. And I don't think anybody takes damage because there's nothing around us, but yeah, it's a really loud boom. And all of a sudden we're really happy. Beautiful. Go ahead and relocate your characters.
Very, very nice. Hide way in the corner. And that's that's that's really my turn. I'm just going to hide. That's not really an action. I'm just going to pretend like I'm hiding. Jimbo, you are up. What's it doing, friend?
i can't get up there so what i'm going to do is activate my innate sorcery feature okay and then i believe i'm going to cast guiding bolt on mr big guy over here i have advantage so let me roll bandit in i guess
The second one hits, the 21 hits, absolutely. All right, yeah, you hit him with the guiding bolt and there is a blast of radiant damage. Well played. And for flavor, the innate sorcery, basically it looks like a glowing aura, like divine aura surrounds him as he shoots out that basically coalesces down and shoots out of his hand. And then the next time somebody attacks that particular monster, they have advantage.
So, as a legendary action, at the end of Jimbo's turn, this thing, once, like, Eddie materializes about 10 feet away, and this thing turns and raises its flail and moves closer to you. It is still within Vassy's area, so it's not tricking and tripping in at that opportunity, and it is going to swing a flail at you. Ooh, that is a crit.
That is gonna be 15 points of bludgeoning damage from a flail on Eddie. All right, so Mr. T-Rex just kind of tromping down and is going to head a right for Jimbo and Havanan. It is slow, but itch the trade-off is tower as it stomps closer and closer.
Man, I did not think it was going to make it to me in one turn, damn. Yeah, these things these things have have have some range on them. They are they are big boys as it and is going to make a bite on you. Ooh, that is a hit. Is Jimbo currently large or is he back to medium? He's large. OK, so you are not grappled as it is.
rips into and lets you go and it does 16 points of piercing damage that may or may not be halved based on rages that are going on at the moment. Well, since it doesn't have you in its mouth anymore, it drops you and swings its tail. It is going to try and hit Havanan with its tail. Swimming that back. Oh dear god, that's a grip. Oh dear god, yeah. So Havanan goes flying and lands in the pits. So he takes the 18, then he takes another 10 from the fall into the pit. Good god. Yeah, he's not doing so hot. Havanan is just stuck down there and screaming in pain.
As this asshole here is going to make another flail attack as a legendary action to swing on Fassie and miss. Okay, that is them. Eddie, you are up and Havanan is in a pit. I'm gonna move kind of more to the center here, which I don't think triggers anything. And I'm gonna swat at this guy here. The priest or one of his helpers? One of the helpers.
this guy Whichever, yeah whatever his name is, I'm gonna swat at him with my club. 23 hits. Well done. So for that one, because I hit and because I have special feet for that, I do want to push him five feet away from me. So I'll push him over, push him over here.
He staggers back a step. Yeah. And then actually I want to move towards him and I want to use my next attack to try to shove him off the ziggurat. Interesting. OK, yeah, I try to show them. Is that just a standard? I forget what kind of attack that is. Just shove with you can use a shove attack. The attacker has disadvantage on the strength check. when It does so.
Uh, so yeah, you make a strength, uh, athletics check, uh, at disadvantage to show him back. Okay. And if I have advantage on strength checks, uh, neutralize. Yeah, that was just a straight rule. Okay. Then I'm going to try to shove them. Okay.
Well, not with advantage, right? I pulled a two, so it was only a nine. OK. Yeah, you try to shove him back, but he stays on his feet and is going to respond with a flail to the face. Love where your head's at, though. This is some really efficient violence you are trying to do. Pull to the head.
and that is oh wonderful yeah he swings at you and uh throws so hard the flail actually slips through his fingers and clatters uh over to here uh nat ones hurt they hurt the dm2 uh that is his turn And as behind Vassey, this one is going to try and make another swing because you are up in the priest's face. Oh, actually, can you add plus two to that damage because of my rage? Gotcha, okay. So it should be a total of eight. All right, that is eight points damage to him. His friend in crime is going to try and flail at Vassey. He can try. You can succeed with a 24. Oh, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah. You look who it is. I see him. Sweet baby boy baby. Just as sweet as baby boy. No, the damage you fool. american here I'll roll it manually. Hang on a second. Slimmo, 12. All right, that's him. That's the dino. Eddie has gone. Havanan is in a pit and is going to try and hoist himself off of the spikes.
Let's see how he does. Owie. Oh my, yes. Oh, sick. Okay, yeah. He gets a net 20 and manages to like blood-stained slippery hands arrive in the shot at the edge of the grass as he he's he is alive. Good for him. um Okay, Draco, you are up and Vassie is on deck. Watch that first step. It is a Disney.
So I'm going to have Draseal kind of flank this T-Rex over here. and And then I'm just going to start swinging the scimitars I'm so happy to have back in the hands. You would want them actually behind him to be flanking? Like over here was more of just like a... They're on the other side because Draco's on the other side of that.
I'm sorry, I was looking at Jimbo. I apologize. Oh, yeah. That's the problem. How big is the creature? Is it large or gargantuan? I think it's just large, right? The T-Rex in question is huge. That was huge, right? That's right. Very nice. Yeah, so would I get advantage on that, or? Yeah. All right, awesome. So for my first one with advantage. That is a hit. That is a hit.
It's a big thing. And did I have Hunter's Mark on right now? Yes. So it should be an extra d6. Did that come up for everybody? Yeah. Yep. Okay, so that's the first bet. Then for my second attack, we'll do a scimitar again. Nice, nice.
That's a hit. That's very nice. slash And then since I have my scimitars, I have weapon mastering scimitar. So I get to use the nick, which allows me to make a my extra attack with my offhand as part of my attack action instead of a bonus action. Cool cool cool. Another that one of those friendly guys. That is a hit.
Not great in the Hunter's Mark, it's okay. So he's just like slashing, spinning around as he's slicing at the legs of this T-Rex. And then for his bonus action, he'll just command Draseal to make an attack. okay So they'll do their, I think they get Bite. Yeah, Bite. Natural 20, baby! Plus lightning damage.

Climactic Battle and T-Rex Topple

Good Lord, wonderful, love to see it. And at the end of Draco's turn, this asshole is going to try and bite Eddie. Okay, so yes, that's a nine points of damage from nine piercing from a bite of the guy that lost his flail because he rolled in half on that. When in doubt, bite. When in doubt, okay. As this one is gonna try and bite at.
Vassy. For seven points of piercing damage on Vassy from this handsome lizard. Vassy, you are up. And bloodlap is mixed. All right. Well, this guy who casts spells is still casting spells. So he's getting holes. First one. That is a hit. Marvelous. And then the second one. Marvelous. Beautiful.
additional six and if Nate is right and it's not calculating rage doesn't look like it then we should also include the rage damage which I can't remember what level 10 gives me or whatever level I am seven so add four long story short yeah no he is oh This is incredible. Vassey, give us a insight check, please. No, I bit it. I bit it.
You stabbed the lizard in the red robes. Blood is starting to spill. And you can't read the look on his face with only a 10. But he does not look upset about this. The idea of Vassey not being able to read is funny.
Are you doing anything else on your turn, Vassy? I'm gonna say I do not. However, I'm starting to feel weird about this guy. The lizard next to you is going to try and take another bite from you at the end of your turn. That is a hit, as once again these sharp teeth just sink into your shoulder for eight points of piercing as Eddie you are at the priest's side watching all this go down. Eddie, can you please give me an insight check? Wow. So Eddie, with a 15, as you watch your partner in crime stab this priest and leave bloody holes in him, he staggers back against the
the ceremonial slab to which a dude is currently tied as the priest's blood splashes from him. You get the insight that this this may be along the lines of what he wants. You don't know for sure, but he does not look upset by this turn of events. As the guy behind you, as you're watching this, again, with no flail, tries to take a bite out of you. I don't think a 15 hits? No.
letness He looks at the blood on him, flings it, and it spatters against the slab behind him as he smiles in Vassey's face. He's going to take a step to here, open up his mouth, take a big ol' breath, and is going to fire out a cone. That wasn't disengaging, right?
No, that wasn't. You do get an attack of opportunity on him. But yes, he is going to catch you both in that. So you make your attack first, Eddie, please, and he will respond. Bonk. Bonk. That is a hit. So that'll be nine total. Nice. Yeah, you hit him. Gorgeous. Yeah, you ring his bell. That's really nice. We love to see it. Can I please from Vassey and Eddie both can I please have dexterity saving throws from you both? Oh, yes. No bad time.
Oh no, natural one. o Yeah, that's that's rough. And that one's going to hurt. Vassie takes the full brunt of a breath of absolute spray coming right out of his mouth. And Eddie is going to take this by half. Oh.
So that's 13 for Eddie and 26 of acid damage for Vassie as he sprays bile in your direction and it sizzles where it lands on stone and flesh and he just... Yes! It's a good thing you've got resistance. Yeah, force necrotic, psychic and radiant. I'm good. Oh, goodness gracious.
I was afraid it was going to be necrotic and be like, oh, no. Yeah, me too. Nope. Just acid. Tasty, tasty acid. All right. So this one is going to circle and fithic. You said you were hiding? No. Trying to hide behind the slab? Yeah. and Not really. I'm just I'm just not good at being in front. At the end of Luttonous' turn, the Lizardfolk here is going to try and take a bite out of Phythic. Don't need your 16 hits. Yes, okay. Six points of piercing damage in the bite. That is them. Phythic, you are up and Jimbo must prepare himself. What you doing, Phythic? Great. So I'm gonna go ahead and cast a super fun spell that I just, I just wanna see what it does. Ralethin's Psychic Lance?
Yeah, so I'm gonna cast that at the guy in front of me now since he attacked me. And so a shimmering bolt of magic goes and attacks him from my forehead. Lovely, love to see it. and it rolls an intelligent saving throw. Okay, let's see how intelligent he is at saving. Probably twice.
He could not have rolled worse. Psychic damage tears through him. Oh, that's gorgeous. Yeah, he just gets the most painful psychic headache as his nose begins to bleed. Amazing. Fifth, are you doing anything else with your turn?
Um, you know, yeah, because I don't like to stand next to people. So I'm going to use a feature that I have from, from being the type of elf that I am and use the Raven Queen's blessing and kind of just teleport over to this corner. It's basically Misty Step, but Raven Queen flavored. Yeah, I'm not a fan of the Raven Queen, but she does give me nice things. So yeah, I'm just gonna magically hop over here. oh Okay. And go ahead and be resistant to all damage for my next turn. Good for you.
Yeah. All right. Yeah. At the end of your turn, the lizard that you gave such a psychic headache is going to shake the pain out of its eyes and the blood from its nose as it tries to take a bite from Eddie because you are right in front of him. That is a 20. That is going to be 11 points of piercing damage for Eddie from the reptile. Bro, stop nibbling. They're going to say no.
Vassy the one next to you is again going to make a bite attack 13 is going to miss as it just snaps its jaws Jimbo you are up and the t-rex is after you said that was 11 points of damage from piercing. Yes. Okay, so I think what I'm going to do is Cast fourth level divine smite I'm going to use my Heroic Inspiration on this attack, so that I get a Vantage on it. And I'm also going to activate my class feature of Sacred Weapons, which gives me, for 10 minutes, plus four to attack rolls, and it makes it Radian Damage. nice lovely I'm going to do all that. If it's still standing, then I might be in a little bit of trouble.
Mm-hmm. That is 18 to hit. Okay 18 hits. So that's 12 radiant plus 12 for the slashing. Beautiful. That's 24. Oh, gorgeous. So yeah, you hack into the leg of this monster that is bloodied and you pull your battle axe free and blood just... Okay.
pours from the wound and gushes out from its leg as it is still standing. I'm also going to force it to make a constitution saving throw. Okay. DC of 16. Is that a weapon mastery thing or is that? Yeah, it's toppled for the battle axe. It's like hacking at its knee. You absolutely bring it down. It is not. What is the exact language on that? On a failed save, the creature has the prone condition.
Bully. These assholes are going to continue their assault. This one is going to take a bite for Eddie. It's a hit 21 as it deals 10 points of piercing damage and one that still has a flail is going to swing it at Bassie and fail. With a nat 1 the flail Spills from his hand and clink, clank, blam, lands several levels down the ziggurat out of reach. Once again, one of these guys has lost his flail and will not be able to use it again until they pick that shit up. I'm gonna take a free action to look at him like this. Like, really? Cringe.
amazing You know what I'm gonna say Jimbo you gouged into the t-rex's leg and Like knocked it off its feet with that strike. Can you give us a performance check please for the impressive job? You're doing on a huge literally huge dinosaur way beautiful Oh, gorgeous. Yes. Like, as wet, hot blood paints you as you rip the axe free, you hear the thud as the dinosaur, not dead, but not prone, just howls in rage, and the audience is going bananas. They'd love to see it. Jimbo, are you trying to impress any particular patron?
I don't think he's thinking about it at the moment. but What I will tell you what he's thinking about is, can I climb on top of but the T-Rex now that it's toppled? Since it is huge um and it's gonna be moving immediately after you, I'm gonna say no.
Oh, okay. Because I was thinking, it like, well, if i if I'm large, maybe I can get away with it, but that's fine. I love the creativity. I love the creativity. Yeah. So the audience is eating it up as you slash into this thing. Jimbo, from above, the holographic head of Heilvox, the announcer and commentator, says, oh, love to see it. Wonderful.
Keep up the good work, and he shoots you a finger gun, and there's just this little p*** of a firework, as in your empty hand materializes a potion of greater heal. Can I immediately shove it in my face? You absolutely can. Absolutely gonna do that. The T-Rex rises to its feet with a... First, it's gonna try and take a bite out of... Tranquil?
Since Draco is a medium or smaller creature, you are grappled in its jaw as its... Oh dear god. Yeah, brings down impossibly strong teeth on you for 43 points of piercing damage as impossibly long, sharp teeth to...
and sink in to Draco. As all of that humid heat and the breath of awful envelops Draco, what is going through Draco's mind still alive? Yeah, as it's like clamping down on him, he's kind of just like trying to position his scimitars in a way that's like keeping his mouth from fully closing on him. And he's just like, oh, you're a nasty bugger, aren't you? Oh.
Oh, I'm gonna die. Beautiful, and it swings its tail around at Jimbo. 18, I think, is going to hit, yes. Jimbo, the tail comes a swinging, or 23 bludgeoning attack from the tail. See if there's anything else. No, you're not knocked over or anything like that, but you are slammed by that.
Eddie, you are up and Havanan is after you. What does Eddie do? I'm gonna make a reckless attack against this guy right here. Yeah, you are. Oof. That is reckless. No gains. Um, I'm gonna use for my next attack, my heroic inspiration. Did have advantage on my next attack. Swing again. There we go. Dang, there we go. That's right. Very nice, very nice. All right. So that'll be a whopping nine.
good help I would like to push him five feet into this direction. why just murder It's part of my the crusher feet that I have. Let's hear the language. So once per turn when you hit a creature with an attack that does bludgeoning damage you can move it five feet to an unoccupied space provided the creature is no more than one size larger than you. Nice. You knock him back. Well done. That is a hell of a hit. Is that off the edge or is he still on the top platform? No, that is the top of this platform. I'm going to move up to him. OK. So in this house we have here, is taking a potion of healing a full action or a bonus action? So you can use an object interaction to take the potion and roll how much you get, or you can use a full action and get the full benefit of the potion. An object interaction, we're saying that's a bonus action? So you get your, if you have a bonus action, you have an object interaction, you have an action you can use for an attack or a spell, things like that. The object interaction is separate from the object. Okay. Okay. I would like to use an object interaction then and roll for the, uh, the hit points. Not great, but everybody helps.
every a little bit okay you shove the lizard kind back take the potion and get in its face for more uh it is going to try and bite you as a legendary action and fail its teeth come down crunching on nothing as this one up here let's see can i say that it tried to bite and i held up my shield and like kind of Hit it in the face. Sure. Not a nipple, bro. Not a nipple. This one's going to stay right where it is. It has lost its flail and does not appreciate that, but it still has teeth that work. 16 does not hit. Beautiful. All right. Have a nan.
Tries himself up out of the pit, gets to his feet, taking half of his movement, and is going to use what he has left to get close enough to try and swing on this dinosaur. Bonus action, he's gonna reactivate Shillel as his Q and trip, and come in swinging. Oh, that's a pretty hit. He attacks the weak, he like sees where the dinosaur has already been hit in the leg,
swings at the same spot, painting himself in the creature's blood. There is just a roar of appreciation from the crowd. So when you attacked me with a lizard guy, you did have advantage on that because I did reckless. That's true. OK, well, we'll give it another swing at biting you. Thank you for being honest.
like it's a hit Okay, take 11 points of piercing damage. We'll round down to 10 because you were you were kind enough to bring it up with no benefit to more self. At the end of Havanan's turn, it is going to try and bite again. I don't think it's going to have advantage on this though, because it's already had advantage once on you, correct? No, it has advantage the and until the beginning of his next turn.
That is reckless, alright, so advantage, that's a hit. My goal was to try to whack him off the side there, but it did not. It did not pan out. It did not. We have to be careful when we're trying to whack on death. So seven more points of piercing damage from the lizard as this chompy boy is not having it in any way, shape, or form. That is a hit on Vassie. Rage is doing so much work for me. 15 piercing. OK, Draco, you are up, and Vassie is on deck. What you doing, Draco? OK, so I am grappled crap.
In its mouth, yes. so grapppl means i just would have disadvantage on the attack if i no remember Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained. That is all it all it says. So, grappled and restrained. So you have disadvantage on your attack, I think. That's other than that, you're good.
Okay. And then with the flanking, would that balance out to just sear it like just a normal attack? Yeah, I'll say so. You are in the precarious of positions. Yeah. I'm just like from its mouth, just going to start slicing from inside its mouth. Are you trying to break free or are you just sticking to hitting it? I'm hoping that I can kill it, but just keep slicing and relax its jaw. The T-Rex have a specific thing that makes that makes you restrained. This one does. The details of the bite when the grapple, you dangly thing yes i'm just slicing inside this thing all right so first one that's a hit damage and then plus hunters mo it has gotten to its feet like it used half of its movement to get to its feet upon its turn i'm gonna roll a concentration check because i did get hit by a pink hit so just to make sure hunter's mark is still on yes my hunter's mark's got
Alas, the good news is with that hit of the scimitar, like you hit something at the back of its throat and it coughs you up. You are spat out of like you were dropped from its mouth, covered in saliva and bleeding and not having a good day. Give me a dex to save to see if you land on your feet.
I'm pretty good at those. Oh, yeah. No, you are graceful as fuck. Like you do a little ah little flourish and swing blood off your blade. Can you actually, Draco, can you give us a performance check? Because you just cut yourself free from certain doom. Like the audience is on the edge of their seats for this. And I have the lucky fee. Are you okay if I use advantage for this one? Absolutely. So I guess we'll take the 17 on that.
17 yeah 17 the the crowd is worked up like they're not losing their ship right now but considering the saliva the blood that you're dripping in and just the gore of the place everybody's having a good time they're having a really nice time are you doing anything else with your turn drink oh yeah so that was just my first attack i'll say as i like do my little spiral flip out i'm just flipping off the patrons Nice. Naturally. Oh, gorgeous. And then I'll go ahead and roll my attack again for my second one. This one would be advantage because I'm no longer grappled, I believe. Yes. So that's a 27 to hit. That is gorgeous. Roll damage. I'll do my weapon mastery thing again to get my third attack. 13 barely hits. Beautiful. 18 is a better hit. Good, good, good. So what is the total of the damage you're doing? Oh, with these attacks, 25.
When you are done swinging at this thing, you see more blood than scales of it still standing as a... Really nicely done. What is Draco feeling in this moment?

Vassey's Transformation and Priesthood

At this point, as he's just slicing, he's in like survival mode. um So he's kind of hacking, not for showing off. After he did the flourish, as he lands, he feels the pain from the gigantic gashes. So at this point, he's just hacking for survival. He's kind of almost blacking out in that sense. He's like, I have to see my wife. Yeah. Does Draco currently have DM's inspiration? He does not.
Okay, for the intensity, for the the sincerity of the response, you do now. Well done. At the end of your turn, this thing does not appreciate you trying to be pushed off and is going to come up to here next to Eddie and is once again going to try and bite you. Oh no! Oh, that's a crit. Okay, that is unfortunate.
As is tradition.
14 total from the piercingness of the bitey bites of a critical hit from the lizard. Vassy. You hear screams. You The smell of your own burning flesh is burning your nostrils because you've taken acid in the last 30 seconds. It wasn't a lot, but it was enough.
As all of these things are happening around you, the lizard that has been adjacent to the priest, like he's missing teeth, he's got saliva that's getting niggin' things slippery, he's gonna try and bite you again. But before he does, I wanted to ask you, what is Vassey feeling atop the cigarette?
In her rage, she only really has space for so many thoughts. And usually those thoughts are, gotta win, gotta win, gotta win, gotta win. But right now, the one thing on her mind is, what does this guy steal? Am I winning or not?
So, the priest is covered in blood, and a lot of it is his. As, like, he is dazed, there's a possibility... Give him a medicine check. sure Oh, it's a positive number. That's good. He ain't doing so hot. That's what you're able to learn. Like, most of the blood he's wearing is his. Bitey bite from this guy, and then it is your turn.
And that is a miss. Alright, so, Fassie, you are up atop the ziggurat. What are you doing? Until I figure out a different way to win, I'm gonna continue my current way to win, which is filling this guy with more holes. Love to see it. In fact, I'm even gonna square up no adjacents here, just me and this guy and me ignoring his bodyguard who keeps trying to bite me.
trying being the operative word. You're so obsessed with me. Ew. Oh, no. There goes my dagger. Was that a nat one? Yeah. OK. Yes. Your first dagger slips through blood-stoked, blood-sticky hands and clatters, I will say, to about here. Oh, it falls off? Didn't you see the shoulder shg shrug to someone who lost their flail? Do you have a second dagger? Do you have a second attack? I have a second attack.
I think I only found one dagger. Punch him. Daggers were in twos, daggers were in pairs. Oh, well then I pull out the other one and I try again. And this time, I use my heroic inspiration. Nice. Just to be sure. She gets another shot. Just to be double sure. That's a hit. That's a very nice hit. Fassie, you lucky so-and-so, we have reached the portion of the game where we you like raise the dagger and stab and stab. And he has like maybe a breath left in him.
Please give us a performance check. Certainly I will. Hopefully this one goes better than usual. It's okay. The crowd is on the edge of their seat. They do not know what is going to happen. Vassey, you and you alone hear a voice in your ear. You hear a whisper as the the blood-soaked blood-stained priest is like wobbling either to fall on top of the slab or fall back off of the pyramid and you hear a whisper in your ear that says
Bezna, Galera, Nefertiti, Talandro, Windcaller. Freedom or revenge? Shoes. Look at her pretending to think about it.
Beautiful. Would you paint us a picture of how you choose to end the life of the priest of Karn, Luttonous Bloodlap? Goody booty. I stomp over to him in all four foot nine of my glory. I see he's barely staggering to being stood, so I kind of tap him with my boot to knock him over and stand above him like his new god.
And I go, you're not smiling anymore. And I drive my dagger into his little lizard face. Lovely. You have him on the ziggurat. He he is not on the slab, but as you can see, blood has poured off of his sting in many directions as you stab him about the face.
And that is when there is a peel of thunder from above as the lizard to your right and the the lizard that is next to Eddie, both of whom have been trying to kill you actively ever since you climbed on top of this thing.
They go rigid, and as one stay, the is complete. All hail the anointed new priest and blood.
drips up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up,
oh the ground and fan in a mis of blood Fassy, you come to consciousness in a red and bloody plane where all around you are corpses.
Some of them are dressed as priests, a lot of them wear the vestments of sacrifice, and the sky is sunrise red. And then it's joined by a second and the eyes blink and as you take on your new job. Congratulations, new priest of Karn. With you vanished out of the arena, there is a king, not of thunder again, but of the gong as the audience loses their minds.
I won! Well, the T-Rex that is between Jimbo and Draco, like, freezes as it is bleeding out from the number of wounds, and then, like, a towering tree goes timber.

Celebration and Reflection

and lands with a heavy thud between Jimbo and Draco. The crowd is on their feet shouting and clapping and cheering for you. As the survivors, as Fithik and Jimbo and Eddie and Draco, you are led back through the stalls of the cells into a cage where waiting for you is the biggest, most beautiful platter of mouthwatering food you have ever laid eyes on. And beside it are pitchers of rich-smelling wine to wash it all down.
The bad news is you are not going anywhere today. The good news is you have survived to fight again. Have a man hanging up his weapons and putting them back in the cabinet and locking them with the thing.
Like, he gives Eddie, uh, like a clap on the shoulder and says, you did really well out there. That was, that was good fighting. That was good stuff. As he, uh, walked with me of it his work back into the cells. Jimbo, Draco, what are you feeling in this moment as after Vassey has disappeared to who knows where?
Draco's gonna turn to Jimbo and he's gonna go, it looks like ticket dots we must kill. If that is the case, I will succeed. I just want to point out that when the T-Rex just kind of like keels over, Jimbo's gonna have like this real like, disappointed look on his face like, I want to kill him. He kind of did, sir. He's gonna look over to Draco and be like, was that you? No. He's just like, oh.
What is going through Fethiks head as you arrive to mouthwatering food and all the wine you can drink and a cell? I mean...
Definitely going to eat food and drink wine, but probably not happily. And physics broken out of sacrificial type things before, so probably plotting. Plotting's good. We love plotting. Trying to decide which of my friends I can trust. Give me an insight check. I don't know. Oh, darn. OK.
Yeah, with a 12, like as you are starting to wash down the food, you're not sure who you can trust. Like the look on Havanan's face is kind of unreadable. Like he's just tired as everyone else is. And as the question of who can I trust in this arena of blood sport crosses your mind,
That is where we are going to conclude things today in Sladium Games. I have been Casey, your dungeon maestro. It has been an absolute treat and privilege to run for lizards in locations. What a location, what lizards. Thank you all so, so, so, so much for playing with us today. Y'all killed it and most of you made it back. Good for you.
i just want i got out just in a different way i just want to say that the reason why jumbo wanted to kill one of the raptors is because the flavor was gonna be he's gonna go up to one like hold it and like breathe fire on it until it like roasts and then like take up a freaking bite out of it and be like like chicken stupid you look down at the platter and a lot of it is roasted meat you don't necessarily recognize all the sources of meat and
Raptors died today. You could very very well be eating raptors. It's just because that's the backstory of Jimbo Cocktoasting is that his great-great-grandfather blew up a chicken coop and that's why he's called Cocktoasting. Amazing.
That's all I wanted to say. That's it.

Conclusion and Gratitude

Lots and lots of fun. I'm so glad. I am so, so glad. All right. Well, folks, this has been an absolute delight. I am Casey, your dungeon maestro. This has been narrative feats, a tabletop anthology. Thank you for joining us for these and more stories told like you were there.