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[Announcement] Satsunami wrote a book?! image

[Announcement] Satsunami wrote a book?!

352 Plays2 years ago

Yes you read that right, Satsunami wrote a whole science fiction book! Starting as a personal project in 2013, the aspiring red panda author decided to create his own sci fi world known as Canvas. After becoming disheartened, he decided to allow the project to gather dust...until today! 

The eBook version will come out on Monday the 21st of November as well as the first chapter of the audio book both here and on a dedicated podcast to the book called The Writer's Canvas.

The story is as follows: 

In the distant future, the world as we know it has vanished. With no other options left, humanity is forced to retreat into the virtual reality utopia known as Canvas. As the citizens live peacefully within the walls of the Cranium Citadel, this becomes threatened by the arrival of the mysterious Reverend Thaddeus who bears a disturbing warning which could plunge the world into eternal darkness. With nowhere to run, can mankind survive against the horrors that lurk beyond the walls?

Pre-order the eBook here!


Special Announcement Episode

Welcome to Chatsunami! Hello everybody, and welcome to another episode of Chatsunami.

The Journey to Writing a Book

My name's Chatsunami, and I have a very special announcement. I wrote a book. Now, let's rewind for a moment because I can't just drop that kind of information on you and then end the episode.
As I've said in previous episodes, I have always loved content creation, but there's one part in my life that I've not always been open about on the podcast, and that of course is my love for creative writing. Growing up, I was an avid reader. I would consume books like Tic Tacs and fall deep into the worlds that authors had created.
While I must admit that things aren't like that as much these days, the idea of creating my own world was an intriguing prospect. On TV I would watch how these authors would sit for hours on end, writing on pen and paper in cafes, forging their magnum opus onto the notepads.
Even I went through that stage, albeit with an entirely different story involving a boy teaming up with a psychic robot to save the day, but that's a story for another day. Fortunately though, this story has never breathed life beyond detached pages of the book I wrote it on.
For years, I would write short stories, and if I ever were to be brave enough to publish it, then I would do so on an obscure blog on the internet. It would be read by a handful of souls. And for that, I was grateful.

The Struggles and Triumphs of 'Canvas'

Flash forward several years later to 2013, and the itch to write had struck me once more. But this time with a little more goose though.
If I were to dedicate my time writing a book, then I was adamant that it would be something that I had a passion about. Taking that into consideration, I decided to write a science fiction book and christen it with the name Canvas. After some late night writing sessions, I eventually completed the work in 2014 and self published it to an online print on demand company.
It was a strange feeling seeing my book physically out there for all to read, my nights of hard graft now manifested into a bundle of pages bound together by a cover that I'd photographed myself. But as the years went on, I started to become a little disillusioned by the whole process, despite putting my work out there.
only a handful of people read and reviewed it, much to a mixed reception. Soon I found errors and things that I too disliked in the final product, yet despite even giving it away for free at one time and revising the final copy, it was all for nothing. I had even begun to work on a sequel and subsequent spin-offs.
But after I left university, life took a

Revisiting and Revising: A New Beginning

funny turn. Suddenly I had no time for writing, as certain things in my life took priority. And as the years went on, Canvas became that thing that I had written in my youth, never to mention again. At least that was the initial plan. You might be wondering then why I decided to resurrect this book after
all this time. And would you believe it? It was ironically enough thanks to my co-host Adam. One day I received a message from him, a picture of a book that was all too familiar. I immediately froze, thinking back to all those things that I had written in it. What was he going to think looking at my work from nearly eight years ago? Would he file his resignation? Surprisingly however, that wasn't the case. If anything he said he enjoyed the book.
And it reminded me of why I started writing in the first place. I write not only to create my own worlds and tales, but also to entertain. It's also why I started the Chatsunami podcast. So I decided to revise the book in its entirety. It was a long process, but despite its flaws, I still found myself appreciating what I had written. You might be wondering now, what is Canvas? What is this book I'm talking about?

Introducing 'Canvas': A Sci-Fi Adventure

Without any further ado, I am going to redo the blurb of said book. In the distant future, the world as we know it has vanished. With no other options left, humanity is forced to retreat into the virtual reality utopia known as Canvas. As the citizens live peacefully within the walls of the Cranium Citadel, this becomes threatened by the arrival of the mysterious Reverend Thaddeus, who bears a disturbing warning which could plunge the world
into eternal darkness. With nowhere to run, can mankind survive against the horrors that lurk beyond the walls? Pretty ominous if I do say so myself. Going back to what I was saying before, I am no longer the same person I was back in 2014.

Personal Growth and New Releases

I like to think that I have grown as a person, and thanks to the Chatsunami podcast, I've gained the necessary experience to bring my humble sci-fi CDs back to life.
I won't pretend to you that it'll be everybody's cup of tea, or that it's gonna be the next blockbuster, but what it is, is my book, my creation. Something that I've spent time and energy bringing to you all. I hope that if you do read it, then you'll certainly enjoy it. So why am I always in such a long-winded

What's Next? New Releases and Future Plans

Well, there's two reasons for that. Firstly, I am delighted to announce that the release of the ebook version will be going live on Monday 21st November over on Amazon, with subsequent physical copies coming soon afterwards. Secondly, and more exciting, I will also be releasing a chapter by chapter audiobook, read by yours truly.
While I'm releasing the first chapter here on the Chatsunami podcast, the rest of the audiobook will be released on a new podcast channel I'm launching called The Writer's Canvas. Over there I'll be releasing a new chapter every Monday. I'll also be promoting this over on Twitter under the handle at Canvas Author, where I'll be more than happy to discuss the book itself. So if you're interested in keeping up with updates about said book, please feel free to give me a follow

Inspirational Closing and Podcast Continuation

over there.
So what does this mean for the future of Chatsanami? Fortunately, nothing's gonna change. We'll still be releasing a regular episode every Friday, so you'll get your daily dose of hilarity from the red panda and sandwich duel. As I've said, writing has always been a core part of my life, ever since I picked up my first fiction book. Back then, I was far too critical of myself.
A habit that I do try to curb these days, and while things may not have gone according to plan back then, you can bet that I'll do everything I can to achieve my dreams. Because if I can do it, then so can you. Do you have any questions about the book? Would you like to know more? Please feel free to reach out to me and I will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. But until then, thank you all so so much for listening to this announcement. As always, stay safe, stay awesome and most importantly,
Stay hydrated.