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EP630: Daniele Hage - The CounterCulture Grandma's Secret To Getting 2.3 M Views Of Your Videos A Month! image

EP630: Daniele Hage - The CounterCulture Grandma's Secret To Getting 2.3 M Views Of Your Videos A Month!

S1 E630 · The Thought Leader Revolution Podcast
82 Plays2 months ago

“The most watched is, it’s 12.3 million views. I get, this last month, every, in 30 days, I get about 2.3 million views, even people that aren’t followers of my stuff.”

Understanding what makes ideas spread isn’t just for cat videos anymore. Viral content, when handled thoughtfully, can cement your place as a trusted voice in your field. In this episode, our guest shows how staying authentic and unapologetic about your values can lead to massive audience engagement. With over 12.3 million views on her most-watched video and 2.3 million monthly interactions across platforms, she’s proof that real connections drive impact—and business opportunities.

Meet Daniele Hage, the “Counterculture Grandma” and a modern thought leader in relationships and authenticity. Known for her transformative workshops and unapologetic stance on cultural shifts, Daniele has translated decades of experience into a message that resonates with millions. With 44 years of marriage and a knack for telling it like it is, she’s turned her knowledge into an online phenomenon.

Expert Action Steps:

1. For men: Focus on creating a sense of safety for the women in your life to foster trust, vulnerability, and stronger connections.

2. For women: Embrace and maintain your feminine energy to build more harmonious and fulfilling relationships with men.

3. For professionals: Balance masculine energy at work with feminine energy at home to ensure successful and romantic partnerships.

Learn more about Daniele on YouTube, Instagram, and her upcoming workshops.

Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.


Viral Instagram Success

The most watched is it's 12.3 million views. um In 30 days, I get about 2.3 million views, even people that aren't followers. And my biggest platform is Instagram, but I'm across all the platforms now. And and the reason I believe that was such a big one, which shocked me. i There was so much interaction. I get a lot of interaction on my videos because I think it's kind of counter culture to where our culture is today.

Introduction to Thought Leadership

Welcome to the Thought Leader Revolution with Nikki Ballou. Join the revolution. There's never been a better time in history to speak your truth, find your freedom, and make your fortune. Each week, we interview the world's top thought leaders and learn the secrets of how they built a six to seven figure practice. This episode has been brought to you by, the proven system to add six to seven figures a year to your thought leader practice.
Welcome to an exciting episode of the podcast, the Thought Leader Revolution. I'm your host, Nicky Baloo. And boy, do we have an exciting guest for you today. Today's guest is a true thought leader in helping women find the truth about how to make their marriages work, sing, and sizzle. I am speaking, of course, of none other than the one, the only, the legendary Daniel H. Welcome, Danielle. You are so funny. Thank you. Happy to be here. Good to have you here. It's quite an introduction.
Thank you. So, Danielle, tell us your backstory. How'd you get

Danielle's Journey to Marriage Success

to be the great Danielle Hage? Okay, well, ah first of all, you pronounce my name Danielle with one L, and which and I answer to Danielle, actually, so that's okay. but Just so you know.
Yeah. Daniel. Daniel. Like, like, ah Captain and Tennille, but with a D. Captain and Tennille. Okay, I got it. I like it. But it's not spelled that way, but that's how I always help people to pronounce it. Anyway, um so my backstory, how did I get here? um You know, I, my husband and I, you know, we, we met at a very young age. I was 18 when I met him. I just received the Lord into my life, became a Christian, was introduced to him. He, after three times of being around him,
He took my hand. He said, I need to talk to you about something serious. And he said, I just want you to know you're a really likable person, but I don't need any distractions in my life because I'm going to be a pastor. I'm going to be in full-time ministry and you are a distraction. And I thought that was hilarious. And I said, well, number one, I Do you think I'm into you or something? Like, where's this coming from? I've only been around him like three times. And I just thought it was so funny, but I went to bed that night and we ended up having a very long conversation. And 18 months later, we were married.
after he told me he didn't want anything to do with me, which was funny because then he had to win me over cause I wasn't attracted to him. I wasn't into him at all. And I was in college and, um, and working and had, you know, lived on my own. And I was, you know, moved out of my home at 17, had an apartment with my sister and put ourselves through school.
and supporting myself financially. And I was not in any way ready to get married when he wanted to get married. Again, I um i was only 18 and I said, no, i I've got school. i There's no way. There was always a recording in my head from my mom who was de divorced that said, you always have to have something to fall back on. Don't ever be completely dependent on a man. You need to be able to take care of yourself financially. And that's what I plan to do.
So I literally moved an hour away from him, transferred jobs to get away from him because I thought because i did like him. i did so I was falling in love with him, but I'm like, nope, nope, nope, way too young, way too young. And so i I moved an hour away and he said he would come see me every weekend and I didn't believe him. And he did. And he really did put his money where his mouth was. He was a man of his word and that blew my mind.
and he came and saw me every weekend, drove an hour after working graveyard shifts and we ended up married a two months after we met and we weren't going to have children for at least five years because if we were so young, four months into marriage, I got pregnant with my first child, my son Christian who's now 40 Two, 43, 42, I think. Yeah. Anyway, so it wasn't part of the plan, but um because again, I was going to finish school and have a career. And I think in my heart of hearts, I really did always want to be a wife and a mom, but I didn't think I could because I couldn't depend on man.
And I think I was buying into the whole you know equal rights amendment, woman's lib thing back then. I wrote papers on it in college and high school, and um I didn't want to be dependent. And when I quit my job, because I was pregnant, it was the weirdest feeling ever. I'm like, oh my gosh. like How do I buy him a birthday present? He has to give me his money to buy him a gift. That just did not compute with me. It was the weirdest transition. I kept saying, this feels wrong. It doesn't feel right. And my husband was so cool. He was just like, don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. My money's out of money.
I'm like, really? And again, if I had not come to know the Lord and what the Bible talks about ah with marriage and stuff, I don't know that i we'd still be married today, but we were going on 45 years now. Yeah, we just celebrated 44.
So we have three adult children, six grandchildren, and I wanted to make my marriage work because my parents were divorced. I knew I didn't want to be divorced, and I knew I didn't want to be miserable. And so we had lots of conversation before we got married, and you know we said I said, i we have to be happily married. like I'm not going to stay in a marriage that's not fun and not happy because that's just not who I am.
I don't do that. And he agreed. And so we, you know, decided what our deal breakers were, what our non-negotiables were. And um we said, let's do it. Let's

Teaching Marriage Workshops

do this. So I read everything I could get my hands on about relationships and marriage and child rearing and um just became a student of understanding relationships, a student of men, and really come come to understand who men are and how they were created and what they were designed to do.
And I started doing i later on into our marriage, probably 15 years into marriage, I started doing workshops and classes for men and women about how to stay married and to be happily married. And that's kind of what I and i do now.
so I wanted to bring you on this show because when I spoke with you last time, you told me that you had done a number of videos that you'd posted on social media sites that have been seen by over a million people. And one of them had been seen by an astronomical number. Do you want to share what that number is? What's the most watched video you had and how many people watched it?
The most watched is it's 12.3 million views. um I get ah this last month, every in 30 days, I get about 2.3 million views, even people that aren't followers um of my stuff. you know It tells us on Instagram. And my biggest platform is Instagram, but I'm across all the platforms now. And um my biggest one is 12.3 million. And the reason I believe that was such a big one, which shocked me,
i There was so much interaction, I get a lot of interaction on my videos because I think it's kind of counter culture to where our culture is today because I really applaud men. I approach i promote men and i and my message is for women, but I actually have more men that follow me. and And I think because the men are like, what I'm hearing from them is they're saying, my gosh, we feel heard, we feel understood, we feel like someone gets us.
and And what they are saying to me is, wow, you have a lot of guts to be saying this publicly. And they are always

Critique of Modern Feminism

saying, protect this woman at all costs. They're coming for you. And at first, I was like, who's coming for me? What do you mean? And I think what they mean is the feminists. Because I talk a lot about how the feminist movement yeah I'm all about women and being empowered and women being well treated and equal pay for for equal work. I'm all about that, okay? um I love women. And I'm not against them. I'm not trying to side with men against women. I'm trying to help women understand men because I feel like ah so many women
since the 60s have kind of drank the Kool-Aid of the feminist movement and which started out great, but it it took a turn somewhere and it it it became a lot of women that became man haters and they saying horrible, horrible things about men. And we don't need men. You don't need a man. Be independent, self-sufficient. Don't ever depend on a man. We can do it as good as men. We can do everything men can do. We can do it better.
And women have become so masculine in the last 50, 60 years that, and then they're wondering why they can't find a mate, why a man doesn't want them, because no man wants to romance another man, if he's straight anyway.
Right? And so, but women have been, have gotten really good at fending for themselves. And, and I have, I don't advocate abuse in any way. And I'm constantly getting comments saying, Oh, well that doesn't work if you're in an abusive relationship. And i I say, yeah, my information does not apply to, to mental disorders, social paths, pathological liars, narcissism. It doesn't apply to people like that. It applies to your regular, normal,
pretty healthy people. I mean, we all have our our issues, you know, I'm not saying it oh it's only for perfect people, but of course it's not. I would never, but perfect never yeah, I would never tell women to stay in an abusive relationship. Ever. I would say get the heck out.
i appreciate I appreciate that obviously it's not for that type of situation, but honestly, abusive relationships are not the norm. I'm sorry, no matter what the feminists want to try to tell you, tell you and they're not the norm. right It's not what every woman faces every day from a man. Then she goes home and he beats the crap out of her. That's just ridiculous for them to say that. that Most men are horrified at the idea of men hitting women. Yes.
they would they would most men I know would not put up with that. If they saw a dude who was beating his wife, they'd stop him. Right. Absolutely. You know what I mean? So that that's, that's like almost a non sequitur that people are saying in order to try to destroy your argument with something that doesn't apply to the vast majority of instances. And obviously it does apply to some instances. We don't want to pretend it doesn't happen. Not at all. It does happen. And we deploy all that stuff. But come on, stop bringing that and pretending that that is the norm because that is not the norm. Right.
that you are so absolutely right. In fact, I think there's studies out that show that it's only as somewhere like between three and five percent of men are dangerous. So that means, you know, 95 percent of men are good protector. You know, they they feel it is their duty to protect women and children, to protect the vulnerable. To the death. Yes. Yes. They would lay down their lives for their women and their children.
They would. no not so yeah so so But you see, what's interesting is like from the point of view of this podcast, because this is the Thought Leader Revolution podcast, is you're a thought leader because you have a message. It's a powerful message. And your message, though, what's incredible about your message is that your message is landing. On platforms like Instagram, you're getting millions upon millions of views of your videos.
Now, obviously, it'd be really good to have you be able to to turn that into monetization. And like I said, I'd be happy to chat with you about that offline. Because I think the fact that you have this many people watching your stuff, girl, it means we can turn you into a $10 million a year business. OK. You know what I mean? And that's really what you ought to do. but What's what's incredible. Yeah, of course. I do that too all the time. So God bless you for the weather. So dry. I've been sneezing like crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So so what we want to
what we want to open people's eyes with is that you're a woman. You're you're you're like the counterculture grandma. I might

Counterculture Grandma Phenomenon

even call this episode the counterculture grandma. How the counterculture grandma gets 2.3 million views a month, you know? ah Because I think that's incredible. Yeah. but The fact that your message is getting this many views says a few things to me. First of all, it says to me that your message is one that is relevant to your audience. Your audience is going, yeah, yeah, yeah, I want i want more of this out there. yeah so Secondly, um what it says to me is that
It's authentic. It's real. yeah People recognize it for truth. you know um well It reminds me of Donald Trump's debate with Joe Biden in June of this year. there was There was a moment where Joe Biden came and he just spewed a bunch of crap. And then when he was done, they said to Trump, they said, and your response?
He said, I don't know any idea of what he just said. I don't think even he has any idea of what he just said. And that was so incisive and truthful. Instantly everybody laughed because it was true. And he spoke the truth. He spoke the truth that no one else dared to speak. It sounds to me that part of what's made you a thought leader is that you speak the truth that others dare not speak. And I would like for you to comment on that.
Okay, well, I have strong convictions and i I believe what I believe and everything I teach is has worked for me. It's worked for my marriage and it's worked for many, many that have come through my classes and and transformed their relationships with the men in their lives, all all different kinds of women.
And so that just confirms over and over again. And when I ask men questions, like you know, I do a panel of men at the end of my my classes and I bring them in who have no idea who I am because I teach this cross country and I go into places where they they've never met me. I meet them for five seconds before they come on stage and I just say, hey, we're going to ask you some questions and feel free to pass. um Just tell us what's true for you. And they say everything that I just taught the women. Because the women, like a lot of times they don't believe me. And they're kind of like looking at me like, really? Is this how men think? Is this how men are? And then when I asked these men, they confirm it. And by the end, women are laughing. They're crying. They're just like, they can't believe that men, there's really good men out there. And they end up leaving feeling just, they fall in love with the men. They're just like, oh my gosh, she's so awesome. And I think, I just think men have gotten a bad rap. They've gotten a really bad rap. and and so you know the The one video that that had the 12.3 million views, this is what I had said. I was accused of spreading toxic masculinity. and so the man are I never defend myself on my social media. Never. but I noticed that.
The men defend me. I know. I defended you when someone said talk some shit your way. I've I freaking hammered them. They told them to shut the F up. Well, you're going to get it. And were you the one that said, how long have you been married? um Yeah. And I said yeah for years and someone said lies.
Yeah, and I said, shut up. And yeah that's the person I said, I said, listen, you

Defending Controversial Views

know what? Shut the hell up. You got nothing to say. Troll, get lost. Go back to the rock that you crawled from from underneath. up Like, it's ridiculous. there's There's some trolls out there. That's that's true. But you see, you got you're like Queen Elizabeth and we're all your Sir Walter Raleigh's man. We're coming out there, you know, ready to cut down. Yeah. The enemies of the Queen.
And you know what? it It makes me emotional. I mean, many times I look at the comments and I cry. And I'm like, what is going on? Why am I so emotional? Because what and what I'm telling women is that and and my friends and my family, I'm like, look at I said, here I am portraying a woman that understands men, that is advocating for men. And men are saying, protect her, protect her. Men want to protect women, and especially women, they get them.
And I'm like, this, it's so beautiful. It's like, ladies, if you can just understand why men do some of the things they do and quit trying to change them to be a woman and and and tear them down and emasculate them because you're scared. And that's why women do emasculate. They want to disempower men so they can even the playing field so because we're scared because we know they're bigger than us.
and And so I wanted to real quick say that video that got all the play that the one I was accused of spreading toxic masculinity. I had never heard that term. I literally had to Google it. I'm like, what is toxic masculinity? Because I'm new to social media. You know, I i i knew i I had to Google it. And I was like, this is the exact opposite.
of what I'm doing. But the women were twisting my words and what I had said is that men, if you want to learn more about a man and get the most out of him, ask him what he thinks rather than how he feels.
And I just said men relate different to differently to their feelings than women relate to theirs. So for a man, he doesn't really trust feelings, he trusts facts. So you you so you when you are talking to a man, ask him, you what do you think about how I feel? And for women, we talk about feelings all the time. Our feelings are so very important to us. But men are they're more single focus or more logical. And this is science, this is biology. This is nothing new. I mean, it was nothing new, but I mean, the women came out with claws and they were saying, you know, men are killing themselves because they won't talk about their feelings. and i'm And I said, no, I go, I didn't say men don't have feelings. I didn't say that they suppress their feelings. They just relate differently.
to them than women do. That's all. We're different. But see, our culture is trying to convince us that we're exactly the same. Men and women are equal. Equality, we're the same and we're not the same. And we're not equal. We're not. That doesn't mean that we're less than as women at all. Not at all. We just have different roles, different gifts, different energies. There's femininity and there's masculinity. That's all. Male and female. There's a difference and it's okay to be different.
So that's the one that women are not the same. I agree. No, men and women are not equal. That is that is. You know what? I think we're going to get some pushback. Yeah, for sure we will. But that that's going to be a controversial statement. and But ah neither is less than the other.
right And we all have the same value. We all have the equal value in the eyes of God. you know He doesn't favor one gender over the other. We all have equal value, but in our roles as men and women,
Women are generally smaller and weaker. but Men are bigger and stronger. We are called to do different things on this earth. We're designed to do different things on this earth. Men can't have babies. Women birth life. I mean, you know, most women don't want to be out on skyscrapers building, you know, skyscrapers or going to war. And I know there's some women that go into the military. I get that.
but our our our jobs are very different, what we are capable of doing. So. 100%. And I think that's, and women always say, the feminists say we don't need men. That is a lie from the pit of hell. We do need men and we do need the protection of men. Yes, we do. And we do need the provision that men can provide, not just financially. Women make their own money these days. That's cool. I can make my own money. I can pull out my own chair. I can empty my own trash. I can open my own door, but you know what? I like being treated like a lady.
I love it. I like when my husband fills my cart with gas. I never fill my cart with gas. Not because I even ask him to. He just feels like it's a protection. Because women are really vulnerable when they're at a gas station and they think the hose is in their gas tank. If a man came up to them, they couldn't get away fast.
Because I don't know, I just feel like that and that's my job. I want to do that for you. I'm like, okay, I ain't going to gas station. I don't even ask him. But it's like, again, we just, we need what a man can provide, not just financially, but what a man provides as far as his protection, he what he provides for us emotionally, um a safe place.
the hugs, the holding, that the intimacy, the sex. I mean, we need that. So there's lots more than just finances. 100%. 100%. So again, bringing this back to the to to to the prism of thought leadership. ah And I'm loving everything you're saying. I'm learning a ton from you. And and as a man that agrees with what you're saying, and when a woman like you speaks like this, I go, yeah, I feel heard. This is great. I love it.
I want to make sure that we still bring it to the prism of thought leadership because I believe what has made you a thought leader, what has allowed you to be someone who's garnering this many views on social media as that counterculture grandma with 2.3 million views every 30 days is the fact that A,
you're truly an expert at this like you've got 44 years being happily married and you took the time to learn how to be happily married and you applied it in your own life so a you're really an expert b you've taught your expertise to other people so you've you've done workshops you've done classes this is not like theory for you this is real you've done it for yourself you've done it for other people and c You're real, you're authentic, you're no BS and you're going to speak the truth and you're not goingnna you're not going to um not speak the truth because you're nervous that it might get you canceled or somebody might be upset.
The heck with it, as you say, you're not gonna allow the lies from the pit of hell to take hold without you counteracting them. And I gotta say, from the point view of somebody who is a thought leader, who loves thought leadership, who loves helping thought leaders win, this is great.
Thank you so much. I've never been called that before. That's new. so Thank you. i thought well What's a thought leader? So I'll tell you. So an expert is someone who knows something, right? An expert is someone who knows something about something, right? they They've got expertise. They've taken the time to understand that. That's wonderful. But there's a lot of experts out there. And most of them are invisible. Nobody knows who the heck you are.
What's a thought leader? Well, a thought leader is someone who's known for what they know, someone who is recognized for what it is that they provide into the marketplace. And I got to say to you, 12.3 million views of a single video, 2.3 million views every 30 days. Honey, you're a thought leader. You're known. You're known.
Now we got to monetize you so you make some proper money from it. But you know, you're there. The rest of it is is really great. And I just got to say, what do you think had your message take off? like Walk us through the first few videos you posted. And what happened when you first had a million people watch a single video?
How did you feel? How did that make you feel? And what was that like? And what do you think allowed that first video to blow up like that? I

Challenging Women on Men's Needs

was shocked. I was shocked. um And I didn't even know it. And the first one that hit a million was on Facebook, but not on Instagram, on Facebook. And I don't really check Facebook as much because my platform on Instagram was bigger. And so i my daughter actually sent um took a picture of it. She was on Facebook and she sent it to our family. And she said, mom, you know, you hit a million views. And I went, what? Where? And you know what that one was about? See, this is another one that got very, um
It got women ticked off, I think. think Because I said, so the question I was asked was, um yeah there's a lot of men that don't get sex, don't they don't get their sexual needs met by their wives. And I said, listen, ladies, I go think of it like this.
You don't always want to go to the gym, okay? But when you get up and you make yourself go, you're always so happy you went. You never have regrets, right? Rarely do you leave the gym going, I wish I didn't come, I wish I'd stayed in bed, right? You're always like, oh, I didn't want it, but I did it. Yeah. Look, what if you looked at sex like that? Like, you know, I mean, what do you want your husband to do? You know, when you are the one, you are his sexual outlet.
Do you want him washing porn? Do you want him going out and looking at other women? He needs to get full from you. You're the only one that can help him with that. So we wash our hair when we don't feel like it, when it needs taking care of, right? We wash our bodies and we don't always feel like it. We feed ourselves when we don't always feel like it. It's just like anything. We don't always feel like doing stuff.
but your husband is will be so happy even if it wasn't you know and usually there's a great outcome for the woman too hopefully but then i got all kinds of comments with women saying oh you don't understand it's painful this and that and i'm like see a doctor Go to a doctor, get fixed. And I know menopausal women, buth blah, blah, blah. Our bodies were hormonal. I get that. I'm a woman too. I've gone through my ups and downs, my highs and lows with our sex life also. But you know what? I am not gonna just...
I'm not going to accept that we're not going to come together in an intimate way. And so I'll do whatever I have to do to fix me. And hopefully my husband does whatever he has to do, balances our hormones do, you know, so that we can both come together. And again, and everybody's got their arrangement, you know? um People say, well, how many how much sex is is okay? And it's like, it depends on the couple. You know, there is no magic number, you know? it' It's whatever your arrangement is, whatever is good for you and good for him.
Yeah, no. Amen. Amen. Amen. So that's the one that went crazy, the first one. And then the second one was the one about the feelings. Men relate differently to their feelings, I think, if I remember right. And now there's been like over 20 different ones. And they're all the ones that where I'm advocating for men and saying, you know, treat your husband with respect, show some appreciation, quit nagging, quit making him responsible for your happiness, quit blaming him, you're responsible for your own happiness. You know, all of those are the ones that get big, lots of hues.

Authenticity in Thought Leadership

have a truth in your heart and you're fearless in wanting to share it. When george Jordan Peterson, who's a fellow Canadian here in Toronto, yeah He blew up when he stood up against the thought police in Canada who wanted him to use ah someone's preferred pronouns. And he said he's not going to do that. yes And the way in which he stood up for freedom of expression just caught everybody's attention. Yeah.
It was powerful. And Donald Trump just got elected president and again, reelected, I should say, because He's that kind of fearless man. He speaks the truth. He doesn't try to shade the truth in order to win an election. And people are sick of that. Sick of people who are full of crap, who are gonna lie their way to getting into power, getting a result, making money. They're looking for the real deal. They're looking for authentic people. Yeah. I agree. 100%.
I think what you're doing is remarkable.

Cultural Shifts in Marriage Priorities

I think the fact that you're a grandma who doesn't get technology in social media, yet you're getting millions of people watching your videos is crazy. I've never had a video of mine have more than a thousand people watch it. Like, I mean, a thousand. I thought, oh, God, I got to a thousand. yeah And I'm looking at you going, I need to learn from her how to get to a million. um
I'll learn from her because I'll humble myself in that way. Maybe I could teach her how to make millions because you know I'm good at that part. But what's powerful about what you're doing is that your message is connecting. yeah yeah As a thought leader, there's nothing more powerful and important than having a message that connects.
Well, and I think everybody wants real, long-lasting, authentic love. People want relationships to work. People want their marriage to work. People don't get married thinking, okay, well, this will be, you know, a couple of years, couple of years, I'll be divorced. On to the next.
don't go into marriage with that thought. People go into marriage thinking this is for a lifetime. Like I chose you, you chose me. We are committed till death do us part. That's how they start. Most people. And I hear, I do hear a lot of men who have been divorced say, you know, stay sane, stay single. I get that a lot. Don't get married. Don't, don't listen. Don't get married.
And because they got divorced and their wives took them for everything they had, you know, and they say things like women are only getting married to get your money.
And I've never seen that. but I don't know those kind of women. Never been around those kind of women. um My husband and I do weddings. Both of us do weddings. And these women aren't going into marriage you know because the guy has money thinking I'm going to divorce him in two years, take his children and his money. Nobody goes into marriage thinking that way. So I don't know.
who those people are, but they they might be out there, I don't know. But I think most normal, healthy people want to keep their relationships together, want to keep their families together. And and I think that feminist movement has wreaked havoc on romantic relationships, telling women not to need men. And so, but I do think there's a new um ah new swing coming, you know, even with the the younger generation, the millennials, you know, all three of my adult children are married and love being married and, and are raising families and they're doing great. Not that they don't have their issues, not that my husband and I haven't had ours. I mean, you're going to have your struggles and your obstacles to overcome, but when you overcome it, it just makes makes your union, you know, sweeter and stronger. But I do think I'm seeing a lot of the millennials, even with the elections, you know, so all the younger people that went out and voted for Trump for, you know, conservatively. And I think people are getting sick of what is happening in our culture and how our culture is just turned upside down. It's like like it's almost like Twilight Zone. Like who what is who?
What is happening with the whole transgender thing and allowing children to have, you know, transition and- You mutilate themselves when they're confused. It's ridiculous. It's crazy. It's crazy. You know, and I i saw a meme ah a while back. It came across my social media and it's kind of in a cartoon thing. And it's like, you could tell it was like set in the fifties and a little kid comes up and says, mom, and the little girl says, mommy, I feel like I'm a boy. And she goes, well, you're not.
Bam, done. And I just, I laugh so hard because it's like, and it's end's just that simple. Feel like you're anything you want. Feel like you're a cat. Feel like you're a puppy, but you're not. But go ahead and play like you are, but you're not, period. Like why are parents allowing their kids to tell them they're the opposite sex than they were born? I don't get that. I don't get it. No, it's BS. They shouldn't do that. They pretend you're the parent and they're the child and that you're parenting them.
It's that simple. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's it's a beautiful thing. So Danielle, tell me. um How do people get ahold of you if they're interested in your workshops, doing coaching with you, et cetera? What's the best way? Okay. Well, I'm not presently running my workshops, but I know that it's coming. I just, and we're just waiting for the the timing of it. And I'm thinking we're getting close to doing that. Probably something online. I do do coaching calls and I have a link that I can send to you. and um I don't do a whole lot of one-on-one or couples ah here and there just because it's it's time consuming. And I'm i'm busy. and so um But I like doing, you know, groups of people. So that will probably be coming soon. but But for right now, you can subscribe on YouTube. um It's just the Neil Hage podcast. Listen to my ah ah podcast. Download them. Follow me on all the social media platforms for now. And then as soon as I decide to launch, the my followers will be the first ones to know.
beautiful. We'll make sure we put all in in show notes. Okay, so we end off each episode by asking you as our guest expert to give us your top three expert action steps. These are your three best pieces of advice in bullet point form to help my listener take his or her life, marriage, love to the next level. What say you?
Oh my, okay, so to the men, if you want to bring the best out of the women in your life, your wife, um you need to help her to feel safe. Whatever it takes from you to make her feel safe. You'll get more sex that way. She'll be more vulnerable that way. She'll, if she feels, if that's huge for women. And I would say for the women to get the most out of the men in your life, if you want to transform your relationships with men, stay in your feminine energy.
And I know there's times where you have to go masculine, and especially if you're you have a full-time job or even if you're a full-time mom at home, you're in your masculine energy. But when you're if, if, if you want a romantic relationship with a man, it takes a masculine energy, man masculine energy and a feminine energy.
to make it work. So you can be masculine all day long at work, but when you come home, you've got to turn into your feminine. OK, that's the only way your romantic relationship is going to work. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. So listener. Danielle Age is the real deal. Go check out her Instagram channel. ah We'll put it in the show notes and um Go get on a waiting list for her workshops. you know Find out if she does coaching for men and women. I think that's important. And um take advantage of anything she has to offer, because it's going to make your life, your marriage, your sex life, quite frankly, better. um And that's really important. and
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Promoting the Podcast Against 'Woke' Culture

the world for the better and not let this crazy woke mind virus take hold again. We just defeated it in the United States last Tuesday with the election of Donald Trump, but it's far from completely defeated. yeah And we need voices like Danielle's and mine out there. And you got to do your part too. If you like what you're listening to, share it.
And that wraps up another exciting episode, the podcast, the Thought Leader Revolution, to find out more about today's incredible guests, the one and only Danielle Rhimes with Timmy O. H., go to the show notes at or wherever you listen to this episode, be it iTunes, Google Play, Audible, YouTube, Rumble, or what have you. Until next time, bye-bye.
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