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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Anime Retrospective image

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Anime Retrospective

S1 E27 ยท Chatsunami
271 Plays3 years ago

In this episode, Satsunami seeks the help of his friend BlowfishmanTV to begin diving into the weird and wonderful world of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. What is Hamon? Where is Stone Ocean? And when will this anime make sense? All of this and more in this episode!

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Introduction and Guest Welcome

Welcome to Chatsunami.
Hello, everybody, and welcome to another episode of Chat Tsunami. I'm Sat Tsunami, of course, and joining me today is the amazing and very awesome Blowfish Man TV. Blowfish, welcome on once again. Satsu, thank you. It's an honor to be on here yet again. Thank you again for considering me for just being another guest. You've seen me do a bunch of podcasts, and I kind of like just sitting and talking as much as I do gaming and interacting with the folks.
But once in a while, you know, it's good to kind of just chill out and just hang out with a friend like what I'm doing right now. Well, no, absolutely. That and you are definitely, I think I've said this to you before, but like, amongst like all my friends, you're definitely like up there with people who are knowledgeable.
about JoJo's Bizarre Adventures. I mean I told my other co-host and he just ran for the hills. Whether he's going to get a copy of it or not, I don't know. I like to think that but you never know, you never know.
Of course.

JoJo Retrospective Intro

By the way, I'm tuning into your stream and the fact that the Blowfish lights up when I talk is really cool. How did you do that? You need to teach me how to do that. I'll need to send you the link. Oh, of course. That's awesome. I was honestly so hyped when I managed to get this working. If any of you guys had seen last week's podcast, I was testing it with my friend Adam, only instead of a Blowfish, he was a talking sandwich. Long story.
Yeah, basically I'm glad I've managed to get it sorted and everything so I'm absolutely hyped if anybody else is coming on the show that I can have this set up. Thank you for the compliment.
of course anytime dude that's awesome i was like that is new and i would like to learn that one day so i might as well ask a friend you know oh absolutely yeah i will definitely send you the link to it because it is it's so easy to set up well i say that but it's stream labs in obs you know it's the usual of course yeah the usual levels of streaming as it works yeah oh my god those two those those those two fucking
those two fucking programs, they are just, they could be a bit of a pain in the butt. Like last week, last, sorry, last Monday Satsu, I don't know if you were there, but like, you know, last Friday OBS stream went wild. I was, I think my first one ever on Monday, like it just decided to crap out on me for like the first 20 minutes. And then I'm like, apparently my mic was cutting out a lot. And like, it was just so bad. And then I had to like restart stream and then everyone's like, what'd you do? And I'm like, I don't know. Everything literally just turned itself off and turned it back on. And now we're here.
Oh god, that is the worst. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen to me. Yeah, I know she does. Hopefully not, guys. Hopefully not.

Recording Experience and Anticipation for Stone Ocean

As you can see, we are going to be talking about the one and only. The, well, it depends what side of the coin you're on, whether it's the infamous or the famous, eh, JoJo's Bizarre Adventures. Yeah, yeah.
So today we're going to be doing pretty much like a retrospective because Blowfish and I have been working on like discussing like going into more depth about each part and pre-recorded chat tsunami episodes which should be coming soon so please check out my Twitter for more information. Yeah I mean when we recorded so we've only recorded one part so far and that was for Phantom Blood which is the first part
of the anime and we spent, what, about an hour just talking about that part? It was, yeah, there's a lot to go into with that. So today we're going to kind of just give more of like a general overview of like, we're probably going to focus on more like parts one to five because I mean it's the perfect timing because as of recording this podcast episode, Stone Ocean which is part six of the anime should be coming out as it
next year I think probably next year yeah probably next year yeah yeah unless they keep doing it and they're just like no we're not we're not doing this honestly due to covid restrictions I feel like it could happen which is the sad part yeah like I wouldn't be surprised if they did but it's still exciting to know that it's like in their minds
Because otherwise it was like, it was like the Half-Life 3 scenario where it was like, oh, when Stone Ocean coming, when Stone Ocean coming. And then when that actually comes, it's like, oh great, then we have to find something else. When Stone Ocean. Talking about like Half-Life, like I feel sorry for hardcore Half-Life fans, oh my god, like all the moons I've seen, I'm like, you guys, you have to go through this? This sucks.
Oh, it's terrible. I was laughing that when they announced, I think it was Half-Life Alyx for the, it was like the VR headset one, and I was just like, oh man, like as you said, just feel sorry for Half-Life fans, just, they were expecting Half-Life 3 or Half-Life 3 VR, and they just get that, and you're just like,
Yeah, poor guys. But yeah, sorry.

JoJo's Appeal and Character Development

Back to draw. Oh no, no, no. So yeah, we're going to be focusing on parts one to five and just basically a general overview and a general retrospective about things that we like about the anime and kind of just reasons why we think that you should, by you I mean you lovely listeners at home, why you should
at least check it out because I feel as if with this anime there's something for everyone. I mean do you think that? Honestly speaking yeah like something for everyone in a sense that like each part dude you and I both know that each part is just different you know what I mean sure like the main character is part of the Joestar bloodline fine but the stories are always different you know like you got Jonathan who is basically you know the OG posh gentleman
and you know he's taking on you know it's basically like a sibling rivalry sort of thing to the extreme then you've got like part two where it's Jonathan's grandson who's just who's just straight-up bananas who's just like all over the place but he's also like he's that character who's just incredibly smart but he's just so dang lazy right and then
due to the fact that he's so witty and smart, that's how he defeats his enemies, right? He's not like Jonathan, who is just a straight-up brawler for the most part, right? And then you have part three where, funny enough, I did my research on this, you have Jotaro Kujo, who is basically like your typical badass anime shounen protagonist, right? But the thing is, apparently, for those who have watched The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, he was based off of Clint Eastwood's character, which is kind of funny.
Yeah, yeah, like I think Araki said it in like an interview right and like you have him just trying to save his mom I believe because mom is sick because the spoiler alert Dio is back and because of that, you know His mom is sick for that reason and they're trying to figure out why that is but their only solution is kill Dio Part four Oh Satsu, I know you love part four. I love part four as well very underrated in my opinion out of
the current five that have been animated. Part four is basically a teen, like it's not even about a big thing, like saving the world from Dio or saving the world from the Pillar Men, right? It's about just, it's gonna sound a little funny Satsu, but like, it's sort of like if neighborhood watch was cool, you know what I mean? Is that just me? Like, it's like a cool neighborhood watch kind of feel. Yeah, if neighborhood watch had like evil spirits and more sandwich shops, then yeah, definitely.
And then you got part five and it's all about the mafia. And I'm like, that's crazy. And it's so weird because get used to me saying it's so weird because this anime is anything but
anything but normal in the conventional sense. A hundred percent not normal but you know if I already hear someone say Jojo's super normal I'm like what? I'm like um I don't know what sort of normal you're into but okay. Like if I ever hear anybody say like oh it's just a normal yeah a crazy normal anime it's like no no what anime are you watching that this is normal in comparison like I don't want to know.
I don't want to. I just like to point out that Green Shield is just like, it's bizarre. Yes. Yes. It is 100% bizarre. This whole dang anime is bizarre. Every part of it. I mean, when they say bizarre adventure, they really mean it. You know when some anime say, oh, it's crazy and this and you're like, ah, yeah, yeah, yeah, sure. And then when you watch this, it's like,
Yeah, no, the bazaar is well merited. As I was saying before though, it's weird how this basically started off as, so kind of backtracking a little, it started off as a manga in 1987 by, as you were saying, a guy called Hirakuko Araki who basically based it off of like a lot of the, well not based it, but
A lot of influence, let's say, came from a lot of the Shonens at the time, especially Fist of the North Star, where a lot of the characters are just like, what is the word? What is the adjective? They are very swole. That's simply putting it. If you were to see John Cena in anime form, that's what their bodies look like.
Oh god, it's really strange how that kind of style carried over for the first three parts. And then when it got to part four, then Araki was just kind of like, yeah, we better tone this down and make them more realistic. And it's like, probably for the best. Probably for the best.
because it's hard to believe someone's 17 years old when they're basically built like

Manga Origins and Character Design Evolution

a shit brick house essentially. They're absolutely massive because kind of like minor spoilers here but in the very first part there is a scene where it skips from the
antagonist and the protagonist like knowing each other as children and then there's a flash forward to the future. It is basically then really muscular so I assumed oh it must be because because they're adults and then and then it cuts to like an announcer being like and it's the I don't know like the college or um like the high school rugby game or something like that so they're only like 17 18 year old
18 years old. And you think this is ridiculous. Even for anime standards, even for like it would make Dragon Ball blush. That's how bad it is. It's like, oh my god. Oh my god. I can't believe you would actually say that, but it's true. It's just so funny because a friend of mine who loves Jojo as well, he's just like, I'm 17 years old, built like a truck. And I'm like, yeah. And I was like a voice deeper than mine and everything.
it's not far off with half of these characters. It's especially when you see them standing beside characters that are just normal. I don't know if you've ever seen that meme image, I think it comes from Yu-Gi-Oh, but it's one where the protagonist from that is standing amongst a group of really plain looking extras.
And of course it's Yu-Gi-Moto with the spiked up hair and it's all multi-coloured and everything and the caption says, oh boy, I wonder who the protagonist is. And then there's an arrow going to this random guy with the brown hair and everything. He's like, yeah, it's totally that guy. It's totally.
pretty much. And as it's like every time you see these characters it's like they give off a big protagonist energy don't they? It's quite surprising because I think I was talking to you about this before but it wasn't until like 2012 that they actually got an anime adaptation
for a random blood, right? Yeah, because I think initially there was meant to be a movie of the first part. It was released in 2007, but I think they just scrapped the idea. So the footage is still there, but they've never really released it.
properly. So it's like one of these kind of haha phantoms of merch really for Jojo fans. And there was like an OVA for the third part I think where they just basically focused on the latter half of part three which is called Stardust Crusaders and my god that is a long part. I mean I'll come on to it later but this part really tested me
when I first watched it. This was the part that nearly made me give up on JoJo. I know

JoJo Memes and Viewer Engagement

this is a plot twist, this is where the TV content comes up.
i love that dude i love that meme so much oh my god so good yeah a lot of the compilation videos if you watch any of them um on the youtube channel like nine times out of ten you will get like a to be continued meme and yeah and i was just like yeah i just love this meme it's just it's so good it's a great meme it's so good but yeah before we
Sorry, sorry. I don't mean to derail it, but I just love the sound of that song. It's so good. No, I was just going to say before we jump into the main aspects of Jojo, and I feel like he used to turn to here asking you about this. Sure, go ahead. What was the moment, just to explain to the people listening, what was the moment you got into Jojo and you kind of thought, okay, this show is for me kind of thing?
All right, so the very first time I truly decided to delve deep into the JoJo rabbit hole was when anime conventions were still a thing, you know, before COVID. And, you know, I would see a bunch of my anime friends who absolutely love JoJo. They would always quote, you know, Dio saying like, Zawa.
Oh, and all that are like, all the memes essentially, right? And then they would tell me it and I'm like, Oh, is this from Jojo? He's like, yeah, right. So they would show me it. And then I started quoting it. And then eventually I'm just like, okay, like I'm quoting a bunch of these Jojo memes. I want to know what the context is behind some of these, right? And then, um, my friends are like, Oh, don't do it. Otherwise you're going to become a hardcore Jojo fan like us.
I was like, you make it sound like a bad thing. He's like, it can be because everything's a JoJo reference. And that flew over my head. And I'm like, huh. So then fast forward to when the coronavirus actually hit. I think it was around August of 2020. I decided, hey, I have Netflix and I see JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
I'm like, OK, I guess we're doing this. We're going to start it for once. Right. So I tune into Phantom Blood and I'm just like the like I think it was a narrator who's speaking in the beginning. And like I liked the sound of the story. I'm just like, oh, this is about, you know, like brothers who, you know.
a sibling rivalry, Dio wants to steal the fortune of Jonathan, et cetera, et cetera, right? It goes basically as to why Dio got adopted into the Joestar household. So then that kind of got me engaged and I'm just like, huh, wow, okay. This is kind of normal for a first season. Huh, right? So I keep watching.
Eventually, like, you know, I see Konno Dio that and I'm like, oh my God, now I know the context of this and all that. And then I keep watching and I'm like, I end up finishing Phantom Blood and I'm just like, huh?
Wow, you know, I wouldn't say, like, if it was just a standalone anime, I wouldn't rate it super high, right? That's what I was thinking. And then I'm just like, but at the same time, it wasn't bad. I mean, I kind of want to know who the rest of these JoJo characters are now that Jonathan's gone, right? Yeah. So I'm like, OK, let's tune in to season two. I go into season two. Absolutely love Joseph. I'm like, you're his grandson?
what does it leave me right and like he's doing all these cool things you know he's beating on like corrupt cops you know he's uh he befriends smoky robinson you know he uh he goes after racists in like a fucking restaurant i'm just like huh i rate this guy yeah i really like i really like joseph and then you know eventually i see the pillar man and i'm like what the fuck am i watching like that like the moment the pillar men fucking break out of their statue form and start doing their poses and i'm like
huh that's how i felt seeing the pillar men and then for some reason i'm just like this is really weird but you know let's keep watching and then it just i just went down into the rabbit hole after that yeah binge the rest so that's my experience with jojo guys
god i honestly am probably i think the only difference between you and i is like the timelines probably earlier for me like is he in terms of like oh god like see in terms of the memes like i so i've got a friend for you guys listening you'll know them as um seed or putbags who is my like mod for twitch and
Yeah, he kept telling me about Jojo's Bizarre Adventures. I kept hearing about Jojo. Like, I was like, oh, I'm watching Jojo. Oh, you should watch Jojo. And I was like, okay, I'll watch it. And yeah, like any of my friends will definitely support me in what I'm about to say here when I say I am terrible.
I am absolutely terrible at basically watching things that are recommended to me like I always say yeah I'll watch it I'll watch it I'll watch it and then I never do and that is that is basically my um that's my downside when it comes to things like that
So much so, kind of briefly off topic, but I remember once I had told Green Shield that I hadn't watched the Shawshank Redemption in university. So, oh, it is. But flash forward a couple of weeks later when it was my birthday and he was like, here you go. And I opened up this present and it was like a DVD of the Shawshank Redemption and he just stares me dead in the eyes and he goes, watch it.
That is a good way to make... I've been watching it and it's all fucking funny. Oh my god, that's great. But there's been so many shows like that and unfortunately, like, Jojo just fell in that bracket. The same thing happened that Corona hit and I was flicking through Netflix, I was working from home and I thought, you know what? I'll put it on in the background. I've heard it's meant to be good. I mean, I'd heard the memes
you know, like Zawardo, Konondioda, things like that. But what I didn't know was that there was vampires in it. Yeah, that was another thing I didn't know too. The vampires and the half-naked gods, they took me by surprise. Like, I chaired the memes, but when they came up, I was like, because I'm not gonna lie, like I was sitting in part one thinking, when are the power men gonna get here?
Because I knew nothing up until the vampire started rolling around, and I was like, what is this show? And another thing I forgot to mention when watching part one was just like, where's this purple man that stands behind the main character when the team come in? That's what I was thinking too. Because there's just so many pictures and references you see, and it's like trying to piece them together. It's like, you're trying to think,
Obviously when you rewatch it for the first time, you realise what goes where, but see you're looking at it out of context. I genuinely think that you could watch, or you could hear a JoJo spoiler and it would not affect you whatsoever.
You know usually when you hear spoilers like oh so-and-so died or you know like oh this character A punches character B and that's gonna affect the whole plot like for this like for example a part four spoiler if I said exploding cat or
part three water dog or something like that you know like no like genuinely like out of context like that makes absolutely I am speaking gibberish yeah like if I were to say that to someone thought to you and they're like are you what are you smoking like they would straight up say what are you smoking and like depending on the person like let me get some of that yeah because usually it's like because usually it's like there's a difference between like when you give an anime spoiler and then you give a jojo spoiler because I feel as if jojo is just like one step above that
Whether that's a good thing or not, that's for you guys to decide. I don't mean to interrupt, but Dio Brando is in your chat and he's going off.

Cultural Impact and Fashion Influence

Everyone's just like, oh my God. Give him time. Oh, thank you. He'll tire himself out. Don't worry. Give him time. He's only jumped, so the time difference will get him. Don't worry.
It's actually so, so again, bizarre, haha, but it's bizarre how Jojo's is. You would think with an anime like Jojo, it would be, you know, this kind of self-contained, oh, it's a manga anime, you know, it's, that's all it's in, you know. You wouldn't expect it, other than the memes, obviously, but you wouldn't expect it to seep into other aspects of, and I don't want to make it sound as if it's like a weird creature crawling out your screen.
But it's like seeping into other aspects of society because I was actually looking into this and apparently Iraqi has a exhibit and I don't know if it's still up but in the Louvre in Paris he's actually got an exhibition there for I think it's for part 8, JoJo Lane.
It's really, like, I've had a wee sneak peek on, see this is the thing, it's like you go to Paris and it's like, why did you go to Paris? Is it for the culture? Is it for, you know, because I was saying that to my friend, I said, I was like, this is in Paris just now and it was like, you know, oh, you go for the culture, you go for the food. No, no, no, no, no. I'm just going for it.
I'm just going for the JoJo. And they just hate them back home. It's like the food is all nice and fancy. Like, hey, this is what I'm here for. It points to JoJo. That would be me too. Yeah. It's like the meme where it's like, this is nice, but this.
Yeah, like that meme where it's just like, you know, there's a there's a there's like a Korean kpop girl Just looking at like a toy and then looks to the water bottle. It's like Eiffel towers the toy with the water bottle. Yeah
art as well. It's like apparently they've got their own like fashion line. What do you mean? I can't remember if it was Gucci or something. Like something really high profile which really took me off guard but there's like Jojo branded suits and outfits and clothing and things and I don't mean like cosplay. I mean like genuine suits. Yeah people wear and I know that sounds stupid to be like oh of course people wear suits but like kind of understated ones.
There's one you can get where I think, and I could be wrong, but I don't know if you can get the Killer Queen tie. Because you can get a journal suit. And the only reason I know this is because I follow a guy on YouTube, I don't know if you've seen him, a guy called SeadogVA. He does a lot of anime and kind of voiceover stuff. But he's a big Jojo fan as well. And he did this video, which this is one that really took me off guard, where
he was like reviewing his like he bought like hundreds of like dollars worth of merch and he'd bought like two suits and one of them i think they were mostly based off of part five so it was like a kind of beige suit oh my god okay i would speak beige suit
and it was based off of like Giorno's kind of, not his outfit but you know like the style and the kind of pin like the tie pin with the ladybug and things it was really like it was something you looked at and you thought on the one hand that is pricey as hell and then like on the other hand that does look pretty that does look pretty swish
but it's just as weird that the anime is kind of transcended into that and it's like proper fashion because you know what it's like you know whenever like you went to an anime con and you would get like the t-shirts where or even in some shops where you just get a really like horrible like render of like a PNG of the main character of an anime and it'd be like Dragon Ball and there would be like something for hunter hunter or something you'd just be like yeah no this is this isn't that
But yeah, I just thought that was really cool that he's managed to kind of break into both art and fashion and things. He's probably just living the dream really. Yeah, jumping into the main kind of draws of Jojo. The main points that I thought kind of encapsulates Jojo as a whole, and if you've got any more, please feel free to jump in.
but the three I kind of thought of was the story which again will kind of go over it in a broad sense because there's so much to talk about for each part. There's the action as well which I feel as if it's like really top tier in this one and I'll kind of go into like more detail later but
There's like a really good aspect of it and of course the last one has to be the characters. I feel as if the characters are really just what makes the anime. Mm-hmm. I agree. I 100% agree. It's yeah because without like you could have like a really good premise and then yeah just mess up.
I kind of know what anime it was but there was anime that I watched that was like it came out at the same time as Attack on Titan and it was a similar idea it was oh there's big um like big creatures that invade and they have to drive them off and it's a very similar premise but whereas like Attack on Titan did it really well um
was for the early stuff. I can't remember the name of that anime. Well that's how you know it kind of flopped. That's the people who love that anime. So apologies for that anime that I refused to make sure because I've watched the whole of the first season. I don't even know if there's a second season of it. It was black something. I don't know if it was black bullet or black something. Black cloth.
No, not black clover. But no, it was rubbish enemy. Whatever it was. It's trash,

Storytelling and World-Building

keep going. I honestly spent like hours, well not hours, but I finished it. I went from start to finish. And yeah, I just, it's one of the few animes where I thought, yeah, I've just wasted my time. Yeah, which isn't something I can say for Jojo. Because when you look at it, so kind of going on to the first point of the story,
like when you look at it, the first part is like a very traditional hero's journey of it sets up the villain, it sets up the hero, he fights and then when it ends it jumps like a head to the second part to a descendant and again like between the vampires and the time skips I was not prepared for any of them
I was not prepared either. I'm like so first episode you guys were just you guys are like little boys two years later You guys are built like trucks. What the hell happened? What is your dad feeding you guys?
yeah it's like there's a distinct lack of cows in 19th century England and I think that's why I think all the protein was just getting shovelled into them because yeah everybody else looks relatively normal yeah right yeah well then there's these guys who're just yeah oh that was I mean even like when he meets other characters later on like Speedwagon and um Zeppeli yeah like they are not even that beefy
it's like what they weren't no like i mean they're kind of not built they're they're muscly like all the characters are motor less muscly but yeah they're not like
or star. Did you say like John Cena? I was gonna say like characters like Speedwagon and Baron Zeppeli, they're like a reasonable amount of muscular. Like say if I were to like they're more like on the ends of like oh actual muscular in like real life. Like maybe someone who works out a little more than they usually do, but like it's possible to achieve that form.
Oh yeah, maybe not a 17- well maybe. All I'm saying is because I live in Scotland, I have not met many 17-year-olds that are shaped like that. And I'm not walking along the street and then it's just like a 17-year-old, it's just punching trees and things and it's like, okay, moving on, moving on.
I think the best thing, so I suppose like kind of to quilt the backtrack, you can really split from part one to five. You can really split it into two parts, can't you? Like the first and second part focus on like a technique or like how to describe this, not a technique, but like the world building in it is a little bit different in one and two than it is in part three to five.
So in parts one and two, it's about the hero learning a technique called hamon, not to be confused with the Spanish ham, which is delicious by the way. And I might get from after this, you know? Oh, it's so good. But yeah, sorry. That's good. Yeah, I honestly like next week for a chat tsunami. Just, yeah, just going to talk about ham.
But yeah, like parts one and two, they learn this technique called Hamon, which is basically just Sun Karate, isn't it? Yeah, pretty much. And they just, they use it to basically fight vampires and like, as I said, semi-naked gods, which is...
that's a whole other bucket of fish we're not going to be tipping over. And then part three spins all of that on its head and I was looking into it to see why there was such a drastic change. So just to kind of explain the
essentially take that fighting style of Hamon and then they replace the entire fighting system with a new thing called Stans, which is pretty much just like rock and sock and spirits, isn't it? For the most part, yeah.
Yeah, but it's like... Sorry. It's too bad if you like uppercut. Yeah. It's too bad if you know it doesn't work when you uppercut, like when the spirit stands uppercut each other, like the head doesn't pop out. Yeah. It's like a robot. That would be funny. Oh no. Oh no.
But yeah, it's like apparently in part 3 everybody has these like spirits that are called stands and they've all got different abilities which on the surface is cool. Like I think a lot of people who were following Jojo from the beginning, and I mean myself included from the anime,
like again this was like the third blind swipe of the of the show i was like okay first vampires then you know the plot twist and everything and now this i was like what is what is this and it took me like so this is the thing like i don't know if you've had any
like or talk to anyone who's had a similar experience. Bao was talking to one of my friends about this and he said that he pretty much gave up halfway through part three and I think that seems to be, from people I've talked to, it seems to be like a common place that a lot of people kind of drop the series. Whether that's because there's like this change, I think the change was because the editor of like the manga at the time told Araki like
Yeah, this is getting old. Like, change it to something new. So he was like, yeah, okay, spirits. Or stands. Yeah, so he changed it over to stands, and I think, like, just a lot of people were kind of confused. And you can certainly tell in some episodes when you're like, okay, how can they do this, but they can't do that. I think it was just, like, a case of them finding their feet with the new power. Like, have you ever heard that before, though, that, like, a lot of people kind of struggle with part three?
Yeah, actually, I think a friend of mine who actually was tuning into it, they said they're like, oh, I really like the whole Hamon fighting system. It's pretty cool, right? And then they got to part three. They're like, oh, so what happens with Hamon? What's with this new power system, right? And I'm just like, honestly speaking, it's been written off. Like, actually, it just doesn't exist. The only one who uses Hamon in part three is old Joseph. And those were only for like a hand. I could count all those scenes on my hands, probably.
other than that yeah i'm like yep so they're like so it's gone i'm like yeah so these this purple man standing behind joe taro is is the new power i'm like yeah pretty much and they're like okay and then they just kept on watching it was like it just took them aback really they're like whoa what happened to this old fighting system yeah and then yeah now they finished all all parts and they're like okay you know i could get behind stands after you know a certain amount of exposure right
I feel as if, and this is, I mean no offense to anyone who is a fan of the series, but I feel as if this is the definition of a Stockholm anime. It's like the more, like the more, so as I was saying before like part one and two, like I absolutely loved part two. I thought like part one it's not the best I would say but it is. It's not the best but it's not the worst, like it's a good start like seeing the context of the whole like saga from part one to five
it's a good start to introduce the world to introduce. So it's a good introduction and part two I think perfectly capitalises on that.
But then when you get to Part 3, because we've got this new system, I mean, it's kind of like... I'm just trying to think of other enemies, because before I came on, I was trying to think of other enemies that done something similar. And there probably is, like, enemies out there that did it. But I mean, I suppose it's like something like if you were watching Dragon Ball, and technically they've done something similar, but it's like, if instead of, like, firing key blasts, they started, like, throwing pokeballs, you know, and fighting with, you know, Pokรฉmon instead of, like, with their fists, it's like...
It's just kind of jarring. Like, it would probably still

Part Three's Challenges

be cool, but yeah, as you said, it's strange that this is a direction. And I have to admit, I feel as if with Part 3, Part 3 is definite with a hard note. It's a very long part. Part 1 is only, what, 12 episodes? I think? Like, not even like 7 or 8. 7? Oh, good.
uh part two is like 15 and i'm like oh that's not so bad right yeah and then you go to part three it's like 45 i'm like what yeah yeah i honestly nearly had like a heart attack when i saw that i was like oh this is this is going to be a really quick series to get through and then i saw part three and i was like oh my god i can't believe it oh my god pretty much i was i was just like i cannot believe that i am i'm gonna be sitting here watching half 40 so episodes and
I did. There was a couple of episodes where I just did not enjoy it. I had to really push myself because the thing with part 3, and trust me I am coming on to a positive point here.
The thing with part three is it felt more like an adult version of a Saturday morning cartoon. It is 100%. Especially for the first part. So just kind of have a quick context. Basically the plot is about a guy called Jotaro who has to find Dio from the first part.
It basically has to find them and kill them. That's the premise they set out. And they have to travel all the way from Japan to Egypt and as they go along, it's like wacky races, as they go along they keep encountering different people trying to stop them, people trying to kill them, trying to kill them in their dreams. Long story.
Eventually at the second part they reach Egypt and it's such a slog at times. The characters are good but then the repetition of it just kind of sets in and I know there's certain characters that get killed off and that was their way
or Iraqi's way of trying to say oh we're going to you know we're gonna try and spice it up and make it more interesting I don't know it just it really was hard for me to get through it and once I got through it like the DO fight at the end the whole like finale when they get into Egypt that's great like I loved it that is honestly really good but it put me off like I mean between that and me being too lazy to look up Crunchyroll
I was just I don't know I was just put off with like watching the fourth part and that's what my friend was saying it was like watch part four it's really good it's really good and I'm like I don't know and you know like again I took ages and well not ages sorry a couple of weeks it's like
it's like my time in lockdown is like anime minutes where it's like five minutes is like a couple of weeks it's like ten episodes yeah it's like hot damn i've really blazed through this series but yeah like eventually i did get onto it and i absolutely loved it but i love part four and without going into like too much it's a lot more kind of intimate and personal
like it's set in like a small town in Japan it kind of hones in on what stands do so it's like before it was kind of like it was in part three they kind of throw all these powers at the wall and kind of just see what sticks whereas in part four you can tell don't get me wrong like
There are obviously thought about it in part three, but I feel as if part four is when it really takes its stride. And they're supposed to say it can be said for part five, except for King Crimson, but we do not have enough time to go into King Crimson.
gold experience. I'm like, that is a whole different monster that we definitely talk about on the pre-recorded. Do you know what it actually reminds me of? It's like, you know that meme where it's like, and I don't keep bringing up memes, but it is Jojo, so I'm allowed. Yeah, fine. Don't worry about it. But it's like, you know that picture where it's like, it's a guy on the keyboard and he clicks the upgrade button and he clicks upgrade. And it's like, what I feel is like,
the guy like clicks upgrade for part three to part four and it's like it's perfect but then he presses that again and then it gets part five where you've got all these like complicated things going on and then it's just the button that says oh fuck go back go back
yeah pretty much yeah i'm just like oh part five oh like part five is good in its own right but just some of this stuff that happens you're just kind of like what how why i'm i'm so confused why is there a turtle there what okay yeah that's the thing right like um that's how i felt i thought i was the only one who felt uh that about part five i'm just like what is going on
Oh, yes, they're a turtle. Why is everyone so much skinnier? Why are there? Well, OK, here's another thing that I could sort of draw parallel between three and five is that they sort of reuse the idea of like Villain of the Week, except oh, yeah, it's not Dio. It's going to be Diavolo who's it's Dio Diavolo is not related to Dio, completely different character. It was sort of the same thing in that sense. Right. So they sort of brought that back.
I think that's what like, I do like part five, don't get me wrong, but like, I knew there was something a little teeny bit off of it. I'm just like, why have I seen this before? And then I'm like, oh, oh, they've already done this in part three, sort of, right? Just, uh, part, uh, just, uh, you know, with more refined stands in part five, but part that I'm like, Oh, okay. So they sort of used it, uh, except, you know, they're not going to the boss to, you know, kill him for the sake of the main character's mom. They're going to the boss because, you know, the main character wants to be the boss essentially.
yeah it's like different intentions yeah yeah it's like one piece syndrome yeah oh my god yeah like actually though he just wants to be king of the mafia is that too much to ask you know i'm gonna be king of the mafia with my stand gold experience giorno no don't get on the boat giorno please why did you become so much dumber

Standalone Story Arcs

god that's another chance and that made itself yeah pretty much although that is like that's my anime confession i've not really watched one piece before my anime confession is that one piece i just look at wikis because it's just too much and i know it's i essentially know what's going on because my friends talk about it and i'm like okay okay i know who each character is i know it's i essentially know what's going on in the current arc but i like i wouldn't say i've watched it or read it it's like dragon ball or something like that like
I think because I grew up watching it, like I was lucky in that regard, but like something like Naruto, like I didn't grow up watching that and then I tried watching it and I just... there's just too much. There's too much anime. But that's the thing though, like Boomer sat suicide here saying there's too much anime.
The interesting thing about like parts, well the Jojo in general, again I'm not condoning like part skipping just in case anyone takes this clip out of context because yeah there's the infamy that oh you should watch it from part one to five and don't get me wrong like you can do like I feel as if it's a better experience, a golden experience if you will.
But if you want to skip, then I don't feel as if you'd be missing too much. Just for anyone. Don't get me wrong, there's some bits like the whole thing with Jotaro in Part 4. You could kind of just assume, or read it in the wiki I suppose.
but like don't get me wrong I feel as if like watching it from part one to five is probably the best experience but yeah you could jump into like any of them and you're gonna get a different experience every time though yes I do agree with that because I was actually gonna say I'm like honestly like because maybe I'm not saying this right but like the Jojo each part you know can kind of stand on its own uh
And for that matter, you could just watch it like it's its own anime instead of this part of the series. Right. Yeah. Um, another thing is like, um, I guess it like the story writing isn't super linear in that sense. Cause you know how each season is just like, Oh, you defeated boss a now boss B is like his older brother or something. And you have to take him down and he's like a lot stronger. Right. So it's not like super linear, uh, when it comes to writing like that, which is why I do agree with your point in the sense that like, Hey, if you want to watch.
you know part one first and then skip to part five be my guest you know what i mean like it's a it'll be a completely different experience though if someone were to do that in my opinion i feel like they'd be super confused as to like how it got here you know but yeah like uh i do agree with your point is what i'm trying to say of course
so i'm just laughing because i'm thinking um because i said the exact same thing to like one of my friends when i was talking about like hamon and things and i was like oh boy i can't wait to see how they use hamon in part three and four and then i watched it and like you literally like that that meme of the monkey when you're like looking back and then look away i'm like yep
Yeah, pretty much. It's like, yeah, we need to talk, we need to talk. Because I was texting my friend throughout the entirety of the opening of part 3, just like, who's this guy? Why is he mean to his mum? Why is there no hamon? Why is there no vampires anymore except for Dio?
why is a fly driving a plane you know it's like what is going on yeah pretty much it just why is there like uh why is there a blind dude that's attacking them with water and a desert yeah it's like huh interesting i mean speaking of that like the action in jojo's bizarre adventure is just like how would you describe
like it honestly just depends on the part man like for part one it's you know your typical sibling rivalry you know you have to deal with like the vampire powers and then you know i would describe part one's action just sort of like a very classic um martial artist um sort of feel right like a classic martial artist anime sort of feel right so
You've probably seen the action scenes from Fist of the North Star, Dragon Ball, Yu Yu Hakusho. It'll be awfully similar to that in that way when it comes to feeling how intense it goes, right? Part two, I would say, how I would describe the action here? Brains over brawn, 100%. 100% brains over brawn. Part three, it's just like, well, these guys are very muscular. The whole main party.
But they don't really fight they have someone else to fight for them for the most part Yeah, and then part four you're like oh like part four is just like super relatable in the sense that like hey We're trying to catch this criminal Let's get him and you know like the main character is just like a teenage boy like actually and he actually kind of does look like a teenage boy um like body size wise and everything you know him and his friends are like
it feels like um oh this is gonna sound this is gonna sound like kind of blasphemous but i'm like it feels like if a cw teen drama was written well you know what i mean right like that's the thing right like for those who loved i'm like for those who love cw dramas like fucking um let's say like like riverdale i'm like yeah
Picture if Riverdale had cooler characters in my opinion and that each character has a power that can like help in some sort of way. And then part five, it's your typical, it's your classic sort of mafia sort of action sort of feel, right? But then there's the twist, which is the stands. So that's pretty much it. Yeah. Like that's how I would describe each action scene for each part.
So just looking back to what you said about the CW drama. So basically this morning I actually saw a video on YouTube where instead of that someone had edited. There's a scene where Josuke and a couple of his friends are talking in the classroom and someone edited it as if it was a Disney Channel sitcom. And it went so well with that scene. I'll look it up after the stream but it's just that
Honestly, I was watching it thinking, this has no right to be as good as it is.
You need to send me that, that sounds fun. That's so funny. I have to admit, the thing that I love about the action in JoJo is the fact that they utilize their environments. And this is something I touched on in last week's episode when I talked about the raid, but that is something, see whether it's an action film or it's an anime, one of the things I feel is quite boring in things like Dragon Ball is when they say, oh we're gonna fight in the desert, and you're like, oh man,
Yeah, pretty much, and they talk for like the next day of the episode, and like maybe shoot one key blast if you're lucky. And it's like they get like thrown into things, sure, but you're just like...
uh just yeah yeah it's like they're no real no don't get me wrong like they're impressive in their own right but just it's not as impressive as like like for example if you look at joseph's um introduction in part two he literally uses a coca-cola bottle to stop these two racist cops i mean does he not use spaghetti at one point to attack someone yeah oh my god you're right you're right oh my god
Like, he has a plate of spaghetti which he uses as hamon. This is the weirdest thing I've ever had to describe in my life. Yeah, he uses these powers on this spaghetti to which he like, I think, does he throw it at somebody? Or he embeds it in something and it's just like, what?
how wait are you talking about tonio no no no um joseph sorry in part two okay oh yeah yeah so yeah i know what you're talking about like he uh he um he embeds like hamon into his into his pasta and then make it into weapon and throw it at throw it at the secondary main character which is so funny i'm like oh okay i thought you're talking about tonio i was lost i'm like yeah this is stand for cooking which is an excellent episode by the way oh that is amazing that's a great episode
I have to admit that is the thing that really turned me to liking Stan's when they kind of explored the idea that Stan's weren't like this kind of all you have to be good or evil you know it's like you can have this kind of middle of I'm just a guy trying to do my you know I'm just a guy trying to do my job and yeah you've got this one character I'm part for that literally is just a chef and he uses his powers to cook really nice food
And it helps you with your health problems and everything. And I'm like, that's very wholesome. That's all you need. I'm like, that's so nice. And I mean, you've got another character as well that changes your face and things. It's like they're using their strands to make a living. I don't know. It's just the kind of personal aspect of that really endeared me. I thought, OK, so it's not just like you're walking along and there's just a muscly man walking behind you.
And other stand users are like, what the hell? Yeah, pretty much. But it's the fact that with the stands as well, when they kind of move on, as we're saying, they use their environments to the best of their ability. Like, when you... Like, especially in part four. I know I keep gushing about part four, but... Part four? No, part four is fantastic. I can't blame you. Because part four is probably the best example of it, where the main characters go a stand, which
basically when he punches things.

Creative Action Sequences

He can punch things and break it but it has the ability to repair them. There's a scene where he's trying to escape from this enemy on a motorcycle and he sees a woman and like she's pushing a pram across the road and it's the typical, oh god he's gonna hit the baby but he can't stop because if he stops or slows down then this thing that's chasing them is gonna catch up.
So what he does is he gets his stand to punch the motorcycle was on. So he goes flying and all these motorcycle parts are flying in the air and then he uses his stand to rebuild those parts and to the motorcycle again so he doesn't lose momentum. And I don't know, things like that I just felt were really cool. He, well Araki I mean knew when to kind of utilise stands and things in the action in very clever ways.
and I mean it's the same with like part two as well when this look in the sense so weird again so apologies but it's like when Joseph nearly goes off a cliff and uses like icicles to stop himself using this power like honestly it's really creative and I feel as if that is the it's what makes it stand out like from something like
Let's say Dragon Ball. And I'm not like pooping on Dragon Ball here, but it's kind of the first example I can think of where it's more than just punching people back and forth. It's like, okay, it's your turn. Thank you, chap. Okay, you punch him. Okay, now it's your turn to punch me. Oh, thank you, you know. Oh, here's a key blast. Why not? Because I think the first time I ever saw an anime that
really open my eyes to animes being able to do that was Hunter x Hunter. It's the narrator. It's just the narrator, that's all I'm gonna say guys. Yeah, I'm gonna leave that. In case anyone's like, what's the narrator? It's like, you don't want to know. Or if you do want to know, then let me know and I'll do a chat tsunami on it.
Yeah, we're not touching that with a bargeball today. But yeah, going on to the defining part of the series is the characters themselves. How would you describe the characters in this series as a whole?
like for all five parts yeah like kind of in a broad sense because i know we could like go into each individual one yeah and there's like honestly so much to talk about it's one of these series that when you look at it in the face i think i said this to you before but it's like when you look at the anime you see like you know these big like hulking muscle men you think oh this is just going to be a stupid anime where you know they punch one another and you know there's not going to be like any kind
Character development are things, but it's so surprising like how much character don't get me wrong. It's not like Shakespeare or anything like but not that I've been watching like a Shakespeare anime recently, but you know what?
yeah but honestly speaking of shakespeare they're probably the closest thing to shakespeare-ish anime would out of all five parts would probably be part one because it feels very shakespearean is that just me oh no yeah it kind of does like it gives that vibe yeah it's like the hero's journey the tragedy at the end i'm not gonna spoil it but nope um we don't talk about that yeah we don't i still i still get upset about it like how why did they why did they end up like that but yeah you're gonna have to watch on netflix if you want to know
Or Crunchyroll, depending on whether or not they've taken it off at this point. I think it's still there, but you never know with Netflix. I always get halfway through a series and it's like, oh it's fine, I'll watch it later. And then I come back to it and it's like, you're sorry, we took it off. And you're like, oh.
Okay, thank you. Or, oh no. Sorry, going back to the characters. Yeah, like how would you describe, like just in a broad sense of how the kind of characterised throughout. Okay, so if I were to look at all the JoJo characters
In all five parts, if I were to describe it with like a sentence, I would say, don't judge a book by its cover. Like, actually, like, um, you'd be surprised that, you know, a muscular man, uh, you know, develops a sort of like paladin like feel to him, you know, when it comes to fighting his, uh, his vampire brother.
and all that, you'd also be surprised that you see a slacker, a hardcore slacker, who is just a total goon, in my opinion, who fights people, and also uses his head a lot. You'd be surprised to see him get a little less lazy. You'd start seeing him develop a bit more of a caring side towards a person he considers his brother, right? And when he dies, that's when he gets serious. You'd be surprised that it would end up that way for that sort of thing.
Then you have Jotaro who's just like a complete punk, but then he becomes less punky later and all that. Not only that, but Jotaro also uses his head to fight too. He's not just a muscular dude. You know what I mean? He could probably beat someone up, let's be honest. With Josuke, for example, would that be like, oh, he's just some sort of teen pretty boy with a pompadour. All the girls love him, all the ladies love him.
But then you also see that sort of with his rough exterior, you know, he's like, he's a, he's a good dude. Like he's a very, very good dude. You know, he's willing to help people go out of his way to help people. He might have some friction with his mom, but you know, he still loves her at the end of the day that and like, he's just super determined to catch this, the main villain. Right. Yeah. And like before he didn't really.
he didn't really care to really do any of that stuff unless you know it disrupted you know his normal life or his mom but then he decided you know what i'm gonna go after this guy because he's messing up this neighborhood and that's not cool right whereas with part five um part five with jorno you know he sort of seems just like a normal sort of he has a vigilante feel is that just me
No, no, I can totally say that because that's the way they kind of characterise them at the very beginning. You see them walking through Naples and you can see all like the kind of I suppose injustice like going on, like you see people getting dealt drugs and kind of slumped over and like these dingy alleyways and things and it is. It's like he's obviously been exposed to all of that and then of course as we were saying his goal is
he wants to be the new like new boss yeah yeah the new godfather essentially actually though but like yeah like you wouldn't expect you know uh jorno to have a bit of a heart as well he does he's a good kid at the end of the day right but like he does a lot of bad shit let's let's be honest here um yeah like at the end of the day i would just describe the characters in jojo as a whole is just don't judge a book by its cover i think that's like probably the best way to put it in my opinion
No I totally agree with that because that is the thing like I remember as I was saying before like jumping from part three to four when I was like when I was kind of considering it and I saw the design for Josuke and ironically enough that is like
the characters kind of trigger when, how he talks about his hair and everything and his appearance and when people make fun of him. But I thought initially when I first saw him, I thought he was just, he just looked so silly. Like I was just

Character Depth and Growth

kind of like, like I think that's also because he was like the first non-muscular Jojo. So I was kind of like, okay we've gone from muscle, muscle, muscle, non-muscle and then whatever Giorno turns into.
like i'm not even gonna we're not gonna yeah but um yeah it's just like with part four like it's not until i started watching it where i grew like an appreciation for the characters and things it's amazing to see how different iraqi makes them because like as you said part one um jonathan is the
you know the gentleman who like saves the day and everything. Part two is the feisty rebel who you know he gets into trouble and things. Part three, now part three is quite an interesting one because I remember one of my friends saying they dropped out of part three because they didn't like the new Jojo because they said like he's your royalty's mum.
and everything and he's not a very nice person and initially i saw that like initially i did see that and i thought okay i'm not a big fan of him but then when the mum gets ill you know with the stand and flexion like you can tell like it's subtle but you can tell he's got like a heart of gold deep down he does like he's he's got jonathan's heart is what i'm gonna say because i like i i sat there and i was kind of like oh um
like I sat there thinking oh great that he's just gonna be like that like very brooding and just yeah cold throughout the whole thing but he's really not like he has got layers to him which you can say that for all the characters really as the series goes on and I feel as if like the more the series develops from part one to five the better they get at it
Except for some of the extra characters like I feel as if part four was like perfect like always just right like I feel as if yeah, it's like the perfect balance between extra characters and You know NPC NPC sorry And like the villains as well work great and that from
the serial killers to Antonio who thought he was a villain but he isn't. Such a good character though. But that's the thing though, it's like you can list so many of them off. And then the more and more it goes on it's like a lot of the characters get a lot more distinct and
I mean, part five kind of stretches it, I have to say. Part five kind of falters a little. I don't think, as I said, I don't think any of these parts are inherently bad. I feel as if, like, here's a kind of, here's a question for you, and apologies for putting you on the spot here, but would you say, like, what would you say is the worst part out of one to five? Out of one to five? Not the worst part, but, like, the least strong.
Honestly like looking looking at the series as a whole and comparing them all just like in my head I'm gonna have to say part one because the thing is Why I say that is we also have to give Araki like some slack too, right? Cuz it's his very first story, right? There's definitely gonna be a few hiccups in the plot
together as a series I would say part one is definitely the weakest but say if like these were all just individual enemies like individual stories not part of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure just its own thing part one is pretty good like I would I would rewatch it is what I'm trying to say but yeah out of all five parts probably part one mainly because you know I can't really blame Araki for that because it is it is his first story so there's definitely gonna be a few hiccups but yeah that would be my answer what about you
Yeah definitely part three I would say. I don't know like the thing is like again I think it's just because there was like a massive shift from all the hamon stuff to stand so don't get me wrong I do think that is a difficult thing for Araki to undertake like I can imagine like going from one system where he's like crafted this really carefully and then being like
Oh, by the way, we don't really have vampires now. We've just got the one. And the rest of them just have evil spirits that I'm just gonna, you know, just make up. Yeah, which, I mean, don't get me wrong, some of them are really creative and clever, but then others, you're just kind of sitting there thinking, it's just a bit wonky.
And I do see why it is. I do see why it's not going to steady-foot in some places. And honestly, seeing when we record the Stardust Crusaders one, I am really hyped to do that one with you. Me too, and I'm very excited for that. Yeah, it will just be like an ever-ran from me, and you'll just be like, yeah, so anyway.
but yeah part three is like part one i can like as you were saying like i can admire it kind of on its own like i would say kind of they're tied i would definitely say they're tied for the weakest parts because part two at least
Because that's the thing. Part two I don't think would have been as good if part one didn't exist. And I feel as if the same for part four. Part four wouldn't be as good if part three didn't exist. I only feel as if the reason I give part three the edge is not as strong as because it's so bloated. I feel as if a lot could have been cut out when the lot... That's true.
that's very true like they could have turned the fat somewhere but they didn't have to throw like a million villains at us right because I mean they had the tarot that's the funny thing we have the tarot cards and then they're like oh by the way we're also basing these powers off Egyptian gods and it's like okay yeah okay come on
Like, I guess the theme going on is like, oh, everyone like in the first house, like, yo, everyone you're going to run into, including the heroes, all of their, you know, stands are named after these tarot cards. You get through the tarot cards. What's next? Oh, well, now you're in Egypt, so Egyptian gods, pretty much. And then like the only tarot card like stand left is literally Dios, which is Zawardo, but yeah.
Yeah, what would they have done if they were in another country? They just would have been like, oh yeah. I don't know. It's like, quick guys, get a history book out. As I said, I don't want to bash it too hard, but for me personally, I feel as if there's too many moments where it's like, come on, speed it up a bit. But there's some episodes where I kind of, I didn't skip any episodes except one, but I will keep that card close to my chest.
but yeah I skipped through some of the episodes because it just kept dragging on and on and I was like but I mean that doesn't make like although I just spent the last five minutes bashing part three I don't think that that inherently makes the show itself bad. Is there anything else you would say like anything particular about the show that stands out? Is that a part of because stands? Yeah it is now.
Honestly, stand out in a good or bad way, Satsui. In a good way. For the most part, when it comes to standing out in a good way, I guess the fact that the number one thing for me is just how the story goes, how the whole Joestar bloodline gets involved, how

Unique Writing Style

Araki sort of writes that.
But the thing is, whenever he would write these individual parts, you wouldn't think it's part of the same anime. So I guess the writing style is just like super unique. And that's what made me stand out because like you go from part one where Jonathan's like, oh, OK, cool. So he's just this, you know, rich kid who's, you know, trying his best in this world. And then he has a dickhead.
you know, adoptive brother. And then part two comes out and you're like, wait, what happened to that, you know, classic gentleman? What happened to what happened to Dio? What happened to, you know, everything? Right. And then they say, oh, this is his grandson, by the way. And I'm like, wait, what? And then it somehow encapsulated me to watch it more. And I'm like, OK, I need to know who all these other Jojo's like, who who these other main characters are going to be. Like, is it going to be the grandson of this guy next season or son of that guy? You know, like all of that kind of stuff. Right.
So yeah, I guess just the story writing is what stood out to me in a good way. It's a very unique anime. It is, it is. It's not one that, I don't know, there's not many, and don't get me wrong, like I'm not an anime master or an anime expert, but I mean I've seen like a fair share of anime to say that I haven't seen anything like JoJo's Bizarre Adventures. Like I get what you mean. It's all sort of style. I get what you mean.
like I mean even with like going back to when they were saying the bit like hunter hunter which again like it has its cool moments of like how it uses its action and things but it doesn't do it in the same way as jojo like in a loose way like using the environment and such it's like good for that but beyond that it's like jojo is just like its own entity whether that's a good or bad thing
I would say it's a good thing, because it's about, you know, this is gonna sound like really super corporate, but I'm like, at the end of the day, it's about, you know, selling your anime, selling your product, right? And I think Araki did a good job with that, doing the story writing and do the characters, right? That's how I see it. One kind of one last thing, like before we close off, but I kind of remember if it was like, it was an interview or something with Araki, but apparently, so you know in shonen animes, there is like a trope
Called like the tournament arc. Oh, yeah, we're every time the stories like slowing down and they think oh god How do we pad this out and they go? Oh, oh quick. We'll put a tournament and Yeah, and it's like I mean my hero academia does it and I would be surprised if I'm attack on Titan Did it it doesn't but I would be made it would be kind of funny if they didn't be like
would that work? That would be hilarious. Does Aaron just fight himself and just wreck everyone? I feel like that's what would happen. In fact, no they do. Not for an arc but they do like an OVA. I wouldn't spoil it too much but they do like a cooking competition. Oh that sounds funny. It is actually brilliant. It's one of my favourite things that have ever come out of Attack on Titan. I was just like, I remember watching it for the first time and just laughing so much. This is the same, you know, anime about giants
eating people, isn't it? Yep, pretty much. Yeah, and destroying towns and etc etc. But yeah, apparently for Jojo, like, don't know if it was his editor or someone that recommended any of me that he put, like, a tournament arc in. How that would have worked, I don't know. Like, maybe they would have done it, in part, too. With, like, Joseph and Caesar, like, entering something, maybe. Yeah, apparently he refused to do it. Or, in the words of Rohan, like, Daga Koto Garo.
Oh, because the thing is like I was about to because you mentioned like a sort of battle arc, right? The closest thing we actually got to part two in that in a like a battle arc sense like where the Coliseum battle sense was literally when Joseph was facing Wamu in the Coliseum. Like that is the closest thing to get to a tournament arc. And I think that was really, really well like written and like put, you know what I mean? Because I'm just like, oh, you know,
Because yeah, I didn't know about that. The fact that the editors are like, hey, you need to make a tournament arc for these two. But then, you know, Araki's like, no. Because I'm like, every fucking anime does that during his time, right? So, you know, good on him for figuring out a way to sort of appease the editors.
but also sort of a piece's creativity, I guess. And I think it was perfectly executed, because it was literally just him and Lisa Lisa versus Wamu, because at this point, SUDC is dead. Wamu and Kars, right? And they did that perfectly. It's like, oh, we have a whole Coliseum set up. We have our personal guard, our personal subjects being the audience. And they're all cheering for me to win, because you're going to lose, because I'm Wamu, and I'm all powerful. But he didn't put it that way, obviously.
Oh yeah, which I found really cool. Because I can't remember what part it would have been if they put in... I'm assuming it would have been either part 2 or part 3. That seems like the most logical position it would have been implemented, but... I'd say part 3. Yeah, I do agree. Jesus, can you imagine?
Like instead of like the sale games, it was like the Dio games. Oh, you're poaching me? Just Dio just chilling there for 14 days as everyone just trained up. Oh my god. Technically he did do that, but there was no tournament. There was no tournament. He was just like, oh, you guys are here? Well, I'm going to kick your asses and probably kill a good three out of five of you, but still. Yeah. Oh, good. I don't think I would have coped. I think I would have like gone off it for good if it was just like, welcome to the Dio games.
And it's just like this big, like, I don't know, stage in the middle of each other. But they're being like- In like his mansion or something. Yeah. Just like, nope, nope, I'm done. I'm done. Yeah. But yeah, I mean, that kind of sums it up though, isn't it? It's just the uniqueness of JoJo. It is. It's the makes up. If you're looking for a shonen anime that is, I don't want to say corny, but you know, just bizarre. But yeah, for real though guys, it's super bizarre in like the best way possible.
The only thing I would warn people is, I mean there's a lot of bodyho- well not a lot of bodyho- but there's some. So if you're not really into that like just fair warning and if you're a dog fan. Yeah if you're a dog fan. I was about to say I'm like oh boy. Oh boy.
Yeah, those are the only two things. They're obviously the stereotypical weird anime tropes that they kind of slink in, but the main things are the body holder and the dogs getting O

Content Warnings and Series Bizarre Nature

.D. alert, I think is the phrase.
Yeah, they're putting it very mildly. Yeah. Like, I don't remember. So like, without kind of going into too much spoilers, but there is something terrible that happens in the very first episode to a dog. At least in that sense it was for the plot.
like I don't like it but I'm like well at least there's a reason why it happened but then there's a similar scene in part four where a guy's just walking his dog and then one of the villains just kicks the dog and you're like god I forgot about that because I only remember parts one and three with the dogs but not that one I forgot about oh my god yeah he just like he just walks up and boots the dog and it's like I don't know what's wrong with you
Like, he loves cats, but... I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he just confirmed him when I don't like dogs. And it's like, you know what? I'm not surprised. I'm actually not surprised. I mean, beyond that though. It is honestly, like, a really good anime, I would say. Which, I feel kind of weird saying that after saying, well yeah, if you don't mind body horror and dogs getting kicked in the face.
which we don't endorse other things but yeah oh yeah there's there's some like other bits which definitely will be expanded upon in like our like retrospectives yeah overall i feel as if it's a very as i said bizarre but really interesting take i think on the series and i think considering it's been running since 87 i think that's amazing that it's still going although like sorry just before we finish like i actually didn't realize that
the 8th part. So in the manga, apparently they're on part 8, but part 8 has been running for 10 years. Wait, what? 10 years? Yeah, apparently it came out in 2011. I didn't even know that. Holy crap. If anyone wants to fact check me on that, please feel free to, but I could have sworn it was 8 years. It's at least since 2014. Like, if it's not 11 then it's definitely 14.
because 2014 was, like I saw a video from 2014 where they had the Louvre exhibition and it's nothing but Joe Julian so yeah like it's been running for years like I'm really surprised like when I saw that I was just like this is this is actual ridiculous
When are we going to get part 9? He must have really loved this character, because I'm really excited to get to that, but I actually have to get myself in gear and read Stone

Future Excitement and Listener Encouragement

Ocean. Which I might know if the anime is coming out, but we'll see. I'll probably still read it.
and then I'll finally be able to get on to Steel Ball Run, which is... Honestly, when you get to Part 7, Part 7's so good. I've only read the first few chapters and I'm like, I'm already very encapsulated. I don't know why, but this is a really cool part. See, I suppose that is the other thing about JoJo, that although we're only in Part 5 going on Part 6 for the anime, there's so much more content that we're going to get in the future, because Stone Ocean, there's loads to be explored there. Then Part 7,
that's now being on a couple of years won't it? Because I mean the anime started in 2012 I think so I mean that's been about nine years you know since it started so they've already got through five parts and now they're getting to part six so yeah I suppose good on them that they're getting there slowly but that was I think that was a meme comment that read when somebody said they'll probably get to party and the party M adaptation before Araki finishes it
And it's like, yeah, probably. You know what? I would not be surprised. I would not be surprised. But yeah, if you, like, you know, you were listening to us and you think, that show sounds like my cup of tea. Like, I get the feeling that some people might be listening to us thinking, I have no idea, like, what a stand is, what a waboo is, what a hamo it is. What a car's in. What's a Dio? You know, what's a Joe Taro? Yeah.
So yeah, the best source to explain this is Netflix. Or Netflix. But this is well, of course. This is well, yeah. Why, of course, yeah. Why the hell not, you know? I just mean like when we're offline. Someone has to take up our mantle, so I'm putting the blame on Netflix.
I'm putting all the blame. So if people don't like it, blame Netflix. Not us. We're Iraqi. Oh, we're Iraqi. That's true. But yeah, go check it out. Check it out when you can. So yeah, Blowfish, thank you so much again for coming on Chatsanami. Honestly, it's always a pleasure.
of course dude thank you for having me man like i'm glad to be back on here again because as you can see i'm i'm even sort of holding like my own podcast with two other wonderful people um and i you know i wanted to come back on here because i'm like you know i feel like you know the only one i could really get into you know just uh talking about jojo or like any other nerdy topics that uh we both know about would be this guy would be satsu so thank you for inviting me again you know it's always a pleasure to have you on here and especially to talk about jojo
Because I feel as if with a lot of other co-hosts, they haven't seen JoJo. Or if they have, they've pieced out probably earlier than I should have. Props to them. That's all I'm saying. Props to them. Bet they'll thank you again. Of course. So yeah, where can these lovely listeners find

Outro and Social Media Plugs

you online?
Of course. For all those who are new in chat, my name is BlowfishmanTV. Find me at slash BlowfishmanTV. If you guys like someone who can just voice over random light novel characters, currently we're playing some Phoenix Wright on Mondays. We're currently playing some Final Fantasy VII Remake on Wednesdays. Fridays, we are currently confronting my old childhood game of Resident Evil's year that I have never beat, and I'm excited to actually finally beat it for once. But yeah, the content I drop is just very variety-like.
you know, we could go from just like talking about D&D to literally singing 24-hour Cinderella from Yakuza in order to make someone's day feel better. We can, we do squats there now. And we also do commercial breaks for those who want me to make a commercial about something. And yeah, I'll see you there hopefully.
What are the other podcasts you're working on as well? Oh, right. So the next episode is coming in next Monday, 3.30 PM my time. But 8.30 PM for anyone in the chat who's British, that's your time. And then afterwards, we're going to start doing it on Sundays come May, right?
It's called the Getting Real Podcast. That's just a working title for now. The reason why we want to change it is because we searched it up on Google and there's just so many podcasts with a similar name, right? For now, it's going to be a working title, just Getting Real Podcast. It's just about shedding some light on streamers where it's like, oh, people see streamers. They're like, oh, you must make so much money.
No. Easiest way of putting it. We want to shed some light on the fact that, hey, we're still normal people at the end of the day. We deal with normal people problems, whether it's being short on money for paying bills, going through just the mental struggle of streaming, stuff like that. But at the end of the day, with this podcast, we want to convey we're still normal people at the end of the day. You don't necessarily have to put us up on a pedestal.
Even though, sure, it's great, but at the end of the day, you shouldn't be doing that, right? Oh yeah, absolutely. That's what the podcast is essentially about. That actually sounds awesome. Yeah, of course. Go check that out. What are you doing here? Go check that out. No, you guys gotta check out this guy if you want to get nerdy. The podcast does get you like, it has a bit more of like a chill but serious tone. Not like something super serious, right? But yeah, that's like the tone we're going for for this one.
No, that definitely sounds awesome. I'm going to check it out. Yeah, I'll tell you the first episode if you want to. Oh, thank you. Yeah. No, that'd be great. Yeah. And I'm not just like reading that off a script. I've been like, oh boy, I would love to make Blowfish feel better. Yeah. I would love to read.
podcast and watch more getting real podcasts yes where is the first episode yeah just like hmm yeah no but that sounds awesome no yeah feel free to send me the link that does sound great of course and yeah if you want to see more of my content you can catch me on Twitter Instagram Twitch TikTok the list gets so long for this now by the way just like scrolling through
So yeah, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and of course Twitch under the name Satsanami42. And of course, if you want to catch more Chatsanami episodes, then we do a Chatsanami episode live every Wednesday at 8pm BST. So yeah, if you want to check out more Chatsanami episodes, then you can check it out on Anchor, Spotify, and of course, all good podcast distributors. S Banks, thank you so much for the shout out there.
Thank you all so, so much for joining us tonight on this bizarre adventure. Thank you again, Blowfish, for joining us. Thank you. And as always, stay safe, stay awesome, and most importantly, stay hydrated. Bye, guys. Later, guys.