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Welcome back, Witches! In Part 3 of our Moon Cycles episode, we explore the First Quarter Moon and Waxing Gibbous Moon, phases that urge us to take action, make decisions, and refine our plans as the moon's light grows. So get in, losers—let's harness this energy to build momentum and prepare for the powerful culmination of the Full Moon!

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Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio- The Witch


  1. Byrd, Deborah. What is a Waxing Crescent Moon? (2023) Earth Sky.
  2. The Farmer’s Almanac- Moon Phase Calendar for 2024.
  3. Patterson, Rachel. Waxing Gibbous Moon Magic. (2023).
  4. Patterson, Rachel. Cooking with the Moon Phases. (2022).
  5. Swan, Sophie. A Guide to Moon Phase Meanings. (2023) Sea Witch Botanicals.
  6. Crowwing, Luna. 2024 Moon Phase Guide: An Eclectic Witch’s Approach. (2024) The Busy Pagan.
  7. Larry Sessions (2020). Quarter Moon or a Half Moon?. Earth Sky.
  8. Slow North (2024). Moon Magic: A Guide to Living in the Moment with the Moon’s Phases. Slow North.
  9. That Very Night (2024). First Quarter Moon and It’s Spiritual Meaning. That Very Night.
  10. Bob Berman. (2024). Why is it called a Quarter Moon (Not a Half Moon)?. Farmers Almanac.
  11. Hoodwitch (2024). Moon Phase Correspondences. Hoodwitch.

Introduction to Witchcraft Podcast

Do you feel drawn to learn more about witchcraft in the occult but feel lost on where to start? Then welcome to Get In, Loser! We're doing Witchcraft, a podcast all about what it means to be a witch and where to get started on your journey. Join us as we navigate through various witchy topics and share what we've learned about the craft.

Exploring the First Quarter and Waxing Gibbous Phases

So get in witches for part three of the moon cycle series, this time taking a closer look at the first quarter and waxing gibbous phases of the lunar cycle.

Homemade Face Oil and Skincare Anecdotes

So I have to tell you yeah I've been I made that face oil that you sent me and I've been using it for I don't know like a week and a half two weeks and I've had Anthony start using it and he's like obsessed with it he's like oh my god my skin feels so nice and moisturized And it's not oily. Like it feels oily, right? When you first put it on, but it soaks in and you're not oily at all. Oh my God. I am just waiting. I have the fragrance since I bought like the bottles for it and everything. Um, cause I didn't have any like glass, like Amber bottles and I, you know, I gotta, I gotta make sure everything looks aesthetically pleasing as well. Um, I love that. I, um, I'm still waiting for the jojoba oil.
o I can't get it on this fucking island, so. Yeah, I like my shows back here are fully stocked with. every almost every oil. i i I don't think I have like apricot seed oil, but I have like rosehip, coconut. I have the fractionated coconut, the olive oil, grape seed oil, jojoba, castor, because I use them and like a lot of my products anyways. So um I might actually add this oil to the store because it's so nice. yeah It's so nice.
I'm so excited up. I haven't researched like I know frankincense has a lot of benefits for like your skin and stuff, but I don't know um I'm Assuming like we cut caster with jojoba because casters thick and greasy, you know and I know that there's like benefits with frankincense, but I don't know like if it's for scent or if it's for other things in this blend. So I want to do a little research there and see if like adding different scents would work too. Yeah. yes Could you imagine a nice like lavender? Oh my God. Yes. Um, yeah. So I think that there is actual benefits to the frankincense because another creator that I know, I don't know, I follow on Instagram.
She uses, and it's somebody, i don't they're not at all associated with this video that I sent you, but they use frankincense oil in, um she makes her own lotion and she uses frankincense oil.
And there's a very specific reason why she said Anna had something to do with the skin and they can't reward

Shipping Challenges and Witch’s Feast Recipes

it. and Yeah. There's a lot of benefits for your skin with frankincense as long as you're using like skin safe or skin rated. Cause a lot of people will be like, Oh, okay. And then put like essential oil meant for your air, like diffuser. Yeah. And then they're like, why does this burn? Why am I breaking out? Because you're not making sure you have the right product.
Yes. I am so irritated that I just checked Amazon. That shit hasn't even sent yet. It was like, we'll send it. So it is but like one frustrating thing being out like in another country and having things shipped to your APO.
Like I'll forget about things. I'll order something and be like, Oh my God, I need this thing. Order it. Like this just happened. I got this like whip tallow that I've been like waiting for that I completely forgot because it's been like four months. I ordered this shit. We went back and looked cause I was like, when did we order this? Because I never, I forgot about it. And Anthony was like, um, four months ago. Yep.
I literally am waiting for I put in an order for um a like, you know, over the toilet, like organizer thing. Oh, yeah yeah, I did it on Prime Day. This bitch has still had not still has not sent and that was like a month ago, almost literally a month ago. How much did it weigh?
Um, I don't know. Because I don't know about Japan, but I know in Randstein at our post office, like the APO, we can't have anything that weighs more than 70 pounds shipped in. Oh, it definitely, I don't think it weighed 70 pounds. It's like one of those. It's like a medley one. It's not like a heavy wooden one. I don't know. I finally did get the witches feast book in the mail. So, and I was looking through it last night. Isn't it beautiful? It is so beautiful.
Yeah. i Did you see the one that's like, it's like a soup done in a pumpkin?

Pet Interruptions and Lunar Symbolism

Mm-hmm. Like when you hollow out the pumpkin. ah I told Anthony, I was like, I want to do this. That sounds amazing. All of the recipes, like there were some where I'm like, okay, maybe not that one. But there's on every page, there's something that I would try. Yeah. Yeah. and Yeah. I can't wait to try some recipes. But ah I guess, disclaimer, since you can probably hear my fucking dog losing his ever loving mind downstairs. um My dog is loud and a brat and the door is closed too. like yeah I know I locked mine out.
I'm down in my creepy basement and I locked them upstairs. So I had to get Tolkien out because he was running around in here with his little bell. I was like, get upstairs. Right? Yeah. ah so But yeah, we're talking about Amazon prime deliveries and loud animals that are just always part of the podcast.
No, we're not as he continues to bark. You're talking moon cycles again, like this is helpful. You guys are enjoying this as much as we are enjoying talking about it. If not, I'm sorry, left after this. So I guess just also look at them. No bread. exactly the moon is Amazing. We love her.
So this episode we're talking about the first quarter and the waxing gibbous and I'll go ahead and kick us off because outside of the full moon episode we did, we're trying to keep in line like an order of like the moon actual cycle. The full moon was an anomaly because it just so happened. We had a full moon. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So, you know, we're kind of going back a little bit before the full moon to talk about the first quarter and the waxing gibbous.
um To start us off with a little bit of background on the first quarter moon, when we say the first quarter we're referring to what looks like a half illuminated lunar disk or like half of a pie. There's no such thing as a half moon and when we see a quarter moon we are seeing half of the moon's day side or a quarter of the entire moon, if you think of it as like a sphere, um because it is, it's not flat. We are not a flat earth, guys, and the moon is not flat either. This is a three-dimensional world. Yes, yeah. ah The quarter moon is when the moon is a quarter way through the current orbit cycle, and this includes, and it's the same you know for the first and last quarter moons.
The first quarter moon is the halfway point between the new moon and the full moon. And a good way to think about the first quarter moon is that it is the dividing line between the waxing crescent and the waxing gibbous. It usually occurs at day seven of the moon cycle.

Rituals for First Quarter Moon

And the first quarter moon is amazing because the way the moon is facing us when there is a first quarter moon, we can actually really see the mountains and the craters on the moon in a lot of detail.
So going a little bit into the lore and symbolism of the first quarter moon, the first quarter moon symbolizes a time for action, decisions, and commitment. It takes the intentions that we set during the new moon and challenges us to reassess, make adjustments, and move forward. This is a time to take actions to overcome obstacles, make decisions, and really put those efforts into the goals we are manifesting.
Spiritually, some people see the first quarter moon as a symbol of strength. It is on its way to becoming the full moon and many people see this as a time to become stronger and better at certain tasks that need to be completed in order to succeed. Additionally, some also view this lunar phase as a time to reevaluate and to take a pause and determine if you're moving in the right direction. It's also seen as a time for growth and expansion.
when he shut up like i literally cant out love we're having a struggle with the dogs today it's like the same sound over and over again du it's like it's on a loop and it's not I don't even know if my two came through a minute ago, but I Like literally for our listeners, I just had to like mute my microphone, leave my room, go find out what they were barking at, which was nothing. Nix was just barking out the window aggressively like there was a murderer trying to break it in the house. She woke up my husband who's sleeping because he works nights, whole fiasco. And then Gizmo's like, and anyways. And I'm just going to keep on and keep on and keep on.
Okay, so back to the podcast, okay? It's also seen as the time for growth and expansion. And in a lot of different cultures, the first quarter moon was a time to plant crops, start new projects, and initiate change. In Celtic traditions, it's usually associated with the goddess Brigid, who embodies growth, health, and transformation.
and an indigenous American, some tribes saw the first quarter moon as the time to perform rites of passages and initiations, and as a time to test strength and resilience. In Chinese folklore, usually the first quarter moon is linked with the dragon,
which is a symbol of power and good fortune, and the first quarter moon is a lucky time to pursue wealth and success. And in Hindu traditions, it's associated with the god Ganesha who is involved in removing obstacles to ensure success and new ventures.

Understanding the Waxing Gibbous Moon

So using the first quarter moon in your practice, um I think this would be an amazing I mean all the cycles are amazing to use in your practice, but I just I love this um and I'll tell you why so there are many different ways that you can incorporate the first quarter moon in your practice and um just a little bit of things that you can do like the ah it's an affirmation to have for instance is to like be confident and and embody that confidence and one that I found is
was I trust myself and my decisions and have that be your affirmation during this time of the month. Physical action is also very important during this phase. So moving, getting your body going, whether that includes yoga and being mindful and working out, but it could also be meditating to gain clarity, meditating on the concrete steps you need to take and making plans to achieve them. And another thing that I will say too, like when it comes to physical action during this first quarter is to use your body to write down the steps. So putting those actions into the words that you're actually writing down. ah Making a vision board, whether that be physical or just like one on Pinterest. um Reflecting on the intentions and goals you've set during the new moon and then reviewing the progress you' you've made it you've made so far. And readjusting is needed. And then as for spell work, action-oriented spells are perfect for this time of month.
So use this time to perform spells that require um action and determination. ah Examples of this would be spells for motivation, courage, and breaking through obstacles. Also spellwork that focuses on career and business. So like casting spells to boost career opportunities and financial growth. And then lastly, spells that focus on health and wellness. So these would be spells related to physical fitness, health improvements, and starting new fitness routines.
These are all you know perfect to do during during this time of the month. And then correspondences related to the first quarter moon. For crystals, we have the clear quartz. We've talked about this crystal a lot before, but this is the crystal for amplifying your energy and thoughts, and it can help in providing clarity. Also, Carnelian um would be good to use during the first quarter moon because it enhances motivation, courage, and creativity. Tiger's Eye, which will help to promote clarity, confidence, and action in citrine to attract abundance, success, and prosperity.
Plants and herbs that are associated with the first quarter moon are ginger to boost energy and courage and vitality, cedar to promote strength, confidence, and resilience, basil to attract prosperity and success, cinnamon to enhance personal power and manifestation, and then for foods,
Anything spicy, and this is gonna reflect the moon's increasing energy. Citrus foods to symbolize vitality and energy and rejuvenation. Any seeds, but especially like sunflower seeds to represent growth and potential. Lean proteins to support physical strength and endurance. And then the scent associated with this moon cycle is the sea, which helps stimulate clear thinking. So if you live near an ocean, like that would be the perfect time Maybe you could do some meditation and yoga near the ocean to get you, or swim in the sea, whatever you wanna do, um to you know do all of the things at once. And then as far as yoga poses go, warrior poses, so warrior pose one, two, or three, um to help build strength, courage, and focus. Tree pose to enhance balance, stability, and grounding. Half moon pose to represent balance, alignment, and expansion. And sun salutations to energize the body, because again, we're working on
you know being very physical during this time of the month. And then colors associated with the first quarter moon are red, orange, yellow, and gold. All of these colors are great for prosperity, representing vitality, courage, action, success, and achievement.
um The tarot card associated with the first quarter moon is strength or the star. The theme is luck. Offerings would be feathers. The goddess's name associated with the first quarter moon is Persephone's moon. For goddess energy it's associated with any air goddesses and the pagan holiday associated with the first quarter moon is the spring equinox.
cute cute you found a lot more correspondences than i have found on any of my cycles but really i where did i get that from i got that from so linked in our show notes um I can't remember what her name is, but I think it's like Hood Witch, I think. Oh, I've used her before. I was like, okay. Yeah. She has a lot of great information on her. She really does. I was like, okay, I love this. Because I've not seen a scent or anything. That's where I got some of the more obscure correspondences was from hers. I'll have to go back and look for next week's episode. Wow.
All right, so now we are moving on to the waxing gibbous. So when we think of the waxing gibbous phase of the moon, an easy way to remember like which one this one is is to think more than half lit, but less than full. And another analogy that I found was on um the busy pagan, where they compared this phase of the moon as being the equivalent of a high school senior, nearly full and showing most of its illumination to the world, which I thought was really cute.
And that is really cute. Right? I was like, oh, that's a great analogy. This phase of the moon happens between the first quarter moon and the full moon, and it lasts somewhere between 11 and 13 days.

Magical Practices for Waxing Gibbous Moon

And just a fun fact, the word gibbous comes from the root word, or from a root word that means hop-backed, and it refers to the curved, lit area of the moon's surface. As I mentioned, this phase of the moon describes the moon when it's more than half lit, but it's not yet like fully lit, and you can often see a waxing gibbous moon in the afternoon sky shortly after moonrise during its ascension in the east opposite the sun's descension in the west. The reason this phase of the moon is easy to see during the day is because a respectably large portion of what's considered the moon's day side is facing the earth, making it bright enough to be seen in a sunlit sky.
At the start of this stage in the northern hemisphere, we see the right half of the ah moon illuminated, plus a small fraction like more extending into the left side. As the days pass, the light of the moon slowly extends farther left, covering more and more of the moon's surface until it's fully lit in the full moon phase.
In terms of its rising and setting times, a waxing gibbous moon will rise near the east between noon and sunset, will reach its highest peak in the sky in the evening, and it will set near the west between midnight and sunrise.
In terms of lore, unfortunately, like just with the waxing crescent moon that I covered, there was basically no lore specific to the waxing gibbous moon um that I could find. So everything was specific to the waxing moon in general, and that was included in the waxing crescent episode already. So if you haven't listened to part one of our moon cycle series, go back and listen to it after you finish this episode and you'll get some like waxing moon specific lore.
um In terms of how to use this cycle of the moon in your magical practice, the theme for this phase of the moon is to refine and adjust your goals as well as using it as a period of gratitude and self-reflections. Rituals for this phase in the moon cycle would be refining your goals, gratitude practice, and journaling and shadow work.
A practice specific to how those within the Wiccan community work with this cycle of the moon is by using this phase as a time to fulfill their desires. Because this is a waxing moon phase, the waxing gibbous will also be a period of growth and newness. So you should cast spells to attract, create, inspire, or produce. This is a high energy phase within the lunar cycle as the moon's momentum is working towards waxing to a peak.
This energy allows you to reflect with perspective and then feed off the waxing moon to up your energy and take action. I was reading that during this phase, the body also begins to gather its power to enter a season of fertility and production because hormone and energy levels rise during the follicular phase of the

Moon Phases and Personal Cycles

menstrual cycle. But of course, like this article was tying like the woman's like you know, our like menstrual cycle to the moon cycles, but that would require that your cycle is synced with the moon. So I was like, this is very interesting, but also this isn't going to fit everybody. But I figured I'd include it.
The waxing moon in general brings a rush of momentum and vitality. So you should channel this energy into workings for growth, attraction, prosperity, and vision realization. The waxing gibbous moon is best for refinement and fine tuning. So you should focus on adjustments, perseverance, and aligning closer to your intentions. Correspondences, um I feel like What I'm running into, and I'm going to have to look on Hood Witch now, is that the information for correspondences is not consistent, and it's all over the place. So this is what I found for colors blue, red, and orange. For plants rosemary, lemon balm, peppermint, lavender, chamomile, cleavers, coltsfoot, cramp bark, elder, elm, pansy, plantain,
poppy, primrose, rose, skullcap, tansy, violet, and EU. So lots of plants to work with. For foods and spices, um baking powder and baking soda, which I thought was an odd one, but it was there. So um cashews, chilies, cinnamon, coffee, curry, grapefruit, horseradish, lime, orange, paprika, potato, saffron, sesame, broccoli, carrots, corn, garlic, onions, sweet potatoes, peppers, colorful vegetables, meats, especially chicken and fish, grains, beans, dairy, fruits, basil, fennel, thyme, ginger, turmeric, and honey. Crystals are
Amber amethyst selenite citrine, moonstone bloodstone, orange calcite, garnet goldstone, labradorite, lapidolite, malachite, black obsidian, petrified wood, clear quartz,
rhodochrosite, which I have not heard of, so I hope that I said that one right. I don't know what that one is. I forgot to look it up too because I was going to look it up because I was like, what does this one even look like? I think that's how I Rhodonite and Tires Eye. Yoga poses are warrior two, half moon pose,
dancer's pose, garland pose, revolved triangle pose. And aromatherapy would be yeah frankincense, lemon, clary sage, cypress, and bergamot. And according to Rachel Patterson, who I discussed in our part one episode, the waxing gibbous moon is the perfect time to make adjustments, focus on stamina, commitment, refining, editing, reevaluating, determination, changes, potential potential, patience, organization, focus, clarity, goals, persistence, reviewing, and openness, but to do so with a go with the flow mindset. We're preparing to use the energy of the full moon, so this is the time to use the waxing energy to help you move things forward and to build on your plans while you also make like the final touches.
Just as with the waxing crescent, the waxing gibbous is also a great time to write down your goals and desires, and doing so under the moon while speaking your list out loud is a great way to practice this. She suggests charging your list under the moon and then placing it on your altar again as I discussed previously.
She also suggests creating a mind map of how you want your life to be and what it will take to achieve that. She says, write your goals in the center of the piece of paper and then write down any words or thoughts on the paper connected to that goal. And you're not supposed to think too hard about this here. Just kind of like let things flow and you can go back and like rearrange or like reimagine later.
um And then I also suggest checking out Rachel's link in our show notes for a frog spell for transformation. One, it doesn't use a real frog, so like don't worry about that there. And two, it's um on her own website. It seems like are her articles like on the moon phases are kind of hosted all over the place, so this one was a little bit harder to track down, but it is in our show notes to make it easier for you guys.
And lastly, some practices to align your energy with the waxing moon would be intentional body movement like walking, swimming, yoga, et cetera, creative projects and experiences that bring you joy.

Recap and Teaser for Next Episode

I love that. Yeah.
that's the That's the moon again, guys. yeah For the third time. For the third time. That's the moon. Check us out next week for the fourth installment. Fourth and final. Fourth and final.
wow mom
That's it for this episode of Get In Loser, We're Doing Witchcraft. You can find our source material for this episode linked in the show notes. If you love this episode, we would be forever thankful if you leave us a five-star review on wherever you listen to your podcasts. If you really love the show and want more Get In Loser content, check out our Supercast link provided in the show notes or search the Supercast website for Get In Loser, We're Doing Witchcraft.
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