with every, just absolutely every ah detail that I could kind of vacuum up and get into my notebooks knowing that, you know, a month down the road when I was trying to recreate these moments in, you know, sort of dramatized scenes, I was going to need dialogue, but I was going to need a lot more to to make it seem, you know, alive to the reader. Would it be one of the one of those deals, like at the end of the day, you would go and like kind of clean up your notebooks and try to spackle in the holes of what was legible versus illegible, and then you're just making sure that come time to access this stuff, you're like, oh man, I have no idea what what I wrote down here. Yes, exactly. So so as soon as i was my reporting was done, I would go home and I would never permit myself to do anything, make dinner, yeah nothing, until I had sat down with the notebooks and I reread what I had just written, for exactly for that reason, so so that I wouldn't look at it three months later and and have no idea.