Introduction to Sonic Month
Welcome to Chatsunami.
Hello, everyone. Welcome back to Chatsunami. My name's Adam, and joining me is the one, the only, the famed Red Panda himself, is Satsunami. Satsunami, welcome back. All of our life now. Oh, sorry. Sorry. Hey, everybody. How are we doing? Sorry, I'm so used to, you know.
being on the other side of the mic. Yeah, exactly. I'm so used to being on that side, but I don't think I want to be on that side now. It's full of crumbs. I know, I know. It's quite the state over here. I'm desperately searching for things and everything. But, you know, we're going to get by. We're going to make do. It's going to be professional and slick as always, even with an amateur like me in control. Anyway, welcome back everybody to our fourth episode of Sonic Month. Can you believe we're four episodes in already?
it has, no pun intended, it has sped by so fast. That's it. Where does the time go? One minute you're talking about, you know, Sonic 1, Sonic 2, and the next thing you know you're onto forces. What happened in between? I don't think anybody wants to know what happened in between. That's all a blur.
you want to know what happened in between go back to our old episodes from our first three episodes of Sonic month where we detail the storied history of this most famous of gaming franchises so now having covered all the games and the major kind of eras of Sonic we thought we'd take
a little different tact today and do something a bit different, do something, I'd say, a bit more fun, a bit more
Sonic Trivia Episode Introduction
out there. We're gonna do a trivia episode today. Regular listeners may remember our Halo trivia episode from a couple months ago, where Satsunami grilled me on the Deep and Rich lore of the Halo series, and I got
close to a pass mark, but not quite a pass mark. So we'll see if I can do any better today. I am once again going to be in the quizzes seat while Sat Sanami is going to be occupying the tall and imposing chair of the, of the quizzer. You've put a lot of work into this. I know you've been, you've been trolling through the sonic lore. So how do you, here's, how do you think I'm going to do? Do you have a prediction for my score?
Well, I think you're actually going to do better in this one compared to the able one. No offence, but... Well, anyone was that dreadful that he couldn't... No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Let's dial it back a bit to save your dignity and your legacy. Please do, please.
Because in that last episode we of course did 7 questions, of course based on the fact that Bungie's favourite number for some reason is the number 7. So we did 7 questions, this time we've got 10. So you've got more of a chance to redeem yourself in this one I think.
If you listened to our last three episodes where we talked about the Retro Age, the Dark Age and of course the Modern Age of Sonic, you'll have heard that Adam has put a considerable amount of work into researching about these games, so I'm fairly confident that you're going to get a good mark for this one.
Well, I appreciate that. That gives me a lot of confidence moving forward. I may have put a lot of research in, but I would counter by saying that my brain is what you might charitably call a sieve. So we will see how much information I manage to retain from my researching efforts. But you know what? I'm excited for this one. I feel like I'm playing with a bit of house money here in that I don't know the Sonic series as well as I know the Halo series. So I feel the pressure's off a bit more for this one.
I feel more relaxed. I have a nice cup of tea sitting here next to me so I'm just gonna get myself into a zen state of mind and I'm just gonna go where the wind takes me and I'm gonna follow my hearts and follow the power of friendship and that will get me to the answers. I am convinced.
Do you know what I'm dreading the most about this episode? It's the fact that if you get a bad mark on this one, you're gonna return the favour tenfold in the next trivia episode when it's your turn to be the Quizmaster. I am saving up all the resentment and all the bitterness over my previous scores and yeah, you're in for a world of pain, sir. But you know what? That's not today!
You get to occupy the safe seat today still. So don't worry about that for now. No, no, no, hold on a second. Where did that talk of friendship go? Of course, of course. Friendship, friendship, yay. Double boost. High five through the mics. We'll take down Eggman. I don't know if Eggman's going to make an appearance in this quiz, but we'll take him down. Actually, he does.
Oh, he does. I suppose at first you can't have a Sonic episode and not mention our good friend Eggman, whether that be Ivo or Gerald. He is indeed the Eggman. It's what he is. He is the Eggman. He's got the master plan. Doo, doo, doo, doo. Oh, sorry. I read to find a script. Let's dial it back a bit.
But of course, yeah, I have actually curated a smorgasbord of trivia facts.
Trivia Topics and Humor
We've of course got some from the games. We've got some from the comics. We've got some from promotional material. We've got everything. So you guys know how to work at home and please feel free to play along at home. Please let us know how well you did. If you got 10 out of 10, 5 out of 10. If you got 2 out of 10, email Adam. He'll take all your questions.
We'll commiserate together. Please feel free to come in and gloat in my face when you all inevitably do much better than I will. Of course. No, I'm only kidding. Half kidding after that. Wait, wait, wait, sorry for legal reason. It wasn't very veiled in fairness. It's like I always say, it's less passive aggressive and just straight up aggressive, you know.
sometimes you don't want to be passive so then you just want to be up up front. Well exactly, I mean what would Sonic do? Very true, he's not about that passive life. And as I'm looking to the red panda lawyer in the corner who's saying yep my passive aggressiveness stands in the court of law giving him a thumbs up.
Charmy the Bee's Dark Storyline
Oh goodness, see before we start this trivia quiz and again this isn't me gatekeeping but what do you know about Sonic the Hedgehog trivia as a whole? Would you think you've got a
fairly decent knowledge after playing the game? Do you think you've scratched the surface of the iceberg?
And I think I have a fairly decent knowledge. I think I've got probably better knowledge than your average Joe on the street. But I still think I've got a lot to learn, which I'm sure I'm going to learn a lot from this episode. So you know what? I've got some knowledge, but I don't think I've got the kind of in-depth nitty gritty. I know Ken Pender's name, so maybe that's going to serve me well. I don't know. We'll find out.
I have to admit, I have been holding back so much for a lot of the last three episodes because I'm like, there's so much I want to tell you, there's so much I just want to share, and I'm like, I can't because it's going to ruin my sodic trivia quiz.
That is some amazing restraint on your part, so I doff my cap to you. Oh trust me, trust me, you will be saying why didn't you bring this up in the Sonic Great respect to us. It's an interesting series, you know, the series has been running for about nearly 31 years as of this episode and there is so much media to draw from. As I said there's the games of course, the spin-off games which came much later, the comics, you know, there's so much as a wealth of absolutely crazy
knowledge here. Like, for example, I told you about how the Archie comics had the backstory of why there's not as many humans in the Sonic world and there's more animals, and fun fact, I don't know whether this is a campaigners thing or not, I'd probably not because I can't blame him for everything, but long story short, aliens came down, sent an emissary, Eiffel Robotnik's ancestor killed them, or
Maybe it was Ivo himself, I don't know. So humanity raged war against the aliens. These aliens also fought against the Black Arms, who are the aliens from Shadow the Hedgehog. They bombed the planet so people would regress into turning into anthropomorphic animals, which is a furry's wet dream, but we won't go into that.
You know, it's absolutely batshit insane. It's crazy what they got away with in the comics and things like that. But yeah, I'm so excited to share this world now. Now I can take off my inhibitor rings. I can say, forgive me, Maria, I must go all out just as once. I'm excited, you know, can you tell? Super Satsu here. Yeah, exactly. Super Satsu, where it's just the tiny tuft of hair standing on end, all the flickeys going around them, you know, going, ah!
I'll be able to see the radioactive glow of you. Off you from all the way over here. I know. I'm waving. Can you see? There we go. That luminescent light in the distance. Yeah, you thought it was the northern light. Smelled sorry to disappoint you.
So for anyone who's listened to our hero trivia episode, you'll know how this goes. I will read out a statement relating to Sonic the Hedgehog and Adam has to guess pretty much if what I'm saying is true or utterly, utterly false. And there are 10 questions, as I said, so please feel free to play along.
Past Chatsunami Topics and Guest Podcast
Adam, are you ready? I think so. In other words, I don't think so, but let's do it. OK, and as you get prepared and in Zen mode again,
Yeah. Friendship, friendship. We will be right back after these friendships, I mean after these messages. Welcome to Chatsunami, a variety podcast that talks about topics from gaming and films to streaming in general interest. Previously on Chatsunami, we discussed Game of the Decade, Deadly Premonition, the romantic thriller, Burdemic and listen to us get all sappy as we discuss our top five Christmas films.
If that sounds like your cup of tea, then you can find us an anchor, Spotify, YouTube and all good podcast apps. As always, stay safe, stay awesome and most importantly, stay hydrated.
We are Beer and Chill Podcast. Podcast where we review TV shows, games, movies and whatever else takes our fancy. So what are you waiting for? If you're a cool kid like us, you're gonna listen to the Beer and Chill Podcast. You can get it anywhere from Spotify all the way to your grandmother's radio. My name is Jan. And I'm Craig Yisi. And we are Beer and Chill.
I wish we had a theme song. Oh wait, sorry, we're back. We probably should get a theme song commissioned for these episodes. I know that came down, but let's not get into it. We can put our own spin on it maybe. There we go, okay.
Yeah, can I just say, not musically inclined at all. I'm a podcaster, not a musician. So, yeah, direct all your complaints to forward slash. Please don't look up that link because it's probably real. And we don't want anyone getting forward forward slash for legal reasons. This is a joke. Adam, are you ready? Let's do it.
Sonic 06 and Trivia Highlights
Question one. And I started off with a game related one.
In Sonic 06, there are a total of 465 mandatory loading screens that amount to 1 hour in 58 minutes. Now is that true or false? Wait, throw those numbers at me again. 465 mandatory loading screens and that amounts to, in game, that amounts to 1 hour in 58 minutes of load time. Wow. Right, I know there are a lot
I didn't finish 06, I didn't come close to finishing, but I know that I encountered quite a lot of load screens in my time there. For anybody who hasn't played Sonic 06, basically a way a lot of the missions tend to get structured is, you know, go to a location or you'll speak to, you know, the mission giver, that will take you into a loading screen. You'll then get some dialogue, you know, from whoever it is, be it Tails or whoever it's the
mission giver or whatever a couple lines of dialogue you'll then enter another loading screen before you can get to the level and i think then you've got loading screens after your your level or your mission is finished so i know there's a lot of them but an hour is there an hour 58 an hour and 58 minutes worth it is a long game sonico 6 it is it is quite a meaty game and you've got three stories in there is this can i ask is this including the dlc or is this just the base game
This is just the base game. I just want to say as well this doesn't include the side missions. Oh it doesn't include it? Oh yeah of course you said it's the mandatory ones. Yeah so it's all the story ones that you have to go through to complete the full game. An hour fifty eight is a lot of time.
My initial gut reaction was to say this was true, but hour 58 is a lot of time. And now I'm thinking about, if it is an hour 58 minutes worth, would it take you longer to watch all the loading screens in Sonic 06? Or would it take you longer to watch all the cutscenes in a Metal Gear Solid game? My mind is getting very sidetracked here. I'm getting focused, gotta get focused here.
This isn't my question one, by the way. No, it's not. Right. OK, let's make it. Do you know what? My gut said true, so I'm going to say true. I know there's a lot of loading screens in this game. It's a pretty chunky game. So yes, I'm going to say this is true. You should about that. Yes.
Not really, but yes. You are right. Yes! So, a bit of a disclaimer. I'm not 100% whether this is for the PlayStation version or the Xbox version, but you might be wondering where I actually got these statistics there as a guy on
YouTube that does a very kind of cinema scenes based series called Everything Wrong With. But instead of films he does everything wrong with Sonic games and things like that and it's called, I think his name's Charlie Five and if I've, you know, if
if I completely butchered that name, I apologise in advance. He does a really good like everything wrong with them Sonic 06 in 57 and a half minutes, which is actually shorter. So what he actually did was at the very end of the video, and you can look it up, he actually compiled like a full thing of all the loading screens in the game. And yeah, they amounted to one hour and 58 minutes. That's crazy.
and 34 seconds. I'm just double-checking my sources if you want to be exact, but he compiled them all together and that's under the guise of if you complete the game perfectly, if you don't have to restart a level, if you don't have to do anything else, that's one hour and 58 minutes of your life you're never getting back. That's like the length of Sonic Forces. Probably more. Probably.
So what would you prefer? Would you prefer to play Sonic Forces for one hour and 58 minutes? Or would you prefer to sit through the loading screens for that? I know you want me to say sit through the loading screens, but I think at the very least, you know, I don't think Sonic Forces is a great game, but at least I'm doing something, say at the very least. That was question two. That was false.
I'm brimming with confidence now guys the power of friendship works just believe believe we can do it I'm ready oh you poor unfortunate soul this is where this is where we ramp up things exponentially are you ready oh let's do it question two we all know Charmy the Bee is that one annoying character in the games but did you know
that in the comics he is the centre of several dramatic storylines, including losing his friend to LSD and suffering brain damage which causes a teenage Charmy to revert back to a childlike state. What? Oh my goodness. Oh. I'm a stinker, I know. I don't even know where to begin with this one.
Right. Now, I've had very limited exposure to Charmy the Bee in the games. From that limited exposure, nothing has led me to believe that he has friends who get caught up in LSD. And also, he seems quite childlike to begin with, so unless perhaps this is the Charmy the Bee that I've encountered as the post, would you say concussion or whatever it was that led Charmy Bee to revert to this state?
So yeah, in the games there's always been childlike. Whereas in the comics there was a period when there was a teenager and then he reverted back to being childlike after his traumatic experience. Why do I all of a sudden get the sense that all these questions are going to be true?
Right, let me think. I know that the Sonic comics have had some wild and wacky stuff, but does that include drug use? Memory loss seems like the kind of thing that I could believe could happen in the comics. It feels like a kind of comic book storyline.
Maybe the effects of LSD are why Charmy can break the Knuckles Chaotix game and he's just gonna hack your way through the game with Charmy. Do you know what? I'm gonna say true to this again because this kind of feels like the wild and wacky stuff they would use in comics, you know. Maybe not to pad the comic out but maybe just to try and, you know, get some buzz pun intended going. And you know what? It feels like the kind of thing that could happen so I'm gonna say true. Oh, you should have bet that. No, but I'm gonna stick with it.
I hate to say it but it's true. Oh my goodness! Do you want to know the story behind both of these? Oh yes, definitely do! So for the LSD one, apparently it was a bit like everything else and so on. They didn't stand for what LSD does. It was like something completely different. But I don't know if it was like LSD waste chili dogs or something, because the key not to exceed them.
The chaotic's eat them and they get like a trip but apparently it's Charlie's friend called Melo the Bee that gets a fatal dose.
Yeah, and I don't know if they do the whole always dead or they kind of sugarcoat it. He's in a different hive, that hive in the sky. Now, the suffering brain damage one, this is one that actually took me by surprise. So, apparently in the comics, and I know Kempentors was involved with a lot of this, but I don't know if this was his idea for the storyline or because I don't know if it might have been the
Flynn or there was something that definitely had a hand in this but long story short, Charmaine used to be the prince of a hive until Dr Robotnik came in and destroyed it. You know how it goes. I know what that Robotnik's like. So Robotnik had these things called, I don't know if they were like
like massive metal grapes that he was trapping animals in, and he was basically roboticising them. So in that kind of era, he wasn't exactly turning small animals into badniks, he was literally turning them into robot versions of themselves. So you would have like people cutting about, you know, they would be cutting about with like robot arms and things, but they would still have the rest of their organic body and things. There was actually a character called Bunny Rabbit that
had like a metal arm but i'm getting ahead of myself here and apparently what it would do is it would when you were trapped in this it would erase your mind then it would pump you full of a poison and then it would start to roboticise you really gruesome stuff for us like the hedgehog garden or rather comic and yeah charming had a girlfriend called saffron there's a apparently a very poignant scene where he's saying like don't worry saffron i'll get us out of this but of course sonic comes in saves the day blah blah blah
Now, apparently the reason this happened was because Sega wanted Charmy to be like to match his game counterpart, so apparently in the games he was always a child, so they wanted the comics to reflect that as well. Why didn't they introduce time travel or just retcon it all together? I don't know.
So what ended up happening was, halfway through the process, Charmy gets basically lobotomised, so he goes back to a childlike state, but his girl friend makes it through okay. So she goes from loving this bee to becoming his caretaker. Oh my god.
and it gets worse because apparently I think Saffron was one of the campaign doors characters so when he split from the company they had to kill her off and I think they threw her through like a warp rig or something so she could never come back and of course because Charmy's a child now rather than the teenager he doesn't know anything about this so he's oblivious about Saffron being his you know girlfriend and things. Do you see what I mean when I say the comics are dark?
I'm starting to get a sense now. Yeah, well, those are the Archie ones. I think the latest ones, like the IDW stuff, is a lot more grounded in the keeps rather than whatever the hell they got away with in the Archie ones. But yeah, that was my fun fact of the day. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go cry in a dark room. I almost don't want to continue the quiz now. I'm so impressed. But no, I'm on a high now because I'm on a roll. Number three. Ench army the B of the special. No, I'm okay.
the rest of this quiz is Charmy related. Pretty much. We're going to do our boy Charmy just this year. Question three. In the 90s there was going to be a cartoon called Sonic Kids, spelled with a Z, where children wore Power Rangers style bracelets and transformed into their favorite Sonic characters. So there there was plans for this, allegedly plans for this. Did you say TV show? Did you?
A cartoon. Cartoons, or a cartoon. So it's almost a bit kind of Captain Planet-esque in a way. Or perhaps with Power Rangers in a way. Because at the time, in the 90s, you had Sonic Sat AM, you had Sonic Underground, which obviously didn't do well. And then you had the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. So this was supposed to be kind of like a fourth one to market more like toys and things. Because if you know how popular Power Rangers was with the bracelets.
I was tempted to say false, but that is an interesting point that you've raised, the power of merchandise. It's not to be underestimated. And if you want to hear more about our thoughts on merchandise, go listen to our jingle all the way. But sorry, go on. Do you know what? This one sounds like the most plausible out of the three questions so far, and that's making me think it's false. This seems like something that they would maybe try and capitalise on
because, as you say, it is kind of in keeping with shows that were, you know, popular at that time. But I'm going to say false for this one. I don't know. I'm just getting a sense. I'm just it doesn't seem to me to ring true to any of the kind of current Sonic stuff. And I know, you know, obviously other forms of Sonic Media have gone in different directions to the games, but this just seems too different and it seems too much of a clone of other kind of shows. So I'm going to I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this is false.
Are you sure about that? Again, no, but I'm sticking with it. Damn you, Adam. This false. I thought, I genuinely thought I was going to throw you with that one because I was like, there's no way I was going to say this is false. It sounds too plausible. I've crafted the perfect web of lies when I was just like, yeah, it was supposed to be merchandise and Sonic. And I was like, God damn it. You nearly swayed me with that nearly swayed me. I'm like, oh, that is, that's a powerful factor there.
To be fair, I'm actually surprised they didn't capitalise on something like that. Because as I said, the main Sonic cartoons of the 90s was Sonic Sat AM, which was the kind of more serious one, Adventures of Sonic, which was the PSA one, and Sonic Underground, which, oh boy, yeah, Sonic Underground. The less you know about that, the better. Where they all play instruments and try to find their mum. It's spoilers, they never find their mum because it got cancelled to God.
The real tragedy. Speaking of tragedy, you want to continue? Yeah I am. I'm riding high, gonna touch the sky, can't fall. Question four, bit of a short one. Sonic's middle name is Maurice. Oh, Sonic Maurice the hedge. Is the hedgehog his last name? I think it's more of a title. Oh fair enough. So Sonic Maurice something, the hedgehog, Esquire PhD. Now I've never heard
of Sonic having a middle name. But that doesn't mean it's not true. This could be a comics thing. This does sound like, this either sounds like, if this is true, like an extended universe, you know, edition, or else something that was in one of the old gaming manuals and, you know, perhaps was right there at the beginning and then they just decided to jettison or just, you know, they just never bothered to kind of play it up again. Maurice. Is that the name you'd, is that the middle name you'd give to a hedgehog?
If I had a hedgehog, would I give him the middle name Maurice? I don't know. You tell me. I can think of worse names too. I mean, maybe I'm just going mad now, but I'm like, Maurice kind of fits a hedgehog. Yes, I am going mad. I think I've had some of that famed LSD. That killed Melo the bee. How could you? I'm next. Oh God, Maurice.
Crazy old Maurice. Crazy old Maurice. This is honestly a coin flip for me here. I don't have a strong... I'm not getting a strong sense either way. So I'm gonna roll the dice. I'm gonna play the odds. Luck be late tonight. I'm gonna say true. And you're right again. Oh my god! So, do you wanna know Sonic's full name? I'm desperate to know now. Ogovii Maurice Hedgehog.
really? Well okay like let me be clear on this it was revealed in an Archie comic so whether or not that is the case now I don't know but yeah that was his name in the comic. I think it was like he was having a conversation with one of the characters and he goes speeds my middle name and then he whispers actually it's Maurice but don't tell anyone. Is this a Ken Bender special?
No, I think this is pre-campenders probably. I feel bad blaming everything on campaigners because he is on Twitter, so if he finds this, he's going to cancel us. Call now Mr Penders please. The pandering is upon us.
was a difficult one because I didn't get a strong feeling either way with that one. Yeah, I don't know. That was pure luck, to be honest. I'm going to be honest. That was a pure 50-50. Just guess. But there you go. Ogilvy Maurice. So where does Sonic come from? Because it's fast. Zoom, zoom, I think. I have no idea. I buy it.
I don't know whether that was a name his uncle gave him or it was because I think in the comics and the Sat-a-m show he lives with his uncle Chuck, which is just like an older Sonic with a beard. No, that's real. This isn't part of the game, Adam. True. Adam, you need to wake up.
Number 5. In the game Sonic Adventure 2, there is a scene where Eggman holds Amy hostage with a gun on the space colon they are.
According to some early drafts of the script, Amy was supposed to be shot, mirroring what happened to Medea Robotnik. Oh, this was a slightly darker age for Sonic. We're not quite into the Shadow, the Hedgehog territory yet, but we're getting there. Obviously this wasn't the first game with Shadow in it.
Oh, this one kind of rings true. The fact that then you said, mirroring Maria's thing, I'm like, that's a nice narrative. And because it's Sonic, I'm gonna presume that as much as Maria can't apparently be brought back to life, I'm pretty sure they could do something to bring Amy back to life. Unless they were gonna go full, like, you know, I dunno, full Robocop and she was just dead. That was it. I think that was probably why they changed it, because they thought, okay, maybe that's too dark.
Okay, this just has a ring of truth to it because I can totally see this era of games. Now I've not played Adventure 2 yet. I'm foolishly, I should have started playing it by now in preparation for this trivia quiz, but I know that Adventure 1 had some darker elements to it.
And obviously, 06 and Shadow have some darker themes in there as well. You know, this does seem fitting. I can see a group of writers getting together and being like, yes, this just makes narrative sense. It's perfect. We've got a mirroring of events from beginning to end. And then we can bring some commonality between Sonic and Shadow. Yeah, I'm talking myself into this, so I'm going to say true. Final answer? Final answer. I have ambiseled you. Oh, you got me.
To the best of my knowledge, that's not the case, but I should have been a writer on Sonic Adventure. That's an amazing, did you come up with that? Yeah! That's an amazing, you should have been a writer on Sonic Adventure. Thank you. Now, as far as I know, they weren't going to go that dark. There is actually a scene, surprisingly, where Eggman does hold Amy hostage with a gun.
And it's like, Jesus Christ, it's the only time where he's been that sinister next to Adventure 1 of course. But yeah, no, there's genuinely a scene in Sonic Adventure 2 where he does have a gun and everything, but to the best of my knowledge, he doesn't shoot any bloody. Was there a plan to use that from the cap Amy in the head? Not as far as I know, but I'm just kind of proud that you were saying from a narrative sense, I had the late Yagami smile like saying, I've won.
He didn't get me. You got me there. He got me a bamboozling. I talked myself so much into that one. I was like, yes, just think about it. It mirrors the beginning, look at the end. Yeah, I don't think Sega would have been confident killing two young girls in the same game. Yeah, one off screen, but the other one, nah. Maybe too much. Even though there are, to be fair though, there are a lot of, like, parallels between Amy and Maria and the game, but not that.
No, not the end fate. Well played, sir. Well played. You talked me right into that one. No, first, I talked myself into it. You just planted the seed. Yes, the seed of doubt and charm may regret. My wild imagination. And on that note, are you ready for the next one? Oh, let's do it.
6. In a promotional event for the game Shadow the Hedgehog, Yuji Naka, who was the head programmer of the original Sonic the Hedgehog, stated that the reason Shadow had a gun was because he received letters from kids asking for Sonic to
Sonic's Oddities and Fun Facts
I think this is true I think I may have heard this just you saying that now is bringing back some memories I'm sure I've read this or heard this and you know what this exactly seems like the kind of thing kids would say especially at this point you know kids have been playing played some Sonic games then you know they've graduated to play some probably the Grand Theft Auto games at this point probably things like Vice City and
I can't remember when San Andreas came out, but I think San Andreas maybe came out before. Shadow, obviously you had your more traditional shooters as well. Call of Duty was up and running at this point. I think this is true, because I think I've heard this. I think I've heard this, and I'm going to hold on to that fact. I'm sure I have heard. I don't remember it being Yuji Naka, but I'm sure I heard somebody saying that people wanted Sonic to have a gun. So I'm going to say true. And you are wrong. That's false.
Oh, it's actually... No, I'm only kidding, it's true. I was so sure there, I was like, oh... I was about to, like, dig up, I was like, I'm gonna go look for this through the internet, troll through to find it.
Well, this is how dedicated I am to this one because I actually have a quote from Yuji Naka himself. As far as I remember, I don't know if this was like a promotion for the Shadow the Hedgehog game, I think, where they had like this wrestle in the event and a guy dressed up as Shadow the Hedgehog was like the referee. That is amazing. I want to find pictures of the pictures of this. Oh yeah!
Have a look as I read out this quote, but here's the quote from Yujinaka himself. We received letters from kids, and many of them had asked for Sonic to have a gun. We felt it wasn't appropriate for Sonic to have a gun, but maybe it'd be okay with Shadow, and that's how we started on the game. From such humble beginnings. Yes, to Sonic can't carry a gun because he's a childhood icon, but maybe Shadow, who is over 50 years old for a hedgehog,
That is the dumbest, that is honestly the dumbest reason I've ever heard of Molly for a character having a gun. Well do you know what, give the kids what they want. That's the complete opposite, don't listen to the kids. It's what I say, don't listen to fans. This is what happens. Out of curiosity, did you look up that picture by chance? I did, I'm loving it. I'm like damn. Where's this like wrestling game? I know we've had the fighters. I definitely want to see Shadow like suplex big the cat.
Yeah, so I'm looking at it as well. In fact, sorry, it wasn't a wrestling. I think it was more an MMA fight, which makes it even worse.
Like at least in wrestling, you know, oh it's all kind of fake and things. Wait no, maybe it was wrestling actually. Sorry, I'm getting so many pictures of him in an MMA ring. Maybe he did both. I'm convinced it was wrestling, but if anyone else has any evidence to counter that, he was definitely in a ring. That's all I'm saying. And there was fighting going on. But whether or not that was because of wrestling, you know what, I'm moving on before I take myself into a tunnel. I would say a hole, but you know, the hole's so long and...
Cavernous. It might as well be a tunnel at this point. Question 7. During the development of Sonic Boom, Sega struck a 3 game exclusivity deal with Nintendo for the Wii U. However, the developers of Sonic Boom were not told before the deal was made.
Now I think, I don't know if you meant to do this, or if this was a slip, but I think you dropped a hint about this in our previous episode. Unless you're just trying, unless you're playing like three-dimensional chess here, and just shut up. Please, four. I'm sorry, four-dimensional. Four-dimensional, please.
Let's see how smart I am. I can't even play 3D chess. Unless you're playing like four-dimensional chess here and you're just like five steps ahead of me watching me about to fall into the trap here. I think this is true as well. I'm sure you mentioned you referenced the fact that the developers of Sonic Boom were not told and had to scramble. So that's the statement you said there. So they said, Sega signed this deal with Nintendo, but the Sonic Boom developers weren't told.
yeah yeah i think this is true i'm gonna maybe fall into your trap here but i'm gonna i'm gonna go down this going down this path and i think it's true yeah no you're right it's true
I'm kicking myself because I did mention it in the episode and I was reading these things that I'd written and I was like, oh damn, I've thrown that up in the last episode. It's impressive that that's the only one so far that you've accidentally let slip. You've been very good and you've kept a very tight lid on the rest of these. Can't believe you didn't tell me anything about Charming The Bee having brain damage. You have no idea how much I've wanted to tell you. All this time, always.
Just wait till we do the campaign, they're special, but I'm like... Oh my god, I can't wait. I can't wait for the madhouse we enter them. I was gonna say, do you wanna hear, um, Knuckles' lineage?
My boy, what are they doing? Knuckles, you don't chuckle. You ready for Question 8? I'm ready. Going into a bit more obscure territory here. Question 8. There is a fan animation based on an unused character from the Sonic X anime which, as of 2022, has amassed 63 million views. Originally released in 2006 and then re-released in 2014, the animation focused on Dragon Ball fight sequences
again this is a ring of truth to it to me I don't know I know that the Sonic community is very invested and is very passionate and what you you mentioned that the guy the guy who's single-handedly you know what reworking all of Sonic 06 there is an incredibly dedicated fan base here so you're saying this is a character from the Sonic
No sorry, Sonic X. So Sonic X was the, I wanna say 2003 anime, but it was like early 2000s anime. And there was this picture that circulated at the time of this cartoon hedgehog.
that nobody really knew what they were going to be used for. They thought it might have been like an alternate Sonic form. They thought it might be, you know, like something completely different, a new character. They had no idea what it was, and someone took that idea and created this fan animation. And I just want to point out, as I said, as of 2022, it amassed 63 million views
Now think about the kind of videos that amass that kind of thing, like music videos and things like that. I mean that's a hell of a lot of use for a fan animation. It's almost like you're trying to talk me out of saying true on this one.
I don't know what game you're playing anymore. I'm sitting here playing 1D Checkers. You're playing that 3D chess. Are you running? Go on Adam, say it. You know you want to. Again, this has a ring of truth to it. This has a plausibility that again makes me want to say it's false.
I don't know if this is a risky move to pull twice. An unused character. So this character would have had to have been shown in promotional material or whatever leading up to Sonic X. But then not be in Sonic X. And then it's been resurrected by the fans. I know obviously you do tend to get material in some promotional stuff that doesn't actually end up being in the end product. And I know the Sonic fanbase is passionate.
Sixty-three million views is a lot of views, though. But, you know, you did say 2006, and then you said it was re-released. Did you say re-release 2014?
Yeah, so the video itself was re-released in 2014, and that's the video with 63 mil. So not the one in 2006. Yeah. It'll be from 2014 onwards. Well, that's eight years. You know, it's plausible. It's not like it was a year ago or even a couple of months. Eight years is time to do it. This is too plausible to me. I'm sensing a trap here. I'm going to shift over Sonic Boost formula style. I'm going to shift over to the next lane and say false.
Final answer. Final answer. You should have trusted your instinct, it's true. Right into the truck, right off the rail. So the fan animation is one that I think a lot of Sonic fans are very familiar with. It is called Naso Unleashed. So if you type that into Google, Adam, that's N-A-Z-O. I think Naso, and this was a story that Naso in Japanese, I think, meant unknown.
or something like that or any or something. So, how was the picture of, are you looking at the picture just now? I, erm, let me get an image up.
Oh wow. I'm just having a look. If you look down, there's like one where it looks like someone's glowing, like a kind of glowing white sonic. Oh yeah. For some reason, like, nobody really knew what Nassau was. I think it was supposed to be like either a super form of sonic or something like that. Nobody quite knows the origin, unless it's already been confirmed, like in which case please email me at my Again, if that's real, please don't.
but yeah it was like based off of the Dragon Ball fights because you know how Sonic is basically it's got a lot of parallels with Dragon Ball you know like with the golden hair I forgot that part of the statement I forgot that bit and they were like they're fighting against Naso and it's very Dragon Ball Z but the clever thing that the guy did and I think his name's Shakira X he basically took clips of the audio from the adventure games the way the characters speak
Like, in fact, no, sorry, I tell you why. It was actually from Sonic Adventure all the way through to Shadow and Hedgehog, I think, when he took like audio clips from each of the games and you can tell they're all like distorted and things like that, and he does a good job of like clipping things together where it's like Knuckles saying like, I can't believe that bastard.
Thanks for that. For what it was at the time, it's so well made. It's just such a nostalgia blast. Honestly, I would recommend watching it sometime, because it is just so over the top. And of course, they bring back the high-performs, which I told you about in the last episodes, where they have the kind of flashing lights, and they're both looking at the white fur, and then they fuse together, and they fight. Naso, honestly, it's just like, it's just an unadulterated fun. It's just so good.
a blast. I can't believe I talked myself out of that. I know, I'm surprised. It's when you said about £63 million. Are you sure? You're not talking me out of it. I thought, I'm done. And then you're like, then again. You know Dumbledore when it's like, very good, very good. However, I was like, oh no. Well, can I just say?
you know out of eight questions you've only got two of them wrong so you've got six out of eight that is mightily impressed i've got this i've got that many right to be honest i never in my wildest dreams i think i'd get over 50 percent do you know what the bad thing is i can't believe we've got more right in this one than you do for halo which is your franchise i know i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to officially
switch memberships now I think. I think I'm going to have to leave. I'm going to have to ride off into the sunset from the Halo community, join the Sonic one if they'll have me. You ready for the next one? Let's do it. I'm going to close down my shame. I'm going to close down Naslo and get rid of my shame. Okay, two more questions. Question 9. There was supposed to be a Big The Cat fishing game for the Dreamcast, but due to the characters' poor reception, Sega decided to instead focus on their Bass fishing series instead.
I think this is false. I think there's a modicum of of truth in here because I think and I'm going back to the episode you did with Super Shadow on Sonic 06 and I'm sure you you talked about the big the cat sequence and I'm sure that you mentioned that this was actually it was supposed to be promotional for Sega bass fishing
I don't remember either of you talking about a specifically a Big the Cat fishing game. I think Sega Bass fishing was the main fishing game coming out and that, you know, they were trying to draw a bit of interest through Sonic Adventure by these Big the Cat stages. So I think this is false and I think you're trying to cleverly disguise the truth in here, but you're trying to hide the truth behind the form of Big the Cat. So I think this is false.
Okay, first of all, how dare you say that, you know, that I would use big the cat as leverage for anything. That guy is a national god damn treasure, okay? Number two, how dare you listen and remember in great detail. That was actually comes back to haunt you again.
This was like my personal Colombo here, right? This was like me saying, I've won, you know, I've got all the pieces in place. And you're just like, oh, just one more thing. You know, I listened to your episode with Super Shadow. You know, my fiance, she listened to it too. Great episode. That was like awesome.
What a one piece of the puzzle. In fairness, I went back and listened to the episode again. First of all, because it's an amazing episode. Thank you. Number two, because in preparation for our Dark Age retrospective, I went back to listen to both your thoughts on 06. And then I just happened to hear that. Oh, yeah, because I just happened to have played the big The Cat section there. So it's just one of these confluences of, you know, right time, right place, just sticks in the brain. Coughs you in your research methods.
Big never gets trained out. He stays with you. I'm sorry for all the big The Cap fans out there. I'm sorry for using this name in vain. Are you ready for the final one? I'm ready. I'm ready to go super, super Adam here. Yep, we have one more question left and just to recap, you have seven out of nine, which I'm not gonna lie, pretty damn impressive. Same number of chaos emeralds, if I'm correct. It's almost like it's meant to be. Question ten.
How many chaos are there, please be valid. They're seven, you're right. How do you, how do you, how do you like evolving so rapidly? Like a machine. I'm learning.
You've got all this binary information coming at you. He's just like, I'm consuming all of this information. Oh, I can't believe how... Honestly, you're doing fantastically. Thank you so much. I mean, I have a horrible feeling that if we'd done this episode two weeks later, I'd have been like, Sonic the what now? There was a bee? Sonic the whole cage? What?
Okay, here we go. Number 10. The Grand Finale. Number 10. During the release of Sonic Mania slash forces, Sega hosted a promotional stunt where children had to hunt for glass replicas of the Chaos Emeralds in a Comic-Con style convention. However, the stunt had to be cut short when three of the prop emeralds went missing and two were smashed by a drunk adult.
Oh, I'd love this to be true. I don't know. I've not heard. And the fact that I've not heard makes me inclined to believe this is false. But this would be amazing. This would be a great, another classic example of video game. As we talked about in our mature content episode, video game marketing has a storied history of these kind of bizarre promotional events. God, if this was true, why
would you make them glass? It's just asking for trouble and just leave them lying around. I mean, that's all perfectly possible. I mean, the only thing that makes me think it's not possible is I'm pretty sure all of them would have gone missing from pilfering out adults, especially at a Comic Con as well. That is exactly the kind of thing people want to grab. So it's for children.
I want to say false for this one because in my research I never I don't ever remember hearing this and this feels like the kind of thing that I might have just heard referenced and maybe not maybe other people didn't know about it could well have happened I suppose this maybe could have been a Japanese event and perhaps it didn't it didn't make as much news over here and video game marketing is bizarre and people do try lots of crazy stuff
But would they get children to look for glass emeralds? I don't, I'm gonna say false on this one because I don't think, I've not, first of all, I've not heard of it, which is what I'm really banking on here. My hope is that if this was true, I would have heard about it. As much as I want this to be true, because it's another amazing video game marketing story, I haven't heard about it. Getting children to find glass things is asking for trouble, and I can only imagine the health and safety loops you'd have to go through to begin with before they start getting smashed.
So I'm going to say false. Final answer for the final question. Yep.
Final answer for the final question for Sonic Mania slash final forces. Yes. You are right, it is false. Yeah, there we go. Because I have to admit, my thinking behind this question was the thought of Sega being so incompetent that they had like this whole, you know, like a room booked out in the hotel or something. And they had all these chaos emeralds hidden, but three of them go missing because as you said, like an adult would kind of, you know, like steal them, like a pick the cat van or something.
would be like smuggling them out and when I say too much smashed by a drunk adult I was thinking like adjacent there would be like a wedding and they'd be like a drunk adult and they'd go oh what's this just a bar mitzvah happening we had to double up I mean that bar mitzvah slash um Greek wedding I'm just imagining I'm just imagining the Sega officials looking up now and all of a sudden one of the emeralds is on top of the chair you mean the chaos emeralds
Mr President, get up! Letters ensure peace and prosperity. Like Gerald Robotnik wanted. Exactly. Totally not by shoving a lizard into his space station. Plenty of peace and prosperity to blow up aliens. That's what peace and prosperity means, doesn't it? I mean, peace and prosperity is one of these nebulous terms that can mean a lot of different things, so who are we to say that it's not a giant space lizard? Peace and prosperity is indeed the friends we made along the way, isn't it?
And yeah, that's the final question. So to tally up, you got question 8 wrong, which was about the fine animation, but to be fair, you were closing that one. I can't believe I told you about that one. That's what I'm going to think about until I'm like, stupid, stupid. And you got question 5 wrong, when I told you about a man holding Amy hostage with a gun. Your bamboozled me so good on that one.
I have to admit, I was proud of that one. It should be, it was excellent work. Yeah, my thank you. But yeah, other than that, you got 8 out of 10, so congrats to you on that one. Good Lord.
I mean, nobody, I think I can speak for everybody and say nobody thought this would happen, least of all myself. But, you know, it just goes to show that if you believe you get yourself into a zen-like state and you always remember the importance of friendship, you can do anything, including getting eight out of ten in a Sonic trivia quiz. Is that your final comment? Put that on my, put that on my tombstone. Adam, he got eight out of ten in a Sonic trivia quiz.
I've got to ask, we have done, as of this episode, we have done four episodes for Sonic Man.
Reflections and Future Episodes
Technically we've done five episodes on Sonic as a whole, if you include the Sonic the Hedgehog movie. So how have you been finding the topic of Sonic the Hedgehog as a whole so far?
I've really, really enjoyed getting to know this series more, playing like different games to different ages. It's been a lot of fun. I mean, it's been frustrating at points. It's been aggravating. It stressed me out. But you know what? I've had more fun than I've had, sort of any kind of irritation or annoyance.
And it's just been so fun to dive into something that I had so little practical knowledge about, you know, and it's nice to actually kind of break through the kind of barrier that I think surrounds the Sonic series from an outside perspective. And, you know, you have all the kind of external criticism and the kind of mocking and it's nice to kind of just part that, you know, and go through it and actually just get to grips with the series and realize that, you know, how I don't think a lot of that criticism holds true.
Some of it is justified, but a lot of the general stuff and the mocking I think is very unfair. It's been really fun to delve into it. For me as well, it's been a little sad for me because I think I mentioned this to you a few weeks back.
Platformers were a genre that I never grew up with. So when I started getting properly into gaming was when I got my first console, which was the Xbox. And the original Xbox wasn't known. It had a couple of platformers, but it wasn't really what the system was known for. It was obviously known for its first-person shooters, most notably Halo.
and that's kind of what I started on and that was sort of my kind of early gaming experience was first-person shooters and that's what I grew up doing so I never really played any kind of platformers when I was young and it kind of makes me a bit sad because I feel like for a lot of people that is their first experience was with these kind of mascot platformers you know be it Sonic, be it Mario, Crash Bandicoot, whatever I don't know it makes me a little sad that I kind of didn't experience that when I was younger but you know at least I'm getting the chance now to try it out and
I would just say, I think it's just a lesson to just try different things sometimes. Even if perhaps you think it might not be your cup of tea, maybe it will end up being. But I don't think there's any real harm in trying something new. So you know what, broaden your horizons. Give it a go because you might just be surprised.
Couldn't have said it better myself to be honest. Honestly, thank you so much for putting in such dedication, time and actually buying these games. It's been worth the blood, sweat and tears because it's been a lot of fun and I've got a lot of memories. I've had so much fun discussing the series with you and researching it and hearing your thoughts and formulating my own opinions on it. And yeah, I don't know if I'm quite a full Sonic fan yet, but I'm very favorable towards the series now.
I think it's not a series that I will keep an eye on in the future. I'll be interested to see how it goes and how it develops. I wish it and its fans all the best. That's such a lovely way to end the episode. Let's just end it. So saccharine. I just love how it's like, yeah, let's end it on that and not the fact that Charm made the B overdose. But let me tell you why Amy should have been shot in the face by her body. The narrative, it makes sense, damn it.
Number one. And then it just cuts out. As I was saying before, the Red Panda's going absolutely wild in the corner there, going, no, don't post. Shut it down. Shut it down. I don't know why he says like Arnold Schwarzenegger there. He's just like, shut it down.
Oh yeah, of course! Shut it down, of course, with our T-pose and we're working. Yeah, if you want to check out us playing Destroy the Computer, go check out Satsanami42 on YouTube. Fun fact, this is indeed our very last episode of Sonic 1, so Adam, thank you so much for taking part in it. And I am only kidding. That was a false statement. Isn't it so true?
We indeed have one more episode ready to go. That of course being our, honestly I'm so excited for this episode, that of course being our Sonic Adventure retrospective. So you might have heard in the Retro Age episode and the Dark Age episode, we kind of briefly touched on Sonic Adventure but we never really went in depth, we never talked about mechanics and things. You may be wondering why? Why didn't we?
And do you want to know the answer? It's because we are going to be doing an episode dedicated to the two games and I'm so excited because they are, obviously. If you've been listening to these episodes the past, you know, month, these are some of my favourite games and I absolutely love them as a child. Adam, you have played Adventure 1 at this point. You are on your way to play Adventure 2. Is that correct in saying? That is correct in saying. Now that I've cleared the slate of the other Sonic games, I can fully devote my time to Sonic Adventure 2.
And I cannot wait to hear what you have to say about it, to be honest.
I'm very excited to play it. I'm finally going to play City Escape. As I said before, it feels like this is the culmination of my journey into Sonic. It's all been building up to this point and I'm so excited just to throw myself into the game and then to come and discuss it with you and just to hear as well, just to hear your passion for the games because I know how much they mean to you. So I'm just really excited to hear you talk about them and glad you got the chance to just say why you love them and say why they're important and it's going to be a blast.
So next week, prepare for our 4 hour special. Nah, I'm only kidding. It's only gonna be 3 hours and 3 quarters of that's gonna be about why Big the Cat is the best character in the Sonic universe. I actually completely off-topic before we finish, but did I ever tell you that? I was talking to a fellow shroomer who wasn't too savvy.
about the Sonic 8 joke series and he was asking a question about who could defeat Goku from Dragon Ball. I don't know if you've seen these questions but it's like who could defeat Goku? Like could Superman defeat Goku? Could all these different anime characters defeat him? But I threw my hat in the ring and said Big the Cat. And of course he didn't know so he was like oh I wonder what Big the Cat's power level is? I wonder who Big is? Things I'm like you know I actually wonder. Froggy. Do you want one last fact?
Oh I'm always up for some facts. So this might be some spoilers for the Metavirus comic so if you want to skip like this then fast forward about a minute ahead but long story short there's like a comic that they've recently released as of this episode where Dr Eggman releases this chemical weapon that changes people into zombie robots
It even affects Froggy and Bink. They're actually like a really poignant comic where you see them slowly turn and the last thing he does before he turns is fishes with his best friend. Oh my god. And do you want to know something even, like, better? I don't know that word though and it was tragic. Froggy is the reason that Dr Eggman gets infected.
It is amazing. Oh froggy. Oh it's so so good because Doctor Eggman essentially like throws Amy under the bus by pushing her towards the zombies to get away. But he trips up and just like the last shadow he sees is just froggy descending. Oh my god. Look all I'm seeing is Big getting infected by the metal virus was a formality. You know he could break out of that anytime he wanted. Okay now his power level is too big. But anyway enough about my fan fiction. Let's wrap up the episode.
Closing and Listener Engagement
As always guys, thank you all so, so much for listening. Adam, thank you so much for your research as it were. Thank you for putting this quiz together. It was a lot of fun and it made me feel good about myself. Exactly. As I said, I am dreading when you get to be a quiz master and I get all the hard questions thrown at me. Can't see me rubbing my hands with evil intent right now. Oh, absolutely. I can hear it, but I can't see.
I've got the ears of a red panda. As always, thank you to our lovely listeners at home. Thank you all so, so much for listening to this episode and hopefully playing along. How many did you get? Please let us know on Twitter, Instagram, you know, whatever you want to tell us, just tell us under the episode. We would be really delighted to know what you have to say about this.
Without any further ado, thank you all so, so much for joining this episode. If you want to check out more of our Chatsunami content, you can check us out on Anker, iTunes, Spotify, YouTube and really any good podcast app. So look for the Red Panda under the name Chatsunami and we will see you there. So without any further ado, stay safe, stay awesome and most importantly, Adam is this true or false? Stay hydrated? True. Stay hydrated.