Episode 403: Elizabeth Rush Moves Toward Exactitude image
E403 · The Creative Nonfiction Podcast with Brendan O'Meara
Episode 403: Elizabeth Rush Moves Toward Exactitude
Episode 403: Elizabeth Rush Moves Toward Exactitude

Elizabeth Rush is the author of The Quickening: Creation and Community at the Ends of the Earth (Milkweed).

Liz talks about writing toward exactitude, lyricing her way through sticking points, being a character in her own work, and voice.

For a couple weeks, visit combeyond.bu.edu, use the promo code NARRATIVE25 at checkout and get 25% your tuition for the two-day Power of Narrative Conference. And, no, I don’t get any dough.

Newsletter: Rage Against the Algorithm

Show notes: brendanomeara.com

Social: @creativenonfiction podcast on IG and Threads

Support: Patreon.com/cnfpod

614 Plays
4 months ago

Elizabeth Rush is the author of The Quickening: Creation and Community at the Ends of the Earth (Milkweed).

Liz talks about writing toward exactitude, lyricing her way through sticking points, being a character in her own work, and voice.

For a couple weeks, visit combeyond.bu.edu, use the promo code NARRATIVE25 at checkout and get 25% your tuition for the two-day Power of Narrative Conference. And, no, I don’t get any dough.

Newsletter: Rage Against the Algorithm

Show notes: brendanomeara.com

Social: @creativenonfiction podcast on IG and Threads

Support: Patreon.com/cnfpod
