Wandering the Wild Mess

Welcome to the podcast! If you've found your way here, I have no doubt it's meant to be! 

Join me on a journey of self-discovery as I embrace life's uncertainties in a way I never could have imagined and help you learn that life is more about what we make of it in our minds and less about our circumstances. 

I'm a Utah native who left the only home I’d ever known to move to Nashville. I left a man who wasn’t meant for me, the Mormon culture I grew up in, the mountains that I loved, and a version of me that I no longer know. Come with me to wander this wild mess, from finding my purpose and reconnecting with my passions to being single and dating again after divorce to making very questionable decisions that made for good stories, making new friends in a city where I knew not a soul, and leaving behind a fancy corporate title. 

I'll share the raw, real, and relatable moments, ones that make you feel less alone. Let’s be honest, none of us have it all figured out. This podcast is aimed at reminding you and helping you learn that it's OKAY! It’s not that serious! Let's embrace life's mess together. 

Subscribe now for stories of resilience, growth, and chaos! Like many of us, I had swept things under the rug for far too long. Now I’m finally ready to admit it: life is messy. Let’s talk about it! Find more about my journey and how I can help you learn to enjoy yours at WanderingtheWildMess.com