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Ep.90 Trust, Critique, & Flow—What Plants and 2024 Taught Me image

Ep.90 Trust, Critique, & Flow—What Plants and 2024 Taught Me

S4 E90 · ReConnect with Plant Wisdom
54 Plays1 month ago

In this episode, I dive into my personal evolution throughout 2024 and how embracing trust, critique, and flow has transformed my life. The plants shared so many lessons, it is hard to summarize. Kin taught me about self-awareness, acceptance, and the importance of rest. 

You'll hear about my experiences with embracing my dominant personality, the Critic, and how the Naturally Conscious Community has grown into a thriving hub of support and growth. Stick around to the end to meet my new plant ally and discuss my personal mantra to guide me in 2025. Join me as we explore the power of trust and how it can lead to profound movement and connection.

Topics Covered about Trust
➡️ Embracing trust, critique, and flow to navigate personal and professional life.
➡️ How rest has become a sacred and productive act.
➡️ The role of Naturally Conscious Community in fostering support and growth.
➡️ Introducing my new plant business partner

Resources Mentioned

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// Opening and Closing music by Steve Sciulli and Poinsettia from The Singing Life of Plants

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Welcome to 2025

Hello, hello, hello, everyone. Welcome back to another episode of Reconnect with Plant Wisdom. It's me, Tigra Gardenia. Oh my goodness. Welcome to 2025. This is actually not the first episode in 2025, but it's the first episode I'm recording in 2025, because the first episode I actually recorded right before the end of the year.

Reflecting on 2024: Trust and Growth

And it was an awesome one. Loved at that conversation with Kiki.
um So this year I was thinking I have a whole series of episodes planned for the podcast, very, very excited to continue to build on what we have built in the last year, and especially because 2024 for me was really a year of profound growth and evolution, both professionally as well as personally. um You know, at the end of the year you do your whole what is your word type of thing. And last year I chose trust as my guiding word. It was something I wanted to build on both
internally to myself ah to to kind of recreate a relationship that i felt that i had lost pieces of um especially in certain environments and then also trust from an external perspective of being able to step back into certain types of situations especially a domino where i live where I wasn't 100% sure how I was going to manage and what the relationship would look like and what were the elements that I could trust. Not so much about trusting the people because it's dumb and hurt. I mean, I live in one of the largest spiritual communities in the world, so it's not about trusting the people in and of themselves. It's about trusting the process, um a process that is very different maybe from the way that my mind traditionally works and so therefore
I kind of, you know, there was a lot of elements that I wanted to trust. So that's why I chose that as my word. And it, in the end, unlocked ah a level of self-awareness and self-acceptance and connection that I could have never predicted when I sat down to create my word. And and we're going to talk more about that. So through the lens of of both plant wisdom, you know, everything I've worked on so much and and my relationships with plants and also my observations, deep, deep, deep observations from plants, and also looking at the dynamic relationships in ecosystems to guide the way that I relate and the way that I see
um Or experience maybe not see is not the right word more of experience to certain types of situations and this really helped me redefine how i approach challenges how i look at creativity and probably most importantly my relationship with rest because if there's something i discovered in twenty twenty four it was that rest and peace is a very big part of who I am today. Where maybe when I was younger it wasn't, but to this year this year from now on it is. And so in this reflection episode I want to share how embracing my inner critic has really revolutionized my life
um The different lessons that the plants have taught me about trust and flow and how the naturally conscious community is becoming this thriving hub of support and growth. Plus, I want to introduce to you a new plant ally that I'm working with and my personal mantra.
that I plan to use to guide me in 2025.

Episode Themes and Personal Evolution

So there's really so much to talk about. I can't wait to get into this episode with you. And so with that, let's start episode 90, trust, critique, and flow, what plants in 2024 taught me.
Welcome to Reconnect with Plant Wisdom. I'm your host, Tigria Gardenia, nature-inspired mentor, certified life coach, and the founder of the Naturally Conscious share their practical wisdom to help you consciously embody the elements of life that nourish your evolution.

Personal Journey and New Haircut

Together, we'll explore how ecosystem thinking helps you overcome limiting beliefs, understand the true nature of relationships, and live an authentic, impactful life.
All right. For those of you that are watching in the video, you might have noticed that I got a haircut, a pretty extreme haircut for me in the sense that I went back to layers. I'm not going to get into it in this episode, but if you are curious, I have been on a almost now three year journey to regain my curls. I actually had somebody yesterday who was touching my hair as I was, as we were talking and she, and I,
Made a comment about my hair and I was telling her how I just gotten a new like razzle dazzle curly hair You know haircut and she was like wait a minute. These are your natural curls and I'm like, yeah I've spent three years trying to get back my natural curls. There's nothing unnatural about this This is just straight-up curl and some really good styling techniques and a fantastic haircut. So I I have to give big, big shout outs to Oficina Riccio, which is a ah a hair curly hair specialist salon in Turin, which has been instrumental in starting this whole process in relation to the cutting part.
And I have to give another big shout out to the Curl Whisperer in Miami, where I just recently got the last haircut. And these two salons make me so happy to be in places that know how to deal with curls. Anyways, that's just an aside. If you are curious about my curly hair journey and you want to learn more about that kind of stuff, please let me know. I've never tried to make any videos or anything about it, but I'm totally willing to share because I just love curly hair and I love the fact that I'm a curly. and um and i Just want everybody else who has curly hair to be able to love their hair as much as I do. Alright, so getting back into this episode, what we're going to talk about today is really about personal evolution in 2024, the impact of community on multiple levels,
and maybe end up with some guidance for 2025.

Promoting Gaia Platform

By the end of this episode, I really want you to feel empowered to trust yourself more deeply, to see critique, especially as a tool for growth rather than a roadblock, and embrace the natural rhythms of rest and flow. These are two humongous words that have just naturally and organically developed into my vocabulary with a Ooh, wisdom of that. Anyway, there's so much I want to tell you about. My goal for you is to walk away with insights that are inspired not just by plants, but nature in general to help you navigate personal and professional life because with more ease and authenticity, because isn't that what we're looking for? But before we get into the details, I need to take a short break to share with you one of my eco-conscious business partners.
If you're on a journey of spiritual growth and personal transformation like I am, then you're going to love what I'm about to share. I want to introduce you to Gaia, a one-of-a-kind streaming platform dedicated to expanding consciousness and exploring the mysteries of our universe. Gaia offers thousands of enlightening videos from thought-provoking documentaries and deep dive interviews to yoga and meditation classes that nurture your mind body, and soul. Imagine diving into ancient wisdom with the Dalai Lama, exploring the depth of consciousness with Ram Dass, or healing with the insights of Matthias de Stefano or Joe Dispenza, all from the comfort of your home. Plus, you even find me on Gaia.
Yep, that's it. I'm one of Gaia's featured experts. Whether you're seeking to connect with your inner self, understand alternative healing methods, or simply curious about the nature of reality, Gaia has you covered. With Gaia, you'll find community of like-minded individuals who are all seeking to grow, evolve, and make a positive impact on the world. It's more than just a streaming service. It's a gateway to more conscious and connected life.
Ready to elevate your journey? Click on the link in the show notes to start your free trial today. Trust me, you won't want to miss the incredible content waiting for you on Gaia to support your evolving green brilliance.

Trust in Personal Growth and Emotions

Okay, so now let's get into this whole personal evolution. I don't know if you remember, but I did an episode where I told you about how I came to the title of Certified Life Coach, which was not an easy decision for me. And one of the titles that I had for myself other than Nature Inspired Mentor has always been there because that that focus from the plants and that wisdom that comes and sharing that has always been a part of my business since I started you know working in this world and working more closely with plants.
But the other part, ah the coachy part, um once I got my certification from the ICF, um I couldn't really decide what to use. And for a while it was personal evolution coach. And as much as I still love that title, it's a little wordier and life coach is just so much easier, especially because I do work with all aspects of life. I love that my clients feel like they could bring everything, especially because I work with you know, neurodivergent, creative, multipotentialites that all see the world in these unusual ways, which is what I love, alternative thinkers, one know I love it, love it. And I really provide that that safe space for any aspect of your life to be held. But in order to do this, I needed my own self to make sure that I could trust
um who I am, who I am becoming, what I've become, what I have accomplished, how have I integrated all these parts of myself and really trusting myself without any level of censorship. And so one of the things that I focused on when I said the word trust as the word I wanted for 2024 was about trusting my raw emotions. Just last night, I was having a really fantastic conversation with a very good friend of mine who was sharing with me a realization she's had about her life. And about two days before that, I had shared a big sort of realization or understanding that I had come to. And in this conversation, what both of us who are lifelong learners, we've been friends for a very long time, always are people who are
working on ourselves and integrating new wisdom and and knowledge and especially esoteric knowledge and so many different pieces. And what we realized is that both of us have reached a level of, how do I say this, where what is most important is to trust your feelings without trying to categorize them. In other words, the ability for those to just come out, to be expressed in a safe space, to allow yourself to be okay with ah neurotic little ideas that come and go, ah thoughts that run around in circles, starting projects and ending projects.

Integrating Personalities and Trust

In other words, rather than trying to fix things or fix yourself, 2024 especially for me was a year of
accept profound deep acceptance because, going back to the word trust, I trust fully that all of this is important for my growth. In other words, rather than trying to say something is wrong with me and I need to change things or or looking at anybody outside of myself, whether we're talking about my clients or you know the fellow initiates that I work with, instead of looking at people and myself as Oh, you do this thing. This is something that must change about you. It's more of, OK, this is this thing you do. Or more importantly, this is how you are. If I trust that that you came into this world with that for some reason, then or that you've had this experience for some reason, the question is then, what are you supposed to do with it? Where where does it fit into my life? How does it fit?
And exploration, exploring all of that and allowing even things that seemed ugly or ah scary or ah things that we would traditionally like to like get rid of and allowing myself to sit with that. That's why I said peace followed trust very, very quickly. ah Just really gave me a broad vision of myself that I had not seen before.
And in this bubbling to the surface came out, I started to do a bunch of work with personalities, as you've heard in the podcast, because it was part of um episodes, you know, recent episodes where I was talking about personalities. And I was looking at it from the perspective of an ecosystem and trying to understand, okay, if all of these personalities have a purpose, what could be their purpose? like Why are they here? what What are they here? And if I just trust into that, I don't even have to ask the question. I just have to say, okay, it's more about learning how to work with them rather than ah trying to change anything about them. And that's where I discovered my dominant personality, which is the critic.
And the critic has been my dominant personality. I mean, has it's been I've known that the critic is my dominant personality. By the way, I'm not talking about the inner critic because the inner critic is slightly different. The inner critic is more about you know ah criticizing yourself and mine is the critic, which is I criticize everybody else and everything else.
but where I had looked at it as I criticize everybody else in the past, and it was always something I wanted to change about myself. I talk about this in Befriend Your Limiting Beliefs. um When I do that webinar, I talk really deep about it. I talk about it in a few other areas about trying to understand this critic. When I started to as befriend your limiting beliefs, really get into a relationship with the critic. I found that the critic is a powerful, powerful ally that I just didn't know how to work with. I kept looking at the critic in such a negative way, in a sense of the destructive tendencies, but I never thought that destruction could be useful.
when done at the right time and in the right measure. So ah exploring this trust, falling into the deep, deep trust that if this critic kept coming out, the critic had a purpose, then all of a sudden I was able to see myself so much more clearly and start to map out my personalities, you know the critic, the deep feeler, um the playful child, ah the ambitious,
the perfectionist in some cases and start to create this harmonious ecosystem with that critic. So I would say that trust really took me into a profound relationship with my personalities and this has magnified my work in general because now I have a level of What's the right word I'm looking for? Confidence isn't is part of it for sure, but more than anything, a trust in myself in that everything will find its place. And that took me to two things that I had not yet worked with. One was flow, which turned out to be like, it's so interesting because flow started to come into my life as a word, as a concept. And then I got asked to be part of a documentary that actually I'm going to be going to the United States in February for the premiere, and it's premiering for PBS Tampa ah in February, for the premiere of this documentary. And the biggest piece of this documentary, which was a plant inspired, you know, nature inspired documentary was all about flow, flow in the web of life.

Exploring Rest and Natural Rhythms

um And so
really trusting in flow forced me to trust in rest because I am a person with ah lots and lots and lots of energy. I am a person who loves to get things done. I like to check things off my list. I like to be productive. And then again, I also consider myself on extremely all lazy.
person and most people don't know that about me or they don't think that about me, but I am in a lot of ways meant very very lazy and so in 2024 I gave myself permission to feed into that laziness to feed into that deep need for rest to believe that if my body if my mind if my energy called for rest and then I should give it to myself. And I would, I had to just find the trust that it would lead to something. And oh my goodness, it led to so much, which was interesting because I recently had a guest speaker at my plant-inspired master classes, Dr. Steven Pope, who is amazing. i'm I'm actually starting a class with him on the deep
ah meanings of the Hebrew alphabet and the Hebrew letters, which I had taken as a Kabbalist many years ago with Marikarmen Blasno, which was just one of those courses in as a Kabbalist, one of these group settings that really just blew my mind and opened me up to deeper understanding of all of these texts. And anyways, in this plant-inspired master class that he was came to, he brought up the term mysticism and how You cannot understand true wisdom of texts or of experiences or of concepts without mysticism. And mysticism is very much based on contemplation, which means slowing down and allowing yourself to contemplate and to rest and to bring yourself into deep presence and stillness.
And trusting that, especially in a society that values productivity and getting shit done um was was kind of hard at some points. And I've had this with several of my clients that I work with, that I hold that space. We have one of them that we've we've coined the term, you know when do you feel comfortable to just sit on the couch eating bonbons? Because that embodies for her the ultimate luxury And what what we what we realized in our work together, which is you know very close to what I realized in my own personal path, is that sitting on the couch eating bonbons in the case of her, of the way she does it, the same as for me maybe watching TV or sitting outside on my balcony staring at Gary the silver fur, is not about escapism. Escapism is a whole different thing. It's about stillness.
It is about allowing everything to get very quiet inside or to engross yourself in something that is beyond your mind's chatter and move into that space so that it allows other elements of yourself to come out. And having a space where you can, which is what I do for my clients, for them to expel, I use the term vomit out, but it's probably not the right term to use, expel from themselves, all the chatter, because again, multi potential lights, neuro divergent, you know, creative minds, lots of stuff going on in there, having a space, which was what they have when we, um because I give them a ah private space where they can write to me at any time or leave me voice messages at any time, expelling all of this out of yourself,
gives space for the quiet. It gives you the space to allow the feelings, the emotions, the body the subtle layers to express themselves in a way that doesn't always come through words. And the critic, my critic, is amazing at picking out phrases and words and um details that can be seen
in some cases to destroy, from the perspective of destroy conditioning, destroy ideas that are not your own, help you see the way that this element is insidiously getting in there, right? the The critic can do that, and yet my trust that I am a loving, compassionate,
deep feeler who is very playful and is curious and childlike. And therefore my destruction is not from the place of I want to pull you down or I have a hurt that I'm projecting onto you because I've worked on all of that. But that my inner critic that can destroy as well as build up is to be honest, one of the things I worked on or I learned was that my critic can be amazing at creating new things.
And so trusting in all of these pieces, all of that goes back to the trust. And here the plants helped me so much by moving through this, what's the right word I'm looking for? By showing me how I also myself am an ecosystem. How is it that I can look at myself and the environments that I play in and I work in um as an ecosystem. And this really shifted where the shifted the way that I see and I experience things wholeness by recognizing that everything has a value when it's used in the right place at the right time with the right amount.
So even destruction and decay has its place. it's And it can be extremely important to trust in that process when you know that it's coming from the right place. That that means working on your trauma. That means giving yourself space. But there is a deep, deep, deep knowledge, a deep awareness and understanding inside of yourself. And when you peel off those layers,
of all of the conditioning and all of the self-doubt and all of that trauma, and it it helps you recognize that you have the power to discern the directions that your life should take. And you also have the power to constructively, in a broad sense, use any talent that you have, even if you have to use it in a negative, shadowy, destructive way in order for an ultimate ah constructive result. And for for to get there for me, rest became a sacred and productive act. it It allowed me to step deeper into flow. It moved me out of discipline.
and showed me, and by consequence, as I apply all of this into my work, my clients, my students, and the different groups that I'm a part of, which I had never expected myself to step back into with such um With such a positive impact, I had left several of these groups in frustration, in difficulty, and in the inability for me to show the best of me. And now I can walk back into them in a completely different way while still being very true to self, while still taking ample
ample and copious amounts of rest and thinking of rest as something very productive and sacred. And and that's shifted completely the the the landscape that I work in and I live in. I'm so much more productive in the way that my body does it, which is bursts. It doesn't mean that I don't plan things. It doesn't mean that I don't have schedules. I totally do. But those schedules and that planning is all again built in a flow that allows me to move with them in a way that is true to self. It allows my authenticity to shine through. And I really see the difference. I see the difference in
The work that I do, I see the difference in the way that I interact with people. I see the difference in the impact that my um my endeavors, let's say it that way, yesterday I was super excited and scared out of my mind to ah facilitate um a session for Dom and Her in one of our big meetings. This was a very big meeting and I had to facilitate design actually and facilitate an hour-long session, ah this dynamic to take us through positive thinking. And you know I had a collaborator, I had actually a collaborator that i that helped me kind of put together the main ideas and then I passed them through multiple filters because we have multiple cultures and multiple languages. I needed to make sure everything could work across different parameters.
and then deliver it on Zoom and in person simultaneously to like almost 400 people. It was incredible, and I'm still on a high from it. But that has only been possible because of all of this work that I'm talking about. And it's what I'm seeing also from my clients. I am seeing them step deeper into this personal trust for them to have this safe space with me to explore topics so fully gives them the ability to discover their own dominant personalities and to reframe or or befriend these beliefs or um or characteristics of themselves that they thought were actually holding them back when in reality they were keeping them safe until they were ready to ah address them.
so So as you can see, trust turned into this giant thing that I don't think I could have ever imagined when I first put the word and placed it in front of me um to look at all year. I never would have understood exactly where it was going to take us. I just knew that that was my word. The other aspect that has really transformed the way that I interact um and and how I approach the world is the impact of community at a How can I say this? I've been living in community for almost 15 years now. So I live in community. um I am the founder of the naturally conscious community and I have been on social media pretty much since the days of like MySpace and Friendster and Tribe way in the early days. So community building has always been a big part of me and yet
Um, it has, it's been an evolution. Let's just say it that way. It's been an evolution. Instead in the last year, I have been in awe at the broadness of the term community. Um, I stepped back into certain roles and Dom and her.
um when i I stepped out of my role in the quote unquote federal government of Dom and Her back in 2016-17 in order to go do my master's in Florence and when I came back from my master's I chose to go in a different path so I didn't come back in. um To be honest I was kind of frustrated with some of the ways we were doing things it just didn't gel with my mind and in the last year I've been asked to come back in um because I have this deep, deep love for the broadness of our community. In other words, the international aspects, the fact that we have initiates around the world and so many languages and so many cultures and that end so many different ways of thinking and doing things for the greater mission of reawakening humanity. And so to understand that,
I have um I have to say that my work in ecosystems in understanding plants is instrumental in helping me create and build community at a completely different level. And of course, all of this translates into the naturally conscious community. I put so much of myself and my energy into the naturally conscious community because honestly, I'm kind of sick of the social media environment from the perspective of the just generic, um I want to say the word salesy, but I don't want you to get me wrong. I actually think selling is good, but selling you things you don't need or don't want and trying to tell you that they're good when they're not. um Instead of, let me present you things that are really amazing and you choose whether or not you want to partake in them.
um And so the naturally conscious community was really born from the desire for us to have a very safe space to talk about and talk with plants ah in a different way to to start to shift the paradigm to be on that cutting edge and and not be afraid of.
being kind of broken down too soon. Mind you, there are people who are very, very good on being on the cutting edge or of being kind of the mouthpieces. But when you're an introvert or when you're neurodivergent or when you see the world through an alternative lens or when you have lots of different ways that you express yourself and then you're trying to, you know, share this relationship with other kin and how it's affecting and changing your world.
Because we know that when you have a deep relationship with nature, you're naturally more altruistic. You're naturally more curious. You're naturally healthier. You have more awe. You have more wonder, which means you're much more vulnerable. You're much more delicate. You're building up a new way of being that the world outside is not necessarily ready for. And I wanted a place that was safe for us to explore through reading, through sharing experiences, through the simple walk, through everyday life. I didn't want a scientific only place. I didn't want a spiritual only place. I wanted people to be able to come
and express the way that they feel in whatever way that works, something that nurtured the experience and that provided connection. And that was a big piece. So in the Naturally Conscious community, it's not just the online, like the the postings, which is a part of it. It's not just me talking at people. We have every single week different events that happen.
different courses, workshops that are all part of our monthly calendar ah book club discussions and writing and creativity group and leadership discussions and master classes and creativity sessions because you don't create connections only by posting something. The posting in some ways is an an expansion of the of what happens when we meet.
And I love, love, love that the those that come regularly to these events are not only evolving, but they have created a network amongst themselves, where when one is sick, the others know about it and can send energy or even sometimes gifts, um where when one travels, even to a foreign country,
we look for the other in order to be able to connect where yeah we prioritize some of some of the people in the group wake up at six o'clock in the morning to participate in some of the events because it's so important to their practice. I just recently received a proposal from one of my groups that they want to take more control and they want to they want to run things and I think it's amazing that they are feeling so kind confident and comfortable and also wanting to see this evolution in the direction that helps to support their own growth and we've had guest speakers and you know and such so the naturally conscious community is that place that I have been dreaming of and it's it's last year it started to kind of gain its traction now look I'll be honest challenges remain it's
It's a bit niche-like. It's a niche. It also is off of the main social networks, which means it's not always easy for people to find or intuitive for them to stay on um because, you know, you have to come to another platform.
Also, being a part of the community takes time, to be really honest. Like, I always tell my students at Dom & Her, as you You know, the dominant path is is almost like a priestly path. It's priests and priestesses that have chosen to work for humanity in a

Community Building and Ecosystem Impact

specific way. We align and ah ally with many different other human and non-human beings that are working for the reawakening of humanity in so many other different ways. But our path is very particular. And the truth of the matter is that if you're an initiate, we're going to keep taking time. And it's constantly going to be a bigger and bigger part of your life because that's the whole point. It's about transforming your life. And in some ways, the naturally conscious community has some elements of that, probably because, you know, I founded it and i I'm kind of an all or nothing kind of person. And so we do have a lot of events going on. But they're all drop-ins. And if you have other priorities, you can go off and do them.
That that regularity is what creates the connection because connections take time. So when people tell me that online spaces are all full of of like negativity, I'm like, no, that's not true. Or that you can't create real friendships.
in an online space, no, absolutely not true. Because I would say that the members, the sprouts, as we call ourselves, inside the naturally conscious community would jump on a plane in a heartbeat if one of the other members needed something from them. And that is a community that has been completely created in that space. And it has this unique essence that is beyond or an evolution of the conventional online world. And its impact is for sure undeniable for those who fully engage. And I am just so incredibly
humbled to be the, you know, the person that sort of holds that space together. Although that's not even true anymore, because if it wasn't for especially my naturally conscious leaderships group, all of the members of the leadership group, they hold the space together today. All I do is do the little mechanics things in the background. And that was a big realization for me of 2025 that I prefer to have a small group of dedicated people than to try to um broaden the reach by making it more generic. but does Everybody is welcome, and I am sure that NCC over time is going to continue to modify and shift and change because it is based on the people and the plants that participate.
And I do say plants that participate. I mean, all of the members who are there all have plants that have become parts of our community, you know, Pilea or the Douglas firs, or these are all plants that are very close.
to humans and have experiences of their own that they bring into um ah ancestor and the Christmas cactus, which sorry, Lori, I can't remember Christmas cactus name, but I can totally visualize like all of these different beings that are changing us and are being a part of us and are helping us realize the true world we want to live in and the naturally conscious community gives us a space to explore that world with all of its. Positivities and all of its fears because there's a lot of fear around how do we do things do we do them right and when we see things happening in the outside world that maybe doesn't align with the vision that we have.
how amazing that we have this space to be able to to talk, to go through. Sometimes I'll just throw open a breakout room during one of our calls to take somebody in there to have a conversation and help that person or or for us to work out something that they're going through. And I want to continue to have that. So for me, the community impact in the Naturally Conscious Community has actually reflected out and reflected back in to my community impact in Dom and Her, because as like I said, I have taken on a bigger role and that is thanks to everything that I have experienced and learned creating community in this other way and all of the work I do with ecosystems and the understanding and the feelings and the being and all of the ecosystem understandings intellectually as well as energetically that are coming into being. I could also go off on a whole spiritual divine tangent but I'm not going to go to because if not we'll just be sitting here forever.

2025 Focus: Relationships and Community Engagement

And so all this leads me to think, okay, what's coming up in 2025? Because 2024 was a difficult year in some areas of life, and not just my life, but I think for many. And yet when I sit here and I reflect on it, I am incredibly grateful for everything that was experienced. Now for me personally, 2025 is a year as I go into this year of my life, my age, my my ah way of being is ah is a year connected to relationships and to fostering and growing and continuing to evolve relationships, which gets me super excited because that's an area specifically to rediscover the missing archetypes of relationships and working very closely with plants who hold and are the custodians of these um of these archetypes. I really want to go much, much deeper into them. In 2024, I got to learn a little bit more, see some of the theories and hypotheses. And I feel like a few of them I have experienced, but I still don't know how to put them into words. I don't know how to um share them with a greater audience. So that's a very big piece of where I know I'm going.
And the other piece that I feel like is important for me is about, and not only for me, for me, for this podcast, for the Naturally Conscious Community, for my clients, for my work in general is all about next level expansion and specifically next level expansion through engagement, through relationships. I am so ready to support a broader art audience and specifically to hold that space. I feel so
solid in my being to hold that creative neurodivergent multi-potential light space to help them shine, to help all of you shine and thrive in this transformative and transforming world that we're in. And I really feel like And that is where I'm headed. Engagement is everything for me. Relationships is everything. And since 2025 is a year of completions, a year of like bringing into being things, I anchored in some very important energies before the end of the year that I am now pulling into the apoglemental days. i really i let me Let me just say.
talking about rest. So I love to come into the new year. It's part of the tradition of my family to come into the new year with a super clean house. So I traveled back cause I was in the United States for about five weeks. I came back home before the new year with the intention of completely cleaning my house and being up and running on the first.
That didn't happen on so many levels. i What I ended up doing completely organically and again in trust, I got home on the on a Sunday. I literally came home, unpacked my bag.
I got online because I had ah one of my classes for Dom and her one of my method action groups that I co teach. I we had a call and I was the translator, um you know co teacher for, so I did that, which blew my mind because we were talking about the subtle body and all the different elements of the subtle body. And I had not heard about some of these elements in that particular way. So thank you, Raganela, for bringing and opening new things about the micro lines and such. And then I ended up going out late. When I say late, I mean midnight, because I have a friend of mine who who lives between Dom and her and Milan.
in the sense that he goes back and forth because of family emergencies that he has happening in Milan and he can't always get here until late. So he got in at midnight and I, even though I had flown all night from the night before, I went to meet him at midnight because relationships were so important to me. The next day I had met up with another friend and had a very long conversation and went out and really enjoyed my time with this person.
And then New Year's Eve with a whole other group of people. And it was like, I was exhausted and yet pumped at the exact same time. And I felt like I was completely anchoring in the energy of relationships without even thinking about it. I hadn't planned it. I had intended to just be home. And then on the first, you know what I did? The first of the year, you know, you're it's the apagomenal days. I'm supposed to like get up and run.
I did nothing. Nothing. I was home. I watched TV. I laid on my couch. I drank matcha and sat looking at the fire, and which turned out to be the element that i'm so that I'm working with this year, which again, another unexpected thing, because completion and yet fire.

Noelle: New Plant Ally

I'm still working that one out. It'll come. And I just sat in presence, stillness, and contemplation pretty much the entire day. I only got dressed because I don't have the habit of sitting in my pajamas all day and I like being dressed. Other than that, I did nothing. And it was Amazing, amazing and perfect and the exact way I wanted to spend the year because then I thought for a minute you know you creeps in and you're like oh my goodness I'm not gonna get anything done and then you're like okay well I refuse to just plan because obviously I need to be in a flow and then the next day boom everything started to move and little by little this inspiration started to come and I started to get things done.
So next level expansion through engagement is where I am heading. And I have a new plant ally, which came in about halfway through last year, but announced Kin so ki self and then promptly did nothing because as I have learned in the last probably week, and now I understand,
Noelle, the Christmas cactus, who's sitting in the corner over there, and I can't shift the camera to make it easy to see, but Noelle is too big to kind of bring up. Noelle the Christmas cactus embodies silent, profound wisdom that is inaccessible, or inaccessible, excuse me, inaccessible to the mind chatter,
and is only accessible by mystical experiences and somatic understandings. How the heck I got to that phrase is another podcast in and of itself, but the understanding when I sat down and like journaled or allowed myself to just bring up everything of 2024 into 2025,
and to call in the energy of the Pago mental days to be extremely vulnerable with myself.
All of a sudden, Noelle was like, now you know why I'm here because Noelle came in. So I haven't shared this with anybody yet. Um, but spider plant, who was my previous business partner,
started to take steps to come out of my life last year. And for me, that was really difficult because, you know, when we're talking about plants, um spider plant had, you know, started to die back and die back to a very small size when nothing, I had changed nothing about anything, nothing about spider plants environment had changed and I couldn't understand it. And then at some point I was got a very, very clear message that spider plant was passing off the reins to Noel. But Noel doesn't speak like spider plant does. So I accepted this, and it's taken me months to accept it. And spider plant is still with me, but spider plant is much more delicate and small and reduced. And so I have
you know, placed spider plant where he has told me to place um them and you know don't interact in the way that I was used to interacting as as as a business partner, as some you know someone who, um I just keep noticing that my, by the way, as I'm getting into this emotional, my neuro divergent mind who goes and says, why does my video keep unzooming? My video keeps unzooming. So you had a big chunk of me unzoomed and now I'm zoomed and who knows what the hell's happening. Anyways, the point I was trying to make was that
Spiderplant made it very, very clear to me, i ah you I worked with you through a part of your business that was to a certain level. I took you through a series of things and I stepped into roles as a healer that I needed to step into. And now my time in that role is no longer.
And so therefore, Noelle is who you're supposed to work with. And now Noelle and I have a contentious relationship because I love Noelle. And at the same time, I have no idea how to take care of Noelle. Other people have beautiful blooming Christmas cactus. ah Noelle blooms whenever the heck Noelle feels like blooming. And it's very confusing. But at the same time, I was like, okay, I'm accepting this and only only like I said in the last week in this understanding of contemplation, have I understood that how the mysticism, the somatic practices that I've been talking about, the personality and the shadow work, how all of this is going to come together and how Noel is the right plant ally.
plant partner to take me into this new realm. And where No Name Drosenia over here is more about just getting in touch with my body and helped me so much through that part of myself, where Noel is going to have somatic understandings, it's in a completely different way. And Noel's not completely silent. I mean, Noel speaks, but Noel speaks in very much a plant language that I kind of feel, but I don't yet know. um And so it's scary because I've had these, you know, my business partners have been my business partners. I've had human business partners that have also left and it's always been scary. It's a shift and you change the way you do business, the way that you experience things.
And you have completely different ways of interacting and of brainstorming and of processing and of getting work done. And so I'm a little nervous about working with Noelle, who I keep staring at.
And yet I'm actually excited. I'm excited because Noel has a very different mechanism for propagation, for example, that I know is a part of it, about how to expand. And also the way Noel grows um has already, yeah, it's already starting to open up other ah tracks for me to experience. So in closing, I i hope you understand, like,
I hope that that this makes sense because trust, critique, and flow are not just lessons for my year. They're these powerful principles we can all embrace to navigate life with greater ease and purpose. Mind you, critique.
might not be the same way for everyone because it might not be your dominant personality. Maybe your dominant personality is a controller. Maybe your dominant personality is a child. But the point being is that all of your elements, all of your parts of your personality have a purpose. And when you trust into that and you trust in your own ability to flow with them, then everything becomes easier and it becomes based on purpose rather than control so by partnering with nature and honoring every part of ourselves we can create lives that feel both expansive and deeply connected and so
i i I wish you and I'm looking forward to this journey with you over this year. I'm excited to have you here on the podcast, watching and listening, but also to have you in the naturally conscious community to participate in our events and hopefully to be an integral part of our community, helping us redefine the way we do things there. So thank you so much for joining me in this exploration and let's carry all of these lessons forward together.
you know Before I go, I do want to take a very quick moment to to think about how you can apply these same tools in your own life. Like, for example, how can you create more space for trust in your life? You know, what what happens when you reflect on the areas that you've been holding yourself back or second guessing yourself?
What would it look like if you allowed yourself to fully trust your instincts and the process more than anything, right? Even if you don't trust your instincts left, how can you get to a place where you trust the actual process? Also, what part of you has been silenced or hidden? Like my critic was, I literally spent 20 years of my life. I am not joking with you.
I can tell you stories of very particular moments where I was trying to shut down my critic, where I tried to get rid of, you know, push away. I cried. I screamed. I divorced because of my critic.
only now to learn that my critic is actually a very integral part of my personality. So what part of you have you been silencing or holding back that could be valuable ally when you move forward? Think about all these different aspects of your personality and your experience that you might've ignored or dismissed or actively worked to get rid of. How can you bring them in to focus? How can you help their light and dark sides show and help them and and allow them to help you grow and achieve what it is that you want to achieve. And more importantly than any of this, where could you slow down and embrace the flow of life more fully?
Where are the areas that you're just trying to push too hard or trying to control the outcome or trying to focus things through discipline? How might you create more space for reflection, for rest, for natural progress to emerge?
I'd absolutely love, love, love to hear your thoughts and experiences. How are you planning for the year ahead and what insights have you gained from today's episode? Your perspective is so valuable to me and I look forward to hearing how you're integrating these lessons into your life. Come, send me a message, write to me in the Naturally Conscious Community post, find me on social media. If you found this episode helpful, I want you to invite
Sorry. Noelle just said something to me and my body stopped and I do not know how to express what Noelle just expressed to me. I am going to try. How do I try? Noelle, you're not helping me. um
The general concept was I was going to invite you into the Naturally Conscious Community, which Ki agrees with, but the other piece of it is, how do I invite you to move together with

Invitation to Naturally Conscious Community

us? how how What words can I use to express this concept of evolution requires movement. Movement requires participation.
and participation is what moves things forward. I know that was a little bit circular, but mind you, plant language, okay? so Yes, come to the naturally conscious community. Yes, read our posts. But yes, also participate, be a part, allow it to move you and allow yourself even to be moved in ways that you can express and to express the fact that you don't know how to express them. So this is a space for multi-passionate, neurodivergent creatives who are looking to align
you know, your strengths with your life purpose, all while building up all of these meaningful relationships with plants and your own inner plantness. And the way you do that is by allowing yourself to be moved. Maybe that's, is that better? To be moved, allow yourself to be moved. If you're looking for a community that supports you in your personal evolution and your mission and supports you in moving, this is absolutely the place for you. And if you want to stop swimming in a sea of ideas, not knowing how to manage life and work, I'd love to work with you directly. As a coach, as I said, I specialize in helping creative multi-potentialites, AKA neurodivergent individuals, um you know,
All the terms ah to bring their many many many many many talents together to create a thriving business as well as a deeply fulfilling personal life how do you weave the threads of all these different passions that you might might have which in my world specifically both.
professional and personal all blur together. I've always said I am what I do and I do what I am. So whether you're looking to streamline your activities and your ideas and get them into some kind of connection or to get clarity on how it is that these different parts of yourself help you accomplish your purpose, I'm here for you. I want to help you integrate natural mysticism and nature connection into your work, and I'm here to help you navigate the journey. So one of my clients once shared that the best part about working with me was to be able to say anything they feel, no matter how messy or confusing it seems, and knowing that together we can figure out how it is useful, how it fits into their life and into their goals. And I truly believe that when you have someone in your corner who supports you unconditionally, you can face any challenge and completely flourish.
So if you're feeling called to consciously evolve, I'm here for you. I am here. So let's connect and see how I can support you in creating a life that reflects your authentic self.
As always, don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe. Sharing helps others discover this podcast and join our conversations. It's all about the participation. It's all about the relationships. so And I'd be really so grateful if you could help us expand this community. So thank you for being here, for being part of this journey, and for allowing me to support you along the way. I can't wait to see where this year takes us all. So that's it for this episode. Remember,
resist the urge to hold back your emerging green brilliance. Thanks for tuning into this episode of Reconnect with Plant Wisdom. To continue these conversations, join us in the Naturally Conscious Community, your premier online ecosystem for plant reawakening and accelerated evolution and co-creation with other kin. Here, you'll find expansive discussions, interactive courses, live events, and supportive group programs like the Plant Wisdom Book Club and the Sprouts Writing and Creativity Group.
Connect with like-minded individuals collaborating with plants to integrate these insights into life. Intro and Outro Music by Steve Schulie and Poinsettia from the Singing Life of Plants. That's it for me, Tigria Gardenia, and my plant collaborators. Until next time, remember, resist the urge to hold back your emerging green brilliance. I'm out. Bye!