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Back to School Swag πŸŽ’πŸšŒβœοΈπŸ““

S3 Β· Chocolate with a Side of Medicine
176 Plays1 year ago

Dr. Sunshine is preggo πŸ’™πŸ€°πŸΎπŸ’™, BeyoncΓ© vs. Taylor Swift, and back to school tips for the kiddos.


Episode Introduction

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another episode of Chocolate with a Side of Medicine. We're happy to be here with y'all. I am here with my lovely co-host. First, I got Dr. Chris. Hello, everyone. And I got Amy Jo MD. What's up, good people?

Dr. Nono's Absence & Residency Memories

And we are recording without Dr. Nono because Dr. Nono is working one of her typical night shifts, saving lives, answering her pager, stuff that gives me PTSD and things that I'm happy that I don't have to do anymore. Oh, for sure. Is it just me or did you hear your pager go off for like at least a year after residency? Yeah. OK.
I'll do you one better. Last week in my clinic, because I work with OBs, as one of our OBs and he was on call and his pager went off, I literally told him, I'm like, you are triggering me right now, sir. I need you to go somewhere. He's like, no, no, don't be triggered. It's just a baby coming. I'm like, no, I'm with you. But like, no, I just can't. I can't. That era of my life is over.
I just, I can't go back. I can't go back. I know. I was trying to remember the day I got to give my pager back. How happy was I? Dropped that thing off like here. Like a hot potato. Done. Now I get this page, especially when you're sleeping and in your life.
I was like, oh, oh, did I? Oh, when it goes off when you're on your day off. And you're like, why do they keep paging me? I'm not even on.

Evolution of Work Communication

Yeah. It's that, it's that, it's that, um, it's that input, right. As the shift changes and nobody has looked at the new like sheet and then there's the new team. So they keep paying you like, yo, I'm not on service. Please call, but that's a good number. I'd be like, I'm not on service anymore. Please dial. Right. Such as such as such as such.
That's great. Those are good pages. I feel like my pager went off all, my pager was always going off, especially, and then chief year. Oh, of course. Because you were like important. And you got to solve all the problems. When people don't show up where they're supposed to be, then they got to, they got to page you. You're the problem solver. Exactly. And then being started to page you. That was really weird where you're like, wait,
Oh, wait, who was this? You expect the cost from the resident, you know, resident to resident. When it's like, Hey, this is the attending and you're like, Oh, yeah. Hey, you a little differently. Yo. Um, yeah. So it's just like, okay.
But nowadays I've upgraded because if they need to get in touch with me now at my current job, we don't have pagers. We just have like a separate phone, but I also work for the government. So I call it a bat phone. Like I have my bat phone in case like someone needs me for like a critical lab value or something, but there's no, there's no pagers. It's just another iPhone. No, they just call me on my phone. They just call me on my phone. Oh, like on your cell phone. Like when I'm on call, cause I still get to, I still have to be on call.
I don't think the government, I think that, I think it's because they just, they don't let me have any device that's not connected to them. So they like, they're like, this is our phone that we call you on. This is your laptop. These are the things that are connected to our entity and keep them safe. And I'm like, okay, that's fine. I feel like they should, they should pay for our phones. We go through this in my company all the time because you can't do anything without your phone, right? I can't approve control medicines without my phone.
We have an app, so they page us. When I'm on call, they page us through our phones. It's so cute, though, now, right? I get a little message like, hey, there's such and such at the triage. Is it all right if I give you a call? And I'm like, aw. Oh, that's nice. They don't do that for me. They call me. Is there anything they can give you a call? They call me. They'll send you a message through our application.
And then, yeah, we have a, we have a.
So you'll get the message like, Hey, this is such as, but there's some times where they're like, Hey, can I give you a call? And I'm sure they've learned like who's nice and who's not. So, um, I can tell now just to get, just to get the generic like, Hey, you know, do you mind if I give you a call? But now I get the like, I know I'm sorry Saturday, but you know, can I call you? And I'm like, yeah. And it's always something where you're like, okay, what's the, what's the deal?
Like, what's happening? What's going on? Yeah, most of the stars were like, I'm so sorry to call you about this, but I had no choice because... Because such and such.
That is very true. Yeah. So, you know, it's cool. Dr. Sunshine. Yes, ma'am. Don't you got Beyonce coming up? I do. I see Beyonce for the second time. I see her next month. I see her in Houston. H-town. Yeah, I see her in Texas. I love me some Houston. The only thing is that every time I'm in Houston, I feel like the food is too sugary and too salty for me. But that might just be because I'm getting old. I don't know. But aside from that, I love Houston. It's a good time.
Now, we're about to be turned up. All the different aspects of my outfit are coming in. And I will go ahead and tell the audience, I am pregnant, y'all.

Dr. Sunshine's Announcement & Pop Culture Debate

Woo-hoo! No, yes, no, I am preggo. And I intend to have my belly, ah, for Beyonce. I love it. Oh, it's going to be, ah. Good. And it's going to be bedazzled. It's going to be bedazzled. I love it.
Yeah, so I'm gonna put these, I already got the little bedazzled stones that came in the mail the other day. I'm like, ooh, I get the bedazzle. And then I got a little jacket, it got a little sequins and it got a little, y'all will see, y'all will see it on social media. Well, the people who love me for real, for real, y'all go see it. But my belly gonna be out in bedazzle and it's gonna be fly.
And we're going to have a good time. I'm going with my bestie. My bestie kills. Kills. Nice. Yeah. We don't have a really, really good time. And something that's kind of annoyed me, which is Beyonce adjacent. On the internet, I don't know why, because it really is a mute point, and I don't even know why it's a thing. Have you all been following this Beyonce versus Taylor Swift thing on Twitter? Have you all heard about this? I have not. I have not.
Yo, real talk. True. So, OK, so listen, I feel like there's levels to being in the beehive, right? And then some of us have been in the beehive so long that we know that we are above certain arguments where we're just like, I don't even have the patient like when I was a younger member of the beehive. Listen, I used to be on the Internet going back and forth with people like, ah, no, don't try my queen. But now I'm seasoned. I'm seasoned. Right.
I learned to choose my battles and there are just some things that hit the internet where I'm just like, this isn't even worth my energy to even debate you about because it's literally a non-factor. So what's the issue? I don't understand. So they're on tour at the same time. So there's a lot of articles that have come out just comparing Beyonce's tour numbers to Taylor Swift's tour numbers just because they're both on tour and Drake is on tour right now too. There's a lot of comparisons between Drake, Beyonce and Taylor.
just because they're all touring this summer, right? So some guy, I do not know who he is. He's a white man. I'm not in that realm of things, but apparently he's a comedian of some sort.
And he was doing an interview with Charlamagne, who I do know, because that's more of my circles, so I know who Charlamagne is. So Charlamagne was interviewing this white guy, and he made this crazy statement. He was just like, man, I went to a Taylor Swift concert, and it changed my life. She's the best artist who ever lived. It's not Michael Jackson. It's not anybody. It's Taylor Swift.
crazy superlative statement. Charlamagne's like, pause. Are you talking about Taylor Swift? Like Taylor Swift, like, what? And then Charlamagne was like, oh, have you ever been to like a Beyonce concert or like a real performer, like Bruno or anyone like that? He's like, nah, man, Taylor Swift, she runs rings around them. She got more hits. And he made like this crazy statement. And it went like viral on the internet. And it's kind of fueling this like Swifties versus Beehive thing.
And I feel like older members of the beehive are just kind of like, we're above this. Because there's no way that you can compare Taylor Swift to Beyonce.
Beyonce's literally, Beyonce's literally, she's been an icon for so long. She is on stage performing with her child. Like Beyonce has been in the industry so long. She has been a teenager. She has grown up. She has had three children and been married and now is performing on stage with one of her children who is part of the show. Like, come find me when Taylor Swift does it for another
15 years? What are we talking about? Like, I don't, I don't understand. First of all, Beyonce is taking her daughter to see Taylor Swift. So. Right.
the difference between Beyonce and Taylor when everybody at the Beyonce concert, the next week we took their kids to see Taylor Swift, right? So... Right! You know, okay. Taylor's doing numbers, that's fine. Amy Jo, you're the worst. You're the worst. You're the worst.
You know, Beyonce's taking Blue to go see Taylor. Right. Blue probably, you know, Blue get done like, what you want to do? Can I go see Taylor? Which would be very, like a very typical of a kid, right? Like, okay, then let's do it. And so. I want to hear Shake It Off. Right. It's what they're doing. And I'm sure for that age group, for the audience that Taylor is performing for. Yeah. I know there are some adults that, you know, like her, but for the people who are like, you know,
like just fangirling over her as a such a different generation that why am I having this? So I'm really arguing.
with a 16-year-old girl named Hailey? No. No. Right. I'm not going to do that. It's not even the same demographic. It's not even the same target audience. It's not the same. It's not the same anything. I'm like, this argument is not for me. But you know the younger Beehive members, they in there like boxing. These tweets is going back and forth and uppercuts. And listen, I'm not. In the meantime, they both laughing to the bank.
Right? Because they still getting this money. Both of them. And on top of it, Taylor, OK, first of all, this is the last thing I'm going to say. This is the last thing we'll say on it. Because I am above it. But of course I have thoughts. Because like Amy Jo and Dr. Chris will tell you, I always have thoughts. Always have thoughts. Always have thoughts. So every time they try to put two artists up against each other, especially recently with Beyonce, I'm like, these are not even the same type of artist.
Like, I kind of felt like some Adele fans were doing this years ago and doing like Adele versus Beyonce. I'm like, do y'all not know that Adele is a Beyonce stan? Like, she stans Beyonce. And Adele put out this video like, no, I literally love Beyonce. If I could be her, I really wish I could be her. Like, no, but really, like, I worship her. And then that killed it.
Literally, Taylor Swift put out a video maybe a month or two ago. She's like, no, Beyonce is literally the epitome of excellence and grace. And she has created this path that we're all walking on. I'm like, yes, because she has. What are the Swifties talking about? Listen to your fave. My fave is literally your artist's favorite artist is my fave. So let's not even do it.
Anyway, I'm off my soapbox because you know how I feel. But I'm an older Beehive member and I got time for the, you know, my Twitter fingers don't move that fast no more. I just, I just, I read it and I'm like, oh, that's not a thing, but sure, scroll.
You got arthritis in the fingers. You can't. Yeah, I got. Listen, I'm an old beehive member. My thumbs got arthritis. I've been I've been I've been through so many battles with y'all. I've been through so many Black Lives Matter and and and this and that. I've been through so much on Twitter. Like, I don't got time to be tweeting y'all about Beyonce versus Taylor Swift because it's not a thing. OK, OK.
That's all. But to answer your original question, Amy Jo, yes, I'm going to see her soon in Houston. I'm going to be twerking to church girl, because, you know, that's my jam. Yes. The belly not going to stop the twerk. So we're going to have a great time. And in the meantime, Chris over here doesn't see Bruno Mars. She's seen everybody. She doesn't see everybody. Dr. Chris doesn't see everybody. Beyonce, Bruno, she's got Usher coming up. I mean, she is living her best musical life right now. Did you seduce Bruno?
I tried. I did. But I even went to the after party thinking I was going to see him. Why? I don't know. But I did. I did. But I don't know why I thought I could because I left early because, you know, I'm tired. Right. First of all, you can't hang long enough for Bruno. I feel like Bruno party hard. If you listen to Bruno's music, you know he party hard. I know. I know I couldn't.
Bruno go offer you a line. You'll be like, a line or what? Oh, no. Right. It's my bedtime. It's my bedtime. Right. But if something happened to you, you can call me. Let me know. Right. Let me know. I could try to help you if I get there in time. Cool. Oh, my God. That's all I got for you.
Before this conversation goes out. This is what happens when it's late. This is exactly what happens. I always tell myself, Bruno and Rihanna are two people where you got to be like ready to party. Rihanna to slow down a little bit because she's a kid. Listen, if I could, if I had the opportunity to, I would do my best to hang. I'm not going to lie to you. I would do my best because I absolutely love him. He is amazing.
And I think his brother is in his band. I think, but here's the thing though, you would hang for us, you know? You would hang for us, you know? Oh, that's, come on. That's.
You were hanging for Usher, though. You were hanging for Usher, though. Hell, yes, I would. Hell, yes. Usher is different. She going to take the nap before she goes to the Usher concert, just in case she needs to hang. Have you heard her thoughts on Usher? I love Usher. I love him. Listen, I asked her the most ridiculous question. And she still say, yes, I won't put it on Eric, because I don't want to be judging. But she loves Usher. I do. Listen. I do. On a whole other level. I do.
And he Haitian. It's fine. Anything. I love him. Let's like, oh, ABJ was trying to do trinity. I'm just looking. I'm just looking. I'm just.
Now she fainted herself. Now she fainted herself. I am a whole hot flash. Speaking of hot flashes, it's a good transition.

Mitch McConnell's Health Incident

So, Mitch McConnell. You know, I hate to say his name, but I got to talk about him, right? Did he have a stroke? He is like, listen, I don't know what the hell this man had, but whatever he had, he's had a couple rounds of them.
So Mr. McConnell had another freeze in the interview. Ironically enough, the freeze came as a reporter was asking the 81-year-old Kentuckian, will you be running for another term? And y'all, he went on a whole best Beyonce mute you could ever imagine. Like just, whoa! Frozen, okay?
And it's so like his handlers are coming that walking in and, and you know, she's trying to play really cool. Like, um, I don't think he heard the question. I'm like, I don't know what the hell you heard, but he is not responding, right? Like just, you know,
Like very obviously this man is not with it. So he comes, there's another guy that comes up, you know, the reporters try to move on from the question, ask him more things. He's still answering, you know, not the best. And he eventually shuffles off.
Lord, why did you put him in front of a microphone? Look, I can't even take full credit for this. I was listening to Lovey Ajayi. Ajayi, I think that's actually how you pronounce it. I don't want to get her name wrong. And I agree with her. She was like, yo, I feel like they going to make us watch this man die in real time. And I'm like, I agree.
I'm already doing this to him for real. Why are we doing this? Why are we doing this? Don't put him back on there. He froze once. That's enough. He keeps freezing. But here's what's messed up about it, y'all. He has, since this freezing, been cleared by the Congress attending. What? He is clear. So I know you want to know who it is. I had to look him up. Dr. Brian Monahan, who is a he-monk doctor,
But he is the position for Congress. How so? Yo, listen, I'm just here to report the facts. She said house way, house way, house way. Make it make sense. He has been practicing, let me see, I had it. He's been practicing for Congress, I think since the age.
Paz, how old is he? Wow. Yeah, he was born in 1960. So he bought our parents' age. Right. Well, depending on how old your parents are.
So he cleared him like two days. Wait, but how do you pause? That's sketch already. He's born in the sixties, been practicing for the Congress since the eighties. Let me make sure I get this right. Hold on. Okay. He child genius. But he specialized in her, please. Oh, years of service. 86 the president. Okay.
But you know what, I think that his years of service, they're counting that as his total years in the Navy. Because he's an admiral. So his total years in the Navy I think have been since 86. I do not know how long he has been serving. I can look it up. I'm trying to look it up. Either way, I don't care if he had been practicing one year or 20 years. I'm really surprised that he's cleared.
our Senate GOP leader, Mitch McConnell, to continue to work in spite of him having two separate freezing episodes where he really does not look, you know, well.
They're, of course, saying that an occasional lightheadedness is not uncommon in concussion recovery and can be expected as a result of dehydration. Pause. When did he have a concussion? Listen, I didn't hear anything about a concussion. And in fairness, I have been following Mitch McConnell all the way through. I bet you he fell. I bet you he fell.
Yes, but that's the whole thing. He had this freeze before, and then maybe he's had a fall, hit his head, and so now you're telling me that he's got post-concussion syndrome, maybe he's a little dehydrated so he's not as sharp as he should be. He is 81, and um...
He's still clear to be the GOP leader. Right. But then if he had a, he's supposed to be like not doing these kinds of things for a while to like, till he gets. Exactly. Brain rest. No, I'm with you. He needs to rest his brain. Cause clearly something's not right. I, I don't even, I don't know. I don't get it y'all, but I was, I was shocked to see that he was clear today. No, even when that had just happened, you know,
yesterday. Wow. Yeah. But they probably need to do like, I would do like imaging on this man, like imaging for real. Like let's get, let's get some, uh, I am sure he's had, I'm sure he's had all the scans. You can't tell me that an 81 year old man from Kentucky has a brain scan and it came back pristine. I don't believe that. I don't believe that the powers that be keep the powers
that be in the beat. Be in the power. Be in the power. Right. Because take no way this Kentucky at 81 years old ain't got no nothing. I'm not saying that any skin that he has is normal.
I agree with you. I'm like, man, you know, for this to be happening acutely, like something is going on. He ain't even a high-functioning 81. He has... Not right now. He has Southern 81. He got something going on. I mean, listen, he's shuffling a little bit now. You know, he was getting old anyway, but he looks like he has aged very quickly since these two incidents have been happening. And now they've cleared him and say, you know, he'd go back to work.
I'm like, what? I put people out of work for lesser causes. There was this, I think it was this person in the Senate, this woman in the Senate, she's also much older and she missed a lot of meetings. And they were saying like, there's something wrong, but I think they've been covering up that she probably has dementia, but she's been sitting just still like in Congress, but
They're not saying anything. They're just letting her still be there, even though she's missed a bunch of meetings. That's crazy. I'm like, what? I forgot the name of that lady they were talking about. But technically, if you're cleared by the physician attending, and if the citizens keep voting for you, then you keep winning.
That's true. So I guess we just got to watch this man deteriorate, you know, one, one ESPN, I mean, one CNN clip at a time because they're just going to, you know, make us watch it. And I'm like, you know,
All right, if we must watch, we shall, but y'all could just let this man do this in the privacy of his own home, and we would have been fine with that. For sure. He can get a doctor's note and go ahead and set this one out. He should. Like, we could write it for him. Right. Listen. We'll write you the note. You should stay home.
I think you should go lay down. Take some rest. Little rest. This will be OK. Not go lay down. I think you need to. If he's a go lay down. She said lay down. Just go lay down. Just go. Go to your bed, lay down. What's some ginger ale? What's some ginger ale? Just lay down.
Man, we'll bring you some cookies and a little apple juice later on. The man is not admitted to the hospital. We're going to write him this note. You're going to give him some apple juice and crackers from that little refrigerator in the back. We're going to write him a nice excuse note. At the hospital? One of the little apple juices, he got a sip out of like a... You just got here, you're a little bit after dinner, so we're going to give you some cookies and apple juice.
We'll serve breakfast in the morning and there'll be activities, you know, mid-morning, exercise at lunchtime. We know you're from Kentucky. You want double portions? We got you on the double portion now. Just ask him. Just ask on the double portions. Nah, he on a cardiac diet. Let me stop. He's gonna be on a cardiac diet. What you talk about? That's a must.
This dude is rapidly aging before us. So, you know, I was, you know, I would, I would love to be a fly on the wall for, cause you know, there's a whole team, right? I mean, well, maybe there isn't, maybe there really is just the attending that's kind of looking at and saying, Hey, here's what I think. Um, but it just seems like somebody should say, you know what, I think you need to, I think we need to, you know, do, do some more work. Call it, call it.
But it sounds like the time it did call it. Right. Call it. No, I need to call. I am not wishing Elle on that man. No. I am just saying it's time to call it in terms of his professional career. And he needs to go ahead. But the thing is this.
Whenever it comes time for people to reach moments like this, it's always strategic with political parties. Whether it's a Supreme Court justice that it's happening to, a Senate member, because every party is concerned about who is going to take your place and how does that work out for me. Always. So I'm sure his team is strategically trying to figure out, how do we do this?
Right, but the first thing they should do is keep him away from the camera. I agree. Why we couldn't put this man? Because he's the leader. Oh, that's true. He's got to keep speaking. It isn't like he's just a regular service member. He's not. He's the leader. So they're expecting to hear something from him, which means that he's got to be in the camera.
And I suppose a dead giveaway would be if all of a sudden your Senate leader started sending a representative in every time it was time to have a conversation. That's gonna draw some
So, you know. Well, listen, well, they need to give him some better, some better direction. Like, listen, short answers, keep it brief and tell the public, and tell the public, y'all get three questions. Go boom. He'd be like, all those lights is affecting him. Now in fairness to Dr. Monahan, you know, there, there is another way to think about this cause I'm like, on one hand I'm like, yo doc, what are you thinking?
But on the other hand, thinking about what Dr. Sunshine and everything said, I'm sure that doctor is like, y'all not going to make me the pawn on the reason why we tip the scales or we imbalances going into a presidential election year. Down your own terms. Don't be trying to look at me and pull you out of this. You stay right over there and you do this job. So if you're going to step down, you're going to step down on your own.
I am not going to be the person to sway one or the other. That's also a thought process. Although as a physician serving Congress, he is politically neutral, right? His evaluation is simply a medical assessment. That's what it is on paper. But I'm sure he feels some kind of stress when you've got to make a decision on if you as a physician think that the GOP leader
can continue to lead the party. I would want that responsibility.
I would neither. I mean, it takes a lot. It's like you got to do a lot of testing, a lot of different things to really be able to determine something like that. But it's just like he's got all the tests. You know, they ran his test same day. He walked in the hospital. He got everything. He got his echo, his CT. He got his MRI. When they asked him the questions, he probably answered them just fine.
Who hadn't had a demented patient that was in there just waxing poetically? You're like, oh, you're doing so good. And then you had just something perfect. And you're like, oh. There we are. Here we are. You are not home. Nope. Nope. So. Don't let it be right after dinner. Oh, Lord.
We've done dementia before the topic. It might be one to come back and revisit, because it is interesting. I've definitely seen people that were slippery. I've had to tell them, you are so slippery, this don't make any sense, right? You taking that medicine? No, no, I ain't taking that medicine. You just told me 15 minutes ago you were taking it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I used to take it, but I don't take it anymore. And you're just like, OK. So on one hand, if you're not really trying to assess it,
You'll be thinking, are you non-compliant? Are you lying non-compliant? But you've got to stay neutral because then you realize it's just an over-correction because there's always a small part in their brain that knows, I am losing some power here. And I'm just trying to hold on.
to that last bit of decision-making I have left. And so they're making it up as they go. And I'm like, they'll say whatever you need them to say in the moment so that they don't look like they have forgotten something. I've talked to people like that and you're like, this is not worth what's happening.
Well, Dr. Chris, you going to hit us with your main

Healthy School Year Tips with Dr. Chris

topic? Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. So basically, I came up with this topic because, you know, it's back to school time, right?
Everybody stressed, kids going back to school. And you know, the thing is, I realized too, we always talk about a lot of topics that have to deal with adults, but we also see kids too. Well, most of us do. Funny thing, Dr. Sunshine is the one out of all of us that loves kids. I know, I know, I know, I know. That's impressive, isn't it? Just for the record.
I'm about to be honest with you. I mean, well, I am about to have my own. So maybe that would be some closure. But I'm actually like in maybe another year or two, I think I'm going to start doing some side work and things so that I can actually fulfill my love for the children. Yes. For the babies. For the babies, for the children. They need it. It's definitely different. I mean, especially kids of color, they bring me so much joy.
And people think that kids are kind of like little adults, but they're kind of like, not really. They're just, kids are, they're just different, right? So I came across this article on, what is it? American A, the Pediatric Association, American React Association. And then, so they came up with, they have like five ways that your kids can have a healthy school year. They had 12, but I was like, 12 is too long, so we're going to do the five.
Dr. Chris said, y'all long winded. You're going to come get these good five wheel colors. The New Yorker said, the New Yorker said, y'all talking too much. Five is a lot. Usually you got to hit me with three good points, right? That's all you need, three good points. It came with 12. I was like, so we're going to do five.
Listen, it's true though. I'm going to let you do you. I'm going to let you do you, Chris. I'm going to tell you what they said. And then we'll kind of delve into each one of them a little bit. Okay. First one, they were like prioritize the basic sleep, exercise, and nutrition. Second one is stay up to date on checkups and immunizations.
Third one was tune into your child's mental health. Talk about like racism, bullying, kindness, and a plan. The last one is a plan for mindful media use. And I think these are good five general points that could likely lead to a successful academic year for your child, right? Because at the end of the day, you want your children to be successful, right?
So first thing, the sleep. Everybody knows I definitely, that's one thing, all my patients, I'm always asking, are you sleeping? How much sleep are you getting? Cause sleep is very important, right? So one of the tips that they were saying is, especially, you know, in the summertime, you know, kids don't sleep, don't sleep at their regular bedtimes, right? They stay up late doing whatever they're doing, right? Enjoying their summer.
But then when they got to start school, they got to go back to their routine. So suggestion is to maybe start getting them back into their routine like a week or two before. So to get them prepared for the school year. Right. Yeah. Cause they'd be way off. Right. Cause they'd be up like five, six in the morning.
doing absolutely nothing and then it's time for school and they can't go to sleep and they can't wake up and it's a problem, right? So starting this routine two weeks before it'd be helpful and kids, I can't stress that enough, kids definitely thrive on routines. They need routines to be successful. Set a consistent bedtime, stick to it every night, try to be consistent.
getting enough sleep is very crucial for kids to stay healthy and be successful in school. So not enough sleep and studies have shown to be linked to lower academic achievement, increased rates of tardiness, of course, and being absent for school. So kids who have sleep deprivation, they often lead to difficult behaviors
health problems, they're irritable, problems with concentration, they can increase their risk of hypertension, obesity, depression. If they sleep enough, they tend to have a healthier immune system, they have better performance in school. Memory is much better because getting enough sleep is linked to better memory.
the mental health of like, like I discussed from before, probably wonder how much sleep do people really need, right? So it depends on the, on the age range, right? So if we're talking about preschoolers, they recommend about 10 to 13 hours a day. This is including naps that they get to sleep. Grade schoolers nine, like six to 12, nine to 12 hours, teens 13 to 18, eight to 10 hours.
your infants four to 12 months, or like 12 to 16, and your toddlers one to two years, or 11 to 14 hours of sleep, so. I don't know if I was getting eight to 10 hours as a teenager. I can honestly tell you I wasn't. You know why? I was on that goddamn phone. Yup. Oh my gosh. Talking to anybody about everything. Everything, right? Everything and nothing.
And everything and nothing, literally phone calls about nothing. It could be my best friend. It could be someone who I thought was kind of sort of my boyfriend, not really. My mom be like, get off this phone. I know. Get off this phone. Get off the phone. Why are y'all talking? Picking up the phone in her room like, are you on this phone?
Yes. Like, hello? Hello. You'd be like, hello. You was on the phone. Get out this phone. You didn't get that much talk about. Like, I believe it makes it important. There's always so much more to talk about. You can talk about stuff forever. Right.
Because every day, school's a new day. And you got to talk to your best friend about what happened. You got to debrief. You got to have a debrief with your bestie. Absolutely. Girl, you saw what happened to her today in the cafeteria. Girl, you missed it. Let me tell you about it. Right. We had to be balanced. You saw what happened to kids who didn't have nobody to talk to. You want me to talk. Right. Right. Right. I need to express myself. Right. But yes. Right. You know, that brings up a point. I know whether you're five points, but the one thing that I always advise parents
is have a charging station. Because what happens is the adults in the house are exhausted. I worked all day and it worked out and cooked meals and then chased you around and got your homework done and I'm tired. So when they sit there right at the bed, if it's quiet on that first listen, they're going to bed and they're crashing and burning. And so they're asleep. But the kids now are on the phone
And even worse is all of our phones now are these LED screens. And so those screens tell your brain it is not 12 o'clock midnight. It's 12 o'clock in the afternoon. You're not sleeping. You can stay up all night. So it actually really converts the brain message to say it is not bedtime. Let's skip those circadian rhythms. As a matter of fact, we're going to ignore them. We're going to reverse them.
And so you can stay up as long as you want to. So you gotta have a charging station. And I tell people, you know, you can parents, I always say, I usually always tell my parents, you can participate too, right? Cause I don't want it to feel like I'm giving parents like this action item to execute on your kids. So.
Everybody can put their phones at the charging station because honestly, adults don't have the best sleep hygiene practices either. So if it's bedtime, a cool family thing is to make a charging station and use alarm clocks to wake you up. And there's some cool alarm clocks out there, right? So now you've got alarm clocks that have white noise. You have alarm clocks to do this. That way people don't feel, you know, kids don't feel like, oh,
They try to make me do something and everybody gets good sleep. Cause when y'all asleep and those phones are in their rooms charging, they're on them.
Yeah. All night. And that's very true, because all of that is going to prevent them from having a good night's sleep. And then they're not going to be as successful in their academic care because of that, right? And they also said not to overload the kids with too many activities for that reason as well, because then they don't get to get enough sleep. So finding that balance.
Um, I like what you said about the routine, especially for the younger kids, like, especially like after they get home from like, you know, elementary school, preschool, whatever it's like, you're home. Mommy and daddy love you. You might do this. And then you eat and then bath and then bed, like getting them in like that routine, like.
All right, you had your bath. It's bedtime. Yes. And all of that is good. Over and over and over again. Yeah. All of that is good because it sets this calming kind of thing for them, getting them ready to go to sleep. You also read a book to them, tuck them in at night, set this routine, and they know, OK, this is what we do. It also gets your babies and toddlers asleep so that you as an adult can enjoy your life. Yes. Make another one.
You got time to make another one because of that, right? Because if the kiddos need that much sleep, then you can put them down at six, seven o'clock. Like they're supposed to be asleep.
Like, thank you and good night, friend. Why are you doing up? Why we have this philosophical discussion about these two water droplets that you are not about to drink because I'm not about to be getting no call in the middle of the night because you got to pee. So you might as well go to sleep. And the other thing too is that they always say, I know everyone is heard forever. Like breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
and it's important and you have to eat, but it pretty much is, right? Having a, they say when kids have a good healthy breakfast in the morning, they perform better, they do better on their testing, they are better, they can concentrate better, so
it is important for them to eat breakfast and you know a lot of schools now they provide breakfast for the kids so they drop them off in school and they can have breakfast but they also suggested that waking up early having like family time and you guys eating breakfast together is also a good thing for the kids as well. Is that still a federal thing or did they have to turn state by state?
Like free school lunches in the morning? I think it might be depending on the state. But I think a lot of schools do that, though. They have the free breakfast. Now, I don't know if you were going to go through and highlight some other things, but there is one that you said that I thought was very interesting, which is being in tune to, you said, bullying and something else in there. Yes. Kindness.
So here's something that I will say, because I felt like when I was able to see my little ones, I miss seeing kids so much. But anyway, I had a lot of kids that I followed, especially when we were in Chicago. And you have your visits, especially with the pre-teens, adolescents, and you ask the parent to leave the room. And then when you actually get a chance to really talk to some of these pre-teens and teenagers, every now and then I'll ask them, I'll say, hey,
Have you talked to your parent about any of this? Because I usually start real general and then I get real narrow. I'm just like, how's school, right? What's your favorite subject? And then you kind of get like, who are your friends? How's your day to day in school? Oh, that happened at school, really? Oh, does that happen to you every day?
Huh, have you told your parents? And then you, when you start digging, you realize that they're not really talking to their parents about anything. And then I don't know if it's a mixture of the parents are just too busy and they just don't have the time to ask. And they're just, the parents are just trying to make ends meet. The parents are trying to focus on adult stuff. Like I got to pay bills. I got to feed this kid. Oh my God, we have another kid. They're just focused on trying to keep the roof over the head.
And maybe they just don't think it's a priority and not saying that they don't care, but it's just not, it just doesn't come up. Right. And the more preteens I kept talking to and even teenagers, you're just kind of like, yo, that's wild. Like, you know, you got this preteen or teenager that's going through a lot and the parents are oblivious. And I'm like, yo, that's a big deal. And I think that a lot of the parents don't know that they need to start talking about things a lot sooner than they think they do.
That is huge what you just said. I am certain that whatever age parents have in their heads on when the time they think they're no longer influencing their kids, I think they need to move it back six to 12 months.
In all aspects, right? When are they gonna stop listening to my thoughts about sex and start listening to their peers and their friends? When are they gonna stop listening to my ideas about respect and listen to their peers and friends? When are they gonna stop listening to what I think about bullying and start listening to their peers and friends? It happens, I think, sooner than every parent would imagine.
Of course, I've read article on this before, but I forgot what the action window is. It was the first time I actually read something that supported my idea. But when I talk to kiddos and I listen to when they're like, oh yeah, me and my friends, we decided we're going to do XYZ. If I talk to the parents and ask them when they thought that happened, they'd be off at least a year. Yeah.
at least, but that also, but that also prompts you as a parent to have to have some uncomfortable conversations probably a lot earlier than you thought you would. And some of the parents aren't ready and they're just not, they're not there. But as the parent, you have to be there because your kid's already there, right? So. Yeah. I think another thing, I think the thing is you got to be able to have this type of environment where the kid doesn't feel judged and can come to you to talk to you.
And I think a lot of times it's hard for the kids to do that. Cause I mean, they're growing, they're developing. Like they can't, they also probably can't express themselves as well as you can. Cause I mean, think about it. They're still developing. So it's kind of like trying to like ask the right questions, continue to ask the questions, even though they say they don't want to talk to you, but just being there, continue, find ways to talk to them, to communicate with them.
But as the parent, you also have to kind of dial back some of your initial reactions or what you might initially want to say. Oh, for sure. Because if you have a pre-teen that approaches you about a topic that you as the parent are not ready to talk about, sometimes that reaction that you get can be like aggressive. Right. They'd be like, what? Where'd you hear that from? What'd you talk about?
Is that your little friend? So your little friend talk to you about these, like, what, what, what? No, I just asked a question. But then bet money, that's the last time your teenager gonna ask you a question. Bet money. Because you know who they gonna ask next time? Little Jimmy down the street. So even when they take you off guard, and some of my little cousins will do that. Some of my little cousins will ask me a question. And I'm very particular about, like, you know what? We not gonna overreact. I'm gonna answer this question.
When I was your age, did I have a boyfriend? Did I have sex? The answer is no. Do you have any other questions, little cousin? Right. The end. Yeah, but you got, but you have to, you know, you got, but I agree with you, Dr. Chris, like remaining a safe space for your child is important. Which is challenging parents. We feel your pain because sometimes you're like,
finding the balance between I am your safe space to like, okay, let me step in. Cause I am your mama. Right. Because finding that line, cause you are the parent, you are not the friend, right? So you have to also find that line like, yeah, you could talk to me, but I'm your parent. I need you to tell me cause I'm going to keep you safe, not your friend.
But if I had a dollar for every time my mom said, I'm not one of your little friends, I swear I would be a millionaire. I would be a millionaire. Like, don't let your tone sound a little too fresh. She'd be like, oh, no, no, no, I am not one of your little friends. You need to go back and try that again. What was your question? I was like, oh, I'm sorry. Let me rephrase that. What?
Can I please go to this party, maybe? If you let me. If it's possible. If it's possible, please. So all of those things are important. Oh, and one thing that we skipped over to, staying up to date on the checkups and the immunizations. I'd be remiss if I didn't stress that. Go to your doctor's appointments, your well child's every year. Your vaccine.
Every year every season yo I'm gonna bring up something and we do not have to talk about it and I might edit it out Okay, so my husband who is also a physician He sees kids. I'm so jealous of him But he has had a lot of tough Interactions in clinic with his teenagers, right that are brought in with by their parent

Teen Privacy in Medical Appointments

And the teenager has a lot of symptoms and complaints because they are sexually active and do not want to tell their parents. And by complaints, I mean, like, vaginal discharge. I need you to test me for pregnancy. My mom brought me in, but don't tell my mom. But the parent doesn't want to leave the room. You know how parents kind of get in that, well, whatever you can say to my kid, you can say in front of me. And it's got to.
Listen. And he had to tell them, he's like, listen, I am her doctor. Mom, I am not your doctor. I am her doctor. So you are not entitled to know all this. Listen, it's gotten real dicey. He's had about three cases in the last week. And he's like, yo, I've had to have some real tough conversations with some parents. Like, listen.
This is not your health. This is the health of the child. I've had those conversations. No, I'm not. I don't have to leave the room. It is my right to stay. I'm not leaving the room for anything. Listen, parents, I hope y'all are listening. You do have to leave the room. You staying in the room gets neither of us anywhere. Nope. Because the person who was inflicting harm or the people who are inflicting harm
is the patient and whomever is participating in the harmful event. And the only thing that happens when you all don't leave the room is now me, neither one of us find out information that we could have used to educate the patient on how things should be. Because if they don't want to say that they're doing drugs or drinking alcohol or feeling depressed or
having sex when you're in the room and you refuse to leave the room, then, well, we're just still, we're gonna spend another year not finding out. Yeah, that's legit, that's legit it, like legit it. And then you'll be like, well, I know my kids, I know my kids and I, you know, I would know if something's wrong, you don't. Look, you don't.
I talk to enough kids, I have been a teenager, I am telling you that you only know what they want you to know. If you have a teenager in your house, even if you are super close, you know everything that kid wants you to know and not a single thing they don't. Unless you caught it in some, you know,
fabulous story of like, you're not gonna believe what I came across. Other than that, you're not about to learn anything about a teenager that they don't want you to know in just day-to-day conversations. Man, they could have two Instagram accounts. Yeah, they got fenced up accounts.
Listen, it's a whole world out there. And I think that we touched on that on a previous episode. If I feel like it, I might run it back kind of like teenagers, ethics, things like that. But I'm just, I'm just, it just goes back to the point of like, try to be a safe space for your kids, but realize that there are some situations that might come up. You should make sure to keep, you know, these doctors appointments when they have them. And every now and then you might take your kid to the doctor and the doctor might ask you to leave the room.
And there might be something real serious going on and it's a teaching moment and you have to give them the ability to learn and to grow and for us to heal them in case something's really wrong. You know, gonorrhea, chlamydia, pregnancies, all the things, all the stuff, stuff happens. Things happen. If they want to talk about, we're not obligated to tell you if they want to go on birth control, like all of that, all of that happens. All of it's a thing. And a lot of it happens when they're teenagers, when they're still minors living in your house. It's a thing.
So when you go for those checkups, there's a part of the well exam of the teenagers where we have to ask them questions like that. And it is what it is, Bri. Yup. Oh, it's good. But welcome back kiddos. Hopefully the school year is also good start. All my kiddos are coming in for their annual exams. Oh, HPV guys. Listen, get y'all kids HPV vaccinated. Here's what I tell you about that.
I feel like this is about HPV and I feel like this is about shingles because it's those kinds of vaccines where they're not really lit. Well, let me just keep HPV by itself. You don't need it to do school, right? So you don't have to have it.
But I am looking at women now in my age range. So I am just old enough to have been outside the range when it first came out. When it first came out, it was like, I can't remember what the age range was, but I remember being like a year or two, like too old to be like considered
Excuse me, eligible for the vaccine. And so now when I'm taking care of women in my age range and everybody's coming back, HPV positive, coposcopy, repeat path, coposcopy, cone procedure, coposcopy, all this stuff. And I'm like, this sounds horrible. Um, so no, I agree that it's hard to think about.
HPV vaccinations when we're at the target range, which is really nine to 11 guys. That's when we prefer to get your kiddos vaccinated nine to 11. And I know it's hard for parents to think about what we're protecting them from at nine to 11, but I will tell you, um, that I would get my kids vaccinated from HPV.
That's just my thought. Because who wants to be doing a coposcopy in your late thirties, early forties, because you're HPV positive and now you've got to keep, you know, getting a bath. And you can get oral cancer. You can. From HPV as well. Ain't that nothing? That's a root. So it's a thing. So yes, all of these things are important. Oh, number one thing I wanted to also stress.
How you gonna say the number one thing and you almost forgot it? What? I thought you thought you were done. You're talking about the number one thing. Should I edit this and put your number one thing in the beginning? No, no, don't do that. What I meant to say was another thing that I think is really important and we need to stress.
It's late, y'all. Y'all know it's late. Y'all already know it's late. Y'all, you can tell when it's late, when we record it in the morning, or when we record it when it's late, because when it is late, we'd be all over the place, like, come get these random messages. All this random stuff. It's important that you realize that kids model your behavior. So if you act bad, they act bad. Act bad, act bad, act bad. Shout out to the city girls. I know, right?
No, but she she brings up a good point. No, but seriously, she doesn't really bring up a good point. So if you are like a ball of anxiety, then make your kids a ball of anxiety. Right. And if you don't if you don't handle conflicts well, they're not going to handle conflicts well. So do understand that kids watch what you do. And if you have bad coping skills, they're going to end up learning that as well. Yeah.
Just true. And kids will ask you, listen, that's why I love it. They're so inquisitive. Kids will ask you questions. Mami, why did you do that? Why did you say that to Daddy? Why did you take that from Jimmy? And your response is important, right? Because they're asking because they don't understand, right? They don't understand, which is why they're asking. And your response should be something thoughtful.
right to help them build their morals please and thank you right and then you get the call from the teacher and they're like oh they said this and they said that and you're like my kid why would my kid say that well how do you think they where do you think they heard it from you know so just be mindful of that i gave this to daddy because it's important that we share i am sharing this with daddy because i love him
Versus, versus, I took that from daddy because he don't need it. He don't need it. He already ate. He need to hit the gym. What? He good. What? He good. You good too, in fact. Now let me stop. But yes, they do model your behavior.
I think that's pretty much it. I think I hit all the little points. You did great, Dr. Chris. That was a wonderful topic. I like it. We should talk about kids more often. You know I love them, and I don't get to smell. I know, because I was like, I just thought about it. I'm like, we see kids, but we don't ever really talk about them.
No, we can't. And I just want to say y'all look real cute in y'all back to school photos all over the internet. Y'all kids be looking so cute and they little backpacks with all that personality, you know, holding up a little sign like I'm starting first grade. I want to be a fill in the blank. Y'all cute. Y'all real cute.
Amy Jo, we got some questions. We're gonna do one question today, okay? Y'all send us these good questions. Y'all did send them. I love y'all, I appreciate it. But I'm gonna go through one. One? Well, it is late. Yeah, it's for us anyway. So the question is, which is your go-to blood pressure medication to start patients on?
My doctor talked to me about multiple and said we are going to make a decision next month. Thanks. Well, you know, this is interesting because in, in, in my health system, we are trying to

Blood Pressure Medication Choices

Well, we're not trying. We've provided a template almost for hypertension management. I also know places like Kaiser have done similar things. And so it's a really interesting space to be in because on one hand, there's always this delicacy around telling doctors how to manage things like hypertension because you can start them different ways and then providing some kind of like
you know, standard of care, not even the standard care is a poor choice, just kind of a standard approach to how to do it. So the answer to your question is, well, it really depends on the doctor. It depends on the doctor. I personally like starting Hydrochlorothiazide. If you ask Dr. Chris or Dr. Sunshine, they may prefer two different things. What do you prefer?
I actually like to start with a little Sartan. We all got different answers. You see Dr. Sunshine is all nice. She out here in these Arab streets. I usually do, I blow the pee. So yeah. So the recommendation is to start with, so the literature, the recommendations are when initiating blood pressure medicine, we will start you on a thiazide or we call a calcium channel blocker.
So that could be, a thiazide could be hydrochlorothiazide, chlorothaladone, or a calcium channel. It could be amylodipine, nifedipine, what else? And then you can also start with the ACE inhibitor or? So the ACEs and the ARBs are generally not the recommended first line therapies for hypertension. But people do it.
I will, I will, I will say this. The real answer to the question is I, the very first time that I'm starting them on a medication, like assuming new newly diagnosed blood pressure, I actually do tell my patients about all of them at first. And I have that visit that this listener is talking about where I talk about the diuretics. I talk about calcium channel bloggers and I talk about all of them.
And then we also talk about the side effects to all of them. A lot of my patients are not too high on the diuretics because a lot of them have jobs and occupations that do not allow them to use the bathroom. And the diuretic, they're usually like, doc, listen, where I work, I work in construction. I can't get to the bathroom. I can't be peeing all the time. I legit like can't do it. And I'm like, I get that. I understand. We might try it out. They'll try it out for a month or two. And they're like, yep, I thought so. Can't do it. We need something else. I'm like, OK.
But it also depends on the patient, it depends on their particular health conditions, and it also depends on the side effect profiles and if they're open to try it. So it's an open discussion in general. That's where I'm at. And that's true. So it's hard to say which one because I have started all of them for lots of different reasons when initiating blood pressure medicine for a patient for the first time.
So it's gonna depend. Now I have a, you know, let's go back to these thighs eyes real quickly because people do this all the time and I'd be like, hold your horses. Thighs eyes should not make you urinate. So even if you have a job where you need to be, I don't know, sitting on somebody's floor for 12 hours, you taking a thighs eye should not be the reason why you run back and forth to the restroom.
Now back and forth. Yeah. Okay. Well, we'll make you run back and forth to the bathroom. Ornithiazide is a high sodium diet. Of course, which of course they're trying to manage as well because they typically have a high sodium diet, which they're trying to fix along with other health conditions and things. Yes.
So I generally tell people to fix your high sodium diet before we be out here in these streets changing this medication. But that's also like metformin. If you have a high sugar diet on metformin, then you won't be pooping your brains out. Absolutely. It's a similar concept, but changing their lifestyle habits is not easy. And a lot of times they just don't change it. Absolutely. But amlodipine will cause your
ankles and wrists to swell, even, and that's lifestyle dependent too. So there's the, the, the research that came out on that suggests that that swelling, that side effect of this, the wrist and the ankle swelling is also lifestyle dependent. So your lifestyle is going to make some, um, it's going to make some, you know, unwanted side effects potentially not everybody either way. So, um,
you know, thiazides are perfectly fine to use. And I, you know, I typically encourage, you know, my patients not to shy away from thiazide because they're like, I heard that's gonna make you a peak. It should not, maybe for the first week, you might, but you should adjust to that and you should not be urinating like crazy on a thiazide.
On emlodipine and nifedipine, those patients gotta power through that side effect of that headache if they get it. And it's actually more common than you think it is because they're like, they're like, now I'm confused. Cause my high blood pressure is giving me a headache. I used to remember this medication told me that can cause headaches, but usually if they power through, if they get that side effect, it usually goes away in like two weeks. Usually I usually, if they power through, I usually find more people get the headaches on the nifedipine than emlodipine and from what I've seen.
Yeah, I don't that was the reason why I don't like that's why I don't usually as a first line because you could you could pee but you cannot work you can't get through a workday with a migraine or a horrible, you know daily persistent headache. I typically you know when people get headaches. I'm like y'all know what that so as you can hear dear listener, you know hypertension medications is
is a little bit more complicated than I think people give it credit because we are really trying to customize it for you. So initiating a blood pressure medicine really is a very specific thing. It is customizable. You've got a lot of different options on what you can start and how you decide to go about that is a lot. It's changed, I mean, everything. What is your kidney function? Do you have any other- Health conditions. History of anything. Or diabetes. Pregnant.
Are you male or female? What is your lifestyle? All kinds of things are helpful to tell you, okay, which one do you want to go to? Some do better at other things.
You know, it's funny, I think patients, a lot of times they like, oh, they just threw this medicine at me just like that. But don't realize that in our head, we have gone through all the steps and all the reasons why we decided to put you on this medicine, right? Yes. So fast. So fast. We just threw it so fast. It's amazing.
I'm just like, oh, if your bottom number is higher than your top number, I'm thinking more, I'm probably going to put you on a calcium channel. I'm just doing all of these things in my head for this reason, but you don't know all the little nuances or why I decided to put you on this, but I know. And I'm looking at all this stuff. If you have migraines, I'm probably going to shy away from not putting you on something that
possibly can give you headaches, right? If you got diabetes, I'm probably thinking, I might really want to put you on the lysinopril or Lusartan to help protect your kidneys or something else, or maybe not, or do a different medication, right?
Or I'm going to avoid chlorothalidone or hydrochlorothiazide because they have a small risk causes some increased blood sugars. Right. Exactly. So there's a lot, there's a, there's a lot that goes into it. And I think it's also.
It's everything that you guys just said, and especially with my particular patient population, they have a lot of health conditions, and a lot of them do also have diabetes, and I'm protecting your kidneys, and then I go with the ARB. The ARB over the ACE, because the field that I work in, the patient says you have a lot of exposures, a lot of lung problems, and that chronic cough that might happen with the ACE, I like to avoid that, do the ARB. So it really depends on your patient population.
and what you're treating and a lot of my patients have a lot of mental health and they're on a lot of mental health medications and a lot of those mental health medications clash with diuretics and they also clash with a lot of other blood pressure medications. So it's very patient dependent. So I co-signed with what Amy Jo said and Dr. Chris, my patient population is also not a normal population. So I'm very, very aware of that. But what's a normal population? I wonder.
That's real. No, you're right. That's real. That's real. My particular population has a lot of extra exposures that I do consider a lot. So that list be long. That list be long. I felt like we didn't really answer your question or rather we did answer your question and give you a lot of information. But the answer is it's patient dependent and your doctor can choose whichever one they like.
And yeah. For me personally, I'm trying to choose a medication that you can stick with.
Yes. Right. That is most important. I want you to start the one that you will take. Yes. The one that you will take, and we can agree on, because sometimes y'all take something and you be like, uh-uh, I ain't doing it. I tried it next. And I'm like, okay, well, I can't force you, but this blood pressure is too high. You need to be on something. You can't be on nothing. Or they're like, oh, it's not working anymore. Are we going to switch it to something else? No.
You just add another one. Yes. They be like, wait, so I'm going to take both? Yes. That's how it works. That's how it works. They be like, but this one isn't working. No, it's working. It's not working. It's not beating the goal. It's working, but it's not getting us to go. Right. And I also explain to them at first, depending on how high their blood pressure is, I'm like, likely it's not going to be controlled on one medicine. We're looking at maybe three, but we got to start stepwise. They're like, oh, OK.

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Guys, you can find us on all social media websites. You can find us at thechocolatemds on all social media websites. That includes Twitter, that includes Twitter, Spill, Facebook, at thechocolatemds. You can also email us at thechocolatemds at
It's basically the chocolate MDS everywhere. Email us, find us, follow us, all the things. As you know, you can find the podcast on all social media podcast websites. And feel free to reach out to us and give us your questions, especially at the Gmail account. You can also submit questions through our website, which is the chocolate MDS dot com. And I think that's it. Did you guys have anything else to add?
Nothing. I put the pressure on Amy Jo and Amy Jo was like, I don't know what she was trying to think about. I could remember if a spill and an X are different. Don't ask me why. Everything is the chocolate MDS. Right. You know, most things are the chocolate MDS, but I was like, wait, it's still the chocolate MDS.
Mm-hmm, but check out the chocolate MDs MDS You will find us And we want you guys to say happy and safe and all that good stuff and we'll catch y'all later. Bye y'all