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103 Plays6 months ago

An episode full of trending topics and absolutely NO medicine. Why? Because that's what you all asked for! We discuss Trump's assassination attempt, computers crashing hospitals and air travel, Biden's decision to drop out, and Kamala...has arrived.


Introduction of Dr. Chris and Co-hosts

welcome to another episode of Chocolate with a Side of Medicine. I am one of your hosts. I'm Dr. Chris, and I am joined by my three lovely, beautiful co-hosts. We got Dr. Sunshine. Hey, y'all. We got Dr. No-No. Hey. And last but not least, we got Amy JoMD. What's up, y'all? How

Beauty and Medical Mysteries

y'all doing? I'm glad that you said that we're all beautiful because I also think that we are beautiful and don't need to be altered in any way.
She always said that, guys. She always said that because we had a conversation about altering something. We weren't altering. We're not altering. We're just augmenting, discussing our commitment to augmenting. It's the same thing as when you put makeup on, right? If you're you're beautiful, the makeup just enhances your beauty. But you're all beautiful, right? This is a great thing. If Kim Kardashian's butt and legs cannot match, then when I get older, I can augment. I'm cold. That's almost a name. I'm in an augment away. You're good. I'm augmenter. and i'm ah i'm And I'm an augment supporter.
I am a supporter of whatever makes you happy. And if augmentation makes you happy, then do it. Okay. I'm not anti. It's just not, you know, it's not.
Y'all are silly. Y'all are silly. I'm not anti. It's just not my cup of tea. That's all. I'm not anti. That's OK. That's OK. Y'all do you. And I will support you. And I won't want to see the finished product that you do. It's fine. I'll take your word for it. OK. But if you want to see it, you can. Oh, you're welcome to see it.
I'll take your word for it. Because if it makes you happy. It makes you happy. But anyway, while Amy Jo has been grinding away at these patients, Dr. Chris and Dr. Nono been traveling and having a great time. And they just looking at Amy Jo like, oh, sad for you, friend. You've been working. you Oh, that's

Impact of IT Outage on Travel and Healthcare

a medical mystery. Oh, OK. Meanwhile, the two of them been like jet setting. I like the little texts I get from Amy Jo. Usually he texts me when I'm at work and like I have some downtime. I'm like, oh, another medical mystery to solve. Let me do this. Because chances are I probably just admitted that patient maybe like three days or um ah three patients ago. and
I do, I do like going through those at like three o'clock in the morning, but, and I'm also wondering, why are you still up? Like, I almost sent you one. I almost sent you one. Like, let me drop this. Like, let me just drop this knowledge. Obviously it gets scrubbed for any, um, patient identifier. Cause most of the time we're like, do you remember the science behind this? So I almost sent you one. I just, I got distracted and I didn't finish the text because I was like, I wonder. where this is going to go. It's so curious. like I actually will send you so some raw data on this one because you'll be like, wait, what? Yes, I'm doing that shit. Send it my way, please. Yeah, it's always fun. Yeah. Well, I mean, I've been working this week.
of like that is like that Who are you kidding? Or are you trying to convince yourself? Like, who is she talking to? Like, what? Because you guys act like I don't work. I do work, okay? But I also vacation. When I vacation, not vacation. When I work, I work. As you should. As you should. See? Work hard, play hard. See? Yeah, and you missed the and you missed the whole ah computer outage, which Dr. Nono didn't. but Oh, yeah, I did miss the computer outage. I wasn't good. I mean, I was off. But it was fine. It was fine until it wasn't. um Because you guys said, I guess we'll do trending topics. um So we you guys had texted me like before, because I was going to Atlanta to for the family reunion. And um being in Chicago, all big flights go out of O'Hare.
so I I realized like last night like I woke up this morning after I got off my night shift and I saw the news just everywhere like CrowdStrike outage like global IT like the worst IT t outage in in history blah blah blah I'll be fine. you know so um But what I didn't realize, what I didn't realize, um so on Facebook, a lot of the physician groups were saying that they were having issues with their dragon or their dictation software. And I realized like last night, mine was running really, really slow, like slower than usual.
No, this is weird, but it it picked back up. So I'm like, oh, okay. So it was just like a blip. Like it's fine. Oh my God. Only, well, I wish I knew, I wish I knew what was about to happen, but on my way to the airport, I got a text cause I was flying United out of O'Hare. I got a text saying, oh, your flight has been delayed. I'm like, God damn it. So been delayed by two hours. So we get there, you know, do our little you know drink. We were watching reruns of Family Feud. You know, we made it to our flight on time. It was fine. It was only when we landed and had to go pick up our rental car. That's when the mayhem started because they were
hundreds of people just like in Atlanta, just scattered throughout the airport trying to get a hold of our national car. Because these people have been here for like two days just trying to get out of the airport. And I'm just here trying like to like, girl, that's still going on. The IT, the CrowdStrike thing is still happening with Delta. Yeah, it's it's still happening right now. yeah So people have been like trying to rent cars, they've been trying to like take trains, any form of transportation that is not a plane out of like any flight that was affected by Delta. like it It was just a whole mess. So we ended up waiting three hours to get a rental car
And the car that that we had originally rented wasn't even available. So I was just like, at this point, I'm like, just give me whatever you have. Like I will take a clown car at this point. But they gave us like an electric car and it was fine. Like it worked out. It it drove. So it was fine. um And then we ah I didn't have to fly back but my partner did have to fly back um and that's when that he was flying back on Delta and I was just like oh my god so of course his original flight of the got delayed and then he would have missed his connecting flight in Atlanta so we were still in Atlanta so I'm just like just go to the airport and get on your second leg of your flight and it worked out so he was very lucky because I'm still having
still seeing the news of people still stranded in like whatever airport they're in. And we're going on day five of this this issue. So I don't know what's going to happen to Delta. I'm sure it's they're going to be like investigated. And it wasn't it wasn't just planes. It was actually a lot of health care facilities were also affected. So um there I saw a post of a, ah there was a labor and delivery unit where all of the the fetal heart tracing machines had gone down. So if you ever get pregnant, I guess, when you go into labor and delivery, they put little put little electrodes on your belly to kind of monitor baby's heart rate. And they can watch all of those tracings like in the OB workroom. So when this outage happened, all of those machines went kaput. So they actually had nurses stationed outside of each room, and they were manually like doing the old fashioned way, listening to the baby's heart rate.
like stethoscope on the tummy to make sure that they're still doing okay. And- Look at Amy Jo's face. Look at Dr. Curtis' face. Right, right. Yeah. Couldn't be me. Couldn't be me. And then of course, you know, with all the- Who needs to be the ID team? What happened? I said, that'd have been my cue. Who I need to get his ID to. Let me drop this off down. you just stoping Listen, take it. Especially if you have some, especially there are some high risk ones that you really need to be monitoring. Yeah, exactly. the one thing The ones that would have been like low risk. I'm like, well, we just go more than likely they're going to be all right.
They're gonna be like, what's up with this box? That's when you need the old school doc, right? Right. They go like, it I'll be fine. That you be trying to avoid, because they always fuss about, we don't know nothing, because we just don't know nothing. I always depended on your right. I would be like, you're right. Teach me your way, sir, because I don't know what to do with this. They're going to bust in there with some random thing, tap two times on the building, watch it rumble. They know it's fine. You know what this is, you know what I'm saying? like

Residency Experiences and System Outages

And then they're gonna open up, they're gonna open up their briefcases, take out that ear horn, weird thingy and shit. Yes, yes. Oh, y'all young folk don't have one of these these. Young doctors nowadays don't even carry these around. You're like, you're right. um I don't. We don't know. They don't. Listen right here. Listen. Listen right here. They're not even gonna listen.
600 minutes dilated, right? We're just ready. Baby's fine. Put those two times down. First of all, I don't know how you did that, right? I've been on my training. And then second of all, I don't even know how to write that up, right? So I can either help or scribe what has happened in this event. That's my cue. Y'all remember we were in residency and the computers went down there one time? I never experienced that. Y'all. I was so done. First of all, the blizzard alone, I was done, OK? but to get to work and somebody to hand me stacks of paper, I was like, what is this paper a thing that you have ended me? I do not know what to do with this. I was like, listen, a everybody's getting free healthcare care today because all I can do is have conversations with you and and give you- Yeah, they're like, yeah, these are these are paper charts. I'm like, and what am I supposed to do with that? Oh, no, no. Yeah, we have the paper charts. And it was like that all day.
All day. What do you want me to write on this piece of paper? They're like, oh, your thoughts about what? You know what's so funny? I went to a conference and I, you know, was talking to the, some of the old school docs that remember what it was like when it was paper charts. And I was like, that must've been, that must've been crazy. They're like, no, actually it was much easier because guess what? You just write, oh, pneumonia, antibiotic. done. You don't have to write anything. You don't have to do anything. It's just real easy. That's true. But some of their right hand writing is hard to understand, but they literally just shorthand everything. It was like i don't think maybe two words. I think they were just drawing lines. Because some of that I couldn't read. I don't trust you. I don't believe you really thought I think somebody's legal, someone's legal department was like, we done trying to decipher this. Where's an electric EMR? Someone get them the type. Someone say EMR was born. Somebody just like do some squirrely lines across it like three times it was like signing name was like level four.
um But I heard it was originally, it was mostly originally done so they could bill, mostly, to bill. Of course. yeah Not necessarily for documentation. Of course. It's purely a billing thing. It's a lot. Yeah, they're trying to bill for what you did in the visit, but if they can't read what you did in the visit, how'd they post a bill for it? Right.

Political Shifts and Kamala Harris's Candidacy

Now i you listen, now these days I write it because, you know, patients be playing you and tell my son what they don't remember. maam Oh, it's right here. So you were here February 12th, 2024, and then you said, and I quote this, and then I said this, like, it's in my notes. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah. I forgot about that. You know what's funny? You know what's funny? I only quote the patient when they say something wild. And I'm like, oh, it is going in my note.
What did you say? I ain't never gonna take a statin ever. Okay, quote. Quote, unquote. Patient offered, but patient offered, patient offered statin declined and stated, quote, unquote. like, when did you say that? Patient also, patient also asked me not to revisit this conversation because it makes her disgruntled. It's in there. It's in there. But when you're in the hospital, that you think it
the yeah er like The ER r nurses notes are absolutely hilarious to read, because those those patients down there saying the craziest stuff. like i had this um I was going and down to go see a patient. I usually like kind of chart with you know really quickly before I go down. And this one patient was like, what was it coming? I think it was like for a CHF or something. um And they had to like stick them to get like you know blood out. And he said something like, get that shit And the nurse wrote that like in his chart. So that is floating around somewhere in his chart. which is like really like sir Come on, you can't say, you can't say stuff like that and expect it not to go into your chart. So be careful what you say in the hospital. Right. Cause if somebody would direct quote you, especially if you say some crass, uh, there will be some nurse or some resident, they'll be like,
patient states and I quote, I put my pee wherever I want to put it and nobody tell me what to do. Okay. All right, ma'am. All right, we're going to quote that. Yeah, and the problem is it follows you everywhere you go. I know. If you had a bad day and you said something, it follows you, right? So you got to do that. Because I can read stuff in your, like if my patient has been in like your system, Dr. Chris, I can read those notes. Yeah, me too. So yeah, that's all I got to know. Like more and more, you know, we asked for this, right? So from a health care standpoint, it makes sense. What you got to know is that your stories travel.
So if you told that doctor like, yeah, I'm telling this, you know, and now you're sitting in my office giving me a story and I'm like, that's not what's in here.
You are not feeling any pain. Um, yeah, it it's rough. Same thing with working in healthcare care systems. You know, healthcare systems are, are, you know, now becoming like bi-coastal. They are pop up in multiple states. So listen, you can't get fired from the health system. You must run and you know want to get your life back together and move to Atlanta like everybody else and be like, damn. yeah'll we're Not Atlanta like everybody else. yeah hugely rock general and i'll be honest with you Atlanta is the one city that will not see me, Dr. Sunshine. I have zero desire to move to Atlanta. Y'all will not see me down there. It's overcrowded. But Dr. No-No, go ahead. You had another trending? Or was the computer crashing?
No, I have like, it was a weekend of unprecedented events. So listeners, as we have discussed, we're going to make this episode of a trending topic episode. So the next one that we're going to talk about is obviously, uh, Trump got shot, uh, when he was talking at his rally. Um, the, and I, I saw it. Yeah, it literally glazed by his ear. So the shooter, ah the kid was essentially perched up somewhere and Trump had turned to like face his audience and the bullet literally went by and grazed his ear. On the footage, you can see Trump going down past this this the podium and then the Secret Service agents had rushed up to help him. And then when Trump got up, he was like, ho hold on, hold on, and then weighs his fist in the air. He was in a triumphant and then he was let off stage.
So there were a lot of speculation about you know essentially the whole incident. Like, was this act, did this actually happen? Is this like something staged? like Who was the shooter? you know What was going on? Because the media has actually been very mum about a lot of the details of the incident, which you know a lot of people thought was weird. And then obviously, you know conspiracy theories are popping up all over the place. Like, oh, you know he probably did this to get some push in the vote ah the out of the polls, like he's going to be seen as a martyr, he's going to get all the votes, blah, blah, blah. So it's just a lot of speculation for this event, which, I mean, if you think about this as the first in our lifetime, this is the first time we've seen like a previous present than like an attempted assassination. So, you know, so that was a big deal to begin with, first of all, but
I don't know, like there's, I, my, my, my Twitter feed and Facebook and Instagram has just been full of this. And then with other things, and I'm just like, Oh my God, there's so much. but I just want one, one normal election year. That's is all I want. Just one normal election year. But this has been absolutely insane so far. And we're not even four months out from, um, uh, from the actual election. So. I don't know. what do What do you guys think about it? Did you guys see this meme talking about if you're like a millennial, how your whole lifetime has just been filled with like unprecedented times and that you really just want normal, precedented things to occur, like not assassination attempts, not pandemics, not, you know, depressions, not like it's just it's just been a lot like roll but the World Trade Center. have happened
Listen, I'm telling you, since we were seriously, so i'm like our generation is just full of a lot of very unprecedented traumatic things. And we just want a little normalcy, just a little bit of a smidge. But what is that now? Right. like can you said what's normal with What's normal? Define normal. you know I don't even know. Right. And yes, to millennials, this is their norm. like Yeah. It's always something wild happening, but it's also almost like a- Obviously I don't know anybody's shot. Me neither. You know what's crazy? Like as dark as it sounds, real talk, I was the most fearful for Barack Obama. And I honestly, if he if he didn't make it through the entire eight years, I would not have been shocked because I was like, wow, I'm like a black man.
in America or America. I was like, you know what? His secret service better be on it. They better have some Captain America shields like shield this man all the time. Like I was seriously like praying for him and his family. And I'm like, Oh my God, if they make it through this entire presidency and another term, I'm like, Oh, Lord Jesus. Well, I remember when he stepped out, he except or when he won and he stepped out with Michelle and the kids onto that, like super open platform. I was just like, please God, like cover this man. Like this is so open. I don't like this at all. Like just let him get through the speech, please. but but Did you guys see how they ripped?
into the director of The Seekers. Yo, I saw that the next day. Crazy. It was just like. But you know why? Because they flagged the guy. So they flagged the guy. They kind of knew. Before the rally even started. Because someone said on the intercom like, hey, this guy's kind of weird. He's kind of funny. So they flagged him. But no one followed up on him. They just told him he couldn't come in. And then like he just disappeared into wherever. Which makes no sense. Because even in the movies, right? Because I know it's it's a movie. but It's kind of based on what they normally do. But even in the movies, right? Like, they wouldn't even let him go on the stage. They'd be like, oh, there's a threat. Nah, nah, nah, nah. He can't go. We got to cancel. That's what they want to do. Right, exactly. In the movie, right? Because that's how it goes in the movie. I mean, it makes sense. But that's not what happened in real life.
No, when they when they found his computer and they looked at his ah past history, they actually found how close was, I forgot Kennedy's shooter, how close was he to Kennedy when he shot him? Like how many yards away was he? Like that was a Google search on his on his computer. Well, they said that he put a drone. He did a drone before the rally to no good area. really and on And they knew that he had a drone there. There was a drone there. They knew a lot of information before the rally even started, which is why people were like, OK, well, if the secret service and knew this guy was a threat, right already flagged, knew all this stuff, exact, why didn't you do anything? And then, you know, because it's not so much about like, don't get me wrong, Dr. No-No, like the antics of Trump being shot is
in its own just dramatic. But everything leading up to that in terms of like secret service, what's going on? Did you guys not follow a protocol? What is the protocol? Did y'all forget it or did y'all just not do it? Like what's what's happening here? And parties on both sides. You're right. Dr. Chris went in because they're like, no matter who's president, this still should not be a this should not be a thing. So what what the hell happened? And no one knows the answers. i'll Mind you, we ain't gonna get no answers. Right. no Yeah. They like a years ah they went her and it was just like oh they were saying, oh, we don't know. She's going to resign or anything in my head. I'm not going to resign. No, she didn't. Let's resign.
like I mean, and then people felt away when the details came out about the shooter. They're like, Oh, well, he's a white male. He's in his early twenties. He's a registered Republican. And then everybody's like, what? And then so like Dr. Nona was saying, the conspiracies went left, they went right. And then it's been It's been a lot. It feels like if you almost like an episode of Scandal. I'm not going to lie. Did y'all watch Scandal? Yeah, I love Scandal. Like Kerry Washington and and like an Olivia Pope and Fixer and everything. It literally feels like an episode of Scandal. I'm like, what else? but then What else? No, seriously, what else? But if it played out in Scandal, he wouldn't have gone on the podium. Because see, in the movie,
Here we go! That's what I'm saying. That's too much. I didn't know movies to go, but that's what happened. This plays more though like House of Cards. Dr. Kristen, do you watch any more movies to know that that's not supposed to go down, so... Nah, this seems like some House of Cards shit. that that's This is what I was thinking about when I saw all of this. but so that's a so that I think these events happened a day after another, so it's it's just been a lot. The Trump shooting happened first, then the crowd strike, and then now um the biggest
talk right now essentially is that um Biden has now left the race and he endorsed ah Kamala Harris as his the new Democrat nominee. So now she actually secured enough nominations from the delegates to be the the front runner for the Democratic Party. So Biden is now out and Kamala is now in. The thing is, is on the day that, you know, this all conspired. So when Biden said that he was dropping out, I was literally in a Target in Atlanta and I got like this Amber Alert thing on my phone that said, Biden's out there. So that popped up.
um But on the night that he, that Kamala had accepted the endorsement, um there was actually two separate ah groups. So the biggest one was black women. ah Remind me of the full hashtag. It was like black women. um for Kamala Harris, essentially organized a Zoom call. And within the first, I think, three hours, um they had about 44,000 people had logged into the Zoom call, and they had raised about $1.5 million dollars in three hours just for um to give to the VP.
Um, so actually what was cool though is that, so I, they, someone in our doctor group kept posting the link to the zoom. But the thing is that zoom maxes out at like a hundred people. So every time you would try to like log in, it would say up, you know, max capacity has been reached. So I was trying for a good like two hours and I'm like, this is probably not going to work. But then someone said that they had reached out to the CEO of Zoom who dropped the capacity ah limit. And that's how all these tens of thousands of people were able to log in. ah Pleasure support. There were a couple of celebrities on there. um I think Jennifer Lewis was was part of that, um the call. um But during that time, three hours, 1.5 million, which it has to be record. I tried to get on that call, but I could not get on.
I tried at least five times and the fifth time was the charm. So, but it was, it was nice. Like you you would log in. Um, there were a couple of like different speakers, um, kind of, it was actually like, uh, it was more of like a, um, it's kind of like part motivational speak and also kind of saying why Kamala would be the best pick for the democratic nomination, essentially. But it was, it was like motivational all around. It was just cool to see. like all these black women coming on to throw their support. um And then just the sheer amount of like, like hope that was, it it was the theme of that night was just hope. Like we now, they were saying that we actually do have a shot to win this. So let's, let's take it. Like, let's not lose this momentum and like, let's keep it going, which I thought was really cool to see.
You know I have thoughts. Yeah, I know. First of all, I have lots of thoughts. You sound like Dr. Sunshine. yeah always in my daughter I have
I am exhausted. oh of the narrative of, okay, we're in trouble. This thing is about to go belly up. Throw the black women in, right? All bets on are on our own black women. So if it's a win, great. If it's a loss, well, the black women did it. Because I think that um I feel like the Democrats have planned poorly for this moment. You had eight years, right? Four years of former president Trump and you knew, okay, in this next one, you have to do something different. And then we elected president Biden. And while I thought, okay, what a relief. It felt like least to me, the energy felt like this is a holding pattern. This is good enough, but we know we may need another the plan.
and somehow that transitioned to, oh, this is gonna be great, right? So when he first was elected, it's just me, I always thought he was gonna be a one-term president. I thought, okay. Well, my question, sorry, my question is, the big kerfuffle and debating that was happening about who he chose as his running mate, you didn't think that that was them trying to thinking about a contingency plan? If they were, they sure weren't executing like they were thinking about a contingency plan, right? So so who picked somebody a weekend before, ah The democratic national convention like to me it and maybe this is the strategy and it's designed to look this chaotic but I just thought that we knew a long time ago that we had to prep it and if that were the case to me I
the as vice president and not all not that all vice presidents are are visual so i'm not i'm not one of those people they're like we don't even know what she's been doing vice presidents do a whole lot of stuff behind the scenes that's just kind of how the the office works but if that were the case i just thought that um she would have had a more visual role along the way, right? Like it's funny before this happened when she came to Essence Fest, so she was at Essence Fest, rolled out at the Cash Money concert, okay? Like, hey, everybody, I said, dang, that's somebody running for president. I said that like really like Cassie's like, that's somebody running for president. And he goes, well, Kamala out here doing, you know, I'm looking out for that. I'm trying to put a 9-9. Hey out here representing for the 9-9 and 2,000, yes. and cash money um So I was like, dang, she must be running for president. And then she also stayed because she did the economic you know um talk. So to kind of get here, and I guess how they let it go down, right? It doesn't feel, to me, it doesn't feel planned. This feels like Biden got bullied on ageism.
right? And people said, okay, fine, we'll give you somebody different. This doesn't feel like, you know, change of plans, right? Let me unroll the strategy, right? This wasn't like a new Apple reveal, like, ha ha, bet y'all, we caught y'all slipping. Let me tell you what we're really gonna do. That would have felt better. This felt like they got cornered into a decision and they were like, throw the black woman out there. No, no, no, I think that, well, in my opinion, I think she was always the backup plan. And that's why they were fighting so hard for that VP slot between her and Booty Gage and all of them. All of them were fighting

Misogyny and Political Strategy

so hard to beat his VP because she was always, whoever the VP was, was always going to be the backup plan because Joe is older. Now I do agree with you as to when they pulled out the backup plan. Y'all took too long because y'all should have pulled out the backup plan.
a while ago, and I don't know how we had to get here, like you said, weeks, days before the Democratic Convention, before y'all were like, ah, man, we did have that backup plan. Did we want to, uh, ooh, uh, ooh, uh, like, what the fuck, can we, sorry. Wasn't it because he didn't want to, he didn't want to leave? Because like, I think he was thinking that he was still going to have support. Like, it was mostly after the, after the, um, the debate, right, that his, you know. I think it was the debate that kind of solidified like, hey, um like this, this isn't, he was pulling, he was consistently pulling lower and lower after that debate. And it just like took a nosedive, like once they got their ratings back from the debate. She's not polling higher than he is right now. No, he's she's two points above Trump right now. I literally looked at it an hour before we logged in.
I don't know what poll you've been looking at. I mean, the biggest one. But didn't they say that it's going to take about two weeks even to really adequately know? Yeah, I mean, that the preliminary yeah that's just the preliminary one that we see. i It's fluctuate, I'm sure, like in the days up to the like the whatever of the election. But um I know I saw someone someone had posted on on another group that ah This could have been their strategy all along, which I don't agree with. I think they kind of just put this together and it just kind of worked out. um So a lot of the the the Trump's campaign was essentially to tear down um ah Biden because solely because of his age. like he's not He doesn't have the capacity to lead the country, like he's old, decrepit, like he can't, he can't run the country like he, you know, like a older or younger person can. which old And Bush Trump is like, like three or four years younger than Biden. Exactly. So but essentially they took that rhetoric and ran with it. So that was all of their funding for their, their campaign was going into essentially tearing down Biden. So now when Biden pulls out and Kamala is now in,
So, what is their strategy now? What? We talking about Trump. Yeah, Trump. Exactly. he he Listen, if Trump don't do nothing else good, he talk shit now. So, man, he's like, oh, my beer. Hold on. I got y'all. Like, but you know, I fear the the misogyny and the... It's gonna get worse. First of all, he's it's it's been double down on this week. And he was just speaking last night somewhere. And he was like, really? The first female president? America does not need the first. She will not be the first female president. Really? A female? And he said it over and over again. And mind you, side note, this is a Dr. Sunshine thing.
I hate it when people use female instead of woman. It bothers the shit out of me. It bothers me. Unless I'm talking to you about like a science matter like male and female, but like it'd be like really a female leading this nation. Do you guys even sound know how absurd that sounds? I'm like, and he's like talking. This is, yo, the rhetoric is wild. It's wild. And he just kept repeating it. And it's almost like, not almost like because it is very cult like it is. It's a lot of group think and, and, and, you know, well, I won't get too deep into it, but point is the misogyny, he's like doubled and tripled down on it. And then they're just like, yeah, you're right. How dare a vagina run our nation. Oh oh my God. A goddamn vagina. Like, and it's like, you're crazy. You know? and it like
Yeah, but it doesn't mean we can't live a little off guard because it don't think you walk up on stage. Go is like really a woman. That's what you got. Like, come on. Like, I need you to be a little bit more sophisticated than that. Yeah, that's really all. That's really all it is, is just getting on her just for being a woman. They're just like, yeah, you're right. How dare he? How dare she? I mean, right now they're just saying the woman part. They're not talking about the black part of it right now. But they did have an interview with Fox News where I think um ah Harris was addressing. um She was talking about like her sorority because she's a full-blooded AKA. um Literally, the the announcer was like, what is this colored sorority? like Who is this? What is this? you know Colored. Literally, they said colored. So this is only going to get worse from here on out. But um the Divine Nine are riding hard for for Harris right now. so
As soon as he said that, I'm sure donations went up like tenfold, but... but Also, it's not sad about this, it's just like, as like, as, you know, Black women, like, we know that this is what what we have to face. Yeah, you know you know that this is what it is. and like and it's And it's so sad that it has to be like that, but that's what it is. You're gonna have to deal with all of this stuff and and deal with people saying that you're not qualified when, I mean, how could you not be qualified to run the the country when you were the freaking vice president for four years? Yo, don dr chris Dr. Chris, literally, like I'm trying not to get too passionate about this.
I-signed 1000%, which you just said, but because you are a black woman and because you already know the talking points and the rhetoric, this is why in a debate, you should kill this shit. yeah you should there There should be nothing that he could possibly say that takes you off guard. Because as a black woman in America, you hear this shit all the time, like all the time. It's a normal day. There is nothing that he could say that make you be like, oh my gosh, clutches, pearls, how could he? Nah, you done heard this all the way through. umm sure I'm sure you have. So there is no reason. And I agree with Amy Jo.
We did not rule this out great. It wasn't a good rollout. I agree. Rollout was real clunky, real clunky. But in terms of a debate, first of all, professionally, you are drastically more qualified than this man. So I believe it to you to talk politics and foreign policy and you know crime, all that shit. You're good at it. You're a politician. You know how this goes. But any other thing he throws at you regarding race, ruin women, whatever, any other type of marginalization, you should kill that. And on top of that, you went to Howard. One thing we go and do is argue a point. You better. You better. Even if we dare wrong, we're going to argue a point and make you look silly. So you know right up your alley this is right up There's there' is no reason for her to not kill a debate. The only thing I think that could
go drastically awry is if, for some reason, she does not keep her composure. She got to keep it cool. Oh, man, that's going to be good. Because she is feisty. And because of what she used to do, DA, and listen, she's intense. So when someone who is intense gets a little riled up a little bit, if she loses her composure, which she's going to try to make her do, then this could go left. Like, it could go left. But she should know that. She should She should be well prepared. Yeah. she should know Thank you. Thank you, Amy Jo. She should be well prepared for all of this.
All of it. Yeah. I mean, Trump is going to talk himself into a hole. um It's just Harris is like, I mean, her goal is pretty much to like, I'm staying in that hole. And he's gonna know like, he lied like 23 times in the last debate, like they literally counted. I know. like you know that he lies ah yeah but like the x I think the problem is is that nobody cares that he's lying, right? yeah right the people who The people who like him don't care about the lie, right? And I think that that's what makes it a little bit different is that um forget Republican or Democratic, right? Typically the person that you like and that you're fond of, you're still
holding their feet to the fire to tell me, give me what you're gonna do, give it to me straight, right? So i think I think that up until really the Trump administration, nobody appreciated a ah bold-faced lie, as we used to say, right? So, you know, I mean, we knew politicians, you know, told white lies, right? But to blatantly lie to me, your fault your own people would have, you know, a lack of appreciation for that. that seems to have gone out the window. So he can say what he wants to, if it's believed to be true or not, it doesn't matter. They just love him anyway. And hey, look, that is how he energizes, you know, that side of the table. I'm sure there's been other times where people would argue that, you know, former president Obama energized
you know the middle and moderate left that way like we just loved him so much that oh he opened his mouth oh my god that's so wonderful so i don't think that i don't think that this is something new it's just that it's so unique but i will say that to me to me um the people behind the scenes running all things Trump this time are sophisticated. They're scary. They are smart. They understand their politics and the politics of this current environment. and so What makes this particularly dangerous is that the people who will be in place
to call the shots, know exactly what they're doing, right? like i think we like I think sometimes you you're like on the internet and you hear people downplaying like, oh, it's just a bunch of dummies you know doing this. No, these are not dummies. These are theyre these are sophisticated. you know um well-seasoned politicians or people who understand policy and law that have an agenda that are going to put it in place. Speaking of agenda. And the question is, you know, what you vote for. I think a vote, a non-vote is a vote for either party you didn't want to win. So, you

Social Pressures and Minority Health

know, you're just going to have to vote. You're going to have to vote. You're going to have to make some decisions on who you want to vote for.
All right, so speaking of agenda, I just want to side note that. So ah so Joy Reed, I'm sure you guys have heard of her. So she's actually going to go over the, so the big thing with Trump's party is Project 2025. So it's just like, for people who don't know, it's like this really long document that goes over essentially a blueprint of what they plan to do like once they get into office. And I've read the really long like his 50 pages. That book is 900 pages. Yes. I looked, I found a cliff notes version of it and went through that. long
on yeah page every oh it's all bad like i there's nothing redeeming of this document it is all bad so joy reed is actually going to has a segment on msnbc where she goes into the ins and outs of each detail of project 2025 and that starts on july 29th and 7 p.m eastern time so i'm definitely going to tune in you guys should too um if you guys have more questions about what their plan is for when they get into if they can um and I'm not going to speak that, but essentially the plan for what they want to do when they get into office. it's I think it'll be really eye opening for that.
You know, this brings up the concept of weathering because you know, we've got some medicine time to it, right? So we talk about, um you know, the vice president and it just reminds you that, you know, when we talk about the concept of weathering, right? So, so anybody who doesn't understand the concept of weathering, it is that due to like social pressures, social economic, you know, um you know, issues, racism, sexism, you know, economic disparities that minorities age faster, right? So counting some like dog years, right? So you that the, you know, the average age of like black people um is like seven years older than their stated age. It's it's crazy, right? So, you know, if you've ever if you ever want to think about social pressures and why it matters to support
people support everybody, but particularly support minorities, especially in positions of power, that you should look up weathering. You should get the book and take a read and really appreciate like what happens when you are under pressure. And I think we're all under our own pressures. Like we do not have to be running for president. You do not have to be running for any office. You don't have to be a supervisor. I think that weathering happens to people, whether you're like, I'm just trying to go and flip burgers. to I'm just trying to you know be the best garbage man, to I'm trying to be a police officer, to I'm trying to be a doctor, a lawyer, I'm trying to be a sales clerk. Everybody, most minorities have a concept of weathering and what that does. And so this just reminds you like of all the pressure that happens when you're just trying to you know throw your hat in the game to do things that every other citizen can you know try to do.
I want to throw something out there because this answers a question that Amy Jo asked me off air, but it goes into the election. So I'll keep it really short because I have the map in front of me. So Amy Jo and I were basically talking about um Kamala's ability to win, right? And I told her, I'm like, well, it all depends on if she can get the same states that Biden got. Because the biggest difference between Hillary losing losing and Biden winning is that Biden was able to get a few more states that Hillary couldn't get, either because they didn't like her policies, she's a woman, combination of the two. A lot of people just didn't like Hillary, keeping it jiggy.
They didn't. They didn't. They didn't. Mainly because of the reputation she made for herself on Capitol Hill throughout her own professional career and aside from even being married to Bill. Anyway, neither here nor there. So we were talking off air and I was like, you know what? I'd be curious which states those are that if you don't get them, you will lose, but Biden got them. So he won. So there's actually five states. The five states are Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, where Trump got shot, and Georgia. Those are the five states. Because Georgia flipped the blue for Biden. Georgia went blue for Biden, which was you know a rule a really big help. Now, mind you, this is just comparing 2016 results to 2020 results. And that's the difference between winning and losing, or rather winning, respectively. Now, didn't they redistrict Georgia after that?
I think that they did. i think to thing that Now, mind you, I will point this out to you. In both elections, both cases, Democrats won the popular vote. So we will always win the popular vote because there tends to be more liberal people in major cities. That's not the game you're playing. So no matter what, Democrats have won the popular vote. But for electoral college and the states you have to win, she's got to focus on Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. If she keeps those, she will win. so that you looking into be vp paid so that's just place right So she's going to announce the VP in the convention in Chicago in like two weeks. Oh my God, downtown is going to be insane. I'm just going to stay up in my house. um So ah so the I think the big names for the VP pick would be I think Shapiro, who is the governor of Pennsylvania, is the biggest one right now.
Andy Bashir with Kentucky is also being thrown around quite a bit. um I don't think Whitmer is going to do it. She's the governor for Michigan, um Big Wretch. Oh, they hate her. Ooh. Yeah, they don't like her very much. She is great. But this i as much as I am pro women, I don't know that a double female ticket. I don't think that's going to work. is this awkward she She needs a particular ah person. She, well, she's going for like, what, a white male? A white man. Yeah. Which is going to happen. It needs to be energizing and, and, and it needs to have, it needs to have a good palette for the majority. Yeah. So, so the picks though are actually strategic in that Pennsylvania is a battleground state. So that would be needed. Mark Kelly is married to Giffords with Arizona. um So, and that's also a big state that he needs to flip or she needs to flip. Sorry.
Um, what was the other one? Uh, people are throwing around Pritzker's name a lot. Um, our current governor for Illinois, which honestly, if you look at Pritzker, when I, when I see Chicago, man, I literally Pritzker's face is faces in the dictionary. Like he looks so Chicago. It is so funny. Um, but I think in terms of like funding money, like he's a billionaire. Um, so they could definitely fund the effort if they need to. But I think they have that set. So I don't think he's going to be, that would be your problem. But Shapiro, Bashir, and Kelly, I think, are the top three that I've been hearing around. I think they were also looking at the governor of North Carolina, too. Oh, who's that? Cooper. Cooper? Oh, OK. Yeah, yeah. I don't think they're going to go, because North Carolina, I think, tends to go blue now. Or no, is it still red? No, it's still red. It's still red. It's just the area I am in is blue, but whatever. Yeah.
No, I think I think they're going to fix your period. But, you know, we'll see. um But, you know, as the as the election season like goes along, you know, and as the years because you have guys have to also think Covid changed a lot. So there's a lot of people living in places they weren't living before. That's why last election in 2020, when Texas got a little like purpley, people got like real. They got really like, whoa, like. Texas went from, because Texas used to be a strong hold red. And then when the votes were coming in, they're like, what the hell is going on here? And it was really purpley until it finally turned red. But there's a lot of states like that that maybe weren't swing states before. like Georgia wasn't a swing state. Are you kidding me? It's Georgia.
but When you think about who lives in Georgia and over the years, the demographics have changed so much that now, yeah, Georgia is more of a swing state than Florida, because even though my home state of Florida was blue for Obama twice, they've been red ever since they've been read for Trump. They were read. They were read for Hillary. Like the state of Florida. She did. She did not get Florida. Hillary didn't get Florida. Biden didn't get Florida either. But Obama got Florida twice. So it all the you know, so they haven't been a swing state in a while. And now George is a new swing state, I guess, if you want to call it that. But
You know, so I think it's very, it's very strategic. Yeah. I mean, we're about to see, I guess we can get a little entertaining election season if there's nothing else. Listen, I've already looked into it. I think it's just be really interesting. But i won I won't be honest. I will be honest, though, I did start seeing a lot of um there's a lot of articles out about a lot of young people that have registered to vote ever since Biden stepped down because they actually feel motivated to actually cast a vote for one person or another when the younger generation now we're talking about Gen Z. What's even after Gen Z? I don't even know what you call them anyway. Alpha is an alpha.
Yeah, I think it's alpha. But before, a lot of them weren't going to vote at all because they were like, well, there's this one old guy and this other old guy and they're just bickering about old guy stuff. But then now they actually feel galvanized enough to actually cast a vote. So that 18 to 25 range has seen a spike in voter registration. I don't know who they're voting for, but there is a spike in voter registration right now amongst that group. I mean, we'll see. I know and a lot of the sentiment is that um with Gen Z and, yeah, it's probably going to be like what their, what Harris's stance is going to be on Gaza. um Because, how do you ah he say his name? I don't know. The Prime Minister for Israel actually was speaking at Capitol Hill today.
um And obviously, like a lot of people have big sentiments about Israel's um attempted genocide for the Palestinians. And

Youth Voter Engagement and Family Expectations

that's a big, big point of contention with a lot of voters, ah younger voters that we've been seeing. As far as I'm concerned, ah Trump and Kamala will have the same view on that, which is to support Israel, israel which we have done that's forever. That's going to be a problem. It's gonna be a big problem. If she doesn't support Israel, then they're gonna call her unpatriotic. They're gonna say she's command treason. Or she's gonna be very vague about it and it's gonna be like, That's probably going to be the approach. But that's, yeah, I mean, I've been seeing a lot, like, I'm not voting for you. No, no, no. Both of them are going to support Israel. Have you ever gone to, have you ever heard of a presidential debate or anything that anyone has gone against Israel? I haven't. I haven't. Me either. No, well, in terms of foreign policy, they're always been, they always stand with Israel.
They've been our allies since what, World War II? Yeah, so I really don't see that that's gonna change. This goes back to like World War II and Hitler. And this is not being just for, you know, before listeners get all worked up. You know, listen, this is this is this is this is not saying that this is what we feel. This is not we yeah this are not what we feel. they're gonna They should support Israel. That's not what I'm saying. I am saying that And as it relates to, oh, let me throw this question out at them to see how they differ. You know, one of the things that has been a problem is that neither the Democrats or the Republicans can throw Israel in the mix to say, I'm going to provide this angle to make you answer it because Democrats and Republicans have historically been quite supportive, right? So when they were running down the, the, the info, like how many, you know, how many strikes had, you know, Republican, you know,
regimes supported versus democratic. It had always been about the same, right? So, you know, when you look at Obama's, you know, record and you look at Trump's record, they both were doing things that showed their clear intention to support Israel. So America has not wavered in that at all. So to use that as a sticking point, would be be interesting because they both would kind of get hung up on that sticking point. So I don't think anybody gains um a leg up on that. So correct from their standpoint, they would avoid it like the plague because that's going to be a problem. So this is not, do we support Israel or not? This is
And them trying to, and thinking about strategies and what they're going to throw out to see how you can separate, you know, the two candidates from each other. Israel is not a good one because they are stuck together. They are the same. They are the government and the government has historically been very pro-Israel. So I would not see how they could separate themselves from that. Neither party could separate themselves and say, well, yeah, but look what we're doing. Nah, that's not gonna happen. I think they're just gonna stress more so on the economy, like about, you know. I think I'ma just watch.
You said you just go watch. I'm going to watch too, but I think that's what they're going to do. You know, like the Republicans tend to cut taxes. I know one thing that's definitely going to come up because of Kamala and her past campaign because she has gone really, really hard on women's reproductive rights. So I'm almost positive that's going to be a hot topic that they're going to discuss and debate. Yes. Whether. Do y'all remember, wait, do you, I don't know if anybody caught it. and It was, this was, you know, in leading up to it, Trump was going somewhere and someone was like, Trump, are you going to support a federal ban on abortion? He was like, no. No. Oh, thatt you're right. You did talk about that. You did say that.
He was like no and kept moving like he was so unmotivated like it's interesting when you catch him in honest moments like this is because he doesn't really care he doesn't care he just wants the name he wants just to be president like that's just like he's like he's like a textbook narcissist like he wants the highest title in the land and for us that is to be president of the united states he needs to avoid jail he needs to get it so he can pardon himself oh and i So he doesn't go to jail. That's fair. That's also fair. Because this guy's going to jail if he does not get it. First act of presidency pardoned. Would you not do that if you were him? I would. I would just for the record, myself a part of myself. Myself, thank you. Yes, I'm letting you know. So I can't give him i can't give any backlash about that, because I'd be like,
Is this thing on? All right, y'all, listen. I thought that I was going to jail, and I'm not. I'm back up in here. We're throwing, I got out of jail because of me party. Meg gonna be on the ones and twos, okay? Let's do it. on, Meg, bring me home. I'm having a whole party. So, you know, I won't be like, I can't believe you. Cause I ain't a part of myself. You wouldn't part of yourself. I would part of myself 100%. I'm definitely part of myself and I couldn't vote for myself, but I'm a part of myself. guys this oh my god Welcome back. Look, Hey, welcome back everybody. You know, this patient's in the back. So let me tell you the first thing we're going to do is we're going to pardon me.
Yeah. Me. Me. I'm the pardon. I'm the party and the pardon. So that's party while we pardon me. Okay, great. Thanks. Mission accomplished. I wish viewers could see this impression of the reaction spot on this. I am pardoning myself. But like, day but like, who wouldn't do that? I would so do it. I mean, literally everyone would do that. So that's, ah by it i have that's, that's, that's all the trending I got. We can do the other one for another time. Well, we got just enough time for questions. right because some of this youre go um so I'm talking now to Dr. Sunshine, some of this you're going to cut down. So, you know, not to worry about that. Let me get this question, y'all. So.
Um, or multiple. I don't know what you've seen on your screen. Oh, you know what? This is right up my alley. Okay. So, so one of our sweet listeners said, all right, I am feeling a lot of pressure for my family in regards to getting married and having children. I am a stable, independent woman in my 30s and I am currently casually dating with no real rush to settle down, unless I come across the right guy. These conversations are starting to impact my mental health, but I also do not want to avoid family gatherings. Any advice on how to navigate this would be appreciated. Thanks.
We had a whole episode on boundaries, didn't we not? Well, we did. That was a Thanksgiving episode. But you know what? That was around the holiday time. Yeah. And this probably, as the holidays are coming really quickly, you know I'm sure she's like, dang, where do I do Thanksgiving? cause you know yeah But this is probably asking about this man right so's probably a topic every time they see her. Like when is this happening? It's like, really? Like, come on. like So I think there's two things, right? There is there is there is your personal thoughts on your your goals or your your thoughts about how you see yourself in a relationship, right? Do you want to be married? Are you okay with you know not being married?
Do you want to open and step in this thing on out? like that's you know That's the first question have to ask yourself. like How committed am I to marriage? um How committed am i i am I to a committed relationship? Am I OK with being single and kind of casually dating here and there? And of course, that answer could fluctuate, I think. So that that is your question. And then the second one is, how are you going to manage it with your family? my suggestion is to do all the things that preserve all the autonomy, right? Of course, I'm really talking about your ability to have kids um for the most part. So I feel like you put some eggs on ice and you live your best life because you really can't force relationships.
i It's so cliche to say this, but I think we all We all probably go go through a phase where we're like, okay, what what is the answer to the question when we're gonna do about this relationship thing? like I need to kind of you know have some resolution and and and have some some answers about it. And as soon as you're like, well, I'm good, I'm gonna you know live my best life, somebody's gonna come along. I just think you have to answer the question, I think you have to have have some comfort in there. And so what would bring me comfort is that I was prepared for all occasions, right? So I'm gonna stack my coins, I'm gonna maximize my income opportunity so that my independence is always intact, right? So to me, that was finding ways to make money and do things that I enjoy doing. That happened to be medicine for me.
The second thing was I would preserve the ability to expand my family on my own. To me, that is freezing my eggs so that should, you know, my future husband or my future just committed partner doesn't show up until I'm 38 or 39 or 40 something. If I am long eggs or my fertility is low, I still got all the decision-making that I can because I put those eggs on ice, we can still have my kids. So if my money ain't funny and I preserve my fertility, I feel more comfortable in the back of my brain, and I think when I feel more comfortable in the back of my brain, I don't have any issues with you picking on me about, am I getting married, who I'm gonna meet, who I'm not gonna meet, why I haven't married him. I just haven't.
But in all situations, I'm gonna make it happen. So if I get married late, I can still have kids. If I decide not to, that I don't wanna have kids, no sweat off my brow. If I don't meet anybody, my house is paid for, I can take care of myself. i've got my you know I've got my financial planner, I'm doing all the things. So I think to me, I would be very focused on have I checked the box that allowed me to live my best life independently. And once the answer is yes, you don't really care what people are saying about you.
ah well We'll take another direction with this. Well, first of all, I agree with everything Amy Jo just said, at cosine, cosine, cosine. If you are more the type that's like really in touch with your emotions and easily affected by people when they say things to you, because some people are a little more emotional than others, me, not so much, I'd be like, I don't really care how you feel, if you feel this. That's kind of me in general. But if you're more of, like I guess you call them like an empath, and you're really feeling things, i think sometimes for me, when I have felt that way, rarely. Sometimes it's useful to kind of get an idea of where relatives are coming from. Because one relative can ask you a question, and they are genuinely asking you because they want you to be happy. And they're just like genuinely curious. And they just want to know that you're safe. And if you're dating, just kind of like, hey, are you dating someone? How well do you know them? Are you safe? I want you to be happy and find your person. And good vibes, good vibes, good for you.
Other relatives just be nosy in your business or just bring up stuff just to stir to pot. It depends on your relative, I personally feel. But no matter no matter which one it is, if it bothers you that much that you're going to start avoiding family gatherings, and I think it might help you to, like Amy Jo said, kind of find something that makes you feel secure and confident. Because that's what Amy Jo's saying. Amy Jo's like, yo, regardless of what they say, be confident in your plan. Plan accordingly. Hopefully your money ain't funny. And you have that security within yourself. It doesn't matter what they say, because you're good. Like, you're good.
So you can go that route, or you could also tell everybody, stop asking me about my business. I'm growing, you don't pay my bills, so F y'all. So it all depends on how your personality, depends on your personality. I definitely, marriage is not a defining moment, right? And this is coming from someone that's married. Like marriage is not the defining moment. So, and but i'm and I'm also aware that we treat it like this sometimes. And so I think it's unfair pressure. And I feel like black women, I don't know if you're black, white, orange, green, yellow, brown, I don't know. But I feel like black women tend to feel the weight of that more than anyone. But it's not a defining moment. It's another it's another event, right? it's ah It's an addition to your life. It it is another thing that happens in the full spectrum of things. But marriage is one good thing that happens to you in a long line of good things. So you are going to be a collection of good things for your entire life.
And if marriage does not happen to fall into there, there's all these other things that have happened as well. And and so I just don't want it to be the the focus, even though I know you're saying, I know that's not being driven by you, the listener, but you know as you're listening, I'm just saying that that's not going to be the definition of how good your life is because it's going to be full of so many other things. Yeah. I mean, I agree with you because I think, well, I've been in this situation plenty of times. And I think it's just because people equate you being, having a family, being, you know, having kids as happiness and don't look at it as you being single, that you could be happy. Right. And like,
I think a lot of it, it depends on where it's coming from, like Dr. Sunshine said, because I think some of some family members, they just generally, they just want you to be happy. And they think happiness is like, you know, you having a family, you being with somebody, doesn' they just don't want you to be alone in life, you know, maybe just having someone to share things with in life. And that's great. But you know, I mean, things are not forced, things happen when they happen, right? So it's just, knowing, just learning to just be okay with it. And for me personally, depending on the family member, they get a different answer dependent on the day and who it is, right? Like if it's someone that I feel like is being nosy and wants to know and I'm like, you know what? Yes, pray for me.
And I send them on homework, and I'm like, pray for me for that someone. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Because you're more invested in it, so pray for me. Because I will take your prayer, and then maybe that person will come into my life in a little bit. Maybe that NBA player will come into my life and tell them your prayer. Where is Nerdy Maka? Let's do that for me. I thank you so much. Please, I will take your prayer. Thank you. That's why someone's working for me. you know, and then someone else, then I'll give them somebody else. I'll be like, well, maybe I don't want to, or I give them a different answer. Everybody gets a different answer depending on the day and the time. but I don't know what is asking. I don't know if that's necessarily helpful for you, but you don't have to tell anybody. Thank you. You don't owe, you don't owe anybody, you don't owe anybody anything, and but you know,
But you know, that's what gets the older generations angry at us, the younger ones, because we have that firm feeling of, well, I don't owe you an answer to this question. like I don't owe you this. I don't owe you that. You know, older generations, they hate that. They hate that. It's almost like, almost like you're disrespecting them as an elder by not entertaining these conversations. and And it's not being disrespectful. It's just it's just a boundary. I'm going to do what I want. I'm going to have an answer. Yeah, just do what you want. And just be like, did you did you not see what inflation is doing? I can't afford it. you know I don't know. Oh my god, yes. the you know Child care is the cost of a mortgage. there's I afford it. So yeah, to summarize, do what you want. sot Don't let anyone tell you different.
and keep it keep it pushing okay but freeze your eggs though oh so yes if you didn't have money anything and but you yeah know honestly freeze your eggs you are in your 30s um freeze your eggs because i think that It's not, I don't think, you know, I don't think it's the act of being single. That's not the part that's things, right? I think we figure out how to live well. Because we're women. We communicate with each other. Like we have girlfriends. Like we form communities where we feel protected and seen in her. So even if your family doesn't get it, you'll have a girlfriend or two that is like, girl, come on over here. Let's drink some wine. Let's have a good time. And so those things happen.
Where I see the panic set in for women is when they're like, oh shit, this man had the nerve to really show up in my life. And now I am 39. Do you think I can have kids? Do you think I can have kids? Oh, we just met. Okay. I'm gonna wait. Now we're I'm 41. And you're like, we got married. Do you think I can have kids? And if that answer is no, what happens is you hear women with all this reflection. I should have done this a long time ago. What was I thinking? Why wasn't I ready? So I would tell you to prepare like marriage is inevitable. If you prepare like marriage is inevitable, then if it comes, great, you're ready. If it doesn't come, you got your girls. That's true. You good either way.
You're blessed. yeah Check us out on our website at ah where you can send in your questions, advices, well wishes, all the all the good stuff. um Also feel free to

Closing Remarks and Listener Engagement

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