Like I haven't seen love in hip hop. I haven't seen oh that um Big Brother. I haven't seen. But specifically, I do feel like love and love is blind is intriguing just because they they legit do not see each other. And it's just like the natural connection through communication. And I'm like, is this legit? Like and a lot of them are like talking about stuff that but but because you can't see each other, they have a false sense of like Like they talk about things they never talked about their childhoods and all this childhood trauma everybody has. And I'm like, Oh my God, like, what are we doing? No, they lay it on heavy in the pods. But then like, it's also interesting to see the interactions with the other contestants that they almost picked. And then you see a lot of people actually like sabotage their current relationship with their, the person that they picked originally. to be like, oh, let me, you know, she actually, we fit a lot better, you know, after they see them, you know, so you're wondering if that connection was like, Oh, is this literally just physical attraction? Or are you actually like, are we actually a thing, like an item? But like, I love this one came out like before COVID, didn't it not? It did. it's I mean, she, she put on season seven. She put on season seven. I was like, there's been seven seasons of this. I got, I got hooked on it during COVID.