Podcast Introduction
Another episode of Chocolate with a Side of Medicine. I am Dr. k Chris, one of your hosts, and I am joined by my lovely co-host. We have Dr. No-No.
Hey, guys. Dr. Sunshine. Hello. And last but not least, Dr. Emmy Jo. What's up, y'all? How are you guys doing?
Dr. Chris's Burst Pipes Ordeal
It's been a while, I know.
has been. Lots of things have been going on in the world. It's... That is the understatement of the century. right yeah oh Lots of things. It's like it's hard to to to reduce it down to lots of things. The world is crazy right now.
Oh, yes. yeah Oh, the world. I was talking about my pipes bursting bo for the second time in two years. but but That's insane. yeah It's perks of buying 100 year plus old house.
But yeah. plus old house so yeah Did you have to redo all the piping? ah So it burst in a different spot this time. um So we we figured, well, we now discovered that the water main um is in the front of the house and it is actually like flush against the concrete wall.
So if you guys are in Chicago, you remember we've had like negative 30 degree temperatures for like a straight week. And I'm like, I pray to God nothing else bursts in this house. And sure enough, no sooner after I said that, the day after, we had a little we heard a little pop.
And we went downstairs and saw water coming out of the wall. So... the The thing is, the thing is what made this so much more worse um is that the pipe burst. It actually cracked the water meter.
So it was that cold that the water the water got inside the meter and it expanded and it burst. So we had a big old crack coming down the water meter. So that means we have to call the city to come out and fix it.
But the thing is, the city of Chicago does not like to come out and fix things. So we've had were trying to call them for a straight week to come out and fix this water main, which they finally did.
um But after lots of calling and harassing the Department of Water to do so. um So we did like a little nice staycation somewhere else in the city until we got that fixed. But once we got it fixed, you know, life is good again. Wow.
Because they had to come out. Didn't they have to come out and turn the water off too because of the... So it is like you could just run and like turn water off really quickly. You were literally like calling the city like, hey, this pipe has burst. Please turn our water off.
No, literally. And the they have to turn it off from the street. So as new homeowners, like I've now discovered that there is actually a switch to turn off the water for your house that's located on the street.
The issue, though, was that that pipe was filled with gravel. So they have a special long pipe that they put down there to turn off the water. Yes, and twist it. The issue was that that filled up with gravel over the how many decades that they've ever had to do this.
So they had they came out of a truck and they're like, oh, we don't have the right truck. We got to come back. Came back three days later. I'm trying to tell this lady, I'm like, ma'am, we still have water coming in the house. Can you guys call, get the right truck and come out and turn this off?
And like, yeah, we'll get to it. They did not get to it. So we had to call, ah actually put out
Cold Weather Repercussions
a request. This is a whole saga. I put out a request on our ah our local Facebook group. I'm like,
Anyone with plumbing experience, can you all come and help us out? So literally, by the grace of God, this guy was like, oh, yeah, I can do that. I'm a plumber. And he came over. he literally capped the pipe that was coming out from the water meter and was able to actually shut off the water in the house until we can have the city come out and replace all the piping and also give us a new water meter.
And that that whole thing took five days, which which should have took you taken maybe one and a half. So it was, oh my God. That's insane. All I could think of is those pictures of Detroit. So you remember that you see those pictures of Detroit when that water main burst and then it froze. And so like literally outside the street, it was like, like the water was like up to the level of like the windows of the cars and it was all completely frozen.
Yep. that's five that's five feet of water just frozen solid that's what i thought about when you were talking about that i'm like y'all came home and it was just water everywhere um um i'm i'm a drama queen it was literally like the little carpet area got wet and soaked um so the mitigation this time was not as extensive as we had last time but um it was but it's all about the wallley now like they they add to me i'm like they need to open up the walls and like like clear that all out because if they don't it's gonna mold Oh, no. Yeah. Well, they did that. So it was only that if you you guys have been to my house, it was that over that place where I had like the the bike stored, the Peloton bike. Yeah. So it was literally that little small area that was affected. Nowhere else in the house was affected. so
They took down the walls, replaced the drywall, you know pulled back the carpet, replaced the subfloor underneath the carpet, put it back. It literally looks like nothing ever happened over there, which is exactly how we want it.
um But the Detroit situation, those people, but I don't know if that's what we made, like total loss. Yeah. Yeah, because we had 50 degree temperatures today. So all of that melt melted and now it's just...
free-flowing gray water just in their house so those they're gonna get big payouts i will tell you that but you say 50 degrees it it's 50 it was 50 degrees today yeah in february yes this is the fall spring this is fall spring this is not everyone in the midwest knows this this is not like don't be fooled don't be fooled i did open all I did open my patio door for like a couple of hours. I'm like, oh, this is nice. I could probably sit out on the patio and drink my coffee.
No, it's going to go back down to like 30s probably next week. So this is, we can enjoy it for a day, but this is, we only got a day. Well, I'm sorry, friend. I'm sitting complaining about these cold temperatures that we've gotten in North Carolina. I was like, I don't understand how I moved down south. And it's cold and it's snowing. Like, what's up?
No, that's rude. That is so rude. It's like 19 degrees. I'm like, I did not sign up for this. That is cold. For the Carolinas, that's cold. That doesn't make any sense. Yeah, we didn't sign up for this. Every time I go outside, it's cold. I'm like, no now get Carolinas.
But you know what? No, we're safe. but you know florida and i say florida florida got snow you know what they were playing they were playing hockey on the streets of bourbon street in new orleans i'm like it did i saw i yeah but i i saw that um yeah i'm like they playing hockey on bourbon street i'm like oh this is they got ice skates on where y'all get ice skates from what are doing it was very cute it was very cute i'm like oh you guys got snow I'm thinking, no, we're safe. And I'm like, I need to go back in my Bible.
but i'm That's what I'm thinking. I don't know. You think this is starting to sound like revelations? Yeah. and not sounding too good for me i don't know you know it's it's it's something it's just one one month at a time guys i mean it's i mean i didn't even know that the pipes bursting was such a thing not just because of you dr no no but like i feel like this is a thing in the midwest like i don't know what it is about my feed but it's a bunch of people talking about pipes bursting and things i'm like you know what
This is a lot more common than I thought it was because it's just like it's it's yeah, it's wild. It's wild. I mean, other than your house burning down, you probably your pipe bursting is like the second worst thing that can happen as a homeowner. But um yeah, it's I mean, at any place you get like subzero temps, it's going to happen. It's just you got to be prepared for it when it does they have really good insurance.
See, that's why we can't do that Midwest life, because that's rough. I can't do that part. I can't do it. Why are you shaking your head, Amy Jo? You were up here. That's why she can't.
She did it. She's like, no. And Dr. Sunshine is forgetting the polar vortex. I don't know why Dr. Sunshine is acting like she didn't know about these pipes. And we would listen to them shits knocking.
Boom, boom, boom.
like what is that i'm like it's the pipes first of all talk about the polar vortex like this doesn't happen often next thing i know it's like every winter for y'all i'm like this is not a this is not a like no like it's just but but it's that type of cold but it's that type of cold that makes you like reconsider your life choices and stuff but i'm like oh no i can't live here like this is so cold it got me rethinking why am i here think It made me go home. well paul The
Kendrick Lamar's Music Achievements
polar vortex. I did not work. y'all really Y'all remember that? Like, that's how cold it was. And I was like, and this is where i tap out. First of all, i I cannot breathe. This homeless man just told me to go home and i'm listen to him. I don't even know this man, but he was like, you look terrible. I think you should go home. And I was like, you know what, sir?
um You can't. The polar vortex was so bad, I let a complete stranger in my car, and I didn't care if he pulled it out of the... That man could have pulled that car off of that block of ice and drove off, and I'd have been like, okay, and went right back up the stairs because whatever he was going to do with the car, he couldn't park it back there. like It would be stuck in that same spot.
um I'm literally in the car rocking with two strange men that I do not know that are like... and They hustling. And I'm like, I will pay y'all any amount of money because I'm not paying Uber $50 for a one-way trip.
Like I'm not paying y'all $100 a day while my car is stuck in this block of ice. So they get my car out. And of course, you know, I'm, I'm trying to get out and it's not working. He's like, you're goingnna have to let me in the car.
And I was like, Okay. I don't care. Like, sure. Like, and when he was like, no, you get on the other side because I need you to to rock. Like, he could have kidnapped me and I wouldn't have cared as long as the heat was on.
Like, I don't care where we go. Like, it it was terrible. I don't want to be that cold again. I never want to be that cold again. And I went right back up those stairs.
And you like, I'm done for the day. I found another parking spot. i don't even know it was a legal spot. I didn't care. I mean, who's going to tow it, right? Like nobody wants to tow cars right now. So i don't remember where I went after that, but I assure you that it was not, it was not to my rotation, which was Peds ED.
So, um, the whole people had already tried to kill me. Right. You're like, I'm not going back there. I'm happy to finish the job. No, we're good. No, after the polar vortex, I think I, me and Dr. Sunshine, we had decided that Chicago is not where we stay.
where we know We were just like, nah. I only had that conversation with two people, like that deep hearted, had conversation with you and our friend, ah Eric Fernandez. And we were like, i was like, this place is not meant for us.
And we will da da no so no song no song no song no song no song and i was like i was like there is no amount of great summer fun no or good time or whiskey bar or five-star restaurant that can change my mind because this city is dope but it is not built for me nope can do I feel like we, no, no, no, no. dot ah Dr. Chris didn't have her job yet, but I feel like most of us had an idea like where we were going by at that point.
um Yeah, yeah. I just knew it wasn't going to be there. that's that's well I was actually torn between D.C. and Chicago, but with family stuff, I ended up staying in Chicago. bob i mean, and I've been here since med school. it's you know But, I mean, i'm just I'm used to the cold. So, like, i'm you know being from Michigan, this is the polar vortex, though. I've never experienced cold like that in my entire life. um But, unfortunately, I got used to it. So, it's just, like. I mean, this is just life now. So it's, no, I, I dealt with cold.
I dealt with cold. Cause you know, I'm from New York. So I dealt with cold, but the problem is, is when I went to school and it came in Island and I went back, back and forth, I was like, nah, I'm not built for this no more. I can't do this.
ah tolerate's home bad And it'll be snowing. And I'm like, I got a shovel. um like Right.
Nah, I'm done. This is for the birds, man. like this This can't be my life. I'm like, nah. I can't be doing that. yeah y'all Y'all are coming back.
I don't shovel. don't do nothing. I just drive over it. Well, yeah. That's what 90% do. Until recently. Listen, y'all see where I'm at.
Shout out to LA. Yeah.
Listen, so for the trending topic. So first of all, Dr. Nono had a little nugget that she told us like right before we pushed record. And she said that what she was talking about was actually going my trending.
So because she took my trending and she didn't even know it because she took my, trend my trending and she's going to a topic. I'm just going to take this moment to have a lighthearted conversation about something. And no, it's not medical.
Why? Cause I'm coming up with it on the fly because Dr. Nono took what was talking about. no. I just want to say... There's some new shade in that. It's just ridiculous. I just want to say I just want to spotlight the fact that it is February, which means that it is Black History Month, and we've had a lot of very Black things happen recently. just want to give a shout-out Kendrick at the Super Bowl. kinddrick Kendrick winning his Grammys, Beyonce getting Album of the Year, and Country Album of the Year. yeah All of the things. There's been a lot of... um
very chocolatey takeovers of things recently and on top of that the Eagles shout out to Saquon and Jalen Hurts won the Super Bowl yes Jalen and his fine ass fiance kissing on the field holding up the trophy I'm like good for you sir like good for you yes like can't leave out Aja Wilson winning Time is 2025.
Oh, yes. Woman the Yeah. And she looked dope on that cover. actually need to. i need to find it. I need to find it. You know how sometimes with Time Magazine, they do like three or four different covers, like different poses and stuff.
I want to find the pose that I saw on social media. um i feel like I saw it on her page. Cause you know how sometimes they do that. Like for for a man or woman of the year, it'll be like one pose and another pose, depending on which like which one you find in your local like um like your local store.
But we've had a lot of like wonderful, awesome accomplishments happen. And a lot of things that people didn't see coming. And a lot of things that people are still in their feelings about. And you know what?
That's okay. Y'all can stay in your feelings about. All the above. Because it's been it's been dope. I don't know if you guys watched the Super Bowl or if you watched the Grammys. or if you guys Of course you watched the Super Bowl. I was not going to miss Kendrick.
i't listen I enjoyed the Super Bowl. was very good. it was very good Even a Seawalk, Serena Williams at the end, that was that was not on my bingo card for 2025. Listen, I have a new appreciation for Kendrick because like he took the form of being petty to a different level. And I... I absolutely love it. It's like you spoke to my heart.
The pettiness was great. I loved it. Y'all saw what I posted. I'm like, this is a black ass petty ass Super Bowl. I'm like, but I love it. I love it. I'm here for it.
I'm here for it. And it wasn't like the whole thing. It was like a small part of what the whole message was, but it still was there in it. It was just great the way he did it. And with a smile on his face.
Oh my goodness. Oh, that camera pan when it like, he was about to do the part from Not Like Us. And it just like, he had big old grin on his face. I'm like, he's gonna do it. He's gonna do it. He smiles like that. He smiles like that every time he says, say Drake.
Grammy Surprises and Music Awards
I love it. I love it. I love it.
And the irony of it is like he wins five Grammys off of this song? Yeah, just a song. Has it ever been done before? I don't think it has.
on top of that usually you i'm a music head usually if somebody's winning five grammys usually they put out an album but because his but because his album came out late like his album came out past the grammy cutoff so it's gonna be on the next grammy's the album but the diss track came out first because you know that was a banger over the summer so i'm like this dude got five grammys off one song like so And this song ain't even on his album It's not That's insane It's beautiful don't even understand It was a throwaway song He did in his spare time He gonna make me grab the mic Let me grab the mic It's like I'm on the album It's like are you kidding me i know we got ticket We got tickets to see him In Chicago for June I'm so excited Are you seeing him
Oh, of course. Of course. but i am Me too. That was ah classic. I was like, that is crazy. I just did not expect that. But, you know, he won a Pulitzer Prize for his other album.
Yeah, I think he got it. He got it for, he got a Pulitzer Prize for Damn, I think. And I'm surprised he didn't get it for To Pimp a Butterfly, actually. But, listen, the fact that I feel like they award Kendrick for the wrong things at the wrong time. But I was like, I won't complain because he is getting awarded but he definitely should have gotten more hype for other things but I'm like you know what however these people want to acknowledge you and your accolades fine but I'm like damn really fine sure we'll take it it's okay I mean you know he's an artist like it different things speak to different people i don't know exactly I'm like you know what cool
It's fine. Same way with Beyonce and album of the year. I'm like, oh, for Cowboy Carter. Okay. Yeah. so I saw something about that on like social media that ah people were discussing, like that's not even her best album, but then she won it.
Because they keep snubbing her for the award. And when she actually should have won, she should have won it years ago. But I'm like, but y'all gonna give it her for Cowboy Carter? I'm like, because I'm a stan, of course
Dr. Chris's Gun Range Anecdote
I'll take it. Like she's,
she's owed for so long but at the same time you raise your eyebrow kind of like really this is what I did it for y'all okay cool that's fine cowboy Carter ain't for everybody I love Renaissance. like that that That album did it for me. That was amazing. Because i um I love House and it was just all the House themes like scattered throughout the album.
um I know the Cowboy Carter is not like a whole country album, but like I just think the style of music for Renaissance just did it more for me than Cowboy Carter. but Listen, you you already know Cowboy Carter speaks to me.
You're talking about grits and cornbread and whiskey and shooting guns. I'm like, oh, this is for me. This is for Y'all Flirtians and Texans have more in common.
And Dr. Chris, she went to gun range with me. We had a good time. Did we go to a gun range in Houston? Dr. Chris, Dr. Chris, a good shot. Don't y'all catch her slipping. Dr. Chris, a good shot. I was like, you sure you ain't done this before?
She's like, I'm like, I don't know, girl.
You hitting that target mighty nice. I don't think you remember. Yeah, I'm like, I don't know, sis. But we gonna roll with that.
Yeah, the cute, yeah, some guy showing you how to hold the gun. She's like, oh, show me again. So I can do it right. Then absolutely get like five bullseyes in a row. Like, oh, I hope I did that okay.
Can you show me how to hold it right? yeah okay you should Can you show me how to hold it right? Am I doing it right? i'm like, Chris, get it.
This bitch. Excuse me. I need a little help. Excuse me. What are we doing? Well, I sure I was doing it right.
well i needed to make sure i was doing it right Oh my God. Anyway, here yeah but no, I don't have anything actual for the trending. Cause I was going to talk about it.
Social Media and Cultural Representation
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I want to shout out our people and wish everybody a happy Black History Month because we need some good vibes and good juju for our people. So, you know, am.
phone phone phone no so um so i am Oh my God. I've saw so many variations of that, but the one I sent you was probably my favorite. Like, eat I've been rapping in Spanish for weeks now.
My husband came up to me like, what are you watching? ah um so throwos no song i was like, ah no I'm like Amy Jo. I'm like Amy Jo MD sent it to me. He's like, really? How did she find this?
I was like, you know. So let me tell you, I do not know what I did. But my algorithms currently think that I am an African-American, Spanish-speaking...
Because... Like 70% of my my feed now is all Spanish-speaking. So I don't know what I hit, but it's just like...
yeah They like, oh yeah, she's Afro-Latina. We found her. Absolutely. so you know Somebody roll up and we're asking questions. I'll be like, see, the problem is you've been on my Facebook page. You should have been minding your business because what you don't know is I've been here, boo.
but yeah Somebody thinks I speak Spanish. um ah you know you know and Of course, I speak just enough to rap Kendrick Lamar's um They Not Like Us. That's okay with me.
that is okay with me um and every time i watch it i laugh as if i have never seen it before it is it gives me life yeah i mean in every language they can say drake right yo oh my this man is literally gonna never show his face on he just needs oh he's he's done like his career is no he No.
Drake's not going anywhere. I mean, the people who love Drake love Drake, right? Drake is a pop star. He's not going anywhere. He's done with rap. can tell you that.
You don't think so? He can still rap. Yeah, I think the people who love Drake are going to love Drake, right? like that's That's not going to change. Kendrick is not going to make people who love Drake not love Drake.
But we are having a good time oh it was right now. Okay? so Listen, i like Drake, I mean, he's good when he makes his songs. I like Drake songs.
I'm not going lie, but like Kendrick is a lyricist. like but and He reminds me of the rappers I grew up with. ah But i think I think Kendrick's trying to hit the point that Drake is not going to be welcomed in the spaces that Drake wants to be welcomed in the most.
right Because drake Drake wants to be accepted by these spaces and these this culture that does not embrace him. And that is the real gag for Drake.
But would Drake have fans? Sure. Drake is a pop star. He can go anywhere. show up to concerts and stuff. But the the group that Drake is trying to be, he's trying to get some affirmation from the culture.
And the culture is like, nah. Nah, bro. But you can go over with there. But you can go over there on Hotline Bling. You can go over there. That's cool. You know? so But I get that part. But then like a lot of what Kendrick did and like Not Like Us and Meet the Grams is like he really exposed like what Drake's character is more or what people probably didn't know about him before these songs came out.
Like, I mean, in Meet the Grams, he's pretty much talking about, like, you know, how about, you know, his relationship with his son and then also, like, ah some pedophilia sprinkled in there or whatever. So I don't know if his fans already knew that before these songs came out. But I think, you know, playing Not Like Us on repeat, you know, those messages are still getting through to a lot of people.
And that's probably why, you know, Drake is suing Kendrick for, like, defamation of character and whatnot. He's like, why? Why are spilling all this shit up. But I like that he also brought that up at the Super Bowl because who sues from a rap battle? If you sue from a rap battle, that's how you know you're not black. Get the fuck out of here. You're missing the plot. You're missing it.
like This is not what you do. You take the hits and you come back with a better diss album. Exactly. That's the history of rap. But so much of Drake wants to be accepted by the culture, but he don't even know the rules of the culture. You don't sue from a rap battle.
Right. You don't do that. Who does that? That's lame. That's lame. That's why you told him. He said you're lame.
You don't know the rules. How you try to play the game you don't know the rules? You're lame. Go over there. over there. Go over there. Goofy. Yeah.
Dr. Emmy Jo Meets DMX
Euphoria was great. Oh yeah. That was a one.
Of course. love Euphoria. I love Euphoria. That was really good. Yeah. Why the best, why my favorite part is always like, I hate the way that you walk. That was so funny. I love that part too. in The fact that he says it twice.
You know, DMX said that about Drake.
He just repeated it. Rest in peace. I love it even more. love it even more. It was hilarious. I told y'all I met DMX, right?
It was what happened. Yes, I did. No, there's no way you told us that. We would for sure remember it. Yes, did. I love DMX. I met DMX. Lovely, lovely guy. You want to know where i met where I met? Wait, was this at the fast food joint?
Yes, I told you. She did tell us this. I did tell you that. I met him when I was working at McDonald's. I was 15. It was McDonald's right off the highway, and they were on their way like to downtown Miami.
They stopped in. extra nuggets. um No, it's not what he asked for He was like, and he sounds just like that. He's like, can I get a cheeseburger? And I was like, oh my God.
And then I'll bug you out. And we all heard, we're like, whoa. And then I was like, yo, that's DMX.
And the girl taking his order didn't know who it was, but I'm at the register right next to her. And I'm like, yo, that's DMX. Hey. And I'm like, am I tripping? So I went to ask my homeboy in the back. I'm like, hey, bro, come here.
That's DMX, right? He's like, yeah. I'm like, yo. ah was like, excuse me, sir. I like pushed her to the side. Little girl. I'm excuse me, excuse me. Right. You don't know who he is. Let me take the order.
Excuse me, sir. Yeah, exactly. I'm like, excuse me, sir. Are you ah you dmm He's like, yeah. that was like, was like, sir, it is such a pleasure to meet you.
Like, I can't, can i get an autograph? Can get a picture or something? And he like signed little McDonald's receipt for another little printed paper. I was like, oh my God. And legit, he ordered 35 cheeseburgers for him and his whole entourage. There was like a ah Hummer limo. That's how you know what year it is. There's a Hummer limo out there.
And we gave them 35 cheeseburgers, which at the time were on the dollar menu. I'm like, respect. Respect. Oh my God. And then he was like, you know, it's really nice to meet you. I would invite you where we going, but you 15, right? And I was like, yeah. He's like, it's cool. Tell your friends. Who wants to 18 and up? I was like, all right, cool. Oh my Lord. I love it.
love it. That's where they was going. It's going to the club, but down in Miami. was like, man, this is the highlight of my life. You don't even know. know was like, damn, why got be 15? right yeah yeah like saying Mr. DMXer.
um but I'm 15 turning on 18 tomorrow. I already knew from him and his entourage. i'm like I don't need to be where they going. going to King of Diamonds. That's where they going.
to I don't know if we can have all of this in here. Anyway, Dr. No-No, you should talk about your topic because we're getting leads. don't know how I can follow up Kendrick and DMX, but we'll try. All right. So main topic for the day is measles.
Measles Outbreak and Vaccination Importance
So as you guys have been hearing in the news, there is actually a huge outbreak in Texas right now. um The reason why this has like everyone in the health care field like up in arms is because measles is super preventable because believe it or not, there is a very effective vaccine out there.
um But with the recent anti-vax movement and everything, a lot of people have been you know, not willing to get it. So from the the stats from the Texas Department of State Health, um as of the February 21st, there have been 90 cases reported.
Out of those 90, 16 patients were hospitalized. And then out of five of those cases, ah only five of those cases were vaccinated. Everyone else, so 94% of those people that got measles were unvaccinated.
So take with that what you will. The vaccine works. And this is more proof than any that it does. So let's talk about like what is measles.
So I think people just think like, oh, it's just a rash. You get a fever. It goes away. You're fine. But the thing is is that measles is actually highly contagious. um It's a viral illness that you know is seen worldwide.
And usually it's characterized by fever, ah cough, conjunctivitis, and fancy word called choriza. And then this is usually followed up by the characteristic rash that we see.
So usually um anyone that's been exposed, about 90% of people that are exposed to the virus will get measles um if you are unvaccinated as per the stats i I just mentioned earlier.
So the difference, so we're going to pretty much talk about like, you know, clinically, how does it manifest some complications from it? And then also the most important part, which I will let these late lovely ladies take over are the vaccines.
So, and you guys can chime in whenever, but. So pretty much the stages of infection. So there's an incubation, a prodrome, um the xantham and xantham phase, so like the rashes, and also ah complications from um the measles virus.
So first, the incubation phase. So incubation is pretty much how long, you know, exactly incubation is like, you know, how long it takes something to cook. So usually this is like six to 21 days, usually median about 13, where the virus gets into like your, you know,
you know, to your lungs or through your through the conjunctiva, so like, you know, through the white part of your eyes. So the period of contagiousness is usually from five days before the appearance of the rash, which is usually four days after. The tricky part with measles is that infected people can be asymptomatic during this phase.
So that means that you could still be shedding the virus, even though you're not showing any symptoms from it. So that's what makes this really tricky. Because if you think about it, you know, there's a five day period where you're not showing symptoms.
But then during that time, like how many how many people are you coming into unless you're a hermit? Like how many people are you coming into contact with during those five days? And you can think about how easily it spreads from that.
So cause your five days isn't even your rashes in here yet. No, no. And then obviously when you're sick, you just out here to show sinuses. Right. So like when the rash pops up and then you get like the fevers and everything from it, you're like, oh, OK, I'm sick with something. let me, you know, common sense would be like, let me stay away. But, you know, before that day gets there, there's five days, almost a week before that happens. So you think about how many people you're infecting during that period. And it's a lot.
So prodrome is the medical term for the early symptoms that indicate the onset of disease. So these symptoms pop up and then, you know, this is when the rashes come after.
So this usually lasts, like i said, about two to four days, but can, you know, go up as long as eight. So over a week. And these are the symptoms that we pretty much know measles for. So fever, you feel really, really tired.
um You may not want to eat. You get really red eyes, what we call conjunctivitis. And you get choriza, which is a fancy word for inflammation of your mucous membranes. um So like, you know, stuff in your nose, your throat, your mouth, you know, all that gets really itchy and irritated.
And then you have a really bad cough, like you're coughing constantly. And it's it can be coughing to the point where it's like painful and your chest hurts. So... The big part, the top part that we're pretty much all tested on when we go through med school are the rashes.
So I'm going to butcher these names because I still for the life of me cannot say them right. So the enanthem and the exanthem are the rashes that are characterized with with measles.
So the Enanthem is the characteristic rash that we see. And this is our, the Copelix spots. So you guys remember these? Copelix spots, step one. Exactly.
That was step one? Yeah, step one. Yeah. So girl, all these steps run together. i don't know, but. So the Coplex spots, there are like they're really small, but they're kind of like, if you can think of like whiteheads that pop up on the interior part of your mouth, and these can spread to cover more of the mucosa like within your mouth and and onward. so And then the, um so when you see a kid with this, they're very, very significant. If you see this, that's measles.
it's It's for sure measles. The other rash, so the exanthem is the the other rash that's you know known for measles, where it starts literally from head to toe. And it's, ah I don't know, I can not say the medical way to describe it, but So it's like a ah red ah red rash that you know can kind of, what we say, confluent, or they can like go into each other.
And it literally starts from head and it goes all the way down to your toe. So kind of like if someone poured like oil on you, on your head, That's literally how the rash spreads throughout your body.
So if you get this rash or you get any rash, it's really important that you tell your docs like, where did it start? And you're probably asking like, it's a rash, like it's all over, why does it matter? But actually this clues us into actually what type of illness that you have if we know how the rash started.
So like, and yeah as an example, like hand, foot and mouth disease, obviously, you know, you see hands, you know, the palms of your hands, soles of your feet, um and and also like within your mouth.
um So there are certain characteristic rashes that pop up on your hands and feet. And then that's how we can kind of tell like, oh, this could be one of these. And then by taking a history, we can further narrow it down. so that's why we're not being annoying when we ask you all these questions. It actually really helps us out quite a bit.
So and The exanthem. So after you get this rash, um some other kind of signs during this ah or symptoms during this phase include like the fevers, the um sore throat, you know, the really, you know, red eyes or the conjunctivitis.
The issue is severe measles. When it pops up during this phase, you can get, you know, your lymph nodes get really big and swollen. And also your spleen can get really, really large. The issue with that is if it gets large enough, it can burst.
So that is a problem. so yeah So the rashes will usually fade after 48 hours, but it can last for usually six to seven days and it'll fade in the order that it popped up. So literally it'll start fading from head to toe.
head to toe sorry i'm tired these are designated radio stations that just pops up brand newton so when you think when you think of head to toe think of amy joe's song that's how i read don't bring your baby in here knowing that you done read all this stuff on google tell on some um and looking at me funny when don't want to touch your measle baby okay
but Like I said, it is very infectious. oh baby me joe Just a like nothing scares do you know Nothing scares us more. but Chicken pox, measles, bed bugs, and head, foot, mouth might be the scariest things that can come in office.
You got some flu? That's cool. let's Let's get you taken care of. COVID? That sucks for you. that Chicken pox? I'd be like, oh, sweet baby Jesus. but measles But measles is even more contagious than chicken pox, though.
Exactly. If you are not vaccinated for measles like and you come anywhere near it, you're going to get it. Like it's, it's it the way like the rate of transmission is so high with measles. It's crazy.
They'll take out a whole daycare, a whole school, like for people who are not immune, like it's crazy. And the issue is like, I think people will believe that measles, Oh, it's just the fever and the rash, but like we're about to get into the complications of measles are, can be life threatening. That's why we're so like hard on people on getting the vaccine because these are all extremely preventable. And,
you know, and they they can be really bad. So um the most probably the most common complication of measles is diarrhea. So just you're pooping like crazy. um But that can lead to like a colitis, a gastroenteritis, which is like inflammation of your your gut and your colon.
Where death can come from are the secondary bacterial infections. So pneumonia can set in A measles is due to a virus, but that virus, you know, when it kind of takes out your respiratory system, that can kind of cause bacteria that can come in and infect it on top of that.
So you're dealing with this super infectious virus and you got this bacteria where you got it like throwing antibiotics at it. you know know And these are usually happening in little kids and someone with an immunocompromised system. this These can take them out pretty easily. So It's very, very bad.
And the other very severe complication from measles is encephalitis. So the inflammation of the tissues within the brain can lead to brain swelling. So, you know, your brain is kind of contained in a very small area. So there's not, you know, you got your brain, you got the meninges, you got your skull and that's it.
So if your brain is swelling, like within that space, There's nowhere for that pressure to go. So that's where people, when they come in with a headache, you know, nuchal rigidity or a stiff neck, you know, photophobia or sensitivity to light is also very common symptom.
But if it gets really, really bad, you can usually see like very confused. And also it can lead to seizures, which can also be fatal. So that's that is why we're like, bro, just get the vaccine. We can prevent all this.
Um, the other kind of weird complication, or it also makes sense is that TB or tuberculosis can be reactivated.
Measles Complications and Vaccine Safety
If you get infected with measles, tuberculosis is also another highly infectious disease, um, that can be caused by a different type of bacteria. And that's also spread through coughing, also very contagious, but you got measles, you got TB, you got those two together. It is, it's a wrap. Like it is as bad.
And then the other thing are cardiac issues. So, The measles virus can cause inflammation of the heart lining, um which we call pericarditis. It can also cause inflammation of the heart muscle, which we call myocarditis.
So actually within the past couple of weeks, we saw a couple cases of this, but actually was due to the flu. um And COVID could also cause myocarditis, which it can also be deadly if not taken care of immediately.
um But the issues with these are that, you know, it can lead to weakening of the heart muscle. um Your heart's not able to pump blood. That blood can become stagnant. You can develop clots.
And if you got clots in your heart, that can lead to heart attacks. It can lead to strokes. It can also lead to irregular heartbeats, which can also be fatal. So yeah. Get your measles vaccine, please.
and that um And then last part. So recovery. So like I said, i think Amy Jo talked about this before a little hiatus, but a cough. So the cough from measles can actually last for about one to two weeks after the initial infection.
So if you got a cough after measles, that's typically you know during that recovery period. But that can be annoying for at least one to two weeks. um Again, antibiotics are not going to help this because, it's again, it's a virus. So usually you will treat this symptomatically until it kind of just goes away.
um And then for vaccines before that, though, we'll get into immunity. So there's kind of been some circulation going around like, oh, you know, I got the vaccine back. You know, when do I need to get a booster? Do i need to get updated? Shots like, well, what's what's the problem with that?
So um initially, immunity was thought to be lifelong. But the caveat is if you got the vaccine prior to 1968. So I don't know that's the majority of our listening people, but we're probably more Gen X and millennials and all that.
um So usually back before 1968, they had the inactivated or the killed vaccine of measles. So usually that's, we found now with more um more research that the and the inactivated um doesn't provide more ah longer immunity than the live attenuated vaccine.
So usually people within, like I said, Gen X, the Y, Millennials, Gen Z, everyone past 1968 has gotten the live attenuated measles vaccine. So if you're born between before 1968, you'll probably need a booster because that will give you better immunity than measles than just the and just having the kill vaccine.
So yeah and then from there we go into vaccines but you guys probably deal more vaccines than we do in the hospital so I'll let y'all take that away Before we even get to vaccines, I just want to add something else um in terms of complications and symptoms and things.
If you contract measles and you are currently pregnant, measles can actually make it so that you can have a miscarriage and lose your baby. Because measles, the virus, is considered teratogenic.
And teratogenic is just a fancy word that means if you contract this while pregnant, you could lose your pregnancy, which is huge um And that's even more of a reason, well, in addition to all the other symptoms that Dr. Nono brought up, but that gi and that kind of gives an added sense of urgency because when you have an outbreak of measles and it's so contagious, it's that it's just it's just affecting everyone around you, not just the current generation, but future generations. So it's it's crazy.
that's That's actually one of the the groups. So there's actually a couple of people that you would not actually give the um MMR vaccine to because you know of the risk with like you know um with your personal and also with the pregnancy. So Usually if you're actively pregnant, like Dr. Sunshine just said, your baby has no immunity to the live vaccine. So actually, if you're actively pregnant, you postpone getting the the MMR vaccine until you've, you know, completed the pregnancy nine months, whatever.
And then usually you should avoid getting pregnant for at least one month after getting the MMR vaccine. Again, because it's a live virus, you know, you don't want to run that risk of, you know, transmitting that to the baby. So But other than that, other situations are completely fine.
Other, I guess I'll just go over the other two. The other situation is if you've had life-threatening allergies. So I'm to rant for a bit. When y'all come into the hospital and you tell us allergies, nausea is not an allergy.
We are talking about anaphylactic shock allergies. So things like hive... Your throat closes up, things of that sort where you need like an EpiPen and all that shit.
Nausea, again, is not an allergy. So if you're telling your nurses, hey, are you allergic to this medication? And your only thing was, oh, yeah I got a little sick from it. Sick being like, oh, I felt a little nauseous. That is not an allergy.
So if you've had a severe or life-threatening allergy then you to any component of the vaccine, then that's when you would be we would not give it. Only in that situation.
No, because gripe about this because I've had a person come in, remember like two months ago, who literally said he was allergic to every antibiotic that we have in existence.
Yeah. I know you were like, antibiotics were on that list that I've never even heard of. And I'm like, I go on, I asked the guy, it was like 20 different antibiotics. So I go on and ask the guy, I'm like, sir, I just, I just picked a three, few three. I'm like, what was your allergy to this? He's like, oh yeah, I got I got a sore stomach.
Okay. Eat some food. I'm like, okay. um And then with this one, he's like, yeah, I felt really tired. I'm like, okay, we're we're giving you these. I don't even care. So those are not, those are not allergies. And that's because we can, we can limit that limits what we can, how we can treat you in the hospital. So that's why I'm saying life threatening, like you, your life is in danger. You're in the hospital.
That's when we will not give it. Yeah. Those, those are adverse reactions. Yes, yes. so had an adverse reaction to it right okay that's that's fair we we still give it we'll treat you symptomatically so it's fine and then the other is if you are immunocompromised so immunocompromised you're thinking of people with cancer they're getting chemo radiation therapy um yeah a history of like h iv your aids where your immune system is literally like shut down meles the measles vaccine again like i said is a live attenuated vaccine so
little bit of weakened virus is in there. And if you don't have an immune system to protect you against it and we give it, it can chance of it can, you know, you can actually get infected with the full virus. So that is another situation where we would not give it.
um And that's pretty much it.
MMR Vaccine Schedule and Reactions
Yeah, for vaccine for vaccines, we give the vaccine at age. So the vaccine for um MMR, well, it's now MMRV.
So it's measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella, which is the chickenpox. It's all now in one vaccine. It's not like back in the day where they used to throw chickenpox parties for us. Yeah. Back in the day, there was no vaccine for chicken pox, but now there is.
So um MMRV, you get your first dose at one years old and then you get your second dose at four years old. But it's a two part vaccine series. um and across the board, you know, things might come up where you might need to test for your titers. Like in the future, for example, I was pregnant. And if you're pregnant, they'll ask you for your titers just to make sure you're still immune to these things.
Because we really just give it, you know, at age one and age four. um And a lot of people might need a booster, but you usually don't know that unless you test like titers or like your immunity level of this thing.
um But some people don't need a booster and they're good forever. Some people do need a booster, but um ultimately your doctor might have to check it either for your job, if you're pregnant or something might come up where we need to check it.
Some patients come in asking for it. ah For no reason, just because they just want to know, like, am I still immune to this thing? You guys put us in a bind there because we're not supposed to be just because titers are expensive, y'all. Like, they're expensive.
And a lot of times your insurance isn't going to cover me just ordering titers for no reason. So, yeah, usually you need to do that if you like going into like health care work or like nursing school or medical school.
Yeah, if it's like a pre-employment exam or something, yeah. you want to like insurance is not going to cover me just checking your titers because it's a Tuesday. Like that's not a thing. that's not that's not That's not a thing. That's not a thing.
It's kind of the same thing with people like, oh, I want to test my blood type. So it's not really a thing. Go to the Red Cross. Don't eat blood. No, because it's like have to explain to them like, so we don't ever really need to know your blood type unless we're giving you blood. Yeah.
or you like it. So like... That surprises them. they're like, for real? Yeah, like, like yeah.
A lot of times they just ask about it as if it's on their blood work they just didn't see it. It's like, hey, I went over my lab and I didn't see my blood type. I'm like... because I mean, if we're ordering a type in screen, that's usually in the hospital. We're about to have a procedure or we have give you blood.
Right. But you don't just do it just for kicks. Like, oh. Let me see what my blood type Yeah, they just assume it's on there. It's supposed to be there just right next to like their kidney function or something. it's oh, doc, I didn't see It's not there.
Also, parents, what you gotta know is... um Especially now, I think it's really important to say this because we're about to get bombarded with, um you know, junk research, you know, like all these different things that are going to come out and, oh, is it making your child sick? There's going to be all these think pieces and, you know, these ah internet doctors that are going to be, you know, waxing poetically about why you should or shouldn't.
probably up until 12 months when you give that MMR, MMR, MMRV vaccine, it'll be the most of the most of the immune responses you've been getting from your kiddos have been pretty mild.
That will not be the case for the MMR. So the chances that your kiddo spikes a fever, becomes really irritable, just is not feeling well that day, it's going to happen with MMR.
And I feel like, you know, because we are so acutely aware, like, you know, even, you know, parents are, parents are following this whole measles thing. And so that's going to be scary. And so people are going to, you know, be really be looking at their kids, but don't be alarmed.
if you If you get an and MMR vaccine and by the end of the day or even the next day, kids got a little bit of a fever, does not feel like eating and drinking, is not where you know doesn't really want to go to school and needs to sit it out.
That's actually a pretty natural response to the MMR vaccine because you're requiring a pretty a hefty activation of the immune system. So it's going to happen. They're going to be symptomatic.
I have nothing else to add. That was a really good
Episode Conclusion and Listener Engagement
topic. yeah gri topic thank You
you. I was surprised the CDC still had this thing on their website. but um no i mean it just oh you mean it like i meanage You were still able to access this. right wrote no i mean no i mean it's It's scary. We're seeing this happen real time where you know we're we're being limited access to, you know, really important in health research and, um and the alerts that tell us like when, you know, when outbreaks happen. So I do follow a couple of doctors that are able to kind of provide real time um updates for this. And that's, that's literally how i had to like dig for this information. Like it was not easy to come by. so
um You know, just kind of moving forward, I hope that we can, you know, I'm sure it's probably going to come up again as another topic for like something else that's happening. Like I know the unpasteurized milk debate is going to probably be another topic for another day.
um And like the h five n one again, that's going to be a problem. And then did you guys hear about the TV outbreak in Kansas city? Yes. Yep. So again, this is not being televised. We don't know about this. so um So, hopefully kind of moving forward, we can, you know, be another resource to provide the information to, to you guys. So that's, that's, that's what we're hoping to do kind of moving forward, but hopefully this was a helpful topic and kind of a refresher for stuff we should already know, but.
Well said, Dr. Narno. Well said. So Amy Jo, you got any questions for us over there? What's popping? Well, you know, nothing's popping right now because we don't have
any questions. So people, send me your questions. Ask us. I know i know you all have questions because we run into you in these streets.
So send the questions. Ask the questions. Email them. Text them. Send a DM. Post them on our Instagram page, our Facebook page. um Spill X.
Nots the either. X the page. um So, but.
For. For us, please. Emmy Jo is tired.
I know. I'm so tired. um Send us your questions, guys. um We need them. We look forward to them. I'm going to keep it jiggy. Y'all usually ask me questions all the time, but I haven't been out in the streets because I've been really busy.
So I get that. So you guys can't shovel questions through me. You guys have to actually do it the proper way through the proper channels. yeah So please send them. Please send us questions on all of the avenues.
Instagram, Facebook, all the things. We love to answer that. The handle for our social medias are at thechocolatemds. And you can also send us a Gmail um at thechocolatemds at gmail.com. And also check out our website, www.thechocolatemds.com.
where we have a question box and that will come directly to us and we will address them on the next show awesome we're gonna peace out I hope that you guys you know keep your inner peace what what what was that book AJ Brown was reading from the Eagles inner inner excellence of what that book he was reading keep your peace and protect your peace even more importantly and we'll catch you guys next time bye guys bye