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Season 4 in 2024 🥳🎊🎉 image

Season 4 in 2024 🥳🎊🎉

S4 · Chocolate with a Side of Medicine
203 Plays11 months ago

The long awaited recap! Dr. Sunshine is about to POP 🤰🏾👶🏾, a reminder to get your colon cancer screening, STD snippets, finding that lost libido and overall…just wishing you good health into the New Year! 🥳🎊🎉 #GoLions 🦁


Welcome Back and Updates

Welcome back to another episode of chocolate with a side of medicine. I am with your lovely host. I am Amy Jo MD. I've got with me Dr. Sunshine. What up though? Dr. Nono. Hey guys, long time no see.
and Dr. Chris. Hi, happy new year, everyone. Happy new year. Oh my gosh. We miss y'all. We miss y'all. Definitely. I've been talking to you all not on camera or on video or recorded for a long time because so many things have happened since we've been gone that I've been like, I wish I could record this right now. I'm the only one because it's stuff be happening and I'm like,
Why aren't we recording? The first two weeks of January were a trip, so yeah.
January, forget that, let's go out, let me see. I'm trying to figure out how far back I got off. We weren't recording when, you know, Cassie stripped Diddy of all his major stuff. Yeah, we were recording then and there was lots of disgust on that. I mean, what else?

Celebrity Gossip and January Chaos

It's funny, you started off saying like, Kat, I thought you were gonna say Kat Williams, but then you went Cassie and I was like... Oh yeah, but Kat...
Yeah. At Williams was out here on these podcast streets giving that work. I couldn't watch it all. It's too long. I couldn't watch it all. It is too long. I didn't watch the whole thing. I watched snippets.
I have not watched the whole thing. I'm trying to, I had to break it up in pieces, but we miss Kat Williams. It was a big deal for podcasting. We missed Simone Biles and her wonderful husband and that whole thing, although they're young. I felt bad for them, but that was a thing.

Viruses and Election Year Impact

flew in COVID and RSV came in here wrecking shop. So y'all out here in these streets, giving out all the upper respiratory viruses. I mean, you know, it's been insane and we started in the election year. So everybody out here is losing their damn minds. So I mean, you know, lots has happened since we were not recording.

Pregnancy Journey of Dr. Sunshine

And our very own Dr. Sunshine is out here in these pregnancy streets.
ready to pop. This week is the week.
this week. Y'all, she fine though. You can't see her. I just want y'all to know she is fine. That's very nice. That's very generous. That's very, they're being very generous. She's holding it well. She looks great. Fine. Okay. But you know what I am tired. I am tired. Yeah. You know, just because I'm not getting a lot of sleep. But aside from that, you know, I'm pretty good. I saw in the girls earlier, I'm blessed.
considering all the things that could be happening, especially black women in pregnancy and things like that. So overall, I am very blessed, but I am tired and baby comes this week. So, you know, I'm happy I could get on here with the girls because I clearly could have been like, hey, y'all, listen, pause. Right. Because you know what? I'm not going to lie to you, because if it were me, I'd have been like,
Mm-mm, I need months off, like, because I can. You know, you know what? Yeah, that morning sickness would have taken me out. I probably just called out or just used my FMLA. Like, I can't be walking around about the door. Nah, I probably work to the end, knowing me. Even though I complain, I'll probably work to the end. They'd be like, why are you still here? Because I got to work? Yeah, you know, I don't think, like, I mean, God willing, if I do this again, I'm not going to work this deep into my pregnancy ever again.
Because I was like, oh, I'll be fine until maybe two weeks before I'm supposed to deliver. I'm like, listen, y'all, as soon as Christmas was over, I'm like, why am I still working? And then the new year came, I'm like, why am I still working? And then weeks into it, I'm like, why did I think two weeks before was a great time frame to just cut it off? I'm like, I should have been like, some people don't even work past
Seven months, right? They'd be like, oh, I need a good two, three months off before baby comes to reset my chakras. And I'm like, nah. I was like, oh, nah, two weeks. That was good. I'm like, why am I still here? Because you didn't do it right. You didn't do it right. Because remember, I told you, you were telling, I think one time you told me you had to walk and you get a little winded. I'm like, listen, I would have my own little scooter.
Okay. I'd have been in a school that listen, I get it for all the older folks that need it. I'll get you a nice little like wheelchair, you know.
Listen, listen, you can hear something from somebody, you know, somebody who get a scooter. But the bigger and bigger, it's hard to do the job that we do because like the majority of my job is like, you know, like you're listening to, you're listening to other people. So it's kind of like,
you get bigger and then your energy is gone and then you're trying to listen and problem solve with them. And then it gets to the point where you're just like, yo, like it is just, no offense. I love my patients. I really do. But like, I usually have a lot of patience as in like the virtue for my patients. But the further along I got in this pregnancy, I was just like, listen, I just got more and more blunt. I'm like, listen, okay, stop talking. Pause, pause.
You gotta, you gotta take your meds. Just take your meds. Just take your meds. I'm not cutting these conversations like way short. I'm like, pause. Okay, stop. Stop talking. You gotta take your meds. That's it. Like, that's it. That's the end. Like, that's the, you know, like I'm giving you the bottom line, Cliff Notes version. Take your meds. You're not taking them. You gotta take them. That's it. Anything else? Do you have any other questions? It might just be a 2024 thing. Cause I definitely started the year like, listen,
We're not, we can't do this. But usually I'm like, usually I'm like, Oh my gosh, tell me the barriers that you have. Like what's, what's stopping you from taking your meds? Is this deeper? Like, tell me more about like, now I'm just, I'm like, yo, you gotta listen, figure it out, figure it out. Please. And thank you. Yes. Nah. Yeah. My questions are a little different too. Like it's not about like, what's the bear? I'm like, I tell them like, well, I sent you refills. So.
You, why are you not getting your refills? Oh, okay. So you just don't want. Oh, okay. So what do you think that you don't have a chronic condition? I don't, I don't understand. So I talked to them like, and it's like, okay.
I'm going into 2024. When I ask you the question, do you have any medical problems? And you say no. Now look at your medication list, and there's 20 different meds on there. So here and then, you have chronic medical conditions. So please, let's stop that. Especially if you're on medications.
Because you can have some chronic diseases and not taking any medicines that have nothing on there. Yes. You have a chronic medical condition if I see amiodarone, Eliquis, and some variant of metform on your like, no, let's, you got a heart condition, if you don't know the name of it, that's fine. Just let me know and I'll go look it up. Let's not do that. Going into 2024, please.
But aside from things like that, overall, things are fine.

Pregnancy Advice and Family Planning

And I might have mentioned this on one of our previous podcasts, maybe from last season. I don't know if I mentioned it out loud. But I feel like when you get really pregnant, really, really pregnant, and you're out and about walking through, I don't know, girl, Target, the grocery store, anywhere, it just prompts people to come up to you and talk to you and just start conversation about,
anything. They'd be like, oh my gosh, you're so pregnant. And it could be like, I'm like, yeah, I am. I'm like, what are you doing? And I'm like, oh my gosh, are you so, are there complete strangers, y'all? Like complete strangers. And you know, all you thinking in your head is,
I came in here to get some milk. I'm just trying to run in, run out. And it's just random people who just approach you like, oh my gosh, I remember with my first one, I was so nervous. Are you nervous? Is this your first? Oh my. I'm like, I don't know. I don't know y'all. It's just random people, but they mean well. They mean well.
And they're just like, oh my gosh, look at you. You're cute as a woman. You're not swollen or nothing. I'm like, I know. Thank you. Thank you. I'm just trying to pick up some cheese. I'm just trying to get in and out.
But the bigger you are, it just prompts all this conversation. And I'm just not used to it. And I'm an extrovert, y'all. I'm a strong extrovert. And I'm just not used to people just like, it takes me off guard. I'm just used to minding my business. And I'm just like, OK, cool, whatever, boom, boom, boom.
Oh my gosh. Even if you're just waiting in line to pay for groceries, you're just waiting in line. You're just minding your business. And people just like prompt conversation. I'm just like, y'all. I'm just tired. So you're just used to being the person that prompts the conversation randomly to folks. I leave women alone because I don't know where you are in your pregnancy. I don't know what you're going through. I leave pregnant women alone for the most part.
Yeah, that's because you know, but everybody, people get so excited. You know, babies make folks excited. It does. That is true. That is true. People get so happy. Oh my gosh, babies. You know, it was really cool. Speaking of babies, I saw...
a patient of mine. I hadn't seen her in it. She was coming for her annual exam. The last time I saw her was this time last year. She had since had a baby and she was like, you know, you got me pregnant. And I was like, what are you talking about? She was like, the last time I was here for my annual exam, we did a PAP.
And you can, well, for people who don't know, you can tell who's ovulating often in a pap smear when you guys are ovulating. There's a look, there's a discharge, there's all this kind of stuff. And so at that time, I was like, ooh, you ovulating, girl. So if you're trying to get pregnant, you might want to go ahead and make it happen, because you're ovulating.
She was like, I told my, I went home that day and told my husband that and he was, he was all the way focused. He was like, listen here. Dr. Jonah said, listen here. Dr. Jonah said that, you know, you are Ivy ladies, so we have to do it. And she was like, if we got pregnant, we got pregnant that week. She was like, so, thank you. I have told women, like, and now it's a running joke, like with like people in my office, because I'm like, listen,
I have told many women this. Some of them believe me. And they come back surprised. And some of them believe me and they come back pleasantly surprised. But I'm just telling you right now, friend, that you look like someone that is ovulating. So take that with what you will. Have a good weekend or not. But you're ovulating. Just for the record. Have a good weekend or not. That's so funny. Yeah. So yep, she was like, thank you.
And I was like, you're not ovulating right now. So just so you know, I don't see any signs of you. Just for the record. But I do try to tell them, like if it's obvious, and y'all know, y'all see it. Like that long stringy discharge, that cervical ulcer is a little open a little bit. And it's just like, you are prime. Your whole body is trying to set you up. It's like, if somebody come up in here, I'm about to get pregnant. I tell people,
Cause we were like, you know, nah, I don't want to get pregnant. I'm like, that's not how it works. That, you know, that's not how it works, right? Like that's not how it works. Your body every month is plotting against you and its sole mission is to get you pregnant.
I don't know what your brain is talking about, but your body and your brain do not agree at least once a month that it is like everything I'm doing right now, I'm trying to get you knocked up. I done made your lips bigger. Your skin is smooth. Your skin is popping. Your cheeks are rosy. Your breasts are a little bit bigger. You're breathing a little bit heavier. You don't really see any of this stuff, but it is all happening. And you were admitting every pheromone that says, come get some of this goodness right here so I can get pregnant.
That is what your body is doing to you all the time. And so if you really don't want to get pregnant, then you've got to, you know, protect yourself accordingly, or, you know, get pregnant. And I'm down either way, right? When you come in my office pregnant, it might be a surprise to you, but we'd be there like,

Cancer Screenings and Family History

What? Baby. Baby. Yes. That's the dance you do every time when you hear it. Like, yes, yes, yes. I'd be like, oh, oh, oh, my bad. Is this what you want? Is this what you want? No. Oh, my gosh. You can change it, right? Whatever you want to do. Whatever you want to do. Whatever you want to do. No, we stand. OK, I'm focused. I'm back. I'm back. OK. All right. No, the plan, plot, what we have to do, right? We're in South Carolina, so we got a little tricky on this, right? But what do you want to do?
So when it comes to that, we are good friends. You know, that friend that you have that's down for whatever, whatever you want. I'm down. I'm all the way down.
We're your good friend. But I tell people, I don't say land, I say, you know, we law locked, right? Like, so, you know, for us, you know, maybe not for Dr. Sunshine, Dr. No, but for me and Dr. Chris, we're a little law locked in here. So we typically... Law locked, not land locked. We're law locked. We need to do non-pregacies on purpose. So, you know, and we need to do non-pregacies on purpose.
So we really, I probably, you know, funny, I probably talk about more birth control now than I did then. Um, cause mostly most women actually really good with saying, Hey, what'd you think about birth control? And once they say it fine, we're talking about it. But now I feel more obligated to be like, Hey, just for the record, do you want some birth control at all? Cause I'm just saying, you know, you.
you're in college or you just started working. You signed your living your best life, which is cool, but this is about to get real bad for you. Right. What's your plan? What's your plan? What is your plan? Because if you don't want to, then we should act accordingly and be like, oh, well, you know, if it happens, is that what you want though? Because I mean, we could, there are options.
Because you're going to be stressed if you get pregnant. And pregnancies now in the South are unwanted pregnancies. Let me say unwanted pregnancies now in the South are stressful. So luckily, we haven't had that many. As y'all know, I spend more time in my office trying to get women pregnant than I do preventing them. But it's interesting.
But yay babies! I can't wait for this little bean to come out. Did you know Dr. Sunshine, I was just thinking, my friend has like the Rolls Royce of a baby
bassinets. Apparently it's like, it's like you kind of put the baby in like a little straight jacket and like this little bassinet. This sounds so strange that you said straight jacket. Oh, like the little coddle things. Yeah. No, no, no. They have, they have these weighted, they have like, like kind of like these weighted, I don't know what you want to call them. It's like a, it kind of does look like a straight jacket. It does.
But it's almost like a, it's like a, a weighted, um, I guess it's a weighted onesie. You could think about it. But it makes the baby feel like they're still in the womb or like they're being hugged. It's like weighted so that they fall asleep faster.
And it's like, we actually just got one. So my, yeah, my husband, my husband, his brother, you know, they had a couple and they gave us stairs and they're like, Oh, you guys, you guys are gonna love this. And I'm like, what is this? And like, Dr. No, no, I was like, is this a straight jacket? Like what the hell does this do? So then I, so then I Googled it. And then, you know, of course there's like an instructional video you can watch. I was like, Oh, that's what it does. Okay. I was like, cause, cause it looks hot. Like a little blanket, like,
Yeah, like the friend, the friend's husband, like all the lawyers at that firm, like they just gave them to their
to their families because we need to make sure their employees get sleep. So y'all can just have this and just give it back when you're done. That sounds great. But it doesn't look, it doesn't look, it doesn't feel as hot as it looks because when I first saw it, I'm like, whoa, I'm like, we're in California. Like this thing looks hot. Like you got to zip the kit up in that thing. And then they're just like, you know, like they can't move, but it's literally like, instead of like how adults use like a weighted blanket, it's like a weighted onesie that they wear and you zip them up in it and it helps them to sleep apparently.
I'll let y'all know how it goes, but like, yeah. Let us know. I mean, the concept makes sense, so yeah. Mm-hmm. I will say this, and then in case we don't do a chocolate kisses segment, I don't know if we will, but I will say an overall huge thank you to all of our friends and family who gave us, like, lots of love, lots of support, lots of gifts from both baby showers that we had. We had two.
one in Cali, one in Miami. We just went through all of our gifts and all of the things and we are very prepared and we have a great village, you know. So whether they're sending love from afar or if they sent gifts or even like we have a bunch of Marvel onesies, lots of Spider-Man onesies.
Of course. I guess it's I guess it's because I'm black and my husband's Latino. We're making like a little Miles Morales, I guess. So everybody's really on this like Spider-Man tip. Everybody's really hardcore on this Spider-Man tip. They're like, they're like, what? Black Latino. Oh, that's Miles Morales. You guys are going to have a little Spider-Man. That's so dope. And I'm like, what? What? How did we get here? So we have a lot of Marvel-esque.
things. That's so cool. Which makes my husband very happy because he's a huge Marvel fan. Yes. I remember from the wedding. Yes. So yes. So yeah, just a quick shout out to all the peeps who've either given me kind words or love or car seats or all these things that we have. So we are very blessed. And thank y'all. Oh, that's nice. I guess we can transition to the trending topic now.
Yeah. What you got for us. All right. So I only got one topic y'all got one topic today. You don't really only have to have one. Cause Amy Jo listed off all the trending things that had happened since we last recorded. She definitely did. So
Okay, so basically there was a report that came out, American Cancer Society reported that colon and rectal cancer is now the leading cause of cancer death risk in younger adults now. So as you know, a lot of before colon cancer screening was done for 50 people age 50 and older. And now they have recently changed the, well, they changed it about maybe about one or two years ago, I think.
the age for screening now. Now the screening is age 45. But we're also seeing there is some people even younger than 45 that are getting colon cancer.
and literally dying from it. And the thing is, they're seeing that now, they were saying that younger people tend to be diagnosed at later ages. And that's usually when the cancer is more aggressive. So we're seeing younger people having breast cancer, colon cancer. And we don't really know necessarily why, but there are a lot of things that I think
that the doctors are saying that are contributing to the fact that people are getting cancer at early ages. I mean, we're living longer and also a lot of environmental factors. And one big thing that they did mention is obesity, because obesity is a risk factor for a lot of cancers. And especially with colon cancer, red meat,
eating a whole lot of red meat increases risk and family history too. So they're saying that a lot of the colon cancer risks that they're seeing, like about a third of them of the cases are related to like, they could be family history, like someone in the family had it and then they didn't maybe they didn't say this to the doctor, they didn't get screening earlier than normal.
times that we do general screening for the population. So I just thought that that was an interesting thing to say. And I wanted to bring it up, basically since it's the new year, a lot of people start doing their annuals and the new year resolutions and all of that. Just really need to see your doctors, talk to them, find out your family history.
Get, eat better, exercise, do the things that we can do. You just spent the past quarter, you spent in Q4, 2023, hanging out with family. So you exchanged phone numbers. You got to touch the folks that you hadn't seen. Right. Y'all all on Facebook. I know y'all got y'all private groups. Like you got your WhatsApp groups and everything. Ask some questions, people. I'm surprised at, um, how much family history people don't know.
Like even in their immediate family, you're like, so, you know, any past men's history, I ask almost everyone, men, any history of any prostate, colon cancer, women, any history of any colon, breast, cervical, ovarian cancer. And most of my young people, my young adults are like, I don't know.
you've got to ask. Ask your mama, ask your grandmama, ask your cousins like ask someone so that we can kind of help you navigate it because people will say I don't know their family history and then at the same time they'll turn around and say well can you just scan me for everything because I just want to make sure I don't have anything and I keep saying I'm sure we've said this before and with the exception of when we did the
the trending topic of when Kim Kardashian was out here telling everybody to get that complete body scan, we have said many times, there is no, oh, just walk me through this machine so it can check me from head to toe. And even if there was a machine that could walk you through to check you from head to toe, you would simply be clear from cancer today.
Next week, different ballgame. So take advantage of this time because people are still in touch with their families and friends and your New Year's resolutions. You decided to, you know, be more present in people's lives or think it's great. You decide to eat healthy, which is great. Exercise more, which is great. Get your family history. And if you are behind on
your routine health screenings, get them done. Men, this is for y'all. I am still surprised. At least once a year, I'm gonna have some man come in here and tell me he can't get a colonoscopy because things don't go up his butt. Y'all, if y'all don't drop them ass cheeks off to the GI doctor so that she gets a colonoscopy. Yes, it comes up. Yeah, you get men, y'all, and black men come, oh, come on, y'all. It's typically black men. I've had,
at least on two separate occasions, black men tell me things don't go up

Colonoscopies and Misconceptions

there, but so they can't get a colonoscopy. I don't even understand what that, well, sorry, I've been trapped on a women's health clinic, so I don't see men anymore. Yeah. So I don't, I don't, I don't, but this is purely from just like a, like a,
I can't even. No, we've had people in the hospital that refuse colonoscopies because they don't want anything that goes up their butts that would make them gay. So that was their prevailing reason for refusing it. So that's the underlying. That's the underlying. Are we sure? Are we sure? Because there are some people that are like,
You know, I've heard about it and then, you know, there's a high risk of like puncture if something goes in there and this and that like so there's some people who are a little more versed and they're like Yeah, it's not that they're not they're not verbally expressing all that like they're in both cases their words and I quote
things should not go up my butt. I think luckily for them there had been no family history but I'm thinking you know if there's something really up here worse things are going up and down your butt than this colonoscopy but you know it's it is what it is.
I mean, colon cancer is nothing to play with, man. I mean, we could all tell you because we all train in county. We've seen so many people who've had colon cancer, and they come in, and they're in the later stages, and they're like, oh, did you get screened? No. And it's horrible. At this point, there's no caring about if something's going up your butt or not, because everything's gone up your butt at that point.
I had a young guy that had colon cancer. I did not diagnose him. I'm seeing him after the fact, but he was diagnosed at like the age of 34. Think about that. Y'all, this is one of our early episodes. We was baby podcasters, okay? Colon cancer screenings don't start until the age of 45 unless there is something that you report.
in your history that triggers me to check you earlier. It used to be 50. Now we can get most insurance companies to clear it at 45 because the American Cancer Society said 45 was, you know, where it should be.
34, and this was him, you know, having stomach pain, stomach issues. He had multiple images, like, cause I was like, I was like, yo, you've got to tell me how this happened. He was like, I just, my stomach was always hurting. I was having all these GI issues. I was changing my diet. They would do a CT scan. Nothing would come back. Everything was fine. They would do something, you know, everything was fine, you know, until finally,
like seven, eight months into it, he gets a colonoscopy because they just, they cannot image him again, ultrasounds, CTs and everything, can't find anything. They do this colonoscopy and there it was. But he'd had multiple CT scans and multiple ultrasounds because he'd see multiple dots because they'd be like, well, let's refer you out to here, let's refer you out to here. He was young, he was healthy, got muscles popping everywhere, young guy, ex-military, you know,
eating well, had a good diet, so he did not. And this is, you know, he's quite a unique case, but I still want people to know nothing about anything that he was saying would have triggered it. And he got this colonoscopy and it came back.
You know, I need people to know their history, report their history, and don't stop telling people that something is wrong with your gut. Because I also think you see those people too where they just, and I get it y'all, we talk about it, um, discrepancies and, and,
biases in healthcare, especially among African Americans trying to navigate it. And so you get frustrated and you say, okay, I'm tired of talking about it. I'm not going to say it anymore. You got to keep reporting it until somebody says, okay, let me pause for a second. That's odd. Cause even the best of us won't catch it until we're like, wait a minute.
Let me go back to my note three months ago. Didn't you just say a few months ago that you were having this? This is still happening? Oh, it came back? I think you should get a colonoscopy. That happens all the time. What does 34-year-old, what's he having? What other symptoms was he having? Because we look for- Almost like irritable, no blood, no blood. Almost like irritable bowel syndrome kind of thing. So stomach was always burning.
So they thought gastritis, so they did the random things, changed his diet, put him on a PPI, all these different things. Stomach was still hurting, like really non-specific things. But he just was always complaining about this lower abdominal something, discomfort, bloating, like nothing he would do would change it, right? He's counting his micros and his macros, like extremely healthy guy. He's running miles every day. It's just something that's just not right. Has had colon cancer.
and like moderate colon cancer. And I'm like, oh, look at that little bit. No, like they got in there and was like, oh, you got cancer in here. Legit.
So, you know, those are those are extreme cases. But it just reminds us to, you know, ask questions. Ask your parents, man. We assume. I mean, look, we are physicians. I don't know about y'all, but every now and then I ask my family about something, some family history.
And I swear, you would not know sometimes that my mama was a whole registered nurse out here in these streets. Because I'd be like, how, Swae, how'd you tell anybody about that? You just been sitting on that information this whole time? Like, oh, yeah, I think your grandmama had thyroid cancer. I'm like, you could have said that.
You could have said that. The only thing is, with the cancers in your family, it's good to know this is the point where we actually want you to be nosy. So like Amy Jo said, if you're at a gathering and you're just kind of talking, the patriarchs typically know all the stuff that's been going on within the family. So if you have questions about anything, I probably would start there.
Um, but it also helps to know like what type of cancer, um, people have, it could be something real, like, I mean, I know it's, it's asking for a lot because cancer is cancer, right? But like, you know, if there's a lot of people in your family that have like breast cancer or ovarian cancer, um, or like a mix of the two pancreatic cancer, then that kind of, you know, the alarm bells start ringing because that is, that is a specific genetic, um, mutation that we can test and usually
this, the treatment for like, I usually I'm alluding to the bracket mutations. Um, that's where Angelina Jolie got the prophylaxis. She, she got the bilateral mastectomy and the oophorectomy. I believe so. Did she get the, she got what were we taking out to? I think so. I don't remember, but that is a big one where it's not when you get cancer. It is. It's not if you get cancer, it's when you get it. So that's one of those.
mutations where, you know, your doctor will do the genetic screening, you know, if it comes back positive, then we'll have a conversation with you. And usually, you know, with that type of mutation, for sure, it's like, you know, we're taking the boobs and we're taking the ovaries, you know, hysterectomy, and then talking about family planning and all that, that will, you know, be part of that conversation. But that's something that we would never know if, you know, we don't talk to your family and kind of get that information for them beforehand. So be nosy.
It's OK. We know this is a point where we want you to be nosy and ask those questions. I get you. Good topic, Chris. Yeah. Also, I want to tell people, don't be thinking every little thing you got is cancer. That's not what we say. Don't come at me like I got a double panty. Here go Chris with the other side of the coin. Here go Chris. It's not everything is that. Chris is like that being said. That being said. That being said.
Don't call me tomorrow be like I got domino pain for a week and I think I don't call me And like, you know look of headache it's gonna tell you brain cancer so yeah, it's not that The whole gist of it is that we're seeing more instances of this, right? Let's be pay attention to our bodies. Let's have more discussions go to our screenings know our family history and
have conversations with your doctor and then we can go from there, right? Because we don't, we have some screening tests, but of course screening tests are not perfect, right? I mean, we have screening for cervical cancer and the deaths of cervical cancer have gone down because of screenings, right? But it's not a perfect system.
We don't have screening for ovarian cancer. No screening for uterine cancer is based on symptoms.

Patient-Doctor Relationships

Paying attention to your body, you know, coming with the facts for us so we can know where to go, right? Because if you tell me, oh, yeah, I got some bleeding. OK, how long did it last? Oh, I don't know. How does it look? Oh, how often? What's the particular timing? When is it? Oh, I'm not sure. You got to come with some more information for me so I can know where to go. That's all I'm saying.
All right. I agree. I'm with it. I concur. Cool. Cool. So I don't wanna do y'all. You know, it's been a long time. We're trying to come back on the scene. We're giving Dr. Sunshine a little opportunity to say a couple of sprinkling words. Y'all, listen, I'm telling y'all right now, because y'all love Dr. Sunshine. She may or may not be on these next few episodes, okay?
We all know what her new baby is for. Why are you telling the people that? Because it's true. We got to know. I mean, why we can't hear from her? Listen, because she might be out here singing lullabies and breastfeeding. So we may have to give y'all some updates. So we're going to let Dr. Sunshine sprinkle a little magic on y'all. She's going to give you the 2024 well wishes.
And then, you know, she might be bouncing it out this season. All right, y'all. Oh my God. Evito, you are so funny. You remind me of, you remind me of like the nurses in my clinic and they're like, are we telling the patient your own maternity leave or no? Are we telling them, do you want them to know your business? I don't know. Like what are we, what are we doing? What are we doing? What are we doing? What are we doing?
Because they're calling, we don't know. And I was like, yes, you can tell them I'm on maternity leave. But then if we tell them, then they ask, well, how long? And then when is she coming back? And can I make my next appointment for when she comes? I'm like, oh, my Lord Jesus. I'm like, this is my life. Yeah. I like that. So then they're like, they're opening up up. My patients are so attached. They get so attached.
It's not just you. But I think patients are like that with any doctor who they have a connection with. They get attached and then they don't want to see anybody but you because then they're like, you don't explain it the way doctors such as such explain it. Can you do it the way she do it? And then the covering doctor is like, I'm not them. I don't know what you're talking about.
I told you all I got. I don't know what to tell you. We're just here to review your labs. I reviewed your labs. What more do you want from me? Well, Dr. Thurston likes to trend it for me and show me the graph and show me the da da da. I'm glad I'm not alone. No. I was covering for Dr. Chris's patients in our clinic, your resumes, and your patients. Love you. I walked in the room and I'm like, who are you? I'm like.
I am coming for your regular dad. She's like, oh, once you're going to be back. I'm like, man. Wow. Wow. Come on. I know. They be like that. And they'll say stuff like, you know, but you're great and all. But like, when is? But when they coming back. When they coming back. So next time I get to see them.
Exactly. I mean, I guess if I can't see her, I'll see you. I mean, you are. I guess, yeah, I'll see you. Because I know, but they all snooze. Right. I'm like, why are you offending these providers that are coverage? Like, I mean, I guess I'll see you, but that's not really my goal, because I'm like, golly. Leave it. Leave it. Right? I'm like, they just trying to do their job. Y'all got to have a big skin. Yeah. We got to.
These faces be doing a lot. But no, it's not supposed to be for me to drop nuggets. I thought Dr. No-No prepared an actual topic for us. We can do the topic, or we cannot, or whatever. It's cool. Listen, I'm flexible. I mean, I like the 20 and 23 and 24 recap. Well, correction. 23, 24 recap.
A lot of things have gone, I mean, we've got plenty to ramble on about. First of all, we missed y'all. And y'all know, I feel like some of the best feedback that I get from our listeners is when we're just on here cutting up. They be like, oh, that was so funny. Oh my God, I love that episode. I'm like, we weren't even talking about nothing, but okay.
I mean, we can do it. Here's what we should not be doing in 2024, having sex with our condoms if you're not trying to get pregnant. I knew you were going to do that. I knew you were going to do that. You always, she always starts. I got my first chlamydia of the year, and I'm like, I asked you if you use condoms every single time, and you said yes. And I said, every single time you say yes, every single time. Then how is this chlamydia positive on your results? Because chlamydia don't jump through condoms. They ain't listening, people.
If we're trying to get pregnant, by all means, write the magic stick. But if you're not trying to get pregnant and you're just casual or you just, or, or I think, and this is for the young people, right? Oh man, I remember being young. So I'm not judging you. I'm just so far removed from it. I'm like, Ooh, I don't remember. I don't want to go back to those days. Look,
If you aren't sure if your partner is as committed as you, that's a good reason to use condoms. Not using condoms is a bad way to prove your love or your trust in somebody. You can still express that you love and trust them in other ways, but use condoms because I am shocked at how many STDs we got. And it's just the 21st.
Just started. Just got into January. I have to I have to interject and just say, Amy Jo always says, here's what we're not gonna do. We got to have a session with you just start now. Here's what we're not gonna do. Because she always. I love when she does that. She'd be like, here's what we're not gonna do.
She don't tell you what you're going to do. She's going to say what you're not going to do. Well, I mean, there's something there's something that Dr. Chris mentioned like earlier for sure. And I think it should definitely be on the list because it's also a pet peeve. Like it bothers me. Of course it does. It bothers all of us. But it really, really bothers my husband. And he comes home and he like rants about it all the time.
but like what we're not gonna do y'all stop lying to your doctor like just stop it like just stop lying to us like just just be just be real to be real with you half the time more than half the time your blood work will snitch on you anyway just stop lying to your doctor
Yeah. Just stop it because then we do this song and this dance where I got to ask you questions and then you'd be like, you'd be like, all right, doc, you got me. You got me. Right. Right. You know what? I didn't use a condom. You're right. I'm like, I know I'm right.
You know what? I'm not taking that insulin. I know. I know you're not taking the insulin. I already know. Why are you playing this game with me? Our appointments are X amount of time and you don't spend half of it lying to me. Why?
Because honestly, if we were keeping it all the way real, I would sooner you just tell me what you're not taking and what you're not going to take. And then just let us make a plan based on that, right? Particularly, diabetes is one because everybody finds Jesus after they get diagnosed with uncontrolled diabetes. And now you want to be ready to take back your life. OK, that's fine.
I am putting you on this medicine because I see your risk, right? In my mind, I'm thinking, okay, how do I make sure that you don't have a stroke, a heart attack, lose your kidneys, go blind, end up on dialysis before you figure it out? But I am also well aware some of y'all ain't going down the road of medicine. And while I disagree,
I am a family medicine physician. I am skilled at operating in complete dysfunction and I'm going to sleep very well at night. That's fine. Dysfunctional or not, we're going to make it work. So if you would just tell me to my face, listen to what we, let me tell you what I'm not going to do, doc. I ain't taking.
XYZ. I can at least document that and say, well, here's my next recommendation. If this is the rocks you're going to go, then here's how strict you need to be on your diet. Here's how often you need to check your blood sugars. Here's what you need to be aware of and here are the things you need to look out for. And then let me see if your way works because if we keep showing up and you're letting me titrate your medicine, I'm putting that in air quotes,
And I'm thinking you're taking this medicine and you keep coming back with the same thing. I already know that you're not taking it, but we can't optimize your plan because you lying to me.
What is that? That doesn't help. That doesn't help. Listen, lie to your family at home, because y'all do that anyway. You want to go home and say, oh, yeah, they said he was great. That's fine. If you want a lot of people, all right, I ain't got nothing to do. You just don't want them in your business. That's what I'm going to chalk it up to. But in here, in this clothes room, in these walls where it's just me, you, and my scribe, I mean, what are we talking about?
That doesn't help. Yeah, because at the end of the day, you're doing yourself the disservice, not me. You don't want to take the medicine. If you don't want to take it, that's all you. But you're not going to say that I didn't tell you you should take the medicine. Or if it's giving you a side effect, tell me something. Tell me something. And we could come up with something else. Because with diabetes, there's plenty of other medicines we can use. You don't got to use this one.
Yes. Blood pressure's the same, y'all. There's other medicines to take for your blood pressure. There's other medicines to take for your cholesterol. There's other medicines to take for your depression. There's other medicines to take for your anxiety. There's other medicines to take for your muscle pain. There's other medicines to take for your muscle spasms.
There are other medicines to take for your migraines and your headaches. There are other medicines to take for almost everything that ails you. You just got to tell me what you're not taking or what you want to do, right? And so some of our older patients that have been with us for a while, they get it. They'd be like, yeah, I just decided I'm not going to take it. We take it off. I'm going to take it right off your medication list because I don't want you, me, or anybody else confused about what you are or are not taking. And we're going to go from there.
But don't do that. I agree. 2 in 24, don't lie about your medicine. And then in addition to what you're not taking, please tell us what you are taking that we didn't prescribe you so that we can figure a plan out

Supplement Use and Health Risks

from that. Because we had a lady come in. She had really bad like menopausal symptoms. So she went on Amazon. I think I was having her for like 15 minutes trying to figure this out because she had like bilateral PEs.
Um, so I was talking to her and blood clots in the lungs and she had ordered a estrogen supplement off of Amazon. So I'm like, did you, did you tell your doctor about your menopause symptoms? And she's like, no, I mean, I saw this, you know, ad and I figured this would help. So I started taking it and I'm like, how long have you been taking this for?
She's like, oh, maybe like three months. So we had a, I actually spent like half an hour talking to her and her husband. I'll be like, look, we can't, you know, if you, if you're taking a supplement, that's fine, but you need to let us know because we need to tell you like the side effects that can come with it. And if it interacts with any of the other medications that you've been taken. So.
I'm lucky you came in when you did because this was a saddle PE. We may not be talking right now. So yeah, so that's very important to tell us what you're going to take, what you're not taking, and what you're substituting for the thing that we probably
were prescribed and should be taken, so. And these, I think people think like these, well actually, I guess I'm not actually sure what they're thinking, but these mail order, Amazon delivery, testosterone, estrogen, and stuff like that, they are legit hormone modulators or the hormone themselves, y'all. This is not harmless. It should be, whether or not it should be legal or illegal, that's not my battle, right?
If you are ordering a hormone off of the internet or you got it from your friend or something like that, you've got to tell one of your doctors, right? You got to tell somebody, like, this is what I'm taking. We can't make you not take it, right? I'm not going to bust in your house and be like, where that bottle at? Like, you're going to take it. It's all yours to take it. But I think you should at least be aware of the risk, right?
being highly estrogen, it comes with its fair share problems. Right. And also, depending on exactly because depending on your age, it's not even recommended to be on estrogen because it can increase risk of stroke, heart attack, all these other things.
Depending on the dose. I got a patient that's taking some testosterone. Oh, that's the worst. He hadn't been back in my office yet, so he don't know that I know. But you know, when you take care of families and the whole, look, families and coworkers, God, they gonna tell you. Me and be like, I just told you no. I was in the break the other day, and you ain't heard this from me, but this is your patient. It's such a social thing. I be like, man, y'all be telling. Tell him. Family members tell on each other. Don't they?
My cousin and you ain't heard this from me, but um, he got this this thing called such-and-such for my from my uncle Ray Ray and He taking it. He's he ain't taking it other minutes you gave but he's like, oh Yeah, they'll tell it they'll tell it all the time so but you gotta those supplements are not are not um
benign, right? Meaning they do have a cause and effect. Some of them are probably fine to use, right? We were just talking about berberine and cinnamon. And I think there's like, there's a JJ Smith. She has a
like a diabetes supplement. It actually has a lot of those kind of combined in one. I can't remember the name of it, but those supplements, you know, I'm not pushing back on any of those supplements. I'm not, I'm not here to fight about that, but it's nice to know what you're taking. But most people, what you know, you know, it really gets me.
they got a whole medicine cabinet of supplements they're taking, that they're taking every day, right? And they will admit to taking them. And then you're like, okay, well, what's the name of it? And how much of it? I don't know. Whatever the bottle says. Wait a minute. When I prescribe you a medication, you won't get off the table without me telling you the milligrams,
What time of day you have to take it? Any anticipated side effects? You're grilling me down to the very end.
But TikTok told you that this supplement works. You found it on Amazon and you bought it and now you don't even, you barely know the name of it. How many milligrams is in it or how often you're supposed to take it? Well, how can you take it? Well, I don't know. I just take it once a day. Was that what it says? Cause not all supplements say once a day. Some of them you have to take two, three, four times a day. You don't know nothing about it. Yo, it's wild. It's wild. It's wild. I don't understand that.
But they feel that way about supplements. Anything that's like, they're like, oh, no, it's natural. Or, oh, no, it's a supplement. Like, oh, no, it's fine. It's fine. It's like, I mean, what? What?
Yeah, but it's not natural, y'all. That's the thing. So all supplements aren't natural. No, they're not. Synthetic versions of a thing, right? So your estrogen pill that you get from Amazon isn't organic estrogen. It's always synthesized from something. Your testosterone isn't organic. I don't even know what that means to have organic testosterone, you know, unless you- I'm not sure.
I mean, unless you're dripping ball juice in your tea in the morning, nothing organic about that chest after all. It's not like, what are we talking about? Like it's all synthetic. But that's not how they see it. That's not how they see it. They see it as like, okay, if my doctor prescribes it and I have to go to the pharmacy to get it, then that is a medication and that is what I have to grill my doctor about.
But I'm like, no, anything you put into your body, because they can order, like you said, all this stuff off Amazon, all this stuff from these like random little pop up supplement shops. I'm like, what is this? What are you taking? They'll show me the bottle. I'm like, what is this? What is this? Anyway, yeah, I literally have the picture of just bald you stuck in my head. So thank you. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you for that imagery. That was great. Well, you know, I mean, you know, that's what it is. So proud of yourself. You know what I would like to see better in 2020? I am very proud. Yes. On the lines of ball juice. Not exactly, but you'll follow. You know what I wish I, here's what I personally wish I could do better in 2024 is fix sexual dysfunction in women.
It is bothering me. It is bothering my soul because I have so many women that are low libido, no libido, and there is, it seems to be no solution. I think it goes beyond.
Well, I think it's complex, right? I think it's complicated.

Addressing Female Libido Issues

And I just don't think we've got a good overall approach as primary care doctors. It always gets punted to OB for hormone replacement and stuff like that. But I don't think that we're answering women's questions. So if I had one thing to pick in 2024 that I could be better at, and I, in fairness, don't know exactly how to be better at it, it would be,
loss of libido in women. Yeah, that's a tough one, though, because this is like so many different factors can affect that.
Right. It's really tough to dissect. I don't think we did it. I don't think we did a specific libido. And when we've done the function of the vagina, but we haven't done libido and it's because yeah, it's really hard. It is complicated. It's a huge, huge topic. I mean, I don't obviously if you're
coming to the hospital, you're not really telling me about your libido. Right. That's the least of your problems at that point. The least of your problems at that point. But I mean, in clinic, when I was still working in clinic, that was a really big concern for a lot of the actually older patients that come in. Because there's always also that perception that the older you get, you just naturally don't want to have sex anymore, which can't be further from the truth.
You know, you may not want to think about it, but your grandma and grandpa, they still getting down just, you know, might be a little bit more crickety and stuff, but they still want to. And to give them that ability to do that is something that, you know, as health professionals, we can help for them. So.
I would be interested in doing a topic on that. I think a lot of it, some of it could be related to some like just menopausal symptoms that people are not telling, are not saying the dryness, vaginal dryness and probably helping with that. That might help too, because that might contribute to you not wanting to. But a lot of it could just be because of situation or maybe
I don't know, it's just like not something that you're thinking about really because of life. I think all of those things are things that they probably talk to like a sex therapist about. This is more complicated than that. I don't think we're listening to women. Yes, women can have vaginal dryness, right? So I have patients that have like desire sex, but find sex painful, do vaginal dryness. But this is just their desire. It's not what I'm talking about.
my desire is gone, right? Like, when I talk to them, like, you lost your heartbeat. They'd be like, yes, that thing. But they're not depressed. And women know what I'm talking about. They're not depressed. Some of them are overworked, but not everybody, right? They're like, man, I looked up one day and I just didn't have it. The thing, the beat, the clitoris, that blood flow, that thumping, that heartbeat thing where you're like, I am ready to have some sex. That part is missing.
I think that the vaginal dryness may be a part of that whole thing. And I think we're also combining them all together. So we're, well, Salim and I are saying, oh, I lost my libido. And what we're fixing is their ability to engage insects.
That's not the same, right? So we've got all of this stuff that helps women engage in sex, but we're not doing the thing that helps them improve their desire to have sex, right? Their own internal trigger that says, I am aroused. I feel very erotic right now. I want to have intercourse. I think women are complaining about two different things in that case.
And I don't think we have a good answer for it because we need to say, well, there's a new medicine, Addy, that's out that's supposed to improve sexual function and premenopausal women. So maybe that will help. But that's really the only first thing that's going on. And I don't think we're teasing it out enough to really figure out exactly what women are saying. Well, this is Dr. Sunshine's avenue because she's a woman all day in her clinic. But I do think that they're different.
No, no, I get what you're saying. And I don't know if it could be also because, again, I think we've mentioned this before, like also with sex and the foreplay and all of that, maybe it could be that there's not enough of that and maybe that could be connected to the desire to. Yes, but that goes back to preparing me to perform in a chorus.
I am talking about your own self-driven one. That is what women are complaining about, and we're fixing their performance, right? So in many ways, we are masculinized in our approach to medicine because we've always done for women, oh, you got a poor sexual function? Well, let me just make sure your vagina is working for that penis that you're about to take on, okay? And as long as you can complete the act, then no harm, no foul.
Women, what we're talking about is I want to fix my own drive, right? I want to have my own self-initiated drive, and I want to be able to engage in intercourse, and I think we're completely missing the mark on how to improve that component for women.
We've got estrogen, we've got primer and cream for restoring the environment. We've got lube for restoring the environment. We've got lots of different things. We've got therapy techniques for restoring the environment for performance. I'm talking about their own internal drive, the thing that their body
gives them their own indication that I want to have sex independent of whatever is happening. I just for some reason feel a little horny and I'm ready to get it on. That is the part I think the women are complaining about and we don't have a good solution to fix that.
Well, the reason why you don't have a good solution is because the cause of it can come from multiple different things. So Amy Jo was right, because I see women all day, every day. I have this complaint from all different ages. And you do have to approach it from a lot of different directions. And it takes a long time to really get through it in the visit. Where I typically start with that is I usually ask them, OK.
Is this something you've always felt? Or is this something that is new? Or when do you think the change happened? And then we usually tend to work backwards to figure out, okay, it hasn't always been this way. You did have really good libido. You did have really good sex drive until two years ago. Okay, let's go back to two years ago.
What happened? Where are we? Take me there. So then it kind of helps you to kind of figure out, is this a hormone imbalance? Is this due to stress? Is this due to some type of sexual trauma that may have happened? Lots of their relationships with whoever they were dating, self-esteem. There's a lot of different things that go into it.
The ones I usually do refer to gynecology, so they go like even more in depth as if they tell me, no, like I've never had good libido, like ever. Like even when I was a teenager through young adolescents, like I've never had a drive to, like kind of like things that are like, oh, like you've never even reached this point before. Then I'm like, okay, we need to probably start like a workup, like a true workup on you.
But the ones who were like, no, I was good, you know, going through the motions, doing my thing until about three, four years ago. And especially if they're not menopausal, like Amy Jo was saying, if you're not like in your fifties transitioning menopause, things like that, then we usually try to work it out together. And sometimes it does involve mental health. Sometimes it does involve me checking some of your hormones. And sometimes it involves me trying to figure out what's going on. Is it structural? Is it psychological? Is it a little bit of both? Is it neither?
So it gets a little complex. But it takes time. I can dedicate a whole visit to that. I can dedicate a whole visit to that, and then we'll usually have a follow-up. Because it affects their dating life, which affects their happiness, which then affects their mental health. So then it all affects everything. Yeah. Because they want to have sex. Most women in my office are like,
Dot, I want to initiate. I want to be the initial trigger. I want to do it. I want to be ready for any course. And it is tough. So here's 2024. Maybe we'll get better at that. But it does take time.
And it is an important topic too. I just want to say, side note, I know y'all are not paying attention to this, but I'm watching this Bucks Lions game, and this shit is fucking wild. It's like insane. Every time I think the game is basically over, it's not over. You count this out. No, I'm rooting for the Lions. I'm rooting for the Lions.
I am. Listen, I am all for this resurgence of Detroit. I am all for like Dan Campbell and him turning this team around. Like I am here for it. Like I, I am, I'm with it. I might have to go back home for the next game to watch.
to watch it in Detroit because it's the city right now is on fire. It's just crazy. Oh, I'm about to. I was actually grafting a text to send over a copy to rub it in once we win. But I'll wait till we actually. For those for those that don't know, we're talking about the NFL, which is football, professional football. We're talking about the Detroit Lions who are currently playing the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
And the winner of this goes on to play the San Francisco 49ers at a chance to go to the Super Bowl. Just beat Green Bay by three. Mm-hmm. They should have lost that game. That's the topic for the game. I saw the game last night, too. That was insane. Mm-hmm.
But yes, it's playoff season, Super Bowl season, tis the season. Not to get us off track. That is not what Amy Jo was talking about. It wasn't. But we talk about those things too, y'all. In between times, since the last time we've been recording, Michigan is champions now.
I know, I know. Michigan and Nick. And then Nick broke all of our hearts. Coach, they've been retired. Yes. You know, I want to say that, but I want to say that I'm heartbroken because I will miss him. Like, you know, like it has been a good time watching him, you know, coach the tide. It's been a hell of a run. He's like a hell of a run. 17 seasons, something like that? Yeah, 17.
So for everything that Coach Saban has given us, I think he has earned the right to retire. And he's on top, right? So everybody's always going to be sad because you're like, man, we were having so much fun. But I think coaching similar to medicine, they'll never voluntarily let you sit down. You just have to internally make that note to say, OK, the time is now because
people will always ask for more. And so, you know, coaching from that standpoint.

Sports Coaching and Retirement

And so I'm wishing him well on his retirement. I hope he gets to do all the things that he wanted to do. And I hope he reflects on the time he had at Alabama.
Um, cause he was great. It was great. So now we got a new coach. Um, looks like a new team cause you know, people do what folks do when you get new coaches all the time. Everybody's going to be live transferring people in and out stuff like that. Um, and we're going to roll with it. Look, I, you know, people, everybody's always like, Oh, I'm like, listen, um,
It is 2024. And for 17 years, we have had a good time. But for those of us who have been around and have been Crimson Tide fans for longer than that, if I can survive,
DuBose and Shula and I don't know, whoever. Look, if I can survive those years, the Bama Dark Days, whatever we got, whatever we got coming, we're good. And it's funny, I think about that time, I think about the time when we weren't losing, but when it was just like, we're going to come to this game, we're going to see who wins or loses, right? You just know you're going to be like, I hope we win, but we could lose.
I probably had more fun at those games than I did these. These felt a little bit more stressful because of the weight of winning.
So I'm, you know, I'm still rolling. You look at you looking forward to just being free. Like we could lose like, you know, like, it's whatever. I mean, listen, smoking like a true fan, smoking like a true fan. You ain't gonna leave. I mean, we're not going to like sugarcoat that Alabama was like the pinnacle of like college football. Like it was, I mean, I think the first time we played against you guys, we lost like, I think it was like seven to 40, you know, this summer ridiculous.
Um, so it's, it's, it's going to be sad to see him go. It was, it was definitely a very good matchup, but he definitely earned his, his rights to retire. And I'm sure he'll go down in all the history books for Alabama. So, oh yeah, he will stay another year.
Wait, is her about leaving? I thought Saben would stay another year. I thought after this season, I thought he was standing at the year, but he said that he said, man, this season was hard. And I could feel him on that. He was like, he used to be able to stay up all night and watch film till 2 AM and be back up at six ready to roll. He was like, getting up these days is hard. And I suppose that's a good time to be like,
I think we all feel that in some way. I think it's good to retire on your own terms as opposed to retiring because you sick and you can't. You know what I'm saying? When you ready. Were you watching these coaches that are famous, infamous almost, and somebody might as well be rolling them out and just send them up on the field?
And you don't know who making the calls. No, I wouldn't want to. I wouldn't want to stay till then. We've seen those coaches stay like literally retire, go home and back into the driveway and die. Like nobody's trying to do that. Like you made all these millions. You know, you've won all these games. You won all these championships. Like you send all these people to, you know, their professional sports. I think it's nice to be able to go home, kick your feet up and be like, man, I had a good run and just really coast.
Isn't that the point of the exercise? Until you get to a point where you can coast and reflect and go, I did lots of good things, right?
My own personal mantra for the year is, I started off with I can do hard things, but I tell people I can do hard things well. And I think it's nice to sit back and look and be like, I did hard things well, right? Because we can all do hard things, right? You go to medical school. Medical school is a hard thing. You could flunk out of it. But it doesn't mean that you did not do a hard thing.
versus I did hard things well. I finished that degree. I graduated from that program. I successfully coached this team. I changed this person's life. I can do hard things well. And when you're done with that, I think it is nice to sit back and say, I did exactly what I said I was going to try to do.
And I did it pretty damn good. So, Coach Saban has a super duper special place in my heart. I've spoken to his teams before and so I've sat in front of that man and had to present to his people.
And so I am forever honored and I, I admire him. I think he's amazing as a, a tide as a, as a athlete, a former athlete and an alumni.
Thank you, Coach Saban, for all you have done. And Roll Tide. Of course. Go Blue. Oh, god. Oh, god.

Sexual Health and Future Topics

Well, before I go, I will give you guys a question, a question that was asked to me directly. It's not on our list of questions. I didn't even pull up our list of questions.
But I got a special request from someone who listens to the podcast in regards to like our new season, which we're in. Hey, we're here. We're back. And they wanted to know if we were going to do any more. You already know where this is going. They want to know if we're going to do any more sexual health based episodes.
as in penis episode, vagina episodes, things of that nature. I continue to ask them, well, what aspect in particular would you like for us to explore on this realm of sexual health?
And they basically were talking about a lot of the different signs and symptoms of the different STDs and how they can present differently. A lot of people in my office, and even this person I was talking to, they are really, really focused on herpes. I don't know why herpes is such a, it's such a, like they're, they're really like hyper focused and hyper vigilant about like, do I have herpes? Can you test me for it? How do I not get it? Like, I don't, I don't,
I mean, but like, but it's not like, so, so they want to do, they send messages. They calling it like, do you think I got herpes? And I'm like, probably. I mean, you went about seven. I know. Right. I'm like, most people do. Um, but we did an episode about herpes though. We did do an episode about herpes already, but there are other STDs. I think I know that.
But they're specifically asking about another sexual health episode. Everyone's very interested in herpes. And as in, how do I know I have it? How do you test me for it? How do I not get it? So on, so forth. And we can rehash it again. We did do an episode, Dr. Chris. You're not going crazy. We did do an episode on it already. And then also specifically herpes in pregnant women.
Oh. Yeah, we could do that. Yeah, now Harper's in Pray to Women, that ups the...
Yeah. So the levels of herpes. And what was the dick episode? I can't remember that. I don't know. Remember, I don't know if we talked about it. You mean the penis episode? But I was thinking of the penis episode. I know. Look, this is why if your kids are listening, we told you the kids should not be up here listening to this because you know,
Dr. Nono dropping the D words out here. Come get the D. It's explicit. I check it when I upload it. I know, it is. As I said, listen to the audience. We are not made for general consumption. You know, I do want to do, and I was thinking about this too. So too, the listener answers yes, because I was thinking we should do a, it's not a yeast infection episode, because
You know, y'all, everybody calls. Ooh, can you send me some food connoisseur? I think I had yeast infection. And you're like, girl, this is the fourth message you have sent about a yeast infection. I don't believe you. Come in, let's get swapped. And you know, we fine nine times out of 10.
you don't have a yeast infection. So we should talk about it. We should definitely talk about it because yeast infections, I think are the scapegoat of all things broken with vaginas and people send them, they don't think anything of it. And even though they will send it, get the medicine, get treated and their symptoms linger. And instead of them thinking, oh, well, maybe it's not a yeast infection. They'll send you another message saying, oh, it didn't clear.
Girl, that's not a yeast infection. You need to come in so we can see what this is. So yes, there we can talk about sexual health. Yes, they are asking for, they're asking for another, for us to run it back. We can do that. We will talk about that. We will do lots of things. The people who use boric acid just like that, just randomly.
Yes. I had a new one, alcohol. I had a person that was treating their itchiness by pouring alcohol. Wait, drinking them like a vaginal enema with straight vodka, Tito? No, like rubbing alcohol. What? How did that not hurt? Girl, I'm sure it did. Oh, we will unpack that later. Oh my god.
Cause I think there's all kinds, right? So, you know, I think it not being a use infection, what it is varies by age.
um what's going on in your life like there's so many variations right vaginas are a little finicky right they really are the true pussy cats of the universe because similar to cats they are finicky sometimes they want all the toc sometimes they're like don't touch me get away and so sometimes they're the best behaved thing you've got on your body and then sometimes they are cutting up on you you cannot figure out what you've done or not done to them
So I think we're always here to talk about, you know, important sexual health because I want people to have happy pelvises regardless of what organ is down there.
I agree. I'm with it. Yeah. I'm with it. And listen, y'all listen, I know we said the Dr. Sunshine might be on his pregnancy and post pregnancy streets, but send her your questions because I don't know who be touching Dr. Sunshine's inbox, but y'all always send such good questions. So shout out to
You know, all the questions, the random questions y'all get, and send us questions, please, because we need them. It drives our, it drives our, um, topics sometimes. And it's just nice to know that y'all are listening, that y'all want to know what's happening, what's going on. Dr. No-No, can you tell the people where to find us? Of course. Done this in a while.
So feel free to check out our website at Send us questions to our website or to our Gmail, which is thechocolatemds at And we were on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, threads. What was the other one? Spill. So please DM us in any one of those social media sites and we'll answer your questions and see you on the show.
All right, guys. We've missed you. We're glad we're back. Season four. Let's get it. Season four in 2024. That's nice. Oh, man. Look at that. All right, y'all. Bye. Bye, everyone.