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Ft. Laurel Cline, Analog Photographer for @thrills_on_film image

Ft. Laurel Cline, Analog Photographer for @thrills_on_film

E6 ยท The Inverted Creative Podcast
126 Plays2 months ago

We're joined by analog coaster photographer Laurel for a talk about her unique theme park photography methods! And if you know Laurel, of course we talk a ton about Magnum XL-200. Plus recent trip recaps, more trivia, and of course our usual shenanigans!

Follow Laurel on social media!


Introduction and Reflections

You're listening to the Inverted Creative Podcast. I'm Allison. I'm Brian. And I'm Jen.
Hi, guys. Last episode of 2024. Let's go. Yay. We made it. We made it, guys. You know, granted, we started late in the air. This is only episode six, but Well, this will officially be the last episode of our very first year. No one can take that away from us. Yep. Now we have all of next year to look forward to. Exactly.

Guest Introduction: Laurel aka Thrills on Film

And ending out the year this year, we have a guest. We do. Hi, Laurel. Hello. Yes, we have you. Thanks for having me. I'm excited to be here. Of course. Yeah, we have the lovely Laurel, also known as Thrills on Film.
um, joining us today for last guest of the year. Yay. We are very excited. We all know and love Laurel very much. You will find her at Cedar Point, uh, quite often throughout the year. Although yeah Allison texted me yesterday and apparently Laurel was at another park that she's talked a lot of trash about. And I was like,
It's a park that was open on December twenty six in Ohio. You know, got to ride the coasties where you can. I think the words used in our group chat was fraud. Yeah, that was the word I used and because not only not only was she at Kings Island, but apparently I've been told that she only likes Adventure Express there. And you and Allison were not in front of Adventure Express.
I think she likes Mystic Timbers. Mystic Timbers made my top 25 for 2024. So those are the two things that I like at Kings Island.

Kings Island Adventures and Observations

yeah And the bat, but the bat is so far away. And I forget about it. It's very hard to get to. But it's so pretty. e It is. But I could just go to Canada and ride the better version in a mountain. That's very true. So I tend to do that.
As much as I love that, yeah, Vortex is just unhinged. Yes. I agree with that as well. I miss it. Ah, me too. So good. But yeah, it was crazy to see you yesterday, Allison. I know. No plans. We're literally pulling up to the parking lot and I'm going through my Instagram stories. I'm like, wait, Laurel to Kings Island too? Yes. Oh my gosh. It took some time to get there and to get into there, but It was a madhouse yesterday. So busy. Yeah, I feel like that park was like at capacity, but. There were like three rides open, so that was funny, but. Oh, well, I was just. I'm curious what rides were open. I know Racers has been open. Mystic obviously was open here.
but like to hear sorry Oh, right. And Snoopy's. Oh, yeah. Okay, four rides and then a lot of flats. So there was plenty to do. aye I rode nothing yesterday. I went to use my meal plan and then met up with Laurel and her friend. And then I left. Which I don't blame you because if I didn't have my all season pass lane, I would have probably also ridden nothing yesterday.
Oh, sounds like a crazy night. Yeah, Mystic was like at two hours. I think it got down to an hour and a half eventually. Yeah. It was insane. That sounds awful. Yeah. And they were like sending. They were. But you can only move that many people so far. It speaks to what we talked about last week or two weeks ago, where it's like.
I would love to have some winter fester, you know, holiday in the parks, but like, if no rides are only a few rides are open, it's like, whoo. And I'm sure everything else was like two hours to probably, right? Oh yeah. Even the great pumpkin coaster had extended queue. She's like racer had a full queue had it i an extended queue that was spilling out to you.
That's wild. That does not sound fun. Did you have fun at least regardless? Oh my gosh. Yeah. Okay, good. I got my friend Ethan coaster therapy on Instagram. And he's always fun to hang out with. nice And we were talking, we were like both like, we agreed that if we rode nothing, it would be fine. But we we got like seven on Mystic Timbers. Oh, wow. Okay. I think three on Racer.
on a flight of cheer because he had just watched the El Toro Ryan problematic coaster videos. So he was like inspired to ride that ride. And I was like, Oh, okay. Sure. God. What's my favorite? I always forget how horrible those trains are to just like sit in to like buckle your seatbelt even. So bad. They're just horrible. Yeah. Worst roller coaster in the park.
Yeah. I know a flight of Taylor is cursing right now. I know. I'm so sorry, Taylor. I wanted to love it. I hate it. It's not good. It is really not good. I was like holding my head in place. I thought my I thought that my head was going to whip so hard that I was literally just going to be decapitated. Oh, yeah. I think I wrote that one with you. I remember the sound effects. Yeah. I don't think I've ever yelled to get off of a ride as much as I did on that ride. Oh, please for the love of God, let me off.
We hit that mid-course and I was like, please break down. Easy back. I mean, it slows down enough. You would think it's going to stop and then no. I don't want to. I don't know why the King's Dominion one is so much better. Yeah, I don't remember having that experience on King's Dominion one. It's like significantly better for whatever reason. Yeah. But alas. Alas.

Trivia and Lost Items Stories

We should talk about the trivia question from last week's episode. It was definitely a weird one. I think I stumped the two of you, that's for sure. I even stumped Alex, who always gets these questions right. so like Always gets them.
mission accomplished. um I asked that there is a professional wrestler um that loves amusement parks and theme parks. He frequents Santa's Village specifically every year, dresses as Santa a lot. um That wrestler is named Mick Foley. ah He also went by Mankind, Cactus Jack, Dude Love. He had a lot of characters, but he's known as Mick Foley mostly. He had that insane match with The Undertaker in 1998 where he We got thrown off the cage. It's probably the most famous match ever. um And fun fact for you Nickelodeon fans, he was the voice of the boulder on Avatar the Last Airbender. I believe I gave that little hint as well.
um But yeah, he he goes he's out he goes to Knobels all the time. He goes to Holiday holiday World a lot. Big Park fan. It'd be great to have him on the podcast. um But we did, despite Alex not getting it right. Some people did get it right. We got C-Pred. We got Tim. We got Branthrax, which is a name. ah And Mike with the mullet all getting it right.
So congratulations, everyone. I will have another trivia question with some theme to our guest at the end of the episode. Cannot imagine what that theme might be. Start looking up your ah Molly Orange. ah
Yes. I don't know if it counts that Mike got the trivia question because he literally just like told me. As long as he didn't Google. No, he he actually knows wrestling stuff, so. Yeah. More than me. I think he actually texted me the answer, too. So he's good. Oh, OK. Yeah, he's OK.
so Your trivia question could be, what is the best place to lose your analog camera? o Oh, my god. Oh, no.
I feel like there's a story behind that. I don't have a story for that one. I did actually. Nick got distracted, but he was like, what? I want to ask a goofy question. How many questions can I ask? Whatever. And I was like, I don't know. Ask a question that would make Laurel talk about the time she dropped her camera. I wish that didn't ever happen, but it sure did. I have a camera that lives in the Velocicoaster paddock, you guys. Incredible.
because I was taking a photo through the fence, you know, where you can like get the photo of the launch. And ah it wasn't around my wrist and I dropped and it bounced into the plants and never was seen again. Raptors definitely ate that thing. Oh, I filed like a very specific lost and found thing too. I like took a picture of like where it was. It was like,
It's in the sense and they they said they looked and they never found it, but oh well. They probably did not look. I'm sure they didn't and that's fine because you know what? I got a new camera and life moves on and it's a funny story and I will never take a photo there ever again.
It's like me trying to take a picture through the slats in the adventure express queue and then I dropped my phone. Oh my god, that's right. I was able to get it back pretty quickly but It was not in the restricted area. Knock on wood. That is yet to happen to me so far. That was the only time it's happened to me and I panic. Yeah. and Yeah. I don't think I've dropped my phone into an area like that, but one time I lost it on Magnum and it ended up under the person behind me. Luckily, it didn't hit anyone. I don't even know how it happened, but it ended up under the man behind me. Wow. That's wild.
It is very wild. I will never- You brought up Magnum, Janet. It wasn't even me. I know, Magnum. Wait, you brought up Magnum before you brought up Talon. I was actually thinking that too, but I was going to leave the Talon. Let it be. Yeah, I was going to let it settle and come up a little more organically, but- Sorry. I ruined it.
What the Wow. Wild. What is happening? Who even are you? Hi, Quint. We're done. It was a nice run, guys. Five episodes later. I feel like you've weirdly haven't been the person to bring it up more often than not. We always bring up that you haven't brought it up yet. Literally, though.
Yeah, I don't know. I feel like I have brought it up in most episodes. I think the one episode you guys did try to say it and bring it up, you just didn't hear me.

Analog Photography Passion and Process

Probably. Probably the case. But anyway, um Laurel, you should probably introduce yourself and why you're even on our lovely podcast. Yeah. um I am Laurel, AKA Thrills on Film on Instagram or LaurelXL200 on Twitter.
um but since you guys focus on like the creative side of theme parks um my creative outlet is um taking analog photos at theme parks um i have been doing that since 2019 i think and it's just been like a really fun way of um experiencing the theme parks in a different way and like sort of documenting my travels and Just having a fun time. But yeah, thrills on film, that's me. I am the girl with the ah camera in my fanny pack at all times, like a weirdo. And security sometimes is like, what are you doing? And I'm like, well, just taking pictures with the coasters, you know? So, real quick, what defines analog camera? Thank you. I was, because I know nothing about photography. Yeah. Um, so,
The pictures that you see me post um on Instagram are all from film. So like ah my cameras, I'll take film. I mostly shoot 35 millimeter film. So like what your disposable cameras and stuff have in them, just like pretty basic format. But I also sometimes take instant photos. I have a couple of different instant cameras I like to take to the parks. um So the photos that you see that I post are obviously digital because they have to get onto the internet somehow, but they all have like a physical film counterpart, I guess. So I have like strips of film that I've ah gotten developed and have been scanned and helped me share those photos.
I'm very much a novice. I'm like not, uh, I don't really know a lot about it. I'm like a film enthusiast. Like I'm a coaster enthusiast. I, I like, I like learning about it, but I don't know a ton and I'm not a professional by any means, but I have a lot of fun with it. And I've like made a lot of friends. It's really interesting. Um, the cross section of like analog photographers and roller coaster enthusiasts. There's,
dozens of us. It's crazy. But um the first time I actually took a camera to the park was just, I brought like a disposable camera to Cedar Point, I think in like 2014 or 2014.
Oh, it was 2015 because it was, I remember very distinctly, it was the year that Rougarou opened and I gave the disposable camera to this like teenager and was like, can you take a photo of me in front of this new sign, the Rougarou sign? And they looked at the camera and they're like, what do I do with this? But they took a photo and I have a photo of me in front of the Rougarou sign on film. and Yeah.
And then I like started thrifting and getting a bunch more cameras and sort of taking those to the parks too. And just like became a thing. Oh my God, that team probably thought it was like, what is this antique? What is this relic? I know, but like now I'll come back around. Like, I feel like disposable cameras are having a research and like, don't people use this? Is it just me? Am I living in a bubble? I don't know.
No, I think they are coming back. um Is that where you find most of your cameras, like the thrift shops? Yeah, originally. um My very first camera, the one that I lost in the coaster paddock, um I got that for like five bucks at a and a thrift store. And it was like my favorite camera ever. And it just is this like little point and shoot camera.
that is like the perfect size to fit in a fanny pack. It's made of plastic. It doesn't set off metal detectors. It's like the perfect theme park camera. on And so when I dropped it, I was like, I have other cameras. That's fine. I'll make do. And i like I think I lasted two weeks before I bought the exact same camera on eBay for like much more than $5. But I found the camera that I loved and I replaced it.
But yeah, that's sort of how it all started. I just like got big into drifting and like, as I would come across cameras and thrift stores, I would sort of Google them and see if they were like good or, you know, worth spending the five bucks.
um And then like, as I did that, I sort of built a little collection, I think of like three or four 35 millimeter cameras and then, um,
of two different instant cameras that I like to use.
I love it. It's definitely I feel like a very unique style. I feel like everyone else is like, you know, either the super professional cameras or just like we all do just on our phones. Yeah. You you very rarely see kind of, you know, the analog style now. And I think, that you know, honestly, what sets you apart, like as soon as you pop up on my Instagram, I'm like, I know immediately that's Laurel. Yeah. You don't even need to look at the name, which I guess is a good thing, right?
That's cool. Yeah, I appreciate that. Especially when I pop off with the like, I don't know, I really like experimental film or like expired film that has different weird books to them because like you said, like it's different. It's not anything that anyone else is posting. Um, and also from like a money perspective, expired, expired film is very cheap and it's like, why not buy this $5 roll of film and just see what comes out? But then sometimes it's like crazy cool.
um pictures that come out. So I like it. Absolutely. It's like ah a little bit of a guessing game. You never know what you'll get. It's fun. Surprise in every real of film. Yeah. And it's also like, I love um time aspect of shooting film. Cause I don't know, Bryant, Alison, I'm sure you grew up like with film cameras around probably.
Calling us old. I don't know. like I did, and I'm younger than you, so sure. My first job was at a CVS where like one of the most important jobs was like the film developer. Right. In the mid-2000s. Film, right, with like either 24 photos on it or 36 photos on it. And you put that in your camera, and you shoot the 36 photos or whatever, and then you like have to send it off to get to the lip.
and then you get your scans back eventually but it's like there's a waiting game and sometimes it's like I'll send like four or five rolls off at a time and I have no idea what's on them and then I get the email from my ah from my lab that the scans are uploaded and it's like Christmas morning. I'm like, oh, all these photos I forgot that I took, how cool. No, I definitely remember that for sure. Yeah, it's fun. I actually did a photography class in high school where a lot of it was dark room. Yeah. so We were required a shirt to shoot 35 millimeter and then we went and developed and enlarged all of our own film.
Oh, wow. That's incredible. I took, there's this, um there's this print room in Cleveland. I took like one class there just when I sort of started shooting on film and to see if I would like enjoy that aspect of it all. And it like stressed me all the way out. It was too exact for me. And I was like, I'm happy to just send my little rolls of film off to the lab and they can do this. But hey, like at least I tried, I guess. There's nothing else. I don't know. It was too stressful. The instructors were so sweet and so helpful, but I was like, I can't. I can't do this. but I can see that. I remember it well. Yeah. I'm like trying to develop the role and I'm like, I'm going to mess it up. I'm going to ruin all of my pictures. Yeah. It's a lot of pressure. like
there's a lot of ah exact science to things that I just, I'm not an exact science person. Uh, like that's why I shoot on a point and shoot camera. Like I could have like a more manual, nice quality camera, but I just, to me that takes away the fun. I like to just like see the photo, take the photo and then share it.
With digital, it's so easy to just be like, eh, that one's not good enough. Let me take another one. Yeah. Repeat 12 times, you know, until you get the right one with analog. Yeah. Yeah. That's part of, um, why I really like shooting analog also is like the, it's a very like mindful process. You have to really pay attention to like.
the light around you, obviously the ah shot that you're trying to get, cause like you're locked into one ISO for the whole role of film. So like if it's a sunny day and I have, you know, 400 ISO loaded into my camera, like you just have to like pay more attention, I guess. And, um, and you only get your one shot and you just have to like try to conserve them, I guess. I don't know if that makes sense. any sense, but I like it's just like a very like relaxing process and makes me sort of slow down and just like take in the ah world around me. I mean, it's like a video game in a way. It's like you have so many lives and you get out, you know. Yeah. So there's like a challenge to that. I kind of respect. Yeah, fun. Also, I'm the queen of like just getting caught up in my own
like day at a theme park and I forget that I have my camera so sometimes like one roll of film is like spans two months because I just forget to take photos but but then it's even more exciting when you get the scans back because it's like where was I? What was I doing? What even is that? Yeah it's a surprise every time
Um, speaking of photos and everything, did you take any, are we expecting any analog photos from your recent Hollywood trip? Oh yeah. I took some, I don't know, there at the lab, actually I just got the email this afternoon that the lab received my film. Um, I took some photos of the train, the Dollywood train, which I love. Um,
past that I don't remember, but I did take photos. We'll we'll see. I'll report back. But Dollywood was so beautiful and oh my gosh, I didn't take very many photos because like the majority of the beauty was at night with all the Christmas lights and everything. And I just, I don't know, I was just taking it all in.
But that's OK. Do you ever go into a park where you're like, OK, today I'm like just focusing on photos or is it more is it always spontaneous just no matter where you are? It's usually pretty spontaneous for me. um Some days at Cedar Point specifically, I'll go in like with the intention of photos because like I'm there riding all the time. Most of the times if I am at a park away from home, like I won't take as many photos.
um But I always go with the intention of trying to at least like snap a couple to remember my days at the parks. I think a lot of ah why I started taking photos at theme parks stems back to my absolute lack of like photographic proof that I spent any time at any parks as a child. like I grew up going to Geauga Lake and Sea World and I went to photo albums earlier this week actually and I found some photos from SeaWorld Ohio and I was so excited. I was like, it was of like the diving show or something. um But there are so few of that and I'm like, I just want to like be able to look back and like remember the times that I've spent at parks with the people. Like I have a really great thrill on film of Jen at Sky Rush. Like I just, I don't know. It's just fun to like look back and see the people I spend time with and like
the coasters I'm riding and all that stuff. And I know you can do that on digital as well. I just, I don't know, something about film, it just seems like extra magical to me. So I like it. Now I want to go back and find that Scott Rush photo you mentioned. Yes. Is it on your Instagram somewhere? I feel like it's maybe on Jen. Yeah, it's definitely on my Instagram, I think. Um,
It is very cute. It's one of my favorite pictures. I'm pretty sure I was just like walking down the pathway and Laurel called my name and I just turned real quick. Peace signs. so And it would turned out very cute. It was like we were all wearing our Crocs and it was just like a silly fun day. That was probably one of my favorite Hershey days. It was like a vibe. Yeah, that was a really fun one.
It's Croc Day at Hershey. Croc Day at Hershey Park. There it is. Yep. I'll go to say I found it. Yeah. Such an iconic path. Oh my God. They really are. Oh, I love it. Oh my gosh. Yeah, that path is incredible. I always get so sad when it's close. Like, no, just let me tell the Susie path, please. Yeah.
Is that your favorite photo that you've ever taken of Jen? Oh, of Jen? No, I'm saying oh was that specific on your favorite? Oh, no, sorry. Oh, I don't think I could choose a favorite photo. I was thinking about that when I was like reading of the questions. I am definitely favorite sets of photos like. ah One opening weekend at Cedar Point that I like. We had a cabin and I woke up way before everyone else and I just like went for a sunrise walk and I took all these photos of Magnum like the turnaround and I had like expired film in my camera and like that set of photos I love a lot. I got like this goose family just like swimming in a pond by the Magnum turnaround like I don't know the crossover I needed it because I love animals and nature and Magnum
um so I love those like there are there's a set of sky rush photos that I took on that path that I really love I had like run out of film at Hershey one day. And I was with my friend Matt, who also shoots film. And he just like gave me a role. He's like, don't worry about it. You can get me back. And I shot all these photos like with his role of film. And like there's some of my favorite photos I ever took. And I'm like, Matt, I owe you big time. like Thank you for having the perfect film for the sunlight today. Because Skyrush is just like super shiny and catching the light in all the photos.
um But yeah, I can't like name a favorite photo. I don't know.

Capturing Memories and Coaster Photos

Too many. I like them all. They all bring back good memories. I like that a lot. Yeah, I like the ones with people too, though. Like I love that one of Jen. I took some poster crew at Dollywood that I really love looking back at. I know you're in some of those, Bryant. Yeah, I try to like take photos of my friends as much as coasters, but I often forget and it makes me sad. So maybe I'll do better in 2025. Photos of people. Yeah. I was going to ask, do you prefer taking pictures of people or coasters? I'd probably prefer taking pictures of coasters because they like, there's no pressure. there They're not, you know,
judging me. Like, I don't know. But as far as you know, like having photos of my friends, I've been trying in recent years to like, prioritize that a little more. I don't think I've been succeeding, but it's been like in the back of my mind.
I know for me, I definitely forget because I'm like just looking for, you know, photos of my friends and it's like, whoa, wow, we don't have a selfie together since like 2022. Like what the heck? Yeah, it's crazy. But that means you're having the best time with your friends. Like that's exactly. I know for sure. Absolutely. and But then also like, you know, obviously I film for my YouTube and other people do other things.
So it's like there's these boxes you have to check on your visit. Right. Obviously like enjoying company being one of them. But then the picture ask aspects like, oh, wait, why do we not have pictures from this trip? Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes I get back from a trip and I'm like, I really didn't take any photos. Like, yeah, not my favorite. I need to be better at that too.
There we go. A joint resolution 2025. Let's be better with pictures with friends. Let's do it. I like that. Let's go. Let's go. I'm always the one on trips who's like, all right, we have a big group of people. Let's do a group photo here. And then five minutes later, we'll be somewhere else. All right. We need another group photo here. Oh, my God. I need to spend more time with you, Alison. Our inverted creative ah group pictures that didn't go as well as you wanted it to.
We kept saying all day like, all right, we're going to take so many pictures. And then we took like three to be fair. The ones at bat were pretty good. They were the coaster track fit but fit the color scheme. That's true. What was that, Jen? We were busy cred running. We were for you to be for me. Yeah. Listen, for the the crowds that we got that night, we were but very, very successful. Yeah. Especially for a Saturday because you only didn't get one vertigo.
Yeah, everything else I got. Oh, my gosh. Jen, I have to ride in Vertigo with you. If she ever wants to ride in Vertigo with me, yo you'll do it. We can look at each other and win. No, you have to ride Adventure Express with her so you she can tell you how much she hates it. No. It was better when I was a little tipsy. And I didn't feel like the arrow janks were like a little less daunting.
And then I could appreciate the theming because I was less worried about the arrow janks killing me. That's so good. Oh, man. You don't know Adventure Express Pain until you write it after Hollywood Nights. That's not very fun. And you're like doing the, yeah, I don't know, when the lats hit you right in the legend bruises.
That does not sound fun. That's why you got to go before Hollywood Nights. And then Kentucky Kingdom needs to bring back keys to the kingdom. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, that was a good event. It was. I miss all Jefferson. Yeah. Miss we miss Jefferson at Kentucky Kingdom. Yeah, you. know Yeah.
um Do you do any editing on your photos or is it just straight from film to Instagram?

Photography Philosophy and Community Engagement

Yeah, I'm pretty lazy when it comes to that. um all like birth straight and but that's about it All the beautiful colors come from my film lab, the darkroom in California. They do a great job scanning and I feel happy to just upload pretty much straight from them. So I know a lot of film photographers who do a really good job editing. It just will never be me. I'm like, I'm just a very, like, effort person, especially when it comes to the Internet. So, yeah, I like to just sort of go straight from the film's hands. I feel like it's a little more authentic that way. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Remember the hashtag? No filter.
Yes. Hashtag no filter. And I love it. I think photographers should all just do like what makes them happy. And what makes me happy is putting very minimal effort into the photos that I share. so like It's all part of your vision. Every artist has their own vision on how to see things. You could put 10 photographers on the same shot. Everybody would get something different and they would edit it. Yeah. And I love that. and That's so fun to see.
like just the creativity of different people. Really fun. And that's why our podcast exists. Yes. Literally though. Love it. So I have a question for you, Jen, and Allison. So we have ah listener questions regarding the ah topic at hand, which is photography. I think we all know there's a segment coming after photography. Should we save that topic, the last question we have, and those listener questions for after the photography segment?
Yeah, I'm good with that. Sounds good. Okay. We'll go into a photography questions from our listeners. Yeah. definitely The first comment that we got is not actually a question, but with the, with their guest announcement for this episode, Thomas XL 200 said, this is the real Christmas present. Aw, buddy. He's the best. Awesome. We'll try to magnum with him.
Magnum. Magnum. Yeah, fun fact actually about Thomas XL-200. My very last Magnum seat with me. This past season I was trying to sit in every seat on Magnum XL-200 on all three trains. And the Saturday night I stumbled.
humble He got that with me. Front row, black train. I think we got a zen ride. I don't fully remember, but I'm pretty sure. You're a little preoccupied. A really great selfie in front of the magnum sign to commemorate it. A selfie that I wish we would never see the light of day, but Thomas is posted ah on the internet, so good job taking photos with friends. Good job, Thomas XL 200.
Ooh. Your jelly shots are so good, Allison. That's what I'm going to talk about that, but I'm just saying. Yeah, sorry about that. Oh, it's all good. It was a great time. No, wasn't your like 300, we're just going right into Magnum a family. Okay, we're going to go to the vacuum top now. I'm so sorry. It's Travis's fault. His name just brought it out. ah Wasn't your like 365th ride on Magnum with Bryant or something like that? Yes, there were so many important Magnum rides this year. But yeah, Bryant messaged me. When did you message me?
So I want to say I knew I was coming for the Coaster Crew event at the end of August? I think it was August 25th or something. And I want to say maybe 10 to 14 days before then, you had just posted that you were at like 3.30 something or whatever. So I'm like, hmm, can we time this?
And I was thinking like, Oh, like, can you ride Magnum that many times in two weeks? And you're like, Oh, actually I need to hold back a little bit probably, but let's make it happen. That was so That was like a highlight of my summer for sure. Cause I had to like ration my Magnum rides. The fact you did that is incredible. And I'm like, I didn't want to, like, I know you had a goal of 500 right for the year.
yeah I guess. I don't know. I didn't know what my goal was, but I did hit 500. See, I was, I was fearing that I would take, you know, I would take rides away from you if you were waiting for me. no So I'm glad it happened. No, it was great. It was a great time to like remember every other part of Cedar Point that I love. I rode the sky ride a lot. I rode Maverick a lot.
I will say I do credit like my first ride on Magnum is 2018 did not really like it at all and I do I didn't ride again until I rode with Laurel last year and happy you know she she definitely helped uh make me see the light a little bit yeah yeah Magnum Laurel Laurel Magnum rides I but that was backwards the first time yeah they hit a little different but I liked that we were waiting for 365 with Bryant because I didn't have

Memorable Rides and Personal Connections

to ride Magnum six million times while we waited for you. Yeah. We got to go do other things. Let's say yeah yeah you took off. That's true. Yeah, that's true, because I like I saved some for like Nathaniel when he got back into town and then I was like, oh, I have to ride with like Nick and Christina and Jen, I guess, even though Jen doesn't like it. But but yeah.
Everyone got their ride. That was so fun. 365. It is fun to wave. And then Tim gave me the Magnum clock. Oh yeah, that's right. Crazy. I felt like a ah local celebrity. I gotta say, I mean, not to bring up my Japan trip, but... You always bring up your Japan trip. I do not. Anyway, you need to ride Fujiyama so bad, Laurel.
Just because I know waving deck. Yes, we love waving to people in the water park on Magnum. You literally like Japan is all about waving to people on rides. And then you get to do that like with Mount Fuji, like right in front of you. And there's just there's a whole turnaround where people are just waving to you. It's a amazing. that sounds So fun. Yeah, I would love that. And that ride is so much like Magnum because it's like insanely janky.
Okay. Sign me up. I'm sold. I honestly think that would be your favorite roller coaster in all of Japan. Nice. I'll put it on the list. I've got a very long list of places to go, but hopefully I make it there.
Japan. No, I'm done. I'm done. No more in Japan for 2024. Oh, well. There's still time. If it comes up one more time in this episode, we're kicking you out. Oh, I won't bring it up. I won't bring it up. Listen, all your little trip reports, this is still technically my um kind of my most recent. So, you know, got to milk it. I'm depressed here in New England. Oh, nothing going on in New England. Nothing, nothing except apparently a midnight flyer running in the snow on Christmas Day, which was awesome. I don't know if you guys saw that from Vekoma.
I did not. but Yeah, I know. They've become a posted like a reel of ah Midnight Flyer going in the snow. It was epic. That's cool. But anyway, I will still save the last magnum question for the magnum session. But John Mike asked what kind of film camera slash film size do you use and what actually got you into using the media film to document parks? We kind of went into some of that. but Yeah, we did. I think ah so the camera that I love the most is it's called an Olympus stylus. It's just like a little plastic point and shoot camera that fits in my pant fanny pack and takes great photos. um So that's 35 millimeter. um And think like nostalgia, I think if you boil it all down, just like I love nostalgic things and
when I realized I could take photos that like evoke that feeling, um even if I'm taking the photo in 2024, if I use a really old film, like it can look like it's from the 80s or something. um So I think that at the end of the day, it's just like the love of nostalgia is like why I take the photos that I do.
um Yeah. New challenge to like, trick someone into thinking you took a picture in the 90s when really you took it in 2024. Yeah, it's so fun. I don't know. Like, some of my favorite photos since I've taken have been like, sort of older looking parks on older film. Like I spent a day at February's this summer. um I went to see Nathaniel Huck Vandalay and Nick LaMamom. They're in a jazz band together. They were like playing at the
Rochester Jazz Fest and I like rode the coasters with them in the morning and then they had to go sound check and I stayed at the park and just like shot a whole roll of film and that park is so old and charming and I like had I just happened to have like a roll of expired film in my camera that day and It was just so fun because I took all these photos and like when I got the scans back, they just all look so old and like it just totally fit the vibe of the park. And I just, I and really like that. It's fun to be able to do that. so Yeah. That park is super charming and old school. Yeah. I want to say Jackrabbit is technically now the oldest operating coaster in the US. Oh, wow. Thanks. Oh, reminding me of the coaster I haven't ridden.
wait it wasn't open oh no i rode jackrabbit but i like am just still really sad about leaps and dips every time that i think about it i just get like really sad because i tried to ride that coaster i just never did yeah i never got around to it either oh what the heck i was at konopols one day and literally like called over there like his leaps and dips open and it wasn't and so i didn't go and then the next year it closed it's just like also not an easy spot to go to even if you're driving into pennsylvania turnpike like it's like 20 30 minutes off of the turnpike yeah out of the way like it's not a super easy park to get to which is really unfortunate um

Creative Aspirations and Park Photography

it's kind of out of the way yeah all right um the next question that we have is from christina
um She's asking what makes the perfect thrills on film shot? What elements um capture your attention? Oh, that's a good question. and I think it's like changed from year to year, but recently I'm really I really like Trying to sort of get people and like their interaction with the rides around them like I took a photo on the corkscrew midway that I love that has like this kids like waving up at the train as it's like going over him like through the corkscrew and like I love that or um I've taken some photos like on rides before they're dispatched of like so you can see the people that are like getting ready to ride the ride. um I really like trying to sort of document
like the human experience at a theme park and like what brings people joy um but then I also I think I always sort of default back to a really like nature and I like to have um sort of nature framing roller coasters because like as much as I love roller coasters they're hunks of like steel in the middle of concrete and that's not really, like, beautiful to look at. But if there's, like, a tree that can frame the photo or a body of water nearby, like, I like to try to sort of um capture that, like, the ah way that nature and amusement can coincide. I think those right now are, like, the top two. Thrills on film. That's where the artistry and the creativity come in. There we go.
that makes sense. Yeah. Real quick, as I'm scrolling through Instagram, do you prefer doing color or black and white? Oh, I prefer color. um
I there's definitely an art to shooting black and white film. And I don't know that I've found like my groove there. But I love color because they love um I feel like there's just more you can do with it.
Um, like if you catch a really pretty sky or a sunset or something like that, I, I do prefer color. Yeah. I was just scrolling through your Instagram feed and I noticed the whole block of black and white. And I'm like, yeah ah Oh, the last Velocicoaster photo from my, um, old camera is on black and white. Because before I dropped it, I finished a roll of film and I got to have that roll of film in my fanny bag.
with no camera to go with it. Sorry, I'm really talking about that a lot. Nick Chandler will be proud. yeah
a Poor camera. I think about it too often.
So this next question, I will not try to do the accent. ah We have from our friend, Mikhail. This is a long one. um oh boy I'm going to read it verbatim. We have, hi, Laurel.
um I want to let you know that I'm a really big fan of you and your work, really big fan. And um I just wanted to know if you had any plans to take thrills on film over to any European parks at all in the future. I think you could take some really beautiful film photos there. And there are also a lot more mugs over there for you to take pictures of, too. Your response. Oh, my gosh.
bugs I'm so happy he brought that up. Um, but yes, I would love to go to Europe with my film camera. Um, I think we have sort of the bucket list items. I want to go to Fantagio Land during the winter event, like tap, tap tier. And then I also really want to go to Belgium for the beer and provide the happiness. Um, but anywhere, I'd love to take film photos anywhere and also take photos of the mugs because It's almost toaster madness season and I need more content for my mug account. That reminds me, I get working on that bracket soon. Yeah. yeah We get to talk after the podcast at some point. GoodMugs is ready for that. Let me just tell you, I have really been.
Uh, coming into my own over there on that. and makes the tournament lee Oh my gosh, it will. That's part of the lore is what I was told. It literally is part of the law. but Yeah. not And it'll be seated better is what you said on another podcast. When I was listening, I remember it. That's true. I did say that you did noted. Thank you for reminding me. Cause I probably, course I think about these things too often. by I love it. You never know. Maybe it's, it's Magnum's year. I, I believe. Maybe I completely changed how I, how I see these coasters. I don't know. Ooh. I'm here for it. And I've got the mugs to post and to vote the mugs love Magnum.
I did appreciate all your you were one of my biggest supporters of the tournament last year. he um I missed all the other B.S. with the voting and stuff. We got to try to figure out a way around that, too. Yeah. Yeah. ah What about the year before guys been telling it to any park one? Was that the year? That's true. Did it be Iron Gwazi or something or Daddy Pig? It beat everything. because it might It might have won the April Fool's Day poll. I think you're correct.
yeah Yeah. You don't even think you did a poll. I'm pretty sure and I was just like, I have the best April Fools joke for you.
It's just literally Talon and Dornie Park one. It literally didn't even I think that was part of the joke that there wasn't even like it was not. Oh, that's true. And it just and it won. The one on the one on a post. That was when I photoshopped a Zadroplak, but to say Talon instead. I forgot about that. Oh, that's awesome. That was like part of the joke. It wasn't even included in the brackets.
Oh, incredible. Oh, the Dornie Park. That was two years ago and and the talent thing is is still a thing. I was just thinking. It hasn't dropped yet. like well I don't think the talent thing's ever going away. like I think we're just stuck with it at this point. It's true. lord yeah in in my talent I have been saying talent is the best B and&M member since 2021, the first time I wrote it. um I just have not tortured everyone else.
I do distinctly remember, I want to say when you were here at our at our place, you had that PowerPoint of your top 10 and Talon was on it. And that was before the whole talent obsession started. So I can, I can vouch for you there. Yeah. Powerpoint. and she I did I had a power point. I gave a PowerPoint that I only showed the very very small amounts of through these, and it was only shown to my co workers, and it was specifically told that they were not allowed to repeat it because I said like ranking coasters was for losers.
I need you to send me that. I've never, um if you can dig it out, you should send it to me. If I can dig it up, it's definitely out of date now, but if I can dig it up, I will send it to you. It's it's a really, it's a really interesting one. was awesome Did I just out you? Should I not have said that then? No, it's fine. and Should we edit this? Yeah, but Talon, you know,
What I could say before I dropped my phone in a trash can at Great Adventure and broke it, is that I have a text message from the first day I rode Talon. um When I was texting, I was with our good friend Nick Chandler, and I dropped him off at the airport, and I was texting him after I got home, and the text said, Talon is the number one invert, and I have multiple texts to him after that date.
where I was like, i'm ah where he was like, you're Talon's number one fan. And I was like, you're right. I am Talon's number one fan. And this was back in 2021. I don't have those messages anymore because I dropped my phone in a trash can of great adventure. That's the most gen story of all time.
Well, an even more gen story, guys. Not coaster related, if you guys want to know. But, um, I put a soda in my car and I forgot that it was there.
And it got so cold, it was an Ollie pop. It got so cold, it exploded. So you would think that I'd be like, oh, I have to clean this up as soon as possible in my car. Anyone who's ever been in my car or looked at my car, it is a mess. There is so much junk in it and trash and it's it's awful.
um Yeah, I didn't. I said it's really cold. I'm not going to do this. It's snowing. I'm good. It'll be frozen. Yeah. Um, I don't know if anyone's ever had a fit aid, but it's like a carbonated canned drink. Um, it was apparently underneath my passenger seat and that also exploded. So my car smells awful.
Um, but befiing but i' so this pouching the timing of that is incredible. so is like My mom made me sit in this car earlier today and it smelled awful. Um, but yeah, it, the fit aid literally smells like children's great Benadryl. Yum.
It's really bad. So that is the most gen story. I did not lose. I did not learn my lesson when the soda exploded in my car, guys. So next time any of you get in my car, it's probably still going to smell that way because I don't even know how to clean it. I don't.
Got to get a lot of ah those tree ah car fresheners currently. Yeah. Yeah. The RAV guys. Watch out next time anyone gets in the RAV.
Ouch. Anyway, who wants to ask the next guy? We got one more question about photography. All right. Cedar Club gives us a good transition because he has one photography and one not question. Perfect. For the first half of this, he asked, what are some things about analog film that make it more preferable to digital tech?
Hmm. Um. Personally,
It's very, it evokes like a nostalgic feeling. And also I'm not a person who can be like going through thousands of photos and picking which one I like best and like editing that or whatever. Like I like that when I shoot a roll of film, I have 36, like 37 at most photos to look through and see what I like and share from there. So I think that's why it works best for me.
um And it's not like for everyone, I guess, but I like it. So yeah. I also hear you're ah not great with technology. Yeah, yeah, that too. It took me a while to join this here podcast tonight. um Yeah, I do like to keep things as like low tech as possible just because of who I am as a person.
here here on the same way. yeah
That's why my camera is an iPhone. And I'd like to upgrade my software for next year, but I'm still using iMovie for all my editing. I'm making it work. Yeah, it works. It's great. Oh, thank you. I love that. I'm a huge believer in just like doing what works for you. And film photography works for me. And any super graphic designing that I need? Hey, Allison. Hey. What's up, buddy? And this is how I started helping with Coaster Mamas. Yay. We love it. we yeah We play to our strengths in that. Yeah.
Well, Kevin had a second question. Yes, it is. ah It is allowed, Kevin. yeah This is where we get into a roller coaster called Magnum, because it's already been mentioned like 25 times. Well, this is actually I'm intrigued to hear your answer to this one. Whenever Magnum needs to go through a refurbishment and or a retrack, is there anything you would like to see changed?
No, Kevin, i I don't think so. I really would like if they kept it exactly the way it is. Forever. I don't really know how roller coasters work, but keep that profiling, keep it weird. metal you know let it Let it last forever, please.
in these six flags times, it's a little scary to think about that. But, but yeah, I would love it to just stay the way it is, because I think it's pretty perfect. Would you quit this hobby if they pull the clicking the con, Matt, they just go wrong. I would definitely like take a step back. I wouldn't quit, but like, I have no reason to go to Cedar Point 50 times a year. Yeah, for sure.
Like maybe a casual 10? Like, what do normal Clevelanders do? I don't know. Maybe I would find that, but I don't want to think about that. I'm sorry for bringing that Yeah, it became a very depressing. yeah
All right, y'all heard it here first. If Magnum closes, it's Brian's fault. Oh my god. He goes through 365. He's the worst. I just go black on social media.
right I know a lot of magnum fans. I do not exist anymore. We would burn down your house.
Just joking. We're pretty peaceful people. I mean, I'm in an apartment, so you'll burn down 10 other people's homes. Oh, no. I'll burn down his house that way.
All right, I think that brings us to our next question. We got C, Pred. They said, whats ah what's the bets on which coaster gets mentioned the most, Magnum or Talon? So actually, i winning right I was keeping track. And then Magnum was said so many times, I gave up. I have not said Talon that much this episode, guys.
um We did have the little talent segment there, but I'm going to assume it's at least like 40 to 15 at this point. I love that you were keeping track. I had no idea. Yeah, I didn't tell him beforehand, but it was hard to listen and be on the show, making sure every ah mention was jotted down. Mackinac was definitely winning significantly.
We love to have Magnum winning, always. I will say, though, that Magnum isn't here on this podcast and talent at Dornie Park is recording, so I think that it wins. Literally, Jen's name every recording night says talent at Dornie Park. It does not say Jen. ah I thought about writing Laurel, I spelled 200 for me, but I just went with Laurel. Well, one post remained my top 100, the other didn't, so.
Ooh. Wow. That's cool. And with that, I hope Magnum sinks a little extra this year. I think Laurel's probably upset with me that I had it at 65. I think that's great. Who's more upset? The fact that it was at 65 and Talon didn't make it is actually a disgrace. The only invert that is allowed to beat Talon is Black Mamba, and I can now Oh, have you been to Germany, Jen? Yeah, I've been. I wrote Black Mamba. Sometimes afterburn afterburn. I can't I can't even say something because I've had not to, but.
ah Anyway, from Alex, the incorrect trivia guesser. Where is the best row seat to experience the following rides? We got four here. Legend, Phantom's Revenge, Top Thrill 2, and Magnum XL 200. Best seats. Wow. Okay.
so those are in my top 10. So I like them all a lot. And I believe that they're all great rides in every place that you could ride them.
um But magnum, I like in row 16, which is the first of the back car. Phantom's Revenge, I like in the very back. Legend.
I don't know that I have a formed opinion on legends. I like wherever I can just sit and keep riding during Hollywood nights for 10 laps in a row. So it doesn't really bother me. I like to be on the crushing side. Like I like to crush my friend on the helix. I don't like to be crushed.
um And then top throw too, I think is really great in the front row for the speed. Like just the sheer speed in your face.
like It's really good. I can't wait for everyone to write it when it opens. Yeah, i like I was going to say, I feel like I forget people have written top thrill to just feel. Yeah, I wrote it 28 times. I'd like to think I'm like one of the top riders. Oh, God, yeah. I don't actually know, but I'm up there for sure. I got three rides.
It's great. I will say it's definitely a front row ride, yeah specifically for the view on the spike. I can see that. Yeah, you can see everything. Best waving spot on this s bike, too. yeah e wait I didn't think about waving on top, though, too. Oh, my gosh, it's so good. Jen, on media day, I broke the media rule. Like, someone below me, like someone looking up at the spike and waving while I was riding and you're like supposed to hold on because it's media day. And I waved back and I was like, Oh no, I'm not so supposed to have my hands up. And I like put them back down real quick. But the waving is really good. um but Tony Clark immediately ejects you from the park. I know. He's like never going to have me anywhere ever again. That's why I live life as a plus one. He never knows I'm coming.
So Overlook Coasters had two questions, and I don't understand the context of this. Maybe you can enlighten me. Yes, it's November 11th, Magnum Day. So when Magnum and Joy are as am I, and we learned last year that we share share a birthday, I'm much older than her, like by almost double.

Humor and Personal Anecdotes

um But our birthday is November 11th, and so I think it's perfect that November 11th would be Magnum Day. Yeah. What's the actual day that Magnum opened? May 6th. Oh, sorry. she maybe know who It's just that I threw a birthday party for Magnum because they turned 35 and it was important.
ah we Chandler and I chocked Happy Birthday Magnum on the parking lot of hotel breakers and then did a whole photo shoot with it. It was very fun. Wait, I mean, Allison, you were only what, like five weeks old when Magnum opened? Yeah, I pre-date married a little bit. Whoa, that's awesome.
My name is Magnum and I was born in 1989.
Jen just screamed so loud her video stream froze. I got to drop at least one Taylor Swift for reference in every episode. I was really excited, guys. I was really excited. I was just excited about Magnum. I didn't know that was a Taylor Swift reference. I'm so sorry. That's how the errors tour starts, Laurel. Come on.
I've always sat at jen's birthday so i should know I've always called magnum the Taylor Swift coaster because it's well it's molly orange but it looks red um you got to be fearless to ride open in eighty nine it certainly has a reputation has a lot of folklore oh my god wow no seriously like i actually tweeted about that like four years ago Like ah all the albums you can kind of relate to Taylor Swift thing I always have a magnum mosa on opening day and closing day So champagne problems now we go there we let know in this song We love champagne problems The second half of this question as I direct this away from Taylor Swift
Um, thoughts on Ro17 left seat blue train. I'm sorry. I'm not a Swifty Bryant. You can never ever. I'm not a Swifty. I think Caitlin's a Swifty who's asking these questions. So she might like these references. Let's go. She listens. Um, I think that's a great seat for Caitlin to sit in and I'll be either in front of her or behind her on a wheel seat because I like to feel things. Um, well, Ro17 is the best seat on Magnum. Get out of here.
Yeah. Yeah. It's a great seat. The whole back car is awesome, but I would prefer a 16 or 18 personally. Do you have a least favorite row? Oh, that's a great question. Um, if I do, I really like them all. I think I had a couple like row 10 rides that I wasn't super thrilled with. Um,
I just remember once it was like a blue 10, but I got off and I was like, that wasn't a great ride, but it could have been anything. I don't know. I think it's pretty great everywhere. Are they all coded like blue 10? Uh, what are they? Is it black, red, white? I forgot. Yeah. red Train one is red, train two is blue and train three is black. Okay. So there's no white. Yeah. Well, they're all white.
I guess, I don't know. True. Do you have a favorite train? Yeah, blue train. My favorite this year was black, colored by red, and then blue.
um But I guess it varies from year to year. Interesting. Blue is just usually like the slowest and smoothest. And I don't particularly like either of those things.
I don't like it smooth. I like to feel something, like I said. I don't know. I get it. I get it from Adam. The beauty of Magnum is like you just need to like get ejected a little. Am I wrong, Allison? Did you coin the term Dorito Hill? Was that you? No, absolutely not me. Oh, I thought it was you for a second. Just because I love Doritos. You're the first one I heard it from, to be fair. Oh, OK. No, I don't know. I wonder who said that first.
No one will ever know. Cause it's definitely become like a part of the vernacular. It's like iconic. Oh yeah, absolutely. That's like the, um, the Dolly is like the unofficial name of the, the lift Hill of lightning rod.
e I liked lift Hill rod. i don't I didn't say that earlier when we were talking Dolly. well Okay. I really liked it. I was pleasantly surprised. Interesting. I feel like I would crap on it a lot. I still haven't written. written but It was very funny, though, that they still had the like, room, room sound effects going, ah because it felt um a little here like, room, room, room as you're like, clicking up a lift tail, but whatever.
The speakers are still like crackly and awful sound quality. It's just really funny. cracks me up But then the ride experience is great. so
Maybe in April. Yeah. Ooh, I'm going in April. You should go too. Thinking about it. Still need my big bear mountain credit. Oh, I need that. Oh, good. It was really fun. That's a credit you have and I don't so I can get.
ever closer to even it out. We'll see what happens next summer. Are we going to, is this going to be a thing in 2025 us racing? Let's see who has, has the most at this point next year. Yeah, sure. You're going to beat me. Yeah. i'm Yeah. We'll see.
We're planning some kind of toxic things next year. yeah that's I can't keep up with your, your, I almost did my first swear in the podcast, but your BS, uh, quick weekend trips. I can't compete with that. Yeah. You guys also like, I swear you and Mike, like don't need sleep to operate. It's like wild to me. No, we really don't. You're.
Like when you guys told me about your like your are um Europe trip and like the driving and I don't know. I was like, I'm exhausted. Wait till you hear about us doing a weekend road trip to Epic Universe. Road trip. Oh, why? I for years. Yeah, crazy. Three, I think. Oh, that was so stupid. I will never do that again.
Yeah, but I did it when you were in Orlando. I think two full days.
Like, that's yeah, and I literally woke up on New Year's Day and started driving to Ohio. I had to be at work on the second. Oh, oh, that was so dumb. You're Cleveland, Ohio, too. It's not even Cincinnati. Yeah, like to be top.
yeah i took me like 24 hours because i so i kept stopping for naps like because i was just driving by myself and when you're in the mountains of west virginia and it's foggy at night like i don't know i was just like i need to pull over yeah yeah that is like i think about that trick trip like very often because i am always like i don't know if i could even do a week for the drive to Orlando, like that drive can be... Yeah. It's brutal. And that can be a lot. I like to be there for two weeks if I'm gonna drive, at least. I can't imagine doing it for two days. One week I felt like it's not worth it. I'll tell you though, when I parked my car, I was like, this car is not moving anywhere. I'm not driving anywhere until I have to drive home. Like, you guys all have to drive me around.
yeah I laid down a hard line there. I was like, no more driving for me, please. Insane. Yeah.
um I think we have a next question. La, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma. Says, woo, Laurel, what are your highest ranked Roscoe coasters, and which unwritten one do you want to ride the most? OK.

Coaster Experiences and Personal Favorites

had to think about this one. I'm glad that I saw it beforehand. But I think that Wildcat's Revenge is my number one Roscoaster, which is wild because when it first opened, I hated it. But now I love it. um And then like Panthirian is like right behind it. I do have to do a shout out honorable mention to Tiger Terror in Chicago, because that's where I spent my 32nd birthday um lapping the kiddie coaster in Chicago with three of my grown adult friends at an FEC for definitely not us, but it was very fun and um a great Ross coaster. So fun. Long live the king. I love that. That makes for some of the best memories.
It was so much fun and Dan Clark like reached out to the people before it and he was like, I have people driving from Ohio and they gave us free wristbands. So we, like, we just got to lap it for free. It was so great. Um, and then my most anticipated Ross coaster is definitely Prowler. I think, yeah I think I'm going to love that ride and I like the,
The logo is just so good and it literally looks like my cat. Like it even has the sharp claws and everything. That's true. Like I can't wait to go there and ride that ride and like buy a t-shirt because that logo is just so good. Yeah. Prowler is fantastic. And one of the best night rides in the country. Oh, okay. Nice. If you're like mystic, you're going to love Prowler. Yeah.
Thunderhead's my favorite GCI like right now, but I feel like Prowler could give it a run for its money. Yeah. I mean, I think, uh, along with Texas Stingray, I think I mystic, um, Thunderhead, Texas Stingray and Prowler were all like the 16 and 27 of my rankings. They're all, yeah they're all right there. Thanks. Good.
Speaking of Roscoe, yeah we have a question from Marty. no Why are black cats so much better than other cats? Jen, have you had a black cat? I have not. I have had like a tuxedo cat, but not a pure black. Well, the three of us have had or currently have black cats. Yes.
Fortunately, Meg and I haven't had one. ah our Our guy Salem, who was amazing. Yeah, it's been, God, three and a half years now. Oh my gosh. um Amazing. Yeah, no, they're just, I don't know. I don't really have that much. She was my only pet ever.
and ah I'm clearly biased that they're the best cat. They are. I grew up with black cats. So I've like loved black cats forever.
um Scarborough and own Dean. They were sisters and they were black cats that I like. I think they were there when I was born. Yeah, I'm pretty sure. Like they were older than me. Um, but I just like how it's always Halloween time with a black cat around. And I think it's important to give black cats love because they don't often get adopted because of like bad luck or weird superstition. Like black cats are the best.
I agree. Yeah, I got I got my name. He's a menace to society. he's Yeah, currently I've never had a black cat, but currently my favorite cats are tortoise shells. So if anyone is familiar with like cats and color coding stuff, tortoise shells are like
crazy like they call it tortitude so they're almost always else and they they are like very mean and um sassy and uh another word that i don't think i could say on this podcast thats the yeah m you're very mean but they're very fun they're kind of like my corgi like i like my animals really pretty with a lot of attitude
so That's cute. I really haven't like met a cat that I don't like. I think all cats are good cats. But black cats are extra good. Agreed. ah Agreed.
Allison's black cat also has a one-up because its head is tilted and it's very funny. I'm obsessed with the tilted head. I don't think he'll ever grow out of that at this point. I think he just learned to live life seeing sideways and so he will always have that.
I truly hope he doesn't because a it is so adorable. Also, he loves watching roller coaster videos with us. He will literally sit on the couch and stare at the TV with us. Oh, I think Mike sent a picture to you, Brian, earlier. im yeah yeah Fantastic.
So cute. um
So one more Magnum question from one of our listeners, Adam, think it's big empty three, I believe. ah What Magnum names do you have for other hypers? Oh, I don't really have, I don't really have that. I call the one at Six Flags Mexico, Mexican Magnum, because I never remember. It's like Superman, but then like more words than I never remember. So I just call it Mexican Magnum.
But I don't think I've really named the magnums. Of all the magnums I would love to get on, I would love for Desperado to reopen. What would that be? Gambling magnum? I don't know. Desert magnum? Desert magnum. Ooh, I like that. I haven't saw my way through that, so I don't and don't know. I'm not like Jen. Jen, you gotta teach me your ways.
and Does Magnum have a Talon name? um um Or vice versa, does Talon have a Magnum name? Magnum might have a Talon name. I would have to look through my records and see because typically... I know Steel Vengeance has a name.
sal What's that? Steel Vengeance has a Talon name? It does um have a Talon name. It does. I don't know if Magnum does, but I wouldn't be surprised. Honestly. It probably doesn't. Because I don't I can't remember a time that I've commented something silly about Talon on a post about Magnum. And that's usually where the non-invert Talon names come from. Like it's usually me being silly and then someone correcting me and I'm like, no, and then it gets it gets a name.
Yeah. It's how tall Blue Onion Talon exists. is So maybe one day, Magnum will get one. Yeah, I'd have to look. There's a very good chance that it may. But right now, the ones I know offhand are Orion, Renegade, Steel Vengeance,
Iron Menace. And I think maybe that's it right now. it What's the Iron Menace Talon name? Just Talon 2. It's nothing. Oh, okay, yeah. Yeah, it's nothing crazy. Some of them are really dumb and some of them are really good. Hmm. So I can be convinced to change some Talon names. The only one that will never be open for changing is Green Talon because that's the original. So. Okay. Yeah, Green Talon is never going to change. Just yeah. There.
I'm going to work on my Magnum lore. Or maybe I don't. I don't know. Maybe I could just like Magnum. Well, what a riveting conversation that was.
We love talking. Don't we have a whole episode dedicated to your talent names at one point? um Some point coming up. and 2037 hopefully I have to write I have to go through and like write them all down again I have them somewhere I have to go through and write them all down again I might have to create some again and I don't know honestly I don't have like a very clear place that I've written most of them down and I really get myself confused so I think I do have to like sit down one night and just like make a spreadsheet and so you should rank some coasters while you're at it
And share your rankings. well You know but what my rankings are? Do you want to know? yeah Silver bullet is definitely in my top 10. You should have had it out of it. What? I thought you took it out of your top 10 the last time you talked. Oh, I might have replaced it with Nessie. You did, exactly.
Oh, maybe. But OK, so I do have an old janky short scuff in my top 10, at least one. Good. And Guardians of the Galaxy and Talon at Dory Park. Actually, I don't think Talon's in my top 10. I was going to say. I don't think Talon's in my top 10. Maybe Voltron. And Josephinas. Josephinas is definitely in my top 10. Josephinas is my number one.
I need to look this thing up. I don't even know what it is. and It's literally like a boat ride in the middle of Europa Park. Like there's a section of Europa Park that just has like food places and it's kind of just like a walkway to other sections. Sorry, it's not going to spoil.
ruin um it's just play orange It's literally just restaurants and walkways but there's a lot of foot traffic and in the water in the middle there's just this boat ride and there's not really much significant about the boat ride but you can just vibe in the park and the way that the seats are laid out on the boat the back of it is like a picnic table And if you ask, they'll just like let you stay on it. So you don't even have to, you could just like loop around the whole entire time and just like vibe in the park on this picnic table. So fun. On a boat. It's so good. I say i've saw your picture of you guys like cheersing.
Yeah, literally we were on it. We talked about this on another one. I don't know, Laurel, if you heard it, but we literally brought these giant beers on it. And Joey was like, people were laughing at us and like, proasting us. And Joey is like, proasting them, talking to them in a language I don't know, probably German. Probably German, maybe Dutch. I don't know.
um but he's literally like just talking to them as we're passing on the boat and people are laughing at us with our giant beers and it was just a vibe that's awesome but i was there in the summer i rode it once and i got so excited i made sarah and taylor marathon it too that's awesome i was like we have to go back i need to go you just convinced me it's not the roller coasters that's why i want to go it's for the beer and the boat The beer and the vote. It's literally a vibe. And this is just now talented.

Trivia and Social Media Wrap-Up

Daugherty Park is one topic of discussion and Josephina's and you're all going to be another like constant discussion on this podcast. Talk about an A plus attraction. Get hyped guys. Get hyped.
Well, ah before we sign off, i I actually remember I have to ask a trivia question this time. I want to say this is similar was um because the first question I think I asked something about height in Talon, right?
ah last yeah You asked how many coasters were above 150 feet and I was mad that Talon was nine. That's right. Okay. So I got a, I have a similar question, uh, involving that statistic. I want y'all to tell me how many roller coasters in the history of Ohio have been or are taller than Magnum XL 200. So how many roller coasters either currently or in the history of Ohio or taller or were taller than Magnum?
count um Count one of them that may have two versions once. Hint, hint. So there you go. Homework for the next two weeks. I mean, they're both operational. Perfect. Love it. Wait, but what if it is taller in two different points? Well, I mean, it's one coaster. Oh, I guess it's a lot of them. Never mind. No, maybe not.
I don't know. I like that you said you literally gave homework for people. And you can't try not to Google again or RCDB. Use your own mind. Yeah, use your brains. Yes. I don't even know. i'm I think I know the answer, but I have to make sure I research it properly.
I don't even know how tall a magnum is. What? I think the answer is Talon at Dorney Park. Alison, help us. what am i helping How do we end this thing? How do we end this?
yeah but We end it by saying Happy New Year because this drops on the 30th. There we go. a And obviously a massive, massive thank you to Laurel. She is amazing. Go follow her on Instagram. Yeah. Shout out on your channels again, just so people have, I mean, I'll link them too, but you know. Sure. Um, my Instagram is thrills on film and then my Twitter, which I don't use very frequently is, uh, Laurel XL 200. Yeah.
Thanks for having me, guys. No, of course. Laurel is such an enjoyable person to hang out with at a park and obviously outside the park as well, but especially at a park. Just in the park outside. Especially on Magnum. Yes. Ride Magnum with me, everyone. Come on down. May 3rd, opening day. Let's go. and so We'll probably be there opening day. Yay. Me too. I'll see you. I'll see you before that, I'm sure. but Yeah, probably. But we'll get a Magnum out.
Countdown's on.
All right. Thanks, guys. Thank you. you Happy year, everybody. Please keep listening to us in 2025. Don't let Jen's madness detract you from ah from listening. It's fine, guys. Everything's fine. or Or maybe that's the reason you are listening. so Yeah, if you keep listening in 2025, you may get a talent episode, maybe. More nonsense, of course. Ooh, Ahsoka just porked too. She says happy New Year. Aw, yay. Roscoe didn't make a peep all episode. You won, Jen. Ahsoka won, actually. Oh, I kicked my cat out of the room. He's not a allowed any whenever. I heard him like fall off of something. Not as like.
Ahsoka said, no cats. No cats. Thank you. No bark bark. On that note, Happy New Year, guys. All the best in 2025. I think it's going to be a good year for Inverter Creative, too. I think so. Ye. Ye.