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The Best Roller Coaster Color Schemes image

The Best Roller Coaster Color Schemes

E8 · The Inverted Creative Podcast
121 Plays1 month ago

We have a surprise first international guest for our latest deep dive! We're joined by our friend Joey, a Voltron ride op from Germany (and also Jenn's bf) to talk about color schemes on roller coasters! Bryant blindly gives us his Top Ten coaster paint jobs to discuss, and we go through SO many listener comments on what is everyone's favorite color scheme, what doesn't quite work, and what people would want to change. 


Introduction and Host Banter

You're listening to the inverted creative podcast. I'm Allison. I'm Brian. And I'm Jen.
This episode might be the most ADHD that Jen will ever be on this podcast. Wow. Coming right at me. I'm just preparing everyone early.
That was deep, Allison. What the heck? That was a surprise intro. She's like, I have something. And we're like, all right, Allison, just go for it. I wasn't expecting that. I'm literally going straight for my throat. Am I wrong? She's a Dutch man that showed up at my house. Oh, come on.
Hi guys.

Guest Introduction and Cultural Exchange

So we have a very fun fourth chair ah for tonight's episode or today's episode whenever you listen to this. Do you want to introduce yourself? Yeah, sure. Hi, I'm Joey. I am from the Netherlands. I live in Germany and I work on a small roller coaster in the south of Germany. um You might have heard of it, it's called Voltron. Just Okay, that all you have obsessed over.
It's, it's all right. It's okay. Yeah. exist Maybe the top 100 maybe. Yeah. Top 100. Well, I will find out in about five and a half months now officially. So.
Whoo! Europa Park! Yeah, youre you still have to go to Europa Park for the first time, or is it? First time, I've never been. No, so early July right now is the plan. We're doing Europa and Fantasia Land. Fantasia Land. What's the proper way to say that park? Fantasia Land. It's Fantasia Land. Yeah, if you say it in German, it's Fantasia Land. Okay, so it is technically both. Okay. I like the German land saying it. It feels fancier. I say Fantasia Land.
ah safe and taie lyn I probably still say it with a Dutch accent. So my German saying is probably still not right. As you're talking to a bunch of Americans that are saying things in American

Theme Park Elements Deep Dive

accent. that's
Well, we have ah yet another kind of a deep dive topic today, right? Yeah, it might be a little bit of a shallow dive, but. Yeah, it's shallow dive. I like that. Kind of a spur of the moment idea that I think Allison, you came up with it. ah Yeah, I think yesterday. It's a good one, though, if you want to go over it. I like it a lot. It's a great opportunity to talk about Talon and Dorny Park. There it is. Here we go. Yeah, two minutes, 37 seconds. Although, you're actually not Talon and Dorny Park today on Zunkaster.
No, because ah Joey came into here and changed my name to Taren at Fantasia Land. They can't even spell Talon right. The fact that there is like a talent, like it's pretty much the same name at kind of your home parks is adorable. They kind of copied it. Yeah, the people at Fantasia Land were like Talon at Dorying Park, it's so much hype. We're just going to name a coaster so close to that so people come here to ride it. And that's the only reason people go to Taren.
When I became an enthusiast, I was legit having like, wait, which one is which? And I think I called like the Fantasia one Talon sometimes. And I called the Dorney one Taran by accident. It's funny. how love that I miss Talon all the time, just because of how much I love Taran. But Fantasia was so confused that they first build a B and&M invert and then named it wrong. Yeah.
It's a good point. It's a very good point. They were like, oh, we have to, the name is wrong. We have to build another one. It's still wrong. It's still wrong. They tried. All right. I think into our topic, I interrupted to talk about talent at Doherty Park. We went on a little bit. I'm sorry. What did I say about being ADHD today?
Yeah, we're we're pretty ADHD today. Today, guys, we're going to do a little deep slash shallow dive, whatever we're calling it, into color schemes of coasters. Huge fan of this, because I don't know. like I like all the different colors. I think it's absolutely a part of you know what, if not, like a I can't talk right now.
mean Just a little like shot of excitement if it's it's a color that like really vibes with you You might get a little extra excited to ride especially if it's like a brand new code brand new ride. I don't know that can matter I'm just glad that we have a topic that's not gonna be fully talking about Disney the entire time Listen, the paint on Guardians, I don't know if you've seen it and or

Disney's Theming and Color Schemes

not. it's I have not. Fire. So I've talked with Jen today about this before, about color schemes with Disney, but like, Disney doesn't really do any color schemes with coasters. Because they're mostly integrated with the teaming. Yeah. and I mean, most of them are indoor or partially indoor too, so, you know. The only one I really was thinking about were the kiddie rides and Tron. And Tron is just white. Yeah, nothing crazy. Tron has pretty lights.
That's true. What does? Tron. Oh, yeah. Tron is pretty lit. Yeah. Not that I would now. I haven't been on it, but I only saw the cast member previews. Oh, that stinks. Yeah. So that was two years ago. We saw the test runs and weren't able to go.
all And afterwards, we heard from a cast member that they had two spots left, but that was afterwards. Oh well, we can try it in one week. I was going to say, you'll find out very soon. It's pretty good. um can we Can we start off on a good hot take? Well, we got to do other stuff first. let's let's we'll we'll We'll get there. We'll get there.
ah but let's do ah Let's cover trivia real quick. um Allison, you kind of asked us, do we want to do another trivia question so soon? By the way, look at us back-to-back weeks recording. Whoops. Yeah. That's a first. I don't remember the question that Alex asked. I'm going to give another week for it, because I don't have another question. um He asked, which was bigger, um the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World or Disneyland Resort as a whole? like Which was bigger in land size?
So we're going to give you guys another week for that 50-50 question. Give it a shot. Why not? Is it Disneyland? Or is it the Magic Kingdom? Which is bigger in size? We've only gotten one response. I won't list what they actually put, um but it was as a Spotify comment. And I just, I do want to note, I don't really see the Spotify comments on time. I think there was a few, I went back onto Spotify and I saw a few responses to other things and I'm like, oh, whoops. So I don't recommend putting that there if you want to try to be a shout out, but. Fun fact about me, I've never had Spotify, so I wouldn't know that.
And if there's comments on Apple Podcasts, then I if you can do comments, I have no idea. I didn't have any comment on podcast platforms. Technology, what is that? I don't know how you can now. But. Yeah, usually social media is best or messaging us. Yeah. Yes. Texting us if you know us.
so I don't answer my texts. No one texts me in the trivia answers. You're not getting a shout out. This is confirmed fact this week. What was that, Allison? It's a fairly response to our text center. Yeah, it was kind of a struggle to lock down when we were recording this week. Yeah, I'm sorry, guys. Can you confirm? Oops. Anyway. Me and Bryant had a plan for if you never responded and we recorded tonight, we we know what we were going to talk about, so.
That will happen at some point when you don't, when you least expect it. Yes. Wait, so you guys had a topic locked down in case I never. Yeah, we told you we were just going to talk about talent. Oh, dedicated episode yeah I realize that was

Amusing Anecdotes from Theme Park Visits

like confirmed. Oh, yeah. Probably like completely serious. Just do like a deep dive into the history of the ride. Like no, no humor at all. Just like it opened in 2001 and, you know,
What an incredible episode. We go on for two hours somehow. We'd find a way. Oh, yeah. Somehow work her description verbatim like at some point of why it's a good ride. Well, listen, our comments should literally just be like, what are your favorite like something favorite talent memories? That's true, talent memories. And then at the end, we'd be like, so we just like we will never mention this ride ever again. We're just getting it all out now.
One day. One day. That'll happen. It has to. Now you guys spoiled it, but. No one will remember when we do it. Don't worry. Especially you. That's true. That's true. That's true. All right. So my next thing on my list is, um Jen, do you have a trip report from Great Adventure you want to talk about? Oh, my gosh. I guess.
oh Me and Joey were going to New York City and I processed that we were getting on the train at Hamilton and all of a sudden in my mind I was like Hamilton is like 15 minutes from Great Adventure. So I was like, you can never ride Kingda Ka, but would you like to go look at it? I was zero doubt. I was like, no, we're gonna do this.
Yeah, and then he was just like, we're doing it. I need to view this ride. So we went and we pulled over in this like sketchy construction site on the side of the road in Jersey with two dead deer. One of them we could see it's ribs. Very fun. Lovely. And I took a picture with the ride. And he took a picture with King of God.
right We're going to say with the deer. Probably there is a picture with me and the deer. I was like, do not get close to those deer, please. We're just like pulled over on the side of the road next to two dead deer and the King of Ka.
But I can say I have visited Great Adventure. Yeah. My first Six Flags Park. I did also actually take him to Hershey. Hershey's Clothes. That can be part of it. I mean, I totally went to a Chocolate World, right? Yeah. That was pretty good. Like seeing the park from the outside. Yeah. I knew I was not able to visit it, but like.
seeing it and all was already pretty cool in the snow once it took layer of snow oh yeah lightning racer was like really covered in snow and so a storm runner so they were really cool views of those two rides um and we also came in like the back way through the town of hershey where like all of a sudden you make this little turn on a little side street and sky rush is just oh i love that turn yeah you get so close to it It's the best entrance to the park, so I took him in that way. I took him, like, I drove him all around the park so he could look at the coasters. That was the most enthusiastic thing enthusiasing I've done in a long time. That's awesome, yeah. That's a really cool park to see for the first time. Also, Chocolate World was pretty fun.
Yeah, the dark right is a little wild.
It's fun. The music is fun. The music's really fun. um We also went to Chocolatier so I could show him. That was my next question. Yeah, we didn't get food. We just got drinks, a chocolate martini and a beer. We got him a Troggs Grand Cacao. And I wanted him to see the chandeliers with Sky Rush, Fahrenheit and Comet.
I love that bar like it was something else i'm used to the europe park bars But I like this one a lot Just a modern look on a team park bar

Coaster Colors in Home Decor

Team park team park bar Yeah Definitely a theme park. Yeah. No that the whole building is like really really impressive Yeah, after we just talked about chocolate here so much what a week ago Literally. They have chocolate wings and chocolatiers that are so good. I talked about them a lot last week. We got so hungry recording last week. Yeah. I wasn't too hungry because I made you guys wait to start recording until I finished eating my wah by Wendy's. You were just preparing for the theme of the night.
Well, eating like a half of a fry every two minutes was. Oh, yeah. Because I couldn't open my jaw. Very. Oh, that's true. You had the jaw issue. I forgot about that. It's open now, guys. We're doing so well, everyone. So anyway, moving on, we're going to try to keep this under an hour and a half. Fingers crossed. Can you spend an hour before we start? Well, we're already almost 15 minutes in. We haven't really started the topic yet. So, you know, we'll see how that goes.
Um, so Alison, um, failed in her effort to find a USA Today article about, uh, color schemes on roller coasters. That definitely is. this I'm sure. I look, there's nothing. There was like a Reddit thread from like eight years ago. And I'll say, come on, you have like one job now come up with the topic. So like.
Getting entire show notes on my one now. It's not like you're the only organized one here. Like you have one job. Listen, this is articles. This is her baby. This is the inverted creative studio who she is the the director of. So founder, I guess, founder, CEO. I call myself the showrunner of the podcast. So that's right. So that's true. Now, her notes are always fantastic like legitimately. usually I love when they just say Jen when I curse. Sorry, guys.
Those are good notes to be fair. I write those notes. So anyway, I decided I would just come up with my own ah top 10 that I put together a couple of hours before the show. And I felt that I'm going to just say them and then Allison and Jen can either agree with them or they can roast me.
Oh, I'm so excited. so just I'm just doing American Coasters because it is a USA Today like list. um I literally just went down RCDB real quick, picked out the rides that I thought were the best, and then I put them in order. So this is your top 10. This is my top 10 favorite paint schemes, I think, in in the United States. So you guys are ready at number 10.
I tried to be as unbiased as I possibly could, ah both for like not necessarily picking home parks, but also not to ah draw a reaction out of you guys. So I legitimately think number 10 is talent at Dorney Park.
That deserves to be so much higher. i knew I knew you were going to say that. I knew you were going to get mad at me. like eight There's like 850 coasters in the US, and I say Talon's number 10. That's still not high enough for you. No, it's not high enough. The pastel queen that is Talon at Doherty Park deserves to be so much higher. It's yeah its it's i it's in my top 10. It's really good. I agree. It's a beautiful coaster. Talon is in Brian's top 10 confirmed.
What's that? The talent is in this top 10. That is true. Talent is in Brian's top 10 confirmed. You're here to hear. But at number nine, what do you think, Allison? What are your thoughts? I agree. Yeah. But at number nine, I actually have another invert. Not the last invert on my list. Patriot at Worlds of Fun. Really? Yeah. Because it has that white stripe. It's a little unique from all the other inverts. Oh, that's true. It pops a little more.
I wouldn't say the top 10, but it's definitely unique. Yeah, I think it but it it's underrated. I think it's a really good scheme. I just think it's so in your face, like that red like. Yeah, that's true. I just I like the white stripe, the white three colors versus two colors, you know. Yeah, the white stripes are really cool. At number eight and we actually have a comment later, so we'll definitely talk about this more when we get to the listener comments.
untamed at Canobie Lake is awesome. Like I said, well, we'll discuss that more but when we get to his comment, but. ironically He said, hopefully it's a unique one. organny yeah I don't know. Untamed would have even been in my thought process, but that one is a really good color scheme. This is the one and in New Hampshire. not Yeah. there's all yeah um I'm looking at a picture now. It fits very well into the environment with this color scheme. Exactly. That's very nice. They're supports. I can blend them perfectly. Number seven. I think this is a forgotten one, but I love the way these colors pop. Wait, I'm doing that in here. The supports literally look like tree trunks. Yeah, they're birch trees. They're birch trees. It's awesome.
ah That's very cool. Sorry. I needed to go back to that one. I noticed that. Well, we'll talk about it later for sure. i Yeah. Number seven. I love the way these colors pop against its scenery as well. Stunt pilot at Silverwood. Oh, yeah, that's a good one. That white Raptor track with the red rings.
That one again, I think I just don't like red on coasters like that. My problem is with white coasters. that it stays white, if it stays white. Yeah, they get dirty pretty easily. True, but ah if they take good care of it, white coast white track is solid, as you'll maybe see later on in the list. um Number six, I got Veloccoaster. I like that color. interesting Not so many black tracks out there, but that that fits so well, especially the Raptor Patica Men.
It's just black, right? It's like a black grayish. Yeah. yeah crazy But it looks um I know we're not talking about like the trains. Yeah, I was going to say, well, i coastster I think more about the trains than I think you have to compare it with the trains to in a way. Yeah, the blue, the pie. Yeah, exactly. Oh, nice. On that like gray track. It's number five.
And maybe I'm a little biased because these are my high school cap colors. Shout out, Durfee Hilltoppers. Wildcats Revenge. i deeply like I love the black. The black but red and the black. So good. I like the cats. Cats are great too. i love I do love those zero cars. What I love with Wildcats Revenge is that they did did something different with how are they called, and where the track is attached. I don't know how they are called.
in general that I wouldn't know i but like that's cool because it's just metal normally it's just metal unpainted metal and this one is really cool yeah and you can see the original wood in the structure too hmm yeah I did not show him that when we went to Hershey Park I'll try and find you a picture but yeah that is I honestly think that adds character to it I know it's not technically color scheme yeah well it's a lack of color scheme Yeah. and that's In that spot. Yeah. So I think they did an amazing job. That was a good choice. Number four, throwing it back a little bit. Loch Ness Monster. Busch Gardens, Williamsburg. Ooh. I like that one. That's a good one. It's a little in your face, but I'm OK with it. It's fine. I would pick Alpinguyst over Loch Ness. Alpinguyst is up there for me. i Like the first thing I thought at BGW was Alpinguyst.
That was actually one of the first things I thought about when we talked about this. I think I did turn to you when I said Alpenguys. So sorry. Yeah, the yellow and green. I don't know. I think it fits that foresty area really well, especially the new paint now. It's like, I don't know. I love it. It's iconic. Obviously, you got the loops. But at number three, I got Mako. Mako. Orlando. I do love Mako. Yeah. That purple track, baby. And the turquoise, or greenish.
Hugh, whatever it is. Number two, Alpin Geist. I was trying to hold back my smile a little bit when you started mentioning it. It's such a good color scheme. That's where white track works. like as they Yeah, I was thinking that when you said that. And then number one, I swear I made this list before I saw any of your opinions on on Alison's write up.
Fury325. Yeah. Yeah. That's a good winner. Iconic. Don't eh. Well, you're here to roast. Sorry. I shouldn't be saying anything. I'm here to roast. I'm not here to support. I don't know. Fury doesn't do it for me. Like, I feel like, I don't know. It's iconic. It is iconic. But I just don't love the colors together. I love it. It's amazing.
everything about that park like why fury when you could copperhead strike i thought of copperhead it's it's good i would strike is so good the color scheme like that lime green in the blue though just hits yeah i don't know what it is oh see i think the orange and the like brownish gray color oh Well, ah we'll obviously talk some more, but I have some honorable mentions. I did say Airy Force One, but I didn't want to say Airy Force One and Patriot. It's it's kind of the same thing. Yeah. Too much America. Too much America. I said, maybe this is a little biased towards our podcast, but Bat in the Fall. Orange with the with the fall trees. That was really good. Yeah. We all admitted that. um Great Nor'easter at Mor'ease Peers. It's pretty much the same color scheme as Alpin, guys.
Instead of a snow and ice, it's the waves and like the the foam right near the beach underrated. I think people also forget about it because it's an SLC. It's closer to an invert than it is to an SLC. I know. Still the only good SLC in existence. but right ah Hang time at Knots I liked. um Hang time at Knots is good. Monster at Adventureland. That green was just like everywhere.
um Tatsu, I like the new Tatsu colors. I know some people didn't. I know people compare it to like Nickelodeon. but Yeah, it was a little too much for me when I saw it. It just makes me think of the Irish flag. like and i Maybe that's just the location that I'm from with so many like Irish population and and like everyone around was Irish. But all I can think about is the Irish flag. And I'm like, this makes no sense. It's so pretty. I don't know.
I think it pops. I also said Wildfire, Silver Dollar City. And a little rustic old school vibes set you know with the Ozarks in the back. Pretty cool. And then Accelerator with like the new like rainbow scheme that they got. Oh, I love the rainbow scheme on Accelerator. But yeah, would it not not too bad, right? Pretty good top 10. Yeah. For the most part, yeah.
Granted, I didn't do a top 10. I just listed random coasters. So as they came to my mind. Well, that was just a US coaster. So we definitely have more international coasters. Yeah, I have a few international listed on here. So I'll get into my list. I know talking about Fury, that is also my favorite. So much so that we painted our dining room, Fury Colors. I don't know. Who else?
Good. I don't think you've seen that in person, have you, Brian? I don't think you have. I mean, it's been almost two years since I've been there, so. I don't remember. I forgot. I don't know. I mean, it's like we have like our dining room. One wall is the teal. And then there's like a diagonal stripe in like lime green. And it's very pretty. And then there's like a white picture frame and it has blueprints of a suspended coaster. It looks really good. And then when Jen walked in, she said, doesn't do it for me. Yeah, exactly. The audacity.
if it doesn't do it for me. This is the most boring living room I've ever been in. Why isn't this copperhead striped colors? I can't. Yeah, why isn't it copperhead striped colors? It would be so much better. Everything about a park. We talked about doing the guest bathroom as Mako colors, doing like the purple and teal. There we go. I had plans to do like all of the rooms in our house as like different color schemes like Our bedroom, I think I wanted to do voyage and have just like some of those accent color or like the flag colors is like an accent law kind of thing. Ooh, I like that idea. The guest room, I thought about doing dueling dragons and literally doing half blue and half red. That is cool. That would be cool. Anna and Elsa. Anna and Elsa Talon.
um I don't remember what other rooms that I had decided on. Oh, Kitchen, I was gonna do Millennium Force. I was gonna do a blue wall and then put like rainbow LED lighting underneath the cabinets to match the lift hill. Just play its soundtrack every time you walk in the way. Yeah, you have to have it like queued up with soundtracks. if We have the Millennium Force made the thrill poster, I think.
specifically for that reason, and then, you know, money and time got in the way and just haven't painted anything. Also, cause Mike painted half the dining room, even though it was my idea. So yeah, I don't think he wants to paint more. Um, anyway. like Yes. Hi, Mike. You'll hear this eventually. Um, so I, I immediately go international, um, for the picture for this, like call for listener questions this week was a picture of Yukon Striker.
And that one looks really pretty, like the kind of rusty color. Big time agree. Yes. It was very, very pretty. It looked like fresh when we were there. I don't remember how soon after it opened we were there, but it looked really good. Yeah, that was good four years, I think, already. Wow. I want to say it opened in 2019. Yukon Striker is Witch Park. Canada's Wonderland. Canada's Wonderland. OK, the dive coaster. Yeah. Yes.
Yeah, that's a good one. Yeah, that's a good one. Yeah. We're just looking at the inverted creative, uh, Instagram. There's a picture of it on there. I'm sorry. Wow. Way to follow us, Joey.
So let's see, I have a couple, I have three RMCs on here, which is surprising for me because I'm a, not an RMC person. Um, but I have iron Guozi because I love purple. Uh, Haku Gay and I'm surprised. Oh yeah, you didn you didn't talk about international ones, Brian. Oh, that would absolutely be on the list over top three, probably. That's gorgeous. Oh. Um, and then Air Force, because I love the, uh, the split track. I think that's really unique and more coasters need to do that. I agree with that. And I guess the Joker too. Joker, Discovery Kingdom. Yeah. Um, I also have, uh, no, you mentioned Hang Time and Accelerator.
Also agree. I didn't even see you had those. Look at me. I have a tiger, which I will get to see in person this summer. um Big Bear Mountain is really pretty and I can't wait for that area to like grow in more with more trees and I don't look even better. And then a sky rush when it's clean. When it's clean. May pressure wash it and it looks new. And then I will say like all the painting that they did in the station when they redid the station recently.
looks really good. Yeah, I did like the new painting in the station. It added a lot to the station. Yeah. But those are all the ones I thought of off the top of my head about 10 minutes before we recorded.
Uh, yeah, they're all good ones. I just had, I'm like removing ones from my mind as we're talking about them. Um, we already talked about Copperhead strike. So one thing like, and this is pretty much every aspect of my life. I'm i'm a pastel girly. I like earthy tones. I like.
And I really find that that comes through a lot in like my favorite color schemes as well. Like if the color schemes like the red, that's way too bright into my face. I don't like a bright red track. Like it's not a big fan. Um, I have a couple on here that are different, but a lot of them. Um, so Nemesis Reborn is one that I really like. Um, I think it's really unique. And we'll talk about that one in a minute more too.
yeah it's very unique and distinctive i also love the original nemesis track really like a lot um but nemesis were born um Bizarro at Six Flags Great Adventure. That was actually like one of my favorite color schemes that was ever on a roller coaster. um I still am very upset that they painted it back to Medusa. I think the blue and the purple was just genius. um It was beautiful. I loved it. Everything about it.
um Baron 1898. I just think. I did think about that one, yeah. Yeah, that like your color is incredible. So there's a big discussion about this coaster about the color scheme. And the color is actually called peaks blue. So peak is Anton peak is a painter from the Netherlands. And he used like a certain colors palette. And the color is peaks blue. But there's a big discussion that people think it's more of a green color than a blue color.
It's way more green. as we uncleicing within end and never bring this debate yeah I think it's more green, but ah that's color. It's definitely giving green for sure. That's very green vibes. It's a very green. um It's a very green blue. Yeah. Yeah. It's like a teal. Yeah. I would describe it as teal, but yeah. Yeah. If I had to pick green or blue, it would be it looks like a very muted teal to me. Yeah. Like a little rustic teal or something.
but It's like a color you don't see on any other coast. so You really don't know. It's a it's a beautiful color choice. Like it's such a I don't know. Like it's such a beautiful voice. A little spoiler into my trip that is also on the list. So. Um. Eventually we'll have to talk about all of our future trips. Yeah. We got time. We got the whole spring. Yeah.

Coaster Color Critiques

So this, the next one is probably one of my favorite color schemes of all time. Like color schemes like paint jobs of all time on a coaster. Tennessee tornado. I don't hate that. That definitely was one that I like, I pulled up the RCDB. I'm like, should I mention Tennessee tornado? It's pretty good. Tennessee tornado. It is really good. It's so simple and it looks so good. And it's so incredibly perfect for Dollywood. um It just feels old and rustic.
Just like that section of the park, like it fits so well. i't um I mean to laugh, but like I googled Tennessee tornado and I just got like, I got one picture of the actual coaster and the rest are just like damages from tornadoes across Tennessee. Oh no. That's not great. and All right. I have one more. We're going to end.
on ah on my little TED talk of the episode, guys. I'll probably get into another one. Don't don't you worry. Montu with its old color scheme, Busch Gardens Tampa should be completely torn down for what they have done with Montu. They should have to close the park. They should have to sell off all of their roller coasters. It is a crime. It is criminal. They belong in jail. I mean, they are kind of selling off all the roller coasters.
Yeah, good. As they should. You guys don't, you guys don't deserve roller coasters if you're going to paint it like a Kraft Mac and Cheese box. All right. And then I thought about Kumba as I was talking about that too. Honorable mention to Kumba. Kumba is really pretty. remember yeah All the coasters down, they tear down Kumba as well. Well, what? And then tear down the rest, please. You can move Iron Grazie too, I guess.
I will agree the old Montu paint scheme definitely fit the Egyptian style a lot more. I still don't hate the brighter colors, though. No, the brighter colors are like an eyesore. That's strong. Why is that yellow so yellow? Like, why does it need to be like that? It's like my eyes are looking at it. It's good on video. It's one of my best off-bridge shots. I put my sunglasses on, and I look at that coaster, and my eyes are burning. Like, why?
Why are we that intense? Give me the little pastels. Thank you. Okay. I'm done. And I'll leads into the next question. I was trying to find a picture of the bright yellow supports, but I don't think there are any pictures on our CDB. Really? Of Monsoon? Yeah, they all look like a... It looks just like that.
I think Joey has some European inside. I have some European ones. Okay. Um, I love personally like co-search that has different color schemes done. Any other co-search because blue has done meant multiple times, et cetera. But like co-search with something unique, like, um, for example, DC rifles. Mm-hmm. I did mention that pre-recorded, yo.
and It's so the pink on rollercoasters. We need to have more pink rollercoasters. Allison, did I not just say that like the minute before they got on? You know what we need is a pink coaster for no specific reason whatsoever. Yeah, no reason. Also, it works so well with the track type. Like different colors doesn't work with. I don't think pink really works on a B and&M for me. I agree. It's fun. It can be fun. Yeah. It's a B&M hyper being pink.
Maybe. I mean, Nitro has a little bit of pink. Oh, we'll get to Nitro.
um Also, Lost Gravity. What they did was, oh, that's a good one. OK. Very good one. I love it, like, just the sections, different colors. It's very different. They have one big helix that is completely yellow, and and the rest is separated again. like Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm excited to check that one out, too. Yeah.
So it just makes something unique. um I want to mention Hangtime in Knott's Berry Farm. I think whatever weather it is, it looks sunny. It does, yeah. That's a good point. It doesn't matter if the color is completely gray or sunny out. It looks like it's summer. It's great beach colors because I think the best reports are supposed to be like sand.
so and i Did a great job with that one. Also, the old color scheme of Goliath Wallaby Holland. Not the old, old one. I don't know if you guys know it. I'm going to look it up. Okay. So they first, when it opened, it was neon green with purple supports. Okay. I knew that. This reminds of Rollercoaster Coon. Oh, wow. I never knew that.
um They painted the supports black and I think that is the best paint job they ever had with a green track and the blue and black supports was amazing. And now they painted it just regular blue. It's just kind of not outstanding anymore. That's sad because that green looks good. I yeah, I was literally today was the day I learned Goliath was green at one point.
I think it was supposed to be going to be a Joker roller coaster. Or something. I can see that. revenge It's something I've heard. I'm not sure if this is, um, but it was not that famous in Europe. So they went for Goliath. So weird. It looks like King of the contract. It does kind of look. It also actually made me think about another, another honorable mention shockwave at over Texas. Uh,
I love that paint job. ah wow It's kind of a puke green. I'm not afraid of that that that particular not a fan of that particular shade of green. i I did think of another European one. I don't know if you'll agree with me, Joey. Phonix at Farooq Summerland. Yes, I liked that that like Hunter green, that dark green. yeah You don't see that too much. That match really well with the untamed one.
um It just fits in the environment. Yeah, very surrounded. them Yeah, it's really good. I love that color. The darker green is amazing.
I love my red roller coasters. I have two quick ones. It's right to happiness. I love the dark red and kang kang coaster. OK. And but the fun thing with kang kang coasters, you can never see the red color because it's completely dark.
but it doesn't that I'm like, i I don't think I ever saw the track. Yeah. So it's red. Noted. It's just like, yeah, I've worked on the ride and walking there in the morning around and the red track just, oh, they did such a great job with the red. Yeah. I don't know. Every red coaster is a, yeah.
As Jen says, she doesn't like red. That's funny. I know. I laughed the moment he was like, I love my Red Coasters. I was like, I just roasted Red Coasters. I'm not a big fan of Red Coasters. I do, however, also feel like we need to give a shout out for Laurel to Molly Orange. Molly Orange. I was literally about to say, nobody has said anything about Magnum yet. Well, no, because like, do we really care about Magnum? We'll get there. There's a comment.
We'll get there. hello lael mo ya i I did a real quick one to bring up, like, obviously, I think all of these are steel coasters, wooden coasters. You only really get the standard wood color. Some are white, a few are painted colors, and it is one that's going to come up later. I want to shout out Thunderhawk at Dorny, because that that's a different shade, like kind of like ah a yellowish old-school kind of color to it that I actually really appreciate. Yeah, I do like that a lot. And it looks so good with the PTC trains.
um Yeah, it looks really good. Can I do an immediate and this anti Anti-shoutout? Yeah, for a painted wooded coaster. And that's Nickelodeon Streak in Blackpool Pleasure Beach. That color looks awful.
Well, this segues right into our next section of, ah are there any that we don't like in particular? No, that color, like, you have a classic watercolor set and you painted this color. You can better burn it down immediately if you do it like that.
I would say I've never been a huge fan of the red and yellow combo. I don't like the red and yellow color. McDonald's. It's always a McDonald's kind of look. like even It makes sense, like Wonder Woman. It's still not like my favorite. I don't know. And I think Thunder Hawk at Michigan's Adventure used to be that. we'll We'll get to it in a second. But obviously, I threw a five. It was fine. It was never like, oh, wow, that's such a great color scheme.
Just, I don't know, I feel like there's a good amount of them and they've, I can't think of one where I'm like, oh yeah, the red and yellow work so well with that coaster. Yeah, no, I don't like it at all. I, yeah. I just don't understand. There, like, there's no way that you look at that color scheme and don't think of McDonald's. Right. I don't want to take, just shout out Brambo because he's already made some points that we're, we're, we're going to get to. so There is a coaster in particular that needs some discussion. I'm going to wait for Brambo's comment, though. I don't like the old TopTill dragster. OK. I think that's kind of red and yellow, too, right? Yeah. It's like red, yellow, and white. I didn't like that at all. I could live without that um very happily. I wasn't sure how I would feel about the ah new paint colors on TopTill 2 originally.
But like seeing it in person, especially at night, it looks really good. It's cleaner. It blends into the night. Yeah. Yeah, I do like it a lot more as well. um I also really hate just white track. You agree with alpine geist? I like, so alpine geist is probably like the few that I do like. But like Tron, like I don't like that gray white. That's more gray, yeah.
like penguin trek like yeah that's fair i would see um it depends what the white's paired with um like oh that's the whole thing like alpine geist is good because it's paired with that teal that's like it's a very good contrast but like when it's just white i'm like why fair like i was thinking of shambhala i think shambhala is really pretty too and i think that's is that paired with like a teal i think as well ah yeah i think so like a baby blue yeah yeah so like blue with the white looks really good yeah and not just blue i need it to be like a dulled down like teal right yeah or baby blue both perfect examples or like a purple would look perfect but just white on white like i don't understand why yeah i would agree like i didn't like the white on uh fluke der demonin at uh heida park that was kind of a
a dirty white. So that's an example of something I didn't really care for. I i think that's just at maintenance. Probably. ah I think so. Well, that is the risk of painting something white, is you're probably going to have to paint, repaint it more often than, let's say, a darker color. Yeah, I think it's ah it's a bad maintenance thing. Yeah, that makes sense. Well, I hate. um I hope Hawk Bandolai listens to this.
I hate Steel Curtain. It's awful. In general, or the closest. I've never ridden it because it's ah been SBNO for so damn long. um I appreciate the theme. No. You know, obviously it fits the Steelers, but ah it's all we don't like yellow and black in this household unless it's the Bruins. It's also wrong, but OK. Good words.
You always kind of get a GoBirds in, don't you? I always have to get a GoBirds. Well, if they lose this weekend, we all will. I'll be saying GoBirds if they lose this weekend. GoBirds!
Oh my gosh, this, I think. Sorry, now I'm starting to think of some. I don't like the impulse coasters, like. The more red and yellow. Yeah. Most of them. No, one of them is.
red and yellow. isn't what ah What color is, why can't I? I think. Oh, possessed is is like green and yellow. Yeah. Mostly a lot of yellow. It's definitely a lot of yellow. Yeah, a lot of yellow. so Steel Venoms. We already talked about but the other color scheme, the one we could twister and possess. I do not like it. Yeah, no, that's that's fair. I'm thinking of great Great America is red and yellow. And I want to say Discovery Kingdom is. Yeah. Maybe just be red. At this point, I feel like half and half. Yeah.
I'm literally just like going through my, uh, my cred list, like looking for ones of color schemes I don't like. And all I'm finding is coasters that I like that I didn't mention. I know that's what I'm finding too. I'm like going through like, I have the same issue. Just like so many color schemes, it's not like my favorite, but not something I dislike. How do you feel about Kraken's new color scheme? Oh, okay. That's a good one to bring up. I hate that. I like the old one.
ideal one I definitely prefer the old, but the new one grew on me. So the new one started to grow on me until they wrapped the trains and they didn't wrap the entire amount of the train. So part of the train still has the very clear old color scheme. I didn't know that. That's funny. It drives me crazy. So i it started to grow on me a little bit, but then the trains were just never dealt with. They matched the old color scheme. And then when they wrapped them, they're not completely wrapped. It drives you crazy.
I can see that, yeah. I like SeaWorld's pipeline, by the way. Pipeline's really pretty. Oh, yeah. Pipeline's gorgeous, especially with the train. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Mantis is pretty good. Kraken's definitely my least favorite, or a penguin trek. Icebreaker's OK. Orange is weird for Icebreaker. Yeah, I agree. Well, I have another really good one. Nickelodeon Universe?
Oh, I can't remember the name of this coaster. The, like. The New Jersey one or the Minnesota one? Minnesota. The one with the orange train. Oh, Spongebob? Rough bottom orange? Maybe. Yeah, that's Spongebob. Oh my gosh. So good. But also Sandy's Blast and Bronco. Both are two fantastic color schemes. They're pretty good. Yeah. All right.
the only one i can like think of that i don't particularly like is fahrenheit yeah same it's very jarring and i don't know i still don't know if it's red or orange i feel like it keeps changing on me he talks about this the other day i think it's orange i think it's orange too apparently there are many people say it's red I've seen both. Like it it's like a it's like the dress. Is it gold or white or blue or black? Like, I don't know. It changes on me about that dress at work the other day. The entire work got into it. it was I made a comment on a ah Taylor and Sarah's Patreon the other day. They they should make a ah ah dueling dress coaster one side's blue and white the other's golden or blue and black and gold and white. So stupid.
Um, it's for me, not a specific color, but, um, it's the combination of, and that's all the dueling causes with a blue and green color scheme. So it was the Maximilian. Um, yoy in that they like it in the net ones, apparently.
yeah i like the combination of the colors yeah i don't like that either i like the specific green yeah it doesn't do it for me is it meant to be like earth colors or something like land and ocean i don't know i have no clue But why this color scheme? Like there are three dueling causes having this color scheme. I don't mind it. We're already at 49 minutes and 50 minutes basically. And now I have another one that was that we didn't mention as a good color scheme. How did none of us mention Banshee? Banshee has such a good color. Yeah. I think some of you mentioned that in the comments. Yes, they do. Yeah, Banshee is a good color scheme. You know what? Silver Bullet popped in my head as one I like and then I looked at pictures and I'm like,
meet and' yeah let us know It's is like a gradient though, which is very pretty. Yeah, that's true. It's one of the better red and yellow ones. I also think that we should talk about how a train can make or break the color scheme. That's very true. Yes. Because there are some like, guys, this might be the only bad thing that you ever hear about talent at Dorney Park on the podcast.
but I actually cannot stand the trains. like I've grown to love them, but I don't understand how such pretty track got that color scheme on trains. I just don't understand it. I think about it a lot. I think about it when I go to sleep at night and then I have nightmares about it. That's Jen's Roman Empire. That's my Roman Empire. But there's so many good color schemes, and then you throw on a terrible train. It's like, what?
happened. The other one I think of is pandemonium, like the Twizzler train on pandemonium destroys it, but the Reese's train? Fantastic. Yeah, that's a good point. Yeah. Yeah. Like if you ask me about pandemonium when it's only running the Twizzlers train, I hate it. It's like, you know, yeah yeah you paint a beautiful painting and then just you you throw like a just throw a blotch of paint and ruin it. Exactly. Like, why would you do that? So
Yeah. Bringing up a whole new topic, guys. The trains. We didn't even talk about the trains. I mean, we've talked about, uh, I mean, this kind of leads into our, any coasters in need of a repaint. And what would you paint it if you could change a color? If anyone says talent at Dory Park, I'm throwing. No, I would not. Like the first one that came to mind for me was Goliath over Georgia, which is getting a repaint right now. I don't think it had gotten painted since it opened.
And it was working rough. I'm not sure how I feel about the new color. It looks like pipeline. ah
First time I saw it, I'm like, oh, it's like the same same shade as pipeline. ah It might grow on me. We'll see. I need to see it in person. If I remember right, the supports are very similar to like the Georgia Scorcher supports, which is like right next to you. So it all kind of like blends together. Interesting. OK. Also, on a related note,
um the whole Georgia surfer, Georgia gold rusher thing and how they're repainting that to the new theme that they just randomly announced is what actually inspired my idea for this episode. Oh, okay. There you go. That was so, I can't believe. believe Let's 2023 vote for our new coaster. 2024 Georgia surfer opening this year doesn't open and then out of nowhere. Here's Georgia gold rusher everybody do it for 2025.
They got so many new rides. A little wild move. I love it. I think it'll look really good, though. Yo, it they have definitely looks better. It'll do a lot better. It definitely looks better, for sure. I can't think of other coasters that like desperately need a repaint, though. I have an i idea for me. We brought it up already. Hider Park, one of the coasters need a repaint. They have four coasters now with the exact same color scheme.
Yeah, that's a good point. I need some mixing up, because it's all white track and green support. Yeah. The SLC is this color. feoa they The
Fluta de Mona and I miss one coaster now. Didn't they paint the SLC? Is it like purple and green now? Let me check. It's like it's a toxic garden, right? That's the name of it.
I thought they painted it.
That's an old picture. I could be wrong. Yeah, I can also be wrong. I went there in 2018, and I never know went. I went like six months ago, so I should. You should know. I should know. I didn't ride it, to be fair. right We skipped it. Anyway. A desert race at least has some color in that park.
Yeah, and yeah, Kraken has some, but it's all just the same color scheme in the back. And I'm not a big fan of that. Yeah, I can see that. I see now they have purple supports. White track, purple supports. Yeah. Okay. I knew there was some purple. I knew there was some purple. But like make every coaster his own team.

Diverse Color Schemes in Coasters

For the white fits very well, but like the Vekoma looper just doing your color scheme.
It would be better. I would like to see, oh, go ahead, Jen. No, you can, you can go. I'm, I'm going back to a topic. I was going to say. A remix is awful. Okay. That was it. Oh, I like Jolly Rancher. Anyway, I would like to see more. I feel like a large majority of RMCs are red or orange.
Um, I think we need some more color summit works. I think, um, iron rattler is the best orange are you untamed works really well. That's more of like a gold, right? Uh, it's brown brown. Yeah. It's not really, it fits into that. Just like overgrown, rusted kind of feel that they're going for. I want to see a yellow eyebox RMC. We don't, we need that. I think that will, depending on the theme could work.
Yeah, like, I love the red and orange. Like, it just looks so good with the wood. It does. It's just a lot of them, though. A lot of them. We need more variety. And I would also like, we mentioned it already, like a dark green, like hunter green eye box. That would be incredible. I need that. If that would give Wildfire a retract, they should do that. That would be a great color for me. Oh, yeah. It's currently just a um it's a wooden track from RMC.
If they make that the eye box, then that's good. Yes, yeah absolutely.
Yeah. I think that we can. Could not agree more. Yeah. I don't know. I feel like some of my favorite RMCs are red and orange, though. Like Steel Vengeance and Twisted Timbers look the same. Like Storm Chasers. We don't disrespect Twisted Timbers like that. That's a great ride. I'm just saying. It's the same color scheme as Steel Vengeance.
Even Zadra, I'd repaint Zadra. That's another red one. Kind of looks like. You're going to take your plaque away. i have I should have authority, personally. That's how that works.
This is a lot of red arms. The day that you get to see your plaque in person, you're going to cry. Probably, yeah. It'll feel wrong you not being there. Maybe make it happen. I've already been there, so. Oh.
oh Where are we here in the on the list here? Do you prefer coasters that blend in with surroundings or pop out from the area? We've kind of touched on it a little bit. So I did put a couple examples on here, and the two that I could really think of were Rita, where they have like the top part of it being green to try to blend in with the tree line to the Salton Towers. And then similarly, Hyperia is white to match the sky. So trying to get that to blend in, I guess for the sake of locals, so it's not as
Abrasive with Hyperia. They did it really weirdly because it feels so So wrongly cut like it has the golden track down and then sot it's It's very different color white up. Yeah, it's not right in my opinion yeah but with like coasters that are With parks, it's completely in the forest. I yeah, I love that it blends in but if it's just like and parking lots parked like Six Flags, then the coaster needs to stand out from itself. They definitely do. Yeah. um Take Disney, for example, ah we looked it up with big turn a mountain and stuff. It all blends in. That's true. Joey is more prepared for this podcast in general. I know. like He's like, Oh, I don't know if I contribute a lot. And he's like, amazing.
I know. Um, also speaking of Disney, like, and this comes off of, i like, for me, it kind of depends. Like, this is going to come off of coasters a little bit, but kind of the same realm. Like, for me, the show building of Guardians is 10 times worse if they than if they made a standout thing there. Like, I think that show building is It does not look good. It's just a box, right? Yeah, they could have done so much better. I agree. ah Yeah, it's, of course, not a quality scheme, but you see the building. You know you see the building. Just make something of the building. Yeah, like... Even if you just do a giant Guardians logo on it, or an app code logo, that you see the building anyways, and no one is like, oh, there's no building here.
Yeah, like but then also like you have cases like Tower of Terror where you're looking at Epcot and you have that built where it's bled into the environment in a completely different park. Yeah. well Yeah, they sometimes it's done really well. They emphasize sightlines so much like they literally painted Tower of Terror because Morocco was that color. Exactly. Which is insane. So I didn't even know like the Haunted Mansion. I didn't know there was a building behind there for like the longest time. Same for Splash Mountain. ah Yeah, like I think it really depends. like It really depends for for me on what it is and how well they do it. like Because the other one I think of, and i we already talked about it, was like ten Tennessee Tornado.
And like that blends in so perfectly. I think that it would be awful if it was a different color. Um, and then back. Sorry, I'm all over the place. Back to buildings and I love any time that I get to talk about this building on Hagrid's at Universal.
they tried to blend in the one show building and when you go up the spike and you drop and you come backwards you make this turn oh i know and there's just these really badly painted trees yes little building and they're terribly painted is is it a painting or is it a banner i tell i tell that it was a banner i think it's a painting oh i don't know but it is uh very cheap most unrealistic trees i've never noticed that at all it's really and agrids i'm like how do you have a ride so beautifully themed and then you just have these trees that are like not even trying do better do better trees it's so funny
It's really, really bad. Yeah. No, I know exactly what she's talking about. It's so funny. I can't stop watching it every time I ride that ride. It's my, it's hands down my favorite part of that ride. All right. One last ah talking point I had on here before we get into listener comments is talking about like coasters that have details painted onto the track or the supports to just add that level of theming. And my two examples were one, of course, Nemesis Reborn, where it has all the veiny things on it. yeah And I cannot wait to see that in person. I'm very excited. And then also, um, Kumali at Flamingo land has a bunch of like stripes painted on the supports. I know, Joey, you said it's just not as pretty anymore, but the colors are a little bit faded, but like, it's still cool. It's different. Yeah. It's just like those little details that can add a lot, I think.
i a picture of the yeah i found a building It's so bad!
I'm sorry, it's like my favorite theming in all of Universal. Like, how do you have such an inclusive world? And then you have this building with these terrible trees. All right, we're done with the trees. I'm sorry. Happy little trees.
quite literally happy little tree. It's a Bob Ross painting. It was poorly done Bob Ross painting. Man, I couldn't think of any other like coasters with details painted on it like that. I know there's got to be more out there. by Technically, Patriot, I mentioned it, World of Fun. Yeah. Like the little extra out of detail. I had one, but it's not painted. It's Fly. Ooh. Okay. Every single support is themed.
Well, the most part, there are pipes connected to the support. They make it look like it fits in. In the queue, there is a place. Don't worry. No spoilers.
um ah you sweet There's a place. the I can say yeah it's a support that is themed to a table. like not it looks like it's so well done. yeah I noticed that like going into the bathroom by fly. There is like there is one support going through the bathroom. Yeah. And you that's fantastic. Yeah, they make it fit in like into the they make the supports into pipes. Just that's really cool. I'm really integrated into the yeah.
Hilaria it is very well because they are not allowed to like connect really anything to the supports. They are not allowed to Yeah So how they did it is amazing? Yeah Flies very good yeah i can't of Anything else like actually painted in the track No, I think before nemesis did a good job with it. Yeah, we did Just say that Well, um, I have one like on the tip of my tongue and I can't. Oh, I don't think that this is actually in the color scheme, but I love monster with, it looks so like rusted, but it to me, it felt like it was on purpose. Like I found out today that it's actually just not really taken care of. Like I thought that was done. We're talking about monster in Wally Gator park.
Oh, okay. I'm like, wait, the one at grown a one or the one at adventure land? It's wrapped there the raptor clone. Yeah. But it's so rested. I thought it was part of the theming. Like I didn't know that. So I thought for the longest time, I thought nemesis, the old nemesis, I thought like they just didn't take care of it. I didn't realize that was the longest time chains. I think it was supposed to be the chains that contain the nemesis monster. Yeah.
Yeah, the first time I looked at mont like a picture of Monster, I'm like, oh, this is an abandoned coaster. I thought it was the theme. Is it meant to have like that kind of like subtle pink shade on it? That coaster really screams like, please let me go. Let me die. Just let me die. And they're like, but one more season. Yeah, I just texted you the picture. like That literally looks like, it doesn't help. It's like in the middle of a random field.
Yeah, and no, like this hasn't been written in 30 years. So that's a very dislike RCT just like dropping a coaster in the middle. It's perfect. I think it's also relocate the park is yeah, something. Yeah. I thought that that was supposed to be rested. kai Yeah.
Well, I think that finally comes. So we finally had our listener comment questions after an hour and six. Oh, we have three here. We pretty much already answered. Oh, sure. Um, one more, like extra decoration to the supports. It's, it's Balder in Lisa Berg. It's not done by the park, but they let everyone sign the roller coaster who has the detail.
Cause there's this indoor Plaza and there's everywhere signatures from people who have visited that place. I did not know that. Yeah. Sorry. Like, can anybody just like, so is it like the public can getting anywhere if you get a backstage tour, then you can sign it. Okay. I mean, I'll be, I'll be osterberg this summer. Yeah. Oh, maybe we can make something happen. Yeah. So that's really cool. Okay. Sorry. No apologies. I did. There was a fun fact. We didn't know.
So, uh, yeah, I mean, we have, before we get to like individual people, we have, what's your favorite color scheme in a ride? Covered that color scheme that really doesn't work and a color scheme you would change to better fit a certain theme. Pretty much we covered all that. yeah this listens That's a question I put on social media. Just kind of generate responses. I didn't expect people to like respond to all three. I was just trying to get some talking points, but Hey, we have a lot more to talk about an hour and seven minutes in.
um I'm not going to be the podcast time guy. I promise, guys.
But anyway, ah so that's the the first commenter here. First question was ones that we've alluded to already with a Brambo. He brought up some excellent points. He says, hopefully unique one untamed at Canobie Lake Park. Love that they tried to make the ride look like a forest of birch trees. Yes. If you guys haven't seen what the supports look like,
for untamed, it's the very mediocre, if not below average Gerstlauer Eurofighter. The supports look like trees. It's awesome. Complete with like that dark green ah track color that we've been talking about. The trains are awesome. It's like these really like ferocious bears. um Yeah, it's it's definitely one of the best out there for sure. Yeah. Now, now it's time to talk about some nitro.
He says, sorry at Sarah from CS. sorry sarah from cs That color scheme is just all over the place. Now, here's my history with Nitro and especially with Sarah. The first time I ever made a comment um of how Nitro was ugly, she she flipped her ish. Even though I've always professed my love of Nitro, it is still my second favorite hyper. I love Nitro.
Of course, she irrationally loves it, but she doesn't hear that I like it. She just always zeroes in that I think it's ugly, because it is ugly. However, it's so ugly that it's kind of grown on me to the point where I kind of like it now, because it's so unique. This coaster reminds me so of Roller Coaster Coon. You start to make your first coaster, and this is the color scheme you get. Really? I didn't know that.
That's why like just a red, yellow, blue, most standard colors. And they are like, yeah, this is the perfect color scheme. There you go. Jen, do you have a nitro paint scheme take? I like the paint scheme. That's just about the only thing I like on it. Well, doesn't Ahsoka have a nitro harness? It's not a nitro themed harness. A friend gave me it and it is the tran- no, not the tran- it's the pansexual flag.
Oh, okay. Yeah. that's Um, yeah. So it is not, we just call it the nitro harness. A joke. Um, but yeah, it was not designed, but I do like that color scheme a lot. Um, I like that it's, I don't know, like the pinky purple instead of like a bright in your face red. But then also with a yellow, it's like, and then you throw in some blue.
Yeah. You're a little intense. But I feel like the pink like dulls down the yellow some, like the placement of the pink. OK. Allison? I don't know. I'm kind of indifferent on Nitro. All right. I feel like it could be better. But I don't know what I would repaint it to. I hope they don't repaint it. It's iconic. Yeah. It's so ugly. It's it's great. That's my take on Nitro.
Finally, Brambo says, repaint twisted timbers, I agree, to a green apple theme, fitting the theme, the area of that park, which I agree with. I'd maybe go a little darker green, like I've mentioned, but yeah, just see, it looks too similar to steel bandits. No, what the heck? It looks so good. It looks so good. Everything about twisted timbers is so good. Everything, it's fantastic.
So I'm literally um I'm I'm texting during our recording, but I'm texting with Brambo because I mentioned that his ah take on yeah untamed was not 100 percent unique. um But he said ah another one kind of had a theme like that to be supports are painted like a band. Oh, yeah, that's a really good one. Oh, I forgot about that. Yeah. I think about 40. I can avoid it.
that's That's a very good one. Thank you, Brambo. You make good points. He does. That's a good one. Next on the list, we have John Mike. He said his favorite is Diamondback with the recent repaint scheme. And I don't remember if the current one is the more yellow or the more tan. I think I prefer the tan on Diamondback. I agree with the tan.
I don't remember what it was. I think that's the current one. You wouldn't think I would know, it's my home park. I don't even think I realized that it was being repainted. I don't know either, I mean. It was repainted last off-season, I think. Yeah. I don't think I realized that even really happened. For his doesn't work, he said I have two. T2 slash T3 mono red, which was directly next to mono highlighter yellow tang at Kentucky Kingdom.
I can't believe both of those rides were at the same park. Good God. Yeah. I would agree with the T3. Sorry, Jefferson. Yeah. Yeah. No. The red on red was not ideal. That was not good at all. I was also thinking of the yellow on Chang just because of the yellow loop on Green Lantern. Oh, yeah. That is a it's kind of unique.
It was unique, but it was just like. Why? I mean, another one is a dominator. dominat I was going to say, it's not unique dominators. Yeah, they had a the loop is yellow and the rest is green or something like that. Can I bring one more right up with a unique loop and yeah Olympia looping? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. That's a cool one. I did amazing with. Yeah, that's our first Schwarzkopf mention. Maybe what? Well, you mentioned Shockwave and I kind of crapped on it.
Oh, yeah, you did crap on sideways. Oh, good. No, but with a perfect lineup with the Olympic loop is. Yeah, so. well Yeah, that's a pretty one.
And then his last one for color scheme, he would want to change. He said Pantherian or pantherian. I still don't know how to pronounce that because it currently looks like the Spirit Halloween logo. Stop. It's true, though.
I thought it was going to be a much darker orange, not this like weird orange yellow hybrid that under different, you know, sunlights, it looks different. I thought it was going to be straight orange and black, which I would have really liked. I don't know if I like lighter orange.
I was a little disappointed when I've seen like the recent pictures of it. Yeah, it's not as bold as I was expecting. Yeah. I actually don't even know if I realized this was going to be the actual color. Weren't they painting the supports black, though? They're not black. Oh, they are. It looks like some of the photos. It's just like the leftover yellow. I want a dark like Michael will like this, like Cincinnati Bengals are black. Like that's what I was hoping for.
I feel like I'm supposed to say Houde, but. Hey, there you go. You know your stuff. Yeah, I've been in Cincinnati for two years now. We know Houde, not that I support it. See, I I kind of like that color, but only in the scheme of like. When looking at it, like they have the official like the first photo they put out with the overlay with the um panther, and it really looks like the color of a panther's eyes.
OK. Yeah. Like it really is that like orange. I don't know. But I had to look at the overlay to put that together. But with the preview on it it, it looks very much like the panther's eyes. And I like that. See what it looks like when it's fully running. Maybe I'll change my tune. Yeah, true.
You want to read the next one, Jen? Oh, yeah. I was still looking at, still looking at Pantherion. I don't know how to say it. All right. Blio said, favorite color scheme, X2. I like it better than the original X colors at least.

Coaster Color Schemes and Preferences

Isn't that just again, the McDonald's colors? Or was that the red and black right now? I think it's red and black. oh in Yellow.
Yeah, it might even be like a red and gray like. When in doubt, go to our CDB. Yeah, it's red and gray. OK, yeah, that's cool. Yeah, it's amazing. It's very it used to be like magenta and yellow. that was i I haven't looked at an old ex to picture in a or ex. Oh, yeah, I see.
X2 is good. I would say it's a like a B yeah paint scheme for me, personally. Oh, I kind of like it when it had the gray supports and the and the purple track. It looks like they painted the supports before they painted the whole thing. And for a little while, it was like the gray supports and purple. So shout out, Egenica.
That's kind of a cool color. It's a very intimidating color. it's like a It's not black. We all thought, oh, it's black now. It's more like a coppery brown.
Coppery brown. Oh, OK. Yeah, I always thought it was like straight black. It's it's not. All right, we have blue, another one that says one that doesn't work. Dragon at Ocean Park. and I need to look this one up. I'm trying to find it, and I'm not 100% sure which one. Oh, good lord.
Oh my god. That is a lot of color and not in a good way. loud ah I'm really impressed that Blue just knew this coaster. Yeah. Oh wow. What the? What the? A two year old got a hold of the crayon box and just went crazy on a wall. I don't like how fun the supports are. It's definitely unique. The supports are well done.
The supports are really cool. thing But the rest of the coaster, wow. yes That is a lot. Points for uniqueness, that's for sure. I kind of love it, honestly. it's It's like nitro. It's so ugly, it grows on you, right? Yeah, it's so funky that it's also the trains. Have you guys seen that? Yeah, the trains are like a rainbow. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The supports are nice.
I feel like in some light, it's super bright and I hate it, but in other light, it's kind of like, or maybe like against the ocean, it looks a little less bright and then I really like it. Yeah, everybody look up Dragon Ocean Park. It is is something. But I think it's not operational anymore. No, it says it's closed. No. It's been since 2022.
That's sad. Hopefully not for a repaint. Yeah, that would be really sad. Pretty sure. Taylor and Sarah went to this park, so maybe they got footage of it. Oh, I think they I think they did. Yeah, yeah, this is this is where that ah that awful B and&M florals is. So, yeah, theyve know they definitely went here. Harry interesting. They said it was like the worst B&M they've ever been on.
Really? Oh, I do remember this. Not to give spoilers from their trip, but... Yeah. Um, here's another one, color scheme that he would change. Lay Talon. Oh, god. To black people. Lay Talon. Lay Talon? Anyone who doesn't know that is Lay Vampire? Lay Talon. Lay Talon? Is that a new one? Have you ever...
No, I've gone away for years. I love that.
Um, yeah, I mean, I don't really, honestly, every time I look at it, I just think it's a Batman. It's purple and yellow, right? Currently, which, yeah. Yeah. It's just a Batman. It's LA Lakers color, so I agree. You should repaint it. I almost searched. That's what it comes down to. I'm like trying to look it up to double check, and I almost searched the lay tala.
It's tough because it's also Vikings colors and I kind of like the Vikings, but yeah. What was it originally? A black track supports? Yeah, I would agree with him. Or are they? Yeah, it's just not a bad man. Yeah, it just, i that's so crazy. Like I, every time I do look at this ride, I am curious why they did this when it's one of the few that they didn't
Wait, I never, I think this is a Six Flags park. Yeah, this one's a Six Flags park. Yeah. what Like it's one of the few that you didn't name Batman. Why did you paint it like a Batman? Probably mass prediction to be honest. Have a Six Flags day. I mean, it is one of the better ones though. That is for sure. So I think it's actually my second favorite Batman after ah the madness that is the over Georgia one.
Yeah, I only have two batmans and one of them was awful. Oh, Texas sucks. Yeah, we we we both shared that experience. I only did one and it's my favorite being an import. What one? ah The one in Park one in Madrid. It's not called Batman any anymore. It's now another. better yeah yeah okay Oh, So intense. It's so good. Yeah, they are like definitely. I think the the most intense in words that amount to really like.
everything what the layout does is perfect shadows of arkham yeah that's it it's actually it's the same colors as vampire is it yeah same as that color interesting okay it all loops together yeah i really like that right yeah i only have the great adventure one and the over texas ones one Two, probably two. I mean, Great Adventure is not bad, but it's probably one of my least favorite. Well, straight, I haven't ridden Great Adventure in years, but when I was younger, it wasn't too terrible. Georgia's is just so stupid over any of them. It makes your feet go numb. Oh, my God. That's good. Oh, that's everything I hate in it. That's awesome. Madrid. Yeah, it's they're too intense. But that's also why I didn't love the one at Great Adventure for years. It was too intense. They are intense rides, that's for sure.
yeah Next up we have Ethan. My favorite color scheme is probably either Hakuge or Twisted Cyclone. Hell yes for Hakuge, one of the prettiest coasters in the world. And yeah, we actually called Hakuge like a giant Twisted Cyclone, so very fair. ah The blue track with wooden coaster sports is sick. I'm not a fan of Nitro's current scheme. If it was changed to blue track with orange supports, that would be sick.
Oh my God, that's like the egress of talent at Dorney Park. Yeah, that's true. Oh my God, you would give Sarah so much crap if they change it to talent colors. Oh my gosh. I kind of want that now. I want it just so I can rub it in her face. Oh my goodness, it would be great. Yeah, I don't hate that change.
All right, next on the list, we have Storm Runner Sam. He said, my favorite color scheme has to be Banshee at Kings Island. I just love the purple and blue, and the different colors of the trains complement the track. It all just looks so good. It's very fair. Is it purple, though? It's more like a maroon, right? I feel like it's like a purple-blue. Banshee. I think the supports are more maroon. I feel like purple. Maybe purple and more maroon. So scarlet, it was maroon.
You would think I would know the coasters in my home park, but really, I don't. Yeah, it's like a cranberry. Those colors do look good together. They do. No, I'm definitely a fan a bit of spooky screaming talent. Spooky screaming talent is really good.
Yeah, I like the color scheme on this one a ton. So I got to read the next one. um We had a guest on the podcast for our holiday events episode, Nate, also known as Coaster Focus. And funny enough, I just, read I redid his logo recently and it's in Fury Colors. So, I think I literally took the colors off the Fury logo and used it for him. So, you know shout out to Fury. yeah Jen is the biggest hater of Fury in the world. Clearly. She's, she only wrote it during Winterfest. She hates color scheme.
I don't hate the color scheme, it just doesn't do it for me. Remember that time though guys that it was cracked? It was cracked. I was not affected by the color scheme though. Yes, it was. It actually said, I think you need to paint me. I'm going to just grip myself in half. Confirmed. You heard it here first. So Nate, the first one that he mentioned, I literally just like asked him right before the podcast. I'm like, quick, give me some good coaster paint schemes. And he texted me a few things. And I counted it as a listener comment. So that's fun. ah But the first one he sent was Vinfold, I guess the type not to Tivoli for Eden. Tivoli for free.
I don't know. I have no clue which one this is. Yeah, I had to look it up, but it's like a gorgeous turquoise. It is very pretty. Like I am obsessed with that color. Oh, I have not been to this park. Oops. Oh, I have. Huh? Since when is this closer? Since when is this a new coaster?
Uh, it's 2024. It's a Gerstlauer Eurofighter. Yes, it's brilliant. Very tiny one. 984 feet of track. I was confused because they are all called Tiefly and I was like, I've been here. No, I've not. Oh, I've been here. Yeah, that color with like the tan supports or whatever of in there, that looks really good. It does look really good. That's going to be the shortest Gerstlauer in the world. 984 feet of track.
she Sheesh. Danish for windfall. I guess I could have figured that out. It's a nice coaster. It's a nice koloski. So he also said, I also love Twisted Colossus, which I know we've mentioned, and Fury. And like any coaster that's purple. Purple is a really good close coaster color. He texted me that, and like it reminded me that I meant to put Iron Gwazi on my list.
I was trying to, and then Bryant was adding comments while I was typing. And then Nate said purple coasters. I'm like, oh, iron quasi. That's right. Purple coasters. Yeah, I feel like it's a pretty rare color. Not too many out there. Yeah. Purple's good on anything. I want a lavender. Even on Talon? No, not on Talon. Talon needs to stay exactly. Ooh, lavender. Yeah, you don't see too many lavender coasters. I want a lavender coaster.
It would be so good. Um, okay. Next we have Caitlin. I don't know if I have a favorite, but I have a slight hatred for black light paint, despite the fact that my favorite ride is verbal.

Unique Coaster Paints and Effects

And I do really like silver bullet and knots though. I don't think a lot of coasters use black light paint. I can't, I know.
Oh, black light paint, okay. Yeah, it was great. I thought she was doing a light black. I thought she was doing some black light paint. Oh. It's like a glowing black neon kind of girl. Yeah. Okay. That makes sense. I don't know many coasters outside of like, I don't know anything outside of Verballen that uses it. Yeah. Uromir's Q, but... Uromir! Oh my gosh, how did we not talk about Uromir?
The mere slow building is part of the color scheme. It's incredible.
Well, I did say Silver Bowl was my, ah despite it being my least favorite color scheme, it was my favorite of the red and yellow coasters. So points there. Next up, Drew the Intern. got My absolute favorite color scheme on a coaster was Mantis at Cedar Point.
The Goldenrod, Boysenberry, and Cranberry together were perfect. That was before my time as an enthusiast, but the pictures I've seen of Mantis, I agree. That coaster looked awesome. I actually don't know if I know what Mantis looked like. I rode Mantis at one point early in my life of an enthusiast. It was definitely very colorful.
It's colorful. Does that mean you didn't like it or didn't like it? I don't know. It's another it's kind of like nitro. It's very similar to like nitro where like just the like multiple vibrant colors. I'm just kind of indifferent about it. I like it. I think it's it's it was unique for sure. So yeah as compared to like the hot mess that was dragon. I like the hot mess. ah I got Ruger was pretty good too. I kind of like Ruger's color.
I also just don't like Rigaroo, so I kind of forget about that. Yeah. What do you think is the prettiest coaster at Cedar Point? And I think I have an answer that will stun you.
Gatekeeper. Gatekeeper's up there. Gatekeeper's a good one. I'm still, I'm kind of partial to Millennium. i I think it's Millennium. Yeah. Despite all the crap I talk about it, it's, it is an iconic b blue. I mean, I got blue in song though. Looks so good.
I think I got into a gatekeeper though. The keyhole set it apart. Yeah, yeah, I would agree. It's gatekeeper millennium for me.
And top throw, two. Yes. Two looks good. ah He ah drew the intern also mentions the original Medusa colors. Mr. Six's pandemonium. I'm not sure what that one is.
And this is a really good one. to be I briefly mentioned wooden coasters. It's very unique when they have some color. Kingdom Coaster at Dutch Wonderland, or as he likes to call it, the wild berry pop tart. I laughed so much when I saw it coming. And then I looked at the picture. I'm like, he's right. It is definitely a wild berry pop tart. That's so funny. now and that that's That is a very, very pretty coaster. So unique. This is nothing like Kingdom Coaster.
We drove past it the day before. Yeah, but it was like dark, so he couldn't see it.
First ever CCI for your trivia buffs out there, if you didn't know. I didn't know that. It's great to think how little CCI was around. They were only around for 10 years. but Really? Damn, did they have a ah huge impact on those pictures. Oh, CCI feels like they've been around for years.
92-02, that was their lifespan. Really? so At least that's what their, I don't know when they actually started as a company, but their first wooden coaster was 92 with Kingland Coaster. Yeah. Yeah, that's crazy.
ah Yeah, our RMC has outlasted a CCI already, kind of wild. That's weird. I don't think I realized that they were like that. That's insane. They were like in and out. It's been so much in 10 years. It's kind of wild that this was even possible in 10 years. Yeah, and they bumped up the thrill level really quick. Anyway, we're getting off track. Manufacturers, that could be an episode one on these days. I can add it to the list.
Jen, you want to read the next one from this this full from Hawk Vandalay. Hawk Vandalay said, red track is cool. Rides with red track are automatically great rides. So he doesn't like, I guess magnum isn't that great because it's Molly Orange. I thought about that when I I agree.
You must have brain damage too. Then ah Mike went in and mentioned a vortex. That's true.
He's like, wait, OK. I don't know, Steel Force, I'll give that. That's a good looking red coaster. I'll give it that one. Yeah. That's it. Maverick, I say, is a good red coaster. I was about to say Maverick, but specifically at sunset. But I also kind of like, I don't know why, but Maverick is right on the edge of orange for me. Really?
Okay. It's very red. I don't know why I think it's kind of orange. Maverick's pretty. Maybe it's the trains that make me think it's orange. I don't know. Maybe. Oh, I forgot one. I forgot a good paint scheme. I just thought of it. Pyrenees at Parque España, the white and the gold. Fluffy dog. Fluffy dog talent. Yum. Again, I like white track. You guys, Brian's been to Japan. Yeah, did you guys- I barely mentioned Japan in this podcast. Stop that.
I didn't mention flying dinosaurs mint green, which is kind of cool. but that is a Hollywood dream the ride with like that gray. That's kind of unique in the gold. So I still drag him 2000. That's not a good red coaster. Pretty cool. Ultra twister. It's like green and yellow. That's pretty unique. Um, thunder dolphin with the buildings.
and need to finish question that blog We can also just now all start to talk about Europa Park. coacoos scheme All right. That's good. It's hour and 35. Good time. I'm not the time guy. All right. Anyway, I'm not the time guy. You mentioned the freaking time ipod the fifth time for the episode. Someone read the next question.
for a comment. The next one was from a K-Bob Tech. And honestly, he just put a picture of the coaster and part of the train was covered up. So I literally had to do a Google image search to figure out what coaster it was. But he posted a picture and just said hits. It was a giant dipper at Santa Cruz Beach, Baltimore. OK. I've never been on it. He had wood coaster. think it's I think it's white with like red trim. It is right with white with red.
oh yes i agree this is a good one yeah this is a pretty cool looking coaster i would indeed indeed agree that it hits what is so funny is this photo was just used somewhere and i was just googling it Oh my gosh, I wish I could remember what it was used on. It was like a random stock photo on something and I could not figure out what it was. And I ended up spending an excessive amount of time Googling it and I finally found it. I've never heard of this coaster outside of them. But I was like, I have to be able to find it. It's really unique. I'm pretty impressed that you're able to find it.
Yeah, I just, I really deep dove into um like white wooden coaster with red track. I'm looking at the other giant dipper now at at Belmont Park in San Diego. That's a really unique one too. Has like some pink in it, or at least it did have some pink in it. I gotta, I gotta get on these things one of these days. so
I was chart planning and then involve Santa Cruz. I don't know if it's going to happen, but We'll see. Oh, is that part of the Northern California trip? Yeah, we're not sure. We're looking at going sometime in April, either with buzz bars or we're just like a different weekend that Nate's going. But we're trying to figure out how to make Santa Cruz work, and I'm not sure it will. It is kind of out of the way. But we'll see. TBD. Next up from ah Ty from Brothers of the Back Row. How's Kumba so beautiful?
We did mention Kumba before. Yeah, Kumba's very pretty. He's like Kumba's biggest fan. Yeah, yeah. He's a Kumba fanboy. Just don't mention if any B&Ms are rattly. He'll be on you like a hawk. Like a hawk by the way. Like a hawk by the way.
Now Kumba's very pretty. Yeah, Kumba is actually. I hope they figure out whatever the hell's going on with there that issue. but They were testing it currently, so. Kumba's never photographed at all. So I've never really seen how how good that paint scheme looks. You gotta get this this really unique shot, like kind of near the queue. You have to look through a net. so You guys come from here, but like this picture of Kumba, of the two interlocking corkscrews, is like the most used picture in the Dutch schoolbooks ever. Really? When a question was about roller coasters, like... I don't know. It was always this coaster or hook.
There's two stock pictures of roller coasters and that's what these two. that's funny I have a special memory about this coaster and the color scheme afterft yeah and trauma probably.
He also, his WhatsApp background is that photo of Kumba. So like we're sitting here and we're laughing about ah how often that photo is photographed and his background on WhatsApp.
It's very funny. so Should come up with the. Oh, yeah. Should come out with the come up with the most stereotypical roller coaster photos. In the US. Yeah, that's got to be number one. That would be what's the most photographed coaster spot. Definitely Big Thunder Mountain and that like walkway. Superman, the ride coming into the tunnel. Yeah.
I feel like cracking going underneath. man manta the helix Oh yeah, that's a good one. yeah if is even Anyway, we're getting off topic. yeah we're getting a little I feel like we hit this point where we all just start to crash and then the topic is gone. So at about the ah hour 30 mark. Yeah, usually.
um Okay, next we have Andrew Wise. General thought, we need more coasters with purple track. Favorite color scheme on a coaster is Slinky Dog Dash. Wow. and we thing Yeah, we haven't talked about that one at all. Shout out to that coaster in New Zealand that is white, but it has a rainbow painted corkscrew. I wish more um coasters changed their colors through the ride. Oh, I forgot about that rainbow corkscrew. I love that one.
So i did I did see that coaster, and I was waiting to mention it. I didn't forget about it. Shout out Marty, by the way. that That is his coaster. That's always down, apparently. I was going to say, can we have ah Sarah and Taylor talk about their experience with that coaster? One of their famous missed credits.
They did get to walk on it though. with other think It's also that that yellow and red combination, the McDonald's color. or Is it orange? and Yellow orangy. Yeah, I think I'm less angry about it on Slinky Dog. Because it fits with the team. And it's also like a little muted. Like it's not in your face bright yellow. Yeah, I can see that. I would agree. Yeah.
It's funny, when they were building that, I definitely thought, confused it with ah Intimidator 305 a little bit. Really? Even though it's not an Intimidator. I always thought it was an Intimidator, because Intimidator and Mock Track kind of look somewhat similar sometimes. They do. i oh yeah I honestly just never even looked, like for years I didn't look into it, and I just assumed it was a Vekoma, and Vekoma was trying something new. I didn't know it was a Mock until like three years later. I mean, we know Mock is superior. Oh, okay. yeah You're not biased at all.
Slinky Dog's up there for the red and yellows. I'll give it that. Yeah. It's still not a good color scheme, but it's better than most. are do but Yeah, it's better than most. Now I'm just curious how many coasters there are that are the red and yellow color scheme. Too many. Yeah. Too many. Trivia question.
that Brian, you have to count them all manually. Oh, good lord. Too many. Anyway, that's not something you can search on our CDB. It is not. Next up, we're almost there, guys. So we have from Kleby Harris. Black supports with literally any color track is automatically beautiful. Kind of made that point with Wildcat's Revenge. Yeah. Definitely a take that I can get behind. Trying to think of other black supports, I guess, some of the Batmans, maybe.
can't think of a whole lot sports to shows little more of them who's isn't my favorite because I feel like a lot of the times it's like the black is paired with some obnoxious color that's fair Oh Phantom's Revenge has some black isn't that black yeah now it's a purple and black
Actually, I do like the purple and black better than the blue. I love the purple. Again, I'm just a fan of purple. Purple's my favorite color, so. Also, I'm getting off track. I thought of two more other coasters with white track that are great. Max Force and Full Throttle. Some of my favorite launches.
Go ahead. I'm trying to remember. I don't remember Full Throttle like being in your face in terms of the color scheme. oh wait ready supports isn't the smiler black support yep oh we didn't mention the smiler that's actually a good one smiler is just black black black on black and then like the yellow trains yep oh i didn't realize i thought i always think that that color scheme has yellow in it and not in the streaming there's some yellow i don't know why but so many people say with um
lost gravity that it's like oh it's just like smiler but like lost gravity doesn't yeah smiler just is black i mean the color is the same but it's funny because yeah yeah lost gravity like alternates the colors where a smiler is all black and just has a yellow accents and the theming yeah i always forget that i always think that the track is yellow Or a partially yellow. Like I always think Full Throttle's track, no, Lost Gravity's track is the Smiler's track always.
yeah I'm just going through pictures of Full Throttle right now. Yeah. I think it pops. It's good enough for Katy Perry's music video. True.
All right. Last question or not question. Last comment that we had on here is from T time on the lift Hill, which love that name. Yeah, that is an incredible name. And then they split rail colors and then had a heart eyes emoji. And yes, I absolutely agree. We need more split rail colors. Like I can literally only think of Air Force and Joker. Oh yeah. I was, like I was just trying to look up like split rail roller coasters because I can't think of any either.
I feel like one of the 40 ones is also like that. Yeah, but we don't think about 40s. Yeah, like Delgert over Texas is like that. They're not that many. Yeah, I love it. With many coast types, it wouldn't fit. Yeah. Yeah. It worked really well on RMCs. With RMCs, because it's really separate from each other, there's no connection but between the rails. Right.
I, yeah, I wish they did that with iron quasi. I feel like that would have been sick. If they had done it like themed to the lion and tiger colors on the original quasi. Yeah, that would have been so good. I don't even remember. Was it like orange and blue? I think. Yeah, like lion was like yellow and orange and then tiger was like blue and purple. Yeah.
That would have been like a cool throwback to that. Yeah. But no, they had to theme it to an alligator or whatever that is. I think it's a croc. It's a gwazi or something. No, a gwazi is a cat, like lion tiger mix. It's not a gwazi. Why is it called Because so the old one was called Guazi because yeah one side was lion and one side was tiger. Why is the crocodile? I don't know. Yeah, I don't know about the crocodile, but they'll say on RCDB, Guazi was a mythological creature that had the head of a tiger in the body of a lion. And that's why it's a crocodile. And that's why it's a croc. Is there anything on Iron Guazi's page?
Nope. You kind of want to know why they landed on crocodile.
I do love their trains though, I will say that. Yeah, the trains look fantastic. Trains are so good. I feel like there's like an info board thing somewhere in the queue about the crocodile thing, but I don't know. Yeah. Well, somehow we managed still.
A super long podcast. I guess we just like to talk. Almost two hours. Yeah, an hour long episode, guys. Almost two hours in. And we sat and chatted for like a half an hour before recording.
Yeah. Well, I am done. I'm retiring from predicting how long these are, and I am retiring from mentioning how, about what time we are currently at. I don't want to retire when I mention Talon at Thornie Park, though I really enjoy that part.
Hey, I've had like two episodes where I was not the person to bring up Talon at Journey Park, so you can chill with your attitude. I think we had one episode recently, Talon was never mentioned. No, we didn't! No way, which one? I feel like there was one recently, like the food one. I feel like we made it to the end and I mentioned Talon at Journey Park. I want to say like it's impossible with her that it's not being mentioned.
There's, um, for, um, Seeking the Thrill, the European, um, Coaster Club, they started talking about their, like, Thrill Tour, and they did, like, a hint video, and everyone was in their WhatsApp, like, going crazy about the hint video. Ah, no, it was Location Refuel. Yeah, well- Location Refuel, we're going to Italy with a Coaster team.
No, it was the hint because it had, it had a pizza. The guy took a pizza out of the oven. and I was like, guys, you know where they have pizza at Dornie park. The plot twist is that you're going to the United States and they're only going to let you ride Talon. And that's it. The whole thrill tour all 10 days. And I turned this whole entire throughsy group chat into just Talon conversation.
You need to see everyone was so hyped about like, oh, Italy, cool and all. And then out of nowhere, she managed to switch the conversation to Talon at Doney Park and Demon Drop. I don't know. and no one was talking It's a talent, guys. It's a talent. It's a talent. It is a talent. Oh, my God. That's actually kind of like that.
Okay guys, I think that maybe we made it to the end of the episode. I'm getting to the point where I'm just crazy now. You mean you weren't from the beginning? I wanted to. I said it very quietly to her. But now my mind is just really not working. Well, thank you, Joey, for joining us and helping bring some sanity to the podcast. Yeah, it was fun to join one episode. Very spontaneous, but it was a lot of fun.
Yeah, literally right before recording, Joe, we're asking Joey if he wanted to join. He's like, no, I'm, I don't think I'd be good at it. And then like two seconds later, okay, I'll join. It's really good. He decided to join cause he was just going to be sitting in a corner by himself for two hours. Thanks for having me. No, you were fantastic. Oh, thank you. Absolutely. You guys as well. won't be the last yes You guys should make a podcast. It will be a lot of fun. I agree. I think so too. All right, we're going to hit record now. You ready, Joey? Yeah, three. I'm for another two hours. Let's go.
So as far as our next episode, we still don't even know what's going on. Nope. It'll be a surprise for you. I'm heading off on a cruise later this week as you're listening to this.
Jen will be with Joey in Florida, running around Florida, which, you know, will be it's always a busy time. Yeah. Chaotic. So we might have Jen next episode. We might not. We're not sure. But we are going to have a episode. Yeah. Three weeks in a row. Look at us, because then we will definitely take a week off again, because I will be somewhere in in Mexico or Honduras, wherever wherever we're going.
i think the next the next episode will post in like from today in like two and a half weeks whatever we record next week will be in like february 10th is one little post oh wow because this is the one that's getting us back on track right that's true oh good point good point good point So yeah, we're gonna record an episode like two. Hey guys, there'll be an episode. I don't know. People look a little... I don't know. We'll see. They'll pop up. Maybe we'll pop women before then. Maybe we'll pop women. I don't know. Who knows? So organized, but you know what? That's what makes us... Allison is in charge. Whenever Allison says it, it's happening. When Jen responds, at least. Oh. Man, you called her out to start the podcast and we're gonna end it with you calling her out again.
Yeah, we're going to have a whole podcast. What a bookend. On that note. You gotta close this out, Allison. Do your thing. i I actually realized earlier, I think the last few episodes, I didn't do my whole like think inverted thing. So yeah, remember to always think inverted and we will see you next time. Bye, guys. Bye. Bye.