Introduction of Hosts
You're listening to the inverted creative podcast. I'm Allison. I'm Brian. And I'm Jen.
Jen, you're looking a little different today. Eh, rough day. Wow, you sound a lot different too. It's kind of terrifying. What are your thoughts on talent at Dornie Park?
Eh. Got that started right away, didn't we? Oh, yeah. Poor Jen.
Travel and NASA Visits
So for ah for those that don't know, we kind of alluded to it at the end of the last episode. ah Jen is doing some traveling. She is currently in Florida.
In fact, she's actually at NASA. Was it NASA, the Cape Canaveral? Kennedy Space Center? Space Center, yes, which is very ironic because I will also be at NASA two days from now, just in the other NASA in Houston.
So very, very ah coincidental keya occurrences, because I am heading on a cruise at the time of recording where you're leaving tomorrow. I have yet to pack, which is yet another reason why this will be a little quicker of an
Audience Participation and Mike's Role
episode. I don't know if you want to go over what we're doing tonight, Allison. Yeah. um We wanted just something kind of fun to do. We don't have any audience input for this one, with the exception of a Mike, who is joining us in GenSpot. I would say moderating, but ah We'll see about that. Yeah, we'll see. but We'll see. um But just something kind
Roller Coaster Ranking Roast
of fun. Me and Bryant are going to roast each other's top 15. I just recently like finally updated my top 15 from everything I wrote in 2024. And ah Mike's just here to help us roast. He's going to roast us both. Yeah. Yeah, no, we figured rather than not do an episode, let's just at least put a little something for you guys out there.
We have a plan for another episode the next time Jen can't make it, but, uh, we will save that for when we have a little more prep time. We kind of already alluded to that one too. I remember that. Yeah. i I believe we did. Yes, we did. Well, cause then you mentioned that she probably won't remember it anyway. True. And ironically, I'm the one who doesn't remember it. Yeah. No one's remembering it. So probably me.
But anyway, I mean, coming up with lists does take some creativity. It takes a lot of fun for us. So it it still fits the theme of the podcast. Yeah. And just everybody's top lists are different and most of the time valid. That's true. I mean, most of the time, ah those are the key words right there, as hopefully we're about to find out tonight that some of us have really, really wrong opinions.
And so Alison, Alison. Wow. I didn't even say anything yet. Yeah, the the top 15 list give you a really good idea of what a person like what the attributes of a ride they enjoy for sure, whether it's more airtime, focus, G-force inversions. Speed and intensity, speed and intensity manufacturers. I have a very clear favorite manufacturer. Yeah.
Now, before we start, we are going into this completely blind. I do not know Allison's top 15 at all. She has already said she forgot my top 15 that I posted on my YouTube channel last month. I watched the video. Sure you did. ah She's just lying, but she's never seen it before. That's fine. I think we actually had a few friends over, and we all watched it together because we love you. Yes, we did. I mean, if you really loved me, you would have watched it individually and get me more views, but that's fine.
body I think I texted you about that, actually, watching it with Nate and him seeing the footage you were showing. Oh, yeah. Starting to get triggered, thinking you were putting a really good ride super low on my spoiler sale or my season, I should say. Yes. It's kind of nice. Yes, he was very he was very upset. He's going to have that wing at number 18. Whoa.
Anyway, we should get started because, like I said, I need to pack for tomorrow, so. We should start revealing with that number 15. Allison, you want to go first? Yep.
Wicked Cyclone Sentiments
At number 15, I have Wildcat's Revenge. And I have also another RMC. And I'm actually very intrigued. I don't i still don't know if I've gotten both of your full opinions yet on Wicked Cyclone, the roller coaster that made me an enthusiast that I get to ride with both of you finally this past October. i It's in my top 30. I will give it that for Wicked Cyclone.
It was good. I think personally, that was that might have been my favorite of the smaller models.
That's always been my argument. And I put it i put it over Twisted Timbers for the first time this year. I put it over Twisted Timbers, over Lightning Rod, Twisted Cyclone. I don't think Twisted Cyclone made my top 100.
yeah same i was a little home park biased or jaded i guess yeah also it's just short but while cats revenge i mean the drops okay really really like slow lift i mean i do like the prelift section but um I hate that. Not hate. Hate is strong, but they hyped up that whatever the first version is called. The step up under flip up under flip. That does nothing for me. No, it's absolutely nothing for me. The one thing that keeps Wildcats revenge from being higher for me is there's that one like all the sideways jank. The what? The jank. Yeah, the one like jolt to the left. It's like in the middle of the two hills. And that's phenomenal. No.
I do like the paint scheme, as I mentioned last last yeah week. Yes, we did talk about that. It's it's um it's a fine ride. um you know the The original Wildcat was still you know one of the best woodies in the world. First ever GCI. I'm sad they didn't allude to the seal brakes with the new one. Yeah, where's the seal brakes? That should have been an onagotiable. But yeah, well, it's it's a fine ride to have a 15.
But wicked cyclone is also pretty dang good too. Yeah, you have nostalgia keeping that one up for you. If I had true nostalgia, it would be in my top 10. So that's an unbiased spot. That's not a bad spot for it. I think it's fair. It's fair. All right, we'll go like snake order. So I'll reveal my 14 now. Yet another um RMC. I got Airy Force 1.
Fun Spot Atlanta. Okay. I also have another RMC. I have Iron Rattler. Ooh, okay. I got some thoughts about Iron Rattler, so you go first. Yeah, I know. A lot of people do.
I love the trains. The trains are everything for me because I'm not a huge RMC fan as people will see with this list. Um, I think I have in my top 15, I have, uh, two more RMCs. So, um, yeah, that the train is so comfortable and it makes it amazing for me. Those, those trains are very comfortable, but that ride is very much a tale of two halves.
The drop, the the first half is great. Then you go up on the quarry wall and it just kind of dies. But then you dive off the quarry wall.
Iron Rattler Review
Now the dive, the dive off is good, but just that little middle part just kind of kills it for me. Correct, man. It's not even two halves. It's just two moments. Yeah. One of the best RMC drops for sure. And yes, the trains are nice.
And obviously the the look of the quarry wall is is really cool looking. But that, I mean, I've always said, I wish that wasn't like my 17th or 18th RMC, because that middle section just does nothing for me. yeah And ah you could tell like this was one of the first RMCs, like they were still kind of experimenting with what they had. Yeah, the quarry wall, I definitely did not ride it on a super hot day, so it was beyond crawling. But then yeah, the drop off the quarry wall, also amazing.
um It's, it's two elements for me. Uh, I still think it barely cracked my top 50 had like a high forties or something, but I wish it was so much more. Cause like Alison, there are also other people that have iron rattle pretty high. I am not one of them. I think Wonder or Woman is the better RMC in that park. Definitely. There we go. Especially with the, now that they put the new trains on Wonder Woman, I've learned it's even better. Yeah.
But, uh, speaking of coasters with, uh, only two elements, that's kind of how I feel about Air Force. What are the two elements? The stall and the overbank. and Not the arcade roll? Oh, you mean the outer bank? Whatever it is. Yeah. Everything else does like nothing for me. How does the arcade roll not do nothing for you? I don't know. What's all the person versions in the country? I do not agree. Do you like that? Well, we'll get, you obviously like the Mosasaurus roll. Yes. It's pretty similar.
I did not feel similar to me. Blue Fire felt more similar to the Mosasaurus rule for me. Yes, I've never been. I do agree on that though. Yeah, I know you already mentioned in Europa. Yeah, see, so just wait. I will talk about them. taszi la but I'm sure we will. The Raven turn is pretty cool right into the stall. The stall is great. Nonstop speed. The ending. See, I didn't get I only get to write it like three times, so I didn't truly marathon it to see how painful the The quad down like this, but do not like the quad down. Don't like it. OK. That Raven, the Raven turn kind of reminds me of that. I think they called it on Jersey Devil. It's a dive. They kind of did like a dive loop kind of thing. It very much reminded me of how that felt. They could have had more whip to it. Yeah. Well, he said that but the way you do it into the structure of that.
Makes it pretty cool, too. Yeah. I've mentioned before, I did not write Air Force in optimal conditions. It was like cold, rainy, empty. There is a chance it could get close to. I would say definitely my top 10, if not pushing my top five, if I got like a truly peak experience on it. So 14 is. Very high spot. Yeah, it's very high for how I wrote it. It should be higher. Probably it's that good.
So that's some bad takes by Allison there. I have Air Force at 22 for what it's worth. OK. Oh, don't worry, the bad takes will come when you realize what's outside of her top 15. Listen, I don't want to hear it. That'll be the honorable mentions at the end. Yes. All right. Next one. Lucky number 13. I have Twisted Timbers.
Twisted Timbers vs. Maverick
And I have Maverick. That's Cedar Point.
So Twisted Timbers, you know, I did mention I put Wicked Cyclone over it. I got Twisted Timbers at 17, so it's a not too far away. I have Maverick at 21 right above Airy Force. There we go. ah You know, I think I'm intrigued to see how close our top 15s are, because I feel like they're probably going to be semi-close. I feel like our 15 to 50 is like way different. Or maybe 25 to 50.
So I have a lot of Europe that you have not done yet. Got it. In my top 10. But yeah, I mean, Twisted Timbers, um it's really good. it's It's hard to roast it. um ah Maybe if I had a different paint scheme, we're just going to refer back to ah last week's episode again. With Brambo's suggestion of making it green apple. Yes, absolutely. Highly agree. I guess, I mean, the second half is is still pretty good. It's not spectacular.
It's really all about let's throw as much air time as we can possibly throw in there. um I will say I like the the role, the the roll over drop, whatever the proper term is. But I would much rather have a straight down drop. I think that's a fluff. For me, it's only got a couple. It's not one of my favorite RMCs for sure. Like it's barrel. It is at number 25 for me.
But I love that was the first one I did with the twisting drop. Which is awesome. And the little bit of section. Where it turns around in the structure right next to the brake run, I love that element, too. But it just that one did not do a ton for me. It's all about this. There's three airtime hills. Oh, yeah. More. r citiess need that Yeah, that's fantastic. Ejector air time.
Nothing else, no cutbacks or anything like that. That that's what makes Twisted Timbers, Twisted Timbers. It's like if Air Force had just like one big hit, like just one air time hell at the end or like a barrel roll at the end, it would be much improved for me. The arcade rolls a barrel roll. The arcade rolls a barrel roll.
I'm thinking more of like. Instead of the airtime hills. The um the role at the end of untamed, where it's like just a load of the ground and kind of slow. Something like that would have been great on Air Force. But anyway, I'm supposed to be roasting Maverick now. Bring it. I really don't have a lot to roast about. mag yeah i It's a really good read. That's it. and I'm trying to think of. right I thought I trashed a ride that I haven't named yet. Find something else, and that's the challenge.
Okay. I initially, like my first time riding Maverick, I hated it because of their strengths and they pinned my shoulders so bad. That's back when it had the hard plastic ones, right? No, it was still, it was the same ones. I don't worry about that. I don't know if I just learned how to ride it better now, but those restraints suck. No, you know what I don't like about Maverick? That it doesn't have a heart line roll. Well, yes, but.
I am a sucker for a rolling launch, and Maverick, anytime it stops before that second launch, kills the entire moment. Yes, I agree. I would agree with that. Also the trims before the turnaround. Yeah. I would say I've probably ridden a rolling launch though, so probably why I like it more.
Maybe more than I've gotten mixed. Like sometimes it like almost stops and then launches. Other times it'll fully stop. and You're like, I mean, I don't know if I've ever had a rolling launch. It all depends on how quick they're getting the trains out of the station. Yeah. Probably when we had the RT last year, that helped probably. Yeah, or he seems to always help. Yeah. All right. Number 12, another instrument that had crappy restraints.
I guess they do not anymore. We got Skyrush, not Hershey Park. And I have one, is the first of ones that you will not be able to give an actual opinion on. Top thrill too. All right, that sucker high. I personally don't think you should rank it yet. like I feel like no one should count it as a credit because only like 400 people get to write it. Sorry you weren't one of the 400. Do better.
Sorry, I don't go to a park on opening weekend. I didn't know that was a requirement these days. Thanks, Cedar Point. And we're doing it again this year, just in case. If it's open at this time, an opening day. I almost want to not have it. They shouldn't open it on opening day just to get rid of that juju, bad juju.
probably um It looks great.
Top Thrill 2 Experience
It does. I'm actually it is on record on my Twitter. I before people were doubting and I'm not talking about it Zamperla being reliable, unreliable. People were saying it didn't look like a great ride. Um, I always thought it was going to be fantastic to get three launches, essentially still experiencing the original me. Yes. You don't go from zero to 120, but looking straight down, yeah you know, whatever 350 feet, however high you are up there, uh, looks wild. And I can't wait to one day experience that. If I'll ever experience it. We got a, uh, front row night run. Is that right?
ah Yeah, the night ride was front row. Yeah, I think I know. I think so, because we're i don't staring. at him like I think it was front row. Yeah, because we were staring down at the spotlights. Yeah. And just that. Yeah, because our absolutely insane. I think our first row first ride was like road. It was a back row. It was either two or four, I think. It's the back of a car. but Yeah, that front row.
Especially at night when you're staring down the spike, you're just staring at these spotlights right in your face. And you have to remember to look up to see everything else around you and you're like, whoa. I was definitely in the camp of I don't think it's going to be that good when it first they first started putting the videos out, because especially in the videos, that first launch looked so slow.
But yeah probably the acceleration probably obviously isn't as intense as the original was. No, my argument was that the backwards launch was still like the fourth fastest launch in the world. Yeah, it is. So I'm like, OK, and then you're going to have another one even faster after that. And then like you do still pains too you do still feel some substantial acceleration going backwards and when you go back on the third launch.
So it's still it's still got a good punch to it. And then the air time over the top hat was great. Yeah, and just the whip and the drop. Yeah. Skyrush, I can't say a lot bad about Skyrush because it is ah have a while before I'm going to talk about Skyrush. Yeah, same.
So you're you're going to not roast it again. We stand sky rush in this house. Yeah, we do, actually. You know what? Do I need to do it? My gripe. You know my gripe with sky rushes. I think stole my phone. That's true. What was fault is that? Allison's apparently mine because he lost it because he was giving me crap from his Apple watch and forgot to ah close his pocket all the way. Yeah, I didn't realize until we hit the break run, I looked at him, I watch.
and got the little symbol that said it wasn't connected to my phone. And I'm like, o oh, oh. I'll complain that Hershey should really have free lockers for especially. They do have free lockers. They are free. Oh, that's true. They are. They're just not in the queue. That's right. It's kind of a pain. They have the bins. They don't care. Oh, those bins are awful. They're just open air right in front of where everybody gets out. I hate that. Yeah. Yeah.
But they do have them, like there's no excuse to. and I forgot they were not free, so I apologize, Hershey. I will say Skyrush, if like there is any hint of rain, you can rain, you can just imagine that it's going to rain and it's going to close. which Yeah, that that is the that is the only downside with that ride. I mean, pandemonium is the same way, though. Yeah.
Do not have to run a tropical storm and hope we have the rides in that park. If there's even like the thought of rain, it will shut down.
Who's up for number 11? Is that me? think I think for number 11, I have X two. And I have time traveler at Silver Dollar City. We have lots of spinning. A lot of spinning. So X two.
Very, very, very rough on the outside seats, almost unbearable. Not fun, especially in the front or the back. They could legit get a concussion. The effects don't always work, which is trash. I just might write in the outside seat every time. Yeah, I don't think I had I don't think I had a single inside seat ride. But I can I can attest to the concussion. I smacked the crap out of my head into the What is it, the Raven turn, whatever it is, right at the end where I guess everybody.
X2 Experience and Closure Concerns
Yeah, everybody already knew I didn't know and I didn't have my head against the headrest and it hits and just boom. There's a reason that if I have to bet on what would be the next King to cause far as a ride to close out of nowhere. Yeah. Probably gets X2, honestly. like I think it'd be Viper more than X2. I would consider Viper. a
Like King Daka like like icon. Yeah. Honestly, one of those coasters everyone knows about closing both closing both and build something. I still need Viper. I never got because it was close when we were there. Yeah, same. Oh, that's true. But yeah, extra is trash on the outside.
Time traveler queue, if their ops are not at the top of their game, that queue is brutal with the amount of people to with Trailblazers. You can be in that queue house for so long. You get to listen all the the sweet music. Yeah, I know. the music The music is great. But yeah, that if their ops are not on their A game. Yeah, that thing crawls. And that's another one of. It could have a rolling launch, but it doesn't and it kills all momentum. Where do you have it in your rankings, do you even know? Oh, 24. Oh, you still have an eye.
um I mean, it's the best. i so I honestly think maybe the best drop or maybe my favorite drop in the back. Oh, that drop is incredible. Especially at night. Oh, my God. So terrifying. The best is during a heavy fog and you can't see anything. Oh, yeah. I need to get there like during the winter sometime. I mean, it was fun in the fall, but. Yeah, I mean, I don't know. The launch is just the fact that you're just looking at a different place every time during the launch. I really enjoy the inversions of crazy.
Just the look of it, the feel, the theme. I think I'm going to like a a certain coaster I might experience this summer. Oh, you mean the one that I have in my number 10 spot? Apparently we're jumping right to number 10. At number 10, I have right to happiness. I'm going to roast you for saying that's low.
Because most people have in their top five. I will defend where she ranked it because and we wrote it in the winter.
like your choice, cold, cold, windy day. And it was rain that day, wasn't it? I mean, yeah, it was only running one train. I still ranked it high, but so I guess similar to my area for experience. Yeah, not optimal. I still ranked it way higher, but like I can understand why it ranked where it did for her. Is it shaky? Some people say it's shaky. I didn't find any issues with it.
I didn't think it was. I think I'm calling on Marty from New Zealand. I think he's the one that does not like right to happiness. That's true. He doesn't. Yeah. He also didn't like Disney Sea. That is. Yeah, that he is. And he might have like the worst takes in the world. I don't blame him, though. He's stuck on that island. Yeah. Sorry, Marty. Well, I can't really really say that my ride's a happiness yet. I guess we'll ah I'll check back in like six months. My roast is that it's so far away in a random kids park.
Fury 325 Positives and Jokes
that we had to go to, like, middle of nowhere, Belgium to get to. So that's why I centered my trip around Brussels. Well, I mean, we did, too. It's a kid's. part Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I didn't know that. That's funny like a lot of the IPs they have are like kids shows over there. Oh, good. It just doesn't belong there. Yeah. and Anyway, not my number 10, our favorite paint scheme of all time.
Fury 325. Ooh. It's Kraken. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Funny. Kraken's not even on my top 100. Probably not my top 200. Yeah, I meant like it has cracks in it. I know. I know. I was playing along. OK. God. Listen. Why do you hate Fury? I don't. I hope I'm just taking all your top 10s already. Yeah, you actually kind of are.
Um, except for those ones he hasn't written. Yeah, well, don't don't worry. Don't worry. Mine are coming. Yeah, we'll we'll we'll revisit this sometime around this time next year when you'll have been on a lot more. When I pass you in credits potential now, it's not happening.
no Yeah, it's probably not happening. yeah um Especially with the ad trip that we just booked, I think I'm staying ahead of you. and that we keep adding on to our Europe trade. I hate you guys. Maybe Molot's going to get back in the conversation. Maybe. What are you at these days? Like low, like five or something? Five, 10. Five, 10, OK. All right. I'll definitely be hitting 600 this year, probably in the UK. You'll be over me at a point, because you're going before I am. But then, good night. Yeah.
Come on, Fury, but come on, you got you gotta to give me something. I don't have a lot bad to say about it. Just my complaint it is that it wasn't built in Ohio instead of Ohio. Yeah, that's true. No, that's fair. I mean, one of the best drops of all time. Pure speed. Going under the bridge, the travel clef. I'm too nice for a roasting episode. That's what I'm learning. I'm like, I can't talk about it. I love them all. Next time we'll kick you out and have Jen on.
um I honestly wish we hadn't gotten Orion when we did because I would love to see Kings Island get redone like that front entry with something like Fury. Oh, that'd be amazing. That front entrance needs redone bad. Yeah, that's fair. I just remember my first time on Fury or not my first time on on Fury, but my first front row that I got on Fury.
hackling the entire time. I just could not stop laughing because it was so fun. Yeah, that's an all time front row ride. Yeah, for sure. It does have like some kind of slower moments. There's that one turn. But it's the second half. It's OK. Nothing crazy, but it's still really fun. All right. My number nine. Wildcats revenge. Yeah. See, I found reasons. I found. Yeah. Like I said, I'm too nice for this.
Um, my number nine is voyage, which I'm sure. my about Again, too low. It's all roasty there. Yeah. That way, way, way too low. Okay. Listen, just cause it's not my number one. It's not my number one. I know, but it is a Mike's number one. It's my number one. I get it. Yeah. I have a lot of happy memories on voyage.
We have ridden voyage together and it's still only number nine. We have. ah Same train. I don't know if I've ever physically sat near you, but.
Why do I not remember this? The literally the night we met, probably. I was going to say it was probably 2021 2021. Yeah. Wow. I was. I didn't even know you guys at that time. I already know that. Chance is also canceled.
I've been on void a lot. Okay. What kind of friend are you? A terrible one. Apparently. Apparently. You know, many times I've been wicked cycling. You know, what my most memorable ride was with you. Sure. Was that the most recent time I wrote it? Maybe, but anyway, number eight, Allison, we didn't do a lot of roasting on that one, but that's okay. Um, well, we already talked about wildcats revenge to be fair. Yeah. All right. I got another one that you, uh,
The next few you won't be able to say too much bad about. Same. Look at that. Oh, number eight. I have fly at Fantasia Lane. The rabbit doesn't even have a POV. Oh, there's POVs. No, don't watch them. Don't give them exact credit. I purposely have never watched one because I want to be surprised. It's so good. I'm very I'm I'm very, very excited. Probably.
Oh, isn't it in my top three have most anticipated on my trip? No, top five, though. You have a lot. Yeah, I mean, considering you're going to have an announcement. I haven't announced it yet. I haven't announced it yet. I mean, people can put together the I think I've mentioned parks at some point, just not together. I did. I did not know you hadn't announced it yet. maybe some We do a summer trip announcement episode. Yes, we should do that. And we'll just say Europa Park. Yes, spoiler Europa Park.
And so is Popsilin anyway. the My number eight. X2. Because the inside seats are unbelievable. Even if the effects. Because of somebody. You could have ridden with somebody else.
Yeah, and. You had options to go sit in an inner seat. I tried to be nice. You know what? I think I might have gotten one inside ride when you rode with somebody else. I think it might have been. Did you you rode with Gabby? I think I rode near the back near the back row somewhere. One of my rides with Gabby was it was awesome. Probably my favorite ride I've ever had with Gabby. Did I ride with you on that one, Brett? I rode with John Mike. That was at night. Maybe I think we did. umve I don't know. I've lost track. I want to say we rode it like
Five times during ERT? Something. Four or five. So you have to have been in there. I don't know. We'll see if I was cool enough. I guess I don't remember. See, I don't remember Voyage. You don't remember X2. We're even. It's fine. Yeah, but Voyage is the day we met, so. Rude. Very rude. But we didn't really start hanging out until Great Adventure. Fair. We hung out at Busch Gardens a little bit in King's Dominion.
Yeah, that was after great adventure. Oh, that was that. Never mind. they Timelines all screwed up. Yeah. Been just on a few coasters since then. Right. I was under 200 at that point. It's adorable.
ahead Number seven. Here we go. Ejanaika, Fujikyu Highline. Right above X2. Which I've clarified why because I don't think Not that much different. Yeah, it really wasn't. It's just so far away. That's my roast about it. Isn't it essentially like almost the same layout with just some tweaks? Maybe, I think. One of the two, either Eejanika or Dinoconda are like the same, almost the same layout, just tweaked. I mean, Eejanika and Dinoconda, I guess, would make sense because they're both S and&S. I think they're they're all very similar.
Looking at the layout of that elements, Dynacon or Eejanaika and X2 are the same except for. Eejanaika has an added zero G roll. Got it. Now, they're very similar sizes, though. Yeah, I mean, Ejanaika just to everything that X2 does well, Ejanaika just does a little better. Ejanaika is too hard to spell, and the only reason I know how to spell it is because of Coaster Madness and typing it for Coaster Madness every year.
E.E. Jana I.K. It's not that hard. Pain in the butt. Well, for number seven, I have my highest rated RMC Zadra.
The fact that that's your highest rated RMC means I got some some qualms coming up because we got some some big boys that you're not mentioning, a apparently. like Yeah, weird, right?
You remember how I mentioned she's an RMC hater? Yes. Now, why is that? Because they do the same thing. That's what everybody says. need to be Oh, are you bringing up? You're bringing up the Kyrie argument. I'm not bringing up the Kyrie. yard See, I understand Kyrie's argument because he's like six five. But his arguments whatever his argument is all RMCs are the same. That is not true. Exactly. He is wrong there.
There are a lot of elements that feel the same across different um RMCs, but also I don't need to have my legs ripped from my body in order to have a good time. You don't. There's very few RMCs that do that. Airy force, maybe twisted timbers.
like Honestly, airy force and twisted timbers are way I think those are way more intense with the positive like positive G's than steel vengeance is. Like they tried to rip your legs off on those two. Steel vengeance, not so much. Steel vengeance tries too hard. Like yeah they were clearly going for records, and I just kind of get bored by the end. The pay I guess it's the pacing in a way is off for me on Steel Vengeance. yeah well Well, let's hold that thought. ah I quite literally can't rosandra.
Like the my name is on it, so. yeah Yes, it's true. We're not able to tell anything bad about that. As far as RMCs, like there is nothing to roast on it. Like it is near perfection. Just looking at it. Yeah, it paces really well. The setting is gorgeous. The queue takes five years to get through, but I've heard.
I have looking at it. It reminds me very much of Guozi with how hard it slams into the brakes. Yeah. does that do Let's go. Yeah. Oh, Laura, my friend Barbara, she listened to last episode and did not take too kindly that I said that Zadra, if it got repainted, I wouldn't complain. I want to clarify, I like the red. I'm just saying there's a lot of red out there. And if Zadra was one of the ones where they're like, yeah, let's repaint it to like a gold or something, I would be like,
fine with me. I would love more gold. We're going back to the color schemes already.
Zadra Coaster Halloween Costume
Two hours wasn't enough. No, not really. The red fits for Zadra. I want to win more gold in the supports because the gold fits really well and then I dressed as Zadra for a Halloween costume. I had a lot of like glittery gold on my face because yes, I did dress as Zadra for a Halloween costume.
notably my plaque, which was amazing. Yeah, I had the plaque on me, and I made people take selfies with me, just like we did with Brian's plaque. Incredible. Very, very honored. Well, at number six, we're going to continue tucking some RMCs. It's the other big one in Japan for me, Hokuge. God, just it looks gorgeous. It is gorgeous. And that we that was their our one like crappy weather day, unfortunately, was Nagashima. It still looked great.
Yeah, I don't. I'm not allowed to say anything bad about how to go. How could you? Still don't know. I say, okay, just stuck with it. Other than it's an RMC and you'll probably like be. Yeah, I like Steel Dragon better. Probably not. Looking at it, it almost like looking at the original, it almost gave me like son of beast feelings with just how massive that structure was. it Yeah, that's fair.
It's like it still just looks like a very imposing structure. Like that looks like an awesome ride. I actually never thought about that comparison, but it's very accurate.
yeah Also, I did not realize that was an intimate. Yeah, yeah. Every um pretty sure every wooden coaster in Japan's history was intimate. Interesting. The three that they have, the three that are still standing are intimate.
Did not know that. Yeah. Very weird. Yeah. It's a RMC on the other side of the world that I'm not sure when I'll get to ride it and it looks gorgeous. So I can't really say too much bad about it. It's pretty sweet. I will trust your judgments for some reason. Oh, it's not my favorite in Japan. That's that's my hot take. Yeah. That's not really a hot take, I think. Oh, and yes, it is. Well, ah depends. At number six, I have Hyperion.
That's a back. Energylandia. I know there's a lot of debate about which one's the better. You know what's weird? I feel like other than than Tom. Most people that I know that have been on both have given the edge to Hyperion. I've also heard, because all the friends that I know that wrote it was in 2022, that apparently it's not as running as smoothly. Interesting.
so There was a lot of talk about the wing seats. I never had an issue with it. OK. Like there were times like I was on a wing seat and the other person on the wing seat got off and was like, that was the worst ride of my life. And I'm like, what do you mean? I was fine. Well, I would be like to hopefully experience it one day. Elite air time. I feel like that's always that's a thing that you always have on rides with wings like that. Wing seats are so polarizing. Yeah.
Skyrush like found shaky on the wings. Yeah, I never had an issue with Skyrush. It's not like intensive positives on the wing for me, but. I had the same issue with Voltron, but we'll get there. Yeah, Voltron has the same kind of issues, but yeah. But not Hyperion, the Q structure and energy landia in general is a little weird how like there's like a running of the bulls to get the good seat that you want.
but Oh, geez. Yeah. Good luck. But the launch, whenever I write it, yeah, I'll, I'll, I'll take that in mind. Quote unquote launch sequence or run it with a dispatch sequence. I guess on Hyperion is a really cool okay when they do the full thing. Time for the top five top five. I just did some shifting in my top five very recently. Like since we recorded. Oh, okay. Beforehand.
Since we talked about potentially doing a roast, I did change at least one thing. You already started to roast this one. Number five, I got Steel Vengeance. Yeah, I'm not a big Steel Vengeance fan. And and why is that? I've never had that mind-blowing ride that people always talk about. Everyone's like, ride it at night. Ride it on such and such, and you will lose your mind. And I'm like, it was fine. It was no better than normal. See, I don't need conditions for Steel Vengeance. It's just so good.
So I was spoiled. Steel Vengeance was my first RMC. Was my second RMC. Yeah. So I wrote that opening year and then the following year I rode Twisted Cyclone for the first time. Twisted Cyclone was my first RMC, so. I was very lucky to have that as my first. Really? I wrote an RMC before you. That's kind of wild. You did? Yeah, because I wrote Wicked Cyclone in 2017.
Yeah, whatever I was there for whatever Twisted Cyclone media day. That was 2018. Yeah, that was my first. Fun fact I learned today. I remember seeing before missing you know two decade-long enthusiast here.
Are we coming up on three decade? No, I'm only kidding. Listen. I'm older than you. I can make fun of it. That's true. I always forget that you're a little older than me. Less than a year, actually. Yeah, we're coming up on my birthday soon, so. That's true.
But here's the thing, people say, oh, there's no so like one standout moment in Steel Vengeance. And some people say that about other coasters. My argument is you can have ah an album that has two or three like bops, but the rest of the songs are just okay. But you can have an album where there might not be one great bop, but if every song is like eight out of 10, nine out of 10, it's one of the best albums of all time.
That's my argument with Steel Vengeance, because all the all the moments to me hit, whether it's the inversions, whether it's the air time moments, I love the the ending sequence. Some people don't. I love it. Honestly, my favorite thing about Steel Vengeance is the ra the part that most people don't like. And it's that final lap. No, it's great. Yeah. yeah it's Fantastic. The like.
airtime hill like twist that you do going into the structure. Before the second to last zero roll and then just staying in the structure at the end. Phenomenal. I love the sideways airtime hill in the structure. Yeah. Very underrated. Because when you're in that structure, you lose track of up and down because all that you see around you is just wood.
That's the one like good thing that I will say about Steel Vengeance is when it's going through a structure and you don't know which way is up. I get lost so many times.
If you don't have Steel Vengeance. It's not enough to rank it higher for me. You don't have Steel Vengeance in your top 10. You are kind of an idiot. No, I'm only kidding. Wow. All right. We are now seeking a new co-host of the inverted creative content. I'm kidding.
um I guess I never said my number five is Fury 325. Okay. That was a former number five, but it's dropping. It was higher, but we'll
Is Fury 325 the Best Giga Coaster?
see what I saw. As good as it is, and it's the best of its type, I would say the Giga hyper model. But you know there now that I've been on every hyper in the US and Giga, it's the best of those, but it it can feel a little repetitive to the other ones.
So why it's I beg to I beg to differ on the. Best giga, but. What's your favorite giga? I three or five. I need air time. It's got some air time. Where? After the trims. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Got more water. rolls I threw a five. hey Hold on.
What am I? Twenty nine. OK. I throw five. And actually I was wrong. I throw five is behind Fury. Never mind then. I threw a five right now at twenty seven. But that one shifts in my head a lot. I throw five is fifteen. Fury is thirteen for me. So I was I was wrong. Also, I threw a five s drop like does nothing because you're so like locked in. You can barely feel it. It's good at night. Yeah. Endless at night.
That's a good light gray out on almost every ride. That is one of the only rides that like, if I am not a hundred percent hydrated, I do gray out a little bit. Yeah. Oh yeah. Same. That is the only ride that I've ever grayed out on. Yeah. Same. Same.
That's a stupid enthusiast riddle. What's the only roller coaster that's scarier at the bottom of the drop than the top of the drop? I threw a five. I've never thought about that, actually. Because you're usually like, OK, I'm racing. Here comes the big drop. I threw a five. I was like, we're at the bottom. Now you're going to brace. The only coaster that's come close to that for me is a lek coaster. Because it also at the bottom of the drop. That would be a coaster that I'd love to ride one day. Anyway, number four. Number four.
We're completely going out of the snake order. I forget. This is my hot take. My favorite coaster in all Japan, Flying Dinosaur. Unbelievable. Now, you if you don't care for being a flyer, Liz, you can technically roast me here. I do like being in flyers. Well, there we go. Now you have Tatsu. You know, it's one that I probably should have ranked somewhere, but I don't. yeah yeah My ranking only goes to like 35.
Flying Dinosaur Praise
Get Tatsu at 31. I also have Tatsu at 31. Look at us. And and then man Manta three spots back. I don't know, Manta I got in like my 70s. Yeah. like man pi that hi Tatsu is significant but it at like or something. OK. Yeah, that that is maybe my favorite 30 seconds, first 30 seconds of any roller coaster that I've ever been on. It's. The madness of a pretzel roll.
times two as you're doing a zero G roll with like a great setting. The land looks like it could be longer. I will give it that, or I will say that. Fair, but in the second half, it's still really good too. Cause you fly like right over the water, really good helix, two other good inversions. You hear the Jurassic park like theme playing around you. Why we knew it was great is We actually bought like a, there was like a day and a half pass. So we show, we got there at like, I don't know, 5PM, 6PM at night for just a couple hours. And obviously that park is stupidly packed every single day. I think it's the third busiest park in the world. So thankfully they have a single rider line. So that night we're like, we're not waiting in the 90 minutes or whatever. Let's just all single rider it. So all our first rides weren't with anybody.
Which, you know, I think it's natural when you ride a ride for the first time, with the group, there's that group think mentality. You might give it a higher score than it really is. Yeah. We didn't have that bias. And then every five minutes of someone's like coming down the stairs alone, and everyone just had the same like a holy bleep. Honestly, I think that might be kind of a cooler way to ride it too, though, because yeah, then you're waiting there. Okay.
What's so and so going to think when they come down? Exactly. and But yeah, everyone just had the same reaction of like, what just happened? It was great. Yeah, I just went and I'm looking at pictures of the layout again. Like that layout is insanity. Yeah, it's amazing. And my my argument for putting it over edge and I kind of Kuga Kuga, you can kind of get similar vibes with Steel Vengeance, other RMCs.
Like I said, edge and I get X2 very, very similar. Nothing like flying down the states. Tatsu is your your closest comparison and it's doesn't touch flying faster. Yeah, I don't I don't see anything coming anywhere near touching fine. I know. I agree. All right. For not for my number four, I will probably get yelled at for this being a hot take, but I have Taren at number four.
I know a lot of people would hire you. Who's going to yell at you for that? um A lot of people say Taren is not great, but I really do not care. I have a love affair with Taren in the Klugheim area in general, and I will not take this lander. I love it so much. Now, theming does matter to you. Yes. Right. Same with me. So it's hard to roast it. Would you agree if there was no theming whatsoever with it rank as high just based on the ride alone?
Not as high. OK. No, it adds a lot, but it is. Yeah. The teaming does a lot for that ride.
Taron's Theming and Experience
I'm intrigued to see what I think, because I've been on quite a few, you know, Intamin multi-launch ghosters. um I love the theming as well. So that's that's going to help. I will be shocked if it's in my top four. Stunt. I know what I like.
Pre-Japan, I think I would have been stunned if it made my top four. so So... I think... Yeah, four is high. Without having ridden it. No, I don't care. So you like what you like. You like what you like. Would you say that's almost a zero coaster for you? Not quite, but that's also something that we could talk about once we get through our list. Zero coaster. Okay. Definitely a hot take, but...
Do I respect it? Yeah, I respect it. Give me Taron forever. I love it. Taron at Fantasia Lane Park. Yes. That didn't make sense anyway. Number three. We already alluded to it. I got the voyage. Mike thinks that's too low, but. And now top top five, I think is fine. I put it higher, but it all depends on when you wrote it, too, because was when was your last ride on it?
I haven't done Trimless since 2021 and I've been on it. I went on it 2023. Okay. I mean, even normal conditions last year, like they, I mean, it's, it's number one for me, even just a normal conditions, but they continue to retract and retract and retract and it runs better every year.
Yeah, it's just it finds a way to just creep up like a spot every time I write it. Like I used to have Steel Vengeance over it. Not anymore. um Even X2 and Voyage I was arguing with at the time. Nope. There's just nothing like it. I mean, ah it's very good. Goes on and on and on. I have it lower than you, but it is still in my top 10 and I've been on a lot. It is still very good.
What's your count now? Five what? Five seventy eight. OK. So you're not like I've been on five thirty two, so you can't do the math of like, oh, you have X amount of more credit. So nine versus three is equal. Yeah, it's not. you You do have it much lower than I do. Yes, my number three, we've talked about it already. Skyrash. Oh, OK.
That's yeah, that's. Sky Rush Over Voyage is a choice. Sky Rush Over Voyage. And some of your others. I could see it going down in future rides with the newer strengths. Like you just don't get the same, I'm going to fall out of this train moment on the first drop that you got before. I forgot. Did you? Did you ride it with the new restraints? Yeah. Oh, you have. OK. And I have not.
Stop by Hershey Park. We had some to ah some extra passes from somebody. ah Stop at home. Road Sky Rush and left. That's right. That was we did ah Dutch Wonderland that morning. Yeah, that's right. And then drove to Hershey and then drove all the way home. That was a day. Yeah, that was a day. Yeah, solely just so we could ride. New restraints on Sky Rush. It's still so good. It's more comfortable for me with.
Good to hear. It's definitely a little more comfortable, but yeah, it just doesn't have that out of control feeling. Skyrush is probably the only time I've ever been truly terrified on a roller coaster. Not including Rail Runner. Rail Runner is a different roller coaster. I've had some rides on Voyage where I had a little more room than I probably should have. And I actively going down the backside of the hill push it down another click. I will still say that Skyrush is one of the five coasters where no matter how many times I ride it, I'm still a little like, oh, crap, here we go. Like going down the drop. Yeah, that kink man. Yeah, that's the first time you ride that in the back row. It is something else. You just sense you hit the brakes and you're like, a coaster should not do that.
Yeah, I was lucky enough. My first ride ever was back left. Oh, geez. Yeah, that was that was an experience. First time riding, it's definitely one of those rides where because it goes up so fast, like, whoa, whoa, whoa, like, slow down, like good stop. why Why are we going? Wait, wait, wait. Ah, number two, Allison. Let me hear it. Iron Gwazi.
Why? Oh, you're right. Why do you why do you dislike our quasi? I don't dislike it. Why is it not in your top two like me? Because I am not you. I'm sorry. Because I have ever said what? When you said I'm not you and I said, I'm sorry. It's too short. No, it's not. It's like over 4000 feet of track.
It's just it's so fast. It feels like it's short. That's why it's great. Yeah. You can't say Ironwazi shorter than not say that about Skyrush. Fair. That is fair. That is a fair argument. Hold on. I got to look up Skyrush's length now. I want to say off the top of my head, Ironwazi is like 4075. You would know these things.
I've done the math to see like how many miles Kalen has ridden that thing and it's like 7,000 miles, like from Seattle to Sydney. Okay, so Wassey is 475 feet longer. Than Skyrush? Yeah. No, I thought Skyrush was shorter than that. No. Skyrush is 3,600. Okay, I got 400 still a good amount, quarter mile. No, nevermind, that's 400 yards. Anyway, it's not too short.
I think it's a pretty same thing for Iron Glauzy. It just it hits the brakes with so much speed that you could easily have thrown another element or two and still hit the brakes with a lot of speed. The death roll is also not as punchy as I was expecting. It's great, though, and I would agree that death roll is not the best part of that ride, but still fantastic.
It's just, it's so relentless. it it There's no first or second half. It's just one great ride nonstop. Like I can't think of a bad part of the ride. I even like the, it's kind of a significant drop going into the brakes. Probably my favorite RMC drop. Just speed, speed, speed, power, power, that wave turn. Oh.
Mm. I don't know. I think Twisted Cyclone's wave turn is better. No. No. Absolutely not. the Twisted Cyclone. Don't ever mention Twisted Cyclone and Iron Gwazi in the same sentence again. I'm allowed to. It's supposed to be a roast, right? Good god. It's supposed to be what? It's supposed to be a roast, right? I want to roast you back. That's fine. I need Jen. I know Jen loves Iron Gwazi. She would have. She's never been on Twisted Cyclone, to be fair, but. Yeah.
i don't Yeah, I'm pretty sure she hasn't been to Georgia. I don't think so. She always drives through so she can go to Orlando.
Well, my number two, I have Voltron. That shaky piece of crap. Sure. We'll go with that. Absolute garbage. That's why we flew halfway across the world. I've heard there's a bad ter train.
I've heard the ops there aren't too great either. Especially one of them is I've heard is a little shady. Yeah. I remember seeing him. He kept trying to hang out with us. Well, that's disturbing. All right. I heard you he he tried to kidnap one of our podcast posts. I know. And now all she ever does is go to Yoruba. What the hell? No, no, it just just hit me that she had her significant other on this last episode. You have yours this episode.
Well, when's Megan coming? I was going to say, Megan's on the clock now. She's the last one. She's at her D and&D session right now, so she's not here. Oh, we literally just hit the one hour mark. and I didn't say the time this time. I know. I'm just saying, you were the one who wanted to keep it on the hour. I've kept my promise. I guess we can't say our number ones now. Yeah. Tune in defit next episode. no No, I'm pretty sure we've all said it before.
Voltron's Anticipated Performance
Yeah, we never actually like talked about Voltron though. I mean, here's the thing. I don't want to be spoiled too much. That's true. I know there's some launches. It's a roller coaster that does some things. Yeah. Just some other things. I will just say that of our group, I think the average ranking of it was like. Three or something like that. The majority of us went to there were a couple that went like three or four. And I think Nate went number one. Yeah, Nate went number one.
I'm very intrigued to see how it performs in this year's Coast Remandus. Yes. Wink, wink. So for reference, Tom went into it thinking he was going to absolutely hate it, and I'm pretty sure it's in his top five. Yeah. He didn't throw up on that one, right? No. That was Ride to Happiness. That was Ride to Happiness. He puked out. He puked it out all right. Oh, God. That was a night.
The one thing I can see people complaining about Voltron 4 aside from any shaky trains is the turntable. There's a turntable? I actually knew about that. Yeah, I figured. That for me, that was the one thing that kept it from passing Voyage. It's just Voyage has that nonstop relent relentlessness from start to finish, even with the mid course on.
yeah Voltron, you come to a stop on the turntable and then it rotates and then the ride continues. Spoilers. Can we have right now? Can we agree that ah V is the best roller coaster letter? Yes. Apparently. Because number one, obviously, it's you want to say it, Allison? Because it's your number one, too.
It's the coaster that Jen literally has tattooed onto her body, onto her body. And she is not here to talk about it. And she's not here to talk about it. We both have Velocico. Velocico, come on. Eh. Yeah, he's a Velocico hater. I don't know why we have him on here this episode, but. How can you? And Veloc, I don't get it. I don't know what's wrong with it. This doesn't have a standout moment other than the moment source role. So I really like this.
I have Taran over Velocicoaster. That is horrible because of the theming. You're saying Velocico, so it doesn't have theme. What happens once you go over the top hat, hold on you go over the top hat, it breaks all immersion. You're outside of the panic. I didn't realize Harry Potter was part of Jurassic Park. What do you want him to do? Put a whole wall and block the freaking area?
It kills the immersion does not kill the immersion. It does not. I am not. on hygri And then they're not nearly not nearly as much theming on that second. That second half, you really literally go by the Discovery Center.
You also buy right over the water roomsticks. Oh, really, you're going to trash the whole ride because you can see Hogwarts.
yeah What? Well, I actually never heard anyone complain about that. That is the first time I do. I mean, I do love the ride. It's a great ride. This is not my number one. What is it? What, my number one? No. What do you where you have a lost coaster? Fourteen. Yeah, that's trash. It it just barely squeaked into this list. We don't care about your list. This is about our list. You're going to talk with us.
I respect all opinions unless they're wrong. You respect all opinions unless they're coming from mullet and then they're questionable at best. I do want to say, as much of a roast, this is not serious. like the people that There are people that get like legit like angry over rankings, which is just, calm down guys. It's not that serious.
Everyone has their own opinions. Correct. Correct. This is why I have Steel Vengeance ranked in my 20s and people are like, what is wrong with you? Yeah, I'm a little angry about that one actually. That's fine. You're allowed to be. Blast Coast was perfect. I'm intrigued. If anything can top it in Europe this year, there's definitely some contenders. I genuinely don't have anything on the horizon that I think will beat the Lost Coaster.
I'm trying to think, even like Falcon's flight, if it's that crazy, I still don't even think yeah that will. Like, that holds on was one of the few that I thought could potentially top Velocicoaster. And I questioned it a couple of times, but I didn't do it. I did have ironed Guazio Velocicoaster for a time, and then that lasted like six months. It was definitely definitely some recency bias.
But yeah, there we go. I mean, overall, we're not that far off from each other. The RMC takes are a little off from each other. Fair. That is fair. Yeah, not having iron gozier steel vendors in your top 15 is probably your most egregious move. That's fine. I don't have anything. What would you think is the worst take time traveler at 11? I don't even remember what happened like you said today.
Great. You weren't taking notes. No, actually. I have a couple of ah and editing notes, but that's it. Try to think like an honorable mention of like a bad take that I have or a hot take. Guardians at 19. I love guardians. I have mystic tempers at 18. I have it at 16. Oh, good. No, we all have mystic. um Goliath over Georgia is 18. Yeah, no. and i Not a big Goliath fan. that's I remember now when I, I want to say at the time I put it in my top 10 just based on how many rides I had. And I did ride with you. Yeah. ah And you were like, what? I've ridden that coaster too much, and I've seen the rider will get worse over the years. It's not that bad. Do you have a zero coaster, Bryant? ah Yeah. I mean, a wicked cyclone is like kind of a zero, but I also try to rank it properly as well.
Otherwise, it's it's big Thunder Mountain. and Oh, yeah, your first coast. It just has to be my first and five hundredth, technically. Yeah, true. I got to save the the Hong Kong one for a thousand. Yeah, my zero coaster is wildfire at Silver Dollar City. It was not like a meaningful like milestone coaster by any means, but just it's a good fun ride and just the setting is perfection. And I love fire. That is a very good.
Zero Coaster. And I do i think it is it's a rule that you can't roast a Zero Coaster, right? I think that's like. I'm good at, yeah. It's like kind of an unwritten rule among enthusiasts. I wonder if you're really like sentimental. Yeah. You're a, I almost said a curse. And I can say a-hole, right? but You're an a-hole if you roast a Zero Coaster. So, Brian, is your Zero Coaster technically gonna be defunct?
With how much track they're replacing? No, we're not playing that game. It's no longer the coaster at once was. God. If anyone counts that as a new credit, come on. They would have to like retract the entire thing. You know, like I don't I don't count Hulk twice. I know some people do. I don't. Marcus. Yeah, exactly. And then he'll get on you if you count like a powered coaster or mountain coaster.
Oh, I will count mountain coasters all day long. Maybe yeah he's not the one with Matt. Someone has ah doesn't count mountain coasters. But anyway, y'all, I need to pack for my cruise. Well, have fun on your team. Shout out, Coaster Cruise. I'll be hosting a trivia night or day on the ship that I think they're recording. I think that'll be on the YouTube maybe.
So I'm going to look forward to hearing about that cruise. What's that? I look forward to hearing about that cruise. I'm pretty sure I'm going to finally put out a video on my channel in 2025 brought from the cruise. So, yeah, no, it should be a good time. Well, this was a fun little mini sewed. I guess that's kind of a mini sewed. It's over an hour. So can we kind of call it a mini one? We tried to keep it a mini one. It did not work. I thought this would be the average length.
Well, we are recording this now, and then um this will not drop for another like two weeks. So. We are talking to you way in the past. Yes. I think this comes out what, February 10th? I think so. It is. It's January 29th. I'm recording this. Jeez. Am I right that the next episode after that is going to be a a Coaster Madness? If you want it to be, it can be because the bracket is made. Yeah. ray But that'll be the episode dropping into February, so.
Can't wait. It's going to be a good one this year. I'm excited. Well, thank you, Mike, for hopping on, being our Jen tonight. No problem. I think you might have more hair than Jen. Yeah, and I had less mentions of Talon. True. There is no Josephine's. Josephine's. She's going to yell at you again. Oh, jeez. Geez. I don't know if I want her to listen to this episode. I don't know if she will. She probably won't.
He's probably like, I can't believe they still had a roast without me. And of all people, Mike, with the moment, that is awful.
and That was a great Jen impression. nice Let's add Jen impression and just put it on the always, everybody, make sure to think inverted hashtag whatever and we will see you next time.
Hashtag whatever.