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Book Club: Holmes, Marple & Poe

Clued in Mystery Podcast
167 Plays9 months ago

Brook and Sarah kick off the Clued in Book Club with a short introduction to their first pick: Holmes, Marple & Poe by James Patterson and Brian Sitts. Find out why they picked the book and why they think the title is different in Canada and the US. Future episodes will be available to members of the Clued in Cartel, the Clued in Mystery paid subscription.

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Holmes, Marple & Poe (2024) James Patterson and Brian Sitts

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This transcript is generated by a computer and there may be some mis-spellings and strange punctuation. We try to catch these before posting, but some things slip through.


Introduction and Passion for Mystery

Welcome to a Clued In Bonus episode. I'm Sarah. And I'm Brooke. And we both love mystery. Hi Brooke. Hi Sarah.

Launching a Mystery Book Club

Are you ready to start our book club? I am. This is so much fun. This is something that we've talked about doing for a long time and it's going to be great.
And so this is something that we will be offering to the cartel. So that's our paid subscription. And to join the subscription, we've made it accessible. So essentially you pay what you can afford to join. We want everybody to be part of our mystery community.

First Book Club Selection: 'Holmes, Margaret, and Poe'

Yeah, so Sarah, this first book that we're going to do as the book club, what's the book that we're going to be reading entitled for you, Sarah? Well, this is a really good question, Brooke. The book that I'm reading is called Holmes, Margaret, and Poe. What about you?
Funny enough, the same book that I'll be reading as you is entitled Holmes, Marple, and Poe. Isn't that interesting? It certainly is. So the book, regardless of what it's titled in Canada and in the US, is written by James Patterson and Brian Sitts.
And I am assuming that the difference in title is because of something with the publisher's rights. I'm not entirely sure. And I don't think it's something that I would have picked up on, except that we were having this conversation.
Exactly. It appears with our very top level research that we did that the UK version, which probably then is carried over into Canada from what we can see, has the name Margaret instead of Marple. The only thing we can deduce from that is there's probably some sort of rights issue, but regardless, it's the same book and that's what we've chosen for this first book club book.

Intriguing Characters Inspired by Mystery Icons

The reason that we chose it, I think, is because the premise is that there are three PIs, one named Brendan Holmes, one named Margaret Marple, and the other named August Poe. And mystery fans will recognize those names as belonging either to mystery authors or the sleuths that they created. Or part of their names. I guess it's not their full names.
Yeah, exactly. It's a hook, isn't it, to anyone who loves mystery. And you actually identified this book, Sarah. You're great at finding out some of this mystery news and you sent it to me and said, you know, this seems like fun. And I was in. So what are your thoughts on like the cover and kind of the package of it?

Modern Setting for Classic Characters: A Discussion

So, the cover, I think the cover's virtually the same, regardless of which version you have. It's just that name, Margaret or Marple, is different. And so the cover is a silhouette of
a male looking over his shoulder and you can see two other silhouettes kind of in his body I guess and a bridge which I assume is you know some urban area so it's I think a contemporary book it's not set in the past but I think we'll get to see some versions of each of those
sleuths in these characters.
Yeah, I think that I like the cover because it's giving me a hint, as you say, that it's set in contemporary times because when you first made the suggestion of the book, Sarah, I thought, hmm, is this historical? But you can definitely look at the cover and tell, no, this is going to be a contemporary story, which really begs the question, how are they going to use
these characters in a modern day story. Yeah, I think it'll be interesting.

Curiosity and Concerns about Character Execution

So like I said, the names obviously, they're surnames. Holmes and Marple are names of very famous sleuths. And Poe obviously was an author, and we talked about him in one of our first episodes.
Um, but, and his sleuth was Auguste Dupin. So I think that's where the name of that character comes from. But yeah, I guess we'll figure out kind of how they met and how they work together. Um, so that'll be interesting. I haven't read a lot of James Patterson novels, so I think it will be, I'm not really sure what to expect.
Well, and I'm going to be honest, I have a little reservation because I'm worried. Maybe that's maybe worry is taking it too far. Reluctant that this will be one of those kind of gimmicks that we've talked about before where an author will drop a name of a, like a famous author or, you know, a storyline promise and then it doesn't live up to it. So I'm really hoping that that isn't the case here, but we'll see, right?

Reading Plan for Book Club Members

So I guess the only thing left to do is to start reading and the way that we're going to do this, uh, in terms of a book club is we will record after we read, I think, is there like 120 chapters in this book? So I assume they're quite short chapters. Um, and we'll read about a 30 at a time and then come back and discuss what we've read.
Right. So if you're a member of the cartel, you will definitely be getting updates of what our reading will be each week and the layout of the episode so that you can follow along. Um, and there's still time to join us. If you'd like to, please visit click on the cartel and you'll get to see all the information about how you can join. I'm so looking forward to this Brooke.
I am too. Thanks, listeners. We hope to see you in the cartel.

Invitation to Join the Book Club

But for today, thanks for listening to Clued in Mystery. I'm Brooke. And I'm Sarah. And we both love mystery.
Clued In Mystery is written and produced by Brooke Peterson and Sarah M. Stephen. Music is by Shane Ivers. If you liked what you heard, please consider telling a friend, leaving a review, or subscribing with your favorite podcast listening app. Visit our website at to sign up for our newsletter, The Clued In Chronicle, or to join our paid membership, The Clued In Cartel. We're on social media at Clued In Mystery.