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SW Dawn of Defiance Ep. 01 - Lets Begin Again image

SW Dawn of Defiance Ep. 01 - Lets Begin Again

Rolling Across The Pond
32 Plays4 months ago

**Disclaimer - We are new to video editing so its a bit jumpy but its so the audio is smooth.**

We are back!!! You can also see most of our faces! 

We have our new GM (Davita) and great players (Becs, Luke, Issac, and Jessie) . We begin with sharing about our characters in hostile territory. Then encounter a person that brings the group together the only way they can. This is a making of a great adventure! listen and see what happens next


Email: [email protected]

Socials: @rollingacrossthepond


Rise of the Empire

a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
In the months following the end of the Clone Wars and the destruction of the Jedi and Separatist forces, former Supreme Chancellor, Chief Palpatine, has declared that the Republic will be no more and that a new Empire would rise, with himself as Emperor. Imperial forces are sent out throughout the galaxy,
bringing rules and regulations under the guise of protection, oppressing and taking advantage of those less fortunate, and taking violent actions against any resistance.

Dawn of Defiance Begins

But, as the galactic forces spread, a small rebel cell led by Senator Bail Organa begins to emerge. This is where we find our adventurers in this dawn of defiance.

New Season Introduction

Welcome to Rolling Across the Pond. Hey everyone, welcome back to Rolling Across the Pond. I was gonna say I'm UGM, but I'm not UGM today. We are gonna, we're starting a new campaign. We are starting up a new season of news.
brand new kind of concept story and yeah everything hopefully you'll enjoy it uh i'm not ready to game though so uh i just wanted to drop in quickly at the beginning to say that we if you would like to if you would like to we are also doing videos so if you want to see our wonderfully amazing faces most of us anyways uh there's one that probably will
be gone and you'll only hear his amazing voice so you have to look out for that but the rest of us are showing our faces so you can watch us on YouTube and on our patreon for early access and you might get a little bit more details to that because editing video is really hard so we'll see how it goes anyways I'm gonna hand it over to the showrunner that

Campaign Kick-off & Character Intros

GM, everything from now on, so I won't be quiet. Take it away. Hi, my name is Devita, and I will be your GM. And we are starting our Star Wars 5e campaign with the Dawn of Defiance campaign. And this is episode one, the Trader's Gambit.
It is a dark time in the galaxy. The evil galactic empire has spread from the deep core into the outer rim, and everywhere the empire's tyranny can be felt. Fleeing from the oppression of the emperor's minions, agents of Senator Bail Organa have run to a remote space station above Brent Hall, known to be a
vocal opponent of the empire, Organa may be the last hope of freedom in the galaxy. In the hopes of stopping these dissidents before they can reach the senator, the empire has alerted its forces on Celzon station where the struggle for liberty rages on and the first sparks of rebellion have begun to burn. Now you guys are not those dissidents.
But let's introduce you guys. So I guess go ahead. Jesse, introduce your your character. Hey, I am Jean New. I am a. Haldorian. Jedi. Yeah, I think that's it, right? That's all. Yeah. All right, Luke. I am Newt Kondo.
I am a chess engineer and a screaser as a background. OK, Bex. Hi, I am Sanreal Viszla, who's half human, half isheini, and a Mandalorian background. I think Isaac.
Hello, I am Doug Luzz. I am a Jawa Scout who has a background in jizzwailing or jatzwailing, depending on what planet you come from. Which is singing, correct? Singer of some sort? Yeah, like a performer. It's space jazz. Space jazz. Okay, cool. All right. Well, you are all on a transport.
headed for the Celzon station. As you are coming up to the station, you could see through the viewports a large station with a big central
Tower that is made up that makes up the main station and a premium landing port above for those rich and important visitors you guys are not coming to that station landing port and as you come up to the
the landing port, there begins to be announcements on the overhead speakers saying,
Be prepared for landing, make sure you do secure all your belongings and be prepared for departure. And thank you for flying with the Saison transport. And then as they come into the port, a officer who is
working at the station comes into the transport and starts to check for inhabitants. They appear to be looking for someone in particular, but also just
scanning to make sure that there is no dissidents, no rebels that they were looking for. They're just making sure that everyone boarding the station is supposed to be there or not sneaking aboard or trying to do something sketchy. All right, the officer comes into the station and as he's walking through, he's
He's waving people. He's checking them, making sure that they don't have items that they're not supposed to have. So he's doing random inspections. He's waving all of the humans through and letting them depart and go through customs. But he's skipping over all aliens at this point. So he's only looking for those who look human and allowing them to depart.
and he's telling those who are non-human species to remain seated and they're going to come back over for them. And then he comes up to
Bex's character, which is so, oh my goodness, I have to have one. Sunreal. Sunreal, thank you. And believes that you are human mostly because, but you just have the, let's just explain what he sees when he comes up to Sunreal. What is your appearance? Yeah, so I am a little bit on the light side skin tone for like most humans, but not like drastically.
Silver hair with brown streaks in it. Yeah, like average height. Young. You wouldn't know I'm Mandalorian. Didn't see that Mandalorian armor was like an option in the start list. Oh, I see.
I looked, I looked for the Biscari. I'm like, Oh, that's expensive. And I can't start off with it. I do want to like, she, she does appear to be Mandalorian. Right. Um, may not actually have the official armor yet. Yeah. Not the proper Biscari armor. That's expensive. I see. She's a budget Mandalorian.
She's a budget Mandalorian. Are you wearing your helmet? I would say you would have some sort of helmet, even if it's not a Beskar helmet. Yeah. Yeah. So you would be wearing it then? Yep. I didn't know if you were the type of Mandalorian who doesn't remove their helmet, or if you do. The type that does, but is okay with having it on.
So she's not from the group that was like the Death Watch and all that, but she's not the group that stayed on Mandalore. Like the few that kind of left when they became pacifist is the one that she's descended. So this officer comes up to you and you can see a couple of blue squares on his uniform. He's an imperial officer and he comes up to you and says,
Excuse me, ma'am, please remove your helmet. Mandalorian. I don't care. Remove your helmet. Fine. Remove my helmet. You can see I'm annoyed. Like this is such a bother.
Are you carrying any, do you have anything to declare? Are you carrying any illegal substance? What is your purpose coming to

Celzon Station Exploration

the station? I have nothing to declare. I am looking for work. Do you have any weapons on you? Mandalorian. Are they registered? Can I see some identification, some license here?
assuming I'm going to have some, right? Sure. Okay. I'm like, I haven't done it. As far as I know, she hasn't done anything yet. You make it up. If you want to have identification, you have identification. Okay. Yes, I have identification. I haven't done anything wrong yet.
It felt very guilty when they arrived, but I haven't done anything yet. Did you say that to him or? Just kind of roll my eyes a bit, show him the identification. And you can tell that I'm kind of young. Right. So you can chalk it up like that. As he's looking through your documents, he says, what kind of work are you looking for here? We don't hire mercenaries or anything here.
Uh, just seeing what I can find. I have a few different skillsets. So. Okay. Don't cause any harm. We have troopers all throughout the station watching. So we'll make sure you're following orders and I'm not getting into anything. We'll be watching in Paris watch. And as you look, you look mostly human. He just, uh, he doesn't assume that you are part, uh, part.
What was it? He was a Chaney. Yeah. And they're like a humanoid species anyway. Right. Because the Chaney's look mostly human, just with the white skin, he ends up waving you through and says, you made it apart. Have a good stay on the Stales on Station. And then he moves on. And do you depart now or?
Yeah, that's a part. Okay. All right. As he continues going, he, he passes the, the Kaldorian, he passes the Chiss passes the Jawa, and then lets all the humans go first. And then he, he comes back to Jesse's character, which is named. I just call him G. G. Yeah. G right. J I.
G. Okay. So he comes, comes to G and gives you a very skeptical look. And he, he says, what are you doing? What are you doing visiting the station? Uh, I kind of grabbed my like throat, like it's like, and so I speak to him in his head and I just, uh, like telepathically, cause my race can do that. And I'm just like, uh,
traveling off planet. Does he realize that it's in his head then? Or is he? Yeah, yeah, he realized it's not like a trick or anything. I'm just talking with him. I'm sorry, my throat. It hurts a bit today. I'm just a bit sick.
But I say that in his head and be like, what, how, how are you doing? What, what is this trickery? Oh, it's, it's a Kaldorian. I'm a, I'm Kaldorian. That's why I'm leaving the planet. I, I'm just going home. Sorry. We, I'm like, I like try to speak and I'm like, my, my, my, it's, it hurts too much to talk. So we use our minds to just.
He steps back a little bit thinking that you might be sick or have some sort of, yeah, contagion. And I forgot to have you kind of explain your appearance. Oh, yes, sorry. So I am just in common, like common clothes, like proper, like, I'm not so if you think of like,

Suspicion & Pursuit

Plo Plo Coo Plo Coon, like, I'm not as like heavy drapes. I'm literally just in like, like,
normal, like, shirt of, like, that kind of, like, like a commoner shirt, a commoner trousers. I'm not as, like, I don't know, like, overly layered as he was. Like, I am proper, but I do have my respirator and my, uh, my, my glasses on because just the atmosphere. And, um,
Yeah, I have the obvious alien look, you know, the common Kaldorian look. And yeah, I'm wearing a bag. I'm wearing a backpack. That's the, I guess the difference as well. I'm a bit more sleek, a bit more slender and carrying more of my stuff in my bag. Yeah. And so- I do have a snaf as well, sorry.
Oh, okay. With the staff. Okay. So he'll, he'll just, he will step back a little bit. He's, he's afraid that you might have be contagious or something like that. And, uh, are you, are you, are you sick? Do you need, can I like, there's a medical station here on the station. I, I, they're up to visit that, but, uh, I don't have enough credits. Maybe I'm not sure.
Uh, well, I, I, uh, I don't, I have to have you checked before I let you onto the station because I can't have to make sure that you don't have any, any contagions. We don't want any viruses spreading through, through it. That's fine. I don't mind. Uh, can you, uh, can you walk with me along that way? No, this is not my job, but I will radio someone in, please wait and hold. How long have we had a conversation?
No, I'm asking you that I'm asking longer than a minute I don't
think so? Okay. Yeah. Okay. So yeah, I'm just, oh, okay. Well, if you can direct me to the right person, I'm happy to go with them. Please wait here and I will call in a medical officer to come and check for viruses before you are allowed to leave.
I will do that because because he got distracted by your sickness.

Confrontation with the Empire

He forgot to check your bag. And then he is going to move on to the blue skinned. Person that he sees next, so go ahead and look and describe your appearance. Yeah, he's he's in. Casual, formal kind of wear, but it's like drenched with like
It's covered with like a bunch of mechanical stuff like a wrist pad and he's got like claws, vibral claws and he's got these big thick goggles that are like black. So he's dressed really nice and then he decides to cover it with a bunch of stuff that looks chaotic and not so cleanly appearance.
And do you have a bag or a weapon that's visible besides your fibroclaws? Yeah, I probably have the dagger by my side, but not like out, out. It's just kind of there and it's in its holster or whatever. Okay. Other than that, I think that's maybe what I have. Okay, so he can... I got covered in like a combat suit, but other than that, no.
Okay. So he comes up to you and your name is Newt, right? Your character's name. He comes up to Newt and asked to, uh, can I see your identification? What is, and what is your purpose visiting the station today? Yeah. I hand him, I assume I have, I have to have this, right? So I give him an ID. Um, and yeah, I come here for work. Do you know where I could be a driver or a book
pair guy or I need to find that information inside. I'm just checking inspections here. May I see your, your, your bag, inspect it and go empty bag. It's empty. He looks inside of it. There's nothing. Okay. Do you have, do you have a license for your weapons?
And I need one? Yes. Is it too late to get one? You'll have to leave your weapons at the customs and report to the department that issues things. They'll have to expect it to make sure that your weapon is up to code and standard and is not an illegal weapon.
Or could I just like pay you some credit and you'll forget this happened? You know, a money bag that has zero, that has nothing in it is like, nevermind. Are you trying to be smart with me? Try to be smart, but I'm not good at it. Not like smart with you, but just in general, I try to be smart. I'm not good at it. What?
Are you, what, what are you, what species are you? Uh, Pantorian. All right. Well, please wait here to be dismissed and we'll have to send you to the weapons things. And I will confiscate your weapons at this time and you can recover them at the baggage claim area once you get your license for this. Please.
Are you going to try and do a persuasion or? Oh, sure, yeah. Just to see if I can look so pathetic and disheveled that he's just like, ah, whatever. It doesn't matter. Oh, hold on, that's a d12. Did you roll on a d12? I accidentally rolled a d12. And so I rolled a d20 this time. Oh. A one. Another one.
Yeah, he got 18, so... No, I'm sorry. I have to confiscate your weapons. Do these claw things come out off of your hands? I don't know. I really tried. It was just handy to just open boxes and stuff with them on. I just never took them off. You need to remove those. Favor? I like to take a couple off.
A favor? Could I do anything to keep these? Uh, Woody. No. You have to remove them and I need to confiscate them. You can recover them at weapons, at the baggage claim area, the holding area. If you get your, you need to have them expected and get a license for these. But you thought about it for a second. No. Oh, okay. I haven't done all of it.
Can I, can I, sorry, can I, um, can I cast something to help him out a bit? Uh, yeah, sure. Uh, okay. Can I cast a sound trick?
I'm going to use the ability to, what do you call it? It basically, I use a force to produce an effect within range. You can create one of the following special effects within range.
And I'm gonna do, you create an instantaneous sound that originates from point of your choice within range, such as a rumble of thunder, the cry of a bird, or ominous whispers. And I think I'm just gonna do ominous whispers to him as he grabs the gloves.
So, so then how does that, well, he has a negative one on that. He had actually got four and that was, that was the same. He doesn't say, he doesn't say. Um, so then he, he does start hearing these voices and, and he, he heard the voices coming. Let's see if he figures out that it was coming from you. Cause he was, you're the only other one that did the telepathic thing earlier for him.
No, but these are, these are ominous whispers. There's a difference. I was pure voice. Difference. But he does start looking around and, and does kind of get distracted and starts grabbing his head and, and he, he, he starts to like, I think he, he will actually drop the, the claws. And now I'll stop the ominous whispers.
Okay. Well, he's just going to pick him up again now. Okay. So you can make another save if he wants. Is it just a can? He does a can trip. Yeah. It's a level zero spell. I just didn't want you to spend like all of your lovely one. I'm just messing with this guy.
So he'll look at Newt and be like, what was that? Did you do that? Where did that come from? Yeah, I gave them to you. No, the claws, they made whispers. Did you hear that? So he goes to pick up the claws again. And I turn him back on. There's no whispers.
And he starts hearing the whispers again. Wait, what is this? There's whispers coming from the claws. This has to be confiscated. There's something creepy and weird about these. He saved this time. What did he rope?
Oh, well, because you said it was four, right? No, no. The same is 14. Oh, I think he said save is 14. No, no, he does not save. OK, so he drops them again. He's he he had a 11. Sorry. I thought you said it was four. I was like, I'm a low save for that. OK, so he's intimidated again and does does drop to our team.
Oh, OK. And is disturbed by these gloves and decides to just kind of give them back to just just keep just keep them. Don't don't take them. Don't take them out while you're on the station. Keep them hidden because they will be confiscated if you show these or or. I don't want anything to do with it. Hidden. Got it. You start playing them back and go back to. What?
Oh, can I have a dagger back or a little whisper at you or whatever you talked about before? And he actually talked to the knife. I say, just, just take the weapons. Stop talking, please. Okay. I forgot about the knife actually. So I was like, cause I think he got so disturbed by the, the clause that he forgot about the knife.
What knife are you?

Aftermath & Maya's Plea

Just keep your weapons hidden. Do not take them out. Please stand here and wait for him to discuss. And then he moves on. Okay. Give them a thumbs up with their clog in.
And he kind of glares at you, but like also is scared enough to where he's not going to continue trying to take your claws from you. And then he moves on to the last one in the transport and he comes up to this small Jawa. So go ahead and tell me what you look like.
I'm just kidding. His cloak looks like it's made out of like a little bit better of a material than your like basic like Jawa but it's there's a patchwork on it it kind of looks like a punk battle vest like it has like a bunch of like patches all over it and like
propaganda. You see like a little thing attached to the outside of his hood. And it's a communicator for him since Jawa's can't are unable to speak basic. So it's just like translating for him. Other than that, he's just like sitting there with his feet up mostly because his feet don't go down past the seat. I'm like, Hi, how can I help you?
So you speak basic? Sorry. I don't speak basic. I have a translator. Sorry. I was thinking about something else. Yeah. Okay. And can he see your face or you're hooded like with just the glowing eyes? No. Yeah. Hooded with the glowing light orange eyes. Okay. What is your business here on board the station? Music man. And then I like to tap out my horn case.
May I inspect that? Sure. I'd click it open and this does a horn right there.
And then he kind of, he looks impressed. Like, Oh yeah. Um, I used to, uh, so are you going to be playing here at the Cantina or, uh, you know, just playing my way around the galaxy, man. Cause you can see I've been some places and, uh, plan on being some more places. If you feel me. That's awesome. If, if you're like.
going to be there later. I'll come and check out the performance. Are you going to be at the Katina? It's awesome. He's like a music guy. He's like, oh yeah, that's really cool. What was the last place you were playing? Are you with a band or just solo stuff? Sometimes the band comes together and sometimes I'm just
you know, riding solo. We'll just go with the flow. That's cool. Just make sure that you kind of, if you're going through any Imperial areas, make sure the stormtroopers see you. We don't want to make sure you're following orders, going where you're
you know, don't go where you're not supposed to be, but welcome to Celzone station. Maybe I'll see you later. Be cool to hear you play. All right. And then he heads out and tells everyone all to line up all the aliens that are still left on the transport and kind of like a, like almost like a prisoner lineup. Like they're checking you guys as you're walking through customs and this, this, uh, the station is not friendly towards non
non-human species. The Empire does not hire non-humans and are very suspicious of them for the most part as you can see from this Imperial officer. So as you guys leave the transport you come into the open area and the promenade is the open area of the station and
is conforming to imperial standards. It's not flourished since the rise of the empire though, but it still does see a lot of traffic from Brentall and travelers. The empire has allowed large sections of the station to languish and fall apart,
thanks to the rise of the anti-alien sentiment. Especially on core worlds, the more rundown sections of Cells on Station are now inhabited by aliens. As such, the rift divides the station. Wealthy, privileged human imperial loyalists occupy the nicer sections of the station.
while all others are neglected to warn in some dangerous secondary sections. Almost all shops are located on the promenade, though a few are off the beaten path. So some of the popular establishments are Gundarks Cantina, owned and operated by a gruff human male named Gundark Saf. Then there is the credit ship. This is a local casino.
that attracts a wide variety of patrons. A credit chip is operated by a quiet, brooding human named Cecil Vane, and then there's the Delgas Medical Supplies, a corporate medical practice, and a pharmaceutical supplier. Delgas Medical Supplies provides care to those who can afford it. The chief doctor in the practice is
by Rafen, a talented human woman with secrets to keep. Then there's Mechanical Allies, which is a droid repair and sales shop. This is one of the few businesses run by non-human
that hasn't been shut down by the Empire. Operated by a untrustworthy Twi'lek named San, mechanical allies sells all manner of droid parts and reconstructed droids despite the fact that most of his droids are faulty. So that is the different
Those are the different areas within the station. Do you guys know where you would like to go? Or if you're just going to Peru's window shop throughout the station? And I believe you deceived the, or he didn't send you to the medical place after all, did he, uh, Jesse? No, I didn't hear him do that. Okay. I walk up or I kind of tap his, uh,
him on the shoulder and I'm like, uh, I hear you're, uh, you're looking for a transport job. Uh, do you have your own ship? Uh, no, I, I, I'm in the, I'm in slight rush to leave the planet. Oh, okay. Good. You're not a competition. He continues to start walking.
Wait, wait, wait, wait. Do you have your own ship? Uh, no. Okay. Nice talking with you. Can I carry on? I would say that you guys are. Yeah, probably in the, in the promenade area. Yeah. So then there's, did, did any of you guys. I want to go out and just outside the casino and just like prop open my case and just start playing.
Some wealthy patrons or citizens, wealthy citizens, you could tell by their guard, stop and listen to you play for a little bit and drop a couple of credits in your box. Yay. And then. Then I'll turn around and be like, wait a second, I know that voice. Your God. Point to Jesse's character.
What is G? I say, ah, my name's G. Nice to meet you. What's your name? Right. You can't even go in God, so just G. Cool. I understand the miscommunication. I rescued your gloves for you. I just saw you. Yes, I understood all of you. So I helped you out. So you sent demons after the dude? Naught.
You don't have to explain it to me. I don't really understand you. You can send as many demons as you'd like. Don't worry. I don't have that specific power, but I'm happy that you kept your belongings. Thank you. Okay. So as you guys are versing and viewing the Promenade, a
I owe you now. Lock arms and judge the characters. Let's go find that ship. OK. OK. So the Promenade is filled with the bustle of revelry and commerce spilling out of the gambling halls and the sounds of victory and moans of defeat. While the music of local bands issues from the Cantinas, there are
a lot, and there's a very nice area with a fountain, lots of plants. You don't see a lot of security officers, just a few there. And yeah, there are a lot, most, most of the people that you see are human. And go ahead and make a perception check. I got an 18. I have 15.
Okay, Jesse, sorry, Jesse Bex, Luke, what did you get? Eight. Eight, Isaac. 17. Okay. So, I'm sorry, Jesse and Bex, tell me what you got again. I forgot. I got 15. 15 and Jesse. And I got an 18.
and 18. Okay. So those who roll, Newt did not, uh, did not really notice anything. The other three of you take off my headphones for this. No, it's okay. But the, those who rolled 15 are higher notice that the notice two men that are, uh, hanging around the promenade who do not appear to be part of the larger crowd. They are, they seem.
to be scanning the crowd, looking for someone, and they're not paying attention to you in particular, you, you for, and they are wearing normal travel clothes, but are also holdout blaster tucked into their jackets. They are wearing our identical garments. So they appear to be looking for someone and are not within the whole
They're not they don't seem to be. The regular types of people that you're seeing walking through, they seem set set out on a particular with a particular goal. I look at I look at Newt and I'm like. OK, there's a bit there's two weird character that I don't like weird characters, so I think we need to lay low.
Can I, can I look around and see if I can find someone doing something so I can join them? Yeah, you see a, well, you see Douglas, you see him playing his

Session Wrap-up & Community Engagement

horn or sax. What is it? Yeah, it's a horn. It's like a horn. So you see him playing and there's a small group kind of gathered around him playing.
I join that group, and I take five credits out of my pocket, and I throw it in the case. I tip my little hooded head towards you. And I just enjoy the music of this. Do you go with him? Yeah, no, I'm still holding onto his arm. Bex, did you go to...
I'm just hanging around, observing others, maybe over by the lookout area. The window? Yeah. Yeah, I didn't really plan this out very much, so... It's alright. I'll even go with... Sunreal didn't really plan it out either. She's like, I'm going over here to get a job, and didn't plan out how. I don't do that. I'd like to stop playing.
And as like people are leaving, I noticed these like two gentlemen standing there and I'm just, I just kind of like look up up and down and grab my credits. And I'm like, you guys hungry? You said it to the, the sketchy or the, the characters, or do you set it to Jesse and Luke's character? Yeah, to Jesse and Luke's characters. Yeah. I guess, I guess I could eat. Yeah.
Cool. Uh, good question. Um, do you like franchise places? Like, do you like when a food company has like an empire or do you usually resist your first, uh, order and then, uh, uh, choose something more local? I personally, uh, I'm terrified of answering this to be honest, but, uh,
With truth, I would resist my first order. All right, man, that's cool. You seem like a cool guy to hang out with. How about you, sir? Yeah, well, it depends on what my first order was.
Oh, no, I'm just like, like, are you resistant to these this empire of food establishments or do you like going to something more local? And then you see just one of the glowing eyes like wink. Yeah, I think a place I want to. He's OK. He's OK. He's OK. He's OK.
But before that happens, before you guys find a place to eat, something is happening.
So a slender woman wearing greasy clothes of a mechanic stumbles down the promenade. She's trying to hide it, but she is wounded. Everyone, I guess, except for Luke, still can see this because of his perception. So you see her coming in, coming down the promenade,
the two men that you noticed are making their way towards her. And as soon as she sees them, she turns and starts running. Or limping, I guess. Away from her? No, she's running towards. But like just in the general direction away? She's running towards Sanrio.
It's unreal. She runs towards you and starts asking for help. Please, please help me. I'll give you credits if you just help me escape. These men are trying to capture me. I need some assistance. Okay, okay. What's going on? Why are they trying to take you? I'm working for...
I'm working against the Empire. They're undercover. They're trying to capture me. Have they noticed her? Oh yeah, they have, didn't they? They have noticed her, yes. And they are starting to give chase to her, I guess. They're starting to capture her, I guess. Okay. Do you know safe place? I'm trying to...
I need to get to, and right before she says where she needs to get to, the security officers burst in and raise their blasters aiming at the woman and shout, step away from that woman. She's wanted by the empire. Any resistance will be met with lethal force.
I am an animal. It has to help her, but, uh, I would be doing something. Do we hear this as well? Do we hear this as well? Yes, you do. Um, I just, I just want to briefly say like, Oh, I hate the empire. After, just after that whole like fast food thing, I'll be like, Hey guys, uh, you know, getting lunch is always a better with friends. Am I right?
Can I look for an escape route? I have built my character to be at peace but I am so stressed.
I can't see you stressed. My character is like, yeah, this is OK. There is the fountain in a central circle area with benches around it, a window viewport where Selena, what's your name again? I should have written it down. Sorry. Sorry.
Each time I have to look up here. It's not muted. And it's Sun real. Sun real. Sun real. So that's where you're at. The other two are by the entrance to the Cantina. Is that where you guys were? Or by the...
closer to the entrance of the casino. Yeah. Okay. So you guys are close to the entrance of the casino. I would say she was somewhere in the middle section of the, on the left hand side of the fountain. And she came up from the bottom up towards that's where she came into the picture and ran over to San Real.
The Imperial officers are approaching from the right-hand side and coming towards, so they're aiming over the fountain towards the injured woman. Okay. So now I have- I'd like to have a plan.
I hope I have a plan. Thing is, I'm not very good at deception. Her or the security officers? Those who are by the cantina. I'm sorry, the ones who are by the cantina.
In short, I'm going to be following wherever Jesse's character goes. Use my deity now. So I want to try to like make my way through their legs and get my my horn back out and just start playing in between them, trying to be a distraction. OK. I don't know.
You guys are all on the same side of the fountain as the Imperials, right? Yes. They're on the same side as the Imperials, yes. So actually, I messed up. The two that were in regular clothes are there as well, but the ones who pulled their pistols out are the ones who are the security Imperial officers.
And then my plan was something that now, given where you guys are, it would probably impact you too. I think I would be, uh, kind of aggressively or anything. I, uh, cautiously walk forward.
and try and stand between the imperial guards and the woman. Okay. So like off the side, off the side. And they say, excuse me, get out of the way. We're trying to intercept this dissident. She's been threatening anti-imperial
propaganda, you get out of the way or else we'll shoot. So you want her if we're here? I once again speak to them in their heads and I'm like, wait, you're going to shoot me or them? And they do, they kind of grab their heads and be like, where is that coming from?
very angry and are gonna basically attack. And so that is going to be the opening of initiative. So go ahead and roll initiative. Oh no. I need a high initiative. I don't know what I'm going to do. I think Newt has like registered yet. This is a fight. He's just like, yeah, D man. D man, bye. D man. The 17 for me. I have 17. I got 17 as well.
What's your speed? My speed is 30. I rolled a 15 with a plus 2. So I rolled a 16 with a plus 1. I rolled a 4 with a plus 3. Either way you go first, but I think because you're in the center of it and he doesn't really like understand that he's about to fight, you can go first. Sunreal. You both rolled a 7 as well.
Oh, seven. Seven. G has. Uh, 17. 17. This is the part where I die. My hit points are not that high. Douglas has. 17. Okay.
Are you guys using like D&D Beyond to roll or? No, I'm, I'm doing dice. Yeah. And then. So very, and then Newt has what? Uh, seven, but less than the seven that back full.
Right. Okay. And then let me roll for these guys. Does one lady also have initiative so she can like duck? Yes, she does. Thank you. Okay. Okay. So the Imperial informant that is one of the guys that you saw hanging around looking like he didn't belong goes first. And
So when he sees the when he sees the security officers grabbing his head he moves into the sorry so he has he's coming let me look at the map
I have the two security officers coming from the right and then the others were hanging around the top area, the north area. So that's where the imperial informants were. So they are going to draw their holdout pistol and attempt to
shoot. They wanted to take the injured person and currently Sennrail is kind of looking as though she's going to assist so they're going to shoot at Sennrail. That is a
Five to hit? Nope. Does not make my armor class. And he misses completely. I would say it actually probably clipped the part of the fountain or something and, or maybe the water was in the way and he just kind of shot next to the fountain. Really kind of just was impulsive and did not aim properly before he fired.
G, it's your turn. Or Douglas, I guess you guys can decide who wants to go first since you had the same. I'd say Douglas can go first because he has a plus two to his initiative. Douglas.
As my action, I'm going to like slowly put my horn back in the case. And I'm going to grovel cower and beg, just be like, please don't know. Um, as an action on your turn, you could cower pathetically to distract nearby foes until the end of your next turn. Your allies gain advantage on attack rolls against enemies within 10 feet of you that you could see.
So you're going to be closer to the- Oh, I'm just a small little pathetic jawa. Oh no, please don't hurt anybody around me. And I look at everybody dead in the eye and wink. So they see the security officers see you and distracted by both their head and the voices in their head and then now you groveling.
Yeah, they are semi-destruct by then. What is happening with you? Why are you doing this? You're the one that are getting aggressive. I was just trying to play some cool tunes, man. Oh, how dare you? Man, I just wanted to keep the vibe going good. You know, I'm being one with the force, my guy.
Okay. So then, um, that is, I'll be the end of my turn. Okay. So a full action. Right. So now you have your companions have advantage against these Imperial officers. Is that correct? Mm-hmm. Until the end of my next. Okay. All right. She, you're next. Okay. Um,
Okay, what I'm gonna do. I honestly, I have no idea. Is there like a table or like something decent size near me? There's a plant, a potted plant. No, no bigger.
bigger than a potted plant. There's benches on the other wall. You know what? I'm just going to try this and I'm just fully exposing myself right now. I will. As I already have my hands right. And I say. Let's put the weapons down.
And I'm going to cast Force Disarm. So I'm trying to take one of the pistols off of one of the Imperial Guards. Okay. So he has to roll a Dex save? Strength or Dex? With advantage, because he's holding it. Right.
That is an 18. He keeps it. He just feels like a little tug in my direction. He feels a tug. Okay. And then he aims it in your direction too. Maybe not. And he aims it in your direction and...
What was that? What are you... What are you doing? Is that... Are you using special powers? Are you... What? Whoa. Whoa. Special powers? I'm just telling you to put your weapons down. It's not okay. I know we're not your species, but... It's not a way to handle this. Demon steal his gun. Demon steal his gun.
Then it's the next, the other informant who is going to take a shot at Sennreal because she's going to try and attack her. Does a 15 hit.
Uh, my armor class is 15. So no, it doesn't, uh, not usually because if you're, if the player character has the same level, I believe you guys, that's how it beats it, but you don't have to play it that way. Don't beat it. I'm not going to play it that way. If it's equal, I'll give it to the player character. All right. So it, it glances off your armor and, uh,
Nice. Okay. Then it goes to the injured woman who is trying to, basically she's, she's gonna try and get out and is, is going to limp towards G. Douglas and Newt because they seem to be trying to help as well. So she's going to start heading that direction and try and get past the Imperial officers that way. And, huh?
Yeah, it goes into a wall.
stop no i don't want it i don't want it to come towards me and sorry let me pull up her thing is is g saying that hello no no no no no no he's not saying that
No, in, inside and out, G is calm, cool, and collected. Outside, in like a medicines, Jesse is very nervous about all of this. All right. So she's going to basically head towards the security officers and attempt to disarm or stun. Wait, does she have a stun weapon? Let's see.
I don't know how that works actually. So she's going to actually fire at the, one of the security officers. And she has a blaster pistol and that will be, oh wow, she got a natural 20. So, um, she, uh, hits the security officer and it's,
five energy damage with a 1d6 nine energy damage to the security officer and he has nine to hit points so he is down wow do you have one still up yeah the other one's still up
And she had, she's now next to you guys. All right. It's, uh, some, it's, uh, some, no, sorry. It's the other security officer now. Oh, no, it's, it's the security officer. So he hasn't gotten yet. And then, and then it will be scenario. Okay. And he is going, oh, actually, no, he was the one who got shot. So nevermind. He's out. And then some scenarios turn.
All right. Am I close enough to do a weapon attack against the informants who shot at me? A what attack? Like with one of my daggers. She's the only Mandalorian walking around without a gun. Yeah, sure. I'm sure you're close enough. If you use your movement to get there, yeah.
All right. So I'll tell you first to get an advantage. So yeah, you get a, oh yeah. I'll tack the first one with my Vibro dagger. Meet myself. So you don't hear the dice roll. Okay. My high score of it was a 17 and have a plus five. So yeah, that hits 22. Yeah. Yeah. That is, you know, and that's for.
1d4 plus three. So five damage. Okay. And then, uh, so he, he kind of like, oh yeah, it gets hit like in the arm or the shoulder or side or what, what do you want? It missed a vital arc, but he's hurting.
Probably, uh, side side. Okay. So he grabs, Oh, wait, what?
You shot at me. What did you expect? Actually, he didn't. Both the informants shot at you, but this is one of the six. I was attacking the informants. Oh, the informants? She said she was going for one of the informants. Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. Then I got the wrong person, but you still would have hit him. Yeah. And then, and that was five hit points. Yep. Okay.
All right, so that's going to be Newt. Yeah, I'll throw a cryogenic bomb at him. Wait, what? Which ones? Well, cryogenic first. Which ones are you throwing at? The ones by you or the ones by me? Whoever the other guy is, the other
the imperial soldier, the security officer. Okay. All right. How does that work then? I'll just roll a ranged attack and then if it hits, it's 1d8 cold and his movement is halved. Right. Okay. So make a ranged attack then. That is probably fine, but
I do double check, rate of my range is... 16. Uh-huh. Yeah, that... that hits. And 6 cold damage. 6 cold damage, okay.
All right. He is, he, yeah, he's, he's pretty, he's hit pretty hard. And then for one turn, he loses 15 speed. Okay. Oh, what happened?
And then it goes to back to G. Uh, no, sorry. Imperial informant who got injured is going to try and shoot back at Cenreal and roll and does a eight hit. Nope. All right. He misses then. And next is going to, I'm sorry, trying to go faster now. Now it's G's turn.
Oh, it's Douglas T. Douglas first. Sorry, Douglas. Thank you. Douglas. Uh, during that time I was like putting away my horn. I come back up from my case and I'm like, how about this jazz? And I pull out my scatter gun and I shoot it.
And it is a burst. So are the two enemies within like a 10 foot square of each other? The two informants? Yes. But I think that Sunrail is right there, too. Oh, no. I'll concentrate on one of them now. OK. I'll do that.
A 14? That hits, yeah. All right. So that's going to be a four plus. So six connect damage. OK. That hits the one that was not injured yet. So he's still up, but also injured very well.
I do have to go. I'm sorry, guys. Okay. No, thank you. We're just about done with combat here, so I think we'll finish up and then we'll take a pause then. Thanks so much. Thanks, Isaac. Sorry. Okay, now it's Chi's turn. I think...
I will, um, telepathically talk to a woman and I'll be like, what do you need? I need a place to hide. I need to get to Senator Bela Bela Organa. I try to find the Senator. Of course you do. Okay. What, where are you? What is this coming from? How are you speaking to me? I, uh,
I wave and I say, yeah, that's me. This is, uh, don't worry. This is normal talk for me. And, uh, you can't hear. Where is it coming from? Oh yeah.
Uh, so I, uh, I take my staff and, uh, you try and hit the, um, security officer. Okay. Right. Go and roll. Natural 20. Wow. All right. Um, yeah, that hits. All right. Go ahead and roll damage.
That is a eight. Okay. Yeah. How do you finish them off then? I just, I'm like, uh, may the force be with you. And I should just like stab them with my staff. Oh my gosh. And then I head through the door. They came out of follow me.
All right. And then there is, then it's Maya's turn and just leaving me fighting two guys over here. The other informant sees this happen, you know, sees you just stab this guy with the staff and, um, is, uh, gonna fire after you, but you are.
The security officer went, came in. So I went through that door. Okay. Before I went to the door, I said, follow me. Okay. Yeah. I think that this, this security office, I mean, this informant is going to start chasing after you and make things easier. What's, what is your speed or like, how far did you get?
Okay, so he didn't like he went through the door, but he's headed there and also will leave he will also fire at Maya as he's Going sorry Maya's the injured woman. I keep on trying not to say her name, but
Anyway, he's gonna fire at the injured woman and just try and stun her. With a 20, he hits. Oh my goodness, this is not what I was expecting to happen. Glad it was just stun. Yes, he wants to take her to custody. He was trying to kill you guys because you were trying to help her, but...
Let's see. So close to getting him to follow me and then I was going to light saber his butt. But you were like already had some. I know, I know, I know. Ahead of him. Oh yeah. She, she gets stunned. So she falls to the ground stunned and then it goes to.
Oh, then it was Maya's turn. She was right next. And I guess, is that like a... Is it like a... Did she get a save at the end of her turn? I think so. I think that's a save. Let's see if she gets one save. Yeah, she got one save. And then it's going to Cenreal. Okay.
Um, sorry, I'm actually noticing that my other dagger kind of thing has a chance for a higher hit points guy. Just like switch to that one while still attacking this guy. Sure. Yes. I think whatever weapon you have though is probably good because these guys are not super tough. So it's up to you.
Okay. Maybe I'll just stick with the one I have instead of being like, ha ha. Yeah. All right. So I'll tack in with my dagger, my Vibro dagger. Okay.
Natural 20. Wow. Of the plus five. Nice. I think that hits. That definitely hits. And how are we doing the damage for natural 20s? I think it's just double the what you rolled. Okay. What I roll or what I roll plus the plus blah, blah, blah. Yeah, exactly. Plus your whatever. It's twice the damage. Okay.
So, so eight. Yep. That hit or that, that takes them out. And Tetris gun. Sure. You got a blaster rifle now. I'll send you the thing for it. Yeah. So yeah, you have a blaster rifle now and.
It's the wrong thing. You have a holdout weapon. Sorry, that's a holdout weapon. He also has a Vibro dagger, which he hadn't used, but... Okay, I have that too. Sure. So, I mean, I would say it might take an extra action, though, just to, like, de-arm him. I don't know if you could do that in this turn because you did shoot him.
And I like action for this or anything. Yeah. Yeah. I would say you can't take the stuff off of him right now, but yeah. Next. Next. Yeah. If you have the opportunity, you can disarm him or whatever he is. He's out though. You killed him. And then it's, well, Douglas had to leave. So let's just go G and there's one more informant left. One more. Um,
And he's he's the one who got shot by Douglas. He's hurt. He's hurting. He's doubled over. Yeah. Hmm. I think I look back and I'm like, there's no one behind me. OK, I guess it's not over. So I walk back.
And as I open the door, I see the guy like, Oh, and then I try and hit him with my staff. Oh yeah. He is the one who chased after you too. So, okay. Go ahead and make an attack. Uh, straight, straight the tactics. Yeah. It's a 18 to hit.
Yeah, that hits. Okay, roll for damage. A six damage. Yep, he's out. Man, you have a mighty staff. You could take two guys out with that. A good staff. I've seen how he helped Moses. So he gave me a think of Yoda, you know, with his staff. Another one of my mentors, obviously.
Your stick is better than bacon. And I have Yoda on my shirt with a stick. Nice. Okay, sorry. With combat being over, can I walk over to May? Is that what her name is?
Maya, I was saying she said her name when she was talking to you. My name's Maya. I'm trying to look for. Can I collect my weapons? Yes, you may. Can I use a force power called give life? Give life. Yes. So how does that work? I spend one of my hit die to heal the person. Okay.
You can do that. I give her nine hell. Okay. Yeah, she is fully healed. She doesn't have that much. I like walk up to her and I put my hand on her chest and, uh, heal her wound. Oh, cool. Resurrection.
Well, it's not a wound. She just unstunned her. I guess woke her up. Yeah. But she, oh yeah, she actually did have, she was injured. Um, she, she had been shot in the leg. So yeah, you can steal her, her, uh, injury as well. Um, so she'll get wake up and be like, Oh, what happened? You tell us. How did you do that? What, what happened? How did you do that?
It does not matter right now. It doesn't, it was that guy and I point at, uh, point at Newt. Okay. Um, okay. So I don't know what you're saying.
I guess I'd join you guys since I'm literally standing off. Yes, you might as well. The other people who were in the area cleared out as soon as the fighting started. So now it's kind of empty. There's nobody kind of around you. And the cantina and the casino closed their doors to keep that out.
This is the next. Oh, okay. So still clutching her side, which she's fixed. So nevermind. She says, thanks for the help back there. Follow, follow quickly before the reinforcements show up. And as she goes down various, do you guys going to follow her? Yes. Okay. She says, not staying here. Quickly, quickly come, follow me. And so she says in here.
and beckons and crawls into a maintenance hatch. And it's a small cramped space that she has been hanging out there for a little while, it seems. There's a small cot in the corner, some spare parts, a ration kit on the floor, and
She says, we can speak freely and here. My name is Maya. I am a member of the Alderaanian security and I'm part of Senator Bail Organa's personal security detail. And she grabs a drink of water. She says, I was sent by the
the station. I was sent to the station to recover a very important piece of cargo, shipped all the way from the deep core, but I was intercepted by Imperials after I arrived.
Apparently, I'm working for this vocal opponent, the Bail Organa of the Empire has tagged me as troublemaker, and they want to take me off the station one way or another. And the cargo needs to be secured. I'm no shape to do it myself. Oh, now she is now, I guess. Are you guys willing to help me? I'm certain Senator Organa will be more than happy to reward you for your efforts. Are you guys able to help me?
uh i look at her and i say um miss may maya my name is maya maya maya maya sorry i keep getting this wrong uh
I'm not sure I can be much help because I am also a wanted person and, uh, well, I mean, if you're watching, but if you're, if you, I mean, that's all I'm asking. I'm willing. I'll hear you out more.
I mean, that's all I'm asking. It is a dangerous place, a dangerous area. If you're wanted, then I totally understand, but we're trying to fight against the Empire and it's not going to be an easy fight, but they've done so much harm and we're just doing the Senator and we're just trying to do our best to try and make small
things, it strikes wherever we can against the empire. I mean, if you're willing to help. What was your name again? I am, I am G. G. I'm G. G? G. Nice to meet you. Okay. And, and what's, and she looks at new, all right. Are you, what was your name? Are you Pantorik or? Yes.
Yes. And he'd be like, these are the files I'm like, yes. Whatever you just said. All right. Are you able to help me? What's your name? Sorry. Uh, Newt. And no, we have to find a ship. He looks the other direction, starts walking the other direction. Newt, Newt, come back. We do need to find a ship, but we must help with this effort.
And then she looks at the strange or this fully armored Mandalorian. Are you, you must be Mandalorian. Like you did great back there. Like I can't believe you, you just jumped right in and I'm sorry that they started shooting at you. Or what was your name? Name's Sunreal. I'm probably inspecting my new weapon while talking. I don't know.
Yeah. Is there anything to do? Thank you guys so much for your help. Well, and then she looks at the small Jawa who's there too and gets his name and then, um, we'll, we'll end up, we'll end it. We'll end here and then we can, um, stack in this room before we go on to the, uh, the next section. But she says, thank you truly. Thank you so much for helping me. We could save the lives of countless beings.
I'll show you my contact switch. He's, he's droid and try and figure out how we can receive the cargo and, and get you guys off of this station. But thank you guys for your help and assistance. Okay. Any final things you guys want to say before we close the episode here? Okay.
All right, so that will that will end us today. So thank you guys for joining us on our first foray into Star Wars 5e. Sorry if I was a little bit scatterbrained. I did some stuff too, but it's definitely a new experience for me to GM a full campaign. So just a little bit iffy as I get started, but hopefully it'll become smoother.
Anyway, thanks. Thanks so much for listening and check out our Patreon or you can check out our website at where you can access our Patreon if you'd like to help support us more and our merch page will be up there too. And then you could listen to all our podcasts, follow us on our socials, which is Facebook and Twitter.
Yeah, the other ones. Red and threads. I don't have my notes page up. YouTube and. YouTube. Yeah. We'll be on YouTube now. So. And TikTok. YouTube and TikTok and threads. Yes. So, and thanks so much for listening and watching because we're.
Uh, video now and I probably made some weird faces and looked down a lot, but you know, we're just getting used to this new format. So tell your friends about us and we will see you guys next time then. Bye. And Luke waved. Hi. Backs waved. I'm not going to wait. I said Luke waved. No, I said I'm not.
Oh, you're not going to say it? No, Jess is not going to wave. Well, they're going to know. Oh, that's true. Yeah. Yeah. They can actually see you wave. Well, maybe not because we're going to block your screen. But Luke is not going to be seen. Luke is not going to be seen. But Luke. Bye. Bye.