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The Meta Games - Avengers Battle of New York (Ft. The AARPG Podcast) image

The Meta Games - Avengers Battle of New York (Ft. The AARPG Podcast)

Rolling Across The Pond
34 Plays6 months ago

We are joined by the AARPG crew!!! The game system: Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game. Luke is Quick Silver, Becs is Scarlett Witch, Tyr is Iceman, Sean is Ghost Rider and last but certainly not least Malcolm is Patsy Walker AKA Hell Cat. These heroes face the infamous  Loki and try and save New York.



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Introduction and Setup

. Hey, welcome back to Rolling Cross the Pond. . I'm your GM Jesse. And today we are doing a kind of a meta-games, kind of not a meta-games. We're doing a special episode. Another group is joining us today and we will have them introduce themselves in a moment. But for now, I will let my cast go ahead and introduce themselves. Hi, I'm Luke. Hi, I'm Luke. Hi. How do you just leave it at that? I'm Luke.

Cast Introductions

Hi, I'm Dex. And we are joined that amazing intro with amazing podcast. They are a great bunch of people, and I've enjoyed listening to them for a while, and I'm excited to have them with us. So here is the AARPG. Please introduce yourselves. Hi, I'm Malcolm of AARPG. Hi, I'm Tyr. I'm with the AARPG podcast. Hi, I'm Sean. I'm with the ARPG. I will, thank you. I always do that to my friends. We do that to each other. Hi, I'm Sean. ah I'm with the ARPG and I'm just thankful that Jesse is running this instead of Nathan. That's all I wanted to say. Thank you. Go take it away.

Game Disclaimer

We are doing a bit of a disclaimer here. We are running the Marvel Multiverse RPG and
As I've said in the past and as I will say again, we do not associate ourselves with Disney, we do not associate ourselves with Marvel. We are using this for entertainment purposes and it does not align with or interpret anything we have with the Marvel series. It is a compendium of of what we wanted to do today and we so we are doing the Avengers we're doing the Battle of New York scene and we're gonna see how these guys do and if they can face the incoming Chitauri and the Viathans and the infamous Loki and see if they can do better than then the Avengers themselves sorry listeners but I didn't have them introduce their characters because I wanted to do like fun intros so I
I'm probably hanging out with my sister.

Character Preparations and Initial Battle

We're just kind of, whether that's, I'll let her decide, but it's training or just playing game or something, just kind of hanging out. And then we get the call and they're like, we'll be there as quick as we can. Uh, I'll go with, we were training, we were, you know, interacting with our powers and all. When I feel like it went up in the call, it would have been someone in person. A random call is very strange. And so someone, I guess, shows up, tells us about the situation, asks for help, and I could see Quicksilver's excitement to join in. So we join. Yep. So if you didn't realize that, listeners, Luke is playing Quicksilver and Bex is playing Scarlet Witch.
So, Sean is playing the ghost writer. I want to stick with the book when Robbie Reyes, I think I'm poking up pronouncing that right. So Robbie's hanging out, getting something to eat. And he suddenly is overwhelmed with this feeling as he is a ghost writer with sin or victims or innocence or concur. He feels it, and his phone rings, and it's ICE. ICE has called him. He says, New York's being invaded. We need you. He happens to be stuck in Jersey City for a minute, but he at each transforms into the ghost rider. He plays his bill first. He transforms into the ghost rider, jumps on his motorcycle, transforms into these races, literally across the water, to the fight to rendezvous with Ice Band and Shield.
Hi, I'm Tear, and I'll be playing Bobby Drake. Bobby Drake at the time is in is in New York, visiting from San Francisco, and is just walking out of the lobby with of the Baxter Building, saying goodbye to his friends Mr. Fantastic and Sue Storm. thanking them for what's going on when he's approached by the director and has asked as they Bobby, hey, we know each other. Can we talk for a minute? We we could probably use your hand. Sue Reed, we understand you're busy. and they yeah they're like They're already running off.
And he is he's like, listen, New York is in trouble. ah We've got a big incoming. We have no time. we can't The X-Men are off off on mission. everyone's like You've played for every team in the book now. There's only one T-shirt you haven't gotten. Would you help us out? And of course, Bobby's like, all right, as long as I don't have to get another uniform, I'm great to go. Let's let's do it. And ah they run off.
So on Malcolm, I'll be playing Patsy Walker, aka Hellcat. She's actually in her Hellcat uniform because she has a very, she's a public identity. And she is ah doing sort of a promotional thing in the, I guess it's Union Station. I'm not sure what the station is down there in Manhattan. As far as SHIELD, they have her sort of on a, we'll just call it a retainer. They don't really, she's a bit too public to have her part of their secret organization at this point in time. But she does have a ringer, which goes off and lets her know that there's some sort of incident happening. But almost as soon as it goes off, there is a rumble to the city. And she excuses herself and tells everyone to get to safety. And then springs out the door, but having no clue where she needs to go yet. But she's ready for it.

Grand Central Battle Begins

After those immediate or not immediate arrivals to New York to fight the Chitauri, Loki and whatnot,
these guys have battled for a little bit and are now at that center point of if you've seen the marvel cinematic universe avengers you will know that they all come together at one point after almost losing it and are starting to rise up again and so that's where we find them so you guys are on the grand central bridge and I don't know the formation, or you're circling up, or what, but you see in the distance a portal opening up. You see the Chitauri that are already here kind of surrounding you. You see them just blatantly not caring about if the person is alive or dead, or if, yeah, if people are in their way, they just kill them. There is no other alternative than to murder
These people. Role initiative. All right. Better than... Ooh. Okay. So, wait. That's a marble. Oh, if you get a marble, that's a bonus action in your round. and that Well, I have the marble and then I got... Everything else seems like crap, but I'm not sure what that means. I got that sort of... I'm a fantastic initiative. ceo fantastic I did too. Quicksilver, do you automatically get that then? Do you automatically

Tactics and Civilian Defense

get a bonus round? i because of Or you have to use an ability? i I think if I pass, then I get an automatic fantastic. Okay. What rank is everyone? Except for you, Sean, because you don't count. um Iceman is rank four. i'm right far I'm rank five. rank five.
three hey no you were the lowest one i'm the same as spiderman same as spiderman except for he has like a ton more powers than i do i think maybe he's not ranked three i think someone else is ranked three hey i beat while we're uh while we're getting ready for this round um bobby's bobby's on the phone uh and is ah listen listen peter peter i have to i have to go i i wrote i i know you're an amazing friend but i gotta go and just hang us up We have closing in Chitare, we have a portal opening up, and we have ah three of us can get up to that portal, I think. I mean, it depends on how you want to do it because they there are also those Chitare on those vehicles and their flag that are starting to fly. little chart thing We need to clear out the civilians, get a perimeter, and get the police back to help us. I can work on the perimeter. Well, I was thinking someone a little faster, but you can create a barrier at least. I can also create a barrier.
but i the Flaming been there, but maybe you could ride your bike up the side of a building and then jump into the portal and the which can happen Okay, and I'll just claw my way through this I Will get the soul. It's just like being on the defenders except for you guys aren't quite as powerful. That's okay Look into my eyes All right. Come on. I got a couple good attacks. I can use here Also, did you say you were rank five? Yeah, who's ranked five? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What? I'm ranked four.
I'm more powerful than the twins. She's more powerful. you know She got that bigger vomega of that sibling rivalry. Is it a really a rivalry? As an actual twin, and there's always the more powerful one. wo Just hopefully my brother doesn't see this. but that's Yeah. to We didn't say which one was more powerful. True, but we all know which one. Yeah. it's like There's a gibbon. I will address you as your superhero name from now on. I suddenly don't feel like I know my powers well enough. So you see immediately, Scarlet Witch, you see at least approaching you are at three on one side of the bridge and two on the other. Doesn't mean there aren't any further away. It just means those are in your immediate.

Scarlet Witch's Offensive

I really want to try this one out, but it may be overkill, but we'll see. I'm going to use Flames of the Felton at one of the ones of the three on one side of the bridge. Okay. So roll an ego check. So that's a 22. That's why I double checked. Wow. There's no way you missed the video. 29. Red, you know like her, well the Scarlet Witch kind of like coloring of the flames just immediately shoots out to the middle one and like completely engulfs him. Well no so it does it and you see just the metal of the Chitauri's like all that whatever it is holding it is just melting off and you see like half of the face
Bit just just slipping off, but then it's still standing It's not okay, but it's still standing How much damage did you to? 29. Oh, there may be a problem here guys for ah for some of us. Yeah, I think somebody needs to go like to directly to Loki. Oh, I think this is going to be a one shot just FYI. So yeah think we're gonna start and finish it today. Whether it's in 10 minutes, whether it's in two hours, you know, three, but we're gonna finish it today. Okay. Okay. Oh, boy. ah Is there anything like any objects nearby to the Chitauri?
I mean, there's the police are starting to do, a like, their police duties. So there's police cars on one side of the bridge. I think it's on the side where the three jitaris are. There's, I guess, a car or two on the bridge itself, like away. What is, sorry, was there something that like within two spaces of them? Of them? Roll. I'll roll. I'm going to say there's a random bin. Okay. because there is a there is an ability called the molecular destabilization oh okay so you're gonna attack the bin oh it just kind of hit the bin into the three of them like a bowling alley yeah nice yeah i don't think ten is enough there and is not enough
Yeah. I run over and I kick over the bin and then I'm like, you know what? I will say, I'll say you, you do that and it bounces and bounces. And because of Scarlet Witch's attack on the middle guy, you just take him out because he only had one health left. He's melting. He's, he's got, he's like, please help me for the love of God right now. I want to go. I want to. do all things for me yeah So he's gone. You have two on both sides now. Yeah, and then i'll then I'll just hit the other guy. Punch. 17. 17 hits. Okay. 18 damage. Great. like So as things start pew spewing out of the portal, you do see the Chitauri that are on some glider thingies fly over your head. Hmm.
Are they close enough that you could possibly jump onto them? If you had help, yeah. I mean, I don't think... Like, hardcore, you know, like, eh, you know. Yeah, no, if you, if you can get, if you can get the lift, yeah, I think you could grab onto it. But they're not shooting or anything. They're just passing by. So they're just over your heads right now.

Hellcat's Tactical Moves

Yeah. I think I'm going to use my move twice to get higher up so she can go jump on top. Would would it, would it, would it be a reaction to help to assist Hellcat? Yeah. Yeah. I get an, I get an extra because of combat reflexes and a combat expert, I get an extra reaction per turn. So when Hellcat mentions that, uh, that she wants a boost.
He's like, all right, hold on, and shoots it right underneath her, shoots an ice platform straight up in the air. Great, great. And that should boost you straight up. I will move to jump on the terrier and then use a grapple tube. I would say first do either an agility or melee to see if you can grab on and hold on as it's lost. OK, so let me do the agility. and it's ah and does it's got to be like at least a 12 yeah it's over a 12 it's a it's a 16 great so you yeah you grab on to the with the 16 where do you want to land i want to land directly behind the chariot driver i mean the territory that way i can just flip them off and then grab the claws and just
Now, yeah you can do that, but... I'm not sure, is that two person things? I can't remember what they look like anymore. They are two person things. Okay, in that case, the not the driver, the other guy. Yeah, so you land in front of him, and now I won, like you said, a grapple check. So I think we're doing melee versus melee. Just a melee thing, yeah. Okay, so I'll just do a melee. Do I want both of these guys? No, I'll just go with him for now. o
Well, yeah. I don't think an eight's going to pull it off. They also got me. I don't know how. ill use alien Well, in that case. I'm going to say it's a standoff. I say you grapple, but you can't throw at this point. I'm still in the air and we're still going some places. Yes, you're still going. Kill them. I will, once again, use the flames. Yes, burn them. Burn their souls. There's still the two guys there, right? There's two guys on both sides of you and one glider thing above you with Hellcat on it. Oh, I can't aim for that one then. I was like, it'd be so cool if I just like take out the driver and it crashes, but no. That's my plan. Terrible plan. But, you know, I'm not going to drive this thing. Don't worry. I've got moments. I'll let you deal with that one. All right.
The one on the same side that I previously attacked and not the one that Quicksilver just punched. Okay. So that guy, I'm going to aim this, um, the fire at flames of futiline, something like that. That was not my best role, but okay. So that would be 16. 16 hit. Not your best role, but still good. Yes. I can't get lower than a six feet. I'm about to say it's good. Okay. And I, for the damage, I did roll the Marvel one. So that would be 92. Good night.
With that you unleash some incredible power and you take out three of the Chitauri that are near you. So just the two on the side you were fighting that you targeted and then the one one of them on the on the other side. So there's still just one Chitauri left but Yeah, I'll say just it like spread usually you can only tackle one but this is I'm doing splash dab and whatever i Yeah, I'll take a step back as she's doing that so I don't get cross I'll turn to the other guy and be like, are you sure you want to stay? Yeah, I do now. I think that's yes But I'm I'm up there. Yeah Okay, what do you do a quick silver?
Can I try to persuade him just to be like, leave? No. There's no persuading. They're a hive mind. It's not going to work. sound like Am I able to pick up Scarlet Witch and run? Yeah, you could do. Just to get her closer to it and then she can fly up. It's really what you guys want to do. How far can you run? how How far can you run? It says outside of combat. Would that be like, if I'm not fighting, if i'm If I'm not fighting, if I'm just running, it okay. No, this is still in combat. you know Then 23? I don't know if that's impressive. 23 spaces? Four, yeah. We know I move five. Just to put that in context, okay? I would say you could probably get halfway. I would say you're going so fast, you could... Well, yeah, you can do that. Yeah, Joel, what are you doing?
We're going the bad guy. I'm the bad guy. The other bad guy. Where is he? Oh, I'm just going in this direction. guys As you pass by, you do see this Leviathan coming down towards ah your area.

Leviathan Escalation

And you see a lot of Chitauri. You're passing loads of Chitauri, just FYI, and they are attacking civilians, just being that in mind. We've got to save the civilians. I guess I do have, like, actions. I could just, like, punch them and run. Well, no, because your action would be picking up Skylar Witch. Well, I have two... I have two actions per turn. Oh, sure. I'll just, like... You can attack one Chitauri.
but Yeah, i'll I'll do like a speed blast because that kind of work with it. and There you go. And it stuns one of the Jitari, I guess. Is that all it does or do you have to roll? I have to roll. But if it's if it's a success, they're stunned. If it's so fantastic, they're prone as well. ah to I always forget to look at the thing. Twenty one. Sixty seven. 67, yeah. You take out two guys while you're passing through. Just trip. Earlier earlier today, Luke goes to ask me about one of his powers, and he goes, is that OP? And I'm like, well, you guys are superheroes in the Marvel universe. You're all OP. And I was like, but except for Hellcat. Hellcat's probably the voice of sex. I was like, well, yeah. i Oh, actually, yeah that is a good point. I'll use that power. What? What? What's happening?
I'll use that power, too. Does it just automatically work? It's already two actions you've taken. This is a reaction. Okay, cool. I go Evan Peters mode.
Okay, so okay so luke what Quicksilver is saying is he's going to time stop, but we'll carry on. If I could save time in a bottle. Yeah, that scene. Yeah, exactly. He's just and running as fast as he can. So the next thing is the glider Chitauri. Okay. And so what he's going to do is try and throw you off. So you're going to do another strength. so he's gonna try and grapple me or something you you you guys are already grappled okay and so now as you're both holding on to each other he's gonna just try and throw you off okay and that's completely possible uh you roll a melee and i rolled melee i just got a 10
Oh, thank God. They nearly squeaked through with a 12. Oh, but you still you stand your ground. and he's your we right we are yeah right I'll take a defensive stance. You at the same time see the other Chitauri on the driver's seat just trying to figure out where to go, what to do. He has a direct, like he's trying to find a coordination with the others, but at the same time he's a bit unbalanced because there's extra weight and he just doesn't know why. Good, we'll keep it that way. Soon he'll have the perfect weight. What is, I've been really good at, nevermind.
I don't even talk about that. We'll just deal with this. When's your target time? So the ghost writer sees a ah lot going on and he is, of course, a vengeful, bloodthirsty spirit. But he knows there's a source. So does he sense like a source main source of all this issue or somehow kind of make a role for that? Because there's so much, so much. Yeah. Yeah. Ego role. Make an ego or logic role. I'll go if ego. I think I have a better bonus with that. Oof, maybe not. Eighth. You need to get but maybe, I want to say, ah I want to say 15 to get a lot of information, a 12 to get a little bit. I rolled a, with my bonus, uh, 17. No, no, 16. 16. 16 still. 16 still passes. So with that, yeah, you, and like you were saying, you feel the spirit of vengeance, you feel energies and
There are two things you feel. There, well, I guess three things. So you feel the energy, the source of chaos and unpredictability it and kind of space itself. And it's coming from this stark tower, but you also feel a huge sense of power. And it is also the Stark Tower. And the third thing you, you are not, I mean, not just sensing, but because you guys have calms, Fury's trying to talk you guys through, what did you need help, blah, blah, blah. And you sense in his voice that there's something going on on his end. Hmm. Okay.
So not okay. So the spirit of vengeance will focus on the Stark tower because that's where the nexus is. And all this is a distraction, you know, did all this that has to be, you know, he goes right after the, uh, you know, the biggest gun. So he's going to take his hellfire bike. And he's going to radio to everybody else because he must he must descend upon the Stark Tower. That is where that is where vengeance will be satisfied, that he will he'll look to follow me. And he's going to before he tears off, though, to help everybody, he's going to do a elemental. Garage, so just to do something to help before he tears off, you know, life. So he's going to be he's going to make an attempt to do that. Then it's with ego. OK, let's see.
Oh my god, this is a hideous roll. So I got a 12 total with, with, that's with my, 12 hits. 12 hits each Atari. Yep. So they got to make a counter roll with their egos. Oh, do they? Yes. Okay. So they got to beat my roll. They pass. The Ghost Rider goes foul creatures, foul, fall, and he hits his foot on the ground with a fire wave around his roll, 10 hexes around him, and all the shitard briefly are illuminated in fire. Now, of course, they're probably like, oh, but it doesn't do anything to him. Also, during that time, you get in your headset
Hey, there's a there's a bit of a quite a bit of people being cornered in the First American Bank down your area, so just keep that in mind. On my way. Can I get there? I'll take care of the bank. ah you all ah You all focus on what you're doing. and about ah Could I get to the bank in a reasonable amount of time? What's your movement? My fly, which is my ice slide, is 24. Yeah, you get there. you You get there in plenty of time.
I'm assuming I'm already in my ice elemental form. So I just make an ice slide down into the bank. And what do I say? As you approach, you hear screaming, you hear that or do that or that. And you you do see, roll, roll me a, I want to say a vigilant chair or a logic chair. Vigilance is better for me. I think I think vigilance works here. 16. 16 you you recognize that the Chitauri are there's two on the ground floor in the main entrance and then there's one or there's three up top on the The first floor. Okay. Is there like a ah window and you with the 16 you also hear like a Where would that be from that would be in the top floor? Okay
um All right, so I'll slide right through the windows under the top floor So you break through and you see you see two Chitauri one with the step like like a like a sword thing and then the other one with this massive cannon and then the other one is Messing with something. Okay elemental prison. I will coat that I will coat them in a massive block of ice and Including that thing. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah I am actually gonna use one of the karma points and make a reroll on my low. It's the lowest. Yeah. Yes. Yeah Okay, that helps a lot 20 20. Yes you
I will even let you do the below with the 20 because they only have 11. So I would say that you can get all six of them frozen. Yeah, so so they're so it traps. They're not frozen solid. They're trapped in a prison with that. Oh, okay. He'll slide in. He'll coat. He'll coat them all in an ice bubble or sphere. And it's like, get out, get to the back. You know, great and so you do see Some civilians start, I mean, they were already cornered so they can't necessarily get to the back, but they're trying to get as far. Some of them are like even thinking of jumping over the, uh, the banister to get to the first floor, uh, or the the ground floor. Well, and I do get an extra reaction this turn. Okay. Um, and I'll create an ice slide down for them. Oh, beautiful. Yeah. So they can slide down. That's great. Yeah. Yeah. Amazing.
So they start jumping down. If anybody else is is lagging behind, it's like, come on, I know this is New York and strange things happen all the time, but get the hell out of here. What are you going to do about it? So those Chitauri that are in the bank are frozen, but they make an ego check or not frozen. They're in the cells, but they make an ego check. The 12th? Nope. They're looking for a 16 or they're looking above a 16. Cool, so nothing, not even a Marvel die. And then that one Chitauri that is basically left on the bridge is like, ugh, and starts shooting at the police officers that are but on the other side of the bridge. Like he shrugs his shoulders and just starts shooting the other side of the bridge. I need to get rid of this guy, so.
Well, actually, yeah, I'll just, I'll go after him. That's what I'll do. But I will, definite I'll jump into a defensive stance and then wait for him to do that. If he texts me, then I'll use a reverse momentum throw to knock him off. And then the Leviathan, then just swoop through. God. the air kind of very close to you Hellcat. Just who just gave you jump on it. But I don't think I'd stop it, nevermind. I'll just, that seems like a dumb idea. Even for me, like that's a bit much. You you you see it just whack the bank and a few other buildings near it. Not not so low that you would feel it, Iceman, but you could see like shatter. You can hear it so close to you and it's just going straight through that area. We've got to stop. and We've got to get these civilians out of here. okay you During this whole time, you hear screaming, shouting. Yeah, okay. I got to get get somewhere and start talking to somebody. Shoot, I wasted time on this. Too much time to get this motorcycle. this shery
We'll see. We'll see it all come into play.

Portal and Threat Intensifies

And through that, as I have said before, we are going to get more Chitauri. So Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, as you guys are at kind of the center of this portal as you look up, you see so many coming out. But only a few more gliders are coming into like super jumping distance so there's not like a load but like there's about five more just coming flying through close-ish but not super close. I'll say with those five gliders you do see another leviathan falling behind them. Thank! I'm going to try to use powerful hex where I can simulate another power with my magic
Oh, interesting. And as long as I have the ring, I should be able to use it. So correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to go for elemental barrage using that. Okay. And yeah, like as close to the middle between the gliders coming in to try to affect as many of them as possible. In a 10 square space. Yeah. Or does that not impact much? We'll say, like I said, they're, they're in jumpy, like super jumping distance. So they're about 30 squares up from Stark's tower. So you also, you also have to get to the top of the tower. Then. do I can fly 25. 25 squares up. I think you could get to the top of Stark tower.
Okay, but not close enough to ah affect them with that? Is that it? No, with 25, I think you could fly up past the tower because that's one building. You went about 24 is a halfway two starts, which is mine. Okay. So am I good to roll? Yes, go ahead. 19. You're in hit. All right. but Wait, no, I needed to roll. That's right. I needed to roll. It hit. Okay, so I did roll a fan fantastic success on damage. I'm dying. Yep. It's 92.
Yo, I'll say you take out two of the glider thingies. Okay, since she was just being carried by Quicksilver, she just kind of does this like leap while pushing off of his shoulder, like to get higher, flies up and just like two hands forward, planes shooting out. Yeah. I'll say, I'll give you actually the option. Do you want to take out two gliders or do a really big hit to the Leviathan? Oh no. Should I go for the Leviathan? think Okay. I'll go for the Leviathan. Okay.
So yeah, the violin is engulfed with this power and you do see it just singe most of it and some of the armor even pops off. It's not down, but it's hit hard. Okay. but So just to recap what my last turn did, I ran up, pushed, ran out, did 423 points of damage to the Chitauri, caught 119 were some bullet damage to other people. So I just caught both. It's like the one shooting at the at the police car. Oh, sure. And then just ran back to catch her, catch Scarlet Witch in case she was gonna come down. I can fly. Yeah, no, just in case. Okay. Protective older brother. Wait, are you older? No. We're twins. Probably not. I'll be a matter of. I think by by two minutes. And I think it is Scarlet Witch.
Ha! You're my baby brother. Okay, so now what are you gonna do? i I'm mostly looking to Scarlet Witch to see if she needs help with anything or if any of, I guess anybody, if anybody is like, I need help! Give me a second, what's going on? I think these guys in this bank are gonna need some help in a few seconds. You do hear in your comms like three more of these massive preaches coming out. We need somebody to take those out now. then i I'll do that, yeah. three How far away are they from me? I'd say for you in combat, you could probably get to one of them this turn. Okay, I guess I'll just ah hit once here twenty one, 21 to hit.
wine It's yeah, I'd say anything anything above a 20 definitely would hit sure and that would be 44 44. Okay, so that takes another good hit you ah I would say you are on top of it now. So you're like holding on to it and you hit it and you, again, do a good punch, you break ah through the another plate of armor, still kick in though. Just because I'm quick silvering can move really fast. Does 18 also hit? No. Okay. Then I'll try to hit it again and just go, ow, how did you do that? Actually with that specific area, I think, yeah, you can, you can hit that. Cause it's armor piece is gone. Cause you broke it. Damn. Oh, quick maths. 39.
39. Great. You are whittling this thing down. I'm trying to move it towards the the bank to see if I can try to help them too, but... Okay, you're pushing it towards the other one's path. I'm trying. I'm trying. Say with that punch or with that bit, whatever it was. I think you can direct it to fall that way. Yeah, especially because you hit contact with it, not just the the shield on top of the armor on top. So that's good. I'm coming, guys. The Chitari are that are on the glider with help. act And I go.
An attack? Just, you know, since he's, uh, since I'm in a defensive stance, his attacks are troubled. Troubled? Okay, cool. Great. Okay. Does it, uh, hate it? Oh, no. But, since you did that, I will use my defensive, uh, my, I'm sorry, reverse momentum throw. Uh, I will say roll me a string. Uh, or, sorry, a melee. A melee. Okay. I would say you could do agility because you're using the momentum already.
e their way it is a guess it's ah it's twenty nine well oh yeah yeah you you don't just make them go prone you i'm not not when the door nineteen at god I'm still a 19 spirit kid. 29 is great. And nineteen and so am I. Cool. I want you to then roll me a agility and check again.
That's gonna suck. ah That is a 12. Okay, so as you do that, the Chitauri that's driving... Realizes. ...earns. Yes. They hear all the commotion. Okay. And, yeah. So, as it sees that, it's going to try and flip the glider. Okay. Plus! yeah exactly i was gonna say it doesn't really have to do much other than roll but i decided you know what i'm gonna see if they can hold on as long as you got a 15 you're fine if you got a 12 i'll say you're okay but you're slipping off if you've gotten in less than that you're i'm off uh yeah go i'm gonna
ah click after the I am going to... Yeah, it's good. I'll spend the Karma. Much better? It's a 15. 15? Okay, so you put your claws in, and you stay on, and you see the Chitauri overdo it, and they actually, like, start to slip off. Idiot! Okay, well, that's fine. I want them off, but i don't I need to get up there first.
And so, yeah, so they're starting to slip off the the control. If we get level again, and I mean, could I use my move to move up there? I just don't know. Oh, yeah. Yeah, why not? it's You know, after the other guy gets not moves at me, I hit him, he smashes against the side, and then falls off. And the guy spins, turns and flips it over, but then he sort of like loses grip and begins slipping off. I grab with my claws and claw towards him. And then using my back, let's flip over and kick him off. And the whole thing spins over. Of course, I have no idea what I'm doing yet, but I grab the controls and just say, I've got this. Not sure if I do, but I've got confidence and I've got gumption because I'm Patsy Walker, the Hellcat. There we go.
like so as i So the civilians have now cleared out away from the the ice prison. Iceman sees the Chitauri trapped inside trying to shoot their way out futilely. Does he see the bomb? Yeah. So very obvious. Just for flavor, if you don't mind, as he before he takes his move action, the Chitauri who set the set the bomb has probably tried to go to deactivate it. Iceman snaps his fingers, coats the coats the bomb at a stickery in a sticky um coating of ice, goes, have fun with that, and ah and slides out the window. As you slide out, and as that you see the civilians um running out, it just blows up. Because at the end of your turn, it was going to blow up either way. So as he slides out, it's like, all right, youre I here you're ah i yeah hear you got a problem with some ah big flying squids. Where are they?
I don't know, look up. So as he flies out the out the out the window, is there, are there, there is no why but there's one divided right in front of you. and And so the other one is coming, would you say it's coming towards me? Yeah, I'd say, but it's still a about like 40 squares away. Uh, 40 square. that And that's, is that, so there's two that, is that the closest one is 40 squares away? No, no, the closest one is about and maybe five. That's the one I'm talking about. Does it notice me and have its mouth open? No, no, no, it is passing by. Oh, you see like mid can't like quicksaver will have have all the fun here. I mean, I'd lose my street cred as an X-Men.
And he is going to try elemental grab. So what he's going to do is try to create a giant, a giant ice hand to grab the creature by its, by its face. So I'll just slide up. next I'll slide up slightly above it and ah try this melee and try this ego attack. 21. 21. Yeah. That yeah you got him. So there is an instantaneous reaction power that I have with elemental grab called elemental suffocation, which is why he wanted to grab it by the head. Okay. 21. 21, yeah. Yeah. Oh, okay. So what happens at that point is he's coded this thing's head, he's grabbed it by the head, coded its head in ice. That is going to be 30 points of regular damage or ice damage. Awesome. Great. So yeah, this thing, this thing's head gets encased in ice. It is being suffocated.
Ooh. Okay. And so as it's getting coated with ice, it will just full body go into the nearest building and get distracted that way. You got your eye out on that one, Fury? Ooh. Holding my good eye. like It's ghost riders heading up. but What is this? Is there anything he could take a strike at one of these big ah flying equity called the gliders or the leviathans? Yeah. it's da He would take on a leviathan. So is there like the one, the one that, uh, ice man just started suffocating is above you. Okay, cool. I will. Hmm.
And these aren't really, are these things that God, they're not sense, you know, are they? They're high creatures. So oh these are just siege beast. They don't even say, I think a pen and stare. Ain't going to go all the way back home. So, so what he could do is he could strike it like like it's it it's a Bobby like within 10 above me. Can I hit it? Yeah, okay I'd say with that ice, he basically pushed it into a nearby building, which lowered it. Alright, so as he's rolling along, he'll say he'll he'll whip out his hellfire chain and send it up and strike. Jesus, God, I'm rolling like into a new and dragging bee.
So that's not bad. Still not a bad role. um It's 13. 13 does not. She the Coast Riders. There's just so much distraction and destruction around it. We just can't focus right now. I am rolling terrible. And what I'm going to start doing now is just counting casualties. mostly to make you guys feel bad, mostly to to to create more of a story, yeah but yeah, to count casualties. with whenever If you're not in in contact or and in fighting with the Chitauri, I will just count casualties. So I'm just gonna roll the Marvel die for now. So four casualties in this moment have just happened.
And Kate Bishop's parents or dad or something. God dog it. No, if it if it hits the Marvel, the if it hits a one, yeah, it's one of your guys is like best friends. but We'll see. We'll see how harsh I get. My best friend. Oh, no. And that's actually Hetty. I actually have her name because she was like in all my comic books with me, apparently. But she didn't marry the son of Satan and lived a normal life.
Get on her. Does that make girls make it difficult? I'm just curious. Like, I mean, do you have to choose which venue? It's not like an Applebee's you can go to when you're married to this one that's eight. Oh, no, we we did all kinds of things. Yeah. And then we retired and became a cult a consultants to the Avengers. for a while And then his power, then he started losing all his powers because he lost the Satan part, you know, and dying. Just working on Home Depot now? Yeah, I don't know. Well, see, here's the thing. I had the brilliant idea. I'll just go to hell and ask his dad, like, to just, like, give them back.
since I know he's not doing bad things, but, you know, he could still be like, you know, your son. And he said, sure. And did something to my brain to the point that I really just was went really, like, completely insane. So, you know, for because from my experience and what I saw. The Chitauri combat's lenses are extremely easy to control and maneuver. All you need to do is just, it's like, it's easier than a motorcycle. You just jump on there and do this. So then I'm gonna whip it around, watch fire at some Chitauri on the ground between them and the civilians, and then swoop down there and say, in my public speaking voice,
Move everyone back beyond the 40th Avenue and blockade the area. Make sure you get these civilians moved and use the underground shelters used for mine. Just start doing that whole entire thing after I do that. Yeah, that's my whole entire thing. I'll spend karma. What do I need to do to make this happen? Roll me a... I mean, I do have... I do have public speaking. I will say roll me either ego or logic. Ooh, I'll go with logic.
Yeah, well, it's not a it's let's see that's a 15 15 passes. So yeah, I'll say you can't you get you like you do you get your bearings you grab it and you twist twist here like yeah, and then you see there's obvious like like the button doesn't say fire but it has like the Chitauri language and it means fire and so you're just like oh and you just see it start shooting at different areas, and you're getting there, and so you, that whole scene, done. Easy. they want to And I'll say, with that, you can take Romy, Romy the Marwold die.
times you're a jilly. Uh, I've made a jilly. Okay, so it's nine. So you take out three Chitauri at this moment with that gunner. That's actually more than I'd probably get. Yeah,

Nuclear Threat

great. Which you should be doing all along, right? This is what I planned on doing. It just took me a while to get there because there's two people on board. Didn't expect, forgot about that. And I was like, wait a second. There were two people on board. You had to take out one copy and take out the other. I was like, Oh yeah, I remember that scene. And it's like crap. like And now it is the life it's turn. You want to just suffocate and sleep? Which one? The one that's path. All of them. All of them.
yeah And it's going to the one that is in the building is going to just flap about. It's literally like a dead or dying worm. But you're just it's just suffocating. It's just smacking around. So road building civilian nearby with that. It kills five civilians. Question for you. I do have a I do have one reaction left this turn. OK.
And I'm next to that one that's flapping around. Could I could i protect could i protect those people? with like Yeah. Roll me in agility or a logic? All right. I'm going to roll agility. 17. 17. Yeah. you get You get in the way you put up an ice um barrier. and you make a slide to get them free to be safe out of the area of where they are. You even see one of them is in a window up top and you create you allow the slide to go up towards them and they get out. Yeah, so still down to only four casualties, I believe.
And the other Leviathan is going to, let me see where they directionally go. I'm going to say, yeah, they head that direction towards the same area. And let me see, they don't create any casualties, but the other leviathans bash into other buildings and create seven casualties. So any need of them in the range, cause I could put a reaction up maybe. No, they're, they're... That could create others too. Other side of my mind. Alright, no problem. Yeah. Crap. Alright. You hear on your comms, all of you, because there's not a specific person that and or can or can't. You all are pretty capable as of right now. You hear Fury say, hey, anyone in the neighborhood? Because there's a nuke headed towards you. Gee, oh man, we just escalated quickly? Okay.
And with that, you do see another two leviathans come down with another batch of Chitarion blood. We need to get the nuke to the source. They may just try and blow up New York, but let's not have them blow up all of Manhattan. Let's just try and send it back up there. Come get me, and I i will will fly up. I can wrap the duke in a chair. It looks like space and not my strong point. You could just jump off and glide to the ground, and I'll pick it up. I'm supernatural. I can take it. Actually, I can't. I do have a swimming portal thing. You know what? Sorry. What was that? something I'm sorry, grade five. What was that? make the portal
yeah You can make a portal. This whole time you could have made a portal. Well, maybe. One of them has to be next to me. Okay. The other one is, let's see, see matching a glowing portal in the other place. It is, it is not in Manhattan yet. It is on its way. It is the it is left the helicary right now. So I'll need to see the destination. So you'll need to get up there and look through the hole. And then when the fighter comes, we've got to steal it off the fighter and get it up there. or you Wait till it launches. Wait till it launches. No, it is launched. No, I mean the missile. No, it hasn't launched yet. But if the missile will be fired from the fighter. Then yeah have the you know hat the jet and then have the portal open up as the missile goes through and and you have to be there somehow by it when it opens. Quicksilver, it's on you to get her there.
yeah And then we have the other hole just facing up towards the tutorial. I don't know how that works. Because he took it all the way to there, didn't he? Okay. He just flew it through there and let it go. And then it just went and hit this it hit the thing because it has a tracking system. I assume it's heading this way. And so like yeah, so I think I'm going to continue attacking this Leviathan. And when it gets close enough where I'm in range of flying up to it, then I can use my Portal to get it, but I think for this round. I don't think it's close enough Yeah, and so that means ghost fighter you can continue to the tower of stark tower and also audience just a Reminder what I said earlier if I leave that in where I said this is gonna end today. This is what I meant
Yeah, that makes sense. It's the ultimate sanction, one or the other. That is kind of what they had in the movie, except for they pulled it off. I mean, I can survive a nuclear blast, but I don't know about the rest of you. so My legacy will survive. Did he just say that over comms? Did he say that? Who? I could survive a blast? Yeah, I did. Oh, yeah, I said I could survive the blast, but I don't think you guys can. I'm sure the guy who makes my bagels down on 3rd Street, he's not going to survive the nuclear blast. OK, Reyes? It's going to survive. He's like an employee of my father-in-law. Is that what it is? If you were in the right union,
It's got of that kind of, that talk is expected from his employees, believe me. It's all kind of weird. We're going to make it guys. We're going to make it. Oh man, I really want to go after Loki, but... Yeah, we still should. I assume and think we should still go after Loki. Just open a portal from him right into the space and just have him start over again. I mean, literally. this you just Just make, I mean, like he's fine until someone else portals him somewhere. He'll teleport back, but he's got some troubles. If I can get to Loki, I have a way of like, was it binding him? That is almost unfailable.
uh okay then then the the didn't do it too good and i'll see you later missile well i hope you use my little action to try to find him so you you don't know where he is in the stark tower you just know there is an energy source in the stark tower and on the stark tower the prettiest part of the stark tower that will probably be the observation area because he's kind of an egotist and i've been there because i used to work with tony stark Just having all this go through like the, yeah this go way of the kind to yeah like Quicksilver.

Confronting Loki

You you got this Leviathan. Yeah. Sorry. I got a lot bit lost with like, sorry. One person's insane. The other one is like Satan. What?
No, no, no, no, no, no. Ghost Rider works for Satan, sort of, which is technically- And it works for Mistoffelees' father-in-law. Mistoffelees is not my father-in-law. It's somebody else called Satan, which is kind of really close, but very different. It's weird. It's horrible. No, we can grab a coffee after the the battle. Or some karma. And what's wrong with you, Iceman? He's fine. Look, I've had a lot of problems. I mean... wait wait something wait Wait, wait, are you saying something's wrong with me? My image is perfectly fine. People understand. The relationships are difficult. There's a new category. We're talking about your freaking social life. Get on the program. People are dying. Silver, finish that thing. I am going to go find Loki, sorcerer to sorcerer. Yeah.
<unk>m I'm talking as I'm just kind of like punching that's exposed area. I have 79 damage and then that's the end of my turn. I love i love it. It's just like suffocating and covered in ice and then flip it over and chain fly in and about to hit him. And then Misha's like, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,
but so i have control yay fuck, like but yeah thatsy can i get to loki you fly towards the Stark Tower, and you see as you approach Loki on the balcony? I guess you call it the- It's really pretty, but I call it a balcony. Yeah, they there has the hangout area. Yeah. Skyatrium. And he is just admiring the chaos. He is just loving it. Are you coming in stealthily or not? I would stealth. Surprise!
I was kind of picturing something bigger, but also I feel like stealth is really the best bet if you could take it. And so... Roll a deal with me. 11. Ah, he sees you. ah He says, you, you're here to enjoy my wonderful experience. Can I still attack him? And then you can attack him. Yeah. Yeah. Because she doesn't care about his little speech. He's going in timeout. Yeah, he's just going. ra bar ro Like he's doing his whole monologue and you're just. So I'm going to use the Crimson Band of Synthrax. Zadarac, I think. Isn't that what it is? Zadarac, yeah. Yeah, probably. That's what I was going to do. Great minds think alike. Okay, that should be 19 and I did get the fantastic success.
Great. At work. So he's paralyzed? He's paralyzed. Yes. Part one. Complete. Yes. Think about what you've done. Shame. Bring shame on all sorcerers. He has, like, the the worst, like, grin of, like, he... You caught him at, like, close to the end of his speech, and so he's, like, just smiling smugly and he's frozen that way. Paralyzed Loki, just like on the comms. Well done. Great. yeah Get the staff. Well done.
Now we got to stop these guys. How did we do that? theres What was the plan with the nuke? I can't remember what the device did anymore in the movie. There was some device that was shielded and you couldn't attack it on the ground and you had to blow up the big, huge guy in the sky. So every guy blew up the nuke in there. It's a hive mind. I mean, you take out the hive mind, but maybe you should get scared of the hive mind because you... If I get on your flyer and I could rope the nuke with my hellfire chain, we could take it up. The hellfire chain doesn't have to set off the new. It doesn't have to set off the new. I am mind it i don't think I don't need to write up there with you. No, no, you don't. You don't. Just get your ass down here and I'll jump on. I may have failed physics a couple of times, but even I think that might be a bit of a stretch.
I think you have like i make soco you have another idea. There's a fine scarlet witch who can actually just less ice man. You can create a trough that could guide the new buy ice all the way up to the sky. and Can you do that? Would you call that? it Would you call that an ice anus? Yes, I could create one that do that. I was thinking to lose, but OK. yeah saluted me truth space routes and yeah i and I'm on my way up top. be dead up too Why is everybody heading up? Okay, then I'll just stay and try and keep. somebody I'll help you with the civilians. Maybe I'll hit you.
You are not good for civilians. You go deal with the stopping of the fire with hell. Okay. Literally, you're like the worst. I'll run up the building. I just ride up the building. You can ride up the side, please. Yeah, yeah you just I can do that. oh So is hellfire good for you guys? Or is that like? Hellfire. Loki is going to... I think you may also be pinned because I did. Didn't I have a fantastic success on the one thing? You did, yeah. So he's paralyzed and pinned. I have no idea the difference between those in this area are though. Loki is going to do bold of Baltic. Malphic? Malphic?
I don't know how to say that either. And he's going to do it on Scarlet Witch. You see the shimmer of the Loki that you pinned dissipate and another Loki from inside. Oh, nicely done. Cast ah this spell. So you need to make a ego check. Oh, you know, I make an ego check. Sorry. I make an ego check. Oh. Against my what? I will say right now against the agility defense. Oof. What's your ego check? 21? Yeah, that hits. Ooh. So what happens? Oh, wow. That's never a good sign. That never is. So let me- I was doing it with a trickster. Yeah, 25 damage.
and you know yeah just 25 damage so you feel this like electric just electricity just flow through you like of energy just I have a thing that's a action and a reaction and it's a magic shield. Can I use that as a reaction? Oh yeah. Do it. and say Yeah. Okay. Throw up the shield. It gets destroyed at with the 25 damage and you take five damage. Oh no, you take no damage. No damage. you Yeah. But it gets destroyed.
Yeah. So there you are. I'll just pretend like I actually planned that out. Yeah. Elaborate. And then you see him retreat back into the Stark tower and and is in there now. Okay. Yeah. I'm just going to roll casualties. So two casualties. Actually, I'm going to do two dice this time. Seven casualties because they are. Aren't people like doing a better job of going into shelters or running away? No. That's why there's only seven. There's, I don't know how big is Manhattan. So there's, I always thought the numbers were a little bit low in the movie. I was like, uh, that's how few people died. Have you? again but you know All right, cool. I wish it was still less. Yes. So that is a total of 13.
No, 11. 11 casualties so far. Did I get to the top, to the level where Scarlet Witch is with Loki yet? So I'm going up the building. No, because you stopped for Leviathan. Oh, so it's going to take me another turn? It'll take you another turn. Well that's all I can do then I guess right now because there's I mean I'm going up a hill. You I will say you can use your action to do more so I'll say you're at your do double start tower. Okay so Matt start power so so I'm gonna go you're at the bottom you're not up so I'm gonna race up the side of the building on my hellfire buddy.
on your next turn yes that's all there's anything around me i can attack before i go up i'll attack if you want to attack you can't use the extra boost i'm going to use my reactions to go up the building to get to get there okay we'll say yeah we'll say next turn you'll be probably up there good enough thank you but um so there are two you said there are two more leviathans full of chitauri coming down from the portal towards us. Yes. yeah Okay. sir So right now you have, you have three to three leviathans or four leviathans, including the original one. And that's that you're next to, and then the one that is next to quicksilver. And then there's two more in the distance that you both don't see. And then there's two coming down close to quicksilver. Okay. And, and those are full of Chachari. Those are the fresh ones. Those are the fresh ones. Yeah.
All right. I'm about to do something really stupid. So now's the time. make Make sure somebody records it for my Instagram. I got it. I'm already, I'm already running my ends Instagram cause you know, I have, you know, people now I'm up, it I'm up in the air out in the open, you know, near where quicks over in this other Leviathan are the one that's suffocating. Uh, these guys are coming down. Do they see me? Like, are they aiming by any chance? Is any, either one of them, I'll say you did such a damage, then yeah. one like One of them is definitely going for its fellow Leviathan. So yeah, I think it is definitely coming towards you. And would you say that I could reach it in ah reach it with ah with a fly move in this turn? With a fly move? Yeah, you can reach it with a fly move. de so what So what Iceman's going to do is wait where he's at on the slide, seeing it come down and wait till it it roars.
Like, you know, opens out now. And then he's going to fly inside. Okay. Amazing. So I know I'm going to take some damage from being inside the goal at the one time inside. I will be using elemental blast from the inside the armored creature. Okay. oh So let's see. if I'll stay with that. you You could probably take, you could probably do double damage. So everything you double, even if you get the marble die, you double the damage. Okay. Awesome. You do four times the damage. o Okay. so All right. So, um, now this is a variable focus thing that like how, the more I spend the more damage I did more damage, more multipliers I do. Oh, you do multipliers. Yeah. Uh, but I have to make, them I have to, uh, I get a range attack with an edge. So, uh, so it's agility, uh, I'm assuming that it's my ego. Everything has been, everything else, ah ice has been my ego. So.
Alright, I'm gonna make my attack. Alright. 18. 18 hits. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Perfect. Okay, I am spending 20 focus points. Okay, okay. So that gives me a... ah For every two points of focus, I get plus one to my Agility Attack bonus. game Agility Attack damage bonus. yeah Yeah. All right. So that's plus 10. So that's already a 16. And I'm going to use one of my other powers, ah which is my my minor powers. I assume that this is a this guy is either a rank four or higher. Is that correct? Yes. Yeah. Okay. Then I am going to use combat trickery. Okay.
You double the damage of that. Well, my goodness more than that. Oh, because you gave me double. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. And now I'm doubling that and I spent the extra focus points to give it a six. Now I'm at a 16 times multiplier just without the doubling. Yeah. Do you want me to roll this? I told you to worry about him, but that was too late. I think he did ask you. It is still a hefty. Okay. All right. It is still a hefty hell. All right. Sorry, I'm doing the math. Yeah, yeah. Well, I actually need a calculator for this. If if you're already calculating over 300, then it's gone. We got it. Almost there.
Alright, so from inside the creature, he does 192 points of damage and it is paralyzed because it is the special effect of ice. It basically freezes the inside of the creature. Oh, that's amazing. So Iceman's inside and he blasts out. i You'll see ice spikes come out from the insides of the guts and I figured that might it. Hey, take 13 damage. Okay. That's a good ratio. So that's a lot for me, but nothing happens.
i Nicely applied. That was incredible. Can we can me also say that i I come out with one of the spice? I could just stay in there. That'll be fun. Oh yeah, if you want to come out, come out. Yeah, that's fine. I'm fine in there. Okay. It's nice and comfy in there. Great. Yeah. I just want to see the thing what what this thing does in the air. It can't do much. Oh yeah, because it's done. It's just plummeting now to the to the ground. and And it's full of Chitauri too, which has got to be fun. Yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. You killed every Chitauri in there.
there is There is no tutorial left behind. and Okay. Well, yeah, I think that's my turn. Land safely. yeah it' a Good turn. Good turn. Another eight casualties. Oh my gosh. So that's 19 casualties. I'm not going to blow up the city. I can't tell you what it smells like in here. it's it's Even for New York, this is bad. It should be frozen in there. You should be fine.
Also, frozen meat also is rain. I'm not gonna lie. Yeah, a good point. set i yeah Okay, so, oh, yeah. Okay, so, I've gotta save and help rally civilians away from this area. That is gonna be my task. um I'm sure that Chachari does not come with a speaker because basically they suck. So, I will, I guess, swoop down and speak to the police or take a bullhorn from them or something. and announce that people need to move and to move further down away from from the main area past 30, 40, just several avenues down to take, if anything, you know, stay off the streets and get out of buildings and go using the same evacuation charts that we've had before for terrorist attacks to be used right now and to do it expediently, to follow the police and to follow any type of National Guard that's coming in to help with defense.
But evacuation of Manhattan is priority. I tell the police officer, get in the radio, tell everyone, we need to get everybody out of the city, orderly. And I have public speaking and I have famous and I think I'll do good. I'll say with those things, I'll say roll me, hmm. Roll me or Marvel die for me. hit Roll me and tell me what you get ah for but Marvel. day There is a lot of people with their phones out, so they ah they have recorded that speed. And with that, I want you to roll just an ego check. Well, plus, I'll say even give help given plus six. OK.
Nice. I would be a 22 with So with all the phones and and the megaphone and your famous and your cred credibility and all that stuff, I'll say we'll go back to one Marvel die and I'll half it. So a lot of the civilians are being smarter about six. What's going on? So three? No, no, I mean, like when when the Chitauri attack. Okay. Oh, okay. That's really good. That's really good. Good. Just get them out of here. And, you know, then I'll turn the bike up and go shoot some Chitauri or something. But I just want to get them out. Since that's what I really can do, guys. I really am not going to
You know, I can't, I mean, till I get up to Loki and then I get face to face with him and I'll just take, then I'll take him out. Cause he's, he's like good at other stuff, but he's probably not good at fighting, right? ah Of course not. you know if Anybody can stab him. Yeah. I have claws. If you get the right version. I don't, I don't say that on the big phone, but I'm like in my mind, Patsy's mind like, Oh, come on. I can stab this guy. I can just like claw. Everyone roll me. Is it logic or ego? Which one's perception? the logic. I think it's, I think, yeah, I think it is logic as well. Is it really only logic, everyone? That's better. It's not actually better. That's 11. I have 11. 15. Okay. 14. 18. 18. So
Skylar Witch, with all your things happening around you, Hellcat, you see in the far, far distance from the ocean is the nuke being set free. Okay. comes like go I think the nuke is free. It's been launched. Well, do something about it, you hear. But how far away is it? Oh, for me, ah you don't. Oh, you see it. You've seen it. It's about 100 squares. So it's like a little dot, but you still solve the the jet. Let's see if I'm melee attack as a next square. So there'd be some time for I can do. OK, with the the glider, I think the glider you can go 20 squares. OK. Just yeah, I guess I'll just head towards the tower.
Okay? because Tower, tower, tower, tower. So the Iceman is the only one not at a tower. He's in a Leviathan. I believe I'm still on the level and punching him. Yeah, I think we have to. Well, I think I'm going to head towards the tower because I'm assuming that's the detonation point for the missile, because basically the since the aperture is above that, that'd be the most logical place to detonate the missile and destroy it upwards. So it's probably where. So go to the go to where I think the epicenter of the actual attack so we can be there when the missile arrives to this, send it up. I don't know how that's going to happen, but I'm going to help my friends do it with gumption and determination. Okay. That's all I got. So no casualties, but it is messing up things. Yeah. Maybe I can filibuster time. How fast is the, is the nuke coming? I guess that is a hundred. Well, you don't know. You do know because they've talked about it. So, but how fast is it? It's a hundred squares away from you as well.
actually further because you're up. I'd say you guys probably have about five rounds. This moving 20 spaces is a turn. Good rendezvous with it. I have no idea what to do with it and still be able to just die here. Okay, that's good. I'll just keep digging towards the tower. Don't think my defensive stance is going to help that much. Just right there, right? To Vincent's dance, Clothack. I mean, I'm kind of, you know, yeah, I'll make it work. I'm i'm saving up for Luke. You're scrappy. I'm scrappy. and I'll take out Luke when it comes. Time comes. And you did a huge impact. You caused no casualties that round. That is true. I mean, I didn't, you know, save some people, which is always nice, which is kind of like, you know, I guess our job, but you go, Scarlet Witch, do something. Save us.
I just want a way to like stop him but I feel like I'll like to stop him using magic but I feel like if I go against his ego then he also would have a strong ego. Possibly, possibly. And so most of the dispelling stuff I have is an ego check against them. ah Oh, I'd have to go find him again, right? Because he left

Final Plan Against Missile

the building. Oh, left the room. In the building. Yeah, he's in the building now. He's not outside. Okay. What are you doing? Time to go find Loki again. Like cautiously pursue him because he's a tricky one. Okay. So you land on that balcony area that Poié and do you walk into the building?
Yes, let's go. Probably a terrible decision. I mean, as you approach the building, so you open the door, yeah and you see five Lokis. Of course. it You know what? I am going to do that ah powerful hex once again. to know do the elemental barrage and just, you know, light the whole room on fire pretty much. So 18. 18 passes the resilience. He throws up his shield of Seraphim. Like in a lineup, you see the fourth one, like throw up a shield. The other ones are like, ha, ha, ha. Like doing different weird poses as they dissipate and he throws up a shield.
Where is the Hulk when you need him? Actually, can we have... Do we want to bring in an adventure? Yes! Use the Pokeball. Use the Pokeball now, we're running, you know, we only got a little timeline. Yeah, let's bring in an adventure. Okay, so D6. Or do you want me to roll it, or would you guys, one of you like to roll it? Good, Bex roll it. I don't want that kind of power. You have to say I choose you, though. Okay, number six, I choose you. I really hope it's not one of the weaker ones. We'll see. Number six is Hawkeye.
Hawkeye, shoot him! I mean, there's explosive here. There's explosive arrows. There's there's a rolling arrows. There's shock arrows. There's. All right. Let me find Hawkeye. Let me find Hawkeye here. There's sadness. Let me find Hawkeye. The sixth one shoots arrow is not bad. So now Hawkeye is in the initiative. OK, great. Probably before me. You know, that'd be typical. No, actually after you. After you. Really? God. Dogget Hawkeye. OK.
Goodness sorry guys That's okay. It's okay. How much damage did you give huh? How much damage did you give oh like let's see well? Yeah, it should be the 92 again. Okay, so you're you burst with powerful energy again, and he just Shilled yeah, he's really gay on my nerves now That's that's his game. Yeah, I am burdened with glorious purpose oh god you absolute annoyance well you win some of you lose some would uh 39 damage be enough to take out the live iphone no would 68 so close yes 68 would okay then i'll do the 68 okay and then depending on how close i am to the ground or a building yeah i'd say two turns the biathan is
Either I wanna, where is it? Let's say you're halfway between a Stark Tower and the original bridge that you guys started at. Okay. So what would that be, 24 faces? 24 squares. Yeah, 24, 25 squares. Okay. Is there a, is there a building like close to me? Yeah. The high rise building. Yeah. So like I would be able to get on there and I start running towards, really run towards Stark Tower. Sure. Okay. And Loki, Loki just looks at you, Skylar Witch, and she's like, look, witch, I am your king. You bow to me. I didn't elect you.
Things aren't elected there. They are, what, born into destiny based on what? I mean, aren't you the second son of a second son of somebody's cast off string of things? You're saying this in your glider on your way there to yourself? I mean, you can hear me right? Yeah, I'm just putting it on speaker or something vein for the comms, like, yeah. I think he's like not the guy people think about when they think Norse, they think everybody else but him. And it's like, oh, wait, wasn't the guy who slept with that horse and created, you know, Slifnir? And it was like the end. And as we used to make these things, over all the audience hears the muffled sound of the the Charlies gang parents, like,
then he's back to his monologue and you just don't understand it because you were talking over him in the comms. That's my that's perfect. exactly And he just... Oh, to me! And no he's no go, genre. He's going to do a telepathic blast. Oh, no. Oh, wait, no, I need to do the telepathic link first. So don't link your minds. Steer clear of my mind. Do a logic check for me. I better roll high. Oh wait, no, I do a logic check to your vigilance defense, sorry. Okay. It's not very good. That's good for me. Only 12. Oh no, doesn't work. Okay, and it's it, he's just bow to me and then you don't bow to him and he's like. ah I'm sure that doesn't happen all the time.
like This is the first time I've heard from that guy over here? All right, we gotta get up there and take his little happy stick and destroy this thing before the missile gets here. Otherwise the blowback will kill us. I don't know if it'll kill us. Three casualties from the glider, Katari. Now there is me and I'm blabbing so, you know, they want to shoot, I guess they could. Oh, that is true. They could start circling you I'm gonna roll see if they actually to try and draw them away from the civilians. Oh, it's possible I'll do that Okay, if you're just gonna be shouting and whatnot, they will come after you good
And they're going... It's good only because, you know, they're not shooting at civilians. they're Yeah. So I'll say instead of going for the three, they'll shoot at you and does a 15 hit. Oh, he I'm assuming if it's even minutes it's a race, I mean, it's agility because it's ranged or whatever. it yeah Yeah, that's going to hit. Five damage. Your yourre glider has 30 health. Okay. So did it hit me or the glider or both of us? And we both take the five damage. Both of you. Okay. Well, that's at least not civilians being killed. So I'm cool with that. All right. So I'm still inside this thing. Yeah. I am going to hit it with another elemental blast from inside.
and Hopefully to finish it off. Let's see if I ah roll my attack. 19. That's it. 19 definitely hits. Yeah. Okay. And I am going to ah spend another 20 focus on this. Six. Nice. ah So six times.
192 points of damage. Yeah. Down. You split this thing in half. Yeah. So I spent literally, you just see, it you see it's stomach bulge and then burst out. Just, just spikes in ice everywhere. And it was like, it wipes, it wipes, it wipes it off. Like saw that in a movie once. and Nice. And he is going to fly straight up. Okay. Cause that, he knows that that missile is coming is coming. He's going to go as fast as fast as he can. Oh, and um I'll use, ah ah sorry, I apologize. I'll use a reaction to ah stop any debris from hitting civilians. Perfect. Yeah, that sounds good. ah Roll me an agility check. 12.
I say you do decent. You like maybe one casualty in there, but you let's say rescue an entire building of like hundreds of people. So out of that, just one. There you go. That works. So am I able to see the interchange between going on pre-Scarlet Witch and a yeah Loki or do I have to get in? ah As you go up to the tower ah You see you're outside of the the room right now But I'll say with that you shattered most of the glass with your burst scarlet witch so you do see them I'm gonna go in I'm gonna go in there ride right in right up as close as I can to Loki as I can get how foot close can I get depends on
How close do you want to get? I want to get within three hexes of Loki. Oh yeah. You could do that. I mean, yeah. I get right up on him. There's just one Loki, right? Just one. And I'm going to hit him with my pen and stare. And I'm going to see if he can capacity because you or so was required in hell. And I'm just going to. He's going to do dispel. Yeah. Is it a dispel? Does that work against that? I think is it, is it, ah is it magic? It's a demonic set of magic. So I guess it might. It is. Yeah. It's still magic. Yeah. That's fine. so and it So as a reaction, I'm going to, um, so, oh, wait it's not, it, it, you might pass. So, um, we need to, we need to fight. Now we fight to lead ah trap. Oh, Hey, that's awesome. I rolled a, uh, marvel about time. I got something. So I rolled 20. Let me do my math again. Sorry. 21, 21, 22. Jesus. Yes. Oh, so you get a fantastic failure.
So what happens is you try to do the magic. It dissipates. I will say with the fantastic, you can hit him while he's been distracted. That's what I was going to do. I'm going to I will use the club, but you get a free hit. You get it. You get an extra hit. OK, extra hit. So I'll just I will clobber him using the clobber. Yeah, using the clobber is called clobber. Do you actually have a clobber 20? That'll be a 20. 20 hits, 20. About time. It's the right person to hit. It is the right person to hit. Let's see where to roll my damage wise. I'm going to get plus four for him because I am mighty.
that is 40 points of damage. wo Okay. Yeah. Hit him again. Okay. ah I don't know if I'm going to hit him this time. That's 16. That was a bad roll. He throws up another shield. Yeah. that's fine so you you hit him but you hit the shield okay and if you roll the damage Oh, same damage, 40. You will feel the stars of hell. Yeah, you're ahead of, you know, all that jazz. Good. He's like, you say, you walk in, you try and do the magic. He starts laughing maniacally and then you just, well, I wasn't expecting that. It won't, and he like starts backing away and he throws up a shield and then you destroy it. And he kind of looks scared at that moment. And then Hawkeye shoots with an arrow. Good. I'm glad he's scared.
Yeah. Well done. Well, it's finally came through on the clutch. Finally. There we go. No casualties from the Chitauri. Awesome. And I'll be heading up towards the tower, try and reach the rest of the team, because that's where the epicenter of the explosion will probably happen. I moved 20. So I'm not certain have I got there enough to see the rest of this. you're Almost there. Okay. You're almost there. Then um I think if you were to use the rest of your actions to like, push it go forward, I think you would be there. Okay, I'll use the, you know, boost turbo kit button on the sled. I can go again. Do you land on the foyer? I land on the low key. Yeah, I'll land on the foyer. I'll land on the atrium, whatever it is.
in yeah the a And I will flip off in a very heroic way and have a different heroic landing than the Black Widow because hers is kind of down and squatty and mine is kind of up and clawy. so it's like Oh, sure. you know Still bent knee and everything. Still bent knee because like, you know, I have to be in like a combat, maybe defensive stance ready to just spring. but Yeah. Yeah. But not with my hand way back behind me. It's all up front and ready to get you. Three casualties in the far distance.
bring us home all you can do is shoot so i'm just gonna shoot him yep it may not be great but it's like okay shoot the staff out of here get it for separate him from that staff a and yeah he i guess he will do that he'll do his he's got accuracy too nice i think sniper and i don't know if yeah some sort of Fucking no, I think it's probably stopped looking at Doristat anyway. Uh, so he hits 28 damage. Nice.
hang Just, it's such close range. You just can't miss. They got hit again. Oh, I don't know how anticlimactic this is, but Hawkeye shoots Loki. He's dead between the eyes and Loki passes out. Loki's gone. Loki's down. Okay. So grab staff, stick it in. You're ready to stick it in the thing. Like we need the missile to go up there before we stick it in. A hole. Yes. Grab the staff. Before we disrupt the field, we need the missile to go up there and not blow up in New York. What I'll say is, oh no, there's still initiative. Well, we'll leave it, we'll leave it between you and the nuke as of right now, compared to that the atari you and the Chitauri and whatnot. The nuke is and like within four rounds. So what do we want to do?
I'm headed towards it. So what we want to do is we want the new to go. Who's in the staff first? Is that the whole planning being enacted? Yeah, we're going to go get the staff. We're going to get the staff, but we're not going to touch it until the missile gets sent up to the portal. And we need to get that done. The thing is, I'm not certain. I mean, do we think that Iceluge will shoot it back up in there? Or do we think we need to have the Scarlet Witch open the portal of a portal and be there? Do you think I've ever done this before? That's what I'm thinking. Maybe the port of the portal might be a better idea. Well, I will say the nuke is landlocked now. Like it is in the land area. It's no longer over ocean. So if we get it to teleport, you know, before and then up, then we got it. And then we just put the staff in the hole and zoom.
thats I'm making this beautiful ice slide straight up. That could be the backup plan. If you want to carry your sister up here. I can fly. she it like better Do you guys realize yeah like she can fly? I mean, like i've seen i've seen record she can fly as fast as I can, as fast as I can walk, so. But, Kato, is there some way during your super speed, timey-wimey thing that you could like to make sure the missile is tapped on the right course? I mean, you could like run around and tap, tap, tap, but the slide, you'd be able to go up the slide, tap it in the right position, and then just let it go. and we're just
We're just doubly certain that we are taking a three-prong way of making certain success to get this out of our city and through that hole. And then me and Ghost Fighter will just So until the new comes, I'm probably going to be grabbing people and putting them out of the way. so Are you guys up by the portal generator with the staff now? Yes, we'll move there. If we're not there, and we'll get there. And move to the portal there. I can so you i go as close as I can to the, what is it, the missile um where I could still see the portal. It's a very large portal and there are a lot of Chitauri and Leviathan coming out of it now.
It's got to get past them, I hope. That's the thing, it's going to be

Victory and Reflections

hard. Well, i could be up there I could be up there to protect her while she's doing it, because I've been flying up towards that path anyway. All right, let's do it. I'll be making ice shields and freezing Chitauri carts that come by. And can Quicksilver can use his power to push things out of the path of it so we can go straight through instead of colliding with one of them? Yep. Yeah, I will be, especially since it's set into the column. We need a cure tunnel for that missile to go through, which he teleports it. So it basically flies straight in there and has a target that's, you know, they can, it'll probably pick on the biggest big mass because basically these Leviathan are not a big enough to pick it. It's been programmed to hit a city. So something big out there, it'll hit it. Then we'll spin all our karma to make certain it hits.
I want Iceman and Quicksilver to make melee attacks of whichever kind you like. If you get over a 20 threshold, then I will say you create a pretty decent path. I want Ghost Rider and Hellcat to roll me either logic or ego to figure out when the exact moment is no to hit this okay machine.
do think correct And I want Scarlet Witch to roll me either roll me your best stack. i'll I'll even give you that. yeah you seem you sorry You can navigate the portals in the perfect path of where they have lined it up for you. i' am I'm making I'm making elemental prison. So I'm freezing flyers as they come up. And I rolled 24. I'm just doing like standard attack is 22. And that's fine. That's all you need.
Y'all right if I use one of my karma points to reroll one of my dice? Yeah, please, if it's a bad attack. I won. Okay, that's it. Go ahead. OK. Oh, OK. Go ahead. Oh, I got a I have a a a 16. A fantastic success on top of that. If it's OK. okay Fantastic. And just hoping it's a calculate the timing. And Ghost Rider has a 19. 19. I'd say with that, you guys can be ready and I'm going to say it's going to be low. Yeah.
but you you will probably, depending on how it goes, get okay. I have a 22. 22? Yeah. you find the perfect spot and you you follow them as they go up and the nuke goes through one portal goes out the other portal straight through the other portal straight past all the other Chitauri and the Viathans that are going through and and being stopped by Iceman and Quicksilver and into space yeah past them
into the mothership explosion. And Hellcat and Ghost Rider says, now! And Hellcat fabs it through, destroying the portal as the leftover Chitauri and Leviathan start just falling uncontrollably and saving the day. Saving the world. Okay, you all did it. Well done. Fuck, I saved us. it is he next talk art guys know guy did do it that okay yeah
God damn we made fun of him and he saved us in the end Yeah too Oh, done everyone. Oh, well, karma. Well, that was a lot of fun. There we go. There we go. As, as we're sitting down to our shawarma, I was like, you know, Fury, I got to ask you, like, I know, I'm made of ice, but like, how do you get an earpiece that stick in, stick in his head? I mean, really it's on fire. There's no ear. How do you just. It's amazing. We know what we're doing. We know what we're doing. That's all you need to know. Really? Because I want to know. We will explain it. Oh, no, no. We had a special. And the camera fades out. That was great, guys. That was good. Yeah. That was super fun. Thank you very much. Well done, everyone. All right. Well, thank you, audience, for listening. Thank you, guys, for playing. And before I do my spiel,
Let's hear from the ARPG. Do your spiel. Take it away. So we have a podcast, ARPG. You can get us on any ah podcasting, says Spotify. You can watch us on YouTube, Apple, all all that. ah We have various episodes and we we post every how many weeks? Every two weeks. Oh, no, we try to do it. We try to get one out every every week or every other week. at all Yeah. On our schedule. By the way, we're behind by about six months in time. So when you hear our jokes about current events, usually it's at least six to eight months to do a lot of events on occasion. And we do interviews as some of you are aware of other podcasters and game creators. ah So I think I cover everything you two. Yeah, I think so all the only thing you forgot to do is put in the general apologies and legal disclaimers where we were not responsible for anything we say do because we have senior moments all the time and forget that, you know,
Yes. And this is comedy. Everything's not supposed to be taken seriously. This doesn't reflect us or our beliefs or our social norms. There we go. Thank you all. And thanks for the opportunity. Thank you. Thank you for the opportunity. It's been fun. Sean? Yeah. We're not actually videoing, just so you know. Oh, no, I just did that. Oh, yeah. Of course. I was like, what do you think? Like, yeah, we don't need to. Okay. I did it because you did it, Malcolm. But I didn't got to have it. Hey, don't forget to have rolling across the pond. We are we are rolling across the pond. We also have rolling across the pond shorts. Our website is rolling across the, where you can find both of those feeds and our merch shop, our Patreon.
And our email is rolling across the pond. Oh, hello at rolling across the Send us our an email of comments, concerns, questions, and fan art thing. Oh, follow us on all our socials. Rolling across the pond on Instagram threads, Facebook, and tick tock. And I think that's it. So until next time, bye. Bye, guys. And ah Luke waved, and well, everyone's waving. No, we're all just waving as we do.