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Ep.72 The World is Messy Right Now, And That's A Good Thing image

Ep.72 The World is Messy Right Now, And That's A Good Thing

S3 E72 · ReConnect with Plant Wisdom
65 Plays6 months ago

Look through the news, and without a doubt, you'll get the feeling that the world is going down the tubes. Times are messy and scary. But is this really a bad thing? Looking at it from an ecosystem perspective, could all this be showing us that the world is actually ready for something new to sprout!

In this episode, I share plant-based wisdom to help you navigate the current world climate and the potential for positive change amidst the instability. Using the guidance mature, old-growth forests provide, I illustrate the need to use this "light gap"—a disruption that allows new growth and innovation to occur—to our advantage.

If we let go of our conditioning beliefs about disturbance, what opportunities could we find in the messiness?

Topics Covered about the world
➡️ Finding balance between stability and instability
➡️ Embracing disruption for evolution
➡️ Finding hope in challenging times
➡️ How Light Gaps offer opportunities for innovation

Expanded Show HERE

☝🏽ReConnect with Plant Wisdom podcast Ancient and modern knowledge from biology to spirituality about the wondrous ways plants help you lead a Naturally Conscious life. Subscribe on your favorite podcast player.

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// Opening and Closing music by Steve Sciulli and Poinsettia from The Singing Life of Plants

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Introduction and Episode Theme

Hello, hello, hello everyone. Welcome back to another episode of reconnect with plant wisdom. So I have a confession. I've been sitting here probably for the last about 10, maybe even 15 minutes, staring out at Gary the silver fern, the silver fur, not fern, Gary the silver fur.
and thinking, how the hell am I going to start this podcast episode? I mean, I know exactly what I want to talk about. I have pages of notes. But how do I even jump into a conversation that seems so incredibly huge? And yet, in some ways, it's not.
so I'm just going to start from wherever. And then hopefully, if it doesn't make sense, we'll just yeah tie the dots back together. You know how I am. Like words takes a while for everything to start to flow together, but hopefully you're going to follow along. And if you don't, you're going to let me know, right? You're going to.
you know, send me a message, leave me a comment, give me some indication that, you know, it didn't it didn't work.

Embracing Chaos and Ecosystem Metaphors

But I have a feeling it is going to work. It's just going to take a minute to get into it. And the reason is because what I want to talk about today, which is episode 72, is that the world is messy right now. And that's actually a good thing.
Welcome to reconnect with plant wisdom. I'm your host Tigri La Gardenia, nature inspired mentor and leadership coach. In this podcast, I share ancient and modern knowledge from biology to spirituality about the wondrous ways in which plants can help you lead a naturally conscious life.
It's a good thing. It really is. And let me explain why this is a good thing. But before I do that, wherever it is that you're listening, if you enjoy this podcast, remember, you know, hit the like the subscribe, the bell, the notifications, the, all those important things that really are what keep this podcast going because, you know, we do this to share, to share with everyone the information, but.
So are you ready to kind of get into this? Because this one's going to take a minute for us to kind of ramp up and set it all up. So here's the thing. Everywhere I go, I keep hearing from people, the world is I don't know. I've heard batshit crazy ah um bananas. ah This is wild. It's crazy. it's you know i'll Insert your favorite adjective written right there that describes what's happening in the world right now.
and I keep looking around thinking to myself as people are talking to me about what they see as all the sequence of events that are happening right now to cause ah disturbance and disruption, and I keep thinking to myself.
finally. but Finally, from the perspective that things are finally coming to the surface and things are finally being seen. But more importantly, I always look at it from an ecosystem from an ecosystem perspective. and You know that I'm obsessed with ecosystems. The plants and I are always working to kind of think about things from an ecosystem, because in reality, that is what a community is. That is what a civilization is. Biocivilizations are really just small ecosystems nested inside of one and another until they turn humongous. And we live on this beautiful planet, this wonderful Gaia, this Earth, that is one giant ecosystem with many different nested levels of ecosystem within it.
So, when you think about an ecosystem, what are you thinking about, right? where Where is it that messy or crazy fits in? And how does it work? Is it something that's terrible and we try to avoid at all costs? Or instead, is it actually an extremely useful tool that helps us evolve and continue growing?
And as you could probably guess, it's the latter. Now, i've i've done if if you go back through some of these podcasts, you're going to find that I did an entire series on imbalance and balance, on destabilizing and stabilization. And really, this is a piece of that because disturbance is an extremely important aspect of an ecosystem. And that's really where we are right now. We are in the part of the cycle that's disrupting what is, what had become at some point extremely stable. And when we think of stability, right, our initial thought, one of our stereotypical reactions to the word stability is positive, right? We tend to think that stable is good and unstable or unstable, not unstable, unstable is bad.
But that's not actually always the case because stability also means stagnant, right? And just how interesting how this shift in words, when we think of something that's stagnant, we think of something that's not growing, that's not moving, and that's bad.
And yet when we think of stable, we think of something that is balanced and therefore good. But the truth of the matter is that both of them can be good

Disruption as a Catalyst for Evolution

and bad. And they're actually synonyms of one another in the sense that when you have something that is extremely you know stable it becomes stagnant over time and whatever is happening in that are many cycles that continue to repeat themselves obviously depending on how large you're looking at your ecosystem and whether or not you know where you are in the nested cycles
But these ecosystems, when an ecosystem becomes stable, it can, of course, house many things and it can mature many of the different organisms and systems and processes that are within it. And this is extremely positive.
But when some of those system or processes really benefit only a few, then that is when we kind of switch the word around and we think about either stagnant or we think about um closed off or we think about something that is become into a harmful loop.
um For example, when we think of civilizations, right, we think of things like racism, we think of things like different biases, we think of all these different pieces that took a long time to stabilize, and then these stereotypes stabilized into the civilization and they became a norm.
And that's exactly what happens in an ecosystem. You have processes that sometimes when you're looking at them from one angle seem to be negative that become stabilized and therefore become the norm and we no longer think of them as negative or positive, they just are. And so When these types of systems hit a period of disruption, this can be wonderful for creating a new level of evolution, for moving us out of that norm. And therefore, right now, we are in a period that feels incredibly and unstable, right? it
feels like we're moving from a sort of flow into imbalance. But it is precisely this imbalance that is happening, this instability that is being pushed onto us, that is actually going to allow us to create, to evolve these systems into what it is that we need. And so here we are at a very crucial point, and I say we as in all beings, right? Human beings and plant beings and rock beings and animal beings of all sorts and all the other
Visible and invisible beings that share this world with us that create these ecosystems are in a very important period because so many systems are going are becoming unstable, instable. I keep saying instable, unstable at the same time. And the fact that all these different systems are becoming unstable at the same time feels incredibly chaotic because it feels like you actually don't have a foundation under your feet.
But bear with me for a second because I want to show you what actually could be the the the benefit to all of us at the fact of the fact that this is all becoming unstable at the same time. You can tell I'm hitting something big because my words keep getting caught in my throat.
And my words keep tumbling out because really we're in the need where we're in the period where we're actually really needing a paradigm shift and that requires a vocabulary shift. And this is one of the biggest struggles that I go through on a daily basis.
whether it's when I'm working with my clients or when I'm when i'm you know doing something inside of the naturally conscious community, is the fact that I can see the need for new words to help us better work through these moments, and yet we don't have them. And of course, you know we can we start to coin them, but they take a while because we're in instability.
And being in instability means that we're testing the waters. We're in a period where everything is fluid and allows us to move. And some of it is deeply uncomfortable, especially because when you start to move these pieces, what bubbles to the surface oftentimes is the dead, the rotten parts, the pieces that didn't work. All of this stuff bubbles to the surface.
But, but in that is that ever so important, small, but yet ever growing piece of something that humanity in particular really does latch onto and should, which is hope.

Navigating Instability with Hope and Innovation

So um let me let me let me kind of try to break this out into certain pieces because there's like two or three stories that I want to tell you, I want to share with you that I think will really help illustrate the point that I want to get to. I mean, um I'll be honest with you. I want to walk away from this conversation that we're having right now really showing you, helping you feel that what is happening right now feels icky and hard and depressing at times and frustrated and scary and all of those things. And at the same time, there is a path forward. There are multiple paths forward. And what I want you to feel is the hope that you can find the path forward, that you can find and discover and understand and see that there is a place
for all of this to go there is a place for you to walk out the other side of this for you to evolve through this to grow to transform to transmute all of these words for you to come to a place where you're going to be better off than where you are today, where society is going to be better off than you are today. I want you to walk away from this with that hope. And if you don't, let me know. Actually, if you do, let me know also. I really want to know. I want to hear everything. I want to hear it all. I want to hear what you're going because
Really, this is an amazing time and opportunity. this is It's unprecedented in so many different ways. This is what we would call in an ecosystem, specifically in a mature, old-growth forest. What we're living through right now would be considered a light gap.
Now, a light gap is when you have a mature forest, which of course, you know, those of us that love trees and plants and, you know, of all sorts, we love the idea of an old growth forest. An old growth forest means um safety and security and nourishment. It feels like something that will be everlasting that will continue to grow on.
but it's also stable and stagnant in the sense that the species that are in an old growth forest are the species of that old growth forest. And unless something happens, those are the species that are going to continue to grow.
In an old growth forest because an old growth forest has its density it has reached a level of maturity it that being that is the overarching ecosystem of an old growth forest is.
has reached a point where everything has found its place. Okay, not everything, there's always little things that are evolving and growing, but bear with me and kind of take it in the big picture, okay? And so again, it is wonderful and nourishing and supportive.
But if all of the old growth forest stays in that way, there is no evolution. And therefore, over time, as the rest of the world around that old growth forest continues to grow and evolve, pieces of that old growth forest become weaker because everything becomes too old and stuck in an old paradigm.
And so as the ground around, as the environment around grows, patches over time of this old growth forest need to step out of the old growth paradigm into a new level of secession. In other words, something needs, something drastic and dramatic has to change in order for the ecosystem to renew key self. Hopefully that makes sense.
If not, ask me questions, okay, because that's that's what we're here to do. So oftentimes what happens is when you have an extremely mature tree, right, a mature, you can even say dominant, um um a mother tree of sorts, a tree that really hosts um and takes care of an area Sometimes when that tree falls um for age, because the tree has reached the end of the of of their age, because something happens in the environment, because as I said, old growth is stable up until it's not stable, because something around has changed. So when one of these trees falls,
it creates, that trees, that action of falling creates something called a light gap. In other words, the tree falls and a break in the canopy happens, and light that has probably not touched the bottom of that forest for a long period of time, decades even,
all of a sudden opens up and light is able to reach the forest floor. Now remember, in an old growth forest, you have everyone has their positions. You have the big dense trees that soak up all the sun and only let through tiny little rays that reach down to some of the other entities that are living down there. Plus deep down on the forest floor you have the beings that need the least amount of light. You have some mushrooms and you have different kinds of ground cover ferns and other types of plants that do not need a lot of light. And this starts to create this homostasis, right? This the stability that we've been talking about with each plant receiving and other types of beings, including the animals that live in these areas receiving what they need.
but it doesn't allow for much innovation. It doesn't allow for much change because each one of these beings has now created their environment and then that's where they are. They sort of sit back and relax and enjoy it. And certain types of energy and carbon sequestration and all different aspects are happening in this mature forest in a really predictable pattern.
But again, there's no growth. And as new species evolve around this area, around this old growth forest, you need something to spark change. And this is where that light gap becomes extremely important. Because in falling down to the forest floor, all of a sudden, tiny little saplings that have maybe stayed really small for decades or seeds that maybe got brought in from some animal or insect

Opportunities in Disruption and Stability

that brought that in and ended up onto the forest floor and probably just under the surface, or different meselial networks and roots of other plants from far away that have invested in coming into the area, but have stayed dormant. They've prepared themselves. They have spent decades
preparing themselves for the eventual opportunity to start to shine. And so when that light hits the forest floor, all of a sudden you have a race of innovation.
everyone's screaming, light, light, sunlight, and saying, where can I grab this up? And what can I do with this? This is a new event. There's now activity. There's fever. There's movement. There's all kinds of different aspects until a new equilibrium is built. And so this instability, this event that happened when the tree fell creates an opportunity for new growth. Now that tree that fell starts to decay thanks to all the other organisms that are waiting there. And that nourishment also goes in. So you have this extra boost that comes from everything that that tree starts to leech out, to leave into the legacy that is being left behind mixed with the sunlight, with new air
with who knows what other kinds of chemical compounds that get released because of this massive opportunity. Now, seeing from one perspective, it's horrible. It's devastating, right? And you start up the competition model. You start up different kinds of partnerships. You have diversity. You have change. It's disruptive.
It's scary. You don't know if something else is going to grow. What if nothing grows? What if something really important got killed off in the process? We don't know. But we also don't know if something amazing is going to happen, if all of a sudden a new species is going to take form, if some seeds have been able to cross-pollinate over these decades of shadow and have now have the genetic opportunity to expand and make themselves seen.
This is the place where innovation happens because we know that necessity is the mother of all invention, right? And they need to grow. They need to use this new light. Everyone in there is now a coming alive.
And this is exactly where we are right now. In the chaos of all these massive systems that are coming down to the ground, in the wake of the visibility that is being given to old kinds of stereotypes and models that we now know can't work,
Everything that is being torn down in order to pull back the veils is shining a light, a physical light as well as a proverbial light. And this light gives you the opportunity to look inside of yourself For what have you been sewing? What are the seeds of your talents, of your skills, of your visions, of your ideas? What has been hiding inside of you that is now giving and getting light and other nourishment in order to be able to shine? What new techniques, what new ideas, what paradigm shifting,
Concepts are within you that now in this space can start to show themselves, to evolve, to become visible. This is a period of great opportunity.
This is a period where we have so much richness of broken down pieces for us to pick up and create and put together in new ways. And that's really what happens when these light caps happen. These light gaps open up the idea that we can rearrange existing partnerships and relationships in new ways to create something different.
to create something that is more adapted and is more adept to what has happened right now what does this environment look like right now we see this also happening when forest fires happen when they come through this is the reason why there's so much research into the health of ecosystems after a fire, right? A fire that comes through periodically, not on a regular basis, but in certain moments gives the opportunity for creating that light gap again, for creating more stage for other types of beings
to start to emerge and to grow through this. And so we see these horrible disruptions actually giving way to not just survival, because survival would be the first stage, right? You would survive by adapting to the current conditions. But even more, you can evolve because these new conditions give you the opportunity to test out new parts of yourself in combination with others to see what can happen and what can come from this location. So really this is about
throwing out new parts that can work in this new system. And the only way, because nobody knows what's going to work, because that's the whole beauty of a light gap, right? We don't have older models that work. We don't have like standards where people are like, no, you got to do it this way, because everything is new and possible.
And so this is a time of massive experimentation, innovation, experimentation, testing out new things, pulling different levers that of these different relationships and components and um and talents and skills and mashing them together in new ways.
This is where you put into practice what you've been working for for so long. You have been creating foundations. You have been creating all of the different parts, your different education, all of those certifications you've been doing, all of those networking meetings, and all of those different aspects that you had been testing out now.
is where you can put it into practice because there is it space for you. There is opportunity for you. There is movement for you. So i don't hopefully that is like, and I can't stress enough how balance is not your ultimate goal.
Your goal is flow between imbalance and balance, between maintenance and stability, right? No, maintenance is stability, excuse me. So maintenance and disturbance. See what I'm talking about when the words just start getting stuck? Like how do you flow between maintaining the status quo and causing a disturbance that allows something new to emerge?
These are really the places that you want to move through. And this is why it's very important in the periods of stability for you to not just, but after you rest, because we've talked a lot about rest in the last few episodes and I want you to make sure you rest. But once you hit a level of stability and you've rested, now it's time for you to really strengthen all your different parts, right? When you're in a period of stability, you wanna strengthen. You wanna strengthen your education. You wanna strengthen your networks and connections. You wanna strengthen your relationships. You want to continue to improve where you are right now and to expand on the talents and on the capabilities that you currently have.
so that when the light gap happens, you can then take all of that and start to mix it together in ways that are most appropriate to the gap that has been created, to the space that has been created.

Balancing Stability and Innovation

So you have an opportunity right now to look around yourself and say, where am I?
me personally as well as me in a greater context around me? Am I in a period of stability where I'm supposed to be strengthening what I currently have, improving from the perspective of small incremental change? Or am I preparing for a massive disturbance that is going to allow me to make ah a new giant leap a step much bigger than what I currently am. Is this going to be the chance for me to start to put together everything that I am in new models to really focus on the diversity and how that diversity creates something bigger than the sum of its parts? So really what we're constantly trying to do is read the room, understand whether the ecosystems that we're participating in, and we're always participating in multiples, right? There's my ecosystem that is me myself, right? Am I in a more maintenance mode or am I in a disturbance mode? Am I in a period where I feel like I need to really balance myself or am I in a period where I've been stagnant or really steady and now I have whatever I need in order to push myself towards instability in order to innovate, right? That's one piece to just look at it from my own self. But then I can look at it from the level of
My work, my family, my greater community, my city, my town, my country, right? Depending on how you participate, you can be in different areas in different and different levels in different spaces.
Now, right now, it probably feels like everything is in disturbance and and so instability, right? It really probably feels like mass chaos all over the place. And when that's the case, this is where you have the greatest opportunity to shine. But it's important for you to create some in some really mutually beneficial bonds right now because too much instability makes the entire system collapse.
And we've talked a lot about collapse also in the world is using this world collapse all over the place and when you collapse. It doesn't mean you can't recover from that collapse but the recovery from the collapse almost takes you back to a ground zero so you're no longer innovating over what you've already built instead you're sort of starting back.
to the very beginning and we really don't want to get there. So if you feel like everything around you is unstable, is unstable, it's important for you to find one anchor point. What is the one point that I can stabilize right now that makes me feel like that part of me gives me an anchor and that that part of me is reached a level of maturity?
And then from that point of stabilization, where can I innovate around? So really finding one major focus point first. Now, mind you, multi-potentialites. I am not in any way shaping a form trying to tell you that you should only focus on one thing. That is not what I'm saying. On the contrary,
you're a multi-potentialite, you have lots of different passions, you are going to be looking at this from many different perspectives. What I'm saying is to look for one area where you can take all your multiple passions and create an anchor point that stabilizes that one piece that you can always look back to and say, oh, I'm anchored there. And then from there you can innovate. From there you can become unstable. So you can have multiple areas that are out in disturbance land, that are in massive innovation and movement land,
but one anchor point that you know that eventually you're going to disturb also in the future. But right now, it is the mature piece that holds you in place and anchors you down. so And again, this is not by passion. This is by focus area. Passion-wise, we need to use it all of your different talents. So this is actually a great place, especially in that stabilization place, is a great place to work with your limiting beliefs to create safety so that you can access all these different talents. But that's something we're going to talk about more and more because we really need to learn how to befriend our limiting beliefs. This is this is something that is just so important right now, especially because those talents are hiding within.
But focus areas give you an opportunity to always have one anchor point that is connected to all your different talents and all your capabilities, but that has a maturity and a stability so that you can then from there be able to work much more freely in shifting paradigms, in creating new innovations in lots of different movement and growth and evolution in different areas, knowing and feeling that you have that rock anchor point. Then once you get another area ready, you can let go and you can create a disturbance in that other anchor point that allows for more innovation.
it's It's a dance. It's a bit of a dance. That's why I keep talking about the word flow. You've heard me talk about it time and time again. This isn't about control. This isn't about discipline. that This isn't about creating something that stays there forever. This is about flow. I stabilize over here and then I can destabilize in multiple places and I can innovate and evolve.
then I stabilize something over there and then I can destabilize and I can innovate and evolve somewhere over here and we're going to flow through this movement and this is why in some ways what is happening at the world scale is so incredibly amazing because It allows us to completely rewrite new paradigms. If you find your inner stability, right, your perspective of the places where you yourself feel like you can anchor into, then the chaos of the world becomes exciting. It becomes movement. It becomes dynamic. It becomes an opportunity for new
innovations to occur. It gets us out of the status quo. It gets us out of so many paradigms that have been holding back too many people for too long. And is it scary? Hell, yes. Is it crazy sometimes? Yes. But is it exciting at the same time? Yes. Because We're all speaking in instability and therefore there are no holds that are barred. there is and There are no flat out no because we don't want to mess with that because that's already stable. Everything's unstable so everything is possible.
It really is an amazing period of that light gap. We're getting light and all of these parts of yourself that you've been holding back, all of this infrastructure that you've been putting into place.
now can get light and we can see which ones are the ones to grow. This is what I love working with my clients on. I absolutely adore the idea of what sitting there and us looking at, okay, here's where you are. Let's look at all your talents. What areas do we want to stabilize and what areas instead do we want to really work on creating new momentum in because there is an opportunity for this area to evolve to a whole new level. It's it's extremely exciting to be able to do this type of work with you because
Well, because I don't know what's going to come out of it. And that's what I love the most. I love the, the ability for you to become whatever it is that you really want to become and to emerge.
as something completely different for you to even surprise yourself because in this instability of around us, instead of looking at it with words that maybe scare you, look at it as opportunity, look at it as movements, look at it as innovation, look at it as collaboration and opportunities for pilots and different programs and or even look at it as fine tuning right as as moving whatever words make you feel safe in order to explore these topics and if you have any questions at all or you need any help you know that I'm here for you
I'm here for you. The plants are here from you. The plants that live around you are also here for you. All of them. Kin, they're experiencing what's happening in the world, even at a political level. Kin, no. Don't be afraid to ask questions directly to Kin. And if you need help with that, come and ask and let's let's figure it out. Let's find your preferred method because we're all in this together. All of us.
all the beings of this planet are in this together and there are certain parts of our civilizations and our societies and even of ourselves that have been static for way way way too long and there's some that have been in instability for too long.
So knowing what to stabilize and want to instead destabilize is a very important part of continuously growing and evolving in a way that feels healthy, in a way that feels fun, in a way that feels rewarding, and in a way that can really make an impact.

Community Growth and Personal Evolution

So these are important lessons for you to learn for yourself and you can only learn them. Nobody can teach them to you because how you stabilize really changes based on what the conditions are. So it's about breaking down all the different conditioning that you have. It's about looking in to those limiting beliefs and figuring out what you need in order to befriend them and have them feel like you're safe so that you can then expose all of your different talents and start to build the infrastructure you need in order to adapt, in order for you to make changes, and more importantly, in order for you to evolve and continue transforming in a way that feels good for you, good for your community, and good for the entire planet.
So I hope this has been helpful for you. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Please feel free to leave me a comment or a, you know, comment and visit us in the naturally conscious community. Again, these are the types of conversations that we're having there on a regular basis. We're discussing what is the state of the world from the perspective of what does it mean as an ecosystem? And more importantly, what does it mean to me? Where is it that I'm supposed to be going to this? So please,
We want to see you into the Naturally Conscious community and also joining one of our Sprout memberships is the way for you to support your own personal growth as well as this podcast and the entire community. We have multiple Sprout memberships that include the book club and that include our writing group and include master classes and teachings about plants and leadership groups all to help you continue to evolve and for all of us to evolve as a community ecosystem.

Conclusion and Call to Action

And that is the way that you can support your own growth as well as the growth of this entire community. So head on over to the Naturally Conscious Community
The links are all in the show notes. And come over and and share with us your thoughts and and become a part of this conversation and help contribute your piece to the ever unfolding unstable stability that we're creating. I hope you've enjoyed this episode. That's it for me, Tigria Gardenia. I'm out for now. Remember, resist the urge to hold back your emerging green brilliance. Bye.
Thanks for listening to this episode of Reconnect with Plant Wisdom, intro and outro music by