Ep.63 In Relationship with Master Teacher Cacao with Judy Machado image

Ep.63 In Relationship with Master Teacher Cacao with Judy Machado

S3 E63 · ReConnect with Plant Wisdom
75 Plays3 months ago

Cacao, in some way it has been a part of all our lives, but how well do we really know this plant? Personally, I admit that I didn't know ki at all. Judy Machado changed all that with her deep love and relationship with this master plant teacher.

About Judy Machado:

Judy's beloved relationship with the Cacao Plant Spirit began when working intimately with a Shipibo-Conibo trained Shaman followed by an Andean Medicine Man. Trained and Spirit sanctioned/initiated teacher, Judy's purpose is to hold sacred space, mesmerizing others into remembering their divinity, through daily rituals, Ceremonies, Cacao Facilitator Deep Dive DIETA Journeys, Ceremony Facilitator Trainings and Wellness Retreats in Peru & the Azores.

Topics Covered about cacao
➡️ Cacao's ingratiation into human lives, beliefs, and consciousness
➡️ Cacao's impact on humanity, as chocolate and in raw form
➡️ Working with plants, including cacao, for spiritual growth and well-being.
➡️ How to begin a relationship with Cacao

Resources Mentioned

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Hello, hello, hello, everyone. Welcome back to another episode of Reconnect with Plant Wisdom. It's me, Tigraya Gardenia, and this is another unexpected heart-opening episode. um i i Yeah, this there the conversation as it unfolded was so different from what I was expecting, and I am ridiculously, I'm excited to share what came out of this today. So our conversation, this is episode number 63 with master teacher Kakao and Judy Machado. And Judy just goes into so much of her personal experience with Kakao, but not but and and and to be honest, there was so much more to this conversation that both of us just
we didn't expect. So I look forward to hearing all of your feedback on this. And please enjoy Episode 63 with Judy Pachado. Welcome to Reconnect with Plant Wisdom. I'm your host Tigri La Gardenia, nature-inspired mentor and leadership coach. In this podcast, I share ancient and modern knowledge from biology to spirituality about the wondrous ways in which plants can help you lead a naturally conscious life.
All right. I am very much looking forward to this because I will be honest. This is a conversation I know pretty much zero to none about. I know probably about the average that a normal person knows, which is nothing. So everyone, I am extremely excited to introduce you to Judy Machado. And before before I go into anything, Judy, who is Judy? Oh, I'm just somebody who has been on this beautiful journey of asking different questions, deeper questions and reaching out to plant medicines, um which is your beautiful world too. And it's just been so enlightening and so beautiful. And all I want to do is tell the whole world about this. Well, what is it? What what is it that you want to tell me about? I specifically want to talk about cacao. Cacao is the main ingredient to make chocolate.
ah So it's not cocoa, it's cacao. It's in its purest form and it is a master plant medicine and it is a beautiful, beautiful, powerful master plant medicine that's here to help us to wake up from all the illusions that we're holding on so tight. Okay, okay, okay. So we're talking because there's, you know, there's so so many things I can go commercially, like shamanically. I mean, there's so many things, but let's back up. Let's back up. Tell me a little bit about you. How, who are you? Where did you start from? How did you ever get to cacao? Oh, that's so beautiful. So I've been on a beautiful journey, beautiful enlightening journey for a while. I went through a um infertility challenge about 10, 10 or 12 years ago.
And that was like the big moment in my life where I really broke out of sort of this this expectation of who I was, you know, who I thought I was. And I started to ask myself really different questions. And in that journey, soon after that journey, plant medicine came into my life. um I've been helping women, I've been building businesses, an entrepreneur most of my life as a consultant, and then helping others to build businesses, consulting with women. And then when plant medicines came into my life, I went on a profound journey of um just deeper awareness. And that's when I myself took this journey with the medicine, the relationship journey, which we're going to talk a little bit about today.
how profound these medicines can be, these plants can be when we are in relationship with them, when we're consistent. And so I went through this beautiful, consistent journey with them and now created, since then, five years ago, created Goddess Temple Cacao, which is a ah beautiful brand and place where people can learn about cacao, this incredible medicine, this heart opening, literally heart blasting, unraveling medicine to help us to remember who we are. Oh, it's exciting. So I have a a spirit wild plant quiz so and i and it's it's always... It's such an amazing thing to me to read the comments and people write to me after they take the quiz and then they start start working with these spirit wild plants of the the shift that happens from seeing dandelion in and you know chickweed as weeds in the garden or even plants that have medicinal value, which is super important and they have so many different um characteristics that have been in harmony and you know with humanity for so long.
But then shifting over to seeing this plant as a guide and as ah as as a as a form of spirit medicine, not just physical medicine, is always this interesting to me shift and relationship that slowly unfolds. And just just recently in one of my previous podcast episodes, I was talking about plant spirit medicine and and how much people have these preconceived notions on what are the spirit plants, you know, the psychedelics, and all these other aspects. But cacao is something that, you know, most of us only experience in chocolate form, and and most of us also only experience kind of the
the, I want to say, worked on aspect, not the raw form. What is it about cacao? Like, how did you come to cacao? And why cacao different than, for example, chocolate? Yeah. So me personally, my journey started with my brother-in-law. He was out in Peru with the beautiful Xipipo Canivo tribe for 14 days in the jungles of Terapoto. northern Peru and was experiencing ayahuasca, another master plant medicine journey. um There were cacao trees everywhere and he came back and he was so fascinated by, you know, cacao being a master plant medicine that he was learning from the beautiful tribe there. And he, um in that in that conversation, there was a moment where I so i thought to myself, wow, the world's favorite food, chocolate,
the main ingredient is called cacao, which is a master plant medicine revered by our beautiful indigenous families, our ancestors, all these years as a master plant medicine, a master teacher guide, ah just like many of those psychedelics. And that was so profound for me. I needed to understand that. And I also feel like there was some kind of remembering inside of me because I just I needed like I just everything everything changed for me in that moment and I was like where is this you know I need to go to a cacao ceremony and in that beautiful cacao ceremony was this incredible shaman um she wasn't hosting the ceremony she was there with someone else and um I started to work with her over the next year and a half and through that journey realized
that there's relationship that we can go through. And before we get to that, I want to share um about cacao, that but beautiful question you asked. Why cacao? Why is cacao so profound? How is it profound? And I want to share, you know, think again about the fact that chocolate is the world's number one favorite food, right? It's it's something that people will buy for romance gifts, anniversaries, Valentine's Day. It's like, it's it's such a beautiful, um popular and famous food throughout the globe. And I truly believe in my heart of hearts that if it was not for or um our ancestors, learning, you know taking this beautiful fruit cacao and taking the seeds that are inside of here and crushing these seeds and taking the cacao that's in here and grinding it and processing it, overly processing it into chocolate, um that in fact, cacao would be illegal.
um Simply because, and I say that, not in a in you know in a way that, oh, we shouldn't go near it, but just because many plant medicines have been misunderstood, as we know, as we talked about, misunderstood, disrespected over the years for many reasons. um But now it's so it's such a beautiful time in humanity where these medicines are calling on so many of us. And so back to chocolate, you know, chocolate, why is chocolate the number one most popular food? Well, when you think of chocolate, we think of love, we think of relationships. So can you imagine the energy of chocolate when it's already overly processed is this energy of love? Can you imagine in its purest form what chocolate will do for us when we realize that this is a cosmic spirit? This is a all plants, our consciousness.
All plants have spirit. um This also is a kind is a cosmic spirit that has manifested itself here on our plants. and In this case, it's called Theobroma cacao. And just the name itself, Theobroma, The name of the plant, the cacao plant, is called theobroma cacao, and theo means god or God or goddess in Greek, and broma in Latin means food. So it's called food of the gods and goddesses. And there's a legend that the gods, you know, were observing all of the galaxies one day and they looked at Earth and they said, okay, look, it's time. Consciousness is is rising. We're now at the tipping point. It's time to help them to further this along, to support them through their illusions.
let's go down into their jungles, sprinkle these beautiful seedlings into their jungle into the jungles and have and give us access to what we call theobrahmakakal, the food of the gods and goddesses. um And there's so much that we can talk about, which I can just sprinkle a little bit in terms of it being a super food. So physically, what it is for us, ah for your mind, your body, and your soul, and just really quickly in terms of a super food. Another reason why I believe um that it would be illegal if it was not for the whole world being in love already now with chocolate is um cacao has many, many, many beautiful things that help us physically. And four of them I love to talk about all the time.
are these components that help us to feel good, feel happy. There's serotonin, dopamine, anandinite, PA. These four especially are anandinite, the bliss chemical. the bliss like It helps us feel bliss, helps us feel infatuated. You know when you're absolutely in love and you're infatuated? and so Can you imagine drinking this every morning? and When we look at what's happening in the world, so many people are being medicated with you know, non natural substances. um Can you imagine this beautiful natural substance that you can drink that is going to activate these beautiful, powerful components within us to help us to feel good to feel happy. um And then there's other things in it which help our heart health, you know, so many other things but that that really is
The physical, I love mostly for all the different things to talk about when it comes to the physical with cacao is is those four beautiful components. Yeah, and I think that that's the interesting part when we look at how plants have entered into our lives. over the course of history. you know How have plants ingratiated themselves? How have that entered into our homes in so many ways? And you know we know that some that some plants, because of the power that they have, because of the abilities that they are still able to keep in this physical world, have to find ways of almost drip-feeding us as human beings. And it sounds almost like
you know, cacao chose that path of, okay, I'm going to go to this to this sugary sweet, over processed form, because it's almost like preparing our human bodies. to being able to accept the full range of what cacao has to offer and then moving us through, okay, so you can't take up me in my in my whole form because you know we're we're not ready to re-embody our God-like features, our divine aspects. And so therefore, okay, I process and i and I almost dilute myself in order to stay close to you so that way I know I'm still here
And then at the same time, ah nurturing you to be able to step into other phases of your life. And we've seen this. We've seen this for a lot of other plants. I mean, lots of the most powerful plants, hence the whole world of weeds, right? The whole part of of wild plants is, okay, I have all this powerful medicine to offer you, so I'm just going to stay close. But in this format that's kind of like, I look a little dumb down because then you won't take me as such a risk and there you won't go. So for you personally, as you started to work closer with cacao, what did what did you start to see changing your own life? So many beautiful things. The first thing was I decided to create for myself a daily little ritual where I would drink a cow would and make a cow at the stove.
It's very hypnotic, first of all, when you're when you're when you're mixing the cacao, that these forms, these shapes begin, different layers, you start to see different layers, you start to really receive messages. For me, at that beginning of that time, five years ago, I was very you know fast, fast-paced, a lot in my masculine, building businesses, doing the thing, making the sale. um making lots of money and and just focused on businesses and um and my mask being really in my masculine energy. And so that really helped me to just slow down, be still, and become more aware of who I am, who I am. And in that process, one of the things was becoming more still.
And I truly believe the stillness, there's a superpower in our stillness. Not only do more things can happen in the stillness, but more information can come. Cause there's more that we can hear in silence than there is with words. And that is what is so beautiful with these plants is that when you sit with them in silence and you speak to them and you become friends with them, you're in relationship with them. They are just reflections of our relationships. So you got you get into relationship with them and the whole world starts to change. Another beautiful thing for me was I started to receive um my most favorite message from her, which I love to share this with with everyone. There's so many messages that have come through and and one of them was this deepening into my belief system.
right So I just started to get really deep into what is it that I believe about everything in the world today? So I started to like declare, okay, I believe that this is what's happening in the world and this is what's going on with government and this is what's going on, whatever. And cacao, beautiful spirit of cacao, I kept receiving messages saying, Judy, that is beautiful, your beliefs. It is beautiful to have beliefs and it's beautiful to state your beliefs. And would you consider when you state your beliefs, to add this to the end of your belief. And that is this. This is my belief in this moment. And yet I welcome higher perspectives to come into my reality. And at that time, I possibly may be open to changing that belief.
Because when all we say is, this is my belief, this is my belief. You're wrong. I'm right. Look what's going on over there. That's bad. You need to be doing this. We have limited perspective. We know that. We've got we've all studied consciousness. We understand our journey in consciousness. We're just at the little brink of what we're expanding into. So we're only seeing what you know we can see here. But outside of here, There's so much more which can tell the story. And so I've learned and I'd love to share this with everybody is just if we would all just consider to share our beliefs in this moment based on the information we have and what we believe and what we see and what we feel from within and be open to receiving these higher perspectives of love and above.
Higher perspectives, higher consciousness, higher awareness perspectives, not the lower ones where we can end up in the rabbit hole forever. um Higher perspectives of love frequency. that will allow us to say, oh my God, wow, that was my belief. That's interesting. I'm feeling a little different about this. Maybe I'm going to change my belief. Because raising in consciousness, raising in awareness isn't possible unless we change our beliefs. Because our beliefs create our reality. Our beliefs create what we see in front of us. Our beliefs attract what shows up in front of us.
our beliefs create our world. And so if we want to live in a different world, a world with more love, with more peace, with more liberty, with more freedom, with more oneness, communion, then we have to change our beliefs. We have to change our beliefs, including certain beliefs around, you know, the whole world is out to get me, or all those people are bad and doing bad things. When What I have found is the cacao will take me into that higher perspective of what really is happening in the world. Why really is that stuff happening? Why is there duality in the world? And is that actually bad? Is there good and bad? So I just kept asking these questions as I was drinking and I kept getting these deep, deep, deep understandings, which are almost hard to articulate. It was just kind of like this feeling in this knowing really different from a feeling was a knowing that I'm divinely protected.
a knowing that I am the creator, a creator. I am part of the collective energy and my energy comes in to create this collective energy. And most of this collective energy is in fear. This is why there's so much happening, this manifestation, physical manifestation of this stuff. because most people are in fear. But when we know that, when the cacao is helping us to see, look, rise above this for a minute, let's show you above what's happening, that there is a world of duality so that we could choose whatever we want to choose to participate in experience. So you could see, you know, how could we experience stars if there was no darkness? So
but do we have to live in darkness all the time? No, we can come out and enjoy the stars, you know, during the darkness and then come back in. So it's it's it's all these beautiful different um different lessons and learnings. um There's so many more. That was one of the most profound was also devotion, getting into a space of devotion. And I believe that is I believe devotion is is almost like a a level of consciousness where we can truly honor everything. And in being devotion to this medicine and just being like, wow, thank you for, that was profound, that message. I'm so grateful, I'm so honored. I have more questions now. um And more of that started to come. And then you just realize there is divinity in everything. And we just start, you know, through my relationship with cacao, my relationship with Mother Earth,
started to expand and and grow into just so such beauty to see other plants to see other medicines like you said to see our weeds to see things that i just took for granted i never thought were sacred and now what i find These being in relationship with a plant medicine, and in my case, i can I can really mostly speak with the cacao, because this is the one that I've been in devotion and in relationship with mostly for the past five years, um is is bringing us into this level of safety of devotion, which helps us to render all things sacred. And when we render all things sacred, then we have the ability to send love to everyone and not just to where we think
There's issues in the world because we are all co-creating. We are all co-creating what's happening in the world in some way through our energy. Yeah. as you were As you were going through that, I kept getting this image because one of, of course, the question that sometimes we ask ourselves when we start to get to know these types of plants that have a permit me for saying it in this way, but have almost allowed themselves to be ah mistreated. Because I mean, let's be honest, for a low cost chocolate maker, they are not taking into consideration the needs of the plants. They're not wondering whether or not, they're not listening to all of these different aspects that plants have to offer. And yet we know that when plants want to be insistent, they can be insistent. So you ask yourself like, what what is happening here? Why is it that
There are some people who are not experiencing this. And as I was listening to you speak, I kept getting this sensation, this imagery of a plant that has chosen, right? Because we forget that plants are also having this experience with humans here with us at the same time. And similar as many houseplants that we know that have had kind of are not really treated all that well in the way that they're raised from seedling, you know, up to what you end up buying in the store. I keep getting this feeling that Kapow is
looking to understand the full breadth of humanity. In other words, it's almost like by allowing myself mistreated to be mistreated, I have an opportunity to experience the wide range, to pass that on to different levels and different ah generations of myself as I continue to move forward and therefore help shift humanity, but not from a place of Because not everybody's going to see that place of reverence and above and being able to do it through honoring but maybe sometimes I just got to do I have to do it from that place of supporting people in their hardest moments I mean if you think about it yes you're right that we use
chocolate in that in that refined form of cacao for so many things, including also self-medication in our loneliness of times, right? We talk about it all the time. I go and I grab the tub of chocolate ice cream or I eat the candy bar in my moments of solitude. And it does bring me solace. It brings me relief. And and that that that food, that ingestion that I'm doing gives me some sense of hope, some sense of feeling something that in that moment I don't feel anything. It's rare that I eat. It's not the same as eating a piece of bread. That's the reason why people don't go off in those moments and look for a piece of bread.
And so I wonder if this is also part of cacao's kind of mission in a way that is much more, you know, much less obvious. Yes, you have the ceremonial. Yes, you have all this beautifulness, everything you've talked about. And for those that are ready to hear that message and to take it in that way. And for those that are not ready, I wonder if the way that cacao stays close is in that refined sugary way, but that brings still some inkling, some little tiny pieces of that love and support and acceptance. I mean, that candy bar is not
I mean, we don't do it with other kinds of sugar. We say that it's the sugar, but it's not the same. It's not the same. It's not like I go off and I look for hard candies when I'm having a depressed moment. No, I go off and I look for chocolate. Like there is something to be said there of this plant that is helping us and as a humanity in our darkest hours.
I love that so much, so much, because I talk a lot about, especially with women, you know, that time of the month, we crave chocolate, right? We're like, ah, I can't get enough of it. Because there's so much in chocolate. There's iron, magnesium, copper, there's zinc. There's so much in there that we need our body needs. And so I love that. And I always think of too that really it is a gift. I believe it's a gift that cacao has. given herself in this way, in this way where the whole world is experiencing her in some form called chocolate processed, but still experiencing that energy, that profound love energy that she is. And what I have found as I start, when I refer to cacao always as a master plant medicine to just help people to educate, people are like, what is she talking about? And then when I talk about, you know, it's the main ingredient to make chocolate too, people are open.
They're like, what do you mean? It's master plant. So it's said level with these other psychedelics, but it's not. Okay, wait a minute. I'm scared of those. I'm sort of afraid. I've never tried those or maybe I, you know, I'm not sure, but what is this? I definitely feel a calling. I want to, and it's so many people are open because of that. It's almost like she's, she's made herself available to everybody. And now that some and everybody needs chocolate. and And there are some people who for sure are, um, you know, who who are allergic or have a certain conditions. Um, but, but, and maybe it's even in like cleansing form and so many other forms in your body and we can also talk later about, and your body, and we can also talk about, um, beam to bar chocolates. I'd love to talk about that as a beautiful dark chocolate option to cacao. Um, but, um, but it's just so profound how,
everybody knows about chocolate. And so when I speak about cacao and and share this other world that she can offer, people listen versus maybe other times they're like, Oh, I don't know. I'm kind of nervous about, you know, some of these other plant medicines and master plant medicines. Um, I just, again, I go back to, and I'm sure others experienced this almost shock. Like, what do you mean? This is a, master plant medicine when you when you truly understand that our indigenous families our ancestors have categorized have labeled have given this beautiful um reverence title to cacao as they do many of these uh other profound um psychedelic medicines um like that was huge for me i was like what is this and i need to experience that and um i like to just always share that with people so other people can can really
feel that in their heart that there's something here that is is physical for us and is emotional and is so beautifully spiritual because I believe you know Ramdha said the most important work we can do right now is in the privacy of your own heart because otherwise we're going to get caught up on all of the stories which are all quote unquote, illusions, really, they're just, they're just you know, we we create a reality, everything's created. And so when we're all being fed these stories and these fears, we create, we physically create these manifestations of problems in the world. And so if we could all get back to a place of love, of remembering that we are really here, we are all one, we are all united, we are all here to enjoy and help one another. And it's it's so profound, even your own,
little private mourning, little practice that you can do is incredible and and just so incredibly profound. Okay, but we have to stop right now for one second and introduce one of our eco-conscious business partners.
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the expression of other parts of ourselves. And therefore, the plants is saying, okay, I don't need to be dumbed down anymore. I don't need to be watered down anymore. in in such a large quantity, I can now be, you know, um little by little, I'm showing you my true essence, you know, the whole perspective of the relationship between Dionysus and Ariadne, where Ariadne, who was the the one who gave the red thread to the minotaur in order to defeat the minotaur to Perseus. And so, but Ariadne was also the consort, was one of the wives of Dionysus until she asks, I want to see you in your
i think I think it was Ariadne. I'm going to have to check my mythology, but asked to see in her, in his, in Dionysus' full form, right? My god form. and And of course, it instantly killed her in her human form. But I think that little by little, it's almost as if Kakao is helping us just start to embrace this part of ourselves. And then as that happens, cacao can start to be also showing the true light in that true form. And we start to acquire a taste because we forget that our senses and the way that we absorb things is through so many different aspects. It's not just visual. It's it's not just, it's also the sense of taste. It's a really important sense that we have of one of our five main senses that we have and that we share with plants too.
And so the ability of being able to enter into our lives in this way. And like you said, for those that have allergies and such, there's all these other aspects, you know, using cacao for body lotions and creams and all these different pieces that allows cacao to remain in our lives and to help sort of I feel what I feel is a supportive nature. ah um the Like you said, that master plan of holding you and holding that space so that you can then be in I love the line that you said, you know, where but I can hear more in the silence, and it's almost like embracing you in that perspective. And
That part of it the belief system, mean here at Damanhur, we don't believe in the in absolute truth in the world of form. right it's always been It's always a part of a lens. You're filtering truth through your personal lens, therefore, how you experience and what you feel and what is truth always passes through the lens of the person that's experiencing it. And so that makes sense that that you want to feel, you need to feel super held and protected in order for me not to rely solely on my truth.
but to allow the truth of all the others around me to form a greater version closer to what might be absolute truth outside of the world of form. And so holding our space to say, my belief is what I believe right now based on the information I have, what I know, how it's passed through my lens and all these aspects. but I feel safe enough in my beliefs to change my beliefs. And this is such an important lesson for where we are in society today. We we need to feel, we do don't feel safe in many cases, and though therefore when I don't feel safe, I hold my truths. Maybe we just all need to go eat a lot more cacao and like have that moment of experiencing much more time with cacao. This is what I mean. I mean, my my wish is that
all corporations start their morning with their entire office, with a cup of cacao. Even they don't even really need to understand or know what's happening. So long as one person sets the intention with as serving the cacao, open up the hearts of these individuals, open up the hearts, open up their genius, open up the hearts of all of these individuals who are making big decisions and are affecting the world That's it. And I really, truly believe that one day we will be getting closer and closer. Well, at a minimum, I think it's really, I think of myself. So I'm a big tea drinker. I don't drink coffee, but let's just assume that even if I did drink coffee, even within my own tea, I have a selection of high end. I love Japanese teas, but I also love really great black teas. And I also,
so i i switch between you know macho one day and a genma the other day and you know other kinds of teas because i feel like just the same as i set my intention in the morning with my breath work and with my you know my personal practice whether it's yoga or pilates or some other kind of movement that helps me set and and reset my body. And then also my breath work to kind of reset my inner my inner clock, my how i am I am operating. I feel like for me personally, my tea in the morning is that. And almost everybody has a practice with some sort of liquid in the morning. Most people coffee, but you know, there's a lot of tea drinkers and like you said, bringing introducing things. And and if you go into other cultures, like
And I mean, I lived in Spain for many years. So of course, the Spanish version of, you know, your chocolate caliente is a big piece of that. And it's, especially if you're in Madrid, it's like, it's thick, it's It is not your traditional hot chocolate that you would experience somewhere else. I mean, it's definitely not the cacao that you're talking about, but it's probably closer closer i think so than most other cultures do. And I feel like yeah what we need to do is recognize that all these plants, because these are all plants, right? Whether we're talking about
you know tea plants or whether we're talking about you know coffee beans or whether we're talking about cacao these are all plants that have entered into our lives and want to be in that extremely delicate moment of the morning for us because the morning sets the tone for the day And what would it be like and how would it change if that choice to open and choose, whether I'm going to have coffee or cacao or you know tea or something else, but like to make it a conscious choice, to to to feel that I am introducing, I'm i'm inviting that plant into my day and I'm saying, plant,
help me work like set my body right, physically, emotionally, spiritually, in order for me to accomplish what I need to do. I mean, how different would it be if we allowed ourselves to use that sense of the way that we ingest which I think we do it in other aspects, like when we think about meditation and maybe when I meditate with a plant or something else, but I don't do it in my clothing. I don't do it in my food, really thinking about it beyond nutrition, which, you know, yeah, we think about it in nutrition perspective, but more of, you know, the nutrition of the soul, like you said, the food of the gods,
And and how do I how different would it be if I invited all of these plants into my work day or into my day? Doesn't matter what kind of day it is in that way by by consciously choosing cacao or coffee or this kind of tea or whatever it is that might work. Intention, beautiful, sacred intention. We it's like literally a wand. It's like you direct your life. We have that power. And and when we can have a drink, because because we can do that, you know, without a drink. But many of us like to have a drink is for me, it was like, right it was partnership. yeah if You're inviting this plant into partnership with you for that day or for that experience, whatever it is. Hence why many of the dietas that you do whenever you do do any kind of sacred ceremony does include usually an ingestible form, whether it's through some a drink, even ayahuasca itself is a drink in the end, right?
So you ingest in order to bring that and say, I want to work and take your partnership with you. And I think it's beautiful to be able to do that. And it's really powerful to be able to do it with the nine psychedelics that allow you to stay in your complete, I don't want to say control because that's not the right word, but in integrity, like you are present. The plant is then being ingested in this way and is present. Therefore, the quality, just in case you're wondering, the quality of your teas, coffees, and cacao matter for this reason. The more you go towards purity, the more you go towards higher quality, besides the fact that the plant was treated well in from birth to the moment he arrives in your in your cupboard, but also,
you you're you're taking out all of that extemporaneous stuff that doesn't need to be there. And introducing also other pieces. Jen Mai Chai has ah jemai cha has um has rice, right? That's another plant that is another master in a lot of ways. I mean, we, yeah such an important staple in our food, like like corn or mice is is the also, and introducing them in this way and allowing that partnership to form at the beginning of your day, I can see the power in that. I can see it. Yes.
And you know, I love that you're saying that because even the dieta, which is, you know, these plants have shown us thousands of years ago with her from with our ancestors who've been stewarding this caretaking, this beautiful knowledge that we now, how lucky we are, get to receive from them and continue this beautiful practice called the dieta, which is where we can go in communion for a period of time with the medicine. And in that process, there's things we do. we ah eliminate certain foods from our diet during that period of time. Why? Because all foods have consciousness. Everything has consciousness. And so this plant wishes to work
intensely with you over that over that period of time and is saying, you know what, let's remove these plants over here because even though you're probably not aware, they are consciously working with you. And so we're going to remove them so they're not in the way while we are going on this beautiful magic carpet ride journey of unraveling your stories, unraveling your heart, um bringing some of these stories into the light so that you can look at them and you can see that they've served you, but it's time now to just move it into into a higher perspective. right And the diet is just such a beautiful journey through the foods, through you know your social conditions, even though the cacao is a plant medicine that works primarily with our heart, wants to open up our heart, so we're more open to other perspectives. And she also wants to help us to have fun. This is why typically a ceremony or when we're in diet happens during your day to day, unlike some of the other master plant medicines where you go overnight,
You're sitting you're in your space in your mind and your body for you know overnight or or however long this Medicine cacao wants to work with us during your day-to-day So that when your day-to-day things are happening and she's bringing into your awareness this perspective this thought Oh this trigger your heart is open and in that space. It's almost like there's less of of an integration period. You're like right there on degree and you're like, Oh, wait a minute. This is happening versus, you know, and it's, everything's beautiful. All the different ways are beautiful that these medicines communicate with us and speak to us. And I just love how cacao wants us to have fun, wants us to play, wants us to stop taking things so seriously. She really is a medicine that is giggling when she's so giggly and she's just so, she just wants you to laugh. She just wants you to have fun.
She's chocolate. She's turned into chocolate. She's social. She's social, exactly. I mean, if you think about just a natural way, what has evolved over the years, even again, going back to the chocolate, which we know is different, but it's a way that's been watered down. Let's just use that expression because I think it helps. But even in that, chocolate is introduced in social occasions. It's introduced in heartache. it's introduced in moments of sharing love. Like already you naturally see in a very, even in that diluted way, you already see where that plant wants to take you. And then when you go back to the source, of course you're getting that hit.
And because it is something that is about, it is a plant that Ki wants you to feel safe. Ki wants you to feel like you can connect with others again. I mean, you don't eat chocolate from the perspective of my heartache and then are expected to stay in your little corner forever. No. You eat chocolate, you get a boost, and then you're like, OK, I'm going to go out there and I'm going to do it again. Right. So it makes sense that once you start to move towards the true essence of this plant, the plant is saying, do not isolate me. Do not try to use me in a way that separates you from the world. You can do that in a very limited time because you might need that hits and you might need that protection. But I want you to immediately put me into practice in the world around me.
And these are those things that you only experience when you give yourself the opportunity to work with a plant long-term. For example, for some of us, we might get that working. ah Just recently, so people who who listen to the podcast, who've read, who follow me on any of my social media know that my business partner historically has been Spider Plant, a specific type of, of a specific Spider Plant whose name is Spider Plant. And i'm yes, I'm talking about you. i am They're listening. They're shaking right now. They're like, yay. Thank you. But the spider plant is going through a transition right now, which has been very odd for me. And I have to say that it took me a good month to try to understand, because you know how it is. Your business partner, this person that I've been working with so intently for so long, and who has been with me for the last five years and has built my business and so many different aspects of my business with me, and all of a sudden is saying,
maybe not and I'm going what do you mean maybe not and at first I thought something was wrong like what am I doing wrong what's going on blah blah blah blah but instead there's this other one over here I know well the Christmas cast does I know and Noel has who was doing very poorly recently I mean a few months back now all of a sudden is starting to thrive and is starting to be like I'm I'm I'm your I'm your next I'm your next partner. Like, get used to this. And so I think that it is important for us to recognize that each plant has a certain relationship that is both form as in like master teachings, as you were saying, and then the individual that you work with.
And when you start working in an individual in the case of something like a cow, I'm assuming because you're not going to have a cacao plant in your house. Most people don't. But it's going to be that format that that whether it's drinking the cacao, you know, in a ceremony every morning and setting that intention. that format has a certain lineage that comes through from the plant. It's almost as if the plant is better able to express Kiesel in that specific sort of way. Just the same as right now, Noelle is the one that wants to express most business sense. And it's because my business is shifting so much and I'm moving into a different format that I didn't, it took me a long time. Sorry, Spider Plant, you were trying to tell me and I wasn't listening.
um And now and now i'm I'm having to understand that. And I think that that's what I was saying between the cacao versus you know drinking, I don't know, changa, ah tea in the morning versus drinking coffee or or other kinds of teas and such like that. I think we need to give ourselves that space to recognize what what the plants how the plants want to work with us and how we can um, move over time and, and accept that help and that relationship and form these different types of relationships. This is so profound and so beautiful. And I often say that, um, cacao has, it has been for me, the gatekeeper or like the, or, and is for many, you know, I went into profound relationship with her. And as I started to be more vulnerable and share with her things and ask for more insights and more
more clarity, she knew that there were certain aspects of me that other guides, other spirit guides, other plants, other spirit guides, other archangels, whatever they were, that were with sort of specialized in those, she brought into my awareness. And I started this, for example, um I was really blossoming into my divine feminine. Right? I went from like so masculine, business oriented, like all this stuff. And all of a sudden, you know, wow, who am I? And going through that infertility journey and just sort of asking different questions. And all of a sudden, in my daily drink with with Mama Kakao, I kept hearing Mary Magdalene, Mary Magdalene. Look at her, so look at what, but you know, the the scriptures they found of hers. Study her work. Who really was Mary Magdalene? Grace, forgiveness, love. And I just started to ignite this beautiful,
um relationship too with Mary Magdalene and have now a relationship with Mary Magdalene too, conversation. And then in that fluctuation from such masculine to so feminine and realizing, oh my goodness, I need to come back into balance, ah mu mama cacao, you know, mama cacao, I call her mama cacao, my spirit of cacao, mother cacao, she was really bringing to my awareness Yeshua. And again, I'm not a religious person at all. I used to be, I grew up as a Jehovah's Witness and when I was 19 years old, I left. It just doesn't, didn't resonate with me anymore. And, um, was very angry with religion for so long and didn't even mention, you know, God or Jesus or any of these names for so long. Cause I just was so angry. And then all of a sudden in this journey with, with the plant medicine, she was sharing with me, Yeshua, you know, here you have this relationship with Mary Magdalene. Do you even understand, you know, her relationship with Yeshua. And when you do, it's time to bring in Yeshua.
And in that conversation as well, it's phenomenal the journey of coming back or or at least now working towards coming back into balance of the divine masculine and feminine, which is a huge part of why we're here, right? A huge part. Most of us come to this earth agreeing that we're going to be more dominant in one of those areas. And then we go through this journey, you know, you know agreeing sort of subconsciously. We just kind of become more dominant. typically in one of these areas. And it's the journey of learning to dance and to and to really integrate and harmonize both of those, because that really is pure unity and harmony. Yeah. And and all what I find with all these plants is that different than the way that we think about ourselves relating to our humanness, where and from a humanist perspective, we tend to think of
Loyalty and and such as if that means that I'm supposed to just work with one person, but that's not the case, right? That's not the case. Even, you know, ecosystems are made of a whole series of different beings that are entering and e and and exiting from our our landscape, let's just say, over time. And therefore, that's exactly what's happening with a lot of these plants. And the plants are are holding that space because again, they do create that environment, right? That's what we predominantly think. So they, you know, can create the environment that we then can settle into and can pull in from all these other sources.
There's so much here still to unpack, I'm sure. I mean, you've been working on this journey for so long. So tell me, how do people connect with you? How do people connect with Kakao? What would you recommend first steps for someone who wants to enter into a relationship with Kakao? Yeah, so I created a beautiful free five-day video series. where I come to the video with my cacao and you're encouraged to as well. There's a little video, how to make your cacao. um And we show up together for five days on a short video, tell a little bit of story more and more each day about cacao, what she is. And I speak to her and share something. And then I encourage you.
and I share with you how you can have that direct communication with her. So after five days, you now know how to just start your own beautiful practice at home. So that you can get on my website. It's goddesstemplacal.com. And of course I'll include it all in the show notes. Thank you, thank you. um And then of course I want to talk about the diet, which has been profound for me. So that is taking your daily practice to the next level. It is again a beautiful journey that these plant medicines have share for thousands of years with us how we can go deeper with them in an accelerated journey. And so that's something that I have the pleasure of the honor of taking groups through um every month and a half-ish. And then finally, if you're considering being a ah ah ceremonialist, a cacao facilitator serving this medicine with others, um I have a training called the Embodied Cacao Facilitator
um training, and it always starts with the dietta because that has been my experience. That is also from what I see is that if we're not in relationship, how can we serve? How can we truly be the student if we are not working with the teacher and receiving from the teacher? And so um it would be an honor to share that with you too. And that's all on my website. Fantastic. Well, definitely make sure that all of the show notes include your website and all these different resources. um It's exciting. It's exciting to see how all these plants are entering into a wider circle and it to really give us an opportunity to experience the world through a different lens, right? to be able to
take all of these wonderful characteristics that they have to offer and Create something different with them because that's the only way we're gonna change the paradigm and the world's not gonna change unless we change something in the world of it Right Judy this has been so great any last words anything that you want everybody to walk away from and say oh That that that right there that right there. Well, first of all, Tigardila, I want to take a moment to thank you for who you are in this world, for the work that you're doing, for the relationship you have with our beloved plants, and for helping so many of us to awaken into this whole other world that's there for us. So thank you, thank you, thank you for what you do. oh And then I guess maybe a closing message is just our heart has all the answers. And if we can just get out of our head
really the head is only needed like 5%. The head is a human construct that really just repeats what it's what it knows. And all it knows is what we've been conditioned to know, which has come from a state of fear. The consciousness has been fear and control. And so it's time to really thank your head and to be really, you know to to understand its role, but really the heart is connected to the divinity that you are. We are all so much more than we have been led to believe. We are the creators of our reality and it all happens in the present moment, this moment right now. And these medicines, when you're in a relationship with them, they bring you to this moment so that you can be in that frequency of what you want, what you desire, so that you can you start to attract everything else that's in that frequency. And you create your whole other world outside of these worlds that are happening, these chaotic worlds outside of us.
And so, cacao blessings to every single one of us. Love it. I wish for us all to one day be on a beautiful zoo. We're all alive drinking cacao together. And thank you again for this beautiful opportunity to share this with your beloved community. Thank you. Thank you so much. It was beautiful and perfect. I'm so excited to share this with everybody. thanks All right, everyone, thank you so much for being here for another episode of reconnect with plant wisdom with Judy Machado from the goddess temple cacao. And, you know, these are the kinds of conversations we want to keep having. So please, if you're interested, leave us a comment, share this message with others, give us a five star rating.
And to go even deeper into the conversations, you are always invited into the Naturally Conscious Community, which is the ecosystem space for us to be able to have that safe, freeing, vulnerable conversation with the plant king home. And everything you need is in the show notes.
Thanks for listening to this episode of Reconnect with Plant Wisdom, intro and outro music by Steve Schulie and Poinsettia from The Singing Life of Plants. So join me, Tigri La Gardenia, and my plant collaborators next time on Reconnect with Plant Wisdom.