What exactly are the Epagomenal days and why is it so important for you to use them wisely? I am sure that is a question you are asking yourself right now. Unless you're a scholar of Egyptian Mythology, you may have never heard of these very special days out of time.
These days are ideal for giving birth to new projects. They were created especially for this purpose: to protect the birth of divinities from anything that would inhibit their ability to come into the world. In this episode, I walk you through the origin of the Epagomenal Days, and more importantly, how you can put them to work for you.
This isn't just about setting intentions, like your traditional New Year's Resolutions. This is about dilating time and divinitizing matter so that you kickstart your projects in the new year in the best possible way for their success.
Topics Covered about Epagomenal Days
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Opening and Closing music by Steve Sciulli and Poinsettia from The Singing Life of Plants.
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