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Episode 151 - Setting up your business as a value add  - Adam Rope image

Episode 151 - Setting up your business as a value add - Adam Rope

S1 E151 · Get a "Heck Yes" with Carissa Woo Wedding Photographer and Coach
78 Plays6 months ago

Happy Woo Wednesdays. I met Adam through WIPA. He is a genuine guy that is not trying to get something from you. You can tell. I got to experience and smell his company first hand at a WIPA event at the Ebell in Santa Ana. Check out my Reel here.You will be shocked at how well his equipment works in outdoor settings.

Adam Rope is the founder and CEO of Wyndzy Inc., a company dedicated to making scenting weddings an easy and fun must-have. Wyndzy recently launched the first-of-its-kind onsite program, which outfits venues with its innovative dry scent machines at no cost and with no subscription fee.

Hot Topic

Setting up your business as a value add for other business is a great way to get off the ground and build trust. Some examples of what we are doing:
1. Placing our systems at no cost with qualified venues and partners.
2. Venues and partners then control their own pricing and interactions with their clients.
3. We support the marketing/sales efforts of our partners by providing free scent cartridges for their o

Connect with Adam

Connect with Carissa


Success Story: DJ Phil Santos

Hi, everyone. Hope you are surviving wedding season. I know my hips and legs are killing me. Anyways, congrats to my student, DJ Phil Santos. He worked with me and doubled his prices and booked six weddings. Say what? He said hiring a coach, me, was a thing that made his business growth the fastest. So amazing. If you want the same, DM me the word coaching at Carissa Wu.
So I love finding cool new wedding pros that do something totally new.

Meet Adam Rope and WinZee

Today I have Adam Rope, founder of WinZee. Have you ever thought about a custom scent at your wedding or venues listening? Do you want a personalized scent in your lobby? It definitely enhances the guest experience and I know firsthand. You will be shocked at how well his equipment works indoors and outdoors.
I love Adam's story about leaving a big corporation that his father started and taking the leap to start his startup. He has a really good mindset about growing his business. It's so authentic and people could really feel that.

Building Business Trust

The hot topic today is setting up your business as a value add for other businesses. It's a great way to get off the ground and build trust. Enjoy.
Welcome to Get a Heck Yes with Carissa Wu. I'm your host, Carissa, and I've been a Los Angeles wedding photographer for over a decade. I've traveled the world, built my team, and seen it all. I now coach wedding photographers hit 10K a month and build a thriving business. In this podcast, we are going to deep dive into how top wedding creatives get that heck yes from their dream clients. We are not holding back on the struggles of the business and how to push

Podcast Themes: Business and Mindset

through the noise. Some healthy hustle, mindset shifts, up-leveling your money story,
Time-hacks because I'm a mom of two, a little bit of woo-woo, and most importantly, self-love and confidence are just a few of the many things we will talk about. I want to give you a genuine thank you for following along my journey. I hope to inspire you every Woo Wednesday so that you say heck yes to listening to this podcast. See you guys soon!
Hey, everyone. Welcome back to Get a Heck Yes. We are here live with Adam Rope. And as I press live, my daughter just started to scream. But it's all good. But a little introduction about Adam Rope. We've become pretty, you know, we had a good conversation. We were a part of WIPA. He is the founder and CEO of Wednesday.
incorporated a company dedicated to making scenting weddings as easy and fun and a must have. And Wednesday recently launched the first of its own kind on site. It has a new program and it outfits venues with innovative dry scents. And it's crazy. Yeah, like you've been at ah some of the whip events, the last event, I walked in with this amazing orange citrus smell because that was a theme.
And it really made the event so much more elevated. But welcome, Adam.

Adam's Background and WinZee's Beginnings

What's up? Hey, it's good to be here. Thanks for having me on. Yay. And a little backstory. um We're locals, but I ran into you at Wilson Park. You're walking your dog and I asked you about your dog. You told me about like where you adopted it. And it kind of like just me, my my my wheels were spinning with like, you know, finding the dog and three weeks later, we gotta do puppy. Yeah, the puppy photos have been really cute. Thank you. So you're my insur inspiration of giving this dog but tell the audience, Adam, a little bit about you and what you're all about. Well, I'm a SoCal native. um I come from a
um I've been here my whole life, except for when I was in Arizona for school. And, um, Winsie's brand new. we I just launched this this year, so. um i I'll let you guide on on what we should talk about. Yes, yes. Lindsay is brand new, but you've already come so far with networking with Whippa and, you know, being at that last big event. So it's just crazy. But let's just go back to like young Adam. What were you like growing up? And what were you like as a kid? Your hobbies? Anything you want to share? Oh, I was total nerdy kid. um I
I'm an engineer previously, and so I was always a kid who liked to take things apart and put them back together, um like our telephones or other things that didn't always get put back together um so well. And I played a lot of chess. I played tennis, golf, um anything outdoors too. It was never a big video gamer.
so I love it. I'm a tennis player too. Wilson Park, we should play. Yeah, I haven't played much in the last ah year or so. um But i need I would like to get back out there. Yeah. What were you like, like in high school? and What high school did you go to? um I went to Rolling Hills Prep, which at the time was in Malaga Cove. And um I was on the baseball team and president of the chess club and on a robotic the robotics team. And so that was always the kind of stuff I was doing. Wow. You were kind of ahead of your time because that's what's cool now, right? Robotics. Yeah, I loved programming and building stuff and um that gave me a great outlet for it.
I love that. What were your like parents like raising you? Were they strict? How did they get you involved with like things like robotics? Because that wasn't really a thing back in that our our generation. My parents were good at being very freeform. um We had a lot of freedom to kind of go do what we wanted. Like if I hopped on a bike and went to my friend's house, I could do that. And um if I was interested in something, they would find a way to let me explore that. So when I got interested in robotics, they sent me to programming camp. um And if it was, not and I went to space camp. wow
There was, it i if I wanted a chess coach, I got a chess coach. So and um I was really fortunate in in that regard that they were able to support me to do the things I was interested in.
Oh, that's awesome. All right, let's um bring it to college days. What were you like in college and maybe a couple of your favorite first time jobs right out of college? So I did engineering at U of A. Shout out to my Wildcats. Yeah. um And I was definitely a bit of a partier to start off, but it's a party school. So ah I enjoyed my experience with freedom and You know, ah I think it was pretty normal college experience. And my my first jobs were in the engineering field. I was working for a company doing research in atmospheric plasma and plasma treating of surfaces and um the effects of that. I worked in our, we had a family business that was a laboratory. I worked in that, in our chemistry lab and our microbiology lab.
i did all sorts of different things during that time. Interesting. Okay, tell me more about this family business, this lab, because I think it's going to allude to starting your own business and sense.

From Lab to Scents: Adam's Journey

Yeah, so my my father had founded the business when I was a little kid, started with one room and just himself doing ah micro at night for cosmetic companies. And I had never planned to work in the family business, but hi I worked in it as a summer job in high school and after school sometimes, and then in college. I was not super happy with my with with the engineering job I had coming out of college. It was 2008 recession time. and My father needed a salesperson, and I thought sales sounded like fun.
So i I started out as the West Coast sales rep, and it turned out that I learned was going to learn more from my father than anybody else. And I really enjoyed it. and Ten years later, I was still there.
wow i had we i had really We had grown the business um a lot in that time of three-fold growth and been very fortunate. and my When my father was ready to retire, we sold the company in 2019.
wow And I stayed on with the new corporate owners um for four years. It was initially two and then it became four. and um But i was I was ready last year to do something different and go out and start something new.
Oh, my goodness. Okay, this is a really, really cool story. That's amazing. Okay, so father's company working in the lab, um and then working, you know, as your own um CEO, how did you come up with Wednesday? So it was when I left um ah the company that had had bought us I had no idea what I wanted to do. it was I just knew i I wanted out and I wanted to go do something different. and I sort of spent the first three months on what I would call a business vision quest. I went and looked at all different types of businesses and spoke to lots of owners. and
about that we're looking to retire or sell businesses. and I ended up back at an old idea where I had met my my partner in this business, Neil, ah years ago in the cosmetic industry. He's a well-known fragrance expert. and he was doing He had this business on the side. He had told me about it for sending of event spaces.
and I always thought it was an interesting idea and I i came back around to talking to him about some stuff and he had not really restarted his business since COVID when when all of the events ah went away.
and i thought weddings sounded like such a cool idea for Sinting. And we knew that he has some of the absolute best fragrance ah collection and and background that I could possibly have in a partner. And together we put a plan together and and launched WinZee.

Custom Scents for Unique Experiences

Well, yeah, I mean, I kind of described it in the beginning, but how would you describe like what you offer to um weddings and venues and um events?
Pardon this short interruption, but guess what? I have a new program. It's for all wedding professionals. It's called The Triple Threat. We redo your brand messaging, the homepage of your website. Part two is we do all your marketing. we create a beautiful brochure so you could start getting on Prefer venue vendor list and we do all your sales so we actually make you a sales presentation leading your client to the heck yes so you get paid. I have a free 20 minute demo training
It's only 20 minutes. Go to my Instagram at Carissa Woo and DM me the word DEMO. I will send it right over. It's how to get 10 to 15 quality leads in your inbox per month. Enjoy, guys. Carissa Woo is a LA-based wedding photographer who's actually turning business coach. She helped me grow and change, and I'm so proud to call you coach.
tell us how you're feeling. Like, I want to just know a little bit more about your thoughts. Yeah, it's beautiful. And you're, you're awesome. It's beautiful. I'm speechless. I just like the fact that it feels like myself. like I can I feel myself when I see this. Oh, man. Well, you got me pumped and excited for this. Carissa, thank you.
Yeah, so we offer the ability for people to incorporate scent in any number of ways into events. It can be through scenting of the entire event space. We can do it as a kind of journey where you have different scents for different parts of the event. We can do take-home kind of gifts like candles or hand soaps that match the fragrances that people choose so that they can send people home with that memory.
Wow. We enable people to find a way to tie those scents to the theme or the color or a memory of theirs. And we we really want to find a way to make it a personal touch that they incorporate into their vision and like and the magic of their day.
It's interesting. i' I'll tell explain the little the story a little bit more in thorough about our last WIPA, Wedding Industry Professionals Association event at the E-Bell in Santa Ana. It was citrus theme, which is actually very trending right now for 2024 weddings. I just did a first birthday and everything was citrus. So WIPA always starts a trend. So there was like,
oranges and lemons on the tables. Even the beautiful chairs have like lemon decals on it. um All the flowers have some sort of like citrus in it. And then you walk in and you smell this like orange scent and it's just using like all five senses.
What does like sent mean to you like on a deeper level through in kind of these events? Like how does it enhance the overall experience? I mean, I think it's one of those things where I love to when we're when we're sending a space, particularly for for the WIPA events, one of my favorite things to do is kind of quietly sit a little bit away from the entrance and just see what people's first reactions are when they walk into the room. And It's always that like surprise because you don't really expect it. And it if it's scented right, you walk in and it's just very natural at that level. Like the room should smell this way. You don't know where it's coming from or why. And it just matches everything that you're you're experiencing as you walk in. And that's what what we really go for.
Interesting. Would you like how would you get like a cent from someone's childhood? And how would you go about like, what for like, I'm thinking of like the holidays, would it be more like holiday set or Thanksgiving, maybe like,
stuffing or mashed potato or cranberry scent like what are the ideas like kind of this is such a new concept so kind of get the get the audience thinking so we stay away from I largely stay away from super food smelling scents especially for for event halls and stuff If you're doing something where you want to sell a product, let's say you're an ice cream parlor, um if you walk into an ice cream parlor and it smells like waffle cone, it's not because they're making fresh waffle cone. They're actually running a diffuser that gives off fresh waffle cone smell, ah and it triggers that desire in people to to have ice cream and in a cone. It works really well. I don't understand why there's
ice cream shops that do make fresh waffle cone and don't use a diffuser for this, they absolutely should. It really skyrockets their sales. um But for for weddings, what you want is something elegant.
you want it can be fruit fruit Fruitiness can be done very nicely. A little bit of fruit, florals, those are really the way to go. What we want is if somebody can give us something tangible to work from about a smell from a memory um or a person that they want to tie into it, then we can go you know from there.
There's also woodsy smells like wood or pine are really easy to incorporate into um the right smells or leather kind of scents. If it's, let's say you're doing a barn, ah we can do like a leathery floral kind of scent. Interesting. Interesting.
um it's you We want to make it so that it doesn't interfere with the food and um and has a nice background where you walk in, 15 minutes in, you kind of people will be a little bit nose blind. They won't really notice it anymore. it we you You want it to be in the background where you don't, say, give people headaches. Totally. Too much time to do that.
ah and But when they come out when they go out or they go to the bathroom, and they come back in, they'll get that again. I love that. Okay, one more question before we get into hot topic, but let's see, Adam, what is your best heck yes technique? How do you get your heck yes from your dream client? So we are very new. um So we we've had, for for me, it's once when people experience have had the opportunity to experience what we're doing,
It really triggers that understanding of how beautiful the scents and options that are available for them are. Just explaining it to people doesn't do it full justice. And so to me, it's getting samples into people's hands, having them walk into a room that we've scented, putting it in front of people.
and For me, that's why we will, where we'll get to the onsite program and and how that works and doing things that way. Perfect. Great. Alluding to the hot topic.

Value Adding in Business

Adam, what is your hot topic and why is it so near and dear to your heart? This is a very fun topic.
and So to me, it's about as I built this business, I viewed it as a at a value add for the other businesses, particularly like venues and designers and and planners in it where I can't necessarily be in front of every every bride out there or person that is interested in incorporating scent into their wedding. We want to make it so that anybody can pull from our assets and put this in front of people and that they don't necessarily have to deal directly with Winsie.
and it's We have set up a lot of different ways to create this is a value add for our for the partners that sign up with us, like supporting them with free sending for their own marketing events and putting it straight through them. And like I said, equip it, we're going to be equipping the venues with the with the machinery and so that it's there on site for use. And all they have to do is tell us what what sense from either the collection that
They have clients that want samples of or what the scent is that is needed and we ship it to them and they can do it, you know, set things up. And we don't have to ship machines back and forth all the time. How big are the machines? They're actually very nice and small. That was one of the things I first did was design new machines that are, they are each, so our we've designed this as a kit. It comes, a standard kit comes with six machines.
Each machine is between about like four and a half pounds on its own. They have a nice little handle that can be moved around anywhere. um And it takes about a minute to drop a cent card in there and turn it on. So we've made it really easy. um And they last on battery. They'll run for eight hours, but you can run them longer than that if if you plug them in. Wow. Is this your own invention?
um Yeah, I made improvements to existing invention. I love it. Okay, so awesome. So for heck yes listeners, if you didn't catch the hot topic, I'll kind of put it in layman's terms. But it's pretty much just placing your business as a value add to other businesses. And this is how you are going to market and run your business to get sales, etc.
Yeah, my vision for it is really people when they're they're picking all the things for their wedding, say your your colors, yourre your plates, your chargers, you pick your scent also. And and it just happens.
Cool. Yeah, I mean, I'm kind of thinking of this as a coaching session because I just got off a coaching session with a photo booth company. So I'm just like, seeing like different catchy titles for your brand. But that is very brandable. Like what is your scent? That should be a thing like that, that we should make a hashtag about it.
Oh, yeah, I mean, and we have venues that we're talking to that are that want their own kind of scent for their spaces for when people walk in for, you know, tours. And we have a couple of designers that have asked us to maybe work with them to design a scent for their offices and things of that nature, too. o So you could actually like design like a custom scent.
Oh, totally. and Now, if people want to do a full custom, we need time. um it's It's a longer turnaround because you go back and forth with samples and they work with Neil, my partner, ah to do that. ah But we also have a huge compendium of of things that we've already developed that exist in our books that we can pull from and send to people um that are not on the openly listed list of things. We we keep the the collection online, what we consider to be manageable for people to go through and pick samples for what I would say 90% of events.
And then for that other 10%, if they aren't finding what they want, they can still interface with us and find, and we can find a way to put something in front of them that I think that they'll love.
Got it, got it, cool. Okay, so let's get into it from Hot Topic. How do you add value? How do you add your business um or setting up your business as a value add? Give us some tips. You have three for us today.

Productivity Tools for Small Businesses

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And yeah, they are going to get your finances in order so you can continue to scale and succeed. Back to the show.

WinZee's Strategic Approach

So for me, what we did is we invested in all the machinery. We we have it here. It's in our office. And for venues that want to be part of the onsite program, one we don't charge them for the machines. We provide, if they sign up,
We equip you, it's no cost. I ship it at my cost and work out you know with with them ah what's the optimal setup for for their venue and we provide the equipment. And then we only make money when it gets used. I believe that once it's available there,
People will love it when they get samples and and find something they like and it this will get used. And so for me, we make our money on people actually doing the service. If they if if it's not popular, we'll just get our machines back. and And then for venues that are that way, that are set up with us, if they are running like an open house, if they want to request um a particular cent for their open house, we'll send it to them at no cost. We want to help them make their put their best foot forward. um If they're running some other marketing event and they want to ask for that, we'd probably do it too. Yeah, for sure. ah And I think that that's just in my long term best interest ah is I'm in investing not just in my business, but in the the companies that work choose to work with us.
Yeah, let's let's dive it a little bit deeper into that because I i really want like the audience to get i don't know like tap into their own business and see how they could like get into this mindset of like helping other businesses and you know grow together. Where does this come from, even from running your own big business and helping your dad and growing the business? and you know getting bought out and working with them. like Where does this concept come from? Does it come from a book? Does it come from like um a lot of self inner work? Tell me a little bit more. actually it So part of it was actually a little bit of inspiration from your podcast. What? One of the people that you had on a while back, because I've been listening to a lot of different ones, yeah ah mentioned about
having you know as a ven they were a venue and they were saying they don't want to talk to just sales people and everybody asks to be on the the um preferred vendor list and you have to give them something that makes it worth their while. And that really got me thinking about what is my approach. and I had already thought about the fact that the machines to me are um in the life of how long they can last and be used for our are fairly inexpensive versus you know once we can be in and working with somebody and they're and they're getting used on a regular basis. So we were already planning to just offer them as um ah the machines for free.
But it was the idea of sending all of the marketing events that came from from listening to you, actually. Oh, that's awesome. Oh my god, I'm i'm so happy.
It's all about bringing value to other people. I love that. um Is there any ah thing that you take away from after you got bought out by the big company, like those next two years? um Like, what were those two years like? And then what made you kind of throw in the towel and be like, I want to do my own thing. Like, I want to make something new. So the first two years after an acquisition, it was definitely I would call it the honeymoon phase. We were one, we were
We were always really killing it. we ah We had a lot of growth. COVID hit a year in and we were, it was craziness, but we were there. This was a big multinational company and we were their top performing US business. So it was, yeah despite all of the craziness of COVID, we were doing very well.
But then there were some corporate changes and I didn't really like the person that they installed is my corporate boss. yeah and For a number of reasons that had nothing nothing to necessarily do with the work itself.
um But it was also a bit of when when you sell a business, um you no longer own it. and They bought it, they can break it. yes And when we owned it, we never made short-term decisions that were just based on short-term profit. It was always with an eye on long-term and we were willing to take gambles and ah that could pay off in the long-term. and
Corporate entities don't think that way. They are worried about the next reporting, the next month, or the next quarter, and that's it. their the Their ability to see the future ends with whatever is going in front of investors next.
ah and so I've been through, we we did buy other labs while we were part of it, so I've been through a lot of M and&A as part of that experience. And it was very valuable, but I didn't want to work for anyone else anymore and watch them just mess up what I was doing or not listen to good advice or have only care about short-term stuff.
Yeah, I love that. That's so interesting. Thank you for sharing. Okay. Oh my God. Okay. So I guess what is your, I'm like putting on my coaching hat, but like, where do you see your company in the next three months, 90 days, if you had like a magic wand, like what would it look like in a perfect, perfect world? 90 days. So as of now, we have our first, uh,
venue that has us on site. Oh, congratulations. My love to say. like Yeah, let's say it. but What is it? Grand Bay Hotel in Redwood City. Oh my god, congratulations. For ah for signing up with us. and How did you get that contact? Or how did you make that deal?

Securing Venue Partnerships

I met Ava at a one of the wedding expos we did um a yeah Indian wedding expo. Wow.
And she absolutely loved what we were doing and ah is a total champion for for me, which is so fantastic. um If ah I would love to get 10 more this year,
ah venues and just you know make sure that we are supplying people nicely, that we understand our cadences with companies. I'm not making big goals right now. My bigger concern is ah creating awareness that this is an option for for people to do and getting people to come and explore it with us and having them call call us up for samples and um try to find ways to incorporate it into into weddings. This this is a definitely a bit of a marathon and I'm on mile 1.5.
Totally no you you've come you've come a lot. I think you're like mile six out of many many miles But but yeah, oh my god, congratulations on get down that venue I think that's gonna inspire so many people listening to just you know, it's a it's not a It's the journey not the destination I would say I know that this is not something where this will happen overnight. It's a I mean, it'd be great if it just goes viral, but honestly, I need it to go a little bit slower anyway to make sure that we maintain our the quality that I want to and that we can handle the order flow if it was to pick up. Yeah. I mean, I don't know any competitors, but what is like your will factor? What makes you stand out?
I mean, in general, I think we kind of stand out since we are sort of the only company that does this. There are other ways to send to a venue space. There are other company options out there. Nobody's doing it the way that we are by equipping other businesses. And nobody has set it up as an easy to use kit.
if a bride or a planner wants this, we can ship a kit anywhere in the country. Wow. And ah for most weddings, it's very affordable what we've designed. And like I said, it's it's idiot proof. Nice. So I think that's what really makes it um makes us stand out is that we've made this really accessible.
That's awesome. I love that. Okay, and I guess one more question before rapid fire questions. But I know you keep saying like you're so brand new. um But you know, really, you've been in business like your whole life. You know what I mean? So um just speak into the hearts of wedding pros right now, like just going through your first year going through what you're going through, like give them some um inspiration of what has helped you um this year and maybe get all the phones and maybe an action step they could do today. Photographers, I am so thrilled to announce my new sponsors AfterShoot, an AI editing company. They do AI editing, unlimited cropping and straightening. I am seriously blown away by the precision and five hours a week I get back in my life.
My life is so much better and I literally don't have any more anxiety. It's so crazy. I remember being at barbecues with my laptop because I had to get out of shoot and and that was so stressful, so not fun. And the best part about after shoot compared to their competition is that it's a monthly minimal cost, not cost per image because I am a true overshooter. I could shoot like, I don't know, 3000 photos in an engagement shoot, which is not good.
But anyways, using my code in the show notes to get a 30-day trial and 20% off, you're going to get in the software and just go crazy with it. And AfterShoot edits 2.0 just released and they have a lot of new features that you are going to love. AfterShoot, I can't thank you enough for giving me back my time to focus on this podcast. Oh yeah, back to the podcast. You know, for me, it's been such a whirlwind of things that we've been trying, that that have to happen in the building and starting of a business.
that i don't I haven't had much time yet to sit down and really take stock of this year yeah in that sense. I think um you know obviously getting our marketing in order has been the priority for me and there's still a lot of work to do there.
ah and Finding ah my marketing and sales voice, the the one that works for here is also still my what keeps me up. I can help you with that. It's definitely different than the laboratory ah area and yeah working with cosmetic businesses. um i I love that everybody pretty much that you meet as an entrepreneur running their own business.
Thank you for sharing that. And Adam, I guess rapid fire questions, um really quick answers. Let's see. Favorite date night with your with your wife, because I know you always talk about your wife. You guys are so cute. Oh, um anywhere new and foodie with a good wine menu.
um Although ah right around the corner from us, we happen to have one of the best restaurants in LA called, if people know the South Bay, Baran's 22399. Oh, I never heard of it. How do you how do you spell it? Baran's, it's, ah you can't miss it. It's on PCH right at PCH on like eighth street. Okay. ah Just outside Hermosa. um And BA, it's either two R's or one r A.N. Okay, got it. What do they serve?
Oh, they're like California coastal food and their menu changes all the time. but It seats like 15, 20 people. There's like seven tables. Wow. And great place. Nice. Okay, you you're pretty good at networking. You know, I've seen you around um everywhere this year. So what's your best networking advice or tip? Go everywhere.
um Talk to everybody. um and and
you know Be genuine, don't worry about make you know sales right away. i'm a ter you know i'm I don't always follow my own advice. I definitely default sometimes to catch myself that I'm in my sales voice when I don't need to be. That's so funny.
Sales voice. I try to have my podcasting voice on, but I forget to. Cool, cool. And I guess last question is, this just came to my head, but like what is a WinZ tagline?
um I think it's a work in progress. Oh, okay. do Can you come up with anything on the head? Yeah, I don't have a particular tagline yet that i ah that I'm running with full time. Yeah, I was i was just just thinking of like what could go viral on TikTok, but maybe like what is your wedding scent? Yeah, i was I think we were actually, yeah, I don't have one right now that is our full time tagline. Yeah.
All good. No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no. I'm just, I'm, I think of as like a branding coach, but, um, everything you're doing is so great. I'm so happy that you're on this podcast. It's so interesting to get like new types of vendors, you know, not just like the same ones all the time. It's very interesting to me what you're doing. Um, I'm going to connect you with some venues and you know, you're going to do big things and I know it. So I'm glad you are on.
That's the other thing that's been really fantastic for me is people have been super generous with their time and interest and you know sending emails on like to to connect me with people. um I really didn't expect that. um I still don't ever expect it from people, but I would say that it has blown my mind about how welcoming people have been. So ah I think that is because you are genuine and you don't just want the sale. So I see that from you. So I hope everyone takes that away from this conversation. And where can everyone find you and how to work with you?
Yeah, we are at WinZee on Instagram and we are And ah if you reach out on either of those or ah you can also go to the um onsite page of our and set a meeting with me via Calendly. I speak to anybody that's interested and would love to figure out how we can be creative with people. Thank you, Adam. This is a great conversation.
Thanks for joining me this week on Get a Heck Yes with Carissa Wu. Make sure to follow, subscribe, leave a review, or tell a friend about the show. Take a screenshot and post to IG. Tag me. Also, don't forget to download my free guide on how to become a lead generating machine. See you next time, wedding pros.